The Party At House Victoria free porn video

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The Party at House Victoria

Synopsis: Lisa, headmistress and owner of Extreme Toyland visits a party thrown by longtime friend and fellow BDSM extremist Lady Victoria in Germany. While the regular kinks are served at the ground level and basement of Victoria's mansion, a select group of dear friends, including Lisa, are treated to a series of private performances in Victoria's small home theater. Three young masochists undergo the most brutal forms of degradation and torture imaginable. Victoria's goal is to enlighten her audience. The first chapter features a filthwhore pain slut who has to ingest disgusting fluids while undergoing some brutal torture on her pussy and ass; the second chapter shows the depraved mind of a bloodslut masochist and the last chapter displays some of the cruelest nipple torture ever written down.


Chapter One: The Party.


Mistress Lisa was enjoying herself. She'd been entertained all night by another marvelous party hosted by her good old friend Lady Victoria, headmistress at House Victoria. This party was held once a year at Victoria's mansion near Munich in Germany. Lisa missed only one of the last seven installments due to other commitments. She'd been a regular guest ever since her friend Hans arranged an internship here all those years ago.

The evening had started off with a delicious dinner for a select group of dear friends, served in a Roman-style over-the-top setting with naked servants and ridiculously good-looking human plates: the food was served on the naked bodies of some of Victoria's slave girls in various bondage positions.

Everyone at the dinner received a wristband with a barcode and a pager with the instruction to come to the stairs in the main hallway when it rang. There would be a special event for the chosen few.

After dinner, the main party started, with about 150 people enjoying themselves in different themed rooms on the ground level and basement of Victoria's mansion.

When the dinner guests returned to the hallway, it was already pretty crowded. Whereas the hallway had been empty before, there were now various signs pointing the guests in the right direction. There was a 'Swingers room', a 'Femdom lair', a 'Girl-on-girl den' and much more, including a bar with seats overlooking various performance areas.

A crowd was forming at the entrance of the hall. Lisa decided to check it out. There were people gathered around four small pillars with what looked like roman statues on them. When Lisa got closer, all of a sudden she felt a hand on her shoulder and turned around.

"Hey Lisa, how are you doing?" A tall blonde smiled at her.


Lisa hugged the young woman.

"I'm doing great, how about you?"

"Excellent! Wow, I haven't seen you in years, you look good!

Lisa looked at her friend from years ago, when she interned at House Victoria to learn from the best and most experienced mistresses. Yulia was another girl learning the tricks of the trade. She looked stunning in a black and red long latex dress with detailed ornaments.

The two friends exchanged pleasantries and Lisa insisted Yulia should come to her mansion in the next few months to catch up. Yulia explained that the statues she was with were actually four of her girls, most of their bodies cast in plaster and their legs even in blocks of concrete.

"Look!" she said, they are completely immobilized, their bodies are covered in plaster. Except from their mouths down to their thighs, but they have been spray-painted to match! I have two more on standby for the moment these first ones are used up."

Lisa took a good look at one of the girls and saw that she had been cast into a concrete pedestal that reached up to her thighs. Plaster covered most of her back and went up to her shoulders and head, which was fully encased except for her mouth, the headpiece was carefully sculpted to resemble old roman statues with empty eye sockets and missing nose. All four girls had their arms plastered in different positions and a plaque on the concrete pedestal urged onlookers to take safety pins and needles from the tables nearby and to decorate the statues with them wherever they'd stick.

Yulia handed Lisa a handful of sharps and demonstrated the purpose by jabbing a safety pin through the girl's left nipple. The statue let out a short shriek. The two women created some pretty patterns with the needles and pins. Soon, they had to say their goodbyes as Yulia had to tend to other visitors.

Over the next few hours, Lisa witnessed some performances and caught up with some old friends until her pager rang at 10:55 PM. Lisa put down her drink and got up from her chair. Within twenty seconds she was back in the hallway, where the four living statues were still being admired and decorated. She got in line for the stairs with about ten other people, mostly women, from the dinner earlier in the evening.

At exactly 11 o'clock a servant came down the stairs and gestured the invitees to come up. The group slowly progressed up the stairs until they reached the door at the top. At the door, a guard scanned wristbands and took the pagers from the guests. Within minutes all guests were seated inside a small theatre where half-naked servants poured them drinks. With only 12 people in the audience, the place was almost full. This stage was not meant for big groups of spectators.


Chapter Two: Number 44.


The lights in the seating area went off and the stage lighting remained on. It was time for the show to begin. Lady Victoria walked out on stage and greeted her audience. She was still dressed in black, but had traded her rubber dress for leather pants and a full corset with red accents.

"Welcome, friends!" she started. "Thank you all for coming to this magnificent party tonight! I hope you've been enjoying yourselves! This private show is my gift to you. A celebration of fifteen years of exquisite pleasure and suffering. What you are about to see will hopefully surpass your wildest dreams and imagination. I want you to pay close attention and take it all in. Hopefully this evening will be an inspiration to you all and push the boundaries of the fields you operate in."

She paused for a moment and looked around the room. Then she continued.

"I carefully selected, crafted and trained the meat that will be brutally tortured for your entertainment tonight. What you're about to see is real. No tricks, no fooling around. You didn't come out here to see a rehashed scene from some commercial femdom website. Before I get started I just have one favor to ask: no cameras, no photography, please! Thank you and enjoy the show!"

Lady Victoria turned around as her audience applauded and she went backstage to fetch her first victim of the night. She returned quickly with a slender girl on a leash. She was naked save for her wide collar and a bag over her head. Behind her was a servant wearing only black latex thigh-high boots and a red leather cupless half-corset. She pushed a well-stocked trolley table.

"Viewing position!" Victoria said to the collared girl.

The girl stood with her legs apart and her arms behind her covered head, pushing her chest forward and up. The audience got a good look at her body now. She was not as tall as Victoria, but her body was slender and toned. What it also was, was covered in welts, stripes, bruises and scars. Some of them looked fresh and they covered her whole body from her collar bones to her knees.

"The first meat of tonight is #44," Victoria said. "She's been in my care for about four years now and like all of the other meat tonight, she will be retired from my services and up for sale after this session."

"As you can see, she has endured a lot during her stay with me. Those tits are starting to sag from all the breast suspension and will have to be tied properly before they are of any use to me. Apart from her various bruises and scars, you will notice that she has her name tattooed where her pubes used to be. This is the case with all my meat."

Victoria glanced over at the servant with the semi-corset. She also had a tattoo on her pubic area.  "#71" it said. Below the tattoo hung her stretched labia with thick and heavy rings through them. They made a ticking noise as she walked.

"Turn and bend!" Victoria barked at #44.

The girl turned around and bent forward, pushing her ass high in the air, showing the end of a butt plug to the audience.

"All of her holes have been abused repeatedly with big objects and I'd like to think she's developed a craving for the extreme and would love to have them abused again for this occasion," Victoria continued.

She picked up two dildos from her supplies. One was a regular version about ten inches long and the other brutally thick and large, about the size of a man's forearm. She put them down on the stage in front of #44.

"Turn, cunt. Viewing position!"

The girl turned around again, placed her hands behind her hooded head and thrust her chest up and out.

"Listen carefully." Lady Victoria continued. "In a few moments I will take off your hood. You will then be asked some questions. You will answer them truthfully. After that, you'll be prepared and strapped down for your first task. Nod if you understand."

The hooded girl nodded twice.

Lady Victoria signaled to her assistant, who first removed the cloth bag from the slavegirl's head and then also removed her ball gag.

The girl's long blonde hair was put back in a high pony tail and she sported an oversized metal ring through her septum. Her pale face was dotted with freckles and her dark brown eyes squinted a little as she adjusted to the light on the small stage.

"Permission to speak. Tell us your age, cunt #44!"

"23, Lady Victoria!" she responded.

While Victoria started interviewing #44, her assistant wheeled in the necessary equipment for this first session.

"And what is your position here at House Victoria?"

"I am your filthslut, cunt and meat, Lady Victoria!"

"Explain "filthslut" to our guests!"

"I get off on sucking, licking, eating and drinking things that your regular meat does not have the stomach for, Lady Victoria!"

"And when is the last time you had a proper meal, cunt?"

"About three days ago, Lady Victoria, I have only been fed other meat's piss since then."

"Very well. That's how I keep your body slim and lean. Now explain "cunt" to our guests!"

"I have three holes that are best used for your pleasure, in any way possible, Lady Victoria!"

"Explain "meat" to our guests!"

"My body is yours to use and modify as you please without limits, Lady Victoria!"

"Good. That's all we will need from you. Permission to speak revoked! Kneel!"

Victoria's assistant came back on stage with a big bucket as #44 knelt down.  The assistant put the bucket in front of her. Victoria grabbed #44 by her neck and pushed her face down into the empty bucket. Her assistant handed her an electric hair clipper and immediately Lady Victoria started shaving her slave's head. It did not take long before all of her hair was gone and tossed in the bucket. Victoria dropped the clipper in the bucket as well and pulled #44 back up by her collar.

"So, that's that. Now let's begin."

She pulled the girl toward the middle of the stage, where the assistant had put a bondage table. About a foot above the table hung a big plastic bag from the ceiling. Something was in it, but it wasn't discernible from the outside.

#44 was put down on her back, with her legs pulled up and strapped to adjustable arms, much like on a gynecologist's table. Her head was placed in a custom box made of clear plexiglass with one side cut out for her neck and while the assistant strapped #44's body to the table with wide leather belts, Lady Victoria took a trolley table with two empty buckets to the audience.

"Dear guests, remember how I asked you for a filthy contribution? Now is the time to produce it. I'll be coming by to collect!"

Everyone in the audience rummaged through their stuff and came up with something. One of the guests stood up and urinated into one of the buckets. Others produced various liquids in labeled jars or dropped feces in plastic bags. Lisa had collected spit and blood from her toys and put her bottles with the filthy mixture on the trolley table. A woman next to her also put two jars next to the bottles. "Horse semen", she enlightened Lisa.

Victoria's assistant was almost done preparing #44. She had now strapped the girl's neck to the plexiglass box, bound her breasts, lit some candles and she'd neatly organized various torture tools for Victoria, who made her way back to the center of the stage.

She put the trolley table within reach and picked up a riding crop and started smacking down on #44's thighs. It was immediately clear that the tip of this riding crop contained something sharp, because streams of blood started trickling down the girls thighs to her ass. But the girl didn't make a sound.

Moving up her slave's body, Victoria smacked down on her sides and eventually on her bound tits, leaving a trail of blood.

"Oh I love the smell of blood," she sighed.

Victoria put down her riding crop and pulled on some strings that were hanging from the plastic bag that hung about a foot above #44's face. The bag quickly fell down to the floor and it was revealed that there was a dead pig hanging from its rear legs, its head right above #44. Some oohs and aahs escaped from the audience.

"#44 is going to be put to the test tonight," Victoria said. "You see the plexiglass container holding her head? It can't hold that much liquid. She'll have to swallow whatever I pour on her to keep breathing. I'm going to start with some pig's blood now. She'd better keep up.

Victoria pulled a big knife and didn't waste any time. She sliced the dead pig's neck and blood started running down on #44's face. The girl had her neck strapped to the table and could not move an inch. Slowly but surely, the blood started running down her face and into the box, pooling around her shaved head.

"She'll be busy with that for a while," Victoria said. "Time to start working on her front cunt."

It didn't take long for #44 to start choking and gurgling on the blood that was running down into her headbox. Victoria didn't pay much attention to it, but picked up her first real instrument of torture: a staple gun.

She used it to secure #44's stretched labia to her thighs, spreading her front cunt wide open. With about five long staples through each pussy lip, they were stitched tightly against the girl's thighs. Her clit was now also exposed. Victoria clamped it with a small alligator clamp on a string and tied the string off to one of the body belts keeping #44 tied to the table.

The girl had big trouble with all the blood raining down on her. She had to gulp down and swallow huge amounts of the foul thick liquid to keep her lips and nose free to breathe air. Victoria used her spiked crop on #44's pussy to distract the girl. After a few minutes, though, the pig had bled out and the blood stopped raining down. There was plenty of blood left in the headbox, but at least her mouth and nose were free to breathe.

Victoria asked for a round of applause from the guests and with the help of her assistant, she lowered and removed the pig, which turned out to be hanging from an electrical winch system. The mistress and her assistant then fitted #44 with a funnel gag and shut her nose with a special clamp. Her head remained in the blood-coated headbox.

"She will now swallow whatever I put in that funnel. I promise you that none of your contributions will go to waste," Victoria said. She quickly went on and picked up a toilet brush. Without any delay, she started rubbing it over #44's cunt hole, slowly fucking it in. When only the handle was sticking out, she addressed her slave.

"We're going to fuck your cunt with the toilet brush now.  While you enjoy that, you will swallow whatever comes down the funnel. When you can breathe again, you will try your hardest to say thank you. Then you will push your cervix out for me to play with. I want a nice prolapse for our guests!"

Victoria's assistant grabbed the handle of the toilet brush and started to fuck #44's pussy with it. She started out slowly, just working the brush hairs in and out with a slow rhythmic motion. Victoria walked over to the trolley with the collected jars and buckets and selected and opened the first two jars. She brought them over to #44's funnel gag and poured them down simultaneously.

"I'm starting off with something that's familiar to this filthslut: urine and semen," she informed the audience as the last drops of liquid trickled out of the jars. Everyone watched as the liquids mixed in the clear plastic funnel and tube connected to #44's gag. They ran down into the filthslut's mouth pretty quickly, the girl didn't seem to have a lot of trouble swallowing it all.

While the assistant kept a steady rhythm going with the toilet brush, Victoria lighted a gas heater and placed a wide pan on top of the small cooking fire.

"Warming excrement and other filth enhances their smell and flavor," she enlightened her audience. "I'm going to put all the collected feces in this pan and mix them with just enough fluid filth to create a sticky goo; easy enough to pour down the funnel, sticky enough to give my cunt a hard time swallowing. Let's see here, I'll add this jar of blood, and  --hmm, let's see what this is, --- horse semen to it. Together with a sprinkle of laxatives that should soften up the stool in this pan!"

Victoria turned around with two other jars and poured one of them down the funnel gag. "A mixture of spit, mucus and pussy squirts collected from the lovely sluts of House Cynthia, thank you," she said as she nodded towards a redhead in the audience. "Can I please get a volunteer from the audience to supply me with some more fresh, warm vomit?"

A woman wearing a long black dress with a dark green corset raised her hand. Lisa recognized Mathilde, in her mid-fifties one of the older ladies in the group. She had been a mentrix to Victoria and Lisa had seen her perform some crude CBT techniques on male slaves.

Victoria gestured to Mathilde to come on stage and she handed her a small stainless steel bowl. It didn't take her much effort to produce the requested vomit; two fingers down her throat and there it came. She spat everything into the bowl and handed it to Victoria, who thanked her friend.

#44 had just finished swallowing the previous filth that Victoria had thrown into her funnel and was getting ready to thank her mistress for her food. Victoria waited for that moment and kept stirring her smelly pan. Satisfied with the concoction, she turned off the gas and let it cool down for now.

"#44, permission to thank me now!"

The girl produced a muffled 'thank you Lady Victoria' through her gag and Victoria smiled. "I'm not sure everyone in the audience could hear that, cunt. But don't worry, I'll extract some louder noise from you in the next few minutes."

Victoria gestured to her assistant to stop fucking #44 with the toilet brush and to pull it out. #44 had already been instructed on what to do next. Not long after the toilet brush was removed, she slowly but surely pushed her pussy inside-out, revealing the pink and reddened insides between her spread and stapled labia.

"Good cunt," Victoria encouraged her, "Just a little more, I want to see that purple ring and then the tube, you know?"

The audience watched in silence as the well-trained girl pushed her uterus out. Slowly but surely her purple ring-shaped opening of the uterus protruded between her spread labia. But she didn't stop there. She continued to push until a cilinder-like stretch the size of a soda can hung out.

"Bravo!" Victoria shouted. She looked at her audience and pointed at the uterine prolapse her cunt had just produced.

"Did you know," she enlightened the people watching, "that this piece of filthy pain slut meat came up with this next part herself? That she got bored with my punishments and begged me to try this on her?"

Victoria rummaged through some of her supplies and came back with a fairly large metal clamp. She held it up for her audience to see before she pushed  it over the full length of #44's prolapse and started to tighten screws on both ends of the clamp, effectively trapping the expelled part of the uterus outside #44's body.

The assistant lighted a cigarette, took a drag and handed it to Victoria, who wasted no time. She bent forward and held the smoldering tip against the exposed flesh of the girl's uterus, rolling it from side to side.

#44's body instantly trembled in her bonds and the girl produced high-pitched shrieks through her funnel gag. Victoria smirked and took her first drag of the cigarette and grabbed the lighter from her assistant.

"Bring me #104 - then go over and stir that pot. Turn off the fire too," she commanded her assistant, who scooted off backstage while Victoria extinguished the cigarette on #44's uterus, relighted it and repeated this process a couple of times, creating a pattern of small, round burns and evoking increasing shrieks and sobs from her meat.

Victoria's assistant returned with a completely naked girl. She had her black hair up in a high ponytail. Her flat-chested body was completely devoid of any womanly curves: her small and slender frame looked boyish. She was very tall, taller than Victoria, and olive-skinned. Apart from her #104-tattoo, her body was free of any marks.

"Meet #104," Victoria introduced the new girl to the audience. "She is one of my newer oral sluts in training. And she loves giving head to anything -- really anything from big black men to horse cock. Let's see what she does when I unleash her on #44."

Victoria positioned the new girl between #44's spread legs and without any command, #104 started licking and sucking the cervical prolapse that was clamped off in front of her. Within moments, she sucked it off like a thick cock, sliding the full length in and out of her mouth until Victoria ordered her to stop.

The girl stopped and looked up to find that Victoria had picked up one of the burning candles.

"Just lick!" were the orders for #104 as Victoria tipped the candle over and poured down a stream of hot wax to where the girl was lapping over #44's tormented cervix.

As the girl kept doing her job, Victoria used the candle to cover #44's exposed tissue, occasionally hitting #104 on her lapping tongue. It didn't seem to faze the oral slut one bit.

When she was satisfied, Victoria ordered #104 once again to stop and she handed the candle to the girl.

"I will whip the wax off now. When it is gone, apply a new layer so I can take it off again."

The girl nodded.

With three strokes of a bamboo stick, Victoria removed the hardened layer of candle wax from #44's prolapsed uterus. After a quick nod to #104, a new layer of wax was quickly applied and Victoria repeated the process, sending sharp pain to her meat #44, who was making quite a bit of noise through her funnel gag.

Victoria put down the bamboo stick and walked over to her assistant who was still stirring the pot with filth.

"#104!" she barked. The girl, still holding the burning candle, scooted over to her mistress. Victoria took the candle from #104 and put it down next to the pan with filth.

"Tongue out, head back!"

#104 stuck her long tongue out and tilted her head a little backwards. Victoria took a scoop of the filth in the pan and dropped it from the spoon onto #104's tongue and into her mouth. The girl let out a high scream and quickly retracted her tongue and shut her mouth.

"Still a little too hot?" Victoria wondered.

The girl nodded as she kept passing the filthy mixture around her mouth, waiting for it to cool down some more before she'd swallow it.

"Fine, then we'll just get to work on my meat's ass while we wait a little longer for it to cool down," Victoria said.

To her assistant she added: "Keep stirring that shit!"

Victoria picked up the bigger of the two dildos that were brought on stage at the start of the performance. She walked over between #44's legs again and stroked the girl's tormented cervix, which was still kept in position by the metal clamp. She addressed her meat again.

"#44, listen up! You've shown our guests what a loose front cunt you have. Now it's time for us to put your back cunt on display."

She reached between #44's legs and started fiddling with the butt plug that was up the girl's ass. The end of the plug was fitted with a metal ring and Victoria put her index finger through. Slowly she pulled the butt plug out, inch by inch.

As the plug was revealed, the audience saw that the back stop of the plug was basically a rubber disc that was about two inches in diameter. It rested against #44's sphincter from the outside. Directly behind it was a thinner part of the dildo, about an inch long and an inch thick. Quickly behind the thinner segment, the butt plug grew in diameter again.

Slowly but surely everyone in the audience started to realize that this was no ordinary butt plug. Victoria pulled out about nine inches when #44's sphincter plopped shut again around a thinner segment of the dildo. The thin piece was again about an inch long. The dildo grew even bigger than the first part for the next segment; it was easily two-and-a-half inches thick.

Victoria kept pulling on the big black invader and revealed that the second segment was not the end of it. She had already pulled out about twenty inches, but there seemed to be more. After yet another thin part, the final part of the dildo was pulled out. All three segments were about nine inches long, making this butt plug one of the most extreme that Lisa had ever seen. Victoria held it up for her audience to gawk at. It evoked some gasps of surprise and some short discussion among the spectators.

#44's asshole was gaping wide open now. Victoria dropped the long dildo and started inserting the shorter but thicker dildo that had been on stage since the start. Even without lubrication it didn't take long before Victoria fucked the thick dildo in and out of her meat's back cunt, ramming the dildo in very forcefully and pulling it out immediately.

"You enjoy this too much, meat!" She addressed #44. "Push it out as far as you can now!"

#44 started producing her slime-covered bright red anal prolapse right away. First an inch, then two, three and finally about four full inches of her prolapse hung out of her asshole. It looked like a bright red lump of meat.

Victoria used another big metal clamp to also secure this prolapse outside of #44's body and called her young filthslut #104 over to help her out again. The girl walked over between #44's legs and only needed Victoria's hand gesture to start licking and sucking on the freshly provided anal prolapse in front of her.

The headmistress walked over to her assistant who was still stirring the filth pot and quickly exchanged some words with her. The assistant picked up the pan and moved into position near #44's funnel gag. Victoria picked up candle which was still burning and returned to where #104 was lapping and sucking at #44's insides. #104 took the candle from Victoria and handed her mistress the bamboo cane that was next to her on the floor.

"#44, listen up! I am going to play with the insides of your cunts now until you have swallowed every single drop of the delicious meal that our guests have provided for you. After that, we'll see if there's still room for dessert!"

Victoria nodded and her assistant filled the funnel gag to the edge with the lukewarm filthy mixture from the pan. It was indeed thin enough to pour down, but sticky enough to take a while to swallow.

While #44 struggled with the nauseating concoction that was leaking down into her mouth, Victoria started smacking her bamboo cane down. She took turns hitting the prolapsed cervix and colon while #104 halted her licking and sucking again.

Over the better part of five minutes, Victoria kept working on the girl's exposed meat while her assistant poured down the filthy mixture in batches, giving #44 just enough time to take a few breaths before the next batch would run down the funnel. Not that she was taking breaths. The pain in her lower body was so severe that she only had time to get cries and screams out between the pourings of filth.

Together with #104, Victoria continued the hot wax routine on both prolapses, with #104 pouring the wax and Victoria removing it again once it was hardened enough to be whipped off. They worked through three cycles before Victoria instructed #104 to clean up both prolapses with her mouth.

The girl vigorously attacked #44's clamped meat. Victoria checked her supplies to make sure that she would use all of the contributions her longtime friends had brought for this show. She found the last two bottles and read the labels out loud: "blood" and "spit". Lisa was excited to see that her stuff would also be used in this session.

"Whose contribution are these?" Victoria asked out loud.

Lisa raised her hand.

"Well, lovely Lisa, dear," Victoria addressed her friend, "Why don't you come down here and help me out a little?"

Lisa got up from her chair and walked the short distance to the stage in the tiny theater. When she was next to Victoria, Victoria continued.

"How would you like to see your contributions used on my meat, dear?"

"Well," Lisa replied, "since you started tonight with blood, why don't we end it with that as well?"

"Very good, what do you have in mind?" Victoria wanted to know.

"Pour it down the funnel as a dessert while she gets to endure some more pain."


"You haven't properly used her tits yet."

"Very well, and what about the spit?"

"I'd like to pour it over those nice prolapses while your new meat laps it up. Didn't you say she was a filthslut as well?"

"Yes, she is indeed. #104 will be replacing #44 after tonight. Go ahead and do as you proposed!"

Lisa took the bottle of spit from Victoria and the two women walked over to where #104 was still sucking on #44's prolapses.

As Lisa opened the bottle and slowly poured half of its contents down, Victoria told #104 to lick up every drop, even if it fell to the floor.

The girl was determined to leave a good impression and showed her obedience by trying to catch all of the thick fluid that came down. Needless to say, some of it dripped down on the floor and #104 dropped to her knees to collect it as well.

"Good girl," Lisa cooed, "now open wide!"

#104 sat up, stuck her tongue out and tilted her head a little backward. Lisa quickly poured the remaining half of the bottle directly down #104's throat. It seemed like the girl didn't even need to swallow, everything went down so quickly.

"Bravo!" Lisa said. Victoria nodded in agreement and pointed between #44's legs as a cue to #104 to keep working her mouth on the exposed meat.

"Now what about her tits?" Victoria wondered, pointing at #44's chest.

"How long are those staples?" Lisa wanted to know, looking at #44's spread and pierced pussy lips.

"An inch." Victoria replied. "But they're not that thick."

"Let me shoot them in her tits while she gurgles on my toys' blood, okay?"

"Fine, you want it poured all at once?"


Victoria, still holding the bottle of blood, walked over to where she previously discarded her staple gun, picked it up and handed the instrument to Lisa, who was already in position next to the bondage table where #44's bound tits stood like purple balls on her chest.


Lisa pressed the staple gun against #44's bulging titmeat and pulled the trigger.


#44 let out a low wail. This was the cue for Victoria to start pouring the contents of the last bottle down the funnel gag. When the whole bottle was empty and the funnel full of blood, she watched as Lisa used the staple gun on #44's tightly bound breasts, working her way around and then up to the girl's popping areoles and nipples.

Just before #44 finished swallowing the last ounces of fluid from her funnel, Lisa was done decorating her nipples with two staples each.

The two women took a step back and looked at the scene in front of them. #44 was exhausted and wasted from the crude treatment that her body had received and #104 was still lapping away like an energizer bunny.

Victoria thanked Lisa for her help and sent her back to her seat while the audience applauded in approval of Lisa's contribution to the performance. Victoria addressed the audience directly again.

"Friends," she started, "this first performance has now come to an end. We have two more live performances for you tonight. But as we clean up this mess and set the stage for the next part, you may enjoy a compilation of videos that I have produced over the past couple of years. We'll be right back. Enjoy!"

The light on stage went off and a projector screen came down from the ceiling on the edge of the stage, close to the audience. Immediately, a video started playing on the screen. It showed the highlights of various sessions that were performed with #44 over the last couple of years.


Chapter Three: Number 93.


After a few minutes the projector screen was lifted up again and the lights went on. The stage was set for the second part of the night's show. While the movie played, a completely new setup was readied on stage for the next performance.

Lady Victoria returned to the center of the stage with another one of her female slaves. The new girl was completely naked, save for a wide leather collar around her neck. Like the previous pain meat, she had a small, girlish frame with an athletic build. Her long, bright red, almost orange hair fell over her shoulders, just above her ample double C breasts with disproportionately large nipples. It framed her gaunt pale face, with a small nose, wide lips and tons of freckles. She looked around the room with her dark brown eyes that were framed with thick black eyeliner.

"Viewing position!" Victoria barked. The girl put her hands behind her head, pushed her tits forward and spread her legs so the audience could take a good look at her. Her whole body was as pale as her face and it was visibly covered in cuts, bruises, recent and older scars. She was hairless from the neck down and the number #93 was visible where her pubes used to be.

While Victoria introduced #93, her assistants adjusted the furniture on stage. It was a structure with three pyramid-shaped blocks in a row on top of a black cabinet-like unit. It received power from an extension cord.

"Look at that gaunt young body! #93 here has been my meat for almost two years now. As you can see, I like my meat slender but this one's specialty makes her look a bit gaunt."

Victoria ran her fingernails over #93's small breasts and traced her visible ribcage down to the girl's crotch.

"She used to have a tattoo with her number, but as you can see, it has been removed... along with quite a few layers of skin. I think this cutting came out quite well, don't you think?"

She paused for a second and then told the girl to turn around.

"Push your ass up and spread your legs! Show us your asscunt!"

#93 did as she was told and showed off her asshole that looked like it had been abused quite a lot with big toys. Her sphincter almost looked like it had lips, and it had three rings pierced through, evenly spaced all around.

"Now doesn't that look inviting? I'd punch my fist in there in a heartbeat," Victoria laughed. "Back to viewing position!"

The girl turned again and faced her audience, pushing her chest up and out.

"Permission to speak! Tell us your age, meat #93!"

"19, Lady Victoria!" the girl replied.

"Tell your lovely audience what your position is here at House Victoria."

"I am your haemophiliac meat, your bloodslut, Lady Victoria!"

"Explain to our guests what haemophiliac means, cunt!"

"Blood arouses me, especially my own. I draw it, drink it, I play with it and I find new and thrilling ways to make my body spill it."

"Very well. These people already know what my 'meat' is, and 'bloodslut' kinda speaks for itself, but explain to them how you prepare for a session like tonight."

"I watch what I eat. No vitamin K. But instead I take Warfarin and I shoot Heparin so that I will bleed more profusely."

"And why is it that you need so much blood?"

"Because I get off on it. And I use it as a lubricant for my custom dildos that I will show off tonight."

Lady Victoria nodded to her assistants who were waiting on the side of the stage. One of the girls rolled in a bright white modified dentists' chair and another came in with two carpenter's toolboxes, which she placed on one of the chair's many swing arms.

Victoria turned to #93 again and said: "Permission to speak revoked, perform when ready!" Then she looked at her audience again and informed them: "Cunt #93 is going to perform solo for you all now. You will be in for some intense moments. This cunt is trained to perform for you until she turns unconscious, at which we'll make sure she survives. She has so far, anyway."

Two blondes came up to the audience and started handing out equipment.

"My assistants will now hand you all a small handgun that is randomly loaded with several injection darts. Feel free to use it anytime you like to decorate this meat. You may aim from where you are seated or walk up close. Only two restrictions: you cannot touch the meat with anything except the barrel of the gun. And please, try to avoid hitting her in the head, anywhere else is fine. The cunt is trained to remove the projectiles and stab them into her titmeat for easy collection later on.

Classical music started to play through the small theatre. #93 climbed on top of the dentist's chair and opened both toolboxes that were placed there by Victoria's assistants. She rummaged through them for a few moments and produced two medium length sharp skewers. They were metal pins with a loop on their ends and #93 stuck her index fingers through the loops. She clasped her fists closed and started slowly stabbing the pointy ends of the pins into her breasts. First from the side, pushing them an inch in, then pulling them out again. Then she pushed them from the underside of her breasts straight up until they came out on top an inch or so behind her areoles. She slid her fingers out of the loops and left the pins in place.

The next thing she took out of the toolbox was a pretty big bowie knife. She traced her jawline with its sharp tip, dragged it down her throat, chest and eventually down to her crotch, where she used it to part her pussy lips. The knife only left a small scratch line where the tip was dragged over her skin.

The girl put the knife down on the chair between her legs and started pulling on her outer labia, stretching them away from her body. Then she turned around and went on her knees. She picked up a small iron rod with a foot long chain on one end. Attached to the chain was a small ball which was covered with sharp spikes. She started hitting herself with it immediately on her lower back and ass. The torture tool broke her skin easily and blood trickled out of the fresh puncture wounds.



Someone in the audience fired their dart gun and the projectiles hit #93 on her ass cheeks. The girl shrieked a little. She dropped the iron rod and pushed her ass up high. With both her hands she spread her ass wide open, exposing her gaping sphincter. It was a clear invitation for the audience to shoot more darts, which they eagerly did. Three more darts with a blue fluid decorated #93's ass now. One of the tacks sat within half an inch of her loose sphincter. It was clear that the audience was waiting for her to go into a different position, because the projectiles stopped coming.

#93 formed a fist with one hand and easily slid it in and out of her gaping ass. When she pulled it out again, she pointed her finger straight at her asshole, but no projectiles were fired. She decided it was time to change things up and pulled the tacks and the single, now empty dart from her ass. One by one she stabbed them into her chest with a quick motion. Then she turned around and sat down straight on the chair again.

The next item she picked from the toolboxes was a small straight razor. She held it in her right hand and stretched her left arm up. Then she started to make shallow cuts to the inside of her left forearm. The slits immediately started bleeding quite profusely. Streams of blood ran down her arms to her shoulders.

She kept her left arm up, licked the blood up where it was streaming down from her elbow to her biceps. She now also started to make cuts to other parts of her body. First a small cut between the tacks that she stabbed into her chest on the top of her left breast. Then she moved down and traced the outline of her left areola with the razor, creating a almost perfect bleeding circle.

A tall black-haired woman in a red latex dress got up from the audience and walked up to #93, who was rubbing the blood from her wounds over her left breast.

"Meat!" the woman commanded. #93 looked up and stopped rubbing. "Cross that circle and make me a nice crosshair target to aim at!" The girl did exactly as she was directed and cut a crosshair pattern across her left areola. The tall woman pressed the barrel of her gun against #93's nipple.

"Cup your silly small excuse for titmeat and press it hard against my gun!" #93 looked up with lust in her eyes and pressed her left nipple against the barrel of the dart gun while keeping intense eye contact with her torturer. As soon as her nipple was tightly pressed against the gun, the tall woman grinned and pulled the trigger. #93's eyes rolled back and she let out a loud moan.

The woman in the latex dress pulled her gun back and commanded the girl again: "Now draw another crosshair for me! Your other nipple. Don't bother with the circle, just the cross will do!"

#93 created another crosshair, but her tormentor wasn't happy yet. "Finish those lines! I want a real X!" she yelled. #93 looked puzzled. "You dumb cunt! Slice your nipple, meat!" she yelled as she aimed at #93's number cutting and pulled the trigger again. Another dart penetrated the girl's skin, but she did not flinch.

Instead she sought intense eye contact once more and placed the razor straight on her right nipple and sliced it from left to right while licking her lips. She finished the cross with a slice from top to bottom. And with blood seeping from her right nipple, she cupped her breast and pushed it against the barrel of the dart gun. The woman in latex spat in #93's face and pulled the trigger again. Then she turned around and returned to her seat.

#93 left the darts in her nipples where they were and laid back on the dentist chair. She was pushing her hips forward and up and stretching her labia again to expose her gaping front cunt. She rubbed one hand over her bleeding ass cheeks and tits, smeared the collected blood over her labia and held the position for a few moments as if she was waiting for something, but nothing happened She then turned around and pushed her ass up again. Almost immediately someone from the audience fired a shot and a dart hit the top of her thigh.

#93 rubbed around the spot where the tack hit her before pulling it out and driving it into her breast. She was starting to get a little bratty and frustrating look on her face and Victoria decided it was time to step in.

"Oh, for god's sake, you're all a bunch of pussies! It's a good thing I threw this party to enlighten you about the endless possibilities to abuse meat! Here, watch this and hopefully things will register with some of you!"

She got up from her chair and walked right up to where #93 was pushing her blood-covered pussy up and out. Without hesitation Victoria shoved the short barrel of the dart gun up #93's pussy and pulled the trigger two times in a row. #93 shrieked and her body jerked up, but she kept her pose.

The audience gasped, but everyone could read the feeling of accomplishment on Lady Victoria's face. "No need to extract those yourself, cunt!" she added. "Now show them how you like to play with your toys!"

#93 looked at her mistress and nodded. She rummaged through her toolboxes again and produced two meat hooks. She sat down with her legs spread and started pushing one of the hooks through her left pussy lip. It took quite some effort, but the hooks had sharp tips and within two minutes or so, she wore a hook through each pussy lip.

She left the dentist's chair and walked over to the three pyramids. Next to each pyramid was a control box. It was used to lift or lower the pyramid. It also controlled the movement and speed of the central cylinder inside the pyramid. Lady Victoria explained the contraption to her audience while #93 placed ankle cuffs on herself and positioned herself on top of the first pyramid.

"This thing is like an extended Judas Cradle. It's very uncomfortable to sit on. #93's ankles will be secured to the floor while she raises the pyramid, pushing her front cunt tightly against the pyramid. To make sure her front cunt hole is open wide, I will hang heavy weights from the meat hooks she just inserted. And the neat thing about these pyramids is that they have a hollow cylindrical center with a fucking machine built in. That machine only has an on/off switch and several different uncontrollable and unstoppable random programs. The only constant is that it will fuck brutally hard and deep for two minutes. The beauty of it all is that you can see the dildos move in and out through the plexiglass pyramids"

#93 was in position on the first pyramid and Lady Victoria secured her ankles to the floor. She also hung weights from the bleeding girl's labia, stretching them out on two sides of the pyramid.

"The dildos increase in size and brutality with each pyramid. The first one is just a big ribbed one covered in toilet brush hairs."

Victoria picked a sample dildo from a box on the floor and showed it to her audience. It looked like an elongated toilet brush. The sturdy rubber core of the dildo was an inch wide at the top and tapered down to about two inches at its base. All around it was covered in rough plastic toilet brush hairs with an additional length of one inch on all sides.

#93 meanwhile used the control box to raise the pyramid on which she sat. With her ankles secured to the bolts in the floor with cuffs and chains, the top of the pyramid pressed harder and harder against her gaping cunt as her legs were stretched down. The metal ankle cuffs bit into the girl's skin as the pyramid reached a height that put her legs on a maximum stretch.

The dildo started slow for the first few seconds, sliding up and down at a leisurely pace. #93 used this startup time to once again push her fingers through the loop ends of the skewers that she had stuck in her breasts. With a swift motion, she pulled the pins all the way out.

As the machine visibly picked up speed over the next thirty seconds, #93 started grunting. The toilet brush dildo was now pushed deeper and deeper into her pussy, grating her sensitive insides with every thrust. The girl used sharp tips of the pins in her hands to scratch the skin of her thighs.

"Swoosh!" A dart shot through the theater, followed by a shriek from #93. The dart landed on the girl's abdomen, about an inch or two left of her belly button.

"Swoosh!" Another one, from a different direction. Another shriek. It punctured the skin of her left thigh. #93 pulled the darts out of her leg and abdomen and stabbed them quickly into her titmeat.

Going into the second minute of the machine's fucking routine, the dildo really picked up speed in its thrusts. Whereas it went pretty deep already from the start, the frequency of the thrusts was now also multiplied. It was now that the audience realized the importance of the ankle straps. The machine was relentless, fucking the full length of the thick toilet brush dildo in and out of the girl like a jackhammer.

#93 dragged the tips of the skewers over her secured thighs again, up to where her pussy was so forcefully violated. She put quite some force into it, breaking the skin with the sharp tips. From her crotch up, she dragged the full length of the skewers over her skin, collecting blood from the streams that were rolling down from her breasts. Coming up from her breasts again, she stuck out her long tongue, licked the blood off of the skewers and stabbed them back into her tits, this time horizontally. For the last few seconds, she just hung limp for the remaining time on the machine's routine.

The girl received a round of applause from her audience when the machine stopped pounding. #93 used the control box to lower the plexiglass pyramid that she was sitting on and Victoria helped by uncuffing her ankles from the floor. The girl kept her ankle cuffs and the chains, but they were simply disconnected from the floor. She slowly walked back to her dentists' chair, dragging the long chains over the floor, the weights on her pussy lips clicking together with every step.

Once back on the chair, she sat down and produced a dozen more metal pins similar to the ones she used to scratch her skin with. She put them in a small metal bowl, together with some pieces of cork. The pins were still individually wrapped. #93 lay down on the chair and placed the collected pins on her stomach. She pulled up her left leg and unwrapped one of the pins. Slowly she brought it down to where the top of her thigh met her ass cheek and slid the pin into her skin. The sharp tip went in on one side and popped up several inches away. #93 placed a piece of cork on the sharp end of the skewer and pushed it further into her skin until the loop ring on the other end bumped into her skin.

One after the other followed and the girl decorated the back of her thighs with five skewers each. When they were all in, she went on her hands and knees again and pushed her ass out towards the audience. She placed the small metal bowl under her body. Her fingers traced the pins that were freshly inserted into the back of her thighs, pressing down to feel the rods under her skin.

A man in the audience thought #93's pussy lips looked too inviting not to be played with, stretched down as they were by the weights that were hanging from them. He got up and walked over to the girl on the chair. She slapped her ass a couple of times and he watched her every move carefully. Knowing full well that he wasn't allowed to touch the girl with anything other than the barrel of his dart gun, he placed the cold tip of the gun in the back of her neck. Slowly, oh so slowly, he dragged it down her spine while her hands reached down and rubbed her pussy.

The barrel of the gun eventually reached the girl's pelvis and the man traced his weapon between her butt cheeks down to her stretched pussy lips. #93 was moaning and still rubbing her clit and finger-fucking herself as the man dragged the cold metal over her back and between her legs.



The man pulled his gun back and fired twice at #93's crotch. The girl let out two high-pitched shrieks, but didn't stop playing with herself. After the man walked off the stage again and returned to his seat, the girl picked up the remaining two skewers from the metal bowl and knocked the bowl off the chair. It fell to the ground with a muted bang.

#93 turned on her back again, placed the two skewers on her belly and used her fingers to find the two darts that had just been fired at her pussy. She found them both in her stretched labia and pulled them out, only to stab them into her breasts next to the previous darts that had been fired at her. She picked up the two skewers from her belly and removed their wraps. Like with the first two skewers that she had pushed into her breasts, she pushed her index fingers through the loops on the end and made two fists. Stabbing at her breasts again, she made half a dozen shallow puncture wounds between all the darts that were collected there. Satisfied with the fresh blood flow, she once again stabbed the skewers all the way through her tits right behind her areoles. The new ones formed a cross with the first two that had been pierced through horizontally.

The girl got up from the chair and slowly made her way back over to the plexiglass pyramids. Victoria was already waiting for her at the second pyramid, with a flogger in her hands. #93 wanted to climb on top of it, but Victoria stopped her.

"Show our guests which toy you will be using for this next part!"

#93 used the control box to raise the second dildo through the plexiglass pyramid until it stood fierce on top.

"Look at that!" Victoria exclaimed. "10 inches of agony! While this one may not be as long as the previous one, it is certainly more painful."

Victoria continued to describe the dildo to her audience. Apparently it was custom made from a sturdy plastic. 10 inches long and two-and-a-half inches thick over its full length, the whole surface of the red invader was covered with very small plastic bumps that ranged from sharp to blunt. Spaced out randomly along its full length were also twenty very short metal spikes. Even though they were pointy, they were not very sharp. The thing about them was that the fucking machine could heat them to very unpleasant temperatures.

After lowering the dildo back into the pyramid, #93 positioned herself on top, carefully hanging the weights from her pussy lips on either side of the pyramid. Victoria once again assisted by connecting the chains on the girl's ankle cuffs to bolts in the floor. With the control box, the second pyramid was pulled up to a height that had the girl's legs stretched to their max again. What Victoria now also did, was cuff #93's wrists to a hook that she lowered from the ceiling. Pulling the hook slightly up again, stretched the girl's hands and arms high above her head.

#93, now pulled tightly against the plexiglass pyramid with her hands also tied and stretched above her head, was unable to start the fucking machine herself. Victoria took this task upon herself and as soon as the dildo started its movement, she picked up the flogger that she had put down previously to secure the girl's ankles to the floor.

The bound girl on top of the pyramid started moaning and wailing as soon as the thick, spiked dildo pushed up inside her. From the get-go it grated her pussy from the inside, even though the speed was still timid in the first thirty seconds.

It became quickly apparent to the audience why Victoria secured the girl's arms above her head: she needed #93's chest and back to be free for a severe flogging session. Victoria started with the girl's back, letting the strands of the flogger rain down. Her bare skin reddened almost instantly as Victoria didn't hold back whatsoever.

As the brutal dildo picked up speed and started a relentless pounding at the start of the second minute, Victoria switched to #93's front side, smacking the flogger mostly down on the girl's breasts, occasionally getting the strands of the flogger tangled in the skewers and darts that decorated the skin. Several of the darts were whipped out of the girl's skin as the flogger reddened #93's chest, spreading the blood from the many puncture wounds everywhere.

With the pounding dildo slowly lowering its pace, Victoria's flogger smacks intensified and by the time the machine stoppped, only the two skewers in each breast remained in place, the other sharps had been whipped off.

By that time, #93 had already been hanging limp in her restraints for over fifteen seconds. Victoria wasn't in a hurry. She slowly walked over to the supplies near the dentists' chair and produced a small bottle and a piece of cloth from one of the bags there.

Walking back over to her bloodslut meat, she couldn't help but sigh.

"See, this is what happens from time to time. It gets intense. Girl passes out. But no worries, I'll have her back for you in no time."

After opening the bottle, she poured some of its contents on the white cloth that she also brought. She then pressed the cloth under #93's nose and held it there for a few seconds.

This roused the girl almost instantly and she started breathing heavily and straining against her bonds.

"Calm, dear," Victoria addressed her. "Welcome back. We'd like to see the rest of your little show."

Victoria lowered the hook that raised the girl's wrist cuffs and took those cuffs off of her. #93 then used the control box herself to lower the pyramid that she was on, before Victoria unhooked the ankle chains from the bolts in the floor.

#93 used the control box of the dildo once more and let the invader, covered in slime and blood, pop up once again above the pyramid. She twisted it at its base a couple of times until it came off.

The girl looked a little dazed and confused, but somehow managed to pick up the dildo and stumble back to her dentists' chair for the final part of her performance. Little streams of blood ran down the inside of her thighs from her grated pussy.

Once at the chair, she put the dildo down and went on her hands and knees, pushing her ass out at the audience once again. She started fingering herself, first three fingers and before long her whole right hand disappeared behind her loose sphincter. She fucked it in and out a couple of times, readying her ass for what was about to come next.

Gaping wide, she positioned the dildo that had just previously ravaged her pussy against her asshole. And using both hands, she slowly started a fucking motion to push the brutal dildo into her ass.

Victoria walked over to the girl with some more supplies, including a pump of lube. She waited until #93 pulled the dildo fully out again and squirted a huge amount of lube into the girl's gaping asshole. The dildo went back against the hole and with a slow fucking motion, the girl managed to get at least half of the thick rod in.

Victoria decided to help her out and took over the effort on the dildo, while the girl spread her ass cheeks as wide as she could with her hands. Fucking in and out, the dildo slowly but surely disappeared completely into the pain slut's ass.

Now the audience got to see what the ring piercings in #93's sphincter were really useful for: Victoria used a short length of thick rope and threaded it through all three rings, tying them neatly together, so that the dildo would not be able to slip out again.

With the thick and spiky invader secured inside her ass, #93 turned on her back again on the dentists' chair. She was almost ready for her third ride on a fucking machine, but had some other business to attend to first.

Victoria stepped to the side again, going back over to the third of the pyramids that would shortly be mounted by her slut for her final and most brutal penetration yet.

#93 meanwhile pulled a large square mirror that was mounted one of the arms of the dentists' chair. She pulled it close to her face and looked at herself for a few moments. Then she turned around to one of her bags and rummaged through them. She produced another small metal tray, a bunch of packaged needles and skewers and a glass dildo.

One by one, she opened the individually wrapped needles and two skewers and placed them on the tray. These needles were fairly thick, she used 19G ones with white Luer connectors. When she decided she had enough pins in her tray, she put it down in front of her mirror and looked at herself again. She picked up one of the needles and brought it up to her face. The audience watched in silence.

The girl opened her mouth. Wide. And she slowly maneuvered the sharp tip of the needle into her mouth. Turning the needle towards her right cheek, she slowly pushed it out through the skin of her cheek, about an inch behind her lips. The needle slid through her skin like a knife through butter and it didn't even produce a drop of blood. She repeated the process on her other cheek and pushed both needles out until the caps on the inside pushed against her cheeks.

She turned her face left and right to admire her work and then she moved on to the next part. She picked up another one of the needles and brought it up to her face. Instead of moving it into her mouth, this time she stuck out her long tongue and traced her upper and lower lip with it. Puckering up her wetted lips, she slowly pushed the needle through the right corner of her upper lip. Instead of leaving it in, she immediately pulled it out again, only to stab it in half an inch to the left.

In contrast with her cheeks, her lips started bleeding immediately when she pulled the needles out. She licked her lips again and swallowed the blood. Her upper lip was just the start. #93 also stabbed the needle through her bottom lip three times before putting it down in her tray again.

She picked up her glass dildo and started sucking it off, spreading the blood from her lips all over it, smearing it over her cheeks and face.

A handsome man got up in the audience. Apparently there was someone who still had some darts to shoot, as he prominently held his dart gun as he walked up to the stage. #93 didn't pay much attention to him until he was right in front of her. She just kept sucking on her blood-covered dildo.

The man teased her with the gun, which made her stop sucking for a moment. As he ran the barrel of his weapon over her ribcage up to her breasts, he briefly paused to press it against the girl's bloodstained nipples.

She looked down and closed her eyes in anticipation of the sharp pain that was about to come. But the man changed his mind. He kept tracing her body up to her collarbone, to her throat, her chin and finally her bleeding lips. Involuntarily, she opened up and he slowly pushed the barrel of his gun into her mouth.

Victoria held her breath, but she did not say anything. Yet. The whole room was quiet and filled with tension.

The man clearly enjoyed the tension as he waited at least ten seconds before he broke the silence, watching drops of blood fall from the girl's mouth.

"Suck it first!" he commanded.

#93 opened her eyes and looked up at the man who shoved his dart gun in her mouth. She performed a sloppy and bloody fellatio on his weapon, covering it in blood and spit.

He let her continue for another minute or so before he ordered her to stop, the barrel of his gun deep in her mouth on the edge of her throat.

"Close your eyes!" he barked.

She did as she was told. At this point, everyone in the theater was at the edge of their seat, wondering if this guy was really going to break Victoria's cardinal rule.

Then he pulled the trigger.

Victoria rushed forward to the other end of the stage and started screaming at the man next to #93. The girl was coughing up spit and blood after the man had pulled his weapon from her mouth again.

"What the fuck, Karl!" Victoria yelled as she came up next to him and pulled the gun from his hands. "I told you guys! Not her head! What the bloody fuck?!" Noise erupted in the room as several people in the audience got up from their seats and moved towards the stage.

"Relax," the guy interrupted her calmly. It was just air. I ran out of darts before she even went on that machine. I just thought I'd mess with her head a little.

"Unacceptable!" she yelled. "Damn, man, I don't lay down some rules for nothing."

There was a moment of silence in the theater as everyone processed what had just happened. #93 had caught her breath again and sat up on her chair.

"Please leave." Victoria broke the silence, pointing off stage and to the back of the spacious room. "And don't expect to come back here again!"

Visibly upset, the man turned around and made his way off the stage, where he was grabbed by the shoulder and forcefully escorted to the exit by two other men from the audience.

Victoria tended to her girl, who was a little shaken, but determined to continue her show. Victoria turned around and faced the audience.

"Friends," she started. "This is completely unacceptable. However, #93 has decided that she will finish the performance for the rest of you. So please take your seats for the finale!"

The noise in the room quieted down after everyone was back in their seats and #93 composed herself.

She faced the mirror again and picked up the needle that she had previously used to puncture her lips. She opened her mouth, stuck out her tongue and drove the sharp point of the needle straight through her tongue from the underside. Just like with the piercings of her cheeks and lips, she did not even flinch.

Two other needles followed in her tongue, which she still kept pushed out of her mouth. The girl flicked her tongue around her mouth a few times while looking at herself in the mirror. She decided it was time to move on.

First, she removed all three needles from her tongue at once, dropping them into her metal tray. Licking her bloody lips, she picked up one of the two skewers from the tray and stabbed it into her cheek from the right side. Looking closely in the mirror, she aligned the tip of the skewer with her tongue and pushed it straight through, sliding the skewer also through her cheek on the other side.

Now her bleeding tongue was effectively trapped by the skewer in her cheeks, she closed her mouth and took the three needles she previously used for her tongue. One by one they went through her closed lips, sealing her mouth shut with the sharp pins. All three needles received a cork as a back stop under her lower lip.

The girl pushed the mirror away and slowly got up from her dentists' chair to make her way over to her final destination, the third plexiglass pyramid with the fucking machine inside it. She moved slow this time. Undoubtedly hindered by her exhaustion, blood loss and the massive torture dildo up her ass. The chains from the cuffs on her ankles also didn't help.

Lady Victoria followed her to the leftmost pyramid and helped her get on top. Once again, #19's pussy lips were spread to the sides of the pyramid, weights stretching them down on opposing sides. The chains running from her ankle cuffs were secured to bolts in the floor as well, before #93 used the control box to raise the pyramid to uncomfortable heights.

Once the girl had her legs stretched taut, Victoria once again cuffed her wrists and used a hook from the ceiling to stretch her arms up above her head.

"Now before I let her ride this monster, I will have to show it to you all," Victoria told the audience. She opened the box that she had previously grabbed the first dildo from.

"This shiny creation here is called 'The Twister' or 'The Rake'."

She held a shiny metal tube up to the audience. At over 14 inches long, it was much more impressive in length than the previous dildo that was now securely lodged inside #93's ass.

"This rake goes deep. And it twists. It is designed to grind the inside of any hole that is unfortunate enough to be invaded by it."

She pointed at the thick head of the dildo.

"As you can see, the tip of this dildo is covered with sturdy bristles like the toilet brush dildo that you've seen before. But these aren't all made of plastic. Several dozens of them are made of unforgiving metal. Then further down the length of its shaft, you see four rings with short but sharp metal spikes running all around. These rings rotate independently of the head of the tube. That's why it's called the Twister. Combined with the fucking motion of the machine, this tube will drag the spikes over the inside of her pussy, raking away at her skin, so to speak."

She turned the torture device around, letting her audience get a good look at it from all sides before putting it back down in the box.

"By the way, these lovely custom toys are available for order if you'd like! And in the true style of this performance, the flogger that I will be using, is of the 'cutter' variety: braided in with the strands of the flogger are dozens of very sharp pieces of metal, designed only to cut through skin and draw blood. Let's start!"

With those final words, Victoria pressed a button on the machine's control box, starting #93's final two minute ride on the unforgiving fucking machine.

Partially muted by the skewer through her tongue and the needles keeping her lips shut, #93 didn't produce as much noise as the first two rounds on the relentless machines. Victoria used the mean cutting flogger immediately from the get-go, starting her work on the girl's back. From her shoulders down to her filled ass, the sharp pieces of metal braided in the flogger cut the restrained girl's skin. Blood ran down her back in streams within half a minute.

Now to give the audience a grand final of this performance, Victoria once again worked over the girl's abdomen and chest with the flogger. This time, there were no darts to whip off. And even though the strands of the flogger sometimes got caught on the four skewers that were still crossing #93's breasts, Victoria really managed to get a good beating going, breaking the skin of her breasts all over the place, causing her to bleed profusely.

The audience looked on in amazement. Even though Lisa was experienced in bloodplay with her own subs, she had never actually connected her spiked dildos to a fucking machine. This was really something else. Her only thought was that she just HAD to have a girl like this. Maybe she'd be lucky with tomorrow's auction. Just imagine a double fucking machine that could also work her ass over simultaneously...

As Lisa's thoughts drifted away thinking of the possibilities with a young new bloodslut at her mansion, the girl hung limp from her wrist restraints again. Streams of blood ran from her tits, over her abs, down to her pussy and onto the plexiglass pyramid. Victoria didn't stop her flogging, though. At this point, almost at the end of the machine's brutal grating of her insides, this was Victoria's last use of this girl. At 19, she was pretty young to retire from her services, but Victoria knew that she needed to move on to other places, looking for new extremes. Here, it wouldn't get better than this. She'd taught her everything she knew.

As the machine stopped its pounding and retracted the devilish dildo into the center of the pyramid, Victoria delivered one final blow to her bloodslut's chest and then put her flogger down.

The lights on stage went off and the video projection screen came down again from the ceiling, obstructing the audience's view of #93 and her ordeal. A slide show of photos featuring the last girl of the night was about to start. It served as a prelude to the most extreme nipple torture session that Victoria had ever performed to date.


Chapter Four: Number 19


As the stage was readied for the final act of the night, the projector showed the last couple of images. The audience watched photos of various methods of torture on the long nipples of one and the same girl. All photos were dated and they seemed to be in order from 2001 until 2010.

While the torture grew more severe over the years, the girl's nipples seemed to grow in size and length. Whereas the early 2000s photos seemed to focus on just clamps and weights to stretch her nipples, the later years involved many tissue scarring techniques to really promote enlarging and growth.

The projection screen was pulled up again and Victoria walked back on stage, pulling her next meat forward to the center of the stage by a leash that was attached to a collar around her neck. The young woman was not as skinny as the last girl, but she definitely fit in with Victoria's type. Her waist was tiny, but her hips were the widest the audience had seen on stage tonight and she sported a pair of double D tits that were totally out of proportion with her schoolgirl waist. She was only wearing a black leather bra and collar and her long bright blonde hair was pulled back in a ponytail.

"Front viewing position!" Victoria barked.

The girl followed the command. Behind the two women, two assistants started tweaked the furniture that was installed for the upcoming session.

"This cunt here is #19. She has been in my service for over eight years now. I know, you wouldn't have guessed it, but yes, this meat is 28 years old. I regularly retire my meat earlier, but we were on a mission, so to speak. And even though she has developed more curves than I usually like on my meat, don't you agree that her rigorous fitness schedule has kept her nice and tight despite her age?"

Victoria waited a few seconds and then stepped towards the girl and removed her leather bra. This evoked some sounds from the audience as #19's magnificent trained nipples went on display.

"After twelve years of pumping, stretching and scarring she managed to get them to be like this. Even though I can only take credit for the past eight years, I am excited to show you this," Victoria announced proudly.

#19's breasts were large, though natural, but her nipples were out of this world. They were fully erect, wide as a finger and stood tall on top of her small areoles.

"Yes, they are real. And yes, they are over two inches long," Victoria enlightened the onlookers as she squeezed and pulled on #19's nipples.

"Tonight her udders will be tortured in ways that some of you might not believe. I have played hard with them before... as those photographs have shown, but tonight will truly be special. Let's get our titmeat in position!

Several assistants helped Victoria get #19 in position. One of the assistants lubed up two inflatable dildos and before long they were fitted inside #19's front and back cunt, with just the rubber tube and pump hanging down. The assistant finished her job by unceremoniously clamping an alligator clamp on #19's clit and sealing her inner labia with a handful of safety pins. Her outer labia each received a neatly spaced set of interconnected alligator clamps with weights dangling from a chain.

Next, #19 was fitted with a spreader bar between both her knees and ankles. Her wrists were secured behind her back and several leather straps also bound her arms together. Victoria buckled the wrist straps to a tight belt that crushed #19's waist just below her protruding ribcage.

After Victoria snapped castration bands around her areoles, #19's breasts were bound tightly at the base with a thick elastic rope. Victoria bound them individually into balls on top of her meat's chest and used a metal ring strap to really compress the flesh where #19's breasts met her chest plate. The ring straps were similar to the ones used to keep drainpipes in place against the wall of a house. When Victoria finished tightening the wingnuts, the skin of #19's breasts was so stretched taut that it looked glazy. The bound orbs were already turning purple from the tight bondage, but Victoria hadn't even started yet.

She continued her prep by placing a piece of bondage furniture in front of #19. It was a metal and wooden contraption consisting of a height-adjustable cube of wood and something that would be best described as a 'breast locker'. The locker consisted of two parts, one detachable top part and a bottom that was connected to the metal frame that also supported the block of wood. When put together, the two parts of the locker formed a wooden panel with two circular holes in them.

#19's breasts were put through the semi-circles of the bottom part and the top part was put over them, so that her body was on one side of the panel, her compressed titmeat on the other side. Victoria locked the two parts in place with metal pins and screws, making it basically impossible for #19 to even wiggle her tits. The panel reached to the slave's collarbones, so she could very well still see exactly what was going on with her breasts.

Finally, Victoria produced an oversized rubber ball gag and wedged it between #19's teeth while one of the assistants placed one final item nearby: a fire bowl with glowing embers and several iron rods in it.

"I'm not going to blindfold you, meat!" Victoria barked at #19. "I want you to watch and listen as I prepare and perform one brutal torture after another on your magnificent titmeat. I will be describing everything I do in minute detail, so our audience knows exactly what I am inflicting on you."

"Before we start, I will inject your tits with some irritant that will give you an annoying burning sensation the whole time," Victoria said while she rubbed her left hand over #19's bound tits. In her other hand was an oversized syringe with a hypodermic needle. She inserted the needle deep into the bound breasts of #19 and slowly pulled it out while squeezing a colorless fluid into her slave's body. #19's eyes were closed as the needle slid in.

It took a few seconds, but then #19 started moaning. Victoria just continued her injections all around #19's breasts, injecting the fluid from all sides while slowly pulling the needle out again. Some droplets of blood formed on the surface of the meat's skin, but there wasn't much to speak of, yet.

Victoria finished up her rounds by inserting the long needle all the way up #19's nipples, straight from the front. It took a little effort to line the needle up straight with the long two-inch nipples, but it seemed like Victoria had done this before; it was done quickly. First #19's left nipple, then her right, was also injected with the irritant fluid while Victoria slowly pulled the needle out again.

"Now first, while this irritant sets in, I'll make your meat nice and tender. Literally," she said as she put the syringe away and adjusted the wooden block of the bondage furniture so that #19's long nipples were laying on the flat top surface with the edge of the wood pressing into #19's areoles.

Victoria rummaged through some tools that were prepared for her and produced a meat tenderizer. It was a thick metal hammer with ribbed and ridged sides on the head. Together with it came four fairly thick nails.

"This is just to make sure those nipples won't move or slip too much while I play with them, dear," Victoria assured her meat while she positioned the first of the nails on top of #19's left areole. Without any delay, Victoria smacked her hammer down and nailed her meat to the wooden block that she was tied against. Each areole received two nails, left and right of each nipple.

"Gotta make sure that we can still insert something into your tits through your nipples, so I won't hammer any nails behind your nipples, meat!"

When the nails were to Victoria's liking, she started banging the meat hammer down on #19's nipples themselves. First alternating between left and right, the intensity of the smacks increased until Victoria gave three full-force blows in a row. First on the left, then on the right. #19 wailed behind her gag and tears were rolling down her cheeks. In addition to dark purple tits, she now also sported a face that was red from all the intensity.

"Oh my, my little meat, we're just getting started." Victoria cooed to #19. She put her hammer down.

"You know, I have a couple of different treatments for you tonight," she informed her slavegirl and the audience. "To make sure I do not waste too much of this delicious meat at once, I will have to make sure I draw within the lines. Literally, again!" She laughed.

"So let me get to those lines!"

Victoria picked up a small two-coil tattoo machine with black ink and used it to segment #19's elongated nipples with dark lines.

"There we are. Six parts of 10 millimeters," she pointed out when she was done after a little while. #19 was sobbing all the way through.

Victoria now addressed her audience again: "I have marked my meat and will now proceed to torture one segment at a time. As you may have noticed, this meat is sobbing and whining a lot. I hope it will not be too much of a distraction. If she does pass out during treatment, I will get her conscious again before I continue. Between each segment, I will also decorate the bound titmeat that is attached to these magnificent nipples."

Starting off the real work, Victoria lighted a cigar and took a few drags. The smell of smoke immediately filled the air around the stage.

"This is my good-bye to these tits. What memories are imprinted in your skin and in my mind," she mused as she took a couple more drags from her cigar.

"I know how much you love sharp pain. The burn. The heat," she hissed with her mouth close to #19's head.

All of a sudden, she pressed the burning cigar down on the woman's left breast until it was extinguished. #19 let out a high scream through her ball gag. Victoria quickly lit the cigar again and repeated her action on the other bound breast. Another high scream.

"Let's see how your nipples like some heat!" Victoria lit two cigars and simultaneously put them out on #19's nipples. The young woman moaned.

"I don't think that's hot enough for you," the mistress assessed. She turned around and picked up two of the glowing iron rods from the fire bowl behind her. The tips were white hot and Victoria positioned them right in front of #19's nipples, then she slowly shoved them forward.

The girl trashed in her bondage and shrieked into her gag as Victoria pressed the hot tips of the glowing iron rods down on the first segment that she marked on #19's nipples. She seared the nipples and the girl was crying her eyes out in pain, screaming frantically, trying to get the gag out of her mouth. Her nipples, burned and bleeding, felt like they had been torn off. But that wasn't really the case yet. Victoria knew that her painslut would have the privilege to know exactly what that sensation was like before the night was done.

She put the iron rods back in the glowing embers and called an assistant over. The naked girl from the first session joined her on stage. The two quickly exchanged words.

"We started this segment with cigars," Victoria enlightened her audience, "we will end the segment with something related to it."

She produced a cigar cutter and showed it to her audience and to her meat, whose eyes almost bugged out of her skull.

"To finish off the tips of this meat's nipples, I will have to remove them, so I can work on the next segment. My assistant here will burn my meat's nipples shut after I cut their tips off. I don't need her to bleed out, there will be plenty of blood to come!"

"First we do her left," she informed her assistant, who was standing by with one of the glowing hot iron rods.

Victoria placed her straight cigar cutter over the tip of her meat's nipple and unceremoniously pressed the two blades together, cutting the tip of #19's left nipple clean off. Blood gushed out of the fresh wound and #19 screamed at the top of her lungs and trashed her arms in their restraints. The assistant didn't wait long, but pressed the hot tip of the glowing iron rod against #19's bleeding nipple to cauterize it. Almost simultaneously, Victoria cut the tip off of #19's right nipple as well. After the cauterization on this side, the two little pieces of meat lay on the wooden platform in front of the magnificent nipples that they had previously been part of.

Even though #19 screamed and strained against her bonds because of the intense pain, she didn't completely panic.

"Now look at that!" Victoria exclaimed. "Good meat! Isn't this what we trained for all those years?"

"You have to know," she continued to the audience, "Even though I'm sure it's overwhelming for her to deal with right now, what I am performing on her is something that she has asked me to do all those years ago when I first got her in my care. She was only 20 then, a young but experienced masochist. Her nipples were quite large even then. She'd been experimenting for years by herself. The deal was to train them for six more years and then torture them so extremely that they'd have to be amputated. It took us another two years, but finally her night is here."

Victoria turned around again and fetched four long and thick meat skewers and her meat tenderizer hammer. Where the previous girl, the bloodslut, used small but sharp skewers, these were much thicker and longer and not as sharp at the tip. Victoria pressed the tip down in the middle of #19's bulging left breast and smacked the hammer down. Two taps later, the full length of the skewer had shot through her breast. Victoria placed another one right next to the first and pierced #19's left breast with two skewers before repeating the procedure on her meat's right breast.

"Now for the second segment, I have something really nice," Victoria said. "I'm going to put a short metal pin up your nipples from the front and I'm going to heat those pins at the same time. #71! Two blowtorches!" she barked.

While the assistant picked up two small blowtorches, Victoria took two metal pins, basically two very thick needles, and stabbed them into #19's nipples, straight from the front through the cauterized skin. She pushed them halfway in, which meant that an inch of the metal went into the nipples, the other inch remained outside.

Assistant #71 lighted two small blowtorches. They were the kind that chefs used to create nice creme brulees in the kitchen. Now Victoria used them quite differently. As soon as she started heating the two pins in #19's nipples, the pain slut started wailing through her gag. Her arms twitched as much as they could as the pins in her nipples were heated to the extreme.

"Now now, let's make you feel the full extent of this heat, you pig!" Victoria laughed. Everyone in the room could see that the true sadist in her came out at this point.

"In a few seconds," she continued to enlighten her slave and the audience, "I'm going to burn off the next segment of your nipples -- that's right, I'm going to use the blowtorches to literally burn off part of your nipples!"

Victoria first put down her blowtorches and picked up some pliers to remove the hot pins that were just used to heat the inside of #19's nipples. As soon as they were out and Victoria had picked up the torches again, she moved both simultaneously in front of #19's nipples and started burning away at the tips of the nipples.

The skin of the nipples discolored fast from this new torture method. It also produced a sizzling sound and a nauseating smell in the room. First the skin reddened, but then it quickly burnt off and charred. #19's wailing stopped as she passed out from the extreme amount of pain that this torture inflicted. The woman's body hung limp in her bondage, her head to the side. Victoria didn't stop, though. She kept aiming the torch directly at the tips of #19's nipples until most of the segment she was working on was burnt away.

#71 took the blowtorches from Victoria when she was done and Victoria picked up a scalpel to tidy up the segment of #19's nipples that she just removed.

"Get ready to cauterize the skin again!" she commanded #71, who again readied a glowing hot iron rod from the fire basket nearby.

Using the scalpel with precision, Victoria cut off the charred tips of #19's nipples with neat straight strokes. More sizzling sounds filled the room as the iron rod seared the bleeding cuts closed.

"The stupid meat has fallen asleep!" Victoria complained. "That kind of behavior will not go unpunished!" she added as she rummaged through some supplies to fetch the smelling salts that she promised #19 in case she'd lose consciousness.

The substance worked wonders and #19 was back in the land of the living within moments, coughing and moaning instantly as the ammonia woke her up.

"Cunt!" Victoria addressed her, pulling her head back by her hair. "Was it so boring that you fell asleep? I will keep that in mind for the next part. Look at your nipples! Look! I burned them down a little, but I cleaned up the mess. We're almost halfway done now, dear! You know where we're at? I'm going to decorate your nice full tits some more before I continue with your udder tips!"

As if it was scripted, #71 produced a nail gun from the supplies at hand and gave the tool to Victoria, who placed it to the side of #19's left breast and pulled the trigger. Holding the gun in one hand, she picked up the pliers she just used to pull the pins from her sub's nipple and pulled the nail out of the woman's breast to show her audience what kind of nail she was shooting into her meat's tits. A thin stream of blood ran from the puncture wound.

"Look here," the mistress explained, "I'm going to shoot some of these nails into her tits now. This is a nice carpenter's tool. The nails are fairly thick and long, see?" She held up the nail, which was almost two inches long and fairly thick.

Over the next few minutes, Victoria shot eight of the nails into each purple bound breast before focusing her attention back on the wailing girl's nipples.

"For the next part of your nipples, I will use some of your favorites: fish hooks and needles!" she smiled at her sub. After rummaging through some supplies, Victoria produced a total of six fish hooks. One by one, she pulled them through the next marked segment of her meat's nipples, three in a row next to each other in each nipple. All fish hooks had small but sturdy chains connected to them and Victoria draped them in front of her sub over the wooden platform that #19's nipples were on.

#71 assisted again by handing several heavy metal weights to Victoria, who let those weights dangle off the chains on the other end of the wooden surface, stretching #19's nipples with the pull of the weights.

"Do you remember," she started asking her sub, "a couple of years ago, when we played this same game?"

Of course there was no response from #19. But the girl did very well know what was coming next.

Victoria picked up a riding crop and started smacking it down on #19's tits and nipples. She'd instructed her assistant #71 to keep adding weights to the chains connected to the fish hooks.

With two weights, the fish hooks already started tearing at the skin they were threaded through. Victoria had opened a container with capped needles and started pushing them into the segment of #19's nipples that was now tortured with the fish hooks. She basically aligned as many needles exactly on the black tattoo line marking the end of this third segment of torture. When she couldn't fit any more needles, she just randomly stuck them between the fish hooks. All the while, #71 kept adding weights to the chains from the fish hooks.

Three weights was really the maximum that the skin could bear. It didn't even take five weights on the chains to get the effect Victoria ultimately desired. #71 added the fourth weight simultaneously to the two nipples and slowly but surely, as Victoria kept smacking her crop down on the stretched nipple meat, the fish hooks started ripping out of the skin. The weight was simply too much for the nipple meat that started to look like ground beef at this point. First one hook from #19's left nipple was ripped out, followed quickly by the rest on that side. The right nipple held on a little longer. It took some smacks with the crop to the hanging weights to also make those hooks rip out.

#19's nipples were bleeding excessively at this point, but Victoria was on a roll and didn't even think about stopping her torture. In her mind, it was time to finish these nipples off with a bang. The fish hooks hadn't even been ripped out for more than a few seconds, when she nodded to her assistant and used some strong smacks of her riding crop to whack the needles in #19's nipples out of the skin.

At this point, everything around #19's tits was basically covered in splatters of blood. Every smack of Victoria's crop spread drops of blood all around and the blood kept oozing out of #19's wounds. The pain slut didn't even wail anymore at this point. Her throat produced an almost constant deep, low moan.

Assistant #71 apparently got the signal to bring in some bigger equipment, because she returned with a mechanical power drill, plugged in to an extension cord. She pulled the trigger switch a couple of times to make the machine's loud noise fill the room before handing the tool to Victoria.

"My apologies," Victoria addressed her audience again, "The next part will be a little loud and messy. But I like my girls loud and messy."

She pressed the tip of the drill into the next segmented part of #19's left nipple and pulled the trigger switch. What a mess it became now. The power drill didn't need a lot of force to slice through the meat of the nipple tearing it apart with every push, pull and move. Victoria drilled three holes into the left nipple before moving on to the right nipple, which was also mangled by the device.

When Victoria stepped away again for a second, the ravaged tips of #19's abused nipples were bleeding heavily in a pool of blood on top of the wooden surface. It looked like Victoria had destroyed two segments at once in her enthusiasm; #19's nipples were now barely past regular length for a grown woman with erect nipples.

The mistress handed her power tool back to her assistant and assessed the situation. She had indeed destroyed more tissue with the power drill than she had planned. She'd have to skip the next part of the torture and move on to the finale immediately. She quickly exchanged a few words with her assistant who had returned from putting the drill down. #71 nodded and stepped away again to fetch the next tool of torture.

Victoria herself used the scalpel again to cut off the strands of shredded meat and skin that were hanging from her sub's nipples. When she was done, she'd reached the final segment, the last 10 millimeters to #19's areoles. Victoria turned some knobs to lower the wooden cube that #19's nipples were previously laying on. The wooden surface was a big mess, covered in blood and strands and chunks of tissue that had been, cut, drilled, ripped, beaten and burnt. Victoria lowered it at least eight to ten inches in preparation of what was coming next.

#19's nipples, or what was left of them, were still bleeding profusely, streams of blood now streaming down her bound breasts and dripping down on the wood below. The assistant returned with a pre-constructed contraption that was placed in front #19. What it came down to was basic and simple: two power drills side by side, fitted with abrasive wire wheels and mounted in a height-adjustable frame. The tools were powered with an extension cord and could be moved back and forth; towards and away from #19's tits.

Victoria aligned the two tools with #19's tits and turned them on. She locked the triggers, so that the machines kept rotating the abrasive wire wheels. Everyone in the audience was at the tip of their chairs again. Except for the loud machines and #19's noises, there was no sound in the room. Victoria put on a pair of protective plastic lab glasses before she slowly slid the two power tools toward her meat's areoles.

As soon as the metal wire bristles touched the last segment of #19's nipples, blood splattered all around. The rotating wire wheels went so fast, that blood flew several feet away from #19's chest. Victoria laughed as she pushed harder, grinding the tools against her bound sub's tits and grating the last bits of nipple away. She was sprayed with blood as she performed this last bit of extreme torture on her sub, who had slipped into unconsciousness yet again. Then the lights went off on stage.


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Sparty Party

Most of the people on the street looked up as I drove past. They were drawn by the sound, like that of a huge angry bear on steroids. My Pype bomb exhaust system announced the presence of my blacked out 2014 Mustang 5.0. People walking down the street had several reactions. Most smiled in appreciation at the automotive masterpiece that was my favorite vehicle of all time. A smaller number, actually stopped what they were doing and stood in slack jawed worship. Those were the faithful, the ones...

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The Grimoire Part 3 Marie Alexandra Victoria

Returning home from Egypt and a long week with Cleopatra, Agnes and I did very little but sleep for two days. I had lingering dreams of the Queen of the Nile. Visions of her beautiful naked body haunted my sleep. My mind kept replaying videos of Agnes and Cleo wrapped together moaning as their tongues brought one orgasm after another.The constant dreams kept me in an almost continuous state of arousal. Because Agnes and I never wore any clothes to bed, I was awakened several times by my sweet...

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Sexual Adventures in Victoria

Back in the 80's we decided to spend a week or so driving round Victoria stopping were the feeling took us and visiting the beauty spots, it also gave me the chance to run in my new BMW 7 Series. Of course we would also be on the lookout for a special someone to enhance our sex life along the way, preferably young, hung and horny.As usual the summers were beautiful though a bit too hot inland, so we decided to head towards Lakes Entrance, Bairnsdale area to start with and return by the ferry...

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Victoria - by Miss Vicky My name is Vicki, well that is not entirely correct, my name is actually Jim, but I now answer most of the time to this new name given me by my Mistress. I am writing this account explaining how this came to be at the behest of my Mistress. As I enter this into my computer, I am wearing a lacy pink baby doll nightie with matching panties. My Mistress is sitting beside me dictating what to write. Every now and then she strokes my panty covered cock to...

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Frontiers Flint MurdockChapter 13 Queen Victoria

Rebecca and I waited to order breakfast until Rosie and Cayuse came down to join us. Rosie was a little flushed, Cayuse looked the same. The Bighorn had eggs that morning, went good with salt pork and biscuits and honey. Rosie and Cayuse didn’t mention the previous night so neither did Rebecca and me. I figured Rosie and her mother would talk things over when they were alone. Although, thinking on it, Rosie was just as likely to talk with me. She’d gotten in the confiding habit back when...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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Humiliating Housewarmingparty1

It should have been nice little party, just a housewarming party for some friends and colleagues. She was 25 years old and she had finally moved out of her parent’s house. It had been nice to live with her slightly protective parents, but she really desired to have her own place. Now she was ready to start her own life, maybe meet some new people. Although she looked nice, having a cute face and a pretty hot body and being a natural redhead, she wasn’t too popular because she was also quiet and...

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Heathers Birthday Party

I'm usually a party animal, but tonight I wasn't in the mood for dancing or flirting and especially not taking some random guy into a private room for fooling around! All these were things I would usually be doing... but not tonight, and all because of Drew. Drew was Heather's 18 year old boyfriend, he was gorgeous, Nearly 6 feet tall, with an amazing body, warm chocolately brown eyes and longish, messy, sandy blonde hair. I of course had the hugest crush on him! The weird thing is I...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

Porn Pictures Sites
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Motherless Amateur

I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....

Amateur Porn Sites
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Motherless BBW

What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...

BBW Porn Sites
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Motherless Voyeur

Have you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....

Voyeur Porn Sites
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Aether Guardians

The Five Kingdoms of Arstoria had been embroiled in the Great Ancient War for centuries. The war came to an end when Kalace, the Wizard King conquered the five lands and brought them under his rule. Kalace, the Wizard King of Arstoria, conquered all of his opponents who were unable to deal with his overpowering magic. When Kalace had united the five kingdoms, he brought peace to the warring kingdoms and was revered and celebrated by his later generation. Kalace, however, had a dark weakness in...

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Motherless Creampie

Woah, did get a facelift? I know I suggested it in my review, so I guess they listened to me! Well, I’m not going to brag too much about it, and instead, I’m going to focus on what I’ve set out to bring you today. We’re looking at an amateur website, and I just know that many of you are begging for amateur creampie content, so that’s what we’re looking at. I know how much you think Motherless can look sickening and pretty gruesome at times, but the creampie content can be quite...

Creampie Porn Sites
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Motherless Cuckold

No matter what type of porn you may be in the market for, Motherless has an ample supply of it, and cucking is no different. Actually, this might help to explain how you ended up being such a pussy little cuck.The journey that brought you to my website reading cuck porn reviews started in your childhood. A fair portion of my readership is actually motherless. Why, you ask? Your guys' moms chose a life of cucking and riding cock instead of raising you fucks properly.Don't worry, gents. I'm in...

Cuckold Porn Sites
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Motherless Horror

I browsed the horror stash at Motherless all morning, and now I don’t know if I should jack off or go hide in the closet until the danger has passed. Then again, hiding out might give me the perfect opportunity to rub one out in the peace and safety of the dark. Who knows who—or what—might be peeping in the windows with nefarious intent if I sit at my desk and shake my dick at the screen. Just like when I masturbate at the local Starbucks, I’ve got to be sure to balance the potential pleasure...

Extreme Porn Websites
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Motherless Incest

Incest porn has been a staple of pornography since the very first incel caveman realized that he couldn’t find fresh pussy out and about. He resorted to sniffing a whiff of his mother’s loincloth when she wasn’t looking, and beating his old cave meat into a leather sock.Now personally I’m not into the whole mommy-son dynamic – I’m a classy guy. But it’s no secret people like to get freaky when the lights go out, and if you’ve got a stiffy in your hand and you’re on Motherless, you gotta go...

Incest Porn Sites
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Absinthe Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

Thanks to my usual cast and crew of Editors and Advance Readers, most of whom prefer to pretend that they don’t know me and wisely wish to take no responsibility for any part of my addled writings... Il n’est rien de réel que le rêve et l’amour - Nothing is real but dreams and love (from Le Coeur innombrable, IV, Chanson du temps opportun by Anna de Noailles) She was my one true mistress and ever faithful lover, my Green Lady and guardian of my dreams and now that I was back home...

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House Party Game

How many times have you been at a party where you don’t know anyone? Assuming your lame ass has been invited to a party at all, if you’ve been in this kind of situation, you know how shitty it can be. You don’t know anyone, it’s nothing but small talk, and you’re walking around with a raging boner hoping to fuck some strange. It’s usually a no-win situation – that is, unless you’ve been to one of Eek! Games’ house parties.If they are anything like the house party in its appropriately named...

Free Sex Games
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Thea Chapter Four

When the car with Jake in it became a dot on the horizon, Thea turned to go back in the house. Suddenly Floyd appeared. “Mrs. Thea, how you be?” Smiling, she knew immediately what he wanted. He had that look and a glance at his crotch confirmed it. The imprint of his cock was prominent as it pushed against the material. “Looks like everyone is gone.” Floyd said. His eyes looking out over the farm. “Yes, I am by myself for at least the next few days.” She replied in an...

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Thea and Sam

“Well, hell,” Thea said as she wiped the beads of perspiration from her face. “I guess ‘spring’ is here, huh?” “Yeah. It’s supposed to be cooler at higher elevation,” I replied. We took a few minutes in the shade by the rocks before rejoining our boyfriends. The four of us had driven up into the pass to hike. According to the weather report, the last coolness of a fading winter was supposed to continue through mid-week, but they were wrong. Actually, from our view from Eagle Point, where we’d...

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Motherless! What an original name for a porn site, don't you think? The title doesn't fuck around: your mother would never allow you to watch the kind of filth they’ve got on tap. They pride themselves on being a moral-free zone for sick fucks, where you can find damn near anything. I’m talking about desperate chicks fucking anything that resembles a dick and crazy bitches literally eating shit. When you’re done fapping to the weird vids, you can even find "normal" porno to pass the time....

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Motherless Interracial

Ah, motherless, here we are again. A site known for offering such a variety, that no matter how fucked up your needs are, there is a high chance that you will fulfill them here. However, I am not here to blab about the site in general; I am here to talk about one particular category, interracial. As for those who want to know more about the site, there is a whole different review on my website instead.As for those who came here to learn more about that interracial lovemaking, I got your back....

Interracial Porn Sites
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Theos LIfe as a Weresquirrel

Theo had been changing into the squirrel too much, he knew that now... as a pulse of heat raced through his body from his groin. He realized that he shouldn't have come to the office.He had been spending most of his days at the squirrel in his home deep in the countryside. Teleworking most of the time, as the squirrel he felt no need for clothes, his heavy furred balls resting between his thighs as his paws raced over the keyboard. The sharp claws on his paws clattering loudly as he typed,...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Motherless Scat

It’s time to go to the land of chocolate fountains and golden showers. That’s right. Scat, piss, shit, and every fluid in between. Ever fuck a chick in her ass and freak out when you see that little bit of shit on your dick? Then I’m sorry to say that scat isn’t for you buddy. Were you the only one of your friends that saw two girls one cup and didn’t get grossed out? If so, it’s time to celebrate it! Don’t get pissed off, get pissed on! Scat porn has the craziest, kinkiest chicks and dudes...

Scat Porn Sites
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Motherless Fappening

I’m not saying anything controversial when I say men love seeing women naked. It’s a fact of life as fundamental as gravity. It’s a force of nature that cannot be stopped by beast, man, or God. It’s an eternal truth and a divine mandate. As sure as the sun will rise, men will attempt to view as many women naked as they possibly can. Any man not doing so is either a sad or a gay one.This means that any woman a man sees regularly is mentally stripped down during every interaction. If any women...

The Fappening
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Absinthe Dreams

‘To me it’s not really a green. When I think green, I think of grass. That’s more like lemonade color.’ Erica’s nose was far too close to the glasses for my taste. Pouring the nearly clear absinthe over the rough-cut, cane-sugar cubes I favor, I tapped my spoon for a second to get her to back up. I wished I had my full setup here like I have at home, my Absinthe fountains water drippers are missed when I began to try and slowly pour water over the sugar cube. ‘Don’t you light it on fire?’ she...

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Motherless Arab

Have you ever heard about a wonderful site called “Motherless”? I have a feeling that was a dumb question, of course, you fucking have. Well, I am here to talk about Motherless, but I shall also pay special attention to their Arab category. If you think Arabian sluts are hot, well you are in for a tasty treat, believe me.First, I should probably warn you that the name of this place comes from the fact that their content might be a bit too hardcore or questionable for some of you. Back in the...

Arab Porn Sites
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Motherless Facials

Fuck yeah, life’s a bitch! So here I am, awake at 3:45 AM, after dreaming I was fucking this freaking hot MILF neighbor with heavy boobs, a flat tummy, a nice bubble butt, and sexy long legs. It was all hot and steamy, up until when she was sucking me off and just as I was about to obliterate her cute face with hot cum canon, my dream cut right off and I woke up with a tent on my pajamas.That dream ain’t coming back, but damn it! I sure gotta cum, so I boot up my laptop and type “cum facial” in...

Facial Cumshot Porn Sites
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Und draußen schallte wieder Punkmusik aus dem Ghettoblaster – von der Eisenbahnunterführung bis zu seinem Haus! Punks und Skater hingen da ab. Das war diese Art von Jugendlichen, die ihren Eltern das Leben schwer macht , die von Arbeit nichts hielten, sich an keine Regeln hielten, ständig auf Party machten. Die soffen viel zu viel und kotzten dann in irgendeine Ecke. Denen bedeutete doch nichts und niemand etwas. Wahrscheinlich nahmen sie auch Drogen und trieben weiß-Gott-was mit...

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A Boathouse Orgy To House Of Pleasures

I was in my bedroom, all alone. In front of me was my mirror. I took some time to admire my body. The Malayali features were prominent in me. My eyes were big and smoky. My slender pink lips complemented my dusky skin complexion. I had my hair cut up to my breasts. As I had just taken a bath, a portion of my hair curled and sat on my left breast. I pushed it behind to bring my breasts into view. They were big and round. They looked like chocolate cakes topped up by a chocolate chip. My curves...

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Disparate HousewivesChapter 9 Scenes From A Cocktail Party

“I really appreciate this, guys,” commented Georgia for about the tenth time. Jeremy and Rusty smiled at each other and rolled their eyes. Moving Georgia Cummings’ outdoor bar system was a pain in the ass, but she was a nice lady otherwise. “Piece of cake, Mrs. Cummings!” replied Jeremy. “Are you going to the party?” asked Rusty. He was carrying a long water hose and a power cord and several blender pitchers, as Jeremy pushed the wheeled cart. Georgia’s duties seemed to consist of...

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Motherless Fetish

Motherless is the mother of all porn sites. Motherless has no conscience or moral guide. Motherless will show you the stuff that all other porn sites are afraid to put up. Motherless will do this for free. This is seriously one of the nastiest and raunchiest sites out there and Motherless/Fetish is perhaps one of the dirtiest places on the web that are well within reach. Sure you can scan the dark web and find something even more naughty or puzzlingly gross, but why do that when you’ve got...

Fetish Porn Sites
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First Party House Visit

When this story took place Linda and I were not new to the lifestyle. That being said we were also not what you would call hardcore swingers either. I would guess we had been involved in foursomes with maybe three different couples. Two of which were strangers that we had met through swinger publications. With both of those couples we had sex on the first date. The sex that we had with those couples was started by Linda and the male half of the other couple being the first two naked. We had...

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swingers House party

When this story took place Linda and I were not new to the lifestyle. That being said we were also not what you would call hardcore swingers either. I would guess we had been involved in foursomes with maybe three different couples. Two of which were strangers that we had met through swinger publications. With both of those couples we had sex on the first date. The sex that we had with those couples was started by Linda and the male half of the other couple being the first two naked. We had...

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Absinthe 2 The Absinthe of Malice

Absinthe 2: The Absinthe of Malice By Morpheus The flight from Seattle to Boston had been extremely long and uncomfortable, even with the two hour delay in Chicago where I got to stretch my legs and change flights. My book had given me something to do during the countless hours in the air, though admittedly, Collin had been my largest savior from boredom. The two of us had ended up talking for over half the flight, and by the time we finally landed, I was even starting to consider...

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Our First Swinging House Party Ch 03

Continued from Chapter 2: Even though Yvonne acted as if she was a reluctant virgin, before she had sex with me and before we had sex with others, she was no virgin. Based on the pillow talk we had about the sex she had with other men, blowing my mind with some of the sexual things she did, I knew she was a slut. Something I didn’t know and something I could never be, with me only being 5’5′ tall, she had a sexual attraction for taller men, men 6′ and taller. Nonetheless her secret preference...

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40 The Treehouse Tour

Newark Concert Saturday, November 5, 2016 Paul & Paula 21 performs in Newark, New Jersey as the opening act for Michiko Takahashi. This concert is recorded in another document. The Treehouse Tour Friday, November 14, 2016 PLUR-MAkKikM, just outside Honolulu, HI The cameras were in place, and the television crew was in a shady spot of lawn with a tire swing visible in the background. It looked as if only reporter Cynthia Benet and the two singing ten-year-olds, Paula Akron and Paul...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 281 My HouseWarming Party

Saturday, September 24, 2005 All too soon - because it was nearly the end of the summer vacation - the time came to send out the invites for my house-warming party. I'd intended the invites to be nothing more than casual phone calls; Julia wanted to send out real invitations. Guess which approach we took? [On the topic of alternative approaches, I'd also been thinking of a nice, casual pool party. Julia had considerably more upmarket plans. Guess which approach we took for that too? I'll...

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