Senior Year
- 3 years ago
- 36
- 0
Sunday September 11
I was getting ready to go running when my cell rang. I looked at the caller ID, and it was an 859 area code. I tried to think where that was.
“This is David,” I answered.
“David, Coach Styles,” said the head coach for the University of Kentucky.
“Morning, Coach, how can I help you?”
“I saw you left us off your visit list. I know you’ve been on campus a couple of times. What I’d really like to do is to schedule an in-home visit before you get much further into your recruiting process. I think I can help you narrow the field and make this process as easy as possible.”
“By committing to the University of Kentucky,” I finished his thought.
“I knew you were smart,” he said and chuckled.
“When did you want to do this?” I asked.
“I talked to the woman answering your phone, Megan, and she said something about you being banned from your dojo until Tuesday. Would tomorrow night work?”
I would have to talk to Megan about sharing too much information with recruiters. I knew that she hadn’t given him my number. He’d stolen it when we met at Wesleyan a year and a half ago. This was the first time he’d used it. I was glad I hadn’t had to block his number.
Kentucky had been the first school to offer me and Coach Styles had always been honest. He’d offered to help me through this process, so I decided to accept the visit.
“I’ve only done this for baseball. What do I need to know about a football in-home visit?”
“I want the decision-makers to attend. I suspect that will be your parents and any trusted advisers you have. I’d like them to be able to get to know key members of my staff and me. I think it’s important that they know who they would be entrusting their son to for four years. I also want them to know everything the University of Kentucky can offer you,” he said.
“Is it okay if I invite my girlfriend and her family?” I asked.
“I’m comfortable with you inviting anyone who you think needs to be there.”
“What about Wolf Tams and Tim Foresee?”
“I planned to call them next. I also want to talk to Ty Wilson while I’m in town.”
“Okay. Call Megan, and she’ll coordinate everything. I look forward to seeing you,” I said.
After I hung up, I called Brook, and her phone went to voicemail, so I called the house line.
“Hello,” a sleepy Ava answered.
“Hey, it’s David. I need to talk to Brook,” I said.
“What time is it?”
I looked at the clock.
“And what day is it?”
“And you think my daughter’s out of bed?” she asked with amusement in her voice.
“Maybe you could have her call me when she gets up,” I suggested.
“Oh, no. Let me go get her,” Ava said.
I heard her knock on Brook’s door, and Brook say something rude.
“Who died?” Brook asked when she answered.
“Hey, I thought that was my line,” I teased.
I’d said it more than once while I was in LA and Brook forgot about the time difference.
“Bite me, Big Daddy. What’s up?” she asked, sounding more awake.
I explained the recruiting visit and wanted to know if she and her parents wanted to come.
“I’ve been curious about this whole process, so count me in. I’d suggest that you also invite Cassidy, Tracy, and Pam.”
“I thought Pam planned to go back to California for college.”
“She does, but she is your Baby Mama. Don’t you think she wants to at least hear what’s going on with you?” Brook asked, making way too much sense.
“This is turning into a circus,” I moaned.
“Are you serious about Kentucky?” she asked.
“Probably not, but I don’t want to burn any bridges, either.”
“Here’s how I would look at it. Use this one as a practice run. Have whoever you think would want to be part of the process come to this one, so they get an idea of how this all works. Then when you meet with the ones you’re genuinely interested in, just have the key players there.
“Plus, are you crazy? Your recruiting will be a circus whether you want it to be or not,” Brook predicted. “Use this to help manage it.”
Everyone had been badgering me about where I planned to go. I sure hoped Coach Styles had a sense of humor. I suspected that this might be a unique in-home.
“Okay. I can see where this might calm some folks down,” I said, thinking of Tracy in particular. “Are you guys coming to brunch today?”
“Yes. On that note, I’m going back to sleep. Next time you wake me up on a Sunday morning at this time, there had better be a payoff, if you know what I mean.”
“I might have to think of a new nickname for you. ‘Hotness’ might not be enough to describe you,” I said, dropping down into my sexy voice.
“It was just a thought.”
“I like how you think. We need to figure out how to dump Cassidy and Don. I love her to death, but I want to spend time with you,” I said, referring to our double date last night.
I’d tried to talk Wolf and Tim into taking Cassidy and Don on a double date. They’d both laughed in my face.
“You should get your brother to do it,” Brook suggested.
“I’m sure I could get my mom to babysit,” I said.
“No, ‘stupid boy,’ your other brother. The one that has a girlfriend and no car,” Brook said.
“You’re a genius! That would be perfect,” I said, imagining all the free time Brook and I would now have.
What could we possibly do?
“Okay. I’m done solving all your problems. I’ll see you after you get back from church,” Brook said, and then hung up.
“You want to have how many people?” Mom asked at brunch.
The list had grown when I’d thought about it at church. I wanted Coach Mason and Coach Hope there. Then all the guys and their parents plus their girlfriends and their parents. Then my family, including Phil and his parents. Dad had pointed out that Megan and Caryn should be there. The list felt like it might be never-ending.
“You should invite Jeff and his cameraman,” Dad recommended.
He had a point. The streaming video had attracted a lot of viewers. Jeff had done us a solid in the morning paper and followed Coach Mason’s spin. I suspected he planned to show the whole sequence in his documentary.
“Where am I supposed to put everyone?” Mom asked.
“Our House is closed on Monday nights. Let’s have it there,” I suggested.
“It’s a good thing you’re one of the owners. I’m not sure where else you could call and only give a day’s notice,” Ava said.
I could probably call Greg and have him get Monical’s banquet room, but she was right. Having your own restaurant for events like this was nice.
After brunch, the girls were going to the mall. Dad and I had a meeting with Caryn and Megan to talk about my businesses. We came in the back and found crates of mail stacked halfway up the wall. I took a closer look and saw they were recruiting letters.
“What do you want us to do with all this?” Megan asked as she came back to get a soda.
“You should read it all,” I said, and Dad smacked me on the back of the head.
“Ignore him. We’ll take them to the recycling drop on the way home,” Dad offered.
We followed Megan into the conference room. On the wall were eight-by-tens of Wolf, Tim, and me in full color. In the background, there were black-and-white action shots of each of us from yesterday’s Washington game. There were eleven different photos. Each had us Photoshopped to wear the jersey of each school that was on our list, plus Kentucky. Each picture had the school’s name and logo, and underneath it had hashtags. For example, Ohio State’s string said: ‘#WhyNotUs #GoBucks.’
“This is cool,” I said.
“We’ll talk about that later,” Caryn said as she sat down.
Caryn linked up the video conferencing, and I soon saw Jack Mass, Frank Ingram, Shannon Goehl, and Kent Crain’s faces all up on the big-screen TV. Something must be up if the brain trust was all present.
Caryn was all business and called the meeting to order. She seemed to be evolving into the role of COO. I remembered when we’d hung out in my trailer on the set for The Secret Circle.
Shannon Goehl, our corporate counsel, was up first and informed us that we now had all the companies registered with the appropriate government entities. Then the reason why everyone was on the line became apparent when Kent, the senior manager for Dawson Management, got his turn.
“We’ve been going through Craig’s contacts and talking to them about us being their managers. Kendal signed up six new clients, and I was able to sign four. They’ve also agreed to use IDC – Public Relations and Mass Investments,” Kent announced.
“We’re ahead of our most aggressive projections, according to the business plan. We’re going to need to hire more managers to help out Kent and his team,” Frank, president of Dawson Management and a managing partner of IDC – Public Relations, shared.
“What does that mean?” Dad asked.
“In the short term, we may need to spend some money to hire and train people, but if we continue at the pace we’re going, we’ll be in the black way ahead of projections,” Caryn explained.
“I want to hire some people familiar with modeling. We haven’t touched David’s modeling contacts yet,” Kent said.
“I know who you should call: Aubrey Dunham,” I suggested.
“Was she the woman I met in the UK?” Dad asked.
“Yes. She and Adrienne are friends, and she’s currently working at Ford Models in Europe to help train new models. She knows the business and just recently retired from being a full-time model herself.
“The other person you might want to contact is Clare Thomas. She’s the niece of Deb Thomas, who’s a vice president in charge of talent development in Ford Models’ Chicago office. Claire was my agent there but quit and went back to school to get her MBA,” I said, giving them a couple of options.
The discussion then turned to my recruiting.
“We mocked up pictures we want to send to each school’s bloggers and sportswriters,” Frank said. “I need to give Lily credit for coming up with the hashtag #WhyNotUs. I think it’ll help brand the three of you as a package.”
“I like it,” I admitted.
“We’re also getting requests from ‘insiders’ to talk to you about your recruitment,” Megan said. “They told me they want to make their ‘crystal ball’ predictions, whatever that means.”
“One of the recruiting websites has people who’re supposed to be plugged into college football make predictions about where a recruit will end up. I admit that I find it amusing to read some of the fan message boards’ meltdowns when a prediction changes. We could have some fun with this,” I said.
“You risk alienating potential fans if you start creating a bunch of drama. People will look at you as an attention-seeker and write you off,” Frank advised.
He could be a total fun-sucker sometimes. But he was right. Message boards tended to create their own drama. Diehard fans of a school hung on every post and tried to glean any information they could get or make up. Being on the Internet, where they could hide from the world in their parents’ basements, they could be a bunch of cyberbullies while acting like experts.
Some of my favorite threads were the ones where they tried to prove that their school was better than a rival. The Ohio State and Michigan fans had it down to an art form.
What made it all hilarious was that these adults didn’t have anything better to do than try to figure out what a seventeen- or eighteen-year-old meant with a post to social media. It felt a little like they were stalkers when their comments would stray to talk about the girls the recruits would either start to follow or get messages from.
The Wisconsin board was convinced I was going there because Dawn, the college basketball player I’d met on the trip, and I had started following each other online. I was sure that if I went to Kentucky’s message board, I’d find they were talking about me following John Phillips, their starting quarterback, and my friend.
“Okay, fine. I do have something else to talk about. My mom was approached by a representative of Southwest Central State. They wanted me to come for a visit and seemed to indicate they might pay for it.”
“I’ll talk to Duane Morris and find out what we should do about that,” Shannon said, going into lawyer mode.
Mr. Morris was the sports attorney Ms. Dixon had hired to deal with NCAA issues. From there we wrapped it up and went home.
I was in my apartment, reading ahead when Cassidy came in looking sad.
“What’s wrong, Bad Girl?”
That brought a grin to her face.
“Mr. Hicks is mad at my dad. Dad has to go talk to him tonight,” she explained.
Mr. Hicks was our athletic director and Coach Hope’s boss. I kept my expression neutral because Cassidy was a friend.
“Dad would like to talk to you before he meets with Mr. Hicks,” Cassidy said.
“I’m fine with that.”
We did need to clear the air or I would have a problem working with him the rest of the season. Cassidy sent a text and then went downstairs when there was a knock at the door. Duke came running up the steps. I’d left him in the house with the little ones taking naps. Duke acted as an early warning system for when the boys woke up. Peggy appreciated it because she didn’t have to check on them. Duke would come to get her as soon as one of them would stir.
I was glad to see my dad come up first, followed by Cassidy and Coach Hope.
“Somehow this seems wrong,” Coach Hope said.
I gave him a confused look.
“I just assumed you’d be off on some adventure. This just seems so ordinary, but then again you do get good grades,” he said while pointing to the book I was studying.
“I’m not a natural like your daughter. I have to work for my grades,” I said.
Coach Hope actually grinned, and Cassidy gave me a dirty look. She put zero effort into studying and was a solid ‘B’ student. Her dad and I both knew that if she tried, she would be getting ‘A’s.
“I wanted a chance to talk to you, and the other boys I owe apologies to, before school tomorrow,” Coach Hope said, getting to the point of his visit. “I’m sorry I didn’t talk to Wolf and Tim when they came back. If I had, none of this would have happened.”
“You didn’t think Alan was capable of doing it? Remember what he did to Lisa Felton?” I asked.
Alan had posted her private blog on the school’s internal message system. He’d lost access to students’ information and athletic websites because of his breach of trust. Looking back, that was when I began to think about him as no longer being my best friend. When I thought he’d had sex with Tami, I was hurt and pushed him away. Without our friend Jeff around to curb his impulses, he’d turned into someone I seriously didn’t want in my life anymore, regardless of our past childhood friendship.
Uncle John’s talk about Circles of Trust came to mind. There was a part where people who meant you malice had to be dealt with to protect your close friends and family, your inner circles. Alan had joined Mike Herndon and Cal Bell, Pam’s dad, in the ‘these people will do you actual harm and may try to get at you through your friends’ circle.
“I honestly thought that you two were just having a disagreement and would get past it. It never crossed my mind that Alan would pull something like this. I thought about talking to Tim and Wolf, but the more I did, the madder I got. I thought we had an understanding and they had broken it,” he admitted.
“I suspect Alan was in your ear the whole time, talking about me thinking I was privileged and could do anything I wanted,” I said.
Coach Hope’s face got pink as I hit the nail on the head.
“Alan is no longer a part of the football program.”
“I hope you locked him out of your football software. I wouldn’t put it past him to steal the content and then delete everything.”
“No. That was the first thing I did. I did learn a few things in the Marine Corps. I should have taken to heart my last review. I wasn’t promoted to Lieutenant Colonel because I was deemed as being too inflexible and having control issues,” Coach Hope shared.
I sat up for a minute. Wow! Coach Hope really must be rattled. That was the kind of stuff you don’t usually share with anyone except the very few people you trust absolutely. Either that or maybe I was becoming part of his innermost circle.
“I thought that was a trait of all football coaches,” Dad said to lighten the mood.
“You’re probably right,” Coach Hope said, then looked at me seriously. “I was wrong for what I did. You were right when you said all I had to do was communicate what my issue was. It was unfair of me to put you boys through that.”
“After the steroid debacle and then this, I have some serious trust issues right now. I thought we had a better relationship than that. I don’t think I’ve ever given you a reason to believe what Alan sold you. I’ve strived to be the consummate team player and tried to set an example in leadership. And frankly, it hurts a bit that you would think I would try to pull something after I went out of my way to make sure that Yuri, Roc, and Phil could join me in Mexico.”
“I understand and don’t blame you. At this point, all I can do is say I’m sorry and hope that we can work to put this behind us,” Coach Hope said earnestly.
I sat back and thought for a second. If Coach Hope left, we’d be okay for the season, but I couldn’t see Coach Mason or Coach Rector being here next year. I didn’t want Lincoln High football to implode as soon as I left.
But even more importantly, it would have a devastating effect on Cassidy, and also Coach Hope. I realized they were both my friends—my good friends—and they didn’t need to be hurt over this any more than they already had been. Words from the guys’ retreat came back to me. ‘To have a good friend, you must be a good friend,’ and, ‘If you want someone as a friend, you must be ready to forgive them for one great flaw.’
I smiled to myself. This decision, when put in perspective, was easy.
“One of my goals is to leave a legacy of excellence at Lincoln High. I think you’re going to be a huge part of that. More importantly, I think of you and Cassidy both as good friends and I don’t want to lose that with either of you over this. If you need me to talk to Mr. Hicks, have him call me,” I said.
Coach Hope smiled sadly.
“I appreciate that. I need to go mend more fences and then go face the music,” he said.
I told them about the Kentucky in-home visit, and they agreed to be there. He and Cassidy left.
“What do you think?” I asked.
“Personally, I would kick Alan’s ass.”
Wow! My dad surprised me sometimes. Thank goodness my mom wasn’t around to hear that.
“I’ll put that on my to-do list.”
“Yessss...” I hissed as Brook took me to the hilt.
“You seemed a little stressed.”
I ignored her. I needed to concentrate, or this would be the shortest sex session of my life.
Brook had come back from shopping and wanted to show me what she bought. I played the dutiful boyfriend and acted like I was interested. That all changed when she came out in a matching bra and panty set. Someone had gone to Victoria’s Secret.
Mr. Happy had taken control of the body, and I’d grabbed Brook’s hips when she came within reach. I’d simply released my member and pushed her panties aside and found hotness, nirvana, bliss, and every other pleasurable term that had ever been uttered. I think that had been Brook’s plan all along because she didn’t object. She leaned back against my chest and moaned with satisfaction.
“We have to stop double-dating with Cassidy.”
I wished she would stop talking. I was busy doing my math homework in my head to keep from exploding. She’d talked me into not using condoms since we were in a committed relationship, which meant I could feel everything.
Brook planted her feet on my knees so she could get leverage and began to move up and down my sensitive member. I was about to erupt way too soon, so I reached around and began to rub her sex vigorously with four fingers to help her get there with me.
She screeched into my ear and about knocked me out when her head slammed into my chin. One of her feet slipped off my knee, and she slammed down, taking the last little bit I had to offer. I felt her inner hotness begin to throb, which was more than I could take. I felt the dam break as I had my release.
“That didn’t take long,” my mom said from the top of the stairs.
I looked over at Mom and Ava taking in the show. Ava’s mouth hung open, and my mom looked amused.
“Out!” I bellowed.
Brook took that opportunity to jump off my lap and run into my bedroom. Mr. Happy waved at everyone, and I stuffed him into my pants. Ava’s eyes were locked onto my crotch. I took it that I wasn’t getting them to leave, so I went to find Brook.
When I cleared the bedroom door and shut it behind me, she tackled me and almost knocked me down. I pulled her into my arms and just held her as she shook.
“I’m so screwed,” Brook said into my chest.
“I think your mom wants to do naughty things to me.”
That earned me a punch and got her giggling.
“Do you think it would get us out of trouble?” she asked.
“I see how it is. If it benefits you, you’ll pimp out your boyfriend,” I said in mock horror.
She didn’t even hesitate.
“Yep. That’s part of having a girlfriend. You do whatever she tells you to.”
“Okay, Miss Bossy. What do you want me to do?”
“Go find out how much trouble we’re in.”
I predicted none, but I’d had a girl’s father punch me so I would do this cautiously.
I came back out and found my mom making tea. Ava’s face flushed a deep red when she saw me. She’d been perving on me ever since we went on vacation to the Caribbean. Mom saw me.
“Sorry about that. I figured it would take longer for you two to be doing anything like that. I think I forgot what teenage love is all about. I should’ve used the intercom,” Mom admitted.
I pulled a Dawson and just shut up until I knew whether this was just a ploy before she pounced. I’d fallen for the false sense of security act before. I think Ava was more confused than I was.
“Brook! We’re having tea. Please join us,” Mom called out.
Brook stuck her head out of the door, and I gave her a little shrug. She came out, having changed back into her clothes, and sat on my knee as Mom and Ava took the couch. Mom served tea and cookies like everything was normal.
“Do we need to talk about what we walked in on?” Mom asked and looked directly at Ava.
“I hate to admit this, but I don’t think David was her first. I was sixteen when I became sexually active. They’re both eighteen and seem to like each other. That was better than what my experience was,” Ava confessed.
“My first played baseball and was kind of a jerk. He ended up getting a minor league baseball contract and left me so he could go follow his dream,” Mom shared.
“I sometimes wonder whatever happened to Bancroft,” Ava said.
“Steve actually lives in town and has two boys David and Greg’s age,” Mom said.
My mind came to a screeching halt. It wasn’t bad enough that our moms were sharing their sexual history with us, but I put together who she was talking about.
“Steve Herndon?” I asked, praying that Luke and Mike’s dad wasn’t the one.
She just nodded, and I decided I’d just died a little bit.
“Bancroft? Surely that was his last name,” Brook said.
“Nope. He was also a fourth. It was a family name, and he insisted that everyone use his full name,” Ava said, and then turned to her daughter. “Who was your first?”
I love Brook. She was quick on her feet.
“David, just now,” she said with a straight face.
“What about you, David?” Ava asked.
“I just remembered that Dad wants me to mow the yard,” I said, getting up and almost dumping Brook onto the floor.
As I rushed out of my apartment, I couldn’t get the image of Mike’s dad and my mom bumping uglies out of my mind. I sure hoped that Mike and Luke never found out because I might have to kill them if they ever said anything.
Dad and Ian were messing with the grill when I pushed the lawn mower out of the garage.
“This can’t be good,” Dad said.
“Why?” Ian asked.
“If David ran out of his apartment with our wives and Brook up there, and he’s going to mow the yard, it has to be something bad,” Dad observed.
“They’re sharing stories about losing their virginity.”
“I might need something stronger than beer,” Ian predicted.
I was with him on that. I was afraid that Ava and Mom might just cause me to need therapy if they continued to torment me.
Five minutes later, Brook fled my apartment with a haunted look. I probably shouldn’t have bailed on her, but at that point, it was every man and woman for themselves. Mom and Ava strolled out, and their eyes landed on Dad and Ian. I suddenly had two eager helpers. Mom had a satisfied smile as she saw us taking care of the yard.
Monday September 12
Alan was a no-show at school. Word was out about what he’d done, and it was probably good for him that he didn’t come to school. Yuri was so mad that I’d bet he would take one for the team and get suspended for three days for beating on Alan. I predicted that someone would punch him before the week was out.
I also found out from Cassidy that her dad and our athletic director had had a long talk. Coach Hope had offered to resign, but Mr. Hicks had turned him down. I liked the idea of Coach Hope remaining a friend, but in some ways, it was good to be able to take Coach Hope off his pedestal and realize he was just a man with his own flaws like everyone else. That didn’t mean I wasn’t still a bit upset when I thought of how close we’d come to disaster.
Coach Mason was right, though. I had to respect Coach Hope in front of the team. They needed to be confident in his leadership, and I honestly didn’t have the time, energy or desire to undermine him.
At football practice, we skipped the film session and went out to practice. Coach Mason’s plan to rotate skill players had kept us fresh and injury-free, so there was no real need to go easy.
Halfway through practice, Coach Rector called all the defenders together. I saw Cassidy there and wondered what this was all about.
“I was talking to Coach Hope about hand-to-hand combat, and the topic of how we could use that for football came up. I’ve come to embrace the concept of not meeting force head-on but redirecting it instead. I think it’s helped you all get off your blocks and not get tied up.
“I was telling Coach Hope that I wanted to win the turnover battle and cause more fumbles. That was when Cassidy told me about using pressure points. I wasn’t convinced until she tried them on me,” Coach Rector shared.
Coach Rector invited me to be Cassidy’s test subject, but I refused. Dan Ball was dumb enough to go up front.
“The arm has two nerves that are tied to the hand that I want to focus on: the ulnar and radial,” Cassidy taught.
She had Dan hold out his arm.
“The ulnar runs on the inside of the arm and controls the ring and pinky fingers,” she explained.
Cassidy pointed to three points: the inside of the top of the arm, inside the elbow, and then inside the lower part of the arm.
“The radial nerve controls the thumb and index finger, and you can find it along the outside of the arm.”
She then handed Dan a football and had him tuck it like a running back would.
“Coach Rector has taught you to try to rip the ball out of a running back’s hands,” Cassidy said as she tried to punch it out of Dan’s grip with no success.
Dan made some smart comment about a little girl not being able to make him fumble. Tim, Yuri, and I cringed when she smacked him inside the elbow. Dan let out a yelp and dropped the ball.
“What the fuck,” he complained as he shook his arm.
That was precisely why I hadn’t volunteered.
“Now it’s illegal to punch someone on the football field, but if you’re making a play on the ball, it’s okay to hit them,” Cassidy said.
She had us pair up and try to knock the ball loose. I’d worked with her on this in my self-defense classes, so I was her star pupil. She then showed us how to hit the back of the hand or grab their hand and dig your thumb into the meaty part between the thumb and index fingers.
I wasn’t sure that teaching this bunch of dumbasses how to make each other’s arms go numb was a good idea. Cassidy seemed pleased when everyone was shaking their arm at the end of practice. I couldn’t wait to try it in a game.
We planned to have the Kentucky in-home visit at Our House, my restaurant. The idea was to let everyone feel that they were a part of the process, and the Kentucky coaching staff were being good sports about it. Yes, the complete staff had made the trip. When Coach Styles heard what I planned, he thought it was a great idea.
Sunday September 25 I woke up because my bed moved. When we arrived at the hotel, Cindy Lewis was there with her boyfriend Kevin. He played defensive end for Ohio State and had taken to the training a little too seriously. If I had to guess, he was juicing. I shuddered to think of him looping around a tackle with me in his sights. Cindy wanted to go to a party, but I begged off. The last time I’d seen Cindy, she’d talked me into a threesome with her and Kevin. I didn’t want to do that to...
Wednesday December 21 Mom and Dad were up very early to talk to me before I went off to do my interviews today. I had to get up at this ungodly hour because of LA traffic. Mom was making breakfast, and it smelled wonderful. “What are you making?” “Bacon and stuffed French toast.” Not exactly on my diet, but I wasn’t about to turn it down. Dad handed me a coffee. “I talked with Ms. Dixon yesterday. She updated me on several fronts. I’ll start with your civil suit,” he said as Mom put bacon...
Saturday August 27 Brook and I had finally planned some time together. The only problem was that my security was Cassidy. If it had been Paul or Chuck, I could have told them to guard the door or something. Cassidy was more hanging out with us than guarding me. At least she let me drive my Demon. Paul and Chuck were a little too possessive of my new car. I pulled up at the Davis estate and honked. “You better let her have shotgun,” I told Cassidy as I saw the look on Brook’s face. “Next...
Wednesday December 14 When I got up, I already had messages from home. Today was the beginning of the college football early signing period. Ty, our All-State running back, had made it official and signed with the University of Michigan. I thought it was a good fit for both of them. Michigan fans would be happy when they saw what he could do for them. Ty wanted to get his recruitment over with and had known after Michigan had held a football camp at our high school that he would play for...
Sunday October 9 My mom’s attempt at humor last night had failed, in my estimation. I’d been completely freaked out until the doctor came in and explained my injuries. Any time you’re knocked unconscious, it’s cause for concern. That was why they’d kept me overnight. Other than the risk of brain injury, the doctor had said I would live. If the pain I felt this morning was any indication, I had my doubts. When I’d seen the SUV about to plow into us, I’d turned my body. The back of my head had...
Tuesday October 25 I’d been afraid I would wake up and hurt from yesterday’s activity. While I could tell I’d pushed my limits some, it was more a good hurt, the kind you get from working out and not the sort from being injured. Today, for the first time, I felt like I would eventually be okay. Duke heard me awaken and jumped on my bed for me to love him up. I must have found the right spot because he stretched out his neck and his back leg began to jerk back and forth like he was scratching...
I had always grown up well, and in good care. My parents always told me to do good in school and watch out for those senior boys. I didn't even think I had a chance until middle school came around, and things started looking up for me. My chest began to grow, and boys started to notice me. I didn't know if I like the attention or not. All I knew is that when high school started, things really started to change. "Sarah, what do you think I should wear for the dance...
Wednesday January 4 I got out of bed and went to the window to check whether the fire had progressed. I could see smoke over the ridge. Low-flying planes had woken me at daybreak, and I saw one now make a run over the hogback and then pop back up like a crop duster over a field. They appeared to be dropping water to try to contain the inferno. If the fire came our way, it could destroy some of the most expensive homes in the LA area. A glint of light from a tree in the backyard caught my...
This is a story of how I used the second half of my senior year to turn a girl I couldn’t stand into my personal completely obedient fuck toy, and got rich doing it. That girl, Sarah had always been a person I found to be extremely annoying, but interaction with her was inevitable as her locker was beside mine for all of high school, and consistently I was lucky enough to share classes with her. Sufficient to say I was extremely tired of her by second semester in senior year. Best...
You are a senior here at Greenview High. You just turned 18, as have your fellow classmates. The teenage mind being what it is, the freedom of being 18 combined with the cocktail of hormones in your brain is a ticking time bomb, and it’s only a matter of time until your sexual urges overtake you. Who needs an education when there’s so many attractive young women around? Your best friend’s name is Greg. He’s taller than you, has been since elementary school, which is where you first met. He’s...
TeenFriday October 14 I woke to my hound licking my face. It seemed someone had to go out... right now! I managed to put on a pair of shorts without passing out from the pain and hobbled down the stairs. Precious met the two of us at the back door. She was starting to really show. I did a little internal calculation and figured she should have her kittens in a couple of weeks. I groaned when the cat darted into my apartment as Duke went out. I was in no mood to play ‘find the kitty.’ When I made...
Thursday November 24 We really didn’t have room for the crowd that was coming for Thanksgiving dinner, so Mom had decided to hold it at the restaurant. Dad, Uncle John, and Greg said that football-watching was a requirement. Caryn had a TV installed at the bar to keep them from whining. I was awakened by someone pounding on my downstairs apartment door. I looked at the clock, and it was almost ten. Watching all the little rug-rats last night had been a nightmare. After dinner, everyone...
Wednesday November 30 I decided to skip running today because we had a pool in the backyard. Dad and Manaia sat and watched me swim laps. They seemed to be getting along well as they laughed about something while I pulled myself out of the water. I plopped down on a chair at the table they’d claimed. “What time did you get in last night?” Dad asked. “After two,” Manaia grumbled. Fritz was going to have to send me someone to help Manaia. It was one thing for me to put in the hours, and...
Wednesday November 2 I had my bags packed and was ready to go to St. Louis. The plan was to go to morning classes and then leave at noon. The game was to be shown on ESPN, and the network wanted to do their prep this afternoon. Coach Hope had shared that we were one of only a handful of high school teams that had had their games televised on ESPN in back-to-back years. Until this week, I’d ignored this game for several reasons. Honestly, my focus had been on two things: recruiting and my...
An off handed remark about Lush Stories by my psychiatrist led me to this site. I just had to find an outlet for this adventure somewhere besides talking to my $120 an hour near-retirement shrink, who’s obviously suffering from job burnout. I am a forty-four year old school teacher who can’t believe how quickly her life can be turned upside down. My name is Teresa and I work at a Midwest suburban high school. My fourteen year second marriage is okay but I learned from my first attempt that...
InterracialMonday October 31 As Duke and I were going out to jog, we found Precious waiting for us by the door. I knew something was up when Duke gave her a complete puppy-scan (sniffed her all over), and she didn’t bloody his nose. “You not feeling well?” I asked her as I squatted down to check what might be wrong. Yep. We were having kittens today. Gently picking Precious up, I took her to Duke’s crate. Brit had brought over her blanket, which I assumed was washable, and put it in his kennel. Duke...
Monday October 17 I was sitting in precalculus, taking a quiz, when my phone chirped to let me know that I’d received a text. This was right after Ms. Lowden had given us a lecture about turning them off for the quiz. She glared in my direction. Apparently, this was the last time someone’s phone was going off during a quiz or test ... or there would be ‘consequences.’ I don’t know what came over me. “Dare! She said to turn your phone off.” Ms. Lowden made a big display of getting out of her...
Thursday November 10 I woke up in a contemplative mood. The expressions on the Waterloo players’ faces as the clock ticked down must have gotten to me. I had at most three more games of high school football. It was hard to imagine that it might finally be over. Of course, I had a lot to look forward to. College and the rest of my life were yet to come. The Waterloo game made me understand that I wanted to play at higher levels of competition. What we’d created with this team was about as...
Friday December 23 Brook bailed on me when I had to go to the Love Letters set. She and the moms decided to go shopping one last time before the ‘rents flew out. I’d pointed out that there was shopping in Malibu, not only in the trendy areas of LA. How they’d missed the Country Market totally mystified me. I had planned to take Brook there, but when her parents had their problems, we’d all gotten distracted. Kitty Ellis had told me last night at the premiere that she wanted me to come in...
It was the end of senior year for a group of nerdy teens in a small school in rural Pennsylvania. And, like most students reaching the end of senior year, they were very ready to be beyond high school and moving into college and on with the rest of their lives. But first came many things that usually happen during the last few months of school. The senior class field trip, the day to the pool that the senior class president convinced the school to allow, the senior prank, a couple musicals and...
TeenMonday October 3 I took the boys to the house and found a rested Peggy making coffee. “Were they any trouble?” “No, they slept through the night,” I said as I put them into their high chairs. Peggy scattered some Cheerios on Coby and Little David’s trays to keep them busy while she made their breakfast. I decided I wanted grits after my trip down south. As I got the pot started, Chuck came in the back door. Duke gave him a cursory once-over and left it to Bandit to guard the house. Chuck...
Friday December 30 The plan for the day was to go to my company’s office and get updated on how everything was going. Since the meeting was scheduled for first thing, I talked my grandma into going to Granny’s West for breakfast. I’d spent the night in her guest room because my uncle had used my apartment. Before I left, I called Chuck. “Where are you? I’m supposed to pick you up this morning.” “I’m at my grandmother’s farm. She’ll be giving me a ride this morning to our office, and I’ll...
Friday October 21 My mom was of two minds. The first had me going to the vet with Duke and us both getting fixed. I was sure Duke wasn’t onboard with that idea. The second was reveling in the possibility that she had a little granddaughter in her arms. I figured the little girl couldn’t be mine. Dawsons only had boys. The only reason we had a little girl in the family was that Greg had adopted Mac. I spotted Ashley Kincaid and Scarlet White, the two girls I suspected were the mothers of...
Saturday December 10 I had my first singing lesson today at the studio. Jane, who was usually Rita’s security, was my driver. I found her in the kitchen drinking coffee with my dad and Hana. “Isn’t this a pleasant surprise? I take it that Manaia got a day off,” I said in greeting. “Fritz is getting soft,” Jane said with a smile. “Bacon and potatoes are in the oven. Make your own eggs,” Dad said. “You need to look at the TMZ website,” Hana said. I grabbed my tablet and set it on the...
Monday December 26 While I enjoyed spending the night in Palm Springs, the drive back to Malibu in the morning was a nightmare. I think karma was trying to balance out the great day we had yesterday. When I arrived home, Manaia and Lexi were waiting for me. “Hana quit,” Lexi announced when I walked in the door. “What? Why?” I asked. “She took Jiro home for Christmas to meet her family. I guess Jiro and her dad had words. Long story short, they broke up, and Hana decided she would stay...
Sunday January 1 We all came out of the terminal to find a bigger plane than I expected. Brook and I had sprung for a charter flight to LA from our local airport. With us were all our friends who were staying for the week. “I thought we were getting something practical,” I said. “We did, but Rita James is flying back with us, and she upgraded us. It’s an Airbus A318 Elite configured so it seats 18 and has sleeping quarters for eight,” Brook explained. “I could use a nap,” Tami said. She...
The year that changed everything. One wild rollercoaster from start to finish and I would give anything to ride it again. My name is Joseph Calhoun, but everyone calls me JC. When I first started high school I was pretty much a quiet guy. Standing at 6'2, dirty blond short hair, blue eyes and put together very well. The only thing going against me was the band. I was member of the marching band and well not a lot of points won for me. But over the years I came out of my shell, dated a...
Thursday December 8 The J-drama filming schedule had evolved to where we worked Sunday through Wednesday plus half a day on Thursday. This gave the production people two and a half days to make sure they had everything they needed for that week’s episode. It also gave the cast some much-needed time off. For me, that meant I would work on Halle’s movie. When we arrived on set, I sent Lexi to find out what I was doing today and walked to Halle’s trailer. I thought I would surprise her, so I...
Passion In James County II Chapter 1 Bobby Draper was looking forward to the beginning of his senior year at Jamestown High School. The only negative part of having school start again was that it meant his girlfriend, Paula, had to return to the college she attended, which was in another town. ‘We’ll see each other on vacation,’ Paula told him the day she left. Bobby missed Paula, even though she’d only been gone a few days, but there were other women on his mind, too. During his summer...
Sunday November 6 After brunch with my family, I drove to the airport to take my first flying lesson. On Friday I’d passed my written exam. All I had to do now was to pass the practical portion of the training to get my license. I was excited to get started. When I entered the flight school, it was empty, it being a Sunday afternoon. I found Roy Tyro, the owner, in his office drinking coffee and doing something on his computer. “You ready to get started?” “Yes, sir.” He grabbed a...
I can hardly believe it. It's January of my senior year in high school, meaning my life just got a lot better. I just submitted the last of my college applications yesterday, and now that those are off my back, I can slack off a bit more and enjoy the free time with friends. After all, that's what the second half of senior year is about, right? I sit up, swing my legs over and hop off the bed. Opening the window shade, I see that a light snow has fallen during the night, the thin layer of snow...
Saturday October 15 I woke up and was surprised I didn’t hurt as much as expected after hitting Pete Yoder last night. Chuck had collected my bodycam footage before he’d gone home for the night, and I was sure I would hear from Fritz today. I shudder to think what would have happened if those guys had pounded on me. All I knew was that once I was well again, I would have made it my mission to do them some serious damage. This combination rib/hip injury was no joke. Duke did a little dance at...
Saturday October 22 We met everyone in the lobby. “Where y’all want to eat?” Wyatt White asked. “I know of a good barbecue place that’s not too far from here.” “Daddy, David and his family might not want to go to one of your favorite restaurants,” Scarlet worried. I could tell that Ashley and her group were staying out of the decision. “I could eat some good barbecue,” Mom said. “I hope it’s nothing fancy.” “It ain’t fancy,” Clay, Scarlet’s supposed boyfriend, assured us. We ended up...
Tuesday January 3 My eyes blinked open, and I looked over at Brook. She’d managed to kick off the sheets during the night. That would explain why I felt cold. She was gloriously naked, so I took a moment to take in her exquisite body. It reminded me of the fun we’d had last night before falling asleep. She stretched and smiled coyly at me. “Tell me how much you love me,” she said. I laughed. “Demanding today, are we? I thought you were bossy enough last night,” I replied. She rolled over...
Monday October 10 Before I left the hospital, they’d given me instructions on how to rehab my hip pointer. They called the first few days the ‘acute phase.’ I assumed that meant pain level because I agreed it was ‘acute.’ The suggested treatment was to rest, ice it down, take pain and anti-inflammatory meds, and to wrap it. They warned me not to try to do too much until the pain subsided some. My instinct was to stretch and exercise, but they’d warned that I had to let my injuries heal before...
Hello and namaste to all the ISS readers and writers. I am Saurav writing one more real experience that happened to me in college. I am surprised and happy that most of you who read my stories have texted me and I received positive reactions throughout. I hope to get more reactions for my stories. This story goes back to my 2nd year of Engineering. I had a lot of sex in that year, this also was in the middle of them. At the end of that semester, the college organized a formal function for the...
Cara Westport was a 22yr old undergrad senior at college. She was very studious and doing well in most of her classes. Cara was 5’8”, 133lbs, shoulder length blondish red hair, brown eyes, a c cup, very athletic, and sometimes wore glasses. During her college career Cara found herself less interested in men and more interested in women, specifically older women. The college coed found herself attracted to several of her female teachers and wanting to be with them. Cara did not have much...
LesbianTuesday September 27 When I returned from my run, I saw that Paul was already here. Chuck hadn’t figured out that if he came early, my mom would feed him breakfast. Both Paul and Fritz seemed to take full advantage of the arrangement. I found Mom making stuffed French toast, one of my favorites. “Morning,” she said as she handed me a plate. “What’s your plan for the day?” “After football, I’m going to Granny’s West and help Tracy shoot her video blog. I’ll grab dinner there.” “I’ll tell...
Monday December 12 I was on set when Lexi found me. “I’m sorry, but you had an urgent call from Duane Morris. He needs you to call him back,” Lexi said. “We can shoot around you,” Mr. Otsuki assured me. “I’ll make this short,” I promised and went to find a quiet spot to make the call. “Mr. Morris, please,” I said when his assistant answered, and she put me right through. “David, it would seem I spoke too soon about the NCAA going smoothly. They’re sending an investigator to monitor your...
Saturday September 17 Morning came way too soon. This was our second trip, and Oklahoma wasn’t all that far from home. I hated to think about our upcoming trips to Southern Cal or Clemson. The problem with official visits was you only had 48 hours to be on campus. If we flew in the morning after a game, we might be able to work it out to have a Saturday-to-Monday trip. I didn’t have to ask how my mom would feel about me missing school. For now, the plan was to rush to the airport after a...
I cursed myself for having sexual fantasies. Was this horrible situation that was happening to me now a secret fantasy? Even secret to me? Either way, this was a fantasy that might come to life very soon. Jerard’s fingering had made him pop out of the front of his boxers. They had ridiculous blue and white checks which surrounding his now exposed cock. It wasn’t near as big as Maurice’s. This one looked like his girlfriend--someone petite and athletic-- could take it all and it wouldn’t hurt....
HardcoreIf you like this story please write to me back at a doctor I used to travel to many clinics and nursing homes for attending patients. And it was these days that I was the favourite of many of my senior colleagues too, which included Sushree Apa (Apa = Sister). She was my senior in college but after so many years we were again working as colleagues for some nursing homes. So whenever she would come to the clinic she would call me and we would together go and attend patients.One day while we...
Tomorrow is senior skip day! The best day of senior year! Actually, to be honest, prom was my favorite day. It was three days after I turned 18 and yes, it wasn’t really prom so much that was the high point of the day, it was going three rounds with my date, the captain of the tennis team, afterwards. He, as well as ninety-percent of my class, were “legal” before me, and while I had last count of how many times a male classmate “accidentally” brushed a hand against my ass or breasts, no one...
TeenSunday December 18 Mr. Otsuki had us all gathered for our weekly read-through of the script. “This week’s first will be the first date. Haru and David’s characters will go to dinner and then a play. We’ve arranged to shoot during an actual stage play here at the university. They are putting on a modern-day rendition of Romeo and Juliet. We’ll film it on Saturday afternoon and evening if needed. “Because of the change in schedule, we won’t be filming on Wednesday this week. We are losing...
‘Mrs. Dennison called just before you got home,’ Bobby’s mother told him after school. She frowned. ‘You know, Bobby, now that school has started, you really have to cut back on all these things you’re doing. I know the money’s good, but…’ ‘I know, Mom,’ Bobby replied. ‘I’ll tell Mrs. Dennison that I won’t be able to do as much as I have been. I don’t want to mess up my senior year. But Mrs. Dennison’s nice, and her husband’s busy at the hospital all the time, so she really does need someone...
Your name is John Doe. You are a high school senior that is attending Roseland High School. It is already the spring semester meaning that you will graduate soon. You want to make these last days of high school something that will make you feel proud of yourself. You calculate that you only have 141 days left until the day of your graduation. Day 1 begins on a Friday at 7 a.m. It is your 18th birthday and you’re dressing really nice, so you can impress the girls, especially Evelyn. You decide...
Monday December 5 Yesterday we resumed shooting the J-drama. They seemed to think we had to go late into the night. We were meeting today to do the read-through of the second episode of College First. Dad had invited Adrienne and Tyler to stay longer, and they’d accepted. Adrienne was originally from California, and she and her partner decided to reconnect with some old friends. Sarah had to get back to school. Bill and Ai had stayed the weekend. I worried they would drop from lack of...
Author: Nick Schwartz Keywords: MF, teacher, student, school, bdsm, dom, sub, maledom,femsub, sex Summary: A senior in college turns in a dirty story on a dare. It started off as a dare. My senior year of college had come. I was about to graduate I had practically passed all my classes. I had to turn in a couple papers, take a few exams, and finish my elective, free writing. A class I couldn’t fail. In Free Writing, on the first day of class our professor handed out a...
Report to the King of Sparta. B.C 481 "We must conclude that there was more then one Persian ship in our waters. When one met with disaster in the storm, the other picked up survivors and as much wreckage as it could. The shield is the only piece of wreckage that signifies Persian identity. There can be no doubt that it was a spying mission or an attempt to land agents of Persia on our soil or the soil of a neighbouring state. We cannot ignore the possibility that a neighbour may actually...
Living near the ocean is wonderful for teenagers during the summer. Barely 18, barely dressed, walking the beach, hand in hand, splashing in the surf. The joys of summer. One of the best times is Senior Week, when groups of newly graduated seniors would rent a beach house for a week and get to live on their own for the week. My friends, Chris, Bob, Scott and I had pooled our resources and rented a large house right on the beach. Our girlfriends Sharon, Brenda, Pat and Charlene were equally...
Group SexLe vol dura des heures, et pourtant Maxime n'en pouvait plus d'excitation. Une heure environ avant d'arriver, il se rendit aux toilettes, et se changea pour prendre sa tenue habituelle - jean, baskets blanches, queue de cheval -. Il se sentait ? l'aise ainsi. C'?tait ainsi qu'il comptait vivre aux USA. Galvin lui avait dit que tout ?tait pr?t pour lui, et qu'il n'avait plus qu'? arriver. Son logement, son contrat de travail. Un v?hicule l'attendait ? l'a?roport et devait le conduire ? l'embarcad?re puis jusq...
Authors Note: ‘The Rachel Chronicles’ is a multi-part series of stories involving the titular character (a young woman named Rachel) and her various sexual adventures. The stories are themed mainly around oral sex, with the occasional tale involving other forms of sexual activity. Each chapter is somewhat lengthy and detailed and it is my hope that such detail will provide a richer experience for you readers as you truly get an intensive look inside Rachel’s head. Further, the stories are...
Authors Note: ‘The Rachel Chronicles’ is a multi-part series of stories involving the titular character (a young woman named Rachel) and her various sexual adventures. The stories are themed mainly around oral sex, with the occasional tale involving other forms of sexual activity. Each chapter is somewhat lengthy and detailed and it is my hope that such detail will provide a richer experience for you readers as you truly get an intensive look inside Rachel’s head. Further, the stories are...
A week before the trip… Jason Robbins tapped his pencil on his desk as he listened to his science teacher drone on. His emerald green eyes kept darting over to the clock, waiting for the school bell to finally ring. Come on sixty seconds he thought, the tapping of the pencil speeding up. The school year was almost over, which meant one thing to him. Senior class trip. He had been waiting for over a month to go on this trip. A full week away from all the pressure of school, a week to spend with...
Wednesday January 11 Today was the last ‘official’ day of filming. The plan for the rest of the week was to complete on-location scenes. There were only a few B-roll sequences to finish—mostly wide landscape shots; no actors needed. My contract said I had to be here through Sunday in case we had to reshoot anything. They would spend the next few days deciding if they had everything they wanted in the can before everyone scattered. I’d just finished back-to-back scenes and wouldn’t be...
Laura and Ted ended up getting married. Ted did become a layer and Laura earned a PhD in political science. Laura ended up teaching at a major university after spending a number of years working in Washington DC for various government think tanks. David and Michelle married as well. They both earned PhD’s. David’s was in ancient history and Michelle’s in archeology. Their combined talent led them to many great discoveries. David had published many successful books about them as well as some...
Thursday December 29 The trip home seemed to take forever. Whenever I wanted to be somewhere in a hurry, LA traffic reared its ugly head. Then the plane I was on had mechanical problems, and we had to switch to another flight. That meant that I lost my first-class seat and was sent to the back of the plane in a middle seat. It was either that or wait another day to get home. We landed in Chicago in the early morning, so traffic sucked getting out of the city. When I finally got home, I found...
Saturday December 31 “Get your butt up,” I said as I jumped on Peggy’s bed. “What time is it?” she mumbled and saw the alarm clock. “Get up. We’re going running,” I announced. “I’ll get the boys up while you change.” I overheard my mom tell Duke to get off the bed, so I knew he was doing his job by waking them up for his morning loving. When I went into the boys’ room, I saw Little David standing up in his crib, so I picked him up. “It won’t be long before you’re ready for a big boy bed,”...