Virgin Captives Part 1 free porn video

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Penny Tucker finished hanging the last of the wet laundry on the line

and picked up the empty wicker basket on her way back to the house. She

paused on the screened back porch, wiping beads of perspiration from her

fair face with the back of one slender arm. Almost hopelessly, she

glanced at the thermometer which hung from a rusty nail beside the back

door. It was 85 in the shade, and climbing.

Tired and more than a little fed up with her workday routine, Penny let

the wicker basket slide from her fingers to the floor as she padded

slowly through the kitchen. She noticed that dishes remained in the

sink, still unwashed from last night's supper, but she turned away from

the sight, unable to feign interest in a new job at that point.

With a low sigh of virtual exhaustion, Penny let herself slump into one

of the living room's two threadbare armchairs, carefully choosing the

one with the least exposed stuffing. She half-sat, half-lay in the

padded chair, with one shapely leg thrown up and over the mounded arm,

her foot swinging casually in mid-air.

The heat wave had been going on now, sapping strength and grating

nerves, for almost six weeks. There was no end to the steamy weather in

sight, if one were to believe the predictions of the meteorologists on

radio and television. It was, in fact, the worst heat wave of any spring

which Penny could recall, unusual even for the humid region of Georgia

in which she lived.

The surrounding woods and hills, they said, would help to deflect and

dissipate the summer heat, but Penny had found the exact opposite to be

true. The mountains and valleys of her rural home county seemed only to

act as a trap for the heat, holding the sun's scorching rays prisoner

there even after dusk had descended to bring theoretical relief. Penny

idly wished that she had the money necessary to move north, into cooler

weather, or even south, to New Orleans on the Gulf.

The thought made Penny Tucker laugh out loud in the dingy little living

room. It was not bad enough that her mother's hospital bills and funeral

expenses had eaten up every last cent of their already tiny life

savings, but she had to care for her younger sister as well. If anyone

moved away from the hard- scratch Georgia farm, both would have to go,

and that was clearly out of the question. Besides, Melanie, Penny's

sister, was barely fifteen, and if they moved north she would have to go

back to school, cutting their potential earnings in half.

Penny Tucker had to admit to herself that it was not the unseasonable

heat alone which left her on the brink of total exhaustion that spring

morning. She had hardly gotten a single wink of sleep the entire night

before, and that was not because of the weather. That was Luke's fault.

Luke Hollowell was the oldest son of their nearest neighbors, Old Man

and Mrs. Hollowell, who farmed an almost identical plot of tired ground

eight miles away to the east. At twenty-one, Luke was two years older

than Penny, and, she had to admit it, quite possibly the best looking

young man in all of Cowden County. She was quite flattered that he

seemed to take such an interest in her, but at the same time, there were

things about their budding relationship which deeply disturbed her as


Penny felt the old stirring inside her at the mere thought of Luke, and

shook the feelings away, rising gracefully from the easy chair and

padding softly through the house to the bathroom. She suddenly felt the

need for a cool shower, and with Melanie still away at her part-time job

in town, there was nothing to prevent her from taking one immediately.

Penny Tucker stood in the middle of the tiny bathroom, one of only two

dozen or so in that part of the county which had both a working shower

and a toilet. Slowly, almost dreamily, she began to undress for her

shower, unable to keep her mind from wandering back to Luke Hollowell

and the problem which had kept her awake all night.

Not that Luke himself was a problem, far from it. He was what any other

girl in the county might have called a "catch", and Penny would have had

to agree with them on that score. No, Luke was not the problem, nor were

his feelings for her the problem in and of themselves. It was just that

Luke was a man now, with a man's needs, and he wanted to ... well, to go

too far, too fast.

Numbly, unthinking, Penny's fingers opened the buttons which held her

blouse together in front. There were only a few such buttons, and in a

moment she was able to shrug the garment off, letting it fall in an

untidy heap on the bathroom floor behind her.

Penny Tucker wore a brassiere only on formal occasions, when it was

necessary to dress up and go into town, so she was without one now.

Glancing at her own reflection in the mirror of the bathroom's medicine

cabinet, seeing herself naked from the waist up, she felt a momentary

surge of pride at the sight of her own firm young body. She could afford

to be proud of the mounding swell of her young breasts, standing taut

and perky without need of artificial support, the twin cherry peaks of

her little nipples staring back at her from the mirror like eyes

narrowed in sensual excitement.

Penny cupped a hand beneath each breast, letting her mind drift for the

moment, pleased, enjoying the firm, taut tone of muscle and flesh

beneath her hands. Slowly she stroked the orbs of breast flesh, gasping

slightly as the contact of her fingertips upon her own nipples brought

the rubbery little buds into tingling erection. Electric little jolts of

erotic sensation radiated outward from those tiny pleasure buds,

igniting responsive fires of passion in her still-covered loins.

Hurriedly, Penny dropped her trembling hands away from her chest, taking

several deep breaths in rapid succession to calm herself. As she leaned

forward to turn on the shower and adjust the water temperature, she let

her mind return to Luke Hollowell and their very personal "problem".

Her most recent date with the strapping young mountain man had been just

the night before, and Penny's thoughts returned to the events of that

evening as she continued undressing there in the bathroom. She unbuckled

the belt about her waist, and then unfastened her faded work jeans,

swiftly running the zipper down and open with a soft, sensual whirring

sound, and beginning to slide the tight pants downward over the bell

curve of her full, womanly hips.

She and Luke had gone to see a movie in Cromwell, the county seat, and

then had stopped off at a little roadhouse on the way home for some

drinks. The proprietor of the roadhouse was the sheriff's second cousin,

and thus exempt from many of the regulations which governed such

offenses as the serving of alcohol to minors and the mandatory closing

hour imposed by state law. Penny and Luke had stayed late, drinking more

than their fair share of the moonshine whiskey which the roadhouse owner

purchased from local bootleggers and rebottled himself with forged

legitimate labels.

It was late when Luke delivered Penny to her front door. She was tired,

and more than a little tipsy from the effects of the "white lightning"

they had both consumed. She would have liked to go directly to sleep,

but Luke had seemed anxious to stay and talk, about what he chose to

refer to as "their future".

Penny was not entirely pleased with the way he discussed their coming

life together as if everything had already been settled, all decisions

made. But she had to admit that it did feel good when he took her in his

arms, and in her present woozy state it was comforting to lean against

his broad and muscular chest, feeling his big hands lightly caressing

her back through the thin material of her summer dress. She was almost

able to ignore his presumptuous words, allowing herself simply to bask

in the glow of his obvious affection for her, enjoying the physical

sensations which his touch and his nearness inspired in her ripe young


Penny was almost taken by surprise when he cupped one strong hand

beneath her chin, lifting her face up until it was almost on a level

with his own. He bent his head swiftly forward, swiftly and expertly

covering her mouth with his in what quickly became a deep and searching

soul kiss.

Penny welcomed the kiss, letting her own lips and teeth gradually open,

bringing her tongue hesitantly forward to fence and duel with his in a

liquid little dance of rising passion. A little sigh rose deep in her

throat as Luke tightened his arms instinctively around her, pulling her

closer against him so that her firm spherical breasts flattened

sensuously against his chest. The erotic chafing of her own fleshy orbs

against Luke's muscular young body forced another whining little moan

from Penny's throat, into the warm moist cavern of his hungry mouth.

It seemed to Penny Tucker that she had almost been able to recapture the

moonlit magic of last night, as she stood there, slowly disrobing in her

own bathroom. Coming to her senses for a moment, she completed the task

of skimming her jeans downward and off the tanned columns of her trim

legs, kicking them backwards and away to join the rumpled pile of her

blouse. Deftly her slender fingers worked their way into the elastic

waistband of her tight bikini underpants, and then that last item of

clothing was itself inching along the golden line of her hips and legs,

soon to join the other pieces of apparel on the floor as Penny stood

totally naked before the hissing, steaming shower.

Judging that the shower water was too hot for her liking, Penny reached

forward once more, turning the cold water up to greater volume, until a

cool shower had replaced the hissing spray of steam. Without hesitation

then, she stepped quickly into the shower, basking in the refreshing,

rejuvenating coolness of the cascading waters, reveling in the tingling

sensation which that gushing stream produced on impact with her flesh.

It seemed to Penny that the rhythmic drumming of the water against her

body had an almost hypnotic effect upon her, encouraging her mind to

ramble back to the events of the previous night and her date with young

Luke Hollowell.

She recalled how willingly, almost eagerly, she had gone into his

embrace and shared his deep, searching kiss. She had even welcomed the

increasingly powerful sweep of his hands along the graceful curve of her

spine, not even complaining when those exploring hands made their

tentative first move downward toward the curving swell of her tight


Luke had touched her there before, on her ass, and despite her initial

reluctance, she had learned with time to accept the gesture as part of

what she considered their "innocent" love play. God knew that her mother

would not have considered it innocent, of course. Her mother had had

some very definite ideas about the place of sex in the eternal scheme of

things, and she had exerted her full influence in an effort to drill

those same outdated beliefs into her two young daughters.

To Lily Tucker, sex had been merely a necessary evil, thought up by God

during a weak moment and permitted to continue solely for the

procreation of children. It was a woman's cross to bear in life, and a

delight enjoyed solely by the male of the species. Good girls simply did

not desire or enjoy sex in any form, and that was that. The gospel of

Lily Tucker, in a nutshell.

And of course, Mother Tucker was gone now. But even before the hand of

providence reached out to induct her into a better world, Penny Tucker

and her younger sister Melanie had come to doubt the all-consuming

wisdom of their mother's words. Both of them had noticed the birth of

new stirring sensations within their budding young bodies, and neither

of them had been inclined to accept the antiquated view of sex as

nothing but a tiresome burden.

Still, old teachings died hard, and on that moonlit night, as Luke held

her tightly against him and his hands wandered more boldly over the

firmness of her young woman's flesh, Penny had felt the nagging little

voice of instilled conscience crying out in the back of her mind,

warning her to stop before it was too late, before she became one of

'those girls'!

And yet, Luke Hollowell's strong hands had felt so wonderfully right on

her body, that somehow she had lacked the strength or conviction to halt

his advances immediately. Instead, she had weakly decided to revel in

the glorious sensations for just a few moments longer before putting an

end to the licentious enjoyment. She had been momentarily shocked to

feel the budding swell of his erection nudging her loins as he hugged

her closer, but her astonishment had quickly given way to a warm fluid

sensation of ever mounting excitement.

Luke's hips had taken up an almost unconscious grinding motion, stroking

his hidden cock harder and harder against her pinned loins, while his

hands became ever more demanding in their journey over her weak and

trembling flesh.

Penny was surprised to find herself trembling as she stood there, naked

beneath the hissing stream of the shower. The old familiar stirrings had

begun within her once more, and she sought to still them by getting on

with the business of bathing. Picking up the fat bar of soap from a

plastic tray at her elbow, she began to lather her arms and shoulders,

sighing with contentment as the cool water and soapy suds cascaded

across her chest and onto her flat little belly, trickling deliciously

down the valley between her ripe young breasts.

Idly, her mind returning to the events of the night before, Penny Tucker

began to slap and lather her breasts more energetically. She barely

noticed that her nipples stiffened into instant quivering erection at

the first touch of her soft, soapy hands, but she was vaguely conscious

of the seductive, enticing feelings which her own caress inspired in her

tingling, vibrant breast flesh.

Penny's mind wandered once more back to the previous evening on her

porch, while her hands kneaded and massaged her soapy breasts with

ever-increasing vigor. She remembered clearly how Luke Hollowell's

strong hands had crept slowly but confidently up her sides, finally

coming to rest at the underside of her firm swelling breasts, pausing

there for a moment as if fearing to go further, to take more liberties

with her trembling young woman's body.

When Luke took her breasts fully in his hands, he did so with such

suddenness and vigor that she almost gasped in surprise. Having taken

the initiative, however, all hesitation seemed to melt away from the

young man, and he soon began to fondle the delicious orbs of her tits as

if they had always been his to command and always would be. He cupped

and rotated those taut young mounds in his hungry palms, feeling the

excited little nipples spiking outward through her clothing to chafe

against his hands. Penny feared that the milking, massaging strokes of

his big hands might make her swoon and faint dead away where she stood

on the porch.

Standing there in her own shower, Penny was rather amazed to find that

the rotary motion of her own scrubbing hands upon her tits recalled the

same sensations which Luke's lewd caresses had inspired. Her nipples

were quiveringly erect now, and each feathery stroke of her darting,

swirling fingertips sent new jolts of electrifying desire racing

downward across Penny's abdomen to explode in the lightly furred valley

of her crotch.

Testing her own feelings, fighting down the momentary stab of guilt

which rose unbidden in her mind, Penny captured one nipple between the

thumb and forefinger of each hand. Slowly, tauntingly, she massaged that

crinkled erectile flesh with strong rotary motions, milking the electric

little buds for every twinge of passion which she could evoke. The

effort left her weak and panting, leaning against one wall of the shower

stall for support.

Losing herself for the moment in a private fantasy world of her own,

Penny Tucker was drawn back almost unconsciously to her porch and the

lascivious scene enacted there only the previous evening. She vividly

recalled the sensations evoked by Luke Hollowell's hands as they stroked

and fondled her tits, driving her to the very brink of a frenzy with his

passionate manipulations. Penny had clenched her firm thighs tightly

together where she stood, almost losing her balance as she fought to

quell the mounting flames of lust then burning in the luxuriant valley

between her legs.

Penny was disturbed by the churning sensations of fluid heat which

seemed to inundate her little pussy all at once. As she clenched her

thighs together, she was aghast to discover that the narrow crotchband

of her skimpy little panties was already moist with the wetness of her

own feminine lust secretions. As she clenched her legs together and

squirmed incitefully against Luke's straining grasp, that moist

crotchband rode up further into the lightly furred canyon of her cunt,

chafing for the first time against her budding little clitoris, and

igniting an entirely new set of feelings within her confused and excited

young body.

Standing there in her shower, Penny felt the same renewed stirrings

between her legs that she had experienced on the night before. Slowly,

timidly at first, she slid one soapy hand downward along the gentle

sloping curve of her belly, her fingertips seeking and finding the

outskirts of her furry pubic triangle. There was another fleeting moment

of hesitation, as conscience battled with need, and then the long

fingers were dipping still lower, stroking the outer lips of her

tingling, burning cunt with long, sensuous caresses.

Penny had no initial intention of massaging her own pussy flesh to the

point of orgasm. Quite the contrary, she had first intended to massage

away the mounting sensations of lust which were brewing and growing in

that fertile little valley. Now, however, and to her considerable

amazement, she found that her own manual ministrations had the exact

opposite effect, causing new burning tendrils of delight to fan outward

across her heaving naked torso. Penny's breath caught in her throat, and

she braced her feet more firmly against the sides of the shower to keep

from falling, the same motion spreading her thighs farther apart and

giving her questing fingers greater access to her palpitating cuntal

lips. Her other hand joined the game with less hesitation, more

eagerness and zeal.

Penny Tucker's eyes were tightly closed, her mind crossing the barriers

of time and space to recapture the events of the previous evening while

her hands worked ever more feverishly over the plane of her now widely

splayed cunt. So lost was she in her own world of erotic fantasy that

she never heard the opening and closing of the living room door.

Melanie Tucker had been relieved early from her job working at the

laundry in town. She had caught a ride with a boy she knew from school,

and he had let her off an easy walk from the country home which she now

shared with only her older sister, Penny. Melanie had been rather

surprised not to find Penny outside working in the yard or the garden at

that time of the day, but considering the heat she had thought she might

be inside resting, and so entered the house quietly, making no noise.

As she entered the living room, she at once heard the hissing, splashing

sounds of the shower, emanating from the bathroom at the end of the

short hallway. Melanie moved quietly forward, seeking to surprise her

sister and perhaps frighten her just a little. It was a game they had

played from childhood, "ambushing" each other as they put it, and they

both had continued to enjoy the familial by-play even as they grew older

and more mature. It had helped to build a bond of affection between

them, making them mutually strong at their mother's untimely death.

As Melanie Tucker approached the open door to the bathroom, she began to

think that perhaps something might be wrong with Penny. The curtain to

the shower cubicle was not entirely shut, and from inside the shower

Melanie could now clearly hear little moaning cries, almost like sobs,

issuing forth at regular, rhythmic intervals. Curious now, and more than

a little concerned, Melanie moved quietly forward, no longer seeking to

frighten her sister, but not wishing to make her presence known yet


When Melanie was five or six feet from the open bathroom door, she

imagined that Penny was not merely groaning, but that she actually

seemed to be talking to herself. Indeed, it seemed to the younger girl

that she could almost strain her ears and make out some of what her

sister was saying. The word "yes" seemed to be repeated over and over

again, and something else, perhaps a person's name.

Melanie listened closer, moving still nearer to the door.

Yes! It was a name ... but ... that was it! Luke Hollowell's name!

Penny was either talking to Luke or calling aloud to him. Intrigued,

Melanie covered the last few feet to the door in a silent rush, peering

through the open doorway now. She fought down a brief surge of

embarrassment and shame at the thought of spying on her older sister,

perhaps in the arms of a man, but her natural curiosity won out in the

end and she couldn't force herself to tear her eyes away from whatever

was going on there in that hissing shower.

As Melanie watched, one of Penny's arms flailed out, seeming to seek

better balance in the shower, and the cheap plastic curtain was swept

even farther aside. The groping arm was withdrawn at once, but it

mattered little, for now Melanie was treated to an unobstructed view of

the shower cubicle and her sister inside of it. What she saw there

stunned and shocked her.

Contrary to what Melanie had first suspected upon hearing her moaning

words, Penny Tucker was alone in the shower. That, however, was not what

so stunned and surprised the younger girl as she gaped, eyes and mouth

wide open, at the sight before her.

Melanie's older sister was slumped backward into one corner of the

shower stall, legs bowed and braced against the slick floor of the

shower, almost in a half-crouch. The position left her thighs splayed

widely apart, and both of her wet hands were clasped between those

thighs at the moment, churning and working zealously over the lightly

furred valley of Penny's crotch. From the look on the older girl's face,

and the way her body writhed and twisted rhythmically, her taut breasts

bobbing lewdly under the shower's forceful spray, it was obvious to

Melanie that her sister was lost in the ongoing throes of lascivious


Penny clearly had no idea that her lecherous finger-fucking was being

observed from outside the bathroom. Her eyes were clenched tightly shut,

and her breath was coming in wheezing little gasps, punctuated at random

intervals by the mewling cries of "More! Yes! More!" and the almost

shouted repetition of Luke Hollowell's name. It was quite clear to

Melanie at once that her older sister was not far removed from the

shattering explosion of an all devouring sexual orgasm.

Melanie Tucker was filled with conflicting emotions as she stood there

in the doorway of the bathroom, watching her sister kneading and

massaging her own cunt in the shower before her. There was guilt, of

course, and the burning flush on her cheeks as she realized that she was

committing the worst possible invasion of Penny's privacy. She knew in

her heart that she should turn away at once, and forget forever the

things which she had witnessed there in the bathroom of their rural


At the same time, however, there was something else within Melanie which

would not permit her to turn away from the sight of her sister's

inciteful private finger fucking. Melanie felt some sort of sympathetic

stirring between her thighs, and she clenched her legs tighter together

in an effort to quell the budding passion she felt there. At the exact

same instant, however, the rigid stiffening of her cherry little nipples

alerted her to the fact that her own sensual excitement at the sight

would not be so easily overcome.

Unconsciously, Melanie had begun to breathe more deeply and more

rapidly, her panting inhalations coming almost to an approximation of

her sister's excited wheezing. The younger girl would not have been able

to diagnose her own situation, but in fact she had almost projected

herself into the person of her totally involved older sister, lusting

after the sensual excitement and blossoming pleasure which she saw her

older sibling enjoying in the shower from her driving fingers.

A little moan escaped from Melanie's throat as she felt the facade of

earnest self-control slipping away from her. Her fervent young body was

crying out, demanding the same sensual attentions which Penny was even

then visiting upon her own wet, naked and glistening torso in the


As her strength of will-power ebbed rapidly away, Melanie at least

preserved the presence of mind to step back a few paces from the open

doorway of the bathroom. There, she still had an unobstructed view of

her nude and writhing sister, but she would not so easily be seen

herself if Penny chanced to open her eyes and glance into the shadowy

hallway outside the door.

Reasonably safe, Melanie stood leaning against the smooth wall of the

corridor, trembling within and without, suffering the pangs of a passion

which was not entirely familiar to her at her tender age. She had felt

some of the same stirrings before, though never to this extent, and the

method of relief which she planned to emulate, borrowing from her older

sister's example, was completely new to her as well.

Moaning softly, almost crying to herself, Melanie Tucker slid the moist

palms of her hands upward along the soft inside of her tremulous thighs.

She gasped and shivered more violently as her rising hands made sudden

burning contact with the already moist plane of her crotch, feeling the

little nether lips of her pussy through the soaking crotchband of her

little panties. Slowly, almost timidly at first, she urged her hands

into stroking, tantalizing motion, caressing and massaging the covered

valley of her burning, churning little pussy.

The roaring sensations resulting from her own lewd masturbatory caresses

were so powerful that all timidity and hesitation were soon forgotten.

Melanie's hands became more eager, more forceful, and she pinned her

eyes on her writhing sister, staring through slitted eyelids as if to

catalog and memorize every licentious motion. Almost without thinking,

she slid her hands upward, to the waistband of her tiny bikini panties,

and then downward again inside the flimsy undergarment.

A great, wracking sigh was ripped from Melanie's moist lips as her

fingers made direct contact with her palpitating cuntal lips, her nails

scraping gently, incitefully along the pouting ridges of inflamed

genital flesh. Her own feminine moistness was flowing more freely now,

dampening her fingers and easing their progress as they became ever more

adventurous, slipping at last between the lips of her tight little cunt,

seeking and finding the erotic fuse of her budding little clitoris.

Powerful, overwhelming waves of erotic sensation washed over Melanie

Tucker's taut young torso, bringing her cherry little nipple buds to

instant quivering erection, and forcing her ripe hips to take up an

unconscious fucking rotary motion all their own. Her breathing was

transformed into the heated, frenzied panting of some lust-crazed wild

animal, and she drove her hands ever more rapidly into the fertile

depths of her crotch, whipping herself onward and upward toward the goal

of total sensual release.

Bracing herself in the shower stall, writhing animatedly beneath the

hissing stream of cool, refreshing water, Penny Tucker felt herself on

the verge of a powerful orgasmic explosion. The potent combination of

her lurid fantasies about Luke Hollowell and the driving, fucking action

of her slippery fingers, had succeeded in pushing her onward and upward

toward the very brink of totally shattering release.

In her whirling mind, she was back once more on the moonlit porch with

Luke, her young admirer and would-be lover. She felt Luke's hands

deserting her quivering breasts flow, sliding upward along her warm,

naked thighs beneath the sheltering fabric of her skirt. Suddenly they

were there, probing and fondling in the moist folds of her crotch,

nudging her wet panties aside to gain more direct access to that vibrant

nether flesh.

Penny's hands and Luke's hands had become one in the swirling, unreal

world of her licentious fantasies. She could almost believe that those

were his fingers stroking and massaging her vulva, his thumb and

forefinger seizing and taunting her little clit with electrifying


Penny thrashed wildly about in the shower, reliving and remembering

every second of last night as she had spent it with young Luke,

imagining again that she could feel the chafing of his bulging erection,

probing against her now-naked loins with every grinding forward thrust

of his hips. Her mind raced, recalling vividly what happened then, what

had taken place between them on that moonlit porch only the evening


Penny had heard the rasp of his zipper being forcefully lowered without

really understanding what it meant. She was shocked back to instant

reality, however, as the slick hard pole of his burning cockflesh was

thrust between her thighs, nuzzling and probing along the wet furrow of

her crotch, seeking entry to the virginal little mouth of her dripping


She had recoiled in reflexive horror, glancing wildly about as they

stood there, totally exposed from all sides on the open porch, with Luke

rutting and thrusting away, attempting to bury his yearning penis in her

tight little cunt. She was deathly afraid that her younger sister might

wake up and look out the window unexpectedly, or even that some neighbor

or stranger might drive by on the road a hundred yards distant and

chance to notice them. She pushed futilely against Luke's broad muscular

chest, but she did not possess the strength at that moment to budge him

or to divert him from his intended course of lewd action.

Penny's struggles slowly declined, then ceased altogether, as Luke's

massive penis thrust against her pussy lips with ever- mounting strength

and determination. All hope of resistance seemed to fade as the blunt

glans of his cock made sudden burning contact with the tiny, tingling

bud of her electric little clitoris, igniting a raging inferno of heated

lust in her squirming lower body.

Penny Tucker's mind was awhirl, recalling the feel and texture of Luke's

penis as it nudged and buffeted against the defenseless little valley of

her hungry, needing cunt. She tried to squirm backward away from him,

thus avoiding the ramrod thrusts of his prick, but she suddenly found

herself backed up tight against the supporting post of the porch, pinned

and with nowhere to go.

Luke Hollowell took ultimate advantage of the young woman's captive

posture, redoubling his efforts to skewer her cunt with his rigid,

driving young penis. He felt her resolve and resistance slowly ebbing

away, and his pounding thrusts became more energetic in response to her


Penny knew that within a matter of moments she would be pierced to the

very core of her being by the ramrod thrusts of Luke's eager cock. In

reflexive action, she dropped one of her slender hands between them, to

the pubic joining of their bodies, circling the slippery, plunging shaft

of his prick with her fingers as if to divert his aim from the bullseye

of her crotch.

Luke recognized her move, but made no effort to dissuade her since the

stroking, massaging action of her fingers only heightened and broadened

his enjoyment of the thrusting into her furry little crotch. He felt the

pre-orgasmic tension mounting in his tight, swaying balls, and redoubled

once more his efforts to penetrate Penny's virginal little cunt, sliding

his fat cock ever more rapidly through the restraining loop of her wet

and slippery fingers.

Writhing there in the shower, Penny Tucker recalled every thrust and

undulation of their locked bodies as clearly as if it was being

re-enacted there at that very moment. In fact, with the driving,

skewering motion of her rapidly fucking fingers in the fertile valley of

her pussy, the previous evening's activities did seem to be happening

all over again. Her thumb and forefinger played the role of Luke's

driving, pummeling glans, seizing her hot little clit and driving it

into a mounting frenzy of passion as she squirmed and tossed there in

the shower.

Penny hovered on the razor's edge of shattering orgasmic release,

feeling once more the vicarious sensation of Luke's powerful cock, its

head surging for the first lime against the rubbery little opening of

her most secret vagina. She had tightened her fingers about his shaft in

response to that ultimate invasion, and her hands mimicked that action

now, driving her clitoris and cuntal lips into a seething frenzy of

blossoming desire.

She remembered clearly his grunt of half-pleasure, half- defeat as he

reached orgasm prematurely, without plunging his prick into the very

heart of her cunt. She vividly recalled the searing impact of his cum on

the outer lips of her cunt as it geysered forth, erupting from the

cyclopic slit in his glans like a tidal wave of superheated passion


Just the memory of that scalding flood between her thighs was sufficient

to push young Penny Tucker over the final edge and into the swirling

mental maelstrom of total orgasmic explosion. Both hands were locked

atop her pumping, rotating pussy, fingers buried deep inside the steamy

little crevice of her womanhood. She squirmed and danced on those

impaling fingers, humping madly downward onto the artificial cock formed

by the intertwining of her manual digits. Inside her reeling skull,

colored lights danced, and skyrockets seemed to blossom and explode

behind the tightly clenched lids of her watery eyes.

"Ohhh JJJeessuuss!!!!" she moaned desperately, throatily, "I'mmm


She gave herself completely to that exhilarating moment, sliding

downward into a seated position on the click, wet floor of the shower

cubicle, unmindful of the watery stream which now battered her upturned

face, conscious only of the roaring, ripping sensations evoked by the

driving hands pinned between her legs.

It seemed to Penny that there must be an echo there in the bathroom, as

if some smaller, weaker version of her voice was repeating her words and

moans of ecstasy with several seconds of delay. She thought nothing of

it until her head had begun to clear slightly, after endless seconds of

swirling, reeling chaos, and then she suddenly realized that she herself

was no longer speaking, no longer crying out the name of Luke Hollowell

and the soulful imprecations for him to fuck her faster and harder.

Penny's eyes snapped open, and she turned her head abruptly to one side,

facing the gaping door of the bathroom and the darker hallway beyond.

What she saw there, however dimly, caused her to jerk upright in

surprise, her cheeks already reddening with shame and embarrassment.

Outside the bathroom door, leaning against one wall of the narrow

hallway, stood Penny's younger sister, Melanie. The young girl's skirt

was pulled up around her hips, and both of her hands were thrust deep

down inside the elastic waistband of her bikini panties. Even from that

distance, and in the murk of the corridor, Penny could tell that the

crotch of Melanie's undergarment was soaking wet with her own

freely-flowing love secretions. Melanie's cheeks were also flushed, and

she was panting rapidly, obviously caught in the after-throes of a very

powerful orgasm. Her eyes peered through slitted lids directly at Penny,

where the older girl sat on the floor of the shower, both hands cupping

her fevered little twat.

Penny opened her mouth to speak, feeling the lump rising in her throat

as if to strangle her. She could think of nothing to say which would

make the terrible situation any better, any less humiliating, than it

was. "Oh, Melanie ..." was all she could manage.

The younger girl seemed about to say something, when both of them were

distracted by a loud knocking at the front door.

Melanie quickly jerked her wet fingers out of her panties and smoothed

her skirt, turning back down the hallway toward the living room as Penny

clambered to her feet in the shower, reaching for a towel.

Whatever they had to say to one another, whatever apologies must be

uttered or explanations made, they would all have to wait. Someone was

at the door, someone whose touch was loud, firm and demanding. Penny

Tucker's mind raced ahead, trying to fathom who it might be that came to

call during the afternoon, and what they might want from her and her




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Virginity Of A Vampire Part3

Daniel got home and went straight upstairs to his bedroom. Locking his door he then got a magazine out from under his bed along with his manhood, and masturbated while images of Monique went through his mind. After tea Daniel had a hot bath and an early night. Whilst sleeping Daniel dreamt of Monique and him together but then Rishcu grabbing Monique by the throat and saying "You want the girl, you burn the tape" then sounds of laughter could be heard. Daniel woke up sweating and out of breath,...

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Virgin Lali ka Defloration

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This story is complete fictional! "Everybody ready to go?," the manager said as the 18 yearsung passengers bucked up and prepared to embark on a trip to Virgina to see and old boss. Amoung the passengers were the junior supervisor Plex, who was 19, and the delightfull student worker, Cya, who was 15. Plex was a Junior in college, and he had just returned to his job at the National Aquarium in his city, but this time he returned as a Junior supervisior instead of a stundent worker. He was chunky...

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Virgin On Order Pt 1 and 2

"What do I need to do to impress these men? How do you impress men that have everything" he asked his friend. "What impresses all rich men, Rob? Pussy," he friend remarked. "Pussy?' Rob replied, 'You mean Whores? Get them some whores?" "No, Rob. Rich men can always get whores. What's harder to find is young, untouched, pussy. Ahh, the Crim De la Crim." "Billy, you're a fucking genius. But where do I find a young virgin eager to give it away in this town?" "Eager?...

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Hai nanbargale, enathu peyar Ramya, vaythu 32 enaku thirumanam aagi irandu kuzhanthaigal irukirathu enathu kanvan teacheraaga pani purigiraan avan engal sontha uuril thindugalil veelai paarthu varugiraan. Naan Chennai software companyil velai seigiren maathathirku 60000 sambaathikiren athil enathu kanavanuku 30000 koduthu vittu meetham ulla panathil vaazhakaiyai enjoy seiven. Enathu veetiru maathathirku oru murai mattumthaan varuven vanthu enathu kuzhanthaigalai paarthuvittu kanavanai oothu...

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(C) Mojavejoe420 2020 Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis. Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets...

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Virgin Girl

Introduction: The old pervert is back, after a few months of being way too busy… Heres the start of the story of a man who finds himself alone with a young, virgin girl…. Want more – let me know. Leave a comment, a PM,! I suppose the only excuse Ive got is that I was horny. I cant say what it was that day that made me so hot. I swear I had a hard-on all day. I even jacked-off that morning, twice, once before getting out of bed and again in the shower. I was so horny that even though she wasnt...

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Virgin Girl

She was all over me the minute I started talking to her. Looking back, I realize she didn’t have any idea what she was getting herself into. I’m sure that if she had a clue as to what I was going to do to her, she’d never have come to my room with me. But she did. All it took was a couple kisses and a few dishonest compliments to get her to follow me upstairs. She was a horrible kisser, but I didn’t care. Up in my room, we sat on my bed and kissed some more. That’s when she told me...

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Virgin Pennai Ooka Aasai

Hi friends, indru tamil kathaiyil ilamaiyaana virgin pennai eppadi oothen enbathai ungalidam pagirugiren. En peyar Iyapan, vayathu 24 aagugirathu. Naan kalluri padithu mudithu vitu ippozhuthu veetil thaan irukiren. Padithu kondu irukum pozhuthe ne kai suma irukathu ippozhuthu velaiyum illai eppadi kai suma irukum. Thinamum kama kathai matrum kama padangal paarthu kai adipathaiye oru velaiyaaga vaithu irunthen. En veetin arugil thaan oru kalluri irukirathu, en veetil irunthu thinamum pengalai...

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Virgin Boy

My True Story.Non American writer, please excuse grammar. Story is about me (Lee), I was 21 and I had a fling with a girl name Mary Lou, she was in her early 30’sI was still a virgin at the age of 21 (not a joke) I worked at a pizza restaurant and been kinda 'playing' with Mary Lou, she's in her early 30's, very light skin for an Asian girl, about 5'3 tall, 140 lbs, she has a boyfriend that also work at pizza shop, Mary Lou and I never had sex, however she let me played with her tits from...

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Virgin Lavanya Turned Into A Slut

Dear friends, this is Nalini (changed) with my new story of my college friend Lavanya, and thanks for your comments on my previous stories, and please don’t forget to comment on ISS too, and male readers stop asking about my personal details and don’t invite me on hangouts.Girls and Ladies can mail me at I am a newly married housewife aged 26 years with a 34B-26-36, enjoying and satisfied with my husband’s love making in bed, but still yearn for a feminine body touch which I am missing from...

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Virgin On Order Pt 3

Julie felt the vehicle come to a stop, then she was rolled to the pavement. The next several minutes were spent on what felt like an elevator. She shivered as her body was moved towards a gaggle of music and voices, becoming louder and louder. A door opened and she was thrust into the sound. The music was turned down, then after a hush, she could hear the sound of feet surrounding her, then the familiar voice of Rob: "Welcome. Welcome,' he announced, "We decided as a token of your...

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Virgin Tease

The Virgin Tease Ch. 01 (F/M, F/F, tease, denial)First Clinician Jenny called Rob from the waiting room and ledhim to a treatment room. As he followed her, his eyes focused onthe slender beauty with light brown hair and a crisp uniformdress that settled a few inches above her knees. Her bare legsand white sneakers, as well as her walk, had an innocent teasingquality. Her smile conveyed a sensual depth that almostcontradicted her age of 19."Please take off all your clothes," Jenny instructed....

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Virgin Rock

“Stay off the cliff, now,” Mrs. Campbell warned me as I left her inn. “Try to climb that cliff and you’ll wind up on Virgin Rock.” Well, I hadn’t come to Scotland for the rock climbing. That was a peculiarly British fad. I took myself to the pub. A young man served my beer. “Not busy,” I noted. I was his only customer. “They’ll come in at dinner time. ‘Lunchtime’ for a Yank. My parents couldn’t afford to pay someone to tend bar for the solitary visitor, but our universities are off now,...

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Virgin Anal Teen 19 Meets Online Mature Couple On

I was up late one humid british summer night camming with one hand on the mouse and the other on my hairy thick bulging 19 year old virgin cock. I had a lot of interest with several guys chatting with me but none of whom really got me going enough to start any sort of show with. I am a straight guy normally but online my type becomes the older guy who becomes really attached in trying to get me to show and do more. The night remained pretty boring until I was about to log off when a guy starts...

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Virgin to Slut in 2 point ZeroChapter 1 Virginity Lost

Moving to Glendale this last spring really hurt me, I was starting tenth grade this year and I was not looking forward to starting all over again. I was one of the people that everyone wanted to be around, I had my 5 girl friends and we ruled the school; Junior High was fun and I was president of our class. When my mother got transferred to Hollywood I was sick and excited all at the same time. Excited that we were going to California yet I did not want to go through all the school junk...

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Virgin For HorsesChapter 9

The dog sprang up, launching himself by his powerful hindquarters and wrapping his front legs around the girl's hips. Rachel gave a little cry of alarm when she felt the dog's weight pressing her down. As her ass went down, her head came up, her lips slurping as they left Marylou's cunt. A creamy trickle of cunt juice ran down her chin and flecks of the stuff glistened on her lips. She looked back over her shoulder and saw that the big brute was clinging to her haunches tightly, his paws...

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Virgin Queen part 1

Amelia woke from her sleep noticing that something was very wrong; the bed that she was on wasn’t her own. Her bed was very soft and had a sweet scent of flowers coming off of it, but the one she was on now was hard and had a pungy odor. Amelia was the virgin queen that ruled over Femdara, a land that the humans mostly inhabited. She was a part of a strict religious order that bond people to a moral code that they must follow. More than five hundred years ago, a new religion was formed by some...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Virgin Used by the River

Virgin Used by the River.Just turned 16 and still looking to lose my virginity. As a healthy male I watch all the girls like a hungry wolf after it’s pray. Like wolves I hunt in a pack. Today, however my mates are on holiday. My family not being as affluent as theirs, means I couldn’t afford to go with them. They were all virgins when they left and plan on losing it to some lucky Italian beauties. Well that’s their plan! The only rod I’m likely to use is of the fishing variety. It’s a glorious...

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Virgin to Slut in 2 point ZeroChapter 4 The Plan in the Making

When Sharon got pregnant at the end of the school year Jason and his sick friends lost their little moneymaker. They needed another cash cow. Cindy's little enterprise had made him and his friend's lots of money and the most sought after boy at school to be friends with but never his girlfriend. This little game of theirs was something they were going to keep doing right into college. His looks helped a lot along with Cindy's dirty mind mixed in. All rolled in to real hard cash and as a...

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Virgin Gold

If anyone were trying to sleep just after midnight in Samantha’s corridor at the university college block where she stayed, they would have been cursing her and her friends as they rolled in drunk and noisy after their evening in the college bar. There was Samantha with, of course, her best friend Eliza, Edward the Engineering student, and Sylvia and her fiancé Neil who both studied Information Technology. And they were giggling and shrieking and hooting and stumbling as they struggled up the...

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Virgin Gold

If anyone were trying to sleep just after midnight in Samantha’s corridor at the university college block where she stayed, they would have been cursing her and her friends as they rolled in drunk and noisy after their evening in the college bar. There was Samantha with, of course, her best friend Eliza, Edward the Engineering student, and Sylvia and her fiancé Neil who both studied Information Technology. And they were giggling and shrieking and hooting and stumbling as they struggled up the...

College Sex
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Virgin Boy And Online Sex With Hot Chick Jaanvi

Hello, friends. I am Ajay Sinha from Bihar. I was brought up in a conservative family and just talking about sex in my family was a taboo. Hope, you have seen many families where the people would change the channel whenever there is a scene about sex or if there was any kissing scene. Well, I was in a typical family like that. Since I was put up in a small town, I had not seen any hot chicks walking around. So, I have seen only women wearing salwar or sari. Deep inside my mind, I had the desire...

2 years ago
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Virgin Sillu And Her Horny Mother

Sillu was about 19 years old teen when I had first met with her widow Mausi (mother’s sister) who was working in my residence. After the death of her mother at delivery she was since living with her Mama (mother’s brother) village and used to visit Mausi once or twice a month for a day or two. Jayasreeth was doing everything from cooking, cleaning, washing to gardening for me. I must admit she was very dependable and trusty lady. My visiting friends thought that I’m living with my Bua...

4 years ago
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Virgin sister

Dear iss readers, gooday! This your juicy cunt sudha gopal again wishing you all a happy sensuous fucky life. I am sorry i could not give you any of my own experience. Within a couple of days i am going to submit an exciting episode to my dear readers. So hold your breath for the same. Now i am going to give one of the best episodes of my colleague who joined my company recently. He is a young man of 24 or so and also in my team.. Very quickly we became close friends and started sharing many...

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Virgin fuck

Hi its dr zahid again with a new incident after a long time. Lot of people specially girls emailed me and insist me to tell them my experiences with the girls. I like to share but i was busy with my new job. That’s why i was not able to write my incidents. This is a real incident that happened some years back. Read and enjoy. The following story is a true one and it happened in february 2000, when my cousin family planned an overnight picnic at their farm house which is almost two hours drive...

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Virgin Cherry Adventure In Las Vegas

Hello ISS readers.. I’m Cherry. M26. Hyderabad. Tall and handsome. This write up is real which has happened to me 3 years back. It’s gonna be a bit long write up but please do read till the end to know what happened in Vegas and to my Cherry.. Mail your Comments to In 2013 January, I was 23.. By then Had done all sort of naughty things when I was teen, as in, squeezing hot girls boobs in city buses, trains, crowded places.. Especially in Bangalore shopping malls, in scary house, special...

1 year ago
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Virgin to Slut in 2 point ZeroChapter 3 Lost to Sex

By the time Jason arrived I felt like I just could not wait to see him. I got in his car and kissed him. I let him know just how much I missed being with him. After a very hot French kiss, Jason said "Damn woman, you're hot today! Let me guess, did you listen to the player this morning?" "No, I did last night, I fell asleep with them in my ears" "Let me guess, you're horny as hell aren't you baby?" I was embarrassed with his bluntness but he was right. "I just can't get...

4 years ago
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Virgin Honeymoon

I was a virgin. But then so was Holly, and tomorrow was to be our wedding day! We were both excited, and a bit terrified. I mean, I had no “experience” at all….Oh yeah…I had seen lots of pictures…even as a teenager I was able to get hold of dirty magazines…but I had never REALLY seen a pair of boobs. Well, that wasn’t totally true. There was a door in our old farmhouse that separated my room from my younger and developing nicely, sister’s room. I had watched through the keyhole a few times as...

2 years ago
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Virgin Camies Seduction Chapter 1

I was checking out porn one night when I come across a curious, 18 year old absolute beauty! She had dark hair, gorgeous eyes, the kind you can get lost in. She had a very sexy and petit young form body and she was looking for fun.After confirming she was 18, we chatted, she asked me detailed questions about sex and the many women I had been with. She was very curious about bondage, BDSM, spanking and anal -- every man's dream. The hottest part, she was a virgin.We chatted a few months and she...

2 years ago
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Virgin School Girl Fucked By Dirty Driver

Hi, this is Sanjuktha. Hope you have read my previous stories. This story is about how I lost my virginity during my school days. So, I am Sanjuktha and this happened 6 years ago when I was in 12th std. My age was 18 and my figure was 32-21-20 at that time. I studied in a girls higher secondary school. I used to talk bad and dirty with my female friends. They insisted me to do masturbation. But I didn’t like to do that. One day, while we were going to our swimming class in our school, the...

2 years ago
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Virgin Gf Ko Satisfy Kia

Ye kahani do din pehle ki hai.Jab maine apni gf ko chhoda aur usse satisfy kia.Mera naam sameer hai aur mai abhi engineering kar raha hu.Meri age 21 saal hai.Aur mere dick ka size 6 inch hai aur 2.5 inch mota hai. To kahani suru karta hu.Mai apne college ka topper student hu. Isliye bahut si ladkiyan mujhe apna boyfriend bnane par lagi rehti hai. Meri ek gf hai jiska naam arpita hai.(name changed)do din pehle hamare college ki chhuti hui.To hum dono ne ghar ek sath jaane ka plan kia.Arpita ka...

3 years ago
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Virgin Chennai Bitch FIRST BLOOD

Friends this is my first sex story which I am gonna narrate my real life incident took place in 2015 AUNTY IN OPP BUILDING Regularly me and my friend used to meet and chit chat in his terrace daily that was the time me and my GF broke up so regularly I meet my friend and tried to come out of that one day opposite to his home there is a big flat I guess more that 100 homes from his home we saw a movement of a lady walking so we were checking what she was doing our good time, she was changing her...

1 year ago
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Virgin for cock and her graduation into cum slut

She and I agreed to go to the movie theater. When I met her, I liked her right away and we had a lot in common. Based on her reactions and the way she looked at me, she seemed to liked me too. After the movie, I just asked her to go to a scenic spot along the river. She was unaware that it was a popular make-out spot, where all the kissing, fingering, sucking, and fucking was going on. There were just rows of cars with steamed up windows and teens getting busy inside them. While driving, I...

3 years ago
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Virgin Territory A Space Opera

-Mihail Sebastian, “The Star Without A Name” *** “You know,” said Lord Henry, “I think this Kamil fellow might be the only virgin on the entire planet.” Lord Henry and his wife lounged on the Jacuzzi patio with their guests, sipping champagne and watching the sun set over Peitho 9. Peitho was renowned throughout the galaxy for its particularly beautiful sunsets. Lord Henry had one of Peitho’s most beautiful homes. And he, his wife, and their guests were some the planet’s most...

1 year ago
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Virgin Sacrifice

Introduction: The village must select a virgin to satisfy the sexual hunger of a god. I stand naked in the caves entrance, shivering slightly as each breath turns to fog and vanishes. My heart pumps furiously as I try to urge my feet forward, reminding myself that I have a duty to perform, to my family and to my clan. Its an honor, I tell myself for the millionth time. My family will become wealthy as payment for their sacrifice. My reward from the Gods will be greater still: guarantee of an...

1 year ago
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Virgin Territory A Space Opera

“We don’t have time to be happy. We barely have time to live well.”-Mihail Sebastian, “The Star Without A Name”*“You know,” said Lord Henry, “I think this Kamil fellow might be the only virgin on the entire planet.”Lord Henry and his wife lounged on the Jacuzzi patio with their guests, sipping champagne and watching the sun set over Peitho 9. Peitho was renowned throughout the galaxy for its particularly beautiful sunsets. Lord Henry had one of Peitho’s most beautiful homes. And he, his wife,...

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