- 2 years ago
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Mahi always enjoyed the atmosphere of The Ice Dragon. Unlike most modern bars, it was pleasantly quiet, with the voices of excellent jazz singers and the sound of small combos playing softly. Mahi’s Indian mother and massively mixed-race father were jazz and classical music buffs. Mahi grew to appreciate complex and sophisticated music. She dismissed rock, and especially rap, as crude and simplistic.
Mahi’s jumbled genetic background had gifted her with dark skin, straight black hair, brown eyes and a stunningly beautiful face. She was of medium height and had a slim build with firm breasts and a small waist.
Patrons of the Dragon tended to be intelligent and well educated. Mahi had acquired a PhD in Languages (she had a wonderful gift for learning new ones) and a Masters in Music Performance. As an accomplished keyboard, flute and guitar player, she felt right at home in the Dragon.
Mahi was picky when it came to men. She hooked up a few times a week with some guy and had a fun one-night stand, but the men she chose all had to be reasonably good looking, and more importantly, they had to be fit and smart and funny and able to keep up with Mahi’s clever conversational style. If they were unusually good, she wasn’t averse to sleeping with them on an irregular basis. When she was feeling horny and couldn’t find someone new, she could always open the “contacts” list in her phone and find an enthusiastic man within a matter of minutes. The men in her life considered her a major babe. Having sex with Mahi was always a treat.
This evening, Mahi was considering a man at the bar. He was a newbie in the Dragon. Mahi watched him talking to several of the regulars and couldn’t miss the way he checked her out, smiling when their eyes met. The couple Mahi was sitting with, Bethany and Emile, picked up on the non-verbal fencing. Bethany gave Mahi’s shin a light kick under the table. “He looks promising,” she said playfully. “Must be at least six-foot-six and he looks like some kind of pro athlete. Probably got a ten-inch dick.”
Mahi laughed. “He does have potential. Let’s see how much.” She caught the man’s eye and patted the seat next to her. The man spoke to the woman he’d been chatting with, apparently excusing himself, picked up his drink and walked over.
“Hi,” said Mahi. “This is Bethany and Emile. I’m Mahi.”
“My name is Klementos,” said the man in a deep voice. They shook hands all around and he sat next to Mahi.
“Klementos,” said Mahi knowingly. “That’s Greek, right? From the Latin. Means ‘gentle’, doesn’t it?”
“Very impressive,” said Klementos. “You speak Greek?”
“And Latin and a few others,” said Mahi modestly. “I’m a translator and language consultant.”
“Don’t let her fool you,” said Emile. “She speaks a shitload of languages; more than she’ll admit. What do you do, Klementos?”
“I’m also a consultant, although I’m in foreign trade.” Mahi’s trained ear detected a hint of an accent, but she couldn’t place it.
“You’re not from L.A., are you?”
Klementos smiled. “No, my father was in government service. We moved around a lot; Europe, North Africa, the Middle East and all over Asia. I’ve acquired some odd speech patterns, I’m afraid.”
The four enjoyed themselves, talking for an hour before Emile laid his hand on Bethany’s arm. “‘Bout time we were going,” he said. They stood up and shook Klementos’ hand. When Mahi stood to kiss her friends, no one noticed Klementos’ finger swiping along the rim of Mahi’s glass.
Mahi and Klementos sipped their drinks and talked for a few more minutes as Klementos waited for the drug to take effect. Unlike so-called “date rape” drugs, the tiny amount he’d deposited on the woman’s glass wouldn’t disable her in the slightest. Instead, its purpose was to make her very suggestible and friendly and cooperative. It would lower her inhibitions and make her much more likely to say what was on her mind.
When Klementos was sure, he placed a warm hand on her arm. “I like you,” he said with a charming smile. “I think we could be very good friends.”
“I think so, too.” Mahi moved his hand to her thigh and slid it under her short skirt. “Would you like to come to my place? I have an apartment just a block away.” She opened her legs and guided his hand to her vagina. Mahi wasn’t wearing panties and Klementos’ fingers touched her smooth outer lips.
“That would be wonderful.” He pressed his thumb slightly inside. “I would love to taste you.” Klementos dropped some money on the table and they walked to the door. The hard part was over, he thought. The rest would be easy.
Mahi awoke slowly, aware of the feel of the bed under her and the lovely, languid way her body felt. She wondered where she was. The bed didn’t feel like her bed, but she couldn’t remember going to sleep anywhere else. Wait; when they were in her apartment, Klementos had invited her to a cabin in the San Gabriel Mountains. He made it sound wonderful and she’d agreed. Jesus, they hadn’t even had sex! She’d packed a few clothes and he’d asked her to bring her guitar and flute. They had even carried her keyboard to his car! For some reason, the fact that his car was parked right outside her building hadn’t raised any red flags. The drive was a blur; she must have slept the whole way! She had no memory of anything after they got onto the 110. Holy crap, where was she?
Mahi opened her eyes. She was in a room about 15 feet square. Nicely contrasting colors covered the walls and ceiling, but there was no furniture that she could see other than the bed she was lying on. Her overnight bag, laptop computer and her instruments were sitting on a shelf to her left. The ceiling brightened, illuminating the room to a comfortable level. When she sat up, the pillow her head had been resting on retracted into the surface of the bed and the bed itself morphed into a kind of sofa. Startled, Mahi jumped to her feet and watched as the “sofa” shortened and took the form of a large, padded chair.
“Hello, Mahi,” said a voice from behind her. “I trust you slept well?” Mahi spun and saw Klementos standing in a doorway that hadn’t been there. He was wearing the same clothes he’d been wearing in the Dragon. Her own clothes, now that she noticed, were also the same. Klementos smiled apologetically. “Sorry to startle you this way. I know I have some explaining to do.”
“Well, no shit!” shouted Mahi sarcastically. “Where the hell are we? This isn’t some cabin in the mountains, that’s for damn sure!” Before Klementos could respond, Mahi shoved him out of the way and charged through the door, colliding with two women who were passing by. Mahi barely managed to keep her balance. In front of her was an enormous room, filled with clusters of low seats, many of them occupied. The ceiling was at least 40 feet high, sky blue and gently curved like upside-down waves. Various shades of green and brown dominated in the huge space, giving the room a distinctly outdoor flavor. One of the women Mahi had run into was wearing a sort of toga, made up of a short skirt and a sash that covered her left breast. The other breast was bare. The second woman wore a loose, mid-calf skirt and nothing above the waist. Both women were barefoot. Mahi staggered back, bumping into Klementos. “What the fuck?” she gasped. “What the fuck?”
“Please have a seat. I’ll answer all your questions.” Klementos said something to the two women in a soft, liquid language that Mahi was sure she’d never heard before. They both smiled and continued on their way. “Please sit there,” said Klementos, pointing to a long sofa-like seat that seemed to grow out of the floor. Mahi sat cautiously. She was very frightened.
“You have nothing to fear,” said Klementos, correctly reading her expression. “No one here will harm you in any way.”
“And just where the hell is ‘here’, anyway?
“Well, that’s were it gets interesting. You’re on a spacecraft, heading out of the Solar system. To put it simply, you’ve been abducted.”
“Oh, horseshit! This place is the size of a shopping mall! There’s no way this could be a spaceship!”
“It’s pretty big, all right,” Klementos agreed. “Our section is an oval over a kilometer long and about half that wide. This is deck fourteen and there are 32 other decks much like this one. We have access to them all.”
Mahi shook her head. “You don’t look like an alien. You look human. What did you mean by, ‘our section’?”
“I meant that all 33 decks are inhabited by humans. We don’t control this ship. It’s controlled by the Asadii. Don’t ask me to describe them. I’ve never seen one and don’t know anyone who has. They communicate with us verbally, through the ship’s computer.”
“So, we’re what; slaves, pets, food?”
“No, nothing like that. The Asadii consider humans to be a special, possibly unique species. They’ve established human colonies on many, many worlds. Their plan is to allow us to populate the Galaxy. You see, intelligent life is extremely rare. Life, even complex life, is common, but intelligent, creative life that avoids extinction and develops a civilization is almost unknown. I’ve been on 34 colony worlds, plus Earth. I don’t know of anyone who has knowledge of an intelligent species other than the Asadii and humans.”
“Why don’t the aliens do their own colonization?”
“I could only guess, based on rumors and speculation I’ve heard. The Asadii don’t tell us anything about themselves. For all we know, the Asadii don’t use the same kind of planets that we do. They might like more or less gravity than what we’re used to or a warmer or cooler climate. They might breathe a different atmospheric mix. We don’t go to their part of the ship and they don’t come here.”
Mahi thought for a moment. “So, what are we doing on this ship?”
“Well, as hard as this may be to believe, we do whatever we want. We have no duties. The ship provides whatever we want in the way of clothing, food, drink and entertainment equipment. We pursue our hobbies. We enjoy each other’s company. We eat what we want, when we want and we sleep when and where we want. Lighting follows the 24 hour pattern that humans have evolved with.” Klementos smiled. “One of the benefits of this life is life itself. On a ship, our health is nearly absolute. There is no illness, no disease. In the event of injury, pain relief is swift and healing is rapid and complete.” He looked into Mahi’s eyes. “How old do you think I am?”
Mahi shrugged. “Maybe a couple of years younger than me; I’d say 25 or so.”
Klementos shook his head. “As close as makes no difference, I am one thousand, three hundred and eighty Earth years old. And I am far from the oldest human I know.”
Mahi sagged back in her seat. “You’re lying. That can’t be!”
“I was born in Greece when the Rashidun Caliphate was in power. As a young man, I became a soldier and rose to a rank similar to Master Sergeant in your modern army. During a battle in the Levant, I was badly wounded and left for dead by my retreating comrades. A human recruiter for the Asadii found me and brought me aboard a ship, where I was healed and welcomed into the ship’s human society.” Klementos smiled wistfully. “If you think this is a shock to you, imagine what it was like for an ignorant, superstitious lout like me! Of course, while my new friends had learned to deal with the technology aboard ship, they were at least as primitive as I was. No one had a clue about the scientific method. Your author Clark said it best; ‘Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic’. To us, everything aboard ship was magic. I was well over a thousand years old before I began to grasp the basics of the devices I was using every day.”
“Are you saying you’ve been on other ships? We aren’t all trapped here?”
“Oh, certainly not! If you grow bored with this society, you can request transfer to another ship or you can become a colonist on one of the colony planets. I’ve been on dozens of ships and been a colonist on 34 worlds. Each ship and each colony has a somewhat different culture, depending on the inhabitants and the planetary environment. After twenty or thirty years in one place I feel the urge to experience someplace new. Many of us feel the same way.”
“And you’re telling me that this is all a wonderful utopia? Peace and love and plenty for all? No conflict? No fights?
Klementos shook his head. “No, not quite. We’re all still human. Some of us want to control others. Some of us are less inclined to behave properly in society. Some occasionally become violent. That kind of behavior isn’t tolerated. While there’s no formal government and no police, we are always available to help when one of us is being poorly treated.”
“Sort of a vigilante mob?”
“Not a mob, so much as rescuers when rescue is needed.”
“You don’t have police, but do you have courts? What punishments can you use? Who decides on the punishment?”
“The victim decides on the punishment. Generally, some corporal punishment is administered.”
“You mean you beat the bad guy. Okay, fine, but if a beating doesn’t do the trick? If he keeps doing it? What then?”
“On rare occasions, when someone repeatedly commits violence, he is killed.” Klementos took a deep breath and blew it out. “We are human. Some of us are bound to be violent sociopaths. It happens.”
Mahi rubbed her face with both hands and took several deep breaths. “So, back to the medical subject. Help me understand this; you’re saying that we humans are immortal and will stay young forever?”
“On a ship, yes. On a colony world, no. Medical care in a colony is quite advanced, but not up to the level of that found on a ship. Aging is greatly delayed, but not halted. An injury that would be a minor annoyance on a ship might kill you on a colony world. The good news, as they say, is that you can spend 30 or 40 or more years as a colonist and, if you choose to return to a ship, your youth and health will be restored. I’ve spent as much as 90 years as a colonist and then opted for shipboard life. As you can see, I’m still biologically a young man.”
Mahi’s head was spinning. To say that this was a lot to take in was a titanic understatement. “But my friends, my family, all my stuff! That’s all gone?”
“Sadly, yes. There is no possible way to go back.”
“So you kidnapped me, you son-of-a-bitch! I had a great life and you fucked it up!”
Klementos easily caught her wrist before she could slap him. “Yes, I did. You can contribute a great deal to human society and not just on this ship. Not only that, but while your life on Earth was pleasant and fulfilling, you’ll find your life with us even more so. I’ve made three recruiting trips to Earth and have, as you say, kidnapped dozens of men and women. They all react the way you’re reacting, often with shocking violence. In an amount of time that’s so short it would amaze you, they thank me. Losing the only life you know is hard, but the life you’ll gain with us will make up for it many times over.”
Mahi snatched her wrist out of his grasp. “Why choose me, anyway? And what does, ‘not just on this ship’ mean?”
“Genetic diversity and high intelligence are essential to the survival of humans throughout the Galaxy. You possess both to an unusual degree. Your intelligence is so high that ordinary tests can’t measure it accurately. You carry genes from four continents. All that makes you priceless to the Galactic human species.”
“Fuck you! I’m not some goddamn piece of breeding stock! If you think I’m going to spread my legs and pump out babies for a bunch of alien dickheads, you can forget it! You’re not getting any kids from me!”
“That’s your choice. I told you that we humans do what we want. That includes having sex and reproducing. While you were sleeping, your long-life treatments were started and your menstrual cycle was suspended. Unless and until you choose to become pregnant, it won’t happen, no matter how many times you have sex and how many men you choose to have sex with. Your eggs have been placed in stasis. Normally, you would lose all of them through regular ovulation. In stasis, they’ll be preserved until you decide to use them. As I said, reproduction is entirely your decision. You are a free woman.”
“Except that I can only live on alien spaceships or alien colony planets! How is that ‘free’?”
“A salient point,” conceded Klementos. “It’s true; there are limits to our freedom. However, you’ll get to see planets and meet people and have experiences during your long life that you certainly would have missed if you’d stayed in Los Angeles.” He shrugged. “Win some, lose some.”
Mahi stared at her kidnapper, speechless. Suddenly, she just wanted to be alone. She got up and turned toward the door she’d come through, only to be greeted by a blank wall. “Damn it! Where’s the door?” She started to cry. She wanted nothing more than to curl up in a ball and block out all this craziness.
Klementos appeared next to her and pointed to a faint vertical stripe on the wall. “Just run a finger down this and the door will open.” Mahi did so and somehow wasn’t surprised when the door dilated. Klementos followed her in. “While you’re in a room, the door won’t open to anyone else. If someone wants to visit you, they’ll tell Ship and Ship will tell you. The bath facilities are here,” he said, pointing out a series of stripes on one wall. “You can extend the bed here. Ship is programmed to understand all Earth languages and knows virtually every kind of food you can think of. If you want or need something, just ask Ship. Say ‘Ship’ and it will answer.” Mahi nodded dumbly. “I’ll leave you now.”
Mahi realized that she badly wanted to pee, take a shower and get something to eat. It took her a few tries to discover which of the stripes would produce the toilet, the sink and the shower. She stripped out of her clothes and took a piss. The shower had remarkably simple controls and she found miniature nozzles for liquid soap and shampoo. When she was clean and had turned off the water, gusts of warm air dried her. A flow of warmer air came out of a vent at head level and she used it to dry her hair.
Mahi opened her overnight bag and started sorting through what few clothes she had packed. But what was the point of that? Her clothes wouldn’t fit with what everyone else was wearing, that was certain.
“Yes Mahi.”
“If you can, show me a portion of this deck that has people in it.”
A section of wall lit with a scene containing at least 50 people. They appeared to represent every skin shade Mahi had ever seen and every shade in between. Mahi was darker than most, but in that mix, she wouldn’t stand out.
“Zoom in on the group in the left center.”
Mahi examined the group. Everyone was dressed in what looked like loose, very lightweight togas or vests or dresses. No one was wearing pants; apparently, skirts or kilts were in fashion. Partial upper body nudity was universal among women, with one breast or the other being covered. Men wore vests or sleeveless pullover shirts. Everyone appeared to be in good to very good physical condition. Mahi also noticed that there was a lot of touching going on. Men and women held hands or sat with their arms around each other. They caressed each other, casually stroking faces and breasts and torsos and thighs. A man laughed and gestured with one hand to 3 or 4 people while his other hand moved under the skirt of the woman sitting to his right. The woman had her thighs spread wide, a look of pleasure on her face. She moved her hand to the man’s head and pushed down, toward her crotch. The man obligingly dropped to his knees, flipped the woman’s skirt up and began going down on her. Around the pair, conversation seemed to continue uninterrupted. Mahi went back to examining women’s clothing, but when she looked again, the woman was on her back, naked, with the man between her legs. His clothing was on the floor and he was clearly inside her. Not far away, a man reclined against a woman sitting behind him with her legs on either side of him. She had one hand on the man’s erection, masturbating him rapidly. The man turned his head to kiss her and ejaculated, his semen arcing onto the floor. The woman laughed and they shared a long kiss. Mahi noticed that none of the people had any body hair; no pubic hair or armpit hair and there was no telltale stubble. None of the men wore beards. She examined her own body and found no hair at all; even the wispy hair on her arms was gone. The hair on her head was intact as were her eyebrows and lashes.
Mahi wasn’t exactly shocked by the nudity and public sex. She’d been to San Onofre Beach and More Mesa Beach, both clothing optional beaches. She was accustomed to public nudity and had heard stories about oral sex and straight sex on public beaches, although she hadn’t witnessed it. She had a limited amount of experience with group sex with her friends. Being nude around other people hadn’t bothered her, but those other people had also been nude. This was different.
“Ship, show me the most common clothing styles for women on this deck.”
What Mahi saw were women in above-the-knee skirts and tops that exposed one or, rarely, both breasts. So, covering both tits was a style faux-pas. As far as Mahi could tell, there wasn’t any pattern as to which boob was exposed, although the majority of women covered their left breast. Fabric colors ran the gamut and were widely varied. Oddly, there was no sexual activity among women whose right breast was covered. Was that significant?
“Ship, make me clothes that match the ones worn by this woman here,” she touched the screen, “except reverse the colors.”
Almost immediately, a slot opened in the wall and a shelf slid out, holding a heap of folded fabric. Mahi picked it up and shook it out. The fabric seemed almost weightless. When she dropped it over her head, it was like wearing air.
“Ship, make me a two-egg omelet with tomato chunks and sliced mushrooms. And a cup of green tea.” Again the shelf slid out, holding Mahi’s order, complete with utensils and a napkin. “Shit,” she said softly. “Maybe I can learn to tolerate this after all.”
After eating, Mahi extended the bed and lay down. She knew a nap would give her some emotional distance from the fantastic situation she was in, but she had so much to think about! She was trapped, at least temporarily, with a huge number of strangers, all living in almost total anarchy. If what Klementos said was true, sooner or later, she was sure to run across some violent loon. Mahi swore to herself that she would never be alone with anyone in a room like this with the door closed.
There were no clocks or calendars on the ship, but a bright, fuzzy disk moved across the “sky”, giving the illusion of a sun. “Days” were 16 hours long and “nights” were dark enough for comfortable sleep, but not so dark that people couldn’t see to move around. At first, Mahi kept track of the passing days and weeks by the calendar on her phone. Eventually, the futility of that became obvious and she only used her phone to view the photos and videos she had stored there. Like most young Angelinos, Mahi had been addicted to taking photos and “selfies” and videos. Her phone had a 128GB SD card, filled with reminders of her previous life. She had Ship copy everything to her laptop.
Learning the ship’s language, known simply as “Language”, went very quickly. Mahi already had amazing language skills, but this was different. It seemed that she already knew Language and only needed to be reminded of it. She assumed that Ship was somehow responsible. Oh well, nothing she could do about it.
Ship, she learned, would keep her possessions safe and deliver them to her anywhere. She formed the habit of wandering around what she thought of as her “home” deck, listening for music. She soon expanded her search to other decks and when she heard the sound of musicians playing, she followed her ears to the source. If she liked what she heard, she would have Ship produce one of her instruments and she would join in. Mahi’s improvisational skills, already well developed, grew rapidly.
While most decks had similar layouts, with seats scattered at apparent random among walk-in showers and restrooms, the middle deck, number 17, was equipped for exercise and sport. A bewildering variety of exercise machines and weights were intermingled with running paths and swimming pools of different sizes and shapes. Some of the team sports being played were familiar to Mahi, but most seemed to be from ancient times. No one used protective gear. Mahi watched a game of no-rules field hockey and was horrified to see the violent tactics being used and the sometimes gruesome injuries that resulted. But even the injured players took the damage in stride. The availability of Ship’s medical technology made players willing to absorb punishment that would have had them in a hospital on Earth for months.
Mahi learned that which breast a woman exposed did have significance. Exposing the left breast signified that the woman was in a more-or-less exclusive relationship or simply wasn’t interested in having sex at the moment. Exposing the right breast meant the she was available to her friends, but not to casual acquaintances or strangers. Going topless meant that she was available to virtually everyone. Since there was no disease on the ship and women only got pregnant when they wanted to, casual, public sex was rampant. Children, she learned, were raised in either end of the oval decks, in crèches enclosed by high partitions. Having sex within the sight of a child was grounds for a severe beating. Attempting to have sex with a child resulted in a quick and violent death.
In the first days, Mahi saw men and women performing various sex acts, from simple touching and stroking to oral sex to full-blown hardcore screwing. Sometimes, the people involved would move to an area that provided some privacy, but mostly it was all done right out in the open. Frequently their friends would kiss and caress them, enhancing the eroticism. Watching people have sex wasn’t considered rude or boorish; after all, they’d chosen to do it publicly. Public sex was the most common form of shipboard entertainment.
As Mahi became more comfortable with her surroundings, she found the ship’s inhabitants to be very friendly and happy to get to know her. Nearly all of them were at least a couple of centuries old and many were much older. The vast majority had been born on one ship or another or on a colony world. They were fascinated by her accounts of living in a sprawling city on a planet jammed with seven billion quarrelsome humans. Three people in particular, Ping, Ignacia and Semyon, made her feel welcome. Ignacia had frequent sex with both Semyon and Ping and all three had sex with others in their local group. Ping and Ignacia seemed especially close and usually sat touching one another. Mahi and Semyon sat together, but so far, Mahi remained cautious. She wore a “not interested” toga, exposing her left boob. Mahi grew accustomed to seeing her new friends casually screwing and, she had to admit, it made her envious. And horny. Mahi felt more alive and energetic that she could remember, due, no doubt, to Ship’s long-life treatments. She’d been happily sexually active her entire adult life, accustomed to having sex three or four time a week, usually with a different man each time. Since her abduction, Mahi hadn’t gotten laid at all. That was bad enough, but she found that watching the amazing amount of sex taking place around her only made it worse. She tried ignoring it, but that was impossible. Shit, it was right there! How could she not look?
The amount of sex she witnessed wasn’t the only thing that amazed Mahi. Without exception, all the women had multiple orgasms and that was nothing new to Mahi; she was certainly capable of having them. What surprised her was seeing men having them.
Mahi’s first hint of something unusual was on her second day, when a woman she didn’t know plopped down next to Ping, one of her new friends. “Ping, you adorable man!” she cried. “Give me a kiss!” Ping scooped her up and deposited her in his lap, straddling him. As the two kissed passionately, the woman reached between them and pulled Ping’s kilt up, exposing his erect penis. As they continued to kiss, she tucked the head of Ping’s cock into her pussy and began fucking him. Mahi watched with interest. They humped enthusiastically and in a remarkably short time, Ping gave a long “ahhh” and came. “That was rude,” thought Mahi. “She’s not finished. What’s she supposed to do now?” But the woman didn’t slow down and Ping obviously remained erect. They kept fucking with only short pauses to kiss and whisper to each other. By the time they were finished, Mahi was sure that Ping had cum at least four times.
“Ignacia,” she asked curiously, “I’ve been seeing a lot of sex. It’s not what I expected; the sex, I mean. Ping came and just kept going. How did he do that?”
Ignacia was amused. “I’m surprised this wasn’t explained to you. Our long-life treatments give men the ability to maintain erections as if they were in their mid-teens. Both men and women have enhanced stamina and endurance. For all practical purposes, we can go for as long as we want, as often as we want.” She laughed. “The material of the seats and floor soaks up everyone’s fluids. Otherwise, we’d be sitting in puddles all the time!”
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Arriving at the airport, her hair let down draping over her soft shoulders, wearing a long fitting blue dress, with a slit mid way up the thigh, and black velvet high-heeled shoes on her feet. Her makeup done just perfect. After gathering her luggage, she makes her way out to the taxi stand waiting for Him, waiting for His driver to come take her to Him. Waiting I shift nervously, wondering what He has in store for her for the weekend. Wondering if it is going to be a weekend of extreme...
Two pairs of eyes turned to study Emi in unison. A man and a younger woman. The man was dressed casually, but his clothes were good quality and no doubt expensive. The woman was wearing a long, belted overcoat and high heels. Emi was reminded that she had very few clothes on, and reflexively moved to cover herself, before remembering Birch’s orders. She forced her hands to remain by her sides. Emi had never been good at judging age, but she guessed the man to be in his late forties, the...
After saying goodbye to my friend Jessica I hung up the phone and finished getting ready for my trip. Little did I know it would be a visit that would change my life in more ways than one. Before I continue I should back up a little and explain a bit about myself. My name is rita. I’m a 25 year old, 5Ś’, pale skinned freckled redhead with blue eyes. I am what would be considered average, fitting between a size eight and ten. I love my legs, strong and well shaped from years of walking and...
Still Dave's turn: I called the office and talked to the boss. "Got a domestic issue that needs my attention," I said. "Aw, just take off. Not like you don't have the comp time," he said. "Thanks." Next call. Carlita. She's liking her iPhone. I got a picture yesterday from her with Carlie's kids' kitten. I thought it was a picture with TWO adorable kittens in it. "Hi, Dave. Did you get that package?" "Yes. Are you at home?" "Yes, I am at home. No plans today." "Stay...
BEEP! BEEP! You hear the sound of the alarm clock wailing as you grudgingly open your eyes. You turn to the side and look at the time. It's just a bit past 8am. You slowly blink your eyes a couple times before you quickly realize something... YOU'RE GOING TO BE LATE FOR SCHOOL. You quickly get out of bed and throw on some clothes, and then look in the mirror. You live in a very ethnically diverse town. It is predominantly Oriental and Indian, although there are large white and black communities...
InterracialWhen I came back down he threw me a bikini top and a pair of shorts. "Put these on." We went out to the garden. He had me pose in various positions and started taking photos. He then had me take the bikini off. Next, my shorts came off. We then went inside. He switched on the two video cameras. For the next two hours we went through all the outfits we had bought in the adult store. I had to smile at the cameras and act as if I was enjoying myself. For the last session he had me get on all fours...
Karen had been saying for a while that she wanted to rent a sail boatagain and get back out onto the ocean. It has been something she hasdone before, and loved.As it was late summer, and while it was still hot, I decided it wouldbe a nice thing to setup for her. I found an advert for a boat andcaptain. The captain sounded OK on the phone and the price for anafternoon's boat hire was good. We discussed going up the coast for acouple of hours and then finding a cove to anchor in to have a...
"What do you want me to do now?" "Fuck me, sir... fuck me nicely." Harry reached below her and cupping and fondling her firm big boobs said, "Now relax, darling... let's do it slow and enjoy a long good fuck." "But we can't take too long, sir." "Why?" "Because Rod and Bob may come and interrupt us, sir." Helen said, "Don't worry, Lucy. You have enough time to get fucked nicely... in fact, I'm sure my husband will want to fuck you a few more times before Rod and Bob come...
Chapter 14 Logan had been dropped off early and talked with Junior, Ethan, and Neil who all wanted to know how he was doing. Logan was feeling a lot better and was eager to move on and talk about anything else. The four walked around with Logan finally asking about how they got used to so many people. All three quickly shot back, "We are family." Ethan added, "Mom's family had a lot of members so she was used to so many cousins. Not all of them were good like our cousins and some...
Thursday morning was sheer routine. With two secretaries taking care of business I had hardly anything to do. Just before lunch I noticed Henny talking on the phone for a rather long time. Now and again she would look at me for a short moment with a 'funny' look on her face, and then she would concentrate again on the person she was talking to. When she had finished the conversation, she sent Alice off to lunch. "That was Mary. Did you know she would invite me to stay at your place Monday...
Dear Reader: You have been sent this letter, because we have reason to believe you may be qualified for and interested in a position in our firm as an Executive Secretary. Some details regarding the position follow. Policies 1. Executive secretaries are considered to be on duty 24/7/365. 2. Dress code applies whenever secretary is on duty. 3. Each secretary reports directly to one executive. 4. Secretary must address that executive as Master or Mistress as...
Well me and this married lady friend met up as often as we could, it was normally she who travelled to meet me.We would strip off and get straight down to fucking each other as quick as we could.I had never fucked a woman who squirted as much, she would cum bucket fulls it went everywhere and boy was it a turn on. One time we were parked up near to a well known supermarket when she said I fancy a lolly,strange I thought but we hadn't yet got striiped off so off we went to the atore where she...
Hello everyone! Apologies for the delay in posting my stories as I was busy with different things. Anyway, I thank all of you who have appreciated the story and given me different suggestions/advice. More of those are always welcome. Coming back to the story, this is a continuation to my old parts of the story. You can find the earlier parts above. I was woken by a wet tongue rolling and gulping down my cock and the slurping sounds. I opened my eyes and realized that I have slave girls in my...
Carole French was beautiful despite being two years my senior, but before I,d known her even a week she was literally wearing me to a frazzle. She had a fabulous body and the shapeliest biggest set of tits on a woman I,d known at the time of my young life. I delighted in her body, worshipped her and must have filled her with gallons of fresh semen, more of which she swallowed after treating me to a fabulous blow job. At first Imwss over the moon at how much Carole loved to suck and fuck and...
Kendra flounced into the kitchen just as Daniel poured himself a fresh cup of Kona coffee from carafe. She was wearing a very sexy silk negligee that was cut in a vintage style. It had been custom made for her as a wedding gift from her mother. A soft pink from the bust to the waistline it began to flare slightly as the colour transitioned to soft coral at the bottom, slightly below her knee."Ah thank you, Sweety...not too much cream. Need to watch the waistline," she smirked, rising quickly on...
CuckoldMy Mom and My Dream Girl By WillChap78 Introduction My name is Will Chapman. I’m a 21-year-old college student, 5’8” and 160 lbs with short brown hair and dark brown eyes. I have always had trouble with girls my own age. It wasn’t that I was not good looking; it was because, despite being 21, I looked like I was 15. Whenever I went out with my friends, people we would meet often asked if I was someone’s little brother. Girls would always say that I was “cute” which would drive me absolutely...
IncestI opened the passenger side door. "So where is your girl friend?" I asked. "She is waiting for us at the party," Mary Ellen said. "Hold on now, I never agreed to any party," I said. "It's suppose to be girls night out." "And it is. We are just going to a party for our night out. You are the guest of honor." Mary Ellen said. Mary Ellen had already pulled out of my parking lot. If I planned to get out of the car, I knew I had better do it soon. I wasn't dressed for any long walks...
Troy gasped, when he realized that the gorgeous little blonde nymphet had captured all of his cock. He started to hump upward into her mouth, feeling her teeth scrape gently along his raging shaft. He moaned as he fucked her sweet little mouth, feeling the fires in his loins raging out of control. "Ahh!" he gasped again. His hands reached down, and he placed them on the thick, blonde silky hair of the young girl, whose head was bobbing up and down on his shaft. Cathy was even more...
I was a shy woman with glasses in my early twenties working as my Daddy’s assistant in the office of his hotel called ‘The Springs’. It was a posh hotel in Beverly Hills, California with an enormous pool, inside, and out. I always wore my long frizzy blonde hair back in a plait and wore as my uniform a long grey skirt and frumpy sweatshirt. One bright sunny day, Daddy came into the office in a navy blue suit looking all cheerful and dapper about something. ‘Clarie, honey, make more of an effort...
I retired early last year and decided to go to Prague for a couple of months to sight see. My wife could not go because of the demands of her employment. I was aware that Prague, the capitol of the Czech Republic, was a beautiful medieval city which had been almost untouched physically in World War II. In addition, I had just read in Newsweek magazine that along with France the Czech Republic’s population starts sexual activity early and is more comfortable with sex than the other countries...
I called Maria up and said I was coming over, thinking we could spend the afternoon in bed. She said she's see me shortly and for me to just use my key to let myself into her apartment. A quick shower and shave of my cock and balls, I was on my way. I let myself in and called out. Maria said she was in he bedroom waiting for me. Her apartment was dark except for the candle light from her bedroom. I entered and found my Maria , naked, hard nipples and spread wide waiting for me on the bed. She...
Auf mehrfachen Wunsch unsere Leser poste ich hier nun doch das letzte Kapitel:Kapitel XV Erstens kommt es anders ... Nach jenem entscheidenden Sonntag war Bruno mehr oder weniger ständig mit Tina zusammen. Er ging bei Willi und Traudel ein und aus. Jürgen hatte inzwischen erfahren, dass seine Schwester Tina schwanger war und dass Bruno die Verantwortung für ihren Zustand übernommen hatte und gewillt war, Tina zu heiraten. Aber er hatte ein schlechtes Gewissen, indem er sehr stark vermutete,...
Two years later: Meghan sat in seat 40A, a window seat on the left side of the aircraft, just aft of the 757's wing and the large Pratt & Whitney jet engine mounted to it. Her seat was in the upright position and her seatbelt was securely fastened around her waist. Her heart was currently kicking along at around one hundred and twenty beats per minute and a few beads of sweat had sprung up on her forehead. Though Meghan had spent more than 2500 hours of her life aloft in aircraft,...
Sarah and I walked to our first hour class, the halls are empty. We came to one of the girls bathrooms, Sarah quickly pushed me in side it. She looked around, and under the stalls to make sure no one was in the bathroom. Sarah started to talk to me. “I have to tell you, there are several teachers here at school who knows about you, or will know about you soon. They are not allowed to touch you, but they have permission to look, if you know what I mean.” “So you’re telling me, if a teacher...
This one night we had gone out for a girl’s night at a bar and Pamela drifted off mid night because she had been picked up by 3 guys. The next morning she told me all about her night, she had always fantasized about 3 guys at once. Although she couldn’t walk straight and said it was the best experience she had ever had but yet she said that the largest guy was only 5” which dint live up to her expectations. It was Pam’s birthday in a week and after she told me she was not fulfilled I knew...
Hi readers, this is Kabir, 21 years old back with another story. I am staying in Mumbi and I have a fetish for long hair. This incident happened 2 years back with my neighbour. She is 4 years elder to me and her name is Kiara. We stay in a good society in Mumbai on the second floor adjacent to each other. Kiara stayed in the town side area of Mumbai with her parents and came here just during her vacations. I had seen her earlier also during a few functions. But today she looked like a bomb. She...
We went into our room and dressed in shorts and better tops than tee shirts. We pulled on our sneakers. We could meet the world but were dressed to perform light work. We stripped our bed. We brought the sheets and the damp mattress pad down putting all in the washer and starting it. On the way up, Mom said, "Mattress pad, too?" We blushed and she laughed lightly. Once in our room, I said, "What do we work on first?" Britt sat on the bed. "Let's talk about furniture. We could use...
When college student Juliette March accidentally trespasses while on a remote field study, the psychotic property owner Tommy Pistol overpowers the helpless student and carries her off to his cabin wherein a kinky hot mess of BDSM and rough pounding sex ensues. Tied up spread eagle against a stone fireplace Juliette is in quite a bind with a ball-gag stuffed in her mouth, nipple clamps pulling tight on her perky tits, leather ankle cuffs and a spreader bar with a magic wand vibrating her...
xmoviesforyouA letter on cream colored(?) linen paper and with it, an airline ticket. i perspire lightly as i begin to read. i tell myself when i finish, that it wasn't so bad, nothing to make me feel threatened, just step-by-step instructions that must be followed, with one caveat... i have to make the decision freely, and if i do, i must understand everything that awaits me. There is an address on the bottom left of the letter, and a footnote that there will be a driver waiting for me at the airport. my...
Lisa felt a little strange as she sat at the table with her Mom and Jack. There were several reasons things felt weird but the oddest was knowing that Jack was not her biological father. She had always loved him but their new relationship in some ways was even more rewarding. It had only been about a half an hour before when she and her mother had given him a joint blow job that had him blasting off like a rocket. The other thing that felt strange was the fact that she was wearing skin tight...
Hello My Dear Indian sex stories Readers, Hope you all are in pink of your sexual life… Its my pleasure to write my 4th story. Am Horny all the time so I always look for sex Thanks for your comments and few people who have contacted me by email. This story is about the girl whom called me for credit card and ended up in bed. Coming to story: Name: Priya Age: 22 32, 30, 34 Fair, good looking but short and slim Any one interested under NSA (no straight attached) only sexual pleasure do reach me...
MatureAlbum! Fine wine, jazz music, malt whiskey, and jeans are some of the things that get much better with age, provided you store them properly. Unfortunately, women will not end up on this list, no matter how you store them. No, women tend to get louder and rounder in all the wrong places every year past their 21st birthday. They’re very much like bananas in that sense. You want to slurp them like a smoothie while they’re ripe. After a while, it might be better to move on to the next...
Porn AggregatorsJanuary 2, 2006, I had just entered the Manhattan high-rise in the heart of Times Square where I work. I was the founder and CEO of Goodfella$, a successful American men’s magazine. Everybody in the building acknowledged me because I am the playboy known as the Nature Boy. I knew most of the women in my company, married or not, would sleep with me for bragging rights or career advancement. I often heard rumors about the women speculating the size of my dick. Hey, I cannot help if I had a...
Check out the way Blake Blossom fills out that bra with her big titties. Her big ass is incredible in a g-string, but this young thing’s real treasure is her boobs. Follow Blake as she peels off her clothes and gets soaped up in the shower. Once she’s all clean, she shakes those jugs for her hookup, Tony. Tony is happy to lie back and relax as Blake does all the work to get started. Her enthusiasm is evident as she sucks the tip of Tony’s cock while stroking his long shaft. Leaning down, she...
xmoviesforyouI had noticed Hope a year or so before this happened, and had fantasized about being with her but also thought, “It’ll never happen, she so much younger, “ and so for obvious reason, I had to suppress my feeling. Hope was a student of mine and her name is synonymous with the desires I was feeling about being with her, but I knew it probably would never happen. However, one day the opportunity did present itself, and naturally I hesitated, but quickly realized I had to take the chance. I...
Angelika - Like an angel Truda - Fighting woman Varick - Protecting Ruler Harman - Man of the army Alan thankfully didn’t have the out of body dreams this time but also he could feel that the exhaustion was severe. Trying to fight his way to the surface it was just too tiring. Lying down where he was he just relaxed feeling the energy that he needed slowly begin to build back. Angelika was pacing several hours later in front of the bed Alan was lying in. He’d definitely pushed himself...
Hey there a dear reader your JJ back with a bang, late is late nothing to feel sorry the new assignment is taking my time away. No fuss here is what I have scribbled for you. ‘Yes’ you are right mature passion again, my god why do these women older to me drive me crazy? To understand this concept you need to go through this heavenly journey. A day at the office as a new joiner nothing much to do and it was driving me nuts to just sit there and do nothing. Like always I started to scribble these...
I admit that my story work seems to have been getting longer and longer, primarily due to the way I have tried to embellish the tales with as much detail as possible to place the reader right there in the story. If this is getting to be too much, I would like to hear from you. There are a couple significant names used in this story. See if any of you can figure out just how they may apply to anybody in RL. True to form for me, you just know I'm going to say that this story utilizes...
Leading them out the doors and across the runway to one of the shuttles, they started boarding as Jim Stone scanned the hand camera across the devastation and recorded the burning planes at the end of the runway. Several of the big planes were in the grass with several mechs smothering the flames with what looked like force fields while working through the wreckage. Soldiers went about helping the wounded and covering the dead with tarps. As the shuttle's ramp started going up several...
Coming to Augusta from South Carolina, one must cross the Savannah River. As I was on the bridge crossing the river, I saw smoke! It was ahead and to my left in town. I was hopeful. That smoke was the first sign of people since I woke on Monday. I know it hadn’t been that long but seeing no one was disconcerting and disheartening. I followed the smoke into Augusta hoping for people. As I got closer to the source of the smoke, I became scared. I wasn’t the most gregarious of people and was...
Shelia came through the curtains, picked up the camera and Tonya’s dress and bra and walked out again. I helped Tonya to her feet and began to clean her with the wipes from the table. Shelia brought two young men in who immediately stripped and offered their cocks to us to suck. The boy that I was sucking had a rather small cock and it went down my throat very easily. Tonya was having a harder time with the large cock from the 21 year old boy who was enjoying hearing her gag and spit with...
This is a true story about how I lost my virginity. I am now twenty one and this started six years ago. It is still ongoing. The neighborhood we live in in somewhat upscale, most of the houses have pools and are nice. We have a nice pool with lots of trees around. Annie lived next door with her husband. They are in their early thirties and a good lokking couple. Very friendly. Annie's husband is gone alot and she and I became good friends, we talk alot about alot of different things. This...
Oh my god my mom is such a good lover Oh my god my mother is such a good lover I told my friend she never had to threaten me with the grounding or anything with that matter because I was 18 now but I told my friends about what my mom did some of them were horribled some of them were not. The ones that were not were very interested in and hung on every word that I said which was basically what I said before he made love to me on the couch in my bed. Passionately and sensually on my 18th birthday...
IncestShortly after high school I took up residence in an apartment complex which had something of a communal quality between neighbors. Next door lived a black guy named Charles in his mid-twenties, who lived to party and always seemed to have women, especially white women over his place. One night in particular I remember a blonde girl about twenty who came over in slut-wear, short shorts and tank top as we passed in the hallway. That night they had the most intense fuck session with moaning and...
Please read the first 3 parts before reading this one. Thank you. Oh, and would you please vote so I know how I am doing? After my encounter with Lacey and Ashley, I was eager to see Ashley's mom, Caitlin, again. We hit it off so well during our first encounter that I was positive that there was more to come. Before Ashley left our room, I gave her our extra room key so she could come in whenever she wants to. She gave both me and Lacey a passionate filled kiss before walking out. "Be in the...
IncestAmber and I agree on an interesting idea of writing an interactive seductive series about our first ever meeting in real. Amber gives in to the proposal of Prof. Poet Peter of the 'Experimental Erotics International Institute', after he assures her he will take the lead and write the opening installment. My dear readers can consume it from the following paragraphs. Attractive Amber is an as intriguing as impressive match with me, as she scores almost exactly the same on the bdsm-test, which...
I was over at my buddy from work house watchn wrestling on ppv and drinkn beer I didn’t think anything would ever happen since we were coworkers who happened to like pro wrestling. Well about half way through the show we got to bsn about diffrent shit and the subject of sex just came up. He was telln me how he hated that his girlfriend won’t blow him I told him I know the feeln they get stuck up when it comes to suckn dick. After a couple more beers he said jokenly I might have to get u to suck...
I had moved to Gainesville, FL to go to college, and had been there for a year or so. I had made some great friends in my major, and we all hung out fairly frequently. One friend's uncle lived in town, and he grilled the best steaks, so we ended up hanging out at his house pretty much any time we all wanted to chill. I'm not going to use his uncle's real name, but i'll call him Mr. so I don't have to keep typing "my friend's uncle". Mr. was fairly tall, about 5'11, and a muscular guy, not cut...
Gay MaleHe hurried downstairs with Soames to greet the two men. "Good afternoon Gentlemen," he said. "Please, sit down, can I get you anything?" "No, we're here on official police duty, thank you anyway." they answered. "Now where is Mrs. Whitford? We'd like to ask her a few questions." "Let me go see if she's sleeping, I'll be right back," Eric said. And he walked up the huge staircase. She was sitting up in bed as he entered the room. "Franchesca, there are two men here to see...
I was looking at the text from Heather when I heard the front door open. Heather ran to me on the couch and hugged me tight."Oh mom! It was horrible!" She said as she started to sob."Calm down honey! What happened that was so horrible?" I asked feeling rather nervous."Megan's dad walked in us when we were having sex. I have never seen anyone get so mad before! He was calling us names like sluts and dykes. Then he told me to get my "pussy eating mouth" out of his house." Heather said and I felt...
Tamera was sixteen, when she first knew she was different. She had a way about her the teachers and students knew it too. She would simply think of something and it would appear. She started off simple. She wanted a glass of water in class. Tamera would concentrate on the water, and it would appear on her desk in class. Soon, Tamera was changing her grades and getting the boys to fall for her only. It was fun for awhile but she always wondered why she was so different. Ten years have passed...