Senior Year Ch. 11 free porn video

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Bobby encountered Miss Ingalls in the hallway the next day when he was returning to class after lunch.

‘Robert, would you mind stopping at my office after school?’ Doreen asked.

The assistant principal’s request startled the young man. What did she want? As far as he knew, he hadn’t done anything to warrant being called to the office. Why did Miss Ingalls want to see him? ‘Ah…sure, Miss Ingalls,’ he replied.

After the dismissal bell rang, the young man walked down the hall toward the office, his heart pounding. He was sure he’d done nothing wrong, but having to go to the office upset him just the same. Taking a deep breath, he knocked on Miss Ingalls’ door.

‘Come in,’ came her soft, husky voice in response to his knock.

Bobby opened the door and walked in. Miss Ingalls was sitting behind her desk, but rose as he entered. Bobby looked at her. She sure was gorgeous. Her outfits were always dynamite and today’s was no exception. She was wearing a white cable-knit sweater and white ribbed skirt that clung lovingly to her fine physique.

‘Sit down, Mr. Draper,’ Doreen said. ‘I have a couple of things to finish, then we can talk.’

Still not sure why he was there, Bobby sat down. Even though he knew he hadn’t done anything wrong, he was nervous.

Doreen Ingalls, aware of the young man’s discomfort, was doing nothing of importance, but she knew from experience that the more uneasy students were, the easier they were to deal with, so she continued writing out her grocery list while she let Bobby grow more and more nervous.

Under her cool exterior, the assistant principal was as almost uptight as the young man, but for different reasons. She had decided she had to find out exactly how good a lover Bobby was. It had been a long time since she’d been to bed with a man and the boy sitting across her desk from her, although he didn’t know it yet, was about to be the beneficiary of her decision to end her long period of abstinence from males.

It seemed like he’d been sitting there for ages, but was only a few minutes, when Bobby saw Miss Ingalls finish writing. She put her pen down and looked at him over her desk. ‘There,’ she said, ‘I’m done.’ She reached across her desk, picked up a folder and, as she lifted it, she knocked over her coffee cup. The coffee spilled onto her lap.

‘Oh, darn!’ Doreen exclaimed as she jumped to her feet. There was a brown stain on her skirt. ‘Look what I’ve done! I’m going to have to go home and get this in cold water before the stain sets.’ She picked up her purse. ‘You can come with me, please, Robert,’ she said, starting for the door.

Bobby wondered why they couldn’t just talk about whatever she wanted to talk about some other time, but he wasn’t sure it would be a good idea to argue with the assistant principal, so he followed her out of the office. He liked the view he got as Miss Ingalls walked ahead of him. She had an extremely well-shaped bottom which moved impressively as she strode down the hallway ahead of him. Her legs, encased in white pantyhose, were very well-shaped, too, the young man observed.

Doreen, her heart pounding, walked rapidly out of the school and headed for the parking lot with a confused Bobby following her. She reached her car and turned to him. ‘Get in, Robert,’ she said.

Bobby slid into the passenger seat of Miss Ingalls’ little red imported convertible and watched the assistant principal slide behind the wheel. He noticed that she displayed a lot of lovely, white nylon-encased leg as she got into the low-slung car. He was confused. What was going on? Miss Ingalls fastened her seat belt and started the car. When it began moving, Bobby put on his seat belt, too.

‘Ah…Miss Ingalls,’ he said.

‘Yes, Robert?’ Doreen asked as she drove out of the parking lot and turned onto the main street.

‘Why…why couldn’t we, ah, do this tomorrow?’ Bobby asked.

‘I need to talk with you today,’ Doreen said, ‘about something very important.’

‘Oh,’ Bobby replied. His insides went cold. What did she want to talk to him about that was that important it couldn’t wait? Had he done something wrong he didn’t remember doing?

A few minutes later Doreen, her heart pounding harder and harder, turned into the parking lot of her apartment building. She pulled into her parking space in the basement of the building and shut off the car. Turning to Bobby, she said, ‘Please come in with me, Robert.’

Bobby, more confused than ever, followed the assistant principal into the building and up two flights of stairs to her apartment. She unlocked the door and went inside. He followed, wondering, ‘What the hell is going on?’

‘Have a seat, Robert,’ Doreen said, indicating one of the chairs in her living room. ‘I’ll be right with you.’ She headed for her bedroom.

‘Ah, sure,’ Bobby said. He sat down on the modern-looking leather sofa Miss Ingalls had pointed to.

Doreen walked into her bedroom and, standing in front of the open bedroom door with her back to it, she slipped out of her clothes, leaving her wearing only a very lacy white bra, matching thong bikini, and white stockings. She laid her sweater and stained skirt on the bed then she turned around.

Bobby waited on the sofa, filled with trepidation. He couldn’t imagine why the assistant principal had brought him to her apartment. He looked up and realized he could see her in her bedroom, and she was taking her clothes off! He gulped and swallowed hard. ‘Does she know I can see her getting undressed?’ he wondered as his heart began to pound. The stunned young man was unable to take his eyes off the breathtaking apparition displayed for him through the open bedroom door. Miss Ingalls had her back to him, so she might not know he was watching her, but then she turned around and their eyes met.

Doreen saw the stunned look on the young man’s face when her eyes met his. She smiled, walked over to her closet, got out a sheer robe, slipped into it, and with her heart thudding, she started for the bedroom door and the young man waiting in her living room.

Doreen forced a stern look onto her face, even though she was elated by the look she’d seen in they young man’s eyes. ‘Robert, what were you doing just now?’ she asked as she strolled toward him.

Bobby was even more confused now than he’d been when he first got to Miss Ingalls’ apartment. She’d undressed in front of him, almost as if she wanted him to see her, but now she was acting like she was angry. ‘I…I…what do…do you mean, Miss Ingalls?” he stammered, his voice hoarse.

Doreen reached the sofa and stood looking down at the young man, who was now red-faced and staring at her wide-eyed. ‘Robert, were you watching me get undressed?’ she asked.

‘Ah…Miss Ingalls…I…’ Bobby stammered.

‘You were, weren’t you, Robert?’ Doreen asked.

Bobby nodded slowly. ‘I…I…guess I…I was,’ he stammered. ‘I…you…you were in front of…the…the door and all and…’

‘Robert, are you saying you think I undressed in front of you on purpose?’ Doreen asked.

‘Ah…I…I don’t know, ah, Miss Ingalls,’ he croaked. He was totally confused. What was she doing? Why was she acting like this?

‘What ever would make you think I’d do something like that, Robert?’ Doreen asked.

‘I…I don’t know, Miss Ingalls,’ Bobby replied. ‘I…I’m sorry, I…I shouldn’t have said that. I…I’m sorry.’

Doreen could no longer maintain her stern look. Her features softened, as did her voice when she asked him, ‘Did you like what you saw, Robert?’

Bobby, shocked stared at her. ‘Ah…yeah…I…I did,’ he stammered.

‘I’m glad to hear you say that, Robert,’ Doreen said. ‘Please, come with me.’ She took Bobby’s hand, pulled him to his feet, and led him to her bedroom.

Bobby still totally confused, accompanied the assistant principal to her bedroom without protest.

When they were in D
oreen’s bedroom she took off her robe, pulled the young man into her arms, and they fell on the bed.

Now Bobby knew what the woman wanted. He avidly opened the bra clasp between the woman’s breasts and, when her gorgeous breasts were bared, he began caressing them and moving them over the rest of lush body.

When the young man began caressing her, rapture rippled through Doreen. She shuddered and began tearing at his clothes, too.

Bobby felt Miss Ingalls removing his clothes and, while she did, he sucked on her nipples until they were stiff and straining, then his hands, lips, and tongue trailed fire down her body and ventured through her pubic forest, to her vagina. He peeled her bikini off, then plunged his mouth against her pussy and began lapping it.

‘Ahhhhhhh!!!!!’ Doreen cried, her back arching, her hips rising off the bed. So far Bobby was performing every bit as well as she hoped! God! His mouth on her pussy felt so good!

Bobby abandoned the assistant principal’s pussy and removed what few clothing remained on him. Then he slid up next to Miss Ingalls and kissed her, his tongue probing into her mouth. He was desperate with need and couldn’t wait. He rolled on top of her warm body and was thrilled when his cock slid into her warm cavern.

For a few moments, Bobby forced himself to be still, luxuriating in the warmth engulfing his cock, embedded deep in assistant principal’s body. Her rigid nipples drilled into his chest. He covered Miss Ingalls’ lips with his again and felt her tongue probe into his mouth.

‘Take me, Robert!’ Doreen urged, rocking her hips. ‘Come on, Robert, take me!’ Her moving hips sent provocative sensations racing the young man’s body.

Their bodies strained, flesh rubbing flesh, giving and taking, seeking the ultimate in pleasure. Each of them could feel their partner’s passion building and growing as they neared the bursting point.

‘Oh, God, Miss Ingalls, I’m gonna come!!’ Bobby groaned, feeling the spasms begin deep in his body, knowing he would soon unleash his seed.

‘Yessssss!!!’ Doreen replied. Her peak, too, was very near. She knew the young man’s gushing cream would take her where she wanted to go. She pulled his head down and covered his mouth with hers when his hot cream began spurting into her. An explosion of unbearable joy shook her. She couldn’t believe anything could feel as good as this did. He really was a masterful lover. No wonder Lois talked about him in such glowing terms.

Afterward, they lay in each other’s arms, the gorgeous woman’s hands were moving over the young man’s body. Bobby shuddered as Miss Ingalls’ hands slid over him, her touch feather-light, teasing, tantalizing.

‘Ohhhhhh!!! Oh, God, Miss Ingalls, that feels so good!!’ he whispered as her hands travelled his body. She touched every part of him, except for his erection which again stood rampant, pointing at the ceiling. She continued caressing him, eventually reducing him to a quivering mass of lust-maddened flesh, groaning and twisting on the bed.

Doreen was as aroused as Bobby, and was enjoying what she was doing to him very, very much. This afternoon had wound up being far more wonderful than she expected it to be!

Bobby, almost insane with need, reached for the gorgeous assistant principal and it was her turn to experience ecstasy when the young man’s lips and hands went to work on her nipples once again, sending ecstasy rushing though her. She groaned with delight and clutched his head, pulling him against her.

‘Ohhh!!! Robert!!! That feels so good!!!’ she whimpered. ‘You touch my breasts so wonderfully!’

While Bobby’s lips and one hand worked on the assistant principal’s firm breasts, his other hand slid down her silken flesh and began to explore her rounded belly. Then it delved into her lush forest of pubic hair.

As ecstasy swept through her, Doreen clamped her lips against Bobby’s, her tongue exploring his mouth.

Bobby continued his avid exploration of Miss Ingalls’ willing form with lips and hands. She was so warm, so silken, and her response to his touch was so wild. A constant stream of gasps and groans came from the gorgeous woman as his hands, lips, and tongue investigated her quaking body.

One of Bobby’s hands slid between Doreen’s shapely legs and urged them apart. Then, softly, he began kissing the baby-smooth skin of her inner thighs. Never in Doreen’s experience had a lover taken so much time with her or been so gentle! It was unbelievably exhilarating! Passion growing and blossoming, swept over her in waves, each wave taking her to higher and higher levels of delight.

‘Robert!!! Oh, God!!! Oh, God!!! That’s magnificent!!!’ Doreen babbled. ‘That’s marvelous!!! So marvelous!!! Yessssssssss!!!!’

Bobby loved the effect his ministrations were having on the Miss Ingalls, and continued to slowly, lovingly adore her body. Unable to resist temptation any longer, he once again covered the glistening lips of her vagina with his mouth.

Doreen had thought it was impossible to feel any better. But when the young man’s lips and tongue began their exquisite foray in the center of her passion, a brilliant, overwhelming storm of erotic sensations was unleashed. Her hips rocked upward, off the bed and a massive orgasm rent her. ‘Ohhhhhhhhh!!!!! Do meeeeeeee!!!!!!! Do meeeeee!!!’ the gorgeous woman cried, her body thrashing, ‘I’m….I’m comminnngggg!!! Yessssss, Robert!!! Oh, yessssssss!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!’

Bobby kept after Miss Ingalls until she lay limp and spent, her arms slack, her eyes closed. He was delighted he’d been able to give the lovely woman so much pleasure.

Doreen lay there, looking at the young man, her face flushed. ‘Robert, that was unbelievable!’ she whispered.

Bobby was far from finished. He cupped a firm breast, thumbing the already-erect nipple. ‘Then you probably won’t mind if I don’t stop,’ he murmured.

‘Ohhhhhh!!!!’ Doreen groaned. ‘N..Noooo! I…I don’t mind!!!’ He wasn’t going to stop! She pulled him into her arms and they kissed, tongues lashing, as sparks of passion flew between them.

Bobby’s hands again started roving over Miss Ingalls’ fulsome curves, inflaming her, drawing soft groans of delight from her.

‘This is even more incredible than I anticipated!’ Doreen thought, in one of the few moments her mind was clear. ‘Lois was wrong! He’s an even better lover than she said he was!’

Bobby once again rolled atop Miss Ingalls and again his rigid shaft slid between her legs and into her humid vagina.

‘Ohhhhh!!!’ Doreen groaned, her hips bucking up against him. ‘Yesss! Do it, Robert!! Do it!!!’

Bobby began to move, and each movement thrilled him more. Miss Ingalls’ hips rose to meet his thrusts.

‘Ohhhhh!!! Yessssss!!!!’ Doreen groaned softly. Then she stopped fighting the urge to cry out in delight. ‘I’m….I’m commmminnnnnggggg!!! Oh, Robert!!! I’m commmminnnnngggggg!!!! Yessssssssss!!! Yesssssssss!!!! Oh, Godddddddd!!!! Yessssssssssssssssssss!!!’

Bobby kept pistoning his cock in and out, each driving stroke feeling more fantastic than the last. Finally, he felt his eruption begin. ‘Me…toooooo!!!’ he groaned, as he spewed his seed into her.

Doreen’s orgasm had begun to ebb, so she was able to enjoy feeling his warm juices splattering her insides. It felt good, so good another tremor of bliss shook her. Finally, Bobby lay still, atop her, her breasts pressing into his chest.

They lay like that for quite a while, holding each other. Doreen felt Bobby’s erection soften and slip from her, then she felt a tickle as their juices began to seep from her body.

‘I guess I ought to get you home,’ she said at last, kissing him.

‘Are we going to do this again?’ Bobby asked. He desperately hoped Miss Ingalls would say they would.

Doreen smiled and nodded. ‘We most certainly will, Robert,’ she replied. They kissed again, then got up, dressed, and she drove him home.

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Senior Year Pet Chapter 1

This is a story of how I used the second half of my senior year to turn a girl I couldn’t stand into my personal completely obedient fuck toy, and got rich doing it. That girl, Sarah had always been a person I found to be extremely annoying, but interaction with her was inevitable as her locker was beside mine for all of high school, and consistently I was lucky enough to share classes with her. Sufficient to say I was extremely tired of her by second semester in senior year. Best...

2 years ago
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Senior Delight

Kat is a 75 year old widow.Nice looking woman but she does look her age.Her face is worn and wrinkled, her blond hair has thinned quit a bit.She is always dressed very classy and has a nice figure from what I could see.I never saw her in any tight clothing until one day at the Mall.We bumped into one another there.As we were talking I noticed she was wearing very tight slacks,high heel boots and a tighter than normal blouse.This made me think of her a new way,a sexual one.I had no idea if she...

1 year ago
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Senior8217s Hot Cousin Ramya

Hi, lovely people. This is my first story so please excuse me if there are any mistakes. So let’s get to the story horny and sexy peeps. Myself Vicky, 23 years done with my studies. I am a proud Bangalorean :) I have a good physic, well built and moreover I’m a really friendly person who can get along really well. I am a regular reader of this site, and that has made me really happy so far. I’m happy finally I have a story to post :) The mains of this story is my college senior’s cousin. Her...

2 years ago
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Senior Se Hisab Barobar Kiya Aur Wo Bhi Khush Se

Hello friend’s kese hai aap sab? Pahle to thanks kahena chahunga ki meri pichale experiences aur stories ko itane sare appreciations di aasha rakhata hun ki ye experience bhi aapko accha lage ga. Ye 2month purani baat hai, meri office me Neha ka transfer huva tha wo meri senior hai aur pahle dusari branch me kam karati thi me pahle se use janata tha wo sexy dikhati hai 5’11 height hogi aur slim hai kafi stylist Bhi hai, aur body bhi shape mein hai par wo had se jyada ghmandi hai aur ye baat...

2 years ago
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Senior Trip

Jim was the typical high school stud. He was the star running back for the football team, held the record for home runs on the baseball team, carried a 4.0 grade point and dated the sexiest girl in school and head cheerleader. He also had scholarship offers in both academics and sports from over a dozen highly rated universities. He was a stud in every way, including having a nice 8 inch cock which was the envy of every guy that shared a locker room with him. And though he had been with 6...

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SeniorChapter 19 The photo shoot

Chase called me early on Sunday morning, wanting to meet with me. He said he had some ideas about our business venture that he wanted to bounce off of me. I invited him to come to my apartment, and from the impression he gave me, that had been his intention. Victor called, wanting to know if there had been a decision on the Omaha building. I told him it was up in the air. "Don't worry, we'll find a job for you next summer," I said. "We didn't finish cleaning your apartment...

2 years ago
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Senior Camp Out

Tonight was the night. The night all seniors waited for, Senior Camp Out. The night where all the seniors in the class of 2007 stayed the night in the parking lot in either tents or trucks. Aerin and I had been friends for a while. After all she was my best friend. She was the first person I had sex with. We made it known that she was my first and that we have sex all the time. I love the taste of a soaking wet vagina on my face. Aerin is a beauty at 5’6′ 120 pounds, the bluest eyes I have ever...

3 years ago
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Senior Camp Out

Tonight was the night. The night all seniors waited for, Senior Camp Out. The night where all the seniors in the class of 2007 stayed the night in the parking lot in either tents or trucks. Aerin and I had been friends for a while. After all she was my best friend. She was the first person I had sex with. We made it known that she was my first and that we have sex all the time. I love the taste of a soaking wet vagina on my face. Aerin is a beauty at 5'6" 120 pounds, the bluest eyes I have ever...

Group Sex
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Senior Year

You enter a bright light, whiteness surrounds you. You hear a woman's sultry whisper into your ear, "This will be your last year surrounded by such nubile young women, it would be a shame to waste it.." The voice trails off, but you're already hard. The smooth honeyed voice sounds so close and is irresistible. "Mmm", you hear the voice continue, "what is this?" You feel a hand wrap around the base of your shaft, she begins to stroke you very slowly. "maybe I have some free time myself" You hear...

Mind Control
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Senior Week Part 1

Living near the ocean is wonderful for teenagers during the summer. Barely 18, barely dressed, walking the beach, hand in hand, splashing in the surf. The joys of summer. One of the best times is Senior Week, when groups of newly graduated seniors would rent a beach house for a week and get to live on their own for the week. My friends, Chris, Bob, Scott and I had pooled our resources and rented a large house right on the beach. Our girlfriends Sharon, Brenda, Pat and Charlene were equally...

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Senior Skip Day Part 2

I cursed myself for having sexual fantasies. Was this horrible situation that was happening to me now a secret fantasy? Even secret to me? Either way, this was a fantasy that might come to life very soon. Jerard’s fingering had made him pop out of the front of his boxers. They had ridiculous blue and white checks which surrounding his now exposed cock. It wasn’t near as big as Maurice’s. This one looked like his girlfriend--someone petite and athletic-- could take it all and it wouldn’t hurt....

3 years ago
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Senior Week Part 1

Living near the ocean is wonderful for teenagers during the summer. Barely 18, barely dressed, walking the beach, hand in hand, splashing in the surf. The joys of summer. One of the best times is Senior Week, when groups of newly graduated seniors would rent a beach house for a week and get to live on their own for the week. My friends, Chris, Bob, Scott and I had pooled our resources and rented a large house right on the beach. Our girlfriends Sharon, Brenda, Pat and Charlene were equally...

Group Sex
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Senior Akka Tho Na Srungaram

Hey guys this is Mahesh from Hyderabad. This is my first incident when I was perceiving btech from a reputed college in rayalaseema. This incident happened when I was in second year of btech. Fresher’s treat lo naku konthamandi seniors parichayam ayyaru.. Andulo oka ammayi ruhi (thurakadi) nanu baga ragging chesindi.. Evening treat ayi velpothunapdu thanu na dagarki vachi neku emana help kavalante nanu adugu ani vellipoyindi.. Starting lo nakem feelings lewu just akka ani piliche vadni.. Thanu...

2 years ago
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Senior Night

Senior night – the night when all the soon-to-graduate band kids stay up all night, outside, on the school grounds. It’s their last hurrah, since graduation is only a week away. It’s last hurrah for me as a band parent, as well. My daughter, Kayla, was among those about to graduate, so she should have been here, but she and her mother, my ex-wife, went to the beach as an eighteenth birthday celebration. Enough about them. This is about the ones who came for the party. The seniors all knew me,...

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Seniors Day Off

Its my senior year in son Michael a ride to and from school for a week because his car was getting repaired. Since they are close friends of the family it was agreed by my mom that I would. This made me very upset and angry. Michael is a high school senior who recently turned 18. I am 22. There's nothing wrong with Michael, its just that he is sort of arrogant and way to preppy. The first couple days of driving him were actually ok. I got to know him a little better and we even shared some...

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Senior Year Ch 01

Passion In James County II Chapter 1 Bobby Draper was looking forward to the beginning of his senior year at Jamestown High School. The only negative part of having school start again was that it meant his girlfriend, Paula, had to return to the college she attended, which was in another town. ‘We’ll see each other on vacation,’ Paula told him the day she left. Bobby missed Paula, even though she’d only been gone a few days, but there were other women on his mind, too. During his summer...

3 years ago
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Senior Year Ch 06

‘Mrs. Dennison called just before you got home,’ Bobby’s mother told him after school. She frowned. ‘You know, Bobby, now that school has started, you really have to cut back on all these things you’re doing. I know the money’s good, but…’ ‘I know, Mom,’ Bobby replied. ‘I’ll tell Mrs. Dennison that I won’t be able to do as much as I have been. I don’t want to mess up my senior year. But Mrs. Dennison’s nice, and her husband’s busy at the hospital all the time, so she really does need someone...

2 years ago
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Senior Moments

By Jax_Teller I was 18 years old and in less than a month I would start my senior year in high school. I was going to be on my own most of the time from now on. My mother had died after a long battle with cancer in July. Dad moved us to his home town where we had family. My father met Nikki Harrison when we were moving in and being neighborly she helped us move in; they talked about all the folks they knew in common. I met David Nikki’s son and we hit it off immediately, talking about the...

4 years ago
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Senior Trip

My name is Allison, my best friend Sommer and I had just graduated high school and decided to head to Panama City for our senior blast off. On the drive down we started talking about ways to make this trip wild and memorable. Sommer came up with a contest, a sex contest. While we were down in PC we were to see who could sleep with the most guys. At the end of our trip we would compare notes. We arrived in PC late in the afternoon and got settled into our condo. It was a 2-bedroom condo with a...

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Senior year at college

Cara Westport was a 22yr old undergrad senior at college. She was very studious and doing well in most of her classes. Cara was 5’8”, 133lbs, shoulder length blondish red hair, brown eyes, a c cup, very athletic, and sometimes wore glasses. During her college career Cara found herself less interested in men and more interested in women, specifically older women. The college coed found herself attracted to several of her female teachers and wanting to be with them. Cara did not have much...

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Senior Akka Sadhana8217s Sexy Ass

Hi, readers. This is Surya from Chennai. I have been reading stories in ISS for the last four years. Kindly forgive me if any mistake since this is my first post. I thought of sharing my experience. This is not my first experience, but this is the most memorable experience. I am posting this after my angel’s approval. I am Surya, 22 from Chennai. The heroine of this episode is Sadhana, 24 unmarried senior in my office. We both work for the same company but different projects. It’s been a month...

2 years ago
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Senior Turned Submissive

Hello, this is Vicky back with a story. All the girls out there be ready to get dripping wet. I got a nice response on the previous story, and had some nice talk with some of the “Readers”. Feel free to contact me on or sumadhur on kik for a nice chat????. This a story about an adventure between me and a college senior rutuja. We study in a top Pune college, she was in last year when I was in first year. Let me describe her, she was a nice tall girl, very fair, a nice neck and collar always...

4 years ago
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Senior Trip

My name is Allison, my best friend Sommer and I had just graduated high school and decided to head to Panama City for our senior blast off. On the drive down we started talking about ways to make this trip wild and memorable. Sommer came up with a contest, a sex contest. While we were down in PC we were to see who could sleep with the most guys. At the end of our trip we would compare notes.We arrived in PC late in the afternoon and got settled into our condo. It was a 2-bedroom condo with a...

2 years ago
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senior trip becomes senior suck Part 1

Tammy was feeling down, she had been looking forward to her freshman field trip ever since she heard the tales told by her older siblings. Every year her school took the freshman on a weekend trip to a waterpark the k**s were split into groups of 6 and designated a trailer in the camp grounds. usually after the chaperones fell asleep the boys would sneak into the girls trailers and play games such as spin the bottle or strip poker. Tammy was still a virgin and was shy around the boys, she was...

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Senior Year Part IChapter 2 Frenemy

Saturday August 27 Brook and I had finally planned some time together. The only problem was that my security was Cassidy. If it had been Paul or Chuck, I could have told them to guard the door or something. Cassidy was more hanging out with us than guarding me. At least she let me drive my Demon. Paul and Chuck were a little too possessive of my new car. I pulled up at the Davis estate and honked. “You better let her have shotgun,” I told Cassidy as I saw the look on Brook’s face. “Next...

4 years ago
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Senior Year Part IChapter 5 Hotness

Sunday September 11 I was getting ready to go running when my cell rang. I looked at the caller ID, and it was an 859 area code. I tried to think where that was. “This is David,” I answered. “David, Coach Styles,” said the head coach for the University of Kentucky. “Morning, Coach, how can I help you?” “I saw you left us off your visit list. I know you’ve been on campus a couple of times. What I’d really like to do is to schedule an in-home visit before you get much further into your...

2 years ago
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Senior Year Part IChapter 8 Game of Phones

Sunday September 25 I woke up because my bed moved. When we arrived at the hotel, Cindy Lewis was there with her boyfriend Kevin. He played defensive end for Ohio State and had taken to the training a little too seriously. If I had to guess, he was juicing. I shuddered to think of him looping around a tackle with me in his sights. Cindy wanted to go to a party, but I begged off. The last time I’d seen Cindy, she’d talked me into a threesome with her and Kevin. I didn’t want to do that to...

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Senior Year Part IChapter 13 Seize the Day

Sunday October 9 My mom’s attempt at humor last night had failed, in my estimation. I’d been completely freaked out until the doctor came in and explained my injuries. Any time you’re knocked unconscious, it’s cause for concern. That was why they’d kept me overnight. Other than the risk of brain injury, the doctor had said I would live. If the pain I felt this morning was any indication, I had my doubts. When I’d seen the SUV about to plow into us, I’d turned my body. The back of my head had...

2 years ago
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Senior Year Part IChapter 15 Homecoming

Friday October 14 I woke to my hound licking my face. It seemed someone had to go out... right now! I managed to put on a pair of shorts without passing out from the pain and hobbled down the stairs. Precious met the two of us at the back door. She was starting to really show. I did a little internal calculation and figured she should have her kittens in a couple of weeks. I groaned when the cat darted into my apartment as Duke went out. I was in no mood to play ‘find the kitty.’ When I made...

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