Gender Bending Investigations - Part 3 - The Magnate free porn video

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Gender Bending Investigations Part 3 - The Magnate By Farleven "Well, it certainly sounds like you had fun last night." The android gave me an awkward smile. It didn't quite mimic Agent Raikins expressions right, but I knew him well enough to know what he was trying to do. I wasn't used to working with his robotic stand in yet, even if I knew that Raikins was puppeteering the android from a virtual reality suite back at the Agency. I blushed a bit at that. Naturally, I had to tell my handler why I'd been out all last night. I was rather embarrassed to tell him that my co-workers had taken me out for a full on orgy to welcome me to the team. Thankfully, he didn't ask for too many details, since I wasn't sure I would have been comfortable sharing. "Yeah, it was kind of amazing." I squirmed in my seat just thinking about it. At least I was at home where I could allow myself to just embrace the discomfort. The truth was, the whole experience had really rattled me in a way that even rolling around in bed with Raikins hadn't done. I was a woman now, and certainly after last night, I'd pretty much been taken on an explicit tour of my full femininity. The deep cover mental conditioning that had been done when they'd turned me from a middle aged guy into an early twenties girl had held through everything. I had ached in ways I'd never imagined and begged for more again and again. I couldn't even tell you how many men had filled my mouth or my pussy with cum. I'd been ravished for hours, wonderful endless orgasm filled hours. I didn't really want to think about it too much, or what the whole experience implied about me. No matter how real it had felt, this was all artificial. I wasn't really a woman, it was just a way to get into this organization and work my way into the company of one of the world's most powerful men. "I'm glad, and it sounds like your cover held very well. So, for the rest of this week, I want you to keep cozying up to the new team you're on, especially your team lead." Raikins kept up with business. He was my handler for this mission after all. "Phillip? Why?" I asked. I headed over to the fridge and grabbed a glass of orange juice. I noticed that I didn't get nearly as hungry in my newly petite form, but I still liked a little something in the morning. "Our sources say that he has connections that go further up into management. If you can get on friendly terms with him, he will hopefully help get your name circulating up with the department heads. You've already done well when you fixed their little software issue yesterday. If the department heads are talking about you when the party comes around, Oswald is almost certain to give you some personal time." Raikins explained. It made sense. I'd already made a big splash when I helped them on my first day. If I could get more energy moving around me, that could only help. "Sure. He's nice enough." I nodded and sipped at my juice. "Just be sure not to lead him on. Keep it casual. The last thing we want is for him to get territorial about you. It can be complicated being a woman." Raikins gave me another artificial grin. I couldn't forget that he'd been a woman on an undercover assignment as well. He'd made it through all the weirdness, and that helped give me a lot of confidence. "Relationships." I laughed. I'd honestly not had much luck with them. As a hapless guy I rarely even dated, and the nature of my work helped to sabotage what girlfriends I'd managed to get. Now, my goals relied upon striking up at least a somewhat serious connection with Oswald. The whole idea seemed crazy, but I had to do it. "Right, be careful. It's easy to get things going too fast. At least there shouldn't be much damage that you can do in a couple of days. Still, try to get in good with your coworkers. We want them to be happy to introduce you around." Raikins pushed and I simply agreed. It was going to be a crazy few days, but if I was lucky it would position me right where I needed to be. Raikins left me to get ready the rest of the way for work. The whole process certainly took longer now. All I used to do was take a quick shower and toss on some clothes. Now, I had to primp my hair and put on makeup. It still felt weird looking at a cute brunette in the mirror and knowing that it was really how people saw me now. Still, I wanted to look good, and I took the time to do it all right. I did dress down a bit today. It was clear that this office wasn't very much for formality, so I went with a simple T-shirt and slacks combo. I laughed a bit when I looked in the mirror. Even in something that should be so plain, I still looked stunning. I knew it was a woman thing, the cute ones could stun you no matter what they wore, and it seemed like I fell into that category. The morning was uneventful. Jack, Susan and I dove back into the data system I had helped with yesterday. Because of my brilliant idea, we now had to rewrite a rather large amount of our test code. It wasn't thrilling work, and was very detail oriented. In the end, we mostly sat around my desk and they helped me through the process of learning their system as we updated the code. "So how is my newest little team doing?" Phillip asked as we all huddled over my desk. We were so focused that his interruption came as something of a shock. We all turned to look at him and he laughed at our rather blank expressions. It was Susan who recovered first. "Just hammering through the rewrites, boss." "Wonderful, but it's about time for lunch. You don't mind if I grab Karen, do you?" he asked. "No, we could all use a break. So, be back here in an hour?" Jack asked. We all nodded and I soon found myself with Phillip on the way to the cafeteria. "You haven't tried out the in-house chefs yet, have you?" Phillip smiled. "No, I guess not." I followed him. It felt a lot more like we were walking into a restaurant, then any employee cafeteria I'd ever seen. About the only thing it had in common was that you had to line up for your food. The rest of the room was filled with very nice tables or booths that could sit from two to ten people. There was even an upper level that gave you a good look at the city. It was pretty much all the way classy. The tables and chairs were solid wood, well carved and polished. The room was filled with plants, sculptures and paintings that all added to the atmosphere. "Then you're in luck. We may go out sometimes, but the quality of the food here is top notch, and all complimentary as well." Philip picked up a tray. The smell was certainly enticing. It was a wild combination, the kind of thing that only a place like this could generate, but the pure quality of the scents all complimented each other. The strongest sense was from the stir fry currently flipping into the air as the chef worked it in his wok. The tantalizing smell of steaks on a hickory grill teased at my nose. By the time we'd made it up to where they took orders, I was fighting off the urge to drool. The menu wasn't as extensive as I would have expected, but it was nice to see a very nice variety. There was basically an option for every taste and diet, but generally only one. I was torn, there were simply too many choices. Phillip ordered the chicken stir fry while I debated my choices. Finally, I knew I had to make my decision. "I'll go with the steak and potatoes. Medium rare." I ordered and followed on after Phillip. We grabbed drinks and swiped our badges and walked into the seating area. "They'll have the food out in a few minutes. Why don't we sit upstairs?" Phillip escorted me to a small table with a view of the city. We were just early enough to have missed the busiest point of the lunch rush, and I saw people starting to scramble in behind us. "Nice view." I took a look out. The city was bustling along. We were high enough here to get a view past, most of the rather staid business district and could see all the way down to the water. "So, how do you like it here so far?" Phillip asked. I quickly realized just why he'd taken me aside. I was a new employee after all. It was important to judge just how I was handling the new job. It was only my second day, but I knew how important it was to get people off on the right foot. "Oh, it's been great. Jack and Susan are really helpful, and everyone is so friendly." I gave him a warm smile. It helped that it was all true. If I had been looking for a new job, I would have been very happy to be here. "I'm glad to hear it. I'm sorry I couldn't make it out last night with everyone." He added with perfect nonchalance. My heart skipped a beat. I guess it was a pretty casual thing. Still, it wasn't quite what I was used to talking about with my boss. "That's okay, everyone else did a good job of filling in for you." I blushed a bit. Then I giggled when I realized what I'd just said. Before I could stop myself, the giggle turned into the maniacal laughs of a mad man, or well woman. The absurdity of everything had just overflowed. Phillip gave me a slightly worried smile as I regained control of myself. "Sorry, I just... well, I'm not used to that kind of attention, even if it was kind of fun." "Oh, I understand. I guess it's an adjustment for you, coming from the Midwest and all." "Yeah, but to be honest, I was always a bit curious." I tossed him a wicked look. Somehow it seemed the right tact to take. I was certainly not going to pass for a chaste small town girl at this point. Playing the naive but eager type seemed a much better angle. It was certainly a more friendly way to go. "Glad to hear it. I know some people have a way of coming on strong, and the baths are a rather intense place." I could see the worry drain out of his eyes. I could understand how fine of a line he was walking. The very fact that people were more open about their sexuality meant that you had to be careful not to go over the line. "Yeah, it sure was." I felt myself growing a bit wet just thinking about it. The endless pleasure of that little orgy had been rather unreal. Now it almost felt dream like, especially while I was sitting here about to enjoy my meal. Thankfully, a server came by and dropped off our food. The very notion of having a waitress here seemed crazy. They really did care about treating their employees well. Our conversation drifted back to work. Phillip's team was always busy. Even if my assistance yesterday helped put them ahead for their current project, all that really meant was that the next round of tasks got started sooner. I tried to fill in the right mix of knowledge with naivete in my questions. It wasn't always easy, since I knew I lot of things that someone recently out of college wouldn't know I had to constantly filter myself. The food was amazing, and that helped. Every time I felt like I was about to take the conversation in the wrong direction, I'd take another bite of my steak. It was delicious and perfectly cooked, that hard found ideal where steak sauce was unnecessary. It was so good that I had a hard time not just focusing on my meal, but as we drifted away from talking about work I had another opportunity. "So, I heard that there's going to be a big party this week, at the company," I prompted. "Yeah, we like to have a regular thing to help welcome our new employees and help them mingle outside of their own departments. It's a pretty big deal. You are invited of course," he said between bites. "So, it's just like a networking thing?" I tried to sound a bit disinterested. After all, that wasn't the kind of party that twenty- somethings got excited about. Networking might be important, but rarely was it much fun. "Of course, you can do that, but the entertainment is always top notch, as is the open bar. We don't do things half way around here. And, if that wasn't enough for you, Patrick usually shows up." Phillip smiled as he dropped that name. I perked up accordingly, no one in tech would skip the chance to meet the man behind the largest tech empire in history. Of course, my reasons were a bit more nefarious, but I was no less pleased to hear that our sources had been right. "Really? That's cool, but it's not like I'd get to meet him or anything." I wasn't sure if I was really pulling off the act right, but hopefully that puppy dog look of disappointment would have its effect on Phillip. "Oh, well, he usually mingles with everyone, but I can pull a few strings and make sure you get a chance to talk with him," Phillip reassured me. I let the cloud of worry lift and then smiled up at him. "Really? That would be amazing! I've so wanted to meet him." I did my best to act like the eager young woman I was supposed to be. Karen was going to meet her hero, that was certainly a cause for excitement. I did, however, want to help seal the deal. We were about to finish our meal, and we still had some time before everyone else would be back from work. "Sure, no problem. I hadn't realized you had such an interest in him." Phillip nodded. A server came by to take away our plates and we got up to leave. "Are you kidding?" I giggled. "How could I not want to meet the man who almost single handedly runs the tech economy?" He laughed at that. I knew I wasn't the first to be a fan of Oswald. After all, his technology ran the world. He was rich and powerful, and somehow managed to avoid the arrogant flair that earlier generations of tech titans had all exuded. If it wasn't for my rather intimate knowledge of his companies, I would probably have been a fan as well. This did give me another chance though. Phillip did seem to have the connections we hoped, and that meant that I could get his help to get close to Oswald. I wasn't going to let that chance slip away. So as we left the cafeteria, I slid up close to him and got onto the tips of my toes so I could whisper into his ear. "I really appreciate offering to help me meet him, Phillip. I'm also kind of sorry you couldn't join us last night. We've got a little time now, if you want to see what you missed." He turned and shot me a look of surprise that quickly started to melt to eagerness as he saw the wanton grin that had grown on my face. Honestly, our earlier discussion about last night had kind of turned me on, and this was an excellent way to kill two birds with one stone. We didn't need to say anything else. The break room wasn't too far away and we were lucky enough to find one of the rooms empty for us. I still had a hard time believing that a company had rooms set aside for office flings like this, but I was more than happy to indulge. As I closed the door, I giggled a bit at the lock. It actually had three settings, empty, occupied and please join in. My mind boggled for a moment and then I set it to occupied. Maybe I'd try the third option some day, but that wasn't going to be today. I felt a bit wild. I wasn't just along for the ride here, I was pushing for it. I was at work, or what was supposed to be work, about to have sex with my supervisor. A million sexual harassment videos must have been crying out in horror, but I was here willingly and so was he. The new world was a strange place, but one I was happy to dive into. I turned back around and before he could do or say anything else, I reached up around his neck and pulled him down for a nice wet kiss. He flailed for a moment and then his hands slid around me and pulled me tight. My whole body ground against his. My super charged libido hadn't mellowed a bit, and I felt that depraved need welling up inside me. I don't think I'd ever been so aggressively sexual as I was now. It all just felt so good, and as a woman, even in this very libertine culture, it was a lot easier to get sex. Men still had to be cautious not to push when they weren't welcome, but for a woman finding an eager male was pretty much as easy as finding an unmarried guy. We didn't waste any time being shy. As our tongues started to dance in my mouth, our hands went to work on our clothes. Shirts, blouses and pants were quickly unbuttoned, pulled open and taken off. We had to pause a few times to pull off an undershirt or in my case a T-shirt. Our underwear followed quickly thereafter, until he was naked and I was down to my glasses and a pair of striped socks. My body pressed into his as we kept kissing. I quivered as my naked flesh pressed into his. There was a bit of a chill in the air, just enough to make me eager to share his warmth. He was fit and I enjoyed the feeling of my soft breasts pressing into his firm body. It was a strange feeling to be so malleable against something so hard. It was another aspect of being a girl that I found wantonly intoxicating. I'd always enjoyed the softness of a woman, but I'd never imagined the tantalizing feeling that came with enjoying the hardness of a man. Philip broke away, just for a moment, and he looked down at me. My chest heaved from my ragged breaths as lust flamed in my eyes. I needed to be taken, to be ravished. The memories of last night were taunting me, mocking me with the remembrance of pleasure. I couldn't deny the power that held over me, the raw demands that lust had driven into my flesh. "You are stunning," he gasped as he took in the full sight of my lust wracked body. His eyes traced every soft curve before they came back to meet mine. I remembered how I'd felt when we'd met yesterday, that attraction that seemed to spark between us. Now, it had grown to bolts of lightning crashing into me. His compliment only made it stronger. Even if I knew intellectually that this was not really me, not my real body, that made no difference to the lustful need that was overwhelming me. Then, before I could react, he reached down and picked me up by my thighs. I wrapped myself around him so that I could hold on as he swung around towards the small bed that had been placed in the room. It was just big enough for its job, and I found my ass bouncing on top of it a moment later. I sat on the edge, with him standing in front of me. Most of all, his cock was hovering right between my legs, all hard and poised to strike. "Take me..." I ordered him with as husky of a tone as my girlish voice could make. I spread my legs wide for him, exposing myself completely. I felt a bit crazed, the throbbing ache between my legs was driving me wild. I wasn't sure how long I could keep any semblance of control, and that's when I felt him rubbing against me. I gasped from the pleasure of his hardness running over my slit, parting my tender folds and teasing my sensitive clit. The nuances of sex from the woman's side had a way of tearing through my defenses. It all felt so good, and so wickedly strange. I couldn't get enough of it. The strangest part was the feeling of submission, it was the man who took charge, who filled my flesh and drove me to my peak. I had influence to be sure, but where he could force himself upon me, I could only beg for him to take me. Now, I didn't need to beg. He was as hard as I was wet and his cock was soon coated with my juices. Neither of us wanted to take this slow. I pulled my legs wide and gripped my thighs to keep them open as I struggled to keep control as his hardness teased me. I moaned and gasped as he rubbed and slid between my legs, preparing me, drawing me towards a cliff of raw desire. Then just as I couldn't take any more, I felt him slide down and press against my wet gates. "Oh yes!" I cried out as he thrust. My tender pussy opened for him, parting as he pushed deep. I reveled in the sensation, that perfectly feminine feeling of impalement. He was inside me, deep inside me, throbbing and hard. It was depraved, a raw pleasure that cut through everything. At this moment, there was nothing I wouldn't have done to feel this way. His hands started to slide over seething flesh. First, he stroked my thighs and teased my hands until I let go and then wrapped my legs around him. He moved higher now, over my soft belly and then up to my round breasts. As he rested inside me, his hands caressed my chest, squeezing and molding my flesh until I was a little more than a melted pool of pleasure. As I writhed beneath him, he finally took mercy on me, and began to thrust. He was slow at first, drawing back and leaving me to quake and howl from the joy of feeling my tender passage split open again and again. He let me savor each moment as he slowly built his rhythm. I was completely open to him, and he continued to drive me wild. "Please... harder!" I begged as he worked. It felt so good, but I'd gone from enjoying the simple wonder of being stuffed with cock. Now, I needed more, I needed to be pounded, to be fucked and fucked hard. Phillip grunted as I squeezed down on him with my pussy. It made him feel so much bigger inside me, and I could see how much he enjoyed feeling my tightness as well. He started to lose control and I braced myself for it. His thrusts grew stronger and his rhythm more fierce. I shook each time he drove deep. I grabbed at the edge of the bed, in part to hold me in place, but also as an outlet for the tension building inside me. I needed it, needed it so much. "Yes! Harder! Make me cum! Oh yes!" I wailed. I feared that I sounded like some cheap porno actress, but at the moment I couldn't think of anything else to say, or any other way to say it. I needed him to ravish me, to push me over the top. It was almost too much, but I couldn't let go. I had to have more. He was panting now from the force of his assault. He was tense as well, his hands sinking deep into my flesh as he grew even more frantic. I cried out, thrashing from the needs wracking my body. The sounds of our passion echoed around us, and I seethed, the force inside me was tearing apart and when I finally couldn't take any more I felt him ramming deep into my depths and we cried out together. As his cock exploded, I felt my body rush with raw pleasure. The power of it left me gasping. My pussy milked him dry as my orgasm coursed through me, hammering through my flesh. I still couldn't believe that sex as a woman could feel so good, and I simply savored the warm glow that came over me. "Thanks." I panted and stroked his hand as he braced himself against the bed. I could see that he had to recover as well. He smiled down at me, no doubt appreciating the gentle swells of my chest as I enjoyed the moment. "No, that was amazing, you were amazing." He stammered. I know it must have hit him hard and I was glad. I knew just how much a good fucking could take out of a guy, it was just kind of funny seeing it from the other side. "Well, maybe next time you won't skip a little evening outing." I laughed. I felt him slowly slide out and I was left empty but satisfied. I wished I had some time to cuddle, but the truth was that we were probably well overdue for getting back to work. I hated to admit that we couldn't just hang out in here forever. "There's a shower in the back. If you want to go first." He motioned towards a door next to the bed. I slowly got up and considered my options for a moment. "Well, you could join me, it would be faster." I tugged at him at the same moment I slid the door open. Before he had a chance to object I'd pulled us into the shower and let him take that first blast of cold water. "Ah! You just wanted me to take the hit!" He laughed and shivered in unison. Thankfully, the hot water started a moment later and he warmed right back up. "What? You thought I wanted to get frisky?" I giggled. I filled my hands with body wash and started to soap him up. I ran my fingers all over his hard body, teasing and taunting as I cleaned. The woman in me was enthralled at having such a sculpted man to work over. Still, it was strange to slide my hands over another guy's body when I wasn't overwhelmed with lust. In some ways the two sexes really weren't so different. Just as I thought that, he started in on me by soaping up my breasts, naturally. I gasped as he scooped, squeezed and soaped them both up. He kept working from there, covering every bit of my body, front and back, with a little extra attention between the legs. There was certainly something electric about washing up like this, but we both knew better than to linger. If we wanted to have more fun later, there would be plenty of time to do so. We splashed through a quick rinse and then he hopped out while I gave my hair a quick wash. Thankfully, I kept my hair style simple to hard to work with, but long hair did take longer to clean. By the time I was out of the shower, he was already dressed, but he lingered long enough to give me a quick kiss on the cheek. "Don't take too long. Susan isn't the patient type." He smiled as he worked the door. "And thanks again, for a wonderful time. If you're ever interested again, you know where to find me." "Right back at you." I winked. I certainly wouldn't turn him away. Even if I was doing this to help improve my chances of a personal meeting with Oswald, Phillip knew just how to make a woman squeal. I would be more than happy to get another round with him. He gave me a wave and was off. I quickly dressed and primped myself before heading out. I had been worried about having to miss out on sex when I finally got into the field and under cover. I almost laughed at myself now, I'd had more sex since I started the assignment than when I'd been in training. It didn't look like I'd have to work hard for more either. I hated to admit that I was almost starting to dread the coming party since I'd have to give up all the fun I was having here if I completed my mission. Still, there was work to do, and a lot more preparation to be done so that Oswald wouldn't be able to get out of meeting the up and coming developer that was rocking his data department. I was going to have a busy week. *** "You look stunning." The android gave me its best impression of a smile as I did a little twirl to show off my outfit. After a crazy week of sex and software, we'd finally reached the company welcome party for new employees. I flushed at the compliment. Even as I was getting fully used to being a woman, getting compliments on my looks still filled me with an odd mix of angst and pride. I tried not to let it show, especially since I agreed with him. I'd managed to find just the right dress with a little help from Linda. It hugged my curves, but left just the right amount to the imagination. The skirt slid past my knees, but the neckline plunged far enough to show off my cleavage. It was a cool baby blue, just nice enough to be almost formal, but still something you could almost go out for a night on the town. All in all, it showed off my little body perfectly, and matched well against the clothes that Oswald's love interests usually wore. "Thanks. Is there anything else I should know?" I had spent as much of my free time as I could reviewing Oswald's personal tastes. I almost felt like a stalker for a moment, even if it was my job. I'd never really felt that way before in an investigation, but then I normally wasn't researching what kind of wine a man liked after dinner, either. "We've been watching him as best we could this week, but he's mostly been off the radar. We're pretty sure he hasn't found a new woman, thankfully, but keep yourself prepared. If he does have a date, don't go fishing deep, just try and establish a professional relationship so you can get another chance later. From what I've heard, you've been making a few waves with your work so you may get another bite at the apple." Raikins explained. There was always risk in this kind of operation. We didn't have a lot of time to spare, but it was better not to risk burning bridges. "I'll keep that in mind." I took one more stop by the mirror. "I guess I should be going then. I wouldn't want to be more than fashionably late." "Good luck." Raikins waved as I headed out. He was going to hold back and change into another face. After that he'd go wander around for a while and end up hanging out near the party. If something went terribly wrong, he'd be able to back me up within a minute or two. Hopefully, I wouldn't need the help, but it was good to know that it was there just in case. I didn't want to admit it to him, but I was a bit giddy. After a crazy week, I was ready to push for the next stage of the mission. I felt charged up. All the sex, and hell, even the work was having an uplifting effect on me. It was a new challenge, one that I could throw myself into in a way I haven't done in years. Best of all, it helped improve my reputation in advance of the party. I just couldn't resist skipping at least for about a block. I felt absolutely ridiculous, and yet it felt so right. I finally managed to pull myself together and resume a more dignified walk before I got within a few blocks of the office. The party was being held there. Apparently, they had a whole floor that was dedicated to events like this as well as for other conferences and meetings. Tonight it would be decked out for us. By the time I made it within a block of the office, I started to spot other employees. These kind of parties were not the thing that you would skip. It was also something people clearly were dressing up for. I was used to a pretty casual dress code around the office, but tonight, everyone was clearly coming in at least slacks and button shirts or dresses. I don't think I'd been to such an event in years. "Well, you do clean up nice," I heard Susan quip as she came up beside me. If she thought I looked nice, well, she was stunning. The svelte Asian was rocking a slinky black dress that showed off her every asset. She gave me a stern look of approval. It was pretty much the most friendly gaze she was capable of. I took it as the compliment that it was. "Thanks, and you are just stunning." I let all of my appreciation seep into my voice. She knew the effect that she could have on people, and I was aware of at least some of the game she was playing. I kept to my perky demeanor with her just for that, since I knew she found it aggravating. Over the last few days I could tell she'd gained a respect for me though. It had been hard, she wasn't as easy to impress as the others, but I'd worn her down. It felt strange working this hard to stand out while I was on an undercover mission. She gave me a curt nod and we kept walking. It wasn't long before we were in a steady stream of other employees. We picked up another couple of people I recognized and soon we were all shuffling up to the elevators. It took a while, but we finally managed to all get unloaded up on the upper floor that had been all decked out for us. When we finally stepped out of the elevator, I took in a deep breath. It wasn't just the company. The whole place was done up in style. The bare room was impressive enough, but they had done everything up in first class style. There were ice sculptures and the fanciest outlay of food I'd ever seen. A band played on a stage set off at the other end of the hall. It was classical, almost too fancy for me, but it fit the atmosphere perfectly. "First time at a real gala?" I heard Jack laugh as he walked up. He was dressed in slacks with a nice button up shirt and a blazer. I was glad to see no one was wearing a tie. At least they had that much sense. I couldn't stand ties, and my new feminine sensibilities were just as hard on them. "Yeah, I never imagined they'd put on something like this for us." I turned around and gawked at everything. "Comes with the territory, you know. You're working for part of the biggest company in the world. Patrick likes to make sure his employees know they're appreciated." Jack laughed. I certainly had to admit that Oswald was good to his workers, at least at the level we were operating at. I couldn't be sure how far down this kind of treatment went, but I recognized people from pretty much every department I knew of. I started to mingle. Or at least a vague attempt at it. A quick agency training program and a little mental reconditioning could change some things, but I was still something of an introvert in large crowds. It did help a bit that I was an attractive young woman now, at least in the sense that there seemed to be an endless stream of men file past to say hello before drifting off for greener pastures. After all, I really only had interest in one man tonight. From the general feel of the room, he hadn't made his appearance yet, so I quickly indulged in a snack. I wasn't so hungry, but there was no way I could resist sampling such an amazing spread. "Delicious isn't it?" Linda popped up beside me as she sampled some of the cheeses. They were all set out on little crackers, no doubt picked because they matched the flavor or texture that was desired. I couldn't even guess what half of them were called, but they were each amazing in their own way. "I know, I have to be careful or I'll have to go to the gym every day for a month to burn it all off," I agreed as I popped another hors d'oeuvre in my mouth. This was a little pastry wrapped meat. Despite its plain look, it was amazing, the texture, the sauce, the seasoning were all just to die for. Linda laughed and then walked slowly away after picking up another round of snacks. I took a deep breath and followed her or I was afraid I'd never be able to. "Or you could just get a little metabolism booster treatment. Gym's are so 2010s." Linda smiled. "The second floor clinic can handle it in a snap, and it's all paid for. How did you think all of us software developers kept in such good shape?" "Really?" I gasped a bit. It wasn't just the naive cover personality that was reacting this time. I'd certainly gotten treatments in the past, but then it was only for serious stuff, not just as a casual thing. I hadn't thought it had become so normal that people put the treatments ahead of just trying to do the right thing. "Oh sure, just another company perk." Linda completely missed my concern, but I wasn't sure I wanted to press on the topic. I had to admit, I did understand. Doing things the easy way certainly beats out the hard way sometimes. So I simply smiled. Linda quickly drifted away after that. As much as I tended towards being a wallflower, she was the social butterfly. It was almost mesmerizing to watch her as she worked her way around the room. I did lose track of her after a while though. The place had filled up, and I was still pretty much on my own. So I did what I usually did in such circumstances, I stood back and simply studied the people that were milling around. The music started to pick up as well. It was an interesting mix as the orchestra moved towards more contemporary music. Their choices stayed classy, but it certainly had an effect on the crowd. People relaxed more and it wasn't long before the whole place was fully embracing the vibe. I just hung back and watched. Occasionally, someone I knew would swing past me long enough to say hello, but they never stayed long. "So, hit your people limit," I heard a male voice from behind me. It sounded almost familiar, but I couldn't place it as I turned towards him. "Yeah, I guess you could say that..." I stopped cold when I saw him. He was a foot taller than me, well built, with professionally coifed hair, and dressed in a T-shirt and blue jeans as only a CEO could. A shiver ran up my spine. "You're..." I stammered. "Patrick Oswald," He smiled warmly and held out his hand. "And you must be Karen Broden. I've heard an awful lot about you." "Me?" I held there, honestly stunned and also trying to act the part of a star struck fool. Luckily, there wasn't much of a space between the two. I'd certainly seen pictures before and watch videos, but nothing could prepare me for meeting him in person. I also hadn't been a woman before either, and I felt a rush of heat from being so close to such an attractive man. "Oh yes, I've reviewed some of your work, you've made quite an impression on your team, especially Susan, and she isn't easy to impress." He said and I finally realized he was still holding out his hand and quickly took it. His shake was firm yet tender, and the way his fingers slowly released my hand made me quiver. I tried to pull myself together, now was not the time to let my new body take over. "Yeah, she's pretty tough." I nodded nervously. He was supposed to be something of an idol to me, so I fought to play up an awestruck feeling. How should I react to someone like that when he gives me a compliment? It wasn't like some actor or anything, this was someone in my field, technically a superior in the company as well. I seemed to have his full attention, now it just remained if I could sink the hook. "Well, she's been around a long time. I probably shouldn't tell you this, but she's one of our earliest rejuvenation patients. She just hated the idea of retirement and when we finally got the tech working she insisted on being the first post approval subject, and told me to put her back in the trenches. I'm sure you can understand why I couldn't say no to that request." He laughed. I certainly understood that. Susan didn't make requests or suggestions, they were always politely framed orders. You weren't going to turn them down unless you wanted a lot of trouble. "Wow." That was all I managed to say. I let my body language speak for me. I pulled my arms back and pushed my chest out while I squirmed on one foot. It had the effect of showing off my breasts without looking overt or aggressive. Still, it was an invitation, if he chose to take it. His eyes certainly seemed to like the idea. I could see him scoping me out as quick as he could while taking a couple of extra looks at my cleavage. He might not be smitten yet, but it was a good start. It was a strange feeling standing here like this, trying to attract a man, it felt absurd and yet strangely kinky. Sure, I'd had a lot of sex over the last few days, but that was all different. Then it had been direct. This was so much more coy. I had to wait and see how he played things. "So, if you aren't busy, why don't we take a walk?" He smiled again. It made my stomach flutter when he did. I knew I'd become very susceptible to a man's smile, but somehow this was more than that. I'd certainly sparked his interest, and I wasn't going to miss the opportunity. "Okay, but won't they miss you?" I asked. Certainly, someone as important as Oswald couldn't just slip away. "Oh, you'd be surprised. I've made the rounds and everyone's kind of used to me doing my own thing. Honestly, I wouldn't even come if not for the chance to meet some of the new talent, especially the special ones." He gave me a wry look. There wasn't any doubt he was referring to me. All my hard work this week had paid off. Now, I just had to keep my angle. "So why are you wasting time with me?" I blushed under his gaze. He really was having a big effect on me. He laughed and shook his head. "Now, this isn't the place for that kind of false humility. You can't show up one of the top teams here and then pretend you aren't something special. Now, are you coming?" I nodded, a bit cowed by his suddenly stern glare. He had a reputation for keeping things straight. I'd never really appreciated that fact before now, but clearly he didn't like to be played. I cringed a bit inside, but I hoped that I'd caught the mistake before he held it against me. I just had to watch myself from here on. "Okay, sorry." I followed him as he took me over to the other end of the hall. He worked his way through, shaking hands and exchanging a few words before moving on. All the while he kept me with him. It was strange being so close to this kind of casual schmoozing. I could see how it wore on him. He might be the king of his own little empire, but he had to force himself to play the extrovert. By the time we finally made it to a small staircase at the far end, he clearly needed a break. "Now, let me show you why I really come here." He waved his hand over the door lock and it clicked open before he tugged at the door. I followed him. The staircase was surprisingly ornate, white railing with gold trim and some skilled relief carvings along the side of the rail. It only went up one floor, but it was clearly built just for him. At the top it opened up into a cozy room. It was like a private lounge, with a few couches, a little bar on the side and a huge balcony overlooking the city. "I like to come up here when I can. It's a lot more relaxed, and I can just bring up a few people at a time. I like the more personal touch you know." He smiled and motioned towards the balcony. "Of course, the best part is the view." I couldn't help myself either. I stumbled towards the balcony, taken in by the sparkling city in front of me. My apartment had a wonderful view, but looking out from the top floor of one of the city's taller skyscrapers was an entirely different experience. It didn't hurt that this was a perfect night, with clear skies and a half moon. "The city looks so beautiful from up here." I gazed out over the railing as he walked up. He had a drink for me and I took it. I could smell the fruitiness and took a sip. It didn't taste like it was too heavy on the alcohol. It wasn't like Oswald usually needed much help with women. At least that was his reputation. "I still can't get over the stars." He looked up. I followed his gaze. He wasn't lying, the stars twinkled above. It really was a sight to behold. "Ten years ago, you'd have maybe seen a dozen stars, even on a night like this. It took me almost a billion dollars of donations to retrofit all the lights in the city so we could bring back the stars." He paused to take a drink. "There's something about them that just helps people to dream big and I think we'd lost so much when we washed them out." "You spent that much for the stars?" I asked, more than a bit stunned. I had to admit that I hadn't even considered the motivation for his work. I remembered reviewing all of his donations, but they'd always been billed as an efficiency move, to help the city use less electricity and provide a very large tax write off. "Well, yeah. Sure, there were some other benefits, and it really helped me to sell the board on it, but honestly, it was all for this view." He smiled. I turned to watch him. There was something alluring about him as he gazed up at the night sky, his eyes sparkling, not from the lights, but from an inner drive and satisfaction with a wild dream achieved. "That's really amazing." I pulled up closer to him. This was just the kind of thing that was supposed to impress, and I played into it. Honestly, it helped that I was actually surprised by his story. I was quickly realizing there was more to a man than just what files could tell you. "I'm glad." He looked down at me, then back out. "I know I've managed to pull together a lot of power and money. If there's one thing I want out of all of it is making the world a more wonderful place to live." "You've done a great job here, I've never imagined working in a place like this." I helped put a shine on his ego. It didn't hurt that it was true. This was almost a dream workplace. "Thank you. Really, it's just a natural thing to do. Treat your workers well, respect them and they'll pay you back by working hard. I've gotten a lot of push back on that over the years, but I've been able to kick out the old guard that thought the best way forward was to suck the life out of everything." He smiled. "But enough about that kind of business. I wanted to talk to you about something else." "Oh, okay." I smiled up at him. It was all I could do not to fawn over him. I batted my eyes, and made sure to give him sexy but subtle poses. I wasn't sure if he hadn't caught on, wasn't interested, or was playing a different game, but aside from the occasional glance, he didn't give me any longing gazes in response. "I've seen something in your work. I know you've only been here a short time, but I think you have a skill for digging into the depth of things. I have a special team I'm trying to put together for a new project. I'm wondering if you'd be interested. I can't tell you much now, but I can guarantee you'll never regret saying yes." He looked down at me with a sincerity that ripped right to my core. Somehow, this was very important to him, I could see that, and that just made the answer even easier. Not that I was about to say no. A secret project! How could I have lucked out this much? "Well, yes, of course, I'd love to!" I beamed. I actually felt a bit of a rush. I had barely dreamed of succeeding this well, and I hadn't even had to sleep with him. That was actually kind of disappointing. I hated to admit that, but I had started to wonder just what the great Patrick Oswald was like in bed. Of course, it couldn't hurt to help seal the deal. So, I put down my drink and jumped up to give him a big hug, just the kind of a thing an energetic young woman might do when her hero offered her an opportunity of a lifetime. He wobbled for a moment as I pressed myself against him, then reached around and hugged me back. It was far more platonic than I expected and I started to pull away. I only had to take one look up at him to see he was wavering, trying to decide what to do. I seized that moment, sliding my hands up and around his neck and pulling him down. He didn't resist and I tilted my head to the side just enough so that our lips could press firmly together. I kissed him like that, just a simple kiss. He returned that gesture, but didn't push harder, didn't move to dominate the moment. He pulled back gently and looked down at me. He was grinning warmly, but I could see a mix of both concern and attraction. "I'm quite flattered, Karen, but you don't need to do this to thank me for the job." I blushed. For a moment I was embarrassed that he was misinterpreting my intentions. As Karen, I was simply embracing an opportunity to get closer to my hero. As an agent, I was simply trying to strengthen our connection and finally as a woman, I just had to know how good he was. I shook my head at him. "It's not that, I mean, you are Patrick Osawld and there is no place I would rather be than here with you." I smiled up at him, doing my best to reassure him that I wanted to do this, not because of any pressure from him, but rather because I wanted to. I had to admit that I was surprised by his concern. I always figured that a high roller like him wouldn't be so worried about his partner's feelings. His public persona had been carved out as a somewhat ruthless corporate magnate, and the way he seemed to cycle through women had suggested he had the same approach to his private life. "Then, I am very happy to hear that." He didn't pause for my reaction, he just dove in. This time he kissed me with an eager passion that left me breathless. His arms curved around me, engulfing me in his warmth as he pulled me close. We frenched, our tongues sliding against each other, and he let us focus on that intimacy. I quickly ran through what my plan was here, before I was completely swept away. Even a week of crazy sex hadn't taken much of an edge off of my new libido, and I knew that once the real fun started I wouldn't be able to focus on anything beyond the intense sensations that would inundate me. I had my in, and he didn't seem to suspect anything. Now, all I was trying to do was to build a tighter connection, one that would encourage him to pull me deeper into his realm and hopefully give me access to all the data I needed. I'd hit all my goals for now, so I had no reason not to enjoy what was about to happen. While I was thinking through things, Oswald was still kissing me and his hands had started to slowly caress my back. It felt good, but ultimately, I wanted more. An adolescent make out session was slightly nostalgic, but it had left me starting to squirm in his arms as my pussy started to quiver in longing for what he had in his pants. Without warning, he broke the kiss and gave me a wolfish smile before he dropped down, grabbed the hem of my dress and in one dramatic flush, he pulled the whole thing up and over my head. In an instant I was standing in front of him wearing nothing beyond my panties and bra. I returned his lustful gaze and went about returning the favor. It wasn't as easy to get him out of his clothes, but I worked hard and fast just the same. Soon his clothes were fluttering the air as well until he was down to just his boxers, which his cock was doing a good job of keeping up. I wavered for a moment, trying to decide what I should do next and he didn't give me the chance to think it through. He pulled me in and kissed me again, his hands working quickly to unfasten my bra and then pulling it from my shoulders. Then he hugged me, and I melted against him. My softness pressed against his hardness in a way that was always so sensual. It felt so right, so natural to have myself pressed into the warm flesh of another person. His hands move firmly, decisively over me, working over my back and sides before finally coming to my ripe breasts and squeezing them. "You're lovely." He looked into my eyes with a warmth that made me quiver. I never imagined how much a man's compliments could affect me. At a time like this, it only made me more excited. I didn't know quite what was coming over me, but I was at a loss for words, all I could do was smile, back up at him and then slide my hand into his boxers. He drew in a sharp breath as I ran my fingers over his hardness. I'd come to enjoy the look on a man's face when I did this, using my delicate hands to stroke them. I knew men liked to pretend to be strong, but this cut right through all that, right to the core of their being. His boxers slid to the floor, and there was nothing else left to contain him. Then he leaned down, slid his hands around my ass and lifted me up. For a moment I hung like that before he dropped me onto one of the couches. Then he grabbed for my panties and pulled them off with one long pull all the way up my legs. My shoes went off right with them and then he pulled my legs open. He stared down at me, panting and ready to strike with the raging hardness jutting from between his legs. I shuddered beneath him, enjoying his display of dominance, and my pussy was boiling now, seething with need. It was all I could do not to scream. He knelt down and pulled me up so that I was positioned for him, my nether lips spread and open for him and the hardness ready to claim me. He pulled his hips back and I gasped as I felt his cock slide into my pussy again, rubbing and parting my folds. He ran along my wet slit, teasing me for only a moment before he positioned the head of his cock against my entrance. I squirmed beneath him as I felt him parting my flesh and rubbing against my more sensitive spots. "Oh yes!" I wailed as he drove deep. I was so wet that there was no resistance for his thrust. In one hard push I felt him all the way inside me and I squeezed down against the invader in a vain hope to draw out the pleasure. He was big enough to leave me shuddering around his thickness, but he wasn't about to let me savor that moment. Before I had a chance to catch my breath, he was thrusting into me. "Oh, oh fuck..." I gasped between his hard thrusts. He drove so deep, with such force that I was soon washed away by his rhythm. I didn't know how badly I needed to be fucked like this. So much of the sex I'd enjoyed so far had been cautious somehow. The debauchery of it had made up for the intensity, but this was different, this was raw power being applied to my being, and I was lost in it. He grunted, grasping at my thighs as he drove into me hard. I could feel my breasts bouncing with every thrust, my flesh stinging as he slammed into me. I gritted my teeth and closed my eyes as the feeling built rapidly inside me. It was so intense! My hold on the couch became a death grip as I wailed. It was almost too much! "Harder! Oh yes! Fuck me harder!" I begged. I felt like I was about to be thrown off the top of a mountain, the force building inside me was simply beyond comprehension. I didn't know how long I could take it and still he ravished me, his grunts growing more intense by the moment. "Oh god... oh god... yes!" I gasped as I let go. I'd never cum like this before. His cock was still hammering into me, driving me crazy as my whole world seemed to melt into a rushing wave of pleasure. It was wild as I was caught between moments, my body swallowed up by the orgasmic ecstasy and yet pushed on by the raging hardness plunging into me. As I moaned, he pulled his cock out and lifted me again. I felt like a toy as he flipped me over and moved me over the end of the couch. I realized what he was doing, and instinctively spread my legs open and shifted my hips. Then he mounted me. He was inside again, ravishing my eager flesh as I bucked beneath him. My breasts now jiggled against the couch cushions as he took me from behind. I pushed back against him, giving myself room to move and was soon bucking beneath him, and drawing out more pleasure for both of us. He felt so much larger this way, filling me over and over again. It was wild, and I cried out as my orgasm seemed to rise and fall forever. I didn't know how long it would last, but I couldn't worry about that. There was simply nothing else for me beyond the driving hardness between my legs. "Fuck me! Fuck me!" I screamed as his tempo increased. I'd never imagined a man could move so fast and yet drill me so perfectly. His breaths were rapidly becoming ragged, and his rhythm grew more erratic. His control was slipping. I clenched down on him harder as I bucked my hips. "Do it! Cum in me!" I demanded. He was pushing me too far, too hard. I needed him to cum, I needed it more than I'd ever needed anything. He screamed out, his hands sank deep into my waist and he fucked me even harder before he gave me one last hard thrust. I felt him explode inside me, his cock pulsed and the warmth of his seed filled my depths. I cried out, my rolling orgasm reaching a new peak as we relished the moment. My pussy clenched and milked him dry as he continued to shoot inside me. He waited until every drop was removed before he moved again. The feeling of him pulling out made me gasp. I wanted to say something, or do something, but I was fully melted. I just quaked on the couch as he pulled me up and then hugged me. He maneuvered us for a moment until he was laying on the bed and I was on top of him. I wasn't quite sure how he'd done it, but it felt too good to argue with. "That was amazing..." I managed to sigh as I let myself enjoy the warmth of his body. I knew we couldn't stay like this for long. There was still a party going on downstairs. Still, for the moment I could luxuriate in the afterglow. I'd never have guessed that Oswald would be a snuggler, but I was happy to be surprised. I was glad that everything had gone to plan, even better than the plan in fact. The truth was, it made me a bit nervous and as the warmth of my recent ravishment faded away, I started to worry a bit. As much as I hated to admit it, I knew this rash of good fortune couldn't continue forever. My only question was when the other shoe would drop. I took a deep breath and pulled in close to the man I was hoping to bring down. As good as he was in the sack, I still felt like something sinister was in play. Soon, I knew I'd be able to find out. I just hoped I'd be prepared to deal with it. Until then, I was just going to enjoy the ride. To be continued... Thanks for reading! Like it? Hate it? Let me know at [email protected] Read about my current and upcoming stories at Consider supporting me so I can keep releasing new work here and get early access to early releases and my back catalog! Find out how -

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Your Wish Come True revised Chapter 24 Investigations

Your Wish Come True by Pol Roger Chapter 24 Investigations An ally is enlisted and sides are taken THE fit-looking man sat on the padded bench, gazing intently at the painting on the wall. "Guess who?" Mandy had reached around from behind and clamped her hands over his eyes. "You really should know better than the sneak up on a former soldier with PTSD," he replied...

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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...

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Gender Studies redux

Author's note: When I first published this story a few months ago, I had several requests for either a sequel or a longer version. I may still do the sequel at some point, but for now I've expanded the story, with a bunch of new scenes (including depicting the transformations for all five couples instead of just one), a more detailed epilogue, and smaller changes throughout. Also, as before, I have to credit Morpheus' "Four Days" for introducing the character of Dr. Neuman and his...

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Gender Swap Jenny

Gender Swap- Jenny Pink Donuts by Green Lace The meal area at the mall was packed today and that suited me just fine. I wasn't here to eat. I was going to perform a Harmonics experiment and the people eating lunch were my lab rats for the day. I walked up and down the aisles seemingly looking for a vacant seat, my heels clacking away. It was a sound which I was still struggling to get used to. My handbag was strung over my left shoulder and in my right hand I held a...

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Gender Express Those Crazy Tourists

This is fan-fiction based on Heather Rose Brown's "Gender Express" She has kindly given me permission to post this story. A big thanks to Holly Marie for the topic sentence. This is fiction is not meant to represent any person alive or otherwise. Thanks for editing and proofing to Holly Happy Hart and Janet Nolan. Any mistakes are of course mine! Enjoy! Gender Express- Those Crazy Tourists by ...

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Gender Diversity Day

Gender Diversity Day By Jane Steele It was truly amazing how quickly the aliens subdued the earth. Their technology allowed them to make all but the simplest weapons systems inoperable. This left the people of earth with only bows and arrows, spears and swords to repel the invaders. It was worse than hopeless. The governments of earth capitulated in two days. During the brief fighting we never saw an actual alien, only the outside of their various crafts. So you can imagine...

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Gender Swap Aphrodisiac previously Reverse Viagra

Gender Swap Aphrodisiac - Volume 1 Copyright 2013 Ben Schrodinger Note from the author ################################################## This was the first gender swap story I wrote back in 2012, previously titled Reverse Viagra. About a year later I started publishing my stories on Amazon including this one but fixed the errors that were in the original version and also removed all references to 'Viagra' (don't want to get sued!). This story will remain on Fictionmania for...

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Gender Bender

Today's date is 6/5/2011 - and I want to state, categorically, that reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated! I don't write any more - but enjoy sending stories to Fictionmania. I also have a blog - nothing for sale - just a meeting place tor transvestites, cross dressers - and like minded sissies. It's at You'd all be welcome. Hugs Bea GENDER BENDER By Bea It probably took a long time for Phylis to set everything up, make the necessary...

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Gender role experiment

Gender role experiment 1 "It's gonna be so much fun! I would love to see you looking like a girl." "I don't know. They mentioned some medical procedures." "It will be safe and totally reversible." "I don't know, Linda. Spending the entire semester looking and acting like a girl? It's just not healthy, and I got a bad gut feeling about it." "I don't know, I don't kn-n-n-n-n-ow," Linda mocked me. "You can't be serious about studying sociology and not even try to seize...

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Love Lust For My Aunt Bethesda Part 8211 1

Hi, guys. It’s been a long time on ISS. I was away from the city. I hope you did like my other two stories(true incidents) which I had written. This is the next encounter I had with my aunt who was all alone and needed a little love for her. Her name is Bethesda and lived her whole life alone after her husband married another woman. I do have a lust for her and want her so badly. She is 45 years old and looks bomb. She got a good voluptuous body and looks like a brunette. As for me, I’m six...

4 years ago
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Private Investigations Part 1

Clarissa Morgen donned her most elegant red dress that complimented her figure. She specifically picked the one with the lowest neckline. She needed to look seductive to get close to her target. She had perfectly round breasts, a shapely ass, and the most beautiful pair of smooth thighs that stuck up for her whenever she needed them. Tonight she needed her greatest assets that bad. Last month there was an underground auction of illegal ancient artifacts. The most priceless of the artifacts...

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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

2 years ago
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Becoming Anthea Part 2

My name is Anthony; I am twenty-two years old and live with my beautiful girlfriend Zoe. As you have read I have dark hair and dark eyes and I am clean shaven. Zoe is older than I am by a couple of years and is the driving force of our relationship. I am what many call a cross-dresser: a guy that gets great sexual satisfaction from dressing in women’s clothing.Of course, my girlfriend knows all about my cross-dressing. In fact, she encourages me to cross-dress. Once a week, generally on a...

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Thelma and Me Summer of 65 part 2

After tea on the Friday evening Thelma stopped me as I was going into upstairs to my room. Her eyes looked wild and her breathing was heavy. “I’m going to a party,” She said in a low voice, “do you want to watch me getting undressed?” I nodded like a puppet. “Wait in my room…I’ll be up in five minutes.” I skipped up the stairs two at a time! I nervously let myself into my sister’s bedroom. I’d been in many times before – borrowing her dirty knickers and stuff to use...

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The Passion of Mother Ethel

Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...

4 years ago
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Gender Test

Gender Test: After 20 years of marriage things were getting mundane. Mylene and I were becoming frustrated and bored of the humdrum of daily existence. It was true that we had nearly paid off the mortgage but we had had to give up those stary eyed dreams of youth rather like we felt we had to give up on new labour. As young people we had honestly believed that "Things Can Only Get Better" but as we watched fiasco after fiasco on the news we had become cynical. We were growing old. We...

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Gender Role Reversal Many Worlds Inc Part 7

Announcement: I realise that it's been a while since I last wrote anything on Fictionmania. I've been focusing on other things rather than FM such as writing chapters over on a site called Fiction Branches. Having said that I have found that I prefer to write in short stories rather than long multi-part stories. Perhaps I should have started with those but after I finish this story I will start posting more single part stories. I feel that this way I will be able to contribute to FM...

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Dot Dorothea and Dick

Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...

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Love Lust For My Aunt Bethesda Part 8211 4

Taboos have been broken a long time ago. It existed with the gods and ended with human beings. We may have intentions to a particular person. A woman perhaps. Precisely we wanted to know more about having an intercourse with a woman. Be it your sister, mother, MIL, SIL, step-sister, step-mother, Aunt, Relative, Cousins or girls who want to get fulfilled. There are at times women in brothels who intend the same but for money. I have an intention too. Bethesda. Well previously I told you how...

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Love Lust For My Aunt Bethesda Part 8211 3

Well, it was on January 7, 2017, on a perfect Saturday morning that Bethesda received a call from her colleague stating they found something new this time and want her to visit her office which is like a museum to me. She called me as I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth and told me to be alone for some time because she has to go to an urgent work in her office. I on the other hand, didn’t want to leave her and told her to give me 10 minutes to freshen up and that I too will be coming with...

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Gender bent ndash Dolled up party girl

Gender bent – Dolled up party girl“Welcome everyone, Thank you for coming out. I know you see a ton of new faces and a bunch of old ones but this is a fun party were we come to enjoy ourselves” The man said. He was a heavy set guy. Naked as per the rules for all men that attended that party, which was a few. “Ok now the rules. New sluts and drink girls are off limits unless they give you the green light, other than that if they are fucking they are open for play.” He chuckled out. “But first...

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Pauline The Slut Part 32 Therese Humiliates Pau

Therese looked at the scene before her. Her father and brother naked, her grandfather’s cock sticking out of his trousers and her grandmother eating her mother’s cunt, both of us naked. Beth with the camera, filming. “God, the slut is only in the door and she’s gone sex mad.” she said referring to me. She went and sat on the arm of her father’s chair putting her arm around him and kissing him on the cheek. My father was now hard again. He pushed my mother out of the way and started to fuck me...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 01

Our Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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Thelma and me Summer of 65 part 1

Thelma was 22 and like all of the young women at that time was still living at home with me and our parents in rural Kent; even though she had a good job in local Department Store. I was 15 and had just left school. The summer of 1965 was particularly fine so it wasn’t uncommon for me to sit around our secluded garden reading a Detective novel when my parents were at work. The difference today was that Thelma was on the first day of her annual holidays and had joined me wearing a very...

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Katherines Style Part 3

The front door opened and again Frank came in, a little less dramatically than the day before but no less intimidating to me as I felt timid and weak dressed in my mother-in-laws things. Frank was half expecting me to be dressed as my normal slouchy male self, ready to put a stop to all this, but he was happy when he saw I didn't have the fortitude to do that. He actually smiled at me, "There's my little wife. That dress looks nice on you." I smiled back not knowing what to do, it...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 02

My Golden Summer with Blythe – Part 2 Josh’s childhood dream girl visits him in San Francisco. The Return of Blythe Coming from a small farming community, San Francisco proved to be everything Josh had ever imagined – and then some. He loved the freewheeling atmosphere – the friendliness – in short, he fell in love with the city by the Bay. Because of early retirements, and dedication to his work, he had advanced much quicker than he had ever expected. Arriving at his chic little Apartment...

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Gender Role Reversal Many Worlds Inc Part 5

Jessica was nervous and embarrassed as she parked her car in the parking lot. She was nervous because it was her first photo shoot and she was embarrassed because she was dressed in what she thought was ridiculous clothing. Jessica was currently wearing a black tank top which she wore underneath a pink blazer. She also wore black leggings and high heels that match her blazer. Jessica sighed and got out of the car which was a pink convertible. As she was about to shut the door, she...

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Gender Swap The Beginning

Gender Swap- The Beginning by Green Lace37 The girl immediately caught my eye. She was one of those classic brunettes: long brown hair, great face and eyes, with a curvy hourglass figure. Her breasts were firm and outstanding, tapering down to two cones tipped by nipples that cried out to be sucked. Her belly was flat and brought your eyes down to the triangular tuft of hair perched at the tops of her legs. The legs were long and well shaped and her arse was a classic,...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Gender Bender

Thanks to the Knee Doctor for editing my work. There is no sex in this story. Sorry. * I was confused for most of my life. It was a sexual thing. As I was growing up I found that I was not turned on, or excited by pictures of beautiful naked women. All of my friends would go nuts looking at the blonde, blue- eyed ‘Barbie dolls’ in the girlie magazines. I would go along with them because I figured it was what I was expected to do but inside I just did not understand what all the excitement...

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The five X-men are facing a new mutant with portal powers. A large portal shallows the X-men and portal. First to come to is portal. "were are we? why do I sound like a dude" Portal said. "To state the visable you sound like a dude because you are a dude now, (looking down) just as I am female now" says Hana, use to be Hank McCoy. "Wow, I have bobbies" Bobbi says as she jumps up and down. "Stoup that Bobbi watching your boobes bounceing up and down is making me want to barf." says Gean Gray....

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Gender Anonymous

Gender Anonymous Men, women, children, elderly, all four were represented here tonight. I know what the sign says and how this works- I do, but at the end of the meeting I asked everyone and most agreed that it might help someone out there to read this tail of a night at a meeting of people that have one thing in common. "Hi, my name is Brad," I said, followed by an uneven group of 'hello Brad.' Of course I did not slow for more then a second or two- "been forty two days...

2 years ago
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Gender glitch in virtual reality

Virtual reality had come long way from the old school technology where user watched the display inside the helmet and swung the hand-held controllers in real life. Today's technology enables way better immersion to the virtual worlds. By utilizing advanced sensors on your body and head, one can basically leave their physical body behind and find themselves in whatever location created by the world creator. That level of virtual reality would have been considered as sci-fi just few years...

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Gender Bender

Thanks to the Knee Doctor for editing my work. I was confused for most of my life. It was a sexual thing. As I was growing up I found that I was not turned on, or excited by pictures of beautiful naked women. All of my friends would go nuts looking at the blonde, blue- eyed "Barbie dolls" in the girlie magazines. I would go along with them because I figured it was what I was expected to do but inside I just did not understand what all the excitement was about. High school proved to be really...

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Love Lust For My Aunt Bethesda Part 8211 2

It was on Sunday the first of January, 2017. A new beginning for me and Bethesda. She looks at me with an intention of making her wild and horny than ever. She was hugging me. As I was in her arms, I was reading a book. She asked me what book am I reading. I didn’t tell her anything turned my head a bit and kissed on her cheeks. She was now up from her sleep and asked me to give a company in the bathroom. I said I’ll be there. She ran inside and was calling me and saying things like I’m tempted...

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Love Lust For Bethesda Part 8211 6

Flashback of previous encounters. Bethesda : Do you always get aroused when a sex scene comes up? Me : Yeah. Bethesda : What is it you want? Sex? Me: I want you. Just feel the love for me. Flashback continues Bethesda : I’ll do it once. Bethesda : I’m sorry I lied. It’s all because I want to fuck you. Me: It’s OK. I’ll be there for your recovery. Bethesda : That was the best birthday I’ve ever had. Bethesda : You know if this goes out of hands our lives will get stir.. ed. Present day 23...

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Fallen Angel Chapter 11 Althea the School Girl

Chapter 11: Althea, the School Girl The infernal screeching of the alarm clock awoke Cal from his reverie. He had been up for about a half-hour, but he had only been lying in bed next to the love of his life. Althea's arms were still clutched about him as he stealthily clicked the snooze button, assuming that it was six o' five in the morning, his usual waking time during the school week. He had been thinking long and hard about the previous two nights. Evan... what have you become? He...

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The Devils Pact Sidestory Miss Blythe Is Hot for Her Students

edited by Master Ken Wednesday, September 4th, 2013 "Hi, I am Miss Blythe," I said to my class, writing my name on the whiteboard with a red dry-erase marker. "I will be your World History teacher." It was the first day of the new school year and, as I launched into the course syllabus, my thoughts kept drifting to that day in June at the end of the last term, when my Living God, the Holy Mark Glassner, walked into this very classroom and changed my very outlook on life. I didn't know...

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The Curious Case of the Mutating Flasher Entwhistle Investigations 1

The Curious Case of the Mutating Flasher The agency had been going from strength to strength in the past few months since Anthony and Angela had officially become partners. Not that Mark saw that much of Anthony around the offices as it was Angela who was the far more useful of the two. Work from the Insurance Company had been steady but mostly unexciting work, but since it paid the bills Mark was happy. His home life had been rather strange over the past months too, the...

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