- 4 years ago
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Chapter 7 – Recovery
{AUTHOR’S NOTE: – Apologies to my few ardent fans about the delay in publishing Chapter 7 of Emma’s Saga. Blame holidays, pressure of work, lack of time for research, and writer’s block – in no particular order. Emma doesn’t get fucked a lot in the next few chapters, but I’m still developing some important characters. Chapters 8 to 11 follow almost immediately. There may be more, but only if you want it. Please take the time to give me your reactions – for good or ill. Please vote! Thanks for your interest}
Emma barely remembered the next several hours. The nurse brought her a pill and a glass of water. ‘My name is Kathleen,’ she started. ‘I’ll just get you cleaned up a bit, and then the doctor will see you. This is a pain-killer, and a mild sedative. It will help you relax.’
Dimly, Emma recalled being washed and bathed. Her sore, tortured body was rubbed with healing ointments. A female doctor examined her from top to toe, making copious notes. She was X-rayed, and a digital camera recorded the marks on her skin. Finally, she was laid in a comfortable bed and given a sleeping pill. Within minutes, she had drifted off into a welcome slumber.
The following morning, she awoke, feeling a little refreshed, but with a sore head and a body which seemed to ache all over, and in every joint. Gingerly, she lifted the silk bed cover and looked down at her naked flesh, covered in red welts and blue-black bruises. Another nurse, younger than Kathleen, but also smartly attired in a white uniform, came in with a trolley.
‘How are you feeling this morning?’ she asked brightly in an Italian accent. ‘A little better?’
‘Yes, I think so,’ agreed Emma, ‘but I need a toilet.’
‘OK. Through that door there,’ said the nurse, pointing to a door on the far wall. ‘Can you manage?’
‘I think so.’ Emma swung her legs out of bed, and painfully staggered across the room, through the door and into a well-appointed bathroom. Refreshed, she returned to the bedroom. The nurse had laid plates on a small table.
‘Hi. You’re managing fine. I’m Paola, by the way. I believe you had a rough time yesterday.’
‘Yes,’ agreed Emma, ‘pretty rough. But I’ll survive.’
‘The doctor thought a light breakfast would be best – just fruit juice, cereals, yoghurt and bread,’ explained the nurse. ‘I’ve laid it out on the table here. Slip into that robe and sit here.’
Emma did as she was told.
‘First some pills,’ continued Paola, smiling. ‘A mild pain-killer, your normal contraceptive, and a special ‘morning-after’ one – we normally use this if a patient has had several men ejaculating inside her.’
Emma swallowed them obediently.
‘Now, eat some breakfast, and then I’ll be back to wash you and dress your wounds. After that the doctor will see you again. I’m pleased to say that there are no broken bones, and no signs of serious damage.’
Emma felt suddenly hungry, realising that she hadn’t eaten since lunch the previous day. As she ate, she realised that her room had a window. She hadn’t seen a window since she arrived here. Quickly, but painfully, she rushed to the window and looked out. The morning sun blazed down from a clear sky. She looked out into a large courtyard, about thirty metres square, with four fountains symmetrically arranged, surrounded by shady arbours and numerous trees, under which a paved path wound. The fountains looked inviting, she heard nothing through the double-glazing, but imagined the water tinkling gently in the shade. A black and white bird, about the size of a robin, but of a species she did not recognise, flew from a tree and drank from one of the fountains. She watched it open its bill as if to sing, but heard nothing.
The door opened behind her, startling Emma. ‘Enjoying the view?’ asked Paola.
‘Yes – it looks very beautiful, and cool.’
‘It’s OK early morning and late evening, but in the middle of the day it’s far too hot to venture out, even in the shade. It makes my home town in Italy seem quite chilly,’ laughed the nurse. ‘Are you ready for your bath now?’
Paola carefully and tenderly anointed Emma’s injuries with a soothing balm, and helped her lower herself into a bath of warm perfumed water. Emma lay back, relaxed, enjoying the scent. Paola massaged a delicate shampoo into Emma’s scalp, and rinsed it off. She helped Emma out of the bath and wrapped her in a huge soft towel, gently patting her dry. She laid a waterproof sheet across the bed, and beckoned Emma to lie down. Paola applied more of the cool balmy ointment to Emma’s body, and expertly massaged it in. Emma lay still, enjoying the soothing effect of the nurse’s hands on her tender skin, feeling her aches vanishing, wondering if perhaps Paola was paying a little too much attention to her breasts and her pussy, and almost wishing for more.
Emma sighed contentedly and seemed just about to drift off to sleep when the door flew open. Flustered, Paola looked up. ‘G… g… good morning, Doctor,’ she stammered. ‘The patient is ready for you now.’
‘Thank you, Paola. You may go.’
Paola left the room hurriedly, blushing slightly. Emma recognised the doctor as the one who had examined her the previous night, a small, slight woman, in her fifties, with straight hair and a prim expression. She looked down at Emma’s naked body with apparent disinterest.
‘How are you feeling to-day?’ she began.
‘Much better, thank you. A bit sore, but improving.’
‘Fortunately, you have no broken bones, and no serious injury. There is a little superficial damage to your vagina – probably caused by a particularly large penis. I’ll examine it again shortly, just to be sure, but I think it will heal in a couple of days. The rest of your injuries will improve quickly, given the right treatment. I have made a full medical report, and will pass it to the appropriate authorities, they will probably want to interview you to ascertain what actually happened, but in the mean time, I want you to stay here for recuperation. Now, open your legs and let me look at your vagina.’
Emma felt a tube being inserted, and the doctor moved in closely to examine Emma. ‘Yes,’ she asserted, ‘it’s clearing up quite well, as I thought – but you should keep off penetrative sex for a few more days. I’ll make a report to your trainer. Now, put on that nightdress, get back into bed and rest until lunchtime. I’ll give you another mild sedative.’
The rest of the day passed in something of a blur. Emma was cosseted, pampered, and regularly anointed. The physiotherapist visited, massaged Emma thoroughly, and encouraged exercises to alleviate the pains in her joints and muscles. Emma began to feel much better. She reflected on the events of the past twenty-four hours. It seemed that escape would be nearly impossible, in the short term at least. She resolved to co-operate with her captors for the present. She felt that by co-operating she would not only minimise the amount of pain and torture which she would have to endure, but in time they might allow her more freedom which she could use to advantage.
Later in the afternoon, towards five o’clock, a tall blonde lady entered Emma’s room, wearing an immaculately cut plain navy shift dress, which showed off her slim body to perfection. ‘Good afternoon,’ she began, ‘my name is Amira, but you will call me ‘Madam’.’
‘Yes, Madam,’ replied Emma.
‘You should really be naked and on your knees in front of me,’ continued the stranger, flashing her bright blue eyes, ‘but we’ll let that pass for now.’ Her English was perfect, with the merest trace of a foreign accent. Emma was strangely reminded of Ingrid Bergmann, from old films on television.
‘I’m sorry, Madam, I didn’t realise,’ apologised Emma, making as if to get out of bed.
‘No – stay in bed,’ replied the woman in a stern voice, taking a notebook out of her capacious Louis Vuitton handbag. ‘I need to ask you some qu
estions. I have been appointed by the Inquest, and need to report to them.’
‘Inquest, Madam? Inquest into what?’ asked Emma, puzzled.
‘Into the events of yesterday evening, of course, after your failed escape attempt. It seems that some people may have behaved inappropriately.’
‘Oh!’ remarked Emma, in surprise. ‘Inappropriately? Who, Madam?’
‘That is not your concern,’ frowned the woman, suddenly showing wrinkles that revealed her age as approaching sixty. ‘Your business now is to answer my questions, and tell me what happened. You must tell me the truth, I have full judicial authority. If you lie to me, it will be treated as perjury, and the penalty for perjury is to have your tongue cut out. Very unpleasant!’
For the next two hours, Emma answered questions, and related the events of the previous evening. Amira made notes, dispassionately cajoling Emma into remembering how many times she had been beaten, and by whom, and with what. She exhibited no obvious sympathy for Emma’s experience, but asked detailed questions about how she had been penetrated, and by whom (or what) and whether she had succumbed to orgasms. Finally, she closed her notebook and stood up. ‘OK, that will do for now, Leila. I’ll get these notes typed up, and then you can go through them. If you think of anything else that might be important, let me know in the morning. Goodbye for now.’
‘Goodbye, Madam,’ replied Emma demurely.
‘Strange!’ thought Emma. ‘I dreaded going through yesterday’s events, but now that I’ve done it, I feel much more comfortable, and at ease.’
Shortly afterwards, the nurse called Kathleen arrived with a light dinner for Emma. This was followed by a final massage and a further anointment of soothing balm, before Emma was given a sedative and a pain-killer, and put to bed with instructions to ‘sleep well’.
Emma lay in her comfortable bed, drowsily contemplating the whirlwind of events. Automatically, her fingers found their way to her shaved and pouting pussy, and stroked her clitoris, encouraging it to bloom. She snuggled into the soft mattress, feeling the juices begin to flow from her vagina. ‘Mmm,’ she murmured to herself, ‘that feels good.’ Her cunt still felt sore, but less so than before. She wished she had access to her favourite vibrator, she would have been so gentle with herself. Her finger moved faster on her clit, and her other hand grasped her bruised left breast, squeezing it hard. A streak of severe pain emanated from her tortured nipple, and radiated through her body. She cried out aloud as the pain metamorphosed into an intense orgasm, and fell into a deep sleep, her fingers still on her damp pussy.
The next day followed a similar course, with frequent massage and application of soothing ointments. At about eleven o’clock, Emma heard the clack of high heels outside her door, and Amira entered, dressed in a cream linen suit, with a short skirt, showing legs well proportioned for a woman of her age. She was carrying a lap-top computer. Quickly, Emma slipped off her robe and fell to her knees in the submissive pose which Yasmin had taught her.
‘Good girl,’ smiled Amira. ‘You learn quickly.’
Amira studied the kneeling girl with a practised eye. ‘Oh yes,’ she finally announced, ‘You are indeed very lovely, and have beautiful white skin. The marks are beginning to fade already. You show real promise. I would have liked the opportunity to train you myself, but His Highness prefers male trainers for his female slaves. His grandfather was more flexible, I myself was trained by a woman. Hans is a lucky man!’
‘You too were a slave, Madam?’
‘Oh, yes, many years ago,’ replied Amira, smiling, ‘but I was freed when His Highness’ grandfather died. Since then, I have had several important positions in the royal household.’
Amira sat down, placed the computer on her lap and opened it. ‘The Inquest has been scheduled for Tuesday,’ she continued. ‘I have typed up my notes and need you to go through and check the accuracy. You are familiar with Microsoft Word, I assume?’
‘Oh, yes, Madam,’ replied Emma, ‘I have used it a lot.’ She thought for a moment, and spoke again. ‘Excuse me, Madam, but I think I am a little confused about the days. To-day is Sunday, I think. Is that right?’
‘Yes, and the Inquest will be on Tuesday, in two day’s time. You’ll find the notes on this disk, in a file called ‘Leila notes.doc’. Go through them carefully, and amend anything that is not quite correct. Remember that any untruths will be classified as perjury, and you know the penalty for that!’
‘Yes, Madam,’ agreed Emma, shuddering inwardly.
‘If there are points in the notes on which you are not absolutely certain, you must say so. If, for example, you can no longer be quite sure which man did something to you at a certain point, you must make that clear. This is most important. Use a phrase such as ‘I cannot be quite sure, but I think it was X’. The Inquisitors will understand, and make suitable allowance. They will receive written testimonies from all the parties involved, and will be particularly keen to explore any discrepancies.’
‘Will I have to attend the Inquest, Madam?’ asked Emma.
‘Of course. You are one of the principals. Your testimony will be crucial. It is very important for you that the Inquisitors believe your account, otherwise they may accuse you of perjury.’
Emma’s brain was in turmoil. It sounded as if she was going to be on trial herself. She was close to panic.
‘But Madam,’ she began, cautiously, ‘am I allowed a lawyer?’
‘Of course not,’ replied the older woman in an exasperated tone. ‘Why on earth would you need a lawyer? All you have to do is tell the truth, the Inquest will then decide. However, your Master will be at the Inquest, and because you are new here, he has been given permission to advise you. I must leave now. Go through the notes this afternoon, I will collect your amended version at six o’clock.’
‘Yes, Madam. When will I see Hans?’
‘HANS???’ Amira exploded. ‘You must NEVER refer to him as ‘Hans’. He is your Master!’ she insisted.
‘I am sorry, Madam. When will I see my Master?’ Emma replied, in a soft, quavering voice.
‘That’s better! I don’t know for sure. Probably to-morrow afternoon, after he has had time to study your testimony, and that of the other principals.’
After lunch, and between further sessions with the physiotherapist and attention from her nurse, Emma carefully went through Amira’s notes, amending a few points. As promised, Amira returned shortly after six o’clock. Emma again removed her robe and adopted her submissive posture.
‘Very good, Leila,’ remarked Amira, approvingly. ‘You have been through the notes?’
‘Yes, Madam, and made a few changes. I believe they are quite accurate now.’
‘I hope so. Your Master has confirmed that he will see you to-morrow afternoon, at about two o’clock. I will arrange for you to see the hairdresser and beautician in the morning, you will want to look your best for your first proper session with your Master.’
‘Oh, yes, Madam,’ agreed Emma. ‘Thank you, Madam.’
‘I will collect you at nine o’clock, and will bring suitable clothing for you. Make sure you have bathed and had your bruises dressed before then.’
‘Yes, Madam.’
In bed that night, Emma pondered her day. It was odd, but for the first time since her abduction, she couldn’t recall having thought about Max, Peter, her family, her work, or even the possibility of escape. Was she getting used to her new life already? Hazily, she wondered if she was being surreptitiously drugged, and brainwashed.
True, she had had a busy day. The process of going through in detail the events of her punishment, torture and rape had left her strangely disconcerted and aroused. Several times, as she read the report on screen, she had felt uncomfortably damp between her thighs, and only with some difficulty had resisted the urge to l
et her hand wander under her robe to stroke her pussy. She had difficulty understanding what was happening to her. The index finger of her right hand brushed casually over her clitoris, feeling the juices seeping from her empty vagina. Was she actually missing the pain, wanting it? She raised her left hand to her left breast, grasped her tortured nipple and squeezed hard. Pain shot through her body. She gasped aloud, and pressed her finger against her swollen clit. Taking it between her thumb and forefinger, she squeezed hard. She rolled it between her finger tips, and did the same with her nipple. Oh yes, that was so sore, but it felt so good. How she wished she had a vibrator for her cunt – or a spare finger for her arsehole. Oh yes, yes – she needed that so much.
Reluctantly, she released her nipple, pushed her free hand under her buttocks, and tested the tight bud of her anal hole. It felt damp, wet with the juices flowing down from her pussy. Her legs opened wider, giving her hands better access to play. Her lips moistened even more, as she slipped a finger into her cunt. The still-tender walls seemed to grasp her finger and contract around it. She gave a low moan of sheer pleasure, pushing a second finger, and then a third, inside herself, the soft warmth of her pussy seeming to suck them in. She took a deep breath, and forced her legs back over her head, opening herself still further.
A vision of Clyde’s massive penis swept unbidden before her closed eyes. Oh no! She couldn’t take that monster again! Desperately, she tried to force her fingers further inside herself, opening her fist to stretch her cunt wider, remembering the feeling of being filled so completely by Clyde’s Roger.
Oh yes! Her fingers worked faster, building her arousal, slipping inside her, stretching her, filling her, feeling how wet, hot and slippery she was. Perspiration flowed from every pore in her body. Her left index finger pressed harder against the rosebud of her anus, seeking entry, gaining entry, sliding into her passage. She began moving her finger in and out of her anus, in time with the fingers in her cunt. Her clitoris needed attention! She didn’t have enough hands. Desperately, she tried to stimulate her clit with the thumb of her right hand, but she couldn’t get the angle right. In exasperation, she withdrew the finger from her anus and brought it round the front to attack her clit. Furiously she rubbed, and then squeezed it tight. She was aware of a loud whimpering, building to a scream, and a long low howl as she climaxed. Still her hands and fingers moved frantically, building her orgasm to greater heights. ‘Oh fuck, yes, Clyde! Fuck me harder. I need Roger. Yes!!! Right up me. All the way!!! Yes!!!’
Still her fingers moved inside her. The sound, feel and smell of her wet pussy pushed her on. Her other hand continued to work on her clit, circling it, rolling it, pinching it, moving faster and faster as the intensity built. Her whole body tensed as she found release, moaning further obscenities as she shuddered and felt her sopping cunt grip the fingers inside it.
Finally, she relaxed, withdrawing her hand from her pussy, and bringing it to her face to savour the potent scent of her arousal. She continued to stroke her clitoris, but gently now. Sweat pooled on her body, and dripped onto the crisp sheets. Dreamily, she turned onto her right side, pulled the sheet around her body and settled into a foetal position, her finger still on her clit. She sighed contentedly, snuggled into her pillow, and drifted into a contented slumber.
The next morning, after Emma had bathed and breakfasted, the door to her room opened and a strange figure entered, completely enveloped in pale grey cloth, and carrying a package.
‘Madam?’ queried Emma, dropping to her knees in submission.
‘Yes, Leila, it is I!’ The voice came from behind a veil.
As she looked more closely, Emma noticed a slit in the veil, behind which shone Amira’s piercing blue eyes.
‘Why are you looking at me?’ shouted Amira, crossly. ‘Lower your gaze to the floor as you were told!’
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Hello dear readers….First of all i express my gratitude to this wonderful site where you share emotions with like mind people and also gives us a forum to share and inform the wonderful life that god has given us to “Enjoy”.Hats off to this wonderful site once again. Coming to the point : I am Prasad working for a government agency living in hyderabad aged 38 happily married with one daughter and one son aged 10 and 7 respectively. I have a very lovely wife (although lean) and have a fairly...
IncestNote : This story is completely fictional! My father worked in dubai for the most part of my life, returning once or twice a year to visit us. My mom and me lived on our own in a small house beside Father's parents home. On his last visit home, which was several months ago, he had gotten mommy pregnant and now she was with a nice swollen belly and with radiant features. My mom and me had always been close as there was only the two of us at home and hence became very loving and affectionate. As...
IncestJack asked, "Hat, who was King Elric?" I have no idea. He must have been from an era long before my creators were born. Jack picked up the monster sword and asked for an identification. That sword no longer has any magical properties. The magic vanished with the destruction of King Elric. Jack grinned and said, "Easy come, easy go!" He dropped the sword and walked away. They explored the remainder of the cellar level and went down one more set of stairs. They had hardly stepped off...
This story began 54 years ago, when my sisters, who were 13 and 16, began dressing their 3 year old brother in girls clothes. At first, I believe they probably viewed it as harmless fun, as merely a diversion. But their brother, who had no one else to play with, loved the attention, and it grew to be a frequent event. When they came home from school, there was their little brother to dress up like a doll. In time, they had somehow acquired clothes that fit the smallish boy better than...
In the dusk of early evening I knocked on the front door and soon Ken answered it.“Good evening Ken. Your parents asked me to keep an eye open for you while they were away, although since your last birthday you are technically a man now, so you should be able to look after yourself! May I come in for a few minutes?”“A coffee? thank you, but I brought a bottle of wine with me, if you could get some glasses. I see the house is nice and tidy, but don’t worry, I’m not making reports for your...
Dana woke up abruptly, too alert for comfort. She looked around the room with her green eyes and didn’t recognize her surroundings at first. Her heart pounded inside her ribcage from her uncomfortable dream which was fading from memory. She wasn’t in her small studio apartment where she thought she deserved to be, the cold, moist air and the painfully familiar relics would sashay around her to remind her of the life she once had before her mother passed away. It was a painful reminder of what...
Wednesday, the week before Thanksgiving, I walked into the office trailer at the project. Sara was moving another stack of paperwork onto a growing pile. "Be careful, lady," I said. "Safety's gonna put barricade tape around that stack!" "Don't I know," she laughed. "I'm so far behind. I need to hire a temp to do some filing." "Why'n't ya get one?" "Too much hassle. Just for a couple of days' work." "Cindy's out of school next week. She's gonna hang around the park...
The first words that flew out of her mouth were not so flattering. "You just don't give up, do you?" Devlin got up, his grey eyes sparkling and approached her grinning. "Never". "I'm sorry but I can't deal with this right now". She tried to push him away but it was like trying to move a rock. "A migraine?", he asked sounding concerned. "Yes", she admitted. And you're making it worse, she thought. "Let me take care of you", he said and she almost cried. Damn him! Why did...
SARAH’S STORY We had not had a vacation for a couple of year so hubby and I decided to take an exotic trip to Thailand for a couple of weeks. Winter was approaching North Carolina and a bit more warmth would be just the thing. We went for the Asia hotel in Bangkok for the first week and their Sister Asia Hotel in Pattaya for the second week, as the traveling times were extensive; we had about 5 nights in each hotel. The first two days we did the sites we wanted to see first and was having a...
Wife LoversYet barely an hour later, as he sat alone in the lounge of the sumptuous apartment in the middle of Manila's Makati financial district, the lonesome teenager couldn't help but reflect upon a week that had changed his life. Sighing wistfully, he yearned for his mother's voluptuous bosom, coverted Meg's beautiful mouth, craved Jo's exquisite pussy, longed to stroked Beth's delicious coffee-coloured legs and arse and was desperate to hear Amy's delightful giggle again. Oh how he missed...
Bobby encountered Miss Ingalls in the hallway the next day when he was returning to class after lunch. ‘Robert, would you mind stopping at my office after school?’ Doreen asked. The assistant principal’s request startled the young man. What did she want? As far as he knew, he hadn’t done anything to warrant being called to the office. Why did Miss Ingalls want to see him? ‘Ah…sure, Miss Ingalls,’ he replied. After the dismissal bell rang, the young man walked down the hall toward the office,...
My brother came home late one night, thoroughly drunk, and passed out on his bed, totally clothed. We were alone and I did something monumentally stupid. The whole time I was mad scared that he'd come in my mouth, but he never did, me sucking him just long enough to satisfy my craving, and then stealing back to my bedroom. The giddiness I'd felt before sucking him was gone and I laid in bed feeling paranoid, guilt-wracked and scared. What if Jamie woke up, knowing what I'd done? What if he...
"It was so nice of you to have me and Tyler join you guys up here for the weekend! We really appreciate it," Brooke said to Amy, holding her cup of coffee close to her lips to protect against the chilly bite of the Sierra Nevada breeze before taking a sip. "Jacob and I have been up here so often, just the two of us, that we decided that this year we wanted some company and who better than you two? I mean, you and Jacob spend so much time together at work that I'm sure you'd like to hang out...
TabooIt was shortly after lunch, and a quick shower at the apartment that Tony arrived at Joan's house. Joan met him on the doorstep, and flung her arms round his neck. It was the same every time they had met, since her eviction of John. Tony had not pressed charges, after John's attempt to kill him, but only on condition that he stayed away from her. The warning had not been necessary, as he was now remanded in custody, waiting for trial on a long list of offences. Over the past few weeks,...
Dirk and I were split up. We each went into a Scout Lance for the two new Lances of Shadow. The first thing we did was to start to familiarize the others with the area. That didn't take long and as we were doing that we were beginning to become acquainted with each other. Mack Flannery was the Captain of Shadow. He rode around in a Catapult which is a 65 ton missile launcher. Its main weapons are two LRM-15s which can turn out a lot of missiles. Lt. Randy Larson was the Executive Officer...
Introduction: 20 year old virgin gets abducted by the demon of lust and becomes his bride… Tied down. My arms stretched above my head, aching in their relentless restraint. Panic as I take in my surroundings. Im in what looks like a large cave, the walls made of black volcanic rock. Rivulets of lava seep down through numerous cracks in the surrounding walls, cooling and hardening, adding to the texture of the cave. The heat makes me sweat uncontrollably, beads of it roll down my face. My...
After Master had come in my ass, he went over to the sink and washed up. He walked over to me and pressed me back down on the examining table. “Spread your legs,” he told me and ran a cloth up my legs, over my pussy and finally over and inside my well-fucked asshole. He slapped my ass one more time and told me to get dressed. I reached for my bra, but he shook his head no, so I buttoned up my shirt without it. I pulled up my skirt and went for my panties, but Master shook his head no again. I...
BDSMI will tell you a story of something that happened to me recently. The following is a completely, 100% true story.I have always been skeptical about women masturbating with streams of water, though I have known for a long time that it's quite possible, just not common. I mean, I don't get off humping a pillow either, but some girls do. However, a few years ago I spent a couple of nights in a San Francisco hotel and it had a detachable shower head and good water pressure. I tried it, and it...
I liked Will, and I was glad he and Mary hit it off so well. I'd sort of hoped she'd find someone besides Tom, especially since I now have Alex and Saul. I walked around the museum with them, listening to Will's talk. He does know his stuff, and even though he really didn't have eyes for anyone but Mary, he really grew on me. Of course, he also took care to look down the front of my dress when I gave him the chance, and he kept trying to see through Mary's shirt as well. She'd left the...
Victoria returned on the dot of twenty to eleven and they drove to the Saddle Club, getting there ten minutes later. They went to sign in and Mark was amused that the secretary himself had turned out to welcome Victoria and also of course invite her to become a member. "I wish I could," Victoria smiled at him, "but I doubt it's worth it. I'm working in London at the moment and it's not as though I'm down here every weekend by any means. If things change though I'll certainly think...
The next morning Lily woke up late, she forget for a few moments that she had limbs again and laid in bed waiting for Jamie. Once her head had cleared, some she threw back the duvet and looked down and her long, lithe, naked body. She thought back to the last few days, remembering what she’d done and how beautiful her body had looked without limbs, and how she’d felt the last night when Jamie had made her nothing more that a torso and a head. She could feel her pussy start to tingle as she...
This is the story of my ex-wife, Hafida, whom I had married following atrip to her small home town in the south of Morocco. After reading this,you may think I'm being spiteful, but what the hell! She was no sainteither! We had only been married a few days when I found her arguing vehementlywith her younger sister, Amina. Now, if Hafida is a quiet, seemingly shygirl, then by comparison, Amina is a mouse! I was very surprised then,when I found them engaged in a heated argument! I managed...
I said I would tell you about the small gathering of Ladies who like me were selected for a BBC sex party, part for breeding and part for our multi orgasm pleasure with these a****l monsters. The 2 rooms were one for breeding Ladies and the other for us to have our pussies filled and filed over and over again. One of the Ladies who loved to breed with African BBC men was Sue. Sue is a blonde Lady of 35 yo and about 5′ 3′ tall. She has a big ass and titties with huge brown nipples. Her belly is...
For My Daughters by shalimar Chapter 1 Esther and Grace played with the tea set Albert had set out for them on a small table in the corner of the room. He had placed their tiny table there so he could keep an eye on them as he scrubbed the counters. Al had washed the dishes the two girls had used for dinner, and then he made sure the kitchen sparkled before he gave them his full attention. Rebecca entered the kitchen from the living room where she had been reading a steamy...
My apologies for any confusion caused by the way I screwed up the numberingon the first story I posted from this series. As my draft approached sevenhundred pages, I realized that the single story I envisioned starting withwas too long and too complicated to remain a single story. Then, to my furtherhorror, I realized that A Caribbean Adventure was actually number two in theEast Coast Slavers Organization Series. Anyhow, I have reassigned 'A CaribbeanAdventure' to ECSO 2. The novel-length...
By Jax_Teller The Snow cancellation had given me time to enjoy the sex that Karma was providing. Marion had gone home last night sometime while I slept with Nikki. I could hear David in his shower and that meant school was going to be open today. I got up took a shower and when I returned to the bedroom Nikki was gone. I was disappointed but knew I needed to get going. David and Nikki were doing the morning thing like every other school day, but all I could think of was sex. Nikki bent...
It’s Labor Day Weekend, and we’ve booked a room at a Bed & Breakfast in Belfast, Maine, called The White House. I’ve been there before, and it’s fabulous. I know you haven’t, and I also know you’ll love it. The rugged shoreline, the sailboats and fishing boats in the bay, sleeping at dawn as the mist surrounds them like a blanket. We’re driving through the back country roads, soaking in the scenery, or at least I am — you’ve fallen asleep, your hand intertwined in mine, your face peaceful and...
Dr. Harris said, "Peter, as you watch your wife laying there fucking herself, you know that she loves the thought of being fucked by lots of men, don't you Peter?" Peter did not stop stroking his penis said, "I want her to be a whore like Rachel, but I did not think that would ever happen." Dr Harris said, "Peter, I think we should test out why you loved eating out men's sperm from your whore girl friend so much. Tell me Peter, why do you like sucking out men's sperm out of a...
She walked into her lonely apartment. Ajax, her cat nuzzled her leg in his usual greeting. She headed to her cabinet and cabinet and poured herself a glass of wine, which she took in one gulp. In a daze she flopped down on her sofa, absent-mindedly stroking Ajax’s head when he had climbed on her lap. She was still reeling from the news. Sara Carey could hardly believe the news when she had heard it. Chad Green was going to have his rehabilitation in her clinic and she would be his caseworker....
The taking of Dria was over, the dead lay were they were killed and the smoke from burnt out buildings drifted on the breeze. Lord Ragnar walked through the mining town shaking his head. His vanguard warriors had already taken the village by the time that the main body of the army arrived. What followed was little better than total destruction. The Orcs burnt everything that they could and several things that Ragnar did not think could be. There were no prisoners, not many refugees escaped...
Hi tom back meri paheli story likhi uska koye jayda response nahi aaya per jeetne v aaye acche aaye muje mail kare aub aagey baba us deen priya ko 2 bar choda aur wo ghar celi gai uski caal bahut aajib ho gai tee aunty ko dehk kar kuch sak ho gaya par aunty kuch nahi kaha aur apna kam karne lagi aur rat mai aunty ke pati daru pee ke aaya kabi-2 uncle ke dost uncle ko daaru pila dete hai warna wo daaru nahi pite the us deen aunty uncle turant bedroom mai chale gaye aur uncle chilane lage aaj...
After the young ladies had all washed up and gathered in the main hall Miss Noefun began to lecture the students and the two teachers involved. The Long Stockings Private School for Gifted Girls and Young Ladies, had never before seen such free spirited and childish behavior from it’s pupils, nor it’s teaching staff. The mud fight at Lake Blue water had been a black mark on the reputation of the school. Miss Noefun was not impressed. She had always striven for excellence in her teachers. This...
No hubo que esperar al miércoles, a los dos minutos me llegó otro mensaje de Loli, diciéndome que se encontraba mal, que bruto del marido le había desgarrado el esfínter anal, vamos que le había roto al culo y que precisaba ir a urgencias .No le apetecía pedir un taxi ni llamar a un familiar.Ya me veía yo entrando con ella en urgencias, dando la cara por culpa de un culo roto que no era mi culpa, la situación no me interesaba, pero por otra parte sentía que tenía parte de...