After The Energists: Championships, Concerts & CompletionChapter 25: Pour Some Sugar On Me free porn video

NMDHS Locker Room, Parkhill, Ontario
8:22pm, Saturday, December 1, 1979
“Oh, my sweet Lord,” I whispered to myself after drying off from my shower. I just couldn’t resist opening the little pack that Ms. Dillon gave me out on the court. While I knew the main item in this package, the address and instructions almost floored me.
It read, ‘Ms. Candara’s apartment is 1903, at One-London Place, Queens Street. This is the tall, new luxury building just east of downtown. Park in the visitor’s space of the underground garage, and talk with Mr. Firestone, the garage’s attendant about visiting a friend. He’ll be good with things. Use this card to access the 19th floor and her apartment.‘ I couldn’t believe that Ms. Dillon’s special friend, Ms. Candara was none other than our Dr. Candi Wellend. ‘Gawd dang!‘ I thought, ‘this is crazy ... crazy poetic that the Robertson’s and Dr. Candi are going to be involved in a backdoor manner with me and my two girls sexual development experience.‘
“What do you got there, Cuda?” Andy asked as I set the small box on the bench beside me.
“Just a little massage oil that Cano’s mom gave me. She said Lynette has been bugging her about letting her use some of it, so Ms. Dillon gave me some to ‘shut her baby, up,’ ... for the time being.”
“Got enough in there for me to use with Jenn?”
“Sorry, Dude. See, it’s just a small little bottle,” I replied and showed my friend the tiny bottle with the dauber on the top.
“Why the little squeeze bulb, if it’s massage oil?” he asked with a confused look on his face.
“Oh ... this is a concentrated mix, which you add to basic baby oil. It just adds a wonderful strawberry scent to your Johnson’s type oil,” I fibbed and opened the bottle to let him take a whiff of the scent.
“Okay. Nice,” Andy added and then pulled his sweat shirt on over his head.
Out in the limousine, I wasn’t at all surprised that the girls had already taken care of explaining things about my evening plans with Lynette and Lisa. I highly doubted, though, that Zupena and Shannon were aware of the nature of our plans. Zupena, Shannon and Tempe were all good with hanging together at the post-game party at Sammy’s place. Because it was a long day, all six of us chilled or dozed off shortly afterwards on the forty-five minute ride back to the Labatt’s estate.
My girls and I perked up at hearing our three live songs when they came over the limo’s speakers at the top of the hour. Because of the excitement at hearing those songs, the final ten minutes was similar to last night’s drive to the Labatt’s after our little roadside party. There wasn’t any additional ‘dozing off’, just lively chatter about our three live songs. Brick was beaming from ear to ear when the female DJ on FM96 said that her voice was both as sweet as heaven’s angels and as spicy as Mexican Jalapeño Peppers.
As my girls were chatting, something in the back of my mind sparked me to think of this. I turned to Lynette and privately asked, “Do the others know about your true submissive nature, and why we’re going to head out with Lisa?”
“Not really. I know Tempe has an inkling of tonight’s activities, but she doesn’t know about my desire to give complete sexual control to you. What are you thinking, Cuda?”
“Should we talk with them and let them know about you and me? I can prevent them from sharing any of what we tell them ... to protect your true nature,” I asked.
“I’m not ashamed of who am or will become, so we can tell our friends,” Lynette replied a little louder, I believe with the intent of getting the others’ attention.
“Tell us what, Lynette?” Shannon asked after hearing that last part of Cano’s reply.
We spent the final few minutes of our limo ride back to London explaining my first girlfriend’s true sexual nature to the other girls. There were questions and concerns from our girlfriends, but as I’ve come to expect, they all showed Lynette complete love and understanding for her unique sexual inclination. I didn’t tell them about the ‘strawberry oil’ and its effect on females or that our late night destination was Dr. Candi’s apartment. Those were things that I didn’t feel like sharing with them. They all agreed that it would be best if I prevented them from talking about this in the future, as they too were concerned for Lynette’s privacy and safety as we explained this hidden side of her nature.
My five girls plus the other girls in our circle of friends, all went crazy when Sammy and Eda walked into the guest house about thirty minutes after we got there. They, along with us guys, all wanted to hear about Sammy’s day at the Ontario Wushu Combat Championships. Sammy had her gold medal around her neck, while E carried in a three-and-a-half foot tall trophy with two Martial Artists grappling as the focal point of that beautiful prize. Sammy also had a ‘Chem-Ice’ bag in her hands, which she obviously had been using on her ‘reddened’ and slightly bruised left cheek, and jaw-bone area.
“Oh, man! You wouldn’t believe how fast and powerful this keg of dynamite was in her final two matches!” Eda exclaimed as she attempted to jab and kick her foot in a similar manner to Sammy’s semi-final actions. “Sammy KO’ed her semi-final opponent with a spinning Tornado Axe Kick. That poor girl had her face literally explode from Sammy’s strike!”
“I didn’t hit or aim at her head on purpose. I was aiming for her shoulder, a winning strike, when she flinched in a way I wasn’t expecting,” Sammy quickly added with a scrunched up face. “The bottom of my foot hit her square on her nose when she ducked into my kick, instead of moving away. Gawd, I felt bad for her as she collapsed in a pool of blood on the mat.”
Most of the people in the guest house reacted by putting their hands to their faces and crying out in imaginary pain for that poor girl’s misfortune.
“Sensei ChuLei really had to work with me ... getting my concentration and my mind back under control after destroying that girl’s face,” Sammy said after a few moments with everyone buzzing about that fight ending blow.
“Sammy was great in the championship match, too!” Eda exclaimed with a huge grin on her face. “She used her arm to deflect a Spinning Roundhouse Kick up over her head. Then, with the girl off-balance, Sammy, she used a, a ... what did you use again, Sammy?”
Sammy laughed and said, “I used a Fake Leg Sweep, Roundhouse Combo to nail her shoulder with a winning strike.”
“Yeah! That!” E shouted as she nearly fell after spinning on her left foot. “That girl was lucky Sammy didn’t take her head off with that kick!”
“You drilled her good, did ya?” Cano asked as she pulled the shorter redhead into her chest for a huge hug.
“Yeah! I hit her right about here,” Sammy said as she pointed to Lynette’s upper bicep, lower deltoid muscle area. “It was just high enough to be considered a ‘head shot’. I definitely didn’t want to send another girl to the hospital, so I aimed a little lower than I normally would have done without that earlier match in the back of my mind.”
“Again, it wouldn’t have been your fault if you hit her in the head by accident, or if she made a mistake like the other girl, right?” Brick asked.
“No, but we’re taught where to aim or when to pull a punch – kick when going around a person’s head, so I made sure with that powerful roundhouse kick, I wasn’t going to come close to her head,” Sammy replied with a smile.
After dancing with my girls, and a few other beauties like Andi, Jennifer and Heidi to Sammy’s dance-mix songs, Lynette, Lisa and I said our good-byes around ten-forty. I knew that Dr. Candi would have left for the ER by now, and that her apartment would be prepared for our evening’s special session. While I didn’t know everything that Dr. Candi had in her toy chest, I was pretty sure that I would have a fun arsenal of items to give Lynette the extreme session she craved, while introducing Brick to the intermix of pleasurable-pain activities.
“Have fun, guys!” Shannon called out as I helped Lisa into her ski jacket.
Zupena walked up to me and whispered in my ear, “Take care to give girls what they need. Don’t hurt them, though.”
“I will and won’t, 3-Z,” I replied and kissed my Amazonian blonde beauty.
“Bring my Bricky back safely to me. Lynette, too,” Tempe softly said as she moved in to give me her little speech before she got some good night sugar.
“What she just said. Bring both girls home with what they need, please,” Shannon added as she waited patiently for her own good night kiss.
“Get these two home safely, Shannon,” I said, pointing to Tempe and Zupena after sharing a passionate kiss with my blonde cheerleader.
“I will,” she replied.
Then all five girls sweetly said in unison, “Love you, guys/girls.”
“Bye, guys!” our friends shouted as I held the front door open for Cano and Brick.
“Later,” I called out as I stepped out into the darn chilly, First of December evening.
On the drive downtown, I asked Lynette if she knew that her parents knew Dr. Candi.
“No, why?” she replied from the front passenger seat of my Barracuda.
“Well, guess where your mom arranged our wonderful evening,” I chuckled.
“Noooo! We’re not going to Dr. Candi’s apartment!” Lisa squealed from the back seat.
“That’s the exact address your mom gave me up in Parkhill, Lynette, Lisa,” I replied with a smile.
“Oh! My! God! Dr. Candi isn’t, is she?” Lynette throatily asked.
“Oh, yeah! Dr. Candi loves giving up control and leaving her sexual safety in the hands of her trusted friends, right, Lisa?” I replied and asked for my youngest girlfriend’s confirmation of my words.
“She, she surprised me and Tempe last Sunday, Lynette,” Lisa excitedly said. She scooted up so she had her head between the front seats and added, “Dr. Candi had self-restrained herself to her bed before we arrived and, and she ... oh, goodness, she enjoyed being dripped with hot wax and, kinda loved it when we used a little riding whip on her boobs, legs and get this, even on her pussy.”
Lynette simply shivered in excitement as she listened to Brick prattle on about what happened last Sunday with Dr. Candi, and about her exquisite apartment. The main player in tonight’s events then turned to me and said, “I had a feeling you and Dr. Candi were getting together during your football season, but I didn’t have a clue that she was like me and Momma.”
“And that’s the way it should be. With you, your mom and Candi, it’s nobodies’ business knowing what you enjoy or crave in the privacy of your homes, or places of enjoyment. It’s best for the world to believe you are always as strong-willed and in control of your life as you ladies appear to be.”
“Yes, that’s what Momma said to me during our many talks about our lifestyle choices,” my first girlfriend replied as I drove down King Street to double-back on Queen’s one-way street.
The three of us were in for a major shocker when Mr. Firestone simply said, “Good evening, Master Mike. I see you have two lovely beauties with you for the night. Take good care of Ms. Lisa and I’m guessing, Ms. Lynette,” he said as he got out of his attendant’s booth to greet us.
“Good chilly evening, Mr. F,” I replied as I shook his hand. I then said, “Dr. Candi has informed you of our evening, I see.”
“Yes, both Dr. Candice and Ms. Dillon talked to me about tonight’s events. If you give me your car keys, I will have your Barracuda detailed with as much care as you’re to use with these beautiful ladies. I hope you three have a wonderful evening.”
“Tha-thank you, Mr. Firestone,” Lisa stammered in surprise at the older gentleman.
“Yes, thanks. I’m sure we’ll have a great time,” Lynette replied with a combination grin-frown on her beautiful face.
“Here you go, Mr. F,” I said as I flipped him my key ring. “What do I owe you for looking after my car?”
“Just three smiles in the morning, Master Mike. Just three beautiful smiles!” the older man replied with his own smile.
“I’m sure we can come up with that payment for you, then,” I chuckled and shook his hand. I made sure my next handshake with Mr. F would contain a couple of twenties, too.
“Have a great night and don’t worry about anything, but your evening’s activities,” Mr. Firestone said as we walked to the elevator.
“Mr. Firestone knows what we’re doing? Whoa! I can’t believe that!” Lisa exclaimed in the elevator to the 19th floor.
“I can’t believe my mom and Dr. Candi told him about us,” Lynette quickly added.
“Something is a tad screwy ‘bout this set up, but with special folks like Dr. Candi and your parents, Cano, I’m not too-too surprised that Mr. F isn’t in the know,” I said with a slight head shake.
Both girls were suddenly subdued when the elevator opened at this upper luxury floor. While Lisa had been here before, Lynette hesitated some as it became all too real regarding her about our reason for being here with me.
“Are you okay, Cano?” Lisa softly asked as the taller blonde slowly came off the elevator into the lavish hallway to these four, nineteenth floor apartments.
After taking a deep lungful of air, Lynette lifted her head up and calmly said, “I’m perfect, Lisa ... with you here to support me and Mike.”
When I opened the door to Candi’s apartment, I was a little surprised to see a few candles burning in the living room area. I couldn’t believe the good doctor would leave for work with them still aflame.
All three of us were majorly surprised when Dr. Candi stepped out of her bedroom and said, “Good evening, Master Mike and my beautiful Time Bandettes.”
Candi was dressed in lacy purple lingerie, with a see-through camisole covering her pushup bra. On her lower body, she wore thong panties, a garter belt and purple fishnet stockings. She also had on a black trimmed, lilac mask over her eyes, with her jet black hair teased and layered over her shoulders. In her right hand, Candi carried that two-and-a-half foot riding crop, and one padded wrist cuff.
“Ca-Candi! What are you doing here?” Lisa stammered as I just smiled at our favorite doctor.
“While I knew that Mike and Lynette were going to use my apartment, I just found out an hour ago that my Baby-Bricky would be coming to share with Lynette’s experience. So, I wanted to be here in case things got a little scary for you, Bricky,” Dr. Candi softly replied as she leaned against her bedroom door opening.
“You took off from work for me ... why?” Lisa replied as she quickly scooted over to Dr. Candi.
“Well, I had two reasons, actually. One, I was ... I am a little worried about your body’s reactions to this stressful situation. So, this first one is kind of a professional oriented concern. Secondly, you’re my Baby-Brick, and I wanted to make sure your first experience in our world goes well. I knew from talking with Ms. Dillon that Lynette’s upcoming experience could get intense, real quick. Therefore, if I feel like I need to take you to the guest room because of their activities, you’d have a loving person with you at all times.”
“I love you, Dr. Candi,” Lisa softly said as the youngest and oldest people in the apartment shared a kiss and comforting hug.
When Lisa let off of her hug, Dr. Candi smiled at me and Lynette and said, “Hi, Lynette. Welcome to my home. I really hope you experience exactly what you need, tonight. If you’d rather I wait out here in the living room until Master calls me to assist with Lisa, I will gladly do that or anything you desire to make this your special night.”
“Thank you, Dr. Candi,” Lynette said as she squeezed herself tightly to my body. She then looked up at me and said, “I trust you to do everything I need. If you need or want to have Candi’s help...”
“I would love to have your assistance with tonight’s activities, DC. I know you have everything ready for these two lovely ladies,” I said in a calm but confident tone of voice.
“Oh, yes, Master. I have a lovely assortment of toys laid out on a table in my bedroom. If I may be so bold, Sir, I would suggest having these beautiful girls strip out here. Then, I can place a simple blindfold over their eyes to keep everything in my bedroom a mystery for them.”
“You indeed are bold, DC. However, I do approve of your suggestions. Lisa, Lynette ... please come over to the sofa and remove your clothes,” I instructed my girls. As they complied with my request, I calmly asked, “Lynette? Is there anything you can think of that I or Dr. Candi shouldn’t do to you, tonight? Are you good with spanking, whips to your private parts, clamps or various sources of stimulation?”
“You know I have never been spanked or whipped in a session like this, Master. I believe I will be good with them, but...”
“Okay, Lynette. If at any point we do something that becomes too much for you to bear or handle, all you need to say is, ‘I don’t like’ or ‘I don’t love pizza.’ We will then immediately stop that source of stimulation,” I said to her as she stood up before me in all her naked submissiveness.
“But I do like or love pizza, Master,” Lynette countered with a quizzical look on her lowered face.
“That is why Master picked a phrase, Sweetie,” Dr. Candi replied with a smile. “Your safety phrase has to be meaningful to you, and be something you’d never say unless our actions go beyond your body’s limits. Master knows when I’ve reached my limits by my ‘NOT safe’ phrase.” Dr. Candi then turned to look at Lisa’s naked body and said, “For you my Baby-Brick, if things tonight go beyond your limits or if you want to leave the master bedroom, simply say your bass guitar’s name, ‘Rickenbacker’. I, we will immediately stop what we are doing with you, or I’ll take you from the room ... if that is what you desire. Do you understand me, Sweetie?”
“Yes, Ma’am. I’m to say, ‘Rickenbacker’ if I’m not good with the things being done to me or with Lynette,” Lisa softly said as she leaned against my shoulder.
“You’ll do fine, Lisa,” I said as I gave her a comforting hug. I turned to Lynette on my opposite side and gave her a kiss on her forehead as I whispered, “If you absolutely must have an orgasm during tonight’s events, simply add a ‘Really‘ to your, ‘I don’t love pizza’ phrase. I will then do what I have to do for that to happen.”
“Yes, Master. Thank you, Master,” Lynette meekly replied as she pressed her head against my shoulder.
I nodded to Dr. Candi and then said, “Are you ready for the night of your life, Cano?”
“Yes, Master,” she quickly replied and immediately stood tall and interlocked her fingers behind her neck. Her firm breasts with those amazing puffy nipples were thrust upward on her slowly rising and falling chest. I was impressed that she remembered to do that from the last time we were together on our ‘Magical Mysteria’ night.
Dr. Candi smiled at Lynette’s actions and nodded to Lisa. She then mouthed to me, ‘May I?‘ After seeing my nod, DC calmly said to Lisa, “Step away from your Master, and take up your friend’s position, Baby-Brick.”
Lisa quickly looked at Lynette and let a sigh escape from her chest. She then complied with her Mistress’ request and positioned her hands behind her neck. Her large breasts sat wonderfully high upon her chest with her elbows drawn high and wide. While her nipples weren’t in Lynette’s league for puffiness, Brick’s areolas appeared larger than I recalled them being with her breasts now on full display.
“Baby-Brick, you are missing one key aspect that your friend is doing very well,” Dr. Candi softly said to the young brunette.
Lisa quickly turned her upright head to study Lynette’s position. After a few moments, Lisa figured out what she missed. As she lowered her chin to her chest, she softly said, “Sorry, Ma’am. I will try to be more observant in the future.”
“You are doing well, Lisa,” I said as I lightly patted her naked left butt cheek. I then said to Dr. Candi, “Please bring the needed supplies for these two beautiful creatures.”
“Yes, Master,” DC quickly replied and turned to go into her dim, candle-lit bedroom.
As Dr. Candi was doing as I asked, I calmly told both girls to close their eyes and relax as best they could. I then said to Lisa, “Only speak when requested, Brick. The only exception to that rule is if you need to tell us your safety word. Understand?”
“Yes, Master,” she softly said.
With my girls’ eyes closed, Dr. Candi came out of the bedroom with two blindfolds and two sets of fuzzy padded wrist cuffs. She smiled at me and mouthed, ‘May I put these on Baby-Brick, please?‘
I motioned to her to come to me. I then whispered, “You may take charge of Lisa. If I wish to do something with her, I will let you know. We all trust you as much as you trusted me with your safety.”
“Thank you, Master. I will not let you or your girls down,” Dr. Candi softly replied.
“Never a doubt in my mind, DC. Never a doubt on that,” I calmly said.
We quickly slipped a blindfold over our girls’ eyes. I then put the wrist cuffs on Lynette’s wrists, as Candi did likewise to Lisa. Candi saw how I put my hands on Lynette’s elbows and lead her towards the bedroom, and she directed Lisa in a similar manner.
I was very impressed with the assortment of toys that Dr. Candi had laid out on a table in front of her bedroom’s entertainment center. I then saw a set of chains dangling from to ceiling dead-bolts. I motioned to my beautiful assistant to move Lisa to those chains as I angled Lynette over to her queen-sized bed.
Dr. Candi had a wonderful smile on her face as she hooked Lisa’s wrist cuffs to those chains. She then winked at me and said, “Spread your legs, Baby-Brick.” She gave Lisa’s butt cheeks a swat when Lisa didn’t respond as fast as she liked.
“Oh! Sorry, sorry!” Lisa squealed in surprise.
“Lisa,” I firmly said to orient her attention to me. “What was the one rule I gave you, tonight?”
Lisa dropped her blindfolded head to her chest and whispered, “Only speak when requested, Sir.”
“And what should happen when my girls break a simple rule like that, Lisa?”
“Wa-we need to be pa-punished, so we da-don’t do that again, Sir,” Lisa stammered as she realized her error.
As I was making sure Lisa was clear on my expectations, Candi grabbed a cuffed ankle-spreader bar from the table. While I restrained Lynette with her long legs secured under her cuffed arms with the restraints already in place over the bed’s top posts, I watched Candi secure Lisa’s legs about four feet apart.
“Nicely done, DC,” I replied as she tightened Lisa’s arm chains till she was stretched up completely with her feet still flat to the carpeted floor. I then added, “Don’t you think you are slightly overdressed for this occasion?”
With a wicked smile, Dr. Candi simply lifted her camisole over her head and tossed it towards the bathroom opening. She then lifted each of her ‘B-sized’ breasts from her purple bra and used that lacy material as a shelf for her beautiful boobs. With her thong panties over the garter straps, Candi made short work of that miniscule undergarment. She looked smashingly beautiful with her pubes trimmed in a sharp ‘V’ above her smooth pussy.
Because I mentioned being overdressed to Candi, I quickly slipped off the mattress and discarded my own clothes. I made sure I set that small vial of strawberry oil, which I had in my front pocket to warm, on the nightstand. When Candi saw that vial of ‘Missive-Maker’, her eyes got as big as saucers. She then stared at me and mouthed, ‘Not for Lisa, right?‘
I simply shook my head negatively and said, “Not until I’m sure of her true nature.”
“Thank you, Master,” Dr. Candi softly replied with relief etched on her face.
I then went over to Candi’s assortment of toys and examined a few of her expected and unusual items. I first grabbed a bottle of ‘surprise-surprise’ strawberry scented massaging oil. I felt it best to relax Lynette before getting to her major activities. From my talks with Ms. Dillon last spring and summer, she said it was always best to have your submissive partner properly prepared for her later challenging experiences.
As I was rubbing this scented oil over Lynette’s restrained legs, upturned crotch and torso, I marveled at how Dr. Candi teased Lisa with her riding crop. She whispered in her Baby-Brick’s ear that rule breakers must be disciplined and asked, “How many of these strikes with this little whip, Bricky, do you believe it would take for you to learn Master’s no talking rule?”
“I’m not sure, Mistress Candi. I’m-ah too scared ta ... to think of a number,” Lisa stammered and leaned side-to-side against her restraining chains as Candi touched the crop to the outside of her massive breasts.
“Well then, my Baby-Bricky, how about you just count each strike for me, and I’ll determine when you’ve learned that lesson. How does that sound to you?” Dr. Candi said as she trailed that crop down Lisa’s quivering stomach and over her shaved pussy. I just smiled as Lisa tried to push her crotch as far back from that teasing crop as possible while struggling to maintain her balance.
I leaned forward over Lynette’s restrained body and ran my hard cock through her puffy pussy lips. Lynette groaned at that unexpected sensation. With my head beside her ear, I whispered, “Are you going to be okay when Lisa cries from her punishment?”
“I never want to hear Bricky cry, but I understand she must be punished for talking out of turn. May I please speak to her before she is punished, Master?”
“You may,” I simply said as I pushed up from her torso and sawed my hard shaft through her slick lips.
“Sta-stay strong, Bricky. This may hurt but you can take it. Just know ... all this is done with love,” Lynette stammered as she struggled with her thoughts as her pleasure increased from my teasing cockhead.
“Nicely said, Lynette,” Dr. Candi said and immediately swatted the inside of Lisa’s right thigh.
The sharp ‘thwack’ sound was quickly followed by the chains rattling and Lisa’s cry, “Oh! Ow! Ow! That is one, Mistress!”
“I’m doing this because I love you, Bricky,” Dr. Candi said as she lightly touched the spot she just struck with her soft fingertips. She then ran the crop up the inside of Lisa’s right thigh, and let it linger on her shaved pussy. Candi then smiled at me and quickly moved to Lisa’s side and swatted her left butt cheek.
“Ow! Ow! Two, Mistress! Two strikes!” Lisa cried and thrust her pelvis towards the bed with her arm restraints preventing her from falling forward.
Candi’s third chopping blow landed on the outside of Lisa’s left breast. Lisa’s cry wasn’t as strong or as loud as I thought it would be. I guess Candi thought likewise after Lisa’s number call. She then barely grazed Lisa’s right nipple with a sharp swat.
Lisa’s boobs bounced as she simply sucked in as much air into her body as possible and stammered out a halting, “Fa-fa-fa-four! Gawd! That was four! Mistress Candi!”
Taking a cue from what I had often done with her, Candi asked, “Do you like your Rickenbacker, Baby-Brick?”
“I, I love my ba – Ow! Ow! Ow-eeeee!” Lisa replied and then cried out at the unexpected, but relatively light upward swat to her exposed pussy. Once Lisa realized that wasn’t near as bad as the swat to her nipple, she said, “Five, Mistress. That was the fifth strike.”
“Do you believe you have learned Master’s rule, Bricky?” Dr. Candi asked the heavy breathing teenager.
“Yes, Mistress. I am truly sorry for breaking your rule, Master,” Lisa replied as she rocked side to side against her arm restraints.
“You’ve done well, Lisa. Hasn’t she Cano?” I said as I tapped her clit with my cockhead.
“Yes, Master. I was worried about her after that fourth strike, but Lisa did very well,” Lynette softly replied as she turned her head in her friend’s direction. Lynette then blew a kiss to the panting girl, almost like she was trying to pass on some of her own strength to her younger friend.
Dr. Candi then tossed the riding crop onto the bed beside me. I lightly touched my chest and held up four fingers to let DC know what I wanted to use next with our restrained beauties. Candi quickly went to her table and snagged two sets of nipple clamps. She handed me a nice pair of gator-clamps which had rubberized teeth to get the wearer’s full attention.
“Ohhhh!... Ow!” Lynette cried as I set and tightened the wicked clamp on her puffy right nipple.
“How is your pizza, Cano?” I lightly laughed.
“I simply love my pizza, Master,” Lynette wheezed as she pressed her back into the mattress as if that would prevent me from attaching her other piece of nipple jewelry.
“I’m glad to hear that,” I replied as I slide the locking ring tight, forcing those rubber teeth into her left hard puffy nipple.
“I love pizza, I love pizza! Oh! Gawd! I love pizza!“ Lynette cried as that sensation ripped through her body.
I then poured a few more droplets of Candi’s strawberry oil over Lynette’s upturned mons and rubbed it lovingly around her pussy and through her dirty blonde landing strip of hair. When I reached for that special oil, Candi’s eyes got wide once more and mouthed, ‘On her clit ... really?‘

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