CindyChapter 17 free porn video

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Wednesday, the week before Thanksgiving, I walked into the office trailer at the project. Sara was moving another stack of paperwork onto a growing pile.

"Be careful, lady," I said. "Safety's gonna put barricade tape around that stack!"

"Don't I know," she laughed. "I'm so far behind. I need to hire a temp to do some filing."

"Why'n't ya get one?"

"Too much hassle. Just for a couple of days' work."

"Cindy's out of school next week. She's gonna hang around the park anyway. I can ask her..."

"You mean, Cindy, the Engineer's Apprentice?" Cindy'd made three more trips to the site, the second with a few more of her classmates, with me as tour guide, the third and fourth, just by herself. And that fourth trip, a couple of the other engineers whom she'd questioned presented her with a pocket protector filled with pens and pencils. And a hard hat with her name on it. She was almost a mascot.

"Yeah. I think she'd do it. She LIKES you. Don't ask me why."

Sara laughed. "Because I am an island of femininity, charm and sanity in this pool of testosterone."

"Uh, yeah, that's got to be it. Say, d'you think we can, like, PAY her?"

Sara's eyes twinkled. "Let me run it by the boss, but he knows Cindy. I think we can cover a couple days at six or seven bucks an hour. Ask her."

"I will. I sure will."

During a lull in the day, I called my sister. She picked up. "Hey, Tootie!" I said. "Looks like we got all the arrangements made. We're comin' home for Thanksgiving."

"We?" Sister's actual name was Adele. Nobody called her that. She was Tootie to everybody she knew. "What's with "we"? Last time we talked, you had a girlfriend."

"Not anymore. Married her."

"No shit!" Tootie sometimes lacked decorum. "When?"

"A week after the last time we talked. You ought to call more often."

"Phone works both ways, brother," she laughed. "Oh, well. You're a big boy. What's she like?"

"Like eighteen."

"Whaaaaaat? Are you crazy? You're joking, right?"

"Nope. Dead serious. And get this. She's a certified genius. After she graduates, she's going to college for engineering."

Incredulous noises. "She hasn't even graduated? You married a high school girl? Wait! She not pregnant, is she?"

I coughed. "I'm hurt. You know I got fixed after Catherine was born."

"Yeah, but they can reverse those things."

"No, she's not pregnant. Anyway, I need you to get my house opened up and aired out. You can do it yourself if you want. Or hire somebody. I'll pay. I just want it ready when we get there next Wednesday."

"I'll do it," she said. "You can pay me." She snorted.

"Who all's gonna be there?"

"For Thanksgiving dinner? Me and Mike, you and whoever..."

"Cindy. Here name's Cindy."

"Okay. You and Cindy. And Jerry and Sheila."

"What about the kids?"

"Not gonna be here for Thanksgiving. One of mine is stationed in Europe with his wife."

"Yeah, I know." Her son was twenty-two and in the army.

"And Debbie's in California with her husband."

"Okay. And Jerry's sons?"

"Neither of them are gonna be here. One's working four states over and the other just joined the air force."

"Oooo-kay! I was just wondering." I heard my desk phone ring. "Hey, Toot! I gotta get another call. I'll talk to you later."

"Okay, brother! I gotta go spread the news ... Bye!"

That afternoon when I got to the park, it was darkening. The lights were on in the office and I saw Helen and Cindy through the window, along with an elderly couple who belonged to a big motor home parked a couple of spots down. I walked in. "Hi, Helen. Hi Cindy. Hello, folks!"

Helen handed me a couple of envelopes, my mail. "Here ya go, Dan." She nodded to the old couple. "These people are wondering if you and the Hardesty's are gonna do a show this weekend."

The old guy said, "Heck with THEM! Just let this little cutie stand on the stage an' sing!"

"Oh, George!" his wife chided. And to me and Cindy, "You people were very entertaining. This old goat and I loved it!"

"I'll see what I can do, folks," I said. "We may be up for another round of public embarrassment, huh, Cindy?"

She smiled, "Yessir. It was a strange an' wonderful experience. Ya'll were strange an' I was wonderful."

The old couple laughed out loud.

Helen said, "And besides singing, she's a comedienne, too. Dan, try to get the Hardesty's. I'll bring the judge. Even if he don't like banjo music."

Cindy chirped brightly, "The judge is Mizz Helen's boyfriend."

"Ooohhhh," said the lady. "That's nice! Anyway, I'm going to drag my old goat home. I hope you play this weekend!"

"G'nite!" Cindy said as they exited.

After they left, I said, "Cindy, Mizz Sara wants to know if you want to work for her Monday and Tuesday of next week."

Squeal! "She does? What's he want me to do?"

"Help her with her filing. I know you know the alphabet."

"I can do that," she said.

Helen looked at me. "Really?"

"Yes ma'am! Cindy's got her first job. They'll even pay her. Cash!"

Helen smiled. "Ain't that somethin'. What about Saturday night?"

I looked at Cindy. "You up to it, princess?"

"Yep! I'm a star!"

"Yes you are! The brightest star in Beanpole, Alabama!" I flipped open my cellphone and punched up a number.

"Jim," I said.

"Heeeyyyy, Dan! What's up?"

"I got us another gig for Saturday night if you an' the missus are up for it."

"Oh, just a second." Off the phone I heard him put the question to the wife. He got back on the phone. "Yep! We're up for it. Same astronomical pay?"

"Yeah, and the undying admiration of a couple dozen aging Yankees."

"Six thirty?"

That'll work.'

"'Kay. Cindy's gonna sing?"


"Great! The crowd won't boo a pretty girl." He laughed.

"Then between Cindy and Ann we're safe, huh?"

"You got that right, buddy. She's hollering for supper now. I'll talk to you later."

"Okay, buddy! Talk to you later!" I turned to Helen and Cindy. "Helen, tell the judge to put on his overalls for Saturday night. We're on!"

"That's great!" Helen exclaimed. "We'll be there."

"As long as you don't expect too much..." I laughed.

Cindy added, "We have fun. Looks like some people enjoy that."

Helen smiled as we bid her good night, climbing into the truck. Once inside, Cindy asked, "D'you think we're riding enough to be able to do catfish tonight?"

"Yeah," I said. "I think so."

"Then catfish for supper." And we headed out the park gate.

Thursday mid-morning, my cell phone rang. I looked at the screen. Helen. "Hey, Helen. What's up?"

"Jim Hardesty just called. Wants to know if he can see us tomorrow at 9 AM."


"No," she said. "He said he wanted to talk about something called an IEP."

"Oh ... He mentioned that a while back. Trying to see what he can do for Cindy."

"Can you make it? I know it's short notice, but I'd rather not go without you there to interpret."

"I can be there."

When I met her and Cindy at the office after work, Cindy asked the first question. "What do you think this is about?"

"Nothing bad, baby. Dan's trying to get you where you can do yourself some good. You're marking time in middle school classes."

"Tell me about it. I'm the assistant math teacher now. I even do remedial students."

"Good," Helen said. "It's good that you help other folks."

Cindy grinned. "It's fun when they want help and want to try. I don't work with 'em if they don't want help. The real teachers get those."

"I can see where that's a good idea," I said.

The three of us chatted for a few more minutes before we exited to go chase the elusive Alabama salad. Having made the little restaurant a twice a week destination, we were greeted like old friends, and we didn't leave immediately after the meal, either, because we usually talked with one or both of the owners after the meal.

We returned to the trailer feeling the coolness of a fall air. After showers, Cindy said, "Turn the heater down. Makes snuggling so much better."

I can find nothing wrong with that sentiment. We stayed up playing cards until ten and then I turned the thermostat down to fifty-five and crawled into bed, aiming for a spot beside Cindy. Except Cindy was a moving target and I ended up between her legs, her arms around my neck, and her face home to big smile. We kissed.

"D'you know that I love you?" Another kiss.

"Yes, I do, little girl," I said. "And I love you too." I felt her moving her crotch underneath me, her moist slit engulfing my hardening dick.

She giggled. Another wiggle and I slid inside her and she sighed. "Mmmmmm ... You feel sooo good, babe!"

"We really do, don't we?"

"Uh-hmmmm..." Her mobile form was surging against me, meeting my thrusts with her own enhancements. Then she giggled. "Let me suck you, babe. Sixty-nine?"

"Oh, yeah!" I said. She spun around, tossing the covers off us and presented me with moist pink perfection. Her little clit was excitedly peeking out of its home. I licked the length of her slit, my tongue ending up against its firm little head and I flicked it a couple of times, eliciting moans from the lips encircling my dick.

"Mmmmm!" she said, holding my dick in her hand. "When you do THAT, I'm afraid I'm gonna lose control and bite you too hard."

"Babe," I said, "You just bite me as hard as you want. I love eating you." And I went back to the happy meal in front of me. She hooked her teeth right behind my dick's coronal ridge and as promised, her teeth bit. Not hard. Just right. And she sucked. And I licked. Her hips became more insistent, pushing her pussy against my mouth, encouraging me. A subtle change in her flavor told me she was just about there. I sucked her clitty in between my lips and flicked with my tongue. And she went over the edge. My dick came out of her mouth and she held it against her cheek as she came. Finally she turned her head sideways and chewed on my like an ear of corn, then said, "Your turn!" And she sucked me into her mouth. The combination of hand, suction and tongue, plus the heady scent of her pussy, and I went right over the edge myself. After the second spurt, she giggled, sucking the subsequent surges from me.

"I love making love with you, babe," she said.

"You're the very best, Cindy. Best ever."

She cuddled into my side, her hand reaching down and idly fondling my soft dick. "Really? I mean, you're the only man I've ever been with, but I know you've been with other women."

"And baby, nobody ever comes close to being a better lover than YOU are."


"Really. With others, sometimes I would think afterward, if only THIS was different or she did THAT or felt like THAT, or stuff. I had my fantasies about how it was supposed to be. But then YOU came along, and it never crosses my mind that it could be better. And fantasies? I didn't have enough imagination to dream of how it is making love with you. Really!"

"I love you, Dan. I will never love another man."

"And I will never love another woman. I have this ring on my finger, but I have YOU in my heart and in my head."

"Thank you, baby." She kissed me and we drifted off to sleep in each other's arms, the sounds of great music on the stereo. Sweetness in the night was rolling over half-awake and feeling her body seek mine, molding against me as we shared warmth together.

Friday morning and the alarm was on, and we were up and bustling around. Our ways parted per the morning routine, and I went to work, arranging my events to let me get loose to attend the meeting at school.

Nine AM found me walking into Jim Hardesty's office behind Cindy and Helen and Jim.

"You folks can sit down," he said, smiling.

We sat. Cindy's eyes cut to mine, then Helen's and then to Jim.

"Here's a deal I want you to think about."

"Okay," I said. "Lay it on us."

Jim fingered a stack of papers on his desk. "I talked with the curriculum people and the standards people and we all reviewed Cindy's grades and test scores, and they talked with her teachers and the principal. And me."

Cindy fidgeted, uncharacteristically nervous.

"What I came up with, and THEY approved, is a plan that has one Miss Cynthia Susan Smith, age fourteen, graduating from HIGH SCHOOL with the current high school graduating class IF she completes a couple of hurdles.

Cindy giggled. I was just a small bit short of flabbergasted. Helen's mouth was ajar.

"She graduates? THIS year?" I asked. "What are the conditions?"

Jim smiled. "It all hinges on two tests. Her teachers told us that she's TEACHING math and science and history and language. This kind of put us in the position of having to prove her depth of education, so they say if she takes college placement tests, specifically the ACT, and scores in the top quintile, and if she takes the state's high school exit exam and achieves scores of competent or better, they'll give her a diploma. And letters of explanation and reference that she can use in any university in the state."

Helen looked at me. I looked at Cindy. Cindy was smiling. "What?!?!?" I asked her.

"Piece of CAKE!"

It was Jim's turn to look perplexed. "Piece of cake?"

"Yessir," Cindy said, hiding a self-confident smirk, and doing a poor job of it. "You see, you have these test prep books in the library, and they have sample tests for the ACT. And I took 'em. ALL of 'em. And the lowest score I ever got was a twenty-eight."

"My gosh," said Jim. "I had a twenty-four. Twenty-eight is inside the top ten percent."

"I managed a twenty-five, and I was an eighteen year old geek. I told you she was scary smart."

Helen finally spoke. "So let me get this straight. By next summer, Cindy'll be a high school graduate and then..."

Cindy said one word: "College!" She looked at me, then Jim. "Engineering school."

Jim snickered. "I guess then, that you folks are agreeable with the plan?"

Cindy's eyes twinkled as she answered for us all. "They agree."

Helen said, "Hmmmph! I guess I need to see about a college fund."

Same as Cindy
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What Happened at the Pool

So here is what I missed.......I hope you all enjoy...Angelique.....xxxxx Later that year me and 2 other friends from school were staying with another friend from our class. Her parents were very wealthy and they had an indoor pool. We used to like to skinny dip and lay about around the pool naked together, her parents were cool about that, especially her father, and we used to giggle at the silly excuses he made up to come into the pool room when we were all there naked. If her parents...

1 year ago
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Illicit Chemistry By An Indian Woman With A British Boy

I am matt from Britain. I came to pune india for a holiday a friend of mine who is working in united India got me a room to stay for a month nearer from his office in 2013. Once I went to his office an hour before his wrap up. He was lecturing a couple of training staff from south India. As I was waiting one woman was constantly gazing at me. She did not even make a flinch of an eye. After the class I met my friend and was about to start. The woman came to us and asked him “Who is your friend?”...

3 years ago
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Evie Gets Her Reward

I went downstairs to the kitchen, carrying the cold tea. As I walked into the kitchen, I could see up the drive through the window. There was a car parked at the top of the drive, a taxi. I ran back upstairs to Mistress Sarah. “Mistress, are you going out again?” I asked. “No dear,” she replied. “why do you ask?” “There is a taxi parked at the end of your drive. It looks like the same one as yesterday,” I said. Mistress Sarah smiled and said, “Evie dear, I’m not sure, but I’d guess it’s...

2 years ago
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A Tale Of Crossdresser

Hey, this is my first story that I am writing but not definite new to the glorious crossdressing field, Kindly forgive me if there are any mistakes, suggestions are welcomed people who are moving to Bangalore or in Bangalore if they want to my friends or a hook up we a cross dresser can contact me at m First, I don’t have a perfect girl figure but I wanted to be dressed as a girl, do a girl activity from a long time but it didn’t come true. I always used to wear my mom’s clothes like bra &...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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I will count to ten now

I am a brat. I really identify with that role. I am not talking about the princessy brat that feels entitled and special. I am the kind of brat that pokes, that says no with a twinkle in her eye, that tries to manipulate her way out of things. I love being forced to do things things, to fight over power and control. Heck, I love wrestling to get shown that the Dom is the superior! And I love saying “Make me!”. I used to be involved with a Master that I had a very special connection with. Our...

3 years ago
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A New Beginning and Beyond Book 1 In the BeginningChapter 19

The next 3 days were a blur of boredom, chores, and school. The only bright spot was a surprise call from Ellie on Sunday. I didn’t recall giving her the house number, though I could have. “Barnim, it’s so nice to hear your voice.” “It’s nice to hear your voice as well. So, how’s your day going.” Ellie must have heard the questioning in my voice. “I’m sorry if I overstepped Barnim. I actually had to make a couple of calls to get your phone number.” “It’s ok. Thing is I’m very particular...

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Flossies RevengeChapter 18

One of Nathan’s sisters, Bernadette, to be exact, was also away from the house that Saturday. She went to the library. That was because she already knew how to make biscuits, while Hilda Mae was in the process of learning that time honored craft, along with the mysteries of making the gravy that went with them sometimes. Miz Hopkins was just leaving when Bernadette stepped up on the porch. She explained she was going to town, to do her marketing, but that Bernadette was welcome to go on in...

4 years ago
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A good beginning

One day I saw my maasi and maasaji having sex. Maasi was in her late 20s and maasaji was about the same age too. I could see him massaging her large boobs with one hand. His other hand was under her bums. He was going up and down on her at a very rapid rate and saying ah ah ah all the time. One of her hand was on his shoulder. Her other hand was inside his bums massaging his ass hole. Her sari was all crumpled up and bunched up at her waist. Her blouse was open and the boobs were hanging out....

4 years ago
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Sally awakes Chapter 10

I got a call from Sue. She told me she had taken a booking from a buck’s night to do a show and asked if I was interested. When she told me how much money they were offering I was in. I didn’t want to lie to dad and told him about it. He figured it wouldn’t require me to sing or dance. He guessed what sort of show it would be if Sue was involved. He just said “be careful honey” and that was it. He was rather vigorous in bed later though. I think he was getting used to idea that I was happy to...

3 years ago
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The Love ExpressChapter 19 Lance Dissolved

March 18th, 1995, 2:45 PM PT; Omni William Penn Hotel; Pittsburgh, PA Justin growled at the ringing phone. It had woken him up and he didn’t like being woken up at all. He wondered who had the utter gall to place a phone call to him and wake him up. Justin looked angrily at the phone for several more moments before summoning the wherewithal to reach over and pick up the receiver. He was tired and achey and really couldn’t be bothered by any of this phone stuff. Upon picking up the receiver,...

1 year ago
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Drunken Stepdaughter

100% fiction! I don’t know if this counts as incest or just great fun for a lucky mutha fucker. As few years ago one of my stepdaughters came live with us for a while. She was not a very hot chick but was sexy. I used to lie awake at night fantasizing about going into her room and fucking her and often imaged her face while fucking her mum and this got me off big time. One day she was out drinking with her hot friends and her mum was at work , when I decided to sneak into her room and smell her...

3 years ago
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Young Lover in Hotel Room Seduction 3

I hope you are enjoying this as much as I am. Paula is incredible. Wait until you read what happened next!!! As we dressed after our shower (she had a shirt and shorts in a pool bag) I discovered that Paula was being accompanied by her Aunt Z who had had an allergic reaction to some shellfish they had had the night before. Her aunt had been married for five years when her husband lost control of a motorcycle and had gone into the front of a semi-truck. That had been just over a year ago. ...

3 years ago
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A Simple AffairPart III

We lay in each others' arms for a long time after our initial lovemaking session. It felt so natural holding Cheryl close to me, as if we had been together forever. She proved to be a compassionate lover, knowing exactly when to give and when to urge me on. It seemed as if we meshed perfectly when we made love, like a soft hand fitting into an equally soft glove. As much as I wanted to spend the night, I knew that it simply wasn't possible. I had to return home so as not to raise any suspicions...

1 year ago
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BrownBunnies Hazel Grace Hazel8217s First Shoot

Hazel Grace has been a webcam model for a few years now, but she’s been trying really hard to get on a Bang Bros shoot. Well, today is her lucky day! We’re here in the heart of Miami and we’re ready to watch her get FUCKED! Her beautiful face with a bubbly personality makes her seem like your quirky best friend, but i’d bet your bottom dollar that your best friend can’t suck dick like her! She is a master of orgasms. They have intense sex and she cums over seven...

1 year ago
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gang bang and abused

About four months ago I met William in a bar and we started talkingHe was Bi and invited me to a party later that night, said things would be quite interesting. I am not gay but had wanted to suck a cock for a long time and had dildos up my ass in the past so I said what the hell, lets go!Bad mistake.we got there, probably 30 guys and there were three women, bit tits, thick bushes, good looking if you could see them thru the cum on their facesAs soon as I got in the house I was told to...

4 years ago
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The hunter pushed through the undergrowth, his rifle raised as his keen eyes scanned the treeline, alert for any movement or tracks that might betray the beast he was trailing. He steadied his wide brimmed hat, decorated with the claimed fangs and claws of previous kills. Those hunts had been challenging, but this creature was different. He had to be meticulous, it had already killed the private security personnel who had been hired to protect the compound. At their wits end, the company had...

3 years ago
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Fucking Office Colleague In Train

Hi friends mai Raj (name changed) from Mumbai. Agar koi sundar ladki ya lady from Mumbai/Navi Mumbai want to have secrete relationship/sex /sex chat mail me at satisfaction guaranteed and secrecy more guaranteed. Ye kuch hi din pehale mere sath ghati meri real life story hai jo mere aur meri office colleague Nisha (name changed) ke bich ghati hai. Dosto ye true story hone ke vajah se thody lengthy hai lekin mai assure karta hu ki aapko read karne me maja aayega. Mai apna mba finish karne ke...

2 years ago
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Mamavin Mundru Pengalai Oothen

Vanakam nanbargale enathu peyar Anbu vayathu 19, uyaram 5’5″ paarpatharku azhagaga irupen. Enathu veetil naan oruvan matum thaan annal enathu maamavuku 4 pen kuzhanthaigal, athil oruval matum thirumanam aagi vittathu athanal ennal avalai adaiya mudiyavillai. Enathu petrorgal ennai muzhu aandu vidumuraiyil ennai mama veetil vituviduvaargal. Angu maama mami matrum enathu mundru muraip pengalum irupaargal. Nanggal anaivarum santhoshamaga irunpom. Naan oru aandu vidamal angu sendru viduven, appadi...

3 years ago
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Being Toyboy To Love

Hey friends. I am Arnav from Pune. You might have read my previous stories but this one is something different. It is a real story of me and a mature lady I met through this site. So let me introduce myself first. I am a 23-year-old guy from Pune, 6 feet tall and handsome. So let’s begin the story. It was nearly 2 years ago. I was in 3rd year of my college and had just posted a story of my experience with a neighbor of mine. I received many replies and one of them was of this lady, Ramya. It...

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New Job

I recently started a new job and with it came a warehouse of young men and a few areas to hideaway for some masturbation if it was needed.   As I got my tour on the first day I noticed not only the guys, but areas that I could possibly hide away for a few private moments but like most places of work there was always the chance of being seen.   After the first week I noticed a few of the guys were being just a little more friendly than the others.   One in particular would wink at...

Wife Lovers
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Lesbian Slave sex

Hi am Amy and I am a sex slave to Ms Catter (Any) and Ms Larane (Denise) I am 20 at 5 foot 9 with long golden blound hair nice large tits and a clean shaven pussy with a tight ars and long smooth legs to top it off (I have a very flat stomach) The 2 masters are both 30 with brown hair perfect size tits clean shaven pussy's and a tight small ars. My work is simple enough, turn up on saturaday and be there sex slave for the weekend for a bit of extra cash. Now one day I turned up for work on my...

3 years ago
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Wife Does DogsChapter 9

The pony, with his balls emptied, had lost interest in the proceedings. He was a horny horse, but not romantic, and he turned away. His fat prick was starting to soften. As the pony turned, the thick cock swung around like a firehose, slapping Wanda in the face. The girl lapped at his prick-knobs whimpering as she tasted his slime. But her twin sister was slathered with most of the stuff and only a few thick drops remained for Wanda. She licked them up, slobbering onto his shrinking cockhead,...

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Highway Lust

It was a fine summer afternoon. I was driving north on I95, somewhere between Richmond and Washington D.C. I had put the top of my remodeled MGB down and was tooling along in the fast lane going about 75 m.p.h. I spotted a white car coming up fast out of my rear view mirror, so I moved over to the middle lane. As the Jaguar overtook me, it slowed down until it was keeping just even with me. I looked over and saw that a gorgeous looking brunette was driving all by herself. She seemed to be...

1 year ago
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The Sexy Roommate

Eighteen-year-old Katherine Sparks moved into her dorm room to find gothic-looking posters up on the right side of the room. She planted her box of stuff on the single bed on the left. A busty pretty girl with long black hair in a black skirt and short cut top with heavy gothic makeup on walked in. She turned to her."Hi, you must be my roommate, I'm Nina Davis," she said and shook Katherine's hand. "Katherine," Katherine replied. Her blue eyes lingered down to her roommate's bust and...

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Voyages of the St Veronica Ch 04

No sooner had I released the poppet from her bonds then it became needful to refasten her. Alarms called from above warned of sail hailing into view on the horizon: perhaps a simple rumrunner, perhaps a ship of the line. ‘Fair Bitch, I must interrupt our pleasures. My duties call. I leave you here, safe in my cabin, bound for your own protection. Be assured that you enjoy the protection of my officers and crew, no matter the outcome, while still they breathe. ‘I am relaxing the arm bindings...

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A Fatherrsquos Dream ndash Part IV

It was a month since Raghu has changed his life style. He used to be out of bed early. By the time we got up he will be back from gym, which he has joined recently. He will refresh within 10 minutes and will be out. He used to have breakfast sometimes at home and most of the times outside.That day my wife went to call him for breakfast but came back with a disappointment on her face and I understood that he has already left for the day. He would return somewhere around midnight after everyone...

3 years ago
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Wet Surprise

Sandy was a beautiful, 32-year-old, real-estate agent in Atlanta, Georgia. She was about 5'6" tall, and weighed approximately 125 pounds. She had deep blue eyes, golden blonde hair, and an infectious smile. Her beauty and friendly manner had helped in making Sandy a very successful real-estate agent. Though she had inherited a great deal of money from her family, Sandy also worked very hard. She had struggled her way to the top of one of the largest real-estate agencies in central...

4 years ago
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Florida State Won and They Didnt Even Play

When I married my wife, my sister-in-law, Tammy, was a gangly college teenager. She favored my wife in many ways, except Liz was slightly less-developed and six years older than her sister. After Liz and I married, we moved to another State, about twelve hours from where her family lived, which was something Liz preferred.We’d visit Liz's family at Christmas and in the summer, but that was about the extinct of our face-to-face contacts. Liz stayed in contact with her family through social media...

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Would You Like Ketchup

She had the sweetest voice. Cheerful and friendly; not the kind that’s drilled into you by managers, but sincere sounding. It’s hard to tell by a voice, but I guessed her to be young, probably college age, since the university was just down the street.“Fries, please. And a diet Pepsi.”I smiled as she repeated it back, putting a little pop into the ‘p’s.“Will there be anything else?” she asked, her voice not losing any of its allure despite issuing from the metal box just left of the menu...

2 years ago
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A Summer to Remember Would You Believe it

I was her Big Brother, Dear Abby and Father Confessor. Her Shoulder to lean or cry on and the one person whom she trusted, here. Trusted in all things, in all ways, beyond all others she knew here. I was her semi-constant companion, her guide, her drinking buddy and her friend. I knew more about her, understood her better, than any other she had ever known. In short... I was too close for her to consider a romantic relationship with. She loved me and couldn't imagine her life here without me,...

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