After The Energists: Championships, Concerts & CompletionChapter 15: Love Stinks free porn video

Medway High School, Arva, Ontario
8:13am, Tuesday, November 20, 1979
“Oh! My! God!” Andi Whiting cried as she saw me walking out of the main office holding hands with Zupena on my right, and with my left arm around Tempe. All three of us had NIS’ necklaces, safety whistles with just our socks and sneakers on. Zupena carried her clothes in her left arm, while Tempe had both of our clothes tucked into her gym bag for later storage in our lockers.
I met Tempe at my locker on the second floor prior to our three person office visit, and told her about Zupena’s telephone call, and her major favor of me.
I could tell Tempe was itching to ask if it would be alright for her to join in our naked volunteer day, so I said, “Come on, and if Zupena is okay with you going naked in conjunction with us, I’ll be good, too.”
“Gawd, I hope she’s gonna be good with me joining you, guys,” Tempe tentatively said as she carried her gym bag in her left hand as we bounded down the side stairs.
Obviously, Zupena was more than good with Tempe desire to be a naked volunteer with us. When we stepped out into the mass of students, who were waiting for this week’s NIS students to ‘officially’ disrobe for the first time in front of everybody, I didn’t figure the three of us would steal their second day’s thunder.
“Dang, Tempe, Zupena and Mike,” Shannon Pike said as she nervously swayed against the interior wall waiting with the other fourth week NIS students for Mr. Williamson to come out of the main office. She then turned to Tracy, Andy and Warren, her classmates and said, “Thanks for taking some of the spotlight off of us.”
“That’s just not right, Cuda,” Andy Lunby joked as he eyed the six-foot-three and five-foot-three blondes on either side of my naked body.
“I think we look perfect,” Zupena said with her hazel-green eyes beaming as she looked down at the smaller naked girl to my left.
“Are you three ... like a special couple or something?” Tracy incredulously asked as she wasn’t a regular in our sports and band crowd.
“Yeah, I guess you could say that ... along with Lisa,” Tempe replied with a smile.
“You’re going out with three girls, now, Mike?” Drew Orosz, the twelve grade NIS guy, and a linebacker on our football team asked with a grin.
“Two and one, so I guess that makes three,” I softly said as the crowd hushed. When we turned our heads, we saw our VP walk out of the main office towards the group of ten clothed NIS students.
Mr. Williamson simply shook his head and gave the three of us naked volunteers a small eye roll, before he said, “Welcome to our fourth week of the NIS program and its disrobing ceremony. It’s nice to see we still have several students volunteering and supporting your classmates. If anyone else is going to do that today, please come and get your necklace and a safety whistle.”
As our VP thanked the naked volunteers, I saw that Andi, Giselle, Jill and Lynette from the girls’ basketball team had all doffed their clothes. I also noticed that Paul Smybarth, Norm McNaulton and Bruce Shewfield from the varsity or JV football teams were also sans clothes. It was indeed good that each grade but the thirteens had someone else supporting their NIS classmates, who were now at various levels of undress on their way to their birthday suits.
Just as I was thinking the ‘older students’ weren’t being supportive of Gary and Janice as they removed their underwear-garments; I saw Janice Littleton and Sylvie Mitchell pulling her polo top off or unbuttoning her blouse in support of their teammate, Janice and her partner, Gary.
I chuckled when I recalled Mr. Williamson’s nudity-sports connection from last Monday. Hopefully, having nine of the fourteen basketball playing girls naked would bring them good luck this weekend in Guelph. I was a little surprised that Mr. Williamson didn’t pick either Joanne Gramm or Katy Forbes, instead of Shannon or Tracy from our eleventh grade to carry on that official connection. Still, with Zupena, Lynette, Andi, Janice and Jill Hurt, the five starters, plus Giselle Whiting, Sylvie Mitchell, Janice Littleton, and the Cathy Cromartie, the ‘official NIS twelfth grader’ all naked, it was definitely an amazing sight to see.
After our VP dismissed everyone to their homerooms, Zupena leaned over to ask Tempe, “Do you mind if Mike and I pose in fifth period art class, today?”
“No, of course not,” Tempe cheerfully replied as she looked up at my face and then over to Zupena’s now full height face. She added, “Zupi, you don’t have to ask me or Lisa when you want to do something with Mike. If he’s free and wants to do stuff with you, I’m not going to complain or be upset ... as long as we have some time with him, too.”
“You sweet girl, Tempe,” Zupena replied as she leaned back down to kiss her forehead. My tall girl then looked at me and said, “I hope you want to be model with me. I no ask first. Sorry.”
“I’ll be happy to model with you, Zupena. I’ll see you outside Mrs. Stenn’s class at the start of the fifth, okay?” I replied and leaned over to share a quick peck on the lips with this tall beauty.
“See both of you around school. Have great day, ‘kay,” Zupena said as she headed off to her homeroom off the front, lower hallway, while Tempe and I high-tailed it in the opposite direction to our second floor homeroom class.
In our homeroom, I caught the tail end of Deb’s response to Jon asking her why she wasn’t volunteering along with her teammates. Deb blushing replied, “ ... not a good time for me to be naked, if you know what I mean.”
“‘Nuff said, Deb,” Andi quickly replied as she too took on a slightly more reddish hue in her face and upper bare chest. When Jon was going to continue on, Andi quickly and forcefully said, “Jonathon, Stop!” which put an immediate halt to addition comments on Deb’s reasons for wearing a pair of sweat pants and a red Medway t-shirt.
Nothing ‘really’ major happened in the first four periods of school, other than I had a major brain-cramp after Shannon asked for assistance with her ‘itch’ at the start of our third period chemistry class. When she looked at my non-flaccid penis at our work station, she asked, “I wouldn’t mind if we took care of each other’s condition,” before she raised her hand to let Mr. Rose know she wanted to take advantage of that NIS option.
Before she got up, I whispered to her, “I’d rather have some extended shower time with you on Wednesday, ‘kay?”
Shannon smiled at me and pointed to her honey blonde bush as she got up from her seat and said, “Nothing is stopping us from THIS and that on Wednesday.”
Shannon’s killer smile and her emphasized ‘this’, paired with that simple finger point were the source of my internal debate. In the back of my mind, I saw myself having some major fun with Zupena at the end of our modelling session. That mental picture caused me to physically hold my right arm down with my left hand, when Mr. Rose announced that Shannon, along with Lynette, Andi and Andy all wanted helpers for their requested relief.
I didn’t pay any attention to who was asked to help with these relief requests. I put my head down on my desk and tried to clear my mind of Shannon’s very tempting invitation. After about two minutes, I heard a soft groan and then a cry of, “Oh! Gawd! Lick my little clit, Mike!”
I looked up to the front of the room at that ‘cocktail room’ response to my name being called out. I saw Mike Versteegen’s blonde head between Shannon’s spread legs. I then thought that my former classmate at St. Pat’s was doing a great job giving Shannon her desired orgasm. However, when I looked up at the beautiful blonde’s face, she was staring directly at me. She then winked at me and cried, “Oh, Mike! I can’t wait any longer for your thick ... finger. Stick it in me, please!”
Instead of clearing my mind, that darn near caused my head to implode in turmoil.
‘What the fuck!‘ I thought as I laid my head on my forearm on my workstation’s desk. ‘This can’t be happening to me. I just had my two girlfriends, Lisa and Tempe basically forced me into adding Zupena to my girlfriend list. Now, the absolutely most beautiful girl in the school has half-way, if not completely, indicated she wants me to bring her to new sexual heights.‘
I was brought out of my miserable funk by the soft touch of Shannon’s fingernails on my scalp as she took her seat on the stool to my left. “Are you okay, Mike?” Shannon softly asked as I peered up at her smiling face from my desktop vantage.
“You, and the other girls in my life are killing me,” I stupidly but honestly replied.
“How so?” Shannon asked as she leaned down beside my head to keep anyone else from hearing our conversation.
“Well, you know that Lisa and Tempe basically told me to ask Zupena out, right? Now, I may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but I know what you were doing and referencing as the other Mike was trying to give you the relief you’d have rather of had me to give you.”
“Is it so bad that I want the best guy around giving me relief?”
“Is that all you want from me?” I whispered back as I lifted my head up from my forearm.
Shannon immediately lowered her chin to her chest and let out a small sigh. Her high firm breasts with their pinkish-tanned nipples were lifted delightfully skyward as she innocently took in a full lungful of air. Shannon then looked over at Tempe, who was sitting two workstations to our right and one closer to the front of the room, and whispered, “I want what Tempe, Lisa and Zupena are now getting. I want all of you, or at least whatever piece that you can share with me.”
“Shannon,” I barely whispered as I shut my eyes and lowered my head.
“Can we talk about this later? ... It doesn’t even have to be today?” Shannon quickly whispered back as she rubbed her right hand over my lower back.
“We’ll definitely need to talk, Shan,” I said as I tried to follow along with Mr. Rose’s chalkboard solution to Andi’s homework question.
Needless to say ‘this’ didn’t help my comprehension of or ability to balance chemistry equations. Both Mr. Rose and Mr. Quigley in my fourth period Math classes suddenly sounded like the ‘blah-blah ... blah-blah-blah‘ computer voices like Charlie Brown’s teacher in the Peanuts‘ cartoons.
Because she saw how ‘out of it’ I had become, Shannon offered a simply, “I’m sorry for all this, Mike,” as we packed up our Chemistry books at the period ending bell.
“This isn’t on you, Shan,” I replied as I waited for her to step in front of me on our way to the door.
“I feel like it is.”
“Feel like what, Shannon?” Tempe asked as she waited on me just outside in the hallway.
“Uh, just that, that relief session didn’t solve my problems, Tempe,” Shannon quickly created a partially truthful reply to Tempe’s inquiry.
“Well, this guy here really knows how to solve a girl’s relief problems,” Tempe said as she hooked her left arm through my right arm. My petite girlfriend unknowingly put her foot dead on the issue involving Shannon’s relief and beyond issues.
All I could do was shake my head as Shannon gave my left shoulder a small jab. I thought Shannon did a great job of not bursting out in laughter, or some other type of wild response at Tempe’s innocent statement.
Mercifully, I wasn’t asked to solve any geometry proofs in Mr. Quigley’s Math class. I somehow went into ‘math autopilot mode’ after our teacher’s opening explanation and demonstrations, and quickly finished the assigned homework problems from our textbook. That was one less homework task I’d have to worry about during my three-to-five-o’clock break before basketball practice started.
As we walked out of Math, Tempe gave me a sweet kiss and her best wishes for a fun and satisfying nude modeling class with Zupena. I couldn’t help but see the semi-sad look on Shannon’s face as she heard what I was about do with my blonde Amazonian girlfriend.
As I veered up the rear stairs, I caught Shannon’s attention and mouthed, ‘Want to skip Physics to talk?‘
“Where?” she called back over the noisy hallway crowd.
‘Library?‘ I mouthed back, which she immediately nodded an affirmative to. I was partly relieved to see a small smile reappear on Shan’s pretty face as she turned to walk to the café with the rest of our friends.
My day got a million times better when I saw the beaming smile on Zupena’s face as she leaned against the lockers outside Mrs. Stenn’s art room. Her eyes sparkled when she saw me dance around a group of ninth grade girls, who initially hoped I would complete their request for some hallway poses. However, they quickly apologized to me when I lightly tapped my volunteer necklace signifying I didn’t have to honor their respectful request.
“You just pose with me, today,” she proudly said as I walked up to and gave her a sweet kiss on her high-cheek boned face. Zupena was carrying a basketball, as well as her brown paper bag lunch in her large hands.
“Just with you, 3-Z,” I whispered as I kissed her barely exposed left earlobe.
“I no tell, Mrs. Stenn about us posing. She be okay with us stopping in?”
“She’s told me, and other NIS students to stop in, and she’d adjust her lessons for any nude model volunteers,” I replied as I took her hand and led her to the art room’s door. I then knocked on the metal doorframe to get Mrs. S’s attention.
“Oh! Goodness! Mike, Zupena. Are you here to pose for us, today?” Mrs. Stenn quickly said as she rubbed her hands together.
“If you want nude models for your class, we’re here to pose for you,” I replied as I used our co-joined hands to indicate that Zupena and I were here to pose.
“And you remembered to bring a basketball with you, Zupena! Excellent!” Mrs. S exclaimed.
Zupena looked at me and said, “When I pose in NIS classes last week, Mrs. Stenn ask I bring basketball if I volunteer model.”
“Gary, with Zupena and Mike here, I’d rather have you do a painting then serve as a model,” Mrs. Stenn said to the only NIS student in this upper level art class.
“Do you want me and Brenda to pull out that urban scene as backdrop for their modeling session?” Gary quickly said as he smiled at Zupena and at me.
“Yes! Basketball players in an urban setting would be a good fit,” Mrs. Stenn replied. She then said, “Thankfully, that scene is in a portrait layout, which means I can have you two basketball players standing in front of it instead of kneeling like you did with Sammy and Tempe with that beach backdrop, Mike.”
“That is definitely a bonus!” I laughed as I pulled Zupena’s nude body against my right side with my right hand on her tight right butt cheek.
“Hold those positions, please,” Mrs. Stenn said as she motioned for Gary and Brenda to set the backdrop about four feet to our rears. “I think if you two can maintain that close body hold ... and if I get Zupena to hold the basketball like so ... and Mike, why don’t you palm that ball with your left hand ... good, good. Are you two okay being like this for fifteen to twenty minutes?”
Zupena and I both looked at each other’s faces and then quickly nodded at this comfortable standing, hugging position. Zupena had her small left breast pressed against my right chest and the front of her left hip glued to my right hip bone. Zupena’s perfectly shaped right breast was angled towards me but completely exposed to the art students
Mrs. Stenn had strategically positioned the basketball to ‘kindly’ hide our genitals, but still allowed everyone to know we didn’t have shorts or panties on. From the students’ vantage points, our naked hips and outer butt cheeks were exposed on either side of the basketball. Both Zupena and I had our inside arm and hand wrapped around our lower torsos, resting on each other’s derriere. While I was pretty sure that the students on my side of the room could see Zupena’s fingers on my bare butt, I knew the students with a straight on view or from Zupena’s side couldn’t see my hand or fingers on her butt. I knew this because I had my middle finger resting between her tight butt cheeks.
After Mrs. S gave her students some final painting instructions, she began to walk around the ten students’ stations offering individual feedback on various painting aspects and techniques.
Even though my penis was semi-erect after greeting Zupena outside the art room, it was now in its normal, flaccid state as Zupena and I softly talked about trying to find a moment or two to get together down in Guelph this weekend.
“I think Lynette and me, we share room on Thursday and Friday nights, if win our two games on Friday,” Zupena softly said.
“Not ‘if’ but when you win your games,” I softly corrected my new girlfriend.
“Yes. When we win two games,” she laughingly echoed my statement.
“What hotel are you staying at?”
“Coach Jacket said we at Comfort Inn-University hotel,” Zupena replied with a smile.
“I think we’ve got rooms, right next door at the Quality Inn-University,” I whispered as I quickly leaned in to give her another peck on her cheek before moving back to my original position.
“Models aren’t supposed to sneak kisses,” Sylvie Mitchell chuckled from her front and center art station.
“Shush, Sylvie,” Zupena laughed at her nude basketball team mate, which caused her butt cheeks to wonderfully squeeze my right middle finger.
That slight gripping sensation around my finger gave me a wonderfully sinister idea. Because I knew no one could see my right hand and fingers, I slowly eased them down the back of Zupena’s tight bottom. With devilish pressure, I wormed my index and middle fingers through Zupena’s now clenching butt cheeks until I felt the small opening of her vagina with my middle fingertip.
The whites of Zupena’s eyes became more pronounced as she did her best not to change her other facial features or expression as she knew where my fingers were headed once they passed her tightly clenched bum-hole. Being up close and personal with her face, I first noticed that her nostrils started to slowly flare out as my fingertip inched its way through the outer defenses of her vagina.
“Miikkkeee,” Zupena slowly drew out my name as I slipped my finger almost two knuckles deep within her now warm and slightly wet pussy.
“Don’t let anyone here know what is happening, 3-Z,” I whispered to her as I wormed my finger around her super tight passage. With my finger now well coated in her juices, I slipped it from her pussy and teased up further forward until I felt that now activated little nubbin of fun. Zupena immediately squeezed her eyes shut tight as my two fingers playfully pinched and tugged on her little clitoris.
When I lifted my fingers from her pleasure button, Zupena pressed the basketball, which was hiding my current activity from the others’ view, against my fingers to reattach them to her slowly humping crotch.
“Be still, 3-Z. You don’t want anyone to know you’re about to have an orgasm, do you?” I teasingly said as I rolled and pulled on her pleasure button.
With her hazel-green eyes now open and locked onto my blue orbs, Zupena gritted her teeth together and hissed out some air through her clenched teeth and pursed lips.
“You can’t let anyone know you’re going to orgasm, 3-Z. Stay strong and maintain your body position,” I whispered that challenge to her as I slipped my fat thumb into her tight, wet pussy.
I could feel her manicured fingernails digging into my left butt cheek as she did her best to maintain her composure. I knew her orgasm was at hand as her pussy and abdominal muscles started to randomly contract around my thumb and against my right torso. Zupena’s legs were nearly trembling as the initial wave of her standing orgasm washed outward, up and down her six-foot-three inch, toned body. She had to reposition her hand from my left butt cheek to my left flank to help maintain her precarious upright position.
I definitely had to ‘palm-the-basketball’ in my left hand, as Zupena’s right hand was slowly shaking as she struggled to maintain control, as a second wave of pleasure coursed through her body.
Her eyes were on fire as she softly said, “Please, Mike. No more ... Please.”
I did my best to comply with my girl’s pleasure wracked plea. I was able to easily release her sensitive clit from my fingers’ torment. However, Zupena’s super strong pussy muscles were in no mood to release my thumb from their angry clutch. Only when Zupena consciously went ‘bow-legged’ around my hand did her pussy release my pleasure granting polis digit.
With a final long slow sigh, 3-Z finally was able to retake control of her amazingly responsive and reactive body. With an evil smile, she whispered, “You are very bad boy, Mikhail ... and I love you for it.”
It was my turn to go all ‘googly-eyed’ on Zupena, as I processed her final statement. ‘Did she just say she loved me? And was it because I just caused a covert orgasm to overwhelm her body, or was it an actual declaration of true love?‘
I was at a loss for words as her eyes darted around my face, looking for a sign of recognition at her statement. Zupena then whispered as she pressed the basketball into both of our now sensitive groin areas, “Is hard cock just from playing with poossee? Or is sign of love for me?”
I swallowed once and then licked my lips before I softly and simply said, “Its love for you, 3-Z.”
Zupena sighed and then leaned her face towards mine. We shared a kiss just as Mrs. Stenn came up to us to tell us we could relax and move around the room. When the basketball rolled out of Zupena’s hand and bounced on the floor, Mrs. S saw my hard, high-angled cock, as well as my fingers over Zupena’s shaved pussy and said, “Move behind that screen and finish up what you’ve already started.”
Zupena pulled away from my lips and looked to see what Mrs. S was talking about. When she saw the space behind the screen, she pulled my hand from between her legs and whispered, “I suck sperm and semen from hard cock. Come.”
We ducked behind the six-by-eight foot urban scene’s sheet and Zupena immediately knelt between my legs. She looked at up me and said, “I try to swallow cock into throat, how Lisa said she do it?”
“You don’t have to do that, 3-Z,” I softly said as I ran my fingers along her strong jaw-lines.
“I try, please,” Zupena whispered as she focused on the thick, seven-and-a-half cock in front of her face. She then rose up a little more on her knees to straighten out the pathway from her lips to her throat.
After almost gagging twice on my bulbous crown, Zupena forcefully pressed forward and actively swallowed, as my cockhead squeezed through her oral cavity and slipped down her constricting throat. With her flaring nostrils in my trimmed pubes, Zupena gargled around my shaft for a few seconds before she pulled part way off my cock.
With half my shaft in her mouth, Zupena smiled up at me and then restarted her swallowing-pressing forward actions. The incredible tightness, combined with the sloppy, slipperiness of Zupena’s first deep throat BJ triggered my orgasm. I tried to pull back some prior to blasting out my first eruption of cum; however Zupena quickly pulled my crotch tight to her face with her hands, and all four major spurts slipped down her esophagus into her stomach.
Zupena didn’t ease from my orgasming cock until just a few dribbles was all that she needed to taste with her tongue. Similar to Elizabeth, Zupena playfully hooked her front teeth on the flared ridges of my super sensitive and slippery crown as she pulled off of my shaft.
While I did my best to remain relatively quiet during that wonderful blowjob and mind-blowing orgasm, Zupena’s light nibbling of crown caused me to cry, “Ohh! Sweet Gawd! Zupena! Ohh! Gawd!”
“That was great fun, yes?” Zupena said as she peered up at me with a huge grin on her face.
“Beyond great, 3-Z,” I whispered as I sat down on the mattress behind the ‘urban scene’.
“Lisa was right ... swallow helps not to gag as cock goes in throat,” Zupena softly chuckled as she pushed off my knees and sat beside me.
“Zupena,” I softly said as I ran my left hand over the front her long right thigh. When she rested her head on my shoulder I added, “You don’t have to do or try everything that Tempe, or Lisa, or anyone else has done. You’re your own beautiful person, and you and I can do just what we want to do, ‘kay?”
“I want to do that. Remember, I try on Sunday before talk with Lisa and Tempe,” Zupena easily replied.
“Are you two alright? Done back there?” Mrs. S softly said as she respectfully waited on the other side of the hanging ‘art-scene’.
“We are good, Mrs. Stenn,” Zupena replied.
“We’re more than good, Mrs. S,” I added after our art teacher poked her head around the scene.
“While that was a relatively simple pose, you really should see some of my students’ paintings. Not all are completely done but nearly all are or will be ‘show-worthy’ quality,” Mrs. Stenn excitedly said.
I took Zupena’s hand in mine and we walked out from behind the ‘urban scene’. We started looking at the advanced students’ paintings along the window side of the room. The first two we saw were very life-like and captured the simple joy of two naked kids with a basketball.
When we got to Sylvie’s painting, I was kinda taken back by the details she captured of our two different ‘ending’ facial expressions. Sylvie had painted a realistic, devilish look on my face as I stared into Zupena’s flushed orgasmic face. Zupena’s teammate had definitely nailed my new girlfriend’s flared nostrils and dreamy eyed look. In addition, Sylvie had nailed the hardness of Zupena’s pinkish-tanned nipples on her lightly flushed chest.
“That is beautiful, Sylvie,” Zupena said as leaned her nude body against mine.
“Would you like to have it, Zupi ... or Mike?”
I immediately saw the, ‘Oh! My! Gawd!’ look on 3-Z’s face and said, “I think Zupena would really like to have your painting, Sylvie.”
“I love to have painting. It is so skaista un reāla ... beautiful and real! Thank you, Sylvie,” Zupena softly said.
“It is easy to paint such a lovely couple,” Sylvie replied as she gave each of us a gentle punch in our taut stomaches.
We came to Gary’s painting last. While it was just as well done as the other students’ art, I noticed one unique aspect in his painting based on his wall-side vantage point. Gary had clearly captured Zupena’s bright pink fingernails as she dug them into my butt cheek, while my basketball ‘hidden fingers and thumb’ were playfully hidden at or in Zupena’s pussy. Even though I never saw the exact coloration her fingernails were causing in my butt cheek, I trusted that Gary had recreated its true reddish hue as faithfully as he captured the other true to life colors in his painting.
When Zupena noted her talon-like fingernails to Gary, she whispered, “You lucky I didn’t break skin as thumb pushed in poossee.”
“So you were playing hide the finger?” Gary softly yet rhetorically asked. He then added, “Nice!”
“Ohh, it was way more than nice,” Zupena softly replied, and then immediately regretted her words and buried her head on my shoulder.
“It’s okay, Zupena. I’m not sure the others knew what was happening. You were ... surprisingly strong up there,” Gary whispered up at us.
“I think Sylvie was the only other person who knew ... at least she was the only other student to capture some of that in her painting,” I softly replied to Gary as I held Zupena in my arms.
Gary then touched his left index finger to the back of my hand. When I looked at him, he softly said, “Did I hear that Samantha and her boyfriend, just ah ... that he broke up with her this weekend?”
“It was yesterday, actually; but yeah, it was kinda over after Saturday night,” I replied.
Before I could ask the reason for his inquiry, Gary’s eyebrow went up and he asked, “Would it be too soon for me to, ah ... like, see if she’d like to go out sometime?”
“I think that if a certain older brother of my best friend at St. Pat’s were to ask a certain redheaded band mate of mine that question, I’m pretty sure she’d give an affirmative to said older brother,” I semi-cryptically replied to Gary’s information request.
“So you think Samantha would, you know, be good with going out with a farm boy?” Gary self-depreciatingly asked.
I lightly laughed and said, “I know you don’t know her that well, but have you ever heard anyone say Sammy has flaunted her money or her ‘Labatt-ness’ since she came to Medway?”
“Sammy drives a beat-up Bronco, which would fit in perfectly on your dad’s pig farm, Gary,” I laughed and gave his shoulder a semi-easy jab.
“Sammata, she is lovely girl,” Zupena added with a smile.
“Sam-mata is a sweet girl,” Gary lightly chortled after Zupena’s slight mispronunciation of Samantha full name.
“Has she, you know ... offered a return relief session like she mentioned that day?” I softly asked Gary with a raised eye-brow.
“No, not yet,” Gary semi-excitedly said.
“If she does, I’d turn her down if I were you,” I replied with as calm a tone as I could use.

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