After The Energists: Championships, Concerts & CompletionChapter 35: Addicted To Love free porn video

Althouse College - UWO, London, Ontario
7:43pm, Thursday, December 20, 1979
“Because everything we’ve recorded has been from a live concert, I’d rather record Hell’s Bells with a similar slant ... instead of integrating multiple tracks to form the record. Does that make sense to you?” I asked Wilson Sikma and Kimmy Mellanson, the two CBS Records recording engineers in the control room of Althouse College’s recording studio.
“Yes, we’ve practiced it a bunch and we like how we’ve got it sounding,” Sammy added with smile.
“Is there really anything wrong with being known as just a ‘live band’?” Lisa innocently asked the million dollar question.
Wilson Sikma, who recorded our No Fear! album in Medway’s gymnasium looked at Mr. Murphie for guidance as this was an unusual request at a recording studio. The CBS Records’ executive laughed and shook his head for a moment, before he said, “Even though they, and us don’t have any numbers to trigger their creativity clause in our contract, I think ... Oh, what the hell, let’s have them play through the song a couple of times. If the quality sounds anything like their other concert songs ... why shouldn’t we put this out like their other recordings?”
“Hey, I’m all for it, too! These kids have three top five songs, and they’re all live recordings, so...” Wilson said with a huge grin on his face.
“That works for me, too,” Kimmy, Wilson’s assistant recording engineer, said and laughed. “If I can get on the 401 and back to Toronto, tonight, I’m all for it.”
“You got a hot date lined up, Kimmy?” Lynette chuckled at the cute, multi pierced, twenty-five-year-old brunette.
“Unfortunately, no! I just sleep a whole lot better in my own bed rather than in hotels,” Kimmy replied.
“I don’t blame ya for wanting to get home, then,” Lynette added as she lightly smacked the punk-looking girl on her shoulder.
“Okay, Mike, ladies. Why don’t you kids head into the recording room and we’ll do a final sound check between your wireless system and our recording board,” Wilson said as Mr. Murphie stepped up to look over the two engineers’ shoulders.
“We need to stay out here with you, right?” Shannon asked Mr. Murphie as she, Zupena and Tempe leaned against the control room’s back wall.
“Yes. We’d hate to have an accidental foot or chair scuffling sound mess up a recording that we can use,” Mr. Murphie softly replied to my blonde cheerleader girlfriend.
When we got in the recording studio, Wilson said through the speakers, “Sammy, everybody, just sing the chorus for me with no instruments. I need to hear your voices to know if we need to use the studio’s mics to limit the breathiness that normally comes through regular mics.”
“They don’t want my sweet voice on this song, so do I have to do a vocal check?” Lisa asked with a grin as she gave Sammy and me a lower lip pout.
“No, you’re good to go, Lisa,” Wilson laughed in response. He then quickly added, “But you best tuck your lip back in cause it might get in the way of playing your bass.”
“You’re so funny,” Lisa deadpanned but gave Wilson a big toothy grin.
Because Lynette wasn’t going to be on her Yamaha keyboards during Hell’s Bells, she simply programmed her keytar in a similar fashion to her main system, and brought that smaller instrument with us. When our wireless mics met with Wilson and Kimmy’s approval, we got set to record our first studio song, albeit in a ‘false live’ fashion.
After double checking with everyone, Sammy hit the play button on the fire-engine red keytar lying in front of her central location. When the wicked gongs sounded through our ear monitors, I could sense the tension of playing in a recording studio fade away from my bandmates and me.
As we played and Sammy sang the first verse of Hell’s Bells, Wilson’s voice came through our monitors, stopping our performance.
“As much as I like seeing you guys are getting in the spirit of this song, you’re gonna have to play relatively stationary. I’m hearing some of the squeaks from your shoes on the floor as you’re boppin’ and boogiein’ around.”
“But I don’t know if I can stand still and sing something like this,” Sammy rightfully replied.
“Me, neither!” Brick quickly added as she was still bouncing on her toes after that brief run through.
“If we remove our shoes and just play in our socks, would that work?” Lynette asked with a grin on her face.
“Let’s give it a shot,” Wilson chuckled through our monitors.
With his microphone turned off so we couldn’t hear, Wilson looked over his shoulder to Mr. Murphie and said, “From that short first run through, this is gonna be good... real good.”
“Yeah. I would have been happy to just have their practice session with the Maclean’s people on tape to release. It was that good ... after just three rehearsal passes,” Mr. Murphie replied to his sound engineer’s comment. We learned of this short conversation from my girlfriends, who were with them in the control room.
With two complete recordings of Hell’s Bells on tape, Mr. Murphie said through our monitors, “I know you kids have retooled your vocals to reduce Mike’s contributions in this song, but I think it sounded better when he was matched up with Sammy’s vocals like at your guest house.”
“See, I told you guys that!” Eda quickly exclaimed from her drum throne.
Sammy looked at Lynette and then to me, and then our lead singer said, “Now that we’ve played it a few times, I hate to say it, but our vocals did sound better with Cuda’s deeper voice working with my raspy chops.”
“Hey, you know I’m cool with Cuda being the main backup,” Lynette softly said to Sammy. She then turned to Eda and added, “You and me, E, we’ll just sing on the second part of the chorus, like we originally had it, okay?” A simple nod from our drummer was all everyone needed to know that we were on the same page with things.
With two more recordings of Hell’s Bells with Sammy’s lead and my backing vocals on tape, Wilson said to us through our monitors, “You guys come on it here. Let’s have a listen to these tapes.”
As we walked back into the control room, Zupena came over to hug me as Shannon moved to give Lynette a congratulatory hug and light peck on her cheek. I wasn’t surprised that Tempe zeroed in on her best friend, Lisa, to do likewise. After giving me a kiss on my cheek, Zupena softly said, “I like last recording, best. I think guitar solo was awesome on that final song.”
“I think so, too, Zupena. Still, we’ll have to see what the others think,” I replied and gave my tallest girlfriend another little hug.
“So, what do you think, Mr. Murphie?” Sammy asked with a major league grin on her face.
“Well, we definitely have something worth releasing,” the CBS executive replied with his own smile. He then said, “Let’s listen to those two recordings and see which one you like best. Wilson, Kimmy and I have our favorite, but we want to hear what you kids think.”
We listened to those recordings in the control room. I loved watching Lisa’s and Eda’s facial expressions as they marveled at how they, all of us, sounded on a professionally recorded song. They, along with Tempe, were beyond giddy as they chatted during the second recording.
“I like both of them, but if I had to pick, it would be the last one,” Lynette replied just before the ending of the second recording. She had her eyes closed for the most part, and when she finally opened them, she winked at me and Zupena as we leaned along the back wall.
“I, uh ... I think my vocals were a little stronger on the first one, but the overall sound is better on the second one. If I had to, I’d pick ... the second one,” Sammy replied as she smiled at my bandmates and friends.
“I agree with Sammy. Her raspy voice was fuller on the first one, but it was still good on the second recording. Overall, we sounded knurlier on the second one, so that’s my choice,” Lisa added as she pulled both her sister and Tempe into her torso.
“What you girls said,” Eda simply added as she pointed to Lynette and Sammy. She then looked at me and Zupena and asked, “Mike?”
“I ... I’d pick the second one, too, because I think your more breathy sounding vocals fit the song better on it than your fuller tone from the first recording, Sammy. This song doesn’t need or work with a perfect tonal voice ... in my opinion. That, along with Lisa’s bass and my guitar riffs being better on the second one are the reasons for my picking that recording.”
We all waited for either Mr. Murphie or Wilson to say something in response to our picking the second recording. After what seemed like forever, Wilson smiled at us and said, “We’re glad you liked the second recording. Your playing is definitely better on it, and like Mike said, your more gravelly vocals on the second take really give this a truer bad ass sound, Sammy.”
“Can you play like the second verse from both recordings again, so I can hear the differences in what you two said?” Sammy asked as Lynette rubbed her neck.
“Gimme a sec,” Kimmy replied and soon had the recordings cued up for us.
Before Kimmy turned off the first recording, Wilson said, “Your voice is too perfect for those lyrics, Sammy. Did you hear that, that, “I’ll give you black sensations up and down your spine,” line? It is too smooth ... don’t ‘cha think?”
“Here, listen to your second recording of those lyrics,” Kimmy said before we heard the lead in music to those same lines in the second recording.
“Oh! Hell! Yeah!” Sammy shouted as the hard rocking music and her less than perfect, throaty vocals filled the control room. She then looked over at me, and winked with a nod of her head.
After a little more discussion on the merits of using the second recording, Mr. Murphie said, “For the ‘B’ side of this single, why don’t we use your recording of Don’t Be Cruel from your No Fear! album?”
Lisa’s eyes got real wide at that and then started to shake her head no in response to that suggestion. With all eyes on her, now, my busty girlfriend then said, “That won’t work for two reasons. First, Elvis and Hell’s Bells ... not a good pairing. Second...” Lisa then quickly looked between Lynette, Eda and me a few times before she continued, “Lynette, or maybe E, should get to sing lead on this ‘B’ song. Neither of them has sung lead, yet, on anything we’ve put out there.”
“I don’t need or care...” Lynette quickly replied. “Me, neither!” Eda shouted just after Lynette’s initial words. “ ... if I’m singing lead on one of these songs, Bricky,” Lynette finished out her response.
“I know you don’t, but Lisa has gotta point,” Sammy interjected as she gave Lynette’s right arm a shake.
“Well, the only song I’ve sung that we have recorded is Alone, and that really isn’t an appropriate match with this song, right?” Lynette countered.
“Yeah, that’s even softer than Don’t Be Cruel,” Eda replied with a negative head shake.
Lisa immediately looked at me when she saw a grin slowly spread over my face. With a raised eyebrow and a slight nod towards Lynette, Lisa let me know she was thinking the same thing as me.
Sammy also noticed that non-verbal action and laughingly said, “Spill it, Cuda!”
“How much time do we have left here?” I asked of Wilson, Kimmy and Mr. Murphie.
“We’re in no hurry to get out of here,” the CBS executive replied with a smile on his face. He also gave Kimmy a slight nudge on her shoulder after making that reply to quash any, “Oh! Man!” type replies from the assistant engineer.
Lisa pulled free from Tempe’s and E’s slight hold and exclaimed, “C’mon, then. Let’s go play Highway to Hell and use it as the ‘B’ side to Hell’s Bells.”
“Is that what you were thinking, Cuda?” Sammy laughed.
As I nodded in reply, Lynette screeched, “You guys can’t be serious?”
“That song is great match, Leenette,” Zupena said before she quickly gave me a small peck on the cheek and pushed me towards the recording studio.
“It’s gonna be awesome, Cano,” Shannon added as she lightly shook Lynette’s shoulders before gently pushing her in the direction of the recording studio.
“You guys don’t need your keyboards for this song?” Wilson asked as he worked at the control panel, getting ready to record this second song.
“Nope. Sammy and Lynette are simply gonna to swap out rhythm guitar and lead vocal duties on this song,” E replied over her shoulder as she followed Lisa into the recording studio.
We played our cover of AC-DC’s song twice in the studio before Kimmy asked, “Can you guys do it with Mike adding his voice to back up Lynette’s vocals like he did with Hell’s Bells?”
“Is this your actual live version, guys?” Wilson asked right after his assistant’s inquiry.
“We’ve never done it with Cuda backing Lynette, Kimmy,” Sammy replied to her request.
“We can give it a shot, can’t we?” Lisa immediately added.
“No, Wilson. We’ve kinda took out my extended intro, and Lynette’s playful ending,” I replied to the main engineer’s inquiry.
“I don’t think we need to add anymore to the intro as it already is three minutes and forty-eight seconds,” Mr. Murphie added.
“Oh, you really need to hear Mike’s intro, especially if we want this recording to have that ‘Time Bandette’ live feel,” Sammy replied as she moved over and gave me a light smack on my right shoulder.
“Isn’t Hell’s Bells a tad over five minutes?” Lisa quickly asked, knowing full well it topped that time.
Mr. Murphie laughed in the control room in response to Sammy’s statement and Lisa’s question. He then said, “Okay. Give us your concert version, guys. If it gets too long, we’ll talk about where we can shorten it.”
“I think with Mike’s intro and our little playful ending, it will come in a little under or just a hair over five minutes,” Lynette added with a smile. She then bent over at the waist before forcefully whipping her long blonde mane of hair back over her shoulders. We’d all come to realize that that movement was one of her trigger mechanisms to get into her hardcore rocker girl mentality.
“Can we do this without Mike adding his vocals? We kinda like how it sounds with just us girls backing up Cano,” Sammy asked as the girls stepped back in preparation for my forty second guitar intro.
“We can do it your way this time and then see about adding Mike’s backing vocals,” Wilson called out and then gave us his signal that he was ready to record this session.
We played Lynette’s striptease version of Highway to Hell, and had a major blast doing it. I didn’t include my ‘guitar through Lynette’s legs routine,’ as I knew the real purpose was to get this recording done as soon as possible. When we finished playing our ‘live version’, we could see the three adults having an animated conversation behind the glass.
With the flip of a switch, Mr. Murphie then said, “We absolutely love that, guys, but we don’t wanna use it as the ‘B’ side recording to Hell’s Bells. I think your first recording of Highway is the one we’ll use.”
“Why’s that?” Lynette asked.
“We don’t wanna give anything away by putting that ‘live version’ out there ahead of your NIS concert. What you guys just played needs to be seen and heard for the first time during your show,” Mr. Murphie replied with a smile. In the background, we could see my three girlfriends all nodding in agreement with the CBS Records’ executive.
“That was awesome, guys! We’ll keep a copy of that recording ... as a backup in case something like a feedback mishap or major flub occurs during your show,” Wilson added with a smile.
“Yeah, we can easily sub that recording into your concert album if needed, and no one will be the wiser,” Kimmy interjected with huge smile on her face.
After talking with the three CBS Records people, and Dr. and Mrs. Younger, as well as their daughter, Stephanie, who all came into the control room near the start of Highway to Hell, we quickly had our instruments and equipment taken apart and ready to load in our trailer.
“That sounded great, guys,” Stephanie ‘Strawberry’ Younger said as she carried two of E’s floor tom cases out to the trailer. “I never knew you could pull off singing AC-DC, Cano.”
“It was my mom, who suggested I give that song a try,” Lynette laughed in response to Stephanie’s comment.
“And she’s gonna strip to that song,” Eda chuckled and gave me a wink to show she still liked my, our shared surprise for Lynette at the NIS concert.
“I still can’t wrap my head around the fact that you guys are gonna do a nationally televised ‘naked’ concert,” Stephanie exclaimed as we tried to get our equipment in the trailer as quickly as possible on this cold December evening.
Lisa laughed at Stephanie’s words and said, “It still scares the crap out of me. I’ve only been topless while performing at the Halloween concert, so...”
“That’s right! You were sick at the Band Challenge, weren’t you, Lisa?” Stephanie interjected.
“Yeah, I had just gotten out of the hospital from that nasty flu bug, and was dealing with the initial onset of my Lupus condition when these guys played at the JLC,” Lisa replied with a slight frown on her face.
“My dad said you guys were clearly the best band, even without you playing bass,” Stephanie said as she handed me the smaller of the two floor tom cases.
“The Shania Twain Band, with Paul and Cathy in it, and that band from Kingston, Six Feet Above were pretty solid bands, too,” Sammy replied as she secured our guitars in the trailer.
“They were, but you kids were the clear winners,” Dr. Younger said as he walked outside with his wife and Mr. Murphie.
Because Stephanie and Lynette were chatting earlier, I wasn’t surprised when Stephanie then asked, “Can I spend the night at Lynette’s, Mom?”
Her parents stared between their daughter and a few of my friends, including Lynette, when her mom asked, “Will this be okay with your parents, Lynette?”
“Oh, yeah! My mom is always good with me having friends stay over. I’ll give her a ride home, too, if you’d like?”
“Can I, you know, like, stay with Lynette and these guys, and then possibly go to their concert down in St. Thomas, tomorrow? ... Please!” Stephanie added with her best ‘puppy dog look’ aimed at her less than amused father.
Dr. Younger looked at me, Sammy and Lynette before he said to his daughter, “We’ll have to talk with Mrs. Robertson, first ... before we say it is okay for you to spend two evenings at her place.”
“Steph can stay at my place on Friday night after we get back to London from our concert, if you’re okay with that,” Sammy quickly replied.
“Please, can I?” Stephanie requested.
“Tonight, yes. Call me, tomorrow and we’ll see about the St. T concert and staying over at Samantha’s place. I will want to talk with her parents, first, as you’ll be getting in pretty late, I expect,” Mrs. Younger replied with a smile.
“Thanks, Mom ... Dad,” Stephanie said as moved to give her parents a hug.
After a round of good-byes, I followed Sammy’s Bronco and our trailer back to her place. I had Tempe and Lisa with me, as Stephanie rode with Lynette in Shannon’s slick little 280Z. Zupena and E rode with Sammy on the short drive from Western’s campus to the Labatt estate. Since we decide not to practice before our gig in St. Thomas, I backed the trailer up into the Labatt’s garage for Sammy. We didn’t want our instruments and equipment to get too cold sitting in the trailer overnight and the next day.
Stephanie pouted a little bit as I told her I wasn’t able to go with her and Lynette to Cano’s house. She cheered up some when I told her I would see about spending time with her at Sammy’s place after our St. Thomas show. When Lynette cozied up and kissed her with gusto before they got into Cano’s Chevy Nova, Stephanie knew her evening with Lynette definitely wasn’t going to be boring.
On the drive back from Western, I told Tempe and Lisa that tonight was for them, as I had previously promised. Tempe excitedly reiterated to us that her parents were at her dad’s company Christmas party, and that they wouldn’t be home until the wee hours of the morning. With Anthony and Tina off at one of her College of Engineering pubs/dances at Western, we’d have her house all to ourselves for the next couple of hours.
Because both girls acted like they had ants in their pants on the short drive to Tempe’s house, I wasn’t the least bit surprised that they raced to the front door, and then up the stairs to Tempe’s bedroom. By the time I arrived in Tempe’s boudoir, both girls were smooching on her queen-sized bed in just their frilly bras and thong panties. After removing my clothes, I walked up to the young lovers and easily unclasped both of their bras and slipped them off their shoulders and breasts. Tempe eased up on her knees, without breaking lip contact with Brick to allow me to pull her lacy black thong down her thighs. Lisa mirrored Tempe’s actions when she felt my fingers pulling her royal blue, cotton thong over her slender hip bones.
Both girls rolled onto their sides, still lip-locked to allow me to complete my task of removing their unneeded panties from around their knees. With Lisa rolling slightly on top of Tempe’s body, she put her hand on the inside of Tempe’s thigh and pulled her leg out, opening her meaty pussy to my gaze and ultimately my tongue.
With her pleasure rising from my oral assault on her pussy, Tempe pulled away from Lisa’s mouth and huskily said, “Come straddle my face. I wanna taste you, Bricky.”
It wasn’t long before both girls were humping their juicy pussies into a mouth as their first orgasms of the night approached. Lisa obviously didn’t care that Tempe stopped eating her out when the smaller blonde bellowed out her orgasmic cries. Lisa simply used Tempe’s chin as a pseudo dildo to pressure her own clit to reach her own massive climax.
I eased off on Tempe’s clit stimulation to allow her to come back to earth. With her fingers pulling on my ears, Tempe let me know she wanted me to move up her body and fill her with my hard cock. With her now tonguing Lisa’s rosebud, Tempe softly said, “Backdoor, please,” to let me know her desired location for my large cockhead and thick shaft.
I ran my crown through her slick, meaty pussy a few times to get it lubed up before I pressed it against her puckered butt. “Ohhh, God/Lord!” both girls cried as either my cock or Tempe’s tongue invaded their bottoms. The visual and tactile sensations were incredible as I watched Tempe attack Brick’s butthole and felt my crown and shaft being squeezed to death by a searing hot anal passage.
With my balls nestled in Tempe’s butt crack and my shaft buried to the root, Tempe pulled her tongue from Brick’s butt to cry out in ecstasy. She didn’t leave Lisa’s bottom empty for long, as she quickly pushed her right index and middle fingers into her slick back passage. With her left fingers, Tempe was teasing Lisa’s clit and tight slit to bring on Brick’s second orgasm of the night. I loved how Lisa made good use of the bed’s wicker headboard to stimulate her large boobs and nipples as Tempe worked on her lower sensual zones.
After both girls came down from their second orgasms with my shaft still imbedded in Tempe’s butt, Lisa laughingly said, “I hope your parents party is a good ways away, ‘cos that was the loudest I think you’ve ever been, Girlfriend.”
“I wasn’t that loud!” Tempe cried in response, which also caused her butt to clench once more around my hard cock.
“Oh! Yeah! You were!” I groaned as I eased my shaft in and out of her butt with short strokes.
“Well, I just can’t help myself. I absolutely feel like my head’s gonna explode when your big cock is tearin’ up my little butt,” Tempe throatily replied as I began to make longer strokes in her rear passage.
“I don’t see any of your juice leaking’ from her ass, Mike. Didn’t you cum?” Lisa asked as she teased Tempe’s hard nipples with her fingers.
“Not yet ... I’m just enjoying the heat, right now,” I replied before I drove my thick shaft back into Tempe’s butt.
“You gotta stop doing that, Mike. I don’t think I can take any more of your pounding,” Tempe groaned as she hyperextended her neck in pleasurable pain.
Lisa smiled up at me and softly asked, “Can I ride you ... with it in my butt, please?”
I smiled back at my youngest girlfriend and slowly pulled out of Tempe’s rear end. As I rolled onto my back, Lisa hesitantly said, “God! You’re A-hole is majorly stretched and red, Tempe.”
“It feels like it’s on fire, right now, Bricky, without any of Mike’s cum in it to cool it off,” Tempe moaned as she rolled onto her side to watch Lisa straddle my torso.
“Turn and face the other way, Lis. I wanna watch you settle down on my prick, ‘kay?” I said as Lisa maneuvered her body over mine.
“You’re gonna have to help get it in, Mike,” Lisa softly said.
“Here, let me put some hand lotion on his cock and in your hole,” Tempe quickly said as she reached over to her nightstand to grab her bottle of Nivea cream.
When Tempe lubed up Lisa’s anal passage, Lisa chuckled, “You should put some of that in your butt. It might cool that angry looking opening, Tempe.”
“I think I will,” Tempe laughed and then squeezed out another dollop of lotion on her fingers before she spread the white liquid around and in her butt.
The visual of seeing Lisa’s butt swallow up my thick shaft was amazing. We were both more than surprised to have her engulf my entire cock on her first downward motion. That was made evident by her plaintive cry, “Ohhh! Fuck! I’m sooo so full I can’t think straight!”
“You don’t have to think, Bricky ... just fuck that cock with your tight ass!” Tempe laughed and gave Lisa’s right butt cheek a semi-hard smack.
“Oh! Gawd! This feels ... Ahh! Shit! This is aweee ... some!” Lisa groaned as she stopped her upward motion with my large flared crown stretching her sphincter to the max.
I held Lisa in place by her hips and wiggled my groin in a large circular path to change my cock’s angle within her butt. Both of us groaned out at these new sensations before I pulled her back down over my shaft. As the two of us were enjoying the slow nature of this ass play, Tempe leaned over and kissed me. She then said, “Pull Bricky back onto your chest and play with her boobs. I’ve got a surprise for her ... and you’ll like it, too, I think.”
I gave her a raised eyebrow look when she pulled back from my face. Tempe simply gave me a wink in response and then crawled over my torso to the wall side of her bed. As I pulled Lisa’s back down onto my chest, I felt Tempe reaching between her mattress and box-spring for something. She kept whatever she had hidden from my and probably Lisa’s view as she scooted off the end of the bed.
When I started to lightly pinch and twist Lisa’s hard little nipples, my busty girlfriend twisted her head around to share a kiss with me. As she slowly rocked her pelvis with my cock in her butt, Lisa lovingly moaned into my mouth as her pleasure gradually increased. Unbeknownst to us, Tempe had inserted the bulbous end of her new black feeldoe toy into her meaty pussy and was crawling between my and Lisa’s spread legs from the end of the bed. With her artificial black cock waving between her legs, Tempe lifted Lisa’s legs up onto her shoulders and slipped the business end of that toy into Lisa’s pussy.
“What the ... Ohhhh! Gawd! Tempe! ... What are you doing to me?” Lisa cried into my face as I quickly lifted my hands from her boobs to cradle her head. I also felt the hard rubberized toy slide into her pussy and along my anal intruder, so I tried to prevent Lisa from seeing what our mischievous friend was doing to her with my hands.
“I’m gonna take you to heaven, Bra-Bricky,” Tempe moaned as her pelvis pressed against Lisa’s crotch. Tempe was obviously getting a good deal of pleasure from the short but stubby end of the feeldoe as her words sounded stressed.
“Ohh! Fuck! I can’t believe my ass and pussy are stuffed like this!” Lisa cried out as she struggled to turn her head to look up at Tempe’s grinning face.
“Do you like the feeling, Bricky?” Tempe softly asked as she ground her pelvis into Lisa’s clit.
“Ohhh! Gaaaawddddd! This is... Ohhh! Fuck! Mike! Gawddd! Tempeee! I can feel you both pulling from me!” Lisa shouted out in pleasure.
With the pressure of Lisa’s butt and the extra tightness of the feeldoe’s rubberized cock, I only lasted two more strokes before I erupted inside Lisa’s rear passage. Lisa also exploded as she felt the pulsing flood of fluids in her ass, along with the knobby dildo in her pussy. It was only after the fact did we learn that Tempe also had a minor ‘amazingly quiet’ orgasm to full complete this new threesome activity.
The two girls switched roles with that feeldoe, and after I cleaned my semi-flaccid cock off with a wash cloth, Lisa and I gave Tempe a similar double treatment. My gymnastic girlfriend wanted my cock in her pussy this time, as she said the small diameter dildo would feel better in her ass after her earlier butt pounding. Because the feeldoe fucking motion was really new for Lisa, she was a little unsure and hesitant in her actions until Tempe begged her to match my forceful thrusts. Once Brick got the hang of being a man, Tempe and I both climaxed from this three-way union.

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