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Heather’s last appointment was at a little store in LoDo. Cathy, the local sales rep who had been her guide and driver for the day, had been disappointed their day had run late. She was worried she might be late to pick up her kids from soccer practice.

“Those guys are so fucking hot.” She smiled as she caught herself. “Well, you’ll see. They know their wines and their store is terrific. I’m sorry I can’t make it. Will you be alright?”

Heather had said yes, rather dejectedly - she liked Cathy and had hoped the two might go do something together that evening. Instead, this last appointment and then her night would be like every other night the past week: Home to the extended stay hotel her company had booked for her while she got herself settled, some sort of take out with a movie on the pay-per-view, a shower and then FaceTime with Geoff, her fiancé.

Cathy dropped her at the corner of 17th and Wazee and she made her way to the address. So much had changed in Denver since she had moved out to San Francisco for college that she hardly recognized the place. She made use of the landmarks that were still standing to navigate. Union Station was there, though it was being transformed into a 21st Century transit hub for the metroplex. There was the Oxford Hotel and a little further down the block was the Tattered Cover.

Heather walked with a confidence that belied her lack of assurance. It was evident in her appearance - blonde hair that fell in waves over her shoulders and laughing blue eyes. She was of smaller stature, 5’6”, a little more with the heels, and a body that would have been perfectly proportioned but for her outsize breasts.

Heather had left her new fiancé behind. The new job offered more money but meant that if their relationship was to survive, one of them was going to have to sacrifice. For her own career (at least for her current career) that meant moving back to Denver. Whether Geoff would move with her was another question.

Everything downtown was the same but different. Heather finally found the shop, down an alley behind the Tattered Cover and walked in, her little roll-behind trailing behind her.

“May we help you?” the man behind the counter asked. He stood at just under six feet tall and was cut, his sharp jawline obscured by day old growth, his intense blue eyes seeming to sear into her. To describe him would be to describe one of the Norse heroes, Gods even, his appearance and his presence were so captivating.

“Hello,” another man said as he popped up from behind one of the shelves. He smiled softly but in every other way was identical to the man behind the counter.

“Holy shit,” Heather thought to herself, remembering what Cathy had said in the car. Or perhaps she said it. “Hi. I’m Heather. I’m with Bacchus Imports. I have a couple things I thought you might enjoy.” Had she caught herself in time? Even if she hadn’t, they were courteous.

“I’m Ivan,” said the man behind the counter.

“I’m Sven.” The man behind the shelf waved.

“We’ve been expecting you,” they said in unison.

They brought out glasses for all of them and made her feel welcome and at home. They exchanged more courtesies as they tasted wine. The Zwilling brothers had come from Denmark, selling the fishing boats they’d inherited from their father to make a go of things on their own in the States. They had met a wine importer who thought things were really heating up in Colorado and had opened a wine shop in LoDo.

Heather in turn told them her own story, which she thought boring by this point, though the brothers seemed very interested.

“Since you’re alone in the city,” Ivan asked when they had tasted everything she had brought at least twice, “would you like to join us for dinner?”
“Oh yes, you should,” Sven chirped. “Ivan is making fondue tonight. Ivan Zwilling’s fondue is legendary.” He laughed.

Heather could hardly pass up such charming company and agreed.

The Zwilling brothers closed up shop at 7:00 and led Heather across the bridge to their loft, an enormous affair with 360 degree views. It was a proper loft, a converted industrial warehouse that had somehow survived successive waves of gentrification. The furnishings were Scandinavian contemporary clean but somehow cozy.

Heather felt quite at home in front of the gas fireplace, enjoying her wine and chatting with Sven while Ivan prepared dinner out in the kitchen.

Ivan brought the pot of boiling cheese and set it at the center of the coffee table with the sliced apples and bread that were there, accompanied by a bottle of Austrian Marillen schnapps. Sven poured the brandy out while Ivan sat down.

They ate heartily. Ivan returned to the kitchen to cut some more bread and apples, leaving Heather alone with Sven again.

“You have a bit of cheese,” Sven pointed, “just there.”

Heather made to wipe it off, brushing her hand against the wrong side.

“No, that’s not it, would you like me to help?” He did not wait for an answer but leaned forward and gently sucked the morsel from her chin.

Heather was not sure how she should react and blushed a little at her indecision whether to be pleased with his attentions or put off.

“That looks nice,” Ivan said, rejoining them on the floor. “May I try?”

“Guys!” Heather protested.

“Just some harmless fun,” Ivan said, taking a sip of his wine. He peered deep into her eyes as he did so. He put the glass down and moved closer, not breaking his gaze. “But really, I must ask you something.”

“Sure,” Heather tried to sound friendly and confident, but knew that her response had been timid.

“You’re so beautiful, but you keep hiding yourself.”

“Ivan, a bit personal, don’t you think?” Sven protested

“What do you mean?” Heather said, taking a sip of her wine to steady herself.

“Nothing,” Ivan said, taking another sip of his wine and moving away. “Sven’s quite right. It’s too personal. We don’t know each other that well."

“It’s this thing he does,” Sven added. “He’s really good at reading people and he frequently calls them out on it.”

“Now I’m really curious.” Heather laughed nervously. She wasn’t sure if she should press the matter. The sexual tension between all of them had been incredibly intense just a matter of minutes ago before it had been dispelled by Ivan’s remark. The thought passed through her head that the tension had not been unpleasant. She had felt her body stir when Sven had licked her cheek and quicken further when Ivan had suggested he should do the same. A quiver of anticipation passing through her body, hardening her nipples and dampening her panties as it went.

“Forget about it,” Ivan turned away. He picked up his fork and stabbed at a piece of apple, dipping it into the cheese.

“No really,” Heather heard herself say. She gathered up the courage and smiled. “I want to know.”

“It’s just,” Ivan swallowed the morsel and his ice blue eyes locked on hers. “You’re so beautiful and yet you hide yourself.”

“What do you mean?” She sat up straight and took a sip of wine.

“See?” Ivan nearly shouted as he pointed at her. “There! That’s it! That’s how you should be sitting. Fully aware and confident. Beautiful! Cheers!”

The three clinked glasses. Heather slumped.

“Alright, I don’t get it,” she said.

“You’re doing it again,” Ivan noticed.

“Doing what?” she asked, confused.

“Hiding yourself.”

Heather looked down at herself. “What do you mean?”

“Every time you’re not sure about a situation,” Ivan smiled, “you find something to hide behind. I noticed it at the shop.”

“Ivan...” Sven interrupted.

“I don’t mind.” Heather smiled, though she was slightly uncomfortable again.

“Do you mind if I ask you a question?” Ivan said.

“I don’t think so. I mean no,” she said, sitting up again and refilling her glass. “Go right ahead.”

“Why do you hide yourself?”

“I’m still not sure what you mean.”

“When you are confident, you sit like this,” he demonstrated, sitting upright with proper posture. “And yet, when you become unsure, you sit like this,” he leaned over the table and looked away from her. “I think it is an old habit.”

“Ivan,” Sven protested again. “If it’s an old habit, perhaps discussing it embarrasses her.” He turned to Heather. “Please forgive him.” He smiled with a twinkle in his eyes.

Heather was silent for a moment. While her physical arousal might have been stultified, her intellectual arousal certainly hadn’t. This was a game she could play.

“Perhaps,” she said, smiling at her host, “Ivan, you would be so kind as to open another bottle of wine.” She held up her empty glass. “And then I should very much like to hear your theory as to why I, as you say, ‘hide myself.’”

“With great pleasure,” Ivan said, getting up with a grace that seemed impossible with his size.

She watched him leave the room and felt Sven’s eyes on her. She stabbed at a piece of bread and went to dip it in the cheese. She leaned forward. “All gone,” she said.

“Just the nun,” Sven said and he put the cover over the flame. “Would you like some help?”

“Mmm,” she said as he leaned closer to her. She could smell the wool of his sweater and felt herself becoming aroused again.

Sven scraped at the bottom of the pot, loosening the cheese that had burned to it. He gathered some up on a piece of bread and offered it to her. She opened her mouth and he slipped it in gently. Her eyes were locked on his as she chewed slowly and swallowed.

“You have a little on your lips,” he said. “May I?”

“Oh no you don’t, brother!” Ivan said, leaning between them. “It’s my turn!”

Before Heather could protest, Ivan lifted her face to hers and smiled and then gently ran his tongue over her lips, licking the crumbs of bread and cheese from them. He pulled away, her eyes still locked on his, her longing palpable.

She was dying for him to kiss her. She was dying for either one of them to kiss her. Both of them?

She tried to regain her composure. “Did you bring the wine?”

“Of course,” Ivan said, smiling. He lifted the bottle and poured some for all of them, joining them again on the floor.

“You were going to tell me your theories on why I...” She paused. “How did you put it?”

“Hide yourself.” Ivan smiled.

“Okay, what’s your theory?” she said, leaning back against Sven. “I’m all ears.”

“Me too,” Sven smiled.

She looked over her shoulder at him. She could have kissed him. She turned instead back to Ivan, satisfying herself with her back against Sven’s muscular form, the warmth of his body through his sweater and her own.

“I think,” Ivan said. “That you developed your breasts early and that they were always large. You would have been awkward and I bet that the boys teased you mercilessly.”

“They did,” she answered quietly. She felt Sven stroke her hair and then her cheek.

“Boys can be so cruel,” Sven said gently. “Is this bothering you? Would you like him to shut up?”

“He’s right so far,” Heather replied. She reached over to the table and took a sip of her wine. Her eyes rejoined Ivan’s.

“You tried to hide them at first, but you were too well endowed. Later on, the boys found themselves attracted to you. Perhaps you overheard them talking, or perhaps a jealous girl said that they only liked you for your tits, but you’ve never gotten over the fact that you were never sure whether the boy who took your virginity liked you or just your breasts.”

Sven’s hand was still running through her hair and down her cheek but would stray every few strokes and she would feel the back of it running down her neck and over the side of her breast. He did it in a manner that left her unsure whether he knew he was doing it.

“And so,” Ivan continued, “When you are uncertain, you hide them. But there is no need for this. You are a beautiful and intelligent woman and you should always carry yourself proudly. Come, let us look at you.” He stood up and offered her his hand.

She wasn’t sure if she wanted to leave the comfy nest she had made against Sven’s chest and, whether he meant to caress her breast or not, her hardened nipples showed she was enjoying it. She reluctantly took Ivan’s hand and let her pull her up. He stood her straight, adjusting her shoulders and her chin.

“There,” Ivan said. Holding her hand, he spun her around slowly to admire his handwork, “Confident, beautiful. Don’t you think, Sven?”

“A remarkable woman,” Sven replied. “Heather, I think you are one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen.”

“Okay guys, I’m getting dizzy,” Heather said.

Ivan held her steady, and Sven got up and offered her a glass of water.

“Thank you,” she said, quite recovered.

She felt them surrounding her. It might have been disconcerting if she wasn’t enjoying it quite so much. Sven smiled at her with his blue eyes and stroked her cheek. Ivan’s powerful forearm held her tightly around the waist. She felt his hand caress her neck, pushing her blonde hair out of the way and then he felt his tongue run gently up the nape of her neck. There could be no doubt to Sven’s intention now: The back of his hand caressed the side of her breast and then traveled over her rock hard nipple.

She leaned back and her lips met Ivan’s. She opened her mouth to his tongue and it slipped gently in, wrapping around her little tongue and caressing it.

Sven dropped all pretense. Both his palms were now upon her breasts and he ran his tongue lightly over her neck and collar bone. She broke off her kiss with Ivan and joined lips with Sven while Ivan caressed her ass through her skirt. She again felt Ivan’s tongue on the nape of her neck as he lifted her skirt and squeezed her ass through her tights. Sven pulled her sweater up. She felt his hands, large and masculine against her skin. He pulled it up further. She stopped kissing him and cracked a sultry smile as she raised her hands above her head so he could pull it off completely. She felt Ivan’s fingers on the zipper of her dress and felt it drop to the floor as she lifted Sven’s sweater over his head, releasing the sweet masculine scent of his body mixed with wool. Ivan turned her so he could kiss her. He smiled at her as he pulled off his sweater. His scent was stronger and he moved forward, his hard chest against her breasts, kissing her as the brothers worked together to free her from her tights.

There was now nothing between her and these two Nordic gods but her black lace bra and her soaked panties. They stood barely inches away, looking at her. She could feel the warmth of their skin and their eyes on every inch of her.

“You are magnificent,” Ivan whispered.

“Truly,” his brother agreed.

Heather smiled at them and slid off her panties. She felt them admiring her ass and her tightly trimmed bush and then, her blue eyes locked on theirs as she unfastened her bra.

“Gorgeous...” Sven trailed off as he pulled toward her on to the couch and kissed her.

She felt his hard chest against her tits as he kissed her and she felt Ivan’s ripped form against her back as he massaged her ass and thighs, brushing her wet pussy. She ran her hands over Sven’s powerful arms and his muscled abdomen. Finding the button of his jeans, she ripped them open and found his cock. It felt massive in her little hands, hot and thick. She turned to Ivan and pulled the buttons of his jeans open, releasing his cock. Sven slid off his jeans and was naked next to her. He kissed her again and then moved down, holding her breast, squeezing it and sucking her nipple. She watched him, thrilling at his enjoyment of sucking her breasts.

Ivan pulled off his jeans and turned her chin. He kissed her and then moved down to take her other breast in her mouth. They were so gentle, so sensitive to her needs and seemed to take so much pleasure in pleasuring her.

She grabbed each of their cocks and began stroking them, her hands barely fitting around their girth, running the full length. She felt their hands on her thighs and parted them, aching for them to touch her longing pussy. They obliged her, one of the brothers stroking her lips and teasing her hole in while the other massaged her clit. She opened further and felt a finger slip inside they alternated and quickly brought her to orgasm. She held them close against her breasts as the tremor passed through her.

Ivan moved and was on top of her, spreading her legs and positioning himself between them. She reached for his shaft and guided him inside, his thick member sliding easily into her wet pussy, spreading her tight hole with his girth, filling her with his length. He began to pump. She turned and brought Sven’s face up from her breast. She kissed him and then smiled.

“I want to suck your cock,” she said. Ivan heard as well and pulled his cock slowly out of her pussy, the void left by its absence keenly felt. She rolled over. She moved down Sven’s body and came face to face with Sven’s cock, as long and as thick as his brother’s.

Heather held him in her hand and licked the underside of his balls, enjoying the sweet scent of his ass and the heady taste of his sweat. Still holding him, she teased his balls and then licked the length of his shaft, finally taking him inside her mouth. He was too big for her mouth but she took as much as she could as Ivan entered her again, slowly pushing back into her tight, wet hole, filling her inch by inch, teasing her little asshole with his thumb.

Heather was completely filled by the brothers’ huge cocks. It was a sensation unlike any she had everTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.

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Marti and I noticed a short light skinned man enter the room, and Cici quickly introduced him as her landlord, Tomas. Leaving the door slightly cracked he mumbled said "something about a clogged pipe, or something like that" as he walked towards Cici in the kitchen. Marti and I were shocked, as we saw Cici kiss his torso, running her tongue along his stout body. Tomas whispered something, and Cici dropped to her knees without a word. She began unhooking his pants, while he towered over her...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Rime of the Modern Mother Slut

Wendy Raskin puffed her chest and pinched her fat. The mirror refused to laugh. She sighed after a hard day's work and finished undressing for her bath. Naked and vulnerable, her troubles she hoped to drown. Extra soap and water so hot they dissolved, all but one. One last tick clicked in her skull like a needle lost in a clinic. Her longing cunt was picking away, sapping her puritan ethic. So many years, was her husband gone, buried in another town. Years of single mothering had emboldened...

3 years ago
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The breaking of Kira

Introduction: A girl used time and time again The breaking of Kira. Kira was a 22 year old party girl. Her hair was naturally blond, but she threw in white highlights because she liked the look. She had a slight athletic build, but her curves were made for more carnal things. she loved her natural 36 26 38 body, and wasnt afraid to show it off. She grew up a spoiled little rich girl, and had a pretty easy life, until now… It had been a late crazy night. Shots, whiskey , vodka, she did it all....

1 year ago
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CuttyChapter 16 Ninon Moves In

When Donna arrived at home, she was dead tired. At work she was told by her boss that she would be working half days from now on, as they were trimming down the expenses, and she was not working up to par. Donna knew this was not true, but she didn’t object, just went along with the story and asked politely for more guidance, so she would not make the same mistakes again. Inside of course she was almost crying from frustration. How unfair this treatment was! After work there was the gym, and...

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Lightning and Thunder

“Fuck. This heat is unreal.” I think to myself. The sun has been relentless today, baking the dead calm air into miles high thunderheads. I can feel the air around me growing heavier with humidity. Electricity is building in the clouds west of the pool where I’m lifeguarding. Making eight dollars an hour, sitting in a lifeguard’s chair, yelling at punky kids and developing my future age spots and wrinkles. Leaving me to wonder if this summer is going to provide anything memorable. For the...

1 year ago
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One night only

This is of course entirely fictional.I was tired. It was late, near midnight. It had been a long day of meetings, meetings and more meetings. Dinner was even more business. Business travel was never fun and all it ever did was leave me worn out. At least it was a nice hotel, just for once the company had gone to a little expense rather than booking me into the kind of flea pit I usually had to endure.My flight home wasn’t until 6pm the next day and I was trying to decide whether the hotel bar...

2 years ago
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The Donor

Leanne wasn't fortunate with men. She could never find the right guy. Some of her past boyfriends were nice, but they just didn't want to commit on her level. Leanne had given up on men, but she did want a baby. When pressed, some past boyfriends were open about the issue but told her that they never wanted children, some said they didn't want the responsibility, some said they couldn't afford a child, some even said the world was overpopulated already. Some of them even broke up with her...

2 years ago
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my sexy young slut wife stacy part3 CAMERA CLUB

Introduction: the 3rd story about stacy .My sexy young slut wife stacy (PART 3) CAMERA CLUB If you have read my other 2 stories about stacy you will know she is a complete slut. Since sucking her first cock at the age of 17 until I write this story she has sucked off between 650 and 700 guys cocks. Stacy is 21 now and has an insatiable appetite for giving oral sex. She will suck of any man young or old black or white. she has also sucked of 12 dogs including our 2 rottweillers starsky and...

3 years ago
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These stories was written as part of a Hopper Swap, where two writers get together and use two story ideas, one from each writer and make them into a story. The other writer on this occasion was SaraH. We had one week to write the story. I've put the story ideas at the end so they don't spoil the story. "I tell you it isn't like that!" shouted Marlene. "Once you get married, it's forever, it's not just until someone else attracts your attention!" "You have no idea what men are...

3 years ago
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First time

I was only 16 and I had fell off my bike, I cut my knee, so my mates mum said she would take care of it.She sat me in a chair in the kitchen, I had to take my tracksuit bottoms off for her to tend to my leg, her son was stood there watching and she said she doubted I would be playing out anymore with this hurt leg.She started bathe my leg and it stung, she said don't be such a softy and hit me with the sponge, as it dropped it fell in to my lap and as she went to retrieve it she touched my...

3 years ago
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Sailing out of Oyster Bay Part 2

We were relaxing in the cockpit. Anne heared a splash and turned around to see the other boat close by. It turns out that one of the guys dove into the water. She looked at me funny and asks how long have they be there. I smile and indicate a while. Anne turned red in the face and asked if they saw anything. I suggest that I wasn’t sure with a quirky smile on my face. (Anne loves nude sailing but she is a little shy when others are around) The guy in the water throws his swim suit onto the...

2 years ago
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Problem Child

More than any one other thing, I blame my husband Donald. We got married at 18. I was pregnant with our first by 19. We were young, but we had each other and had known each other since middle school. Donald was reasonably smart and more importantly he was steady. He studied early and late, he got straight A's, and he went for a financial career after high school and graduated a year early. Our parents supported us until he graduated, and Donald went to work for the local grocery mega-chain. It...

1 year ago
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Lets Try Anal

“Let’s try anal.” It sounds like a simple enough request, but most of you dudes know how hard it can be to get a sober chick to go for it. Only 36 percent of straight women admit to getting butt-fucked at least once. It’s higher than some of you virginal neckbeards would have guessed, but still way too low. Thankfully, the girls at are always DTBF.First Time Ass Fucking!The subtitle of Lets Try Anal is FIRST TIME ASS FUCKING! The all-caps yelling and exclamation point are all...

Premium Anal Porn Sites
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Her name was Sylwia, Polish, blonde hair, and a womanly figure at 30yrs - and by that i mean a nice full shapely arse and some pert titties up top too. At a guess i'd say she was about 5ft 5".We met on a Sunday uptown and our date had gotten off to a great start, and it was clear that there was a real attraction between the two of us. We'd met online and after a couple of weeks of constant chat we'd agreed to meet up for a few drinks.It was a summer afternoon and Sylwia was dressed in that...

2 years ago
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Lorena The First Time

I met Lorena several years ago in college. I was teaching English literature at that moment, and she was a student in my class. Since the very beginning, our relationship was not the typical one, I mean, one in which the student goes to class, listens to their professor and leaves the classroom two hours later. No, things with her were different. I remember she approached me at the end of our second class and told me she wanted me to help her find a north for her thesis work, as she wanted to...

College Sex
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The Meet Up Part 3

The Meet-Up Part 3“Saturday!!!! YA!” Allison exclaimed as she heard her alarm going off at 10 am. “It is always so lovely to sleep in a bit… mmm” She rolled over on her side, pulled her sheets up over her body and snuggled with her soft dolphin pillow pet which made her still feel like a k** who didn’t want to get out of bed for school… and now she didn’t have to! Her body tingled as she drifted in out of sleep for the next 30 minutes, day dreaming about what the night would hold, her soft...

3 years ago
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The Legend of Eli CrowChapter 49

“We’re keeping this money for ourselves! They’d probably never find where it came from and some crooked government official would wind up with it. This money belongs to all of us. I’ve already thought about putting it back for us to buy some land with one day.” “You mean our own land? Not more land there on Crow Ridge?” Isaac asked. “Yep, our own land. I hope each of us can own a big spread, like our dads do. I kind of want to own my own ranch one day, separate from Crow Ridge ... Don’t all...

3 years ago
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What He did to Me

The men had found her at a party, they had complimented and teased her and said the naughtist things. Somehow they knew what a slut she was, they knew it was turning her on to hear them. But she was good and ignored them, or at least appeared to ignore them. Her dress was short though and she wasn't wearing underwhere. So when her cum juises started to leave a wet spot on the front, and slid down her legs turning her thigh shiny the men had known. As soon as they left her alone she had...

3 years ago
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Return to Daves Cottage Part 4 of 4

I woke up with Rachael on one side of me and Stacey on the other. At some time she had climbed onto the bed and under the covers. Her head rested on my chest and her right leg across my hip. She was snuggled up tight as she slept peacefully.I wondered what her night with Ed had been like. My night with Rachael had been gentle, tender, almost loving. It had felt almost too intimate. The gentle kisses and caresses, the slow lovemaking with intense orgasms followed by quietly talking. Each...

3 years ago
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Only a Fantasy

I'd always wanted to try it, since I'd first heard about it, at least. You know, to have more than one guy at the same time. When my friend Jessie told me about it - she'd seen it in a porno film that she'd watched with her boyfriend - it sent a chill through me. It wasn't fear. It was more like... destiny. Jessie said she couldn't imagine actually doing that. I could, although I didn't say so. But then I've always been, well, sexy. Maybe I wasn't the first girl my age to have sex,...

2 years ago
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Water Masturbation

One great thing about my tiny apartment is my big soaker bath tub. I spend lots of time there relaxing and washing away the day's worries. Tonight was one of those nights when I needed to soak with bubbles surrounding my aching body. Work wasn't overly difficult today but I've been stressed out a lot lately.As I laid in the tub, I started to think about my One. He loves to bath me, wash me, caress me in the tub. He treats me like his "little girl" and I love that. But it had been a while since...

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Bangalore Maid Saritha8230

Widow maid Saritha. Hello, People, It’s me, Buddy, Once again…… Back with the first true sex story of my life….!!! How I accidentally got my maid Saritha got laid with me for money…..!!!!!!!!!!! Any single women in Bangalore can contact me at ….. About Me: I’m 27 years old and 6 feet height with huge physic. I’m settled in Bangalore since 2014 after I got married against the will of my parents. I’m working in a reputed BPO with little salary but huge incentives. We had our first baby and my...

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The ClubChapter 3

Sin was finished for the night, so she joined Eva and I in a private room where we fucked in all sorts of combinations for a couple more hours. I felt absolutely drained by the experience with these two tigresses. Our night came to an end when the club management told us that we had to leave. Jake, our entry sponsor, was being evicted. He was dead drunk, with the staff having succeeded in re-dressing him and calling a taxi for him and myself. Eva left us in her own taxi, with a promise to...

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Watching Is Fun Too

I had tried previously to get into Josh's speedos without success and this year had the same result. However, by now Josh is one of the few people that I'm 'out' to and he is kewl with it. I think it was last Tuesday that Josh lined up a night out in town with some Kiwi friends of his and he gave me the heads up that one of the guys is 'probably' gay.Ryan was the 'probably' gay guy. Ryan was a kewl guy and he was definitely gay from what I figured but he was straight-acting.It was a pretty...

Gay Male
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My Cousin Hooked Me Up With An Uncle

Hi all, Thanks to ISS for giving us a nice platform to share our real life experiences. I am Anisha here from Pune but working in Thane for job purpose. I am a big fan of ISS since a couple of years. I am 23-year-old female with a real-life experience happened last week with me with an uncle. I stay at my cousin’s place in Thane. My cousin Atul had a crush on me but I never showed any interest in him. I always liked a fling and have a casual experience with strangers. Now without wasting any...

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Another fantasy with a grain of truth....Whenever there is a big bush fire, the service calls up its volunteers, organises them into strike teams and sends them out to fight. A strike team is 5 trucks, each truck with nominally 5 crew, a command vehicle with 3 crew and sometimes a quickfill with 2 crew to supply the frontline trucks with water as quickly as possible. This is usually done by finding a river, creek or other water supply and pumping out of there and into the trucks.Generally...

3 years ago
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Pourne IndustryChapter 3

I got up early enough to fix breakfast for everyone that included scrambled eggs, a fruit arrangement and cold bottled water. Nothing bad for you was allowed in the house so the ladies could keep themselves slim and hourglass beautiful. It was ready to eat right after they had both finished working out in their rooms. “Thank you so much for fixing breakfast,” they said separately, each giving me an ever so slight of a kiss, then we sat and ate together. “Jason,” my sister said, “would you...

2 years ago
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SunbathingI get home from work it’s been a hot day, the sun was burning, in the kitchen I get myself a cold beer. I walk to the bedroom to see if you are there and maybe you didn't hear me, as I look out the window I see you in the garden, totally nude sunbathing.I strip and walk down naked, I feel my cock starting to grow as I walk on the grass closer to you.I enjoy the sight of the sun shining on your naked body, there are some drops of sweat on your body.A sound behind me makes me turn...

3 years ago
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Bullys Ultimate Torment

Thud. Thud. Thud. Sam's eyes slowly adjusted to the dark and he checked his clock. Three thirty am. He wasn't sure if it was the knocking sound or his full bladder that had caused him to wake up, but he knew that unless he at least went for a piss he wouldn't be getting back to sleep anytime soon. Carefully he got out of his bed and navigated his bedroom. Thud. Thud. Thud. The knocking noise was louder in the hallway. He walked towards the bathroom and noticed his step sister's bedroom door was...

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Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction and I do not condone any of the things written about. This is a sad story about my wife (Jackie) and I (Dave) who live in Boston. My wife is a Realtor for a large firm who specializes in selling commercial property, large sprawling ranch houses and large old mansions through out the tri state area. Myself, I work for a utility company, so I’m on the road a lot. I’m six foot 1 inch 200 pounds while Jackie is a stunning red head, five foot four inches 115...

4 years ago
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Cody Tanner woke up with morning wood, as usual; and as usual, it was an ivory tower of manhood that would make most porn stars drop their jaws in awe. Looking at it, he marveled at how it felt in his hand and how it looked in the early morning light, wondering how big it was. He'd never measured, but he knew the only girl ever to have sucked down the whole thing was the sword swallower at the freak show in last year's county fair. It wasn't just long, either. It was thick, almost so thick that...

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The 19th Hole

(Did you ever rent a car and find it so perfect in every way, that despite its high mileage, you actually wanted to keep it, no matter the cost? Hold that thought!) My friend, Jake, inherited a couple of million dollars from a rich uncle, after he graduated high school. If it were me, who knows if I would've succumbed to the temptation to just 'bum' off the interest and never work. Jake didn't succumb. He went to college, graduated with honors, played varsity football, baseball, and...

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