Aunt Katherin and Her SlavesChapter 2 Katherine
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January, 1985, Chicago, Illinois
I arrived back in Hyde Park about ten minutes before the end of the Super Bowl. It didn’t look like it had been much of a contest, given that the score was 38-16, with San Francisco trouncing Miami. I grabbed a Coke and some chips and sat down on the couch next to Julia and Dave. In the room, besides my housemates, were Jamie, Kenneth, Kurt, Kathy, Jorge, George, Charlie, Bert, and Wen.
“Julia, I got approval from both guys in Cincinnati,” I said.
She laughed, “I am not surprised. When do we tell everyone?”
“Tell everyone what?” Dave asked.
“Come to dinner tomorrow night, Dave. We’ll explain everything. Your lovely fiancée helped me with something important.”
“Now I’m intrigued!” he said.
When the game finished, the guests started to leave, though Wen asked if I could help her with something from the computer class. I excused myself and we went to my office.
“What’s up?” I asked. “The assignment was pretty simple.”
She put her arms around my neck, “I wanted to properly thank you for saving my life.”
I allowed her to pull my head down gently and we exchanged a soft, sexy, French kiss. I wrapped my arms around her and held her tightly to me.
She broke the kiss and said, “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome! I’m glad you’re doing better.”
“If you let me, I could spend the night and show you just how grateful I am!” she whispered.
“Wen, you don’t have to do that. Your thanks are enough.”
She giggled, “But I want to. I liked doing it and I was hoping we could do it again, at least once. I know we’re just friends, so I don’t have the wrong idea.”
The problem it presented was Kara, and, honestly it might bother Sofia as well. And that bothered me. As much as I wanted to take Wen up to my room right then and there, I had to turn her down. At least for the moment.
“Wen, I appreciate it, but I’m really beat and preoccupied. I just flew back from Cincinnati and if we’re going to do this, I want to give you my full attention and have sufficient energy. If you’ll be patient, I’ll make sure you have an even better time than you did the first time!”
She jumped into my arms, wrapping her legs around me, “OK. Soon, though, please?”
“We’ll work it out. Maybe a Tuesday or Thursday night in a couple of weeks.”
“Thanks,” she said, putting her feet down and letting go of me.
“Do you need a ride home?” I asked.
“Charlie’s waiting for me. She said she’d wait until I talked to you.”
I chuckled, “OK. See you in class!”
I walked her to the door and watched her walk down the steps to Charlie’s car. I waited until they pulled away, and then went back to my office to call Jennifer. Surprisingly, she answered. She was doing OK and her session with her therapist went well.
“Did you tell her everything this time, Jen?” I asked.
“Yes, except for the bit about you, me, and Stephanie. I kind of finessed that.”
“I understand.”
“I cried. A lot. It’s funny. When I talked to you, I kept my emotions in check and just told you about it. Even when you cuddled me afterwards. When I told Doctor Turner, though, I got super emotional. Josie helped calm me down when I got back to the dorm.”
“Were you upset when you told Josie everything?”
“A bit, but not as much as with Doctor Turner.”
“So what did she say?”
“That I need to be careful with any relationships while I’m working through everything with her.”
“That sounds like the advice Doctor Mercer gave Bethany and me all those years ago. How are you doing now?”
“OK. Josie’s a bit freaked out by the whole thing, but she’s doing her best to help me. I wish you were here with me.”
“Me too, Jen. We have four more months, and then I’ll come get you both and we can be together. And I’ll see you in April for sure.”
We talked for another few minutes before I pulled the floppy disk from my bag and printed out a copy of my paper that was due in Mark’s class the next afternoon. When I finished that, I went to find Kara. She and Sofia were helping Katy and Elyse finish cleaning up, so I pitched in, and when we finished, both girls followed me up to my room.
“What’s up?” I asked.
“Sofia needs some attention. I’m willing to share if it’s OK with you,” Kara said.
“Share?” I said, arching my eyebrow and leering.
“Jerk! I meant cuddling, Snuggle Bear. You can get that other thing any old time, but your Swedish friend has been missing you.”
I pulled both girls into a hug, “I am a jerk; a big, horrible jerk, who doesn’t deserve either of you, let alone both!”
“At least you’re a cuddly jerk!” Sofia giggled.
I was surprised when they undressed and got into bed with me. Neither was wearing anything but panties. I wasn’t going to complain, but it certainly was a big step forward for Sofia. I pulled them both tight to me and we fell asleep.
The next week started off normally - school and karate on Monday, and then a dinner where Julia and I laid out the business plan for Dave and our housemates.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Cindi said. “I have a job lined up?”
“If you’re willing to do it.”
“I am. And Chris makes good money, so I don’t need a lot to start with, if that’s an issue.”
“So, what do you say, Dave?”
“I’m in! I was really hoping something like this would happen.”
“Pretty amazing,” Katy said. “Maybe I should have been a CS major instead of electrical engineering!”
“What are you bitching about, Katy?” Elyse said. “I know you’re being recruited by an engineering firm in the burbs!”
“True, but that’s not public knowledge, besides, working for Steve would be cool!”
“For Steve, or under Steve?” Cindi teased.
“Hey Tits, she has a steady boyfriend!” Elyse said, laughing. “And besides, if you look at the business plan, Steve works for Dave, Dave works for Julia, and all of you work for his little sister! And I control the purse!”
Everyone laughed.
“So how much funding do we have?” Dave said.
“A cool hundred grand plus what I have saved so that I don’t have to take much of a salary for a while.”
“Guys, you have to be careful not to blow through that cash too fast. We’ll need to figure out a run rate and look at the sources of income,” Elyse said, sounding like a Chief Financial Officer. “That means budgets and income projections. And all that stuff you hate, Steve.”
“Sounds like I picked the right person for the job!” I grinned.
“So what do we need to do first?” Dave said.
“I need to make an appointment to see the attorney who Joyce’s grandfather recommended to get the corporation set up. I don’t know how long that takes. The business plan says we’ll start in April, and by then I should be done going to Milford every weekend. You all have copies of the plan. I suggest reading it and we’ll discuss it again in a week or so.”
Sofia, Kara, and I went to karate, and then I did homework until nearly midnight.
Work on Tuesday and class on Wednesday were normal, but when I arrived home on Wednesday, there was a man in a ratty parka standing on the porch.
“Stephen Adams?” he said.
“Yes. What can I do for you?”
He handed me an envelope, “Process server. You’ve been served. Will you sign the receipt?”
“Served?” I said.
“You’re being sued, son. Will you sign the receipt?”
“Sure,” I said, taking the clipboard he held out and signing on the line next to my name and handed it back to him.
As he walked down the steps on down the street, I opened the envelope and quickly scanned the document. Callie Shepherd was suing me, Charlie, and Bert for defamation of character by slander and libel! A second document was a subpoena to give a deposition in Callie’s lawsuit against the university. I sighed deeply, said, “Are you fucking kidding me?” to nobody in particular and walked into the house.
I heard the phone ringing in my office and went to answer it.
“Steve! It’s Charlie! We’re being sued!” she cried.
“I know. I just was served with the papers. I’m going to call my friend Melanie and find out what I should do. She’s a law student, but worst case she can ask a professor. I guess we’ll need a lawyer. Maybe we can share one.”
“I need to tell my parents! They are going to freak out!” she said.
“Just wait until I can talk to a lawyer,” I said. “Have you talked to Bert?”
“He’s here with me,” she said.
“OK. Please just wait until I can talk to a lawyer. I’ll call you back after I talk to Melanie.”
“OK! I’ll be in my room,” she said.
We hung up and I dialed Melanie’s number. She answered on the second ring and I quickly explained to her what had happened.
“You need an attorney and right now. Do NOT talk to anyone about this until you talk to an attorney.”
“Charlie already called me, and Bert is with her,” I said. “Can we share a lawyer?”
“You can, but you might not want to. Let me call my torts professor. I’ll call you back with a referral.”
“Thanks, Melanie.”
I sat down and read through both of the documents. Callie’s theory was that everything I’d said was a lie, and that I knew it was a lie, and that both in writing and in words I’d defamed her. The other document was simply an order from a magistrate judge to show up at Callie’s lawyer’s office on Thursday, February 7th. What I couldn’t figure out was why she’d want a statement from me for her lawsuit against IIT.
It was fifteen minutes later when Melanie called me back and gave me the name Robert Klein, and said that I should call him in the morning. She reminded me not to talk to anyone about the case until I talked to the attorney. I thanked her and said I’d let her know what happened. I called Charlie back and said that I was going to talk to an attorney first thing in the morning and she should wait until I did so to talk to anyone about the lawsuit.
On Thursday morning I outlined for Scott what had happened and asked permission to call the attorney from Nuvatec’s office. He said that he’d been subpoenaed as well. He gave permission and let me use his office. I placed the call and the secretary who answered the phone said that Mr. Klein was expecting my call. She put me through.
I gave him a quick rundown and he asked me to drop the paperwork at his office in the Loop on Friday. I asked if he’d work with all three of us and he said he wanted to read the actual complaint first, but that if it was what he thought it was, then most likely he would represent all three of us. I promised to drop the papers off around lunchtime, and then went back to work.
Penny came over after dinner with her mom who was watching her like a hawk. I thought about talking to Alice, but I was juggling so many things at the moment that I decided to wait another week or so. If Penny let the cat out of the bag before then, I’d just have to deal with the fallout. What I had expected to be a nice, smooth semester was turning into a nightmare. I wondered when it was going to stop. I was afraid that it wasn’t going to.
On Friday, as soon as my last class of the morning was over, I drove to the attorney’s office in the Loop and dropped off the papers. The secretary made copies for me, and told me I’d hear something soon, most likely on Monday. I told the secretary that I’d call Monday afternoon to check, because I wouldn’t be home before 5:00pm, then thanked her and drove back to IIT in time to have lunch with Kara.
After dinner that evening, I spent several hours doing homework, sitting with Sofia in the ‘Indian’ room to give her more attention. She was taking my absences harder than anyone, though I could tell that Elyse missed having me around as well. Kara, much to my surprise, was taking everything that happened in stride. She’d been a rock of support through all the turmoil since Thanksgiving.
Kathy arrived late in the evening so that we could save time in the morning. I hugged her and she went straight to bed, and Sofia and I went up to my room.
Early on Saturday morning, Kathy and I headed for Meigs as I’d done the two previous weeks. Patrick was waiting for us, having already pre-flighted the Twin Beech and less than ten minutes after I parked we were taxiing for takeoff. Three minutes later we were in the air, heading towards Cincinnati. I was sitting in the back, with my homework spread out around me, wanting to get as much homework done as possible. Kathy was in the co-pilot’s seat, with the headset on.
Somewhere over Indiana, she got up and moved to sit next to me.
“What’s up?” I asked.
“The altimeter says 5,000 feet. It’s not quite a mile, but I wondered if you would initiate me into the club?” she giggled.
“Katherine Victoria Will! You are an engaged woman! Engaged to one of my closest male friends! Not to mention that there’s no privacy in this airplane!”
“Kurt won’t mind. I told you that before! And we’re behind the pilot. He can’t see us!” she giggled.
“Are you kidding me? You can’t possibly be serious!”
She leaned forward and gave me a soft kiss on the lips then began unbuttoning her blouse. She gave me a sexy look and licked her lips. I put my hand out to stop her, but she batted it away. I was horrified by the thought of betraying my friend. This was completely insane. I struggled to control the reaction in my loins that came from thinking about the sexy former cheerleader that was trying to entice me.
“Kathy,” I hissed frantically. “Enough! We can NOT do this!”
She started laughing and buttoned the three buttons again, but not before she’d given me an eyeful of those small, pert breasts that I’d once enjoyed, encased in a sexy lavender lacy bra.
“I told Kurt I was going to mess with you! Not mess around, mind you, just mess with you. The look on your face was priceless. I wish I had a camera!”
“You actually had me worried. I honestly thought you meant to go through with it.”
“Let’s just say that I was tempted, but I also know you well enough to know that there was no real risk. I’m glad I can still excite you. And yes, I noticed your, uhm, discomfort. You know how much I love you, right?”
“I do. And you know that I love you, too, but in the end, I could not give you what you really needed.”
“Orgasms?” she giggled. “You sure as heck did!”
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THIS STORY WAS POSTED ON XHAMSTER BY THE USER TreborCox WITHOUT MY PERMISSION. I WILL LINK IN THE COMMENTS WHERE THE STORY WAS POSTED AFTER I WROTE IT IN 2012Disclaimer: The following story is a complete work of fiction. If Victoria Justice and/or Ariana Grande just happen to do things like this in their personal lives…total coincidence. Read the story codes before reading the story.--The tapings were finished. The third season of ‘Victorious’ was now fully recorded. It was a long week as the...
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The Perfect Shot (Starring Victoria Justice) Join for more celeb Content I was nervous. Today could be a make or break day for me career wise. I've always dreamed of being a photographer for a magazine. I loved just flipping through the pages of a magazine, seeing all of the beautiful photos of various people. I decicated my life to being a photographer and today was my big day. I have just landed my first photo shoot for my first magazine. Apparently...
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IncestI was nervous. Today could be a make or break day for me career wise. I've always dreamed of being a photographer for a magazine. I loved just flipping through the pages of a magazine, seeing all of the beautiful photos of various people. I dedicated my life to being a photographer and today was my big day.I have just landed my first photo shoot for my first magazine. Apparently Kode magazine got a hold of my portfolio and they were impressed . They got into contact with me and told me that...
It was the middle of May 2018, and it was approaching a year since Ashleigh first started working at my store. Colleges were out for the year, and I had just graduated and was waiting to start graduate school in the Fall. She had left the previous August to go back to school in Illinois and had only spoken with her a few times since (more stories on Ashleigh to come later). Of course, if you have read some of my previous stories, you know Ashleigh shared some information about our experiences...
Straight Sex"Are you ready to meet her? I swear, you'll love her," she assured me, lying down with me."Really, Molly? I'll love her? Is she going to be a threat to you?""Yes, yes, and no smart-ass," she giggled, pecking my cheek. "She is just my twin sister, but we're fraternal twins. We don't have superpowers or read each other's minds; only identical twins get those. I can't think of a better woman for you to be with, than me."I nodded and looked away for a second. "So, just to be clear...
TabooTHIS STORY WAS POSTED ON XHAMSTER BY THE USER TreborCox WITHOUT MY PERMISSION. I WILL LINK IN THE COMMENTS WHERE THE STORY WAS POSTED AFTER I WROTE IT IN 2011Disclaimer: The following story comes from the mind of the author and in no way is a recollection of true events.--The following story takes place thirty days after the events of “Victoria Justice on Tour – Day 33”…“Okay everybody that was a good taping. See you all on Monday.” The director yelled out as the taping for ‘Victorious’...
She had done her best, after all. She was just a single human surrounded by this hulking brutes, while Black wolf was obviously a dangerous, brutal beast what sort of defense could a weak, woman like herself present?"Please - please... what are you trying to do to me?" she continued to wail helplessly as he forced her to crawl on all fours over the rough rocky ground into the centre of the hollow, her long hair streaming all over her neck, shoulders, and back, her large breasts swaying and...
One evening, Victoria’s phone rang and Elise was on the other end of the line.Elise asked her friend if she remembered their special time together and if she would be interested in coming over again. Victoria responded positively to both questions and so the ladies agreed to meet up again for a special rendezvous at the weekend. “If you want, we can go one step further, “ Elise suggested to Victoria.Victoria asked what her friend meant, but Elise refused to be drawn, saying that she would have...
Introduction: Teen TV stars slut it out in and Elavator The entire week of the joint iCarly/Victorious episode was the most intense time of Mirandas life. Miranda, had never had more fun doing a taping. Victoria brought such positive energy and professionalism to the set, Miranda felt swept away by the whole experience. To top it off Victoria had arranged for a party in an exclusive club for the cast members of both shows. The theme of the party was Hot Shorts, and Hawaiian Shirts which raised...
Victoria's handymanOver a month had passed since my mother-in-law Victoria had caught me masturbating in her garden. Under the threat of telling my wife she had then forced me to strip naked and finish off wanking in front of her while she lashed my ass and cock with my belt.The experience though unsettling had been extremely erotic and constantly in my mind ever since.Victoria had made no contact since that day, though she had seen and spoken to my wife Sarah regularly as usual. Then one...
Wirepaladin ******************************************************************************************************************** I’m depressed. Sitting here with just my kitty cat for company, I’m in a blue mood. I guess I should introduce myself. I’m Victoria Barnett, a single 26 year old woman. I’m a junior loan officer with a local bank. I’m 5’4” tall and weigh 109 pounds and have strawberry blonde hair. My looks, I suppose, would be rated only a little above average, although...
Miranda dressed a tad conservative with a floral shirt tied off to show of her midriff and kaki Capri’s that hugged her hips and ass. Victoria on the other hand was taking a walk on the hot side, she was wearing a skimpy bikini top with images of coconuts over her firm breasts, and her shorts were so short that the bottom half of her ass was visible below them and they were so tight that everyone in the room was aware that she wasn’t wearing panties since her cunt line was clearly visible the...
Victoria had moved to a new flat with a former flat mate, Katy. Katy was a voluptuous woman, to the casual observer, a MILF (although she wasn’t in fact a mother, but you get the picture – I hope).The two ladies had lived together before, in a multiple occupancy house, but now circumstances had brought them together again.Soon after moving in, both women were sharing an evening meal, when Katy said,“It’s so nice that we’re back together again.”“Ah, I’m glad that you think so, “replied Victoria....
Like most cross dressing married men, I had started a decent collection of sexy lingerie, then purged and thrown it all away only to regret doing so, give in to the irresistible urge to be feminine, and start all over again. I had spent and wasted a small fortune on plugs, cages, underwear only to feel threatened by the threat of my wife finding it and disposing of it in lay bys all over the country.I work away a lot so could spend evenings in hotel rooms in full fem mode, sexy outfits, full...
It was just another day for me, on the set of a new photo shoot, we were never really given much detail as to who would be here, just that she was important and we needed to the best of jobs, I was told by my "superior" aka the person who takes the pictures, via a text from the mystery woman's agent earlier in the day just when they would be arriving.I was getting the camera ready, making sure the set was in immaculate condition for our soon to be center star of the shoot, we were told to keep...
LADY VICTORIA - PART 2 - Her Ladyship Gets Her Just Reward Lady Victoria had been sent to Beddingfield Ladies College by her father Lord John for one reason only, to prepare her for marriage into high society. His phenomenal success had brought him huge wealth and his recent ascent into the House of Lords as a Baronet inspired new ambitions, which knew no bounds. His daughter would not only marry into high society but into Royalty itself and he had the money and the power to see it through. At...
Spanking"But, fuck - Kaizer, oh..." the sex-hungry blonde gasped incoherently, not knowing who, or what or where she was. All she knew was that this powerfully demanding animal kiss was making her cunt literally churn with lust. Her hotly quivering thighs felt as if they were disintegrating, while the moisture of her passion trickled by the seeming cupful from her wildly tingling walls and trembling cunt lips to soak into her already thickly soaked pubic hair. Her hands seemed to be moving...
The convulsively gasping blonde gripped the dog's swollen cock with a hungry passion. It felt as hot and hard as a rigid iron bar and yet soft and wet at the same time. And suddenly Kaizer lurched forward as if on cue. For moments he had felt her moistly clutching cuntal lips kissing his cock, nibbling at the fiery red tip like something possessed, and now he could take no more. He fucked forward with a primitive, purposeful stroke to satisfy his wildly throbbing animal lust."Ugggghhhh!"...
Victoria's secretThe Digby sisters shared most things and that included their men (well, they would if Victoria could keep hold of one long enough!)On this particular occasion, Victoria's sister, Mary, had told her sister about her husband's long standing fetish towards nylon and lycra. Mary was going to be going away for a few days with a friend and as Victoria was in need of some action, Ian was happy to volunteer.Victoria, as you will know by now was a minx, (please see previous blogs). She...
LADY VICTORIA - PART 1 - HER LADYSHIP COMES OF AGE BY WILLIAM STREET Lady Victoria waited impatiently in the elegant drawing room of her father's mansion, at a loss to understand what was taking so long in loading the several large trunks containing her wardrobe. At long last the Butler arrived to inform her that her carriage was now ready at her pleasure. She answered rudely, berating him for the incompetence of his staff and followed him to the cavernous Hall of the House. Her mother was...
Spanking?Nnnngh? the young woman moaned, slowly regaining consciousness. The petite girl attempted to move as her mind lifted from the fog. She lay still mostly, for what seemed like hours. Seemingly unable to open her eyes, she remained motionless for so long that she wondered if she was actually asleep. Over time, she became more and more aware of herself, and finally regained the ability to lift her eye lids, though it took more effort than she could have imagined. Victoria looked...
I couldn't believe it when I got the call.It was something that most every straight man walking the face of the Earth, and certainly in the States, would kill for, and I was going to get the chance to do it.I'm talking about getting the keys to the "Playboy" kingdom, and everything that goes along with that.You hear stories all the time about people who fall Into a lot of money, or the opportunity of a lifetime in part due to them having a rich, long-lost family member who leaves them that...
Reassured by Victoria’s reaction to her so far, Elise felt brave enough to go on.“Can I touch you? I mean, we could take our clothes off.”“You want to touch me? How?” Victoria was getting freaked out by her friend’s strange behaviour.Drawing her friend towards her, Elise lifted up Victoria’s skirt and stroked her lightly, but meaningfully between her legs. “You and your sister are both deeply sensual people, but you just ooze sexuality Victoria.”Moving her fingers up and down Victoria’s crotch,...
"Holy shit!" I yelped, jerking back onto the wall."That look like it hurt," she observed, getting into the shower with me."Victoria, you're naked," I moaned, rubbing my arm."Just the way you like me, correct?" she pondered, leaning down with me. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean for you to hurt yourself," she assured me, rubbing my arm and leg. "You're my brother-in-law, so I love you," she reminded me, prior to kissing me. "Don't you love me, Matt?"I couldn't resist the temptation...