After The Energists: Championships, Concerts & CompletionChapter 4: Twelve Days Of Christmas free porn video

Mike’s Bedroom, Bryanston
8:41am, Saturday, November 10, 1979
I had just thrown back the covers and was about to crawl out of my bottom bunk, when the air alongside my bunk crackled. I immediately knew my computer was about to materialize. When it appeared, the McGregory’s number was flashing on the screen.
‘Answer it,’ I thought and then heard Paul ask, “Is Mike there?” over the speakers.
“What are you doing calling me before nine on a Saturday morning, Dude?” I tiredly replied and rested my head on my bent left arm and hand on my bunk.
“On your ‘puter, huh ... and still in bed,” Paul chuckled.
“I had just thrown the covers back to head to the bathroom. What’s up, Paul, and how are your better halves?”
“Well, I’m up ... obviously, and I just called to tell you that Mike and Time Bandettes will have a little competition next Friday in the NIS band challenge,” Paul laughed and then excitedly added that small nugget of news.
“So, you and Mom2 convinced both of your better halves to get up on stage in the buff, huh?” I replied.
Paul had already told me earlier in the week that he and their new keyboard player, Steve Deetson wanted to enter the contest. However, he and his mom were working on convincing both his girlfriend and their band’s namesake lead singer/guitarist, Shania Twain, and his twin sister, Cathy on the educational merits of entering the contest.
“Yeah. Bertha had a heart to heart with Shania the other day about her dreams of getting out of Timmins. Well, Mom convinced Shania that this band competition could provide two possible roads for that.”
“Oh, yeah,” I interjected. “I can see the value of possibly being discovered for your music or maybe...”
“The scholarship potential, too,” Paul added, which surprised the hell of me. He then added before I could comment, “Shania is as smart as she is beautiful and talented, so going to college on a scholarship really piqued her interest, Mom told me.”
“Ahhh. So what trick did Mom2 take with the older McGregory child?” I asked with that little dig at Paul being the five-minute younger twin.
“I’m not certain but I think Mom might have guilted her some ... you know by telling her that she could prevent Steve and Shania from possibly going to college without one of those scholarships. But I really think that she challenged Cath’s pride by telling her that none of the younger Bandette girls were afraid of being naked on stage.”
“Bertha definitely knows how to pull Cathy’s strings ... probably without Cathy even realizing she’s being a female Pinocchio,” I chuckled.
“Hey, opinion please!” Paul succinctly said and then paused for a moment before he asked, “Do you think it would be okay for us to play that, ‘Here’s a Quarter‘ song, you know ... as a possible original song for this challenge?”
“Why wouldn’t it be?” I quickly responded.
“Well, you came up with most of the lyrics for it, so...”
“You and Cathy helped with a few of those lyrics. Plus, I’m guessing you reworded some of it to make it more appropriate for Shania to sing. That to me, plus, plus you guys coming up with the music for it, makes it an original work.”
“Still, if we tell the judges that some friends of ours, who just happen to be in this competition helped with that song’s lyrics ... well, wouldn’t that diminish or lower the judges’ view of our band?”
“I sure as shit won’t say anything to the judges, and I know the other Bandettes won’t say anything, either,” I quickly fired off.
“Well, that is like one of three songs we’re thinking of doing as our original song in this competition, so I’ll share your thoughts on that song with Cathy, Shania and Steve. That may or may not influence our choice.”
“Just tell the STB (Shania Twain Band) members that it isn’t an issue unless you guys make it one,” I reiterated to my lifelong best friend.
“Okay, good, Cuda,” Paul added and then let a long sigh escape from his body. After a moment’s silence, he asked, “What songs are you guys gonna do?”
“We’re doing Danger Zone as our original and then Brick is singing lead on, Ain’t That a Shame as our cover song,” I replied.
“Ah, shit! Everybody will be playing for that runner-up spot, now!” Paul groaned over the computer speakers.
“No-no! We have no idea how good the other bands in this competition will be,” I quickly countered. “I’ve no doubt that you guys will kill it with your songs. Hell, I know you and Cath are as good as it gets, and I don’t believe you’ve been blowing smoke up my butt regarding Shania’s singing all this time.”
“Oh, she’s a kick ass singer and guitar player, Cuda!” Paul excitedly said.
“See, that’s an honest answer ... not a made up BS because you’re dating this ass-kicking country babe,” I rightfully replied. “You guys have as good a shot at winning as we do.”
Paul quickly changed the subject by asking, “So what are your plans for the rest of the day?”
I chuckled at my friend’s question, which didn’t go unnoticed by my long distance best bud.
“What’s goin’ on, Cuda? Spill it?” he quickly fired off.
“Well ... after I get up ‘n at-em, I’m gonna run downtown and pick up Brick and Tempe at the Hilton. Then, we’re gonna...”
“What? Whoa-ho! Stop, stop, stop! Brick and Tempe ... just what were your two love-birds doing at the downtown Hilton, Cuda?”
“If I remember correctly, they were spooning their naked bodies together under the covers,” I truthfully replied, knowing that would trigger an avalanche of images and questions in my friend’s mind.
“Get out! That naked butterfly babe and, and Brick were ... no way!” Paul exclaimed. He then quickly asked, “And what or where was Cuda when these two naked beauties were in bed spooning together?”
“Driving home to my bed,” I replied with a laugh because surprisingly it was the gospel truth to his question.
“I was driving home when they were spooning in bed, Paul...” I added with an even more amusement in my voice. I then added, “I just so happened to be with them before they crawled under the covers, though.”
“I’d kill you, right now, if I could get my hands around your neck!” Paul laughed over the telephone line.
“Well, before you kill me; I’m taking both girls out for a late breakfast and then this evening; we’re gonna head to Western to watch Cano and the Cowgirls skin some Dorchester Beavers in the Middlesex Senior Girls B-ball championship.”
“Great stuff! Tell Cano and the other girls, ‘Good Luck’ from me and Cath, ‘kay?” Paul replied. “Our Timmins’ team only won like three games all year, and would be lucky to score twenty points against the Medway girls, I’m guessing.”
“I honestly think this game will be over with before the first quarter ends. I was amazed the Beavs beat Strathroy on Wednesday, so I guess they have a small chance later, tonight.”
“Oh, I take it you won your game, yesterday ... against Central Elgin, right?”
“Yeah, they put a scare into us in the first quarter by taking a thirteen-zip lead, but then we shut them down after that, and scored the next thirty-five points,” I replied, purposefully leaving out the key turning point play from that game.
“You played great, no doubt,” Paul said when he heard the final score.
“I played okay. I threw a pick-six when I got hit as I was passing, but yeah, other than that play, I had a good game,” I replied.
“So who are you playing in the championship game?”
“Parkside. They beat Voaden by ten points.”
“Let us know what time the game is on Friday. If we get a chance, I know Cathy and I would like to see you play in that game,” Paul said.
“That’s right, the NIS challenge is Friday and you’ll be down here for it,” I enthusiastically responded. I suddenly got a bad feeling about things for some reason, but it soon passed from my mind.
“It will be great seeing you guys, again, Cuda. Remember to say hello to the Bandettes, as well as wishing Cano and the Cowgirls good luck in her game,” Paul said, which was his way of letting me know our conversation was winding down.
“Good talking with you, Paul. Say hey to Cathy, Mom2 and Tom for me. Have a safe flight down to London and let me know the ‘whens and wheres’ of your trip, as soon as you know ‘em.”
“I will. Later, Cuda.”
“Later,” I replied and heard the phone line click off before my computer vanished into nothingness.
Little Beaver Restaurant, Komoka
11:17am, Saturday, November 10, 1979
“Jeezes, Mike. My butt is killing me,” Tina whispered from across the table as we waited for our breakfast or lunch orders to arrive. She then laughed, “I have no idea how Tempe can even walk after ... you know, after you put...”
“Tina!” Tempe screeched at her sister after she heard the direction of her older sister’s statement.
“Well, I’m just sayin’,” Tina added with a smile at sister, who was sitting to my left.
“Well, just DON’T say,” Tempe countered as she glared at Tina. Neither girl could help laughing at the other after a brief, ten second stare-down.
“You guys did a little swappin’, huh?” Sammy softly asked as the Little Beaver was at near capacity with diners on this surprisingly warm, sunny, mid-fall Saturday morning.
Tempe barely nodded her head at her sister, indicating to the others who the ‘swapees’ were in our Friday night hotel event.
“Did you have fun, Tempe?” Cano asked as she lightly tapped her and Warren’s joined hands into the table.
Tempe’s blushing face told everyone her answer as she peered across the table at Anthony. Tempe then softly said, “Tina is a lucky girl, ‘cause Ant, well he...”
“Enough, Tempe,” I whispered to her as I pulled her in for a small hug.
Our late breakfast, early lunch conversations thankfully turned to Cano’s or my upcoming championship games. When we got tired with those sports’ discussions, we switched things up to focus on the NIS band challenge. Everyone was super excited to hear that Cathy and Paul, along with their Timmins’ band were going to be in London for the competition. Everyone made me promise to tell them the ‘whens and wheres’ of our friends’ trip as soon as I heard from the McGregory clan.
After we finished eating, Lynette invited everyone over to her house to shoot some pool, or to just chill before heading out to the championship game at Western. When everyone seemed to quickly think that was a great idea, Brick squeezed my hand and whispered in my ear, “I’m not feeling all that great, Mike, and I think I’d like for you to take me home, please.”
“When did this start, Lis?” I softly asked.
“My body was kinda achy when I got up this morning, and now I’ve got an upset stomach,” she replied as she ran her hands over her abdomen.
“Okay, Bricky. I’ll be happy to give you a ride home,” I whispered.
“Can you tell everyone for me, please,” she whispered, but Tempe heard her question.
“Tell us what, Brick?”
“Hey guys,” I called out as everyone appeared ready to head out. “Lisa isn’t feeling up to par, so I’m gonna give her a ride home.”
Everyone wanted a rundown of how she was feeling, so that took a couple of minutes. Tempe then asked, “Want me to come with you guys?”
“You can, if you want,” I replied.
“Or you can go over to Cano’s. I’m sure Sammy or Anthony will be happy to give you a ride there and then to the game,” Brick added with a soft smile on her face.
“Are you sure, Bricky? I’d be happy riding over to your place with you and Mike. Then, we can go to the game from either my or his house.”
“I don’t know what to tell you, Tempe. My head is kinda foggy right now,” Brick softly said.
“Come with us, Tempe,” Cano called out from the head of the large table. “You haven’t been to my place, yet, and I’m sure Mike can handle getting Brick home safely.”
“Are you really sure you’ll be okay with me going to Cano’s, Brick?” Tempe asked as she lightly caressed Brick’s face and forehead. Before Brick responded, Tempe added, “Dang, she feels pretty warm, Mike.”
“Go to Cano’s, Tempe and I’ll get this girl home as quick as I can,” I said as I helped Brick slip on her blue-jean jacket.
“Hope you get to feeling better, soon, Brick,” Warren replied.
“Yeah, Bricky. Take care of you,” Sammy added as she leaned against Desi Kilkenny.
“Thanks, guys, and good luck, tonight, Cano. With the way I’m feelin’, I doubt I’m gonna get to it,” Brick said as she leaned against my body as I guided her between the tables at the Little Beaver.
When Tempe started to lean in to give Brick a kiss, I softly said, “That may not be a good idea right now, Tempe.”
“Right, right. How ‘bout bending down some Brick and I’ll kiss the top of your head, ‘kay?”
My taller, sickly girlfriend did as requested, and Tempe planted her lips on Brick’s pulled back, brown hair. “I’ll be thinking of you, Brick, and I’ll see you at the game, Mike,” Tempe softly said as I thought she was about to cry.
“Bricky will be fine, Tempe. She just needs to rest and maybe get a shot or some medicine to combat whatever junk this is,” I added as I gave her a sweet kiss on each of her near tearful eyes.
Once I had Brick in the front passenger seat, I took my light jacket off and wrapped it over her upper body as my young girlfriend had a sudden spell of the chills. With her lap-band, seat belt on, Lisa turned sideways and pulled her legs up under her butt as she tried to curl into a tight ball.
“Thanks for takin’ me home, Mike,” Lisa softly whispered as I pulled out of parking lot for our twenty-five to thirty minute drive to the Huron Heights area of northeast London. Those were the last words Brick said on this ride as she rested her cheek on the seat back and closed her eyes to zone-out ‘till I pulled into her driveway.
Lisa really leaned into me as I helped her to the backdoor. When she struggled to climb the first couple of steps into her house, I quickly slipped my arms behind her rear thighs and upper back to scoop her in my arms. With her arms around my neck, I was able to open the door without much trouble.
“Il mio Dio, Lisa. È bene?” Lisa’s mother cried from the den as she saw me carrying her daughter into their kitchen. (My God, Lisa. Are you alright?)
“Non mi sento malto bene, Mamma,” Lisa softly replied. (I don’t feel good, Momma.)
“Michael, youa carry my bambolina to her rooma, si,” Mrs. Masciotro quickly said and waved for me to follow her.
After I helped Mrs. Masciotro get Lisa into her bed, I stepped out into the hallway to allow Lisa’s mom the time she needed to get Lisa prepped for bed, and to check on her condition.
“Thanka you for bringing my little Lisa home, Michael,” Mrs. Masciotro said after she slowly pulled the door shut to Lisa’s room.
“Is she going to be alright?” I asked in a slow, steady voice.
“I thinka she maya be coming down with a strepa throat or da flu. I needa to get soma medicine for her. I hava Eda or Antony calla you later, today.”
“They were going to Lynette’s basketball, tonight. I’ll see them at church in the morning, though,” I replied.
“Ah, si, si. I willa talk with a you in the morning. You tella Lynetta to playa well, si.”
I will. Tell Lisa that I hope she gets to feeling better.”
“Si, si. I will, Michael. Grazie fora your help. Addio.”
“Addio, Mrs. Masciotro.”
Alumni Hall, University of Western Ontario, London
6:37pm, Saturday, November 10, 1979
“Strep-throat or the flu? How did she come down with either of those things?” Tempe asked after I gave my friends a run-down as best I could on Lisa’s condition.
“I don’t know. I just know that she was a weak little girl by the time I got her home. I had to carry her up her back stairs and to her bed,” I replied.
“Dang, that’s not good,” Sammy responded, which the rest of our gang agreed with.
“Should we head on home to check on her, Ant?” Eda asked with a look of concern on her face.
“And just what do you plan on doing for her when you get there, besides possibly catch whatever bug that has gotten into her?” E’s older brother rightfully replied.
“I’m just worried about her,” E said as Wayne wrapped her up in his arms.
“We all are, E,” Tempe said as she pressed her body up against mine.
“I can’t believe there are this many people here for a girls’ basketball game,” Tina half-way shouted to be heard now in an attempt to change the subject.
“Yeah, we would have been lucky to have the girls’ boyfriends and parents come to our Ipperwash championship games,” Tempe yelled.
“I’m pretty impressed with our school’s support for our teams,” I said as I turned and gave the stands a quick scan as the players were going through their final seven-minutes of pre-game warmups.
Western’s Alumni Hall was nearly two-thirds full, with about two-thirds of that crowd wearing Medway’s scarlet and white colors instead of orange and black for the Dorchester Beavers. Medway also had a huge noise advantage because Mr. Ballows and the twelve piece, mini-dance band showed up in full force.
Once the championship game started, the Cowboys made my predication to Paul seem trite. The girls in scarlet uniforms absolutely crushed the Beavers with their ‘Dogs of War’ 2-2-1 full court press and quick-strike offensive attack. With just over four minutes gone in the game, the Cowboys led the overmatched Beavers by a score of 17 to 3.
Lynette, from her mid-level position in that press had more steals, which lead to layups by Andi Whiting or Jill Hurt than the Beavers had points. The shorter and slower Dorchester guards couldn’t dribble through the pressure of Andi and Jill, and they couldn’t pass with Lynette and Janice Hurt ball-hawking in the passing lanes near mid-court. The two times the Beavers actually broke through Medway’s press, six-foot-three-inch center, Zupena Zupanzic rejected both of their lay-up shot attempts.
When Ms. Jacket made her first wholesale substitutions with a little more than two minutes left in the first quarter, the Cowboys had all but clinched their third straight county championship. The girls lead Dorchester 25 to 5 with Andi Whiting and the two Hurt sisters having scored seven points each. Lynette and Zupena both only had two points as the Cowboys rarely got into their regular offense sets to take advantage of the big center’s height and offensive rebounding, or Lynette’s quick, yet powerful post moves.
Medway’s second unit did nearly as well as the starters as they upped the score to 35 to 9, in their four and a half minutes of game time. When Coach Jacket put her starters back in with a four, thirty-five left in the second quarter, she mercifully called off their press and had the girls work on their switching man-to-man defensive scheme.
Even with Dorchester now freely able to bring the ball up the court to start their offensive plays, their players were still no match for Medway’s bigger, faster and plain better girls. At the half, the score was 44 to 14 with Andi and Lynette, the two eleventh grade starters having more combined steals than the Beavers had points. Even though Lynette only had five points at the half, I could tell she was having the time of her life out there, with nine steals, three blocked shots and five rebounds.
During the halftime break, I saw Eda talking with her brother. I knew that Eda was itching to go and see how her sister was doing. When she said, “I think Anthony and I are gonna head home, now,” no one could fault them for leaving this blowout.
“Mike, will you able to give Tina a ride home after the game?”
“Mike or I will get her home, Anthony,” Wayne said before I could reply.
“Great, Wayne,” Anthony replied with a smile.
“What he just said,” I quickly added with a head nod in Wayne’s direction as I had Tempe wrapped up in my arms.
“Here E, let me give you a hug and a kiss so you can give your sister one for me,” Tempe asked as Eda stepped out into the aisle beside our row lower seats.
“And this one is just for you, Eda, ‘cause I know you’re worried about Bricky,” I said and pulled her in tight after Tempe released her.
“Be careful getting home, Ant,” Tina said after her boyfriend lowered her back to the floor from giving her a huge squeeze and kiss.
“I will. Sorry ‘bout leaving, T-Sully but,” Anthony replied with a head nod towards Eda.
“It’s okay. Go, take E to check on her baby sister. I’d want to check on Tempe in a similar situation,” Tina softly said as she held his hand as long as possible when he started on down the steps of the stands.
As one would expect, the intensity and effort put forth by Medway wasn’t near the same level as in the first half. That was partly due to the score; and partly to their less active, 1-3-1 half-court trapping defensive scheme. The Cowboys were semi-aggressive when the Beavers tried to cross the half-court line with Lynette and Andi combining to steal another three passes. If the Beavers beat the initial trap, Coach Jacket had her girls drop back in a tight zone to force Dorchester into taking longer shots.
When the second unit entered the game again at the mid-point of the third quarter, the Cowboys had stretched their lead by eight points, for a 61-23 lead. Lynette, Andi and the Hurt sisters didn’t see the court for the remainder of the game. Big Zupena reentered the game to anchor the ‘third string’ defense and to provide an offensive weapon when the less skilled girls took the floor with six minutes left in the fourth quarter.
When the final horn sounded, the Cowboys had their third consecutive Middlesex County Basketball Championship with a 77-35 thrashing of the Beavers. Even though I thought Lynette should have won the MVP award for her incredible all-round performance, I wasn’t really upset that Andi Whiting won it for her team leading 18 point and 8 steal stat-line.
After Warren gave Cano’s sweaty body a huge hug and kiss, I wasn’t surprised that the first thing out of her mouth was genuine concern for Brick’s health with her asking me, “Was Lisa feeling okay when you dropped her off, Cuda?”
“Not really, Cano,” I replied with a negative head shake. “She fell asleep in the car and she was basically so weak that I had to carry her into her house and to her bed.”
“Oh, that poor girl,” Andi Whiting replied as she stood in front of Jon with his arms wrapped over her Cowboy warm-up suit.
“I take it that E and Anthony headed home early to check on her,” Cano said when she obviously didn’t see the Masciotro siblings with us.
“With this being such a nail-biter game, I couldn’t believe they’d do such a thing,” Wayne sarcastically added in response to Lynette’s astute observation.
“Good one, smart ass!” Elizabeth chuckled as she messed up Wayne’s dirty blonde mop of hair from the row behind his standing spot.
“Lizzie, dang it!” Wayne half-way fumed as he quickly ran his hands through his hair to get it semi-like he wanted it to look.
“Oh, before we forget,” Andi suddenly said with a slight pop on her forehead. “Coach said you were all welcome to come over to her house for some finger foods and pop.”
I took a quick look in Tempe’s, and then Tina’s eyes after that invite, and saw both of them give me an ‘I’d rather not‘ type look. I reached down to give all five eleventh grade girls, Deb Watney, Katy Forbes, Joanne Gramm, Andi and Cano a hug before I said, “I think me and the Sullies are gonna pass on Coach’s house, ‘kay?”
“You know you girls will fit in fine there, right?” Cano immediately looked up at Tempe and Tina with those words.
“I know, Cano. Thanks. It’s just I’m kinda tired and I’m really looking forward to crawling back into my own bed. That Hilton bed was a little too hard for my liking,” Tempe replied.
“It was more like a couple of hard things kept you up too long last night, Tempe,” Jennifer kidded her new gymnastics’ club and school teammate.
“Ohhh snap!” Brad and Lizzie both laughed at the same time, with Brad giving Tempe’s shoulders a gentle ‘gotcha’ shake.
“Whatever?” Tempe softly laughed and turned to blow an ‘air-kiss’ up at the two lovebirds behind her.
In the parking lot out back and down the hill from Alumni Hall, the Sullivans and I said our good nights to our friends before we slipped into my Barracuda. In the short, five minute drive from Western to the Uplands subdivision, Tempe and Tina both cajoled me into coming in their house to watch some of Canada’s comedy classic, SCTV (Second City TV).
As Tempe opened the front door, she yelled out, “It’s just us!”
When the two cuties led me into the family room, Mrs. Sullivan screeched in surprise and then shouted, “It most definitely isn’t just you, Tempe!” she admonished her youngest daughter. Mrs. S scrambled to cover up her nude body with a nearby afghan blanket, as she was previously resting her head on her husband’s equally naked lap as they watched TV from their hunter green, crushed velour sofa.
“It’s just Mike, Momma, Dad,” Tina laughed as her parents apparently said a silent, ‘to hell with it‘ and relaxed their home nudist bodies back into their prior positions.
“Tempe, Tina, you know a little heads up would have been nice when a guest enters, even with it being Mike or the Massie kids,” Mr. Sullivan said with a touch of amusement in his voice.
“Good evening, Mr. and Mrs. S,” I finally replied after it appeared the Sullivan clan were now back to normal ... as normal as a home nudist parents can be with one of their daughter’s boyfriends in their preferred state of undress.
“We can cover up, Mike, if...” Mrs. S started to say when she saw me kinda wide eyed at their appearance.
“No-no like you, I was a little ... but I’m okay, now,” I quickly interjected.
Tamara Sullivan was a near rival to Ms. Dillon in the PHAT, MILF and GLM acronym departments even though she was, and I’m guessing here, about five years older than Cano’s mother. Tamara Sullivan was about five-four and one-hundred and forty-ish pounds, with a slight ribbon of belly fat encasing her belly button area. Her shoulder length, wavy hair was a shade of blonde between Tempe’s true and Tina’s dirty blonde colors. With her lying on her side, her heavy breasts showed the effects of gravity’s pull on her ‘B-C-sized’ mammary glands. Between her slender legs, Tamara Sullivan grooming habits were clearly different from her daughters as she had a closely trimmed wedge of brownish-blonde pubes above her hidden womanly center.
Thankfully, in my humble opinion, Tamara’s head was doing a nice job of blocking my view of Teddy (Theodore) Sullivan’s down-under equipment. The girls’ father was maybe five-ten and a buck-sixty in weight. He was just a typical, mid-forties guy, who most people would say ‘out-kicked his coverage‘ with his marriage to Ms. Tamara. That belief was true if you just compared the physical appearances of the Sullivan parents. However, after listening to Mr. Teddy talk for even a few minutes with his wife and daughters, you could tell he was a charmer, through and through. He was obviously intelligent to boot, as evident by his employment with Ontario Hydro as a mechanical engineer.
As the five of us howled in laughter at the crazy antics and skits of SCTV crew, Mr. S tapped his wife’s shoulder to get her to sit up and allow him to head off to the restroom. I soon saw that at least one of Mr. S’s physical characteristics matched up with his wife’s beauty; his flaccid penis was a good five-inches and relatively thick for being in that unexcited state.
When Tempe saw where my gaze had been, she lightly tapped my arm to get my attention. She then whispered to me, “Don’t take this the wrong way, but Daddy’s girth kinda rivals yours when, you know.”
“Dang,” I replied a little too loudly, which drew the other Sullivan’s attention to me and Tempe in the recliner.
“What are you danging ‘bout?” Tina asked from her spot on the carpet in front of her mother’s relaxed position.
“I, uh...”
“Mike noticed Daddy’s package and, Hey! Hey!“ Tempe jumped in on my reply, before she nearly jumped through the roof when I semi-seriously poked her in her one sensitive spot, just under her front ribs.
“Tempe, it’s not nice to ‘out’ your friends like that,” Ms. Tamara laughed as I turned a brilliant shade of red with Tempe lavishing my face with kisses as an apology for that comment.
“You’ve no need to be embarrassed, Mike. Tempe has mentioned your manly characteristic ... numerous times in the past couple of weeks,” Mrs. S chuckled as she watched her youngest child squirming on my lap.
Thankfully, the rest of the laughs on this Saturday evening were reserved for John Candy, Eugene Levy, Andrea Martin, Catherine O’Hara, and the rest of the SCTV cast members. We especially enjoyed the premiere performance of Rick Moranis and Dave Thomas doing, ‘Bob and Doug McKenzie’s Twelve Days of Christmas song.’

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