Abducted! free porn video

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Mom and I had made good time on our drive from Silicon Valley to the Sierra, and had arrived at the secluded campground just on the California side of Lake Tahoe with plenty of daylight left. Our tent was up and our sleeping bags were rolled out, our cooking gear and our food supplies were squared away, and we'd built a small fire just as the last blush of sunset was fading into the jagged black outline of trees against sky. We were the only people in the campground, and the silence and solitude were as vast and as comforting as the forest itself.

This was Mom's and my celebration, our way of rewarding ourselves for the effort we'd invested in our successes. I had just graduated from the eighth grade, with top honors in science and math. I was looking forward to a summer of rest before I started high school and turned fourteen in September. Mom had just been promoted to director of education and documentation at the computer company where she worked--no small accomplishment for her. Dad had simply left when I was three, and in the ten years following, Mom had put herself through college and worked her way up the ranks to where she was today. It had cost her a lot of long days and lost sleep to do what she did. I remembered many lonely nights and weekends as she attended classes or did homework, but she reminded me often that we were working together to build a future for ourselves. And I think it had been good for both of us. Mom now felt that, at age 33, she had plenty of time left to build a career and enjoy the fruits of her labors. For my part, I had developed a sense of responsibility far beyond that of my peers, and was fully ready to embark upon what I considered to be the beginning of my real academic career.

Mom and I sat and watched the fire wrinkle the darkness deepening around us, both alone and together in our thoughts.

"Well, kiddo, what do you think?" Mom asked after a while. "Do you think all the work was worth it?"

"Yeah, Mom, I do," I said. "Just being here and being able to relax, feeling satisfied with what I've done, tells me that it was worth it."

"So, what shall we do tomorrow?"

Mom and I had made loose plans for what we thought we'd do: I wanted to try some fly fishing in a nearby creek. Mom had brought a couple of books she'd been wanting to read for a long time. We thought we'd spend several days swimming and sunning at Tahoe. Take a trip to Virginia City and look at the old silver mines. Just sit and breathe the smog-free air and forget about freeways, streetlights, work, and school for a week.

"How about it we start with a day of swimming?" I said.

"You got it, pal."

We sat in silence for several minutes.

"Mom?" I said at last.


"Do you ever wish that you'd remarried?"

"No, not really," Mom said. "At first, I was too busy going to school to have time to date. As time went on, I decided that I didn't really want to invest trust in a man again." Mom put an arm around my shoulders.

"You're the only man I think I can trust all the way," she said, giving me a little hug.

I leaned my head against Mom's. She smelled good. Mom wasn't given to wearing a lot of perfume. She smelled mostly like herself, clean and fresh. Soap, a hint of shampoo, just a touch of perfume; maybe the scent of her deodorant; barely a suggestion of fresh perspiration from the drive through the 100-degree heat of the Central Valley.

"Hey," Mom said, suddenly, "how about some hot chocolate and marshmallows before we turn in?"

I went over and pumped up the Coleman stove while Mom rummaged around for the chocolate and marshmallows. Before long, we had steaming cups of chocolate and were toasting marshmallows in the glow of the coals. We sat and sipped, relishing our sugar treat, as we chatted inconsequentially about the world we'd left behind. After perhaps half an hour, Mom stretched and yawned.

"This mountain air makes me sleepy," she said, "and I'm pooped after the last-minute rushing around at work, the packing, and the drive. How about you?"

"Yeah, I'm tired too," I said. And I was. The relaxation after a year of intense study and nightly homework suddenly made me feel as if I were going to have to crawl into the tent.

"I'll go first," Mom said. "After I've got into my sleeping bag, you can pour some water on the fire and come along."

I wasn't surprised at Mom's request for privacy. Mom was very modest around the house. She always changed clothes in private and locked the bathroom door except when she was just brushing her teeth or combing her hair, and if she was going about the house in her underwear or nightclothes, she always wore a substantial robe. She turned on one bulb of the fluorescent lantern and went into the tent.

The 8' x 10' tent, according to the claim on the box, would sleep four, but I think that would be possible only if they were very friendly or very small. For two, it had plenty of floor space for bags of clothes and paraphernalia, and enough elbow room to sleep comfortably, and it was high enough almost to stand in. Mom zipped the door shut.

As Mom moved about in the tent, I could see her silhouette come and go against the light nylon material as she passed from one side of the light to the other. After some comings and goings, she moved the light to the far side of the tent and began to undress. I couldn't tear my eyes away. Her clear, crisp shadow unbuttoned her shirt and took it off. Then it reached behind her back and unfastened her brassiere. And then her breasts hung free and jiggled. All of a sudden, my cock was rock hard and I was thinking thoughts I shouldn't about my mother. With Mom's leaving a good deal of household responsibility to me and my attention to my schoolwork, I hadn't had much of a social life either. I didn't have a girlfriend, and I'd never seen a woman or a girl naked. Mom's shadow reached over her head to pull on a tee-shirt, and her breasts stood out, high and proud. I just started to think about stepping behind a tree to jack off when Mom called out, "Ok, I'm ready."

With a silent groan, I poured enough water over the fire to reduce the few remaining coals to steam, then unzipped the tent and ducked in.

"Are you in?" Mom asked.

"Here I am," I said. Mom turned off the light. In the dark, I undressed down to my underwear--grateful, actually, that I didn't have to try to conceal my hard-on from Mom--and slipped into the silken lining of my sleeping bag. I wrapped one hand around my cock and wondered, briefly, whether I could jack off quietly enough that Mom wouldn't hear me. Unfortunately, I decided to give it up as a bad idea because even if Mom didn't hear me, I'd make a mess of the sleeping bag, I'd have to sleep with a wet cummy spot all night, and Mom would probably smell it as soon as I unzipped the bag in the morning. Even as I was making this unhappy decision, bam! I fell asleep.

The next thing I knew, I was clawing my way up from an incredibly deep sleep, my ears--my entire being--filled with a low humming sound. A low humming feel. The hum was so pervasive that it seemed to have no source or direction. The hair on the back of my neck stood up. I unzipped my sleeping bag and sat up, trying to determine where the hum was coming from, trying to figure out what was going on. As I sat there, wrapped in fear, trying to regain sensibility, the tent was suddenly illuminated from without by a bright blue light. I looked over at Mom, and saw her sitting, too, apparently as dazed as I was. At the same time, we crawled toward the door. I unzipped it, and we went outside. The forest all around the campground was bathed in the same eerie blue glow. We stood and looked up, shielding our eyes with our hands, trying to see past the glare to its origin, but I could see nothing but light.

And then we were floating, levitating, going up. There was no sensation of being touched or pulled, we had simply become weightless. As we rose, the light seemed to take on substance and close beneath us. Our tent and the campground disappeared, and all I could see was blue light.

Then we were inside an enclosure, a room, a laboratory, a cockpit. Something. Around us were six creatures, not human. And then it hit me: Mom and I had been abducted by aliens.

I was scared shitless, there's no polite way to put it. The aliens looked pretty much like the currently popular depiction. They were generally humanoid in shape, which is to say that they had a head, a body, and spindly arms and legs that ended in what looked mostly like hands and feet. They had the large, black eyes we've come to expect, nostril slits, and a small mouth. Their skin was a greyish color. But they had no ears and no genitals, and their three fingers were not rounded like ours, but ended in palps, or suction cups... After observing the aliens long enough to register their shapes, I remembered all the stories I'd read about the medical examinations abductees had been subjected to at the hands of their alien captors, the weird instruments, painful jabbings and pokings, special attention to genitals, and forced matings.

"Hi," one of the aliens said. Thought. They weren't talking, but I could hear a voice in my brain as if a human were speaking conversationally across a dinner table. "Welcome aboard."

"Are we really in a space ship?" I asked.

"I suppose you could say that," the "voice" replied.

"Are you going to hurt us?" I blurted. "Cut us open to see what's inside, or poke us with sharp instruments?"

"Why on earth would we want to do that?" a second voice asked. "If we cut you, we'd probably damage your circuitry or disrupt your functioning, and that would ruin our observations."

"I've read all about you guys," I said. "I know what you do."

There was a murmur of genuine puzzlement in my head. Then one voice sorted itself out. "You must have us confused with someone else," it said. "We've never been here before. We were just passing by. Your planet looked so different from most that we decided to stop and check it out. When we realized that there was apparently intelligent life, we decided to check you out, too."

Without realizing it, Mom and I had edged toward each other until we were standing shoulder to shoulder. I pinched the skin on my forearm, just as a double check. No, I wasn't dreaming.

"Now," a voice said, "we'd like to make some observations. Apparently parts of your outer surface are not you. Please remove them."

"We can't do that," Mom immediately said. "We don't run around naked in front of each other."

"But we found you in very close proximity to one another," the voice went on. "Do you mean to tell me that you always put coverings on your surfaces whenever you're together."

"Yes," Mom said.

I heard something like a sigh in my head. All six of the aliens turned their faces toward me. I didn't hear a voice, but I felt the sensation of a command to take my clothes off. I stepped away from Mom and complied. But I didn't believe for a moment what the aliens had said about not hurting us. I was still so scared that my balls had retreated up somewhere beneath my ribs, and my cock had almost turned itself inside out trying to get away. I glanced at Mom and saw her run her eyes up and down my body.

One of the aliens approached and put his palps on my shoulder, indicating that I should turn around. His touch was slightly cool, but soft and gentle. I turned around, like a model showing off clothes. I heard a murmur of mixed voices in my head. Then the alien who had touched my shoulder pointed at my retracted cock and said, "What's that?"

Mom looked where the alien was pointing. "That's my p-penis," I croaked.

"What is its function?" another voice asked.

The aliens didn't look exactly alike--there were variations in their height and in the configuration of their facial features. Because they didn't actually speak, I couldn't tell which one was "talking," but I was beginning to be able to tell the voices apart. That one, I decided, was Scientist.

"It's for pissing," I said.

"Pissing?" Scientist said.

"Eliminating waste water."


Time to try another tack. "It's part of our fuel and energy system. We take in water to help with our energy processes. After the water has been used and contains by-products of energy conversion and system maintenance, we eliminate it. Piss."

"Ah, fuel and energy," Scientist said, amid a background of understanding murmurs.

The six alien faces then turned to Mom, and I felt the command to her to remove her coverings. She looked at me. I shrugged.

I could not, of course, look away as Mom undressed. Chances were, I was more curious and fascinated than the aliens were. Mom peeled off her tee-shirt and stepped out of her panties. The same alien who had instructed me to turn around (Leader, I decided) performed the same action with Mom. Mom was, in my opinion, a knockout by anybody's standards. She had rich, black hair, medium length, surrounding a face that was truly beautiful. Her breasts were neither large nor small; exactly the right proportion for the rest of her body. She kept herself in shape, and was trim and firm.

I realized then that the hormones of a thirteen-year-old male have no respect for either fear or incest. Despite myself, my cock had poked out to about 1/3 of a hard-on. It had swollen and lengthened, but still drooped below horizontal. Mom checked me out, and blushed a bright pink--all over.

A voice from somewhere in the crowd said, "Will you look at that! They change color, too." And Mom got even redder.

"Why are you changing color?" Scientist asked.

"I'm blushing," Mom answered.


"Blood has rushed to my skin because... oh, never mind."

Leader pointed at my mother's breasts. "What are those protrusions?" he asked.

"They're my breasts." Mom blushed.

"What is their function?" Scientist asked.

"Their function is to nourish--uh, provide fuel for--newborn children."

"You are consumed by your young?" Scientist asked. His face didn't move, but I had the distinct impression of eyebrows being raised.

"No, no," Mom said, "they create nourishment, milk. The young suck it from them."

"Wow," a voice I didn't recognize said. "This gets weirder by the minute."

"Never mind that for now," Scientist said. He pointed at Mom's bush. I looked too, of course. Compared with the pictures I'd seen in magazines, Mom's bush was really lush. It was wide, and stood out from her body like, well, like a little bush of hair. "Where's your penis?" he asked.

"I don't have one," Mom said.

"How do you... piss?"

"I have a different kind of place to piss," Mom said.

"Please explain further," Scientist said.

Mom parted her magnificent bush and spread her labia. My cock elevated above the horizontal. Mom looked at me and made a disapproving shape of her mouth.

"There," she said, pointing, "right there is the opening from which I piss."

"I see," Scientist said. "But why does the other one have a penis and you do not?"

"It has to do with our reproductive mechanism," Mom said, "how we make more of us."

"Please explain further," Scientist said.

"We are diploid organisms," Mom said, with evident exasperation. "The female--I am a female--produces an egg. The male--he is a male--produces sperm. The egg and the sperm unite to form a child."

"And how are the egg and sperm united?" Scientist asked with apparent puzzlement. "I do not see any mechanisms for removal of an egg from your body."

"Between the legs of females is a special opening called a vagina," Mom continued. "It's a pathway to the egg. The penis of a male is inserted into the vagina, and sperm are deposited there."

Twelve alien eyes suddenly shifted to my crotch. "You mean the penis detaches?" Several voices asked at once.

"Of course not," Mom said. "The male inserts his penis into the female's vagina."

"Ok, let me see if I have this right," Scientist said. "An egg resides within the female. When another unit is desired, a male inserts his penis into the vagina and deposits a sperm. The sperm and egg unite, and a new unit is formed. Is that right?"

"More or less," Mom said. "But there's a little more to it than that."

"Please elaborate," Scientist said.

"You guys wouldn't happen to have a white board, would you?" Mom asked.

Scientist gestured toward what looked like a computer screen set in a table top, angled slightly upward from the surface. "You may use this."

Mom went over to the computer screen, and, using the tip of her finger, drew a hasty sketch of the standard front cross-sectional view of the female reproductive system. Kind of a touch-sensitive Etch-a-Sketch.

"Now," Mom lectured, "these are the ovaries, which contain millions of eggs. Each month, one of the ovaries releases a single egg, which travels down the Fallopian tubes, here. The egg enters into this area, which is called the uterus. When conditions are right, the male inserts his penis into the vagina and deposits millions of sperm, which swim upward toward the egg. If the timing is right, one sperm pierces the egg, which causes the union of the genetic material in each, and a child starts to grow in the woman's uterus."

"And if the male does not insert his penis into the vagina, what happens to the egg?"

"It just falls out of the woman's body, along with the uterus lining, which would have been used if conception had taken place."

"You mean that the female's essential genetic material is just lost? Gone? Wasted?"


"And what about all the sperm that do not pierce the egg. What happens to them?"

"They die within a few days."

"You mean that all of the male's unused essential genetic material is just lost, too?"


"Boy," said another voice, "I wonder who was the junior engineer who designed this system." The Joker of the lot.

"What are the conditions that are 'right' for the male to insert his penis into the vagina?"

"Well, uh, it requires some... interaction... between the male and the female. Under normal conditions, the penis looks like this." Mom sketched balls and a limp penis.

"When the male is prepared to insert his penis into the vagina, the penis becomes erect, like this." Mom sketched balls and an erect penis. Then she sketched a standard side cross-sectional view of female reproductive organs. Then she drew the erect penis inside of the vagina, balls hanging out.

My cock elevated to about 3/4 erect. I can get a hard-on just reading the definition of "vagina" in the dictionary.

"This is very interesting. That one is a male?" Scientist said, pointing to me.

"Yes," Mom said.

"And you are a female."


"Then please demonstrate for me the insertion of the penis into the vagina."

"WHAT?" Mom exploded. "Not on your tintype, buster!"

"Uh, why not?" Scientist asked.

"For two reasons," Mom said. "First, he's my son. My unit. He grew from my egg. We cannot combine the genetic material from his sperm and my egg. The child might be faulty. Mothers and sons do not have sex together. Second, he's too young." Mom eyed my crotch dubiously.


"That's the word for putting the penis inside the vagina."

"The male appears to be in the right condition to insert his penis into the vagina," Scientist said, stepping over to the table with the computer on it. He moved his hands around the edges of the screen for a few moments. "When you removed your outer covering, his penis increased in size by 412.29 per cent, and when you displayed the opening from which you piss, it increased an additional 10 per cent in size and, um, let me see, 28 per cent in rigidity, and it elevated an additional 17 degrees. Apparently the male had insertion in mind, did he not?"

Mom absolutely glowered at me. I studied my toes. Neither of us said a word.

"Please step back," Scientist said. He put a palp on Mom's arm to guide her to where he wanted her to stand. Leader did the same with me, and we all withdrew from the center of the room. An iris opened, a padded table rose from the floor, and the iris closed around its pedestal. My three-quarters hard-on disappeared in an instant. I knew it, I knew it, I knew it, I thought. Now come the needles and knives and stuff.

"Now, please get onto the table," he said to Mom.

"No way," Mom said, digging in her heels as best she could on the metallic floor. I sensed the aliens issuing a command to Mom the same way they had to me to remove my clothes. Mom still didn't move. I heard a murmur in my head, then two of the other aliens came forward, and with Leader and Scientist on one side of Mom and the two on the other, they tried to urge her to the table. Mom didn't move, and it was clear that physical strength was not one of the aliens' attributes. When it became evident that she wasn't going to get onto the table voluntarily, the four aliens stepped away from her. A cylinder of blue light appeared around Mom. She floated off the floor, rotated until she was horizontal, and then drifted over to the table. Scientist turned his attention to his computer screen. After a few seconds, there was flicker of red light from the ceiling of the room, and the blue light was turned off.

"Mom! Are you ok?"

"Yes, honey," she replied. "I'm fine."

"Did they hurt you?" I asked.

"I didn't feel a thing," she said.

"Will you please relax," Leader said to me. "I told you we weren't going to do any damage to you. We want to learn how you work and take information back home with us. If we damaged you, we wouldn't be able to learn anything."

Scientist turned away from his screen and stepped forward a bit. "I was only observing," he said. "From your drawings, I was able to locate the appropriate structures within you. I observed that an egg had separated itself from one of the egg masses and was moving in the direction of the uterus. Because that egg would drop from your body if it were not united with a sperm, I assumed there would be no harm in disassembling the genetic material it contained so that it would no longer able to create a new unit. You may now safely demonstrate insertion of the penis into the vagina."

Dammit to hell, my cock returned to life and twitched again.

Mom raised herself up on her elbows. "NO WAY!" she shouted.

"Now what's the matter?" Scientist asked.

"A boy does not insert his penis into his mother's vagina," Mom said. "That's all there is to it. Now, why don't you just put us back where you got us and go away."

I could have sworn I heard a sigh. "The male unit again appears to be in the right condition. You are in no danger of combining genetic materials. What on Pt~z/o is the problem here?"

"It's called incest. There's a law against it. It just isn't done."

"You are physically able and the action represents no danger, yet you say that you cannot do it?"

"That's right."

Leader's voice asserted itself. "Then we will wait. Time as you creatures measure it has little meaning to us. Perhaps you will reconsider."

"Never," Mom said.

Apparently, we were at a standoff. Mom lay back down and put her arm over her eyes. Before long, she was snoring softly, purring, almost. And then I realized that I was exhausted. We had been dragged out of sleep after a tiring day, we had been scared to death, we had been charged with adrenaline, and I had been on my feet ever since we arrived in the spaceship.

I turned toward Leader. "Excuse me," I said, "but I need sleep. Is there another table available?"

Leader didn't say anything. The floor opened, and another table rose next to Mom's. As soon as the floor had closed, I lay down, and was asleep almost the instant I closed my eyes.

When I awoke and looked around, Mom was just waking, too. She sat up and stretched, then announced to the room at large, "I have to go to the bathroom."

Scientist came over to her. "You can't go anywhere until you've demonstrated insertion of the penis into the vagina," he said.

"That means that I have to eliminate waste products... piss," she said. "Is there a place where I can do that?"

"You can do it here," Scientist said. "We will observe."

"I can't go to the bathroom in public," Mom complained. "That's something we always do in private, alone."

"Do the waste elimination systems of all you creatures function in the same way?" Scientist asked.


"Then why do you believe that you have to be alone to eliminate your waste?"

Mom groaned. "I don't know why we do," she said. "We just do. Now, is there a place on this spaceship where I can go pee? Piss."

"As I said, you can do it here," Scientist said.

Mom looked distinctly uncomfortable. "There should be something to contain the waste material," she said, in a small voice.

Scientist began walking toward a wall.

"Me, too," I called out.

A door suddenly appeared in the wall. Scientist walked through it, and it closed again. I walked to the same place in the wall. Nothing happened. I ran my hands over the wall, but could feel no seams or sensors. As I was standing there, the door reappeared, and Scientist nearly ran head-on into me. A voice in my head said something like, "Ack!"

Scientist handed a clear, bowl-shaped container to Mom, and one to me. I draped my cock over the edge of the bowl and took a long, satisfying leak.

Mom looked around the room apprehensively, then turned her back to me and squatted. She hissed forth a strong stream of piss that frothed into the bowl. Then I saw, I mean, I saw, Mom's tightly puckered little asshole begin to open, and out snaked a truly noteworthy turd, which curled fully around the circumference of the bowl. Boy, I guess she had to go to the bathroom! Somewhat to my own surprise, my cock suddenly went nearly vertical.

Scientist looked at my cock and then at the bowl under Mom's squatting form, and I'll swear that he shook his head. Maybe he was beginning to figure out when it wasn't going to do him any good to ask questions.

Not looking at me, Mom said, "Mark, will you please bring me my tee-shirt?"

I picked up her tee-shirt from where it had landed when she undressed and handed it to her, over her shoulder. She tore off one sleeve, and used it to wipe herself. She dropped the sleeve into the bowl and stood. When she saw my erect penis, she said, in a fierce whisper, "Mark, I do wish you'd quit doing that. You've going to give them the wrong idea. You're going to give me the wrong idea."

Scientist picked up the two bowls and scurried back through the wall.

I didn't know what Mom meant by my giving her the wrong idea. I supposed it meant that she'd think I was having unwholesome thoughts about her. But it also could have meant that she was beginning to have second thoughts about penis insertion. I decided not to press the issue.

"I'm hungry," Mom said.

"Yeah, me too. I wonder if these guys have any food for us."

When Scientist returned, I told him that we need food, fuel.

"I'm not surprised," he said. "Comparing body mass to mass of waste material and extrapolating from observed caloric activity, I've estimated efficiency of you creatures at 28.3 per cent." There was a collective mental gasp. "You must spend a good deal of time inputting fuel and outputting waste material.

"I'm sorry," he continued, "but we don't have any fuel suitable for you creatures."

"They're trying to starve us out," Mom said.

"We can get along for a while without food," I said to Scientist, "but we have to have water. Without it, we will cease to function fairly quickly."

I got genuinely alarmed thought waves from Scientist. Apparently he didn't want us to stop functioning too soon.

"Water. Two hydrogen, one oxygen," I said.

"I can do that!" Scientist said, rushing back to his hole in the wall again.

Presently, we heard a muffled explosion from behind Scientist's wall, and a few moments later, Scientist tottered out, holding a clear container something like an Erlenmeyer flask that had in it about two liters of what I assumed was water. He handed the flask to me, and I handed it Mom. She drank off half, and I finished the rest. Chemically pure water. Purely flavorless. But it was wet, and it would keep us going.

"Thank you," I said to Scientist. "We will need more soon." I heard a mental groan.

"So," I said to Mom, "what are we going to do now?"

"Wait some more, I guess. What else can we do?"

The answer to that question was obvious to me, but saying it out loud didn't seem like a very good idea. So we waited. And we waited, and we waited, and we waited. We slept, and we drank water, and we pissed, and that was about it. Since we weren't doing anything interesting, the aliens went about their business without paying a whit of attention to us. There were no windows, no sensation of motion. The level of illumination in the spaceship was constant. I had no idea whether we were still hovering a few hundred feet above our campsite or light-years away. I was bored, supremely bored. Time literally lost all meaning. When we slept, we had no idea for how long. The only clue I had of passing time was the gnawing hunger in my stomach. Thirteen-year-old boys need lots of fuel.

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Your stereo is blaring as you cruise down the highway. You weren't sure Nessie, your dad's old Buick, would successfully get you all the way to school, let alone back again. Another year was tough. Whoever thinks art school is all about pretty pictures has never had a six hour drawing studio. You had always been a weird scrawny kid, but at art school everyone is weird, so you developed some more confidence. You even filled out some. The music lowers and your phone pings. The message was from...

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Too Much of a Good Thing Ch 06

Too Much of a Good Thing: A Fantasy of Excess. Chapter VI: Betrayal and Boating It’s amazing how one makes these judgments about people that turn out to be wildly inaccurate. I suppose I should speak only for myself, but I suspect the tendency is universal. Take, for instance, my boss, Susan. I’ve described her as an overly ambitious career female who (very possibly using means not available to the likes of myself!) advanced her career to the level of her own incompetence, as a result of...

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sexy moms taste part 3

graduation!" "Ok darling!" We hade a hard time leaving each other to go to get dressed but we managed to do that. On the way to school I had my hand on her legs and she was smiling all the way. Once we arrived she went to the guest's area and I was with my classmates. My mind was on my mom the entire time and I kept looking at her. I ignored Patty almost completely but then I remembered that I shouldn't give any clue to anybody that I was having an affair with my mom. "Patty I...

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What Goes Around Comes Around Part 2 Final

The next morning when I wake up I feel something next to my back. I roll over and to my surprise, I see Brian sleeping beside me. I can’t believe he actually came home, and slept in our bed with me in it. I gently slide out of bed. I look at Brian sleeping. I am so angry and so hurt.. I decide to go downstairs. I go in his office. Let’s see if he has his plans wrote down in his planner. I pick it up and sure enough, I see he is planning to go back to the Golden Crown Hotel tonight, but he wrote...

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Breeding Mommy Chapter II

Over the next few days, we’d keep a fairly similar routine. He’d get home from school and I’d greet him with a hug before giving him a loving blowjob in his bedroom, swallowing his semen, before starting in on dinner. There’d even be times where I’d give him a second round of head while in the middle of cooking.He’d be sitting on the counter with his hard cock out and his pants around his ankles, and I would just work away at him with my mouth and hand until he came. And when he did, and he...

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A WellLived Life Book 8 StephieChapter 9 Life Is Never Boring Part I

February 1983, Chicago, Illinois We were fully into the routine of school, though there were things happening that kept life interesting. On Tuesday, I met with Anala after making my rounds of the fraternities for Theo. Betting was really tailing off because most betting was on professional and college football, although some guys bet on basketball and a few bet on hockey and baseball, though baseball was still a few months away. I told Anala about the discussion group and she was surprised...

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It had been a few weeks since the encounter with Laurie's boyfriend, Mike. He still thought about that night and remembered how it felt to have his twenty year old Laurie and her 21 year old boyfriend, Mike, in his bedroom. If he closed his eyes, he could almost feel Laurie's lips around his raging hardon, while he fished Mike's hard cock out of his pants. Yes, he really enjoyed the night when he felt another guy's cock.Steve got home from work and decided to get a little workout in before he...

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Fold Space 2 SettlingChapter 3

I dare say I was not much company during the nearly two hour flight to our first stop. Towards the end, though, I was looking out at scenery not so very different to that back at base. It occurred to me that we would probably have to make up titles or names for the different places. We didn't even have a name for our base. Was it 'home'? Or... 'Headquarters'? 'Home Base', maybe? "Lieutenant..." Anya looked at me strangely for a few seconds, but then responded, "Yes, sir?" in a...

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The ResearcherChapter 5 Sam

Two days later when Kim got back from the library there was a message on the telephone answering machine. It was John, telling her there would be a guest to dinner and would she prepare an especially nice meal. She was to wear her red sheath dress and wear her hair up. She was also to wear the collar he had bought her. Rapidly she went out to the supermarket and bought salmon, some sirloin steak, vegetables and a ready-made tort for the dessert. By the time John got in, the dinner was...

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Premier Classe Premier Fuck

I opened my eyes, stretched, and looked at my phone. I’d only dozed off in my compartment for half an hour or so, but even during that short time, the landscape had changed completely. I’d closed my eyes on endless rows of ramshackle, corrugated-iron-roofed, single-story shanties on the outskirts of Johannesburg, and opened them to equally wide vistas of flat uncultivated scrubland. There were now no signs of human habitation; just short, twisted trees dotting the landscape, along with random...

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Penelope Mistress of the ManorChapter 23

Curtis Flannery was conflicted. He had a good job. His Lordship gave him much more say in the breeding program than most lords would. That was part of the problem, actually. He had noticed the signs that his sons were sniffing about this or that girl on the estate. But all boys did that, and he hadn't given it a thought. And he almost never went up to the manor itself. He told himself that was why he hadn't noticed all the pregnant lasses around the place. He had been shocked nearly out of...

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Early Morning Playtime

Victoria clamped her legs around Richard's buttocks as his body tensed and he swelled inside her, her own orgasm starting to dissipate, leaving her feeling warm and satisfied.'I really felt you then, baby,' she whispered into his ear, his breath warm on her neck.She slowly lowered her legs, releasing him, his shaft, still thick with arousal slipping from her soft folds. He rolled onto his back next to her, one arm still under her neck, pulling her close to him, their breathing beginning to...

Quickie Sex
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Two Of A Kind

TWO OF A KIND BY M.M. My name is Anita. When I reached ageof 22, I was relatively an experienced girl; I had several boyfriends untilthen and, mostly with all of them, I had good times. However, something wasmissing; all of my previous boyfriends were macho types; cocky and masculine.What I wanted was someone not so thought; I wanted a guy that was gentleand submissive. As much as my appearance doesn't show it, I am a dominantperson. I wanted to find someone I could dominate;both, in general...

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Project PrometheusChapter 38

Inari and her group boarded the Darkstrider, eager to get to work on finding this asshole. They weren’t sure who the bullets had been aimed at, but they’d find out soon enough. The fact that Sargol had taken potshots at them in broad daylight was bad enough. What made things worse was that Willem was paying the price for it, and they weren’t going to let the smug bastard get away with it! “You sure that you can hack into the grid of Tanith’s Gully?” Inari asked their resident hacker. “Oh,...

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A present from Tokyo

Chantelle hated Tokyo. The meeting that she’d planned for so long was a complete bust. There was supposed to be equality in Japan but no-one had gotten round to telling the Japanese that. There were glass ceilings everywhere. She’d seen perfectly competent women being forced to serve Tea to complete idiots just because they happened to be male. It had made her bridle which hadn’t helped when her hosts noticed it. The meeting went cordially enough, there were lots of smiles and...

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Housewives and Cheerleaders Chapter 59

Immediately upon entering the fitting room, Olivia dropped to her knees and lifted Gina’s skirt. For a minute she just sat savoring the scent in the vicinity – Gina had been marinating for awhile, and the smell that lingered around her was like smoked salmon coated in honey.Olivia picked up a pair of slinky white panties and helped Gina step into them. She pulled them into place and leaned back to admire how they looked, then took hold of them and began to work the crotch up into Gina’s slit....

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One night stand

This a story of my favorite one night stand. It happened a few months ago and involves quite a bit of backstory. At the beginning of the year I was given a chance at a project at work that would require traveling to our Wisconsin facility, about a three hour drive away. I would leave Illinois Sunday night, work Monday through Friday and driving back to Illinois on Friday. The project would start in June and end in August, lasting 10 weeks. I would be payed a substantial bonus if I took on...

4 years ago
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My True Odyssey of Slavery and SubmissionChapter 4

In all my wildest dreams, I could not have imagined that pain could bring so much pleasure! I had always thought that the 2 sensations were separate and apart – one could not lead to the other. But I was so wrong. Over the years to come, I would experience much worse pain which would lead to euphoric pleasure but for now, I could only remember what it felt like when Panek’s cock stretched my ass as he fucked me. However, just to be clear ... I didn’t cum as a result of the anal penetration...

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Full of Surprises

Full of SurprisesI got the text around midday. My lovely wife Linora, I skimmed covertly under the table whilst Muller blabbed something about last month's projections. She'd bought something. She wanted to try something new. I didn't know what that could mean. But Muller would be an ass bigger than Linora's if he saw me texting."Yeah, sounds good," I tapped. Probably a new brand of pasta or something."Sweet, see you in bed ;D," she replied."//Bed?//" I thought, "//Uh oh. What did I just agree...

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The AdvertisementChapter 4

Dave stripped off the spandex from Megan and told her to go into the bathroom and put onthe shower cap that was in there. After saying he didn't want her hair to get wet he added, "I'll be right in to help you get cleaned off." Megan dashed into the bathroom and he heard her peeing. Just as she turned to flush the toilet, he was there to turn on the shower and started to adjust the temperature. As she approached the tub to get in, Dave reminded her to put on the shower cap. She grabbed...

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How I Came engaged to a Pinay girl

I am now divorced to my now 44 year old Korean wife whom I secretly filmed showering and in bathrooms didn’t have much fun with her other than getting the thrill of placing peep hole camera and filming her routine shower schedule for 5 months before she noticed my cell phone on top of the toilet Since then we’ve been seperated, (waiting to get divorced )and saw lots of jap porns of boyfriends or husbands placing blindfolds and tieing the wife / girlfriend to the bed and then switching with...

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Inevitable Act With My Hot Colleague

Hi Guys. Here is my story on my first experience in sex and it happened a year back .Myself Prathib 27 years of age from Chennai, working in an ITES field as TL. Coming to the story I am on thought to have sex only with wife and to be honest in every aspect to her. However things changed and one cannot control the hormones. The heroine of this story is Sheeja, married woman 32 yrs of age with a kid of 1.5 yrs old. She is a Mallu girl, but settled in Chennai just like me. She works in the same...

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One wild night for a sweet little southern girl

This is a story of my first real sexual miss-adventure and while almost all is true I did take some poetic license here and there. I still cannot believe it really happened, but that's life. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did living it and then writing in down!! I am a 41 year old house wife with 2 kids and a loving husband. I'm very stable now and have no real worries about money or love. Gary, my husband, is the kind of man who makes my life easy. We have sex regularly and I love it....

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A Year to Halloween Chapter 2 To be or not to be

--- Chapter 2: To be, or not to be --- There are many different kinds of people on the world. Poor people, rich people, optimist, pessimists, introvert, extrovert, cheerful, gleeful, sorrowful, depressed, be-joyed, living and dead, man and woman. Some are young, some are old, some are through age, others through behaviour. Some are wise, some are stupid. Some are spontaneous, and some are patient. People can be rebellious, peaceful or lazy. Religious, trustworthy, straight, gay,...

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Joerg IsebrandChapter 5 How Joerg Isebrand Joins the Count Reinhardt of Merseburg

From the innkeeper, he bought a smoked ham and bread, before he left the village, heading westward. He did not follow the road for long. East of Dassow, he turned south on a sparsely travelled road. He spent the night in the inn of the small town of Schoenberg, and in two more days, he reached Ratzeburg, the seat of the Bishop, with its impressive cathedral. Here, he was able to buy new clothes and better shoes. He also traded for a horse, a sturdy animal, able to carry him. He knew that he...

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The BartenderChapter 4

The bar was empty. It was almost odd, Kent mused, that a bar as successful as this one could spend so much time with no one in it. Not that he was complaining, of course; it gave him time to collect his thoughts. And he never got bored - he knew that, given time, someone would walk in. He was never short of entertainment. As if summoned by Kent's reverie, the door swung open at that very moment and a family of three walked in. It took the large bartender a few seconds to recognise his...

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After my wife died in that terrible accident I was missing her very much I did not have the heart to get rid of her clothes and they smelled like her which was even more reason to keep them I would go into her closet and smell her tops sometimes stick my head into her underwear drawer and inhale her scent it made me a little horny to do that and I would masturbate after unhappily cumming into my own hand...One day I decided to get dressed up like her so I did we were both similar in size so I...

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Suprise mmf

We had a few fuck sessions a few times at this motel before. I paid for the room and waited for her to show up with a freshly shaved throbbing cock, balls and ass. I was surprised when she showed up with another dude. We had discussed possible mmf, mmff & mff fantasies before, my cock throbbed even more considering what might take place. I sat on the bed as they came in and settled in. She looked hot in a short skirt & what I was sure was stockings. I couldn’t wait to find out. He excused...

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Maid To Order Chapter Two

Maid to Order - Chapter Two By Michele Nylons Mick had been shit unlucky. He had driven over sixty miles on the day she bought all of his girly accoutrements. He had even stayed overnight, confident that she wouldn't run into anyone that he knew while he was shopping. But, as has been said, he was shit unlucky. Of all the people in the world who happened to be in the same city, shopping in the same shopping centre, at the same time was his father-in-law Bill. Bill had been...

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Maine Apni Sagi Sister ko Choda

Hi Mera naam Rahul hai mai Lucknow ka rehne wala hu. Meri family mein mai, meri sister jiska nam Khushi hai mere Bhaiya Mujhse 5 saal bade hai jo bhabhi ke sath Kanpur mein rehte hai aur mere papa rehte hai. Mai aur meri sis ek hi school mein parhte hai. Meri sis mujhse 2 saal chhoti hai. Vo class 12th mein hai aur main college mein. Hm dono City Montessori School mein parhte hain meri Sis apne age se thodi jyada badi dikhati hai. Usake boobs bade bade hai. Ekdum Gori chitti c hai uska Figure...

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Bianca Fucks A Mermaid A Futanari Story

Bianca sat on the beach, lounging in a folding chair and enjoying the shade of an umbrella. She owned a beach house right on the oceanfront, and had the whole section of beach all to herself. She wore a neon pink top that barely contained her rather large breasts, and a pink thong that did little to contain her futa cock. From the side of her bathing suit bottom, her thick, long girl cock d****d across her upper thigh and onto the beach chair, glistening lightly with sweat. Her pussy was just...

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Step Daddy Jack Part 2

Me and My Step Daddy Jack: Part 2After all the rules jack had laid for me, I had to follow them right away. So first things first.. He told me to get naked asap while we were sitting on the couch. I giggle and started to strip acting like a total tease.. Slowly unbuttoned my shirt exposing my half cuped bra and my firm perky boobs which he seemed to be drooling over.. Then sliped of my short shorts and turned around and gave him a view of my round ass wearing only lacy thongs. Poking my ass...

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Midnight Ride in Seattle

When she looked over at Samantha, the electricity between the two seemed to give the car that much more speed as it raced through the streets of Seattle.Hannah loved being with her twin sister Samantha, cruising along with nowhere particular in mind, just sitting back and letting Samantha do all the drivingAs she gazed out the windshield at lights of the city zipping by, a song came on the radio. This song had a certain power over her; the seductive lyrics and entrancing beat made her body want...

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Chilly Willy

I switched on the short-wave to get the latest on the weather. A backpacker was lost in the wilds during the worst snow storm in a decade. The National Weather Service had been forecasting the storm for two days. I had to wonder why this idiot was still on the mountain? Hell, I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised. After twenty years of making this mountain my home, nothing these city slickers do should surprised me. According to the alert broadcast by the ranger station, the missing person...

2 years ago
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Major Luness pt 2

"So...?" Megan looked Tray over as he dried his hair. They were sitting on the end of their bed, Tray had a towel about his torso and one on his shoulders as he absent mindly brushed his long blond hair out, slowly. "There are a couple methods- people that have been body swapped that have gotten righted. Right now what I need most is to get some allies together so that we don't lose our bodies if we get pulled from our bodies by a person that wants to keep them-" Megan knelt...

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A Tortured SoulChapter 11 Halloween

“Are you going tomorrow night?” Imogen asked. “To The Ball?” replied Katie, a homely yet deceptively sexy brunette who was one of the core members of our study group. “Yeah.” It was just before lunchtime on Friday, the day before The Halloween Ball which was, everyone kept telling me, a Westmouth University tradition. Seven members of our study group were in the Law Library, working on an essay that was cruelly due the following Monday. There’d been groans in the lecture hall when people...

4 years ago
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A Change Of Plans

You entered your hotel room to find her standing against the open window wearing NOTHING but lingerie, thigh highs & heels. “Hello sir, I have a gift for you... Drop your bags and your pants and take me right now! Don’t speak to me. Don’t kiss me. Just FUCK ME!” Now you understand the desk clerk’s strange look as you checked in. Someone has messed up someone’s carefully laid plans! Never one to tempt fate you do as she commands. You push into her and fuck her against the glass, anyone passing...

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Princesss Bodyguard

**MUST BE READ IN GAME MODE*** You can now play the story as a game, and I will gradually make the consequences more impactful as I tailor and edit the story. New chapters will draw upon events from the first night, as will the cumulative types of events stack for future opportunities. You have been travelling for weeks in the direction the red masks, a group of bounty hunters placed within the valleys north of here. At least, they were when you retired. But, the girl you've brought with you...

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Jiju Saali Ka Pyar

Hello, dosto kaise ho aap log…my name is YUVRAJ …..aaj main aap logo ko ek kahani sunane jaa raha hoo jo ki ek sacchi kahani hai. Meri 1 sister in law hai.jiska nam Raadha hai aur wo 22 saal ki hai .main aap logo ko apni sister in law radha ki chudai ki dastan sunane jaa raha hoo. Aisa nahi hai ki main radha ko shuru se pasand karta tha. Dosto ye kahani ek dam real hai agar aap ko acchi lage to jarur mujhe e-mail () karna . Akhir ye sab bataine main aap logo ka dost ban sakta hoon , ab...

3 years ago
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Schoolgirl Lasses AttitudesChapter 2

Lorelai Rory’s coddling mother goes off on the headmaster of Chilton when she is told, that Rory and Paris’s bad behavior merits expulsion, or the rarely used discipline measure of a paddling. This should be read only by adult readers of eighteen years old or older. If this subject matter offends you do not read, you have been warned. All characters in this story are eighteen years of age or older. Earlier that afternoon Lorelai Rory’s Mother had been called to The Chilton School for a...

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My sister Alicia

ALICIA'S LITTLE SECRET I truly wondered about my sister, Alicia. All of a sudden, it seemed that she had become very quiet and reserved, thinking about something, something buried deep inside her. It seemed to me that she had become too quiet, staring off into space, or at me, and not saying a word. I couldn’t imagine why. She had always been so talkative. I should have been thankful for the silence, but it was obvious to me that something was bothering...

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The Maiden Stone

The Maiden Stone By; Malissa Madison Born, 2 July 1959 I'm writing this story to celebrate my birthday today, and share just one more of my fantasies with my fans, who enjoy them. Thank you all so much, and may I be here another year Standing in line at the Airport waiting for the Customs agent to check my bags for contraband I noticed the chip in my nail polish once again. It had fretted me since I'd first seen it that morning getting on the plane. Of course even had I been...

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Boxers and Brothers in Law

I fell in lust with him the moment he took off everything but his boxershorts. They were patterned, soft material and he wore them low enough to makeit look like they were just sitting on his hip bone. And the round mounds ofhis buttocks provided a nice survace for the cloth to lay flat on.....His package moved as he did and his fly, an open fly, was always open..notenough to see meat but enough to make me peek.s*s said he could sleep in Brian and my room, since Brian was away for thesummer on...

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Uncles LighthouseChapter 4

She woke up the next morning, coming into wakefulness with a strange glowing feeling about her. She thought she was dreaming as her body stretched, feeling like she could reach ten feet away, and that her bones were made of rubber. She sighed, snuggling back into the bedclothes. Her mind reflected on her memory of what had happened just before she fell asleep, and the first thing she thought was how impossible for what had happened to be classified as “bad” in any way. She didn’t feel any...

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To Reign in Hell Book 2 Hollywood Be DamnedChapter 10

“Hey, boss, check out the TV!” I heard Julie Rawlings comment as she slipped into bed with Kim Basinger and myself. “Come here, you yummy blonde slut!” I told Julie, sliding into her hot demon cunt from behind as we watched the TV and Kim Basinger parted her cheeks to rim her. “I love that I still have my blonde hair and so does Kim! Oh, fuck, yes, tongue that asshole! Lick it, bitch! I’m gonna rim you out of your mind, too! I love your ass, too! Tell me my butt isn’t delicious, I dare...

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Tale of Teenage LustChapter 23

My stomach was rumbling with hunger now, and I realized that I’d told Kalpana aunty not to bring lunch today. Dialing the number of the local pizza joint, I ordered a pizza for lunch. As I settled down to wait for the pizza, I switched on the TV and started surfing through the channels. They were showing a re-run of the old Aamir Khan movie ‘Jo Jeeta Wahi Sikandar’ on the local cable channel, also featuring the pretty Ayesha Jhulka and the sultry Pooja Bedi. A song sequence was playing...

4 years ago
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Alternate Discipline Plan in EuropeChapter 37

While Sandra was doing her thing on the soccer-field, Laura was trying to persuade her mother, so she could have a more carefree afternoon than what her parents had planned for her. "Mum, can't I stay home, just for this once?" "Laura, your father and I have discussed it and we both have come to the conclusion that you have to come with us today!" "But mum, looking like this!" Laura said, while holding her arms apart and displaying herself to her mother. "Well, if you want, you...

3 years ago
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Just Trying To Help Chapter 3

Molly's story I came from a home of strict parenting but was well loved. I have two brothers who are five and seven years younger than me. My dad worked his way up from an electrical engineer to the executive position. He became a department head and is now plant manager of an auto parts plant in Michigan. As far back as I can remember, my mom was a stay-at-home mom. She was one of those women who loved being a homemaker. She was a fantastic cook and housekeeper. It was from her that I...

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S01E01 Isabella Ingrid and Stephanie 21 at Harvard

This week we are in the United States of America for a special episode of the United Kingdom of Zoo. Here we are at the iconic Harvard University. It’s a wonderfully warm summer’s day in Boston, Massachusetts and it’s one week into the summer holiday. Its campus, normally full of students, is now a ghost town. Its usual inhabitants have gone home or have found other accommodation for the summer. However, our guests this week – Isabella, Ingrid, and Stephanie - are Master’s students from out...

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Stepmotherly love part 1

I was 16 when my father who was 44 and a widower married again under the pressure of family members. My new mom was 28 years old and a beauty. She was a divorcee whose husband had left her for another woman. I could not take her as my mother for two reasons; firstly my own mother had died just two years ago and her memory was still vivid in my mind; and the second reason was that my new mother was too young and beautiful, attributes that I could hardly attach to a real mom. She was an alien to...

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THIS HAPPENED IN 1995Donna and her friend had gone out shopping for the day and I was sat in the garden reading. It was a warm summer’s day and I was minding my own business when out of the blue stood Judith, Barry’s wife. You remember Barry if not you haven’t read all my stories have you? She was stood talking to me but I couldn’t hear properly so I invited her in.She came and sat in the garden we were talking and she said Barry had gone to a collectors fayre with their daughter and she was...

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