After The Energists: Championships, Concerts & CompletionChapter 5: Sickness And Diseases free porn video

Outside Homeroom, Medway High School
8:17am, Monday, November 12, 1979
“Hey, Mike! How’s the ankle?” Tempe called as she rounded the second floor side-hallway near our lockers.
“A little tender but I’ve already iced it twice, and Coach just finished putting an Ace Bandage wrap on it,” I replied as I dug out my Music and English notebooks and Anthology.
“So, Coach knows, huh?” Tempe softly asked.
“Oh, yeah. I went to his office as soon as I got here. His semi-angry lecture to me would have been a full blown, tear a strip off Mike’s back - type butt-chewin’ if I waited ‘till later today or in PE to tell him about it.” I chuckled.
“Should I go talk to him and take the blame for that run?”
“Nah. I don’t think whip marks on yer tush would add much to its beauty,” I deadpanned.
“So, he is upset with me!” Tempe huffed after my attempt at humor.
“No-no! I was joking with you, B-G. When I told him about almost being run over by that truck, well, that removed any issues he had with how I got this boo-boo. He then wrapped it for me and gave me two of these ‘Chem-Ice’ bags to use during English and Math classes.”
“I still might go and tell him I’m sorry about this, especially with it being championship week for you,” Tempe added as she fished out her History and English materials from her locker.
“Do so at your own peril,” I couldn’t resist saying.
“Stop! You’re making me paranoid, now,” Tempe screeched and slammed her locker shut.
“What are you limping for, Cuda?” Elizabeth asked as Tempe and I walked into our homeroom.
“Limping! Oh, hell, Cuda! What did you do?” Jon Lunby vehemently asked.
“I rolled my ankle when Tempe and I were out for a run, yesterday,” I replied.
“We almost were run over by a truck! Mike shoved me in the ditch and then leapt in himself to get out of way!” Tempe exclaimed.
“No kiddin’!” Andi Whiting replied from her seat in front of Jon.
“My ankle isn’t bad, though. I’ve got it wrapped and Froggie gave me two Chem-Ice packs to use in Mrs. P’s and Quig’s classes,” I replied. Because homeroom was a relatively short meeting time, I didn’t bother asking Mr. Ballas about a chair to prop my ankle up on.
“You’ll be A-Okay for the game on Friday, won’t you, Cuda?” Elizabeth asked.
“Oh, heck, yeah! I’d be fine to play it today, if needed,” I quickly replied with false gusto.
Our discussion died down when Mr. Williamson’s voice came over the intercom speakers. “Great Monday morning to you!” he said to start off his announcements. Our VP began by proudly relating how thoroughly dominating our girls’ basketball team was in the County Championship game on Saturday night. He had high words of praise for our 11D homeroom girl, Andi Whiting, who was the game’s MVP.
Our VP’s statement, “Apparently being an NIS student really helps with athletic performance as Mike Nevins, Paul Smybarth and now, Andrea Whiting and Norm McNaulton all had great to absolutely killer performances after spending a week naked,” caught everyone’s complete attention. We were all totally focused on his voice when he added, “With this obvious NIS-athletic connection working well for our Cowboys; and with a championship football game on Friday, and the WOSSA Girls’ basketball tournament this weekend, the following students are to report to the main office’s conference room...”
You could have heard a pin drop during and after those dreaded words came through the speakers as we waited to hear this week’s NIS students’ names.
“From grade twelve, Gary Dander, Paul McKenly, Jill Hurt and Zupena Zupanzic; from grade eleven...”
The students in our 11D homeroom, except for Tempe, Sammy, Andi and myself, almost vapor-locked in fear of being called after our VP’s mention of, ‘from grade eleven’. They didn’t have long to wait as we heard...
“ ... from grade eleven, Geoff Thirlwall, Brad MacGee, Deb Watney and Lynette Robertson; and from the tenth grade, Bruce Shewfield and Giselle Whiting.
“Oh my Gawd, Geoff!” Tammi Gower screeched after Geoff was the only one from our homeroom picked.
“Holy crap! Brad, Deb and Cano are gonna be naked, too!” Elizabeth exclaimed with her boyfriend’s name at the head of her list.
“Get with us, Geoff if you need to talk or anything,” I said as I watched my football teammate drop his head down onto his desk after hearing his name called.
“Can you believe your sister is gonna be naked, Andi?” Jon asked to his girlfriend.
“Believe it or not, she actually said she wouldn’t mind getting picked for this after seeing and hearing about my week in this...” Andi replied.
“Cano said something similar to me, last Thursday,” Tempe quickly interjected.
“I wonder if word got to Mr. W, and he picked them because there’d be a few ‘I’m okay with this’ type of kids in the conference room to help any hesitant folks,” Sammy related as the buzzing in our class began to die down after Geoff slowly made his way to the door.
“Hey, Geoff! At least you won’t have any tests or homework this week, dude,” Ian Hobbs said with hopes of brightening Geoff’s outlook for his NIS week.
“I’ll take tests and homework over nakedness, anytime,” Geoff replied with a laugh.
“Keep that sense of humor going, Geoffy,” Tammi replied with a soft lilt in her voice.
Tempe immediately picked up on that short exchange and nodded her head at Tammi and mouthed to me and Sammy, ‘I think Tam and Geoff, you know?‘
“You may be right,” Sammy softly replied from her desk next to mine.
We almost missed Mr. Williamson’s announcement that Mr. Chidly and Mr. Connors were out sick and that their classes would not be covered, today.
“Yes! No first period History for us!” Josie Snejtians exclaimed, which Jon, Tempe and Elizabeth all responded positively to.
“No Physics for me,” I added with a fist pump
“Heck, I might as well go home, now,” Elizabeth chuckled and then she added, “I only have five classes with Connors and Chid out sick.”
“But then you’d miss your honey-buns’ nakedness,” Sammy laughed in reply.
“Yeah, you know I couldn’t miss that,” Lizzie chortled just as the ending bell sounded.
“We hitting the library or café?” Jon asked the others from Mr. Connors’ History class.
“I’ve got to make a pit stop in the main office for my...” Tempe said.
“Your permanent volunteer necklace and safety whistle,” Sammy laughed as I gave Tempe a hug for really following her convictions.
“Yuppers. Those new folks, besides Cano and maybe Giselle, can use all the support we can give them,” Tempe confidently replied.
“How ‘bout I join you, today,” Sammy said with a smile.
“We’ll take a few turns at volunteering with you this week, Tempe,” Elizabeth added.
“I’ll tell the Little-man that you’ll be a few minutes late, then, Wushu,” I said as I headed around to the rear stairwell, while my other friends went towards the front, side stairwell.
Math Classroom, Medway
10:31am, Monday, November 12, 1979
“I thought you’d be a naked volunteer today, Mike,” Mr. Quigley said in his soft voice after we were seated in his classroom. Tempe, Sammy and Mike Locksley all were volunteering, along with the four official NIS students, Lynette, Deb, Geoff and Brad.
“There’s a few days left in the week for that, Sir,” I laughed and nodded towards my fellow naked students. Because today was the NIS students’ orientation day, with no requests or touching allowed, I wasn’t surprised when all the NIS students declined our math teacher’s offer for a relief session.
I quickly raised my hand to get our teacher’s attention before he started his lesson. With his acknowledgment, I asked, “Can I get one of those chairs to prop my ankle on, please? I need to ice it down after rolling it on Sunday.”
“Andrew, can you take a chair back to Mike’s desk, please?” Mr. Quigley immediately asked my six-five friend.
“I can get one, Sir,” I replied.
“Relax, Cuda. I got this for ya,” Andrew said as he moved to the stack of four chairs and lifted one off.
“P-U!” Tempe faux-fumed. My girlfriend pinched her nose after she saw me remove the Ace wrap from around my left ankle beside her body. I’ll admit, my slightly sweaty bare foot and ankle did have a ‘minor-ripeness’ to them.
“I thought you liked his smell, Tempe?” Cano chuckled from across the room.
“Not this one!” Tempe laughed in response.
“Will you be able to pay attention to today’s lesson with Mike’s foot there, Tempe?” Mr. Quigley deadpanned in his normal soft mono-toned voice.
“I’m good, Sir,” Tempe replied with a smile.
“Till she passes out ... along with me,” Jon added and then reached over to share a high-five with Tempe.
“Enough! Please,” our teacher said with as much vim as we’d heard from him in a long time. This clearly was his limit to our silliness in his class.
The rest of our eleventh grade math class progressed like any other class as Mr. Quigley began a unit on geometry proofs. From my past-future experiences, this was going to be a fun little unit and it would come in handy when I had to take the GRE (Graduate Records Exam) as a requirement for graduate school at the University of South Carolina.
In the hallway after Math, Cano said, “I’ve got PE now. I just might have to take a little relief in the showers. You guys all seemed to enjoy your shower time relief experiences.”
“It’s a crying shame none of us have PE this period,” Andy Lunby said with a wink at Cano.
“Yeah, it will be a little weird, ‘cause the boys’ PE class opposite mine is a tenth grade class, I think,” Cano hesitantly added as she took Deb Watney’s hand in hers.
“Desi is in that class, isn’t he?” Sammy asked.
“Oh! Yeah! Us girls had some fun with his ... large package, last week,” Deb laughed for the first time since she was sans clothes.
“So, those tenth grade boys will have a grand time with your wonderfully beautiful ... body characteristics, Deb and Cano,” I said with a devilish smile on my face.
“Try not to give those yungins’ a heart attack, Cano,” Sammy laughed as the two NIS girls veered to the right and the PE change rooms, while the rest of us went left towards the café.
Because we weren’t going for our fifth period run, Tempe had Sammy and me stop at the rear stairwell before we headed on in the cafeteria. She peered at Sammy and then up to me and asked, “Would you two like to head up to Mrs. Stenn’s class for an impromptu nude modeling session?”
“Dang, Girl! That sure came flying at us out in leftfield!” Sammy exclaimed as she looked between Tempe and me to gauge my feelings on this wild suggestion.
“Mike?” Tempe simply asked as both girls stared up at me.
“I’m game, I suppose,” I replied with an eye roll.
“Great! Come on! I bet Mrs. S will let us just stand there for her students with our arms around Mike’s waist and his arms around our necks,” Tempe excitedly said as she bounded up the rear stairs.
Once more I was reminded of how much I enjoyed seeing her naked tush running up the stairs. There was no chance my penis was going to be flaccid after catching tantalizing glimpses of Tempe’s meaty pussy lips on each of those upward strides.
“You heard your girl. Come on, Cuda,” Sammy softly said as she quickly took the stairs, two steps at a time to try and catch up with Tempe’s joyful naked body. With my tender ankle I was restricted to hobbling up the stairs at a more relaxed pace.
Mrs. Stenn was definitely glad to have three naked models, at least after I quickly pulled my duds off in her grade thirteen, college-prep art class. She quickly agreed with Tempe’s suggested three person pose, but asked Tempe and Sammy if they’d mind having one of my hands lightly resting over their breasts, with my fingertips just barely touching one of their nipples.
“I’m good with that,” Sammy replied.
“It’s a million times less risqué than the poses we did in our NIS week,” Tempe added with a smile.
“Good, good. Mike, can you help me get these lights up as high as they’ll go? I want this to seem like the three of you are outside at a nude beach, so the light needs to hit you from above,” Mrs. S asked and then worked with me to get the lights set up like she wanted.
As we were adjusting the lights, I saw that Tempe was looking through some of the large backdrop scenes hanging on the wall by the storage room. When she found what she was looking for, she said, “Sammy, give me a hand moving this beach scene over to the lights, please.”
Each naked girl grabbed a chrome metal stand and one end of the six foot tall by eight foot wide printed beach background scene. This scene was held up by another chrome metal piece, which fit over the two upright stands with ‘Y’-shaped top inserts.
Because I was obviously taller than the six-foot beach scene print, Mrs. Stenn had us pose kneeling down. The spot lights definitely were hitting us like from a noon-day sun position, both in terms of light and heat levels.
With only nine grade thirteen students, and one twelfth grader, this class was more civil, and obviously more serious in tone than Tempe’s larger, eleventh grade art class had been. Mrs. Stenn pulled up a chair and the four of us chatted amicably as her advanced students worked with paints to capture our ‘beach-pose’.
Our art teacher’s ears really perked up when she heard that Sammy was a third-degree black belt in Wushu. She loved hearing about Sammy’s fighting weapons and her combat matches.
“I’ve seen you with a shiner or two, Sammy. I take it they were from your martial arts’ bouts?” Mrs. S laughingly questioned Sammy.
“Yes, Ma’am. Even with all our skill and safety precautions, if you zig when you should have zagged ... a black eye, broken nose or a broken rib could be an unexpected reward.”
“I know this might be a major ‘no-go’, but if you are able, I would love to have you pose in an action position with a few of your weapons. I think my students, especially these ones, would really benefit from seeing you posing in action,” Mrs. S said.
“Well ... if I got permission from Mr. Williamson or Mr. Matherson to bring a few of my weapons to school, then I’d be happy to come pose with them,” Sammy replied with a smile.
As Sammy and Mrs. Stenn were talking about her martial arts, Tempe turned her head slightly to me and whispered, “If you keep twikkin’ my nipple, I’m gonna have to pray that Geoff, Brad or Deb asks relief in Biology class.”
“Oh, does my poor baby have an itch she wants scratched?” I whispered as my hard cock twitched and bobbed out in front of me.
“Maybe Mrs. S will let us take relief when we’re done. You can obviously use it, too,” Tempe softly giggled.
“Are you volunteering to help?”
“Oh, hell, yes,” Tempe replied a little louder than she intended.
“Oh, hell, yes, what?” Mrs. S asked with amusement in her voice. I would guess she knew what we were talking about by her non-upset tone over Tempe’s colorful choice of words.
“Miiikee!” Tempe whined as she turned her head and rested it on my shoulder.
“I think Tempe was hoping to ... get some...” I half-way chuckled.
“You two, or all three of you can take relief in a few,” Mrs. Stenn softly said as she reached over to pat Tempe on her left shoulder. “Only about two more minutes in this pose, Tempe and you’ll be free to take care of your condition.”
Tempe slowly rocked from side-to-side, but with her hair disheveled and her face a few shades redder; and it wasn’t from the fake sun, either.
I turned to Sammy on my right and softly asked, “Are you gonna take some relief with me and Tempe?”
“Most definitely. I’ll either do it by myself if you two want to play together, or I may ask if that good looking guy by the wall ... maybe he’ll help me.”
I looked over to where Sammy noted her prospective helper and saw Gary Van Den Heuval working gingerly with his paint brush as he glanced between us and his large paper. Gary was the older brother of my best school friend, Anthony when we were at St. Pats. I was surprised to see Gary in this advanced art class as I always thought of him as a rough, tough farm kid, not an artistic person.
While we finished out those final couple of minutes, Mrs. Stenn moved over to the bed in the corner of the room and cleared some art props off of it. She then said to her students, “I’m going to let these three models move around now. You’ll have about eight, nine more minutes to keep working on your pieces.”
With us on our feet and stretching out our limbs, Mrs. S motioned that we could move behind the ‘beach scene print’ for a little privacy for our relief session. Sammy immediately looked at me for guidance on what to do about her ‘itch’ problem. I then said to Mrs. S, “Could Sammy ask one of your students to help with her relief. I think she’d like Gary’s help.”
Sammy’s eyes got real big at my words but when Mrs. Stenn simply called, “Gary, would you please come here for a moment? Samantha has a favor to ask of you,” she lightly rubbed my shoulder in thanks.
Mrs. S moved out in front of the print screen and directed Gary back behind it. Tempe and I had already moved to the far side of the bed as Sammy waited for the five-ten, powerfully built farmer’s son to step up to her.
“Hi, Gary. I’m Sam, Samantha. Don’t feel like you have to or nothing, ‘cause you don’t really know me but I, uh, I really would love your help in getting some ... relief.”
“First, hello Samantha and thanks for coming in to our class to model for us. Second, just what would you like me to do for or to you?” Gary softly said and then asked of Sammy.
“If you’d like to use your fingers or your mouth and tongue; I’m good with all of that. I just need a good orgasm, if you know what I mean,” Sammy replied as she started to blush a little.
“Well, if you lie back with your legs over the edge of the mattress, I’ll see what I can do for you,” Gary coolly replied as he gently nudged Sammy’s shoulders to get her in gear.
When Tempe saw Gary between Sammy’s spread legs, she softly said to me, “Can we just do ourselves, so we can kinda watch that?”
“A voyeuristic nudist, huh,” I softly chuckled back at Tempe, but then began to slowly stroke my hard cock with my left hand.
“Lick them wet,” Gary said to Sammy as he moved his left index and middle fingers towards Sammy’s mouth. Sammy quickly mouthed Gary’s fingers and they made a wonderful plopping sound when he pulled them from Sammy’s vacuum sealed lips.
It wasn’t long before we heard Sammy groan and growl in pleasure as Gary worked those two fingers within Sammy’s trimmed red bush topped pussy. Sammy soon lifted her legs up and put her heels on Gary’s shoulders, giving him more access to take proper care of her ‘itch’.
Both Tempe and I were near our trigger limits when Sammy forcefully cussed, “Fucking suck my clit, Gary! Suck it! Suck it! Ohhhhh, Gawd! Yes! Suck my freckin’ clit!“
Sammy’s potty mouthed orgasmic cry triggered my strong orgasm as well as cause Tempe to howl and shake through her own finger induced release.
Gary might have been the only one in the class who didn’t hear all of Sammy’s wonderful orgasmic vocabulary, as his head was trapped between Sammy’s tightly clinched legs as her orgasm rocked her world. For the first time I could recall, Sammy actually had to physically push someone away from her sweet tasting pussy after orgasming.
“Gawd, Gary! That was like ... damn! ... That was so beyond good,” Sammy throatily said after resting for about thirty seconds on the mattress. “That was just ... exactly what I needed.”
“I had fun, too, Samantha. I just wish that some of us in grade thirteen students could take part in this program,” Gary said.
As I used the damp wash-rag to clean up my stomach and groin areas, I said to Gary, “Have any of you ‘thirteens’ talked to Mr. Williamson about that. I don’t recall reading anything in the NIS program rules that would prohibit grade thirteen students from being selected.”
“At first, almost all of us were glad that we seemed to be excluded from this crap. However, after seeing and hearing some of the things you’ve guys have gotten to do here at school ... like this, well some of us older students wouldn’t object to being in the program.”
“Then you and a few of your friends should stop in the main office and let TR know about your feelings. Who knows, there may be a reason why thirteens aren’t required to participate, but then again...” I said with a slight nod.
“I just might get with a few guys and girls, who have floated the idea of doing this. If they’re still up for it, we’ll go talk with TR,” Gary replied with a grin.
“If you’re in the program, I’ll do my best to get with you to return that relief favor,” Sammy added as her body was nearing a more normal physical state.
“I’d like that, Samantha,” Gary replied with a major smile on his face.
Just then, the warning bell sounded for our fifth period class. Gary had to hustle to get his art piece and supplies put up before the final bell. Sammy and Tempe quickly had the ‘beach scene print’ back where it was stored, and I could thankfully put my jeans and sweatshirt back on.
Mrs. Stenn and her advanced art students thanked us for dropping in and volunteering to pose naked for them. Mrs. S also said we were always welcome in her class as models.
It was a short walk to our second floor lockers to grab our lunches. As Tempe and I walked hand-in-hand to the café, I was sure Sammy and Cano would be regaling our lunch table crew with their just completed relief experiences. As I had predicted, both of my band mates did indeed go into great detail on how much they enjoyed their fifth period relief events.
I was a little surprised that Cano had let five, tenth grade guys wash her body, and either finger her pussy or caress her boobs to a multiple orgasm event in the shower. My still protective nature for Lynette’s submissive tendencies was eased when Desi said that he stood watch over the whole proceedings, and was ready to intervene if Lynette asked for or needed his help.
“Did your namesake event happen, Cano?” Jennifer Rathje asked with a wicked grin on her stunning face.
“No. Damn it!” Lynette replied with a grin on her face. “There was just too much going on. My feelings were coming in too short of pleasure bursts for that type of wicked orgasm to build. Still, I had at least three small beauties.”
With our lunch period winding down, Tempe playfully asked, “So, are you gonna come and model in my art class, seeing how you’re free with Mr. Chid out sick?”
“I think I’ve had my fill of nude modeling for the day, thank you very much,” I chuckled as I moved her empty brown lunch bag to my tray to take to the trash can.
“Don’t you wanna come and model with me, Cuda?” Cano semi-whined as our crew made our way to the café exits at the end of our sixth period lunch or spare period.
“Are you modeling in our art class?” Tempe excitedly stated.
“Yuppers. That is the one key change to my schedule this week. That, along with hitting Biology on Thursday for a NIS special lesson,” Lynette said with a smile as she put a little more swing in her naked steps; not that any of us trailing guys complained about that, either.
“How ‘bout I come model with you on Wednesday and Thursday. I better use this free time to study for Miss Auzins Latin test,” I replied to Cano’s earlier question.
“Oh, yeah! I don’t have to take that two week vocab and comprehension test,” Cano said with a small laugh.
As our crew reached the top of the second floor stairwell landing, we saw Mr. Williamson talking with Mrs. Stenn at the junction of the main and rear hallways. When our VP saw us, he straightened up and said, “Lynette, Samantha, Michael, a moment, please.”
All three of us, plus our friends, immediately went to high alert as our vice-principal rarely used our full names to get our attention.
“Sir?” I replied as the three of us angled towards his position, and our friends slowed to a snail’s pace to see what was going on.
“I just got off the phone with your mother, Mike. She called here after Lisa’s mother called her about Lisa. It seems Lisa’s been taken to St. Joe’s because she’s majorly dehydrated and has a temperature near one-oh-two.”
“Oh! My! God! That poor baby!” Sammy cried.
“Can we run and see her?” I immediately asked part way through Sammy’s outburst.
“You gotta let us go see her, Sir!” Lynette pled as she gripped my right upper arm in semi-death grip.
“That is why I came up here to get with you. Lynette, your clothes are in your box outside the main office’s conference room.”
“Thanks, Mr. Williamson,” Sammy said as she looked like she was about to cry.
“Mike,” I heard softly from just behind our little gathering. Tempe already had tears streaming down her cheeks as she obviously heard our VP’s news.
I pulled free of Cano’s grip and turned to quickly hug my naked girlfriend. “Tempe HAS TO come with us, Sir,” I confidently said to our VP, letting him know I wasn’t going to take ‘no’ for an answer.
“Is your mom or dad at home, Tempe? I’ll have to call to get their permission to release you from school,” Mr. Williamson said.
“Ma-my mom sa-should be home. If-if not, ya-you can call my dad at his office,” Tempe tearfully replied with her head pressed into my chest.
“I’ll see all four of you at the office, shortly. I only want one of you to drive, ‘kay?” Mr. Williamson said as he lightly patted Tempe on her bare upper neck area. He then turned to Lynette and said, “You have Miss Auzins for your last two periods, yes?”
“Yes, Sir,” Lynette replied before she said to Sammy and me, “You can drive my car, Cuda ... if that’s good.” Lynette then started to follow Mr. Williamson towards the front of the school.
“‘Kay, we’ll see you up at the office in a sec, Cano,” I replied and nudged Tempe and Sammy around the rear hallway towards our lockers.
“God, guys! I sure hope Lisa is going to be okay,” Elizabeth said as she and Brad walked with us.
“Brad, I’m not sure if TR got with Coach about this. If not, can you tell Froggie where I’m at? I doubt I’ll make it back for practice, at least for the start of it,” I said to my best friend and teammate.
“Will do, Cuda. Man, I never heard of someone being hospitalized for dehydration, like that.”
“Eda told me last night that Lisa was throwing up everything she put in her stomach. That’s a good way to get seriously dehydrated and feverish,” I softly said as we came to our lockers.
“What can they do for her?” Sammy hurriedly asked as she pulled her clothes from her locker to get dressed.
“My guess is they’ll have her hooked up to a couple of IV bags, tryin’ to get fluids into her as quick as possible, plus hit her with some strong antibiotics to fight whatever bug is causing this,” I replied as I held Tempe’s golf shirt while she pulled on her blue jeans.
“Will that really help?” Tempe softly asked as she finally appeared to stop crying.
“She’ll feel somewhat better ... fairly quick with those fluids in her system, but I have no clue how she’ll do fighting off that bug,” I replied.
When we walked into the main office, we saw Mr. Williamson on the phone beside Ms. Stone’s desk. When he peered up at us, he gave a ‘thumbs-up’ sign and smiled at Tempe. All three girls and I huddled together at the main counter for our VP to get off the phone with either Mrs. or Mr. Sullivan.
“Okay, your mom is good with you riding with Mike to the hospital, Tempe,” Mr. Williamson said as he hung up the phone. He then stared at me and sternly said, “Do NOT speed and no driving like a mad man on your way to St. Joe’s. Understood?”
“Yes, Sir!” I forcefully replied.
“Your mother, Mike, should be at the hospital, now. I would ask for her when you get there. She’ll be your best bet on getting in to see Lisa or to hear about her condition.”
“Oh, Brad is going to let Coach know I may not be at practice. Can you talk to him, too, and try to keep him from hitting the roof over my absence?” I said as I started to turn towards the door.
“Crap!” Lynette hotly added. She then said, “Can you talk with...”
“I’ll get with both of your coaches to let them know of your whereabouts. If you can, try to get back for part of your practices as this is the biggest week of your seasons, right?” Mr. Williamson interjected on Lynette’s request.
“If I get back for practice, will you be around to tape up my ankle?” I asked my basketball coach.
“If you’re back, I’ll get you taped up. Now, go! Drive safe and smart,” Mr. Williamson said.
“We will,” Sammy called over her shoulder as we hustled from the main office towards the rear parking area.
St. Joe’s ER Waiting Room
1:13pm, Monday, November 12, 1979
“E! How is she?” Tempe cried as she scooted ahead of us on the way into the ER waiting room.
“She looks awful, but they are pumpin’ her with fluids and some strong antibiotics,” Eda sadly replied as she walked over to greet us.

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