Senior Year Part IIChapter 8: Ideas Begin To Form free porn video

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Wednesday December 14
When I got up, I already had messages from home. Today was the beginning of the college football early signing period. Ty, our All-State running back, had made it official and signed with the University of Michigan. I thought it was a good fit for both of them. Michigan fans would be happy when they saw what he could do for them. Ty wanted to get his recruitment over with and had known after Michigan had held a football camp at our high school that he would play for them.

Brock and Bryan Callahan had decided to play ball for Western Illinois. The Leathernecks had gone 6–5 overall and 3–5 in the Missouri Valley Conference this season. The school was in Macomb, a small college town basically in the middle of nowhere. I was sure that when the two of them hit campus, they would liven things up.

Mike Herndon, my nemesis, had also signed with Michigan as an athlete, which meant he would probably never play quarterback. His going to Michigan was the one disappointment from today’s news. As much as I would like to think I could be above it all, that bothered me. Not because I thought Mike would ever take my place on the field, but because he was such a complete jerk. I was sure that at some point, I would have to kick his butt. That wasn’t enough to keep me from going there, though. Mike Herndon would just be one guy on a roster of eighty-five if we decided to play for Michigan.

One surprise was that Percy Wilkes pulled the trigger and committed to USC. I was sure that the people in Texas were disappointed that one of their own had gotten away. I had to admit that his going there made me think again about going to USC. He was a top-five recruit on every one of the recruiting services’ lists. He had the rare combination of size and speed that just screamed NFL prospect. Most kids his size were either offensive or defensive tackles. He would be a monster at defensive end.

I had only seen one man as large as he was move as quickly. He’d been the starting defensive end for the Buffalo Bills who’d worked out with me in Chicago. That was the day I committed to getting bigger and faster because I knew that if someone that big was chasing me, I didn’t want to get caught. If he did catch me, I had to be strong enough to handle the pounding.

Dad begged off on surfing, so it was just Manaia and me. He said that the waves were better at Zuma Beach today. The beach itself was nearly two miles long. Even with the number of people in the water, there was room to find your own spot this morning.

Manaia and I surfed for about an hour and had to get going. If I were lucky, I would get all my scenes done today and not have to work on Saturday.

We stopped at a place for breakfast.

“Is it okay if I inquire about your tattoos?” I asked.

Manaia had one on the right side of his chest that traveled up and covered his shoulder and the upper part of his right arm. He also had a tattoo that started at his waist and ended just above his knees; I assumed that one covered his buttocks. Both the upper and lower tattoos looked like intricate armor.

“It’s called tatau. When the Europeans arrived in the 1800s, they mispronounced it ‘tattoo.’ For men, we call them pe’a. Historically, Samoa’s culture used the pe’a to represent your social status. It was also considered a rite of passage for young men. I got them for my grandmother, who wanted to keep the old traditions alive. She always claimed that my family could be traced back to chiefs. It’s a cultural pride thing,” he explained.

“Did it hurt?” I asked.

“Hell, yes. The old man that did mine did it the traditional way. They don’t use a tattoo gun. It was done with a blade attached to a stick, and he whacked me with it. To get them so dark, he had to go over it again and again for what seemed like forever.”

“It looks pretty cool.”

“Chicks dig it,” he said with a smile.

“When my mom comes, you’ll have to tell her that.”

“I’ve been warned about your mom. There’s no way I’m going to tell her anything of the sort.”

It was probably safer for him if he didn’t.

“What’s the deal with you and Teresa?” he asked, to change the subject.

I just shrugged.

“She’s a fine woman. Is she in college?” he asked.

“Yep. You interested in her?” I asked.

“More like in lust,” he admitted.

This was more like what my security needed to be: guys I could talk about important issues with. Not the candy-asses I had back home who were afraid I would lead them astray.

“Ask Fritz to see the tape.”

“What tape?” he asked. “Did you ... uh ... never mind.”

It was funny to see the big guy get awkward. I just gave him a mysterious smile and let him twist in the wind. Maybe I could get him to handle Teresa’s mom. That woman worried me. If she would just focus on Manaia, it would be a load off my mind. I sure he wouldn’t mind taking one for the team in that regard. Now, she was hot!

“Good morning,” I said to Misaki as she entered the men’s dressing room.

I was about to get my makeup put on, so she took the seat next to mine.

“How was your day off?”

“Good. How was work?” I asked to get the small talk out of the way.

We both knew that Misaki was here to either give me sisterly advice or tell me who my next lunch victim was.

“I’ve been bad,” she admitted, surprising me.

“Oh, do tell,” I said, giving her my full attention.

“Today is your big scene with Haru when she gives you her first kiss.”

In this episode, I had kissed her when we filmed the beginning. It was all about her crush on me, what the kiss meant, and all the girly stuff associated with it. Kenta’s character would do everything he could to convince her that I was just an American playboy up to no good. The girls would all think it was romantic. Jiro, the nerdy actor Hana was dating, would stand up for me. They had Haru get brave and corner me after class, so she could kiss me back. That would set up the next few episodes where everyone tries to figure out what it all means.

I think I was hired to be the eye candy for this show. What else could I conclude when I had zero lines in this episode? I wondered if it would help if I took my shirt off for the scene. They should get their money’s worth. I decided to ask Misaki.

“Do you think it would help if I took my shirt off for the scene?” I asked.

I could almost hear her eyes roll at that. She gave her head a little shake ‘no,’ and then her eyes bore into mine.

“She’s nervous. Don’t you be too sexy and cute to cause her to mess up,” Misaki warned.

“You think I’m sexy and cute?” I asked innocently.

“You are a brat. Just be nice,” she cautioned.

“Yes, ma’am,” I said, and gave her a slight head bow.

Misaki liked it when I showed her deference. It was all part of being a big sister to boss around her charge. Somehow, I’d collected several big sisters who thought they were the boss of me. Little did they know...

I gave her a curious look.

“How have you been bad?” I asked.

“Haru told us what you did,” she began.

Haru must have shared that I slipped her the tongue to get her to react for the scene.

“We’ve been giving her ideas about what she should do in retaliation,” Misaki continued. “She was ready to turn up the heat with her kiss this afternoon when I reminded her that you’d already had sex on screen before. I told her you might not be like the typical guy from Japan who would be shocked by her being brazen.”

“First of all, it was never confirmed I had sex on set.”

“According to our research, I disagree,” Misaki said authoritatively.

“Our?” I asked, giving her my one-eyebrow-raised look.

She blushed.

“In exchange for pictures of you on set, friends back in Japan do research for us. We hit the mother lode when you decided to go skinny-dipping,” Misaki admitted.

“Let me get this straight. All the girls on the set are secretly taking pictures of me and sending them home?” I asked.

“Maybe not Tomoko.”

Tomoko played one of the professors and was older. I could see her not being caught up in all this. What struck me as funny was that Misaki wasn’t even embarrassed that they were doing it.

“I don’t think I want to know more about that. What I do need to know is what Haru plans to do, now that you scared her.”

“Just be super-nice to her. The poor girl is about to fall apart on us, worrying about what you’ll do next.”

“Who am I going to lunch with?” I asked to change the subject.

“Mr. Nomura. He’s the senior actor, and you should show him deference and ask him to be your mentor. It would mean a lot to everyone if you did,” Misaki said.

“Explain that to me.”

“The mentor relationship was created via Confucian teaching. I’m sure you’ve heard the words senpai and kōhai. It is a mentoring relationship that is formed in a variety of situations. The senpai is experienced and helps or offers friendship and guidance to the inexperienced kōhai. The kōhai, in return, must demonstrate gratitude, respect, and occasionally personal loyalty. It would be a great honor for Mr. Nomura to be your senpai,” she explained.

“Why would this be a big deal to the cast?” I asked.

“Knowing that Mr. Nomura accepted you as his kōhai would mean that you are more than the gaijin hired to be sexy and cute,” Misaki said.

Her little smile, and adding the ‘sexy and cute,’ helped soften the blow. I had to remember that people around the world had preconceived opinions of Americans that I would have to work to overcome. I might be big in Japan, but I was still an outsider.

Misaki left me to get ready herself. When I made it to the set, I found Mr. Nomura and formally asked him to lunch. It was apparent the Japanese contingent approved.

I took Mr. Nomura to V’s Restaurant and Bar. It looked like an upscale diner from the outside, and the inside was well done. It was modern, but with a lot of wood accents and low lighting to give it an inviting feel. The menu had an Italian flair with traditional American favorites sprinkled in.

“You’ve done a lot to help teamwork on the set. These lunches are highly coveted. Thank you for inviting me,” Mr. Nomura said.

“I hope to get to know everyone better, but with you, I have an ulterior motive. I was hoping you could help guide me in working better with my castmates.”

Mr. Nomura was probably my dad’s age. He would fit into Hollywood because he looked like a TV star. He had long hair that he combed back, and it had started to show gray highlights at the temples. Mr. Nomura also had a small goatee and mustache that had gray beginning to come in. He still looked youthful but now had an air of authority and sophistication. He made the perfect dean for the show.

“I would very much like to help you,” he said.

Once that was out of the way, he opened up and started to share with me. Mr. Nomura had been on various Japanese TV shows over the past twenty years. He was actually Chinese, but had changed his name for Japanese TV, and was also a producer and musician. He’d taken this role so he could have time in the States and was auditioning for roles on his days off. Mr. Nomura had a callback for a show coming out called Altered Carbon; it was due out on Netflix next year.

He then dug into my life. I gave him the Cliff Notes version. He was fascinated with everything I’d done to this point.

“To be as young as you are with everything in front of you...” he said and trailed off.

He then looked up at me and held my eyes.

“What makes you happy?” Mr. Nomura asked.

“My children and family. My girlfriend. Good friends. That’s what immediately comes to mind,” I answered.

“You just told me about all the things you’re doing and what you plan to do before you go to college. Then it’s off to college for an extended period. Don’t you find it telling that they are not involved in most of it?

“There’s an old saying: he who chases two rabbits catches none. Yet somehow, you’ve split your focus between sports, acting, modeling, and family. I realize that you’ve made commitments, and I would never suggest that you don’t honor them. At some point, you must find the one thing that makes you both happy and fulfilled,” he said.

“I’ve been thinking about that. I sat down with my uncle this last fall, and we had a long talk about it not being about the path but more about what I wanted to achieve. That there are many paths that will get me there; I just need to know where I’m going. It has driven me crazy, trying to figure that out,” I admitted.

Mr. Nomura smiled at me.

“It sounds like your uncle is someone I would like to meet. Let me give you one piece of advice, and then we must get back to work: life is simple, but we insist on complicating it.”

I couldn’t help myself; I snorted. He and my uncle would make a pair. Fuck me! This was one more person who I felt had my best interest at heart, telling me to look to the future. The sad part was I knew they were right. My life goals were supposed to help me work towards that future.

At this point, the question was, ‘working towards what?’ What I needed to do was go to that psychic who told me I had five kids. His big reveal had been that some woman would put me off marriage, and I would do something unexpected. He did nail it with the five kids. Of all his predictions, I figured that one had had the longest odds of coming true.

“Any suggestions?” I asked to get his take.

“I would suggest that you find some way to combine your pursuits.”

Maybe it was time I quit kicking the can down the road. What Mr. Nomura just said tickled a thought I’d had lurking in the back of my mind.

Before our big kiss scene, I saw Mr. Nomura in a heated discussion with our director, Mr. Otsuki. I was surprised when Mr. Otsuki nodded to him and then called Haru, Hana, and me over to talk.

“I’d hoped to push the boundaries with public displays of affection and have Haru’s character kiss David in a public place. It was understandable that David would walk up and kiss her in public because this is America. What was pointed out to me was that a good Japanese girl would never do the same. We need to rethink the scene,” Mr. Otsuki explained.

“When I want a little privacy, I pull the girl into an empty classroom,” I said without thinking.

Both Haru and Mr. Otsuki gave me shocked looks. They knew enough English that Hana didn’t have to translate for them. I’d found out that all the cast spoke English and did it well. Mr. Otsuki used Japanese on set, which forced me to rely on Hana most of the time. I didn’t complain because it gave me a chance to learn Japanese.

“I want to hear all about what you do in empty classrooms,” Haru said, and then blushed when she realized that Mr. Otsuki was standing next to her.

He was a good sport and chuckled at her discomfort.

“This sounds very American and solves my issue,” he said and left to set it up.

“We should practice kissing,” I ventured.

“You’re a brat,” Haru said.

“No, really. A movie kiss isn’t as easy as you think,” I said and shared what I learned in my acting class.

We did end up practicing. The sad part was that when we went into acting mode, it wasn’t near as fun as it sounded. We finally settled on how we would do it for the scene and went and shot it. On playback, it turned out to be precisely what a first kiss initiated by a girl should look like. I was destined to star in a Hallmark show if I kept up this sweet, innocent stuff.

I was so done when Mr. Otsuki finally let us all go at three in the morning. He’d extended our day to get the balance of my scenes completed. He decided that it fit their process better to wrap up the shooting on Wednesday. We would be back on set come Sunday.

Thursday December 15
I slept in like a real teenager and didn’t roll out of bed until ten. When I saw the time, I realized I had to get going because I had things to do today. I had a few scenes in Halle’s movie, and I also had a late afternoon appointment with Jett for further singing lessons.

I got ready and rushed downstairs to grab a bite and then head to the studio. What I found was my dad looking somber.

“What’s with you?” I asked.

“Cassidy was arrested last night. She was released this morning when the police saw the video,” Dad said.

“What happened?” I asked.

“You should just watch it. I want you to know everyone’s fine,” he said.

If that didn’t set off alarms in my head, nothing would.

He opened his laptop and hit play. The video showed our living room; I could tell by how the light was coming from the kitchen that it was late afternoon. I could see Duke lying next to the playpen as Coby, Little David, and a baby I didn’t recognize were having naps. They must have just gotten home from daycare.

Coby woke up, and Duke jumped up and left to tell Peggy that they were awake. I had a smile when I saw my little monkey grab onto the playpen bars and begin to pull himself up.

Duke came down the stairs, followed by Aaron, the male nanny we’d hired. I was shocked to see he only wore a pair of boxers, and it was evident that he was aroused. I assumed that Peggy must have acted on her crush. My momentary distraction was snapped back to the screen when I heard Aaron’s angry voice.

“I’ve about had enough of you,” he said and shoved Coby back into the playpen.

My son was at first startled and then began to cry.

“I’ll give you something to cry about,” Aaron said and drew his hand back.

That was when I heard the deep growl that meant that Duke wasn’t playing. The hair was up on his back, and he was showing his teeth. I’d only seen him do that once with me and a couple of times with Precious.

Thankfully, Aaron turned his attention to Duke. I wasn’t happy when he kicked Duke and sent him flying into the coffee table. Aaron wasn’t done; he charged my dog and kicked him again. You have to understand that Labs are made out of rubber. I swear that they have no feeling, so when I heard his yelp, I knew that Aaron had hurt him.

“Stop!” Cassidy screamed as she charged in from the kitchen.

Aaron did the single stupidest thing any boy had done since Brad, her brother, did the same: he backhanded her. Two seconds later, Aaron was on the floor, screaming, with a dislocated elbow. It took me a moment to wrap my brain around that because I knew how hard it is to dislocate your elbow. It’s basically a ball and socket designed only to go back so far. To dislocate, either something has to break, or tendons have to be compromised. There’s also a bundle of nerves right there. If his screams of pain were any indication, that one was going to leave a mark.

Then my ‘Peggy hooking up’ theory was blown out of the water when one of the moms from the daycare came downstairs, half-dressed.

I looked at my dad, and I could see the pain in his eyes.

“Did they arrest him?” I asked.

“Yes, once they saw that Cassidy hadn’t just attacked him. She’d come over to eat dinner at our house. I hate to think what would have happened if she hadn’t shown up,” Dad said.

“How are Coby and Duke?” I asked.

“According to your mom, Duke is bruised and acting like a big baby, milking all the attention he’s getting for being a hero. Coby has a knot on the back of his head, but he is otherwise fine.”

“Can we get the charges dropped and have them release him? I would like that to coincide with me being able to be at home to check on my son,” I said.

Dad actually smiled.

“What?” I asked.

“Your uncle, Greg, and Phil all made similar suggestions. I guess you are a Dawson.”

“I’m not joking around,” I said, getting mad.

“Son, I know you’re not. Let Cassidy’s payback serve for now, and we’ll see how the justice system works on this one.”

“It had better work better than it did for us with Zander. If it doesn’t, you might have to get me the same deal he got.”

“Speaking of which, Mr. Voorhees filed suit yesterday.”

That meant they’d filed our civil suit against Zander for when his driver almost killed me.

“Good. I’m in no mood to play games with him, either,” I admitted.

“You want some more bad news?”

“What else?”

“Stewart, from the NCAA, wants to meet with us. Mr. Morris sent him the video from the dinner with Coach Foster. By the way, I played golf with Coach Foster yesterday, and he never even mentioned your recruitment. He seems like a nice guy,” Dad said.

Anyone who could get Dad onto a premium golf course was a ‘good guy’ in my dad’s book.

“What does Mr. Morris say?” I asked.

“He thinks we should show good faith and meet with him.”

“Lexi knows my schedule. Tell her what works for you, and I’ll have her call Mr. Morris to coordinate with Stewart.”

“You’re getting pretty good at delegating,” Dad observed.

“I’m just following in your footsteps. All I have to do is think about you ‘delegating’ to Greg and me.”

“You better get to work, or I’ll find something for you to do around here,” Dad threatened.

That just proved my point!

When I got on set, I went to Halle’s trailer. She took one look at me and hugged me.

“You looked like you needed that,” she said.

I told her about our manny. I think she was ready to fly out with me right now.

Fortunately for me, today was a light day. I was only in a couple of scenes. Unfortunately for me, they weren’t being shot consecutively. That did give me time to go to my trailer and think. Seeing our male nanny, or ‘manny,’ as we’d started calling him, abuse both my son and dog made me realize that Mr. Nomura had a point. I had to find more time for what was important: my family.

I was close to booking a flight and skipping out. If my uncle hadn’t pointed out what it took to be a ‘man of your word,’ I would have done precisely that. The only thing that kept me from breaking my word was my support system back home. I knew that between my mom, Peggy, and everyone else, Coby and Duke would be taken care of. Probably better than I could, if I were brutally honest.

I finished up acting and went to the sound studio to meet Jett.

“Hey, Big Guy. You bother to practice this week?” Jett teased.

“Yes, I practiced,” I said as whiningly as I could.

I gave it an eight out of ten. Only teen girls could pull off a solid ten.

“Okay, let’s warm your voice up, and then we’ll try the songs and see where you are,” Jett said, completely ignoring my whining and getting down to business.

I started to think I might have to work more on my whining, but then decided that was one quality I didn’t want to perfect.

The first half-hour was spent doing the exercises she’d taught me. She could tell I’d put in the effort. When you were on set for hours on end, there was plenty of time to work on other things. I told everyone that I was doing it to help out Rita James. But the real reason I was busting my butt was that I didn’t want to look like a fool.

I know that sounds silly coming from a guy who could walk through the cafeteria naked without a problem. But to me, singing was personal, for some reason. I wasn’t good at it, and I was going to make a fool out of myself if I didn’t get with the program. Still, I was holding onto the hope that they might let me lip-sync the songs. I mean, if big stars like Beyoncé and Scotty McCreery had done it, I was sure I was a good-enough actor to pull it off.

I’d floated the idea to Jett via a text message. It’s best that I not repeat what she sent back. That was one of those that even if you deleted it, someday it would come back to haunt you, I was sure.

“Let’s try the songs and see how you sound,” Jett said. “I’ll sing the girl parts so you start to get used to singing as a duet.”

“Then we should begin with Little Drummer Boy,” I offered.

From the other side of the glass, I heard someone bang on it, and suddenly the door opened and standing there was Trip. It looked like he’d lost weight, and I mean serious weight. He was Steven Tyler skinny. Behind him were Halle and Rita.

“Did you just call me a girl?” Trip asked.

I hugged him. I hadn’t seen him since this summer when I’d won the Gatorade award. Stepping back, I shook my head.

“I’m going to have to talk to Rosy. She obviously isn’t feeding you.”

Rita stepped forward and took control. Halle rolled her eyes when her mom went into business mode.

“I want to hear you do the songs with the artist. We need to figure out what order to put them in,” she explained.

“Whoa, hang on,” I said, holding up my hands. “I thought I was just doing one song, and you were going to help me pick which one it would be.”

Rita ignored me. I looked at Trip and Halle, and they both just smiled at me. I threw my hands up and let out a long breath. Clearly, I’d been set up. It wasn’t worth fighting Rita about this. I’d opened my big mouth and said I would do whatever she wanted. Now that I thought about it, why else would I be learning all four songs?

“Time is money, people,” Rita said, clapping her hands.

“Come on, Trip. Let’s show them what we have,” I said as Jett kicked Halle and Rita out of the room.

She had us sing it through once, and she decided that my part needed to go down a key. Trip had a strong voice and quickly hit the high notes for the Peace on Earth. When we sang it together, it sounded good; then Trip took it to another level when he sang the Peace on Earth part. I tried to keep it steady as I sang my part in the background. Singing two songs at the same time was not easy because you don’t have someone to harmonize with.

Jett was good at directing us and letting me know when I was to come in with each round. She took Trip aside and gave him some ideas, and then we tried it again. By the third run-through, I could see Halle and Rita smiling through the glass. They kicked Trip out, and Halle replaced him as we sang The Gift.

Halle had the opening part, and as soon as she began to sing, Jett did a double-take. Halle James was a talented young lady. The Gift was more of a love song than a Christmas song. The guy’s part was higher than I was comfortable singing. But Jett got in my face and urged me on as I hit a few notes that I wasn’t sure were possible.

We sang that three times also, and by the third, Jett had taken some notes and suggested that Halle and I work on it together. She wanted to make sure our chemistry came through.

I was surprised when Rita stepped in next and sang Silver Bells with me. That was the most straightforward song, and I knew it the best, so we only had to do one take. Then it was time for me to unleash my inner rocker and sing Santa Claus is Coming to Town.

“I might have to steal some of those moves,” was Jett’s only comment.

I took that as I’d nailed it! Of course, my sarcasm meter was set to eleven.

Before we left, I asked Trip and Halle if they wanted to go with me to watch Jett and her band play tomorrow night. Rita begged off. I scheduled another session with Jett for Saturday.

I had to get going because Lexi had set up our meeting with the investigator from the NCAA.

Manaia wanted tacos, so he called in an order at Del Taco for pickup. They had a special for Thursday nights where three chicken tacos were only $2.29. Thirty bucks later, we were loaded down with tacos. Manaia and I put a dent in them on the ride. When we got home, we shared with Hana, Lexi, Dad, and Fritz; he was relieving Manaia for the NCAA portion of the evening.

While everyone else ate, I went out to the pool area and crashed on one of the lounge chairs. The wind was coming off the ocean, and you could smell it. If I described it like a wine, it would have a slightly fishy smell, with a touch of seaweed and a briny finish. After eating ten or fifteen tacos, my tummy was full, and I began to get the heavy-lidded feeling you got just before you had a power nap.

My eyes had just succumbed to the weight of my eyelids, and I was almost there when I was disturbed.

“Stewart Chadwick is here,” Lexi said as she touched my shoulder.

“Sure, he is,” I mumbled and pulled myself together.

“I’ll put some coffee on,” Lexi said and left me sitting in the twilight.

There were times when I wondered if having a PA was better or worse than having a wife. I might have to ask my dad about that.

They were in the dining room. Someone had come up with a Polycom conference phone so we could call Mr. Morris, and Dad was in the process of doing just that. I saw that someone had set up video cameras on tiny tripods facing where we planned to sit and then at Stewart’s seat. He didn’t look happy about it.

I put on a corporate smile and shook his hand. My granddad used to say that a smile didn’t cost you anything, but to never underestimate the value of one.

“Stewart, so glad you could come,” I said.

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Chapter 8: Ideas Begin To Form Videos

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Senior Year Part IChapter 21 Vitamin T

Tuesday October 25 I’d been afraid I would wake up and hurt from yesterday’s activity. While I could tell I’d pushed my limits some, it was more a good hurt, the kind you get from working out and not the sort from being injured. Today, for the first time, I felt like I would eventually be okay. Duke heard me awaken and jumped on my bed for me to love him up. I must have found the right spot because he stretched out his neck and his back leg began to jerk back and forth like he was scratching...

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Senior Year

I had always grown up well, and in good care. My parents always told me to do good in school and watch out for those senior boys. I didn't even think I had a chance until middle school came around, and things started looking up for me. My chest began to grow, and boys started to notice me. I didn't know if I like the attention or not. All I knew is that when high school started, things really started to change. "Sarah, what do you think I should wear for the dance...

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Senior Year Part IIChapter 20 Welcome to Hollywood

Wednesday January 4 I got out of bed and went to the window to check whether the fire had progressed. I could see smoke over the ridge. Low-flying planes had woken me at daybreak, and I saw one now make a run over the hogback and then pop back up like a crop duster over a field. They appeared to be dropping water to try to contain the inferno. If the fire came our way, it could destroy some of the most expensive homes in the LA area. A glint of light from a tree in the backyard caught my...

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Senior Year Pet Chapter 1

This is a story of how I used the second half of my senior year to turn a girl I couldn’t stand into my personal completely obedient fuck toy, and got rich doing it. That girl, Sarah had always been a person I found to be extremely annoying, but interaction with her was inevitable as her locker was beside mine for all of high school, and consistently I was lucky enough to share classes with her. Sufficient to say I was extremely tired of her by second semester in senior year. Best...

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Senior Year

You are a senior here at Greenview High. You just turned 18, as have your fellow classmates. The teenage mind being what it is, the freedom of being 18 combined with the cocktail of hormones in your brain is a ticking time bomb, and it’s only a matter of time until your sexual urges overtake you. Who needs an education when there’s so many attractive young women around? Your best friend’s name is Greg. He’s taller than you, has been since elementary school, which is where you first met. He’s...

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Senior Year Part IChapter 15 Homecoming

Friday October 14 I woke to my hound licking my face. It seemed someone had to go out... right now! I managed to put on a pair of shorts without passing out from the pain and hobbled down the stairs. Precious met the two of us at the back door. She was starting to really show. I did a little internal calculation and figured she should have her kittens in a couple of weeks. I groaned when the cat darted into my apartment as Duke went out. I was in no mood to play ‘find the kitty.’ When I made...

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Senior Year Part IChapter 30 Season Ends

Thursday November 24 We really didn’t have room for the crowd that was coming for Thanksgiving dinner, so Mom had decided to hold it at the restaurant. Dad, Uncle John, and Greg said that football-watching was a requirement. Caryn had a TV installed at the bar to keep them from whining. I was awakened by someone pounding on my downstairs apartment door. I looked at the clock, and it was almost ten. Watching all the little rug-rats last night had been a nightmare. After dinner, everyone...

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Senior Year Part IIChapter 2 Jdrama Drama

Wednesday November 30 I decided to skip running today because we had a pool in the backyard. Dad and Manaia sat and watched me swim laps. They seemed to be getting along well as they laughed about something while I pulled myself out of the water. I plopped down on a chair at the table they’d claimed. “What time did you get in last night?” Dad asked. “After two,” Manaia grumbled. Fritz was going to have to send me someone to help Manaia. It was one thing for me to put in the hours, and...

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Senior Year Part IChapter 24 Away Game

Wednesday November 2 I had my bags packed and was ready to go to St. Louis. The plan was to go to morning classes and then leave at noon. The game was to be shown on ESPN, and the network wanted to do their prep this afternoon. Coach Hope had shared that we were one of only a handful of high school teams that had had their games televised on ESPN in back-to-back years. Until this week, I’d ignored this game for several reasons. Honestly, my focus had been on two things: recruiting and my...

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Senior Skip Day Part One

An off handed remark about Lush Stories by my psychiatrist led me to this site. I just had to find an outlet for this adventure somewhere besides talking to my $120 an hour near-retirement shrink, who’s obviously suffering from job burnout.  I am a forty-four year old school teacher who can’t believe how quickly her life can be turned upside down. My name is Teresa and I work at a Midwest suburban high school. My fourteen year second marriage is okay but I learned from my first attempt that...

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Senior Year Part IChapter 23 Halloween Kittens

Monday October 31 As Duke and I were going out to jog, we found Precious waiting for us by the door. I knew something was up when Duke gave her a complete puppy-scan (sniffed her all over), and she didn’t bloody his nose. “You not feeling well?” I asked her as I squatted down to check what might be wrong. Yep. We were having kittens today. Gently picking Precious up, I took her to Duke’s crate. Brit had brought over her blanket, which I assumed was washable, and put it in his kennel. Duke...

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The Begining and 40year late the change

Here is the short back ground before I get into what happened last weekend. That night after we turned off TV we opened the sleeper couch and laid down for the night. Shortly after we were under the covers I felt his hand slide over my side and gently touch my cock. At that point, like every 15 year old boy, it did not take more than a few seconds to get hard. He then slid his hand into my tight white undies and started to rub me. I rolled on my back and within seconds he was sucking...

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Senior Year Part IChapter 17 I Think They Are

Monday October 17 I was sitting in precalculus, taking a quiz, when my phone chirped to let me know that I’d received a text. This was right after Ms. Lowden had given us a lecture about turning them off for the quiz. She glared in my direction. Apparently, this was the last time someone’s phone was going off during a quiz or test ... or there would be ‘consequences.’ I don’t know what came over me. “Dare! She said to turn your phone off.” Ms. Lowden made a big display of getting out of her...

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Senior Year Part IChapter 27 Score

Thursday November 10 I woke up in a contemplative mood. The expressions on the Waterloo players’ faces as the clock ticked down must have gotten to me. I had at most three more games of high school football. It was hard to imagine that it might finally be over. Of course, I had a lot to look forward to. College and the rest of my life were yet to come. The Waterloo game made me understand that I wanted to play at higher levels of competition. What we’d created with this team was about as...

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Senior Year Part IIChapter 12 Christmas Special

Friday December 23 Brook bailed on me when I had to go to the Love Letters set. She and the moms decided to go shopping one last time before the ‘rents flew out. I’d pointed out that there was shopping in Malibu, not only in the trendy areas of LA. How they’d missed the Country Market totally mystified me. I had planned to take Brook there, but when her parents had their problems, we’d all gotten distracted. Kitty Ellis had told me last night at the premiere that she wanted me to come in...

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Senior Week

It was the end of senior year for a group of nerdy teens in a small school in rural Pennsylvania. And, like most students reaching the end of senior year, they were very ready to be beyond high school and moving into college and on with the rest of their lives. But first came many things that usually happen during the last few months of school. The senior class field trip, the day to the pool that the senior class president convinced the school to allow, the senior prank, a couple musicals and...

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Senior Year Part IChapter 11 Tattletale

Monday October 3 I took the boys to the house and found a rested Peggy making coffee. “Were they any trouble?” “No, they slept through the night,” I said as I put them into their high chairs. Peggy scattered some Cheerios on Coby and Little David’s trays to keep them busy while she made their breakfast. I decided I wanted grits after my trip down south. As I got the pot started, Chuck came in the back door. Duke gave him a cursory once-over and left it to Bandit to guard the house. Chuck...

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Senior Year Part IIChapter 16 Change is Good Right

Friday December 30 The plan for the day was to go to my company’s office and get updated on how everything was going. Since the meeting was scheduled for first thing, I talked my grandma into going to Granny’s West for breakfast. I’d spent the night in her guest room because my uncle had used my apartment. Before I left, I called Chuck. “Where are you? I’m supposed to pick you up this morning.” “I’m at my grandmother’s farm. She’ll be giving me a ride this morning to our office, and I’ll...

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Senior Year Part IChapter 18 Mr Walking Clicheacute

Friday October 21 My mom was of two minds. The first had me going to the vet with Duke and us both getting fixed. I was sure Duke wasn’t onboard with that idea. The second was reveling in the possibility that she had a little granddaughter in her arms. I figured the little girl couldn’t be mine. Dawsons only had boys. The only reason we had a little girl in the family was that Greg had adopted Mac. I spotted Ashley Kincaid and Scarlet White, the two girls I suspected were the mothers of...

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Senior Year Part IIChapter 6 Bow Chicka Bow Wow

Saturday December 10 I had my first singing lesson today at the studio. Jane, who was usually Rita’s security, was my driver. I found her in the kitchen drinking coffee with my dad and Hana. “Isn’t this a pleasant surprise? I take it that Manaia got a day off,” I said in greeting. “Fritz is getting soft,” Jane said with a smile. “Bacon and potatoes are in the oven. Make your own eggs,” Dad said. “You need to look at the TMZ website,” Hana said. I grabbed my tablet and set it on the...

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Senior Year Part IIChapter 14 Pride Fear Guilt Pick a Number

Monday December 26 While I enjoyed spending the night in Palm Springs, the drive back to Malibu in the morning was a nightmare. I think karma was trying to balance out the great day we had yesterday. When I arrived home, Manaia and Lexi were waiting for me. “Hana quit,” Lexi announced when I walked in the door. “What? Why?” I asked. “She took Jiro home for Christmas to meet her family. I guess Jiro and her dad had words. Long story short, they broke up, and Hana decided she would stay...

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Senior Year Part IIChapter 18 Here Hold My Beer

Sunday January 1 We all came out of the terminal to find a bigger plane than I expected. Brook and I had sprung for a charter flight to LA from our local airport. With us were all our friends who were staying for the week. “I thought we were getting something practical,” I said. “We did, but Rita James is flying back with us, and she upgraded us. It’s an Airbus A318 Elite configured so it seats 18 and has sleeping quarters for eight,” Brook explained. “I could use a nap,” Tami said. She...

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Senior Year

The year that changed everything. One wild rollercoaster from start to finish and I would give anything to ride it again. My name is Joseph Calhoun, but everyone calls me JC. When I first started high school I was pretty much a quiet guy. Standing at 6'2, dirty blond short hair, blue eyes and put together very well. The only thing going against me was the band. I was member of the marching band and well not a lot of points won for me. But over the years I came out of my shell, dated a...

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Senior Year Part IIChapter 5 FBI NCAA

Thursday December 8 The J-drama filming schedule had evolved to where we worked Sunday through Wednesday plus half a day on Thursday. This gave the production people two and a half days to make sure they had everything they needed for that week’s episode. It also gave the cast some much-needed time off. For me, that meant I would work on Halle’s movie. When we arrived on set, I sent Lexi to find out what I was doing today and walked to Halle’s trailer. I thought I would surprise her, so I...

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Senior Year Ch 01

Passion In James County II Chapter 1 Bobby Draper was looking forward to the beginning of his senior year at Jamestown High School. The only negative part of having school start again was that it meant his girlfriend, Paula, had to return to the college she attended, which was in another town. ‘We’ll see each other on vacation,’ Paula told him the day she left. Bobby missed Paula, even though she’d only been gone a few days, but there were other women on his mind, too. During his summer...

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Senior Year Part IChapter 26 Flying High

Sunday November 6 After brunch with my family, I drove to the airport to take my first flying lesson. On Friday I’d passed my written exam. All I had to do now was to pass the practical portion of the training to get my license. I was excited to get started. When I entered the flight school, it was empty, it being a Sunday afternoon. I found Roy Tyro, the owner, in his office drinking coffee and doing something on his computer. “You ready to get started?” “Yes, sir.” He grabbed a...

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I can hardly believe it. It's January of my senior year in high school, meaning my life just got a lot better. I just submitted the last of my college applications yesterday, and now that those are off my back, I can slack off a bit more and enjoy the free time with friends. After all, that's what the second half of senior year is about, right? I sit up, swing my legs over and hop off the bed. Opening the window shade, I see that a light snow has fallen during the night, the thin layer of snow...

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Senior Year Part IChapter 16 If Dogs Ruled the World

Saturday October 15 I woke up and was surprised I didn’t hurt as much as expected after hitting Pete Yoder last night. Chuck had collected my bodycam footage before he’d gone home for the night, and I was sure I would hear from Fritz today. I shudder to think what would have happened if those guys had pounded on me. All I knew was that once I was well again, I would have made it my mission to do them some serious damage. This combination rib/hip injury was no joke. Duke did a little dance at...

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Senior Year Part IChapter 19 Can I Come Home With You

Saturday October 22 We met everyone in the lobby. “Where y’all want to eat?” Wyatt White asked. “I know of a good barbecue place that’s not too far from here.” “Daddy, David and his family might not want to go to one of your favorite restaurants,” Scarlet worried. I could tell that Ashley and her group were staying out of the decision. “I could eat some good barbecue,” Mom said. “I hope it’s nothing fancy.” “It ain’t fancy,” Clay, Scarlet’s supposed boyfriend, assured us. We ended up...

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Senior Year Part IIChapter 19 I Smell Smoke

Tuesday January 3 My eyes blinked open, and I looked over at Brook. She’d managed to kick off the sheets during the night. That would explain why I felt cold. She was gloriously naked, so I took a moment to take in her exquisite body. It reminded me of the fun we’d had last night before falling asleep. She stretched and smiled coyly at me. “Tell me how much you love me,” she said. I laughed. “Demanding today, are we? I thought you were bossy enough last night,” I replied. She rolled over...

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Senior Year Part IChapter 14 Theyrsquore All Sick

Monday October 10 Before I left the hospital, they’d given me instructions on how to rehab my hip pointer. They called the first few days the ‘acute phase.’ I assumed that meant pain level because I agreed it was ‘acute.’ The suggested treatment was to rest, ice it down, take pain and anti-inflammatory meds, and to wrap it. They warned me not to try to do too much until the pain subsided some. My instinct was to stretch and exercise, but they’d warned that I had to let my injuries heal before...

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Senior Girl8217s Sexy Navel and A Hard Fuck

Hello and namaste to all the ISS readers and writers. I am Saurav writing one more real experience that happened to me in college. I am surprised and happy that most of you who read my stories have texted me and I received positive reactions throughout. I hope to get more reactions for my stories. This story goes back to my 2nd year of Engineering. I had a lot of sex in that year, this also was in the middle of them. At the end of that semester, the college organized a formal function for the...

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Senior year at college

Cara Westport was a 22yr old undergrad senior at college. She was very studious and doing well in most of her classes. Cara was 5’8”, 133lbs, shoulder length blondish red hair, brown eyes, a c cup, very athletic, and sometimes wore glasses. During her college career Cara found herself less interested in men and more interested in women, specifically older women. The college coed found herself attracted to several of her female teachers and wanting to be with them. Cara did not have much...

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Senior Year Part IChapter 9 Dessert First

Tuesday September 27 When I returned from my run, I saw that Paul was already here. Chuck hadn’t figured out that if he came early, my mom would feed him breakfast. Both Paul and Fritz seemed to take full advantage of the arrangement. I found Mom making stuffed French toast, one of my favorites. “Morning,” she said as she handed me a plate. “What’s your plan for the day?” “After football, I’m going to Granny’s West and help Tracy shoot her video blog. I’ll grab dinner there.” “I’ll tell...

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Senior Year Part IIChapter 7 Directional School Drama

Monday December 12 I was on set when Lexi found me. “I’m sorry, but you had an urgent call from Duane Morris. He needs you to call him back,” Lexi said. “We can shoot around you,” Mr. Otsuki assured me. “I’ll make this short,” I promised and went to find a quiet spot to make the call. “Mr. Morris, please,” I said when his assistant answered, and she put me right through. “David, it would seem I spoke too soon about the NCAA going smoothly. They’re sending an investigator to monitor your...

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Senior Year Part IChapter 6 Seeing Red

Saturday September 17 Morning came way too soon. This was our second trip, and Oklahoma wasn’t all that far from home. I hated to think about our upcoming trips to Southern Cal or Clemson. The problem with official visits was you only had 48 hours to be on campus. If we flew in the morning after a game, we might be able to work it out to have a Saturday-to-Monday trip. I didn’t have to ask how my mom would feel about me missing school. For now, the plan was to rush to the airport after a...

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Senior Skip Day Part 2

I cursed myself for having sexual fantasies. Was this horrible situation that was happening to me now a secret fantasy? Even secret to me? Either way, this was a fantasy that might come to life very soon. Jerard’s fingering had made him pop out of the front of his boxers. They had ridiculous blue and white checks which surrounding his now exposed cock. It wasn’t near as big as Maurice’s. This one looked like his girlfriend--someone petite and athletic-- could take it all and it wouldn’t hurt....

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Senior Colleague From Bhubaneswar Shows Heaven

If you like this story please write to me back at a doctor I used to travel to many clinics and nursing homes for attending patients. And it was these days that I was the favourite of many of my senior colleagues too, which included Sushree Apa (Apa = Sister). She was my senior in college but after so many years we were again working as colleagues for some nursing homes. So whenever she would come to the clinic she would call me and we would together go and attend patients.One day while we...

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Senior Skip Day

Tomorrow is senior skip day! The best day of senior year! Actually, to be honest, prom was my favorite day. It was three days after I turned 18 and yes, it wasn’t really prom so much that was the high point of the day, it was going three rounds with my date, the captain of the tennis team, afterwards. He, as well as ninety-percent of my class, were “legal” before me, and while I had last count of how many times a male classmate “accidentally” brushed a hand against my ass or breasts, no one...

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Senior Year Part IIChapter 10 Soap Opera

Sunday December 18 Mr. Otsuki had us all gathered for our weekly read-through of the script. “This week’s first will be the first date. Haru and David’s characters will go to dinner and then a play. We’ve arranged to shoot during an actual stage play here at the university. They are putting on a modern-day rendition of Romeo and Juliet. We’ll film it on Saturday afternoon and evening if needed. “Because of the change in schedule, we won’t be filming on Wednesday this week. We are losing...

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Becoming a Maid for Mark and Rebecca Part Seven Ms Rebecca Begins Stevies Transformation

Becoming a Maid for Mark and Rebecca, Part Seven - Ms. Rebecca Begins Stevie's Transformation "And so, Stevie, that brings us nearly up-to-date," I told the quivering mound of needy, sexually charged flesh kneeling on the floor at my feet. "Ms. Stephanie and her sissy maid and cuckold Prissy showed me that what Mark wanted from the sissy he owned was not only possible, it was being accomplished by dominant men and women everywhere. We could take a submissive male, a very submissive...

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Senior Year Ch 06

‘Mrs. Dennison called just before you got home,’ Bobby’s mother told him after school. She frowned. ‘You know, Bobby, now that school has started, you really have to cut back on all these things you’re doing. I know the money’s good, but…’ ‘I know, Mom,’ Bobby replied. ‘I’ll tell Mrs. Dennison that I won’t be able to do as much as I have been. I don’t want to mess up my senior year. But Mrs. Dennison’s nice, and her husband’s busy at the hospital all the time, so she really does need someone...

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Senior Year

Your name is John Doe. You are a high school senior that is attending Roseland High School. It is already the spring semester meaning that you will graduate soon. You want to make these last days of high school something that will make you feel proud of yourself. You calculate that you only have 141 days left until the day of your graduation. Day 1 begins on a Friday at 7 a.m. It is your 18th birthday and you’re dressing really nice, so you can impress the girls, especially Evelyn. You decide...

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Senior Year Part IIChapter 4 The Plot Thickens

Monday December 5 Yesterday we resumed shooting the J-drama. They seemed to think we had to go late into the night. We were meeting today to do the read-through of the second episode of College First. Dad had invited Adrienne and Tyler to stay longer, and they’d accepted. Adrienne was originally from California, and she and her partner decided to reconnect with some old friends. Sarah had to get back to school. Bill and Ai had stayed the weekend. I worried they would drop from lack of...

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Senior Dare

Author: Nick Schwartz Keywords: MF, teacher, student, school, bdsm, dom, sub, maledom,femsub, sex Summary: A senior in college turns in a dirty story on a dare. It started off as a dare. My senior year of college had come. I was about to graduate I had practically passed all my classes. I had to turn in a couple papers, take a few exams, and finish my elective, free writing. A class I couldn’t fail. In Free Writing, on the first day of class our professor handed out a...

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Alexander of SpartaChapter 2

Report to the King of Sparta. B.C 481 "We must conclude that there was more then one Persian ship in our waters. When one met with disaster in the storm, the other picked up survivors and as much wreckage as it could. The shield is the only piece of wreckage that signifies Persian identity. There can be no doubt that it was a spying mission or an attempt to land agents of Persia on our soil or the soil of a neighbouring state. We cannot ignore the possibility that a neighbour may actually...

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Senior Week Part 1

Living near the ocean is wonderful for teenagers during the summer. Barely 18, barely dressed, walking the beach, hand in hand, splashing in the surf. The joys of summer. One of the best times is Senior Week, when groups of newly graduated seniors would rent a beach house for a week and get to live on their own for the week. My friends, Chris, Bob, Scott and I had pooled our resources and rented a large house right on the beach. Our girlfriends Sharon, Brenda, Pat and Charlene were equally...

Group Sex
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Californie Partie 2 sur 3

Le vol dura des heures, et pourtant Maxime n'en pouvait plus d'excitation. Une heure environ avant d'arriver, il se rendit aux toilettes, et se changea pour prendre sa tenue habituelle - jean, baskets blanches, queue de cheval -. Il se sentait ? l'aise ainsi. C'?tait ainsi qu'il comptait vivre aux USA. Galvin lui avait dit que tout ?tait pr?t pour lui, et qu'il n'avait plus qu'? arriver. Son logement, son contrat de travail. Un v?hicule l'attendait ? l'a?roport et devait le conduire ? l'embarcad?re puis jusq...

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Senior Week Ch 00 Prologue

Authors Note: ‘The Rachel Chronicles’ is a multi-part series of stories involving the titular character (a young woman named Rachel) and her various sexual adventures. The stories are themed mainly around oral sex, with the occasional tale involving other forms of sexual activity. Each chapter is somewhat lengthy and detailed and it is my hope that such detail will provide a richer experience for you readers as you truly get an intensive look inside Rachel’s head. Further, the stories are...

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Senior Week Ch 01 Tough Love

Authors Note: ‘The Rachel Chronicles’ is a multi-part series of stories involving the titular character (a young woman named Rachel) and her various sexual adventures. The stories are themed mainly around oral sex, with the occasional tale involving other forms of sexual activity. Each chapter is somewhat lengthy and detailed and it is my hope that such detail will provide a richer experience for you readers as you truly get an intensive look inside Rachel’s head. Further, the stories are...

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Senior Trip

A week before the trip… Jason Robbins tapped his pencil on his desk as he listened to his science teacher drone on. His emerald green eyes kept darting over to the clock, waiting for the school bell to finally ring. Come on sixty seconds he thought, the tapping of the pencil speeding up. The school year was almost over, which meant one thing to him. Senior class trip. He had been waiting for over a month to go on this trip. A full week away from all the pressure of school, a week to spend with...

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Senior Year Part IIChapter 24 Defenseless

Wednesday January 11 Today was the last ‘official’ day of filming. The plan for the rest of the week was to complete on-location scenes. There were only a few B-roll sequences to finish—mostly wide landscape shots; no actors needed. My contract said I had to be here through Sunday in case we had to reshoot anything. They would spend the next few days deciding if they had everything they wanted in the can before everyone scattered. I’d just finished back-to-back scenes and wouldn’t be...

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Senior YearPart 6 Twenty Years Later

Laura and Ted ended up getting married. Ted did become a layer and Laura earned a PhD in political science. Laura ended up teaching at a major university after spending a number of years working in Washington DC for various government think tanks. David and Michelle married as well. They both earned PhD’s. David’s was in ancient history and Michelle’s in archeology. Their combined talent led them to many great discoveries. David had published many successful books about them as well as some...

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