Gender Fluid - Part 1 free porn video

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Gender Fluid - part 1 Walter Ego -1- I am standing in front of my boyhood home. I'm not sure exactly why I came. It's been six months since the accident. I had been serving as a Cook's Mate in the Navy when a fire erupted in the galley. I hustled everyone out and was almost free myself when my world exploded. The fire suppression crew and the medics pulled me out, gave me first aid and I was quickly on a helicopter to a nearby hospital. My life was saved but the toll was severe burns over half my body and nerve damage in my left arm. The Navy gave me medical care, therapy, a medal and a medical discharge. My father's new wife gave me a week in their new home, far from here. I have come back to my home town to try and recapture better times but the house I grew up in has been sold, painted and landscape. There memories are there but all I feel is more loss. I walk with the stiffness of an older man. My cane helps. The day is warm but that is not always a comfort to a burn victim. My destination is only two and half blocks away but I take my time as I may only be disappointed again. I will try to find Katie. I met Katie in third grade. She had inserted herself into a rough and tumble game a bunch of boys were playing and quickly proved she could give and take as well as anyone. We quickly bonded over the fact that we'd both lost our mother's and were fast friends during the years we were growing up. She was soon "one of the boys" and refused to be excluded from any ball games, pranks or trips to the woods that were the male dominated activities of our youth. She was always referred to as Kat. Only I could call her Katie and only when we were alone. Only her father could call her Katherine and she visually bristled when he did. Many girls go through a tomboy phase. Most leave it behind as they influenced by other girls and the changes in their bodies. Katie however faced puberty by doubling down. Her hair was always short and un-styled, often shorter than mine. Shunned by the other girls she wore t-shirt and jeans or cargo pants never a girly blouse or skirt. Only when swimming would she concede to wearing female attire. I know she owned a bra but wore it as little as possible. One day we were back in her room after a rough game of tackle football when she unceremoniously stripped off her dirty shirt and pants. Her bare chest revealed only the merest breasts, only her areolas betraying her sex. Even her panties were cut in boy fashion. She mocked me mercilessly for weeks afterwards for gaping at her but was the most naked girl I had ever seen outside of pictures. Katie and I drifted apart after High School. I enlisted in the Navy and Katie was accepted to a nearby college. We'd communicated by e-mail for a while but as our lives diverged in was just birthdays and major events. I'd heard from her when her father died and I'd sent her an update while rehabbing from the fire. She had said nothing about selling out or moving so I was hopeful as I stand at the door of big, three story Victorian home. I ring the doorbell and practice in my mind as to what I might say. So I am most surprised when a man opens the door. He is tall, roughly six foot two, dirty blond hair, neatly cut and an athletic build. "Hello," I manage to say. "I'm looking for Katie Blackwald. I'm and old friend." "Jimmy! Oh my God." "I sorry, do I know you?" "Yes - yes you do. Come in out of the sun. Sit in the parlor. Can I get you a beer?" The words all rushed together. I am following him inside. The house interior is little changed from what I remember. I see no signs that a new owner has moved in. I gratefully lower myself into a stuffed chair as the man heads towards what I remember is the kitchen. I am trying to remember if I knew this guy. Was he at our school? Not our class, there were not so many as I would forget. He seems familiar with this house. Katie has never said anything about a boyfriend and I have trouble picturing her with one. However if he is with her than she found a good looking guy and I'll be happy for her. He quickly returns with two opens beer bottles in hand. I gratefully take the drink and reach into the pocket for my pain pills. I'm not due yet but the walk has been taxing and the ache of my skin grafts competes with the shooting pain in my damaged arm. I pop two pills and wash them down with a long swig of the lager. "Does it hurt a lot?" A sarcastic comment runs through my mind but it is chased away as I recognize the sympathy in his voice. "Sometimes. It comes and goes. It's not always bad but it only really goes away when I'm really doped up. Umm." I give him an inquiring look. "Oh. Zach. Call me Zach." "Hi Zach. Does Katie still live here? Do you know where she is? How do you know me?" I see Zach sit down. We are more eye to eye now despite his height advantage. "Jimmy, I am, or I was Katie." So imagine you have just met someone who tells you they are from Jupiter. Imagine the look on your face. Now imagine that same look on mine." "Yeah, I don't believe you. I've read Sci Fi. I've seen body swapper movies. This is where you tell me something only Katie would know." "Right, well first you and I watched most of those movies together so I get it. I wouldn't believe it either." "So?" "So, you asked Katie to go to prom with you. You worked on her for six weeks. The guys at school were giving you a hard time about hanging out with "The Dyke" and you convinced me that going would take some of the pressure off of both of us. I finally agreed. I bought the first dress I had owned since my Mom died. The day of the prom I'd shaved my legs and stuffed my bra so I'd look as girly as possible. You'd borrowed your father's car and looked almost confident in your rented tux. It was the same way you looked in the picture you sent me in your Navy dress uniform. You were smart enough not to bring me a corsage but instead you brought a copy of the video game we'd itching to try. My Dad even came out of the lab to take our picture. When we got to prom everyone was staring at us but most kids just let us alone. You did almost get into a fight with Donnie Stolz when he said he lost the bet about which of us would wear the dress. I stopped you saying he wasn't worth it but you later laughed when I later described how he would look walking with his balls cuts off. We danced to two songs, sat for a while and agreed to leave early. I'd decided that if I was going to be a girl for the night than it was time to have my cherry popped. You hadn't expected me to ask you to fuck but you were easy after I told you I had bought condoms. We went up to my room where you unzipped my dress. When you unhooked my bra I'd forgotten and the tissues spilled on the floor. We kissed for a little and I tried to act sexy even thought I knew you'd already seen my little tits. When we got on the bed and I peeled off my panties you had a look on your face like you'd won a prize. I let you finger my pussy to get me wet and handed you the rubber. The first time was quick and I had a little blood. We tried you on top, me on top and you behind me. We didn't cuddle instead we went down stairs and I beat your brains out on the video game you brought me until we fell asleep on the couch." If you had asked me for an account of my first time the narrative would go differently. I would have played up my stamina and my prowess. I realize that by the end of this tale I totally believe that the man before me is Katie. Not just the details and the frank language but the terse reporting of the events, almost without emotion. I had leaned forward while he spoke and now fell back into the chair. "Wow. Either you got Katie to tell you all those things, which I can't believe, or you are her. Hi Katie, I've missed you. Oh should I say Hi Zach?" "Hi Jimmy. I've missed you too. Old rules, you can call me Katie when we're alone but I'm Zach when anyone else is around. You look drained. How do you feel?" "Like my world turned over. But the pills are kicking in. I'm fine, for now." "Ok, Its nice to know by old best friend believes me." "Yeah well, but dude, how'd you get to be a dude? I mean no sex change surgeon is going to make you taller. " "Jimmy, you remember what my father did for a living right?" Katie's father had a reputation among the high school smart asses as a crackpot. But I knew he was a brilliant scientist. He had worked for NASA and Boeing and a bunch of places I'd couldn't remember. He'd had an extensive lab in the basement and he was forever working down there. This was to our advantage as it left Katie and I had free range of the rest of the house and she could usually come and go as she pleased. "Ah, he was a scientist." "Yes. More specifically an inventor. He had dozens of patents registered. In the last years of his life he working on a combination of chemistry and electronics that would allow someone to change the structure of living tissue. He was very close to getting it right when he had a stroke. After his funeral I went through his notes and identified the problem." "You fixed one of your Dad's inventions?" "Yes he didn't have the software to control the changes. I tossed his program, reviewed the specs and did it my way. It worked. I was then able to change my body to what you see here." "So you're a computer whiz now?" "Well, you know I took some classes in High School and when I got to the university I fell in with a crowd of hackers and avid enthusiasts. We pushed each other to come up with better and more creative programs. As a result I got really, really good at it." "And I guess most hackers are dudes?" "Well I was never completely comfortable being a girl. I wanted to do all the things guys were doing. I wasn't sure I wanted to be a boy but when I became one something clicked. Now I'm in the body I wish I'd been born with." The events of the day are catching up to me. Zach can see it in my face. "Hey man, where are you staying?" "I checked in my stuff at the motel near route 17. I guess I need a taxi to get back." "Shit man. Stay here. You know how many rooms there are in this house. I'll drive you over so we can check you out. We'll grab a pizza on the way home and catch up." I'm too worn out to argue even if I wanted to. -2- I am waking up to my normal morning ritual. I identify each point of pain that was mitigated by sleep and assess how I will cope with it for the day. The guest bed is comfortable and only the urgent need of by bladder seems a good reason to get up. Relived, I ease my way back into bed. Zach heroically enters with coffee and donuts. He reads the expression on my face and tells me I can stay in bed if I want. I want. "Tell me more about this body changing machine." I ask as I sip my coffee. "Well it's the combination of things that's important. Dad formulated this unknown fluid that goes from a gas to a liquid near room temperature that is somehow able to effect the arrangement of cells in a living organism. He then paired it with a series of small, high frequency transmitters which direct the cells to rearrange. The last piece, the piece I solved is the software that drives the transmitters to come up with how the new body is constructed." "So do you work as a programmer now?" "Oh, I do some freelance work now and again but as I told you yesterday Dad had a lot of patents. I licensed a few of them to some key companies and there's quite a bit of money coming in." "I can't believe you just knew how to make yourself into a guy." "Well, there's a genetics company in Minnesota that is doing research beyond the basic genome to deep brain and cellular scanning. I kind of hacked into their database I found and Olympic hopeful swimmer that I based Zach on." "That's when you'd decided to become a guy?" Zach turned his head and sat silently for a couple of moments. I could also see the calculations going on in his head. Finally he looked back at me. "Jimmy, the night of the prom, you came, you had an orgasm didn't you?" "Um yeah. If a guy pumps a girl long enough he's pretty much gonna get off." "Well, we did it three times that night and I didn't have an orgasm once." I pushed out the image of Zach and I in bed together and thought back again to that night and applied the experience with women I'd had since and realized the truth. "I'm sorry Katie. I did the things I thought I was supposed to do, the things I'd picked up from the other guys. Hell you were there for some of those bullshit sessions. The times when we forgot you weren't a guy already." "Jimmy I'm glad you were my first guy and I'm ninety-nine and a half percent sure the reason I didn't orgasm wasn't you. I thought maybe it was a first time thing or that I was doing something wrong. I did blame you for a short while but that computer group I was in, there were plenty of guys willing to sleep with a nerd girl. I tried it with a couple of them and it never happened. Then I thought I needed a really experienced guy. I let my hair grow for a couple of months, put on a short skirt and made an advance on a guy on campus with a reputation. Each time it felt good but there was never an explosion, never a climax." I think about this for a minute. For Katie to not fit in with the girls and to not to be able enjoy sex with boys then being a boy made more sense. "When you were Katie did you try it with another girl?" "There was one girl at the school. We got talking over beers one night and she started to convince me that sleeping with women would change everything for me. We went back to her room, we kissed and petted but when I tried to go down on her pussy I couldn't make myself do it and I left with both of us unsatisfied. It was just after that that my Dad died." "Have you done it as a guy?" "Yes. I designed Zach to have the kind of body I thought a lot of women like. I was right. If I go to a bar know then the chicks are all over me. I can pick the one I want and she'll practically drop her panties in the bar. And I love it. All the feminine things that used to turn me off about girls now get me hard. I love being in charge, to play with their tits, to lick their clits until they squirm and moan. And when I stuff them with my cock I'm one hundred percent sure that I'm going to get off." Being in the navy I'd heard plenty of guys talk this way. I'd taken plenty opportunity during our port calls to wet my own dick so I knew what Zach was talking about. I was starting to get used to squaring this macho talk with the admittedly boyish friend of my younger days. Being guys we swap stories about the women we've been with. My mind goes back to the changing process. "Have you changed anyone else in your Dad's device?" "No you are the first I've even told about it." "Zach, it could be worth billions." "Yes I've thought about it a lot but I don't want to let it out yet. My Dad's patents could bring in seven figures in a couple of years. More if I lease out some of the ones I held out on. I guess you can do more with a billion than a couple million but it seems you're worrying about the money as much as when you don't have any. Plus introducing it to the world would change so many things and I'd be responsible. And when it does all come out I lose control. As a hacker it about not being known. There are things I want to do with the software first. Things I want to get right before the world finds out." "Ok, I think I get that." I want to pursue this further but my body is wracked by shooting pains. I wince. Zach brings me my pills. I take the prescribed dose plus one. I focus on my breathing trying to move my mind away from my body. I sleep. -3- The pain is there but the sharp edge has been dulled. Zach is there. "Jimmy, Is it always this bad?" "No but the bad days are becoming more frequent. The pills will gradually get less effective. There's not much the doctors can do at this point either." I finally ask the question that's been in the back of mind. "Katie, uh Zach, can the machine fix me?" Zach is unsurprised by the question. It's clear he has been thinking about it too. "Jimmy, the answer is yes but with a couple of big buts." "I usual like big butts." That got a smile from Zach that I remembered from Katie's face when we'd make stupid teenager jokes together. "What's the problem?" "I need a complete human template to feed into the computer or else you'd end up worse than you are now. I have no way of creating a template of you before the accident so I'd have to make you into a different person." I nod. "And?" "Well I told you my source for getting genetic information. I'd have to hack in again and find a suitable body. Then I have to modify some parameters so you don't end up as a complete replica of another person." "How long would that take?" "About two months." "That long?" "Yes. It's not like there's a computer language where you can set a person's height, weight and eye color. I'm working on that by the way. There are things I can tweak but each time I have to run simulations so you wouldn't end up with a third green eye or no liver. Those simulations take a full day each and if there is something wrong I have to twiddle the numbers and run them again." "Two months huh. Then a new body. One without daily pain. Can you do it? Could I stay here until it happens?" "Jimmy you've been my best friend forever. You're the only person who ever totally accepted Kat for the person she was. There's nobody in the world I'd rather use the machine to help. And of course you can stay here, before and after, as long as you like until you figure things out." "Then I think I can make it two more months, if I know I'll be better in the end." "Well there is one more option." "Another option?" "Yes. Abigail." "Abigail? Who is this Abigail?" "Jimmy, when I realized what the machine could do and decided that I would change myself I didn't set out to do a gender swap. I thought that all the awkwardness in my life would go away if I was the kind of girl who liked feminine things. The kind who liked to wear dresses and makeup, who went out with boys and had sex like the women in those trashy romance novels." "I didn't know you read those." "Yeah, my big secret. I was trying to figure out how to be a girl when all my friends were boys. It's what made me finally decide to let you screw me after prom. I was hoping to feel all those things like those stacked chicks and their hot lovers." "What happened? Why didn't you go through with it?" "I had everything set up. I went to bed intending to change in the morning when I had a dream. In this dream I was you. I was in your navy uniform, from that picture you sent me. I, you fit in, you had a plan, a purpose. Then I was my father, working on his inventions, dedicating his life to making new things. Then I was me naked with that girl from the university but this time I had a big cock with which to plow her with. That's when I woke up and realized that I didn't want to be more female. If I could be a new person I was going to be a man." "Katie that's an amazing story. I always thought of you as just adopting the best of both genders. I didn't know how unhappy you were being a girl." "No. I mean you are right that I didn't like most girl things. I wasn't like those transgender people you read about who know from when they are little kids that they're in the wrong bodies. It's just when it came time to really choose that I couldn't see myself going on as a woman." I take this in. I think about Zach journey. I think about all the people with gender dysphoria who could be helped by Zach's machine. I think about my own injuries and how if I can get past them I could help him figure all this out." "So I still don't understand how Abigail fits in?" "I still have the Abigail file in my computer. I could put you in the machine tomorrow and you'd be her until I could make you a male body." "Would it hurt, losing my dick?" Pain is the foremost factor in my world right now. "No, not at all. Right now it takes about an hour to change a person but when subjectively it's about 30 seconds. Like going to sleep and waking up. I was a bit disoriented a first and a bit tired but after my first night's sleep I was feeling good. Really good" "For two months, as a girl, right." "I haven't tested the firewall at the genetics company lately but there's people I can call on if I need help. We'd root around and find you a body you like. But I've had more practice with the templates and I do have some new tools to help so two months give or take a few days is my best guess. Look I'll go get you some dinner and then leave you alone for the rest of the night to think about it. I'll get the machine ready, there's not much to do anyway, and in the morning you can tell me if we either use the machine or start hacking or we can forget the whole thing." "Forget it? Why?" "Jimmy I can't guarantee that you'll ever getting back to being the person you are right now let alone the person you were before the accident. It changes your body but, in order to keep things in balance, the program shifts some of your attitudes too. In the end it was a no- brainer for me to change my being but you need to be very sure that is what you want too." "Will we still be friends?" "Always. The machine doesn't take any of your memories. We'll have all those years of playing and fighting and goofing on each other. We'll always have prom." I laugh at that as Zach leaves the room. I lay back to start to think and to put aside the throbbing ache in my arm. I zone out until Zach returns with a sandwich and a glass of milk. I eat and my body rewards me with a return to just complaining when I reposition my body. I weigh the pros and cons. The first decision is easy. I cannot stay in this body hoping for a Big Medicine breakthrough that will make me normal, my normal. There is no future for a half burned body or not a future that I can conceive wanting to live. In fact if this is all true then the medical breakthrough I need is in the lab downstairs right now. The question is do I wait the two months, gutting it out while the count of pills taken grows or do I seize the opportunity before me? Perhaps if I have my full mobility back I can help Zach in creating my new template or at least free him from some of the chores that would keep him from his computer. I imagine myself doing all the things I used to: driving a car, working in the galley, shooting pool, getting laid. Now I imagine myself doing those things as a women. Ok women drive and cook and I knew a couple in the Navy who were real slick with a cue. Yes I'd be going without my dick but it hasn't been much use to be in that department since the fire. Just a hand job from a sympathetic nurse in the hospital and a few occasions jerking myself off. Screwing girls is at best two months away in any case. What would I wear? Well anything I wanted. I could emulate Katie and wear mannish attire. There would be little need to go out much, I wouldn't have to present as a woman. There are so many more gender classifications these days that I could get away with a lot. Two months is long enough for at least one woman's period. Could I cope with that for three days? Could it be worse than my day today? I think about the woman I've known in my life. Katie is an exception, female but never really; ultimately giving it up to be Zach. My mother died when I was five, I remember little of her other from some pictures my Dad kept. His new wife and I did not mesh but she did seem to have my father tamed and fed. I did date some in High School. Each was fun and interesting in her own way but I kept going back to the comradery I had with Katie. I think about the women I served with in the Navy, enlisted and officers. Most did their jobs well. A couple couldn't cut the Navy life but there plenty of guys who didn't belong either. The female sailors ranged from friendly to aloof. Most would give as well as they got and would drink and swear as well the guys. Few would complain when shore leave led us to find the local brothels and it was fun to see them when they had the chance to put on their short dresses and go off to find their own fun. I concluded that in general that I liked woman, lusted after my share but otherwise had few convictions about how the other gender should behave. -4- I dream. I'm watching a group of boys playing tackle football. "Hey." I shout. "Can I play too?" "Ah, girls can't play football." I look down. I'm wearing a skirt. I run onto the field anyway and grab the ball. I run around and all the boys chase me around trying to tackle me. I am at the prom. I'm wearing a full dress this time and being held close by a boy whose face I don't recognize. He leads me from the dance floor and we're in a bedroom. He unzips my dress. I stand naked. I have tits but I also have a cock. The boy runs from the room. I'm standing on a hill looking out on the ocean. The wind is strong and my long hair blows all over my face. I reach up to try and control it. I hear a voice from the bottom of the hill. "Jimmy." It's Zach's voice. I smile. "Jimmy, are you awake?" I am. My dream has blended into conscious life. Jimmy is at the door peeking in. "Do you feel like getting out of bed today?" I take inventory of my body. My body is cooperating this morning. "Yeah Zach. I'm getting up." "Ok. Breakfast is almost ready." I get out of bed and enter the bathroom. As I stand to pee I hold my penis to direct the stream. I am thinking about the night's dream. As I tuck my dick away I know that I've decided. I head down to find Zach. -5- Breakfast this morning is toast and juice but I appreciate the tastes. Zach waits until I finish. "Do we have a plan?" "Yes. I can't go on like this. I want a new life. And I don't care, I don't want to wait. Being a girl for two months can't be worse than being a half-burned dude. I'm all signed up. Let's do this." "Ok Jimmy. I had a hunch when I saw how much pain you were in yesterday." "Can we do it now?" "Well to tell a bad joke there's bad news and good news. The bad news is that I was doing a diagnostic on the machine last night and one of transmitters failed." I am no longer breathing. "The good news is that I can be back from the electronics store in about forty-five minutes with the part we need. Can you wait until this afternoon?" I'm breathing again. "Sure, I can do a few more hours." "Ok, I'll be back before you know it." Zach is heading out. I look around the kitchen. Zach is the kind of dude who'll not do dishes until there are no clean ones left. And he's out of paper plates. I on the other hand am a navy man and one whose job was in a ship's kitchen. I manage to rinse plates, load the dishwasher and wash glasses as well as my injured left arm allows. I don't put anything away just yet as I don't know if Zach has any sort of layout he's used to. If he even cares. Zach returns before I am finished and heads straight down to the lab. I eye the floor but I'm not sure I can adequately maneuver a mop around. I keep looking at the clock and it's close to noon when Zach comes back up. He roots around the fridge for a minute and then pops a couple of hot dogs into the microwave. I'm too nervous to eat. Zach scarfs down the wieners and washes it down with some beer. "Ok, you ready?" I can only nod. -6- In all the time I was growing up and coming to the house Dr. Balckwald's lab was always off limits. Kat and I snuck down there once, before we were teens, when her father was out but when we there one of the inventions made a weird popping sound and we ran out as fast as we could. It was less scary as an adult but still impressive, a combination of machine shop, chemistry lab and electronics bench. Some pieces are covered by tarps as Zach leads me one corner. I see the machine at last. The machine that will purportedly change my life consists of a Plexiglas and metal chamber big enough to hold a person. A pair of articulating arms hold it vertically but look to retract to position the tube horizontally. The base is lined with small antennae that must be the transmitters Zach talked about. The chamber has what any navy man can tell you is an airlock door. The tube has hoses that connect it two metal cylinders marked "GF-3" and the whole rig is connected by electrical cables to an impressive computer array. "Jimmy we're going to take off your clothes and you'll step into the machine. I'll close the door and the chamber will fill with GF-3 as I lower it down to the base. It is has a kind of sweet smell and you'll go to sleep. The gas will turn to a liquid under and then I run the program. When the program is done in about an hour then it all goes in reverse. You wake up and you'll be Abigail. Any questions?" "Can it go wrong?" "I've run the Abigail simulation way more times than I did for this body. The computer has two power backups even if the main power fails. The transmitter I just replaced is actually redundant but I wanted it to be as failsafe as possible. Jimmy is going away but I'm not losing my best friend." I nod ready as I think I can be. Zach helps me take off my clothes and I step into the chamber. I take a last look at my scarred body, at the grafts, at the red spots, at my arms good and bad, at my dick. I nod to Zach and he locks me in. "Thank you." I say although I don't think any sound can escape the chamber. The gas seeps in. It is fragrant with a slightly spicy smell that reminds me of a Thai dish I had when in a port in Asia. The chamber is being eased backward. My body is going dumb. The chamber goes lower and lower. I disappear. -7- Fire, uncontrolled, is a horrible thing. It consumes, it destroys, it devastates. When a body is badly burned there are days upon days of treatment, of debridement's and skin grafts. On the best days the grafts are insensate, dumb to the touch. On the other days they itch, they pull, they cause pain from dull to shooting to agonizing. For six months this has been my world. For six months the only time I have completely escaped from pain is when I slept or I traded it for a narcotic haze. So maybe you can imagine what it's like to wake up and be free of all that. Maybe you can imagine sense of relief, like the end of a long trek, like a joyful revelation. No. Not unless go you through it, you can't really imagine it. The chamber and I are vertical again. The first thing I see is Zach with a huge grin on his face. "Is it good?" I am still taking in just how good it all is. I can only nod. As I do so there is a soft brush of hair against her shoulders. She moves to touch it and I see a female hand raising up. I feel the silky strands flow through her fingers. I look down. The nipples are not where I remember them. They are three inches further from the chest, larger and supported two lovely breasts. The hand moves down to touch one. It tingles at the gentle caress. "Ahem!" I look back at Zach, slightly blushed. "I know you want to explore but there are better places. Can you get out OK?" She nods again. I feel like she can do almost anything. The first steps out of the chamber are slightly awkward as the muscles respond perfectly but with a misremembered placement of the distributed mass. I stop in front of Zach and her hand reaches up to touch his face. It is rough with stubble but his skin is warmer than hers and I let it linger there for a moment. "Would you like to go upstairs and find a mirror?" "Yes." One syllable. Her first. A higher register that I am used. Highest since from when I was a young boy. Almost musical. Zach holds out a silk robe. It is a short kimono style with large flowery print, nothing like Katie would every wear but rather the type that a bachelor might have for an overnight visitor. She pauses. I am in the body of a nude woman standing before an attractive man. There is no shame, no sense of embarrassment. Katie is my first, if not lover, then the one who released me from my virginity. She was my best friend for a dozen years. Zach is this body's designer. He knows its parameters better than I. He was there at its birth moments ago. And she likes the way he looks at her. I slip into the robe and she ties the sash. Soft fabric caresses soft skin. Zach leads me up and she climbs the stairs effortlessly. A sharp contrast to the way I came down. I notice the bounce of her breasts as she moves. Strange but wonderful. We pass through the kitchen. The smells are different, more acute. The scent of bread, something gone stale. We pass through the pantry to a former bedroom turned utility room. A large antique mirror beckons. It's time to meet Abigail. Before we go in Zach asks. "Do you want me to leave?" "No." I'm not ready to be alone yet. I step before the mirror and gasp. I love her at first sight. Her honey brown hair falls below her shoulders. Her eyes are brown also, shading towards hazel. Her nose, cheeks and lips symmetrical, inviting. If she is smaller than Jimmy than it is not by much. While Jimmy was average in height then Abigail will top most women. The kimono hides her torso but her arms and legs are long and toned. I scrutinize her features, not to look for flaws but to soak in the body I will wear in the upcoming weeks. "I based her on a star college volleyball player." Zach states, unbidden. It strikes me that much of the genomic database must contain the scans of athletes. I direct her hands down to the sash. She loosens it, leans her arms back and shrugs it off her shoulders. The reveal is spectacular. With her shoulders back her breasts lift high, pink nipples on red brown areolas. Below she curves inward to a taut waist and outwards again with womanly hips. Her legs are long and toned. I can see how this girl would excel at jumping and spiking. I turn her body to get a view of her behind. A pretty rump befitting a C-cup body. An ass that will show off nicely. I extend her hand down to confirm the void between her legs. Past the full patch of downy hair there is no longer the dangle of a penis. No balls press against her thighs. A light pass of her finger gives notice of the sensitivity of her outer lips. I pull her back deciding that further exploration can wait for a more private moment. Zach laughs as I twirl her body and I feel the dual sensation of the flight of her hair and the tug of her breasts. I cock my hip, placing one hand on it and raise the other leg. Her balance is excellent. Zach laughs again as I lift her hair with both hands as if posing for a nudie magazine. Having grown up with Katie I could see why she would be attracted to this girl. Abigail could dress down and compete with the boys and then dress up to be a fox. A woman who would be comfortable with feminine things without compromising the strength of will that had been Katie's hallmark. I don't know if Kat would have ultimately been happy as her, knowing that at the last moment she rejected it in favor of becoming a man. But I was sure that for now this was a far better body than the one I woke up with this morning. Suddenly I stagger as if the energy has left my body. Jimmy rushes to steady me. "That's the ending of the adrenaline rush from the conversion. It happened to me too. You are going to get sleepy real soon but it went away for me after the first night." It is early afternoon but I can feel what Zach is saying. He places the kimono over my shoulders and supports my body. I lean in as he places an arm around my waist and leads me up the stairway. I can feel Abigail appreciating the strength of his arm and the relative warmth of his body. I expect to turn right as we reach the upstairs hall but instead we go left to the door of what I remember as Katie's room. "This is Abigail's room now. You are welcome to it as long as you like." He opens the door. "Sleep well." I feel the soft kiss of his lips on her forehead.

Same as Gender Fluid - part 1 Videos

3 years ago
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Gender 101

Gender 101A guide to the whole new world of gender.When it comes to gender, whatever you say you are, we agree with you. If you're new to the conversation, we get that it can be confusing. No shame there. Here’s a beginner-friendly guide.SexPeople use the terms ‘sex’ and ‘gender’ interchangeably, but the words have different meanings. Generally, ‘sex’ refers to biological indicators like genitalia, chromosomes, reproductive organs, etc. In general, people are designated as male, female, or...

1 year ago
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Gender Choice Week

Gender Choice Week Of the many things that set homo sapiens apart from the rest of animal kingdom, its ability to choose genders is one of the strangest. How it works is easy to describe: all other mammals have their sex predetermined at conception, and are born with either male or female genitals. Humans, however, are born with both male and female genitals. The male genitals are on the outside, so at a glance all children look male. (And by convention, all such children are...

4 years ago
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Gender Choice Week The Test

Gender Choice Week: The Test This story is set in the same universe as "Gender Choice Week," the very first story I published on Fictionmania, in 2015. In this universe, all children are born with male and female organs, and they choose their gender (or it is chosen for them) at the start of puberty. I hope to write more stories in this universe, exploring how different societies handle Gender Choice. This story is set in a country where a person's gender is chosen in "The Test" - a...

2 years ago
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Gender Express

Gender Express Copyright 2007 by Heather Rose Brown =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= "Aww ... C'mon, Mom!" My mom sighed, hit the right turn signal, waited for a gap to open in the cruising lane, then merged with the slower traffic and set all controls to autopilot. Once the local traffic control confirmed our destination, Mom let go of the steering wheel and turned to me. "Why in the world would you want to do something like that?" "All my friends are doing it." "If all your friends...

2 years ago
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Gender Studies

Gender Studies A story by Kayooger Note: The character of Dr. Neuman and his technology are from Morpheus' "Four Days." PART ONE: PROPOSAL "What makes a man a man? What makes a woman a woman? What defines our sex?" Dr. Miranda Meyer paced the front of her classroom, eyeing the students in her Advanced Theories in Gender Studies seminar. It was a small class, only 10 students, five male, five female. The gender balance had been ensured by Dr. Meyer when winnowing down the...

4 years ago
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Gender Bending Investigations Part 1

Gender Bending Investigations Part 1 By Farleven "You've got to be kidding me." I threw up my hands and fell back into my chair. Walt just stared at me stone faced. I glared back at him. It wasn't possible. Hell, it was crazy! What kind of madness was sweeping our agency that he'd even think to suggest such a thing? "No, Max, I'm not." He pulled open the file that was on his desk. He still liked to work with paper files, at least when possible. His computer wasn't gathering dust in...

3 years ago
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Gender Virus

GENDER VIRUS by BobH (c) 2013 Locked away in a remote research station and storage facility deep in Siberia were all the nastiest products of Soviet-era bio-weapons research. The nuclear explosion that took out the station was supposed to destroy them all, but one of them survived.... *********************************** A WEDDING STORY by Carol Wolfe Amalgamated Press UK This is a tale of a bride and a groom, of Craig and Marnie, and of a mother and her child. It's...

2 years ago
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Gender Studies redux

Author's note: When I first published this story a few months ago, I had several requests for either a sequel or a longer version. I may still do the sequel at some point, but for now I've expanded the story, with a bunch of new scenes (including depicting the transformations for all five couples instead of just one), a more detailed epilogue, and smaller changes throughout. Also, as before, I have to credit Morpheus' "Four Days" for introducing the character of Dr. Neuman and his...

3 years ago
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Gender Swap Jenny

Gender Swap- Jenny Pink Donuts by Green Lace The meal area at the mall was packed today and that suited me just fine. I wasn't here to eat. I was going to perform a Harmonics experiment and the people eating lunch were my lab rats for the day. I walked up and down the aisles seemingly looking for a vacant seat, my heels clacking away. It was a sound which I was still struggling to get used to. My handbag was strung over my left shoulder and in my right hand I held a...

3 years ago
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Gender Express Those Crazy Tourists

This is fan-fiction based on Heather Rose Brown's "Gender Express" She has kindly given me permission to post this story. A big thanks to Holly Marie for the topic sentence. This is fiction is not meant to represent any person alive or otherwise. Thanks for editing and proofing to Holly Happy Hart and Janet Nolan. Any mistakes are of course mine! Enjoy! Gender Express- Those Crazy Tourists by ...

2 years ago
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Gender Diversity Day

Gender Diversity Day By Jane Steele It was truly amazing how quickly the aliens subdued the earth. Their technology allowed them to make all but the simplest weapons systems inoperable. This left the people of earth with only bows and arrows, spears and swords to repel the invaders. It was worse than hopeless. The governments of earth capitulated in two days. During the brief fighting we never saw an actual alien, only the outside of their various crafts. So you can imagine...

2 years ago
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Gender Swap Aphrodisiac previously Reverse Viagra

Gender Swap Aphrodisiac - Volume 1 Copyright 2013 Ben Schrodinger Note from the author ################################################## This was the first gender swap story I wrote back in 2012, previously titled Reverse Viagra. About a year later I started publishing my stories on Amazon including this one but fixed the errors that were in the original version and also removed all references to 'Viagra' (don't want to get sued!). This story will remain on Fictionmania for...

1 year ago
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Gender Bender

Today's date is 6/5/2011 - and I want to state, categorically, that reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated! I don't write any more - but enjoy sending stories to Fictionmania. I also have a blog - nothing for sale - just a meeting place tor transvestites, cross dressers - and like minded sissies. It's at You'd all be welcome. Hugs Bea GENDER BENDER By Bea It probably took a long time for Phylis to set everything up, make the necessary...

1 year ago
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Gender role experiment

Gender role experiment 1 "It's gonna be so much fun! I would love to see you looking like a girl." "I don't know. They mentioned some medical procedures." "It will be safe and totally reversible." "I don't know, Linda. Spending the entire semester looking and acting like a girl? It's just not healthy, and I got a bad gut feeling about it." "I don't know, I don't kn-n-n-n-n-ow," Linda mocked me. "You can't be serious about studying sociology and not even try to seize...

4 years ago
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Gender Test

Gender Test: After 20 years of marriage things were getting mundane. Mylene and I were becoming frustrated and bored of the humdrum of daily existence. It was true that we had nearly paid off the mortgage but we had had to give up those stary eyed dreams of youth rather like we felt we had to give up on new labour. As young people we had honestly believed that "Things Can Only Get Better" but as we watched fiasco after fiasco on the news we had become cynical. We were growing old. We...

2 years ago
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Gender Role Reversal Many Worlds Inc Part 6

*Author's note: I'm sorry that it's taken a while to write this chapter. While I have been doing some more writing my main attention has been over at fiction branches - - Feel free to check those out if you wish. I plan on finishing this story soon maybe in one or two more chapters but after that I'm not sure what my next story will be. I do plan on continuing to add stories to Fictionmania with the goal of hopefully improving my writing and...

4 years ago
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Gender Bender

Thanks to the Knee Doctor for editing my work. There is no sex in this story. Sorry. * I was confused for most of my life. It was a sexual thing. As I was growing up I found that I was not turned on, or excited by pictures of beautiful naked women. All of my friends would go nuts looking at the blonde, blue- eyed ‘Barbie dolls’ in the girlie magazines. I would go along with them because I figured it was what I was expected to do but inside I just did not understand what all the excitement...

2 years ago
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The five X-men are facing a new mutant with portal powers. A large portal shallows the X-men and portal. First to come to is portal. "were are we? why do I sound like a dude" Portal said. "To state the visable you sound like a dude because you are a dude now, (looking down) just as I am female now" says Hana, use to be Hank McCoy. "Wow, I have bobbies" Bobbi says as she jumps up and down. "Stoup that Bobbi watching your boobes bounceing up and down is making me want to barf." says Gean Gray....

2 years ago
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Gender Swap The Beginning

Gender Swap- The Beginning by Green Lace37 The girl immediately caught my eye. She was one of those classic brunettes: long brown hair, great face and eyes, with a curvy hourglass figure. Her breasts were firm and outstanding, tapering down to two cones tipped by nipples that cried out to be sucked. Her belly was flat and brought your eyes down to the triangular tuft of hair perched at the tops of her legs. The legs were long and well shaped and her arse was a classic,...

3 years ago
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Gender Anonymous

Gender Anonymous Men, women, children, elderly, all four were represented here tonight. I know what the sign says and how this works- I do, but at the end of the meeting I asked everyone and most agreed that it might help someone out there to read this tail of a night at a meeting of people that have one thing in common. "Hi, my name is Brad," I said, followed by an uneven group of 'hello Brad.' Of course I did not slow for more then a second or two- "been forty two days...

2 years ago
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Gender glitch in virtual reality

Virtual reality had come long way from the old school technology where user watched the display inside the helmet and swung the hand-held controllers in real life. Today's technology enables way better immersion to the virtual worlds. By utilizing advanced sensors on your body and head, one can basically leave their physical body behind and find themselves in whatever location created by the world creator. That level of virtual reality would have been considered as sci-fi just few years...

3 years ago
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Gender Bender

Thanks to the Knee Doctor for editing my work. I was confused for most of my life. It was a sexual thing. As I was growing up I found that I was not turned on, or excited by pictures of beautiful naked women. All of my friends would go nuts looking at the blonde, blue- eyed "Barbie dolls" in the girlie magazines. I would go along with them because I figured it was what I was expected to do but inside I just did not understand what all the excitement was about. High school proved to be really...

1 year ago
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Gender Change Magic Closet

There is magic in the world. Narnia was just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the magic that a wardrobe or closet can do. You find yourself directly in the crosshairs of such a magical encounter. Whether malicious or benevolent, that is up to you... This is merely the introduction to a much more interesting tale. (Dear reader, if you like this story and any of its chapters please remember to take a second to click "Like". It only takes a second of time and really helps motivate every...

3 years ago
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Gender Lottery

It has been close to a hundred years since the last female was born. Nearly fifty years since they started being made. The Gender Lottery has been in place for the last thirty five years. Its still a mystery as to why girls stopped being born. One day the world was as it was before, the next day only baby boys were being born from the female womb. This was a hard thing for many to accept, and many at first believed this would be the end of humanity since males couldnt reproduce with one...

2 years ago
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Gender Bent Society

Welcome to GenericVill! A small town in a world that has the opposite gender norms of our society. Some changes from our society is that it is a matriarchy, Girls are considered more athletic, Boys are considered nicer and more emotional, Boys wear what our world's girls would wear, and vice versa, and most importantly, Boys are submissive while Girls are dominant in the bed! In this story we follow you, John Doe! You are the captain of the cheerleader squad at GenericVill High! You are one of...

4 years ago
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Gender bent ndash Ch 9 ndash Lack of free will

Gender bent – Ch 9 – Lack of free will“Nikki, he Nikki?, Wake up” I heard a voice as I opened my eyes. “What happened?” I muttered as all I could remember was being dolled up like a bimbo slut encased in pink latex looking like a flat chested girl with a bubble butt with a ton of fake tats on me. “The process finished” J said as Kandi stood right next to him. “Wow did It work?” Kandi said. “Did what work?” I replied. J looked at Kandi and then pressed a button on the watch and said “Looks like...

3 years ago
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Gender bent ndash Ch 8 ndash Made for pleasure

Gender bent – Ch 8 – Made for pleasureAs I Kandi led me around the parties’ hallways I realized I didn’t even know where I really was or how big this place truly was. I remembered once I agreed to be his “Girl” Dave pretty much had a ton of rules before I couldn’t even set foot in the party. One was no cell phones which I left at his place. Another was I needed to be blind folded the whole time we traveled there. It wasn’t long from his place, about 30 minutes. I remember being hand-led into a...

2 years ago
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Gender bent ndash Ch 7 The Gangbang room

Gender bent – Ch 7 -The gang-bang roomHey all. Thanks for reading my stories and all. I want to say if you enjoy them. Leave comments and let me know if there is something you would want to see. Sorry about the errors in advance. Also if you haven’t already noticed the stories are kind of out of order (Sorry) I took it upon myself to make this Table of contents as I will be numbering these stories from now on. I expect to get to chapter 12-15 and going to wrap this one up hopefully by the end...

3 years ago
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Gender bent ndash a Mistake

Gender bent – a MistakeI was dressed like a bimbo, my lips plumped up from sucking on shot glasses, Pink latex, Trashy fake tattoos of my back saying fill me and a black ace of spade on my ass cheek and Sissy clit on my pelvic area near my dick, My tits was pierced for this party and I had a Cumslut collar on my neck. 8 Inch thigh high pink latex and anime pink wig to make me look like a candy slut. It was either this or complete shaming of me to the point where my life was ruined. All I needed...

2 years ago
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Gender bent ndash Dolled up party girl

Gender bent – Dolled up party girl“Welcome everyone, Thank you for coming out. I know you see a ton of new faces and a bunch of old ones but this is a fun party were we come to enjoy ourselves” The man said. He was a heavy set guy. Naked as per the rules for all men that attended that party, which was a few. “Ok now the rules. New sluts and drink girls are off limits unless they give you the green light, other than that if they are fucking they are open for play.” He chuckled out. “But first...

3 years ago
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Gender bent ndash The ultimatum

Gender bent – The ultimatum I Stared at my phones screen as I watched a video on me getting fucked not even 24 hours ago. I was angry. How could they do this? Why? I needed answers and fast. What if someone would recognize me? I would be ruined. I paused the video and look at who posted it. The user was called “The Feminizer” and private account meant I couldn’t even look at his pictures or his bio. All I could do is leave a message which I did. “Dave. Dude what the hell. This is Nick the one...

1 year ago
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Gender bent Somebodys Bitch

Gender bent – somebody’s bitchI woke up to the humming from Kandi as I popped open one eye and canvased the room. I let out a load “Ughhh” and turned over. I noticed my butt hurt while Kandi came over to me wearing a lace bra and panties and smiled “Looks like the sluts awake” she then giggled as her cock was out just standing in the wind. “What happened last night?” as I removed the bobby pins that kept my wig in place. “Well we got really, really, and I mean Really wild last night with me and...

2 years ago
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Gender Bender

Gender Bender The game is real. The results are pure fiction. Hi everybody. My name is Ralph O'Rouke. (Yes I get kidded about it.) My friend's was Steve Becker. It is now Stephanie. This is how Steve became Stephanie. It was Friday. We were finished with work for the week. We went to the Pirate's Roost Bar and Grill. The owner liked old style sailing ships and he felt the name gave the place a style all it's own. The nautical theme did fit in due to the fact it was near the...

1 year ago
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Gender Machiavelli Today The girl was bored. She looked at the television, seeing the show, but not really watching it. She was dressed in a teal waist cincher with matching panties, stockings and a garter belt; her pert breasts free and available, as if anyone was here to enjoy them. She was bored, and she was hungry. The door opened, and the lab tech walked in. He had a clipboard, and a bored expression. "How are we doing today, Amanda?" "How should I be doing?" She...

1 year ago
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Gender Role Reversal Many Worlds Inc Part 5

Jessica was nervous and embarrassed as she parked her car in the parking lot. She was nervous because it was her first photo shoot and she was embarrassed because she was dressed in what she thought was ridiculous clothing. Jessica was currently wearing a black tank top which she wore underneath a pink blazer. She also wore black leggings and high heels that match her blazer. Jessica sighed and got out of the car which was a pink convertible. As she was about to shut the door, she...

4 years ago
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Gender Role Reversal Many Worlds Inc Part 7

Announcement: I realise that it's been a while since I last wrote anything on Fictionmania. I've been focusing on other things rather than FM such as writing chapters over on a site called Fiction Branches. Having said that I have found that I prefer to write in short stories rather than long multi-part stories. Perhaps I should have started with those but after I finish this story I will start posting more single part stories. I feel that this way I will be able to contribute to FM...

3 years ago
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Gender role experiment 2

Gender role experiment 2 I was trying to find Linda. A blonde guy about her hight walked toward me, and I looked into his eyes, hoping to recognize her. No, it wasn't her, and, of course, the guy got my stare as an invitation. "Linda, right?" he asked stepping to me, and I rolled my eyes. Thanks to my boobs size, all campus learned my name. Sure the guys were betting who is going to score me first. "You are new here. I can show you around if you want?" he said with a smile, and...

2 years ago
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Gender role experiment 3

Gender role experiment 3 I was trying to act normal; to act as nothing happened. I was trying to say, "Everything is ok," and smile, but Jenifer, one of my flatmates, suddenly hugged me. The intimacy of the hug, and the warmth of her body did something to me. Tears, sobs, and words started to run out of me like a waterfall. Just a minute ago I swore to myself to never say a word about what happened in the toilet. I was going to forget it myself and act like it's never happened....

3 years ago
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Gender Role Reversal Reboot

Hey everyone! I know that it's been a while since my last story and I apologise for that. I took a break for a bit and honestly, I had probably run out of ideas. But on the bright side, since I've gotten back into writing again, I've decided to do a complete reboot of my universe so essentially, ignore everything that has come before and start fresh with this story. With this reboot comes a few changes. I'm trying out a new naming system for the characters which I have developed with a...

2 years ago
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Gender Bending Investigations Part 2 The Roman Bath

Gender Bending Investigations Part 2 - The Roman Bath By Farleven "So this is my new place." I looked around as the door swung open. In a way, it wasn't much, just a small studio apartment. The bed was in a little nook near the door, and the kitchen was open with a bar separating it from the rest of the apartment. The one saving grace was the living room. It wasn't huge, but one whole wall was a big sliding glass door that could open out onto a small patio. From the tenth floor, I got...

4 years ago
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Gender Bending Investigations Part 3 The Magnate

Gender Bending Investigations Part 3 - The Magnate By Farleven "Well, it certainly sounds like you had fun last night." The android gave me an awkward smile. It didn't quite mimic Agent Raikins expressions right, but I knew him well enough to know what he was trying to do. I wasn't used to working with his robotic stand in yet, even if I knew that Raikins was puppeteering the android from a virtual reality suite back at the Agency. I blushed a bit at that. Naturally, I had to tell...

4 years ago
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Gender Bending Investigations Part 4 Distractions and Discoveries

Gender Bending Investigations Part 4 - Distractions and Discoveries By Farleven I hated to admit that I was glowing. Not only had I managed to work my way on to one of Patrick Oswald's special projects, but I'd also gotten him into bed or at least close enough. For all the sex I'd had over the last few weeks, I had to admit my time with him had been the best. It was hard to explain exactly why. He'd started off as considerate as anyone, but the way he took command, the way he ravished...

3 years ago
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Gender Game

Chapter 0: Prologue. In the future, humanity has invented interplanetary spaceflight and begun to explore the galaxy. In doing so they encounter an alien race, commonly referred to in later history books as the "Engineers". Engineers have caught the signal human sent to outer space and discovered there was another intelligent race in the vast universe. As for humans, they remained to be cautious and just sent a small team to contact. However, the discovery of an Engineer base in the asteroid...

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Gender Bending Investigations Part 5 Revelations

Gender Bending Investigations Part 5 - Revelations By Farleven It was the morning light filtering in through the window that finally stirred me. Something felt different. That wasn't saying much, the last few weeks had been a whirlwind of change. I'd been turned into a woman and sent on an undercover assignment. I lived in a new apartment, wore new clothes, and that was just the little things. For all of that though, I'd gotten used to the changes, even the new body for the most part....

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Xena Versus The Spartans

It was a time of horrible raids by terrible marrauding hordes, which caused untold misery, fear and poverty in all of Pelopones. It was a time when Xena and Gabrielle were needed by all the towns, before it is too late, but she was nowhere to be found. The century before had been a good time for all, under the Cooperation Accord of Olympia, there was piece between all the polises, and Xena could concentrate on petty crime and feuding Gods. But now Xena had been on a mission in Asia for years,...

2 years ago
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Gender Role Reversal Pool Party

"Honey. Are you ready yet? Our guests will be here soon," Amy's dad said from her bedroom door. "Yeah. Sure dad. I'll just finish this match and then I'll be down." Amy replied not looking away from the screen. "Ok sweetie." Her dad said as he left the room. Amy was playing the latest version of FIFA and was 10 years old. Her family had moved to Florida from England due to her mum being relocated at her job. The move meant that her mum would get a bigger salary which meant that they...

3 years ago
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Fluid Freefall CH1 Chemistry

I wake up to her slamming my apartment door, the wrrring sound of the blender dampened by the walls. Not the first time I woke up today. A few hours earlier, I awoke to my painful erection lodged tightly between her clothed asscheeks. The barest light of dawn shone through the curtains. Spooning her though the night, I'm surprised I didn't dry-hump rape her in my sleep. Now that I'm awake, the sweet smell of her hair, and her picturesque doll face only worsen the situation. I got up and...

2 years ago
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Gender Role Reversal Reboot Chapter 3

I rolled my eyes at Ms. Willow's statement about boys and tried to ignore it as she continued on with the rest of the class. Not every boy was dumb as rocks when it came to politics, take Cobi and me for example. We actually paid attention to the presidential campaigns and cared about who we wanted for the next president. But of course, most girls just nodded and listened politely to whatever we had to say while they stared at our dicks. For the rest of the class, Cobi and I put our...

1 year ago
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Gender Role Reversal Reboot Chapter 4

My tummy rumbled a little as I waited patiently in the cafeteria line to get my lunch. After Home Economics, Aidenne, Carla and I quickly made our way towards the cafeteria stopping briefly at the restrooms to wash up and touch up our makeup. For me, this stop was very much needed, as I'm still not used to the fact that there weren't any makeup stations at nearly every corner. That's another thing that we boys have to get used to when we transition from the boys' elementary school to...

3 years ago
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Historia 8 La Cita 2 Parte

Después de lo que había pasado en el hotel aquel, no podía quitarme de la cabeza lo ocurrido.Antes de salir de la habitación me había dado un pequeño papel con la dirección de su trabajo y el número de teléfono.Había pasado ya casi un mes cuando encontré esa nota guardada en mi cajón entre mi ropa anterior, la saque y no pude evitar sentir que mi respiración se agito recordando de nuevo aquella verga en mis labios entrando y saliendo, sus venas marcadas.Cargue la nota entre mis libros unos días...

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Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis.Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets blown out of the sky and you...

Love Stories
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(C) Mojavejoe420 2020 Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis. Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets...

3 years ago
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Mother learns vaginal fluids can cure acne

"Vaginal fluid for acne??? I have to read this". Ana the mother of Johnny was doing her typical routine, lying in bed in her birthday suit, reading her latest Cosmopolitan magazine. Typical article about clothing, men, sex, and so on but this one was a first. It was an article about the use of vaginal fluids to remove acne. While the idea seems preposterous her son Johnny was in serious need of any possible solution. With multiple visits to several dermatologists nothing seemed to work. In...

3 years ago
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Gender issues all my life finally found a fit

. My sister and i played often and we tried to stay out of moms hair, and dad was disinterested with young children, that would change later. We were just, "what i truly consider", a normal nuclear family. . I had some friends who constantly spoke about sexual things, and as i have said, i knew nothing about any of it. My friend Glen had tricked me once with his far superior sexual intellect. He was asking a group of us, each in turn, which way we preferred to, "Jack Off"...

3 years ago
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Gender Change Beta Test

You hit gold when you got access to Morph-CO's Cocoon beta test. The Cocoon had long since been rumored to be the next big thing in gaming. Fully immersive virtual reality was long imagined in fiction. Now you are entering the offices of Morph-Co. A security guard took down your name and escorted you down a long hallway to a room with a large white pod with a chair inside. "You need to sign this waiver," the guard said. "You can be in the device for up to a month if you want." "Have people done...

3 years ago
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Gender Change Housewife Project

You find yourself near the middle of suburbia. In the quaint little gated community of Pleasant Lane. You can see through the gate various people walking around, gardening, even having BBQs. The men all appear to be handsome and wearing nicer clothes. Some appear to be wearing suits as if they just came out of an important business meeting. But it's the women that draw your eyes. Perfect hourglass figures, all of them as beautiful as anything you have ever seen. One of them you swear looks like...

Mind Control
3 years ago
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Gender swap

I am Alex a muscled , handsome man. I have fucked many girls. With my monster of 12 inches. But today I found a very sexual and hot girl at the club. She was having very big boobs and a very wide ass. She was a virgin. I don't why noone fucked her till now but I will take the chance .I thought she was new to the town. She was wearing a very tight dress which was exposing it's boobs and showing pussy outlines. She was wearing a nylon stockings. (Note:- this chapter is public I will be glad if u...

4 years ago
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Gender bender life

You wake up your head spinning as you look around the room you see the area around you is well lit, but in the distance you see nothing but darkness, then you see it just in-front of you, see a throne with elegant carvings of many battles taking place with a comfortable looking velvet seat as you move towards the Throne the air around it begins to shimmer and take form it begins to resemble a person. But the image doesn't settle then it begins to speak to you as it speaks it sounds like...

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