Cost of TimeChapter 19 Oaths of Vengeance
- 3 years ago
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Noia thought she'd traveled rapidly from North Port to Echanistra; then she thought she'd traveled fast from Echanistra to Baytown, even if it took a moon. She thought she'd traveled rapidly from Baytown to that nameless waterhole, even if it had taken a moon and a half. Then she thought she'd traveled fast from the waterhole to Outpost in the following few days.
There was no doubt about it; the two hundred men of their escort moved very fast to Kingstown, making the trip in three days short of a moon. If that had been fast, the trip from there to Hostigos had been a blur. Noia had sat at the window of the steam wagon and stared at the landscape as it flowed past as fast as a horse could gallop. For palm-width after palm-width, with only a few breaks for the steam puller to pick up more wood and water.
They skirted north of Xiphlon at night; as a result she never got so much as a glimpse of the greatest city in the world. Finally there was a two-day gallop on horseback once again, changing horses often. Then they were in Hostigos.
Hostigos was an old town, mostly stone, with a few wooden buildings. There was new construction west and north of the town, but it was only a glimpse in the distance.
They rode into a large courtyard, where a portly man waited to greet them. "Welcome to Tarr Hostigos," he told them. "I am Mytron, Rector of the High King's University." He bowed at Lady Becky. "Lady Becky, you are very welcome! Please, you and your personal guard, follow me!"
Befitting her rank, Noia trailed last. Her last glimpse of Captain Andromus was him looking wistfully at Lady Becky. The captain clearly doted on his sister and equally as clearly, wanted to catch Lady Becky's eye. For a half moon Noia had dreamed what it would be like to catch a man's eye. It was never going to happen as Noius and was unlikely to happen as Noia, unless they learned she was likely to be a countess. She'd have enough suitors then.
They went down a long corridor, then up a wide set of steps, to a room larger than any in her father's county. "Ladies and Gentlemen," Mytron intoned, "the High King."
High King Kalvan, lord of most of the known world, was a man in his late thirties, tanned and fit, with the eyes of eagles. His wife was barely thirty and even more tanned and fit, not to mention exceedingly blonde and buxom.
Everyone in the room bowed deeply to the High King when he was introduced.
He bobbed his head in response. "If we meet in private, please, just call me 'Sire' and keep the rest of the formal stuff for affairs of state."
He turned to Lady Becky. "Count Tellan and Duke Tuck both have nothing but good things to say about you. I welcome you to Hostigos and my University."
"I've come to repay hospitality, Lord King," Lady Becky said formally.
The High King bowed to her. "Hospitality is the duty of every man, Lady Becky. It was nothing."
There was more back and forth about hospitality that Noia didn't understand. They certainly seemed to be making a big deal out of it!
Finally, the High King ended it. "Lady Becky, we will talk at length, after you've had time to settle in and get with Mytron about schedules." He grinned at the room. "We can't leave our son alone too long, he's twelve. Odds are he's someplace taking apart a steam puller. Our daughter is ten and she is, I judge, off on a crag, a falcon on her sleeve and a smile on her face. Our twins, both the boy and girl, eight, are probably planning a way to glue their tutor's behind to his desk. I should never have told them any stories of my childhood!"
There were polite laughs. The High King and Queen turned and withdrew.
Mytron bowed at them, and then turned to Lady Becky. "Lady, if you follow me, I'll show you to your quarters." He nodded to Trilium. "Sergeant, if you, Tanda Sa and the corporal will follow Brother Sergon, he'll lead you to your rooms."
Brother Sergon was a youth of about twelve, who had a happy grin on his face.
They followed him down two flights of steps, then back up four flights. Trilium finally growled, "Boy, I know when I'm going in circles. Explain yourself."
The boy grinned again. "Just a few more feet, sir." He led the way down a corridor and into a room. The High King and Queen were standing in the middle of the small room. The High King bowed at the young man who'd led them there.
The boy laughed. "Father, mother, may I present Lady Noia of North Port, Sergeant Trilium of the army of Zarthan and Tanda Sa of the Lost Ruthani, foster brother of Tanda Havra."
The High Queen grinned. "You did well, my son."
"I'm sorry about the crack about taking apart a steam puller," his father added.
The boy stuck his tongue out. "Father, tell me to get lost. You'll know where to find me."
"Get lost, kid!" The boy grinned and turned and left at a run.
The High Queen spoke. "Lady Noia, if you would, please attend me."
She waved at a curtain across one end of the room. Noia bowed and followed the Queen as she walked regally and barely moved the curtains to pass through. Noia desperately wished she could walk as elegantly as the High Queen, or make such an elegant gesture.
They were in a corner of the room, with a rack with dresses hanging from it.
"Lady Noia, if it pleases you, you may change."
"Lady Queen, I don't want to sound ungrateful, but is it safe?"
"As safe as my husband can make it. Safe enough." She paused, obviously thinking.
"Lady Noia, my husband and I have no secrets. Thus, I've read about you. Once, I contemplated the world around me. I had a dead mother, a father who loved me, and enemies sufficient to fill anyone's plate. I despaired more than once, Lady Noia. I dreamed... oh my Lady, I can't begin to recount to you my dreams of despair!
"I agreed with my father that we had to resist Styphon, but it was hard to contemplate his death, the death of our town and people. Me? Who cared about me?
"Then my husband came and suddenly it was like the world was bright and new and there was no reason to despair. Then, as in my wildest dreams, he threw down the houses of our enemies; he threw them down and donned the mantle of the High King. Lady Noia, I tell you true: sex is better, but the first time a general with his army genuflects in your presence, surrendering to you... that's pretty darn good, too."
She waved at the dresses. "Please, I've had to contemplate the end of dreams, the end of my world. I knew what I had to do to survive. I don't know if I could have born up under the load and stayed sane. My instincts are to turn against my enemies and wade into them, my sword swinging. Stupid, pretty much. You, Lady Noia, you survived. You have no idea how much I respect someone who could do that."
Noia bowed her head. "I feared for my life."
"And I didn't? I feared for my father as well, to be sure. Most of all, I feared for our people. Didn't you?"
"Not enough, Highness. My brother poisoned my father. None of our people resisted... at least none that I saw."
"Lady Noia, pick a dress or turn around and go out again, as you are. I swear to you, my husband and I both understand what you are going through. We will abide by your decision."
Noia walked over to the rack, found a russet and brown dress that looked like it would fit. She glanced at the High Queen who stared back without expression. Noia undressed, down to her nethers, men's nethers, and then tried on the dress. It fit relatively well.
"If you would like, there are other things available as well, but truth be known, I wear the same nethers as my husband. They are more convenient."
Noia grimaced. "For now, I'll stay with these."
"You're embarrassed about your breasts," the High Queen said.
Noia looked at her, trying to keep her face expressionless.
"Lady Noia, once upon a time I was young and beautiful. My father has seen my breasts a few times, my husband many more times. My ladies of the court, many times. Once, a stable boy who surprised me when I was trying to replace a torn shirt. He fainted and I had to think quickly or my father would have assumed something else besides shyness.
"Lady, in those days I was younger, and men turned their heads to stare at my breasts, which I rarely bothered to bind. Then I met my husband who had, shall we say, loftier goals than my breasts. Not that he's ever stinted on paying them homage."
Noia blushed heavily.
"Yes, I really do understand, Lady Noia. I do. That was before our son was born. My breasts grew -- substantially -- before that day. After that day, they were huge. I didn't recognize myself. My husband is a good man, and treated the extra as a sumptuous feast. Then a daughter, then twins.
"Lady Noia, now I bind my breasts tightly, else they tickle my navel. It is, my lady, the way of things. You aren't pretty and your breasts aren't either. These are minor things, of little concern, no matter how important they seem now."
"Yes, Highness."
"I met your Queen once. My husband wasn't happy that I went west on my own, leaving our children to his tender mercies. But I make my own choices. I met her; I liked her. She has, she says, a group of ladies who've had to give up all that they once held dear, to hold dear the things that are the most important of all. At first, I thought she was playing word games. Then I realized how true her words were. So yes, I'm a member of Elspeth's circle of friends. I would be your friend as well."
"You're the High Queen!"
"Once I was a princess in a small principality where my father ruled wisely. My mother died giving me life, and I wish I could have met her, but other than that I was very happy. Then came Styphon and my father would not bend to them. Their demands for money and land were too high, their plans for our people too terrible to permit. Even letting them hold slaves where none held been held in two generations was too much.
"So, we chose to fight and thus we fell under Styphon's Ban. We should have died. We expected to die. My father agonized about whether or not he should drag the people of Hostigos down to defeat with him. Circumstances made it all moot. He had to fight. I had to fight. We thought we'd die. We hoped it was quick... except Kalvan appeared and what should have been quick was drawn out. Then he put it off indefinitely."
Soon enough, Noia stood in front of the others, wearing a dress. Really, it wasn't that big of a thing. They'd all known, after all! And there was a formal dance and she was partnered with the High King, with Trilium and Tanda Sa, who she had to explain pretty much everything to.
By the end of the evening she was exhausted once again, but this time it felt different. It was as if a great weariness had fallen from her shoulders, a great weight had been lifted from her.
She smiled at the thought. No, actually the burden was clearer now than ever before. There were things she had to do. For herself, for her father, for her people, for her king and for all the others of the world who wanted nothing more than the golden child Princess Rylla must have wanted: to live, have families, grow old and die in the fullness of their years, content in their achievements. At peace.
Men like her brother plotted and connived, wanting to steal the work of others for their own. They could not wait for the natural order of things; they would rather lie, cheat, steal and even kill to get that which wasn't theirs by right. And if her brother smashed other people's happiness and lives along the way? He wouldn't care; his concerns were for himself.
There were enemies plotting against her, against her friends, against her king, and against these people here. Men and women who had taken in a stranger from afar, protected her, sheltered and provided for her. She'd heard about the cult of hospitality that had grown up in Hostigos after the advent of the High King. She'd heard stories how Lord Tuck, Lady Judy and Queen Elspeth had repaid the hospitality shown to them by strangers who'd taken them in.
There would be no finer thing than if she repaid that hospitality as the others had. By defeating the enemies who came at them, by defending the lives of those who succored her, and defending all the other lives they helped. And if results were any measure of the gods' favor, then they too agreed.
Judy surveyed the hill again, at the stationary soldiers atop it. She stepped back behind the little rise she was on, grinning. Every finger-width they sat on the ridge, was another finger-width closer her relief was. Hold a day and it would be over. It was getting close to High Sun, but this was spring, and the temperatures weren't as brutal as they would be in the summer. They could hold here easily.
Behind her, she heard Captain Legios expounding to his new officer. This one wasn't as clever a man as Lieutenant Smyla, evidently. She grinned again. It would be too much to hope that all the officers in the army were steady and competent!
One of the squadron lieutenants fetched up next to her. "Your grace, the rear guards report a party of men headed this way in a hurry, perhaps a half dozen, from the southeast."
Judy nodded. "Thank you, Lieutenant. Report to me when you have more information, or when they come up."
It would be a terrible humiliation, she thought, if that was a half dozen of the scouts come from a wild goose chase, after she'd messaged their names earlier in the day back to Tecpan, and thence no doubt to Tuck, her husband and the Grand Marshal. She would have to stand up in front of the entire army and apologize.
Those thoughts swirled around for a moment, and she looked back southeast.
It was as swift and sudden as a mule kick. What was to the southeast? Zacateca. Without hesitation, she scanned the terrain once again. Legios' words about General Denethon echoed in her ears. Denethon survived because he did the unexpected! What was she going to have to do to be able to survive?
Two finger-widths later a dusty sergeant was brought to her. She nodded politely to him. "Sergeant Talphon. I take it that things are not well in Zacateca."
The sergeant blinked in surprise. "No, your grace. King Xyl's army marched in, starting at dawn today. The city has gone back to the King in Tenosh."
"How many men?"
He shook his head. "Your grace, a loyal man, the name of whom I'll whisper in your ear later, came to us, camped to the northwest of the city, as we were training their soldiers. He told me that the Council had seized all of the High King's soldiers in Zacateca, and other soldiers were enroute to take us. That he had no idea how many men were coming to the city, but the column of troops stretched for miles. At least three. He could not see either the beginning or the end of the column. At least four miles, your grace."
Judy nodded. Column of fours, a yard and a half between rows. Five thousand men per mile. Twenty thousand soldiers into Zacateca, at a minimum.
"And the city? Was it quiet?"
"Yes, my lady. The man said they'd been assured that there would be no reprisals if loyal men returned to their King, that there was a new King in Tenosh and that he agreed that the sacrifices and the taxes of the old King and priests were unjust and had ended them."
Judy thanked him and the sergeant stood, unsure. "Your grace, I think you should withdraw at once, towards Tecpan."
He spoke nervously, knowing that some officers would have his head for speaking up. Lord Tuck valued such comments, though, and so did she.
"Come," she said and walked the dozen yards to the top of the rise and waved at the ridgeline beyond. "There are twenty thousand reasons why trying to move north just now might not be wise."
The sergeant sucked wind. "Your grace, I meant no impertinence!"
"That was not impertinence, Sergeant! You've done your duty today, none can say differently! I'll get back to you shortly with orders."
She stood looking out over what was sure to be a battlefield. Would they really attack today? She was quite sure they would. Except they wouldn't weight their attack to the north as she'd expected, it would be weighted to the south, to lull her into belief that she could withdraw in order towards Tecpan.
She cast her eyes to the south, where her cavalry was, out of touch and out of contact. Never split your forces, she'd been told. And I thought I was too good to have to worry about the little things! Leave my artillery at home, split off my cavalry...
For the first time in her life she contemplated not what Tuck would do, but what would General Denethon do. Legios came to stand next to her, the two Mortar brothers with him.
"My lady," Legios said quietly. "What is the news?"
"Zacateca has fallen to Xyl. They are behind us, to the southeast."
"How many of them?" Big Mortar asked.
"At least twenty thousand, the sergeant told me. Probably we'll face at least that many, probably several times that. They'll know who's facing them." She swept the Duke's helm off her black hair. "So, no more games."
She turned Legios. "I've decided to try to think like General Denethon for this battle, Captain."
Legios chuckled. "My lady, that is the best news I've heard since the war was over!"
"Captain, we have two hundred and fifty rounds per mortar? You can fire about twenty-five times safely in rapid fire?"
"Yes, Countess."
"On my command, I want all sixty of the tubes to fire on the ridgeline to our right front, twenty rounds each. Forty tubes on the center, ten tubes on each flank. I want those rounds to be right in among them, as quickly as possible, and then I want the rest of the rounds fired as quickly as possible. They have to be hitting the top of the ridge, do you understand?"
Legios nodded his understanding.
"As soon as you've fired the twenty rounds, put the tubes on horses and we'll withdraw at once.
"Short, I want you to command the mounted companies. We'll move the mounts up directly behind this rise in the next few finger-widths. Until the signal, I want the men on the line doing nothing different than what they are now. As soon as the mortars start to explode on that hill, not when they're fired, mind, but after they start landing, do a slow fifteen count, then have the trumpeter sound assembly. What that means is that everyone hustles over the rise and mounts up.
"I want the wagons unloaded, and everything that we can put on horses, and everything else prepared for destruction. As soon as assembly is blown, that'll be the signal to start the fires.
"That will be in about a palm-width, sooner if we can get ready faster. I don't want those soldiers on the ridge to think we're up to something, not until it happens.
"As soon as we break from here, I want four men sent southeast, towards the big ridge there. I don't want to point, I don't want any of you to point, but over my left shoulder is a large gap in that ridge. We will first head southeast, as if we're headed for Zacateca. In about a palm-width, we'll turn to the left and dash for that gap. As soon as we turn, so will our 'point.'"
Legios was studying the ground. "I hope it goes all the way through," he said quietly.
"It does. They will have to come down from that ridge, which will take time, especially after twelve hundred mortar rounds. They can either go northeast and try to cut us off that way, pursue us directly or let us go. Before we get to that gap I'll make a decision about whether or not we'll set up an ambush somewhere in the mountains. Probably yes, if it's a close pursuit, probably not if there's no real pursuit.
"Once we're through those mountains, and that's a seven thousand foot ridge, we'll turn northeast and keep going until tomorrow around High Sun. We'll rest a little then, and start again as soon as the sun starts down. The moon will be only a little help tonight, and not much more tomorrow night. It doesn't look like there will be clouds to interfere with that."
Big Mortar laughed. "A good thing! That canyon wouldn't be a good place to be if it looks like rain! I saw it on the maps, Countess. The river that's to our north comes through the gap. The canyon is deep and so are the gullies here, miles from those mountains. When it rains hard here, all that water comes through that gap."
"Let's go make things happen," she told them. "A palm-width!"
Everyone walked away, as if there was no rush, only Legios stayed behind. "We could wait a while longer and let them attack," he said, looking up at the ridge ahead of him. "We defeat them and then go north."
"I thought about that," Judy told him. "Then I got to thinking about what we truly know and what we truly don't. Sergeant Talphon and the others from Zacateca didn't see any of Xyl's soldiers. A loyal man warned them and they fled at once. I don't doubt that Xyl's in Zacateca. The question is, are these soldiers and those in Zacateca acting in concert? And how many columns of soldiers are there out here?
"They know we sent a long message earlier. I've deliberately not passed on the message we just got. That will wait until just before we're ready to go. I wouldn't want them to think we've received some urgent message."
Legios nodded at that.
"If they are in concert, and if they think I was going to be clever and turn the battle so that we're both facing the wrong way, we could have ended up in major trouble tomorrow. I don't want them thinking we've been warned, because that might cause them to react differently."
"And the cavalry?" Legios asked.
Judy glanced to her right, at the hills there. "They should still be within four or five miles. They'll hear the artillery, and hopefully that will make them pause and look around. They should see our dust cloud and deduce that the plan has changed. If we're headed southeast, we're not going to be attacking to the southwest at first light. I imagine we'll see them before nightfall."
Captain Legios nodded. "I'll go make sure things are ready, Countess."
Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is not legal to view writings that are sexually explicit and may have themes of bondage, feminization and other 'deviant' sexual experiences: don't read this. Don't read it, if it is not legal to do so where you live. Going any further is of your own free will, and responsibility is solely on yourself. Any similarity to real people or events is...
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Disclaimer: The usual ... if you're underage, stop reading (and how did you get a hold of this in the first place), if you're offended by transgender or transsexual ideas, stop reading, and if you're unlikely to enjoy erotic descriptions of sex, stop reading. Please read "Changes In Paradise, parts 1 - 11," if you haven't already, and take a moment to post a comment or send an email. Permission granted to re-post on any free site with attribution. Thanks for the comments,...
I stiffened. And not in a sexual manner. My daughters were too young to be preparing for marriage. I was going to sit them both down... “They’ve both taken home economics in school to learn to sew and cook. That nice Mrs. Abernathy actually teaches a little about managing a household. You should be proud that our girls are preparing for a future husband and home.” “I thought you meant...” “Oh, I’m sure Lexi is pure as the driven snow. Our little puttana, though ... I’m sure she is sexing...
We had a great time. After dinner, Dad led us all out to the fire pit. He must have taken the whole day off because there was a new addition. He had a kind of tent like thing set up that looked like a Navajo hogan. He'd slipped out earlier to light the fire and it was blazing when we got out there. We just sat around for a while telling stories about how life was going after the first full month of school. The guys were excited about basketball season coming up and were bummed that my class...
The car pulled into a lane, and Jen got a glimpse of the name of the street where she'd be living. She couldn't get a proper look, but she could have sworn it had said 'NudeVille.' Jen shook the thought out of her head. They pulled into her street but no one was around. It was raining slightly so she figured everyone must be inside. They pulled into their new drive and entered the house. It was nice, and had already been made and furnished. Jen was tired so she went straight to her new...
"You've been shot" the doctor said, Dave grinned somewhat sourly, "Congratulations doc" She returned his grin but I detected a hint of respect, "You have a spinal oedema" "Yes" he said, "I've noticed" "So why did you call me?" "I didn't, she did" he inclined his head in my direction, "Why, Jackie?" "Because one minute he was standing at the window and the next he was on the floor, crying, have you ever seen a man cry doctor, a strong man?" "Many times" she said...
July, 1989 "Two someones actually, my lord," an elegant baritone voice said behind me. Glancing over my shoulder I saw someone standing in a darkened doorway I had not noticed earlier. Alexandrios of Byzantium stepped into the subdued lighting of the warehouse. There were a couple of spots of what I had to assume were blood on the frilly white shirt he wore. It was almost like those shirts the heroes always wore in the old pirate movies except it had frills down the front and at the...
Tanda Havra slid through the tent flap like a soft vagrant breeze and stepped outside into the brisk air of the early morning, the sun still behind the wall of mountains to the east. She took a deep breath and sighed with contented pleasure. She was a young woman in her mid-twenties, medium tall, with dusky skin, black hair and brown eyes so dark that they were almost black. She'd thought her husband demented when he'd proposed this trip to her. "A belated honeymoon," he told her. Then...
" Well, you're finally awake sleepyhead." She said. I turned to see Mina standing next to the bed. She was as naked as she was in my dream. Her pert little breasts were proudly perched on her chest with their respective nipples erect. " Pinch me," I said, " This has to be a dream." Instead she leaned in and kissed me, her tongue parting my lips and invading my mouth. " Still think you're dreaming?" she asked. Mina sat on the edge of the bed and took my hand in hers, " Well the...
Costa del SexSam and Kay at long last had managed to get away on holiday, a little resort near Marbella, the hotel the usual mix of happy family groups, girls on the lookout for a quick shag, lads who were offering and just a few who interested Sam and Kay. Probably still married but maybe recently split up, on a cunt hunt, but Not the quick alleyway sex that the pool side tarts were offering. Just the same as us two commented Kay, yep replied Sam, my cunt deffo needs some cock. Off on a spunk...
Not that night, but several nights later, the ship Noia was aboard put into a small bight in the northern horn of land that protected North Port's harbor. Noia was one of those detailed as guards and she stood with her rifle ready on a sandy beach, while their captain dealt with the locals. She kept her eyes on the ground, mostly, because she knew some of the men who'd come to deal with the captain. They rowed back out to the ship, and moments later were headed further south. Noia had...
The scout was breathless, riding a thoroughly lathered horse. Captain Legios of the High King's Heavy Weapons Company took the man's salute. "Captain! There's a carriage about two miles ahead, heading north. There are about three hundred of the God-King's cavalry chasing them, a couple of miles or so further back." The man looked back south, where the dust clouds were clearly visible. Legios didn't hesitate, but instead swung to his newest lieutenant. "Lieutenant Smyla, go with Big...
"Uh oh," Trilium whispered to Noia. Noia turned and followed his gaze. Captain Landsruhl was talking with one of the Hostigi soldiers; probably their commander. Captain Landsruhl looked upset and he was staring at Noia and Trilium. "Come along, Noius," Trilium said. "I think that Hostigi officer has heard of you." They'd gone only a few steps when Hestophes stopped Trilium. "Look, I know we owe you; I swear I'll tell the captain myself. But this isn't the time for...
The Queen of Zarthan listened in silence to General Khoogra's report about the latest events in the south, while not looking at the man. She glanced at her husband, sitting a few feet away. He was staring raptly at the general, the opposite of his wife. Such preliminary Council meetings had become customary; to help the King and his advisors prepare for the main meeting that would follow shortly. Of course, General Khoogra was the only man in the realm of Zarthan who didn't know that...
The next two and a half days weren't as bad as they would have been if Noia had left Baytown riding like they did on the way to Outpost. A moon and a half on the road had toughened Noia to the point where it was simply unpleasant, not impossible. Great Galzar! Did Brigadier Markos and his soldiers move fast! They topped a ridge and looked down at the lake with Outpost on an island at one end. Brigadier Markos was sitting his horse not far from Noia and grinned at her. "When the Grand...
It was a grueling two and a half day ride for Gryllos to where he was supposed to rendezvous with the Ruthani. They reached the spot in late morning. Leem simply rode up to a single man, standing alone in the desert, slid off his horse and then saluted. Gryllos wished he could be as elegant getting down from his horse, but he'd never have been able to do it on his best day. Gryllos saluted the old man, older than any he'd ever seen before. "Sir, Captain Gryllos, Sixth Mounted...
Later Noia listened as the master of the training ship spoke to Captain Amby's junior officers, Captain Amby at his side. "Here you will learn your basic duties. We will sail down the bay, and out into the Great Eastern Ocean, and then due east for a day, then return. Listen to the bosuns -- they'll tell you what to do. The officers tell the bosuns, and I tell the officers what I want and the captain tells me what he wants. That's how things work on ships. "As trainee officers each of...
Noia didn't look around; instead she opened the door to the building and went inside without hesitation. The day had been a little hazy outside, but the sun was bright enough that she had to spend a few heartbeats letting her eyes adjust to the dimness inside the shop. A young man appeared and smiled pleasantly at her. "May I help you, noble lady?" "I'd like to speak to Solon, please. I've come from afar." The clerk bobbed his head. "Trader Solon is always fascinated by stories...
Gamelin saw the Mexicotal colonel he was talking to suddenly turn slightly away and stare. He was too good of a man not to have a reason, so Gamelin craned around to look as well. A horse and rider were coming from the city, the horse run at a reckless pace, the rider flogging the poor animal. He had to have been a fair horseman, because a short finger-width later the horse slid to a stop a few feet from Gamelin, and one of the signal sergeants came down quickly. "Lord! An urgent message...
Authors Notes: Some inspiration has been taken from the convention branches of Sexual Privilege and The Rulebook, but I am definitely taking things in my own direction. There are a few places where you can have weird continuity jumps if you don't have Game Mode on, so I'd recommend turning it on. I've tried to make it work as well as reasonably possible if you don't, but that only goes so far. Feedback, suggestions, and chapter submissions are all welcome. Comments help motivate me and chapters...
BDSMThere are some things in life that are not planned. They just happen! My sister Donna is 4 years older than me and we have never been real tight. We were just typical siblings with an age difference. We would fight all the time over just about anything, but as we got older we managed to become friends. My sister was a wild c***d; I caught her more than once having sex with her boyfriends at our parents' house. I never said anything but she knew that I knew. There were times, and I am sure it...
This story is based upon events, which transpired last fall. Some events are exaggerated or even completely fabricated; however the basic scenario, as well as the name and layout of the store are 100% accurate. The names of all others involved have also been changed in order to preserve anonymity. Costume Parade I was practically a nervous wreck as I walked through the doors under the huge pink sign which proclaimed the location of Shirley Potter's. Immediately in front of me,...
(Author's note: My thanks to Blot for allowing me to be the first 'outside' author in the Costume Gun universe. I have done my best to be faithful to all particulars of the gun's workings, but if I've erred in any aspect, please consider this to be 'non-canon.') Costume Gun: Michelle By Heather St. Claire Hi. My name is Michelle Guptill, I'm 44 years old, and I'm dying of lung cancer. I don't have an ounce of self-pity, because I brought all of this on myself. I do feel terrible...
Costume Gun: Never Use the Gun While High By Heather St. Claire Brittany Kroger paced back and forth in her living room. Every couple of minutes she would peer out from between the stained Venetian blinds to see if her best friends had arrived yet. She had quite a surprise waiting for Ashley and Brad. She found herself growing increasingly fidgety, twirling a section of her shoulder length-hair between her fingers, nervously tapping on the wall when she snuck a look between the...
Costume Gun: The Ultimate Gift By Heather St. Claire Joan Fuller sat in the lunchroom of the Dixon County Jail surrounded by co-workers and friends. She was the center of attention, which was to be expected, as this day marked her 50th birthday. Joan's square face was framed by a short brown bob. Her large, liquid brown eyes were her most compelling feature; usually, when she was on the job as a Corrections Sergeant they burned with a fierce intensity; but this afternoon, they...
Tami, a highly motivated woman sits in her harness waiting for someone to answer the door. “Pacifier! Where's my pacifier?” she orders true to form. Jim, playing her daddy calmly fumbles around in his pocket to find the pacifier. “Oh, hey. It comes with a flavor packet.” Tami is not impressed, “Just hurry up. Someone's coming.” Jim doses the pacifier with jell, “Open up.” She opens her mouth and he quickly pops it in, filling her mouth. He holds it in firmly just as the door opens....
Costume Gun: A Dish Served Cold By Heather St. Claire I pulled myself to my feet, held on to the chair in front of me for support, swallowed hard and looked around the room. I uttered nine life- changing words: "Hello, my name is Jennifer, and I'm an alcoholic." If you had told me a year ago I would be standing up at an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, I would have said you were crazy. If you had said I would be doing it as a woman, I would have said you were stark raving mad. You see,...
Costume Gun: My Little Princess By Heather St. Claire Life's a funny thing. Just when you're sure the script has been written and there are no more surprise turns left, life deals you an ultimate surprise. Mine came just a few days ago. I was a not-quite thirty-five year old man, newly divorced, father of a beautiful five year old girl, and I was dying of pancreatic cancer. Charlotte and I married when we were both twenty-eight. Our darling Madison--Maddie-- arrived not quite two...
I was 22 years old and just started temping in an office in the city centre. As the boss was showing me around the place thats when i saw her, she was tall and tanned with blonde hair down to her shoulders and i guessed she was about 28 yrs old, the first thing i looked for was a wedding ring.. There was none. There were a few temps starting that day and over the next few weeks of lunching and chatting together the conversation turned to women, someone asked what age you reckon the tall blonde...
Years ago when i still lived with my folks, i was seeing this girl, it was a sunday morning and i had a serious dose of hangover horn lol. She lived with her folks too so we arranged for me to pick her up in town and we were both going to go commando, i wore loose fitting jeans and she wore a maxi dress. I picked her up just outside the city hall and as soon as she got in i kissed her and slid my hand up her dress and eased a finger deep inside her just to check she had stuck to her part of the...
July, 1989 "Ah, if it isn't the inimitable Miss Alice Spencer-Killdare!" rasped the demon, his accentless voice sounding like a blade being run over a whetstone. His eyes flared as he saw me land, a smile curving the thin, colorless lips. The black dogs surrounding him looked even more massive now that I was on the ground level, the smallest of them easily outweighing me by at least four times my scrawny ninety pounds. They were almost tall enough to look me in the eyes, staring at me...
When I was nineteen, my family went to a costume party. I had always thought those were lame, and I wasn't looking forward to wearing a costume. So I was going to hide somewhere and wait the party out. But when we got to our friends' house, there were already a ton of people there. It looked like the whole neighborhood showed up.I groaned inwardly and went inside with my parents and my older sister. She was two years older than me, and was kind of a health nut. She was always watching what she...
Costume Gun: Goth Girl to Soccer Mom By Heather St. Claire Today is a big milestone in my life. But my wonderful husband, my three darling children and my beloved mother will never know about it. It may seem like an ordinary day in the life of a very ordinary 29 (soon to be 30) year old. But there is something really special about it because beginning today, this average yet oh-so-wonderful day, I will have spent more days of my life as a female than a male. I'm not much to look...
Ian sighed as he walked down the street, glancing at the shops. He’d been trying to come up with a good idea for a halloween party for a week - the last few years the costume parties they’d thrown had been fun, but now that he and Shauna was engaged, he felt like this needed to be a big one. After all - they’d met at a halloween party, brought there by their mutual love for the holiday. He’d searched on-line for a good party game, but none of them had jumped out at him. And none of the...
You stand in the costume shop and cough, the heavy smell of incense and potpourri overpowering your fragile sinuses as you gaze at the mounds of multi-colored clothing piled in huge masses all over the cramped shop. You hear a voice come from somewhere in the back of the shop, “Just a minute please.” It is a feminine voice, sounds like a slightly older lady. It reminds you of the voice of some of your grandmother’s old bridge club friends, the blue hairs that always pinched your cheeks and...
I was set to meet my wife at the neighbors costume party, the night of Halloween. We had planned to both dress up as characters from Star Wars, my wife would be Princess Leia, and I was a Yoda, complete with mask. I had to work that day, so I brought my costume with me to the office. As the day dragged on, my work seemed never ending. Just as it was time to leave, a client called with a crisis. I was stuck, and knew I would be late for the party. Then things got even worse. When the client...
This story happened in June 2011, my name is maya and I’m 24 years old living with my husband vishal who is 26 years old. Our parents had moved from India when they were kids to UK and vishal and I was born and brought up in London. I consider myself attractive with a lovely curvy body and eye watering 34d busts. Im expecting my first child and 5 months pregnant. My husband vishal too is a handsome rugby player who really take care of himself very well. We both are regular visitors to the gym....
Costume Gun: Coming Full Circle By Heather St. Claire It seems like no matter how far you travel in life, all the roads lead back to your starting point. My name is Martha. Martha Collins. I'm a 58-year-old widow and the mother of three fantastic children. It's kind of an old-fashioned name, but I like it, and I should. I chose it when I became a woman twenty- three years ago. No, I didn't get a sex-change operation, although gender reassignment surgery really is a more correct...
Is it a Costume Janet L. Stickney [email protected] I never felt more alive, the softness of the clothing making me swoon in delight; I had never experienced anything like that before, so you could safely say that I was both confused and excited at the same time. I had never dressed up as a girl before, so I was unfamiliar with the inherent thrill it caused. As I looked in the mirror I saw my mother behind me, and she was smiling! "I just knew that you would look absolutely...