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Today's date is 6/5/2011 - and I want to state, categorically, that reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated! I don't write any more - but enjoy sending stories to Fictionmania. I also have a blog - nothing for sale - just a meeting place tor transvestites, cross dressers - and like minded sissies. It's at You'd all be welcome. Hugs Bea GENDER BENDER By Bea It probably took a long time for Phylis to set everything up, make the necessary decisions and so on, but to me it seemed as if the whole change in the direction of my life happened in a very short time frame. The night before my last day as a man, I had got my instructions. She wanted me to go down to Warners department store - a big sale was scheduled to be on in the lingerie department - and get some specific items for her: panties, bras, slips, garter belts - the works. What made it difficult though was the fact that she had specific requirements with regard to manufacturer's name brand, color, and style - and wanting only - and exactly what was specified! Naturally, I had heard of this sale - it was famous locally for the excitement it generated amongst lady shoppers - and knew that I was going to have some difficulties in getting what she wanted. Accordingly, as it started at seven a.m., I wanted to get all my household chores done, and get to bed early. Even then, full of these good intentions, I couldn't seem to avoid getting involved in one of our 'conversations' that seemed to have been recurring on an increasingly frequent basis. Phylis suddenly remembered something. "Oh!.. and while you're down there. I saw a beautiful apron in the hospitality section. I don't think it'll be on sale, but go down there and get it anyway..." I didn't know enough to just accept her order. Just had to respond. "But dear, don't you think I have enough aprons?" "Who said it was for you?" I couldn't leave it alone. (Wryly) "I haven't seen you in too many aprons recently.." She responded (wearily) "Since you insist then, very well. The one on display is a rather nice shade of blue, however, I'm sure I saw one in shocking pink that would probably be more suitable. On second thoughts, get both. Look on it as a reward for being so helpful to me." She looked at me, a challenge in her eye "Of course.. If you'd rather not...?" I had done it again. By opening my mouth, I had managed to work myself from a blue apron (I don't care what she said, she meant that apron for me all along) into an additional pink one. A sinking feeling (correct as it turned out) told me that they had to be ultra-feminine. If I wanted to discuss it some more, god alone knew what I'd end up wearing next. With downcast eyes, I ignored the dare "Oh no, dear. Of course I don't mind. I'm sure they'll come in very handy. Thank you." She smiled at me, but decided to punish me some more. "A lady is coming around tomorrow night, after dinner. You can wear the pink one then" Oh god! I had to learn to control my tongue I thought as I finally climbed the stairs to our bedroom, my chores having taken longer than I'd planned. She was waiting for me in bed and, as was becoming usual, her little exercise of power seemed to have stimulated her. She waited until I was beside her, then opened her advance with a hand slipped under my pajama jacket, caressing my tummy, chest and underarms "You feel so nice and smooth since you started removing your hair with that depilatory.. Mmm.. really expensive, but worth it I'd say." She slid over on top of me, and kissed me. "Nice,, baby" she said, her hand moving to caress my legs "Nice and smooth, all over. And smelling so.o.o. nice, just for me" As usual, I struggled weakly and with complete futility. As was also becoming common, this turned us both on and she made love to me again. I made it to the store the following morning, just in time to be the only male to join the throng of women that poured in when the doors opened. Helplessly, I had to join the crowd that gathered around a gigantic table heaped high with multi-hued lingerie and started, with the women beside me, sorting through the items to get exactly what Phylis wanted. I was getting some strange looks from my companions at the table as I picked up, examined, and discarded the bras, panties etc., but no-one said anything until a rather tough looking blonde worked her way in beside me. By that time, I had accumulated most of what I needed, with the exception of a pair of pink panties, size 5, lace trimmed, manufacturer: Olga. With an internal sigh of relief, I found a pair that filled the bill and started to add them to my pile, just then, the woman tried to grab them from me. Grimly, I held on while she tugged at them. "Mine!" I panted in outrage. "I had them first. Let go!" Another customer got some giggles at my expense when she called out "No need to fight, girls - plenty for all of us," but the blonde fought dirty. She pinched me and hissed "Let go, you goddam pansy. Let go, or I'll shitkick you!" As there wasn't much room for negotiation. I let her have them. But then, instead of leaving with her trophy, she started to look through the pile of clothing I'd acquired. "You've got such nice taste sweetie. Bet you look really cute in your undies, eh?" And she held up some of the bras and garter belts I'd managed to accumulate, putting some on her own pile. Most of the women were too busy to care what she was doing, but a few grinned at my public humiliation. She finally left, but it took almost another twenty minutes of furious digging in through the lingerie before I was able to replace the items she had taken. Carefully, I double checked my list to make sure that I had got everything that Phylis had indicated. I had, so I made my way to the hospitality department for the aprons. They were even worse than I'd feared, more like full-skirted, backless, chiffon dresses than anything else - "Designer elegance in your dining room" was the pitch for the mannequin holding a tray of phony canap?s out in an inviting manner. The saleslady looked askance at the bundle of lingerie, still unpaid for, in my hand when I asked for the two aprons. She smiled helpfully. "I am sorry. You can't use the dressing rooms for the lingerie sir, but you can try on the aprons here if you want" Humiliated beyond belief, I lied. "They're not for me" I mumbled, though I was sure that my blushes would give the truth away. "Oh, that's a shame," she said, sympathetically "For your wife?" I nodded, but had to ask, "Why a shame?" She approached me and whispered confidentially in my ear. "I'm not supposed to tell anybody this, but they're almost like a dress, and every one really needs custom fitting. It's just the shoulder to the waist length that's really important, but I think they made some terrible mistake when they made them. None of them seem to be the same, and if you don't get it right, they look awful - a lot of ladies have had to bring them back." There was no way out. If I went back home without them for any reason, or if they didn't fit, Phylis was perfectly capable of marching me back to the store, and having them fitted to me. "Well.." I pretended to ponder. "I'm pretty sure we're the same size. Maybe you could.. just .. measure.. me?" Dubiously, she shook her head. "Don't know. It's easy enough to measure you. But the dresses.. I mean the aprons .. are very difficult. Really, if you're sure you're the same size, the only thing you could do would be for you try them on." So, try them on I did. There, in the 'hospitality' section, I had to try on about five aprons before the sales clerk was happy with the fit. To make matters worse, the aprons had a sort of hook/eye arrangement to fasten the skirt at the back. For a few minutes, she had to attend to a telephone customer, and I found that I couldn't get the apron off. Naturally, the blonde woman who had given me all the trouble in the lingerie area had to come by at that moment. She didn't say anything, just felt the material between her fingers and smiled at me widely. Finally, the humiliation was over. The girl gift-wrapped the aprons for me, obviously pretending to believe my lies. I paid for everything, left, and made it home without incident. Phylis was at home, but in the process of getting ready to go out. She asked if I'd got everything and if I'd had any problems. Like an idiot I told her about the encounter I'd had with the blonde, only in my version I came out on top by cunning and a rapier-like wit, crushing my opponent with ease. She looked at me and shook her head. "Fighting with another girl over your lingerie at a sale. My my, what a triumph for you." Having thoroughly deflated my false display of ego, she left and I didn't see her again until just before dinner. She was in one of her 'distant' moods. Not nice, not nasty - but I'd learned not to rock the boat when I recognized it. So, after we'd eaten and I'd done the dinner dishes, when she told me to change out of my working apron into my 'new' pink one I didn't argue. When I reappeared, wearing it, she smiled openly for the first time that night. "Very pretty dear. Come here and let me retie your bow for you. Do you like it?" I moved forward, the chiffon skirt swirling around me in a pink cloud. "Oh yes dear." I said enthusiastically as she untied the ties at the waist and reformed the knot to form a large puffy bow at the back. "I'm so glad " she said, insincerely. "Now go and turn down the bed in the spare room" "Oh, is your guest going to spend the night?" I asked "Maybe. Maybe not.. It depends" she said, picking up a book. "She should be here before much longer. Keep an ear open for the door bell, and don't be slow in letting her in. Bring her in here when she arrives." "Dear?" I started. "Is it possible for me not to wear this apron?" She looked up from her book, a slight frown on her face. "You just told me that you liked it. Were you lying to me?.. You know how I hate it when you lie..." Hurriedly, I interrupted. In a panic now that I'd maybe get her worked up. "Oh no! Dear," I gabbled quickly. "It's just..." "Go and turn down the bed!" she growled. "Now!" Relieved to get away, I swirled out of the room, hoping that the visitor would not be someone I knew. Up till then, Phylis had always at least let me pretend to be the husband. That would call for a real acting job, I thought ruefully, mindful of both my attire and her current attitude. When the doorbell finally rang, a short time later, I answered the door to a middle aged lady, well dressed in a dark wool suit, white silk blouse under the jacket, sensible shoes and a briefcase. Other than an introductory smile, she showed no reaction to seeing a man answer the door in a gorgeous pink apron. "I'm Dr. Judith Mills," she said. "I believe I'm expected?" "Certainly doctor," I replied, smiling in return. "Come in. I'm Phylis's husband." I shut the door behind her. "If you'll follow me, I'll take you to her." Phylis got up from her chair and came towards us, smiling. "Well, hello Judith. How very nice to see you. Can I have Betty get you a drink?" I almost fainted. She didn't even call me Betty that much in private. Here she was, using it front of a stranger! Maybe she had made a mistake? "Oh.. that's all right," I said hurriedly. "I can pour the drinks if necessary." Phylis looked at me in astonishment. "What are you talking about? Who the hell do you think I meant?" Judith smiled nicely. "Actually Phylis? This interview might take a while. It's sometimes hard to tell. It might be better to get started right away, so I'll pass on the drink for now, if you don't mind." Phylis relaxed. "Yes. That makes sense. Why don't you interview her in the dining room. It's more comfortable in here, but there's a show on TV I want to watch." Judith , still with her briefcase in her hand, smiled again. "Oh, that sounds perfectly OK. I'll need the table anyway." She turned to me. If you'll lead the way?" I was confused. "Aren't you coming, Phylis?" I asked. She laughed "Dammit.. I do have a habit of forgetting to tell you things, don't I Betty?. . No, Dr. Mills is going to be evaluating you, so run along like a good girl, and answer her questions as truthfully as you can." Even more confused, I still knew better to press the issue any further, so escorted Judith (she asked me to call her by that later), to the dining room. She put her briefcase on the table, then took her jacket off and handed it to me "Could you put that somewhere dear? I won't need it for a while and I don't want it crushed." I took it and hung it in the hall closet. When I got back, she was standing at the table. She pointed to a chair next to her. "If you'd sit there dear? And put your head back like so?" She made a stretching motion of her neck. "Excellent!" I had seen a black velvet band lying on the table, but couldn't figure out what it was. It looked more like a miniature belt than anything else, as it had a small buckle, but it also had some silver rings attached that I couldn't figure out. She picked it up and came right in front of me. "What are you doing?" I asked anxiously, lowering my head. "Please," she said softly, pushing my head back gently. "This will just take a second. Honestly, I will explain all of this later. Please just trust me for now." She buckled the little belt around my neck and then pulled a tiny little padlock from nowhere, put it through a couple of the rings and locked it with an audible click. She smiled, and sat down. "That's that," she said happily. "Let's get on with the interview." I put my hand to my neck, to feel the velvet band there. I hadn't been mistaken. It was padlocked shut! I started to say something, but she waved me silent, studying a paper in front of her. She spoke without looking up. "I'll be asking you a lot of questions of a personal nature. Phylis has already supplied many answers, but I do want to verify what she has told us, and maybe get your slant with regard to a few important points. It's very important that you tell me only the absolute truth, anything else would waste a lot of my time, and ruin the evaluation. As my services are very expensive, I'm sure that Phylis wouldn't be too happy." She looked at me pointedly. "Any questions?" "A ton of them," I answered. "First, what is this evaluation?" She smiled sympathetically, but shook her head. "I should not have made that offer I guess. Obviously, there's a lot you would want to know. "But if I told you, the knowledge of what I was trying to do would have to influence your answers.. So why don't we just get started?" She pulled a form towards her and picked up a pen. "Name?" "John Mason." She looked up from the paper. "Didn't you change your name some months ago, taking Phylis's name as your married name... legally, that is?" "Oh, I forgot," I admitted. "So your name is actually Mr. Phylis Elizabeth Dern?" "Yes." "And, as she does not use the 'Elizabeth' herself, prefers for you to be called Betty?" "True," I admitted, "but she doesn't use it very often." She looked back to the form again. "Occupation?" "I guess, house husband." "You don't like the term 'housewife'?" I bristled, but softened my answer. "No. Not at all." "Do you wear aprons around the house much?" "Yes (blushing), I guess I do." "There's no need to be embarrassed Betty. I think that that one is very pretty. Did you buy it yourself?" "Yes," I admitted. "But Phylis told me to." "I see. You and Phylis are almost the same size. Have you ever tried to put on any of her clothes?" "Absolutely not!" She looked up at me, blue eyes intent on me. "Never? Never at all?" "Never!" She referred to her notes again. "Not a certain blue nightdress, three weeks ago last Tuesday?" I stared at her in total dismay. What the hell had I done? She smiled sympathetically again. "Look. It's perfectly understandable, Phylis is the dominant one in your relationship. You submit. It's only human to put on, if only for a moment, the clothes of the powerful... "That's probably what it was, right?" I nodded, blushing. "Maybe. I don't know." She continued, "So you did try on her nightdress while she was gone... And you just probably forgot all about it when I asked, right?" "Yes. I forgot," I mumbled. "You're lying!" she snapped, all pretense at sympathy gone. "Lie to me one more time and I terminate the evaluation and tell Phylis why. Why did you put on your wife's nightdress?" "To see what it felt like." She softened. "Did it feel nice?" "Yes. I guess so." "That's better. Now, does Phylis ever spank you?" Shamefaced, I nodded. "Do you like it when she does?" "When she doesn't use the paddle. That hurts too much," I explained. "She puts you over her knee?" "Most of the time. Other times I have to ask if she'll spank me." "When do you do that?" "If she's acting like I've been naughty." "What happens if you don't ask for a spanking when you've been naughty?" "That's when she puts me over her knee, and uses the paddle." She referred to her notes again. "Says here that you squeal and kick your legs very prettily when she's spanking you. You must like it, eh?" "I only do that when she's not using the paddle - that's how she wants me to act." I protested. She looked puzzled. "So what do you do when she uses the paddle?" "Cry," I said simply. She gave a genuine smile. "Good. You're answering much better now." Then she looked back at her notes. "Would you say that you sympathize with the feminist movement?" I was surprised by this change in direction. I thought for a moment. "Yes. I would say that I do." "What appeals to you about that movement?" "Well, I don't know if 'appeals' is the right word - but women have had a raw deal through the years. I guess it's only fair that they start getting their shot at things." She nodded, and made another entry on the form. "When you got married, were you not the dominant partner at the beginning?" "Yes" (ruefully) "I guess I was." "How did that change?" "Well, Phylis started her business and it took off, while mine was failing, so I think she got the idea that she was smarter than me." "But lots of men are dumber than their wives and don't go around in filmy little aprons, or get spanked .. What caused that?" "One night she wanted to Indian wrestle. The loser had to wash the dishes." "She won?" "Right." "And talked you into wearing a frilly apron while you did the dishes, right?" I nodded. "Ah...I see. First she discovers that she's a better breadwinner than you, then.. In a test of strength, she bests you. Then you are silly enough to let her put you into the ultimate submissive female clothing -the frilly little apron.. I see.. I wondered about that." She stood up. "That concludes this part of the evaluation. You have been doing quite well. Phylis will be pleased." She pulled a sort of velvet rope from her briefcase, and came over to me, reached under my chin. I felt some thing 'click' at my neck. For a second, I'd no idea what had happened. Then, she started to walk away, and I felt a tug at my neck - she had put a leash on me! Like a pet dog - a leash! "Now." she said, I'd like to explain. "What I'm about to do is at Phylis's request. Again, you can fight it, and take as much time as you want to learn this - or you can do it the smart way - it's not difficult. What's it going to be?" "What do I have to do?" I asked fearfully. "Simple," she smiled. "Learn to heel and stay, sit, and prepare." "Like a dog?" She nodded. "That's about it. Here, I'll show you. Now, of course, when Phylis asks you to fetch your leash, you must go and get it, attach it to your collar, then take it to her. When she leads you, you should stay about four feet behind her, and to her right side - that is the 'heel' position. Without the leash, the hand command will be when she snaps her fingers. When she does this, I'd advise you to get into your heel position as quickly as you can." She continued, "The stay command is even easier. All you have to do is stop when she stops if you're on the leash. Her hand command is like this," - she raised her palm towards me in the normal gesture a policeman uses "to have you halt." "But what about the 'sit'?" I asked. "Am I supposed to sit on the floor, or what?" She laughed "No. No! This is a nice one. She wants you to come and sit on her lap. She'll curl her fingers towards you, and you have to go sit there, and rest your head on her shoulder - you know, the submissive female position?" I knew what she meant. "But what's this 'prepare'? I've never heard of that one." She shook her head ruefully. "You're in trouble there. The signal is when she holds her hand, palm down, and waves it." I was still confused "But prepare for what?" "If she's standing, you bend over and drop your pants, or lift your skirt. "If she's sitting, you go over her knee." I stood, dazed. "Look," she said kindly, "I don't know for sure, but she may want to see if you've learned these signals when we get back to her. Would you like me to give you some practice?" It did seem like a practical suggestion, so we spent about five minutes on my obedience training. She did suggest that if I got a 'prepare' command when Phylis was sitting, to walk in as feminine a manner as I knew how, when I went to her. She had me show her how I'd do it a number of times before she was satisfied. I felt strange going over her knees. "Well," she said finally. "Think that does it. Come on Betty. Tell me, where is your bedroom?" Meekly, I got up after her. "Second down the hall on the right" "Thank you," she said, giving my leash a little tug. I followed her there. All the lingerie I had bought that morning was lying on the bed. "Now," she said briskly, "this is an important part of the test. So listen very well. You must not speak at all. I will disengage the leash. You will take off all of the clothes you have on just now. You will put on a bra, panties, garter belt, slip, and stockings. You can mix and match, but the selection you make is important. The length of time you take is also important. Now you must not say one word. Nod if you understand" Still dazed, I nodded. She walked to me, unclipped the leash from the collar, then looked at her watch and said, "Go!" Galvanized by her command, I got the apron and the rest of my clothes off. I was ashamed to strip in front of her but there was enough space to let me keep my back to her. She didn't seem too interested anyway, as I heard her pick up the phone and dial a number. I even heard a tinny female voice at the other end. Judith simply said "You're activated" and hung up. While she was doing this, I chose a gunmetal gray satin set with black lace edging and started to put everything on that I'd been told to. I put the panties on first, then the half slip. (I really liked the slip, as the skirt portion was like a mini-petticoat, very feminine.) That way wasn't very logical I guess, but I felt better covering as much of my body as I could, as fast as I could - particularly as I had an erection, and the fullness in the skirt of the slip helped disguise it. I got tiny goose bumps all over my arms as I slid them in through the bra straps, then fastened the fasteners at the back. Surprisingly, I had no trouble doing this. I had more bother adjusting the lengths of the straps on the bra and slip to fit me properly. As I finished this task, Judith silently handed me two small wads of tissues. I didn't need instruction. Carefully, I pushed each into one of the bra cups, making sure that none stuck out from the edge. Then I turned my back to her, lifted the hem of the slip, and fastened the catches of the garter belt around my waist, then I pulled the straps down, under the panties. It was the first time I had ever had this type of garment on, and it felt very strange. I was very conscious of the clips at the end of the straps rubbing against my legs. I chose a pair of gray hose - very, very, sheer. Imitating actresses I'd seen do it, I sat down on the edge of the bed, and carefully ran my arms into the stockings to open them up, before sliding them onto, and up, my legs. I was starting to breathe quite quickly by the time I got the clips attached to the top of the stockings. When I stood up, the feeling transmitted by my new clothes was indescribable. The straps at my shoulders, the satiny feel of the slip at my midriff. The slight 'pull' exerted by the garter belt, making the steel-smooth nylons rise up my legs. I couldn't help it. I felt so sleek that I took both hands and, in Judith's full vision, ran them down my sides, my eyes closed in a kind of sensual delight. When I opened them again, she nodded approvingly, then pulled out a pair of deep pink high-heeled shoes for me. "I think these'll fit," she said, "and put your apron back on." Gratefully, I did so. Feminine it may have been, but at least I was familiar with it and felt that I was now completely dressed again. She imitated Phylis by tying the bow for me. "Very, very, good!" she said enthusiastically. "Do you think you can walk in these shoes?" I wasn't very sure, but back on the leash, managed to follow her back to Phylis, who was still watching her show. She looked up "Now we're getting somewhere Judith. Want a drink now?" "Just a soft drink if you don't mind. I'm driving." "OK. Betty? I'll take my usual, get Judith a seven up. You can make yourself one if you want." Judith let go of my leash "Don't take it off though dear. You'll be needing it again. Just wrap it around your neck.. Atta girl!" When I got back, Phylis was very nice to me. "Judith says you've done very well. Mind you, I'm not altogether surprised. .but you're not finished yet," she warned. Just then, the doorbell rang again. "That'll be Katrina" Judith said. "Now Betty, while you're going to the door, unwrap the leash, and give the end of it to the young lady who will be standing there. Then have her lead you back to your bedroom, and see if you can do what she tells you. When she's finished, have her lead you back here.. Understood?" A very attractive blonde young lady was waiting for me at the door. "I'm Katrina" she said "You must be Betty?." I nodded, and handed her the rope. Her reaction surprised me "This is wonderful," she gushed. "And they thought that you might be difficult. Will you guide me to the bedroom?" So, once more I was led into the bedroom. She was carrying a midsize case with her, which she laid down on the dressing table. Next, she turned on the lights. Seemed satisfied for a second, then moved one of our bedside lamps closer to the dresser. The additional light from that definitely satisfied her. "Let's see your complexion," she said, turning my face to the light. "Very good. Don't use too much make up, do you?" I laughed. "None at all." "That's not good" she said emphatically. "If you have the right make up, you enhance your beauty, and take care of your skin at the same time.." I blushed. "Oh, for goodness sake, men aren't beautiful.." "Maybe," she admitted, opening up her case to show a dazzling selection of cosmetics, "but we don't want to be men, do we? ... And I bet that you'll be really pretty by the time I finish with you tonight. Now, we'll have to start with the nail polish as that'll be longer to dry. I think a nice scarlet...?" She was there to coach me on what makeup is best for me, and how to apply it. I tried to demur, but a hint of steel came through her charm. "Look girlie. I get paid good money for this, but only if I have good results. "Now listen up. Phylis may only want you like this for tonight, but I wouldn't bet on it. so. .if you have to make up tomorrow, and the next, and the next, you'd better do a reasonable job of it.. Or I'm in shit. So relax there in your pretty clothes, and watch what I do to you... And listen!" It took her almost forty five minutes (though some of the time was spent in having me practice, then cleaning off the results). When she finished though, she was proven right.. I was pretty!. My eyebrows had been plucked to two fine arches, then emphasized with pencil. Three separate shades of shadow had been merged into my eyelids, and mascara carefully applied to my lashes to make them full and lustrous - without that 'clotted' look you see so often. Different shades of base pancake and powder had been used to heighten my cheek bones, then finished with a pale blush. She had taught me how to outline my lips with a dark shade of lipstick, and how to fill in to that outline with a high-gloss lip-rouge to match my nails. A light application of perfume to my ears and wrists, finished the cosmetics. She fussed about my hair. It was long enough to style, but she didn't have enough time. "If Phylis likes the job I do, she'll have me come back a few times to coach you on more grooming techniques. You've got nice hair. Bet we can do a real number on it." She enthused. She went into another section of her case instead and pulled out some wigs. Giggling girlishly, I tried three or four on. I was really taken with a platinum blonde wig, but thought it was maybe too flashy as it cascaded down my face in a decidedly vampish look. I was totally surprised when she liked it on me as well. She was even happier when, digging through Phylis's closet, she found a chiffon scarf that was almost a perfect match for my apron. Adroitly, she wove it in to the wig. It really looked nice. Finished, she led me back (still leashed) to where Phylis and Judith were still sitting, chatting as old friends do. This time, I was allowed to sit and talk, while Katrina got the drinks. But I almost got in trouble. Phylis was saying something to Judith, but shooting sideways glances at me. From past experience, I could sense a gathering storm, but couldn't figure out what I'd been naughty about. And then I saw her hand. Fingers moving in a curling motion towards me. Hastily, I got up from my seat, and swayed as girlishly as I could over to sit on her lap. In front of Katrina and Judith, she put her arm around me. Then, for the course of the next five minutes, she'd have me take girlish little sips of her drink, or make pretty meows for little pieces of chocolate. After a short time, Judith started explaining what had been going on. "You see Betty" she started "you and Phylis are really at the opposite ends of the gender distribution. What made it difficult for her at the beginning was that you were at the 'power' end, so to speak. She wanted that power, and had to try and take it away from you. You weren't strong enough to stop her. That's why, basically, you're sitting here right now. You see, I specialize in gender classification and she had finally come to the conclusion that it was silly to maintain your masculine role in the marriage - so hired me, and my team, to see if you would allow yourself to be inveigled into dressing, making up, and acting like a pretty woman - to learn to think of yourself as the 'wife' so to speak" "I did try and stop you," I protested weakly. She grinned. "Not that I noticed. Remember, not too many guys, Betty, will let themselves be just plain talked into lingerie and make up, to satisfy some 'evaluation'" "You're saying the evaluation was phony," I cried. "Not at all" she replied "You were being evaluated as Phylis's wife not her spouse. Up until now, there are still questions, but there's still another phase to go through." I knew that more humiliation was to follow and though I had no idea of what it was, it scared me anyway. "What kind of phase?" I cried "Jesus! I couldn't have been more submissive. What more could you possibly have been looking for?" "Well, you still have some problems accepting your true position. You objected to being called Betty.." "That's not fair," I whined. "My name's John.." "See what I mean?" she retorted. "You are now Mrs. Phylis Elizabeth Dern. "Phylis is now your husband. Your husband calls you 'Betty'. Your name is Betty!! John is a man's name. You are sitting here after being dominated by three different women over the last few hours. You are wearing extremely feminine lingerie, and a pretty apron. You are powdered, perfumed, and lipsticked! You are Betty, so stop arguing and listen!" She continued, "Men have, rightfully, been driving our society for millennia. They are bigger, stronger, and have faster reflexes. Only recently have women been able to make it into the leadership ranks, but they're still weakened by their submissive upbringing.." Still in Phylis's embrace, I laughed bitterly. "Ha Ha. Phylis submissive.. there's a crock!" Judith couldn't help it. She laughed. "Good point! But you're not 'really' submissive either.. not yet." I fluffed out the skirts of my apron.. "Really?" The smile disappeared "Really! If you had been brought up as a girl, you'd have been thoroughly aware of your responsibilities towards your lord and master - you wouldn't have to be manipulated into making yourself pretty, you wouldn't have to be taught how to dress nicely - and you sure as hell wouldn't be a feminist" I looked down at my feet, starting to see her logic. So help me, I was starting to feel guilty for not being a better wife. But she broke in again ".. But you do have tremendous potential to be a good wife to Phylis... In your case there is another phase that I have recommended that you complete, however.." As she spoke, the doorbell rang again. Judith stopped and looked at Phylis. "You sure you want to go through with this?" Phylis looked down at her drink. "I guess so... You still recommend it?" Judith said, "I guarantee it.. You'll have a good wife.. quicker. .but you still might be better doing it yourself.." Phylis shook her head. "Later. Maybe I can do it later. It sounds... interesting.. but not now." Judith said seriously, "Well, no-one's better at it than Harriet.. and that's probably her at the door right now." Phylis lifted her glass towards me and took a short gulp. "To Betty, and the last phase." Judith and Katrina rose with me as I started for the door, already starting to unwind my rope. "Well, there's nothing left for us" Judith said to Phylis, "I'll give you a call in the next day or so, and you can let me know how it went." I was surprised. "I thought you would be staying the night," I said. Judith actually looked embarrassed. "No. Not me," she said shortly. "Goodnight Betty." Katrina echoed her and gave me a peck on the cheek as I opened the door. "Put in a good word for me," she whispered. "I'm sure we can become good friends." I let them out, and the newcomer in. She greeted me, "Well, well, well - if it ain't Priscilla the pantywaist!" I almost fainted with fright. It was the aggressive blonde from the store that morning!. How had she found me?. As she stepped in to the lights in the hall she lifted the hem of my apron to reveal the hem of my slip. "Thought you were buying that for yourself," she commented, then added, "I'm Harriet. You must be Betty. Give me your little leash sweetheart and tell me how we find Phylis." Quaking with fright, I handed over my velvet rein into her hands, with my directions she led me down the hall to where Phylis sat, waiting for us. "Sit, Priscilla!" Harriet said, giving my leash a pull towards her as she sat down on the couch. "Come sit on Harry's lap. Let's see how good a girlfriend you can be." I found myself sitting on her lap, one possessive arm around me, the other stroking my thigh. "My, you sure smell purty. "You look purty, and you feel so..o..o. nice. I'm going to enjoy you." "What are you talking about?" I quavered. "Phylis. What's going on? "Please, won't you tell me?" Phylis looked down at her drink, a little ashamed, I thought. "Judith is an expert at making gender changeovers more permanent. Harriet is her .. "specialist.. in one area." She saw my look of bewilderment. "Role-reversal in marriages. It's more common than you'd think. But she figures that, in your case, you'll never be a true wife until you've had your remaining male prejudices and brainwashing eliminated. There's two ways of doing this, seemingly. One is just to wait for you to gradually accept what has happened, the other is to.." She paused, obviously searching for the right phrase. "Play man and wife... Just like on a honeymoon sweetie.. Only this time, you get to wear the pretty clothes," Harriet interrupted. The inference didn't escape me. Tears sprang to my eyes. I shouted at Phylis "You're going to let this mean woman hurt me .. oooh," I squealed as Harriet pinched me hard. "No name-calling now, Priscilla and, if I hear you shout at your husband again, one of us will have to give you a good spanking. It doesn't show the proper respect and it isn't ladylike to shout." Apologetically, Phylis continued, "Yes, it does seem kind of harsh, honey, but the first way will take a long time..." "Please! I'll be good... I'll be very, very good..." I started, but was silenced by Harriet's hand over my mouth. "You're being very very naughty Priscilla," she said mockingly. "Now, sit on Harry's knee like a good girl. If you interrupt again it will be a spanking for you." "The second takes about a week," Phylis continued. "But Judith says that it's a method that's never failed. We weren't sure if you'd be a good candidate for it, so she asked Harriet to check you out this morning. Harriet is the 'expert', but she's got to have some idea as to whether she wants to .. find the customer .. attractive." "Can I finish the explanation for you?" Harriet asked. "There's a few things to get straightened out.. and I like everyone's agreement up front." "Please do," Phylis said, obviously relieved. "Now let me tell you both what is going to happen," Harriet started. "It'll take me about a week to get pansy here into 'really' liking to be a girl. During that time, I'll be wanting a certain behavior from him.. Her I mean. Now Phylis, once I get your OK, you're the only one's going to stop me. But I'll tell you now, it'll be awkward for you, seeing your wife kissing up to me, and knowing that we'll be going to bed together. You'll basically be a spectator. I'll be coming in at night to dinner, and a night of kissing and cuddling Priscilla, just as if you weren't here. In the morning, I'll leave as if I'm going to work, but then Katrina will be coming by every day for at least an hour or two - to teach her all the tricks about being a pretty wife. You could have her in the afternoon, but we don't really recommend it as we'll be setting up camcorders through the house.." "What for?" Phylis asked. "Just to monitor her behavior, walking, making up.. Verifying that she's not forgetting her lessons.." "Oh, I see," Phylis said. "And if you're here for all of that period, you might distract her." Phylis nodded. "How long will the .. conversion .. take?" "As I said, about a week for me, maybe a couple of weeks - tops - for Katrina. Judith, say on an on-call basis for counseling.. Oh two months at the most. Camcorders installed for a while longer. Any problems with this, then?" "I might get a little jealous this week," Phylis admitted, smiling. "Well, just let me finish the sales pitch," Harriet said "and you'll agree, I think, that a little jealousy is worth it." She turned to me. "And I want you to listen. You are a feminine man right now. If you weren't, you wouldn't be in this position. When we're finished with you, you'll be nothing more or less than a feminine woman. You'll look like one, you'll dress like one and, most important - you'll consider yourself as one. You'll have Judith getting you over the psychological hurdles, Katrina to help the day to day process of being a woman - or at least looking like one, and me for the bedroom side of it. You'll be made into the type of wife that Phylis here is looking for - and one that your profile says will suit you to a tee..." I started to speak, but she put her hand over my mouth, and turned her attention back to Phylis. "She'll be very appearance conscious - into clothes and make up. We're not sure yet, but there's a strong possibility that she'll be the type where a broken nail, or a run in her stocking will be a major disaster - maybe bring on tears. She'll be a devoted housewife, run an immaculate home, and be a good cook." She smiled again. "As contracted, right?" Phylis said nothing, but matched Harriet's smile. Harriet nodded, taking this as approval, and turned her attention back to me. Her hand slid up under my apron. "Now, that is the prettiest lingerie - but don't you have a nice satin - white satin nightdress, you being a virgin so to speak?" She caressed me, then pulled me round to kiss me on the lips. My eyes were open for a little while, and I could see a sensuous glaze start to form on Phylis's face. "I don't have a nightdress," I pleaded. "Please Phylis. She's going to hurt me." Phylis smiled gently. "I put a new gown and robe on the bed for you - white satin, just like a trousseau. I'm sure you'll love it" Harriet pushed me away from her a little, and un-clicked my leash "Don't want my little bride being forced into anything..." "Well, leave me alone...please?" I cried, trembling. I don't want to get hurt..." "Little darlin'." she said. "How much you hurt is all up to you. We're going to have a nice week honeymoon. I can start off small, and well lubricated. .sort of. Ease you into a woman's role. Or I can be a real prick, start off big and dry." She shook her head "Hurts like hell, I'd bet." "What do you want me to do?" I asked helplessly after a moments thought. "Nothing hardly at all." she drawled. "Just be an affectionate little love-pie to Harry here. Make sure you're always dressed pretty, smell nice, and wear lots of make up. Start now by going and changing into your nightie, quick like a bunny." She patted me on the backside. "Hurry now." I got up and ran to our bedroom. For a minute I thought that maybe it was just a big elaborate prank - there was nothing on the bed. Then I heard Phylis call. "Spare bedroom silly!" The robe and gown were there. I changed out of my apron and lingerie into the nightdress and peignoir, taking special care not to muss my wig or make up, though my lipstick had been smeared by Harriet kissing me. A pair of white satin slippers were by the bedside. I put them on, then went back to our bedroom and freshened my lipstick. So Phylis was maybe going to be a little jealous? I thought. I'd give her something to be jealous about. When I got back to the room, I smiled. "Hi Harry," I said. "Who's your girl?" And laughing, pretended to slink seductively over to her, pulling my robe apart as I did so. Gracefully then, being as feminine as I knew how, I lowered myself on to her knee, slid my arms around her shoulders "Eh Harry? Who's your girl?" In front of Phylis, she then started my true initiation into a woman's role. To be quite honest, she aroused me fairly quickly, and I started moving against her body, getting her aroused in turn. Blissfully, I peered through half shut eyelids to see how my wife - husband, was taking it. I was kind of disappointed to see a sexed-up expression on her face instead of the jealousy I'd hoped for. But then, as Harriet picked me up in her arms and started carrying me to bed. I heard Phylis say, throatily "Eh? That looks like fun. Could I come watch some more?" Harriet nuzzled my ear, "You wouldn't mind, would you honeybun?" Panting, I said, "Couldn't she join in, rather than watch?" She asked Phylis over my shoulder, "Got a nice small dildo? Priscilla's being so nice I don't want to hurt her - and I've only got one." "Bought some, just special for him.. her - but I've never used one before," Phylis answered. "Oh, she won't mind. Will she?" Harriet stated, rather than asked, one of her fingers now probing my anus. In answer, I nibbled her ear. THE END

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Gender bent ndash Ch 8 ndash Made for pleasure

Gender bent – Ch 8 – Made for pleasureAs I Kandi led me around the parties’ hallways I realized I didn’t even know where I really was or how big this place truly was. I remembered once I agreed to be his “Girl” Dave pretty much had a ton of rules before I couldn’t even set foot in the party. One was no cell phones which I left at his place. Another was I needed to be blind folded the whole time we traveled there. It wasn’t long from his place, about 30 minutes. I remember being hand-led into a...

2 years ago
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Gender bent ndash Ch 7 The Gangbang room

Gender bent – Ch 7 -The gang-bang roomHey all. Thanks for reading my stories and all. I want to say if you enjoy them. Leave comments and let me know if there is something you would want to see. Sorry about the errors in advance. Also if you haven’t already noticed the stories are kind of out of order (Sorry) I took it upon myself to make this Table of contents as I will be numbering these stories from now on. I expect to get to chapter 12-15 and going to wrap this one up hopefully by the end...

3 years ago
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Gender bent ndash a Mistake

Gender bent – a MistakeI was dressed like a bimbo, my lips plumped up from sucking on shot glasses, Pink latex, Trashy fake tattoos of my back saying fill me and a black ace of spade on my ass cheek and Sissy clit on my pelvic area near my dick, My tits was pierced for this party and I had a Cumslut collar on my neck. 8 Inch thigh high pink latex and anime pink wig to make me look like a candy slut. It was either this or complete shaming of me to the point where my life was ruined. All I needed...

2 years ago
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Gender bent ndash Dolled up party girl

Gender bent – Dolled up party girl“Welcome everyone, Thank you for coming out. I know you see a ton of new faces and a bunch of old ones but this is a fun party were we come to enjoy ourselves” The man said. He was a heavy set guy. Naked as per the rules for all men that attended that party, which was a few. “Ok now the rules. New sluts and drink girls are off limits unless they give you the green light, other than that if they are fucking they are open for play.” He chuckled out. “But first...

3 years ago
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Gender bent ndash The ultimatum

Gender bent – The ultimatum I Stared at my phones screen as I watched a video on me getting fucked not even 24 hours ago. I was angry. How could they do this? Why? I needed answers and fast. What if someone would recognize me? I would be ruined. I paused the video and look at who posted it. The user was called “The Feminizer” and private account meant I couldn’t even look at his pictures or his bio. All I could do is leave a message which I did. “Dave. Dude what the hell. This is Nick the one...

1 year ago
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Gender bent Somebodys Bitch

Gender bent – somebody’s bitchI woke up to the humming from Kandi as I popped open one eye and canvased the room. I let out a load “Ughhh” and turned over. I noticed my butt hurt while Kandi came over to me wearing a lace bra and panties and smiled “Looks like the sluts awake” she then giggled as her cock was out just standing in the wind. “What happened last night?” as I removed the bobby pins that kept my wig in place. “Well we got really, really, and I mean Really wild last night with me and...

1 year ago
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Gender Machiavelli Today The girl was bored. She looked at the television, seeing the show, but not really watching it. She was dressed in a teal waist cincher with matching panties, stockings and a garter belt; her pert breasts free and available, as if anyone was here to enjoy them. She was bored, and she was hungry. The door opened, and the lab tech walked in. He had a clipboard, and a bored expression. "How are we doing today, Amanda?" "How should I be doing?" She...

1 year ago
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Gender Role Reversal Many Worlds Inc Part 5

Jessica was nervous and embarrassed as she parked her car in the parking lot. She was nervous because it was her first photo shoot and she was embarrassed because she was dressed in what she thought was ridiculous clothing. Jessica was currently wearing a black tank top which she wore underneath a pink blazer. She also wore black leggings and high heels that match her blazer. Jessica sighed and got out of the car which was a pink convertible. As she was about to shut the door, she...

4 years ago
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Gender Role Reversal Many Worlds Inc Part 7

Announcement: I realise that it's been a while since I last wrote anything on Fictionmania. I've been focusing on other things rather than FM such as writing chapters over on a site called Fiction Branches. Having said that I have found that I prefer to write in short stories rather than long multi-part stories. Perhaps I should have started with those but after I finish this story I will start posting more single part stories. I feel that this way I will be able to contribute to FM...

3 years ago
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Gender role experiment 2

Gender role experiment 2 I was trying to find Linda. A blonde guy about her hight walked toward me, and I looked into his eyes, hoping to recognize her. No, it wasn't her, and, of course, the guy got my stare as an invitation. "Linda, right?" he asked stepping to me, and I rolled my eyes. Thanks to my boobs size, all campus learned my name. Sure the guys were betting who is going to score me first. "You are new here. I can show you around if you want?" he said with a smile, and...

2 years ago
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Gender role experiment 3

Gender role experiment 3 I was trying to act normal; to act as nothing happened. I was trying to say, "Everything is ok," and smile, but Jenifer, one of my flatmates, suddenly hugged me. The intimacy of the hug, and the warmth of her body did something to me. Tears, sobs, and words started to run out of me like a waterfall. Just a minute ago I swore to myself to never say a word about what happened in the toilet. I was going to forget it myself and act like it's never happened....

3 years ago
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Gender Role Reversal Reboot

Hey everyone! I know that it's been a while since my last story and I apologise for that. I took a break for a bit and honestly, I had probably run out of ideas. But on the bright side, since I've gotten back into writing again, I've decided to do a complete reboot of my universe so essentially, ignore everything that has come before and start fresh with this story. With this reboot comes a few changes. I'm trying out a new naming system for the characters which I have developed with a...

2 years ago
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Gender Bending Investigations Part 2 The Roman Bath

Gender Bending Investigations Part 2 - The Roman Bath By Farleven "So this is my new place." I looked around as the door swung open. In a way, it wasn't much, just a small studio apartment. The bed was in a little nook near the door, and the kitchen was open with a bar separating it from the rest of the apartment. The one saving grace was the living room. It wasn't huge, but one whole wall was a big sliding glass door that could open out onto a small patio. From the tenth floor, I got...

4 years ago
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Gender Bending Investigations Part 3 The Magnate

Gender Bending Investigations Part 3 - The Magnate By Farleven "Well, it certainly sounds like you had fun last night." The android gave me an awkward smile. It didn't quite mimic Agent Raikins expressions right, but I knew him well enough to know what he was trying to do. I wasn't used to working with his robotic stand in yet, even if I knew that Raikins was puppeteering the android from a virtual reality suite back at the Agency. I blushed a bit at that. Naturally, I had to tell...

4 years ago
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Gender Bending Investigations Part 4 Distractions and Discoveries

Gender Bending Investigations Part 4 - Distractions and Discoveries By Farleven I hated to admit that I was glowing. Not only had I managed to work my way on to one of Patrick Oswald's special projects, but I'd also gotten him into bed or at least close enough. For all the sex I'd had over the last few weeks, I had to admit my time with him had been the best. It was hard to explain exactly why. He'd started off as considerate as anyone, but the way he took command, the way he ravished...

3 years ago
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Gender Game

Chapter 0: Prologue. In the future, humanity has invented interplanetary spaceflight and begun to explore the galaxy. In doing so they encounter an alien race, commonly referred to in later history books as the "Engineers". Engineers have caught the signal human sent to outer space and discovered there was another intelligent race in the vast universe. As for humans, they remained to be cautious and just sent a small team to contact. However, the discovery of an Engineer base in the asteroid...

4 years ago
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Gender Bending Investigations Part 5 Revelations

Gender Bending Investigations Part 5 - Revelations By Farleven It was the morning light filtering in through the window that finally stirred me. Something felt different. That wasn't saying much, the last few weeks had been a whirlwind of change. I'd been turned into a woman and sent on an undercover assignment. I lived in a new apartment, wore new clothes, and that was just the little things. For all of that though, I'd gotten used to the changes, even the new body for the most part....

2 years ago
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Gender Role Reversal Reboot Chapter 3

I rolled my eyes at Ms. Willow's statement about boys and tried to ignore it as she continued on with the rest of the class. Not every boy was dumb as rocks when it came to politics, take Cobi and me for example. We actually paid attention to the presidential campaigns and cared about who we wanted for the next president. But of course, most girls just nodded and listened politely to whatever we had to say while they stared at our dicks. For the rest of the class, Cobi and I put our...

1 year ago
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Gender Role Reversal Reboot Chapter 4

My tummy rumbled a little as I waited patiently in the cafeteria line to get my lunch. After Home Economics, Aidenne, Carla and I quickly made our way towards the cafeteria stopping briefly at the restrooms to wash up and touch up our makeup. For me, this stop was very much needed, as I'm still not used to the fact that there weren't any makeup stations at nearly every corner. That's another thing that we boys have to get used to when we transition from the boys' elementary school to...

3 years ago
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The Mindbender

Dave Morgan was the first of a new breed, better than any ever seen before. He was born with the potential to do anything he wanted, but without knowledge of his greatness his abilities stayed latent for most of his life. For 18 years it was just a spark at the back of his brain. There was no great event that caused the spark to ignite, it had just had enough of not being used and broke free from its prison. And so, at 9:00 am on a chilly autumn Sunday Dave woke up to discover the amazing...

Mind Control
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My fantasy dedicated to pidgebender

I convince you to come to my security office where i work nights, as you arrive just gone midnight i see you stepping out of your car and walk towards the building, as you approach i cant help but notice how stunning you look dressed in a thigh length black skirt, with a black tight fitting blouse with the top couple of buttons undone, your plump breasts seductively pushed out of the top by your lacy black bra. As i look at you my mind is racing as to whether you are wearing stockings or...

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Afutar The Last Dickbender

"We should head to the beach where you get laid, dude." "Yeah of course I've heard of that. How is this resort called Futa beach going to help me with my breakup.!" Dennis Rutherson had a scowl on his face. His raven black hair was filthy and unkempt nad he had a bad case of five o clock shadow. The breakup between him and Sophie had really done a number on him. His outfit was a random shirt and shorts while the summer sun was making his small apartment unbearable for anything else. By...

3 years ago
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Gender issues all my life finally found a fit

. My sister and i played often and we tried to stay out of moms hair, and dad was disinterested with young children, that would change later. We were just, "what i truly consider", a normal nuclear family. . I had some friends who constantly spoke about sexual things, and as i have said, i knew nothing about any of it. My friend Glen had tricked me once with his far superior sexual intellect. He was asking a group of us, each in turn, which way we preferred to, "Jack Off"...

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