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I rented the old farmhouse for the summer so that I could become a hermit for three months and write my book.

It was perfect. It was out in the middle of nowhere and miles from anyone. The nearest neighbor was at least three miles away. There was electricity, running water, and even a flush toilet. Other than that the place was pretty sparse. There was a fireplace and plenty of wood stacked out back. The best part was no television, no telephone, and no Internet to distract me.

I plugged in my computer and started my latest romance novel. My hero was a cowboy set in the late eighteen hundreds, working his farm, and taking care of the ladies on the next farm. In my story there were three women living alone without a man. There was the mother and her two teenage daughters. They were starved for sexual attention and kept coming to my hero for sex, lots of sex, and all kinds of sex. He could do just about anything to any of them at any time of the day or night. He never had to go to them because they were always coming to him.

In the first few days I had a pretty good start on my story and I was happy. That evening before it got dark I decided to build a fire in the fireplace and relax with a bottle of wine.

An hour later a pickup truck came flying up the road with a big cloud of dust behind it. It came to a stop and three women got out of it and rushed to my door. They opened it and rushed in without even knocking. They didn’t know that I was there and were concerned about the place burning down. My car was in the barn so they never saw it.

Anyway after a brief discussion we introduced ourselves. Bobbie Jo was the thirty-four-year-old mother, Penelope was her sixteen-year-old daughter, and Marguerite was her fifteen-year-old daughter. I told them that I was thirty-six, single, and a writer. Bobbie Jo had actually read one of my book, in paperback, but at least she had read one.

I offered her a glass of wine and she asked if she could read my latest story. I didn’t normally let anyone read my stories until I was happy with them and they were published, however Bobbie Jo was something special…and she reminded me of the woman in my story with the two daughters.

She read a couple of pages and told me to give her daughters some wine too. Then she sent us all outside to talk while she read my story.

Penelope and Marguerite were wearing tight blue jeans and button shirts. They talked about boys constantly but not in a childish way. They were quite mature for their ages and interested in finding a really nice man and settling down like their mother had. Then they told me about their father dying several years ago in an accident.

About an hour later Bobbie Jo came out with another bottle of my wine. The bottle was half-empty. She filled our glasses and we drank them dry. A few minutes later she sent the girls into the house for another bottle of wine saying that she was heading into town in the morning and that she would pick up some more wine for me.

Just as soon as the girls were out of sight Bobbie Jo pulled her T-shirt up over her head to reveal a perfectly rounded and tanned set of breasts. She stood there topless and said, “I haven’t had sex in quite awhile, you can have me any time you want, and my daughters too.” It was a line from my book that she was reciting. Then she put her T-shirt back on before her girls returned. We finished that bottle of wine too and we were all feeling pretty good. It was getting late when Bobbie Jo said, “I can spend the night if you like, my girls can find their own way home.” Again it was a line from my story. I was tempted to say yes but like my character in the story I said no the first time that she asked me. I got a kiss on the cheek as she pressed her breasts into my chest…just like her character did in the story. Then they left.

That night I lay in bed thinking about the possibilities for my story and those same possibilities in real life. Did my story imitate life or was life imitating my story. I fell asleep dreaming of the possibilities.

In the morning I jumped out of bed and started typing into my computer with a new zeal. My mind was full of all the sexual things that I wanted to do to that woman and her two daughters. I typed nonstop for probably ten hours before I heard her pickup truck pull up out front. I stopped typing and ran to her, she was alone as she had been in my story, and I kissed her. Bobbie Jo responded by kissing me back. She said, “I told the girls not to wait up for me.” Again another line from the story that she had read the day before. I wondered if I should let her read what I had written that day.

She begged me to let her read it while I unloaded her truck. She had two cases of assorted wine bottles, a few bottles of assorted alcohol, and some food. I opened up a bottle, poured two glasses, and handed her one. I sat down near her as she read. I watched her massage her breasts through her clothes, harden her nipples under that T-shirt, and then slip her fingers down into her tight blue jeans. She could not reach what she had desired. She paused from reading just long enough to open her jeans and slip then down past her crotch. She then went back to reading and slipped her fingers down into her panties. She fingered herself the whole time she read my story and she shuddered in orgasm several times throughout. Apparently I had a real winner in the story that I was writing. I also had a real winner in the woman sitting before me.

When she stopped reading she turned to me and said, “That was good. My daughters and I can help you fulfill it and maybe give you enough ideas for two more books after this one.”

She stood up allowing her jeans to fall to her ankles then she stepped out of them. Her T-shirt went up over head again and she stood before me in just her moist panties. She was a fine figure of a woman and very desirable. Her structure was solid, she had nice curves, and she was willing.

The fact that she was willing to fulfill my story line was more than enough reason for me to keep writing. If for nothing else just to see how far she and her daughters were willing to go. I knew from past experience that my mind had no limit.

Bobbie Jo kissed me like she had the night before and pressed her breasts into my chest. In my story, the first time my characters made love it was on a bearskin rug in front of a roaring fire on a cold winter’s night. We didn’t have a fire, it wasn’t cold, and I didn’t have a bearskin rug either. However, Bobbie Jo was willing to pretend that my house was a cabin set in the eighteen hundreds.

Together our minds pretended, as our bodies acted it out. Bobbie Jo and I melted to the floor with a passion that neither of us had know for quite some time. Our limbs intertwined, our bodies meshed together, and our lust grew. Hell, my cock grew in size, it seeked out her pussy, and it crawled in all by itself. The first time I realized where it was, was when Bobbie Jo said, “Oh God that feels so good. I haven’t had a man inside me in ages.” It was another quote from my story.

From there on it was just wanton lust that carried us through the passion that was building in us. We made love, we fucked, and we had sex for hours. I could not get enough of her and she could not get enough of me either. Bobbie Jo was everything that I had ever dreamed of as the main woman in all of my stories. It was as if my mind had created the perfect woman, given birth to her, and then put her before me. That evening we only had vaginal sex but we had it in several positions. I liked being in control but I also liked it when she got on top. I enjoyed her breasts as she fucked me, then she turned around to face my feet, and I enjoyed her ass then.

In the morning she fixed breakfast for us and climbed in bed with me to eat it. Then we talked about the previous night, future nights to come, and her daughters. Bobbie Jo was willing to bring her two daughters into our relationship and into the story that I was writing. She was sincere and even gave me suggestions as to what I could do to the three of them and have them do to one another.

We made love one more time in the bed of her pickup truck before she left. She promised to drop off one of her daughters later to spend the night with me. She said that it would probably be Penelope and that she was a virgin but that she had been using a dildo for about a year. I kissed her and she drove off.

I then wondered how I could get a dildo in my story. I considered the possibility of drying out a bull’s dick, stuffing a donkey’s dick, or just letting a dog fuck them. What about carving one out of wood, making one out of clay and baking it, or just using veggies like corn on the cob, carrots, or cucumbers. All of my thoughts were plausible but what would a horny woman in the eighteen hundreds use as a dildo. I would have to ask Bobbie Jo when she arrived.

After dinner Penelope came clomping up to the porch on a horse. She was wearing a dress right out of the pioneer movies. She reminded me of Laura on ‘Little House on the Prairie’ that I used to watch...only much prettier. She got down and tied the horse to my railing. Penelope then quoted another passage from my story, “Momma sent me over. She said that it was time that I became a woman. She said that you would know what to do.” I smiled and told her that we should put her horse in the barn first, so we did.

In my story it was springtime when I took the oldest daughter’s virginity near a pond after she had been bathing. Penelope knew of a pond not too far away and walked me there. Along the way she told me that her mother had had a long talk with her and her sister Marguerite. She told them about my book, how sexually exciting it had been, and that the three of them were going to help me live it out and possible a few more books too. She was excite to help and she was excited about loosing her virginity too. Then I asked her what a young girl in the eighteen hundreds would do about a dildo. She didn’t hesitate to said, “I would use the handle on my father’s leather horse whip, the carved handle on my mother’s silver hair brush that she had received as a wedding present, or I might use the handle on the butter churn like my mother does.”

Wow! Penelope was certainly into roll playing. She was stimulating my mind and my body with her sweet innocents. When we got to the pond she simply undressed and went into the rather chilly water. When she turned around her nipples were hard, her small breasts glistened in the sun, and her pubic patch looked divine. I was impressed that she had worn a bodice that tied in the front like a shoelace. Her pantaloons were crotchless, as they would have been in the old days.

Shortly Penelope was walking out of the water and toward me. She was shivering and goose bumps had risen on her arms. She walked into my arms pressing her cold breasts into my warm chest leaving two round wet spots on my shirt. She said, “Take me right here in the grass with the birds singing and the clouds floating in the sky.” Again a line from my current book.

Penelope asked, “Did it hurt when Murphy took Clementine’s virginity? I just want to know if I should scream out just a little as you penetrate me.”

I laughed and replied, “I hardly think that will be necessary. After all you have been fucking yourself with your father’s bullwhip, your mother’s hairbrush, and the butter churn handle. Just enjoy it was if it were your first time to have a man’s cock in you pussy.”

Penelope said, “It will be.”

I laid her down in the grass and let her look at the sky while I started to lick her pussy. She reacted just like her mother had the night before when I had licked her pussy too. Penelope shivered and grabbed a hold of my head forcing me tighter into her crotch as she raised her legs up around my ears. After her first orgasm I started working on her nipples as I stimulated her clit with my fingers. After her second orgasm I inserted my cock into her virgin pussy. It was tighter than her mother’s pussy had been the day before and if felt nice. Hell, it felt wonderful. I had never had a virgin before. I knew that Penelope would remember her first time for the rest of her life, so I tried to make it a good memory.

As I fucked into that young teenage woman’s body my thoughts went back to the eighteen hundreds and my book. I could see Clementine lying there under Murphy loosing her virginity too. Then as her third orgasm took her over and I started pumping my semen into her body as she cried out softly, “Oh God, I needed that. Thank you Murphy. Thank you. Oh thank you.” I had not written that in my book I would certainly add it. I had to smile as she too had thought of me as Murphy from my book.

Penelope then asked me if she could walk back to the house with me, naked. She said that she didn’t want to wash me off from her either. She wanted me to stay in there as long as possible as a memory. I assured her that I could replace it from time to time but she wanted to keep it in there anyway.

We walked back to the house carrying our clothes. I fixed us some dinner and then we settled in for the evening. While we were gone Bobbie Jo had placed a bearskin rug on the floor in front of the fireplace. Penelope just curled up on it and I cuddled into her. We talked about her dreams of an education, a husband, and a career. Then we made love on that rug and fell asleep in front of the fireplace with a down comforter over us.

The following day belonged to Marguerite. She already knew what her mother and her sister had gone through. She also knew what I had written about her alter-self Mary Jane in my book about our first time. However, she had something else in mind that she wanted to happen.

Marguerite had long blonde hair past her waits but not long enough to sit on. We had her horse and she had read about Lady Godiva. So obviously she wanted to ride around nude with me on the horse behind her. I was required to be naked too. I could fondle her small breasts and her juicy virgin pussy as we rode around the nearby countryside. She slipped forward so that she could rub her clit against the saddle horn and let the horse masturbate her. I acted like her living bra from behind. She had two orgasms when she decided that it was time for us to have sex.

She stopped the horse and let it graze as she swung around in the saddle in front of me. She struggled to get in a position to be able to get her pussy over my cock but she finally managed to get the job done. Then she had a change of thought and had me slip forward with her still attached until I was sitting in the saddle and had the reins in my hands. She giggled about the saddle horn rubbing her asshole instead of her clit…then we were off. That time the horse did most of the work as we made love. Marguerite bounced as if she were alone on the horse. It was a very nice feeling and her hard little nipples kept brushing against my nipples as she bounced up and down on my cock. After a while she cringed, wrapped her legs around my back, and started to orgasm. That was enough for me to climax in her. It was good for us both but it was a sticky ride home for her in that saddle with our combined juices flowing out of her abused pussy and coating it. That night we slept before the fireplace too.

For the next three days the three women let me work on my book. It was so easy to write. I had enough thoughts to finish it and did. Then I wanted Bobbie Jo to read it over before I sent it to my publisher.

So in less than two weeks into my three-month stay I was done. It was simply miraculous. However, Bobbie Jo had said something about me having enough material for two more books. Why not! I certainly had my three women for inspiration.

They suggested that I just do two more books about the excursions of Murphy, Clementine, Mary Jane, and their mother whom Murphy would marry.

Once again life would imitate my book and Bobbie Jo would become my wife. Penelope and Marguerite stayed with us for several years and I wrote several more books about my three women. Making love to my stepdaughters was always a pleasure but making love to Bobbie Jo was even better. Life was good.

The End


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DARK CARNIVALA STORY OF HORROR AND RETRIBUTIONFICTION BYAMANDA WRIGHTERCOPYRIGHT © 2012, WWW.CRAZYXXX3DWORLD.COMCHAPTER 6 Kelsey O’Neil “Would you please quit stressing out, mom? You’re making me nervous!” I complained as my mom dug through my boxes…again. “I just feel like we forgot something!” “It’s fine, mom…really! I will be fine!” “Oh, I know you will be honey, but you know how I worry.” She reached to give me another hug and finally I managed to shoo her out of the door. She’d...

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Couples Massage my favorite story

Miles and Dawn were your typical upper-middle class couple. Living in the suburbs, dealing with the usual stress of work, k**s, and bills, they often took separate trips for an hour long massage. She was an older masseuse and trusted by Dawn to give nothing more than a real massage with no "happy endings". Their relationship was strong and sex life was great. They were both on their mid-thirties, strict about diet and exercise and considered very good looking by friends. They loved each others'...

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TeamSkeetExtras Eva Elfie I Suck Cock While Sightseeing

I love sightseeing, and today I get the chance to check out a huge castle from an incredible vantage point in the hills. Walking around the trails while mist rises all around gets me into a romantic, lusty kind of mood, so I bend down and wrap my fingers around my man’s thick rod. I love how it tastes on my tongue, so I let it slide deeper into my mouth, sucking while the rain drizzles all around. I can tell he likes it as he fills my mouth with his hot cum. This delicious blowjob is a magical...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 10 BridgetChapter 65 A Meeting of the Minds

March 23, 1997, London, England After Jiang made her request to walk with me and said I could buy her an ice lolly, I stole a quick glance at Pippa who showed only a hint of a smile, but her eyes gave away the fact that she’d told her ‘best friend’ about our encounter. To me, mentioning an ‘ice lolly’ was tantamount to a declaration that Pippa had done exactly what I suspected, and Pippa’s look confirmed it. And I had the sneaking suspicion that inviting Jiang had been, in effect, a...

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How we started in the swinging lifestyle true sto

Hi everybody. It is so nice to see you again. If we have met before then you know me already. I am writing this mainly for those who don't know me, because I have been asked how I got into the swinging lifestyle too many times so I thought I would just put it here. Just one thing, as you probably know, I like to chat first before accepting a friend. I like to chat but if we are going to chat, I request that... because it is just rude...I know what everyone in x hamster is thinking but,...

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Kala and me

My exams were justs couple of months away. We have a tiny house as other rooms were rented to few tenants. One of our tenant vacated one room few days ago. Due to exams, I was alloted the said newly vacant room for my studies. Being 18 years of age, I had often fantisied of having sex with various actress and models or even women that caught my fancy. A tenant adjoining the said vacant - now my study room was in possession of a tenant and his family which consisted of his wife 55 years, two...

First Time
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Mommy and Daddy Really Love Me

It's Friday and I can hardly wait to get home from school. Tuesday was my eighteenth birthday and Mommy and Daddy have promised me that Tonight will be the best birthday party I've ever had. We're going to spend the entire evening and night celebrating. Now I'm an adult and tonight Mommy and Daddy are going to show me how big people love each other.I've been looking forward to this evening for years. I remember when Daddy first noticed my boobs starting to grow. I had just gotten out of the tub...

4 months ago
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Mom fucked by priest

This is the story of my hot mom getting banged hard by a priest. Hi this is madhi and am 22 years old and am from kerala.My dad is affected by stroke and he is bed ridded and i have a younger brother too and my mom name is velamma and she is 39 years old and we live in a remote village.Our family is struggling a lot after dads condition like this and mom is working as a receptionist in a shop and she suffers a lot for earning.My mom is a sexy hot women her sexy figures are treat to watch.Her...

Cheating Wife
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Could It HappenChapter 2

The elections were held and the voter turnout was an all time high. The proposed amendments to the constitution were all easily approved much to the surprise of the liberal media and the career politicians who were not in favor of them. Most of the incumbent Senators and Representatives were not re-elected. Realtors in Washington D.C. were licking their chops as to what this transition would mean for them in the way of new business. Hal met with the President elect to discuss the specifics...

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Floor Trainer

Hi guys… I am back here again with a real life story..This is about me and my floor trainer at the gym. Her name was annie and she was a christian girl of about 25. She was single and had a very nice figure. She used to workout at the same time normally I used to work out in the gym. After a week or so we became good friends and used to work out together. She even gave a me a diet chart and workout schedule so that it would help me get in a better shape than I was in. She used to give me...

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RawAttack Lacy Lennon Afternoon Orgasm

Beautiful redhead Lacy Lennon is enjoying an afternoon walk with her man. Lacy talks about different things regarding her life and experiences as they walk. After the nice long walk, Lacy takes some rest with her man on his apartment. The naughty redhead still feels horny and wet even after having a public quickie a while ago. The petite babe is quick to get down on her knees to give her stud a nice blowjob. Lacy bends over on the bed and lets her man fuck her doggy style. Moans of pleasure...

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How to properly massage a manrsquos prostate or the ar

We come back today with a new article about men. After the success of our first Opus on the art of kissing a man’s ass, we’re going to explain to you how to continue on this path and offer him a very pleasant prostatic orgasm.The prostate area in men is still an area surrounded by many taboos. The pleasure that can be derived from massaging the prostate is therefore not very easily discussed within couples and is not necessarily practiced. However, it has been proven that P-spot stimulation...

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Chronos Chronicles 3 Journey AroundChapter 9 Lost Boys

For our group, it is another day of tracking. Slowly we move through the woods, trying to find an old trail. Anything Diana can find; Broken bushes, bent branches, a piece of fabric. Nev is bouncing with anticipation. I believe we must be getting close. It is at our mid day meal that she notices a land mark from home. "That tree. It is so old we used to tell stories about it." Nev points to a tree. The tree is indeed old, it has a wide gnarled trunk. Lots of thick branches and seems to...

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Sandy and RandyChapter 8 Mom

Sandy left to see her father with Randy stuck behind due to an illness that his mom determined was just a stomach bug. He’d be ok in a few days but would have to stay at home as it could be the Norovirus, very contagious, but usually not serious unless you were the one that had it. Then you felt like it’s the worst thing ever. But a couple days in, Randy was settled enough that he could sleep. His mom stayed close, taking care of him. Since she had no job at the moment and they had the...

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Lovable Experience With My Girlfriend 8211 Part I

Hello Guys and Girls. I had been reading ISS since last 5 years and have been a big fan of this site. This is a true incident that happened with me last year. This incident happened with my girlfriend. We are in relationship for more than 3 years. Oh!! I forget to mention about myself, I am Prem from the holy city of India Varanasi. This story is about my girlfriend Reena Name changed for the obvious reason 32B-28-32. We were in relationship as long distance as she was pursuing her B.Tech in...

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FamilySwap Charly Summer Katie Monroe Taking Care Of Swap Dad On Fathers Day

What would happen if four families each contributed one member to create a new family? In this episode of Family Swap, Katie Monroe makes coffee for her swap hubby Dick Chibbles for Father’s Day, while Charly Summer makes a card for her swap dad. The girls announce that Dick is such a good swap dad that they’re going to take great care of him today. Katie cleans the room, while Charly gives a nice massage. The girls aren’t blind; they know that Charles has been checking them...

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The Single Life Its Complicated

The Single Life: It's Complicated By RogerGirl Well, it's been about a month since my double date with Ryan and we've been hanging out a lot since then. Now before you jump to any conclusions, we aren't hanging out in that way. We've been watching sports and hanging out as friends. I know people say men and women can't be friends, but I think we have proved them wrong. I've made it very clear with Ryan that we are just friends and nothing more and so far he's gone along with...

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Waterbury Hills High School Teachers Friday Night Fun Club Part II

The three female teachers taught different subjects and were at different stages in life.  But they all had one thing in common.  They were cougars, and they had their sights on Bradley, the young first-year science teacher.Bradley was twenty-three years old, six feet two inches, one hundred seventy pounds, socially awkward, but still adorable.  At first, they saw him as their son, but that changed one Friday morning.  He was gaining confidence as a science teacher but was very uncomfortable...

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The Adventures of Juggs October 2010

October 2010 (Breakfast In Bed) This story is dedicated to the real Juggs. Yes, she's a real person and this story is based on one of my fantasies about her. Thanks, Juggs, for being such great inspiration! Warning: I'm sure you're all sensible people and don't need me to tell you that messing around with asphyxia can be dangerous, but consider yourselves told anyway! "Ohhhhhhh! Ahhhhhhhh! Oooooooooohhhh!" moaned Tony, breathlessly. "I ... I'm ... I'm gonna cummmmmm!" "On...

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Workout with Lara 8211 4

Then it happened again. Her arse, which felt delightfully full, was suddenly empty, and her tensed sphincter pulled her back door shut. She tried to look round but Greg kept her ponytail pulled tight to prevent. Angelina felt his fingers tickle over her sensitive hole again, brushing up the back of her swollen pussy lips and over, smearing a little of her dripping juices from her hot cunt onto her anus. She moaned in anticipation and pleasure, her body tensing up, her firm arse cheeks clenching...

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Dirty Daughter

"Hi baby," you say as you walk into your house after a hard day's work to be greeted by your 18-year-old daughter Kim. "Hi daddy!" shrieks the excitable girl who dashes up to you and hugs you. As she wraps her arms around you, you notice how she looks more and more like your late wife, her mother, with her deep blue eyes, long dirty blonde hair that goes down to the small of her back, her 34c breasts and pert sexy ass, all wrapped up in her 5 foot 9 tanned body. As you hug her back you realize...

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sometimes u r lucky

I couldn't believe my luck. After years of searching I finally found the perfect woman. You are probably wondering what would make a woman perfect in my eyes. Well first off I don't go for the perfect Barbie doll type. I like my women natural in the truest sense of the word. She must be attractive and somewhat in shape. She doesn't have to be athletic, but she must be presentable.With all that said I do have one kink and through the many girlfriends I have had I have never been able to find a...

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A Memorable Train Journey With A Hot Aunty

I was traveling to Hyderabad on Saturday, I had exam the next day around 11.30am. So I boarded my train and hopped into my seat, it was upper birth and the train would start from 5pm from place. So have to something till I sleep which is around 11pm and it would reach Hyderabad early in the morning around 5.30am. So I had brought a book and opened it reading also checked who are there in my compartment. Lower births were occupied by all oldies and even on the side ones. When I looked opposite...

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Hide in Plain Sight2A

Hide in Plain Sight" Part-2A By: Janet Jean This story may be posted on any free site, with author's permission. All standard disclaimers are in effect. Carol decided to escort Alice to Oregon, why? Because "Pregnant Women" do not travel alone. How is Jeff / Alice going to deal with "it?" Why is Jeff so comfortable dressed as Alice? I was in no rush to get home now that the drug dealers were in jail. I didn't need the disguise of a pregnant woman any...

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PrettyDirty Cherie DeVille Mercedes Carrera The One Night Stand Part Three

Previously on PrettyDirty, Cherie Deville walks in on married couple Danny Mountain and Mercedes Carrera having sex in their bedroom, determined to get what is rightfully hers. She pretends to be their sex therapist and influences Mercedes that Danny must be pleased sexually before their marriage crumbles. Mercedes naivet� sets off into a lustful and steamy threesome, igniting rage into Mercedes heart as she watches Danny fuck another woman’s pussy. Mercedes will do anything to make her...

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She had it Naked and Hot at the Holiday Hotel Spa

“We should have a massage at the spa,” said Em to Ambrose, who was leafing through some literature on Iguassu Falls. They were just a stroll away across the resort lawns and down a little track.  “It says to be watchful for jaguars,” said Ambrose. He smiled across the ground floor suite’s living room at Em. He thought she was looking particularly sexy today in a nice pair of shorts and a little top. The french windows in the living area were open and a summer-like breeze was wafting little...

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A King and His QueenChapter 10 Money Problems

Maria entered through the side door of the house humming softly. It was Friday morning and it was her job to clean the house for the weekend. She was the maid. "Hello, Amber." "Hello, Maria. How's it going?" Maria answered, "It's going okay. My son is in the spelling bee this afternoon. I'm going to his school to watch him." "Is he a good speller?" "He's good. He'll do well, but I don't think he'll win." "That's a shame," Amber said. "He likes the sports too...

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Margos Own Story 4 George

But George's family moved away before I got home for Thanksgiving and I hadn't seen him since. Not like I cried a lot. There were other boys, and men. After I transferred to another university, one of those men was my future husband, from whom I kept many secrets - though I clearly was no virgin. We had now been married eight years and I had never strayed. "Margo? Oh wow. Margo!" he exclaimed as we charged together, hugged and exchanged mostly-innocent kisses. "Tell me everything. It's...

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Andrew to Andrea Chapter 2

In all honesty, I should have been mortified by the events of the past few minutes, but I wasn’t…I was excited. I walked into our bathroom and set up the steamiest shower that I thought my skin could handle. I grabbed for my body wash, but realized the scent might be too masculine, so I set it back and grabbed my wife’s. It had a slight scent of vanilla and had a couple of butters and oils that claimed to make skin feel like silk…not specifically on the list, but not specifically forbidden...


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