Violets Anal Training
- 4 years ago
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Violet looked out the van window at the passing snow covered trees.
Four days.
It was like she was a time traveler. In the blink of an eye, she had been sent four days into the future. Four days of her life, gone. It could have been worse, but her mind was having a hard enough time wrapping itself around this as it was. Four days of her family thinking she was going to die ... how would her brothers and sisters react to her? How would SHE react? What the hell had happened?
The Red Witch had saved her.
Violet's expression darkened. Everything came back to that. Every line of thought, every dream, day or night, ended in thoughts of the mysterious redhead. Why? Why did Violet keep thinking of that white skinned, beautiful, green eyed...
Feeling the van slow and turn, she realized they were home. Mommy Anita steered the van up the nicely shoveled driveway as Violet, out of habit, counted cars. Given the size of the family, and all their various obligations, you never knew who exactly would be around at any given time. Freddy had made a spreadsheet once, tracking everyone, but then got bored and let it get out of date. Or maybe he just thought it took all the surprise out of life.
Her car was there, naturally. A beat up blue Ford hatchback. Dad had gotten it for her at the start of Senior year, although technically it wasn't signed over to her until she turned 17. It wasn't great, but it got the job done. Usually. The other three family cars were there as well; Mommy Taylor worked from home and Mei and Dad had carpooled, so four had been enough...
Now she kept thinking about Dad. She couldn't win.
It wasn't until they were up to the house that Violet noticed an extra car. Red, four doors, sporty...
"Grandma and Grandpa!!"
Anita smiled, putting the car in park and turning the key off.
"Yup. Showed up last night." There was an edge to her voice, but Violet ignored it. Unbuckling, she was out the door and running up the sidewalk before her mom had even taken the key out of the ignition. The front door opened ... and Grandma Nash was on the porch, with Grandpa close behind.
With two bounding steps, Violet threw herself into the arms of the tall curly blonde woman, laughing. Ruth held her tight, crying.
"We thought we were going to lose you, Violet! Don't scare us like that!"
Her husband stood a few feet away, smile ... almost real. He was glad the dark skinned girl was OK, naturally. You never wanted to see someone ill, or in pain. But, this wasn't his granddaughter. That would be Menolly. He had three relatives here in addition to his daughter Rachel, not thirteen. His wife may have gotten him to accept the reality of how his daughter was living, but that didn't mean he had to like it, or spread his affection around evenly. His eyes went to Anita, coming up to the steps holding a shopping bag with Violet's things.
"We'd better get inside," he told her, "I'm sure you Mexicans aren't good in the cold."
Anita raised an eyebrow at him. Was this just gentle teasing, or...
"Mayan, Grandpa," Violet told him smiling, stepping back from Grandma. "We're tough." He nodded.
"Well, I'm not." He opened the storm door. "Ladies and Grandma first."
Shizuku was the only sibling home, the rest back in school suffering, but her greeting more than made up for their absence. She ran towards Violet, screaming, Rachel, Taylor and Mei trailing wearing large grins. Violet was still a bit weak, but had no trouble lifting her little sister up for a big hug.
"I missed you, Kiddo!" She held her tight, eyes closed.
"Missed you too! Daddy with you?!?"
There were gasps from the Moms, but Shizuku pulled her face back and looked at her oldest sister with all the seriousness in the world. After all, if Violet was back, why wasn't Daddy?
"N-no, Kiddo. It's just me."
"Oh..." She pouted ... then looked hopefully into her sister's eyes. "Play Legos?"
"Sure," chuckled Violet, giving her a quick kiss on the nose. "Go get them."
"Yeah! Legos!"
Violet put her down, watching as the toddler ran towards the playroom. If only her emotions could switch that easily...
Freddy closed his locker, giving the lock a good spin. This week was so fucked. A major test tomorrow in AP History, THEN the memorial service for Dad? How the hell was he going to keep his mind on the 1850's with that coming up just a few hours later? He so wanted to skip. If there wasn't the test, he could probably have talked at least one Mom into keeping everyone home. But, between his test and Jaxom's English exam, it would just lead to more headaches next week.
Ah, well. At least Sis was home by now.
"Oh little brother..."
He sighed, closing his eyes. Great. Wonderful. What did Miss Pink and Perky want now?
"What is it, Cindy?" Freddy turned ... and saw Karen standing next to his wonderful sister. Karen, dressed in a VERY tight blouse with a couple extra buttons undone. He could swear he saw her hard nipples even with the bra ... talk about pink and perky! "Oh! Hi Karen!"
"Hi." She blushed, which made Freddy much more confident. What Cindy had said was true! So long as he didn't blow it ... well, maybe he could get her to!
Cindy looked between the two, grinning. You could feel the sexual tension between them, built up over the past few years. Dating friends of siblings was unofficially frowned upon by the family, but such things were more of a guideline ... and a bit one sided, as neither Cindy nor Violet thought any of Freddy's friends were cute. This should make up for any previous blocked romances.
"Well, I'll leave you two lovers to figure things out. Don't miss the bus, Freddy!" She walked away, swinging her hips while humming, listening to their fading voices.
"Um, so, Karen, wanna do something Saturday?"
"My parents will be gone most of the day..."
Violet felt weird.
She had taken a nap not long after returning home, suddenly tired. Shizuku sometimes had that effect on you, the active tyke seeming to be part energy sucking ghoul. She had been up, though, by the time the first buses started dropping her brothers and sisters off, and ever since then...
Violet was sure it wasn't something they'd talked about. Her family wasn't that type. Each had probably, on their own, consciously or unconsciously decided to stay around Violet. No matter where she went, someone was with her, hugging her, touching her. No sooner would she sit than one of the little ones would be in her lap. Almost as if everyone was afraid they'd lose her again, if they didn't keep some form of hold on her. It was nice, kinda, at first, but while not a loner Violet did need her personal space. How could she grieve, with a five year old climbing all over her?
That evening was different than the previous night's entertainment (Cindy had been eager to regal her sister with the tale of the interrupted Mom party. No wonder Grandpa had been looking at her Moms like that!). With the funeral tomorrow, they sat around the living room and told stories. Stories about Dad. Funny stories, like how he had mistaken salt for sugar on that one camping trip and made some rather interesting Kool Aid. Well known stories, like how each woman came to meet him and join the family. Grandma told of their first meeting with Rachel's new "boyfriend", and "girlfriends". Everyone laughed ... except Grandpa. Violet had the fleeting thought that this might be the last time she saw him; that in the future he'd try and find excuses to have Rachel and the kids come to them. Her eyes, already wet, became even mistier. She loved him, had for as long as she could remember, but saw, now, what she couldn't as a child. His wandering eyes met hers ... and quickly looked away.
Violet wrapped her arms around the half asleep Shizuku and puller her into her chest. Was she losing Grandpa as well as Dad?
Violet lay in bed, alone in her bedroom. Elly had asked if she could sleep with Violet, but with a hug and a tickle Violet had sent her back to the room she shared with Menolly and Nadia. She wanted to be alone.
No. Not true.
She wanted...
Her Witch.
Mommy Taylor had said her name was ... Cindy? That seemed ... wrong. The girl wasn't a Cindy. What she was, was...
Under the heavy quilt, Violet ran one of her hands over her smooth, bare skin up to her breast.
The Witch was beautiful. The Witch was sexy. The Witch ... Eyes closed, she squeezed her breast, slowly moving her other hand down, past her thatch of fur. The Witch was ... she had beautiful lips. Violet wanted to kiss her ... caress that smooth face, look into those eyes...
Her fingers slipped between her legs, lightly caressing the outside of her lips. Imagining the feel of the Witch's skin, she pinched her nipple as a finger slipped inside her.
Gods ... she wanted to slip that black dress off of her, wanted to run her lips all over that white skin. She wanted...
Wanted to taste her.
Her eyes opened.
She wasn't gay. Had no interest in that direction whatsoever. What the fuck was going on with her? One second's look at some stranger, and...
Hesitantly, Violet brought the hand from between her legs up her body, and out from under the covers where she could see it. In the moonlight, she could see the wetness on her brown fingers.
"I want to taste you..." She brought the fingers to her mouth, hesitated ... then closed her eyes and licked them.
"I wish this was you, my Witch..."
The memorial service was, mercifully, short. The public viewing at the funeral home went on for a few hours, but only the wives stayed for all of it. Dressed in black, they sat along the wall, greeting the small stream of friends and family, fellow teachers ... Violet even saw a few college kids, obviously students. Did she know any of her teachers enough to go to their funeral if they died? No ... her father had obviously touched many people, in his years of teaching. She knew he had started at some Middle School, but remembered the day he got the job at the downtown college. She had only been six, but he had been so happy! Had picked her up, swung her around...
And now he was before her, eyes closed. One final viewing.
It was her first time seeing death. It almost didn't look like him. For a brief moment, hope flared in Violet that this WASN'T Dad, that there had been a mistake! No ... no, Dad wouldn't like that. Dad would want her to accept this. Accept it as a part of life, a balance for all the joy he'd given her.
She recalled one of his stories. Dad's Grandpa, her Great Grandpa Hunt, had died suddenly when he was in 4th grade. He had told the tale as part of his story to her, as she started her own spiritual quest, of why he wasn't religious. Dad's 4th grade Sunday School teacher had been somewhat evangelical, especially for a moderate Presbyterian church, and she had gotten him to pray for the Holy Spirit late one night in bed. Ten year old Fred had felt one with God, a feeling he'd have for the next six or so years, and had asked God to help Grandpa get better.
A few hours later, his father had woken him to say Grandpa was dead and they had to go to Grandma. Thus the seed of doubt was first planted.
It was his first funeral, as this one was for her. A large Polish Catholic ceremony, body displayed by the altar. His dad had tried to get Dad to kiss the body, and Dad had shrunk back, mind not really able to deal.
"When it came time to bury your Grandma and Grandpa," he had told Violet, "I was a different person. There was still some personal taboo about touching, but ... well, how we approach death is rarely rational, and probably shouldn't be. I was a confirmed Atheist by then, but left a stuffed animal in Mom's coffin because it made me feel better. Grave goods, no different than those found in any Mayan or Egyptian tomb. We do it not for the afterlife, but for this life. Never laugh at those who believe, but strive to understand why they do. We're all the same."
Leaning down, Violet gently kissed his forehead.
"Goodbye, Daddy..."
The four Hunt wives stood before the open coffin. Arms around each other, they took one last look at the man who had loved them.
Eyes red, Taylor nodded to the Funeral Director standing quietly to the side. With practiced, unobtrusive ease, he came forward and closed the half lid. Fred's face slowly vanished from view.
It was over.
Saturday was quiet.
Grandma and Grandpa left early, having a long drive home to Indiana. Fred's cousin Debbie, the only relative of his to make it, also was gone by noon, with promises of more visits to come. Anita set off on a grocery run, much needed. Freddy vanished with one of the vans on some date or other: Cindy was looking very smug as he drove away, and was soon gone herself after Greg came to pick her up. The family was scattered. Life was normal.
Violet sat in the basement, lying on the couch, book in hand. The noise of children playing could be faintly heard from various directions, but for the most part she had succeeded in cutting herself off from the rest of the world. For the first time in ages, she was lost in a book, mind filled with a story of true love, however unconventional...
Her cell phone rang.
Why was that even in this room? Sighing, she marked her place, got up, and grabbed the phone.
There was a moments silence. Maybe it was a prank call. Maybe...
"Um, hi. Is this ... Violet?" The stranger's voice was shy, quiet. Almost as if the whole idea of talking was new to her.
"Yes..." Her voice was suspicious. Who else would be answering Violet's phone? Then ... her heart jumped. "Wait, is this ... my Redheaded Witch?"
"Um, yeah. Hi."
"Oh my god! It's you! Mommy Taylor said you'd call, but I didn't think you would! Wait!" Violet looked around. This was too public a spot! She ran up to the top of the stairs, slamming the door closed and locking it. "Sorry! I just didn't want the kids bothering us! Hi! Cindy, is it?" She started back down the stairs, the sound of her footsteps lost in the beating of her heart.
"Ah, Cynthia, actually. I just sort of changed it the other day. It's a very long story..."
"I have the feeling," Violet said, chuckling "that we're both going to have lots of those. Cynthia ... I like it." She sat back down on the couch.
"Thanks ... I like you." It came out rushed, striking Violet to her core. She ... the Redheaded Witch liked her ... oh, gods ... For a moment, she forgot how to speak. She swallowed.
"Do ... do you believe in fate, my Redheaded Witch?"
"I ... I know lots of things, now. Enough that I can't say there is no fate, but also enough that I think fate isn't the answer most of the time."
"Our family, maybe, was created by fate. Daddy," and Violet's voice choked up for a moment, "Daddy would always joke about it, but I think my Moms believe. I think I do too."
"My story is so strange. But I want so much to tell you everything. You're all I've been able to think of."
"I keep seeing you, standing there over my bed, your read hair framing those beautiful eyes..."
"I think I love you..."
Violet gasped. No one, outside of family, had ever told her that. Had ever come close. And, this girl, who had only seen her once...
"I love you too..." It came out as a whisper, hanging there between them. Moments ticked by.
"Can I see you? Tonight?"
"Yes ... have you eaten yet?"
The beat up old Ford came to a stop next to the mail box, then slowly pulled into the driveway. Parking next to the minivan, Violet turned the key off, set the emergency break, and sat back in the seat.
She was here.
Now what?
This was crazy. The whole week had been crazy. Her life was crazy. Images of her Dad again flooded her mind, but with effort she pushed them down. Later. She could mourn some more later.
Maybe that's why she was here. For the first time in her seventeen year old life, Violet was, to a small degree, an outsider in her loving family. The days she had spent unconscious were time the others had used to mourn Daddy, to come to grips with the new reality. Cindy had filled her in about everything: the chaos, Mommy Taylor going almost catatonic, and Mommy Rachel basically taking over the family and getting them over the worst of it. While Violet wouldn't have wanted to go through all that, now that it was time for her to grieve she had to do much of it alone. Her personality won't allow her to drag family that had finally climbed up a bit from the loss, and were ecstatic about her recovery, back to the first stages of grief. Who could she grab onto...
Taylor opened her eyes. She saw pink. There was no pink in their bedroom. She blinked. Still pink. Mind slowly coming online, she noticed there was an outline to the pink, two long straight lines. Also, it wasn't so much pink as maybe flesh... Ah, it was an arm. A child's arm. Reaching up, she gently lifted John Carter's arm from her face and saw Rachel's six year old snuggled against her under the quilt. He was sleeping soundly, face at peace. With a smile, Taylor gave his forehead...
"Richard stared at the keyboard for a few moments. "Maybe we belong to a pool of soul mates," he said pensively. "There are a small number of people on this earth that we are intertwined with, not just one other."" Taylor looked up from the book, eyes once again going to the sleeping Violet. Sleeping ... it helped to keep thinking of her like that. She was just sleeping. A sleep that would never end... No! Taylor would NOT let herself think like that! It had only been a couple days....
My name is Violet and this is the story on how I lost my anal virginity to 3 guys. I was always very pretty, heck i knew it too. maybe that's what always got me in a lot of trouble. skipping school and smoking pot with the bad boys, hard to say no when its always free. I never did anything with them though I was too young and pregnant. farthest i had gotten was giving a blow job, getting my tits sucked on. little foreplay stuff. I had just turned 18 and was a Jr. in high school. I was 5'1 36c...
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Group Sex“Mmm…mmm…mmmph!!!”A big, juicy cock rammed its way inside Violet’s mouth. Its owner moved their hips back and forth, the phallus’ head tickled the entrance to her throat. With a final thrust, the cock went all the way back. Violet gagged and pulled her face back, a single strand of spit trailed behind. She was never very good at deep throating.“I’m cumming!” With a few jerks, steamy hot jizz spurted onto her face and began to slowly trickle down her neck.“That was amazing.” Her partner, Alice,...
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First off thank you everyone for the amazing feedback I've received on my last story! Extremely grateful and appreciative to share some of my experiences with everyone. This next 'chapter' as far as experiences go as also somewhat tame but has nonconsensual elements (public groping) so if you're sensitive to that, no worries but feel free to skip.Okie! Now this story took place towards the end of the summer a few years back. To sum up my family a bit, I have a mom and two sisters I live with...
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Hi, Indian Sex Stories readers.This is my real sex story which happened a few months ago. Before coming to the sex story, if any girls or aunties want to have fun in Bangalore, please do contact me Myself Arun, this incident happened on my summer vacation I.E after my 2nd public exams. I am a young boy of age just 18.Usually, I used to watch porn from my young age, so I was always thinking about having sex.My house maid was working in our house for the past 6 years. Her name is Vani (name...
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Hello friends I’m vicky from haryana. Meri age 35 or height 5″11 hai or mai shadishuda hu. Meri family mai meri mummy daddy, meri wife or mere 2 bete hai. Mai aap sab apne sath huyi sachhi ghatna ke bare me batana chahta hu jiske bare me maine kabhi kisi ko batane ki koshish bhi nahi ki or na hi kabhi kar sakta hu. Ye baat aaj se 5 saal purani hai jab meri wife ko second beta huya or vo delivery ke liye apne ghar gayi huyi thi. Isi doran meri sister jo mujhse 3 saal choti hai jiska naam priya...
THE RETREAT Jeff awoke from his nap feeling much better. Caitlin had a leg and an arm thrown over him and her head was resting on his shoulder. As he wondered if he could move out from under his wife without awakening her, she opened her eyes and smiled at him. He touched his finger to his lips, then eased out of bed to hold the sheet up for her as she followed him. Joyce, sleeping deeply beside them, didn't awaken. After the bathroom, they stepped into the shower together. "Feeling...
Hi dosto mera naam ronit hai, ye mari pahali kahani hai jo aaj mai aap logo ko batane ja rahau hu, agar koi gati ho to maf kar dena, mera naam ronit hai mai Orissa mai rahata hu, hight 5.9” hai or mere lund ka size 7” hai or 2” mota hai or ye kahani meri or Sonali ki hai jab mai Kolkata mai job karta tha, to ab mai kahani par ata hu, bat 4 saal purani hai jab mai Kolkata mai ek callcenter mai job karta tha job karte hue bujhe 1 saal ho gaye the or waha mere achi pahchan ho gai the or sab se...
When we got up in the morning, we cleaned up quickly in the separate men's and women's latrines before we met John and the driver for breakfast. We walked over to the officer's open mess and bought some great military breakfasts. I stuffed, having the opportunity to have good biscuits and sausage gravy, along with a bunch of eggs and potatoes. The coffee was bad as always, but it was hot, black, and strong. John looked at me and said, "Now what?" "If what you told me is true, we...
The morning was bright with the promise of a warm day ahead, the sky a perfect deep blue. I am fortunate to live in a sparely populated rural location and can go days without seeing another human being, with the exception of my Wife, of course. So, after finishing breakfast, I set out for my morning stroll over the fields, as had become our custom. However, as my better half was away at a conference, I was totally alone, and as the temperature began to rise, I steadily peeled off layer after...
Tonya felt like she was in a haze; she tried to make her way through it, but it was thick, even heavier than fog, more like heavy smoke, but it didn't choke her at all. The haze started clearing; Tonya was able to move through it more easily. She bumped up against a wall, but she couldn't see it. 'Glass?', she thought to herself. She wasn't sure why she felt that way, but she got the feeling she was being watched. It didn't make any sense to her. She made her way along the wall, and...
Rick couldn't remember how long he’d been carrying Lieutenant Jack Dennis' body, but it seemed to him the ordeal had been going on forever. When the attack had occurred earlier the entire team had been dead tired from three days hard march in the bush; the L.T. ordered them on after a five-minute break. Rick had taken only one step toward the point man when he’d felt Jack shoving him to the ground. Rick heard several shots and felt the impacts as the bullets struck Lt. Dennis' body!...
Hi ISS Readers, this is Rudra sai again. Hope you all read my previous and my life Real Experience Sindhu. You can think this as a continuation for my previous story but a new one with a new experience but with the same girl whom I have been missing from last 2 years came back to me as soon as she saw the story in ISS that I have posted very recently. Yes friends this is true and unbelievable. Sindhu also was habituated of reading ISS, and this made us join once again to have a great pleasure...
Introduction Introduction Long before Freddie Clegg recruited Larry as his Marketing Manager (see ?Market Forces?) the Clegg organisation had another brush with the world of marketing professionals. This story was originally (?2003?) posted on the forum at The House of Abductor (since closed), hence the references to this and the Secret Society of Kidnappers in this story. The logo used on The House of Abductor web site is referred to in the story. It?s reproduced here as an...
Introduction: BOY/BOY EXPERIENCES My first time with a boy. {A true story} must be 18 and over to read this story. This is my story. Well I was 12 at the time I had my first encounter with another boy my age. My name is Jackson, He was my best friend, his name is Conner and has dark brown hair and a firm body, 5 foot 1 inch, hes 12 as well. I have blonde hair and blue eyes and just have a little baby fat left on me. Im 5 foot 2 inches. We are both circumcised and have a purple scar around our...
09:47 St. Mere Eglise 1.7 Km. North West of DZ D + 1 The next morning we pushed on through the fields, dashing in and out of wooded areas and back into open fields where we stayed low and kept as close as we could to cover. We continued with the same pattern until approximately 20:00, when we decided to set up camp in old abandoned farm house. We had run into 3 or 4 more americans during our journey. A few men bunked on the ground and a few on...
Like many middle age married men, I absolutely love to hear about my wife's past lovers. That may be odd to some people, but to many men, it is so damn hot. Below are some real, true conversations we've had. These take place when we're fucking or I'm jacking off or we are mutually masturbating.A little about my wife: she is early 50s, we've been married 25 years. She was married young (age 17) and had two c***dren and was divorced when we met. Julie is 5-5, brown hair down to her shoulders and...
The two had a goal. Less than a couple months for the summer solstice meeting/bacchanal in Greece. Another month in the bucolic setting in the Appalachians before moving back to the professor’s home in a Maryland suburb of DC. Karissa would have preferred staying. The lake, clean and fresh, was continually invigorating for Karissa, and for Karis as well. It seemed the water in which she communed ended up having a magical effect on her brother. Giving him added strength as well as a greater...
One morning a husband returns after several hours of fishing and decides to take a nap. Although not familiar with the lake, the wife decides to take the boat out. She motors out a short distance, anchors, and reads her book. Along comes a Game Warden in his boat. He pulls up alongside the woman and says, "Good morning, Ma'am, what are you doing?" "Reading a book," she replies, (thinking, "Isn't that obvious?") "You're in a Restricted Fishing Area," he informs her. "I'm...
Chapter 4 – Conclusion At the beginning, a break-up is almost like a relief. It feels good to be able to sever and excise those connections that have become diseased and gangrenous and have started choking you and kept you from breathing. A new honesty enters your dealings with your former lover, a new ease and openness, and there’s almost a kind of delirium that seizes you and you run back and forth to her over bridges you don’t realize are already crumbling beneath your feet. She’s so much a...
Mayonnaise! How do you make chicken salad without mayo? I can't find any mayo in the stores. Mom reminds me that mayo would be a dangerous food to sell here as it goes bad quickly without refrigeration. Even if you have a fridge here ... well the power can go out for two days! So there isn't any mayo in the stores. I am grumbling because we have some cooked chicken here and I wanted a sandwich. Gel says make it. How? Ah she means make the mayo. So I get on the internet, look up recipes for...
The reservations had been made at Mattalio's, and the place was buzzing. Jessica got lusty stares from the men, and envy and hate from the women as she strutted back to their table. As they ordered and ate, Jessica enjoyed glancing around and catching the many eyes staring at her. The waiter seemed to hover over her shoulder and she caught him several times looking down the top of her dress. As men walked by and looked at her, she would shyly drop her eyes and stare at their crotches. She...
(This is my first time writing, just thought i'd try it out) First of all you need to know that I was a really shy 15 year boy old at the time this story takes place. (I’m now 25, info for the possible later stories) My family were invited to my dad’s coworkers wedding. The wedding was arranged at their own house as they had a big yard. The outdoors ceremony was a nice change for once in a while. The newly weds had arranged everything by themselves. There was a middle-aged lady priest...
Aunty decides she had enough of her unfaithful Husband Shamini (Love Interest) Age: 49 Born: 1972 Jailed: 29th June 2010 - Sentenced to 6 Months Rajeevan (Lead Character) Shamini, you are my everything. No matter whatever your age, I will always love you. All this time I've been a secret admirer of yours, yet part of me wants you to find this fan-fiction so we can be together because I know it's never too late. Don't be hesitant, you can have faith in me baby, ‘cause I'll be yours 'til...
Cheating WifeMonica Asis has been dying to show Kyle her newly learned cheerleading moves. She may be the tiniest girl on the squad, but she’s got a big attitude plus a perfectly plump ass and titties! She started with some ass shakes and leg kicks, then her panties came off so she could get an extra range of motion. From there she got a varsity level fucking in the living room, leaving her face covered in cum and her mouth chanting T-E-A-M-S-K-E-E-T! We definitely think she needs to be the teamskeet cheer...
xmoviesforyouThe Australian I doubt if I mentioned this to you but back in the days when I found out about her escapades…… my wife also told me about several other trysts she had with guys, the mortician, the body builder, the biker, me , a party etc. But the strangest was the one she had at the Holiday Inn. You know she was a regular at Marriott and Holiday Inn and had a few sexual episodes there. The one I keep forgetting to tell you about was with an Australian guy she met there one night. He was doing...
I wish I could tell you my name, but names don’t mean much to me anymore. I know what you are trying to say, my Birth name is Jeremy, but it’s been a long time since that means anything. Huh, you want me to start? Fine, but I think it’s always best to start from the beginning. I have always been a normal kid, through out my childhood I just drew with crayons and played with action figures. Hell, the only unusual thing that happened was when my father was locked up, him trying to tell me that...
Steve started looping the first failing test case again, and I studied the logic diagrams for a few minutes, looking for a way in which the signal that was associated with the bad connection could affect what was going on now. I started scoping forward from that signal and, after moving the probe a few times, I said, "Just for fun, let's change this logic card!" and powered down the system. Miguel pulled out the logic card, and said, "Caramba! This looks like something melted here!" He...
I was excited about going to college, and the night after graduation was the biggest party of summer. To make the dull part of the story short, I kissed another guy and my boyfriend broke up with me. I was all ready drunk, but that sobered me up enough that I wanted to get out of there, right then. My parents were still out when I got home. They were designated drivers at another party. I didn’t think it was that cool then, but I admire that about them now. Anyway, I had come home, drunk...
Hey guys, I am Shankar, 28 years old and from Chennai. This is a true incident during my college days when my GF (now Ex) and I traveled on Mangalore express. We broke up now due to hurtful reasons. We never missed having wild moments when we were into each other. My GF’s name is Rohini, and she had an hourglass structure body to die for. She is from Andhra with a stat 34-28-36. Though many tried to impress her in college, I was lucky to win her heart. I met her on social media, and we became...
It took little effort and next to no time, to make myself cum as I sat in the toilet cubicle next to Brigid's. I'd stuffed three fingers up my soaking pussy, and stuck my middle finger up my arse. I used the fingers of my left hand to gently spank and massage my throbbing, bulging clit. In less than a minute a little whimper escaped from my mouth, followed by a couple of low groans. I had to take my hand off my clit to stick it in my mouth to cover my moans of pleasure. I continued to rub...
I was at a Halloween party with a bunch of people I didn't know after my girlfriend got pissy because I looked better then she did and left. Let's back this up two days !!! We've been invited to Tammy's Halloween party Saturday night, my girlfriend Carol told me. It's a maskarade party. We gotta get costumes. Oh great I said. Tammy is the rich bitch that's been after my dick since grade 9. I'm not into her. Way to snobby for my liking. Carol on the other had is the complete...