After The Energists: Championships, Concerts & CompletionChapter 2: Love Shack free porn video

Medway High School
8:16am, Tuesday, November 6, 1979
I ran into Tempe at our lockers before homeroom, and asked her if she wanted to head on down for the Tuesday disrobing session for this week’s NIS students. She looked surprisingly refreshed this morning in her new purple London-Western Gymnastics Club sweater shirt and a pair of black track pants.
Tempe smiled at me and softly said, “I was planning on heading down there. It might be fun to see how the new NIS kids are doing after yesterday’s orientation day.” When she took my hand in hers to lead me towards the side stairs, she gave me a small hip check and asked, “How are you doing after last night’s events?”
“Mixed,” I simply said and gave her a half-hearted smile.
“Mixed, huh. I guess that is a pretty good word, I guess for the awesomeness and ... sadness that I felt. I can’t begin to imagine how your feelings fluctuated, last night. Are you gonna be okay, without Canella and...”
“Again, the best I can offer is a yes and no. Yes because I have a real hope of ... and then no because I know there is a young lady carrying my child, and I can’t do jack about it. Last night on the drive home, I came close selling my soul to the devil ... to be there for Canella and my unborn son.”
“I just can’t imagine yours or Canella’s feelings on this Mike. All I can do is be there for you, and I’ll definitely share any nugget of information we get each time we see Nella,” Tempe softly offered as we rounded the corner to see the relatively large crowd of students here for the Tuesday disrobing session.
Because of everything that was going on in my head, yesterday, I hardly paid a lick of attention to the new group of NIS students or how they were dealing with this second week of the Energists’ social experiment. Only one of my main group of friends had been selected to go naked this week, Andi Whiting. From what little I could remember from yesterday, she was semi-shocked and a little overwhelmed at being forced into ‘nakedness’, even though she had been a naked volunteer several times during our NIS week.
The other eleventh graders in the program this week were: Leo Giesenson, a former St. Pat’s elementary classmate of mine, who was also Andi’s partner; Chrissy Harris, a tiny, almost pre-pubescent brunette; and Norm McNaulton, a backup center and linebacker on my football team, who is Chrissy’s partner for the week.
From our twelfth grade, Cindy Lewicky, from my Latin class, and Tom Barton, a bass singer and percussionist in the school’s choir and orchestra were selected. Cindy was the definite looker in this group of four NIS girls. While she wasn’t Playboy model material, Cindy certainly had an appealing 37C-26-37 shape and a head of beautiful soft, curled shoulder length blonde hair.
The biggest buzz of the morning was that the two tenth graders selected for the program had their parents come by this morning to withdraw them from school. We soon found out that these students were going to complete their education as ‘home-schooled’ students. Tempe and I were super surprised to hear that Kathy Stash, a superb little gymnast, and her NIS partner, Marlon Daniels, a key member of the JV football team, were no longer students at Medway because of the NIS program.
Mr. Williamson looked a little defeated as he walked out of the main office after Mr. and Mrs. Daniels stormed out with Marlon and his older sister, Marilyn on their heels. I then saw Mr. Williamson go over to Cindy Baer and whisper something to her. After a moment, Cindy, a JV cheerleader, responded in what could be a described as a combination of excited-anxiety. After a another short discussion with the VP, Tempe and I saw Cindy smile and give our vice-principal a small nod before he turned to walk into the open space in front of the other now naked, NIS students.
“As some of you may have heard, Marlon Daniels and Kathy Stash’s parents have unfortunately decided to withdraw them from Medway because of their participation in the NIS program. That was their option, and we’ll have to deal with it. I would like to announce to you, that Cindy Baer and Desi Kilkenny have agreed to take their place, and will be partners for the rest of this week. Because this will be Desi’s first time being naked, I have allowed him to remove his clothes in the main conference room, and he will be joining us shortly.”
Tempe and I immediately looked at Sammy, who was standing across the way from us with Cano, Warren and the Lunby twins. Neither B-G nor I could keep from chuckling at Sammy, when she turned to Cano and squealed, “But I haven’t even seen him without clothes, yet.”
“If you don’t turn quick, you won’t be the first one to see his buff body in the buff, Sammy,” Cano laughed as she physically turned Sammy towards the main office doorway. Our naked tenth grader, Desi slowly made his way out into the throngs of cheering students.
“Looking good, Desi!” Giselle Whiting shouted at her naked tenth grade classmate. Desi eased his skittish body out towards the other naked students, and waited as Cindy Baer slowly made her way to that location, too. Desi was a relatively tall and lanky, six-foot-two inch basketball player. His Irish heritage was plainly evident by his pale white skin-tone, and his bright orange colored pubic hair, which was maybe a shade or two ‘orangery’ than Sammy’s copper-colored pubes.
“Cindy, if you’d care to match your partner’s dress code, we can begin with your shortened four day NIS week,” Mr. Williamson said as the crowd was buzzing at the news about Marlon, Kathy, Desi and Cindy.
“It’s a shame you don’t have your guitar with you, Mike or Sammy,” Cindy joked as she made a show of lifting her Montreal Canadien’s jersey over her stocky, but shapely torso. Her firm, conical breasts were soon released from her black bra, which earned more than a few wolf whistles from the guys in the crowd. It wasn’t long before Cindy’s tight Kalvin Klein’s and black panties were tossed in a clothes box along the wall.
“Looking good, Cind!” Ian Hobbs called out to his next door neighbor from their Kilworth subdivision.
Immediately after Cindy performed a little bow for the crowd, Desi moved over to his partner and gave her a small kiss on the cheek as his former semi-flaccid penis had inflated to its full size of almost nine inches.
“Jesus, Mike,” Tempe whispered as she gripped my arm extra tightly. “Desi’s ... penis is a good bit longer than yours, I think.”
“Be careful with that thing, Desi!” Maddie Templeton shouted as Desi’s equipment poked Cindy’s stomach above her thick patch of wiry brown pubes.
“Alright, folks. Head onto your homeroom, please and thanks,” Mr. Williamson called, hoping to end any future discussion of the two new tenth grade NIS students’ body characteristics.
After waving at Cano and seeing her walk in the other direction towards her homeroom, Sammy quickly skipped over to Desi and gave him a hug and kiss, before swatting him on his bare ass to send him towards his homeroom.
Sammy hustled to catch up with Tempe, Jon, Andi, Liz and me as we made our way to the side stairs.
Without beating around the bush, Tempe impetuously asked, “Did you know about Desi’s, uh, equipment, Sammy?”
“I kinda had a notion he was... blessed when I copped a feel after the dance, but I never...” Sammy excitedly replied and left the remainder of her statement hanging for us as we bounded up the stairs.
Jon couldn’t resist the opening Sammy provided there and added after a moment, “You may never walk the same, after Desi gets down and dirty with you, girl!”
“Jonathon Igor!” Andi shouted at her boyfriend but then broke into honest laughter with the rest of us, when Sammy doubled over in faux pain to perform a ridiculous, bow-legged walk.
“That will be a good problem to have, won’t it, Sammy?” Elizabeth laughed as she started to open her locker.
“I’m a little P-Oed now about not being in any of Desi’s classes,” Sammy huffed as she grabbed her flute, music and English notebooks from her locker.
“Poor Wushu is upset that she won’t be able to experience any of Desi’s delights before a few of those tenth grade girls, huh?” I chortled and then stepped back from Sammy, who fired off a half-hearted rear leg sweep in my direction.
“Be nice, Mike,” Tempe added as she moved over to give Sammy a small hug of support.
“I love Cuda’s little digs, Tempe. I kinda know he’s doing okay when he jokes with me ... or us like that,” Sammy responded and gave me a little wink of support.
“Yeah, I can see that,” Tempe softly said as she shut her locker.
“Is something going on with you, Mike?” Elizabeth whispered as she stepped up beside me at my locker.
“I’ll tell you later, Lizzie. Promise,” I replied in a hushed voice.
“Okay. You know Brad and I are here for you, right?”
“And I appreciate that, more than you know, Liz,” I added as I gave her a semi-tight shoulder to shoulder hug.
Trying to switch things away from me, I turned to our one NIS student, Andi, and said, “We’re all here for you, Andi, today, and the rest of the week. If you need anything, just ask, Baby-girl.”
“Can I, uh, ask a favor from you, Cuda?” Andi softly said as she and Jon stood in the doorway to our homeroom.
“Ask away, A-White,” I replied, using the nickname that Tempe gave Andi last week in math class.
“‘Kay ... Do ah, you think that you, along with Jon and maybe Tempe and Sammy could kinda, you know, volunteer to be naked with me this week. See, Leo, my partner, is only in three of my classes. Plus, I’ve barely talked with him in our three years here at school.”
I let out a long slow sigh at Andi’s honest request. When I didn’t say anything to her right away, Tempe gave me a gentle nudge in my ribs to push me into a decision. I took a quick peek at my blonde girlfriend, who gave me a pleading look to agree to Andi’s request.
“Are you gonna need me, us to volunteer each day this week, Andi?” I finally asked to break the silence in the hallway.
“If, like two of you could do it each day; that would be awesome!” Andi excitedly replied when she comprehended the positivity in my words.
I turned to Jon after Andi’s words and asked, “You want today and Thursday, or Wednesday, Friday?”
“I’ll do today, Thursday and Friday,” Jon replied, and then he immediately braced himself as Andi took a short running leap into his arms to cover his face with kisses.
“Hey, kiddos! Homeroom is calling your names,” Mr. Ballas called out from our homeroom doorway. “And, Andrea, Jon ... save that ... for a relief session, please and thank you.”
Tempe quickly grabbed my arm as we walked into homeroom and whispered, “Are you seriously going to volunteer on Wednesday and Friday, now?”
“Andi helped us ... so, yeah, I’m gonna be there for her,” I calmly replied to my girlfriend’s inquiry.
“Will you ... mind if I volunteer the rest of the week?”
“I was half-way surprised you hadn’t already gotten a permanent volunteer necklace and a safety whistle with your initials etched into it,” I chuckled and gave Tempe a sweet kiss on her forehead.
“So, I can go down to the office with Jon after homeroom to get those things?” Tempe excitedly asked.
“Tempe, you seriously don’t need my permission to volunteer. I know you’re comfortable without your clothes. That is why I joked about the necklace and whistle.”
“I still wouldn’t do something like that if you didn’t want me to,” Tempe replied as we headed towards our seats.
“I appreciate that, Tempe, but still...” I said with a smile as she curled her body into her desk.
Cafeteria, Medway High School
11:21am, Tuesday, November 6, 1979
“Sammy! I didn’t know you were going to be a naked volunteer,” Desi excitedly said as he walked into the café towards our little group of eleventh graders, plus Jennifer Rathje.
“She couldn’t fathom seeing her new boyfriend strutting around without clothes, while she kept her hot little body covered up,” Andy Lunby replied.
“And just how do you know she has a hot little body, oh boyfriend of mine?” Jennifer semi-fumed as she playfully wrapped her arms around Andy’s head and then smacked him on the crown of that trapped head.
“Well, she was kinda was naked all last week along with me and you, Jennifer,” Tempe laughed as Andy struggled to escape from Jennifer’s faux wrath.
“Care to take some relief, Desi?” Elizabeth calmly asked when Desi’s penis quickly inflated at the nearness of his naked new girlfriend, along with Tempe and Andi for a tri-color picture of naked teen girls.
“Can we do that ... in our lunch period?” Desi softly asked as the skin tone around his chest, neck and face quickly changed from alabaster white to near boiled lobster red.
“Sammy, Desi, the rear stairwell, and I’ll kinda stand guard ... or uh, possibly the restroom by the varsity locker room should provide you with a little privacy,” I said before I gave a little dig in Sammy’s ribs to get her up and at him, meaning Desi.
“You think we can sneak into the restroom by the varsity locker room?” Sammy softly asked as she stood up and stared at me.
“We’ll check to see if it’s unused, and then I’ll stand guard to make sure nobody goes into it. If a teacher comes by, I’ll come in to give you guys a heads up to be as quiet as Jennifer when she cums,” I chuckled and flipped my hand through Jenn’s long brown locks as I walked past her.
“You’re not right, Cuda,” Andy replied as he pulled Jennifer back against his chest.
“I wasn’t lying, though, was I Andy, Jennifer?” I added as I turned and winked at Jennifer’s blushing face.
“Want me to keep you company by the restroom?” Tempe asked.
“That might seem a little strange, Tempe,” Sammy said as she took Desi’s hand at the end of the cafeteria tables.
“Not if we just sit along the windows and share Mike’s orange,” Tempe replied as she flipped my navel orange in her hand.
“Come on, B-G,” I said as I waited for her at the end of the tables.
As we were walking around the outside hallways, I touched Sammy’s bare shoulder and motioned for her to drop back with me for a second. When my naked bandmate and I had a little space to ourselves, I softly said, “You don’t want your first time with Desi, and possibly his first time with any girl, to occur in a school bathroom stall, do you? Have fun with him, but that’s my two cents opinion on this, Wushu.”
Sammy looked at me for a moment and then she wrapped her arms around my shoulders to pull me down for a short, sweet kiss. She then whispered, “And that is just one reason why we all love you, Cuda. Thanks.”
After I went in the short hallway to make sure the varsity locker room was locked and the restroom was vacant, I motioned for Desi and Sammy to duck into the seldom used facilities of our school. As Desi walked by me, he whispered, “Thanks, Mike,” before leading Sammy around the corner of the restroom.
“What did you say to Sammy?” Tempe asked as we sat on the eight inch concrete edging and leaned back against the cool glass windows of our school’s inner courtyard.
“I just told her that a bathroom stall wasn’t the best place for a first time,” I replied and started to peel the skin from my navel orange.
“Sammy’s not a virgin,” Tempe whispered with a confused look on her face.
“No, but this would be her first time with Desi, and it could be his first time, ever.”
“Gawd! Duh-ha, me!” Tempe said in a self-mocking tone when she thought through the situation.
“Slice?” I said as I held out a piece of my juicy large orange.
“Please,” Tempe replied and then took a bit of my offered fruit. “Dang, Mike. Vhat’s a super sweet orange,” she added as she savored that orange slice.
“Yuppers. I’d eat three or four of them a day if my mom has them in the house,” I replied before chowing down on a slice.
Tempe and I chatted about the distance and pace of our upcoming run which we were going to do in our sixth period class. I had to laugh and suggest a slower pace than Tempe desired, since I still had football practice later in the day and a playoff game on Friday afternoon.
“But I thought you were a fitness ‘wrecking ball’ ... at least those were Brad’s words in biology last Thursday,” Tempe chuckled as she put her hand out for one last piece of my orange.
“Some friend you are?” I faux-fumed and then I handed her one of my last two orange slices. “Fussing at my requested running pace but still wanting some of eats.”
“You love me and you know it,” Tempe replied with a grin as she teasingly nibbled on her last piece of orange.
“Yuppers,” was all I said in response to her spot-on claim as I wolfed down my last slice of orange.
“Are you two taking up permanent residence along the courtyard windows?” Mr. Williamson asked as he walked down the side hallway.
“It’s peaceful, here,” I replied to our vice-principal and my basketball coach.
“Well, technically ... you’re supposed to be either in the cafeteria, or the library when not in a class,” Mr. W replied with a grin on his face.
“But in our NIS reality world, you’re kinda okay with us chillin’ here, aren’t you, Sir?” Tempe softly replied as she batted her eyes and waved her hand in front of her nude body.
“As long as your whole crew doesn’t take up residence with you, you’re fine here,” Mr. W replied with a grin. He then added, “Oh, you cost me a coke, Tempe when you didn’t volunteer, yesterday.”
“Who’d you make that little wager with?” I asked our VP.
“Your favorite art teacher,” Mr. W quickly replied.
Tempe immediately shook her head and laughed when our VP mentioned it was Mrs. Stenn.
Tempe’s response in turn caused me to ask, “And I’m guessing based on your laughter that you and Mrs. S had a little discussion about volunteering last Friday in art class. Right, B-G?”
“Oh, that’s just not right!” Mr. Williamson exclaimed as soon as he figured out that Mrs. Stenn had insider info before suggesting that wager to him. “Our art teacher is going to LOVE the coke I give her later at lunch time, now.”
“You wouldn’t?” I laughed up at our VP.
“I sure as heck will after she hood-winked me with that illegal insider nakedness knowledge,” Mr. W sinisterly chuckled. Before he started to walk on down the hallway, he added, “And you can’t give her any heads-up, either ... or your hallway loitering will come to a quick end. Kapeesh?”
“Kapeesh,” I replied with a smile.
“You’re not right, Sir ... but kapeesh, too,” Tempe laughed.
Just then, Desi started to open the hallway door and I loudly said, “Be nice to Mrs. S, Coach,” hoping to at least keep Sammy out of our VP’s sight in that short hallway to the boys’ restroom and varsity locker-room.
After Mr. Williamson made his way around the side hallway, Tempe laughed, “You can come out now, Sammy.”
“Thanks for that heads-up, Cuda,” Sammy softly chuckled after she peered down both directions of the side hallway like a four-year-old does prior to crossing a street.
“Feeling better, Desi?” Tempe not so innocently asked after seeing the tall redhead’s wet looking, semi-flaccid penis.
“If the rest of Sammy is as skilled as her hands, I’m a dead man,” Desi chuckled as he pulled his new girlfriend into bare chest.
“And you’re looking ... nicely relieved, too, Wushu,” I added as I pushed myself up off the small ledge along the glass windows after glancing at Sammy’s moisture slicked labia.
“Desi’s uh, large equipment isn’t the only thing he has that can scratch a girl’s ... deep itch,” Sammy softly added as she slowly kissed the index and middle fingers on his right hand.
“So, it’s safe to say you’re both good with that short restroom rendezvous?” Tempe laughingly asked as I helped her up from her perch.
“At least until a more appropriate setting can be found for more advanced ... relief experiences,” Sammy hungrily replied.
When Desi had a somewhat cautious expression spread over his face after Sammy’s not so subtle reply, I nodded to him and said, “Do you ladies mind if I have a little B-ball oriented talk with Desi?”
Tempe looked at me for a second and then she gave me a wink. She then turned to Sammy and said, “We’ll see you guys in the café. Don’t be long, ‘kay?”
“Is everything alright, Cuda?” Sammy asked as she stared up at me before she took Tempe’s offered hand.
“I’m great, Wushu,” I honestly replied and waved them towards the back of the school.
With the girls walking away from us, I pointed to the side stairwell and led Desi through the fire doors. Once we were out of sight and hearing range, I leaned against the wall and straight out said, “Sammy’s a real firecracker ... but I don’t think she’d ask you to do anything you’re not truly ready to do, Des.”
“I like her a lot, Mike,” Desi blurted as he ran his hands through his slicked back red hair.
“But... ?” I finally asked as he looked down at his slowly moving feet.
“I’ve only been on one group-type date with her, and now I’ve just been naked with ... and gotten a hand-job from her in a restroom stall. I ... I always thought I would get to really know a girl before things got this, you know, this hot and heavy.”
“Even though you’ve probably heard some wild and crazy stories about me and my exploits, I actually agree with your sentiments. Without this NIS stuff, I would have had to learn a whole lot more about Tempe before doing anything like I have with her,” I said.
When Desi appeared to struggle with putting his next thoughts into words, I added, “If you’d like me to talk with Sammy about not rushing to quickly into the sexual relations realm, I’d do that for you, Desi.”
“Samantha won’t think I’m being a baby or anything for not jumping at the chance of doing more stuff with her, will she?” Desi fearfully asked.
“With the Sammy I know ... once she realizes that you’d rather have a more traditional type relationship, instead of a NIS fast-track one, then I doubt she would be upset with taking things at a more ‘real world’ pace. After I talk to her for you ... just be completely honest with her. I guarantee that she’ll appreciate that quality, and the convictions you show. She’ll appreciate that you’d rather not let your NIS-driven hormones drive this new relationship.”
“You really think she’ll be okay with a slower paced relationship?”
“Oh, yeah. Her hormones may try to tell her differently at times, but the Sammy I know will love a slower paced, romantic type relationship. Now, would you rather talk with Sammy yourself about this without my intervention, or should I have a chat with her? I’ll do whatever you think is best for you and your fiery redheaded girlfriend.”
“I, uh ... I’d appreciate it if you’d kinda talk with Sammy. I’m afraid I’d say something wrong or stupid, and then...” Desi struggled to say as he slapped the cinder-block wall with the palm of his right hand.
“Say no more, Desi. I’ll do my best to talk with her before the day is done,” I added as I clapped my hands together to try to get the younger guy out of his current funk.
“Thanks, Mike. I really appreciate your help with this ... this crazy-ass situation.”
“Come on. Let’s head on back to the café and your crazy-ass girlfriend,” I simply said as I held the doors open for this now halfway grinning young NIS dude.
We got back to the cafeteria with about five minutes left in the fifth period. When Sammy jumped up and moved towards Desi, I corralled her in my arms before she got to him and whispered, “Chill, please. All’s good but we need to talk. ‘Kay?”
“What? Why?” Sammy softly asked as she looked between me and Desi. When I slightly tightened my squeeze around her naked body, Sammy relaxed some and whispered, “Okay, Cuda ... I’m good.”
“You guys, alright?” Elizabeth asked from across the table.
“All’s good, Lizzie,” I replied and allowed Sammy to slip out of my arms, so she could move and give Desi a more civilized hug.
Tempe studied my actions for a moment, and when I sat down beside her she asked, “Do we need to postpone our first run?”
“No, but I will need a few minutes to talk with Sammy, if you don’t mind.”
“Take as long as you need, Mike,” Tempe replied with a semi-concerned look on her face.
“This isn’t a major issue, Tempe. All will be good once I talk with Sammy about something Desi just shared with me,” I softly replied.
Tempe’s smile and gentle touch along my arm let me know she was good with the amount of information I just shared with her. When the fifth period ending bell sounded, I waited for Sammy and Desi to share a soft kiss before I motioned for my bandmate to walk towards the back of the café to talk in private.
Once I shared with Sammy about how Desi was feeling over the NIS ‘accelerated’ events in their new relationship, Sammy dropped her head down on the table and sighed heavily. When she looked back up at me, I saw sparks flying from her eyes as she said, “That is so sweet. I so, so want to just jump his bones after hearing that. That is so freckin’ hot, Cuda! He’s just a taller, redheaded version of...”
“Sammy, stop! Comparing guys isn’t a good thing,” I interrupted her statement. “You just need to enjoy this new journey with Desi. Talk with him, and reassure him that you really are good with taking things at a slower pace ... even though you want to jump his bones. Desi was kinda squirrelly about how you’d take this, so...”
“I will. I’ll talk with him. God, Cuda. I’d much rather move at a slower pace with Desi, too,” Sammy softly said as she lightly karate chopped my right thigh in true excitement. “It’s just that seeing his buff, naked bod ... well, you know.”
Boys’ Locker room
12:29pm, Tuesday, November 6, 1979
“You did what and at what pace, Michael?” Coach St. Georges incredulously asked after he saw me drying myself off with a towel near the end of the sixth period.
“Tempe and I just did an easy four miler on the X-C course in Medway Park ... in a tad over twenty-five minutes,” I replied with a smile on my face. I could tell by the look on Coach’s face that my reply wasn’t what he wanted to hear. “I said it was an easy run, and I didn’t burn myself out or anything, Coach.”
“You’re expecting me to believe that you ran four miles ... at a six-fifteen pace, and that didn’t wear you out any?”
“I think I could go out and run that same course at a five minute pace ... if you’d care to join me?” I countered with a grin on my face.
“No-hoe, sirree!” he laughed at my honest, non-bragging statement. Coach then stared at me for another moment and then asked, “Tempe was good running at that six-fifteen pace?”
“Heck, Coach, I had to pull the reigns in on her a few times. You’ve definitely got a super fit gymnast on your hands. If I recall, she was an OFFASA Junior finalist in the 1500m and 3000m ... as a ninth grader!”
“Dang nation! I hate that Kathy Stash’s parents pulled her out of school, but with Tempe here ... K-Stash’s loss isn’t as big a hit as it could have been.”
“Your gymnastics team is definitely loaded for bear with Jenn, Kalena, Tempe, Jamie and Mariam ... all regional or provincial level dynamos!”
After running his hands through his hair, Coach softly added, “Tempe easily cruised four miles in twenty-five minutes ... Dang!”
“Yeah! I held her back, too, because I knew I had practice,” I chuckled as I pulled my Blue Jays sweat-shirt over my head.
“At least a small part of your brain was working around a beautiful girl,” Coach chortled before he turned towards his co-joining PE office.
“Hey, my brain always works around beautiful girls. That is why they love me!” I laughed in reply.
“Don’t you have Physics, or something, now?” he bellowed from around his office wall.
“Oh, gawd! Don’t I know it,” I groaned.
Missing a week of physics because of my NIS art class modeling sessions put me in a semi-hole with Mr. Chidly’s advanced physics class. Luckily, we were finishing up a section on Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion or the ‘Equal and Opposite Effect’ Law, which I had plenty of experience teaching as a professor of kinesiology. I was a tad surprised that Chid didn’t throw me under the bus in class on Monday after being out the whole week. That was another small example of him having a small heart, I guess. However, I had a feeling that my one day’s NIS grace period with my ‘past-future’ teacher-nemesis was about to end.
Boy, did I hit the nail on the head ... with Chid using an eight-pound sledge-hammer, too!
Once the students were situated at their work stations in Chid’s class, he stood at the front of the room and smugly asked, “Mr. Nevins ... would you care to explain using Newtonian terms how you are able to either run like a wild deer on the football field or jump through the roof to dunk a basketball, please and thank you.”
“If I have a choice, I would care not to...” I chuckled, half-way buying myself a moment to organize my thoughts after being put on the spot like this. When the class ‘ohhed’ and ‘ahhed’ at my initial response, Mr. Chidly barely shook his head negatively, so I quickly added, “Running is fairly straight-forward and simple, so I’ll do my best to describe dunking a basketball in the Newtonian terms you requested, Sir.”

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