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Violet Eyes By Bronwen Welsh Prologue My name is Sybil. I have a doctorate in philosophy and I am a reader in archaeology at a certain British university which I prefer not to identify. There is a reason for this of course. Like most transgendered people I prefer a low profile since certain people can never take you seriously once they know, or worse, they assume that you are in some way mentally fragile. I admire people like the author Jan Morris, or the brilliant computer scientist Dr Lyn Conway - and yes she is real - 'Google' her if you like; who prove that transgender and brains can go together. What's more they are not afraid to 'come out', but some of us are not so brave. Many people are unaware as they walk through the halls of the great museums that beneath their feet, buried in the bowels of the building are vast store rooms crammed with artifacts which are too numerous to display or which do not excite the interest of the casual observer. I have spent most of my life engaged in the translation of ancient texts. It's not so 'sexy' as discovering an ancient tomb or gold artifacts, but it does add to the store of human knowledge. So it is there you will likely find me, pouring over yet another set of clay tablets inscribed with the curious markings of an ancient half-forgotten language. It was just such a series of tablets which provided the story which I am about to relate. They were found in the ruins of an ancient temple in Asia Minor, roughly modern-day Turkey, sealed in a vault where they had lain undisturbed for over three millennia. It was when I first started to sort through them and make a tentative translation that I realized I had an affinity with the writer from those far-off times. What follows are not the writer's original words of course, but a translation, as accurate as I can make it, and which I hope is true to the spirit locked in those curious symbols incised in clay so very long ago. 'My name is Cilicia and in this my sixtieth summer I write of my life which must soon come to a close. I chose to sit in the portico of the temple where I have lived so long, warming myself in the rays of the sun. A short while ago, a mother with her young daughter came up the steps of the temple. The little girl had a bouquet of flowers as an offering and probably mistaking me for The Goddess, handed them to me with solemn eyes. He mother looked alarmed as she hurried towards me, but I reassured her that the flowers would indeed be carried to lie before The Goddess in her inner sanctum where only the priestesses may go, and I watched mother and daughter depart with happy smiling faces. When you in the future read this, will your world be so different that mine will be hard to understand? Is it possible that the ramblings of an old woman, even though she be the High Priestess of The Goddess will be dismissed as of no account? Will I achieve sufficient reincarnations to live in your world and see it for myself? But I digress. I will begin my story when I was a youth of seventeen summers. Yes, I was a youth, tall and fair, with a slim body which was not unpleasant to observe, or so I was told. Many people commented upon my violet eyes and told me how striking they were, hoping to make me blush. Young girls fluttered their eye lashes at me, but I was not to be tempted by them nor yet by young men. Instead I worked hard with my father in his baker's shop, cooking the sweet breads and cakes for which he was famous. In the Spring there was a great feast to The Goddess, and all the townsfolk came to offer gifts at her temple, imploring her to smile upon us and give us sun and rain for a good harvest, and I went there with many others, bearing the finest breads from our ovens. The priestesses came out of the temple to receive our gifts and there was dancing and drumming, feasting and singing all day long. Then the priestesses came down amongst us young men who were gathered together, and they walked amongst us looking at each youth. They selected ten of us, picking only the tallest and slimmest, and I was amongst them. They bade us walk with them into the temple and we followed them up the marble steps as the people of the town stood silently. In the gloom of the great hall we saw an ornate chair on a dais at one end and on it sat the High Priestess. One by one she summoned us to come before her and we did so, each trying to conceal our fear, for we had never been allowed this close to The Goddess before. She questioned us for a long time and two of the youths were rejected because they had lain with a woman and two because they had lain with men, so now we were but six. Then the priestesses brought us more wine and the drummers who sat around the walls of the great hall began their drumming. The beat of the drums throbbed through our bodies and we were ordered to cast off our tunics and then we danced naked before the High Priestess. The heavy curtains at the end of the hall were drawn back, and there was the statue of The Goddess, a life- size woman, naked and covered in gold which glinted in the light of the lamps. We were served wine with herbs and the drumming became ever more fast and furious as we danced in worship to The Goddess. Faster and faster we spun around in a frenzy of worship. Then the priestesses returned with silver plates, one for each of us, and on each plate was a sharp knife. Grasping the knife in an ecstasy of adoration I grasped my manhood and with one stroke severed my testes as an offering to The Goddess and placed them with the knife back on the silver plate which was born forth to lie as an offering before The Goddess. Do you doubt me, you that read this far in the future? Be that as it may, it is all true. Five of us made the sacrifice and one fled, and we stood there with our blood pouring on the marble floor as an offering to The Goddess. Strangely at that moment I felt no pain, just an over-whelming feeling of love for Her for whom I had made my sacrifice. Then I felt the hall swirling around me even though I stood still, and I plunged into darkness. When I awoke it was to daylight streaming through the windows of a strange room. I was lying on a couch, and I felt my body was tightly bandaged, and yes, then I did feel pain. Priestesses came to us and offered us wine mixed with herbs and after a while the pain became dulled. I looked around me and the others were there too, each of us lying naked and bandaged. The High Priestess appeared later that day and we all tried to sit up out of respect, but we were too sore and stiff. She welcomed us and told us that now we had made the sacrifice of our manhood, we were welcomed into the sisterhood of the priestesses to worship The Goddess for ever. We were to forget our old names and receive a new one, and mine was Cilicia. What was my name before? It is too long ago. I cannot remember. We lay there for several days until we felt strong enough to arise and take a few tentative steps. The priestesses came bearing our new clothes, a silken shift worn under a colorful robe of rich cloth and slippers for our feet. They dressed our hair into a woman's style and wove flowers into it. It was at some stage of this dressing that I realised that the priestesses were once as we were now, youths who had sacrificed their manhood for The Goddess. Now we were to spend our lives in the service and worship of Her. This was to be our reward. We spent our days studying the rituals and learning to serve The Goddess. Townsfolk came bearing offerings of food for us, and we in turn repaid them with our chants and offerings to The Goddess to assure the town of a good harvest. As the months passed by we found that our sacrifice had led to a change in our bodies, which became less muscular but softer and more subtle. We developed small breasts as The Goddess changed us into beings more suitable for Her worship. When the sun started to sink lower in the sky and the fields turned golden for the harvest, then was the time of the great feast of Gathering the Seed. The High Priestess summoned us the younger priestesses and instructed us in the important role that we must play in the rituals which were to give thanks for the harvest. The great day of the Festival arrived and all the townsfolk came to the temple, bearing sheaves of corn and barrels of wine, young animals and all the fruits of their labors. The older priestesses sang and danced before the crowds, but we the younger ones did not appear but prepared ourselves. First we went into the inner courtyard of the temple where stood a column of stone about the height of two men, worn smooth by time and the touch of many hands. We cast off our robes and joining hands danced naked around the stone phallus. Then we immersed ourselves in a rock pool next to the column, which was filled with water from the sacred spring, and thus we purified ourselves for the rituals to come. Then we dressed ourselves and waited in the great hall of the temple. Meanwhile the older priestesses examined the fruits of the farmers' labors. Those with the best produce or cattle knew they would take part in the rituals to honor The Goddess and competition was fierce for this honor. Eventually their selection was made and five farmers were summoned to walk up the marble steps to the temple. There they were led into the great hall where we awaited them. We were dressed for the occasion in the finest linen gowns, so fine that our bodies were barely concealed by them. Our hair was dressed with flowers and leaves woven into a coronet, our lips dyed a deep shade of red, and our bodies perfumed. Each man could choose the priestess with whom he would share the great feast, and I gazed at the man who approached me with great interest. He was young and slim but I could see his muscular body through the white tunic that he wore, and how his skin was burnt to a deep brown by his many hours working in the fields. His hair was dark brown, short and curly and his eyes a deep blue. He was so handsome that although I concealed my feelings with a welcoming smile, I felt my body quiver with anticipation. He sat beside me on the couch, and wine, figs and honey were brought to us. We toasted each other and listened to the older priestesses sing songs of praise to The Goddess, and I felt the warmth of his body against mine, and his hands gently tracing the curves of my body, and I did not move away for this was all part of the ritual. Instead I smiled at him encouragingly and his hands strayed further. Then I rose and took him by the hand and led him into my chamber. Once there we began to kiss and with my body pressed against his I felt his arousal and was glad. His strong hands were around me, pulling me to him and I did not resist. I lifted the tunic over his head and he stood naked and aroused before me like a veritable stallion. Now I sank to my knees for this was the worship of the phallus, the next part of the ritual. This was the first time I had tasted a man, and I heard him groan with pleasure as I took him between my red lips. I worked on him with my lips and tongue and he was like a stallion indeed with the size of his member and his eagerness to give me what I desired. I cajoled and encouraged him with my tongue and lips, and stroked him with my fingers until with a loud groan he exploded in my mouth and stood there panting with his eyes shut in ecstasy. Discretely I deposited his seed into a small silver vessel, for this was to be an offering for The Goddess, the 'Gathering of the Seed'. Then I took my young farmer to lie on my couch and I lay beside him as he recovered his breath and his strength. The ritual continued as I fondled him once more, stimulating him into eager erection, and now he was to play the part of a stallion once more, and I a mare, for I stood and bend over the couch and he behind me lifted my robes and grasping my thighs thrust forward and I felt a sharp pain and gasped as he entered me. I felt his excited thrusting and my body respond in kind, seeking to feel him fill me and in a short time, I felt his shuddering climax and his hot seed burst forth once more. What I did not expect was that I too felt my body shake in an intensity of pleasure such as I had never before known, so great that it was almost painful, but a pain which it was a joy to embrace. For a long moment we stood there, locked in close embrace, his hot strong hands around my body, as we gasped for breath and our hearts pounded. Then reluctantly we parted. Now I served him another cup of wine, this with special herbs of a narcotic kind and this time when he lay down on my couch, he slept deeply. I took the silver vessel with his seed and made my way to the inner sanctum of The Goddess where the High Priestess waited to receive it along with the others and offer it up to Her for Her blessing upon the town. I made my way to another room in the temple. I was a little sore, but the feelings during my encounter with the young farmer would not leave me and lying down on a couch it was some time before I fell asleep. In the morning the older priestesses awoke the farmers and charged them that whatever they remembered of the previous night was not to be divulged to any living creature for it was sacred to The Goddess and Her wrath would descend upon any who spoke of it. Then they were given bread and wine and sent on their way. Time passed with the coming and going of the seasons and ten times more I took part in the Gathering of the Seed but apart from those times, neither I nor the other priestesses knew man. Eventually our places were taken by younger priestesses as we in turn replaced those who had gone to The Goddess. Years passed and we all grew older and then one day a priestess went to awaken the High Priestess and discovered that during the night she had gone to The Goddess. A great ritual was held for we were filled with joy that she had gone to claim her reward, even though for us there was a tinge of sadness that we would see her no more. Now a great council was held to elect her successor and votes were cast by all present. To my shock and surprise, it was I who was chosen, and the younger priestesses solemnly clad me in the robes of the High Priestess and led me to the golden chair that sat on the dais. It was now my turn to preside at the solemn rituals and to chose the new priestesses and to ensure that the life of the temple carried on in harmony. Thus the years passed, and The Goddess smiled upon us and the harvests were plentiful. And the years passed and I grew older. One night I had a dream of The Goddess, and in my dream it seemed to me that I awakened and saw Her standing at the foot of my couch. She smiled at me and spoke my name. "Cilicia, you have served me well, and the time is approaching when I will stretch out my hand and take you to me." I smiled with joy at the thought but She was not yet finished. "I have a task for you. Change is coming to the world and a time will come when men and women no longer know my name." I opened my mouth to protest that it could not be so, but she held up a hand to still my voice, and I was silent and obedient to Her. "I charge you to write your story on clay tablets and conceal them where I direct you, so that in times to come, men may again know of Me and all that was done here in my name." And in the dream it seemed I followed her deep into the temple and she showed me a recess in the wall of the inner sanctum that I had not seen before and told me to place the tablets there and seal up the entrance. When all this was done, She would come again to me and take my hand. Then it seemed to me that her face became brighter and brighter until I was dazzled and forced to bow my head and shut my eyes as I dare not look at her glory. Then I awoke and it was daylight and I remembered everything which had been revealed to me, and I called for clay tablets and began to write my story as The Goddess directed me. Now it is done as she decreed and I will wait for Her to come to me.' __________________ This was the conclusion of Cilicia's story as told by her and which I translated, but there is a postscript. There were other clay tablets stored in the temple which were written by another hand. I had translated them earlier and they had made little sense to me, but now they did. They read as follows: 'I am Seleca, now High Priestess of the temple of The Goddess in place of Cilicia who has joined Her whom we serve. Cilicia was sitting in the sun in the portico of the temple one day as I busied myself inside when I heard a loud cry and a crash of something breaking. I hurried outside and saw a young woman carrying a baby and at her feet a broken vessel and oil spilling down the temple steps. She stood before Cilicia and looking, I saw my old friend sitting quite still, a smile upon her face and knew that she had gone to The Goddess. I took the young woman inside the temple and calmed her and gave her water to refresh her. She had come to present her baby, a girl child to The Goddess and now she was calm I led her to the great hall to make her presentation. As she lifted up the child before the statue of The Goddess, so the baby opened its eyes and looked at me with those violet eyes that I knew so well. My heart missed a beat for then I knew, and in my heart I praised The Goddess.' ____________________ I sat for a long time in deep thought after I completed my translation of all the clay tablets. For as long as I can trace my ancestors, the first female child has always been called Sybil and it was for that reason that I adopted the name. I stood and walked slowly to a mirror and gazed into it, and violet eyes looked back at me. In the tablets written by Cilicia and Seleca, they never refer to The Goddess by name, presumably out of respect, but I know the name of the goddess to which they refer. Her name was Cybele. Author's note: The above is a work of fiction but certain historical facts are woven into the tale. The worship of Cybele in Asia Minor did indeed involve self castration by her male devotees who thereafter dressed as women and worshipped her. Fertility rites involving sexual intercourse were also connected to certain deities in the ancient world. The worship of the phallus lives on to this day in a ritualized form in maypole dances.

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By the time I was eighteen I had matured into a very attractive young lady. In short, I was hot and I had a sexual imagination to match. I tried boys. They didn’t do anything for me. There was something about boys that always kind of repulsed me. Their body hair, their odors, their aggressive demeanor disgusted me. I gave them a fair chance but I just could not find the interest for them that I had for the tender flesh and gentle manners of other girls. I had several relationships with girls...

3 years ago
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Violett 2 I Return Pleasure

Months passed after my first sexual experience at the tip of my bulldog’s tongue. I soon found out I could give myself the same pleasure without Max’s help. I had delved deeply into all the reference material I could get my hands on and had learned a great deal about my body and about sex. I learned that the term for giving myself sexual pleasure was ‘masturbation’ and it became my secret hobby. I did it whenever the opportunity presented itself. I did it out of boredom, I did it to relieve...

2 years ago
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Violett 5 I Star in a Sex Show

At the age of twenty-two I started getting my kicks through exhibitionism. It started after I landed my first job and moved in with a biker chick who picked me up at a rock concert. She was a tall, muscular blonde, a Nordic war-goddess who worked out twice a day, loved leather and had the strongest tongue I have ever known. She enjoyed showing me off and she bought me these very revealing costumes of satin and suede and then cruised around town with me on the back of her bike. We would go on...

4 years ago
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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 2 Magics ClashChapter 7 Fireeyes

Fireeyes – Northeastern Shore, Lake Esh – The Magery of Thosi The crew of the Mermaid's Lover rowed the riverboat to a sandy shore. I stood on the prow, gazing at the peaceful countryside of Esh. The sun set behind us, painting the fields with crimson. When Angela's business in Esh-Esh was concluded, she would head north. Beyond the horizon lay the highway that ran between Esh-Esh and Allenoth. I planned on being on that highway waiting for her. The sailors on the Mermaid's Lover made...

4 years ago
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Violets first experience

This is my 2nd story with lesbian sex, I'm sorry if i don't get any terminology down right, please let me know, Violet is a lesbian, she has known since she was very young she was attracted to girls. Very early on a friend found out and promptly told all her friends and eventually her parents found out through the social circle of the neighbourhood. It took a while but eventually both seemed to accept the situation and had made their peace with it. That hasn't made school or life in...

2 years ago
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Violets Anal Training

Copyright 2003 Michael sat in the chair as she entered. Powerone had described her perfectly, long black hair, green eyes, pale skin, very small hands and fingers, DD breasts and small hips. She had a gothic look to her, the black clothes standing out dramatically to her white skin. "What am I doing here?" Violet questioned, but she already knew the answer. Powerone had ordered her to see Michael. She was told she would have to perform for him, just as she would have to for him. If she...

3 years ago
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blue eyes

1blue eyes: a story of a Matriarchal society        “Going once; going twice; sold! ... to the Lady in the blue suit,” the auctioneer’s voice sang out, punctuated by the sharp rap of the gavel and the beginning of a polite round of applause from the several hundred Womyn seated in the auditorium.  i barely had time to take in the fact that my display on the auction block had ended when my leash was sharply pulled by the Womyn who had identified Herself only as my “handler” and i was led back...

3 years ago
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Spanish Eyes

Spanish Eyes I turned the bottle upside down and watched its last contents spill into the glass before me. The golden brown liquid swirled around the expensive Bacarat crystal before settling down onto its leaded glass bottom. I raised the glass and focused my unsteady gaze on the whisky sloshing around, my final remnants of earthly pleasure. The liquor spoke, calling me into oblivion. The edges of the room grew fuzzy as my eyes narrowed on the singular point of focus. The rest of...

3 years ago
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Fair Game in Her Eyes

I'd always been a bit put off by Cinta. Personality wise, she was the complete opposite of me. Whereas I was placid and reserved, Cinta was outspoken, rudely so in some instances. She had quite a temper from what I'd seen of her at their parents’ house. My younger brother had shared a couple of classes with her in high school, and I'd heard countless stories of her bullying other girls. My boyfriend brushed off her behaviour as just being a teenager. Despite my reservations, he assured me...

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Dangerous Eyes

They say the eyes are the windows to our souls and if that’s the case he could see straight into the very depths of mine. I was rooted to the spot; unable to stop what I knew shouldn’t be happening, all because I didn’t want it to stop. The dark blue of his irises were barely visible as his pupils grew to capture enough light in the dimly lit bar. I don’t think I’ve ever been caught in such an intense, lustful stare in all my thirty years. Not a word passed between us. Time fooled us into...

3 years ago
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The Assassins Gambit she who has the amethyst eyes

The leader of the four, Finneous, motions instructions to his associates in the silent sign language used by the Assassins Guild; though they already know their goal, no mistakes will be tolerated this night, the contract must be fulfilled…no survivors and no evidence is to be left behind. On that the Grandfather of Assassins, the true ruler of the guild and of Providence is clear. Silent as death, they move between shadows illuminated moment by moment as lightning dances across the...

4 years ago
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In lakes the turquoise eyes

The most vivid feelings experienced in c***dhood and adolescence. Alluring, terrible mystery woman relentlessly accompanies a boy growing up. For most of them, it remains an unfulfilled dream, making a painful hateful life to come. Surrogates ordinary, daily sex can not satisfy this primary hunger, born at the dawn of life. Not many people realize it, running from bed to bed in search of femininity, left, and died in bygone c***dhood forever.Olenka again did not see Sasha. Fragile and delicate,...

3 years ago
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Those Eyes

"Thirty days have September, April, June and November. All the rest have thirty-one, except February which has forty-four." "Grraammmpaa!" wailed my fourteen-year-old granddaughter, Shelly. "What?" I absently replied. "You asked me how many days there were in August. Don't you remember that old saying? "Why did you say there are forty-four days in February?" Shelly looked at me with a twinkle in her eyes. She knew I had a story for her and began to settle in for what she already...

4 years ago
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The Eyes

I don’t know when it started, but I know for sure what I first noticed. It was her eyes. How they would look at me, linger on mine for longer than a glance. The first time, she looped an arm over the back of the sofa she was sitting on, then half-turned to look at me, I was at a desk behind her. I looked up directly into her eyes. She held my gaze for several long seconds, she didn’t blink, she didn’t smile, she didn’t glance away. I couldn’t read her, but the depth of her eyes pulled me...

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Bikini Beach Wandering Eyes

Bikini Beach: Wandering Eyes By Elrodw An active volcano would not have fumed so much as Brenda. It always got to her. At first, she'd considered that she was just being jealous, that her husband's roving eye bothered her because she felt threatened by other women. But now, after several months, she was certain that it wasn't because he was jealous - it was because Dennis' ogling really bothered her. She slapped him lightly. "Stop that," she hissed. Dennis turned his gaze back...

2 years ago
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He Saw His Future in Her Eyes

Once again this is not a stroke piece but a different sort of love story that deals with fate, design and a master plan. Marti Dodson, the lead singer for the pop/rock group ‘Saving Jane’ —and they do know how to rock — has penned (or co-written) a hauntingly authentic series of songs that deal with teenage female angst. The group’s first hit, ‘Girl Next Door,’ is the story about a girl ‘in the marching band’, the ‘girl next door’ and her struggle to deal with her envy of the lucky one…’Miss...

3 years ago
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Wandering Eyes

Hello all! This is my first attempt of writing a story. I have read so many of yours so far; I just had to add one of my own. I hope that it is not my last story. Most of all, I am one of the world's worst spellers, so please forgive me on any mistakes that I do make. Thanks and enjoy! Allissa Wondering Eyes Chapter 1 He let out a soft moan. The bedroom was dark and the only person in the room was Albert. Albert was a cross dresser. He had just finished pleasuring himself as...

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Honey Eyes

It was late, and I had kept you waiting.I hate doing that, but the press hounded me because of my talk on ‘stochastic models for predicting geographical responses to global warming’. It was really hard to get away. You can even see me in the television interview looking at my watch. I was sure you would be tired of waiting, and not terribly happy with me, but I wanted to be with you way more than I wanted to be sweating under portable TV lights.As soon as I was out of the conference centre I...

Love Stories
1 year ago
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His Angel Eyes

Special thanks to a very special guy that helped me come up with ideas for this story.  Hope you all enjoy it and please vote and comment if you would!  Thanks!!!!Christa had been away from her dad's ranch for over 10 years, and things still looked the same.  She was now 29. She had left right after high school for bigger and better things, she had thought. She wondered if Wayne, her dad's foreman, was still working there. He had been there since she was 17. He used to take her to all her after...

First Time
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Green Eyes

Her long brown hair fell against my cheek as her rosy pink lips reached mine. I could feel her soft hands caressing up and down my back. I found my hands wrapped around her waist, pulling her body close to mine. She parts my lips with her tongue and for the first time, I actually taste how sweet she really is. She presses her lips into mine so hard I actually feel like she is swallowing my soul. My hand slips under her shirt and slowly make their way up the small of her back, within minutes I...

1 year ago
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Stars in my Eyes

Stars In My Eyes By Geneva On a space expedition Brett experiences a stellar phenomenon that changes him to a woman over some weeks. She slowly mentally adapts to the change. This story is set in the near future. No magic books are involved! START "Couldn't this be done with robots or remote sensors?" the director had asked at the first meeting. Bill Mitchell was staring at the cost estimates, unsuccessfully hiding his dismay. "It would save a lot of expense. I mean, to send...

2 years ago
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Pearls That Were His Eyes

Owen heard it—the staccato trills of a stormy petrel, less a song than a sort of snarl.“There you are...” he sniffed and smiled, “You’re mine.”The camera clicked just before the bird dove out of sight, vanishing behind some rocks. He lowered his lens, and his face sank.The picture, he knew, would come out perfect. With a wall full of framed cover shots back home, the mud of seven continents stuck to his boots, and a kind of carnal knowledge of his camera’s aperture, Owen knew how to take a good...

2 years ago
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Something in Her Eyes

Melissa Parsons fascinated me. She had fascinated me the first time I encountered her and still did two years later. I mused on this as I watched Melissa deliver a workshop. She was talking about the accounting system that was her specialty as an IT consultant. The topic was dull as dishwater, but the woman herself held my attention firmly.Part of it was simply her. Melissa was easily one of the most beautiful women I knew. She sported a pretty, girlish face that looked like it belonged on a...

4 years ago
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Angel Eyes

Jill closed the door behind her carefully, not wanting to disturb the unexpected stillness of the house. ‘Miles?’ she called out softly, her voice breaking the silence almost reluctantly. ‘Miles, where are you?’ ‘I’m in the bedroom, honey,’ she heard from down the hall. ‘I’ve got a surprise for you…’ Jill rolled her eyes. He’d called her home from work for that? Not that it hadn’t been easy to wrap things up a little early, and not that it wasn’t kind of romantic, but that was probably a...

3 years ago
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Close Your Eyes

A chance comment made across the computer screens begs the question of just how really real we can make a cyber connection feel.I was drinking my coffee, and she was signed on to Lush when we started chatting via Black Boxes. I must say this about using the Black Boxes: you must use carefully chosen words that are carefully organized, so that you can get your thought(s) down without running out of time and space. It is a good mental exercise, although it can be a bit (lot) frustrating when you...

Love Stories
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BSC09 the Fall and Rise of Jared ReznikChapter 25 Soap in the Eyes

If there was one thing that Jared Reznik hated it was getting soap in his eyes when taking a shower. It always made his eyes sting for way longer than what he thought was necessary. This had drawn Jared to the conclusion that maybe he just had eyes that were more sensitive to this particular problem than other people’s were. Even up to fifteen minutes or more after finishing a shower his eyes would still be blood shot and sore if, per mis-adventure, he got soap or shampoo in them. “Oh,...

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Your Eyes

Songwriter gets very lucky with first hit...Your EyesOne of the things I have always derived pleasure from throughout my life is music. Both listening to music and making it have always been a source of great satisfaction for me. I have been playing guitar and writing songs since I was a young teenager. Like other guys my age I worshiped the rock stars of the day. I watched in awe as they strut their stuff onstage before thousands of screaming young girls who seemingly would have done anything...

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Shy Eyes

I gasped. Waking from a reverie that I had created to paint the beautiful images in my mind of those eyes. I dreamt of her often…sometimes I could see her face, and yet…sometimes it was as if a mist had risen to block my sight. I wanted to feel her eyes upon me and this thought drove me to near insanity. ‘Why in the god-forsaken holy fuck do I do this to myself?’ ‘How exactly did I get the notion into my head that I’d catch the eye of a woman that would make the ocean weep?’ ‘And what…is it...

4 years ago
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Eagle in the Sunset 2019Chapter 19 Them There Eyes

October 9th, 1995, 9:30 AM MST, St. Joseph’s Hospital, Phoenix, AZ The doctor came into the room, a different doctor than before; this was a hospital ER, after all, and the doctors work on shifts. This doctor was a man in his late 50s, balding, a bit harried, and looking worn out from the exciting and busy night affecting the hospital after the derailment. Over fifty people had been brought to the hospital requiring some form of medical attention, 12 of them very seriously, straining the...

2 years ago
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Your Eyes

When I got my divorce at the age of forty five, I was once again free to pursue my favorite pastimes. My hobbies that I had been forced to neglect once again took center stage in my life. I began playing my guitar again on a regular basis and was deriving quite a bit of satisfaction from it. In a few months I had regained most of my dexterity and had a renewed confidence in my playing. I soon placed an ad in a local music paper looking for other musicians to play with. Most of the guys I...

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You live in this and dwell in lovers eyes

Chapter 1 Rob walked along the busy avenue, as he made his way from the local diner down to the costume shop. Rob took hold of the door knob and entered the shop, as the sun began to hind behind the towers. He looked around as he walked in, and stared at the pictures of famous actress and movie monsters plastered on the shops lime green walls. He pulled himself away from those pictures when he remembered why he had gone in there in the first place. Rob had a Halloween party the...

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