Slut Cop Kate Chapter 01 - Turned Into A Slut By The Virus free porn video

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Don’t get me wrong, my city had its fair share of scumbags. And that was why I was in my car in the late hours of the evening, hoping to rid my town of one less scumbag.

“Car coming up,” my radio squawked.

A non-de*********** 90s Honda Civic rolled up and parked outside the building.

“See it.”

I pulled out my binocs, watching a line figure come out of the car. What stood out to me was the fact that he was wearing a white jumpsuit and carried a briefcase. He looked around. Satisfied, he let himself into the building.

“I’m going to go check it out,” I said to Rick, my partner.

“Kate, we better wait for backup.”

I bit my lip. It wasn’t a secret that my department had more moles than honest cops. “Negative. If I’m going in.”

“Goddamnit. Okay, I’ll go round the back.”

I made my way down the banking, keeping my weight low to avoid falling on my ass. The parking bay was deserted, and I cursed as I got to the door. Stopped in my tracks by a fucking keypad.

I couldn’t risk firing my pistol at the door. I looped around the building until I found a large industrial window.

Several glass panels were smashed in, so I climbed up the crates beneath it and, using the sleeve of my jacket, knocked off a few loose shards. This was nuts. The things I did to follow a suspect, especially tearing my leather coat to shreds.

Like a cat, I landed as quietly as I could. I wasn’t too concerned about noise; the sound of industrial machinery running in the neighbouring buildings had all but masked my footing. The only light I had was the street lamps and moon spilling in. It wasn’t pitch black, but I had to feel my way around stacks of crates and sneaking around containers. My brain wanted to see what was in the crates, but for now, it was to follow the suspect.

He wasn’t hard to spot. Red lamps lined the walls of the warehouse and apart from me, he was the only other person in there. He had the briefcase in one hand and a flashlight in the other. I shadowed him until he exited the storage area and stopped in front of another door.

Shit, if he went in, I’d lose him.

“Stop, police!” I shouted as I sprinted at him.

He turned, eyes going wide, and punched in the last few digits. The door yielded, and he pushed his way in, kicking the door back.

I screamed and charged, expending all my energy in one last burst of speed. Thankfully, I manage to crash through before the lock engaged, slamming into the suspect. We both crashed to the floor. I slammed down onto the concrete, knocking the wind out of me.

There wasn’t time to rest, though. My lungs were on fire, and I scrabbled to my feet. The suspect grabbed the briefcase and bolted down the long corridor.

I gave chase, ignoring the stabbing pain shooting up my leg. There was something important in that case. I could feel it.

The corridor led to another room, a smaller one this time, like a boiler room. Rusted pipes fed up from the floor and into the ceiling, and the tiled floor was cracked and worn. The lack of windows and the fact that there were lights on in here and not the rest of the building told my gut that this was the ideal place for a meeting.

Or a drug deal.

Closing in, I lunged at him, and my fingers caught his jumpsuit. Curling my fingers in for maximum grip, I hooked my foot in front of his leg and sent him crashing to the floor.

Adrenaline coursed through me. And I was severely pissed for being made to chase after this asshole.

The briefcase was sent flying and two syringes tumbled out.

The suspect scrabbled for them, and I threw myself on top of him. We tumbled on the floor, limbs tangling and flailing.

“Stop resisting!” I shouted, but it fell on deaf ears.

Even on the floor, he crawled towards the syringes, despite my weight on him and an arm around his throat. Whatever it was, it was extremely important to him. I threw a couple of jabs into his kidneys, but he still kept struggling. It wasn’t until I shoved my knee between his legs that he howled in pain and rolled, dragging me with him. I wasn’t going to let him go, though. It was like wrestling with a gator, and suddenly, a sharp, white hot pain bit into my leg.

I screamed, grabbing at my thigh, trying to stem the pain.

The suspect rolled off me, gasping for breath.

An empty syringe rolled off to the side.

It didn’t take a genius to work out that he injected me with whatever it was in the briefcase.

“W-what did you inject me with?” I choked.

He walked over to the briefcase and grabbed the other syringe. He inspected it before putting it back into the case.

“Thank god this one is still intact.”

My body shivered uncontrollably. It felt like hot molten liquid coursed through my veins and my heart pounded like a jackhammer. My throat felt tight, and it was getting harder to suck in oxygen.

The suspect went to the door we came in and bolted it shut.

Then he pulled out a phone and started recording me. All I could do was watch him as I felt life drain away. I tried to reach out for him with my hand, fingers curled into claws.

“Let’s call her Subject 87X. Status unknown. Subject has been accidentally administered approximately 60cc of the S-Virus. Overdose and death imminent,” he said to the phone.

His eyes were cold, devoid of emotion. It pissed me off that he looked at me, observed me like some fucking freak experiment.

In the last moments of my life, my heart ached for my baby brother, Bobby. We were all that was left of our family, and I swore I would protect him. And now he was going to be left alone...

My last thought was not being able to go visit his apartment, sneaking in some ice cream against doctor’s orders. It wasn’t so bad... The world faded around me as I pictured my brother’s smiling face. Eighteen with so much to deal with, yet still managed to have a smile for me...

“Subject deceased, no pulse detected,” the man said without emotion as he pressed his fingers against the woman’s neck. He thumbed a number and dialed. After several rings, it went through.

“Yes, it’s me. There has been a complication. The exchange needs to be aborted. Also, I will need a clean-up crew.”

He hung up and sighed. “Don’t worry, I will be joining you soon. My organisation doesn’t tolerate fuck ups, and I fucked up royally injecting millions of dollars of research into your fucking body.”

As he made his way to the door on the opposite side of the room, he heard a choked gasp behind him. He turned and his eyes went wide.

“ Impossible.”

It was black. An infinite abyss of nothingness. And then it was as if someone dropped a weight onto my chest. I coughed and sputtered. And as my vision came back, I felt my body being dragged, raking against the cracked tiles. The pain brought me comfort. It told me I was still alive.

Then something cold and metallic bit into my wrist.

“... 87X has somehow resuscitated. Observation is limited, but I will extrapolate as much data as possible.”

“What’s going on?” I breathed weakly.

My body was still weak. I came to my senses enough to see that he grabbed my own handcuffs and secured my hand to a pipe. I didn’t think I had the strength to arrest him, anyway.

"A detective,” he said, looking through my wallet.

“Inconvenient, but not catastrophic.”

“Who are you?”

“You caused me a lot of trouble, detective. But maybe this is a silver lining. You should be by all accounts be dead. I’d love to run tests on you, but we don’t have that luxury.”

He pointed to the radio on the floor. The one I used to communicate with my partner. Rick’s voice crackled through the radio, asking if I was okay.

“ A shame, truly.”

“What did you do to me?”

“Self defence. But that’s not what you wanted to hear. You want to know what’s inside right now, don’t you? I suppose you earned the right to some information. Many others before you weren’t so lucky.”

I tried the cuff. The pipe was rusted, but secure. There wasn’t going to be an action hero move where I pulled myself free and apprehend this asshole.

“Let’s just say the virus inside you, and yes, it is a virus, is designed to turn women into mindless breeding machines. A lot of the information is classified, but I feel compelled to tell you what will happen to you, theoretically. This is new grounds for me, too. The virus is going to slowly assimilate your DNA. Side effects I surmise, would be enhanced libido, and extreme desire for semen. You’re going to crave sex and nothing else.”

“You’re insane.”

“Am I? You’ll find out soon enough. Initial experiments have shown a consistent pattern the subjects followed.”

Anger coursed through me again, but I was held back by the cuffs. There was no way is was going to turn into a cock craving slut.

“Let me check your heart rate.”

“Don’t fucking touch me,” I spat.

He smiled coldly and unbuttoned my shirt. He pressed the palm of his hand against the area just above my breasts, and I moaned almost immediately.

“Are you okay?”

It was impossible. Why would a mere touch feel so good?

“Your breasts look rather swollen. Are you one of those women who wears ill fitting bras?”

“That’s none of your business.”

His hand drifted down to cup my breast.

“Let me see, it’s important for them to not be too constricted.”

It was obscene. Everything he said was completely obscene. But the moment his hand squeezed my breast, the world turned white.

I threw my head back, my body shuddering in pleasure against his touch. “F-fuck...” the words came out of my mouth.

“Oh, my. Your nipples are painfully erect under that bra of yours. Would you like me to free them?”

“Y-yes,” I groaned, panting. “I mean, no... I...”

My mind was a haze of conflicting thoughts. God, it felt so good. “My nipples ache so much.”

“It must be the effect of the virus, detective. I’ll help you. Consider it an act of kindness from a concerned citizen.”

He yanked my bra so violently, the material tore at the hooks. I didn’t care that it was a Victoria’s Secret bra, one of my favorites. All I felt was how good it was to be free from the restraints of the padding.

“Fucking hell, your tits look amazing.”

A strange sense of pride coursed through me. I liked him complimenting my body, for some reason.

“Your nipples do look rather sore. Let me help you massage them.”

He grabbed my tits, kneading them greedily. I moaned out uncontrollably. Each squeeze of his hands made me climax. I was held securely by the cuff. All I could do was watch helplessly as he played with my breasts, rolling his fingers between my painfully stiff nipples.

“Amazing,” he groaned. “I truly wish I could observe your metamorphosis, detective. Your body will be undergoing some interesting changes.”

“Its so hot...” I moaned.

He smiled, and before I knew it, his mouth closed over my nipple.

“Ah, fuck!” I yelped. Pleasure, like electricity, coursed from my nipple and spread throughout my body. My wrist strained against the cuffs, but even the pain of the metal biting into me couldn’t distract me from how good the bastard was making me feel.

I had a free hand. My training told me I could throw a jab into his throat or poke his eye. Anything to resist.

But I didn’t.

Instead, I cradled his head, pulling him tighter against my bosom.

“Suck on my nipples,” I begged.

My eyes closed tight. I reveled in how wrong it was to let this asshole suckle on my nipples. “Oh, that’s good,” I whimpered.

His hands found my belt, and he undid the buckle. “Let’s find out how wet you are.”

My heart pounded hard against my ribcage as I waited for him to touch me. His fingers wormed his way under my panties, brushing through my bush and glancing over my engorged clit.


His finger found my slit and with a wiggle, it delved into my depths. I cried out, my body wracked with pleasure.

“God, you’re so fucking wet.”

“It’s the virus’ doing.”

“I wonder... Maybe you are a horny slut.

When’s the last time you had cock?”

“It’s been a while,” I admitted. The demands of the job were a strain on my previous relationship. It’s been a few months since I last saw Tim... “

He plunged his fingers in and out of me, pulling me from my thoughts.” So fucking wet and tight. I bet my cock would feel amazing in your pussy," he growled.

“N-no... “ I whimpered, trying to ignore the need to be filled. My legs squeezed together. I couldn’t decide if I was trying to stop him finger-fucking me, or trying to keep them in me.

“Can you smell how fucking turned on you are?” he asked, pulling his fingers up to my nose. I gasped. His fingers were slick with my own juices, so wet and shiny. It was true. The stench of my arousal was strong, and for some reason, I felt the urge to taste myself.

He must’ve read something on my face, because he smirked and pushed them into my mouth.

I groaned as my own juices slaked my tongue. It wasn’t me. I was a woman possessed, moaning like a slut as I sucked my own juices clean off his fingers.

Suddenly, his fingers curled into the back of my head, and he pressed his mouth against mine.

I didn’t fight it as his tongue invaded my mouth, caressing mine. The lingering taste of bitter coffee was on him, and instead of pushing him away, I found myself chasing after him, wanting more.

“Fucking hell,” he chuckled after taking a breath. “Such a shame that you’re a pig. You’d make such a good slut. I can tell you live for cock.”

“N-no... I...”

“You want cock, don’t you?”

I swallowed. “I don’t.”

There was that smug, shit-eating smirk again. Slowly, he stood until his crotch was level with my face. He unzipped his jumpsuit and yanked down his tracksuit bottoms, exposing his rock hard cock.

“You sure you don’t want this?”

I swallowed again. It was just inches away from my face. And fuck, the smell. So thick and pungent. The smell of man.

A raw hunger bubbled in my gut.

“You look like you want a taste.”

“N-no, I don’t,” I lied.

A needy sound left my throat as he dragged his tip across my cheek, hot and velvety. It left a trail of precum on my skin.

“Just a little suck. No one would know,” he chuckled.

“Y-you’re under arrest.”

“For what? Offering you the chance to suck my dick? What’s it going to be officer, a taste of cock in your needy little mouth or taking me down to the station?”

He dragged his thick, juicy bulb over my lips, and I lost it.

“Fuck...” I whimpered, opening my lips wide, and desperately took him into me. God, he tasted so sweet and salty, with a hint of sweat. It was so nasty, so fucking delicious.

Tim’s cock never tasted this good.

He flexed his hips out, working his dick deeper into my willing mouth. “That’s it. That’s a good slut cop,” he hissed through his teeth. “The other subjects showed signed of improved libido, but they’re nothing like you, sucking my dick with such enthusiasm.”

I moaned around his cock. There was that feeling again. A warm treacle-like wash of feel-good from being complimented.

He grabbed my hair and started yanking me back and forth, face-fucking me.

“That’s it, you fucking cunt. Take it.”

The rough treatment was so wrong, so degrading, but that was what made it so good. I wondered what Rick would think if he saw me sucking off a suspect...

Suddenly, there was a loud bang from the door we came from. It was like a rhino was charging at it.

“Kate! Open up!” Rick shouted from the other side.

“Ah shit,” the suspect groaned. “Party’s over.”

He tried to pull away, but I grabbed onto his leg.

“No! Please, don’t go. I need your cum,” I begged.

This wasn’t me.

“Please cum in my mouth. I need it.”

He looked at the door again. Rick crashed against it at full force, but the bolt was holding for now.


The suspect turned and grabbed my head with both hands, and went back to fucking my face.

“You’re lucky that I’m such a nice guy, doing this for you. I’m not going to last too long, either. Fucking a cop like this has always been a dream of mine.”

I simply moaned as I greedily sucked in his cock, eager to feel his cum in my mouth.

I tried to aid in the process, gripping his shaft and milked him as he face-fucked me. With my free hand, I reached between my legs and teased my clit, trying not to think about how much I wanted his cock in my aching pussy.

He grunted, and I felt his cock swell in my mouth.

“I’m cumming.”

My eyes widened as the first hot splash of cum hit the back of my throat. I mewled, delighting in the taste and texture of it, redoubling my efforts to suck more out of him.


I swallowed as much as I could, although a part of me wanted to savor the taste on my tongue. My fingers were a blur, as I thrummed my clit until my own climax rush forth.

I groaned around his dick as my orgasm hit me like a truck. He had to pry his dick off of me as I kept on cumming and sucking on him, genuine disappointment coursing through me as his cum supply dried up.

And then I collapsed on the floor, spent and weak.

The suspect laughed again, ignoring the incessant banging on the door behind us. He zipped up his jumpsuit and collected his briefcase.

“I’m going to miss you, detective. You take care of yourself now, ” he chuckled and made his way through the other door.

My mind was a haze. My body felt like a led weight, but I managed to somehow uncuff myself with the key I had on me. It was a gargantuan effort to zip up my jacket, to make myself as presentable as possible. I didn’t want to explain myself to Rick. I didn’t know where to begin, anyway.

Eventually Rick succeeded and crash through the damn door like a bat out of hell.

He saw me and ran to me in a few steps.

“Are you okay?!”

“Yeah, I’m fine. The suspect escaped.”

He scanned the room, trying to piece together what had happened. I kept my eyes down, not wanting him to see anything in my eyes. I wondered if he could smell the cum in my breath.

“Did he do anything to you?”

“No. I mean, we fought. Got a bit heated, and he managed to floor me. Just a bit winded, but I’m fine. Sorry, he got away.”

Rick seemed satisfied with that for now.

He checked the other door, and it was securely locked, much like the other one. Rick didn’t bother trying to break that one down. By the time he did, if he had the energy to do so, the suspect would be long gone by now.

“I’ll call it in,” Rick said.

“No, don’t bother. There’s nothing to report. The asshole got away, and we got nothing to show for it. I rather not spend the rest of the night drowning in paperwork.”

He was just as pissed as I was, but he knew I had a point. Maybe I should’ve told my partner what really went down, but I didn’t even know if he would believe me.

Plus, I didn’t want to explain how I begged to pleasure the guy.

Rick helped me out of the warehouse.

We did a quick run through of what to do next. He promised he would find out who owned the place.

I needed to find out what the hell was inside me.

And I suddenly wanted to see my baby brother, my only family. I was too close to losing him forever tonight.

Thank you for reading, go here:

to download a free copy with links to other free epubs within~

Check it out here, if you’re interested in finding out about Detective Kate turning into a debauched sex-crazed slut:


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My thanks to Steve Zink for all his help with this story. Virus By Destiny The second gulf war was to be remembered, not for the massive casualties or Britain's first use of nukes but for the Iraq's last act of defiance, the virus. It swept across the globe in a matter of weeks; no one could find a cure. The results of this virus were astounding; any man who contracted it would find his genetic code being rewritten. A lucky man would find himself merely growing a large pair...

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Roses video Chapter 6 Kate Needs To Talk

I awoke and suddenly licked my lips. 'I had sex with Rose,' I thought, rubbing my face slowly. 'I committed incest and cheated on my husband with my sexy daughter,' I thought before I lazily leaned up. I peeked over to my left side and bit my bottom lip. "I'm sorry that I'm not sorry, Chase. I fucked our daughter and made both of us feel incredible both inside and out. I know you are sleeping right now, but I told you this was happening. I certainly hope Rose doesn't want it to be...

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Hugh and the Virus

Hugh and the Virus By Jillian Permission is granted to repost the story in it's entirety, crediting the author, is hereby granted. I would also like to invite other authors to add their tales to the Virus Universe. Hugh had always secretly admired women, not as a potential mate but more by wishing he was one and able to wear all their pretty clothes. Then, as news of the accidental release of a sex-changing virus from a weapons plant in the former USSR, he struggles to come face...

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Roses video Chapter 6 Kate Needs To Talk

POV: KateI awoke and suddenly licked my lips. 'I had sex with Rose,' I thought, rubbing my face slowly. 'I committed incest and cheated on my husband with my sexy daughter,' I thought before I lazily leaned up.I peeked over to my left side and bit my bottom lip. "I'm sorry that I'm not sorry, Chase. I fucked our daughter and made both of us feel incredible both inside and out. I know you are sleeping right now, but I told you this was happening. I certainly hope Rose doesn't want it to be just...

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The Virus

April 10th It all started a couple months ago. I was watching the news and they had a clip about a mad scientist. He claimed to have created a virus that turns women into brainless nymphomaniacs, and unless all nations of the world transferred zillions dollars into a certain account in a week's time, he would unleash it. Of course, nobody believed him. We should have. A week went by, and when nothing happened, people just laughed the threat off, saying, "that it was just a threat by some...

2 years ago
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The Edification of Mary Kate BenniganChapter 2

Tommy’s Confession The twins had been having oral sex continuously since New Year’s Eve. He knew it was sinful in the eyes of the Church and kept telling himself that he was going to stop. But Mary would let him. And he wanted more than oral sex but fearing pregnancy wouldn’t allow it. On the verge of forcing her to go all the way, Tommy decided to vent his problems through confession. Closing the door of the confessional Tommy waited for the priest. Through the thin wall, he heard the...

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The Edification of Mary Kate BenniganChapter 5

When the morning sickness began the words of her aunt, Sister Anna, echoed in her ears, Men will take advantage of you and throw you on the trash heap. She remembered the pregnant teenagers that had babysat her and her brothers—none seemed happy. When she learned that she was pregnant she felt panic. I’m too young to have a baby. If she were to tell Sister Anna, she would be angry, but she also would understand. Picturing herself babysitting other children as she grew to an immense size she...

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The P Virus

My first story for Fictionmania, even though I've been writing under a different name elsewhere for a very long time (a lot of it transgender and transformation fiction). Hope this meets your approval. The P Virus By Jayson McCaul The origin of the virus was inexplicable. One day the papers were claiming it was the product of biological warfare. The next it was a mutation of a common sexually transmitted disease, most likely genital warts or genital herpes. For a while witches and...

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Millennium Products I the Domination of KateChapter 2

Introduction Kate slept very well throughout the following week, and felt restored and relaxed in the mornings. She got out of bed early and met her daughter during breakfast. Linda had looked sad all through the week, possibly still worried about that boyfriend problem; but Kate didn't care as she usually did. During the week she had always gone braless to work, but, by a wise choice of clothes, it had passed unnoticed. However, Linda opened the bathroom door unexpectedly on Thursday...

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The Edification of Mary Kate BenniganChapter 3

Mary Kate’s Experiment School had been out for two weeks. The week before her rape, at her mother’s urging, she volunteered at Boston General Hospital as a Candy Striper where she was assigned to the men’s Geriatric Ward. Since Men’s Geriatrics was the worst duty for most Candy Stripe volunteers the staff cycled each new girl for their first two weeks in the hospital. This was the hospital’s way of getting rid of those volunteers who didn’t want to be there. The patients were mostly cranky....

4 years ago
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Forever Kate Lynn Chapter 3

Forever Kate Lynn - Part 3 As they approached the ice rink, Jimmy started recognizing many of the girls from the ice-staking team who were already out on the ice practicing. The flutter, of Butterflies soon began in his stomach, but not as bad as the other two times. It was obvious however that Anne was getting excited and with excitement in her voice she turned to Jimmy and whispered rapidly some last minute wisdom comments, much like a coach does as the team is running out onto the...

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Kate Draffen Chapters 2940

CHAPTER 29 "You are Michael." It was the last thing Kate Draffen had said to me as I was leaving. It was cheap shot, something to get riled up. Or was it? He seemed to believe that the only thing that had changed about him was his body and that might have been true. But I felt myself changing, I wasn't the same person I was 4 short weeks ago. I was more confident, more compassionate and a lot more mature. Those weren't symptoms of SGR, those were due to personal growth. Gemma was...

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WebcamChapter 10 Kate

I met Beth and her girlfriend Cheryl at the airport. Cheryl looked young. She was small all over ... she couldn’t have been more than five feet tall and probably weighed less than a hundred pounds. “Hi Michael,” Beth said as she gave me a hug. “This is my partner, my lover, and my sex slave, Cheryl.” Cheryl put her hand out for me to shake. That’s when I noticed a collar around her neck. “Hi, Cheryl - how are you?” “I’m good thank you, sir.” “You don’t have to call me sir, Michael would be...

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Kate Catherine and Big Black Cocks Chapter 6

Chapter 6 Catherine's excellent adventure Catherine wanted to leave the parking lot right now, worried that her boss might see her with these two black men!. Her boss was an older successful business man of some sort of mixed ethnic South African race. But to look at him you would never know it. He was rumored to have made a small fortune and had been involved in the illicit diamond an ivory trade of the black market in South Africa and had immigrated to this country as a young...

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My MotherinLaw Kate

Kate calls me around mid-afternoon on a cold and windy Saturday and asks if she could hop over for a visit as she is lonely.I reply, "Well, Kate, Janice just left for a three-day bingo marathon, but you are more than welcome to come over for a supper of stew and watch a movie or two."She stands about five foot eight a bit on the chunky side, with nice 42D size bosoms. I know because I had a time with her bra six months ago. I really like her style of clothes, a skirt, a blouse, and low heels,...

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KateChapter 11

Before they set off on the walk Katrina insisted on showing Tamsin round the cottage. The two men stayed outside. The children did their own exploration. "Katrina and I may separate ourselves a bit," said Nigel. "Gran wanted us to have a talk together." Andrew smiled happily. "I guessed she might and Tamsin mentioned it while Katrina was nattering with you before lunch. Stay here if you like and if you and Tamsin are happy she and I can run the children's pud off." "Thanks, Andrew....

4 years ago
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Slutty Kate

Kate woke up feeling horny again.It was frustrating , her husband Mike worked worked long hours and was not often interested anymore.With the k**s at uni Kate had a lot of spare time.When Mike was at work she often lingered in bed to play .She had bought a couple of sex aids online from Ann Summers and would lie naked in bed gently playing till she orgasmed ,Lately she had been turned on by watching herself in the mirror as she slowly brought herself to a climax .There was nothing like the...

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The XVirus

This is a rough idea which popped into my head one night. The TG part is a bit unusual, but I hope you find the story enjoyable. The X-Virus by Elrod W. It's been ten years now, and the chaos has pretty much settled down. The government, for once, did something right and actually helped get things under control. Of course, we Y-guys still encounter a little hostility and resentment; I guess that's natural, given what happened. Some of the government boys asked me to help with...

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Millennium Products I the Domination of KateChapter 5 Bad news from the family

It was a nightmare to Kate. The beautiful 33 years old mother was spread on a couch, her swollen pussy dripping Max' sperm, having just been told that she was a drugged slave and she was going to help this evil people turn her only child into a cum addicted slut. Now she found out that her own younger sister, whom she had not seen in years, had chosen her for this terrible destiny. Donna was about 29 years old by now, and had huge 38D breasts, unnaturally firm and pointy. Kate was shocked...

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Fertile FlockChapter 13 Carnal Christian Kate

Kate Fagan, Kermit's wife of slightly over fourteen years and the mother of his two daughters, Tanya who was fourteen and Caitlin who was thirteen was twelve years younger than her husband. She was, at twenty eight, still a beautiful woman and maybe Tanya would look like her in another fourteen years. The resemblances between mother and daughters were striking. Their faces were round and attractive, they were little more than five feet tall and they all had large, soft breasts, especially...

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Tim kate Love StoryChapter 4

Tim's thoughts were running along the same track as Kate. For such smart people, they had still managed to get wrapped up in their quests for material success, forgetting that their marriage should have been the most important part of their lives. Holding his wife in his arms, he promised her between kisses that he would never take her for granted again. Kate kissed him again, swearing that she would put their marriage before her career this time. Tim stood and took her hand, leading her to...

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Tim kate Love StoryChapter 3

Tim woke up late the next morning to a soft snore. His hand reached out to touch Kate, but knocked several books off of the table, the resulting crash jolting him awake. He looked around his living room, disoriented to find himself alone when he swore he had just been in bed with Kate, then shook his head as the night before came back to him. He realized that he had fallen asleep in his recliner while talking to Kate. "Kate? Sweetheart, are you there?" He spoke softly into the receiver...

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Locked Down for the Virus

“Okay, Lionel, have your bags packed on Saturday morning,” the younger brother reminded his sibling.“I will, Blaine! What time will you be here? I’ll be there around ten in the morning.”“Do you want me and Freeland to ride together or do one of us need to ride with you?”“You tell me what you want. Just think about it and let me know.”“Okay. And you have WiFi, right?’“Yes, Lionel. I…”The five-foot-eight, reddish-brown, effeminate man went silent as he saw a dark figure lurking outside his...

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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 73 Meeting Kate Club Prep Thanksgiving Visitors

Mark Two weeks before the Grand Opening of the Club Infinity, I stood in the middle of the dance floor and looked around at the beehive of activity going on around me. Elsa and Stacy stood on the stage with a tall handsome man named Lee Olerich – the new club manager that Stacy had hired on my behalf. They were auditioning female and male strippers. Stacy had a clipboard with one page for each girl or guy who had applied to her ads. There was a boom box on the corner of the stage with...

3 years ago
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Reform School TutorChapter 2 Abed with Kate

"She didn't take her punishment very well, Paul." Through my tears and the noise of my crying, I didn't see or hear David enter the room. My body began shaking with fear again. Kate cuddled me and I calmed a little. "Not surprising Sir, that was a harsh punishment for a woman to take." "She committed a similar crime to you so, in all fairness, she had to have the same punishment. You know we try to keep things equal for boys and girls in this establishment." "That doesn't take...

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My MotherInLaw Kate Ch3

After I send my mother-in-law Kate to the station of orgasmic heights, I tell her, "I want to marry you."   Kate is so much nicer a woman than her daughter could ever be. That is what I want in my life, a good, kind woman. I did consider that maybe Kate could turn out the same in a few years, as did her daughter, but right from the beginning her mom was always nice to me and frankly speaking, I would have been much better off "snagging" Kate to begin with.Kate starts moving in a bit at a...

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Kate Hot Asian TutorChapter 3 The Project

I was still holding his cock with my right hand as I looked up at him. I jolt of fear, pleasure and excitement ran through my body and I couldn't move a muscle. There he was, with the slyest grin I have ever seen, holding his webcam and filming me while I was giving him another blowjob. "Why are you stopping Kate?" I was completely stunned. I didn't what I should do. If I stopped, he would definitely send those pictures, but if I continued, then he'd have more images to blackmail me...

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The Adventures of Mar and Kate Part 2 Coming Together

Kate was a little early. I opened the door, but could not hug her because of all the shopping bags. Since I had gotten the club membership, she had gotten our outfits for tonight. She had my size, and knew my motto: "When in doubt, go smaller." I love pouring myself into tight clothing. I let her in wearing nothing but tiny white boyshorts and a black bra. Kate was wearing slightly more - an 8" micro-mini that barely covered her pussy, plus a thin T-shirt under which her braless boobs jiggled...

Group Sex
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My MotherinLaw Kate Ch2

Well, Janice didn't come back three days later from the bingo marathon as she said she would. Not that I expected her to. With her attitude towards me, she only pushed me closer to her mother. I loved what Kate did that night but the next time there would be no heel in the way.Kate dropped in a week later to say hi and visit for a while. Janice was off somewhere and I didn't care as she was no company for me anyway."So how are things with Janice?" asked Kate."Same lousy attitude, Kate. ...

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Gender Virus

GENDER VIRUS by BobH (c) 2013 Locked away in a remote research station and storage facility deep in Siberia were all the nastiest products of Soviet-era bio-weapons research. The nuclear explosion that took out the station was supposed to destroy them all, but one of them survived.... *********************************** A WEDDING STORY by Carol Wolfe Amalgamated Press UK This is a tale of a bride and a groom, of Craig and Marnie, and of a mother and her child. It's...

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Technology wrestles with the Wuhan virus

A virus invaded us from China…When people first started hearing about this mysterious virus in Wuhan China, no one worried.  The WHO told everyone it was not possible for the virus to transfer human to human.  The CDC echoed the same thing and even when it first appeared here in the USA, we ignored it.Well, all the experts were wrong or full of shit. The government ended up shutting down the country for three months and that seemed to have done the trick. By July, people were once again able to...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Tim kate Love StoryChapter 2

Tim was served divorce papers the next day citing irreconcilable differences. He counter-sued, claiming infidelity. Both agreed through their lawyers to sell all of their mutual assets and split the proceeds, keeping their businesses separate. When he saw her in court, she refused to look at him. The proceedings were a whirl for him, ending before he could think rationally or apologize in person. When the hearing was finished, she ran out of the room as if she couldn't get away fast...

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Compound X131Chapter 16 Kate Queen of the night

"Help, oh help me please!" Screamed Amanda as she hurtled into the lab at a tremendous pace. Even the cool, collected Jenna jumped. "What on earth's wrong Mandy?" Jenna asked. "Its TOM! He saw me with Kate, I think he's had a heart attack - hurry" just a quickly Amanda had vanished. " But where?" screamed Jenna after her. With an agile leap she cleared the desk in front of her grabbed all the first aid stuff she could find in her arms, and dashed to the door, swiveling her head...

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Tim kate Love StoryChapter 5

As Kate came out of the water, trying to hold Tim's big board, she thought she would have to get one of her own. She frowned at it; it was just too big and had a different shape than she was used to. Coming up to the deck, she nearly called out to him, but noticed that he was sound asleep in one of his chairs in the sun and showing the beginnings of a sunburn. Setting the board beside the front door, she walked around and carefully crawled onto the chair, sliding her body up his. She cast a...

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Kate Draffen Chapters 22 23

KATE DRAFFEN By Swishy Hi there, the author here. Thank you so so much for sticking with this story. As always comments, questions and critisms are very welcome. Either post a comment or email me at [email protected]. Just to clear up, I was unaware how rare Gemma was as a name in the US. It is a common name here in Australia and is pronounced 'Jem-muh'. ***** CHAPTER 22 Fucking journalists! That's how they knew. Some journos called my Mum first thing in the morning...

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The Virus

Chapter 1 The Virus Atlanta, Georgia is a beautiful place to visit. It is truly the south and exhibits all of the southern charms we associate with the south. Great barbeque pork, beautiful women and Cheetah III, one of this countries best nude gentlemen’s clubs. I was there on business visiting Atlanta for a couple of weeks when the holocaust hit the entire nation. It happened so fast and was so devastating that no one had a chance to determine how it happened or do anything about it. ...

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