Senior Year Part IChapter 16: If Dogs Ruled The World free porn video

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Saturday October 15
I woke up and was surprised I didn’t hurt as much as expected after hitting Pete Yoder last night. Chuck had collected my bodycam footage before he’d gone home for the night, and I was sure I would hear from Fritz today. I shudder to think what would have happened if those guys had pounded on me. All I knew was that once I was well again, I would have made it my mission to do them some serious damage. This combination rib/hip injury was no joke.

Duke did a little dance at the side of the bed.

“Can’t you wait?” I asked.

Apparently not. I took my hound downstairs, and Precious darted in as he went out. I found her camped out on my pillow again. I ignored her as I got ready for the day. When I sat down on the edge of the bed to put my socks on, she came to me and wanted some loving. I wondered where the cat from hell had gone. When I went downstairs, I was happy she followed me. I didn’t mind our new routine if Precious behaved.

Duke was waiting for her.

“Gentle,” I warned him because she looked like she was ready to pop.

He checked her out with a lot of sniffs that earned him a swat on the nose. I didn’t blame Precious. Getting sniffed all over wasn’t my favorite thing, either.

I’d slept in, so Mom and Dad were already up reading the paper.

“You need to see this,” Dad said, handing me the front page.

There was an article about our mayor getting caught with his hand in the cookie jar. The city council had removed him from office yesterday.

“Who didn’t see that coming?”

In our state, I think four out of the past seven or eight governors had gone to jail. Politics and corruption were nothing new. I know it used to make my grandfather crazy to have to watch some of the stupid stuff elected officials tried, thinking they were above the law. Now it seemed the group in Washington was following our lead.

“Read the next page,” Dad prodded.

That wasn’t good.

“He’s not qualified to be elected dog catcher, let alone mayor,” I said.

Thomas Fox had somehow gotten himself on the ballot as the sole opposition for our criminal mayor. At the time of his arrest, Mayor Doxsee was up by about seventy points. The article said his party was scrambling to find someone to oppose Mr. Fox. They had to get a candidate on the ballot by Wednesday, and the fear was they wouldn’t get the needed signatures. There was also the problem that Mayor Doxsee refused to pull his name from consideration.

The funny part was that getting charged with multiple felonies wasn’t grounds to keep you from being mayor. The paper stated that the only qualification was that you had to live in our township. The reporter surmised that as soon as Mayor Doxsee was locked up for his crimes, they could get him out of office for good. Once he was in the state prison system, he would no longer live in town.

“I bet Duke could beat him,” Mom said.

“You know what, that would be funny. If Duke took Thomas Fox down, my dream might really come true, and I would see him flipping burgers for real.”

I had an extraordinary level of hatred for Thomas Fox. He’d represented both Cal when he’d come after me about Pam and my child; and Brandon, Tami’s rapist. What a douche.

“I’d like to see him taken down, but don’t you think we should find a real candidate?” Dad asked.

I looked at Mom, and she didn’t give me a funny look. Tami warned me that my first idea was probably wrong, so I tried to reason out why not, other than that Duke was a dog.

“If a ‘real’ candidate gets his paperwork in on time, we pull Duke’s. I just don’t want to go down without a fight,” I said, making the decision.

“I’ll call some people and see what we need to do,” Dad said.

That meant he would call my grandma who’d helped my granddad get elected the whole time they were married. I was sure she would know what to had to be done, or she’d know who to ask. The three of us had big grins on our faces.

“This is going to be fun,” Mom said.

Somewhere in the back of my mind came the thought that Mr. Fox should never have pissed off my mom.

When I went out to the car, both Chuck and Cassidy were waiting for me.

“She’s going to start driving you when we need her to, so Fritz asked me to take her on a shakedown drive,” Chuck explained.

“Did you get a chance to watch the video from last night?” I asked.

I didn’t want to make a big deal out of Cassidy’s promotion, so I ignored what Chuck told me.

“Fritz said next time, let them hit you first. That way they can’t say you were the aggressor.”

“Dude. If you hurt like I do, you wouldn’t want them to touch you,” I complained.

“I understand. That’s why we won’t be leaving your side today.”

I had a feeling that that was necessary, but it wasn’t what I wanted to hear. There were times, even when you were supposedly in public, that you wanted to be alone. It was a shame that this was my new reality. All it took was a look at Cassidy to see how seriously she was taking my protection. I immediately dropped the idea of fighting them on this.

I figured out how Tracy had gotten us reservations at the Covered Bridge: we were doing her vlog there today.

“I wasn’t sure you’d make it,” Tracy said as a greeting.

“I was feeling a little fragile last night. I’m better today,” I said as I hobbled into the restaurant.

“Looks like it,” Tracy observed.

Marshal and Curtis were inside setting up for the interior scenes. It looked like the owner had brought in some people to make it appear they were dining.

“We’re doing this backward. We’ll shoot the customers trying the dessert and then have you in the kitchen,” Curtis told me.

Tracy shot her scene. The dessert they picked was a pistachio cake with strawberries, white chocolate, and meringue. I decided right then that Tracy was an evil genius in that she figured out a way for me to get to eat fantastic desserts. The evil part was that I wanted to eat the whole cake. With my new sedentary lifestyle, I could see Halle making fun of my growing butt.

Before I was up, I went to the men’s room.

“What are you doing in here?” I asked Cassidy.

“Wherever you go, I go.”

This was just great. The only problem was I didn’t think I could throw her out. My bladder made my decision for me.

“I can’t wait to tell Brook you showed me Mr. Happy,” Cassidy teased.

“I’m making a list,” I warned her.

“What list is that?”

“Everyone whose butt I’m going to kick once I’m feeling better.”

“Good luck with that,” she scoffed and then got an evil glint in her eye. “You could give me your list. You might have to prioritize it because I’m only allowed to hurt one boy a week.”

“Yuri,” I blurted, and then thought more about it. “No, Phil.”

“What about Dare? He stole your girlfriend.”

“You’d hurt Dare?” I asked, shocked.

That was like saying you would kick a puppy.

“On your orders,” she said with a straight face.

The scary part was, I believed her.

“I think I’ll take care of my own list for now.”

I could see Cassidy was disappointed. I was a little worried she might go rogue, though. Yuri had a habit of mouthing off to the wrong people. I could see Cassidy taking him down on principle. I would bet Pam would pay to watch that. Maybe that would be my Christmas present to her.

We had finished, and Marshal and Curtis were packing up.

“Hey, David,” Marshal said to stop me. “What are you planning on doing for your class project?”

I grinned because I was excited about this one.

“I’m going to shoot a campaign ad for my dog to run for mayor.”

They both gave me a funny look, so I explained about the current mayor being arrested and my deep hatred of Thomas Fox.

“What platform is Duke going to run on?” Marshal asked.

“I haven’t really thought about it. I just know that he would make a better mayor than Thomas Fox.”

“He doesn’t like squirrels,” Tracy suggested. “He could run on a platform of ridding the town of the vermin.”

Duke thought the little bastards should all die. That started a brainstorming session. Cassidy pointed out that she’d seen a bumper sticker that said that their dog was smarter than your first grader. We thought Duke was probably smarter than Thomas Fox, if his grades at State were any indication. Then we came up with ten things that would change if dogs ruled the world.

Duke’s Possible Platform:
1) Protect those that you love. That is job one.
2) There would be specific times each day for ear, chest, and belly rubs.
3) Fetch would be designated the official national pastime.
4) There should be a push for equality. Cats are people too.
5) Their human would be referred to as ‘Dog’s Best Friend.’
6) Conflict would be decided by a game of tug-of-war.
7) Squirrels would be in a higher tax bracket. The additional funds would go towards figuring out ‘What’s that noise?’
8) Doorbells would be outlawed. Same with the mail carrier.
9) A dog has more personality, integrity, empathy, and loyalty than any politician ever had.
10) You only wish you are as perfect as your dog thinks you are.

I wasn’t sure how to work that all into my ad, but it gave me a starting point. Marshal and Curtis loaded the equipment into my SUV so I could use it this weekend. I planned to get some shots of Duke in action so I could stitch it into my ad for my class project.

When I got home, Dad had already started Duke’s campaign.

“The first thing we have to do is get him on the ballot. There’s a link on the town’s website with the instructions on how to get signatures and the form it has to be on,” Dad said as he handed me one. “We need to get 550 signatures and have them turned in by close of business on Wednesday.”

“Why such a weird number?” I asked.

“I talked to my mom, and she said that we should get at least ten percent extra in case any signatures get rejected.”

That was a good call because if it were up to me, I would have gotten to 500 and stopped. I could just see Thomas Fox challenging the signatures. If it had been left to me, we would have had no margin for error.

The form said that Duke was running as an independent and it asked for the person signing the petition to provide their printed name and address. They then had to sign it. The form had room for three signatures per page. Dad told us that Grandma Dawson had pointed out that one of the most common disqualifiers of a signature was that people would forget to print their name on the form.

“Your mom took Duke to the hospital with a stack of these. She’s getting started,” Dad said.

“He should never have been a part of Cal threatening her grandbaby.”

“Yep. I would bet between Mom and Duke, they get several signed today. We need to find other places where we can knock out a large group of signatures.”

“How about church?” I suggested.

“Call them and see.”

I called Reverend Jackson and told him what I wanted to do.

“Hmm, that might be possible,” he hedged. “Did you hear we’re raising funds for a new roof?”

I just laughed.

“I’m sure I need a tax write-off for something. Call Caryn Buckley on Monday and tell her what you need. We have a process for my charitable donations,” I said.

“Smart man. Make sure I fulfill my end of the bargain first,” Reverend Jackson joked.

“I think I need to address the congregation on Sunday, as well.”

“If you somehow bring God into the conversation and mention the building fund, you have a deal.”

“How long do I get?” I asked.

“How big is your donation going to be?” the reverend countered.

I wouldn’t commit to anything because Caryn had made it clear that I wasn’t allowed to agree to anything like that. We had set it up so that I could just say that. Once word got out, the direct requests for money had slowed way down. Most of the local charities now knew to bypass me and talk to Caryn.

We finally agreed that the reverend would give me a minimum of five minutes and a maximum of ten. Reverend Jackson would also have tables set up in the lobby where we could have people sign Duke’s petition.

I was discovering that politics was all about making deals.

Brook had called while I was on the phone, so I called her back.

“What are you up to?” she asked.

I told her about shooting another vlog with Tracy and that I was working on getting Duke elected mayor.

“You have to be kidding me. Why would you do that?” Brook asked.

I explained how our current mayor had been arrested and that left only Thomas Fox standing in the coming election.

“Isn’t he that idiot that made up all that stuff about you and Pam?” Brook asked.

“Yep, and I think my mom looks at this as payback time. She’s out right now getting Duke’s petition signed so he can get on the ballot. I’ve been trying to think of ways to get enough signatures. I called my church, and Reverend Jackson agreed to let me talk to the congregation and have a sign-up table.”

“You really are a ‘stupid boy’ sometimes. All you have to do is ask, and I bet we can find a hundred or more people to go door-to-door this afternoon.”

“How are we going to do that?” I asked.

“I have twenty-four cheerleaders, and you have probably a hundred guys playing football. We do a call tree and have them all meet us at the school. Give them all a goal of signing up ten people each by Monday. Easy-peasy, and you’re done.”

Uncle John had always said I could get more done with the help of others. This sounded like a fun plan.

“We could make it a competition. We could pit the freshmen, JV, and varsity against one another. Whoever gathers the most signatures gets a prize of some kind,” I said.

“I know what the girls all want: a date with you,” Brook teased.

“I thought we just had this discussion in reverse. You sure you want to do that?” I asked.

“It’s just a date,” Brook retorted.

It seemed her mind was made up. It was for a good cause, so I didn’t fight it.

I don’t know why I was surprised when almost the whole football team and all the cheerleaders showed up to help out. My dad had come with me to help explain how the signatures had to be collected so they couldn’t be challenged. He predicted that Mr. Fox would do everything he could to keep Duke off the ballot. He’d called Ms. Dixon, and she agreed. She looked forward to facing our nemesis in court again. I think she disliked him almost as much as my mom did.

Brook came home with me after we’d sent our minions off to do their work. She, Peggy, and the little ones helped me shoot footage of Duke doing different things for his campaign ad. I made sure I captured a lot of tail-wagging and wet doggy-kisses. The little ones and Duke must have been tired out from being my actors because we found them all piled up taking a nap in the living room. Of course, I added that to the footage.

Mom and Dad were going out with Brook’s parents tonight. They planned to try the seafood restaurant in Washington that had fresh crab legs flown in each weekend. They asked if we wanted to join them, but Brook declined. I was a little disappointed because I love king crab legs. Rumor had it that they would have Dungeness crabs tonight instead of king crab legs, so I was a little mollified. Still, I extracted a promise from my dad to bring me some home if they had them.

“Where do you want to go for dinner?” I asked.

Peggy had taken the little ones and Duke to Pam’s for dinner. The plan was for them to take Little David and Coby swimming. The added bonus was Lacy, Pam’s mom, got some much-needed grandma time.

“I thought we could order in,” Brook replied with a sexy smile.

I gave her a confused look, and then it dawned on me. We had the house to ourselves, and we’d not had any alone-time in almost two weeks. I really was a ‘stupid boy’ sometimes. You would think the horny teenager in me would have come up with this plan on my own. Then again, I’d been hurting for a while, and the pain was still there, if diminished.

I got with the program and ordered Chinese. I then set the table in the dining room with the good china and broke out the candles. While I did that, Brook disappeared. When she came back, I smiled. My girlfriend had put on makeup and her little black dress from last night. She had something behind her back; moments later she pulled out her crown.

I bowed.

“My queen, may I assist you?” I asked.

Her brown eyes sparkled with mischief. Brook’s tiny crooked smile promised so much that it made my chest ache. She handed me the crown, and I looked down at it. I noticed this wasn’t the one from last night. This one had aquamarine stones and looked like it had been made from gold and silver coral with a large clamshell design in the center. Brook’s smile got bigger when she saw I didn’t recognize it.

“When I was younger, I wanted to be a princess. I loved Ariel from The Little Mermaid.”

She got a hesitant look when she admitted that last part. I loved that about her. I brushed her hair back and put the crown on her head. Either the crown had been big on her as a kid, or this was a more recent purchase. It wasn’t every day that Brook went all girly-girl, so this was fun to see.

“You’re stunning,” I whispered.

She blinked at me in an alluring way. If Brook weren’t careful, I would toss her on the table and have my way with her.

“Would you do me a favor?”


“Go put your tux on. I want to have a special dinner.”


I thought about what I’d told Yuri. Now who was whipped?

When I came back, Brook had turned out all the lights and put on mood music. The food had arrived, and I could smell the Chinese goodness. It always smelled so wonderful. It seemed to be a mix of steamed rice, high-temperature-fried meats, and the associated caramelized sugars and smoke, simmered broths, vinegar, and various fragrant spices that included garlic, ginger, soy, fish sauce, chili sauce, onion, and peppers.

Brook looked at me, and I could tell she approved. She handed me my own crown to put on.

“The only thing missing last night was you by my side during my special moment,” she explained.

I put it on, and she took off and came back with her phone. She wanted a selfie of us in our getups. She took three pictures before she was satisfied. A couple of keystrokes and she’d sent it out to the world. That was the problem with technology. My grandma had pictures of her and my granddad in matching outfits. At least he hadn’t had to endure being made fun of when those goofy pictures were taken. Only the fact that it was for Brook kept me from complaining.

I found that Brook had broken into my mom’s wine collection, consisting of about three cases of wine she’d accumulated in the basement, and had selected a Pinot Noir we’d picked up in California last year. Mom said it had a dry/earthy flavor. I was by no means an expert, but I liked it. To be truthful, though, I would’ve rather had a beer.

I went into complete gentleman mode, pulled out Brook’s chair for her and poured her a glass of wine. I don’t remember what we ate. Brook flirted something terrible with me, and Mr. Happy had firm control over the body. He’s not a real thinker beyond the obvious. For that, he had all kinds of ideas.

“Do you think you’re up for what’s next?” Brook asked.

“It will probably go best if I lay flat on the floor and you have your way with me. I don’t think I can do anything too strenuous,” I admitted.

Brook stood up, pulled the straps of her dress off her shoulders, and let her dress puddle around her feet. I sucked in my breath when I saw she was nude underneath. In my AP English Literature class, the female form was described in Gothic literature as focused on centrality and vulnerability—the classic ‘damsel in distress.’ There was none of that with Brook. She exuded a confident sexuality that I much preferred.

“Let me undress you,” she offered.

I chuckled because this was such a role reversal for me. Brook just shook her head at my silliness and began to untie my tie. It seemed her goal was to get my shirt open so she could kiss my neck and chest. I leaned my head back and let her do as she wanted. Brook ran her hands inside my shirt and pushed up towards my shoulders so that both my jacket and shirt came off at the same time.

I looked Brook in the eyes and used my left arm and hand to cover my nipples.

“Come on, Cutie. Show me what you have,” Brook teased.

I looked down, then back up and batted my eyes. That was probably too much because Brook started to laugh.

“You poor, shy, innocent thing,” she teased as she reached up and moved my arm so she could get the full effect.

Brook used a feather-light touch to trace every muscular bulge and ripple. She leaned forward and sucked my nipple into her mouth while playing with the other one. Brook then switched sides. I wondered if she’d learned this from Cindy last weekend or if she was working from my playbook. Brook looked up and made sure our eyes were locked.

“I’m going to rock your world,” she promised.

I shuddered in anticipation as she began to go downward, all the while licking and kissing my stomach. When Brook reached my beltline, she looked up again and then undid my pants. She soon had them around my ankles. Brook gave me an evil grin when she saw that I was already aroused.

She began to tease me with little tugs, running her fingernails down my length, sucks, licks, and kisses. Brook was about to drive me crazy with desire. In the back of my mind, I vowed that I would pay her back. It was all I could do not to beg her to help me with my release.

Without warning, Brook took me into her mouth. My hips twitched, but the sudden pain kept me from becoming aggressive. I loved how Brook didn’t do the basic in-and-out. Right now, that would have been fine, given how ramped-up I was. Her tongue was alive, and she used varied cadence, depth, and pressure.

It all became too much, and I had a tremendous release. For a teenage boy, going almost two weeks caused a little bit of buildup. I think Brook thought my goal was to drown her. For me, it was one of the best orgasms of my life.

We took a break, and I poured us some more wine. We talked about inconsequentialities to give Mr. Happy a chance to recover. I was impressed that she’d been able to bring him down like that. He seldom failed to be ready to go after my first orgasm. When he began to stir, Brook noticed.

“My turn!” she announced.

I lay down on the living room rug, and Brook crawled on top of me. I was fine, flat on my back. I had an issue if I tried to twist or turn. I’m not sure what hurt more when I moved wrong, my hip or my cracked ribs.

We made out until Brook’s desire got the better of her and she decided I needed to return the favor. She planted herself on my face, and her thighs clamped down on my head to hold me in place. I grabbed her butt to help guide her as I pleasured her orally.

I was doing a great job, if I do say so myself, because she was making her happy grunting noises. That was when I figured out I had a problem. There was the exquisite feel of someone mounting Mr. Happy. I froze. Brook didn’t like that at all. She thumped my forehead to let me know I needed to get back to work. With her thighs clamped on my head, I hadn’t heard whoever was using Mr. Happy for their pleasure come into the room.

It was distracting, not knowing who the mystery girl was. I ruled out several options quickly, either because they had boyfriends, or because Brook would never allow them near me. It had to be someone she was comfortable with. In the back of my mind, I hoped that she felt a little attraction for them. Guys really are everything bad that women think of them. Our fantasies run straight to the gutter if given a chance. The scary part was that I suspected women were even worse.

Then I had to eliminate anyone that didn’t know the code to get past the gate. Cassidy was the first name that popped into my head. Brook had already allowed her to have sex with me. I also knew that Brook wasn’t worried about her trying to steal me away. What Brook didn’t know was that if Cassidy decided now was our time, I would be hard-pressed to turn her down. In the end, Brook would win out, but I would have to think about it.

Same as Senior Year Part I
Chapter 16: If Dogs Ruled the World Videos

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Bikinis and Hot Dogs

Bikinis and Hot Dogs --------------- A guy and his hot dog cart, a girl in a bikini... The plot of the story is much like "Groundhog Day" with Bill Murray. But obviously with a TG twist. --------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ It was Monday afternoon on a sunny summer day in San Diego. As usual, Andy was pushing his hot dog cart along the boardwalk, plying his...

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Britney Spears House and Dogs For Sale

In a recent news story, the teen diva drew SPCA's ire for including pooches in asking price of family home. Britney Spears is in the doghouse because she's selling her dogs. In Britain, the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals has blasted the pop star after hearing that she's selling her old house in the States, three dogs included. She's selling the family place in Kentwood, Louisiana, to move, with her parents, into a vast new estate five miles away. I don't know if...

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Love Lust For My Aunt Bethesda Part 8211 1

Hi, guys. It’s been a long time on ISS. I was away from the city. I hope you did like my other two stories(true incidents) which I had written. This is the next encounter I had with my aunt who was all alone and needed a little love for her. Her name is Bethesda and lived her whole life alone after her husband married another woman. I do have a lust for her and want her so badly. She is 45 years old and looks bomb. She got a good voluptuous body and looks like a brunette. As for me, I’m six...

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Faith Hill and her guard dogs

Tim Mcgraw and his beautiful wife Faith Hill were in their bedroom getting ready for bed. Tim had already had a shower and was lying on the bed with his hands behind his head talking to Faith. He usually wore a pair of cotton shorts to bed but tonight he was nude, he was anticipating making love to his wife and figured he would have a head start. "What are you doing in there woman" he called to Faith who was still in her dressing room between the bedroom and bathroom. "Just a minute hon I...

4 years ago
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Gone to the Dogs part 4

Sister-Lindsay. Older by 2 years Dad-Roger Mom-Becky, or Rebecca Depends on how my Dad's feeling. Mom to me Potential g/f-Tanya Craig Tanya's bestie-Lisa Pride My buds-Trent, Steve, Jay, and Troy I watch Tanya's bum as she throws the wet towel downstairs, and goes around the corner after her Mom. She knew I was outside watching because she blew me a kiss as she locked the sliding door, which leads to her deck and hottub. I slowly slide into my bike shorts, and t shirt....

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Mat Billy and the dogs 9

100% FICTION The boys were asleep when both dogs decided they were wanting to have seconds. They both woke up with a dogs tongue in their ass licking deep. Mat told Billy he is lucky to have Butch because his ass still hurts from last time. Jake is first to mount on top of Mat but this time Mat was laying face down. Jake did exactly as he did before and climbed over top of Mat and laid down. His penis was big and growing. Mat decided he was not going to give in so easy this...

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Swinging gone to the dogs Part Two

With Jenna and Amy both three months pregnant and experiencing morning sickness and Bella about to give birth any day, Tom, Max and I wound up intensely aroused with what seemed no outlet for our sexual frustrations. This became an even greater problem when we spent sensual moments with our pregnant wives who we knew were carrying babies that weren't ours. That night, Jenna and Amy decided we should all meet up at our house and discuss how to resolve the issue. When they came over,...

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Weekend with 2 dogs Part 2

mountain top. Every now and then it also looks like he is looking right at me. Damn it is making me horny as hell for more dog cock. I just look at Brownie and imagine he is ready to mount me and fuck the shit out of me. Then Blackie walks by showing off his dick and I am anxious for Brownie to finish so Blackie can immediately take his turn. Oh I can't take this. I rushed up to my room and took out my 4 dildoes. I took off my shorts and underwear and smeared vaseline inside and around my...

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Feeding the dogs

Amy startled awake in the dark, and panic gripped her when she realized that she did not know where she was Amy startled awake in the dark, and panic gripped her when she realized that she did not know where she was.? She had a vague memory of being awakened in her bed by a rough hand over her mouth, a brief struggle, and then blackness.? Pitch black in the room, she couldn?t see a thing, but began to explore blindly.? The first thing she was aware of was that she was stark naked, lying...

2 years ago
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Gone to the Dogs Part 3

It's been awhile so I will refresh the characters; Lindsay – my sister 2 yrs older Mom – Becky Dad – Roger Possible g/f – Tanya Craig Tanya's bestie – Lisa Pride My buds – Kent, Troy Steve, and Jay The shower was relaxing and I used it to wash my 'excitement' of the coming night away. My phone was ringing as I jumped out of the shower to catch it before they hung up. Not recognizing the number I answered with an apprehensive, “Hello” “Hi Kevin I had seen your job posting on...

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Wife8217s day goes to the dogs

Nicolett was feeling lonely-and very, very horny this morning. As usual, her husband, Pete, was off at work. That meant that all she had was her fingers to give her relieve she needed. She sprawled naked on the bed, running her hands up and down her body. She could feel her pussy swelling with arousal and her juices began to flow. Her large tits rested high on her chest and, in spite of their enormous size, they did not sag even a fraction of an inch. Her nipples were large as well as long...

1 year ago
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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

4 years ago
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Going To The Dogs in Suburbia

My Cousin's Pet or Going to the Dogs in Suburbia Going to the Dogs in Suburbia Categories: Ff, Non-consent/reluctance, humiliation Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction. It portrays two young women in a human-dog / owner relationship. This story is not real and should not be used as anything but fuel for fantasies. The author in no way, form, or fashion condones the sexual abuse of minors. Consent is an essential element for any sex act and, while this story depicts otherwise,...

3 years ago
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Mat Billy and the dogs 8

100% FICTION The two boys lay still in complete silence as Jake sniffed around then went away back to his bed next to Butch. I'm freezing said Billy. I am too said Mat. When do you think the doctor will be back? Well...say's Mat, it has been at least five days by now. The electricity went off I say about two days ago and the generator went about a day so I would say he should be home anytime. I don't think we are going to make it he Billy said back. I wish I was dead he...

2 years ago
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If I Ruled The World

Every day of my life, I’m surrounded by unpleasantness. Sometimes, I wonder what is it that makes me different. And why the broad spectrum of humanity disgusts me so much. Seriously. Misanthropy is the perfect word to describe my state of mind most of the time. The things I see people do completely stun me at times. Male and female, black and white, straight and gay. They’re all the same to me. A mundane bunch that’s good for nothing. Am I the only person who feels that way? My name is Stephen...

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Mat Billy dogs 10 and Mike

100% FICTION Dr. Gary was thinking of the oath he took when he graduated from medical school. It had been taken by all Doctors and other healthcare professionals swearing to practice medicine ethically and honestly. He had just murdered a human being and felt sick and a criminal for the first time. He had only taken the boy's for his test subjects in the name of science. He was scarred of monkey's and didn't care too much for mice. His studies were of reproductive structure...

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Senior Year Part IChapter 21 Vitamin T

Tuesday October 25 I’d been afraid I would wake up and hurt from yesterday’s activity. While I could tell I’d pushed my limits some, it was more a good hurt, the kind you get from working out and not the sort from being injured. Today, for the first time, I felt like I would eventually be okay. Duke heard me awaken and jumped on my bed for me to love him up. I must have found the right spot because he stretched out his neck and his back leg began to jerk back and forth like he was scratching...

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Becoming Anthea Part 2

My name is Anthony; I am twenty-two years old and live with my beautiful girlfriend Zoe. As you have read I have dark hair and dark eyes and I am clean shaven. Zoe is older than I am by a couple of years and is the driving force of our relationship. I am what many call a cross-dresser: a guy that gets great sexual satisfaction from dressing in women’s clothing.Of course, my girlfriend knows all about my cross-dressing. In fact, she encourages me to cross-dress. Once a week, generally on a...

4 years ago
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A Girls Guide to Sex with Dogs by Cum GIRL

A Girl's Guide to Sex with DogsI am not ashamed to say that I enjoy having sex with dogs (and I've been doing it since I was 14!), I am totally "normal" in almost all respects: I'm 28 and live in Los Angeles. I have a boyfriend who is pretty good in bed and I have a great job as a graphic artist. But I've found that dogs can actually be better and more satisfying lovers than either men or women!I know that sounds weird, and a lot of you will be shocked by this, but thousands of women and girls...

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Thelma and Me Summer of 65 part 2

After tea on the Friday evening Thelma stopped me as I was going into upstairs to my room. Her eyes looked wild and her breathing was heavy. “I’m going to a party,” She said in a low voice, “do you want to watch me getting undressed?” I nodded like a puppet. “Wait in my room…I’ll be up in five minutes.” I skipped up the stairs two at a time! I nervously let myself into my sister’s bedroom. I’d been in many times before – borrowing her dirty knickers and stuff to use...

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The Passion of Mother Ethel

Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...

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My wife and 3 guys on horseback and 2 dogs

For several years now, my wife and myself had been ‘taking to the hills’ every summer and going camping. Both Anne and myself loved the outdoors, and when we weren’t camping we’d go for a trek every weekend, setting up our tent in the peace and quiet of some desolate place before returning on the Sunday evening to face our hum- drum jobs during the week. As we’d had a really lousy winter, we decided that this summer, we’d splash out and take our camping...

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Senior Year

I had always grown up well, and in good care. My parents always told me to do good in school and watch out for those senior boys. I didn't even think I had a chance until middle school came around, and things started looking up for me. My chest began to grow, and boys started to notice me. I didn't know if I like the attention or not. All I knew is that when high school started, things really started to change. "Sarah, what do you think I should wear for the dance...

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Wives and Dogs Some Facts Stats and Myths

Before I relate the journey of my various partners and ex-wives into K9 debauchery I first need to offer my views on the subject. I should confess that seeing women enjoying sex play with dogs has been my primary turn on for many years, since my teens in fact. I once saw a neighbour allowing her dog to lick her intimately as I spied between curtains into her flat. I was hooked from that day on as this erotic scene was imprinted onto my mind for life, as initial teenage sexual experiences often...

5 years ago
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A week with two dogs

My neighbor behind our house has two male dogs. We have an alley between a row of four houses that everyone uses to get from one area of the neighborhood to the other. I use it often to go to the store. All the times I've passed by the alley the neighbor's dogs have always come up to the fence barking. They are separated by another fence and I have never seen them together in the same part of the yard. Both are medium sized dogs although the brown one is a bit smaller than the black one....

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Sisters and Dogs adult fiction

The sisters loved to be home alone. Maybe that would seem strange for most young teens who would rather be gallivanting around without their siblings. But Sue and Alice were different. They were comfortable with each other. They enjoyed each other. They actually liked each other. And they had much in common. Their attraction for each other was in no small part due to their well-to-do parents who were always away, usually at their respective offices making more money. For years they had had...

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Tara 3 DogsChapter 2

Darcy looked around him and counted eight sets of yellow eyes gleaming back at him. The dais was 40cm off the floor of the cavern and most of the sets of eyes were looking almost straight at him. Now that his eyes had adjusted somewhat, he could pick out the outline of the animal nearest him. It was the biggest bloody dog he had ever seen in his life but he knew it wasn’t the biggest one in the room. “Brighter,” he said softly. As the gem brightened, the outline of the dog in front of him...

4 years ago
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A Naughty Girl and Two Smart Dogs Lead Danny AstrayChapter 3

It was a pleasant day in late August. They were playing in the usual field, with Penny 50 yards away. At first Danny paid no attention as another large dog approached. He paid no special attention when the dogs sniffed each other. But then Penny presented her rear end to the new dog and held still, and the new dog mounted her. He mounted, grabbed her hind section with his front paws and mated with her. That got his attention! A couple younger kids who had been playing nearby pointed and...

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Dogs and virgins xxx

There are moments in life that define you, and this was one of them. I could feel the dog’s slobber drip onto my back, it’s hot breath panting in my ear, it’s slippery cock jabbing wildly leaving wet trails across my ass. It was at that moment that I knew with every fibre of my being that I wanted to become a dog slut. As I felt the dog’s movements become more frantic my mind flashed back to how I started this journey and it was hard to imagine it was less than a week...

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Daughter Hot For DogsChapter 3

Ruth Ann was Sally's only other customer this morning. As requested, Sally arrived at the woman's house with two dogs: a golden retriever and a Saint Bernard. Sally thought the woman was being a bit greedy by asking for two animals, but so long as she was paying double, the young girl wasn't going to turn her down. "One dog just can't satisfy me," said Ruth Ann, feeling a need to explain. "You see, I'm a nymphomaniac. Been one for as long as I can remember. I just can't get enough...

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Article for Women Who Love Dogs

Males may also find this interesting it is meant first as a female explanation (perhaps excuse?) for my own canine sex experiences, but do also bear in mind that not only is this narrated in my own words but also the views of many other females I have been in touch with or noted opinions of. Some is also freely quoted from internet articles, not really published for any gain but freely given as advice from other like minded females (like Anna.) To authors like her who I do now quote freely...

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Senior Year Part IIChapter 20 Welcome to Hollywood

Wednesday January 4 I got out of bed and went to the window to check whether the fire had progressed. I could see smoke over the ridge. Low-flying planes had woken me at daybreak, and I saw one now make a run over the hogback and then pop back up like a crop duster over a field. They appeared to be dropping water to try to contain the inferno. If the fire came our way, it could destroy some of the most expensive homes in the LA area. A glint of light from a tree in the backyard caught my...

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Dot Dorothea and Dick

Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...

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Beth goes to the dogs Chapter 08

I went to work on Monday and Cindy called me into the office. “I know you only have two dogs left and they are fully trained” she said. I panicked. Was I about to be declared redundant? “I have had a couple of contacts who we can go and see Beth. Go and feed the dogs and then come back and we will close up and go to see what is available”. I breathed a sigh of relief. I certainly didn’t want to be separated from my boys. I feed and watered them and went back to the office. Cindy locked up, put...

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Love Lust For My Aunt Bethesda Part 8211 4

Taboos have been broken a long time ago. It existed with the gods and ended with human beings. We may have intentions to a particular person. A woman perhaps. Precisely we wanted to know more about having an intercourse with a woman. Be it your sister, mother, MIL, SIL, step-sister, step-mother, Aunt, Relative, Cousins or girls who want to get fulfilled. There are at times women in brothels who intend the same but for money. I have an intention too. Bethesda. Well previously I told you how...

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Love Lust For My Aunt Bethesda Part 8211 3

Well, it was on January 7, 2017, on a perfect Saturday morning that Bethesda received a call from her colleague stating they found something new this time and want her to visit her office which is like a museum to me. She called me as I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth and told me to be alone for some time because she has to go to an urgent work in her office. I on the other hand, didn’t want to leave her and told her to give me 10 minutes to freshen up and that I too will be coming with...

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Fairy dogs fuck her

She had just reached the center of the park and was standing next to the water fountain when she heard the howling. The howling was close and she started moving away from the howling when she heard barking in the direction she was heading. She began to run in another direction when dogs appeared in front of her , she veered away but more dogs appeared. She realized she was surrounded. Dogs appeared and one large black mastiff walked up to her. Looking into its eyes an intelligence stared...

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Tara 3 DogsChapter 5

Darcy was surprised to find that from the big room, which held the door to their home was another that led to a large communal area. The room was three times as big again. Two long wide hallways that led to many rooms were accessed from the inner wall. Two cross halls joined them together as you moved into the mountain. Two large doors, each about a third of the way along the room on the other side, led to the outside and long high windows let in a lot of light. The back area from where he...

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Enzo8217s Niki love her dogs and doesn8217t mind sharing her experiences

Hi, my name is Niki and I’m a dog slut. I let dogs have sex with me and I enjoy it! I like nothing better then to lay down on my back and let a dog hammer my bitch hole mouth with his mighty dog penis. I love a big, nasty, slimy, red, hot, throbbing, dog dicks in my mouth. I am a dog whore and I love it! I love dicks and their dicks are so nice and fat and juicy. They’re nice and hard and I love to suck on them. I can suck dog dick all day long and hardly a day goes by I...

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A Naughty Girl and Two Smart Dogs Lead Danny AstrayChapter 6

Wendy was behind the wheel of her parents’ van, smiling and humming. Danny was in the passenger seat. Behind them were Hans and Penny. The windows were down, Hans’s head was out the rear left window, and Penny’s was out the rear right one, both dogs sniffing. They were on a country road, paved but without a marked center line. They passed an intersection, and Hans started barking. “You smell something, boy?” said Wendy. Penny abandoned her side of the vehicle and joined Hans in sniffing out...

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Dogs how to fuck them for women

The penis is also looking different in it's basic looks. Instead of having the so familiar and sensitive 'mushroom', like the human, it is pointy at the tip, then growing larger after 2-3 cm. As you read earlier, the entire penis is as sensitive as the human's tip. At the front of the penis the dog has a small hole from which he ejaculates, this looks a little different than a human penis, which has a crack, otherwise the function is the same, the size almost equivalent, but the pleasure...

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Pauline The Slut Part 32 Therese Humiliates Pau

Therese looked at the scene before her. Her father and brother naked, her grandfather’s cock sticking out of his trousers and her grandmother eating her mother’s cunt, both of us naked. Beth with the camera, filming. “God, the slut is only in the door and she’s gone sex mad.” she said referring to me. She went and sat on the arm of her father’s chair putting her arm around him and kissing him on the cheek. My father was now hard again. He pushed my mother out of the way and started to fuck me...

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Tara 3 DogsChapter 13

Darcy was thankful that his bank account was healthy and he had his spare packs. He was pretty sure the girls found a present for everyone at Redtail Hill as they called their settlement. He had to admit that he and Speeder had been just as bad for adding handy gadgets that they both knew would be useful for the community. The girls had mentioned that they grew rice and Darcy had remarked that he had read that planting sesame and sunflowers with the rice increased crop output. He also...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 01

Our Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...

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Tara 3 DogsChapter 9

Darcy held a meeting that night and produced his finds. He was not surprised when Boner and Speeder ended up with four gemmed Shield vambraces. They were similar to his new Shield Mage item but the gems were slightly smaller for some reason. Goldie was a Nature Mage with Lore and Psychic. As Darcy understood it, this meant she would probably have strong healing abilities. Romp was an Earth Mage with Energy and Physics. Twitch was a Physics Mage with both Nature and Lore. Huntress also...

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Gone to the Dogs

Sandy had always been interested in dogs and horses (but that's another story). For as long as she could remember she had owned one or more dogs. Her introduction to the birds and the bees, as a matter of fact, was through them. When she was twelve she came home from school early and heard noises in the basement. Upon peeking down the stairs she saw her mother and father with two dogs. Their male dog had climbed on the back of their female. (She remembered that both dogs had acted funny...

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