Cost Of TimeChapter 16: Cambon free porn video

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Gamelin saw the Mexicotal colonel he was talking to suddenly turn slightly away and stare. He was too good of a man not to have a reason, so Gamelin craned around to look as well.

A horse and rider were coming from the city, the horse run at a reckless pace, the rider flogging the poor animal. He had to have been a fair horseman, because a short finger-width later the horse slid to a stop a few feet from Gamelin, and one of the signal sergeants came down quickly. "Lord! An urgent message from the Countess! She's been ambushed!"

The sergeant started to say something more, but the colonel spoke first. "My men are ready to march this instant! Say the word and we're on the road north!"

"Go!" Gamelin told him without hesitation. "You yourself, stay and await orders, but get them moving."

He reached out for the message, silently cursing himself for reacting too quickly. Wouldn't it look silly if the message said she'd killed them all and was returning as planned? He saw the pale look on the messenger's face and decided that he'd have the other division moving in a palm-width as well.

"Five thousand infantry bar my advance south. Reports of another thousand in my rear. They have offered to parley. At least we have time to dig in. J."

Gamelin looked up at the messenger. "Where are they?"

"Just south of the village of Chilaic, Lord Gamelin. Perhaps a hundred, a hundred and fifty people."

Vosper had been with one of the regiments and he came running. Gamelin handed him the message and waved at his batman. "Our horses! Right now! Turn out the other division, as quickly as possible! Have them ready to march at once! No more than a palm-width!"

The man jumped to obey, and Gamelin swung easily into the saddle, and heedless of Vosper, his dignity or common sense, he too flogged his horse back to the city and the perch on the wall where the northern signal station was located.

It wasn't even a finger-width later and he was standing next to a signal sergeant who was writing down a message as the signalman repeated letters. Gamelin frowned. Code? That was odd. Why code? What code? It was clear the signalmen didn't know it.

Lady Lydia appeared and held out her hand for the paper. She looked at it for a moment and then signaled for Gamelin to follow her.

He liked Lady Lydia; she was easily Judy's best friend, after himself, and he knew she'd been Judy's best friend before she had ever met Gamelin. Still, it was a little hard to be ordered around by a sixteen-year-old girl. It was impossible to forget, of course, that those who had gotten in the way of these girls, then two years younger, were all dead now.

"Judy is parlaying with the commander of King Xyl's soldiers. Their commander has allowed a signalman to accompany her, and is letting him signal in the course of the parlay."

"That makes no sense."

"Well, consider that this General Cambon says he's King Xyl's brother and was sent north to kill Judy. And now he says he's changed his mind."

That stunned Gamelin. Vosper had made it up to the station and he'd listened as well. Vosper spat. "Like Lord Gamelin said before. That makes no sense."

"Yeah, well there's three words here that say it all. 'Plague in Tenosh.'"

Gamelin's breath sucked away, but Vosper wasn't a soft man. "And this hurts us how?"

The signal officer was now present and he handed another sheet to Lady Lydia. Now it was her turn to pale. "Because the messenger sent from Xyl to Cambon passed through Zacateca and Tecpan. He arrived half dead and died a few palm-widths later from the plague. This General Cambon wants to know if we know the plague and if there is anything we can do to save the people of their Heartland."

She swallowed, and one of the sergeants ran and fetched her some water. It amused Gamelin that he wasn't offered any. He wasn't sure if that was because he was strong and Lydia seemed weak, or because the soldier had more regard for her than for him. He was a townsman, and as a signalman, it meant it was likely he was married. The conclusion that led to was that he was concerned about Lady Lydia.

Lydia took a swallow and then spoke clearly -- to the signalmen. "You all swore oaths that signals stop here. This time will test that oath. If you walk away from here and tell people that plague is abroad in the city, you will kill thousands, perhaps tens of thousands of innocent people."

She held up the sheet. "Lady Judy is talking to us at the same time as she talks with Lord Tuck."

Another paper was placed in her hand.

She nodded. "Yes, it's true. Tuck thinks he knows this plague. It isn't good, but we can fight it. We cannot have people flee the town, as a good many will carry this plague with them. Within the city, with the resources and the people in the city, we can save most of us. Anyone who flees will die alone and unaided in the desert, without what they need to live. You think about that, when you go home tonight and see your wives and children. Yes, you can tell them the plague is here. But don't you understand? The plague is here!"

"We can fight it?" the signal officer asked.

"Yes. We won't save everyone and it certainly won't be easy, but we'll be able to save nine in ten. But we have to start preparing as soon as possible. Lieutenant, you run to the council chambers, there is always someone there. Tell that person to call the Council for a meeting in a palm-width. Tell the Alcalde to come here. Do not, under pain of death, tell anyone anything else. Do you understand, Lieutenant?"

"Yes, Lady Lydia!" He saluted and sprinted down the steps from the tower in the corner of the city walls.

Lydia turned to Gamelin. "The conversation is going to go slow now. It's three times as far to Tuck as it is to us. He's at the signal tower in Xipototec."

"Thank you, Lady Lydia. What plague is this?"

"One that no one here seems to have seen before, although as I said, Lord Tuck has a name for it, he believes. Small demons, the ones we call bacteria, live in our guts. Most of them don't hurt; in fact, many of them help us digest the food we eat. However, some are nasty. They burrow into the walls of the gut. It's like a burn, only on the inside. The injury leaks fluid. Three or four days after the devils enter the body, essentially you shit yourself to death... if you're not treated. Lady Judy says General Cambon described it as the messenger's insides turned to water."

Gamelin grimaced. It was hard enough to be in battle, never knowing if a bullet was coming for your head. To be sitting in your room, never knowing if you'd breathed in a demon? And if you did, that you'd die? Battle, it seemed to him, was a much cleaner death.

"What do we do?" he asked.

"Tuck's working on a reply," Lady Lydia told him. "Even now, it's probably on its way. We'll just have to be patient, Lord Gamelin."

"And Judy?"

"She asked Cambon why he didn't destroy her. His reply parallels Lord Tuck's reasoning about how at some point all the stupid God-King's generals would be dead. 'Aside from the fact that my brother commanded me to return with all dispatch, without engaging you? Because the High King is reputed to be a sorcerer, as is Lord Tuck and as are you? Right now, I'd do anything I have to, to save even one of my men from this death. Men I'd cheerfully have sent into a hail of your gunfire, if things were otherwise. Because if I can save these men, then perhaps my brother can save those in the Heartland.'"

Another sheet of paper was put in her hand. "Treatment is water. Salty water. Sea salt is best with a pinch of fireseed..." She went down the list of things that would have to be done with Gamelin.

Gamelin wasn't entirely sure, but he thought that Lady Lydia was delaying. That turned out to be right. The Alcalde came up the steps, not running, but faster than usual. "General Gamelin, Lady Lydia," he said when he reached them.

Gamelin saw Lydia pass Vosper a glance. He wasn't sure what the message was, but Vosper moved, as if looking back into the city.

"Alcalde, in a few moments we will have fell news for the Council and for Tecpan."

"My lady?"

"Probably two days ago now, a messenger of King Xyl's passed through Tecpan on his way to join the King's brother, General Cambon, near the village of Chilaic. The message the man brought was that there was plague in Tenosh and to return home at once."

The Alcalde's brow furrowed. "Lady Judy? Is she in trouble?"

"No more than we are, Alcalde. The messenger died before dawn this morning of the plague. He brought it with him to Tecpan as well as to this General Cambon's soldiers."

The Alcalde took a step back and started to turn, but ran solidly into Vosper. Gamelin had to admit, that had been very nicely done!

"Alcalde, this is a test of your leadership. Of all of our leadership. If we prepare, we can beat this. We'll be hurt, but nothing like the hurt those who aren't prepared will be dealt. If people panic, if they run, they'll die alone in the desert, far from help. Help that is here, Alcalde. Help we can offer them, if we keep our heads and do our duty.

"General Cambon talked to Lady Judy instead of fighting. That was a brave, desperate act. He knew, as should you, the hope for survival is in the knowledge of the High King, Lord Tuck, Lady Judy and myself. If you turn and run, if you shout a warning to the rooftops, half of the people of Tecpan will be dead in a moon. Or more of them.

"Listen to me, listen to Countess Judy, Duke Tuck, and I'm sure the High King. If you do, some will die, but not nearly as many as if they panic and run. It won't be pleasant; it will mean long, hard, arduous work of the most unpleasant sorts.

"We can only deal with this if we are together, if we are organized and prepared. There isn't much time, perhaps two or three days at most. There will be much to do. Now sir, will you stand with us or against us?"

The Alcalde glanced over his shoulder and looked at Vosper. The old man had a face that looked like it had been carved out of rock. There was no doubt when he turned back he'd just seen his death.

"Of course, Lady Lydia! Lord Tuck, Lady Judy, Lord Gamelin! All of you worked to free us from the God-King! Command me, and it shall be as you order!"

Lydia turned to Gamelin. "You are the military commander, General Gamelin. While I can't order you, I would strongly suggest that you place Tecpan under martial law, as of this moment. Bar the gates, let none enter or leave. Get the soldiers that are outside the walls, inside, except for a thousand or so. The barracks outside the walls can house those who come who are sick."

"There are barracks for sixty thousand soldiers!" Gamelin complained. "Putting that many soldiers in the city will significantly increase crowding. That's always bad in a plague."

"Tuck and Judy talk about containing it. Lord Gamelin, Lord Alcalde, I tell you now they are wrong. I've read about this disease and it spreads by contamination of food and water with the fluids from the sick. No matter how much we stress to the people and soldiers to wash their hands, to drink only boiled water, they will be careless and make mistakes. Maybe afterwards they will be more careful, but not now.

"Anyone who touches someone with the disease will almost certainly transmit it. I know what it's like and you don't. Your bowels turn to water. You don't shit; you pee out the wrong hole. It's forceful, very forceful. The way you treat it is to make the sick person drink salty water. Lots and lots of water, as much as their body sends out. Even if a finger-width later what you give them comes out the other end! I swear to you, that if you take care, if you make them drink salty water, and even plain water is a little help, most will live. As I swear to you that without treatment, most will die in hours after they sicken."

Gamelin looked at her, then past the Alcalde at the city. More than two hundred thousand people lived in or around Tecpan these days. He looked at Lydia; it was something he had to ask. "At best? How many die?"

"One in ten who are treated. Without treatment, with luck, one in two. Without luck... nine of ten."

Gamelin restrained his urge to start being sick right away. "Vosper, find another officer. He is to pass the word, officer's call in half a palm-width at the main gate. Continue on to the duty officer and tell him to close the city. Case Maya."

There was the faintest trace of a smile on Vosper's face. "Maya, eh?" Then he was trotting back down the steps.

"The spy?" the Alcalde asked, horrified at the very mention of the woman's name.

"Yes, the former spy and now our prisoner," Gamelin told him.

"She is to be succored as all the rest," Lydia told the Alcalde. "She will be useful."

Gamelin nodded his head, understanding why that would be. There were only four people in Tecpan who knew that secret. He spoke formally to the Alcalde. "Sir, Countess Judy has placed me in charge of the city in her absence; I have always been the military commander. Sir, the gates are being closed and there will be martial law inside the city. We will go and inform the Council of these facts and the reasons for my actions."

The Alcalde stood stiff and concerned. "Lord, you have my word. Until you inform the Council of your decision, none shall hear any of this from my lips!"

Gamelin waved the man on, and turned to Lydia. "You'll stay here for a while longer?"

"Yes, at least half a palm-width. Establish your command post in the Council chamber; it's a central location."

He contemplated if the girl had any idea how hard it was for him to listen to her. Then he laughed, loud and openly.

"I keep thinking I shouldn't have to listen to you," he told Lydia. "And then I realize just who you are."

"I am a girl, not that much different from Judy, Becky or Elspeth."

Gamelin hugged his sides with laughter and bowed to her. "My point exactly, Lady Lydia! A queen, a countess, and the greatest scholar west of the Great River!"

Tanda had been back only for half a moon from her visit to Outpost. She was a little ashamed of herself, but it was her son; what was she to do? And of course, Lady Inisa continued to care for John, even though Puma was never far.

It was, in a word, nerve-racking.

Tuck came in her office and stood for a moment. As if there was a link between the two, Puma arrived.

"Lady Puma," Tuck said carefully. "I want you to take two of your most reliable Ruthani scouts. In a finger-width I will send Lady Inisa to our quarters to fetch John. You and your people will arrest her, as gently as you can, before she gets there. You will take her to your unit's detention cell, where she is to be held, safely, I might add, until Tanda or I have a time to talk to her.

"When that's done, assemble your people and report to General Andromoth for your assignment. He's going to be a little busy for a while, but I assure you, you won't have to wait long."

Puma bowed, then left. Tanda had no doubt that the instant Puma was out of sight, she'd be running. Probably singing and skipping as she went, because for whatever reason, Puma and Lady Inisa hated each other.

It was, Tanda thought, a telltale. She'd never found anything to dislike about Lady Inisa and she had never really taken to Puma. Why it was that she distrusted the first and trusted the other seemed to defy comprehension. Unless you threw in a baby, not quite a year old -- then it made perfect sense, at least to Tanda.


"Come with me. I want your unvarnished opinions. Later, in private, your knowledge."

She grimaced. Each and every time that Tuck went to that well, there was a measurable chance she'd overstep the line that Chief Verkan had set for her. It was vague and even worse, she didn't understand most of what she knew, in the context of that line.

They went quickly to the signal station on the southeastern wall, where a flurry of activity was underway. The signal officer handed Tuck a pile of paper that Tuck read through quickly. When he didn't move to hand them to her, she held out her hand.

He smiled and did just that. Gibberish; even so, she recognized it as a language, which almost certainly made it Hispano-Columbian English. This was very, very bad. She contemplated taking two steps to the south and then diving over the wall to the desert floor twenty feet below. If she went headfirst and found a convenient rock, well that would do it. "It" though, wouldn't do John any good, it wouldn't do Tuck any good, but it would prevent her from dying as a menial cleaning toilets someplace unpleasant, smiling and happy at her job with no knowledge or memories of her son or of her husband.

It was the thought that Tazi might go unremembered that did the most to stop her.

Tuck spoke softly. "You can't even read the words and yet you cry?"

"If they learn of this, you're dead; I'm dead. To be secure we would need to destroy any copies made between here and Judy and between Judy and Tecpan."

"It might not matter," he told her. "There's a plague in Tenosh. Cholera. Have you ever heard of it?"

She shook her head. "Plagues, yes, I've heard of plagues. Yes, I know the symptoms and effects of many. What are the symptoms of this one?"

She listened as he explained.

"I've never heard the word, but the disease isn't uncommon."

"Yeah, well it's coming."

"We can bar the gates," Tanda said reasonably.

"We probably could. But what about the nearly sixty thousand right now outside those gates? Do they get to come in, before we close the gates?"

"Of course!"

"Tanda, it sounds simple, but it isn't. When do you stop letting people in? What do you do when the people trying to enter the city mass at a gate in numbers sufficient to overpower the guards there? Can we afford not to succor strangers in their time of need? Hostigos is famous for hospitality, particularly to those in need. What about later, after the plague has run its course?"

"I don't know the answers to those questions. I know how far those I once served are willing to go to protect their secrets. This is, I'm sure, going too far."

"Well, frankly I don't care. We have two tasks to deal with in the short term. The first is preventing a panic, the second is preparing for what comes next. That last has two parts, getting the supplies and things needed ready, and preparing the people. Cholera is a disease of the intestines; you can deal with it by what are called supportive measures: replacing the fluids and chemicals lost from the body. Often times there is a high fever as well, and that can be treated with water baths.

"All of that will take a great deal of time and preparation to get ready."

Another message was handed to him and he grunted. "Yes, Lydia has asked Gamelin to declare martial law in Tecpan and he's agreed. Real soon now, you'll see the explosion from over that way, when Gamelin realizes he's not going to be able to go to Judy's aid."

"Judy doesn't need aid," Tanda said. "She needs to get to Tecpan as quickly as possible. Gamelin obviously needs to stay there."

"Yes. Well, I'm going to stay here. I had them flash a message in the High King's special code back north to Pinyon and Count Tellan. I've sent another in Elspeth's code to Baytown. They'll have a lot more time to get ready, but it's going to be important for what they have to do, if we can do it right here, first. If we can show that what we do works, at least as well as anything will work, then they can hold out hope to their people and keep them from panicking."

He stopped talking, then reached out and hugged her tightly. She hugged back, and then looked at him. "What was that?"

"If it is cholera, my people had ways to prevent people from getting the disease. I don't know if any of the others had the treatment, but I did. I won't get it. You, John, Judy, Lydia, Elspeth... everyone else, is going to get it. There is virtually no sure way to avoid it. We can tell people to wash, we can boil water and all of that, but it's going to be hard to keep it from spreading.

"And even if you miss it this time, the disease is going to be hanging around now, waiting to strike again. We will always have a few cases, I suspect. It was that way in the country where I fought."

"This treatment -- can you duplicate it?"

He shook his head. "I have no idea how it was done. A few vague words that might just as well have applied to something else, not this. Perhaps your former employers protected you."

"I could ask, but I have a feeling that the less I have to do with them, the better."

"I'll have the signalmen send to all the stations, that they are to burn the coded messages. It won't be the first time they've gotten messages like that."

"They'll know."

"Probably. I am not actively trying to tell people about their secret, or even letting on that there is one. I can't live as if there is a giant axe hanging over my head if I make a mistake. I swear I'm not going to let the cat out of the bag about their secret, but I'm not going to fail to use every means I have short of that, to keep our people as safe as I can keep them."

Tanda nodded. "What do you want me to do?"

"Get with Brigadier Andromoth. Tell him I'm going to speak to the people of Xipototec again in a palm-width, as many as can come. I want all of soldiers formed up in the square. This time they need to be in uniform, but not armed. Either our people can deal with this rationally or not. If we let the information dribble out, they won't trust us."

She went to tell the general what Tuck wanted. Puma was with him, and Puma was the first to speak. "Lady Tanda, Lady Inisa is under confinement."

"Thank you, Lady Puma."

"I have put two of my people, girls of fourteen, with your son for the time being. You can choose who you want later, if you like."

"No, pick two and assign them permanently."

General Andromoth cleared his throat. "Lady Tanda, I assume something unfortunate has occurred."

"Something like that. It would be better to say a catastrophe is about to happen. Lady Judy reported earlier that she had been ambushed again. However, it would be a better description to say that King Xyl's brother stopped to ask her for directions."

General Andromoth tried to keep control of his face, but eventually he shook his head. "My lady, I have no idea what you mean."

"There is plague in Tenosh. This general who could have ambushed Lady Judy asked instead for the High King's help, Tuck's help, her help, to deal with the plague."

"Are we going to do that?" Brigadier Andromoth asked, his eyes bright.

"Yes. If treated, the disease will kill one in ten. Untreated... half or more."

"Good!" the general said with alacrity.

"Very good!" Puma agreed.

"No, not so good. With a tenth of his people dead, King Xyl might retain control. Might. With half of them dead? The Heartland will fall apart and who knows what will happen then? And in any case, the messenger that brought King Xyl's message to his brother passed through Zacateca and Tecpan to reach his destination -- and died before the next sunrise of the plague."

"You are afraid it will come here?" Andromoth asked.

"Tuck is certain it will come here. He says it is spread by bad sanitation. That is, not washing with soap and water after using the latrine, by coming in contact with the sick and then not washing correctly. Washing in boiled water, I might add, as well as drinking it. A person who is sick from this plague spews waste like a summer flood. They can die from water loss, lying in their own bed in a pond of waste. It is an awful, terrible disease and the least contact with the person who is sick, or that person's waste will spread it. What chance do you think we will have to avoid it?"

"None. But, Lord Tuck says we can treat it?"

"Yes -- if we start making preparations now, if we prepare the people for what is coming now. Once again, he wishes to speak to the people and the soldiers of Xipototec. In a palm-width. The soldiers in uniform, but not armed. Would you please pass the word?"

Andromoth nodded, stood and left. Puma looked at Tanda, obviously quite nervous. "We of the Ruthani get sick, sometimes. But nothing like what you describe."

"These things are a terrible curse," Tanda explained. "We will do what we can to make things come out well."

"Will it come to the Ruthani as well?"

Tanda sighed. "Yes. Tuck has already sent word to the High King, to Count Tellan and Queen Elspeth at Baytown, because sooner or later this will come to them, too."

Puma bowed her head, and then looked at Tanda. "It never came to the Ruthani before, because we were isolated and kept to ourselves."

"Probably. Plus, there aren't that many of you and you don't live in big towns."

"Was this deliberate?"

The question took Tanda aback. "No. What it will do to King Xyl and the Heartlands of his people is unspeakable, and will hurt them far more than it does us. We would never do such a thing! Never!" Her eyes blazed in anger.

Noia was working with two of the brighter sailors, teaching them the rudiments of navigation when the lookout, up the mast called. "Deck! Ship in sight to starboard! Looks to be at anchor! Just bare poles!"

Noia joined several others at the rail; in truth the small ship was hard to see, with no sails set. Even as she saw it, a signal light began to flash in their direction.

"Signalman to the quarterdeck!" Noia called loudly, before she turned to her students.

"Gentlemen, you are dismissed. We'll take this up later."

She went and stood next to Captain Amby, saying nothing as he dealt with the signals. After a finger-width, the mast lookout called down. "Small boat under sail, exiting the channel, Captain! It looks to be stepping out pretty good!"

It was something Noia was coming to learn. Things seemed to move so slowly, at sea!

Captain Amby turned to the third officer, who was officer of the deck. "If you would, set a course just north of the channel entrance. Slow to barely steerageway before we get closer than half a mile. Anchor when the water depth is forty feet."

"Aye, aye, Captain!" the third officer said, saluting.

"Lady Noia, if you would, join me at the side. That boat's carrying the commander here, with new orders for all of us."

There was another half a palm-width wait, before the Brigadier who commanded the fort climbed up. He saluted Captain Amby and Noia. "We need to talk privately, Captain. You and I and Lady Noia."

"Yes, sir. Please, come this way." Captain Amby led the other two to his cabin.

"I have a change of orders for you, Captain. I'm afraid it's not good news."

"Lately bad news seems to be all we hear," Captain Amby replied.

"Yes. Well, the new King in Tenosh has besieged Zimapan. He landed a hundred thousand or so soldiers north of the city, and brought up a quarter million from the south. So far there doesn't seem to be any sign that they plan on storming the city, but the Grand Marshal and a hundred thousand of our soldiers are trapped there."

Amby winced. "Can we supply them?"

"Probably, but the fact is that if they decide to storm the city, one of these days there will be nothing there but rubble. Xyl would probably lose a million men in the process, but he's got them to lose. We don't have a hundred thousand soldiers to spare."

"What am I to do?"

The general laughed. "Well, you will significantly enhance my defenses here. As soon as you are anchored close ashore, we'll start transferring your guns, shot and powder to land. I will go from sixty-eight cannon to a hundred and ten. You can keep the mortars for self defense."

"We'll not be able to defend against much," Captain Amby said reasonably.

"I'll send along a couple of spare mortars as well, if you like. They're a chancy weapon from a ship unless you are anchored."

"That they are!" Captain Amby agreed. They'd tried firing the mortars at sea. To say that they were a mixed blessing was being kind. They only worked well if you were becalmed or anchored.

"You will also go through your crew. Lady Noia and her party will remain aboard, and will not be figured in your calculations. You will then release to me all of your people that are above the bare minimum to work the ship."

Amby swallowed. "We're going to Zimapan empty?"

"You'll have some crates, boxes and barrels we've got. You'll have to fill them with seawater or something, to keep them stable. Those go to Zimapan. Once there, you will take off as many of our soldiers as you can crowd below decks. You must look like an unarmed cargo vessel going in, Captain, and an empty one coming out.

"They've done some testing in Harphax City. You'll be taking out six hundred men, Captain. You'll need rations for just your crew until you get there and a small amount for safety. They will supply their own stores in Zimapan. Unload everything here that you won't need for this mission."

Same as Cost of Time
Chapter 16: Cambon Videos

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Cost of TimeChapter 9 Rapid Travel

After dinner, Count Tellan spoke privately to those who were going east. "The man who commands the soldiers is Captain Andromus. He is a bit of a prig and very conceited. His sister is one of Lady Becky's foremost students and will be assuming many of her duties while she is gone. Lady Becky has a formidable weapon there, and, Lady Becky, you have my permission to use it. Moreover, both Lady Becky and Lady Noia will have letters from me, proclaiming that they aren't to be interfered with,...

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Cost of TimeChapter 15 Emissaries

Tanda looked up and saw one of the priests of Galzar Wolf's Head standing in the entrance to her office. "Please, Tanda Havra, may I have a word with you?" She shrugged. "You'd do better talking to the Duke." He shook his head, contradicting her. "I wasn't hoping for understanding, just someone who would listen. The Duke might do something unfortunate and that wouldn't do at all. Please, I want you to hear what I have to say. It isn't important whether or not you agree, but that...

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Cost of TimeChapter 17 Conversation With a Cop

Gryllos had thought the night that the Gamelin came to tell him that he was to command the Heavy Weapons Company was the most exciting moment of his life, but this day was the same thing over again, only ten fold more than the other. He'd been having lunch with his officers when a messenger handed him written orders. "I'm sorry, sir, you have to read them quickly, then I'm to take them on to the next commander," Gryllos had been told. He read the two short paragraphs, and then reread...

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Cost of TimeChapter 18 Nine of Ten

The King of Zarthan looked up as his brother-in-law sat down in front of him. "You wanted me, sire?" Denethon asked. Freidal nodded. "You've heard about the catastrophe that occurred to King Xyl and his people?" "Yes, sire." "The news came to us very fast, much faster than one would expect." Denethon grinned. "The High King understands how important it is for his words to be heard as quickly as possible as far away as he can reach." "Exactly. You hold one of the baronies,...

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Cost of TimeChapter 2 Vacation in Paradise

Tanda Havra slid through the tent flap like a soft vagrant breeze and stepped outside into the brisk air of the early morning, the sun still behind the wall of mountains to the east. She took a deep breath and sighed with contented pleasure. She was a young woman in her mid-twenties, medium tall, with dusky skin, black hair and brown eyes so dark that they were almost black. She'd thought her husband demented when he'd proposed this trip to her. "A belated honeymoon," he told her. Then...

4 years ago
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Costa Rica Get Way

" Well, you're finally awake sleepyhead." She said. I turned to see Mina standing next to the bed. She was as naked as she was in my dream. Her pert little breasts were proudly perched on her chest with their respective nipples erect. " Pinch me," I said, " This has to be a dream." Instead she leaned in and kissed me, her tongue parting my lips and invading my mouth. " Still think you're dreaming?" she asked. Mina sat on the edge of the bed and took my hand in hers, " Well the...

1 year ago
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Costa del Sex

Costa del SexSam and Kay at long last had managed to get away on holiday, a little resort near Marbella, the hotel the usual mix of happy family groups, girls on the lookout for a quick shag, lads who were offering and just a few who interested Sam and Kay. Probably still married but maybe recently split up, on a cunt hunt, but Not the quick alleyway sex that the pool side tarts were offering. Just the same as us two commented Kay, yep replied Sam, my cunt deffo needs some cock. Off on a spunk...

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Cost of TimeChapter 3 Preparing to Depart

Not that night, but several nights later, the ship Noia was aboard put into a small bight in the northern horn of land that protected North Port's harbor. Noia was one of those detailed as guards and she stood with her rifle ready on a sandy beach, while their captain dealt with the locals. She kept her eyes on the ground, mostly, because she knew some of the men who'd come to deal with the captain. They rowed back out to the ship, and moments later were headed further south. Noia had...

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Cost of TimeChapter 4 Meetings

The scout was breathless, riding a thoroughly lathered horse. Captain Legios of the High King's Heavy Weapons Company took the man's salute. "Captain! There's a carriage about two miles ahead, heading north. There are about three hundred of the God-King's cavalry chasing them, a couple of miles or so further back." The man looked back south, where the dust clouds were clearly visible. Legios didn't hesitate, but instead swung to his newest lieutenant. "Lieutenant Smyla, go with Big...

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Cost of TimeChapter 6 Savoring Victories

"Uh oh," Trilium whispered to Noia. Noia turned and followed his gaze. Captain Landsruhl was talking with one of the Hostigi soldiers; probably their commander. Captain Landsruhl looked upset and he was staring at Noia and Trilium. "Come along, Noius," Trilium said. "I think that Hostigi officer has heard of you." They'd gone only a few steps when Hestophes stopped Trilium. "Look, I know we owe you; I swear I'll tell the captain myself. But this isn't the time for...

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Cost of TimeChapter 7 Treason

The Queen of Zarthan listened in silence to General Khoogra's report about the latest events in the south, while not looking at the man. She glanced at her husband, sitting a few feet away. He was staring raptly at the general, the opposite of his wife. Such preliminary Council meetings had become customary; to help the King and his advisors prepare for the main meeting that would follow shortly. Of course, General Khoogra was the only man in the realm of Zarthan who didn't know that...

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Cost of TimeChapter 8 Outposts

The next two and a half days weren't as bad as they would have been if Noia had left Baytown riding like they did on the way to Outpost. A moon and a half on the road had toughened Noia to the point where it was simply unpleasant, not impossible. Great Galzar! Did Brigadier Markos and his soldiers move fast! They topped a ridge and looked down at the lake with Outpost on an island at one end. Brigadier Markos was sitting his horse not far from Noia and grinned at her. "When the Grand...

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Cost of TimeChapter 10 Moving Fast

Noia thought she'd traveled rapidly from North Port to Echanistra; then she thought she'd traveled fast from Echanistra to Baytown, even if it took a moon. She thought she'd traveled rapidly from Baytown to that nameless waterhole, even if it had taken a moon and a half. Then she thought she'd traveled fast from the waterhole to Outpost in the following few days. There was no doubt about it; the two hundred men of their escort moved very fast to Kingstown, making the trip in three days...

2 years ago
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Cost of TimeChapter 12 What It Means To Be a Lady

It was a grueling two and a half day ride for Gryllos to where he was supposed to rendezvous with the Ruthani. They reached the spot in late morning. Leem simply rode up to a single man, standing alone in the desert, slid off his horse and then saluted. Gryllos wished he could be as elegant getting down from his horse, but he'd never have been able to do it on his best day. Gryllos saluted the old man, older than any he'd ever seen before. "Sir, Captain Gryllos, Sixth Mounted...

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Cost of TimeChapter 13 Treason by Dagger and Bullet

Later Noia listened as the master of the training ship spoke to Captain Amby's junior officers, Captain Amby at his side. "Here you will learn your basic duties. We will sail down the bay, and out into the Great Eastern Ocean, and then due east for a day, then return. Listen to the bosuns -- they'll tell you what to do. The officers tell the bosuns, and I tell the officers what I want and the captain tells me what he wants. That's how things work on ships. "As trainee officers each of...

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Cost of TimeChapter 14 New Allies

Noia didn't look around; instead she opened the door to the building and went inside without hesitation. The day had been a little hazy outside, but the sun was bright enough that she had to spend a few heartbeats letting her eyes adjust to the dimness inside the shop. A young man appeared and smiled pleasantly at her. "May I help you, noble lady?" "I'd like to speak to Solon, please. I've come from afar." The clerk bobbed his head. "Trader Solon is always fascinated by stories...

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Cost of a Cosplayer

Authors Notes: Some inspiration has been taken from the convention branches of Sexual Privilege and The Rulebook, but I am definitely taking things in my own direction. There are a few places where you can have weird continuity jumps if you don't have Game Mode on, so I'd recommend turning it on. I've tried to make it work as well as reasonably possible if you don't, but that only goes so far. Feedback, suggestions, and chapter submissions are all welcome. Comments help motivate me and chapters...

3 years ago
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Costume Party

There are some things in life that are not planned. They just happen! My sister Donna is 4 years older than me and we have never been real tight. We were just typical siblings with an age difference. We would fight all the time over just about anything, but as we got older we managed to become friends. My sister was a wild c***d; I caught her more than once having sex with her boyfriends at our parents' house. I never said anything but she knew that I knew. There were times, and I am sure it...

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Costume Parade

This story is based upon events, which transpired last fall. Some events are exaggerated or even completely fabricated; however the basic scenario, as well as the name and layout of the store are 100% accurate. The names of all others involved have also been changed in order to preserve anonymity. Costume Parade I was practically a nervous wreck as I walked through the doors under the huge pink sign which proclaimed the location of Shirley Potter's. Immediately in front of me,...

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Costume Gun Michelle

(Author's note: My thanks to Blot for allowing me to be the first 'outside' author in the Costume Gun universe. I have done my best to be faithful to all particulars of the gun's workings, but if I've erred in any aspect, please consider this to be 'non-canon.') Costume Gun: Michelle By Heather St. Claire Hi. My name is Michelle Guptill, I'm 44 years old, and I'm dying of lung cancer. I don't have an ounce of self-pity, because I brought all of this on myself. I do feel terrible...

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Costume Gun Never Use The Gun While High

Costume Gun: Never Use the Gun While High By Heather St. Claire Brittany Kroger paced back and forth in her living room. Every couple of minutes she would peer out from between the stained Venetian blinds to see if her best friends had arrived yet. She had quite a surprise waiting for Ashley and Brad. She found herself growing increasingly fidgety, twirling a section of her shoulder length-hair between her fingers, nervously tapping on the wall when she snuck a look between the...

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Costume Gun The Ultimate Gift

Costume Gun: The Ultimate Gift By Heather St. Claire Joan Fuller sat in the lunchroom of the Dixon County Jail surrounded by co-workers and friends. She was the center of attention, which was to be expected, as this day marked her 50th birthday. Joan's square face was framed by a short brown bob. Her large, liquid brown eyes were her most compelling feature; usually, when she was on the job as a Corrections Sergeant they burned with a fierce intensity; but this afternoon, they...

2 years ago
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Costume Party Prank

Tami, a highly motivated woman sits in her harness waiting for someone to answer the door. “Pacifier! Where's my pacifier?” she orders true to form. Jim, playing her daddy calmly fumbles around in his pocket to find the pacifier. “Oh, hey. It comes with a flavor packet.” Tami is not impressed, “Just hurry up. Someone's coming.” Jim doses the pacifier with jell, “Open up.” She opens her mouth and he quickly pops it in, filling her mouth. He holds it in firmly just as the door opens....

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Costume Gun A Dish Served Cold

Costume Gun: A Dish Served Cold By Heather St. Claire I pulled myself to my feet, held on to the chair in front of me for support, swallowed hard and looked around the room. I uttered nine life- changing words: "Hello, my name is Jennifer, and I'm an alcoholic." If you had told me a year ago I would be standing up at an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, I would have said you were crazy. If you had said I would be doing it as a woman, I would have said you were stark raving mad. You see,...

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Costume Gun My Little Princess

Costume Gun: My Little Princess By Heather St. Claire Life's a funny thing. Just when you're sure the script has been written and there are no more surprise turns left, life deals you an ultimate surprise. Mine came just a few days ago. I was a not-quite thirty-five year old man, newly divorced, father of a beautiful five year old girl, and I was dying of pancreatic cancer. Charlotte and I married when we were both twenty-eight. Our darling Madison--Maddie-- arrived not quite two...

2 years ago
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Costume party fun with my sister

When I was nineteen, my family went to a costume party. I had always thought those were lame, and I wasn't looking forward to wearing a costume. So I was going to hide somewhere and wait the party out. But when we got to our friends' house, there were already a ton of people there. It looked like the whole neighborhood showed up.I groaned inwardly and went inside with my parents and my older sister. She was two years older than me, and was kind of a health nut. She was always watching what she...

3 years ago
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Costume Gun Goth Girl to Soccer Mom

Costume Gun: Goth Girl to Soccer Mom By Heather St. Claire Today is a big milestone in my life. But my wonderful husband, my three darling children and my beloved mother will never know about it. It may seem like an ordinary day in the life of a very ordinary 29 (soon to be 30) year old. But there is something really special about it because beginning today, this average yet oh-so-wonderful day, I will have spent more days of my life as a female than a male. I'm not much to look...

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Costume Party

Ian sighed as he walked down the street, glancing at the shops. He’d been trying to come up with a good idea for a halloween party for a week - the last few years the costume parties they’d thrown had been fun, but now that he and Shauna was engaged, he felt like this needed to be a big one. After all - they’d met at a halloween party, brought there by their mutual love for the holiday. He’d searched on-line for a good party game, but none of them had jumped out at him. And none of the...

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Costume Party

You stand in the costume shop and cough, the heavy smell of incense and potpourri overpowering your fragile sinuses as you gaze at the mounds of multi-colored clothing piled in huge masses all over the cramped shop. You hear a voice come from somewhere in the back of the shop, “Just a minute please.” It is a feminine voice, sounds like a slightly older lady. It reminds you of the voice of some of your grandmother’s old bridge club friends, the blue hairs that always pinched your cheeks and...

3 years ago
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Costume Mix Up

I was set to meet my wife at the neighbors costume party, the night of Halloween. We had planned to both dress up as characters from Star Wars, my wife would be Princess Leia, and I was a Yoda, complete with mask. I had to work that day, so I brought my costume with me to the office. As the day dragged on, my work seemed never ending. Just as it was time to leave, a client called with a crisis. I was stuck, and knew I would be late for the party. Then things got even worse. When the client...

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Costume Party With A Real Surprise

This story happened in June 2011, my name is maya and I’m 24 years old living with my husband vishal who is 26 years old. Our parents had moved from India when they were kids to UK and vishal and I was born and brought up in London. I consider myself attractive with a lovely curvy body and eye watering 34d busts. Im expecting my first child and 5 months pregnant. My husband vishal too is a handsome rugby player who really take care of himself very well. We both are regular visitors to the gym....

2 years ago
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Costume Gun Coming Full Circle

Costume Gun: Coming Full Circle By Heather St. Claire It seems like no matter how far you travel in life, all the roads lead back to your starting point. My name is Martha. Martha Collins. I'm a 58-year-old widow and the mother of three fantastic children. It's kind of an old-fashioned name, but I like it, and I should. I chose it when I became a woman twenty- three years ago. No, I didn't get a sex-change operation, although gender reassignment surgery really is a more correct...

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Is it a Costume Janet L. Stickney [email protected] I never felt more alive, the softness of the clothing making me swoon in delight; I had never experienced anything like that before, so you could safely say that I was both confused and excited at the same time. I had never dressed up as a girl before, so I was unfamiliar with the inherent thrill it caused. As I looked in the mirror I saw my mother behind me, and she was smiling! "I just knew that you would look absolutely...

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Costume party incest

His father was not a very good husband but he was great in bed. He may have only been about six inches long but he was very thick and it felt wonderful the way he stretched me open when he entered my love tunnel. He could last almost as long as he wanted to and he always brought me to at least two strong orgasms before filling me with a large load of his hot sauce. One day he announced that he was leaving me for his new rich teenaged girlfriend. He was gone that night. I don’t miss the...

2 years ago
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Costume for Life

Costume for Life by Leslie Leigh It was when my wife suggested that she wanted to be a man for Halloween that perhaps I should have sensed something askew. Or perhaps fate dealt us a full house. As I tell you my tale I am waiting for my "Man" to come home from the office and I have a secret.. I came home from the office on Friday, October 30, and was exhausted from a long week of work. I was an art director at a small advertising agency in Evanstown, Virginia and we had four...

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There exist in the world devices designed for humiliation. They can either never be removed or only be removed at a very high price. They come from many places, both technological and mystical. These infernal creations often look like everyday object such as shoes or clothing… These are the stories of the unfortunate souls unlucky enough to be trapped in them…

3 years ago
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Costume Party

We had been invited to a Halloween party that a friend of mine from high school was having, and I wracked my brain to come up with a costume that was unique. The only real requirement the invitation said was that full masks were to be worn. Well original me all I came up with was the mask from the movie Scream. My wife decided on a costume of a French whore and her mask was a full faced rubber mask of Janet Reno. Imagine Janet Reno as a French whore!Anyway the party was in full swing b the time...

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Costume Party

When they walked into the room everyone turned and stared. As opposite as they appeared to be, they were also both beautiful people. She stood about 5'5" with dark skin, long dark hair, amazing green eyes and a killer body. She was dressed as Jane wearing a very short, very tight dress that was slung over one shoulder. The ragged edge across the sides and bottom making it even smaller and displaying a little more of her body. The white leopard skin design of the dress offset her dark skin...

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she sits quietly alone, music on as she checks her emails on the laptop sat on the table in front of her.He hasn't sent her anymore instructions and she is worried.The last message said be alone tonight and wear what you want as long as it is not jeans!He signed it in His usual fashion M.she reads it again searching for hidden meaning for some clue as to what she is to do. "This is so frustrating," she says to herself " what am I supposed to do?"He is in control on their nights.When its their...

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Costume Party

I left Jennifer and Jerry’s house after a great breakfast and several cups of coffee. I had a lot to do that day before even getting ready for the evening’s events. The day had turned out just as the weatherman had predicted the night before, a balmy warm day in the low seventies and the evening wouldn’t dip too far into the high fifties and the same weather pattern would last about three days. It was looking like a nice weekend and the possibility of riding the bike to the party that evening...

Group Sex
1 year ago
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Costume Drama Part 1

Jack made his way along the oak panelled passageway cautiously. He was regretting being one of the few who had decided not to come to the party in a costume as his dark suit, far from making him inconspicuous, made him stand out among the weird and wonderful crowd. Naturally shy, he found the decadence of the whole affair rather alarming and he tried to keep a low profile. This had been unsuccessful as his boyish good looks and strong powerful physique had attracted many admiring glances from...

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Costume Store

The Costume Store is an indiscreet shop in the mall. Few people paid it any mind and many walked passed it without giving it a second glance. If they knew what wonders were inside they might have given more thought to going inside. Inside the shop walls were racks and racks of costumes. But not just any costumes. There were costumes that turned the wearer into devils. Ones that made the wearer think they were super models. Even ones that would transport the wearer to alternate worlds where they...

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Costume Party

You approached the front door of the house. You were about to enter the craziest Halloween party in town. Anything could happen. You take a deep breath, hoping you look good in your Spider-Man costume, and walk inside.

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Costume Drama Part 1

Jack made his way along the oak panelled passageway cautiously. He was regretting being one of the few who had decided not to come to the party in a costume as his dark suit, far from making him inconspicuous, made him stand out among the weird and wonderful crowd. Naturally shy, he found the decadence of the whole affair rather alarming and he tried to keep a low profile. This had been unsuccessful as his boyish good looks and strong powerful physique had attracted many admiring glances from...

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Costume Drama Part 2

The two girls took hold of Jack, one at each wrist, and led him to the door of the bathroom. When they had taken him inside the second girl slipped back and he heard the key turn in the door behind him. It was a huge room with a black and white marble floor and a Victorian bathtub in the centre slightly raised on a pedestal. The walls were cream coloured and yellow lighting gave the room an atmosphere of gothic menace. Jack watched the second girl walk past him as she tucked the key down...

3 years ago
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Costume Party

When they walked into the room everyone turned and stared. As opposite as they appeared to be, they were also both beautiful people. She stood about 5’5′ with dark skin, long dark hair, amazing green eyes and a killer body. She was dressed as Jane wearing a very short, very tight dress that was slung over one shoulder. The ragged edge across the sides and bottom making it even smaller and displaying a little more of her body. The white leopard skin design of the dress offset her dark skin...

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Costume Party Cuckold

This is a story about Samantha, a young white woman in her late 20’s, and her fiancé Eric. Samantha has jet black hair that goes roughly half way down her back, blazing green eyes, and a very petite figure (think 32-22-32). Eric is a white man also in his late 20’s and has light brown hair and blue eyes, and is pretty athletic. Samantha also has a twin, Annabella, who looks just like her except Annabella’s eyes are blue. This is their fourth story. Other stories featuring them include...

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Costume Drama Part 2

The two girls took hold of Jack, one at each wrist, and led him to the door of the bathroom. When they had taken him inside the second girl slipped back and he heard the key turn in the door behind him. It was a huge room with a black and white marble floor and a Victorian bathtub in the centre slightly raised on a pedestal. The walls were cream coloured and yellow lighting gave the room an atmosphere of gothic menace. Jack watched the second girl walk past him as she tucked the key down into...

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Costume Party

In the early evening of Halloween night of 200X I went out to dinner with some friends at a popular vegetarian restaraunt in A.A. the town where I go to college. It was warm for that time of year so I was wearing a black cocktail dress and stockings. Two of my housemates, Tim and Cara were there too. I should explain. I live in a co-op with Tim, Cara, two other guys and one other women. We share a house not far from downtown. Tim is 6'3 and extremely handsome. With bright blue eyes and wavy...

2 years ago
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His Friends MotherChapter 2

Gail didn't know what to do. Several days had passed since she walked in on Jimmy masturbating. He hadn't come over and every time Bobby called he said he was busy. She had to do something. Jimmy was Bobby's best friend and her son was in the dumps because he wasn't playing with him. Gail knew it was going to be embarrassing for both of them, but she felt compelled to sit down with the 12-year-old boy and tell him that masturbating was normal and that he shouldn't be embarrassed. But...

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He Got Used and Didnt Mind Part Two

I got the 1,000 views so here is part two. 1,000 views or 10 comments and I will write part three.As Dave drove home from Jesse's, he called Lucy to let her know he is on his way home. She told him she had gone out with Carla for a girls night. When Dave got home he hit the shower, put his clothes in the hamper and went to bed.Lucy picked up Carla from her house went to the bars in down town. Guys were buying them drinks and hitting on them. Their conversation was getting disrupted so much they...

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Helping SisChapter 4

Harriet explained to Jack why she was not wearing panties. Jack started to overreact, but Harriet calmed him down. He entered the bus right behind his sister so that nobody could see her lack of panties. She sat next to the window and Jack took the aisle seat. Harriet sat quietly with her legs together, but not crossed, so there was no way for anybody to see her pussy. Jack got off the bus just ahead of Harriet, and that covered her problem as she descended the steps to the ground. There was...

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Rob Jenkins Part IIIChapter 2

Thursday, I went to the office where I worked most of the day with Shinkle and Henley on verifying how some complex securities code sections impacted different parts of the program. Henley was best at linking complicated flow diagrams, very tedious work. Fortunately Henley saw it as a complex game or puzzle. Once the diagrams were built and verified, Shinkle converted them into computer code. Shinkle was a phenomenal coder, probably a hundred or two hundred times faster than the average...

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