The Gender Bias Virus free porn video

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The Gender Bias Virus By The Princess The world became a vastly different place in the year 2015. That was the year that the Gender Bias Virus was discovered. Like flicking a switch the proportion of boys born into the world became 95 percent. For every 100 births worldwide there were only five girls to ninety five boys. This sparked an international frenzy to try and discover the cause. Every nation supplied its best medical scientists and researchers to collate all the information they gathered and conferences were held all over the world to attempt to come up with a solution. They all agreed a new and mysterious virus was to blame. After two years research is was isolated and given the name of the Gender Bias Virus. It affected all the people all around the world. A lot of theories as to its origin were offered but to this day no one is really sure where it came from. The girls born after the onset of GBV were ordinary little girls in every way. They displayed no strange symptoms or abnormalities. The boys however were a different matter. Prior to GBV the average adult male was five feet 10 inches in height (178 centimeters) and 172 pounds in weight (78 kilograms) The males born after 2015 only averaged five feet seven (170 centimeters) and 132 pounds (60 kilograms) But most disturbingly these males did not produce sperm. They had functioning albeit small genitalia, were able to become aroused and ejaculate but they were infertile. The world had to discover a cure or solution or humankind was doomed to die out within three quarters of a century, give or take. The first action was to form huge sperm banks and new methods of sperm storage taken from males born before 2015. The small percentage of girls meant that there would only be so much they could do to perpetuate the species. Some girls did not want to have children so international laws were passed to force healthy genetic females to breed in numbers. The minimum was set at six children. This caused a furore among the civil libertarians and feminists so a committee was formed to develop international law designed to best perpetuate humankind. This committee was named the International Committee for the Perpetuation of all Humankind or the ICPH. This committee was to become the most powerful group on the planet. In 2046, thirty one years after the GBV took hold a group of brilliant medical scientists made a breakthrough that would ensure the Virus did not spell the end of Humankind. They found that each of the affected males had one of three possibilities as to their genetic make up. One third had a receptor gene, one third had a donor gene and the remaining third had neither. Through a complex and expensive process the donor could release part of his y chromosome which could be then given to the receptor. This made the receptor fertile and able to father children. The process was both complex and fantastic. The donor or the receptor gene was not produced until the male reached 31 years of age. The test consisted of analysing blood, urine and DNA. Once determined, a donor was paired to a receptor and the two were connected to each other intravenously and submerged into a tank of warm gelatinous fluid which was charged with complex and finely tuned electrical currents. The two males were physically regressed to pre puberty, the exchange made, and then progressed back to full adulthood. The results were amazing. The receptor became an Enhanced Man. He averaged 6 feet (183 centimeters) in height and 201 pounds (91 kilograms) in weight. His build was athletic to powerful, his genitalia became large to very large and his personality became more competitive, slightly more aggressive and his protective instincts increased. The process also unlocked some basic intelligence causing a twenty percent increase in IQ. As wonderful as the changes in the receptor were, the donor underwent an even more fantastic metamorphosis. His pre pubertal body once freed of its y chromosome developed in an entirely different direction. The theory was that the human default is female and nature simply took its course No one is really one hundred percent sure. The donor lost height and weight. They averaged five feet two (157 centimeters) and 108 pounds (49 kilograms) Their build was typically light and what small amount of muscle that they had disappeared. The most sensational change was the primary and secondary sex characteristics. The testicles regressed into the body and reformed into ovaries. The penis withdrew and became a vaginal canal, the glans became the clitoris and the scrotum reformed into the labia minora and majora. A womb formed from internal organs and with that the receptor became a fertile New Woman. The last one third of the males remained Non Enhanced Men Once the procedure was tested and proved safe the ICPH quickly formed international law. Great debates were held on the best way to ensure the continuation of the human race. The options that faced every Non Enhanced Man were these: 1/ Do nothing and remain as he is. A male who is unable to have a family and never have the joy of taking a wife. 2/ Take the test and if proved a donor do nothing and remain a Non Enhanced man. 3/ Take the test and if proved to be a Receptor become an Enhanced man. Which would mean the ability to mate with a Genetic Woman a New Woman or both. This formed a huge problem. Without donors there would be no Enhanced men and without new women to become wives and mothers for the Enhanced the process became futile. The ICPH decided that number two was not an option. If a Non took the test and proved to be a donor he had to submit to becoming a New Woman and the wife of an Enhanced. A Non could choose not to take the test and live his life as a Non. In fact another group formed to take care of this. The ICPH decided that the virus could very well have come about because of declining family values and societal morals. The decision was taken and agreed world wide to return to old fashioned values. This meant no anti social behavior, public drunkenness, swearing etc, no visible homosexuality. Same sex relations were legal in private only. It was soon discovered that a number of New Women rejected their femininity and refused to dress in a feminine manner. The Enhanced Men lobbied the ICPH to pass laws ensuring all women wore feminine apparel. This was taken to the next level when the New Women took to wearing manly tailored trousers passing them off as feminine clothing. It was then passed that all females must be clothed in skirted garments. A large percentage of Nons paired up together as they had no other hope of marriage. This was not only legalised but encouraged. On one condition. One of the couple had to adopt a female image and live as a woman. This was decided by the couple themselves and one chosen the female partner was considered female in the eyes of the law. Another group developed. Some Nons that had trangender feelings could not stomach the thought of testing as a receptor and being forced to become Enhanced. They preferred to become the feminized partner of another Non or undergo gender reassignment surgery and live as a trans woman rather than risking the gamble. The very large number of Nons who sought female company were drawn to these Transwomen for obvious reasons. Gender surgery was provided free of charge by the world governments as it was seen as a great help for Nons to live a happy and productive life. The world was now a very different place. The ICPH decided that after marriage the female partner was to become a housewife. Children needed their mothers at home, Men wanted to provide for their wives and this was a further seen as a further return to old fashioned family values. All the very masculine pursuits and vocations were filled by Enhanced. Professional sportsmen, Policemen, Soldiers, Firemen and most of the leaders and Politicians were Enhanced. There was a level of sports for the Nons but they were not well attended as a spectacle. Nons filled the previously considered more feminine vocations. Secretaries, Nurses, Teachers, Domestic help etc. There was no need of child care as children were raised by their mothers. When a Non became Enhanced he would be offered special courses to take him to upper management and leadership positions. Genetic Women were highly prized and revered. They had their choice of husbands. Only the biggest, most handsome and successful of the Enhanced had a chance with a Genetic. As a Non could not become enhanced without a Donor this left no single men for the five percent of the population born genetic women. If an Enhanced was to be chosen by a Genetic he could divorce his Donor partner and marry the Genetic.This law was passed to ensure the best genes were passed on to the gene pool by the best breeders. 2065 'What's going on this weekend?' Phil said to the group. Phil was always wanting to go somewhere, do something, anything. We were a group of six lifelong friends. There was Phil, who I have mentioned, Keith, industrious and conscientious, Greg, an ideas man, John, quiet and deep thinking, Myself, Mark, perhaps considered the joker of the group and Jenny, pretty and clever, the one girl in our group of friends. But that wasn't surprising. With one girl to ninety five boys we were lucky to have her. In fact most girls stuck to their own kind, too good for the likes of us. Jen was different, a good scout. "Motorbikes" the one word answer from Keith who was motorcycle mad. Jen groaned. "Not again. We went to the races last weekend." This was a typical Friday night, no one could decide what we should do. "OK then Jen, what do you want to do?" asked Phil, ever the fair minded. "Let's go to the Garden Show in the park. It's nice weather and time for spring planting." Now it was the boys turn to groan. "A bit too girly I'm afraid," said Greg. "Maybe for now" came back Jen "but who knows down the track? And don't worry your big strong girlfriend Jenny will help you get through" We all knew what she meant. Genetic girls loved to remind us Non boys that we had a good chance of joining them in dresses in our future. Not only that but they liked to rub it in that if we did we would be tiny compared to a genetic girl. Such was our world. "Not me," said John. "I have no intention of taking the test. That's one lottery that's not happening!" That was the feelings of most Non boys our age. But we all knew that as the age of thirty one approached that often changed. After leaving school and working for ten years, having fun and little commitment a lot of guys start hankering for a family. When that happens logic tells us to submit for the test. There is only a one third chance of becoming a New and two thirds chance of staying a Non and to ice the cake a chance at the golden ring, Enhancement. All red blooded Nons longed to be Enhanced. To be big and strong, have a wife and father kids, a better job and a respected place in society. The Enhanced had it all. It truly is a Man's World. Anyway we have years before we get there so lets have fun while we can. Most Nons left school after High school. The leaders were given further education when they became Enhanced. We left school and took up our new jobs and on the job training. We all sat our aptitude tests. The AAA (the Association for Aptitude Application) decided on our careers based on what society needed and our results. Phil became a Nursing Sister at the Children's Hospital, Keith started his training as a Primary School Teacher, John became a Personal Assistant to an Executive, Greg was selected as an Admin assistant for the Police Force, I was given a job in a large retail store selling furniture. Jen as a Genetic wasn't given a vocation. She had twelve months to find a husband, get married and become pregnant. Over the next twelve years we all stayed good friends. Our thirtieth birthdays came around quickly. You could tell we we all internally debating over our life choice. The matter we thought so far off was almost upon us. If we decided on the test we had to undertake it before we were thirty one and a half. After that it was too late. They needed News and Enhanced as young as possible to make babies and for the Enhanced to retrain and assume his natural place as men and leaders in society. John and Greg were the first to arrive at a decision. It was one that we didn't see coming. "We have decided not to take the test," John announced one day. Everyone became quiet. This was it, the announcement. Greg continued somewhat nervously. "John can't bear the thought of becoming a New so he isn't prepared to take the gamble." We were all on pins and needles. "And I can think of nothing worse than becoming Enhanced and having to perform in that role." What the hell? Where was this going? John then spoke. "So I would like to announce that Greg and I are going to live together. Greg is going to become my wife." You could have heard a pin drop. No one spoke. "Come on, at least pretend to be happy for us," said Greg. When every Non child is born it is a law that his parents select a girls name as well as a boys name. This is never divulged to the boy until he assumes a female persona. Once he decides to become a woman the Department of Births release the female name his parents chose for him. This reduces the risk of having a whole community of Tracy's, Kim's or Peta's It also helps the new woman to assimilate knowing her name was chosen for her not by her. "So what's your new name?" I asked. "Leanne," said Greg, I mean Leanne. Once the new name is announced it is illegal to use the old one. ICPH law. "When?" asked Jen, who was eight months pregnant with her fourth child. (all boys so far) "Next weekend is our wedding. We want you all in the party. Jen, will you be my bridesmaid?" "Of course," came her still shocked reply. So the next weekend we all attended John and Leanne's wedding. Apparently they had been finding comfort in each other for a few years unbeknown to us. It was a nice affair and they looked truly happy. This really brought the situation home to the rest of us. Seeing Leanne as a woman, in fact a bride taking a husband and becoming a housewife was sobering. She looked nice and she obviously accepted her new role but did that mean we could too? Most but not all in Leanne's position underwent gender reassignment surgery. Leanne's was scheduled for one months time. John looked pretty happy about that. Leanne wasn't so sure but she was prepared to do it for her husband. I guess that is true love. Phil was definitely the most macho of our group. He loved sports, playing them and watching them, talked about women a lot and was the least likely to want to acknowledge anything feminine at all. No chick flicks for our Phil. If I had to guess I would have said he wouldn't undertake the test. Too risky for a guy like him. It was a complete shock when he announced he had signed the forms. One week later he had his results. He came into us with a forlorn look of utter defeat. We all knew what that meant. He handed me the letter and told me to read it. He tested as a Receptor! He was pulling our chains. You never saw a happier man. Phil was dancing around hugging us all in turn and beaming like a lighthouse. We were all happy for him but it made me more apprehensive as to my decision and my fate. I really did not not know what to do. I was not looking forward to a life alone. Phil would have a wife and kids, Jen had her husband and her boys, Leanne and John had each other that only left Keith and I. The two of us discussed our choices at length. We couldn't do what Leanne and Greg did as we weren't made that way. Neither of us wanted to be a baron woman. If I was to be a woman I would at least want kids, no matter how I got them. The thought of being a sad old single Non wasn't doing it for me. I decided to go to my parents. My Mum was a wonderful woman. When I went to her for advice she pointed out that she took the test in the hope of becoming Enhanced and she was very disheartened when she tested donor. She didn't think she could stand being a tiny lady and a loving wife. Giving birth was abhorrent to her, she actually thought of taking her own life. But she decided to give it a go. And although it took some time she found she didn't mind being a woman. She enjoyed keeping a clean and tidy house, very much enjoyed taking care of her children and in time grew to love Dad. Now she gives thanks for her life and is grateful she is a woman. "And Mark hone,y" she went on, "most of my girlfriends feel the exact same way. It isn't half bad being a girl." "How about dresses, periods, giving birth, being tiny, wearing makeup and being treated like a little girl?" Mum laughed at that. "Is that what you're worried about? Dresses are actually nice to wear, if you want I'll get you one," she offered with a wink at which I grimaced. "Periods are a small part of a woman's life. Men think they are bad because we use them do deny him sex but really honey is is no big deal. Being little is kind of nice. I love the feeling of being protected by your Dad, makeup is a lot more fun than you can imagine and as for being treated like a little girl I am a little girl so I just got on with it." Next I went to Dad. "How would have you handled becoming a woman instead of an Enhanced?" "I was pretty happy the way things turned out son but if I hadn't taken the chance I wouldn't have had a family and I wasn't prepared to let that happen. I love being a man but I would hate being a lonely Non than a New with a wonderful family. In the end it's family that matters. And if you were to become our daughter we would love you just the same and enjoy watching you raise a wonderful family." I guess that clinched it. I went and told Keith of my decision. We went to the clinic together. When the pen was wavering over the contract I very nearly chickened out but eventually signed on the line. Thus began the longest week of my life. To kill time I walked around our local Shopping Mall. I never realised how many dress shops there were. With it being law that females had to wear dresses and skirts it seemed every second shop was a dress shop. Years ago the internet nearly wiped out our shopping centers. Then slowly people became sick of buying shoddy merchandise, ill fitting clothing and junk that ended up in land fill six months later. Also nothing replaces the shopping experience like shopping. Was I thinking like a girl already? Anyway internet sales proved a flash in the pan and that was alright by me. Our letters were delivered by registered post. I rang Keith to see if he was home and went to him so we could open them together. He opened his and at the same time I opened mine. We looked at each other. "I knew it," I exclaimed. be continued.

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The Device Media Bias

Author's Forwrad: Hello! This was the winner of my second Story Poll. It's a sillier, sexier and more over-the-top fetishistic story in rough cannon with Girlfriend With Testing Device, though you don't need to read that to make sense of this. If you'd like to help decide what I write next you can take part in my current story poll by going to Warning: This one is all about big weird swaps and reality manipulations. It contains boobs, tits and other...

2 years ago
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Le virus

-C’est prêt ? Le hacker se tourna vers son boss, qui se tenait toujours dans l’ombre. La pièce était plongée dans une semi-pénombre, seulement éclairée par la lumière de la lune. -Et comment que c’est prêt. Encore un clic et ce sera prêt à être distribué. -Parfait. Est-ce que tu te rends compte du bordel que ça va répandre à travers le monde ? -J’ai hâte de voir ça. -Tu sais, quand tu es venu me voir l’année dernière pour me parler de manipuler l’esprit et le corps des gens et de modifier la...

Mind Control
4 years ago
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Catgirl Virus

JFK Airport, July 2018 “We need a doctor!” a woman screamed as she ran out of the bathroom. The pair off officers from the Port Authority went to check on the screaming woman. She led them into the bathroom and pointed at another woman passed out on the floor. The first officer called in a request for medics on her radio while the second was about to check the woman for vital signs. The comatose woman coughed on him. “She’s alive,” he said, “Feels like a fever. Possible OD? I am looking for an...

1 year ago
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SRU The Virus

SRU: The Virus By Crunch Shawn wandered around the Hillsdale Mall aimlessly. He didn't really like the overcrowded, overpriced shopping center too much, but it seemed to be the best place to get his mind off of his latest failed relationship. He figured his problem was that he never made the time to actually make friends with the girl he was seeing. Being a product of young male hormones caused him to simply want to get into some girl's panties, not to bother with becoming...

2 years ago
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Turnabout Virus

TURNABOUT VIRUS By Dee Dee Perri CHAPTER 1 Dr. Harold Haas handed the younger man a glossy print. "And this?" "What is this Harry?" Smirked Dr. Carl Stine. "A post-dissertation exam?" Even at fifty, Carl still had that boyish quality that had been his trade mark back in the old days at Cal Tech. All those years working in corporate America, double breasted suits and all, hadn't completely erased the child that had come into Dr. Hass' laboratory, some twenty-five years...

3 years ago
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Gender 101

Gender 101A guide to the whole new world of gender.When it comes to gender, whatever you say you are, we agree with you. If you're new to the conversation, we get that it can be confusing. No shame there. Here’s a beginner-friendly guide.SexPeople use the terms ‘sex’ and ‘gender’ interchangeably, but the words have different meanings. Generally, ‘sex’ refers to biological indicators like genitalia, chromosomes, reproductive organs, etc. In general, people are designated as male, female, or...

4 years ago
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The Sappho Virus

The Sappho Virus, most peope viewed it as an Urban Legend, a sexualy trasmitted vius that turned women into beautiful lesbians and men into werewolves? It sounded unlikely to me. But that was before, I used to be a bookworm really, small breasts, plain face and clothes, I wore glasses even, my name is Casey by the way. I had a few friends, but I perfered to keep to myself. Yesterday, just before gym class started I had come into the locker room, stripping off my usual clothes, I'm just about to...

1 year ago
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Gender Choice Week

Gender Choice Week Of the many things that set homo sapiens apart from the rest of animal kingdom, its ability to choose genders is one of the strangest. How it works is easy to describe: all other mammals have their sex predetermined at conception, and are born with either male or female genitals. Humans, however, are born with both male and female genitals. The male genitals are on the outside, so at a glance all children look male. (And by convention, all such children are...

2 years ago
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The Fetish Virus

Life isn't very easy for you as a teen. Although, or perhaps because you are the best student in your class, your classmates want as little to do with you as they can. However, one day a new virus spreads rapidly through your school, which gives all of your classmates a new fetish. Fortunately for you, you're the only one immune to this virus. But that doesn't mean you can't use this opportunity to your advantage...

1 year ago
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Futa Virus

Ok this is the futa virus you wake up and see it on news but now who are you? Are you male or female..? Or are you already one to them? Are you strong enough to fight the virus or will you succumb to it?

4 years ago
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Gender Choice Week The Test

Gender Choice Week: The Test This story is set in the same universe as "Gender Choice Week," the very first story I published on Fictionmania, in 2015. In this universe, all children are born with male and female organs, and they choose their gender (or it is chosen for them) at the start of puberty. I hope to write more stories in this universe, exploring how different societies handle Gender Choice. This story is set in a country where a person's gender is chosen in "The Test" - a...

1 year ago
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DMGC The Department of Magical Gender Change

When magic spells are cast, some are very specific, but others are vague on the details. If a wizard changes a man into a lovely maiden, he might decide what the new woman looks like and how she's dressed. But what happens if the change is triggered by a magical object, or an ambiguously worded wish? Who determines what standard of beauty to use? Who determines what clothes she's wearing after the transformation and makes sure that it's color-coordinated? Who decides on her hair...

1 year ago
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Tailor Made Viruses

Tailor Made Viruses The biotechnology industry is making great strides in the development of customized molecules focused on treating diseases such as cancer and heart disease. One especially promising avenue involves the creation of viruses which will only infect certain types of cells (primarily cancer cells) where the virus is essentially the delivery mechanism and the cure is genetic material rather than chemical molecules. Virofix Inc was a small start up biotech firm that...

2 years ago
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Gender Express

Gender Express Copyright 2007 by Heather Rose Brown =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= "Aww ... C'mon, Mom!" My mom sighed, hit the right turn signal, waited for a gap to open in the cruising lane, then merged with the slower traffic and set all controls to autopilot. Once the local traffic control confirmed our destination, Mom let go of the steering wheel and turned to me. "Why in the world would you want to do something like that?" "All my friends are doing it." "If all your friends...

2 years ago
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Haunted by the Futa Ghost 6 Banging My GenderSwapped Girlfriend

Chapter Six: Banging My Gender-Swapped Girlfriend By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 “You danced so beautifully in my dreams again,” my Ōjo-sama cooed in the steamy waters of the onsen. “You awakened such hungers in me, Sayuri-chan.” I blushed as I stood in the onsen's hot waters, my breasts rising and falling with the beat of my heart. We stood so close, our nipples almost touching, both hard. My pussy itched with the hungers shining in her eyes. “Thank you, Mitsuko-hime.” Her hand...

2 years ago
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Gender Studies

Gender Studies A story by Kayooger Note: The character of Dr. Neuman and his technology are from Morpheus' "Four Days." PART ONE: PROPOSAL "What makes a man a man? What makes a woman a woman? What defines our sex?" Dr. Miranda Meyer paced the front of her classroom, eyeing the students in her Advanced Theories in Gender Studies seminar. It was a small class, only 10 students, five male, five female. The gender balance had been ensured by Dr. Meyer when winnowing down the...

4 years ago
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Transvamporia Four Gender Wars

TRANSVAMPORIA FOUR GENDER WARS Introduction: Hi once again and welcome to the fourth installment of the Transvamporia saga. By now, I shouldn't have to tell y'all to read the first three parts before this one. I will say that so far my writing has been going fairly smoothly and I have been able to get out quite a bit fairly fast. I intend to try and keep up the pace as I have this big story inside my head that needs to get out. So once again I will cut with any...

4 years ago
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Gender Fluid part 4

Gender Fluid - part 4 Walter Ego -1- Do you know me? I am a minor celebrity after all. I'm hostess of the number one cooking show on cable "Abigail Brings it Home." Not bad for a former Navy Cook's Mate disfigured in a galley explosion. Yes I know that does not show up in my network biography but that's because in those days I was still a man. That's right. For over twenty two years I was a member of the male sex. It wasn't until after my accident that I went to look up my former...

4 years ago
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Gender Bending Investigations Part 1

Gender Bending Investigations Part 1 By Farleven "You've got to be kidding me." I threw up my hands and fell back into my chair. Walt just stared at me stone faced. I glared back at him. It wasn't possible. Hell, it was crazy! What kind of madness was sweeping our agency that he'd even think to suggest such a thing? "No, Max, I'm not." He pulled open the file that was on his desk. He still liked to work with paper files, at least when possible. His computer wasn't gathering dust in...

1 year ago
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The PVirus

The P-Virus By JRD Bill went into the strip bar where he was supposed to meet his friends. It was his twenty-first birthday and his friends were buying him his first legal drink. After getting past the door, it took him a little while to find his friends at a table near the stage. He sat down and greeted Roosevelt (a large black man who worked as the manager of the hamburger joint where he worked) and Ken (a fellow college chum who worked as an entry-level teller at a local...

2 years ago
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The B1M80 Virus

Thursday May 10th 2034 Location Clayton Valley population 12,000 permeant residents, small town USA, Clayton High School. The virus came out of nowhere cases started popping up over night in every country, city, town, and village around the world. People got sick and died then the real fun started. But you had no idea what was happening it was just a normal day for you in Spanish class outside of felling like garbage due to a cold you had caught from god knows where, the day was going ok a...

1 year ago
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The One With the Virus

Phoebe, Joey, Ross and Rachel were in Monica and Chandler's apartment, watching the news, unbelievably. Katie Couric was reporting on some virus that was released that would turn women into airheaded, big titted bimbos. "This has got to be some kind of sick joke. Or a movie," Rachel suggested. "No way. Katie Couric isn't that stacked normally," Joey observed. "Well, look at the bright side. Monica will finally get some boobs and you won't have to worry about work anymore." "And no one will be...

4 years ago
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Fuck This Virus

This coronavirus madness is driving people insane. Like stocking up with ten years of toilet paper. Forcing people to stay home with nowhere to go.No hockey playoffs, no NCCA basketball tournament, no Masters golf, and worst of all, no baseball.The virus has the most physical and mental effects on the older generations, like me. I’m a seventy-eight-year-old widower. What are we supposed to do?Perhaps watch porn on the internet and stroke soft cocks that no longer get hard and rarely cum seems...

2 years ago
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Melissa Virus

This story, while short and sweet, contains some bad words and veiled references to m2f transformation. It is based on a dream that I had. Hope you all enjoy it, BUT ONLY IF YOU ARE OVER 18 AND AGREED NOT TO POST THIS. It is for your personal enjoyment and is not to be rebroadcast in any form. Thanx, Karyn ________________________________________________ Melissa Virus By Karyn Amethyst Part one It was 3 am and I was getting tired. I had spent the last four days...

2 years ago
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Sex Change Computer Virus

Sex Change Computer Virus By Kozmik Alaska Friday. Another week, another set of critical security updates from Microsoft. A small balloon popped up in the taskbar of Kirsty Desjardin's PC just as she was about to retrieve her email. Fresh from her morning shower, Kirsty sat wearing her bathrobe in a hotel room in Toronto. As she dried her hair, she clicked on the warning. "Damn!" Kirsty muttered as she read the security warning. "An exploit triggered by a jpg file. If that isn't a...

2 years ago
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Last Vacation before virus

We decided to take one last trip before the fall ended and it was a good thing we did because not long after this trip everything got locked down and we have not gone anywhere because of the virus. We packed and went to a new place not far from our house a new casino with a nice hotel and a bunch of bars and restaurants. We packed for 2 days and this time we both put on our nylons garter belts and stuff on under our regular cloths. We started to drive and relax and my wife was feeling really...

2 years ago
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She looked like a lost child when I opened my door. "I think I have a virus." She said as she clutched her laptop close to her chest. "Come in." I said with a smile. "Let's have a look at it." I held the door open as she flip flopped to the kitchen. It was hard not to take an admiring look at her cute little ass so I didn't even try restraint. The cut-off blue jean shorts she was wearing made the view even more appealing. Following a few steps behind to maximize the angle, I had to...

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Gender Studies redux

Author's note: When I first published this story a few months ago, I had several requests for either a sequel or a longer version. I may still do the sequel at some point, but for now I've expanded the story, with a bunch of new scenes (including depicting the transformations for all five couples instead of just one), a more detailed epilogue, and smaller changes throughout. Also, as before, I have to credit Morpheus' "Four Days" for introducing the character of Dr. Neuman and his...

4 years ago
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Gender Fluid part 1

Gender Fluid - part 1 Walter Ego -1- I am standing in front of my boyhood home. I'm not sure exactly why I came. It's been six months since the accident. I had been serving as a Cook's Mate in the Navy when a fire erupted in the galley. I hustled everyone out and was almost free myself when my world exploded. The fire suppression crew and the medics pulled me out, gave me first aid and I was quickly on a helicopter to a nearby hospital. My life was saved but the toll was severe...

3 years ago
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Gender Fluid part 3

Gender Fluid - part 3 Walter Ego -1- "So do you have that memorized yet?" "So many changes in the last year. Tell me that you are happy." "Yes I am happy. A little scared, but very happy." I look back to stare again at the sonogram picture that my OB/GYN has just handed us. "I'm happy too Zach, but I can hardly believe it." I look up at my handsome husband, the father of my developing child, and play the last year over in my mind. Believe it or not it started when...

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