CDC Documents: Unknown Virus 2 free porn video

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After finding a replacement transcriber, and filling him in on the information to this point, we resume from the previous encounter: January 22: Recording: Darcy and Jack each look at the books handed to them. "So you want us to be completely honest in these, for scientific reasons, but what if it it's something we don't want to share with you?" Darcy looks at Nathan in a confused way. "There are some things that are just too personal, and I don't want you knowing them." Nathan taps his fingers on his chin. "Hmm. We'll I can promise not read them before I need to. But considering that we don't know each other that well," he says in Darcy's direction. "There's no reason for you to trust me, is there?" Jack sits back on the couch, pulling the book and his knees close to him. "Speaking of privileged thoughts..." Jack says as he gets they're attention. "How often do you look through the video you're recording?" Nathan runs his hand through his brown hair. "Well the reason I was doing it earlier is because I had a feeling you might not listen to what I said. Obviously there might be things happening in your room that you don't want me to see, especially with the nature of what we're dealing with, however I don't want to take them down. There's just too much valuable information in the footage." Nathan sits down. "I can say that in the near future I'm going to be too busy to do anything unless one of you prompts me into action. They're ramping up something behind the scenes and an announcement is happening soon. I need to fall in line now more than ever." He leans back in the chair. "Which means probably more overtime especially if all this activity is about this virus." He sits upright, puts his hands on his knees and says. "So I'm going to trust the both of you to contain whatever happens in the future. Obviously, if something unexpected comes up, get me involved. But I need to know you're not going to all of sudden break down and then this little incident becomes something much more than that." "Well those pills are supposed to 'reduce our appetite' right?" Using finger quotes, Darcy continues. "Plus, with trying to get Jack a job and everything we'll both be pretty busy." Nathan nods in agreement and looks at Jack. "Anything to add?" Jack shakes his head. Nathan goes to stand up. "Wait, I did think of something." Jack raises his hand. Nathan looks at his hand, then at Darcy who shrugs her shoulders. "Yes?" He lowers his arm, placing it back over the book at his chest. "What about locks on the bedroom doors? We talked about it before but it never had the sort of urgency or importance it does now." "If that's the route you're taking, can I get a room to myself?" Darcy cuts in. Nathan stands up and walks over to his office. "Yeah I can clear some of this stuff out, make it closer to bedroom. There won't be much room but a bed should be able to fit." He says in the doorway. Darcy stands up and follows behind him. She rests her hand on his lower back as she tries to look around him. Nathan jumps a little. "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you." She says after pulling her hand back. "I just wasn't expecting it," he chuckles as he moves out of her way. Jack gets up as well and joins Nathan at the doorway as Darcy checks everything out. "I'm sure I can work with this, do we know how long I'm going to be here?" "I'd say mattress long, but not bed frame long, if that makes sense," Nathan says, thinking out loud. "Ok, tomorrow Jack and I will grab some more things from my place and head over before going shopping, sound good?" She tilts her head slightly, waiting for his response. Nathan rubs his hands together. "Perfect! I'll go try to find a locksmith so we can get this done ASAP." He ducks back into his room and turns the computer on. "I'm also going to think about the video situation. There's got to be a solution there that works for everyone." Darcy and Jack head back into their room to put some clothes on. Darcy drops the towel from around her boobs, and pauses while looking in the mirror. Her breasts sit proudly, higher on her chest than one would expect from their size. She pivots while groping her ass, seemingly admiring her large behind. (As an admirer of women's behinds as well, I can vouch for it. - transcriber) her hands rove the front of her stomach, pausing at the slight outline of each ab muscle there. They complete the journey as she cups her breasts lightly, filling each of her small hands with her own flesh. Jack slams one of the dresser drawers and she snaps to attention. She gets a hoodie out of Jack's old clothes and reluctantly pulls it over her chest. After that some sweat pants are slowly dragged over her legs. She looks in the mirror one last time and shakes her head back and forth before grabbing a bag and heading to the kitchen table. "I'll see if temp agency we use is able to get him in quick. Hopefully with a strong reference and some pressure from my boss, we can convince them to push him through without much information." Jack is rummaging through Darcy's old clothes when he finds a zip up hoodie that fits snuggly around him. He slides on another pair of running shorts and, after Darcy leaves the room, takes her place in front of the mirror. Jack lowers the zipper slowly until his nipples are showing, he bites his lower lip as both of his fingers trace light circles around them. He hears Darcy in the other room, zips the hoodie up and follows her path to the table. He pulls a chair out. "What do you mean 'without much information'?" He sits down next to her. Darcy stops searching through folders and looks up at him. "Sweetie, you look more like your teenage sister than yourself at the moment. None of your IDs will work." "Oh, yeah I keep forgetting that I used to look completely different." He leans back in the chair with his hands in the pockets. Darcy looks over in the direction of Nathan before whispering. "So does that pill work? Either that or are you finally satisfied after going all day?" Jack turns bright red and looks down at his hands while they shift back and forth in his jacket. "I think it works, I don't need to go back in my room." "But you want to don't you?" Darcy elbows Jack affectionately, bring out another shade of red from him. "Hey if it can quiet you down after what I heard, it sounds like a good thing. If that's how I'll feel soon enough, we'll need those pills to stay under the radar." "Hey I found a place online that looks like a good choice." Nathan shouts from his room. Darcy leans back and responds, "Set up an appointment for after work tomorrow then," Darcy looks back at Jack. "We should be back before you are." "Sounds good to me," He walks out of his room with his phone up to his ear. He mouths "I'm calling them now." "Hi! I'd like to set up an appointment to install some locks inside my home." He walks across the kitchen and leans against the counter. Darcy and Jack both pivot to face him, waiting to hear what happens. "Let's say 6 tomorrow, will you have anyone available at that time?" He furrows his brow and crosses his free hand over his chest, listening to the response. Nodding in agreement. "That sounds great, my address is 5234 Grove Lane. Oh, you do accept credit cards, right? Perfect, thank you so much." With that, he hangs up and looks at them both. They'll be here tomorrow, don't spend too much time shopping, got it? Enough so you and Jack will be appropriately clothed at the office." He stands up from the counter and returns to his room, shutting the door. Darcy returns to her work, finding a sheet and pulls her phone out as well. "I'll send a couple emails out before bed, want to get a jump start on this now." Jack nods in agreement. He makes himself a sandwich and sits down in front of the television. End of recording. January 23: Recording: Nathan exits the bathroom and smiles as he sees Darcy and Jack getting ready to leave as well. "Glad to see you're getting an early start to the day," he says. Grabbing a jacket, he turns to leave. "I'll see you tonight!" he yells on his way out the door. "So what is the plan?" says Jack holding out one of the pills Nathan gave them yesterday for Darcy. Darcy looks up at him after tying her shoes. Her hair is stuffed in the back of a hoodie as she pulls it closer to her head. She's wearing different clothes than yesterday but in the same vein. She takes the pill from him and gulps it down. Jack does as well, aided by a glass of water. He has on a matching outfit to her, differing only in the size of the clothes. "First, some underwear. I can't walk around all day with the girls bouncing all of the place. And you'll need some things too. I assumed you knew at this point but in case you didn't, you're going to work as a girl so you'll need a lot of new clothes," she says while standing up. He nods in agreement. "That makes sense, do I get to pick my name?" leaning forward excitedly. She laughs. "I was just going to call you Jackie, but if you want something different, go ahead." He claps his hands together a few times. "Yay!!! I'll do some thinking today." Darcy smiles while grabbing a purse and checking inside. "After that, I know a couple places to hit up so we can get everything done. I've got a lot of things planned so let's get going!" Several hours later: Jack and Darcy enter through the front door. Both have made a quite a change to earlier: Jack is wearing leggings with a skirt coming down to about the middle of his thigh. Above that is a strappy top, with bra straps visible alongside the shirt's. Clearly announcing to the word that he has breasts. Over the top is light leather jacket. His hair has been cut to a medium length and straightened, falling past his ears, which have each been pierced with a small diamond stud. On his feet are strappy sandals showing his painted toenails. Both arms are stuffed to the brim with multicolored bags. He strides in and goes right to his room. Darcy, carrying a similar assortment of bags, props open the door and marches in after him. She has on high heeled boots that stop somewhere above the hem of her black dress. The dress flows around her legs but hugs her hips and waist. Her breasts are fully covered, but the form of the dress is showing them off anyway. She has on a short leather jacket as well, although red as opposed to the black one Jack was wearing. Her hair has been cut to just beyond her shoulders and styled, having much more curl to it than previously. After moving to the kitchen, she sets her bags down and glances at her hands. She is sporting dark red nails on the ends of her fingers and appears to be checking for damage. Satisfied, she walks back out the front door. Jack drops his bags out of on his bed and steps in front of his mirror to admire everything. He fans his fingers out revealing that he also had a manicure. White tips go just past the ends of his fingers. "It'll take some practice getting used to these," he says out loud. Darcy walks back in the house with a couple of men in tow, carrying a mattress. "Just keep going, it's the last room on the left." She steps aside to let them through. They walk down the hall and find a place to stand the mattress up against the wall. She follows them in. "All of this stuff needs moved to the basement as well." She motions to the desk, table and filing cabinet. They immediately get to work disassembling everything and transport it downstairs. "Did Nathan tell you were to put that stuff? He's very particular about his things," Jack says as he reemerges from his room. Darcy gives him a smile and a wink. "I think I can convince him about moving them there, Lacey." (Considering Jack mentioned being referred to as girl, and Darcy calling him that, I'm going to switch to the appropriate pronouns. - transcriber) Lacey blushes. "I thought you said the pill was working? You didn't jump anyone at the mall." Darcy runs a finger along her silhouette. "Just because I'm not forced to do anything doesn't mean I don't want to sweetie. The way that he jumped after my touch was just too cute. I can't wait to reward him later..." She trails off, having pulled up the hem of the dress, her fingers pause there. Gently moving up her thigh. Lacey leans against the wall, taking everything in. She grabs her own breasts and pushes them up further. They both jump as they hear the movers coming back up the stairs. Darcy recovers quickly and sends a sly look Lacey's way. "Follow my lead," she whispers. Darcy opens the door to the basement, after a couple second they both emerge from the frame. "Will there be anything else Miss?" one says in Darcy's direction. The other spends some time looking around the living room. Lacey walks over to the living room and sits on the back of the couch, facing the two men. The second man smiles at her after she entered his line of sight. Darcy reaches in her purse and pulls out a wallet. "No, that will be all gentlemen, thank you. How much for the service?" The first man motions for her to put her money away. "No charge Miss, Everything has already been taken care of." Darcy pouts visibly before returning her wallet. "Well that simply will not do. What about you, Lacey, don't you want to show them your gratitude?" Lacey smiles and steps besides Darcy. "Of course! Without these big, strong men, we never would have been able to move all that furniture." Darcy wraps a hand around her waist, pulling her in close. Both men exchange glances, clearly unsure about what's happening in front of them. Darcy turns her head to whisper something in Lacey's ear, all the while maintaining eye contact with the larger of the 2 men. Lacey is focused on Darcy before her eyes shift to other man, a slow smile coming to her face. Darcy turns back to face them both, her tongue lingering on her lips. Lacey speaks up. "My friend here has an idea to . . . Repay you for your services." She lets the pause hang in air for several seconds before finishing. They both towards their respective men. Darcy's hands go up to the larger man's shoulders before kneeling and dragging her claws slowly along his chest lingering at his belt. Lacey, a half step behind Darcy looks up at the man in front of her. He seems to be college age. Scrawny, but with enough muscle required for the job. He has light blond hair in a messy style and a bit of a scraggly beard, his mouth is currently agape as he watches Darcy undo the belt of his partner. The other man has a much broader build; black hair, clean shaven with tattoos spotted up and down his arms. Lacey reaches the kid front of her, and pushes his mouth closed and turns him to face her. "Don't you have more important things to worry about?" She follows Darcy down, keeping an eye on her actions while flipping up the kid's shirt and undoing the belt. Darcy pushes the fabric of the older man's jeans down; revealing the outline of his dick. She bites her lower lip and steals a glance at Lacey, who returns her glance and begins to slowly to work her hand in to the kids pants. Darcy returns to her own man, waiting for the dick to pop out as the layers are removed. She is rewarded for her efforts, and eagerly goes down on it. Lacey pulls the kid's dick out and he helps her by lowering his pants so she has better access. She smiles up at him, a silent "thank you," before putting his length in her mouth. She then looks to her right to see Darcy bobbing up and down while starring at her man. Darcy slows down, popping the dick out of her mouth briefly to wink at her. She then runs her tongue up and around his girth, before resuming her fellatio. Lacey turn back to her own man and mimics Darcy's actions before going down and pumping the dick with one of her hands. Both of guys look at each and bump firsts, smirking slightly. After a minute or two, both men indicate they're cumming. Darcy and Lacey both move down, pushing the dicks further into their mouths. They swallow, and lick up and down their shafts. The men redress and make their way out. Darcy manages to snag a phone number before the drive away. She shuts the door and strides back to Lacey. "That was so fucking hot!" she says slightly under breath. Darcy laughs. "I was impressed with you! Where did that shy little girl from earlier go? You actually looked like you've had some practice." "I just did what you said, followed your lead. And then, this like script, played out in my head." Lacey steps over to the couch and sits down. "My body is still racing, I'm sooooo glad you wanted to do that." Darcy Follows into the living room and sits down across from her. "I was thinking about Nathan, and then I just focused on those two. Sort of surprised me too." She shakes her head out. "Thank goodness I was clear headed enough after they came to grab a phone number." "Why did you do that?" Lacey asks while still running her hands down from the back of her neck towards her hips. Darcy sees this and steps up to the kitchen. "In case we infected them, I don't know how this whole thing works but you can get and STD from giving or receiving oral you know." She steps to the counter and retrieves the bottle of pills Nathan gave them earlier. "And I think these things have a time limit based on our actions and you basically giving me show right now." Lacey has her hands on hips and is slowly lowering her skirt with her fingernails when Darcy speaks up again. Darcy hands her a pill, which she begrudgingly swallows. "You're no fun. I was just getting warmed up." "Yeah and the last time you did that you spent the whole day in your room. We need to keep it low key, remember?" Darcy swallows her own pill after the lecture. "Hey, I was just following your lead! Don't blame this all on me." She pouts as she stands up and heads into her room. "I'm saying for both of us, we're probably going to have to rely on these pills more than I thought." Darcy looks at the bottle in her hand, reading what she can from the label. Satisfied, she returns it to the counter. They proceed to unpack their clothes in their rooms. Lacey pulls out all of her old clothes and packs them away, writing "Goodwill" on the box. She then proceeds to pull out all of the underwear she bought, not one of which is lacking in sex appeal. The leggings and pants come next, followed by tops and skirts and a couple dresses. (Based on their size, not every piece is designed for the business world - transcriber) Shoes are then brought out of various bags and aligned in order known only to her; they vary in color and size of the heel. Content that everything has its place she comes to the last bag on her bed; she pulls out a few different sizes of sex toys and condoms and puts them in the dresser drawer beside her bed. Darcy makes some tweaks to the setup of her room before unpacking her supplies. A mirror is moved across from the bed, her cosmetics are reorganized, and the dress rack to serve as her closet is moved to the middle of the room. She sets one bag on her make up counter, and pulls out her clothes and hangs them up, (Again I notice that there a few non-professional clothes - transcriber) Her shoes come next, all with objectively higher heels than Lacey. The bag on her make up counter is opened and she divides the contents into 2 piles. She then puts one pile away in a drawer and calls in Lacey to get the other pile. Her final bag looks to be from the same store as Lacey's was, and sure enough a few sex toys and packs of condoms are relocated beside the bed. They both begin to change into workout clothes before meeting in the living room. "Ready to burn off some steam?" Lacey says. "Yeah, otherwise the next couple hours are going to drag by." They proceed to jog to the outside of the house. A few hours later: Nathan opens the door, looking visibly exhausted. He drops his jacket and briefcase beside the door and walks over to living room. He pauses briefly, then falls into the couch. He looks around and yells. "Hey!" He appears to be listening intently for response. He sits up after a few seconds and digs in his pocket for his cell phone. He presses it a few times before holding it up to his ear. A ringtone goes off in another room. "Dammit..." He hangs up and presses it a few more times before another ringtone is heard in a different room. He jumps off the couch and looks around the kitchen. The home phone has a beeping message light; he proceeds to play it. A young woman's voice is heard. "Hi I'm the locksmith, I'm standing outside your door and nobody's responding. I'm an hour early but I thought that I try and get it done quickly. I'll call back closer to the appointment time. Message left at 4:52 PM." The clock currently reads 5:45. Nathan begins to pace back and forth in the kitchen. He moves to the front door and bends down to get his jacket. At the same time the door opens and it slams into his head. He tumbles backward on to the ground, both hands flying up to his forehead. A sweaty Darcy comes from behind the door. "Oh no! I'm so sorry! I couldn't see you there!" She proceeds to kneel down next to him and helps him sit up. Nathan opens his eyes to reveal her breasts inches from his face. Despite being held together by a sports bra, they still draw a lot of attention. He jumps up suddenly and nearly falls over again trying to get away from her. Lacey steps from behind Darcy and grab his arm to steady him. A small stream of blood can be seen running down over his brow. "Thanks Jack," Nathan says. He puts his other hand up to his head and looks at Lacey, nearly jumping out of his skin again. "What happened today?" Lacey leads him over to the couch, while Darcy stands up and runs towards the kitchen. "Well first of all, It's Lacey now, and secondly, we both got make overs at the mall today! Although we're both a little gross from running." Lacey runs her hands through her hair, trying to get fix it. Darcy sits down on the other side of him holding a rag up to his head. Nathan nods his thanks and takes the rag, his eyes catching on her top again before he blushes and drops his eyes to ground. "Th-Thank you Darcy." Darcy pats him on the back. "You're welcome sweetie." She leans back and smiles at Lacey. "See?" she mouths. She begins rubbing his back affectionately. Suddenly, there's a knock at the door. It creaks open slowly. "Hello? It's Sarah, the locksmith? We spoke earlier?" She steps gingerly around the scene at the door. Darcy speaks up first. "Hi! Yes we're in here, just follow my voice!" She stands up at the couch, still resting her hand on Nathan's shoulder. Nathan looks up as well. He sits upright and grabs the rag. He puts it up against his fore head and wraps it around his head, tying it behind his head. Sarah turns the corner to the living room. She is a pretty women with long blonde hair and is wearing a jump suit with the locksmith's company logo on it. Despite the frumpy suit, one is able to tell that she takes care of her body. She sees the scene on the couch. "Oh my god, what happened here? Is everyone all right?" "Just a small mishap with the door," Lacey chimes in. Nathan steps up and begins to walk towards the locksmith. He makes it a few steps before Darcy grabs ahold of his shoulder and his knees start to buckle. She manages to direct him towards another chair in the living room. "Wow, I must've taken a harder hit than I thought." He chuckles while leaning back in his seat. "I was going to shake your hand, but I don't really want to give that another try." Darcy steps away from him and crosses her arms, bearing a worried look on her face. "That's quite all right, I'll come to you." Sarah rounds the couch and extends her hand out while Nathan leans forward to grab it. Lacey and Darcy introduce themselves after and the she asks them some basic questions about what types of locks they want installed. "And finally, what prompted all of this? I can't say we get a lot people wanting to put locks on the inside doors." Nathan looks dumbfounded, clearly never expecting that question to come up. He begins ribbing his neck and looking around nervously. Darcy quickly comes in. "We had a break in recently and I think it's mostly to get that feeling of being safe in your own home back. Thankfully, the alarm went off and scared them away but it was still nerve racking." Nathan, allowed some time to think from Darcy, recovers. "I'm also renting these two rooms, so it makes sense to have those done sooner rather than later." "Well why don't I throw in the front and back door locks as well? I'd hate for you to not feel safe in your home after something like that." Sarah looks worried. "I had something like that happen as a kid and it inspired me to get into this business, so I understand." Darcy looks to Nathan. "How much more would that cost?" he asks. "Since you're already buying more doors than s normal service call, I could get a package deal for the whole set." She punches some numbers on a calculator. "About 75 dollars more should cover it. But I'll be here for probably another hour at least, of you don't mind." The group looks to each other, silently weighing the options. Nathan speaks up first. "That sounds reasonable." "Could you start with that so Darcy and I can shower and change?" Lacey says from the back of the room. "Sure, I'll get started right away." Over the next hour, Darcy and Lacey both get cleaned up and Nathan makes a frozen pizza for dinner. They sit in the living room making small talk and watching TV, occasionally glancing around to see where Sarah is at. She's offered some refreshments after a while and takes a break. "So how's your head?" she says after taking a sip of lemonade. "Better," Nathan replies while removing the wrap. There's a sign can't lump on his forehead, but the bleeding has stopped. He touches it and winces immediately. "Still not perfect it seems, but this appointment is a huge weight off my shoulders so that helps." Darcy and Lacey both excuse themselves to their rooms. Darcy comes back out immediately clutching her cell phone. "Lacey good news! You have an interview tomorrow morning for a job at my office!" Lacey squeals loudly and hugs Darcy. "Oh thankyouthankyouthankyou!" They embrace for a second and Darcy continues. "They said it's mostly a formality, and assuming you pass, you start training right after." She says while scrolling in her phone. She quickly types back a response and puts it away. "Let's get your outfit picked out, shall we?" They both return to Lacey's room and shut the door. "Well I'm glad I started with that room first," Sarah says before standing up and grabbing her tools. "She just moved down here; they're friends from college so this is a big deal," Nathan tries to explain. She holds up her hand. "Hey I get it, I was excited for this interview too. We'll I've got those last 2 doors to finish and I'll be out of your hair." Nathan steps up and walks her over to the other rooms. As he opens up Darcy's, he notices that quite a bit has changed since this morning. He pauses and looks around. "Something the matter?" she says behind him. "No, I just haven't been in here in a while I guess." He looks confused and exits the room. "I'll leave you to it, I just remembered something that I have to look for." She smiles and gets to work. Nathan looks around the house, before heading down stairs. After a couple seconds, he comes back up and shuts the door. "Did you find it?" "Yeah, it's always the last place you look, isn't it?" "True, so this is your house then? You look a little young to own a home of this size." She asks while fumbling through her tool case. He pulls out a stool from the kitchen and sits it down next to her. "Yeah I was kind of a big deal when I was younger, I graduated at a young age and got a pretty cushy government job right after. Since I was only in college a few years, I was able to pay off my debt quickly." She looks back at him and sets her tools down. "What was your major?" "First it was biochemistry, but in grad school I switched it to epidemiology," he replies. "That's infectious diseases, right?" she says as she gets back to work. Nathan does a double take. "Yeah, I usually have to explain that to people." "I come from a family of doctors so I know all sorts of random stuff like that." She smiles. "I'm kind of the black sheep of the family." She switches over to Nathan's door behind her, finished with Darcy's. They joke around about different things while she finishes up in the final door. Lacey peeks out of her bedroom and witnesses their conversation. She turns back in and whispers something to Darcy. Nathan suddenly gets a message on his phone. He stands up to grab it. After a second he looks at the door and sees Lacey and Darcy both motion towards Sarah. He shakes his head adamantly. Darcy pulls out her phone and types something else. He waits for it and makes an exaggerated eye roll. "Fine," he mouths to them. Sarah is putting her stuff away and pulls out several keys. "I numbered all of then according to the order I installed them." She proceeds to demonstrate for him which is which. Nathan opens his door and grabs a checkbook. As he's filling it out. "So do you think I can g-get your number? I'd like to take you out sometime and get to know you some more." His hands are shaking slightly as he hands her the check. She takes it and opens a binder. Setting on the counter she leafs through it and makes some notes. (It's kind of a long pause after a question like that, dude must be sweating like crazy - transcriber) She turns back around with a smiles and hands him a card. "My number's on the back. I'll be waiting for your call." She winks at him and packs up. Closing the door on the way out. Darcy and Lacey scream as they exits the room, Nathan blushing as he sits back down. "Yeah, yeah I asked a girl out, I get it." He smiles to himself as he thinks about it. As they both sit down across from him, his face shifts. "Now where were you two earlier? You missed her call earlier." They both look at each other. "We went for a run, and we just didn't think we would be gone so long." Lacey says quietly. Satisfied, Nathan continues. "Well thankfully, the news from work is not about us. Somebody had a breach of containment in the other lab working on the virus. I suppose it's not good news," He changes his tone. "But it isn't about us." Everyone visibly relaxes with this information. "My lab is going to get some tighter protocol when dealing with the subjects and samples, but I don't think I'll be a part of that anymore. I should be able to get more of those pills, no problem. They seem to have a shorter period of efficacy than originally thought." "Anyways, after that minor scare it seems like everything's okay." Nathan steps toward his room, and stops, looking in the direction of Darcy's. "Also, did you go through my things before moving them to the basement?" Darcy jumps of the couch and adjusts her top slightly, revealing more cleavage. "Of course not sweetie," He turns around and comes face to chest with her. He blushes and stutters out. "G-g-good." He rushes into his room as she giggles to herself. End of recording. Lacey's Journal: So Nathan just went to bed and I've been wanting to get some thoughts down for a while, so here goes. The most recent thing on my mind was the blow job today. God, it was so hot! I vaguely remember getting blown before, but being on the end was amazing. I had all this power over him; he let me do whatever I want. And the build up to it? That might have been even better! My heart was pounding and everything felt like it was going in slow motion. I kept worrying I was going to ruin it. Thankfully, Darcy showed me what to do, she seemed to be enjoying it too. God! Why did she have to ruin my fun with that pill? I felt like I was about to cream my panties! My little clit (what Darcy told me to call it) was so hard and I had even touched it. Plus, I felt so wet. God, I just wanted to lift my leg over him and ride him so hard while he pounded into me! Good thing we stopped at that sex store earlier. Phew! That feels better. I still have to get used to these nails. Darcy says that can add so much to a look. I do admit that my hands feel sexier with them. I'm hoping to get enough practice with these tonight that I won't look like a complete novice tomorrow. It's kind of weird that they want me to come in on a Friday, but beggars can't be choosers. Hmm... What else did I want to write? Darcy seems to be smitten with Nathan. It seems so weird to think that she and I were together sexually, just a week ago. I think Nathan must be blind to see it. Although, he could have that Sarah chick on his mind. They certainly hit off today, I don't think I've ever seen him like that before. Everything before I woke up is kind of fuzzy so I could be wrong. Also, something tells me that Nathan liking that new girl isn't going to stop Darcy. She's keeping it all cool on the surface but I can tell she's horny. Hell, I can smell it on her. I think that's it, wouldn't want to be late on my first day! Darcy's Journal: Hmm... let's see. Nathan gave us these journals to record our thoughts and feelings. For "scientific purposes." He was right when he said that I have no reason to trust him. At least not yet. He did get locks installed, but don't think I haven't forgotten about the tapes. Although, I think he would've made a big fit about our little "tryst" earlier in the day if he was watching them. I'm torn on my feelings for him. On one hand, he's so nervous around me, it's adorable and I just want to drag him into bed and fuck his brains out. On the other, he's being super controlling. And not in a fun way. I understand that he doesn't want either of us to spread whatever this is around, but it's not like I'm going to jump the first guy on the street. But Lacey... she's another story. I suppose if I'm being "scientific," she was infected first so maybe that's my future. I'd like to think she'd have more control than dragging the first guy she saw into the bushes, but she checked out every ass on our run earlier. I really hope I don't have to babysit her much longer. Maybe she needs to get laid by a real man instead of a rubber one. Speaking of rubber men, something different happened the other day. When I was showing her how to pleasure herself, there was something coming from her ass. Thank goodness it was clear. Honestly, it felt like she was getting wet. That's probably a good thing considering how sensitive her ass is now and the way her mind seems to work. Tomorrow she starts at my office. I'm going to make sure we both take our pills first thing in the morning. While blowing her interviewer might get her the job, I want her to focus on getting this job. It's important that she have something besides fucking in her life. And if we get too out of control, the CDC will probably makes us test subjects for the rest of our lives. Maybe Nathan has a point. I hope he gets more of those pills. We might need more of them to get through a day. January 24th: Nathan's Journal: So, close call at work the other day. They won't tell us exactly what happened in the other lab, which means it can't be good. Based on my own interactions, a man could've gone in there instead of the women. If I hadn't been taking some of those pills as a countermeasure, and banking on them affecting me as well as it seems to be affecting Darcy and Lacey, I probably would've succumbed to one of them by now. Speaking of Lacey, Jack sure adapted quickly. I sort of doubt that he has secretly been like this the whole time, but anything's possible. Looking at his dramatic change, and Darcy's, there might be some superfluous benefits to this virus. Personally, I'd have to spend time tweaking it to get rid of some of the effects, but that's too far into the future. Plus, I'd need a lot more money and I have a feeling this will somehow make it to the "free-to-play" model. God, I need a drink. My day hasn't even started yet. They seem to be under control, but I want to get ahead of this thing. I need to figure out the next course of action. Those pills are useful, but only if they're remembered. I want a more active solution. I'll have to offer my services to the group that designed the pills again; see if they have another direction to move forward with. First day of work for Lacey, and first day back for Darcy. I just hope nothing interesting happens. I want it to be a long, boring day for both of them. I could use more of that in my life right now. Recording: Lacey and Darcy walk through the door. Lacey has a loose blouse and a long narrow skirt with some flats on her feet. She pulls the band out of hair and shakes it out. Darcy shuts the door behind her, she's also wearing a loose blouse, however with much more cleavage showing. And slightly shorter skirt. And open toed heels. "That was successful I'd say," Darcy says after sitting her things down on the table. "Yeah, it felt good to be put to work like that. Makes the time go by quicker." Lacey was unbuttoning her blouse on her way in the room. She re-emerges quickly dressed in short-shorts and a tight t-shirt, showing some headlights. "But there were a lot of distracting men there as well, I can't believe how much I got done despite them," she giggles to herself. Darcy proceeds to hand her another pill and quickly downs one herself. Lacey gives a frown before Darcy waves her onward. Lacey pouts and chases the pill with a glass of water provided to her. Darcy takes the glass from Lacey and dumps it down the drain. She checks over to Lacey, seeing her looking elsewhere, drops the pill she appeared to take earlier down the drain as well. Darcy retreats into her own room. She rummages through some of her own things and returns wearing a ruffled skirt with a button open shirt tied at the bottom over a bra. "Well Nathan said he had a surprise for us, and I don't know about you but I'm looking forward to it!" She beams as she sits next to Lacey. Lacey crosses her arms. "I don't know why you're so excited. Knowing him it'll probably be chastity belts." "Hey, we don't need that kind of negativity around here! We beat the odds with that scare earlier, just be grateful you don't have 20 needles in your arms right now." "Yeah, yeah." Lacey brings her hands down to her breast and lifts them up. "I just want to dive in to these feelings. I keep wading in towards them and then one of you drags me back to shore." She drops her hands. "What's the point of having this great ass if I can't enjoy with anyone?" she drops her head as well, some sniffling sounds can be heard. Darcy stands up and pulls Lacey into a hug. "Oh honey! Don't worry about that! I'm sure that soon enough you'll have some young stud throwing you down and fucking your brains out!" Lacey lifts her head, revealing that her makeup is running down her face with the tears. "You think so?" Darcy puts her head back down and moves it towards her shoulder. "Patience, darling." They rock back and forth. "All in due time." There's a loud thump at the door that causes them both to jump, still in each other's arms. They walk slowly over to see the handle on the front door jiggling quickly. A series of expletives can be heard coming from the door. Finally. "Darcy! Ja-- Lacey! My hands are full, can you unlock the door before I lose my haul?" They quickly separate and move to open the door. Nathan is carrying 2 big brown bags with what appear to colored bottles sticking out of the top of them. He moves over to the counter and sets them down. "I thought we'd celebrate a little tonight!" He pulls out a bottle of wine in each hand and turns around to face them. Lacey jumps up and down, clapping her hands. "Perfect! This is so much better than what I thought you were going to get us!" Nathan begins emptying the bags: a few bottles of various liquors and liqueurs along with a 12-pack of beer. "What did you think I was talking about?" Lacey opens her mouth and Darcy quickly places a finger over it. "Never mind that now, let's look at what you got." They both look over at what he bought. He goes and grabs a bottle of Coke out of the refrigerator. "I didn't know what you like Darcy so I asked for some safe recommendations. Same for you Lacey; something tells me your tastes have shifted since you used to pound back 10 beers a night." She shakes her head at that and reaches for the Coke. "Yeah that sounds disgusting." Darcy pours herself some wine, Lacey mixes and matches a few different things and Nathan opens a beer. They all sit down on the table with a pack of cards. Nathan explains a drinking game and they all begin to play. Darcy gets up and makes Nathan a drink. "You're not playing fair, we both much stronger drinks!" She laughs as she sets it down next to him. Her nails tracing around the rim. Nathan looks at her and smiles, he chugs his beer. When he stands up to throw it away he reaches in to his pocket and pulls out an identical pill to the ones he gave Darcy and Lacey. He swallows it and resumes his previous spot. They continue to find reasons to drink for the next 2 hours. Soon after that, the drinking slows down. Lacey has fallen asleep on the couch, her hand loosely wrapped about around a glass of water on the floor. Nathan sits absentmindedly shuffling the deck of cards, his fourth drink lies half empty next to him. Darcy pours the last of her bottle of wine and sits across from Nathan, an almost predatory look in her eye. "Well?" she asks. Nathan sits upright in his chair. He sets the deck in between and downs his drink. He stands up and says. "High card wins, low card finishes." He turns to the counter and makes another drink. Darcy quickly leafs through deck, pulls out a card and places it on top. Nathan turns back around, sets his down and resumes his spot. He tips his glass at her, she responds, and they both take a drink. "Ladies first." He motions towards her. "My, what a gentleman!" She puts her hand across her chest. She winks at him before drawing the top card. She flips it over revealing an ace. "My my, that does not look good for you kind sir!" she says in a bad southern accent. Nathan chuckles at her. "An actress, my dear, you are not." He reaches to the pile, and flips over the top card quickly: a four. He raises his glass, and tips it back, finishing it. Holding it upside down, to indicate its emptiness, he gets up and puts it away. He pauses at the sink for few seconds. "Another round? Or do you surrender?" Darcy takes another sip of her wine. Nathan reaches across to the hand towel and throws it over his back. It lands on top of the cards. She giggles a little at this. He turns around and begins to walk slowly to his room. He stops briefly to look at Lacey on the couch. Darcy sets her glass down and pushes him into his room and onto his bed. "Darcy, stop," he says half-heartedly. She looks down at him on the bed. "I'm just making sure you made it to the bed without tripping. You've been very clumsy lately." "Just remember: no sex." He waves his finger at her. His head drops back and he closes his eyes. She turns the lights out and leaves the door open a crack. End of recording: January 25: The lights in Nathan's room turn on. The timer reads 2 a.m. Each of Nathan's limbs is tied to a corner of his bed frame. He groans and squints at the sudden burst of light. Darcy shuts the door completely and walks over to the foot of the bed. Nathan finally opens his eyes to see Darcy staring down his naked body. "Whoa, whoa, whoa!!" His eyes open wide, realizing the situation he's in. "Darcy, slow down. Think this through. You do not want to do this." He looks at his wrists and struggles to get free. Darcy drops the bathrobe she was wearing to the floor. Her chest standing proudly at attention. "Oh, I have thought this through, for quite a while now." She gets on the bed and begins to crawl up towards him. She reaches his chest gently rakes her red nails across his chest. "See, I know quite a lot about you." His eyes follow her hands as it moves up towards his mouth. "Jack didn't keep many of your secrets to himself. I know how fascinated you are with women's nails." She pulls her hand back and moves her own head closer. "I didn't think that information would ever become useful, but here we are." She kisses him hard, forcing her tongue into his mouth. Nathan shakes his head, trying to force her out. She pulls back, lifts up to her hands and knees. "Darcy!" he chokes out before swallowing, trying to fix his voice. "Come on please! I don't want to be infected with this... this..." "Gift?" Darcy finishes for him. She pulls her hands up and leans back, only on her knees now. "I have always wanted a body like this! But it was too far away for me. You bridged that gap. And now? I'm going to return the favor." She looks down beneath her own sex to reveal Nathan's erection. She smile sand gently lines it up with her lowering vagina. "Do you feel how wet I am? I've been ready for this for so long..." She trails off after pushing her hips on to his. Her hands move through her hair and down to her breasts. She plays with her nipples as she raises off of him. Nathan stares at her, as she puts on the show for him, moving slowly up and down. She leans down after a couple seconds and begins to make out with him. Nathan slowly responds to her. He kisses her back and begins to meet her hips with his own. She pulls away from him. "Yes that's it! Fuck my pussy! Make me cum! Make me... Ah!" Nathan jerks upward, lifting her knees of the bed and holds there, moaning out loud. She looks down at him and smiles. He drops down to the bed, panting. Darcy moves her left leg over to his left side, she leans down and kisses him again. She exits to the bathroom as Nathan tries to catch his breath. She quickly returns and stands next to one of his bed posts. "Do I need these anymore?" Her hand is lightly playing with fabric used to tie him down. Nathan pants slowly and stares at the ceiling. "No, I don't think so." She begins to untie him. After the last one is down he sits up against the headboard. She sits down next to him and lays her head on his shoulder. He draws her closer, wrapping his hand around her shoulder, which lightly rests on her breast. She giggles at this. "You know, I actually fantasized about this exact scenario several times." "I know." He looks down at her suddenly and she returns the glance. "I sort of tapped into them earlier in the week. I thought it was pretty hot myself so I thought I'd try to play my cards right tonight." She leans and kisses him. "I was right about how hot it was, God, I don't think I'd ever cum that hard before." She closes her eyes and bites her bottom lip, leaning her head back to rest on his arm. "Let me know when you're up for round 2." She opens her eyes and winks at him. Nathan laughs at that. "I think that's going to be a while, I'm pretty drained. In more than one way." He rubs at his crotch through the blanket covering them. She whips off the sheet and lowers her head down to his dick. "I think I have a solution for that..." she smiles and licks up the length of his shaft. He groans, pushing her back slightly he stands up and closes the door. He looks back at her, his finger on the light switch. She shifts to side and drags her nails along the side her body. He smirks and flicks the switch. End of recording.

Same as CDC Documents: Unknown Virus 2 Videos

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The Fetish Virus

Life isn't very easy for you as a teen. Although, or perhaps because you are the best student in your class, your classmates want as little to do with you as they can. However, one day a new virus spreads rapidly through your school, which gives all of your classmates a new fetish. Fortunately for you, you're the only one immune to this virus. But that doesn't mean you can't use this opportunity to your advantage...

1 year ago
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Futa Virus

Ok this is the futa virus you wake up and see it on news but now who are you? Are you male or female..? Or are you already one to them? Are you strong enough to fight the virus or will you succumb to it?

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Tailor Made Viruses

Tailor Made Viruses The biotechnology industry is making great strides in the development of customized molecules focused on treating diseases such as cancer and heart disease. One especially promising avenue involves the creation of viruses which will only infect certain types of cells (primarily cancer cells) where the virus is essentially the delivery mechanism and the cure is genetic material rather than chemical molecules. Virofix Inc was a small start up biotech firm that...

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Fuck This Virus

This coronavirus madness is driving people insane. Like stocking up with ten years of toilet paper. Forcing people to stay home with nowhere to go.No hockey playoffs, no NCCA basketball tournament, no Masters golf, and worst of all, no baseball.The virus has the most physical and mental effects on the older generations, like me. I’m a seventy-eight-year-old widower. What are we supposed to do?Perhaps watch porn on the internet and stroke soft cocks that no longer get hard and rarely cum seems...

2 years ago
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The B1M80 Virus

Thursday May 10th 2034 Location Clayton Valley population 12,000 permeant residents, small town USA, Clayton High School. The virus came out of nowhere cases started popping up over night in every country, city, town, and village around the world. People got sick and died then the real fun started. But you had no idea what was happening it was just a normal day for you in Spanish class outside of felling like garbage due to a cold you had caught from god knows where, the day was going ok a...

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The One With the Virus

Phoebe, Joey, Ross and Rachel were in Monica and Chandler's apartment, watching the news, unbelievably. Katie Couric was reporting on some virus that was released that would turn women into airheaded, big titted bimbos. "This has got to be some kind of sick joke. Or a movie," Rachel suggested. "No way. Katie Couric isn't that stacked normally," Joey observed. "Well, look at the bright side. Monica will finally get some boobs and you won't have to worry about work anymore." "And no one will be...

1 year ago
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Melissa Virus

This story, while short and sweet, contains some bad words and veiled references to m2f transformation. It is based on a dream that I had. Hope you all enjoy it, BUT ONLY IF YOU ARE OVER 18 AND AGREED NOT TO POST THIS. It is for your personal enjoyment and is not to be rebroadcast in any form. Thanx, Karyn ________________________________________________ Melissa Virus By Karyn Amethyst Part one It was 3 am and I was getting tired. I had spent the last four days...

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The PVirus

The P-Virus By JRD Bill went into the strip bar where he was supposed to meet his friends. It was his twenty-first birthday and his friends were buying him his first legal drink. After getting past the door, it took him a little while to find his friends at a table near the stage. He sat down and greeted Roosevelt (a large black man who worked as the manager of the hamburger joint where he worked) and Ken (a fellow college chum who worked as an entry-level teller at a local...

2 years ago
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Sex Change Computer Virus

Sex Change Computer Virus By Kozmik Alaska Friday. Another week, another set of critical security updates from Microsoft. A small balloon popped up in the taskbar of Kirsty Desjardin's PC just as she was about to retrieve her email. Fresh from her morning shower, Kirsty sat wearing her bathrobe in a hotel room in Toronto. As she dried her hair, she clicked on the warning. "Damn!" Kirsty muttered as she read the security warning. "An exploit triggered by a jpg file. If that isn't a...

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Last Vacation before virus

We decided to take one last trip before the fall ended and it was a good thing we did because not long after this trip everything got locked down and we have not gone anywhere because of the virus. We packed and went to a new place not far from our house a new casino with a nice hotel and a bunch of bars and restaurants. We packed for 2 days and this time we both put on our nylons garter belts and stuff on under our regular cloths. We started to drive and relax and my wife was feeling really...

2 years ago
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She looked like a lost child when I opened my door. "I think I have a virus." She said as she clutched her laptop close to her chest. "Come in." I said with a smile. "Let's have a look at it." I held the door open as she flip flopped to the kitchen. It was hard not to take an admiring look at her cute little ass so I didn't even try restraint. The cut-off blue jean shorts she was wearing made the view even more appealing. Following a few steps behind to maximize the angle, I had to...

3 years ago
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X The Unknown (c) 2017 by Anthony Durrant "All rise for Judge Leland McCarthy!" the bailiff shouted, and we all stood bolt upright as the judge entered the courtroom and sat down. The defendant, Dick DeMarko, sat quietly back in his chair at his table beside his attorney, Randolph Mason junior, the nephew of the great prosecutor Randolph Mason, whose death I had exposed several years earlier with the help of my longtime nemesis, Charles Edward...

1 year ago
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Caller Unknown Chapter 1

Willow emerged from the morning scrum at the cafe counter clutching her ritual espresso in one hand and her bag and phone in the other. Luck was with her when she spotted her favourite bistro table vacant by the front window, and she hurried over to claim it. Dropping her bag on the chair, she then moved around to the seat backing the wall.As she sat down, she felt something bump against her backside. It turned out to be a cell phone. Its sleek marbled-crimson case caught her eye immediately...

3 years ago
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Caller Unknown Chapter 5 Conclusion

St.Augustine's...“While my time here has been short, only a couple of years, I can honestly say that this has been one of the most rewarding experiences in my still nascent artistic career and creative life,” Mr Valcourt announced to St. Augustine's and its graduating class.Willow sat amongst her classmates in her graduation robe looking up at her art teacher on the stage as he delivered his farewell speech to the students and their families in attendance. There had been a murmur of surprise...

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Caller Unknown Chapter 2

Three days later, Willow sat at her office desk, head tilted and propped up against her palm. She scrolled randomly through the strange phone’s screen. There wasn’t much there, just the bare bones of icons. No message app, no contacts folder, not even a way to dial out. The files were empty. She had considered taking it to the I.T. department to see if they could dig through it --find something, anything-- but thought better of it.She even tried calling from the phone itself to her office phone...

3 years ago
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THE UNKNOWN ARTIST AND THE CRYPT OF ANONYMITY Furthermore, I soon realized that I would need to ‘learn’ the highly personnal vocabulary with which the Unknown Artist conjures up a world. And He said : All around passagers, faceless, nameless, Mister X, unspeakable news in brief, c***dren of the night (protect them), night a****ls (protect them), discreet avengers, anonymous photographers (yes, you are), burlesque, broken houses, grotesque, clandestine souls, invisible walkers, please come into...

3 years ago
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Unknown Presence The Vessel

Introduction: She was the perfect girl but had this one problem, nightmares, nightmares that were so real to her that she felt everything in real life that happened to her in her dreams. Unknown Presence – The Vessel. Leeann Hamilton had always been a normal twenty something girl with the IQ of a genius and looks that could stop people dead in their tracks. She was a dead heat in a Zeppelin race. Her gorgeous ivory skin glowed in the sunlight with a delicate scattering of freckles, untamable...

3 years ago
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The Unknown Guy From The Train

I have been writing here just because I can’t share my story with anyone else. I’m Manasa, age 25. It was a pleasant day at a relative’s house in Pune. I went there a few years ago, to meet my cousins. Since my college was about to begin in few days I booked a train to Bangalore, where I was doing my studies, staying at a hostel. I came just before the train departs. By that time, my reserved compartment was almost full. As always I had booked a window seat.When I reached my cabin, there were a...

3 years ago
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Midnight In Train With Unknown8230

Hi i am Silpa, i am biggest fan of iss; this is my first story if any mistake please ignore it (please send your feedback). Let me explain how i lost my virginity to unknown guy. This started in train, me my 2 grandparents and my fiancé (totally 6) Ragul back to Chennai from Bangalore. In train we had mixed seats 3 in one cubical and other 3 in next cubical. We have seating problem since my grandparents were old they are unable climb top. In next cubical we there are 6 guys who had all lower...

2 years ago
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Lifestyles of the Very Rich and Unknown

Lifestyles of the Very Rich and Unknown Introduction This is another of my stories depicting possible real-life situations, no magic, no science fiction, no unknown chemicals, though adult situations of sexual activity, coercion, kidnapping and some limited violence are involved, so consider yourself forewarned. My intent here is to explore the nature of friendships and relationships, and how people respond to events that are verging on the impossible to deal with. And the ending...

3 years ago
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THE UNKNOWN ARTIST AND THE CRYPT OF ANONYMITYFurthermore, I soon realized that I would need to "learn" the highly personnal vocabulary with which the Unknown Artist conjures up a world. And He said : All around passagers, faceless, nameless, Mister X, unspeakable news in brief, c***dren of the night (protect them), night a****ls (protect them), discreet avengers, anonymous photographers (yes, you are), burlesque, broken houses, grotesque, clandestine souls, invisible walkers, please come into...

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Sex Adventure With Online Unknown Friend

Hi friends I am back with few more incident and stories, this time I am going to tell you about my unknown online friend and adventure with her. let me introduce to them who are new and who don’t know me I am Anuj and I am Gigolo living in Anand. I am 21yr and my dick (Cock) is 7 inch long and around 3 inch thick. Our friendship started from an app called kik. I used to search for unknowns females who are looking for male escort or males for having fun. One after searching a lot I found her and...

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Futa Virus

CTV News Channel, News at 7 am "Good morning, this is Amanda reporting for Channel 5 CTV news, Weather for today will be a high of 31 degrees and sunny, good news for allergy suffers as pollen count is low" said the red haired news woman sitting at the news desk. "Umbrella Corp is reporting there new health cream, will be available next month after being delayed by testing problems" "In other news, the Toronto Blue jays will be playing the Boston next week after the power problems at the sky...

2 years ago
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The virus

Day 1> It all began as an ordinary day in July... An ordinary day in Libreville City, my city. It started like a normal day, when you look at it now, it was not a normal day... BRAKING NEWS: "This is Channel 8 News caster Samara, I am reporting from the parking Lot of Libreville city mall where an outbreak is happening." Behind the Reporter there was a lot of nude men and woman fucking each other, one woman had a cock deep in her ass,while her pussy was thrust into, she was also sucking one...

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Succubus Virus

You frantically try to pull away from the succubus that has assaulted you even as her thick tail plunges into your pussy. You attempt a shriek which is in turn cut off by the serpentine tongue forcing it's way into your mouth. The crimson demoness is much too strong for you to throw off and soon the creature has taken you down to the ground. The Succubus breaks her forceful kiss and straddles you, keeping you pinned as her tail continues it's assault. "Don't fight it," The succubus hisses...

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The Drunk Virus

With all necessary care, Jenny Billings and her brother John place the last crates of lettuce, cabbage and cucumbers into the trunk of her black minivan. Once a month, Jenny goes to the countryside and visits the little farm of her sibling for a new supply of fruit and vegetables. "Strange thing happened this morning", John suddenly remarks. "Old Ramirez came to my house, totally upset and babbling something about a flying saucer or a spaceship that he claims to have seen over the river after...


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