Girls Soccer CoachChapter 1
- 3 years ago
- 39
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Jean and Guy Roma laid in bed discussing their teenage daughter, Vicky. They were concerned about her welfare. She had just turned 18 and was a very pretty girl, but very shy and not comfortable with boys. She was much more comfortable with girls.
Her mother wanted her to be popular with the boys like she was in high school. Her mother also worried that she might end up gay if she did not learn to enjoy the company of boys.
Jean, told her husband that Vicky need an experienced male to teach her about the pleasure of heterosexual sex. But, since Guy and Vicky were not close, he did not want anything to do with this idea. jean, said what about Carlo Giovanni? Carlo was guy's boss and the owner of the business.
What about Carlo, asked Guy?
Well he is very nice and his wife once told me he was a wonderful lover. Now that she is bi-polar she no longer sleeps in the same bedroom and maybe he would be just what the doctor ordered.
But he is over 60 years old, said Guy.
Well maybe he is but he is in great shape, his body looks more like he is 40. Guy, all my lady friends say that you boys don't become men until age 40 and Carlo has 20 years of experience as a man, so he has the experience to teach our daughter what she needs to know in order to be popular with high school boys and men in general.
Jean, how are we going to get Vicky to go along with this? After all she like all the other kids and people in general think that young is good and anything over 40 is bad, said Guy.
Guy, you and I will have to do a little brain washing. we will talk to her about the benefits of learning about sex from an older man.
Jean, how will we convince Carlo Giovanni to teach our Vicky about sex? he is rather conservative, Italian/American, grandfather and I am not sure he would look at another woman.
Guy, his wife hasn't slept with him in years and if he is a red Blooded, Italian male, he is hot and horny. Leave him to me and I will convince him. He also likes Vicky a lot. Do you remember how he played with her in their pool last summer at the company picnic? They could not stop touching each other while they played in the water. Since there were so many people in the pool, Carlo didn't think anyone would notice.
The next day the front door slammed close as Vicky entered the house after school. Vicky, what the problem, dear, her mother asked? Vicky ran into her bedroom crying. Her mother follows her into the room and sits next to Vicky on the bed. Jean, just sits there and waits for Vicky to calm down.
Oh mother I hate high school none of the boys even look at me and I got cut from the cheer leader tryouts.
Vicky, I need to talk to you about your problem. Will you listen to me and quit crying, please.
Yes, mother I will listen.
Well Vicky you need to learn about boys and sex.
Yes, mother I agree. I don't know much about those two subjects, but I don't know how to go about learning. Most of the high school kids are all talk. They don't know shit and from I hear from other girls, boys don't do anything for their girlfriend, only for themselves.
Vicky, now that you are growing up I am going to tell you some things I did when I was your age and even younger. Well my best friend and I both made the cheerleaders squad, when she lost her cherry to the captain of the varsity football team. A good looking guy by the name of Josh Logan. Well it was a very bad experience for her. He did it in the back seat of his dad's car in the high school parking lot after the game. He didn't take his time to make sure she was ready, he just rammed it in and did his thing and took her home in pain, both physical and psychological.
I talked to my mom and told her about what happened. But mom was from the old school, sex was bad, but necessary and only after you got married.
So I asked my aunt Sue, she was a lot younger than mom and being dad's sister, she was a lot more with it than mom. Since aunt sue had never got married and had lots of boy friends, I just knew she could help me understand about boys and sex. Aunt Sue told me that having sex with boys was like taking a ride in a high powered car without any brakes, fast acceleration but no control. A dangerous, one with little or no consideration for your pleasure and welfare. Aunt Sue said it was important that the first time you had sex that it was a good experience. Aunt Sue said that males don't grow up to become men until the age of 40. These men are better partners for women of any age, but in particular for girls with little or no experience, because:
they have more experience
they understand women and our bodies better
they have more patience, are not in a big rush
they want to please us
they are less likely to be focused on only pleasing themselves,
they are less likely to be wrapped up in their career, their job, and themselves
they know more about the mechanics of sex and how to adapt this knowledge to meet our needs and their.
more likely to cooperate with you when you desire to become a mom, by planting his seed where and when it will do the most good.
they make better dad's because they have grown up enough to realize how important it is to be a good dad and will spend as much time as possible at home with you and the kids.
God mom, I never though about these things, but they seem to make sense. But dad is the only older man I know, but you and I know that dad and I are too much alike for me to be comfortable with and he is after all my dad and I cannot do anything with my dad, no way!
Vicky, there is another mature male you know, just think about it for a while and when you remember who he is come talk to me about him. When Vicky was in bed her mother looked in to say good night and Vicky said mom could it be dad's boss Carlo?
Yes, dear you are exactly right.
Well mom Carlo is a lot of fun and he so nice and nice looking too. But, I so seldom see him that even if I wanted to it would not be possible.
Vicky, I think i can help you in this matter, but only for you to spend some quality time with Carlo, everything else will have to be up to you.
Mom, didn't I hear you tell dad that in spite of the fact that his wife doesn't sleep with him any more he doesn't have any lady friends.
Yes, dear I did say that, but when there is a will there is a way. I know Carlo likes you a lot! Remember your time in the pool with him last year at the company picnic?
Yea, that's right we had a good old time hugging, pushing, shoving and of course splashing each other.
Vicky, I happen to know that Carlo has to go to California for some business, at Stanford University the same date you have your trip for that awesome soccer tournament in the same area of the state. your dad and I cannot go because of some of our best friends are coming to visit us that week end. Well it seems that the team mom and the coach said that a relative from each family had to travel with each player on this trip. I was going to call your aunt, but I think I can talk Carlo into being your uncle for the week end.
Remember the last soccer trip? Due to the fact you girls didn't get any sleep because you talked to each other all night, you ran out of gas and lost in the final so now the coach want each girl in her own room with only her adult family member.
Vicky, I need you to be honest with me. Now tell me the truth, are you still a virgin?
Mother, how could you ask me such a personal question?
Yes, I know dear but it is a very important question, so tell me the truth.
Well all right, I am sure you will be glad to hear that I am. I am glad Vicky, I didn't want you to have a very unpleasant experience your first time.
Well Vicky, I am going to make an appointment for you with my doctor and have him put you on the pill right away. And Vicky I will arrange it so we will have Carlo over for dinner one night and see if he need someone to man his nice, large, sail boat. He told me no one in his family wanted to sail, so he was unable to do what he loves so much, sailing.
Mom, that sounds so neat. You know that I have been dying to sail on his type of boat. All that time I spent learning how to sail during that class the country club offered last summer, will help me a lot.
Mom, this is interesting but I do not think i can pull this off. I don't have enough experience. Vicky, you are very pretty and have a great body, no man will be able to resist you, but first we must buy you some clothes that will make you irresistible. The first thing we buy is some very hot, bikinis, thongs and bras.
Jean had called Carlo to make an appointment to talk to him. They met at the country club and had a drink. Jean explained the problem that she and her husband not being able to go with Vicky to California with her soccer team. Jean asked this as a special favor of one of her favorite people, Carlo.
Well Jean you know I think the world of Vicky, but I wouldn't feel right, what if something happens during the trip.
Carlo, we will give you legal permission to do what ever is necessary if she gets hurt or sick and we will give you a release from liability, also.
Jean, I just don't have the time, I cannot do it.
Carlo, Ii was trying not to bring this up but you don't leave me any choice, Carlo, remember that night when I came over to your house to see how your wife was doing after the death of your daughter, well as you remember she was at the church and it was only you at home. You had been drinking and offered me a drink. i felt so bad for you, since she was your only daughter and as I remember she was about Vicky's age when she died. Well I felt so bad i hugged you and we both cried and cried and the next thing I know we are in your bed making each other feel better by making love. You were so out of it I am not sure you would remember what happened. But, before I left you thanked me for helping make you forget about all the pain you had buried in your soul.
Jean, you bring up a very painful time, which I had put out of my mind. well, I guess I owe you a favor and yes I will play Uncle for the week end, but after that we are even, right?
Yes, Carlo we will be even. But as a way to let you two get to know each other better so you will be more comfortable with each other, I would like you to come to dinner at our house. I will fix you that special veal chop dinner you like so much. Carlo, don't forget to bring your swim suit.
The following Saturday Carlo showed up at 5:00 p.m. sharp. Guy, opened up a bottle of French hard apple cider and poured Carlo a generous portion into a chilled mug. This top of the line hard cider was what Carlo liked to drink prior to dinner. Everyone was already in their swimming gear and Carlo went in to change into his. After he changed Carlo dove into the deep end of the pool. He was no sooner into the pool when Vicky showed up and dove into the deep end right after him. Carlo watched Vicky get out of the pool and he was stunned to see how she had filled out. last year she was a pretty girl, this year she was a beautiful, sexy woman. By god. Vicky's bikini was a master piece of Sexual stimulation, it left little to the imagination.
She noticed him for the first time and said hi Uncle Carlo and proceeded to dive back into the pool, but first pulled the very thin material of her bikini out of her slit between her legs, she did this very slowly allowing him to watch her expose her pussy for a moment. Carlo felt his blood pressure rise to the boiling point. Vicky swam over to Carlo and then put her arms around his neck and gave him a soft kiss on the lips. Uncle Carlo, I missed you so much after our little splash in the pool at last year's company picnic, where have you been keeping yourself?
Vicky, I was hiding from you, you little tease. My doctor told me to stay away from you
because you make my blood pressure go sky high.
Uncle is that any way to talk to your niece, well almost niece, my almost uncle. You are my favorite uncle. Did you know that? Carlo responded to her flirting by tossing her into the air and away from him; head first, but upside down. she hit the water like a sack of potatoes. The impact stunned her but she quickly swam underwater and grabbed his legs and yanked him underwater. they came up for air in a mass of tangled limbs. Before Carlo could get his bearing, Vicky pushed him under water and at the same time she clamped her lips over and stuck her tongue between into his mouth and grabbed his tongue with hers. as they went underwater Carlo was so stunned he didn't know what to do but her proactive tongue was so insistent he had to respond in kind. as they came up for air they pulled apart and at that moment, Jean walked up and told them dinner was ready. Carlo watched Vicky dry off and she asked him if he would dry her back. he enjoyed the closeness of her body and after he dried her, she took it upon herself to dry his back.
At dinner Carlo opened a bottle of fine, expensive, Italian, red wine that he had brought with him. the wine was 10 old and was so smooth that even Vicky though it was incredibly good. Since jean had purchased prime veal chops the meal was a good as the wine. by the time they had finished the second bottle of this fine wine, Carlo was feeling no pain and his resistant to Vicky's charm was low.
So when she dared him to see who could dive the greatest distance into the pool. Vicky was an excellent soccer player and in great shape, but Carlo was at one time a professional soccer player and was still in great shape, so it was so close they called it a tie.
Then she dared him to see who was the fastest to swim from one end of the pool to the other. Carlo was winning when Vicky cheated by grabbing his legs. Carlo proceeded to duck her and would not let her up until she had swallowed a mouthful of water. Vicky came out of the water like a rocket, spitting water and her body sucked up to his, allowing him to feel the heat of her body and her lovely, firm breasts. She beat on his chest and called him a monster uncle, but laughed as she said it. Carlo put his arms around her so she couldn't hit him and this resulted in pulling her closer. When this happened she could feel his hardness between his legs, pressing between her legs. Vicky felt her pussy throb and lubricate. She was strongly attracted to Carlo they had a special chemistry that made them very comfortable talking to each other. Carlo was such a nice, kind man and so friendly. He had a Wonderful, sense of humor, but he always treated her like an equal. He never talked down to her.
After they got out of the pool and dried off they sat and talked to her parents. Jean, listened and picked the right time to talk about Carlo sail boat. She asked him if he still needed a first mate. Carlo said yes. I have not been able to sail for months. Carlo, I have a first mate for you this person graduated top of the sailing class last year. Jean, who are you talking about I have even run ads and am willing to pay, but no takers, well lots who don't know anything. Carlo, she is sitting right next to you. Vicky, I didn't know you could sail. This is great i cannot wait to get my boat into the water.
Vicky, do you want to be my first mate?
Sure Carlo, I love to, I love sailing.
Well Vicky are you free this Saturday?
Sure, Carlo what time? How about 8:00 a.m.? Sounds great, is there anything I need to bring? Only your swim suit, sun screen and a towel. I will have the food prepared in advance by my favorite catering service. So met me at the marina at dock k7, at 8:00 a.m. sharp. The weather report says that the winds should be ideal. We will sail to a beautiful island about 40 miles from the marina. It is privately owned and the owner is a friend. The trip will take all day and we will be back late. Jean is that ok with you and Guy?
Carlo, just take good care of our baby and see that no harm come to her, that's all we ask. We trust you and it is ok for her to spend the day sailing with you
Saturday morning at 8:00 a.m. Jean, dropped Vicky off at the dock and waved hi to Carlo then was gone. But on the ride over to the marina asked her mother for some tips on how to seduce Carlo.
Well dear be sure to make sure you touch him accidently as much as possible. Sail boats don't have much space so it will be easy to accidently rub your body against his. The second most important thing is to let him see bits and pieces of your body and again accidently. Don't wear a bra and let your white t-shirt gets hit by sea spray. It is interesting to watch his face when he realizes he can see your breasts, as if you have nothing on. Pretend you don't have a clue as to what is going on. When you anchor the boat put your bikini on and then you go on deck and ask Carlo if is ok for you to go topless, if there is no one else around. When you are scuba diving make sure your bikini bottom is pulled up tight between your lips and try to get ahead of him while swimming underwater. this will give him a good view and don't be afraid to bump into while making a lot of flesh to flesh contact.
By 8:15 a.m. they were in the channel headed out to sea. Vicky wearing short, white shorts and white t-shirt and deck shoes. She followed Carlo instructions without trouble and found the system that handled the sails we the best and easiest to use that she had ever experienced. Before they knew it all the sails were rigged and the boat cut through the sea like a knife. The sea was perfect, just enough wind to drive the boat but not enough to make the sea rough. After four hours of sailing they came to a cove north of Seattle where they dropped anchor. The cove was isolated and could not be seen from the ocean.
Carlo asked Vicky if she wanted to swim before they had lunch. She said she did and both of them went down to their separate rooms and changed.
When she came out she asked Carlo if it would be O.K. if she went topless. Carlo's face got red and Vicky said that no could see her, Carlo said what about me. Vicky said you don't have to look if you don't want to. Carlo said O.K. but you swim on one side of the boat and I will swim on the other. So Vicky took her top off while Carlo had his back turned. She dove into the water and proceeded to dive under the boat and came up under Carlo and pulled him down. As he came down Vicky slid up his body, she was facing him and rubbed her breasts on his chest and wrapped her arms around his body and Carlo struggled to get free and then Vicky slid further up and wrapped her legs around his neck and let him push her out of the water. When she was out of the water she stood on his shoulder and dove back into the water, then treaded water laughing with Carlo who started to swim over to her when he remembered she was topless and proceeded to swim to the other side of the boat.
Vicky climbed back on the boat and waited until Carlo started to climb on to the boat and she stood above him and offered him her hand, making it impossible for him not to stare at her breasts. Carlo was not too sure what part of him had the most blood his dick or his red face. Vicky ate her lunch across from Carlo so he had to look at her hot, sexy body. After lunch they put the sail up and pull the anchor and were up to speed in no time. Vicky left her bikini bottom on and her top off, and Carlo did not change back into his sailing gear, also.
Carlo could not keep his eyes off Vicky's beautiful breasts. They looked like they were carved out of alabaster. Firm, proud and no sag. They were the perfect size for Vicky, not too big or too small. Vicky was a real beauty, slim waist, nice tight ass and hips that were perfect, thought Carlo. Vicky made sure that Carlo could see her tits as much as possible and in profile seemed to get his attention the most. Carlo had a constant hard on. He tried to will it down and had no luck thanks to Vicky. Carlo as captain of the vessel was at the wheel steering, when Vicky asked if she could steer the boat and Carlo being a nice guy said ok, but I have to be behind you in case of any sudden trouble.
So Vicky steered the boat with Carlo standing not too close behind her. Vicky, thought to herself this is not working so she pretended to slip and lose control of the wheel thus forcing Carlo to move up against Vicky so he could grab the wheel. Vicky pretended to fall back against Carlo and felt his hard dick pressing between her legs. as she fell backwards she put her hands behind her to catch herself, but instead she ended up grabbing Carlo's swim suit with one and pulled it down and then his cock with the other hand... holding it until he moved her to the side, but holding her up with one arm and steering with the other hand. As soon as Vicky caught her balance she moved back to steer the boat and leaned back into Carlo who could not resist and moved his hands over her breasts.
Vicky's breasts felt like they would explode they were so hot and this heat was driving her pussy wild. Vicky tried to reach back and grab Carlo's cock and he knocked her hands away. But, he kept his hands on Vicky's hot breasts. Vicky was so hot she was dripping on the deck of the boat.
Carlo had pulled his swim suit back up and Vicky never got a chance to look at his cock. She wanted to look at it, but even more so wanted to get her hands on it.
Carlo, I am like a different person when I am with you. what do you mean Vicky, asked Carlo? well when I am with boys at my school I am shy and backwards. I am too scared to even kiss them, but with you I am not at all shy, don't you agree. yes, Vicky in fact I find it hard to believe you are shy with boys at school. Carlo the fact is I don't even like the boys at school. they treat us girls as dumb stuffed, displayed models.
Carlo, one of the reason why I am so backward is because I know very little about sex. I am afraid to tell anyone of my class mates including my girl friends.
Vicky, I am sorry to hear about your problems. I can appreciate how difficult school must be for you. you need someone that you can talk to and explain these things to you.
Carlo, do you know anyone who could help me? I need an experienced older man who would not hurt me.
No Vicky I don't know anyone. well Carlo, I just though of someone. Bet you cannot guess who it is.
Vicky, you got that right I don't have a clue. well it's you Carlo. Come on Vicky, no way are you going to talk me into this. Vicky starts crying, tears flow out of her as if a dam has broken. Carlo, if you don't help me I am going to become a total outcast. I will flunk out of school. I need someone to help build up my self-esteem. Carlo, you are the only person who can help me. Please, as she continued to cry. Poor Carlo he was torn in two. He wanted to help her but he know this was wrong, but his hands and the rest of his body did not agree...
Well maybe I can help but I will not have sex with you. I will only show you what should be done prior to having actual sex. Vicky stopped crying and threw her arms around Carlo and kissed him hard on the lips. Oh Carlo, you are such a wonderful person, you are so kind. you won't be sorry I will do anything you ask and will not give you any problems.
this has to between the two of us. you are a young girl and a lot of people including parents would not understand and I do not want to go to jail. Carlo, I will not tell anyone. promise, cross my heart.
Carlo, put the auto pilot on and took Vicky back into the eating area of the boat, which also served as extra sleeping bunks. he took Vicky in his arms and kissed her gently and her tongue came out to duel with his. The longer they dueled the more passionate it became.
Carlo, started kissing Vicky up and down her neck very gently and then nibbled on her ear and put his tongue tip into her ear. His actions were making her so hot she couldn't hold still, her body vibrated like a string on a violin. He then kissed his way down her body to her breasts, where he kissed, sucked and licked her nipples until she thought they were going to become so hot they were going to burst into flames. Turned on by his sensitive touches, Vicky's pussy was forcing her hips to rotate, side to side, back and forth. Carlo, continued kissing his way down her body, putting his tongue tip into her belly button making Vicky gasp, then Carlo kissed his way down the inside of her thighs down to her delicate feet with her painted toes and cute toe rings. Vicky could hardly bear the tingling shooting down her legs to her pussy. He took off her bikini bottoms and then kissed her sensitive areas of her thigh with his lips and licked his way up to her pussy where he kissed and licked the areas around her pussy. Vicky's body was on pins and needles in anticipation, waiting for him to kiss her virgin, hot box.
To Vicky, Carlo was taking forever, so she told him to put his mouth on her pussy, I cannot take it any longer, lick me now! Carlo, found it difficult to say no to Vicky, so he slid his tongue into her sopping pussy. He licked from the bottom to the top, then sucked on her hole, inhaling the juices that she was pumping out of her pussy, the quantity was so huge he had a hard time breathing. He moved up to her clit where he kissed and nibbled it gently and Vicky bucked so hard she knocked Carlo backward away from her body and she screamed so loudly it hurt Carlo's ears.
Carlo, left her sprawled out, dead to the world, and went back to the steering wheel. when Vicky finally came out of it, they were about to drop anchor at the island of Carlo's friend, Alberto Rizi. Al Rizi was extremely wealthy and had retired to this island. no one else could live on the island since Al owned it lock, stock and barrel. Vicky, helped Carlo drop the sails and the anchor.
They are dinner with al and his wife Gina. Gina cooked an incredibly delicious meal of spinach lasagna which included buffalo milk mozzarella cheese and veal. everything was made from scratch or was imported. Al served an outstand imported Italian red wine, a 1996 Brunello. It was so good that even Vicky, who did not drink, liked it.
After dinner Vicky and Carlo got back on his boat and sailed home. On the way, Vicky again teased Carlo by making sure her t-shirt got wet so Carlo could see her awesome breasts. They were so firm, some might think she had implants, which gave her an idea. Carlo, do you like what you see? Do you think they aren't real?
Vicky, Carlo said, they look good but I cannot tell by looking. Carlo, do you know of any way of telling?
No Vicky I don't.
Carlo, I can think of one, said Vicky.
Vicky You do. What is it? Vicky then pushed her breasts into Carlo's back firmly and put her arms around his waist and said you will have to put the boat on auto - pilot, first then I will tell you. Carlo did so and turned toward Vicky. Vicky quickly pulled her wet t-shirt over her head and grabbed him around the neck and kissed him. At first he resisted but as her tongue pushed between his lips forcing him to open his mouth, his tongue met hers and danced together, back and forth. She pulled back grabbed his hands and put one on each of her breasts and looking him in the eye with a beautiful smile radiating from her face, she said feel them. do you, can you feel any implants, Carlo? Carlo, gently, very gently felt around each of her breast and gently started to kiss and suck on each. This is exactly what Vicky wanted, she was so turned on.
Then Carlo said to her, Vicky I cannot feel any implants, so yours are god given and they feel so good and look even better.
Carlo, you are so nice and have made me feel so good. What can I do to make you feel good? Not waiting for an answer she reached down and gently held his cock. His cock was already semi-hard before and now was rock hard. she undid his belt, pulled down his zipper and pushed his shorts down to the deck. his cock was trying to drill a hole through his silk, imported, form fitting underwear. Vicky, quickly, but gently pushed his underwear down to his ankles and stroked his cock, which was acting like the safety release valve on a steam engine, which was about to burst. Vicky, dropped to her knees and started to lick his cock, Carlo was trying to push her away. his mind said no, but his body said yes. once she had started to lick his cock his mind gave up and gave in, Carlo, I have never done this before, please tell me what to do, you promised to teach me, to help me.
Vicky, keep doing what you are doing but open your mouth and put my cock into your mouth and start sucking on it and at the same time use your hand to move up and down on the base of cock. hold my cock gently while doing so and at the same time lick and suck my cock. move your head up and down while you are doing this also. in a few minute I will cum in your mouth and don't worry it does not taste bad. many girls like the taste.
I will try to let you know when I am coming, so you won't be surprised. You have a choice to make you can spit it out or you can swallow it. It will not make you sick, and most men think it is very sexy for a girl to swallow. It is a big turn on. So Vicky, an excellent student did exactly what she was told and soon, too soon Carlo, felt himself start to come and told her so. she didn't say anything, but was determined to please him and pushed his cock into her throat and swallowed as best she could. He was incredible, she though she would die before he stopped. she felt like she was wetting her pants when Carlo was coming in her mouth. After they both calmed down, she told him about that.
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School was starting in a few days, and the fall sports teams were busy practicing. Football was practicing in the mornings, soccer and tennis in the afternoons. Josh and Jake had both tried out for the football team and had made the junior varsity team. I was on the varsity soccer team, playing my right defensive position behind Skip Horvath, a senior and one of the stars of our team. Skip was chosen for All-Conference honors as both a sophomore and a junior, and was second-team All-State...
The upside of coaching the Ravens, a U-17 team instead of U-18 like the Strikers, was that most of the players were juniors, which meant that they would playing club soccer for two years before they graduated. That gave me more time to develop their skills. I started the first season with my head on straight and my moral compass pointing in the right direction. I managed to make it all the way through a busy and successful Fall season with no inappropriate thoughts. Well, OK, I had a few...
Chapter 4 In the early morning Jake was having a dream, a dream in which he stood at the side of the football field wearing that horrid princess dress. The girls were playing soccer behind him while he was facing the overly packed stadium, all his buddies and past dates sitting on the first rows, pointing and laughing at him. "Oh my I can't believe I ever had sex with such a sissy," "No wonder he lost to a girl, he looks way daintier than she does," "What a faggot, he's a disgrace to...
Lenny had his eye out on one of the girls already. Her name was Heather and she was in the economics and business class he was aiding. Her papers were horrible and she was down right failing. The sad thing was she had a soccer scholarship she desperately needed to keep. I guess she didn't come from a well off situation. Lenny even heard she was on her own with no family around. She supposedly was living off of the scholarship which paid her tuition and an apartment off of campus. Lenny knew...
Soccer Slut Wannabes ( Lex Ludite ) Chapter 1 Kim Kawani stood two inches under five feet, but had a tight body with enough curves to make any red-blooded male or female student have visions involving themselves and a naked and securely restrained Kim going at it all day and half the night before the next group of sex fiends took over. As luck would have it, the women's university soccer...
I am what is commonly called a soccer mom. But in this case I guess it is to be taken literally. My own two sons grew up playing soccer. Over the years I drove God knows how many hundreds or maybe thousands of miles; to practice, from practice, to games, from games, to the sporting good store, etc. You get the idea. My sons played for the Centerville Centurions for their four years of high school, and I was at every game cheering them on to victory and consoling them in defeat. Naturally I came...
Group SexI almost gave up coaching after the Ravens broke up. I knew I had already tempted fate too often, and one more dalliance might turn out to be a disaster. But I had discovered during those three years that I really enjoyed coaching, and I was reluctant to just give that up. I decided to try something different. I called the coaching coordinator of the club I had worked with, and asked him if there were any boys' teams that were looking for assistance. He got back to me a week later and told...
“Nice shot, little P!” Zack yelled, his voice carrying across the soccer field. I had just shot the winning goal at Regionals – we were going to states. I’m Pranay Patel. My parents moved from India 18 years ago, one year before I was born. I’m 5 foot 2, thin, and very young looking. I have short, kinda spiky hair, deep brown eyes, latte-colored skin, a killer smile, and one hell of an ass. It’s round, juicy, and oh-so-fuckable. My dick is about 4.5 inches, but don’t laugh. It’s big compared to...
GayI'll start by introducing myself. My name is Allison and I've been in college for several years now. I'm 5' 5", blonde, have 36 C breasts, and I'm into both girls and guys. I guess the best way to describe myself personality wise is that I'm a good girl who is capable of doing horribly filthy things when I'm in the right mood. Anyway, the following story is true, and it happened during the first semester of my second year. During my first year of college, I have to say that I was a very good...
I am a soccer mom, hopelessly and forever. It's like I've heard some men say, "Once a Marine, always a Marine". Well it's the same for me. Dean is 23 now and is doing post graduate work at Upton College but I still call myself a soccer mom. He was only 13 when his dad took off and I was left to raise him and his sister Toni on my nurse's salary. We must have gone to scores and scores of games together, mostly here in town but occasionally, and especially at tournament time, to away games in...
Great. I was late for class again. O well, I thought as I casuallystrolled to the class I was 15 minutes late for. When I finally gotthere, I managed to find a seat in the crowded auditorium way in theback. Perfect. Maybe I'll get a chance to sit next to Teri. Teri wasgorgeous. She had beautiful brown hair with few blonde streaks. She had afemininely athletic body, toned muscles and all. This was because she wason the soccer team. Everything about her was beautiful. She was about5'10 and...
This is a story of two high school seniors, one a star soccer player on her way to college, the other, a mediocre lacrosse player at best joining the work force. His former high school was shutdown from the inside of the school parish six weeks before the semester started, so he was very angry, lonely and confused because his best friend went to a different school than his. He met her in his first period English class on the first day of classes. He didn’t know who anyone was in the class...
First TimeI have been a soccer official for almost fifteen years. I have been to small towns, large towns, huge communities, big schools, small schools, and have spent more time driving around to cities and communities that I'd never seen before. I have enjoyed it all the years I've done it. And it's one thing to do the things I love, but it's more enjoyable when things happen that I don't expect. What happened after my match on Tuesday night was one of those unexpected crazy things I will forever look...
TrueThank you. Xoxo, the text read. Sean cursed at the prospect of having to endure Michael's various caprices longer than necessary and at his inability to say no—more accurately: to say no to the pair of perky breasts Michael's mother, Sharon, used to keep in either no bra or a sports bra under her tank top. In combination with her yoga pants, this gave an overall picture that had Sean nodding absent-mindedly and stupidly commenting open-mouthed uh-huh's whenever she was talking to him, no...
Straight SexIt all began when soccer season did. Being on the team, I was obliged to travel with the other boys for matches, juggling my school work on top of daily practice and my match schedule. But despite that, each one of us on the team made sure to train extremely hard, and because of that, we just kept winning our matches. Unfortunately though, that also meant that we had to keep traveling further and further out as we continued winning and made a beeline toward nationals. Before long, we were...
Author’s Note: All persons in this work of fiction are at least 18 years old. ***** Leticia Clark is a tall, blonde forty year old divorced woman who is raising two teen-aged sons on her own. Her former husband pays her very generous child support and even sends her money for her personal expenses so she can be a full-time mother but otherwise has nothing to do with her or their children. One of her favorite activities is taking one or both of her sons to their soccer games and practices,...
Jake was standing on the sideline watching his nephew Bryan’s team, the Rattlers, play soccer. He would go to the games whenever he could make it, which meant when he didn’t have to work. His work consisted of two different occupations: running charter boats out of his brother’s marina and playing music in the bars up and down the beach. He made a pretty good living between the two, and one of the fringe benefits of his work was that he met plenty of good-looking women. His older brother...
Jake was standing on the sideline watching his nephew Bryan’s team, the Rattlers, play soccer. He would go to the games whenever he could make it, which meant when he didn’t have to work. His work consisted of two different occupations: running charter boats out of his brother’s marina and playing music in the bars up and down the beach. He made a pretty good living between the two, and one of the fringe benefits of his work was that he met plenty of good-looking women.His older brother Fred...
Mature“you’ll need to get up soon” she said “remember dad’s not here this week to take you to Soccer so I’ve got the short straw”. “I know” I replied “thanks mom” “Ok, Darling” she said “what do you want for breakfast?” “just some eggs would be good mom please” I replied. I know I was spoilt by my mom but I was an only child so kind of made the most of it. She turned and started to leave the room, as she walked I could see her round ass move from side to side in her robe. She stopped on...
Soccer Practice. Clarinet Rehearsal. Anal Practice. Ballet Recital. Dinner. Homework. It’s 4:25pm, and she’s still lively as she trots to the van. How I admire her youth. Had I gone through a full day of classes only to follow up with an intense soccer practice, I would already be physically spent. But not her. And the day is only half done. She hops into the backseat, a huge smile on her face with sweat and grass stains on her side. This was her favorite activity of the day. Maybe second...
It was a warm fall day and the boys' varsity soccer team was scrimmaging. Shirts vs. Skins. Nick was a skin. Some of my colleagues suggested I should support the sports teams, get more "school spirit". Gag. But if it meant getting to see Nick's taught, glistening abs again, well, I guess I could take one for the team. Get it? Nick spotted me and jogged over to where I was sitting. "Hey, Miss Lane. What brings you here?" he asked oh so casually. "Oh, I've always been a sports fan, especially...
Group SexIt was very difficult for my son, David, to make the boys traveling soccer team in our small, suburban town near Miami. But after many years of effort and practice he made the team. I am a family physician and agreed to be the team doctor free of charge, but he made the team before I agreed to provide medical services. The previous team physician, Maxwell, was my partner in our medical practice. He retired from all medical duties after suffering a minor stroke. Maxwell had given the boys...
IncestI live in a typical quiet neighbourhood on the edge of a busy town, my neighbours are all typical busy working families with 2.4 c***dren and mortgage, where as I am a single guy in my early thirties.Now my neighbours to the right of me, John and Lucy Bennet are that typical perfect couple I was talking about, John works in office in town for a financial company making good money, Lucy is a the perfect stay at home mom with one k** at junior school, and between bake sales and soccer practice...
So I guess being married to a Soccer mom makes me a Soccer Dad. But as we all know some Soccer moms are hot and incredibly horny and will fuck anything. Well I have always had this feeling that Soccer moms talk about everything, including their husbands and significant others, if you know what I mean. Well anyway I digress. My wife is attractive and she has mentioned to me some of the other moms think I am good looking to which I always laugh. But little did I know where that would land me. ...
MILFMy name was Josh, I was a normal 18 year old lad who lived in a quiet village with this parents. One Sunday morning I awoke as mom entered my room. She walked towards my bed in her normal morning attire, a shortish robe that looked a little worse for wear held together by a tie round the middle. My mom leant over as she was leaving a cup of coffee by the side of my bed. As she leant over her robe splayed open a little at the top allowing me to get a quick glimpse of her big tits hanging free in...
I'm not sure how this happens to me but here another true story in my life.I love playing and watching soccer (as it called in America)Every where else in the world its called FootballEvery four years they have the World Cup.Were the best 32 teams in the world compete.I was born and used to live in Germany.I know a little German but not much.I always cheer for the German Football team and Team USA.The German team (Deutschland) as its better known is very good in FootballI watched all most all...
SOCCER MOMS Part 1After having brought up her daughter by herself for the last 15 years, Sheila was rather good at it. Her husband had left her with a 3-year-old daughter. He went for some milk with the car and never came back. Neither did the car. Sheila’s daughter Linda was into a lot of sports. She was attractive, well-built and lots of fun. She was a little older than most of the girls in her class since she had missed most of one year after a skiing accident. Sheila was nearly 40, middle...
In the part of the big city, where the old neighborhoods have decayed, is a house that is owned by a group of men who use it for their hobby. It's not a nice hobby but these men are not nice. They know they're not nice. They enjoy being not nice. They're good looking men who dress well. They have money and respectable jobs and more than one pretty housewife and mother has returned the flirting smile of any one of these men as they push their carts down the aisles of a supermarket or be...
Robin is a guy from North of Sweden, moving all the way to Hustonville, KY after a guy he talked online to, Lance, suggested he would join their newly started soccer team. But Robin is in for many new experiences and will discover new sides of himself ;) This is a Reading F1lth original. Listen to part 1 on Spotify! My name is Robin. I moved from the north of Sweden to the small town off Hustonville, Kentucky. Why? To play soccer of course! It all began when I was playing FIFA on Xbox....
BisexualTo be very honest, growing up, sport didn’t interest me at all. I always remembered my high school days, when straight guys would go into raptures about the most infinitesimal aspects of some or other game, discussing it as if it were the most important historical event that ever took place. I was always bored out of my mind by these trivialities and would escape at the earliest convenient moment. Although many of these guys rang every bell in my body, I simply couldn’t endure the mindless...
Gay MaleMekala instantly caught my eye and probably the eye of every man there. She was just so energetic and vibrant. She ran down the edge of the soccer field and then did three back flips in a row to the amazement of all those watching her. As I watched her practice I realized that she was very good at soccer too. She was thirteen years old and much better built than the rest of the girls out on the field. This was the first day of practice for the fifth and sixth graders. Mekala was a sixth...
So I guess being married to a Soccer mom makes me a Soccer Dad. But as we all know some Soccer moms are hot and incredibly horny and will fuck anything. Well I have always had this feeling that Soccer moms talk about everything, including their husbands and significant others, if you know what I mean. Well anyway I digress. My wife is attractive and she has mentioned to me some of the other moms think I am good looking to which I always laugh. But little did I know where that would land me. ...
Please hit the like button sometimes! It's how I know I'm doing it right. As the end of season Battlepass completion reward for Day 3, a special route has been added, including some choices and open votes: I added some information on the Players+Coaches page below about splits, routes, and story progression. FUTA SOCCER CAMP You are Riley. You are 20 years old, a communications major at University of Florida, and one of the best...
LesbianSaturday afternoon I was at home getting bored; but then my loving hubby said he had arranged with some of his friends to go to a bar to watch a soccer match. Victor asked me if I want to go with him.When we got there the bar was really crowded.I was wearing a tight short dress and high heels.I loved to show my long legs and my cleavage, although I was not really into watching soccer…Victor moved with some friends at a corner and I managed finally to get a drink and have to stand by a high bar...
Soccer Sucks----------While I was in High School, I was not overly athletic, or I did not think I was until someone commented that my legs were like thick tree trunks. I was on the soccer team and all the running and kicking certainly has it's affect on one's legs. Strong and muscular was not tree trunks.After moving to the farm, soccer was a thing of the past. I still watched matches on the TV and kept up with the news of the my school friends when I happened to spot a name I recognized on one...
Lucy lay back on my leather sofa, her naked slim tanned legs were wide apart, showing off her wet used pussy that I had already fucked twice that day, but I wasn't finished and she seemed eager for more as well.I knelt between her legs, and then moved up until I was just inches from her, before I took hold of my almost completely hard cock, despite I had cum twice already, and then rubbed it up and down her wet slit, teasing her lips with my big bulbous head."Oh, god" she muttered flexing her...
It's 4:25pm, and she's still lively as she trots to the van.How I admire her youth. Had I gone through a full day of classes only to follow up with an intense soccer practice, I would already be physically spent. But not her. And the day is only half done.She hops into the backseat, a huge smile on her face with sweat and grass stains on her side. This was her favorite activity of the day. Maybe second favorite.There is no time to wash the earthy smell off of her as clarinet rehearsal starts in...
I was at the beach in the morning. About 2 hours before the start of the game, I went home to change and take a shower. Germany was playing Argentina in the next round of the World Cup. I put on some dark jeans. Some black Adidas Flip Flops. A white German Football Jersey. I put on some black boxer briefs. I grabbed my keys and headed out the door.I drove to a bar near my house. Its kinda of an English pub. I have come there to watch most of the games played so far. They always have all the...
So it's been months since my adventures with Kristie and Summer began and I have enjoyed great times with both of them. It had surprised me when Summer had told me Kristie had revealed the secrets of our rendezvous. But word was spreading throughout the soccer group. How did I know? Well it is a little obvious when you begin receiving explicit texts from another soccer mom. Mandi was one of those soccer moms that I hadn't really thought about sexually but it isn't to say she isn't desirable....
MILFJust like a vampire can create another vampire, so can one slut create another. My name is Kate. I'm a soccer mom, kind you have dreamed about because I like to fuck. Picture a 47 year-old female, 5'7'', 135 lbs., 36C chest, light brown hair streaked with blonde highlights, and a taut, toned body. I was working out three times a week with my friend Catherine and I wanted her to be more than a friend. It started one night when my husband, Mike, began exhibiting me to his poker playing friends. I...
Soccer Mums: The Rematch By ninja5.Chapter 1.?You did what Jillian?? Grace roared at her daughter, angry beyond measure. Beth stepped forward and put her hand on Grace’s shoulder trying to get her to calm down. Grace’s reaction was understandable, but Beth knew arguing with Jillian would just make her all the more determined.?It’s not like I’m the only one doing it Mum. Trish said she might do it too.? Jillian shouted back and pointed a finger at her best friend who had been standing out...
Soccer Mom SlaveBy: KahiltnaAs she waited in her car, Brenda couldn’t believe she was doing this again. Her short, shallow breathing and rapid heartbeat gave away her apprehension. ?My God?, she thought, ?I’m a happily married mother, what keeps me coming back here?? Brenda was the prototype ?Soccer Mom?. She was 36 years old, married 10 years, with a 9 year old son and 7 year old daughter. Her husband was just what girls dream of, loving, hansom, dedicated to her and the kids and a good...
As much as I could, I tried to keep up with the athletic careers of the Striker and Raven players after they went off to college. Jim told me that his daughter, who had gone to a Division II school not too far away from home, was doing great, both academically and on the pitch. Some of the other girls were a little harder to track down, but I eventually found out that Patti had dropped out of school after her freshman year and moved in with her boyfriend, much to her parents' displeasure. I...
I went to Belfast a couple of years ago, to see soccer cup final featuring my favourite team and to see relatives that lived there. I live in Canada and I hadn't been "home" in many years. My interest in the Belfast football team I supported as a child had flagged over the years but it was reborn through the magic of the internet. While looking up results of games, I discovered an internet fan club and chat list. I asked to join and was quickly accepted. The spring after joining the fan club,...
EroticJimmy woke up at 6 am on that August morning as happy as ever. His life was almost perfect. All his hard work this summer was going to result in him being the star of his high school soccer team, and he had Aunt Tracy to thank for it. This was the third of four weeks that he was spending at her house training for the start of the season. His aunt was a former college All-American soccer player and the coach of the girls high school state championship team. Jimmy lived about two hours away and...
Previous: The Girl Scout-1; The Girl Scout-2 Daddy; The Girl Scout -3 The Tool Man; The Girl Scout – 4 Tag Teamed ; The Girl Scout -5 Die Bitch Die; Girl Scout 6 -Cum Faced The Girl Scout-7 HOGTied; The Girl Scout -8 Getting to Know You; The Girl Scout -9 Sleeping Beauty; The Girl Scout – 10 Work It Good The Girl Scout -11 Lights Out Bitch; The Girl Scout-12 Doctor Rosen The Girl Scout -13 Papa and Grand Daughter The Girl Scout -14 Exam Hell The Girl Scout -15 Training and...
Soccer Mom Gets Caught I work clean up at the local bowling alley. It is fairly easy work but it starts at midnight during the week and two in the morning on Friday and Saturday. Basically I empty trash, restock the bathrooms, and clean and polish the floors. Once a week I have to clean the mechanism that handles the bowing pins. Then one Tuesday night after the women’s bowling, I was let in as usual and the owner went home. I heard a noise coming from a hallway so armed with...
I had been introduced to girls when I was thirteen by my seventeen - year old babysitter. My parents had gone out to the opera that night and left me in the care of this smoking hot high school cheerleader and soccer star. I woke up from sleeping because I heard noised coming from my living room. I slowly crept down and found her on the couch, eyes closes, with her fingers rubbing her clit underneath her panties. I stepped on a creaky floorboard and she turned around. I guess you can guess...
He was excited about lunch. Not because he would be going to Chez du Monde, but because it would be a ‘Coaches Lunch’. You see he would be having lunch with Shannon. She was the coach of his daughter’s soccer team. And he held the illustrious title of assistant coach. It was an innocent lunch. Why was he so excited?……. It had been early fall. His precious five year old daughter would be playing on her first soccer team. He could barely contain his excitement. He had played all his life which...
So it’s been months since my adventures with Kristie and Summer began and I have enjoyed great times with both of them. It had surprised me when Summer had told me Kristie had revealed the secrets of our rendezvous. But word was spreading throughout the soccer group. How did I know? Well it is a little obvious when you begin receiving explicit texts from another soccer mom. Mandi was one of those soccer moms that I hadn’t really thought about sexually but it isn’t to say she isn’t desirable....