Why I Hated The Guy From The FBI Ch 13
- 2 years ago
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Thursday December 8
The J-drama filming schedule had evolved to where we worked Sunday through Wednesday plus half a day on Thursday. This gave the production people two and a half days to make sure they had everything they needed for that week’s episode. It also gave the cast some much-needed time off.
For me, that meant I would work on Halle’s movie. When we arrived on set, I sent Lexi to find out what I was doing today and walked to Halle’s trailer. I thought I would surprise her, so I just walked in. Halle had her headphones on and was dancing around in nothing but her underwear. I got my phone out and filmed her for a minute before she noticed me.
“David!” she shrieked and lunged for the phone.
I held it up over her head so she couldn’t get it. She stomped her foot.
“You’d better delete that.”
“No, I don’t think so. I always want to remember the carefree girl comfortable enough to dance around in her underwear. I bet if we posted this on the web, we could make good money.”
Halle grabbed me by my balls.
“Not so full of yourself now, are you?”
“Deleting,” I assured her.
I just hoped it had backed up a copy to the cloud. That might be my video Christmas card this year.
“Jerk,” she huffed, then went back to her bedroom to put some clothes on.
“Mom was happy when she got your email about the songs,” she called out. “She said she would get someone to help you prepare for the show.”
Halle came out dressed for her next scene.
“I’m a little nervous. I’m worried I’ll mess up her show.”
“It’s just acting. You’ll do fine,” Halle assured me.
I didn’t know what to say to that. In the shower, I thought I rocked. Other people who heard me sing weren’t as impressed. I still couldn’t believe that I’d survived singing in The Royal Palm.
That reminded me. Mom had seen the first ad for the movie on TV. It was scheduled to come out in a couple of weeks. I’d set aside time off from the J-drama to do a quick publicity tour right before it released. Now that I thought about it, I also realized I should probably remind Brook that she needed to buy a dress for the premiere. I didn’t want her killing me when I said something at the last minute.
“Did you ever sort out your PA?”
“For now. We’ll see, though,” I said, and then changed the subject back to the songs. “Your mom put names next to the songs. One of them was Priyanka Amarnath. Who is that?”
“She’s huge in India,” Halle said as her eyes got excited. “She’s about to release her first album here, and she is out of this world. I was just listening to her cover of It’s a Man’s Man’s Man’s World.”
She handed me her headphones, and she started the music. I was embarrassed to admit that one, the song was before my time, and two, the only version of it I could recall was from the TV show Glee. I remembered it as being very vanilla. Priyanka’s take wasn’t anything like what had been sung on Glee.
When she sang the first line, my head snapped up, and I locked eyes with Halle. A big smile broke over my face as I heard a bluesy, sexy, Janis Joplinesque version of the song. The girl had some pipes. Her voice growled and cried in ways that could never be taught. I began to bounce to the beat as she shredded it.
There was no way I was going on stage next to her.
“You’ll have fun singing with her,” Halle assured me.
“No way! I might be a fanboy, but I absolutely will make a fool of myself if I do that.”
“Come on, goof. We have to get on set.”
Today’s scenes were mostly with just Halle and me as she went on and on about Ben’s character. I played the dutiful best friend who was secretly in love with her. It was similar to the J-drama’s plotline. How could Halle not see that I was a better choice than Ben?
“I need you to act with more longing. I want to see the emotion that pours out of you from seeing your world crumbling before your very eyes,” Kitty urged me.
Suddenly, I had an epiphany. If I thought of Halle as Brook, and her telling me she’d met the perfect guy...
“I think I’ve got it,” I said, and we reran the scene.
This time I felt the emotion deep in my gut. Each time Halle spewed another line about her longing or how perfect he was, it felt like she’d thrown acid in my face. I was about to explode in frustration.
“ ... he does the funniest thing when...”
“Enough!” I exploded and stood up.
Halle looked up at me in disbelief. I threw my hands over my head and stormed out of the room.
“Cut!” Kitty called out and hurried over to me as I leaned against the set wall and tried to gather myself.
“What was that all about?” Kitty asked when she found me.
Halle peeked around the door behind Kitty.
“I’m sorry. I got into character, and if I had to listen to her prattle on about Ben one more second, I was going to have to throttle her.”
“David, I love you, too,” Halle said as she came and hugged me.
“Okay. Get back into character, and we’ll reshoot it. This time, dial it back just a notch,” Kitty suggested.
“Kitty, I’m sorry. It won’t happen again,” I promised.
“Don’t do that. There are times I want honest emotion. You should never be sorry when you expose yourself like that,” Kitty assured me.
Thinking of Halle’s character as my girlfriend probably wasn’t a good idea. I think if I saw Ben right now, I might punch him. I know it made no sense, but that was how I felt at that moment. Then I got the giggles. It struck me as funny that I’d fallen so hard for Brook. I knew I loved her, but it was just hitting me that the mere thought of her talking about another guy might send me off the deep end.
I went back, and we reshot the last scene without incident.
After we finished, Halle dragged me back to her trailer. As soon as the door closed, she turned on me.
“What was that all about?”
I closed my eyes to give myself a moment to think.
“Kitty wanted me to show more emotion, so I thought what it would be like if Brook was reciting all those lines. I forgot for a moment that it was make believe and sort of lost it.”
Halle sat down on her couch and looked defeated.
“I messed up, didn’t I?” Halle asked.
I’m sure I looked confused as I tried to decipher what she’d just asked me. Halle saw I wasn’t about to answer, so she pressed on.
“I know I did what was right for me, and I wouldn’t change a thing. It’s just that when I see what you have with Brook, I get jealous.
“I knew when I moved to go to school with you that I’d made a mistake. You were so sad when Tami rejected you. I should have packed up then and come back to LA. You weren’t ready for a serious girlfriend. But I stayed, and I got comfortable. Even though I only had you part-time, it was enough.
“I kept thinking that we would just be casual during high school. You would get over Tami, and we would figure it out when you finally came here and made movies. We would be the perfect Hollywood couple,” Halle said.
“You had it all planned out.”
She shook her head.
“Is it wrong of me to wish you had never fallen for Brook?”
“Can I tell you a secret?” I asked.
“If you make me cry, I will beat your ass,” she warned.
“I’m not sure Brook is my forever girl,” I admitted for the first time out loud.
This time it was her turn to look confused.
“Think about it. We’re in high school. My mom assures me that I will only keep in touch with a handful of friends once I graduate. She also warned me that the odds of a high school sweetheart being your wife someday are slim to none,” I said.
“You don’t buy that, do you?”
“I don’t know. I know that I have feelings for Brook like I’ve never had before. Believe me when I tell you that I thought I was in love with every girl I ever went out with. It’s different with her. Being away from each other is killing me. I can hardly wait until she finishes with finals and comes out here.”
“You’re horny. I could help you with that,” Halle said and batted her eyes.
“That’s part of it,” I admitted. “But even if we never had sex again, Brook would make me happy.”
Halle closed her eyes, and her bottom lip quivered.
“Dammit, David.”
“Even though I care for her so much, I know that come the end of school, she’ll leave me.”
Now it was my turn to get a little misty-eyed.
“You don’t plan to keep seeing her after you graduate?” Halle asked incredulously.
“How would that work? If I’m going this crazy without seeing her for two weeks, how will I survive if I don’t see her for months on end?”
We sat in silence for a few minutes. There was a knock on the door, meaning we had to get back to work. Halle gave me a little smile. Who knew, if things worked out, maybe her dreams of us being the power Hollywood couple might come true someday. There that word was again... ‘someday.’
When I had some free time, I called around to my friends in LA to see if they knew of any parties this weekend. Okay, I called one person: Zak Verwood.
“This is Zak’s phone,” Bec Carson, Zak’s girlfriend, answered.
“Why am I talking to you? He was supposed to be on set a half-hour ago,” I said with my best authoritative voice.
“Oh. I had no idea. Hang on,” she said.
I could hear her chewing him out and his clueless response. “Talk to the man,” she ordered.
“I’m so sorry...”
“For not inviting me to a party,” I said.
“Yep. I’m in LA and in need of entertainment.”
“You dick!” he said and covered the phone as he explained to Bec. “It was David Dawson pranking me.” Then he got back on the line. “I saw your dustup with the paparazzi. I thought you might have forgotten about me. Now that you need something, you come crawling to good old Zak.”
“Pretty much.”
“Well, you’re in luck. We’re having one tomorrow night.”
“Can I crash with like a bazillion people?” I asked.
“I don’t know about a bazillion...”
“You see, I’m shooting a Japanese drama, and the cast wants to go out. I might also have some model and actor friends who are looking to get out. No more than fifty or so,” I told him.
“Sure. I’ll put the word out that you’ll be here. I guarantee it’ll be packed.”
We talked for another minute, and I was called back onto the set. Zak had been in The Secret Circle with Halle and me. When I first met him, he was what we affectionately called a pussy-hound. Zak had shared with me that he’d been thirteen when he first had sex. When we were filming, it wasn’t uncommon for him to have sex with two to three different girls each day. That was until he started dating Bec.
I passed the word that I’d found a party.
The best part of Love Letters was that they let us out in time to go home for dinner. The even better part was I had tomorrow off. Kitty said to be back next week. Lexi told me she had some stuff to take care of and would see me Monday. I was sure I could survive without her being around for a few days.
I came home and found Dad drinking wine with a woman I’d never met before. The first thing I noticed was her hard eyes. At first, I thought she might be a cop. Then I figured it out.
“Ms. Addison?” I asked as I put my hand out to shake hers.
“Call me Maddie.”
“I’m starved. Can I convince you two to go to dinner with me?” I asked.
“I didn’t feel like cooking,” Dad admitted.
Manaia had trailed after me. I turned to him.
“We’re going out to eat. Where do you want to go?” I asked.
The poor guy looked shocked. I figured it was the least I could do for making him work a ton of overtime since I’d gotten here.
“How about pizza?” he asked.
“Only if they serve beer,” Maddie added.
Manaia took us to Greco’s New York Pizzeria. I was all smiles when the waitress mentioned they had a humongous twenty-eight-inch pizza. Even with the four of us, I would have pizza for breakfast tomorrow. The waitress tried to talk me out of it. She warned it was the equivalent of three large pizzas.
“Trust me. He will make a serious dent in it,” Dad assured the girl.
After she left, and the beer came, we got down to why Maddie was there.
“I talked to your PA and found time tomorrow for us to go talk to the FBI.”
“I’ve got the whole day off tomorrow,” I said.
Dad shared with her our concerns about being the ones to bring this to light and how it might adversely affect me.
“You might have more reason to worry about the NCAA than the FBI. The NCAA has a history of ignoring whistleblower claims. There was a recent one at the University of Missouri where a tutor sat down with both the university and NCAA to expose cheating. She admitted she helped 42 Missouri athletes commit varying degrees of academic fraud.
“The tutor made it easy for them to discount her, though. She later offered to sell her documented evidence online so she could pay her tuition bills. She said she told the NCAA she completed assignments for students from all sports but only completed courses or took exams for football players and men’s basketball players. The University came back and pinned it all on her, saying she was the one who initiated everything.
“The bottom line is, even if she did it on her own, without direction from the University, the athletes cheated. They let someone else do their work for them, and that’s against the rules. In spite of that, to this day, neither the NCAA nor the University of Missouri has made a move against any student-athletes.
“We are going to the FBI voluntarily. I can ask that they keep your identity confidential, but that doesn’t mean that they will. At the very least, you’ll be seen as a cooperating witness and not a bad actor. I doubt that you’ll rise to the level of a confidential informant, to be honest. You don’t have enough ongoing information for them to classify you as such,” Maddie explained.
“Then I’m not sure we should come forward,” Dad said.
“Let’s do this: we’ll go to the meeting and tell them what you’re worried about. If they don’t want to give you assurances, we’ll walk. I’m betting they will,” she said.
Our pizza came, and I realized I might have ordered too much. When the waitress said humongous, she meant it. There were twenty-eight slices. We would be taking some home.
“The FBI is not an organization with which to play fast and loose with facts. It’s against the law to lie to them. People have been convicted of just that. They don’t even have to get you on any actual underlying crimes,” Maddie said, making both Dad and me even more hesitant.
Maddie smiled at us.
“You’re bringing them information. They aren’t in the business of locking people up for no reason. I might be a little jaded because my clients usually have a reason to worry about an FBI interview. Just listen to me if I say something and stick to the facts. If you don’t know, tell them that.
“From what I understand, you both have been questioned by the police before. It shouldn’t be any more worrisome than that,” she assured us.
“Except for the accidentally lying and then going to jail part,” I mumbled.
“Yes. That would be bad,” Maddie said.
I hated lawyers who thought they had a sense of humor.
Friday December 9
I rolled out of bed at nine, put on a pair of shorts, and wandered down to the kitchen. Intent on eating some leftover pizza, I threw three slices onto a cookie sheet and put them in the oven. I didn’t like how the microwave made the crust soggy on a thin-crust pizza.
While I waited, I put on some hot water for tea.
Adrienne and Tyler came strolling in. Tyler sniffed the air when she smelled my pizza warming up. I decided that instead of letting them eat all my pizza, I would put two more slices into the oven to warm up for them.
They both looked at me and grinned like they had a secret. I raised an eyebrow in response.
“What are you two up to?” I asked.
“The cleaning girl is here,” Adrienne said.
If I hadn’t been hungry, I might have bolted. Right on cue, the vision that had haunted my dreams the last few nights walked in. I might have crumbled if she wasn’t made up and wearing the porn version of a maid’s outfit. The skirt was so short you caught a glimpse of her panties, such as they were; she made a point to show me that she had a thong on. The smell of her perfume—the same fragrance that was on my sheets—mingled with the yummy smell of pizza. Her appearance showed she was pushing the boundaries and made the big brain engage.
As I took her in, she was doing the same with me. I probably should have worn a shirt, but everyone in the house had seen me in less, so I hadn’t bothered.
I glanced over at Tyler and Adrienne, and they both were trying not to laugh at me. They seemed to sense that I was about to ignore her.
“Hi, I’m Teresa.”
“David” was my one-word response.
Adrienne had seen me in action and knew I could chat-up a girl. She’d never seen shy David before. When I was younger, I could talk to all of my brother’s girlfriends without getting tongue-tied. Back then, if you got me with someone my age, I was a stammering fool. I reasoned I didn’t have a chance with my brother’s older girlfriends.
I thought I’d gotten past this; I hadn’t acted shy in a few years. Even though I knew better, Teresa got my motor running.
“Where did you get the outfit?” Adrienne asked.
“A little specialty shop that carries items like this.”
I imagined Brook in that little getup. Adrienne was doing the same for Tyler.
“We should go shopping,” she suggested to her girlfriend.
“Think again,” Tyler smirked.
Thankfully, the timer on the oven buzzed to break the spell. I darted over and started to pull the pizza out and put it on plates.
“Aren’t you going to offer Teresa any?” Adrienne asked sweetly.
I was so getting even with her.
“Would you like a slice?” I asked.
“Sure,” Teresa said and sat down at the table.
I think Tyler saw through my next plan.
“Come sit with us,” the evil woman said.
Plans for eating elsewhere flew out the window. I had to be polite, so I sat down and focused on eating my food.
“I hear that we’re all invited to a party tonight,” Adrienne said innocently.
Tyler gave me and then Teresa a meaningful look. They could bite me if they thought I was about to ask her.
“You should come,” Tyler said to Teresa when she saw I wasn’t about to ask.
“I would need a ride,” Teresa said.
“David will send his driver over to pick you up,” Tyler said and then turned to me. “What time should she expect him?”
I almost said, “When Hell freezes over,” but stopped myself. Teresa was just a girl, and I had nothing to worry about. I had a girlfriend who loved me. The only problem was, I hadn’t seen her in two weeks.
“Eight should work.”
Teresa was smart enough to make a hasty retreat once she’d accomplished her goal with the help of the evil twosome. When she was out of earshot, I turned on them.
“You both are going with us and keeping me out of trouble.”
“We wouldn’t miss this for the world,” Adrienne assured me.
I caught up on the last two episodes of Jeff Delahey’s documentary series. The first one focused on the defense. Tim had a long segment as he talked about his injury and the rehab he’d gone through. Each starter had garnered some face time.
The second featured the offense. I was glad to see that I only had a small amount of screen time. The largest portion was an interview Jeff had with our offensive line. Ty and Wolf also had longer segments.
Dad found me and said that we had another conference call with my lawyers. Mr. Morris had talked to the NCAA. Ms. Addison—Maddie—had stayed with us to save on hotel expenses, so she joined us in the dining room.
When we called in, Mr. Morris got right to the point.
“Well, it was drama-free, but they have a request. They want you to meet with the coach from Southwest Central State and see if he will admit to the pay-for-play scheme. When he talked to your mom, he only alluded to the fact that he knew you took the meeting with Springbok. The coach never confirmed that he knew that money was offered.”
“I’m not sure that’s a good idea,” Ms. Addison said. “We would, at the very least, have to clear it with the FBI.”
“I didn’t tell the NCAA that the FBI was going to be informed,” Mr. Morris said.
“I don’t think you should,” Bev Mass said to jump into the conversation. “FBI investigations are kept confidential for a reason. This could lead back to the NCAA. As a matter of fact, it does, indirectly, for allowing this to involve one of its member institutions that it is supposed to be governing. If that’s the case, you don’t want to give them a heads-up.”
“So, we should tell the FBI what the NCAA wants us to do. And we’re not to let the NCAA know that we’re keeping the FBI in the loop,” Dad said to clarify.
“That sounds about right,” Ms. Dixon agreed.
“I would also suggest that if David has this meeting with the coach from Southwest Central State, that there is only one. Don’t get him roped into doing multiple meetings or meeting with other schools,” Bev Mass suggested.
“Let’s talk to the FBI first and see what they say,” Ms. Addison said, which everyone agreed to.
As everyone began to drop off the call, Ms. Dixon asked Dad and me to stay on. She told Ms. Addison that she wasn’t needed, so Maddie left the room, leaving us to talk to Ms. Dixon alone.
“We hired Jason Voorhees, the lawyer Chubby Feldman recommended. Mr. Voorhees had his meeting with Zander’s lawyers yesterday. I attended via conference call and told him I would update you on what transpired. Mr. Voorhees submitted a settlement demand letter. It summarizes the incident that caused your injury, the damages you suffered, and the amount you’re seeking for compensation. For damages, we are asking for reimbursement of all your actual out-of-pocket expenses. That includes doctor bills, hospitalization, what you had to pay for the damaged rental vehicle, our fees, and the like,” Ms. Dixon explained.
Caryn had all the documentation for those items sent to Ms. Dixon.
“Unlike the cost of the MRI or hospital stay, there’s no clear way to put a price on David’s emotional distress. In a case like this, the pain and suffering award will be determined by reviewing David’s symptoms of lingering pain and emotional distress, taking into account their severity and duration. Under normal circumstances, that part of it would be looked at like a claims adjuster would for an insurance company. That is, it would be assumed it was an accident,” Ms. Dixon said.
Note: All persons in this story are fictitious. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is strictly coincidental. 38. Battleship Row Every time Angelina Mancuso took Annarosa out for a walk, in her coach, she had FBI agents, unabashedly, walking with her less than 20 feet behind her. There was not just one group of agents, but several that were with her, every step of the way. On a Tuesday afternoon, while pushing the carriage, they made her so nervous, she collapsed onto the ground, into...
Note: All persons and places in this story are fictional. Any resemblances are purely coincidental, and absolutely unintentional. The author retains all rights to this story. 30. The Resignation Hits the Fan. Charlie Gomes realized he liked the way the top 1% of the country lived. He had just gotten off the American Airlines redeye, from Los Angeles to JFK. He was fed a steak dinner with all the trimmings, and champagne. Afterwards, he had a few mixed drinks, and fell asleep for the...
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Note: This story has no basis in fact. It is a fiction. A fantasy totally from the recesses of a mind that is sometimes called into question, whether it is rational, or not. Please read it from a slightly askew point of view, because that is the way it is written. Enjoy. The writer retains all rights to the work. * Chapter 16. Our ship comes in. (FBI listening post, South Brooklyn) Good evening Don Alberto, how are you. Wonderful Anthony, wonderful, how are you tonight. ‘We have had a...
Note: All names and associations used in this story are not real, and any similarity is strictly accidental in nature. This is a work of fiction, and please read it with that in mind. Dear Reader, This is an Edited Version of Chapter 12. I did this for two reasons. First, to clean up some English problems. Second, and MOST IMPORTANT, to advise you that my computer, containing Chapters 13, 14, and 15 died, taking with it all my work. It is with my I.T. people now and they are trying to retrieve...
Note: All places, and persons used in this story are fictitious, and in no manner of men to detract from any particular region of the world. The author retains the right to this story. 26. Celeste gets bitten. Celeste was used to waking up in a strange bed after a night of partying, but she was used to seeing a strange man sleeping next to her. However, Philip was not there. He had laid out a dressing gown for her at the edge of the bed and a note telling her he would be on the veranda...
Note: This is a work of FICTION. The persons mentioned in this story are fictitious. The locations are for general reference. I hope you enjoy reading this chapter. The author retains all rights to this story. When you finish reading this story, please ‘Vote and Comment.’ It is great to hear from 99.99% of you. 61. New beginnings Celeste and Philip returned from their honeymoon, one month later, with all over tans that rivaled the Greek gods. Celeste was golden from head to toe, Philip was...
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Note: This story is a novel. All characters, places, and time frames are fictitious and any references are strictly coincidental in nature. The author retains all rights to this story. 47. Another Domino Falls Ann was very pleased that her bouts of morning sickness were now passed and she could concentrate totally on the upcoming festivities of her wedding. Charlie had been an absolute trooper in coordinating everything to this point. The only person she had ever seen that could strike more...
Note: Dear Readers: I can explain what happened at the beginning of Chapter 4. It was supposed to start with Section 12: Thigh High, and 13: Hide and Seek. However, due to a clerical error by yours truly (ME), instead of submitting Chapter 4, I submitted Chapter 5 and labeled it Chapter 4 instead. Please forgive me. On its way now to Literotica, in two forms, are the following attempts to get you the real Chapter 4, which is pivotal to this story. Please look for the following Titles, with...
Note: I need to remind some of you, who have written to me after a few of my recent chapters, that this is a work of FICTION. If all the stories on Literotica were factual, this world of ours would have alien life forms, traveling around in ethereal garb, eating buildings for lunch, impregnating men, or ‘HEAVEN FORBID’ ELECTING WOMEN TO IMPORTANT GOVERNMENT POSITIONS IN THE UNITED STATES SENATE, OR CONGRESS. Perhaps even ‘THE PRESIDENCY!’ How fictional and irrational would that be? Chapter 15 ...
Note: This is a work of fiction. No person, place, or object in this story is real. They are figments of my imagination and should be treated as such. The author retains all rights to this story. Chapter 7 21. Male Call When he emerged from the bedroom Wednesday afternoon, Frank no longer had any doubts, which of them was the stronger. The one hundred pound weakling had beaten him into submission. He had to beg for sleep, rest, and food, while all she wanted was him. He was not sure how...
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Wednesday December 21 Mom and Dad were up very early to talk to me before I went off to do my interviews today. I had to get up at this ungodly hour because of LA traffic. Mom was making breakfast, and it smelled wonderful. “What are you making?” “Bacon and stuffed French toast.” Not exactly on my diet, but I wasn’t about to turn it down. Dad handed me a coffee. “I talked with Ms. Dixon yesterday. She updated me on several fronts. I’ll start with your civil suit,” he said as Mom put bacon...
Saturday August 27 Brook and I had finally planned some time together. The only problem was that my security was Cassidy. If it had been Paul or Chuck, I could have told them to guard the door or something. Cassidy was more hanging out with us than guarding me. At least she let me drive my Demon. Paul and Chuck were a little too possessive of my new car. I pulled up at the Davis estate and honked. “You better let her have shotgun,” I told Cassidy as I saw the look on Brook’s face. “Next...
Wednesday December 14 When I got up, I already had messages from home. Today was the beginning of the college football early signing period. Ty, our All-State running back, had made it official and signed with the University of Michigan. I thought it was a good fit for both of them. Michigan fans would be happy when they saw what he could do for them. Ty wanted to get his recruitment over with and had known after Michigan had held a football camp at our high school that he would play for...
a. Everything in this story is, completely, fictional. No person, place, ethnic group, or agency in this story, is meant to embarrassed, or implicated in any wrongdoing. Please view this story, in that context. b. If you are looking for sex in every sentence, and paragraph, do not bother reading the story. This is a story that includes erotic sexual scenes in many places. If you read my previous story, ‘Having Fun with Dycke and Payne’, you realize that a story that leads to sex, can be more...
Note: All characters and areas portrayed in this story are purely fictitious, and are a product of my imagination. Any resemblance to a person, living or dead is strictly coincidental. 34. A Funny Kind of Day ‘Charlie, if I lose my grip on this ladder, we will never catch up to this boat.’ ‘Then it is a good thing I have it anchored to the bottom of the ocean, isn’t it Ann.’ ‘God dammit, Charlie, if you did not fuck so well, I’d kill your sorry ass.’ ‘Just remember, babe, I am keeping sea...
“Mr. Henderson?” I looked up from my newspaper and tea. “Yes,” I replied questioningly. A tall, attractive brunette stood before me wearing a business suit and carrying a briefcase. “Do you mind if I join you?” How do you say no to an attractive woman who wants to eat lunch with you? Even if I don’t remember ever seeing her in my life. She sat without waiting for my invitation. “I’m Jessica Ferraro, Mr. Henderson. I’m with the FBI.” She actually pulled out identification and showed it to...
Day 5 Sandi I shut the DVD machine off, slipped a blank into the recorder and walked out towards the living room. I had just opened the door when the screaming began from a dozen voices. "ON THE FLOOR NOW!" screamed several men wearing black uniforms, their faces covered as they stormed into the room. One of them grabbed William and hurled him to the floor before anyone could say anything. I watched William hit the floor hard, and started towards him when a man stepped up and shoved a...
Sunday October 9 My mom’s attempt at humor last night had failed, in my estimation. I’d been completely freaked out until the doctor came in and explained my injuries. Any time you’re knocked unconscious, it’s cause for concern. That was why they’d kept me overnight. Other than the risk of brain injury, the doctor had said I would live. If the pain I felt this morning was any indication, I had my doubts. When I’d seen the SUV about to plow into us, I’d turned my body. The back of my head had...
Tuesday October 25 I’d been afraid I would wake up and hurt from yesterday’s activity. While I could tell I’d pushed my limits some, it was more a good hurt, the kind you get from working out and not the sort from being injured. Today, for the first time, I felt like I would eventually be okay. Duke heard me awaken and jumped on my bed for me to love him up. I must have found the right spot because he stretched out his neck and his back leg began to jerk back and forth like he was scratching...
I had always grown up well, and in good care. My parents always told me to do good in school and watch out for those senior boys. I didn't even think I had a chance until middle school came around, and things started looking up for me. My chest began to grow, and boys started to notice me. I didn't know if I like the attention or not. All I knew is that when high school started, things really started to change. "Sarah, what do you think I should wear for the dance...
Wednesday January 4 I got out of bed and went to the window to check whether the fire had progressed. I could see smoke over the ridge. Low-flying planes had woken me at daybreak, and I saw one now make a run over the hogback and then pop back up like a crop duster over a field. They appeared to be dropping water to try to contain the inferno. If the fire came our way, it could destroy some of the most expensive homes in the LA area. A glint of light from a tree in the backyard caught my...
This is a story of how I used the second half of my senior year to turn a girl I couldn’t stand into my personal completely obedient fuck toy, and got rich doing it. That girl, Sarah had always been a person I found to be extremely annoying, but interaction with her was inevitable as her locker was beside mine for all of high school, and consistently I was lucky enough to share classes with her. Sufficient to say I was extremely tired of her by second semester in senior year. Best...
You are a senior here at Greenview High. You just turned 18, as have your fellow classmates. The teenage mind being what it is, the freedom of being 18 combined with the cocktail of hormones in your brain is a ticking time bomb, and it’s only a matter of time until your sexual urges overtake you. Who needs an education when there’s so many attractive young women around? Your best friend’s name is Greg. He’s taller than you, has been since elementary school, which is where you first met. He’s...
TeenFriday October 14 I woke to my hound licking my face. It seemed someone had to go out... right now! I managed to put on a pair of shorts without passing out from the pain and hobbled down the stairs. Precious met the two of us at the back door. She was starting to really show. I did a little internal calculation and figured she should have her kittens in a couple of weeks. I groaned when the cat darted into my apartment as Duke went out. I was in no mood to play ‘find the kitty.’ When I made...
Thursday November 24 We really didn’t have room for the crowd that was coming for Thanksgiving dinner, so Mom had decided to hold it at the restaurant. Dad, Uncle John, and Greg said that football-watching was a requirement. Caryn had a TV installed at the bar to keep them from whining. I was awakened by someone pounding on my downstairs apartment door. I looked at the clock, and it was almost ten. Watching all the little rug-rats last night had been a nightmare. After dinner, everyone...
Wednesday November 30 I decided to skip running today because we had a pool in the backyard. Dad and Manaia sat and watched me swim laps. They seemed to be getting along well as they laughed about something while I pulled myself out of the water. I plopped down on a chair at the table they’d claimed. “What time did you get in last night?” Dad asked. “After two,” Manaia grumbled. Fritz was going to have to send me someone to help Manaia. It was one thing for me to put in the hours, and...
Wednesday November 2 I had my bags packed and was ready to go to St. Louis. The plan was to go to morning classes and then leave at noon. The game was to be shown on ESPN, and the network wanted to do their prep this afternoon. Coach Hope had shared that we were one of only a handful of high school teams that had had their games televised on ESPN in back-to-back years. Until this week, I’d ignored this game for several reasons. Honestly, my focus had been on two things: recruiting and my...
An off handed remark about Lush Stories by my psychiatrist led me to this site. I just had to find an outlet for this adventure somewhere besides talking to my $120 an hour near-retirement shrink, who’s obviously suffering from job burnout. I am a forty-four year old school teacher who can’t believe how quickly her life can be turned upside down. My name is Teresa and I work at a Midwest suburban high school. My fourteen year second marriage is okay but I learned from my first attempt that...
InterracialMonday October 31 As Duke and I were going out to jog, we found Precious waiting for us by the door. I knew something was up when Duke gave her a complete puppy-scan (sniffed her all over), and she didn’t bloody his nose. “You not feeling well?” I asked her as I squatted down to check what might be wrong. Yep. We were having kittens today. Gently picking Precious up, I took her to Duke’s crate. Brit had brought over her blanket, which I assumed was washable, and put it in his kennel. Duke...
Monday October 17 I was sitting in precalculus, taking a quiz, when my phone chirped to let me know that I’d received a text. This was right after Ms. Lowden had given us a lecture about turning them off for the quiz. She glared in my direction. Apparently, this was the last time someone’s phone was going off during a quiz or test ... or there would be ‘consequences.’ I don’t know what came over me. “Dare! She said to turn your phone off.” Ms. Lowden made a big display of getting out of her...
Thursday November 10 I woke up in a contemplative mood. The expressions on the Waterloo players’ faces as the clock ticked down must have gotten to me. I had at most three more games of high school football. It was hard to imagine that it might finally be over. Of course, I had a lot to look forward to. College and the rest of my life were yet to come. The Waterloo game made me understand that I wanted to play at higher levels of competition. What we’d created with this team was about as...
Friday December 23 Brook bailed on me when I had to go to the Love Letters set. She and the moms decided to go shopping one last time before the ‘rents flew out. I’d pointed out that there was shopping in Malibu, not only in the trendy areas of LA. How they’d missed the Country Market totally mystified me. I had planned to take Brook there, but when her parents had their problems, we’d all gotten distracted. Kitty Ellis had told me last night at the premiere that she wanted me to come in...
It was the end of senior year for a group of nerdy teens in a small school in rural Pennsylvania. And, like most students reaching the end of senior year, they were very ready to be beyond high school and moving into college and on with the rest of their lives. But first came many things that usually happen during the last few months of school. The senior class field trip, the day to the pool that the senior class president convinced the school to allow, the senior prank, a couple musicals and...
TeenMonday October 3 I took the boys to the house and found a rested Peggy making coffee. “Were they any trouble?” “No, they slept through the night,” I said as I put them into their high chairs. Peggy scattered some Cheerios on Coby and Little David’s trays to keep them busy while she made their breakfast. I decided I wanted grits after my trip down south. As I got the pot started, Chuck came in the back door. Duke gave him a cursory once-over and left it to Bandit to guard the house. Chuck...
Friday December 30 The plan for the day was to go to my company’s office and get updated on how everything was going. Since the meeting was scheduled for first thing, I talked my grandma into going to Granny’s West for breakfast. I’d spent the night in her guest room because my uncle had used my apartment. Before I left, I called Chuck. “Where are you? I’m supposed to pick you up this morning.” “I’m at my grandmother’s farm. She’ll be giving me a ride this morning to our office, and I’ll...
Friday October 21 My mom was of two minds. The first had me going to the vet with Duke and us both getting fixed. I was sure Duke wasn’t onboard with that idea. The second was reveling in the possibility that she had a little granddaughter in her arms. I figured the little girl couldn’t be mine. Dawsons only had boys. The only reason we had a little girl in the family was that Greg had adopted Mac. I spotted Ashley Kincaid and Scarlet White, the two girls I suspected were the mothers of...
Saturday December 10 I had my first singing lesson today at the studio. Jane, who was usually Rita’s security, was my driver. I found her in the kitchen drinking coffee with my dad and Hana. “Isn’t this a pleasant surprise? I take it that Manaia got a day off,” I said in greeting. “Fritz is getting soft,” Jane said with a smile. “Bacon and potatoes are in the oven. Make your own eggs,” Dad said. “You need to look at the TMZ website,” Hana said. I grabbed my tablet and set it on the...
Monday December 26 While I enjoyed spending the night in Palm Springs, the drive back to Malibu in the morning was a nightmare. I think karma was trying to balance out the great day we had yesterday. When I arrived home, Manaia and Lexi were waiting for me. “Hana quit,” Lexi announced when I walked in the door. “What? Why?” I asked. “She took Jiro home for Christmas to meet her family. I guess Jiro and her dad had words. Long story short, they broke up, and Hana decided she would stay...
Sunday January 1 We all came out of the terminal to find a bigger plane than I expected. Brook and I had sprung for a charter flight to LA from our local airport. With us were all our friends who were staying for the week. “I thought we were getting something practical,” I said. “We did, but Rita James is flying back with us, and she upgraded us. It’s an Airbus A318 Elite configured so it seats 18 and has sleeping quarters for eight,” Brook explained. “I could use a nap,” Tami said. She...
The year that changed everything. One wild rollercoaster from start to finish and I would give anything to ride it again. My name is Joseph Calhoun, but everyone calls me JC. When I first started high school I was pretty much a quiet guy. Standing at 6'2, dirty blond short hair, blue eyes and put together very well. The only thing going against me was the band. I was member of the marching band and well not a lot of points won for me. But over the years I came out of my shell, dated a...
Passion In James County II Chapter 1 Bobby Draper was looking forward to the beginning of his senior year at Jamestown High School. The only negative part of having school start again was that it meant his girlfriend, Paula, had to return to the college she attended, which was in another town. ‘We’ll see each other on vacation,’ Paula told him the day she left. Bobby missed Paula, even though she’d only been gone a few days, but there were other women on his mind, too. During his summer...
Sunday November 6 After brunch with my family, I drove to the airport to take my first flying lesson. On Friday I’d passed my written exam. All I had to do now was to pass the practical portion of the training to get my license. I was excited to get started. When I entered the flight school, it was empty, it being a Sunday afternoon. I found Roy Tyro, the owner, in his office drinking coffee and doing something on his computer. “You ready to get started?” “Yes, sir.” He grabbed a...
I can hardly believe it. It's January of my senior year in high school, meaning my life just got a lot better. I just submitted the last of my college applications yesterday, and now that those are off my back, I can slack off a bit more and enjoy the free time with friends. After all, that's what the second half of senior year is about, right? I sit up, swing my legs over and hop off the bed. Opening the window shade, I see that a light snow has fallen during the night, the thin layer of snow...
Saturday October 15 I woke up and was surprised I didn’t hurt as much as expected after hitting Pete Yoder last night. Chuck had collected my bodycam footage before he’d gone home for the night, and I was sure I would hear from Fritz today. I shudder to think what would have happened if those guys had pounded on me. All I knew was that once I was well again, I would have made it my mission to do them some serious damage. This combination rib/hip injury was no joke. Duke did a little dance at...
Saturday October 22 We met everyone in the lobby. “Where y’all want to eat?” Wyatt White asked. “I know of a good barbecue place that’s not too far from here.” “Daddy, David and his family might not want to go to one of your favorite restaurants,” Scarlet worried. I could tell that Ashley and her group were staying out of the decision. “I could eat some good barbecue,” Mom said. “I hope it’s nothing fancy.” “It ain’t fancy,” Clay, Scarlet’s supposed boyfriend, assured us. We ended up...
Tuesday January 3 My eyes blinked open, and I looked over at Brook. She’d managed to kick off the sheets during the night. That would explain why I felt cold. She was gloriously naked, so I took a moment to take in her exquisite body. It reminded me of the fun we’d had last night before falling asleep. She stretched and smiled coyly at me. “Tell me how much you love me,” she said. I laughed. “Demanding today, are we? I thought you were bossy enough last night,” I replied. She rolled over...
Monday October 10 Before I left the hospital, they’d given me instructions on how to rehab my hip pointer. They called the first few days the ‘acute phase.’ I assumed that meant pain level because I agreed it was ‘acute.’ The suggested treatment was to rest, ice it down, take pain and anti-inflammatory meds, and to wrap it. They warned me not to try to do too much until the pain subsided some. My instinct was to stretch and exercise, but they’d warned that I had to let my injuries heal before...
Hello and namaste to all the ISS readers and writers. I am Saurav writing one more real experience that happened to me in college. I am surprised and happy that most of you who read my stories have texted me and I received positive reactions throughout. I hope to get more reactions for my stories. This story goes back to my 2nd year of Engineering. I had a lot of sex in that year, this also was in the middle of them. At the end of that semester, the college organized a formal function for the...
Cara Westport was a 22yr old undergrad senior at college. She was very studious and doing well in most of her classes. Cara was 5’8”, 133lbs, shoulder length blondish red hair, brown eyes, a c cup, very athletic, and sometimes wore glasses. During her college career Cara found herself less interested in men and more interested in women, specifically older women. The college coed found herself attracted to several of her female teachers and wanting to be with them. Cara did not have much...
LesbianTuesday September 27 When I returned from my run, I saw that Paul was already here. Chuck hadn’t figured out that if he came early, my mom would feed him breakfast. Both Paul and Fritz seemed to take full advantage of the arrangement. I found Mom making stuffed French toast, one of my favorites. “Morning,” she said as she handed me a plate. “What’s your plan for the day?” “After football, I’m going to Granny’s West and help Tracy shoot her video blog. I’ll grab dinner there.” “I’ll tell...
Monday December 12 I was on set when Lexi found me. “I’m sorry, but you had an urgent call from Duane Morris. He needs you to call him back,” Lexi said. “We can shoot around you,” Mr. Otsuki assured me. “I’ll make this short,” I promised and went to find a quiet spot to make the call. “Mr. Morris, please,” I said when his assistant answered, and she put me right through. “David, it would seem I spoke too soon about the NCAA going smoothly. They’re sending an investigator to monitor your...