Costume Gun: Goth Girl To Soccer Mom free porn video

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Costume Gun: Goth Girl to Soccer Mom By Heather St. Claire Today is a big milestone in my life. But my wonderful husband, my three darling children and my beloved mother will never know about it. It may seem like an ordinary day in the life of a very ordinary 29 (soon to be 30) year old. But there is something really special about it because beginning today, this average yet oh-so-wonderful day, I will have spent more days of my life as a female than a male. I'm not much to look at, if I'm honest about it. Like 90 percent of the female population, I keep losing and gaining the same twenty pounds. I'm short, shaped like a pear with big hips and butt and small boobs. My face is kind of squarish. I've got thin lips and a pug nose. On my best days, with the right outfit and makeup (and a padded push-up bra), I can claim to be cute--maybe. That's about it. But that's enough for me, because I've got a husband who adores me, and those three fantastic kids. The boys are such typical boys, full of life and energy. Dale (my husband) and I had agreed to stop after two children, but when he saw how heartbroken I was not to have a girl, he gave in, and that's how we came to be blessed with Emily. I get to vicariously live the girlhood I never had through her, and I love every moment of it. I doubt if anyone reading this would find my life to be very glamorous or exciting. I work as a checker at the local supermarket, the same job I've had since high school. Dale is an auto mechanic. We've got a nice, steady, but modest income. Our life revolves around the kids; sporting events, camping trips and the like. A big evening out for us is dinner at Olive Garden, and if we're not too tired, a family movie. Like I said, nothing too glamorous, but I'm so happy it almost hurts sometimes. I thought this was going to be a dream forever out of my reach. I had the misfortune of being born in a body that didn't fit my inner self. I was convinced from at least the age of four, if not earlier, that I was supposed to be a girl. I will never forget the sense of shame I felt at my fifth birthday party when my paternal grandfather asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. "A girl," I answered matter-of-factly. As soon as I saw the expressions of distress and anger on the faces of the adults in the room, I felt my cheeks began to burn; I knew I was blushing terribly. Everyone pretended they hadn't heard what I said, and after that, I never spoke of my desire again--until I met Denise nine years later. My father was the director of the city's planning department and my mother was a clerk in another city office. This gave them with enough of an income to provide us with a nice home in a moderately upscale neighborhood. The houses tended to be large, older structures, through mostly well-kept. The one exception was a rundown bungalow a couple of doors down from our place. The yard was usually overgrown and the paint was peeling. A parade of residents came and went with regularity. At some point I learned that the couple who had lived there for decades had passed away and their son, who lived in another state, maintained it as a rental. I spent my grade school years miserable and friendless. Although I never displayed any outward effeminate behavior, somehow the bullies of the school knew. They just knew. They called me a sissy and a fag and laughed when I found myself unable to compete in any playground activities, except for four square. In case you don't know, four square involves standing in a square, catching a ball bounced to you from the neighboring square, and sending it on to the next square. The lineup was usually me, a boy born with a crooked spine, another boy with sickle cell anemia, and a bunch of girls. Maybe that's how the teasing began. Anyway, I want to fast-forward past all of that to the summer before I started high school. It was early July. I was fourteen, and I was starting to think about killing myself. No one in the world cared about me, or understood me. Not my mother, my father, my sister. Certainly not any of my tormentors at school. Then, one day, I was walking to the store, and everything changed. I came to the same run-down house I mentioned earlier. There was a U- Haul truck parked out front, which was a pretty common sight. Like I said, someone was always coming or going from there. I stopped to allow a woman and a man carrying a battered couch into the house to cross the sidewalk. A girl about my age was standing in the yard, deeply engrossed in sending a text message on her phone and ignoring the adults struggling with their burden. The girl was dressed in black leggings and a black hoodie. Her hair, what I could see of it under the hoodie, appeared to be dyed jet black. She wore heavy black eyeliner and black lipstick. Her complexion was very pale. She glanced up and spotted me standing on the sidewalk. I think she immediately sized me up as a fellow misfit. "Hey," she said. When she spoke, I noticed her tongue was pierced. "Hey," I replied. "You new here?" I immediately felt my cheeks burning. "Sorry," I said before she could reply. "That was a dumb one." She smiled. "That's OK. My name's Denise. What's yours?" It was a strange feeling to have a girl take any kind of interest in me. "Blake," I said. "Okay, pal. Wanna hang out?" (I later learned that she had picked up a habit from her grandfather, who could never remember anyone's name. To him--and to Denise--everyone was 'pal' or 'buddy.') "Sure," I agreed. Over the next few weeks, I spent a lot of time with Denise. She came to my house once, but I caught the clear vibe of disapproval from my parents, so I mostly hung out at her place. It took a little getting used to, the clutter and the blue haze (both Denise and her mother smoked), but I soon felt at home there in a way I never did in my own upscale residence, granite countertops, Subzero appliances and all. Denise and I clicked because we were unusually bright for our ages and because we were, indeed, fellow misfits. I learned her story, and quickly got a sense of why she had chosen the goth routine. Her father had beaten her mother for years. She had always refused to press charges. But when her mother had caught him fondling Denise, something snapped. She bashed him on the head with a lamp and called the police. He was sentenced to five years in prison since he didn't have a prior record and got out after three with good behavior. Denise was ten at this point. Her father came home with tearful promises that he was a new man. The peace lasted all of six weeks, then the attacks started again. When Denise's mother suffered two black eyes and lost a tooth, she decided she finally had had enough and left. They had moved five times in the last four years, including a spell in a cheap motel after they had been evicted from their apartment, but things had been looking up since her mother had gotten a job in a neighborhood grocery store. It was one of those rare businesses that said it treated employees like family, and then actually lived up to the promise. When Denise's mother had put aside a couple of thousand dollars, she began looking for a rental house in a decent neighborhood. Anything to get out of the crappy apartment complex they were in. The fights, the drug deals, the noise were all getting to her, and she was worried about the influence on Denise. "So that's how we ended up here," Denise told Blake. "I know she's trying her best, but she can't do anything about the fact that life basically sucks." She had been sitting on her unmade bed with her legs crossed underneath her. She stood up, walked over to the window, opened it, and lit a cigarette. She knew I didn't care for the smoke, so she did her best to blow it out the window. "Your mother lets you smoke," I said, once again showing my gift for stating the obvious. Denise exhaled a long stream. "She doesn't care." She paused, looking pensive. I thought she might be ready to cry. "No, she does care. She lets me do anything I want, because she thinks it'll make me happy. It doesn't matter anyway. I'm going to be dead before I can get cancer." "What do you mean?" "I'm going to kill myself," she said, matter-of-factly. "The only thing stopping me is figuring out a way to do it that won't send my mother over the edge." "No!" I said. "You can't, Denise, you can't." She smiled, but it was a sad smile. She took another long drag from her cigarette, and then flung it out the window. "Hell yes I can," she said, walking to her battered laptop. She opened it and pointed to a series of bookmarks. "I've been studying suicide techniques for a couple of years now. Right now, I think I'm going to try drinking antifreeze, just a little at a time. I think it's a painless way to go, and it won't mess up the house. For a long time my plan was to slit my wrists in a nice hot bath, but I couldn't get the picture out of my mind of my mother having to clean up the mess." I tried to broach the subject again, but she made it clear that it was an off-limits topic after that. Two months later, we entered the ninth grade together, and somehow we managed to see each other through the daily torture of being an outsider in school. When she wasn't in her most hopeless moods, Denise could actually display a pretty sharp sense of humor. I'll never forget the day I asked her opinion of Mr. Tucker, the vice principal. "Tucker?" she said with a laugh. "He has the intellect of a troglodyte, the charisma of a fossilized exoskeleton, and the literacy of Peking Man. And those are his good points." I looked around her room on one of my early visits. There was a big poster of Kurt Cobain over her bed. A print of Van Gogh's "Starry Night" was pinned to the opposite wall. There were pictures of novelist Virginia Woolf and poets Syvlia Plath and Anne Sexton taped to the wall above her desk. The bookcase next to the desk featured the collected works of those authors, plus a scattering of others, from Jack London to Socrates. This was a pretty diverse grab bag of artists. I was wracking my brain to figure out the connecting thread, when it hit me. Every one of them had committed suicide. Every single one. My thoughts of ending my life were vague, unfocused, and I think I knew deep down I would never follow through on them. But Denise was clearly a different story. "My God," I said. "You really are serious about this." "Sure am, buddy," she said with a slight grin. "Life sucks, and then you die. Why not shorten the 'sucks' part and get to the final act as quickly as you can?" I understood the sources of her pain pretty well. But I did a good job of masking the cause of my own sorrow until one evening during Christmas break. Denise's mother was working the night shift at the market, and my parents were at a holiday party, and my sister was out on a date. We were alone in her house. She pulled out a bottle of gin (I later learned she had shoplifted it a few days before), and once I got over my initial reluctance, we both proceeded to get drunk, mixing the liquor with warm 7-Up in dirty plastic cups. Do you remember the first time you got drunk? That crazy feeling that nothing really matters, but everything is good? Sometime after my third drink, I reached that dangerous point, which is also the moment when inhibitions fall away. "Denise," I said, or slurred. "I hope you're not still thinking about killing yourself. You don't know how, how lucky you really are." "What are you talking about?" she said. Her speech was unimpaired; I had the feeling she had gained some experience in holding her liquor. "You're a girl," I said. "I don't get it." "Don't you see? You're a girl, and, and you wanna kill yourself...that's so stupid, because I'd give anything to be a girl." She laughed, then said, "I'm sorry, but you're kidding right? What is so wonderful about being a girl?" "Oh God," I said, feeling deeply embarrassed. "Just forget it." She reached out to me and gently stroked the side of my face. "No, Blake, please. I want to understand, I really do." Blake. Not kiddo, pal, or bud. Blake. I could feel her tenderness toward me. "This is so hard to explain," I said. I felt myself fighting back tears. "Look at all the great clothes girls get to wear." I looked her up and down. "Of course, you really don't take full advantage of the variety--no offense." She smiled. She was wearing black skinny jeans and an oversized black tunic embellished with a large skull and crossbones in rhinestones. "Hey," she laughed. "I've got my girl on. And if it's just the clothes, why not become a drag queen?" I shook my head. My thinking was becoming clearer, but my head was also starting to hurt, and I was feeling queasy in the pit of my stomach. "No, it's about a lot more than the clothes. Girls can have babies. Do you have any idea how amazing that is? A brand new life can grow inside of you and you get to bring it into the world." Denise thought for a moment, but soon had a comeback: "My mom had to have a hysterectomy after I was born. Does that mean she's not a woman anymore?" "No," I said, shaking my head. "It's more than that. But it's so hard to--" I stopped in mid sentence and raced for the bathroom. Denise followed and was waiting with a cool washcloth after I had emptied the contents of my stomach into the toilet. I was sitting on the side of her bed, taking small sips from a glass of water, when I gave her a stern look and said, "You have to swear, and I mean swear, that you will never tell anyone about this." She nodded. "We're best friends, right? Best friends always protect each other." Before we knew it, we had made it through our freshman year. Summer beckoned. Denise hadn't brought up the subject in some time, and I was hoping she had put the idea aside. I learned otherwise when I visited her the afternoon of the final day of school. "You've got to come over AS SOON as school is out!" she had told me at lunch, gripping my arm tightly. "I've got a big, big surprise waiting." Curious, I walked into her room after she told me to come in. She was holding a cardboard box in her lap and had the biggest smile on her face I had ever seen. "Pal, I've got the solution for both of us! And it's right here in this box." I sat down on the wooden desk chair. "What are you talking about, Denise?" She opened the box and pulled out something that looked like a toy. "This," she said proudly. "I've still been looking for the perfect way to do myself in, but I couldn't get around the problem of my mother, and damnit, you got under my skin this year, too. But this solves everything." I repeated: "What are you talking about, Denise?" "I googled ways to commit suicide again not too long ago, and came up with sodium morphate. It sounded very promising...a rat poison that slows the heartbeat until it causes death, and is undetectable in the body afterwards. My mom would think I died of natural causes. There only seems to be one problem." "What's that?" "It doesn't actually exist. But no worries, that same night, I saw a sponsored link on the Google page. It was the oddest ad for this thing." She had put the gun back in the box, but now she lifted it out again. "You hit me with the ray from this gun, and it turns me into a wearable costume. You put it over yourself, zip it up, and you become me. You'll have my body, and all my memories, as well as your own." "What happens to your insides when you're zapped?" "It doesn't say. I assume they just vanish." "I'm at least forty pounds heavier than you, and a couple of inches taller, too." "That's the beauty of it. Somehow, when you put me on, the costume compresses you to fit inside of the old me." I shook my head. "And you think this thing is actually going to work? Jesus, Denise, I hope you didn't waste too much money on it." "It's going to work. I'm sure of it. And look at the beauty of it. My mom will still have her daughter, and you get to live your dream of being a girl. And I get to get away from it all...forever." I had to admit there was a certain twisted logic to it all. But I still was not convinced that the gun would actually work. "Let's just try it. What do we have to lose if it doesn't work?" "Nothing, I guess." She sent me home with the thick manual that came with the gun. She had probably already committed it to memory. The more I read, the more I became persuaded it was going to work. We had agreed that we would do the deed the following Saturday morning. When Friday night rolled around, I wished my parents a good night when they headed out to dinner and a movie. I told them I would likely see them tomorrow, as I planned to go to bed early. But part of me wondered if I was saying good-bye and not good night. I did climb into bed early, but sleep didn't come easily. I tossed and turned, anticipating the beginning of my new life the next day. I think I finally gave in to exhaustion sometime after midnight, and was awake long before my alarm went off at 7 a.m. I was too excited to eat breakfast. I showered, dressed and slipped out of the house quietly. I left my keys, wallet and iPhone behind in my desk drawer. Following the plan we had developed, I didn't walk to Denise's house via my usual route. Instead, I followed a circuitous path and entered the home via an alley that took me through the back yard. I quickly realized the Denise who greeted me at the back door looked...different. "Your face," I said. "It's got so much...color. And I didn't realize you have freckles." "Yeah, no makeup today," she sighed, grabbing a handful of her jet black hair. "I'm a natural redhead under this. Does this mean the deal's off?" "No. No, not at all. I was just surprised." I followed her to her bedroom. She lit a cigarette. "You know how in the movies, the condemned person always gets a last smoke? I figured I shouldn't miss out." I sat there silently, watching her take a few impatient drags. Then she stubbed the butt out in the overflowing ashtray on her desk. "So, you ready to do this?" she said, picking up the gun. I nodded. "I just want you to make me one promise. Don't go all girly after you become me, okay? People will think I've lost my mind." She chuckled. "Okay," I croaked. I had a huge lump in my throat and was fighting back tears. She picked up her cell phone and dialed my number. "Yo, buddy, where are you? Don't stand me up! You said we were gonna hang out all day." She snapped the phone shut, looked at me and said, "Now don't forget to call again later." I nodded silently. I could feel the tears starting to come. "What's the matter, buddy? Your fondest wish is coming true today." "Yeah, but I'm losing my best friend." She grabbed me and hugged me tightly. "You'll be fine. And you're not losing me. I'll always be with you. In fact, I'm gonna have you surrounded!" She laughed, and this time I laughed too. She handed me the gun. "Let's get this done," she said. "Denise," I said. "How am I ever going to be able to say thank you?" "Just be good to mom, okay? That poor woman has been through so much. Treat her better than I treated her." I was standing just a couple of feet from Denise and aimed the gun squarely at her. I thought I saw her close her eyes and flinch right before the ray hit her, but that could have been my imagination. One moment Denise was standing there, and the next instant, she was an empty shell on the floor. "Oh my God, Denise!" I cried. "It really worked!" But of course she couldn't hear me. I was trembling with excitement, anticipation and fear as I stripped off my clothing and picked up the costume that had been Denise. I could hardly guide my right foot into her open leg, but somehow I did, repeating the same action for the left leg. I took one final look at my male equipment, which I would not miss one bit. As I began to pull the costume upward, I watched my old "junk" disappear and my new pussy magically come to life. I carefully put my arms inside of Denise's. I was probably being too careful, acting like the costume was made of some kind of tissue paper that would easily tear, when in fact it was quite durable, just as the manual had promised. I don't know why I drew things out--maybe I wanted to savor the process of transformation itself, since I would never experience it again. I pulled Denise's head over my own. I continued to marvel at how my larger form so easily compacted itself into hers. Now I was looking through the world through her eyes. All that was left was to pull up the costume's "zipper" and close it under my new chin. ....come on Blake, buddy, don't lose your nerve now, don't lose your nerve! Do it! Just do it!..Shit! What happened to my clothes? Then my head cleared, and I realized I wasn't actually Denise, I was Blake inside the Denise costume. The manual had warned about this. Now my head was clear, and the reality was sinking in: I was a girl. I was a girl. I wanted to climb up on the roof and shout it to the world: I'm a girl! Somehow, I restrained myself. After several minutes of exploring every inch of my new body that I could reach, I decided to jump in the shower. Oh, what fun it was to scrub my new body, to explore every crevice in this wonderful way. Part of me didn't want to get out of the shower, but my eagerness to get on with things eventually pulled me out from under the warm spray. I headed back to Denise's bedroom--my bedroom now. I picked up my phone and called Blake's to leave another message. I stood there naked, except for the towel wrapped around my head, searching Denise's closet--MY closet now--for anything to wear that wasn't black. I had a sudden, small epiphany. What does any girl do when she needs something to wear? Why, she raids her mother's closet, of course. I matched a pair of my own black leggings with an oversized fuchsia top from my new mother's closet. It had a scooped neckline and a thin black self-belt. She had a pair of purple heels that really completed the ensemble. I looked at myself in the mirror. I was so happy with the sight starting back at me that I wanted to cry. There was one more thing I needed to do, though. I found some nail polish remover, scrubbed and scrubbed until the black polish on my nails was gone. I replaced it with fuchsia polish that matched my top and lip color. By now, I figured Denise should be headed over to Blake's house to see what had happened to her friend. I stepped out into the world as a female for the first time. Everything ordinary suddenly was beautiful. The sky was bluer, the grass was greener, the smell of the flowers was sweeter and the song of the birds was more musical. It was all because I was seeing the world through female eyes for the first time. Of course, I've been through the same ups and downs over the last fifteen years that any normal woman faces (I love that phrase, normal woman), but I like to think I've never entirely lost the sense of wonder and joy I experienced that first day. As I walked down the street, I felt the sway of my hips, the jiggle of my breasts, and thought I wouldn't be able to take another step, I was so overwhelmed with joy. But somehow I made it to the house. I knew everyone should be gone....I hoped against hope that no one had returned unexpectedly. I wasn't up to facing any of them at the moment. Fortunately, my knocking went unanswered. So I headed home, back to my new home. It was only a little past 10 in the morning; my new mother wasn't due home until a little after 4. What to do with myself? When I opened the front door, the answer presented itself. Clean! My mother was usually so tired, so depressed, or both, that she only made the most desultory efforts at housecleaning. Denise had helped out only rarely and under extreme protest. That was about to change. I changed out my nice top into an old t-shirt of Denise's (black, of course), and went at the house with a vengeance. I dusted. I vacuumed. I scrubbed the toilet and shower until they sparkled (and broke a nail in the process, damn it!). I found a pair of rubber gloves and went at the accumulated grease in the oven. When I was done, I took another shower and changed back into my nice top. Then I decided to cook dinner. There wasn't a lot in the 'fridge and cupboard, but I managed to put together a nice beef and macaroni casserole, adding kidney beans, diced tomatoes and onion and sliced bell peppers. I had just put it on simmer when I heard the front door open. "Hi, Mom!" I called as cheerily as I could. She walked into the kitchen, looked at me, looked around, and said with wonder (and probably a touch of wariness), "Well! What's happened to you?" I had poured her a Diet Pepsi over ice, and urged her to sit down. "Thank you, honey," she said. "The house looks great, and dinner smells wonderful. But I have to ask--what's going on?" I shrugged my shoulders. "The whole Wednesday Addams thing was getting old. Uh, I borrowed this top and shoes and I used some of your makeup. I hope you don't mind." "Not at all honey, I think you look very nice." She took her cigarettes and lighter out of her purse, lit one, and pushed the pack in my direction. "Want one?" "No thanks. I haven't had one all day. I'm gonna try to quit. I wish you would too, mom." She raised an eyebrow. "Well, this IS a whole new you." "Yeah," I said. "And I was thinking maybe it's time to go back to my natural hair color, too? What do you think?" She reached over and grabbed a lock of my hair. "Hmm," she said. "Maybe we could put some red highlights in it first. Make it so the transition isn't so abrupt." "That would be great," I said, getting up to serve our dinner. That night, when I went to bed, I found it difficult to sleep once again. It wasn't just being in a different bed--not to mention a different body. Now that I wasn't busy with a frenzy of cleaning and cooking, I had time to think about the implications of what had happened this day. I asked myself, as I do to this day, whether or not I really did the right thing. Yes, Denise had told me that she wanted her life to end, and she wanted me to take it over. But did that make it right? The instruction manual for the gun had told us that the wearer of the costume could remove it at any time, zip it up, and restore the person who had been zapped to life. Denise had threatened that if I ever did this at any point for any reason, she would figure out a way to kill me, and then do herself in. The one way to prevent this from happening and to make the change permanent would be to transform someone else into a costume, put that costume on over the Denise costume and then remove it. Once that was done, the possibility of restoring the original Denise would be gone forever. Denise made me promise that I would do that at some point, but to this moment I still haven't kept that promise. The gun and manual are still carefully preserved in a box in my bedroom closet, but I've never been able to bring myself to use it again. I also struggled with the impact that Blake's disappearance would have on my former family. One thing I hadn't counted on was the media attention that would be generated. Our block was clogged with television satellite trucks for almost a month before the reporters moved on to their next big story. I dealt with being questioned by the police, but what was a lot tougher was a visit from the woman who was my birth mother. When I heard her at the front door, talking to the woman who was now my mother, I felt a knot in my stomach. Soon my new mother and old were at my bedroom door together. My former mother was sitting at my desk, and I was on the bed. She was as perfectly dressed and coiffed as ever, but my heart sank when I saw how haggard she looked and how she seemed to have aged visibly almost overnight. She got right to the point. "Denise, can you tell me why my son disappeared?" "No, Mrs. Davis, I'm sorry, I can't. I wish I could help you, but I just can't." "He didn't say anything, give you any kind of clue?" "No, no, I'm sorry." "What did you two do together, all the time he spent over here?" "We worked on homework together. We talked a lot about school--the teachers, the other students. We talked about the books we liked to read. You, know, just--stuff." "Was he unhappy? Do you think he's killed himself?" "What? Oh--no. No Mrs. Davis, I really don't think so. He thought most people at school were jerks, but I don't think he wanted to kill himself." She looked me squarely in the eye. I prayed she wouldn't sense somehow that her son was right in the room with her. "Denise, you must promise me that if you have any kind of contact from Blake at all, that you will let me know right away." "Of course, Mrs. Davis." As I said, the furor over Blake's disappearance died down after a few weeks. As summer wore on, it came time for back-to-school shopping. I knew mom's budget was tight, but she was so excited over my new look that she went all out. Of course, we did our shopping at Walmart, Target, Ross and Old Navy, nothing upscale, but it was such a delight to fill my closet with all kinds of pretty, feminine things (although in an attempt to keep my promise to Denise, I only got a couple of pink tops). When I went back to school in the fall, some people laughed when they saw the new me. "Hey goth girl!" they'd call. "Did you run out of hair coloring?" I just smiled, laughed, and walked away. One of the unexpected joys of my new life was watching the transformation of my new mother. I came to realize that her life had been consumed by two things: survival, and making her daughter happy. No one who hasn't been a parent, and especially one who hasn't been a mother, can really understand how fiercely protective you are of your offspring. It's the mamma grizzly instinct, which I understand now that I've got three little ones of my own. I would do anything necessary for them, including laying down my own life if need be. Once she realized I was happy, mom was transformed. She began taking better care of herself. She finally started dating again. I will never forget her wedding my senior year. I was so proud to be her maid of honor. Stan's a great husband to her and a great stepfather to me. I continue to be grateful for life's blessings each and every day. I told you how I changed my look and wardrobe right after I became Denise; in those first wonderful weeks, I made over my bedroom as well. The pictures of the suicides came down, but I did keep Starry Night poster on the wall, and it's in my home to this day, a constant reminder of my dear friend who gave me the ultimate blessing.

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Soccer Mom

I am a soccer mom, hopelessly and forever. It's like I've heard some men say, "Once a Marine, always a Marine". Well it's the same for me. Dean is 23 now and is doing post graduate work at Upton College but I still call myself a soccer mom. He was only 13 when his dad took off and I was left to raise him and his sister Toni on my nurse's salary. We must have gone to scores and scores of games together, mostly here in town but occasionally, and especially at tournament time, to away games in...

1 year ago
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Soccer Mom

I am what is commonly called a soccer mom. But in this case I guess it is to be taken literally. My own two sons grew up playing soccer. Over the years I drove God knows how many hundreds or maybe thousands of miles; to practice, from practice, to games, from games, to the sporting good store, etc. You get the idea. My sons played for the Centerville Centurions for their four years of high school, and I was at every game cheering them on to victory and consoling them in defeat. Naturally I came...

Group Sex
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Goth Girl Model

Goth Girl Model: How had I got myself in this situation? Here I stood with my favourite black wig on my head trying to look commanding. My eyebrows had been plucked and new eyebrows penciled in. I was wearing my mascara and false lashes and my "fuck me" crimson lipstick. There was a thin line of eyeliner just next to the lashes on each eyelid. Vampire fangs had been stuck on to my teeth. My arms were encased in my black PVC opera gloves down to just below my elbows but my...

2 years ago
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Girls Soccer CoachChapter 1

Chelsea made a pass to Diana. The ball bounced off Diana's feet. She sprinted forward to regain control of the ball, and was immediately surrounded by two opponents. Diana tried to get through the defenders but the bigger girls eventually fended her off. It was a match between two varsity high school girls' soccer teams. I was an assistant coach of the home team, Peterson High School, in which Diana and Chelsea were playing for. It was a close match between these two teams of enthusiastic...

3 years ago
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Soccer Mom

Thank you. Xoxo, the text read. Sean cursed at the prospect of having to endure Michael's various caprices longer than necessary and at his inability to say no—more accurately: to say no to the pair of perky breasts Michael's mother, Sharon, used to keep in either no bra or a sports bra under her tank top. In combination with her yoga pants, this gave an overall picture that had Sean nodding absent-mindedly and stupidly commenting open-mouthed uh-huh's whenever she was talking to him, no...

Straight Sex
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Jake was standing on the sideline watching his nephew Bryan’s team, the Rattlers, play soccer. He would go to the games whenever he could make it, which meant when he didn’t have to work. His work consisted of two different occupations: running charter boats out of his brother’s marina and playing music in the bars up and down the beach. He made a pretty good living between the two, and one of the fringe benefits of his work was that he met plenty of good-looking women. His older brother...

1 year ago
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Big Tiddy Goth GF

Reddit BigTiddyGothGF, aka r/BigTiddyGothGF! Maybe it’s all that fucking moping around that they do, but goth babes make my dick do backflips over itself every time I see one of them being slutty. There’s something irresistible about some of them. No, I’m not talking about the goth freaks that sit in the middle of a pentagram and drinking goat’s blood while reciting spells from Harry Potter they memorized when they were seven. ThePornDude is referring to the goths who have this attitude that...

Reddit NSFW List
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Goth Sluts

Reddit Goth Sluts, aka r/GothSluts! We all have a certain type of a girl we are into, and if you clicked on this subreddit, then it is safe to say that you are very much into the Goth girls, right? I mean, why else the fuck would you actually check out a subreddit with the name Goth Sluts, if that is not what the fuck you are into? Well, I am here to tell you all about r/gothsluts/ and what you can expect, so sit back, relax, and enjoy my amazing review.First of all, I want to just say that...

Reddit NSFW List
2 years ago
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Expand Your Goth Boundaries

Expand Your Goth Boundaries By Chrissy Canada Chapter 1 This is the story of how I came to be. My name is, or was Chris. Now I only go by one name, Chrissy. I had struggled with this problem for some time, sure I had had girlfriends, but always deep down I had the feeling that I was different. When I saw a beautiful woman, I didn't give much thought to her. Mostly I gave thought to what she was wearing. So time flies by and...

4 years ago
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Laura has always been the good girl all her life.She was the type of woman who would walk down the street with an infectious smile, and would regularly call her parents to make sure that they were doing well and that they ate right. With a personality like hers, it was no wonder that she was the darling of her neighborhood and workplace. At 46 years of age, she could still step foot on any college campus in America and turn as many heads as a 20 year old student could. But despite all her...

3 years ago
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A Goth Girl and the Three Wise Fuckers

My name is Bry and I work as a receptionist in a large corporation. I am outgoing in my personality, but it wasn't always the way. I had a pretty rough time of it in high school. I was a bit short and chubby and certainly not one of the 'cool k**s', and was constantly teased. I was very nerdy in my bland prescription glasses. The girls were always worse than the boys with their insidious taunts. My big breasts made sport uncomfortable, but I soon learnt that they had significant advantages in...

1 year ago
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Soccer Moms

Soccer MumsA Story by Ninja5.?Come on Jillian, kick it.  KICK IT.?  Joyce Smith a local real estate agent and team coach paced up and down the sideline.  She screamed orders at the girl’s soccer team.  Despite her desperation the team had fallen behind and wasn’t making good on any chance to equalize.A small group of scattered mothers sat on the side lines and watched.  As Grace sat watching her daughter run to intercept the other teams star striker she let out a cheer for her daughter.  She...

2 years ago
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Execution of a Soccer Mom

EXECUTION OF A SOCCER MOM A future fiction/fantasy by Jill Crokett Prolog The United States had changed profoundly by the early 22nd Century. Terroristshad detonated a nuclear bomb in Southern California a half-century earlier,throwing America into a spiral of ethical decay and economic collapse. The paranoia that followed brought on the revocation of basic rights andthe amending of the Constitution - removing the clause forbidding "crueland unusual punishment" and replacing it with a clause...

1 year ago
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Serena and the Soccer Mom

(In a previous story I introduced Serena and made mention of an incident that happened while she was on vacation at the beach. Several people have asked me to relate that story. I'm sorry its taken so long to get to it. I finished rubbing the oil over my legs and stretched out on my blanket. I had lowered the canvas chair, adjusting it to the point where it supported only my upper body. I wiped my hands clean on a towel, picked up my book and slipped my sunglasses back on. The sun felt...

1 year ago
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A Goth Thing

A Goth Thing: Let me tell you how I am different from you. I was always fascinated by death, particularly my own and I wondered who would attend. For me black was always the sexiest and most beautiful colour. That makes me different from you I guess. What music do I listen to? Well I listen to all sorts but my favourite bands have always been The Damned, The Sisters of Mercy, The Cult, The Cure and above all Marilyn Manson. I only discovered the Sisters with "This Corrosion." ...

4 years ago
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Son of Soccer Mom

" I want your stiff, young cock!""But mom, er I...""No more games, Kyle, it's time you fucked a real woman."Kate is my stepmother, my real mother took off when I was three, maybe that's why I have always had this sick fixation on her, or maybe her tight, tan body was too much for a healthy 18 year-old to bear. I don't want to overanalyze, it was hard enough keeping up with my class load and being the midfielder for a division I NCAA soccer team. She earned her right to be called a soccer mom...

1 year ago
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Victorious The Cop And The Goth

The quiet of an empty school corridor at Hollywood Arts was interrupted."Excuse me, Miss." A woman's voice with a trace of a New York accent.Jade West slowly turned to face the police officer who had come up from behind her. The cop held her baton and was tapping it into her left hand. With an eye on the billy club, in a tight voice, Jade replied, "Yes, Officer...?"The cop, a young woman who didn't look much older than Jade, said, "Pedesko. Officer Pedesko. I need to see some...

3 years ago
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The Goth and the Executive

To give credit where credit is due :). Not that long ago, Greinskyn and I began to exchange story ideas and thoughts and philosophies. We quickly discovered we had similar tastes and ideas, and he kindly shared a story he was developing with Gordon. It was called simply GOTH. Frankly, the possibilities in the story caught my fancy, and I asked Greinskyn if I could take the story a direction I would enjoy. Without hesitation, he graciously agreed and gave me permission. Major props...

2 years ago
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Soccer Moms

Author’s Note: All persons in this work of fiction are at least 18 years old. ***** Leticia Clark is a tall, blonde forty year old divorced woman who is raising two teen-aged sons on her own. Her former husband pays her very generous child support and even sends her money for her personal expenses so she can be a full-time mother but otherwise has nothing to do with her or their children. One of her favorite activities is taking one or both of her sons to their soccer games and practices,...

4 years ago
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A Day in Gotham Batgirl Wins 04

Title A Day in Gotham – 9 – Batgirl Wins 04 ((Authors Note – This story follows ‘A Day in Gotham – 9 – Batgirl Wins 03’ and is the final part of this series. As with all multipart series, it’s best read after the earlier episodes, but I’ve tried to make it stand on its own as far as possible. Of course you’ll probably need to know about the Alien spaceship, stranded in Gotham due to a lack of a key energy source, and the innovative way that they found to replenish it with some involuntary...

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A Day in Gotham Batgirl Wins 02

((Authors Note — This story follows ‘A Day in Gotham – 9 – Batgirl Wins 01’. As with all multipart series, it’s best read after the first episode, but I’ve tried to make it stand on its own as far as possible. In brief though, this follows a part of Batgirl’s life where she’s been through a long recovery and rehabilitation period after the near tragic events in that old warehouse battling Leopard Man. It was a period where she established a close relationship with Catgirl, became aware of...

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A Day in Gotham Batgirl Begins 02

Title A Day in Gotham — 2 – Batgirl Begins2 ((Author’s note — this is the second part of my Batgirl Begins trilogy. As with all multi-part stories, it would be better read after Batgirl Begins 1, but for anyone who wants to dive straight in I’ve added a very brief summary of events in the story so far below. I really, really recommend reading the first part first though! And, before moving on, a quick vote of thanks to NaughtyIrishGirl for her unwavering support and enthusiasm. Please enjoy...

1 year ago
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Surprise From a Soccer Mom

Janet Malone was a widowed soccer mom who was built like the proverbial brick chicken house; she was truly a MILF (Mother I'd Love to Fuck). She was the victim of a very bizarre circumstance. Her husband died on the night of the day that she was told that she was pregnant with a daughter. His death was very strange: he had died of asphyxiation when an aerosol can of foam he was using to seal some air leaks around a garage window blew up in his face. The foam polymer had squirted foam deeply...

3 years ago
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Soccer Mom

He was excited about lunch. Not because he would be going to Chez du Monde, but because it would be a ‘Coaches Lunch’. You see he would be having lunch with Shannon. She was the coach of his daughter’s soccer team. And he held the illustrious title of assistant coach. It was an innocent lunch. Why was he so excited?……. It had been early fall. His precious five year old daughter would be playing on her first soccer team. He could barely contain his excitement. He had played all his life which...

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A Day in Gotham Batgirl Wins 01

Title A Day in Gotham – 9 – Batgirl Wins 01 ((Authors Note – This story follows ‘A Day in Gotham – 8 – Batgirl Vexed’. I’ve had numerous comments about the ending to that particular piece, so in response, even though it’s a while since I posted that one, here’s a follow-up. I hope that you like it. As it seems with all my recent work, I’ve found it difficult to include all the content that I think that the story needs into one episode. As I also wanted to reduce the length of these pieces...

3 years ago
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Fucking The Hot Goth Girl

It was a hot July day as you hurried to your first class of the day, you were eager to get there early so you could have a good view of the only good thing about college. That good thing being Raven Darkworld, the hot as fuck 20 year old goth girl who was in your English class with you. She was the most attractive woman you had ever seen and starred in many of your fantasies while you were alone jerking off. You liked to get a seat next to her so you could watch her giant tits instead of paying...

4 years ago
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A Day in Gotham Batgirl Wins 03

Title A Day in Gotham — 9 – Batgirl Wins 03 ((Authors Note — This story follows ‘A Day in Gotham – 9 – Batgirl Wins 02’. As with all multipart series, it’s best read after the earlier episodes, but I’ve tried to make it stand on its own as far as possible. This is part 3 of what will be a four part story. In brief , this follows a part of Batgirl’s life where she’s been through a long recovery and rehabilitation period after the near tragic events in that old warehouse battling Leopard...

2 years ago
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Nicole soccer mom

Main characters: Nicole Adams: 38, housewife and mom of Ryan, blonde, 5’7, 111lbs, 32C-23-34, slim and tanned Marcus: 25, coach of Ryan football team, black, 6’2, muscular, 10in dick Ryan Adams: 9, son of Nicole, 5’2 slim, athletic Rachel: 35, housewife and Nicole’s BFF, blonde, 5’6, 112lbs, 34D-24-36, slim and tanned Chapter 1 I am Nicole, a typical suburban housewife, married to Daniel Adams for 12 years. Daniel travels for work a lot and I stay at home to look after our son, Ryan....

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First Time for Soccer Girl

Jean and Guy Roma laid in bed discussing their teenage daughter, Vicky. They were concerned about her welfare. She had just turned 18 and was a very pretty girl, but very shy and not comfortable with boys. She was much more comfortable with girls. Her mother wanted her to be popular with the boys like she was in high school. Her mother also worried that she might end up gay if she did not learn to enjoy the company of boys. Jean, told her husband that Vicky need an experienced male to teach...

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Love Potion Goth Slave Sister

It all started like it did every day and it never seemed to end. Angela had been a perfect sister and daughter according to mom. Angela turned 13 and just went crazy. It all went downhill as Angela found new friends and started using drugs and our lives went from one crisis to another. Tonight it was the worst ever and Angela hit mom, I stepped in and separated them, then put Angela in her room. Mom said "Robert you're responsible for your older sister now and I want you to control her." Mom...

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Hot tub soccer Mom

Please comment....It happened last night. The guys had all been debating whether Mom would ever really do anything or not. For the last two weeks, once we finished our soccer training, Jim, John, and Steve would come over and we would all strip down and soak in the hot tub and drink a couple of beers. College was a lot different than playing in High School.John noticed it first, on the second night that we were out. The bedroom blind parted just a little and if you watched carefully, you could...

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Junior High Soccer Moms

Marianne Smith huffed up the stairs, a basket balanced on her hip as she trudged along on her chore to pick up the clothes her two kids left strewn about the house. Blowing the strand of dishwater blond hair from her face she moved into her daughter Bethany's room and found the usual litter of panties, skirts and shirts lying on the floor and the bed. As she began to pick up the clothes she heard a muted cry of surprise coming from further down the hall. Normally Marianne would have ignored...

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A Day in Gotham Batgirl Wishes Pt 02

((Authors Note – Please note that this is adult fiction, so only read further if you qualify! This is the second part of three covering Batgirl’s experiences after the ‘Wins’ series. As before, it’s best read after Part 1, but just as a quick summary… Batgirl has just about recovered from her traumatic experience with Batman (see Batgirl Wins), and has surprisingly been reconciled with Catgirl again, just as danger threatens from another quarter when Catwoman receives a dire threat from a...

2 years ago
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A Goth Thing Part 2

A Goth Thing Part 2: I felt slightly more at ease now Dark Rose told me that the old lady who I thought had worked out that I was a man in drag had in fact thought I was a lesbian. Nonetheless it had been somewhat odd to have Dark Rose to take the dominant male role in the kiss we had just exchanged and I was starting to feel that I was becoming someone else. I loved the feel of my lipstick on her's, of her tongue in my mouth. And I wasn't freaking out about it like I thought I...

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The Soccer Tournament

The soccer tournament (revised) ©2011 By Jennifer Morrell Please let me know what you think about my story, using the review functionality on the site. Keep in mind that English is not my first language. Reposting this story elsewhere on the internet is allowed as long as it free of charge and if I am acknowledged as the author. I posted this story earlier this month and I would like to thank Leah for her review of my story. I hope you like the alterations I...

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A Day in Gotham Batgirl Begins 01

(Author’s Intro…. This story (Episode 2) is a ‘prequel’ to the ‘A Day In Gotham’ series that I wrote a year or so ago. In particular, it precedes ‘Batgirl’s Dilemma’ which is the first story that I wrote and technically is Episode 3 in the series. I always had it in mind to come back to Batgirl at some stage (she’s such a fun character!) and fill in some gaps, and this story attempts to set the stage for some of the later action. As it developed, it grew (as usual!), so I’ve split it into...

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The Case Of The Soccer Crime

THE CASE OF THE SOCCER CRIME By Anthony Durrant When the members of the Hutchison High School soccer team entered the gym, they found a woman standing in front of a portable blackboard in the middle of the floor. Taking a piece of chalk from a shelf under the blackboard, she wrote the name MS. SUBAYYAH STANDISH on its surface, and said, "My name is Ms. Subayyah Standish, and I was called here by Coach Sawyer to substitute for him this year while he deals with...

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A Day in Gotham Batgirl Begins 03

((Authors Note — here’s the third and final episode of my Batgirl Begins trilogy. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I’ve enjoyed writing about my favourite super-heroine. As with all such series, it’s probably best to read episodes one and two first, but if you can’t wait here’s a very, very brief summary of events so far. Batgirl (Barbara Gordon) has just started out on solo patrols. With Batman’s help she captures a dangerous criminal called Marco. Flushed with success she goes to Wayne...

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Airtight Goth MILF

If you are looking for a story about romantic sex in which the heroine has one breathless orgasm after another then pass on. This is not the tale for you are looking for. If you are looking to me to tell you to follow in my path, I certainly won't. I have spent far too much of my life telling other people how to live their lives by living them the way that I was living my own to make that mistake. I am not looking for your approval, your sympathy or your understanding.This is a story about sex....

Group Sex
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Goth Goddess

Goth Goddess By Sissy Maid Sapphire My weekend was winding up as most of them did, out on Sunday night with a couple of coworkers at a local dance club. It hosts different clubs each night and Sunday is its gothic night, called "Death and Darkness". I was dressed in a velvet shirt, PVC pants and my favorite 'Docs' and, knowing the code words of the bar, was sipping on my second absinthe and taking in the view of the dance floor. I smiled at the gorgeous women...

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Part Two Sharing My Japanese Wife The Soccer Socks

Keiko had been the boys' soccer team manager at her Japanese high school along with her best friend Akiko a few years before and was still crazy about all things soccer, a sport I only have a passing interest in. When she met Mark met at a party they connected through soccer and him being an Englishman who played soccer was an added attraction for her. Soon after, she introduced him to some Japanese guys who played in a local amateur soccer league. Mark didn't have a car so Keiko would...

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The Girl Scout 22 Soccer Bitch

Previous: The Girl Scout-1; The Girl Scout-2 Daddy; The Girl Scout -3 The Tool Man; The Girl Scout – 4 Tag Teamed ; The Girl Scout -5 Die Bitch Die; Girl Scout 6 -Cum Faced The Girl Scout-7 HOGTied; The Girl Scout -8 Getting to Know You; The Girl Scout -9 Sleeping Beauty; The Girl Scout – 10 Work It Good The Girl Scout -11 Lights Out Bitch; The Girl Scout-12 Doctor Rosen The Girl Scout -13 Papa and Grand Daughter The Girl Scout -14 Exam Hell The Girl Scout -15 Training and...

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A Day in Gotham Batgirl Vexed

A Day In Gotham – 8 — Batgirl Vexed (A promise fulfilled, a catty surprise, a dangerous enemy) (Follows episode 7 — Batgirl Undone) (Authors Note — It’s taken a while to pull together, but thanks for your patience if you’re following the series. As this implies, this story follows on from my previous efforts, but it can be read as an isolated story if you wish. As usual, Batgirl is still trying hard to sort out all her complex personal relationships with friends and foe alike!) * ...

3 years ago
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Girls Soccer CoachChapter 2

The Walker Hill High School soccer team had a reputation. Everyone considered it a loss if they couldn't win a game against them by four goals. We won the game five-nothing. I finally saw happy faces after the whistle, a relief after three straight losses. This was good for us, as it was a Sunday afternoon, and we had more spectators than during weekday games. Glenn Harrison and I made sure all the girls had been taken care of before we left. I was preparing to make a turn toward...

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A Day in Gotham Batgirl Wishes Pt 01

((Authors Note – Please note that this is adult fiction, so only read further if you qualify! I’ve received a number of queries about whether I was going to come up with any more Batgirl stories, and I must confess that I do enjoy writing them, so here’s a little series taking our intrepid young warrior beyond that rather traumatic ending in the last story – Batgirl Wins 04. I hope you enjoy, and please comment and/or vote. I love to hear from you… Duke )) Index :- 1. The Start of...

2 years ago
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The Soccer Coach

I watched 16 yelling, screaming brats reducing to shambles the dribbling drill I had designed for them, and I asked myself how in the hell I got involved with coaching a boys’ soccer team. I don’t know shit about soccer. I should have been out drinking, and trying to get laid. Nobody but a dummy like me lets his “community oriented” boss talk me into coaching his son’s soccer team. We were two games into the season, and we’d lost both games badly. The k**s were playing with enthusiasm, but hey...

1 year ago
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The Soccer Party

THE SOCCER PARTY 1. “C’mon guys, you can do it! Go!” It was a bright and warm Thursday afternoon. The Richfield Community soccer field was hosting a game between their local team the Cougars against their cross-town rivals, the Tigers. The field was swarming with the 18 year-old boys from both teams. The sidelines were populated by parents cheering the game on. Sitting alone on the bench for the Cougars was Tommy McFarlane. Tommy was small for his age and somewhat still socially awkward....

4 years ago
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The Soccer Coach

I watched 16 yelling, screaming brats reducing to shambles the dribbling drill I had designed for them, and I asked myself how in the hell I got involved with coaching a boys’ soccer team. I don’t know shit about soccer. I should have been out drinking, and trying to get laid. Nobody but a dummy like me lets his “community oriented” boss talk me into coaching his son’s soccer team.We were two games into the season, and we’d lost both games badly. The k**s were playing with enthusiasm, but...

3 years ago
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Soccer for Suckers

When you think you've won a great prize, you may have to conclude that you lost a whole lot more ! The author of this story filed this story only in Fictionmania. If you want to use this story in other webpages you are free to do so as long as you do this free of charge to other readers and email the URL it is filed in to [email protected] Soccer for suckers by J.C. Arby We arrived at The Amsterdam Arena at 13.00h. Today's match between Ajax and Feyenoord would start at...

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Playing the GameChapter 15 Varsity Soccer

School was starting in a few days, and the fall sports teams were busy practicing. Football was practicing in the mornings, soccer and tennis in the afternoons. Josh and Jake had both tried out for the football team and had made the junior varsity team. I was on the varsity soccer team, playing my right defensive position behind Skip Horvath, a senior and one of the stars of our team. Skip was chosen for All-Conference honors as both a sophomore and a junior, and was second-team All-State...

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Confessions of a Soccer CoachChapter 3 Patti

The upside of coaching the Ravens, a U-17 team instead of U-18 like the Strikers, was that most of the players were juniors, which meant that they would playing club soccer for two years before they graduated. That gave me more time to develop their skills. I started the first season with my head on straight and my moral compass pointing in the right direction. I managed to make it all the way through a busy and successful Fall season with no inappropriate thoughts. Well, OK, I had a few...

1 year ago
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From Soccer to Sucker Pt4

Chapter 4 In the early morning Jake was having a dream, a dream in which he stood at the side of the football field wearing that horrid princess dress. The girls were playing soccer behind him while he was facing the overly packed stadium, all his buddies and past dates sitting on the first rows, pointing and laughing at him. "Oh my I can't believe I ever had sex with such a sissy," "No wonder he lost to a girl, he looks way daintier than she does," "What a faggot, he's a disgrace to...

3 years ago
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Soccer Mommy

By : Tahirmlk2007 I have been a Soccer referee for over 6 years now, being from sports background I was well built, tall, fair with athletic body and size of 6.5” of dick. I have been involved in several unusual situations, but none of them come close to what happened to me this past weekend. I had been invited to referee at a soccer tournament several miles from where I live, and since the fields were reported to be in good shape, and the teams normally quite competitive, I accepted the...


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