A Correct DestinyChapter 9 free porn video

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Two years later:

Meghan sat in seat 40A, a window seat on the left side of the aircraft, just aft of the 757's wing and the large Pratt & Whitney jet engine mounted to it. Her seat was in the upright position and her seatbelt was securely fastened around her waist. Her heart was currently kicking along at around one hundred and twenty beats per minute and a few beads of sweat had sprung up on her forehead. Though Meghan had spent more than 2500 hours of her life aloft in aircraft, making her one of the most seasoned flyers among the passengers currently onboard, she was arguably one of the most nervous people on the aircraft at this moment in time.

She was not exactly phobic about flying itself. It was true she no longer enjoyed it as she had back in her Air Force days and she did avoid it when she was able, but she still utilized it as the travel method of choice when she wanted or needed to get somewhere more than two hundred miles from home. She was not bothered by the takeoffs, the climbs, the turns, or even the most violent of clear-air turbulence. The final stage of a flight, however, particularly the last minute before touchdown, was where the irrational fear kicked in. It was that fear, fostered by the near-catastrophe she'd been a part of that night at MacDill Air Force Base in Florida in 1998, that had Meghan in its grip now.

She was looking out the window as they descended toward Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport. The slats and the flaps were fully deployed and they were moving relatively slowly about three thousand feet above the ground. She could see the open fields and industrial areas northwest of the city. She still felt safe right now, as they were safely in the air with room to recover from any weather related problem. But she was anticipating the moment of landing when she knew she would feel the helpless terror take over her mind.

The plane banked gently to the right and Meghan's view of the ground was replaced by a view of blue sky and a few wispy November clouds. Turning to final approach, she thought, feeling the fear ramp up a few notches. Less than three minutes to go.

The plane banked slowly back to center. She could now see the familiar skyline of Cincinnati off in the distance. The sound of the engines decreased a little and their descent steepened correspondingly. There was a whine of machinery from beneath her feet as the landing gear deployed.

Here we go, Meghan thought, her hands gripping her seat a little harder. Even though there was no reported thunderstorm activity anywhere in the Midwest (she had checked), even though it was not even the right time of year for such a thing, her mind insisted on replaying that horrifying moment in Florida when, from her cubbyhole in the tail of the KC-10, she'd heard the sudden roar of the wind shear washing over them and felt the entire plane shudder and violently bank left just seconds before touchdown. She remembered how slowly everything had happened. It had seemed an eternity passed as she felt Ken and Rick fighting to compensate for the unexpected push down and left. She remembered coming to the realization that they weren't going to be able to compensate, that they were, in fact, going to come down hard on the left side. She remembered the jarring impact when the left wing gear slammed down on the runway, the brief glimmer of hope when Ken managed to put the other wheels on the ground before they started cartwheeling, and then the sheer terror when the landing strut collapsed and the plane tilted left again. There had been a horrible screeching sound and she had seen debris from their plane—pieces of wingtip, shredded rubber from the tires, broken pieces of the landing strut itself—go flying past her and tumbling down the runway in their wake. She remembered most of all the absolute certainty that she was about to die, that she was experiencing the last few seconds of her life.

It was the memory of that moment of terror, of that certainty of death, that had haunted her in nightmares for years after and that haunted her still whenever a plane she was flying on started its final approach. The fact that the odds against having such a thing happen to her twice in a lifetime were on the order of a billion to one mattered little to her. Nor did the fact that experiencing wind shear in November in Cincinnati was pretty much patently impossible. She had almost died once when a plane was just about to land and now, whenever her brain processed the sights, sounds, and sensations of an aircraft about to touchdown, it automatically triggered a fight or flight response. It was something her rational mind was simply unable to override.

She stared out her window and clenched her hands on the armrest as the ground came closer and closer. They passed over the Ohio River and the rush hour traffic on Interstate 275. They passed over the airport perimeter fence and then a crowded parking lot. They were low enough now that she could see a security guard patrolling the aisles in the parking lot, could tell that he was a male with dark hair and light skin. The fear reached its peak as she felt the plane flare for landing and saw the actual runway passing beneath them. She held her breath from this point on, until she felt the soft, perfectly normal thump of the landing gear meeting the asphalt of Runway 18L.

Once she heard the roar of the engines providing reverse thrust, once she felt the press of the seatbelt around her middle as they slowed, the spell was broken and the fear evaporated into blessed relief. She started to breathe again, allowing her body to resume the mechanics of respiration. She knew she wasn't technically safe yet. There were still half a dozen things that could conceivably cause fatal destruction to a 757 moving ninety miles an hour down a runway. The runway was, in fact, where most fatal plane collisions occurred. But that didn't matter to her brain. She felt safe now and that was what was important to her state of mind.

By the time the aircraft parked at the terminal and Meghan began to work her way toward the jetway, her carry-on bag in hand, the fear and adrenaline had completely faded away, leaving only a small, lingering dread of facing the two landings on her return flight. She could now go back to thinking about the reason she had hastily flown to her hometown in the first place: her mother.

The phone call had come just before eight o'clock the previous evening, as she'd been at work behind her desk putting together the latest edition of the Register's Metro section. It was Ken who had called her. He had just received a phone call from Hope, Meghan's oldest sibling. Her mother had had a massive heart attack while doing the dinner dishes. She had been rushed to Good Samaritan Hospital by ambulance and was in the cardiac intensive care unit. Meghan called Hope and was told that things looked pretty bad for Mom.

"I think you should get here as quick as you can," Hope said, her voice choked with emotion. "You know? So you can ... can say goodbye to her."

Ken had gone to work on his computer and booked her on the first available flight but, unfortunately, that flight didn't leave until early this morning and there was no such thing as a direct flight from Sacramento to Cincinnati. She had left Sacramento International at 6:10 AM and flown to Salt Lake City for a two hour layover before climbing on another plane for the three and half hour flight to Cincinnati. And now, here she was at 4:45 PM local time, exhausted from lack of sleep and two periods of landing terror, her mind troubled and stressed from the thought of losing a parent.

The first thing she did upon leaving the jetway and walking into the crowded terminal building was pull out her cell phone. She had talked to Hope before boarding her flight in Salt Lake City and had been told that Mom was still hanging in there—just barely. Almost four hours had passed since then. Was Mom still hanging in there? Would she continue to hang in there long enough for Meghan to rent a car and drive to the hospital? Meghan prayed that she would. Her mother was overbearing, exasperating, and a borderline religious fanatic but she was still her mother, the woman who had given birth to her and raised her. She loved her mother as a daughter should and if she was about to die, Meghan certainly wanted to hug her and tell her goodbye before she went.

She accessed the contacts list in her phone, found Hope's cell phone number, and ordered it dialed. Eight or ten seconds went by while the system located Hope's phone. It then connected. Hope was one of those people who thought it was cute to have music play in a caller's ear instead of a ringing noise. The selection she was offering today was Amy Grant singing My Jesus, I Love Thee. Meghan gritted her teeth and endured it until it was cut off and replaced by Hope's voice saying hello.

"Hi, Hope," she said. "I just landed at the airport. How's Mom?"

"She's very tired but she's still with us," Hope said, her voice so soft that Meghan could barely hear it. "I told her that you were coming to see her, that you would be here this evening. That seemed to give her strength."

Meghan felt a mixture of relief and guilt as she heard this, relief that her mother was still alive, guilt because it had been more than five years since she'd been home to see her. "Okay," she told Hope. "I'm going to pick up my checked luggage and then see what I can scrounge up for a rental car. I'll be there as soon as I can."

"Try to make it quick," Hope said. "Visiting hours end at seven and they said we all have to leave then."

"Visiting hours?" Meghan said. "Surely that doesn't apply when someone is ... uh ... when people are coming to say goodbye."

"They told us there were no exceptions," Hope said. "It's just awful. And this ... this is a Catholic hospital and we're Catholic! Can you imagine? I have half a mind to have Father O'Rourke call the Bishop and have him call the Cardinal."

"Uh ... yeah," Meghan said. "I'll get there as quickly as I can. I should be able to be there by six or so as long as I don't hit any snags."

"Okay, Meggy," Hope said. "We'll be waiting."

Meghan walked over to the baggage claim section, searching for and finally locating the carousel assigned to her flight number. There was a crowd of people gathered but no bags had come down the ramp as of yet. While she waited, she opened her phone again and called Ken, who was just getting ready to leave for work.

"Hey, babe," he said. "Safely on the ground?"

"Yeah," she said. "I just got in a few minutes ago."

"How was it?" he asked, meaning, of course, the landings, which he knew terrified her.

"The usual," she said. "Actually, a little worse than usual. It's the first time I've flown without you since I went to Grandpa's funeral five years ago. I missed you holding my hand."

"I'm sorry I couldn't be with you," he said. "I still think I should've taken this week off and flown with you."

"Don't be ridiculous," Meghan said. "You can't stand my family and they can't stand you. You're the Godless pagan who led me astray of my upbringing and introduced me to Satan's ways, remember?"

"Oh yeah," Ken said without humor. "I forgot I did all that."

"Besides," she said, "there's no sense in you losing a week's worth of pay when we don't really even know anything. Maybe things aren't as bad as Hope is making them out to be."

"I honestly hope that's the case, hon," he told her.

"Me too," Meghan said. Up on the ramp a few suitcases appeared and slid down onto the carousel. None of them were hers. "Listen, sweetie, the bags are starting to come down so I need to watch for mine. I'll call you when I know anything."

"Okay," Ken said. "And by the way, Jo called me a few hours ago."

"She did?" Meghan said, feeling a little pit of warmth in her tummy at the mention of Jo. She had been hired by UPS as an A-300 pilot seven months before and had left Sacramento for her new assignment in Columbia, South Carolina. Since then, she had been on an erratic, busy schedule full of training assignments and then flying as a reserve FO when anyone on any of the fifty-six Columbia air hub lines was sick or on vacation. During this time she had not made it back to Sacramento to visit even once. Two weeks ago, however, she was finally assigned a line of her own and given regular days off. She had been promising to deadhead her way across the country for a reunion as soon as she could make the arrangements.

"She did," Ken said. "She was going to try to make it out this week but ... well ... you know, your mom getting sick kind of put that on hold."

"Yeah, that's really too bad," Meghan said, feeling a strong tinge of sexual desire at the very thought of Jo visiting. "Was she mad?"

"Of course not," Ken said. "Why would she be mad because you had to visit your mom when she's sick? She said she'll make the arrangements whenever you get home and things settle down. She really wants to visit us."

"I bet she does," Meghan said, smiling for the first time since receiving Ken's phone call the previous night. "Hopefully this will all be over, one way or the other, in a few days."

"I suppose," Ken said. "She said for you to give her a call either tonight or tomorrow night when you can. She's off for the next three."

"I'll do that," Meghan said, watching as a few more bags came sliding down. "I really need to watch the carousel, hon."

"Okay," he told her. "Do you have your confirmation number for the hotel?"

"Right in my pocket," she confirmed.

They said their goodbyes and gave each other their love. She then closed her phone and put it back in her purse. A minute later her bag came down and she retrieved it. Twenty minutes after that, she had the keys for a Toyota Camry in her possession. Ten minutes after that, she was on the freeway and heading for Clifton Heights where the Good Samaritan Hospital stood.

Later that same night, some three hundred and fifty miles to the southeast, Josephine was sitting in her antique rocker in the living room of the rented house she currently resided in. In her hands was a first-edition copy of Gone With The Wind she had found a week before while browsing through a sleazy little antique store in downtown Columbia. Granted, the book was not in the best of shape and it did not have its original book jacket, but it was a genuine first edition and she had paid the clueless proprietor of the shop only twelve dollars for it (he himself, she came to learn, had only paid four dollars for it himself, buying it from a collection of books at an estate sale). The book would eventually end up among her most prized possessions—those things, like her rocker, her antique radio, and her couch, that she carted with her from place to place, identity to identity—but for now she was just enjoying using the book for what it had originally been intended: She was reading it. It had been many years since she had last read Gone With The Wind and she was quite enraptured with the timeless story.

She reached the end of a chapter and, after carefully marking her place with a bookmarker (one simply did not dog-ear the pages of a first edition Gone With The Wind), she set the book down in her lap and looked at the grandfather clock behind her. It was 10:30 PM and she was quite hungry, hungry enough that she could smell her own pheromones wafting into the air around her. She knew she needed to go out and have a bite soon. On a weekday night in Columbia, South Carolina—not the most vibrant and alive city on Earth—it was sometimes difficult to find a place to feed herself after eleven o'clock. True, there was always a Denny's or an IHOP or even the truck stop on Interstate 26 that was open 24/7, but the cuisine found in such places was not usually to her liking.

Still, she decided to wait at least another twenty minutes or so before heading out. Ken had told her earlier that he would tell Meghan to give her a call if she got a chance. She was very anxious to talk to Meghan so she could tell her the idea she'd come up with about ten minutes after talking to Ken. It was an idea that would put her and Meghan in the same place without any effort on Meghan's part. If the news about Meghan's mom turned out to be bad (and Ken had told her that rumor had it that would be the case), she could be there to help comfort her in her time of need. And if the news about Meghan's mom turned out to be not-so-bad, well ... they could spend a few days reacquainting themselves with each other's naked bodies in a Cincinnati hotel room.

Needless to say, it was the second possibility that Jo was hoping and praying for. It had been six months and twenty-nine days since she had last touched Ken or Meghan in passion (or in any other physical form). In her humble opinion, that was about six months and twenty-five days too long.

After that first, wonderful night when she'd made love with Ken and Meghan, first on their living room couch and then in their very marital bed, the three of them went on to enjoy an intense, passionate, and, most of all, loving sexual and emotional affair that had continued right up to the day she tearfully left Sacramento for her new job with UPS. It turned out that her mother had been quite on the mark when she'd declared that the three of them were a correct destiny triple. Jo knew that no matter how long she remained a sentient being on this Earth, no matter how many identities she assumed and places she lived in, those seventeen months would always be marked as the best time of her life.

Of course, the fact that she was cognate and they were human—and therefore on the other side of the subterfuge—had put a little bit of a kink in the relationship and had kept it from being everything that it could have been. Jo, for instance, could never spend more than a single twenty-four hour period with them because of this basic difference. Most of the times they had been together, she had made a point to head home first thing in the morning, or even before sunrise if she could gracefully do so.

And then there was the secrecy Jo was forced to employ to protect the subterfuge. Though Ken and Meghan had shared pretty much every intimate detail of their lives with her at some point, she was unable to reciprocate. It wasn't that she didn't want to, she simply couldn't. There was no way they could possibly be told what her actual upbringing and early history had been like without either thinking her mad or, even worse, thinking her truthful. And so, in exchange for their heartfelt trust in her, she had given them a tangled web of lies and half-truths in return. She was a methodical, intricate and careful liar—a cognate had to be—and she didn't think she'd ever tripped herself up, but the fact she had to lie to two people she loved, even though the reasons were very good ones, weighed heavy on her soul at times.

Other than that, however, the only dark spot in the relationship between the three of them had been the knowledge that it couldn't last forever, at least not in the form they enjoyed during that seventeen months in time. Ken and Meghan both knew from the start that eventually Jo was going to have to move on and make the relationship more of a long-distance affair. Because of this knowledge, they'd made a point to enjoy each other as often and as well as they could. At least twice a week during those seventeen months, they had gotten together, usually at Ken and Meghan's house, and, more often than not, ended up in bed together.

They had wild sex and they had tender sex and they had kinky sex and sometimes they had all three on the same night. They enjoyed every possible act that two women and a man could enjoy together. She and Meghan had licked and sucked each other's breasts and vaginas until they were raw and abraded at times. They had both fucked and sucked Ken, individually and together, until he was sometimes a quivering, nonsensical mass of sweaty skin, dripping with saliva and vaginal secretions. Jo had taken Ken's penis up her anus while Meghan licked her clitoris. Meghan had licked Jo's anus while Ken's penis was in her vagina. Jo had done the same act to Meghan. On one occasion, Jo had fucked Meghan's vagina with a strap-on dildo while Meghan fellated Ken and Ken pinched her nipples.

About the only thing that had not been done during this most sensual of times was Ken and Jo getting together privately, without Meghan's presence. Jo and Meghan had gotten together by themselves on a few nights when Ken was flying, and Ken had no problem with that. Ken and Jo had also fucked each other without Meghan's physical involvement on many occasions. But there had always been an agreement, unspoken but very real and concrete, that Meghan be in the room at all times when Jo and Ken were touching each other sexually.

It wasn't exactly jealousy or possessiveness that forged this agreement, nor was it Meghan that it seemed to stem from. It was more a mutual sense that such a pairing would be awkward in a way. It was recognized that Meghan was the central figure in the relationship, the member around whom everything else revolved. Jo and Ken loved each other as friends and sexual partners, but both of them loved Meghan more than each other and both knew that Meghan loved them equally, though in different ways and for different reasons. They did not feel they were in competition with each other, but that they complimented each other, that they were each a piece of what made Meghan whole.

But alas, the seventeen months of bliss finally came to an end, as they had all known it would. The three of them continued to talk to each other on the phone and in email (and once, Ken and Meghan had fucked each other in their computer desk chair in front of a web cam while she watched from her own computer and masturbated), but Jo had not been able to break away from her new job to visit them in person. She was desperate to do so as much as possible, not just because she missed them and wanted to be with them, but because she knew that even that aspect of the relationship would have to come to an eventual end as well. It was now twenty-eight months since the three of them had first met. After another thirty-two months—not even three years!—she would have to relocate and reassign her life, completely wiping away all traces of this one. Ken and Meghan and every other human who knew her on more than an extremely casual level, would be told she was dead. There would even be a funeral service for her. It was the price a cognate had to pay when associating on anything more than a superficial level with humans. And it was a hammer poised over the relationship she shared with Ken and Meghan, a hammer she could see but they could not and would not until it came slamming down upon them.

Her cell phone started to ring. It was sitting on the end table next to her and she picked it up without having to rise from her chair. She looked at the display and saw the familiar 916 area code followed by Meghan's cell phone number. She smiled, feeling a wave of love and desire sweep over her just from that. She pushed the TALK button and put the phone to her ear.

"Hi, Meg," she said.

"Hey, Miss Jo," Meghan returned, her voice sounding a bit tired but not devastated. "Did I wake you?"

"You know better than that," Jo said. "I'm a creature of the night. I don't close my eyes while the sun's on the other side of the world."

"That's right," Meghan said. "Miss Josephine the vampire." She giggled a little. "Or maybe succubus would be a better term?"

Jo returned the giggle. "I don't know," she said with a hint of teasing. "What do you think?"

"I think I wish you were here right now," Meghan said. "It's been a hell of a day, I'm telling you. I've had a couple glasses of wine here in my hotel room. Maybe you could whisper naughty things in my ear while I play with myself."

"Mmmm," Jo said, thinking that it was going to be the truck stop or the IHOP after all. "You always were the idea girl, Meg."

"It's a gift I have."

"I'm assuming that if you want me to talk dirty to you that things ... uh ... aren't as bad as you feared they would be?"

Meghan barked out a disgusted laugh. "No," she said bitterly. "Things are not quite as bad as I was led to believe. I should've friggin' known better. My sister is such a goddamn drama queen. My whole fucking family is a goddamn drama queen. Even the men!"

"So ... your mother is not dying?"

"Probably not," Meghan sighed. "Not that I'm upset about that, I'm actually quite glad, it's just that I flew halfway across the freakin country for this shit. Come and say goodbye to Mom? Jesus fucking Christ! I drove like a bat out of hell to Good Samaritan Hospital from the airport so I could get there before seven and see my mother one last time. I park in an area where I'm not supposed to park and rush upstairs to the ICU, hoping that I'm not too late and she hasn't slipped away. When I get up there, I found the whole freaking clan that is my family has taken over the ICU's waiting room. There are fat women and bald men crying and praying in every chair. All my brothers and sisters are there with their kids. My dad is there, although he's so far gone with the Alzheimer's that he doesn't even know what's happening—which doesn't stop him from crying like everyone else, I might add. My Aunt Elizabeth is there along with three of my cousins—one of them was Catherine by the way and it looks like she's had some gastric bypass surgery."

"Oh yeah?" Jo said. Catherine, of course, was the girl Meghan had had the first sexual contact of her life with, the girl who had grown up to be an overweight anti-gay activist.

"Yeah," Meghan said, "she's down to around one-eighty-five or so and doesn't look half bad. She still has trouble looking me in the eye. Anyway, she's there with her husband and one of their kids. They're crying even harder than Hope or Charity just because they like to cry during shit like this.

"So, anyway, I get hugged and pinched and squeezed and blessed about a dozen times before I finally get someone to let me in to see Mom. I go in there, expecting to see her on a ventilator with a priest giving Last Rites and do you know what I found instead?"

"What?" Jo asked.

"I found her sitting up in bed eating from a goddamn dinner tray and drinking a glass of grape juice while she watched a rerun of Little House on the goddamn Prairie on the TV!"

"So it wasn't a heart attack?" Jo asked.

"It was a heart attack," Meghan said. "Only it wasn't quite as massive as Hope had led us to believe. I finally convinced one of the nurses that I wasn't as whacked as everyone else in the family and she told me what the score was. She called it a 'mild anterior myocardial infarction'. She said it gave my mother chest pain and shortness of breath that was not severe but was noticeable enough that she called 911 right away. Since she got to the hospital less than ninety minutes after the onset of symptoms, they were able to detect the heart attack and get her to the cardiac catheterization lab in time to open the vessel back up and prevent any damage to her heart."

"There was no damage to her heart?" Jo said.

"No damage at all," Meghan confirmed. "They did discover some significant coronary artery disease while they were looking around in there, however. She's going to have a four-way bypass operation in two days and spend a week or so in the hospital after that. Now the family has stopped fretting and crying over her imminent demise and has shifted to fretting and crying over the upcoming surgery." She sighed. "God, what a day. Did I do something wrong in a previous life to get assigned to this family? I must have."

"Well I'm glad you're mother is going to be okay," Jo told her. "I was worried for you ever since I talked to Ken."

"Yeah, I'm glad too," Meghan said. "I'm just pissed at the melodrama."

"So how long are you going to stay in Cincinnati?" Jo asked. "Are you going to head back right away?"

"No," Meghan said, "I'm going to stay until Mom has the bypass operation and I know she's recovering well."

"So a week or so?" Jo asked, smiling, her hand rubbing the nipple of her left breast, which had suddenly become erect.

"Something like that," Meghan said. "Ken told me you were trying to make it out to Sacramento this week. I'm sorry that all of this got in the way." Another sigh. "God, you can't imagine how sorry."

"Actually I can imagine," Jo told her. "But maybe all is not lost. I had an idea after I talked to Ken."

"An idea?"

"Yeah," Jo said. "I told you that the main hub for UPS air operations is in Louisville, haven't I?"

"You have," Meghan said, her voice becoming immediately interested. "That's where all of your planes from the outlying hubs fly to."

"That's right," Jo said. Meghan had grown up in Cincinnati. She did not have to be told that Louisville, Kentucky was only ninety minutes away by car. "I have four nights off, starting tonight. I also have jump seat privileges on any UPS aircraft as long as someone with higher seniority doesn't want it first. I can be there tomorrow night ... if you want."

"Oh, Jo," Meghan said, her voice excited now, "you know I want."

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4 years ago
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Corrective Measures

Pia sat in silence, ashen faced and scared as her parents were hysterical. Their "guruji" sat cross-legged on the floor, muttering to himself. Her mother wailed, "How could this happen? We should've never left her alone with her friend." Her father tried to comfort her, but choking back tears, he asked the holy man, "Is there any hope? Can she be cured and rehabilitated?"Pia knew she was toast. Her mom had discovered the vibrator during a routine search of her room. She never understood why her...

1 year ago
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Knowing only what I had read about BDSM, I was intrigued enough to join several websites dedicated to the subject. Not entirely sure what I was looking for, I created a profile online listing myself as a straight 'switch', but giving few other details. I enjoyed browsing the profiles of women online, but never plucked up enough courage to open a dialog with one.Suddenly, one day he received a notification that he had a message waiting. Clicking the link, he saw that young Domme from New York...

4 years ago
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Corrective Measures

"Man, I still can't believe what a bitch my mom is. Jesus, I can drive. I can even almost buy a pack of cigarettes, but she still won't let me stay home by myself when she goes on vacation." "Relax, Bobby. So your mother likes to send her precious little baby to stay with his aunt while she goes on vacation. So what?" "Go to hell!" "Hey, don't yell at me. You're the one who has been on this topic for an hour, mama's boy." "This really isn't funny, Hank." "I don't know....

1 year ago
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Correcting a young coworkers mistake

I met Simone at work when she started as an intern during her final year of college. She was 20 at the time and I was 40. It took some time for us to start interacting since we were in different departments, but eventually after she was hired full time, we started to have some conversations and working together. I found her to be beautiful from the first time I saw her and thought there was no way she would ever be interested in a guy like me. She was young, long brown hair, around 5’4”, she...

4 years ago
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Correcting a young coworkers mistake

I met Simone at work when she started as an intern during her final year of college. She was 20 at the time and I was 40. It took some time for us to start interacting since we were in different departments, but eventually after she was hired full time, we started to have some conversations and working together. I found her to be beautiful from the first time I saw her and thought there was no way she would ever be interested in a guy like me. She was young, long brown hair, around 5’4”; she...

2 years ago
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Correcting Sissy

"So then, why are you wearing a bra?" "Because I am a sissy." "And why are you a sissy?" "Because you made me one." "What?" I asked unbelievingly. "I made you one?" My voice rising. "I'm sorry ma'am, that's not what I meant." The words just barely eked out as he realized his folly. "I meant that you have allowed me to realize the sissy that I am, of course," he said, blubbering, as he fell to his knees. "You know how grateful I am for that." He inched forward until his nose...

1 year ago
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Correcting My Stepdaughter

I became sexually aware at a young age and enjoyed sex with girls first and by the time I was a teenager I was dating boys and was willing to give blowjobs and as long as the guys wore rubbers I would allow them to fuck me. This sex story is totally FICTION! When I entered collage and got on campus there was a girl at the orientation meeting that I was attracted to. She was an attractive brunette with gray eyes and a knockout figure. I approached her and stuck out my hand, “Hi my...

4 years ago
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Correction Multiplied

David and Janet were getting on better and better despite, or maybe because of, the age difference.   Tessa living with them was fine, and David got used to being spanked by the 18 year old on a quite regular basis. There was talk of marriage and Janet reckoned she should get to know her mother in law to be so David’s Mother, Rita, came to stay for a month.     David said to Janet “it’s really nice of you to have Mum stay.”   Janet smiled at her fiancé. She just hoped things would work out...

4 years ago
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Corrected Behaviour part 1

I thought it was my lucky night when she struck up a conversation with me. I had been cruising a few bars looking to pick up a woman for a one night stand as usual and Rachel, as she introduced herself, was certainly my type. Curvy and voluptuous with shoulder length fair hair and mischievous green eyes, I was taken with her instantly. Her curves had been poured into a tight black pencil skirt, complimented by an equally tight white blouse that accentuated her ample bosom. Her sheer tights and...

3 years ago
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The Big Cock Project documentary

The Big Cock Project As started In The 70sMy wife as the darker haired character that we offered.Same wife as the blonde character that we offered. REALLY...A most specific criticism of anything that I write about my wife’s sexual experiences? It is that I write about her experiences involving fucking large penises. The naysayers are quick to say that the average penis is less than six inches long and about one and one half inches wide. Then those same critics go on to say, that, if swinging...

2 years ago
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My Gay Tale 2

Aron: please do it I want you in me. Me: we will do it but are you really sure that you want this. Aron: I am damn sure. After saying this he leaned forward and kissed my lips it was very lovely and I kissed him back with the same passion he did. We kept on kissing for some time our eyes were closed and our tongues meeting in our mouths. The feeling was like magic I was again in the arms of my love and I wanted to stay like that forever. Aron stopped kissing and looked me into the eyes...

1 year ago
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Retirement Home Family Ties Part 2

The Retirement Home - Family Ties 2 Day Five - Daily Makeup & Voice Changes After waking this morning when her alarm sounded, Tonya was up and in the bathroom when Rose came into her apartment. She was ready to do a quick shower, and Rose prompted her to hurry that along, as they again had a big schedule for the day. After the shower, dressing began with minimal makeup which was needed due to the upcoming training. A nice blouse and skirt were laid out this morning with the...

3 years ago
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A Memorable Sports Day

Hey people, Hi this is S, I know you guys have no interest in knowing about me but here’s a short version I am a T.D.H. guy working in Mumbai. That’s it people. So let’s start with the story/ real life incident. This incident happened with me when I was in 12th standard, with a friend of mine (let’s call her T). A little back ground on her, she was with me in school since we were kids we both were good in studies so always had acknowledge each other as a competitor. Later we became neighbors...

2 years ago
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Christmas Confessional

It was the Saturday before Christmas. As the new guy in the parish, it became my duty to man the confessional, so here I was, sitting alone in the semi-dark when I heard the door click and the swish of a dress to my left. Then… nothing. “Can I help you?” I asked.“Father Tim?” came the tentative reply.“Father Tim has been transferred. I’m Father Edward.”“Do you know where he went?” Her voice was deep, husky, that of a middle-aged woman.“I’m afraid not. I can hear your confession if you’d...

Oral Sex
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English school girl raped in Egypt

Charlotte tells us about the terrible experience she had as a schoolgirl in Egypt, when she was brutally raped by two Arabs. This is the first time; I have ever talked about what happened. Where did it happen? I was at a private girl’s boarding school in England. The summer holidays were due to begin, my parents worked in Egypt at the British Consulate and I was going out to stay with them for my school holidays and celebrate my thirteenth birthday. I was ever so excited; I had...

2 years ago
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CHARACTER OPTION 1: Female. Name: Lisa Jones. Age: 18. Occupation: High-School Senior -> Cheerleader Squad Captain. Cup Size: 36D. Sexual Orientation: Bisexual. Height: 5'6. Dating?: Jake Cameron; Football Team Captain. Immediate Family: Mother, Father, Twin Brother. Hair Color: Blonde. Eye Color: Blue. CHARACTER OPTION 2: Male. Name: Matt Jones. Age: 18. Occupation: High-School Senior -> Guitarist. Penis Size: 9 Inches -> 11 Inches (Erect). Sexual Orientation: Straight. Height:...

Mind Control
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Volunteer Part 1

The beginning of retirement is great for about a year. After that, you start to go "nuts" and look for things to occupy your time. I chose to do some volunteer work for my community. Over a period of time, I made friends among the volunteers and paid employees. I became friendly and close to a female volunteer, Bernadette, a widow. We would flirt and we started to like each other. One day, I invited her to lunch and we talked and compared life stories. We got to know each other and our...

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Taking Mother

Do not post or repost without the authors consent I found mom on my way back to the cabin. She was lying unconscious on the ground. From the position of the body and the gouge in the earth it was pretty obvious what had happened. She had slipped while chasing me and hadn't managed to catch herself in time to prevent going down hard. The side of her head had managed to catch the only rock sticking out of the ground for a radius of thirty feet. There was no blood at the point of impact but...

4 years ago
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Substitute dad pt4

Over the next couple of days, Todd stayed away from Nicole’s bedroom, and Michelle seemed to settle back down. Before long, he felt horny late one night, and left Michelle sleeping next to him to make a visit to Nicole. As he opened their bedroom door, Michelle stirred. “Todd?” “It’s ok, I’m just going to see Nicole. I won’t be long, promise.” Michelle grunted sleepily, and rolled back over. Todd padded down the hall to Nicole’s room and quietly knocked on her door. “Nicole, are...

3 years ago
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Shes More Than Meets The Eye Ch 3

From Part II As they reached the door, Damien paused, laughing. “This is totally crazy, you do realize that don’t you?” “Well,” she answered, giggling delightedly. “You didn’t think I was totally sane, did you?” Laughing, she opened the door, peered out both ways, and pulled him unresisting into the hallway… Damien’s heart leaped into his chest as he heard the heavy hotel door snick shut behind them. Wandering through a strange hotel in the wee hours of the morning, butt naked, was NOT where...

4 years ago
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Lauras First BBC Part One

Janet asked Laura who it was that first brought up the idea of her fucking a black guy. Was it Laura herself? Or, was it her husband, David, who had broached that subject. Janet had a suspicion that it had been David who had done so, and Laura confirmed this with her cute, and slightly bashful smile."I thought that might be the case," Janet replied, also smiling. "So," she went on to ask, "did that upset you? Or surprise you in any way when he did that?"Laura smiled again, flashing those...

2 years ago
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The Dictator

The Dictator By Ellie Dauber copyright, 1999 Firing could be heard at the gates of the Palace Royale. Fernando Diego Cadiz y Silvero, President for Life of Costa Verde, looked up from the papers he was working on. There would be no time to finish. Some fifteen million pesos that he had hoped to transfer to the Swiss account would remain in his nation's treasury. Well, he thought, let the people, those ungrateful bastards, have it. He and Esteban would still have more...

4 years ago
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I made my wife happy

My name is Ejaz. I have a car rental company in Islamabad. My office is in G-8 market. I am married and have two kids. My wife is very beautiful, creamy white, nice height and extremely sexy built. I love her very much and try to keep her happy. For the last few months my business was not going well and I was tense as it was getting difficult to pay my bills. There was another thing even worse bothering me a lot and that was my reducing sex urge with my wife. I was always trying to keep my wife...

1 year ago
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PornMegaLoad Avery Cristy Big Brother Isn8217t Watching

Avery walks in on her boyfriend’s little brother working out. She’s turned on by him and wonders if he’s as hung as his older brother. She asks him to show her a few moves, and after a few reps it’s clear they want to do another kind of workout. They get into a hot makeout session, sucking each other’s tongues. Which turns into Avery sucking his cock to stiffness, followed by a horny 69. It might be fucked up for this guy to fuck his bro’s girl, but...

3 years ago
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nita gives me a surprise

This time Anita had flown away from town on a boring business trip, according to her own words. Those days I stayed at home, going each morning to my office and coming back in the early evening.On the fourth night I received a picture from my sweet wife on my cell phone. I could see her holding up her huge black dildo. She was sitting on the bed in her hotel room and her legs were spread wide. The text said:"I'm horny, I can't wait until coming back home… what could I do…?”I answered her I...

4 years ago
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Relative Confusion

I am reposting this story as I have been wanting to rewrite parts of it for some time. My heartfelt thanks as ever to evanslily for her superb editing skills and advice. Night and Day, Cole Porter. 1932. ****** ‘Ladies and Gentlemen, pray silence for the Father of the Bride,’ the toastmaster called out. Feeling the knot of fear tighten in his stomach, Martin rose to speak. He glanced up and down the table, the linen tablecloth rather less pristine than it had been now the remains of the...

3 years ago
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Ellie and I became lovers when we were freshmen in college. She was this small, slight little goth girl, with waist-length straight black hair and flowing black dresses. Her smile was a Mona Lisa thing, fuzzy at the edges and hinting as something naughty. She rarely spoke but often stared, and it was this staring that originally caught my attention. We had an English class together, and because she couldn’t keep her eyes off of me, I couldn’t keep mine off of her.Our affair was brief but...

1 year ago
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Merry ChristmasChapter 7

In the morning they went back to Park Machinery to work on the changes to the machinery that Parameter needed. Jim introduced Ann to all of the design team members that would be working on the changes. Jim directed the efforts and asked for Ann's input every step of the way. Several times a part of the design would be completed only to find that it would impact Parameter's operations or future plans. All of the original drawings were in AutoCAD and the changes that were approved by Ann...

2 years ago
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Helping step daughter part 2

Still keeping tabs on the toys I noticed the plug wasn’t getting used as much as it was but the dildo and lubricant was being used more. The Saturday before my wife was to visit her parents on Friday she left the house early to do some shopping for her trip. I woke as normal to take my morning shower, neglecting to put any clothes on since she always takes her daughter with her. I headed for the kitchen for a drink, passing by her bedroom I saw her still sleeping in her bed. Knowing she...

3 years ago
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Mystic kiss

The summer was long.ms crimson ,my teacher was marking me easy, but why did I need summer school? I thought. I was always a a student.such a bummer being here. In summer school. Misserable( I thought)* what was I doing in summer school. I was always good. A honner role student. A average. Always.so summer class was upsetting enough. Without a teacher having a problem with me. ‘ why’ I asked myself. When ms black asked why I was in summer class’ make up’ I responded. Ms black was the only bright...

4 years ago
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The LetterChapter 6

The boys came back before she finished the story. "I didn't know that I had been. Then I remembered why. 'Oh, Jeff—I busted my pretty wings!' " She read, as she heard the hatch open in the roof. Unconsciously, she picked up the pistol from her lap, just in case. There hadn't been any shots, and the 'thud, thud' of plastic bags filled with books hitting the floor was reassuring. She finished the story, and then handed the book to her sister. Two weeks, in a way it was a relief, and...

2 years ago
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Camping Trip

About a year ago my wife and I decided to take our vacation in the mountains. Now camping to my wife is meaning you better have a cabin with shower and a bathroom, LOL.We got a place with nice cabins and not attached to each other, so you had a little privacy. First night was uneventful, some hiking, BBQ and hit the sack early from our driving. Woke up our second day I had to use the bathroom of course and just happened to look out the window and saw right into the cabin next to us. Getting...

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The Prophecy Ch 7

This is the continuation of the previous chapter, please read the previous chapters to fill in any blanks. I appreciate the feedback and apologize for previous and any future grammatical errors. This story contains fantasy/magic within it and has more interesting magical twists to come. Please note that all characters in this story are 18 years or older. If you’re not interested in the realm of seduction, fantasy, action, and adventure then you found the wrong story. I apologize for how long...

3 years ago
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French MaidChapter 2

My second day saw me doing normal chambermaid duties until about 9:30 when I was sent up to a room on the top floor. After knocking I went in to find a young man in his late 20s standing there in a sports jackets and casual trousers. He said his name was Mick, [Hello, well you keep writing me so I thought you'd like a role in this story, hope you aren't angry]. He asked me to go to the window and then just lean forward with my arms resting on the ledge. I did as I was told. He walked up...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Victoria Voxxx Anal MILF Swallows Cum

Hot Latina Victoria Voxxx can’t wait to flaunt nasty behavior. The freaky vixen spreads her legs and fingers her soaking-wet cunt, talking dirty with director/stud Mick Blue. Victoria stands to show off her fit body, spanking her bum and prying open her anus for the camera. She kneels before Mick to give a slobbering blowjob, taking short breaks to rim his bunghole! Messy, ball-lapping fellatio leads to ferocious pussy pounding and then anal reaming! Mick’s big cock rams her rectum,...

2 years ago
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The CatalystChapter 60 The Honeymoon Vacation Part 3

FUBAR’D? (Fully United by Always Repairing Disasters?) July, 1985 [“Oh my God, I think we’ve run aground!” Melody exclaimed.] Bob, Greg and I were looking at each other wondering what we could do. I heard the hydraulics of the boat launch being lowered and the three of us rushed down to talk to Captain Morgan. The deck was lowered but was at a weird angle because part of it was caught on the sandbar. Brian and his son were running around grabbing scuba gear, while Captain Morgan and Mike...

3 years ago
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BBC at the gym

When I was still in my black cock discovery phase, after my first big black cock, I was on a crave. I wanted to try every black men possible. I wanted to dress up like a little girl for them. I knew I was meat to be a girl for black men. But, I was fucked by a gym employee as a boy, meaning I wasn’t dressed up at all like a girl. It was not long after my first black cock. By then, I had a few black cocks in my ass. I tasted many black men also. I knew that I was getting more pleasure getting...

1 year ago
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The First and Best Experience of My Life

I was sitting in my bedroom, reading a book when.. "Hi beautiful." Jase says, wrapping his arms around me. "Hi, handsome!" I giggle and turn around looking him in the eyes. Suddenly, his beautiful blue eyes turn dark and fill with lust as he stares at my lips. He leans in and I reach out, grab his shirt and pull him towards me roughly. His lips touch mine and we move in synchronization. He runs his tongue along my lips, asking for entrance. I decide to tease him a little and keep my lips...

First Time
4 years ago
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The Demerit System part 9

Pete was the first to wake up the next morning. It was Saturday - no alarm, just the sunlight streaming in from the bedroom window. Pete's first discovery was that the girls were still there, still both nestled in close to him. Linda was on her stomach - no doubt to protect her tender bottom - with her head on Pete's chest, buried somewhere under her strewn-about hair. Laura was reverse-spooning Pete - her ass resting against his hip and her head using Pete's arm as a pillow.  Pete carefully...

3 years ago
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Z Facing the World and Getting PaidChapter 11 More Cherry Popping With an Audience

I opened our new Twister game. I purchased it yesterday in case we needed a bit of time filler. “Rick, thank you for spreading out the playing field. You will go first.” I spun the spinner. “Right hand yellow.” Spin again “Fran, left foot green.” I kept spinning continuing until Rick tried something impossible and fell laughing. Fran helped him up. “Fran, you spin.” Fran and I alternated as spinner keeping Rick busy. After playing six rounds, Rick said, “Team Girlfriend, it’s time I worked...

3 years ago
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Sitting at the table of the kitchen, as you're eating the last thing that was in your fridge , your phone starts to ring. You grab it inside your pocket, and click on the button " Answer" . A voice starts talking , a deep , regular, and familiar voice ; " Hello , Roxy. How are ya? " , says the voice. The only words you get bring up when does few words are pronounce is ; " Hello , Jonathan." Jonathan Roosevelt , hitman , criminal mastermind , or even ex-boyfriend, are all goods nickname for that...

2 years ago
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Michelles Story Part 1

Michelle's Story - Part 1 John Brook had moved to Newcastle just after marrying his wife Liz. The reason for the move was work: the post of a chief computer analyst was too good to turn down. Still, it had been a wrench to leave his native Midlands, where his family still dwelled, for the far north east. He still kept in touch with them though, well most of them, by means of telephone. The only member who broke this rule was his younger sister Sally, who occasionally made the long trip...

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Sorcerer the Inner CircleChapter 14

BOB (Saturday 12/3) What an experience! It had been more than I ever expected it could be. We'd merged just enough so we actually shared ourselves without getting lost or losing control. I decided to give Natalie a hard time. I glanced at the clock and told her, "Well, that took another half hour. I lost count of how many orgasms we had. We've got to decide whether or not this last set counts as just the third or if not, did we overrun our game rules and have to do it all again." She...

2 years ago
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Sone K Bahane Behn Ko Garm Kiya

Chutti k din the, summer holidays thi, hum sab lok ghar pe hi the, meri behn jo ki 25 sal ki h wo bhi sara din ghar pe hi hoti thi, meri umar 18 sal he, hum sab lok ab terrace pe sote the, roj ki tarah hm sb log raat 11 baje sone gaye, hum kuch is tarah soye the k mere left me meri behn fir uske left me meri dadi , aur ma papa niche ghar me hi sote the…Me roj ki tarah net pe fb etc. Kr k mene socha ab kuch luv stories padhte h,  aur mene search kiya hindi stories bt search result me luv story k...

3 years ago
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Double TearsChapter 111

“I am the current curator of the black trunk and the stories it holds within.” —Hope Barrett, Discovering Oscar THE WEEKEND WENT WELL and we even improvised on my scenario a bit as we played during the festival. It was a real treat to be ‘called before the king’ to perform at the Royal Feast Saturday evening. And we got a free meal. And tips. One thing about having the whole pod surrounding us when we performed was they all had a little sign that said ‘Tips for Marvel and Hopkins’ and a...

2 years ago
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Love Cream Im Addicted True Story

It started by accident one love making session, certain times of the month or maybe it's just when my wife is super horny she puts out a thick white cream that coats my dick and balls. I have an average size penis but I one very rare ability for a male, I can usually cum 4 to 5 times during any of our love making sessions, that's right can multiple climax. My wife can almost always handle our sex life but one occasions she wants me to cum faster as she gets sore or she gets tired of my banging...

1 year ago
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Legally binding

Bartholomew Thorne had died peacefully two weeks ago. The industrialist, famous county wide for his timber business had been 85. Much revered and respected he had an extended family but only one son, who buy the will of God was at present in the best sanatorium money could buy. It was the day of the will reading and the group of interested parties sat a little shocked in the office of W Grimbald; the deceased long serving friend and lawyer. Grimbald a man in his 70s himself looked up over his...


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