- 4 years ago
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* Although the first four chapters of this novel are considered non-consent/reluctance, which will be the main sexual actions occurring in this whole novel, this chapter itself does not contain any actual nonconsentual sex.* Hope you enjoy…
‘Well, I won’t bore you with the details, but if he wakes up tell him not to make anymore phone calls, unless they are to me. And if he doesn’t wake up, well…I’ll be back in a week or two, try to stay alive until then. Chow.’ With those final words she casually stood up and left the room, leaving me tied to the bed as your head continued to bleed, creating a growing stain on the floor.
Anger and terror warred within me as I lay there, helpless. Slowly, with fierce determination, I tried to pull my wrists free of the ties, until I could feel them become slick with blood. Swallowing any pain I continued to work at my wrists, trying desperately not to look at your prone body. I tried not to let myself wonder if you were dead or alive, mainly because I couldn’t decide which I would prefer, and what the significance of either decision was.
I lost track of time as I struggled, slowly tearing away my flesh until my wrists could slide out of their restraints. When finally my left hand pulled free, leaving pieces of flesh behind on the ties, I sat for a little while, stunned, my mind momentarily unable to process the fact that I was finally free. It wasn’t until I untied my right hand and looked at the raw meat that was once both of my wrists that I realised I only should have worked on getting one free, so that the other wouldn’t be injured. Of course, hindsight is always 20-20 and I never was all that good at planning ahead.
After trying unsuccessfully to stand numerous times, I finally allowed my legs to submit to the pain shooting through them from being still so long and sank to the ground beside the bed. Unsure where else to go, what else to do, I crawled on my hands and knees towards you. My legs became cold, damp and sticky as I crawled through the blood that had was congealing in various places around you. Ignoring the gash on your upper thigh that looked like it had just recently stopped bleeding, as well as the patchwork of bruises that covered you like a shirt, I moved forward until I was able to gently cradle your head in my hands.
Fighting to steady my breath, I felt your skull, fervently praying that whatever head wounds you received had already stopped bleeding. For the first time in what seemed like forever the gods heard my prayer and I felt my hands skim over a mass of clotted blood near the base of your skull. Then I realised that stopping bleeding was not necessarily always a good thing… Unconsciously holding my breath I let my hand rest against the side of your neck, trying to feel for a pulse. Unable to find one I began to press my hand against your neck, desperate to find one. I had to stifle a gasp as you moaned against my hand, your throat vibrating softly, making the search for a pulse redundant (as well as making it obvious how useless I was at checking for signs of life).
I knew I had to escape, but my consciousness made me wonder if, despite everything, I could mercilessly leave you here to die. God, I knew it was foolish, but caressing the few strands of your hair that weren’t matted with blood, and seeing the bruises that covered your whole upper body, not to mention the slash on your thigh and various other abrasions, I knew my answer.
Without a second thought I quickly went to the bathroom and soaked some towels in warm water, filled up a small pail of water, and grabbed all the medical supplies I could find. I didn’t even consciously realise that I was once again able to walk as the adrenaline poured through my body. As an afterthought I rinsed my tattered wrists, hoping they wouldn’t become infected – god knew I had enough problems already in my life.
With a patience I didn’t know I possessed I slowly and carefully pulled you further into the bedroom and away from the coagulated blood. I then rinsed the blood from your hair and cleaned it and your head wound as best as I could, trying not to allow myself to get sidetracked as I felt its silky thickness. After rinsing a few blood splatters from your face, I was unable to stop myself from lowering the cloth to your lips, watching as the water moistened them. You made a small sound in the back of your throat, but whether it was from pain, enjoyment, or delirium of some sort, I had no idea.With military precision I washed down your chest and arms and began washing your legs.
As I neared the wound on your upper thigh I slowed down almost completely. With a feather-like touch I brushed the cloth against your leg, afraid to reopen the wound. I was so focused on your leg that I gasped in shock when I felt your hand encircle my wrist just above where the flesh was torn.
‘May…’ Your voice was barely a rasp of sound whispering from your throat as your hand continued to lightly grasp my upper wrist.
Unsure what to say I fumbled for words in my mind. Just when I was about to speak I felt your grip begin to lessen and your hand fall away before your eyes slowly slipped shut again. All my concentration from before was gone though, leaving my hands shaking as I hurridly finished cleaning your wounds. Only seconds after I was finished, utterly exhausted, I collapsed into unconsciousness on the floor beside you, barely able to push the towels out of the way before sleep claimed me.
The feeling of your hand softly stroking the side of my face slowly roused me from my slumber. Opening my eyes I was immediately confronted with your face, mere inches from mine.
‘Thank you.’ Your voice was filled with emotion as you whispered those two words.
Unsure what to say, still struggling to wake up, I tried not to enjoy the feeling of your hand as it moved from caressing my face to tracing sinuously abstract shapes across my ear lobe and down my neck.
‘No one has ever done that for me before…Why…why didn’t you just leave?’ I could hear the amazement and the confusion in your voice as you tried to understand.
Unsure what to say I fell back on a half-truth, ‘I didn’t have the strength or the energy to leave.’
Even as I said the words I knew they weren’t true and I felt compelled to continue, ‘and I…I just couldn’t leave you. After what they had done to you, I wasn’t sure if you’d…that is, I…You needed my help.’
I wasn’t sure how you would react to my words, to the fact that I had witnessed your weakness, but I was completely shocked when you leaned the distance between us to lay a gentle kiss upon my forehead.
‘This is nothing compared to the millions of things She has done to me in the past, but never, in all the years since I have become hers, has anyone Ever tried to help me…Thank you.’ Once again I was at a loss to decipher the emotions that filled your voice, but your words made me wonder if maybe, hopefully, something had changed between us.
As soon as I realised what I was thinking I began to wonder was there an ‘us’? Could we somehow be together? And, even more importantly, did I even want to consider that? I still wasn’t sure I could trust you, and the more I thought about it, the less I wanted you fully recovered and in complete control again, but I wasn’t sure exactly what the hell it was I actually did want. Even that wasn’t true though, because my body kept betraying me, and whispering to my mind that all I wanted was you, in any and every way possible. At least, I hoped it was my body doing the whispering, because if it was my heart, I knew I was doomed as well as stupid.
Your breath feathered across my cheeck, slowly aiming for my mouth, giving me plenty of time to turn away before your lips tenderly pressed against mine. Your tongue began by languidly tracing circles across my lips, giving me the choice to deny or consent to its invasion. I swallowed your tongue, foolishly welcoming its seige. My hand
s snaked around your neck as the kiss deepened, twining in your hair as I held you against me.
‘Yesss….’ Your voice was muffled against my mouth, causing me to reluctantly pull back to figure out what you said.
‘Yes, oh please yes…’ Your head tugged against my hands slightly, pulling away from them as you tried to get closer to my lips again. Immediately I heard your breath catch in your throat.
Momentarily unaware of your sudden pain, I began to kiss you again until I finally realised what I was doing. My hands let go of your hair immediately as if their flesh was being eaten away by acid.
‘Oh my god, are you all right? I’m so sorry, I wasn’t thinking, here let me check your wound.’ My words rushed together in one breath, but before I could lean behind you to see if I had reopened the wound on your head, you had taken hold of both of my arms, effectively seizing my attention.
‘Don’t stop, please. I…trust me, I like it rough. You can’t do anything to me that I won’t enjoy, as long as you Please don’t stop…’ Your words were like a fevered confession whispered between us, but before I could fully finish processing what you had said your lips were pressed against mine, this time much more forcefully.
Your hands branded me, igniting a fire in me as they seemed to touch everywhere at once, masterfully coaxing reactions from my body. When your hands grabbbed mine and pushed them into your hair, I didn’t even think twice before I followed your unspoken demand.
Pulling your head to the side, I began to bite your neck, my teeth marking you as my own as I became caught up in our mutual desire. I watched your eyes slowly drift shut, consumed by pleasure, or so I thought, as I continued to mark you. When finally I left your neck to kiss you once more, I was surprised to find your mouth completly unresponsive. Pulling back slightly and running a hand down the side of your face, I was shocked to find that you had fallen asleep, or possibly lost consciousness.
Once again I placed my hand against your throat in a panicked attempt to measure your heart rate. It would be just my luck if you died while we were making out! Not completely incompetent, this time I managed after only a few seconds to feel the beat of your heart beneath my hand. Its strong and steady rhythm helped to reassure me that you were okay, just more tired from your wounds than either of us realised.
After your sudden slip into la la land I desperately was craving a hot bath. Quietly I tiptoed out of the room, making sure I didn’t disturb you. After a minute or two of debating, I finally decided to use the vanilla bubble bath instead of the lavender and chamomile. Despite the latter’s relaxing properties, the comfort that I always felt whenever I smelt vanilla strongly outweighed any other choices. Plus, although I always found it a sensual smell ever since I read those Laurell Hamilton novels vanilla has been a major turn on for me. As the water was still filling I slowly lowered one foot into the tub, gasping at its heat. Ever since childhood I had preferred nearly scaldingly hot baths – the type where your skin turned red and you became lightheaded from the heat.
The water stung my flesh in what seemed like hundreds of places as it came into contact with the broken and bruised skin that covered my body. I held my wrists above the water, not quite ready for them to come alive with pain when the water touched them. It wasn’t until the tub was almost half-full that I allowed my wrists to touch the water as I slid down the tub, towards the faucet. Gasping at the pain, I quickly slid all the way towards the faucet, planting my feet on the floor of the tub as I began to do a back bridge in the water.
As my body arched upwards the scorchingly hot water began to splash against my inner thighs. Immediately I sucked in my breath, the heat of the water nearly painful as I continued to arch upwards, bending my body backwards. I placed my feet on the side of the tub for better support, allowing the water began to pour down my inner thighs, running towards much more sensative flesh. Breathing deeply I arched all the way up, gasping in pleasure as the water poured into me.
My body shook with effort as I tried to hold still and simply enjoy the sensations of the water filling me, pouring over me, making me burn from the inside out. Balancing my weight carefully I brought one hand to touch myself, at first brushing it softly against the hairs that were just starting to grow back. Impatient with desire as the water continued to pound my flesh my hand began to stroke my clit, rubbing it with nearly frenzied motions as my hips began to thrust against the water.
I felt tremors begin to echo through my body, causing me to begin shaking. For some reason it was always like this in water, completely unlike when I masturbated normally or when I was having sex with someone. Maybe it was because of the awkwardness of my position, or because of the heat of the water, or hell, maybe it just was. The reason why no longer mattered as my body began to shake uncontrollably, almost causing my feet to slip. I wrapped my feet around the faucet, oblivious to its heat as I struggled to keep myself under the water despite my lack of balance and the tremors that were now causing my whole body to shiver.
Even as I fought to keep my hand stroking myself, my ability to do anything beyond breathing was gone, and even breathing was questionable as I lay panting, shuddering, and whimpering in overwhelming pleasure. My hand had long stopped moving as I squirmed against the water, fighting not to move out of the way as I shook violently with pleasure. Just when I thought I could take no more and was about to move, my own body exploded, shooting forth its own burst of liquid to join with that water that overfilled me.
My whole body felt as liquid as the water as the shaking receded until it was once again just small tremors that rocked my body. Bonelessly I unwrapped my legs from the faucet, using my foot to shut off the waterflow. Ignoring the nearly overflowing tub, I began to slowly sink underwater, completely content.
‘Wow…if I had known you’d enjoy a bath so much, I would have encouraged you to take one sooner.’ Your softly spoken words completely shattered the dream world I was begin to absorb myself in.
Unreasonably self-conscious I crossed my arms and legs, trying to hide myself from your view as I ignored the delicous laughter that filled your voice at your teasingly gentle words. Looking at you carefully, your body leaning heavily against the wall, I was worried you were about to fall over. Any defensive or caustic remarks I was about to make died before they were fully formed as I began to worry about you.
‘How come you’re up? Are you okay?…’ I let my voice trail off, hoping that you were all right and trying not to think of what you had just witnessed. After everything that had already transpired between us, this was minor in the grand scheme of things.
‘I…you weren’t beside me when I woke up…I…I thought maybe we weren’t alone again and…I had to make sure you were okay…so yeah…’ You refused to make eye contact with me as spoke, making me realise how much it cost you to admit that.
I had already known in some warped way you cared for me, but somehow, this little bit of true caring seemed to make it all real. Suddenly no longer concerned I let my hands slip from where they were covering myself, no longer wanting to hide myself from you.
Your hungry smile was the first indication you approved of the view, the second was when you began to walk into the room. I could tell that you were fighting not to use the wall to support yourself, but once again I underestimated your injuries until you stumbled, nearly hitting your head on the ledge by the sink.
Within seconds I was beside you, my naked soaking wet body slipping against yours as I brought your arm up around my shoulder, while my other hand wrapped
around your waist trying to support as much of your weight as possible.
‘I’m fine, you don’t have to do that, I just tripped.’ Your feeble attempts at being macho were wasted on me as I helped you walk towards the bath.
Leaning almost fully on me you stripped off the boxers that you had gotten from who knows where, then began to put your foot in the water. With a tiny little screech you jerked backwards, pulling your foot from the water and nearly causing both of us to topple over.
‘Holy shit, are you trying to burn yourself alive?!? That’s fucking Hot!’ Your voice echoed off the bathroom walls.
‘Yeesh, who would have guessed you’re such a suck?’ My voice held a teasing note as I calmly drained some of the water, refilling it with ice water to make it more bearable for you.
Once again using me to steady yourself you slowly put the tip of your toe into the water to test it. Despite the fact that your caution made me i immediately have to stiffle my laughter as best as I could, I was still rewarded with a dirty look as you finally got into the tub. If I hadn’t been trying so hard not to laugh I would have been miffed that you didn’t realise how hard I was trying not to offend you, but I still was battling laughter as I debated where I should sit.
Although I had a slightly larger-than-average size bath, it still wasn’t quite big enough for both of us. Whoever designed this ‘two-person’ tub must have been thinking about two tiny women together I thought wryly as I finally decided to sit behind you so that you’d be inbetween my legs. I thought at first you’d complain at the position, but when you just held out your arm to support me I gracefully slid into the tub, managing not to hurt you or my wrists as I wriggled into a comfortable position.
As soon as I was comfortable there seemed to be an awkward pause as both of us sat quietly, then you slowly leaned backwards into my chest, cuddling up against me and dispelling any tension that had been forming. Without thinking about it my hands naturally began to massage the muscles in your upper back and neck, drawing any stress out of your body. Slowly you began to relax more and more against me, until your weight was fully against me. Wrapping my arms around you I lightly hugged you from behind, trying not to admit to myself that I was truly clinging to you for support. Luckily you must have sensed my emotions, because you kissed my shoulder lightly as you leaned your head against it and wrapped one arm upwards, partially hugging me back.
‘It’ll all be okay. Everything will work out fine…’ Despite how reassuring the words themselves were, I could tell instinctively that you didn’t believe them.
‘I know.’ Maybe just saying the words would make them come true?
I was happy you were in front of me, unable to see, as I silently began to cry, knowing that we were both doomed. More for my own comfort than yours, I once again began to gently massage your back, this time allowing my hands to just barely touch your flesh as they glided over you. It wasn’t until my hands began to get sore and my mind was in knots that I finally stopped. I was relieved when whispering your name confirmed what your deep breathing had suggested – once again you had fallen asleep.
Sighing heavily I leaned against the back wall as my hands absently stroked your back in your sleep. Even though I tried not to let it, the real world heavily weighed upon my mind as I began to trace the lines of your bruises, playing connect the dots with your discoloured flesh. After trying for awhile to lose myself in the feel of you beneath my hands, I finally gave up and admitted to myself what I had known all along, that we were not in a good situation.
The last hour or so in the bath though had helped me to mentally confirm what had to be done. I knew we somehow had to escape, because at some point in the past week I realised I had grown attached to you and I wasn’t sticking around to see what she planned for me and there was no way in hell I was going to leave you to Her not so tender mercies. All I had to do was decide for sure if I could trust you, convince you to come with me, manage to get both of us away (alive of course), and if at all possible figure out a way so She wouldn’t ever bother us again. But really, how hard could that be, right?
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PRE-COLLEGE (September 2001) She was already there when I arrived. It was a glorious morning, with blue skies and the sweet smell of flowers and the trees around me. Life was moving on. Cherys turned from her spot and smiled at me. For a second I hesitated, unsure of exactly how to greet her. There had been no repeats since I took her 'virginity', and I wasn't expecting there to be any either. We'd had our moment together, a culmination of long held fantasies. And yet, we hadn't...
A week went by, and Billy got paid and bought the bed he promised. It was big, too big for his car, so we had to use Dave's van to bring it home. He grunted and struggled to drag it into the house. He struggled more to get it set up in the room. But now we had a bed. Finally, we slept together side by side. I clung to him and he didn't seem to mind. Little pinches, a few kisses. "Please fuck me." That night, after he finished me off – again with his fingers – he didn't leave and sleep...
It has been almost twenty five years since Doug Mitchell came home from Viet Nam, a war he never understood, but one in which fought, because his country called. Some of the things he saw sickened him, and to this day have made a lasting impression on him. He would like to forget it all, but a decision he made back in l973 makes that impossible. In 1971, Saigon was a wide open city with more than the normal number vices to lure the young american soldiers. From gambling casinos to opium dens to...
EroticAfter a horrible plague, and subsequent decline in humanity, society was becoming desperate to survive and created a "cure", to combat the side effects of the plague, that turned a great number of the surviving population into vegetables. Thankfully, in the year 3027, Dr. Jayson Cannter made a significant breakthrough in the treatment of coma patients. He figured out that through stimulating the brain with sexual images, it helped more than half awaken from their comas and return to...
Mind ControlWilling I rented the old farmhouse for the summer so that I could become a hermit for three months and write my book. It was perfect. It was out in the middle of nowhere and miles from anyone. The nearest neighbor was at least three miles away. There was electricity, running water, and even a flush toilet. Other than that the place was pretty sparse. There was a fireplace and plenty of wood stacked out back. The best part was no television, no telephone, and no Internet to distract...
Author's Note: this story is a sequel to AFU: Body Switch. In this story we follow the body thief Bill to California where has kidnapped a guy and had him surgically turned transformed into a 12-year-old girl. The story will explain the rest. Unwillingly Trapped Chapter 1: An Unwanted Life This story takes place 8 months following the theft of Regina Adam's former body. The body thief Bill Campbell is known living in the mountains outside of LA California. Have...
Willing To Try Anything My sixteen-year-old sister Alexxus is ripe sexually and willing to try anything. So I decided to take her to an underage drinking party. I am her eighteen-year-old brother. When I said that Alexxus was sexually ripe I meant it. At sixteen she was already five feet six inches tall and weighed one hundred and twenty-five pounds. The doctor said that she was absolutely perfect and I certainly agreed with him. She had long naturally wavy back hair, a fairly tiny...
This story contains some socially unacceptable ideas and themes, so if you prefer a lighter hearted romp through rainbows and unicorns try a different story. Continue on if it floats or sinks your boat. Thanks for your patronage! ~WP ++++++++++ "I have brought you all here for a reason" the stocky tall guy yelled from the front of our smaller sized room. Twenty of us laid out bound at the wrists and ankles on a hard cement floor. He walked through our crumpled contorted masses and...
With her legs over her head, the flat plane of her sex was open and exposed, the cool air in the dark barn blowing along her naked body, goose bumps exploding on her body. She tried not to look as the men began to take off their clothes, but there was too many of them, gathered all around her, seven naked older men, thick cocks jutting out of their bodies all bobbing in front of her. She looked over at Scarlett, but she had a strange look on her face. Not fear, more curiosity, her tongue...
The thirteen year old was running. He ran away... He ran aimlessly. His heart beating so hard that it felt as though it was trying to jackhammer its way out of his chest. His saliva felt thick, tough in his mouth and a long string hung down from his chin. The blood roared in his ears, drowning out all other sounds until that was all he could hear. He didn't hear the traffic, present, even if it was sparse, at this time at night, half past ten. A soft whisper in the background. The constant...
Unwilling Tutor Unwilling TutorSynopsisWhen Kathy's father finds his daughter is a whore and is failing all her exams, he gives her to an ungainly tall genius boy to tutor her for the summer. Unwilling Tutorby obohobo WarningThe text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. MF NC Spank RomIf you are underage or offended by such material or, if viewing this file is illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this file-story now. This is a...
Unwilling Nude Models I live behind a very popular bar. Actually I live one street over but the back of our property lines touch and I can see the back of the bar very well from my bedroom window. Like I said it was a pretty popular bar and it does a lot of business, especially on Friday and Saturday nights. I can tell when the waiting line at the lady’s room gets too long because the girls start coming out back to pee. There is a gate in the fence that separates the bar from my...
‘MMmmm…’ Your wordless reply sounded just as tired as mine. Snuggling against you, I wondered briefly if you would be there when I woke up before sleep overcame me. Dreaming of making love to you, I never felt my body being tied to the four poster bed, nor did I feel your tears land against my skin… I awoke in the morning feeling wonderfully stiff. Every muscle in my body ached, reminding me of last night’s incredible sex. I would like to call it love making, but unfortunately even I sometimes...
Willing Participation I was at loose end, so decided to try the new strip club that had recently opened up. On arriving I was informed that the club was strictly “Members Only”, and that the fee for the year was $50. The door fee would be $25. I filled out the application form, and noted a whole load of “The undersigned agrees to blah blah blah” legal mumbo-jumbo, and who reads that stuff? I signed and paid my $75. I was handed a ticket with 24 printed on it. The show had yet to start. I...
Willing Participation I was at loose end, so decided to try the new strip club that had recently opened up. On arriving I was informed that the club was strictly “Members Only”, and that the fee for the year was $50. The door fee would be $25. I filled out the application form, and noted a whole load of “The undersigned agrees to blah blah blah” legal mumbo-jumbo, and who reads that stuff? I signed and paid my $75. I was handed a ticket with 24 printed on it. The show had yet to start. I...
ExhibitionismWilling to be a Mistress By Enclosed Lady ? enclosedlady (at) yahoo (dot) com Dedicated to: Claudia and Sir Marc from Canada ----------------- This is a long story and English isn't my 1st language, so you might findsome mistakes. Hope everyone enjoy. Adult story +18 evolving F/f. ? Feedbackwelcome. ----------------- One chloroform handkerchief clamped over my mouth and nose as soon as I enteredmy friend's house. I tried to get rid of the grip, but was too late. I wokeup hours later,...
I sat there crying through my tears as I stared at the debris of what had once been Emma's life- piles of books and makeup and clothing all spread around her room whilst we decided what to give up and what to give away or sell at a car boot sale. Emma had been a great sister to me even though we did not always get on well together, and we had created an entire imaginary world together. That was before the cancer got her. After that she went downhill very fast, losing her hair to the...
Summary - A happily married couple both submit to her Dom ex-lover.Willingly Cuckolded for LoveWarning: Please note this is a story about cuckolding that includes gay submission...if these do not appeal to you please don't read.0. PrologueMy wife is the complete package. She is beautiful (blonde hair, green eyes, 36C breasts, legs to die for and a smile that would melt Jack Frost); she is intelligent (a hotel manager by trade, an avid reader, politically involved and challenges me at every...
WILLING SERVITUDE by Throne Paul, now his wife's devoted maid, helped her prepare for her date. He was, as always, in his sexy uniform with its frilly cap, well-fitted top, and flaring skirt, and of course the usual stockings and heels. As he helped her zip up the tight red dress that clung to her full curves and that showed off her cleavage and legs, he thought back to how his present life had started. Had it really been five years since he married Zara? The memories of meeting her...
For the first part of this story, see Willing Slave, by dj_oh. My bedroom was ready for him. It’s his playground. I always lay all the toys out on the end of my bed. Rope, wrist and ankle cuffs, clothespins, nipple clamps, a couple of dildos, anal plug, wooden spoon, a plastic plumbing tool he likes using on my ass. There’s always a red candle lit. I never know what he is going to use or how. He has me lie down across the bed, face down. I’m wearing only a garter belt and thigh highs....
For the first part of this story, see Willing Slave, by dj_oh.My bedroom was ready for him. It's his playground. I always lay all the toys out on the end of my bed. Rope, wrist and ankle cuffs, clothespins, nipple clamps, a couple of dildos, anal plug, wooden spoon, a plastic plumbing tool he likes using on my ass. There's always a red candle lit. I never know what he is going to use or how. He has me lie down across the bed, face down. I'm wearing only a garter belt and thigh highs. ...
Unwilling By Fullfilled Making New Friends I was careful not to park my car near the bar or have any anyone see me go in that place. It was late evening and the streets were emptying. I walked into the bar scared, curious and hoping for an experience that I had thought a lot about lately. I had fantasized about having oral sex with another man. The sleazier, the better. I imagined what it would feel like. I sometimes imagined myself as a sexy woman pleasing her man,...
Unwilling Victim of Seduction - Part 6I followed Karl Peabody into his private church office. I saw his big screen computer monitor was on. A window was showing the face of my daughter Emmie. She was smiling toward the camera and her voice said, "Hi daddy!"Karl's voice was saying, "Your daughter was just telling us about you two having sex in the shower! You fucked your daughter and popped her cherry! That's awesome, Jack! Awesome! I have to congratulate you on a really good move! I can't wait...
IncestUnwilling Victim of Seduction - Part 5Before the congregation could finish the last song and benediction, I slipped out of my pew and down the outer aisle and headed to the restroom, hoping that no one would notice the big wet spot in my suit on my crotch and down my right leg -- caused by my daughter masturbating me. I got into the restroom and, seeing no one about, I looked in the mirror while I lifted my right leg. Wow. It was a big, big wet spot. Even through my boxers the semen had soaked...
IncestI’m twenty-seven and in grad school. This semester I’m working as a TA in order to get a few extra credits. I’m married, but I still get the attention of many of the male students, which is why I wasn’t surprised when one of my student frat boys invited me to a frat party. Of course I declined because what business would I have at a frat party? It’s not that I would actually care, but I’d feel especially out of place at a black frat house. Harold was very persistent and told me it wasn’t really...
Interracial-This is a bisexual story! -Must have proper grammar and spelling. -Must make sense with plot. Remember the victims are freaking out inside, but are extremely limited in response unless Alex allows it. Alexander is currently a college student. He has one dad and three brothers his mom left him when he was five, since then he has had his gift. Alex has used his gift subtly before, but now that he's on his own with a roommate named Justin attending BAGIA (Boys Academy Gifted In Arts) he no...
Mind Control*(To recap, click this link for the previous installment [ ] or start from the beginning [ ])*It had been three days since my punishment began.Not allowed to touch myself. Not allowed to have sex with anyone else. Nothing. And he had built me up to an orgasm, only to deny me the release.He hasn't called me. Texted me. Or even emailed me. Nothing.I ache all the time now. It's at the bottom of my...
*(If you have NOT read any of the previous parts, may I please ask you to dos before reading further, thanks!)*I placed the cell down. I quickly reached into my panty drawer and came out with a pair of black lace panties (I have a lot of those) and slipped them on. I threw on my red, silk robe and tightened the belt. I ran my hand through my hair quickly. I picked up the cell and walked out to the living room of my little apartment.I glanced down the hallway where I had just bound and...
I stood at the beginning of the pier, cell to my ear, looking back at Slainte, at *him*. Waiting for his order, to tell me what I wanted to do and how to do it, feeling small and needy...and desperate.“Tell me what to do...”I heard him chuckle over the cell, “First, in your purse, is there a pen?”I dug into my purse and actually found a ballpoint pen, “Yes.”I watched him smile. He tapped his mouth as if in thought....fucking tell me...A contented sigh came over the phone, “Very good. Still...
Against my better judgment, there I was at Slainte.I dressed in a nice, dark blue skirt, white blouse, no sleeves. I even did my hair and makeup.I walked in out of the sunlight, somewhat blinded n the darkness of the bar. I stood for a moment waiting for my eyes to adjust. Of course, there he was at the bar, giving me a small wave and a smile.I really wanted to slap him. Hard.I sat down next to him, actually there was a stool between us. He patted the empty stool, almost like an order. I...