Bebe Rexha indian porn

3 years ago
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Bebe Goes To Hollywood 7

'A point is all that you can score.' ~ from Two Tribes by Frankie Goes To Hollywood XXX There was something. Something in the distance. Something calling her name. Something that wanted her attention. Something she wanted to respond to. Something she knew. Something she loved. Could she open her eyes? She tried. No. She tried again and there was a flicker of light and a blur of color. She tried again. This time she got them open, but couldn't make...

2 years ago
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Bebe Goes To Hollywood 8

"All of your dreams can come true if you have the courage to pursue them," ~ Walt Disney XXX Oscar was waiting outside of the condo building at 6:30 Sunday morning. Rose and Bebe has to be at the studio my 8:00 at the latest to be ready for The Emmy Award Show that evening, which began its red-carpet events at 3:00 in the afternoon in order to be edited and ready to go 5:00 West Coast Time - 8:00 Eastern Time. "Good morning, ladies," Oscar said with a great deal of joy in his...

2 years ago
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Bebe A Disney Wedding and an Epilogue

"Familiarity breeds contempt - and children." ~ Mark Twain *** "Hey, Siri," Nancy spoke to her phone, "what is today's weather going to be like?" "The weather in Lake Buena Vista, Florida, today, calls for clear skies and sunshine with a low of fifty-six degrees and a high of seventy-seven degrees." "Sounds just about perfect." She smiled at Bebe, both in their prettiest undies as they nibbled some toast and sipped tea. Their dresses were upstairs in The Bridal Suite with Rose....

2 years ago
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Bebe A Disney Wedding Day 1

"There's nothing like planning a wedding to make you want to punch everyone you've ever met in the throat." ~ Anonymous "I wonder if other mothers feel a pain in their insides, watching their daughters growing up to be the people that they wanted so badly to be." ~ Judy Picoult, 'Keeping Faith' XXX It was a beautiful, cool DECEMBER morning in Lake Buena Vista, Florida as Bebe woke up in her suite at The Grand Floridian, the Walt Disney World resort that had been designed to...

4 years ago
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Bebe in LaLa Land 13

COMING TO TERMS -or- MY REALITY IS DIFFERENT THAN YOURS "This is all the information that the studio is releasing at this point." Rita sat at the kitchen table with John seated opposite her and Rose and Ed sitting at the ends of the table. "They're using the writing team from the new Mary Poppins movie for the script, the Lopez's are writing the music and Rob Marshall, who has directed a ton of musicals, is directing. There is no story outline, but Lily James is playing the one of...

3 years ago
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Bebe Goes To Hollywood 1

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hi, everyone. I know it's been a good long while since I last posted a Bebe story, but, to be perfectly honest, the delay is all your fault. See, I'm not a cross-dresser or gender-fluid or anything else. I just fantasize and write stories for fun. The problem is, you all have embraced Bebe so lovingly that I am scared to death of ruining one of my favorite characters or your image of Bebe. You have all been so generous with your comments and emails that I want to do my...

3 years ago
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Bebe Goes To Hollywood 6

"Live those dreams Scheme those schemes" ~ Relax by Frankie Goes To Hollywood XXX "I don't know, Bob." Rob Marshall sat in the booth at the recording studio and shook his head. "She's really not selling this song. It's just... flat and uninteresting. Is there anything you or the music director can do to make her sing it any better?" "Such as?" Bob Lopez, the co-composer of the music for the movie. "Her pitch is fine. Her timing is fine. Everything is... fine. She's just not...

2 years ago
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Bebe in LaLa Land 16

EXAMINING LIFE -or- CURIOUSER AND CURIOUSER "Have you heard from Nancy since her rehab began?" Dr Shapiro had moved two comfortable chairs over to the window out of which John liked to look during his sessions. She was sitting in one and John sat in the other. "No. They took her phone away. She can't make any calls until the last week." "Are you worried about her?" "Very. Nancy was always so smart and so driven. I never would have thought it was possible for this to happen to...

4 years ago
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Bebe In LaLa Land 6

A MORE PERFECT GIRLFRIEND -or- I WONDER IF THE SNOW LOVES THE TREES AND THE FIELDS THAT IT KISSES THEM SO GENTLY? "Ok, let's hold up for a few minutes, guys," one of the panel of publicity people from the production company, ABC headquarters and The Disney Company stopped the mock interview. "Ed, you have to make your stories more concise. If you make them long, you'll be interrupted by the host. You've heard how Don tells a story, right? Quick, funny, short? That's what you need to...

3 years ago
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Bebe in LaLa Land 7

MEETING EVERYONE'S EXPECTATIONS-or- I KNEW WHO I WAS THIS MORNING, BUT IVE CHANGED A FEW TIMES SINCE THEN "We're with Don Ferry's party," Ed told the Maitre'd at the posh country club. Ed was looking dashing in his dark blue suit, crisp white shirt and red tie. Behind him, in pretty, flowered dresses, Rose and John looked lovely. "Ah, yes, this way, sir, ladies." The thin, dapper, middle aged man said as he led them into the elaborately decorated dinning room. Dark wood,...

4 years ago
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Bebe Goes To Hollywood

"I wouldn't give you two cents for all your fancy rules if, behind them, they didn't have a little bit of plain, ordinary, everyday kindness and a little looking out for the other fella, too." ~ Jimmy Stewart as Jefferson Smith from 'Mr Smith Goes to Washington' XXXX "Oscar," Joanne asked politely, as she and John settled into the backseat of the tow car, "would you mind if I close the privacy partition for a few minutes? I am sorry, but I need to talk to Bebe for a...

3 years ago
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Bebe in LaLa Land 4

FINDING HIS WAY -or- WHO, IN THE WORLD, AM I? When his alarm went off on Thursday morning, John had a hard time opening his eyes. He'd been on the set till 10:00 on Tuesday and Wednesday night and the schedule was catching up with him. He kicked the blankets off of himself, trying to make the morning coolness wake him, but it wasn't happening. His eyes just didn't want to open. The work on the set had been very rewarding. Since the exteriors on Tuesday, everything he'd worked on...

2 years ago
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Bebe in LaLa Land 1

STARTING OVER -or- I CAN'T GO BACK TO YESTERDAY, BECAUSE I WAS A DIFFERENT PERSON THEN "Ladies." The Drama teacher clapped her hands to call the class to order. The girls had all been working in small groups to this point. "Ladies, please!" She clapped again and the girls all became quiet and turned their attention towards the teacher. "Thank you, ladies. I want to introduce a new student who has just moved here from Worcester, Massachusetts. This is Miss Bianca Foley." The girls...

2 years ago
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Bebe in LaLa Land 9

STRUGGLING -or- IT WOULD BE SO NICE IF SOMETHING MADE SENSE FOR A CHANGE "No, Blaine, I'm not 'sick,'" John sighed as he spoke into his phone to a very concerned young man several miles away. "Please, I really don't want to talk about this over the phone. We have the long weekend coming up, so let's meet for breakfast on Friday morning - my treat. After breakfast, we can have a long conversation. Then we can go to the airport to pick up my friends from Massachusetts that afternoon....

2 years ago
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Bebe in LaLa Land 17

FAMILY -or- WE'RE ALL MAD HERE "Here is footage of the young star as she joined the band Dusty Rose on stage this weekend at the Staples Center," Austin Meadows spoke under the footage on TMZ's Monday night broadcast. "The starlet wowed the audience when, after thanking the audience for their contributions to The Dusty Rose Foundation, she joined the band to perform the band's first big hit, a cover of Jim Croce's 1973 song, 'One Less Set Of Footsteps.'" They played a ten second...

4 years ago
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Bebe in LaLa Land 8

THE PRETTY LITTLE GIRLFRIEND -or- 'TIS LOVE, 'TIS LOVE, THAT MAKES THE WORLD GO ROUND! "Are you ready to see your 'Alice,' Mr Mad Hatter?" Joanne called down the hall to Blaine. "I'll be right out!" he called back. "I'll meet you in the living room." "Ok," Joanne was in heaven. Having a girl to fuss over seemed to be a source of absolute joy for her. "Come on, dear, just down the hall, to the right." As they entered the large room with the sectional sofa and what had to be...

2 years ago
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Bebe in LaLa Land 10

ENDINGS AND BEGINNINGS -or- NOTHING WOULD BE WHAT IT IS, BECAUSE EVERYTHING WOILD BE WHAT IT ISN'T "LAPD is ready to make their move," Hank told Ed as they ate their breakfast in a luxurious restaurant near the studio. "If they just had the video from the other night, she'd be getting arrested. With the evidence we sent them, she's facing a long, long sentence." Ed nodded. "Good. Maybe the girls at that school will be safe now." Ed used his fork to separate a section of his egg...

2 years ago
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Bebe in LaLa Land 14

GOING HOME -or- MY REALITY IS JUST DIFFERENT THAN YOURS "And going home for the holidays makes you feel...?" Dr Shapiro prodded. John was feeling very stressed. He'd be headed back to Massachusetts for Thanksgiving in a couple of days. It was a short visit, but there was a longer one coming up in a few weeks. "I guess 'apprehensive' would be the best way to describe how I feel." "Because?" "Because, when they came out here for the premier, they acted a...

4 years ago
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Bebe Goes To Hollywood 3

"It's like I'm out in a big boat, and I see one fellow in a rowboat who's tired of rowing and wants a free ride, and another fellow who's drowning. Who would you expect me to rescue? The man who's just tired of rowing and wants a free ride? Or those men out there who are drowning? Any ten year old child will give you the answer to that." ~ Gary Cooper in 'Mr Deeds Goes To Town.' XXX "So, what did the message say?" Don asked as he handed John and Oscar soft drinks on the...

4 years ago
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Bebe in LaLa Land 3

THE WORK OF BEING A STUDENT AND AN ACTRESS -or- ONLY THE INSANE EQUATE PAIN WITH SUCCESS All three of them slept throughout most of Sunday. Ed was exhausted because he had been at the shoot all night, Rose was exhausted from waiting up for John and John was exhausted from a long morning of shooting and a long night of dancing and romance. Rose turned on a Rom- Com in the afternoon and they all slept in front of it. Dinner was a call to Uber and an order from Chic-Fil-A in the TV...

2 years ago
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Bebe in LaLa Land 11

SETTLING INTO A NEW LIFE -or- IF I HAD A WORKD OF MY OWN, EVERYTHING WOULD BE NONSENSE "Wake-y, wake-y, eggs and bac-y!!" Ed laughed as he clapped his hands loudly to wake up the five girls and John who were sprawled on inflatable beds in the living room. "What time is it?" Annie groaned. She'd had a long day the day before - the excitement of her first time traveling without her mother, the hustle and bustle of the airport, the time change and the excitement of being in...

4 years ago
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Bebe in LaLa Land 15

GOING HOME -or- IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHERE YOU'RE GOING, ANY ROAD WILL GET YOU THERE "Hi." The woman smiled as she opened the front door of the charming, colonial farm house. "You must be Ed. I've heard so much about you. I'm Eileen, Rosemary's mother. Come right is." "Thank you, Eileen." Ed came in and handed the woman a bottle of rather expensive wine. "Here, I brought this for you." "Oh, well, that's awfully nice of you, Ed. That was t necessary, though, I mean, you and Rosemary...

3 years ago
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Bebe in LaLa Land 5

FINDING A NEW PATH -or- SHE GENERALLY GAVE HERSELF GOOD ADVICE "Oh, my God! He's gorgeous!" Annie's voice came through the FaceTime connection on John's phone. "You dated that guy!?" Cassie was incredulous! "You're not even a star, yet!" She teased. "You shouldn't be able to get a guy like that until you're a mega-star! Like Jennifer Lawrence, or something!" John giggled. "I didn't 'get' him! We just went to the movies together." "And homecoming!" Cassie corrected. "Yeah,"...

4 years ago
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Bebe in LaLa Land 2

DEALING WITH REALITY -or- HER MIND HAD GONE DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE "Ok," the assistant director called through a megaphone, "I need all the background performers to report to desk by the entrance to the school to check that your paperwork is all in order. Actors with unnamed characters, that includes boys numbers one through twelve, I need you to report to my assistant who is waving, over to your left, and I need the characters of Pitcher, Catcher, Umpire, Ronny, David, Peter and Alex...

4 years ago
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Bebe Goes To Hollywood 4

"Relax, don't do it, When you want to go to it Relax, don't do it, When you want to come" ~ Frankie Goes To Hollywood XXX "He's not a good guy, Don," Hank Miller sipped his single malt scotch and let out a grateful sigh as it burned his throat and warmed him to his core. "His father is State Representative Richard Crawford from up in Fresno. After young James was arrested for the ninth time - drugs, theft, extortion, you name it - State Representative Crawford washed his hands...

4 years ago
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Bebe in LaLa Land 12

JUST BEING BEBE -or- HOW DO YOU RUN FROM WHAT'S INSIDE YOUR HEAD? Monday morning and Rose, Ed, Kylie and Bebe all had to be on set for 8:30am. It was the last day that Cassie and Annie would be in LA. The early call was to make use of Kylie and John's day off from school. The plan was to shoot just one scene involving all of them, as well as Marion and Don. That should be done by 11:00 or 11:30. All the girls and Blaine were coming to the set to watch, Ed had cleared it with...

2 years ago
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Bebe Goes To Hollywood 5

"He's got goodness. Do you know what that is?... No, of course you don't. We've forgotten. We're too busy being smart alecks. Too busy in a crazy competition for nothing." ~ Jean Arthur as 'Babe' in 'Mr Deeds Goes To Town.' XXX "Blood work looks good, blood pressure looks excellent, your therapist says you're very well adjusted..." Dr Jorge Martinez looked through all the paperwork in front of him, then at John. "So, the big question is, Bianca... are you really ready to bury John...

3 years ago
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Phobebe rachel lesbian fling friends sitcom

Phoebe couldn’t stand it. Rachel had been talking all night. That wouldn’t have been so bad, she enjoyed an all-girl bull session, but Rachel kept turning the conversation back to sex. She was a little drunk. They both were. They’d been to a party near Phoebe’s apartment, had a lot of sangria, and Rachel asked if she could crash with Phoebe. She’d said yes but now, lying in bed next to her in big t-shirts and panties, she was regretting it. Rachel had broken up with Tag six weeks ago, and she’d...

3 years ago
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Girls have fun

April always was my friends, since our high-school year we had been friends since she lives so close and could do our homework togetherI was with her one weekend her mom was away and we talked about me never meeting any girl after a while of talking and being shy telling her I never saw a girl pussy up closeshe decided to teach me how to lick pussyall I had to do was wear one of her cute panty and i would learn to lick heri was sure she was joking but she brought me a cute pair of pink...

2 years ago
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Peter s Memories Ch 2

Peter's Memories Ch. 02       And then came Mom This is a continuation of Peter's Memories with his cousin Jane and her daughter Clarice. Peter went home to Brooklyn after the summer break and had to settle down to some serious studying for college. His Mom, Laura, only worked part time as a Secretary and was home most of the time and his Dad was C.E.O. of a major industrial company. Dad was due to go to Europe with the aim of selling one of the main proponents of a satellite which the company...

3 years ago
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Justice ResurrectedIntroduction

Out of darkness we were brought forth into the Light of the Divine, forged by the hands of the fifteen Lords and Ladies of Heaven to bring wisdom and justice to those who came before us. For we were the Second Divine Miracle, the second time those who watch over creation came together to combine their might. My consciousness awoke to the feel of Sol, Dispenser of Justice, raising me in front of him with a slight smile of pride and satisfaction. As were they, we numbered fifteen, each to go to...

3 years ago
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Me And A Mature Marwari Couple

When I met Rakesh and Sarika, their marriage was in a bad shape. The problem was not uncommon. Both were mid 40’s. And like many husbands, Rakesh’s interest and capability in sex had reduced while Sarika was still very much sexually active. Rakesh used to be busy with his work and could give hardly any time for his wife. Their k**s had grown up and Sarika had ample time for herself, but alone. So then they started having frequent fights and most time the cause was lack of sexual satisfaction....

4 years ago
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Altered Fates Drop off

The following work is the whole property of R. C. Conrad. Posting this story transfers no license or property. No authority is granted to post this story to any pay site. This story may be posted to any free site, provided notice is given to the author. This story contains transgender images and imagery of magic. If you are easily offended, please do not continue. Persons under the age of 18 should not view this...

5 years ago
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Bet Your Bottom

"I can't believe you're making me do this," Natalie said as she stood on the hotel balcony at three a.m. with the wind blowing through her strawberry-blonde hair. Her eyes scanned the parking lot, and though she didn't see any signs of life, someone down in the darkness would be a lot harder to see than she would be on the balcony - dimly lit as it was. She could see the excitement in Gene's eyes as he caressed her shoulder. "You lost the bet fair and square." "We are so going to get...

4 years ago
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I Love This JobChapter 3 a Soft Cock

Skin is very useful to at least the higher animal forms. First of all, it keeps all of our insides, bones, blood vessels, testicles, ovaries, etc. from falling out all over the place. Secondly, it exists as a surprising (to some) trivia answer to the question of which is the largest organ of the body. But most important to me and others, the sight, the touch of skin around certain other organs, specifically cocks (to those of us with cunts and tits) and cunts and tits (to those of you with...

3 years ago
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Haye Meri Choot 8211 Part VI

Dosto Haye meri Choot ka 6 bhag lerker phir hajer.To passport clerk aour Luchman sey sey chudwaker aa rahi thi to dil mien socha ari O rajni tery pass to kamal ki cheej hey.Bina paisey diye Passport bhi le liya aour Majey ki chudayee bhi kerwali. Ab chahey aik hi admi sey 1000 bar chudwaow ya 1000 admiyoon sey aik aik bar , bat to aik hi hey. Ab muhey rajdhani jana tha apney kagaj leker ki vija lagwa sakoon apney passport per.Ab to merey sarey kam yoon ho rahey they jaisey permatma ney keh diya...

2 years ago
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Grandpas fuck a black teen

We are all in our late 60's or early 70's and unfortunately we all show our age. There is not a young stud among us. Bill and I still drive but only I have a car. One day I had taken all of us to hobby store to get supplies for the things that we do to pass the time away and we stopped at the mini mart and got a couple of six packs of beer. On the way home we drove through the bad part of the city. On one street corner we spotted a young black girl with big tits. Because of the way...

2 years ago
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Episode 104 The Sex Machine

IntroductionThis story follows on directly from Episode 103: A Day at the Races, so if you haven’t read it recently, I humbly request that you do, Mistress.GillianAn email arrived the day after the racing orgy, featuring Mistress Anna and slut suzy, stating that Gillian would be delivering a special package this afternoon, together with a set of very compromising photographs of Daddy and several jockeys jacking off over his pretty daughter.Looking out the front window suzy first spotted...

4 years ago
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Mouth to Mouth

Based on the short story: Lost Days Make for Memories and Souvenirs By SplendidSpunk My name is Marci. I work as a project manager for a small manufacturing firm. I travel as part of my job, though thankfully that requirement is not a large part of my job. Mostly I travel alone, though sometimes I do it in the company of my boss Marty, or one of my coworkers. Like most females, I don’t like to travel alone, and for obvious reasons. There is the loneliness factor, of course, and the fact that...

4 years ago
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Second Chance Book 07

My thanks, as always, to ErikThread, who stuck with me and this story to the end. Lots of rewrites and fixes and discussion about what was missing or awkward, but in the end, we got there. It goes without saying, any errors or omissions are mine alone. * Second Chance: Ch.28 Bonnie Simpson and Brent Gordon were married in the Lutheran Church in Castlegar on a bright, sunny, warm day in late summer. It was the only venue available for the date they wanted, the last Saturday in August. It...

2 years ago
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Porn Burst! Are you the kind of person who gets burning sexual urges out of the blue? Do you have sudden throbbing erections while slaving away at your workplace? Do you sometimes feel the need to jerk off to some nice, good old fashioned porn even though you regularly have sex with your girlfriend? Do you think of inappropriate sexual thoughts during normal social situations? If you answered yes to at least two of the aforementioned scenarios, then you might just be eligible to fully enjoy a...

Free Porn Tube Sites
4 years ago
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Back to Him Ch 04 05

She enjoyed the flowers until she read the card, ‘Roses are red, My heart is blue, I don’t want to get divorced, because I love you.’ It was nine days until the divorce would be final. He’d given her space to heal and hate him for almost a year. Now he wanted her forgiveness. Wasn’t it too much to ask? She was confused but couldn’t help but smile at the sweet thought. She didn’t want to get divorced, but she also hadn’t wanted there to be another woman. Every action has a equal and opposite...

3 years ago
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Z Is for Zipper

ZZZzzzzz Zoe Zimmerman awoke with a start, a sound fading in her sleepy memory and a funny feeling that she'd been here before. The 14 year-old girl was trying to grab hold of a dream that was fading and vanishing from her consciousness even as she grasped it by it's tail of anxiety and pleasure. That's what was so confusing about her recurring dream. It shocked her but, as she could recall not a single detail, all she was left with was a sense of dread, shame, shock and OMG what pleasure...

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Celebrity Fun Disneys Prinzessinnen

Britney Spears liegt am späten Abend alleine in ihrem Bett in der luxuriös ausgestatteten Hotelzimmersuite und langweilt sich zu Tode. Zum Schlafen ist es noch zu bald. Seufzend langt sie nach ihrem auf dem Nachtkästchen stehenden Notebook, legt es sich auf ihre Oberschenkel und schaltet es ein. Sie will noch ein wenig im Internet herumsurfen. Beim Eintippen der Internetadresse ihrer Homepage macht sie jedoch einen Fehler. „Oh, mein Gott! Was ist denn das?“ denkt sie und betrachtet empört und...

3 years ago
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Neighbors and NekojinsChapter 7

One weekend afternoon, a number of the neighbors are gathered at Ethan’s swimming pool. Rick and Jane are there as is Grady and Nari. Lars is of course there and Riko is by herself. Jimmy apparently has some work to do, but they all guess her is out with his teenage lover. Riko is wearing a very skimpy bikini and she looks great! Riko is a very fit brunette with almost a boyish look like Saki. At the pool she looks very athletic with her firm shapely legs, narrow waist and small chest. She...

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Joan Gets a Surprise Ch 03

October 17th – Sunday: We don’t get up until 11:30am. We all cuddle with each other in bed and John’s got a boner. I say, ‘Joan, do you want to take care of that?’ I’m not big on morning sex but Joan loves it. She smiles and says, ‘Yes, if I can fuck it.’ I laugh and say, ‘Sit on it, Joan.’ Joan smiles and crawls on top of John and slips his cock into her pussy. Surprise, surprise. She’s wet already. She stays wet. Not only does she have the body of a 40 something, her vagina juices up...

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House guest V

In the corner of the case, Rebecca noticed a black plastic bottle. Over looked at first, she read the label. Smiling Rebecca went to the kitchen and fixed another drink. Sitting on the bed, Rebecca gathered the items she found. Sipping her drink, she looked at the metal plug. Setting her drink down, she opened the cap on the bottle. Bringing her knees up and spreading her legs, Rebecca squirted some of the gel on her finger. Reaching down between her legs she rubbed her ass hole. Adding more...

1 year ago
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Nubiles Porn Lucy Doll Experience 08 23 2016

Lucy doll and Preston Parker are enjoying a couple’s day in their private oasis as they swim and frolic in the water. Things get very touchy-feely, but the couple manages to wait until they are indoors and Lucy has changed out of her sheer wet bathing suit before they get down and dirty. It’s not long before Lucy has let Preston take off her shorts so that he can feast upon her soft bald twat. When Preston takes the opportunity to shove himself deep into Lucy’s snatch,...

2 years ago
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Cum Slut I Am

I know right when it happened, I was the head of the high school cheerleader squad. I had just reached the age of consent for my state. I was young, popular, and hot as hell and all the guys wanted me. Sure I had had sex before. I was up to four guys now, but it really was not doing it for me. I had a couple of people I would babysit for. This couple I loved, they would go out all happy and come home drunk as heck. They would stumble in and go straight to bed and fuck. A few times I would...

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WendyAs I drove to pick up my thirteen year old daughter Wendy from School I thought back to the visit from my Wife now my ex Wife who called to clear out her wardrobe and tell me she wouldn’t be home for Christmas or anytime after as she was moving in the her Girlfriend there would be no custody battle as Wendy was an inconvenience and she would be better with me. I work from home as a writer my ex wife worked away and was never home so by default I became a house father.We have always had a...

4 years ago
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Fixed IdeaChapter 3

Chance flings himself out of the bed. He has a dilemma. He is covered in his own cum and he wants to see what has his sister so aroused. Being covered in cum is no big deal for him as he is used to it. Quickly, he grabs the sheets and pulls them over the mattress like one would if they were in a rush to make the bed and only had time to make it look like it was sort of made. The boy quietly slips to the door and cracks it open. Like a well-oiled machine, neither the floor creaks nor does the...

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You re the Best

The familiar sound of my wife’s car door closing in the driveway caused my cock to twitch. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and looked out the window to catch a glimpse of Robin coming up the drive in the early morning light. Her curly brown hair was disheveled and her t-shirt’s collar hung extremely low exposing more than a fair share of her ample cleavage. She carried her red pumps in one hand and fumbled around in her purse for her house keys. I reached down and rubbed the front of my...

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The night we will never forget

My fiancé Aidan and I have this friend, his name is Jake and I have a pretty bad crush on him. He’s just moved over here from another country and he’s staying with us for a while until he gets on his feet. He’s been here three to four weeks now and each day my urge to have him is growing stronger by the day. I make my mind up and decide that tonight will be the night. I’m having a long hot shower and a shave, in all of the right places. I finish up, straighten my hair and put a little make-up...

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Brimstone Series Book 2 Episode 2

ChrisThere was just too much to do and not enough staff to delegate to.Tyco was taking up all my time, and the associates were getting stressed, even more than usual. Each of them had a stack of papers the height of Olympus next to their desk.Tonight was going to be a late night, but unlike other stretches of time where that spanned only a few days, the entire month of October was going to be late nights.Bursting into my room, Jillian held an eerie grin on her face. ‘So, how did Stacey...

Straight Sex
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Werewolf women of the SS part 8

1888 ParisLooking out over the canal a gorgeous black haired woman leans back in the carrage and takes a drag of her cigarette. A beautiful blonde walks up and opens the carrage door, Sasha must you always smoke says the blonde. Oh Mina you know i cant help it these things are about the only useful invention humanity has come up with since gun powder anyways, Sasha pulls the blonde close to her and kisses her passionately her eyes glowing blue. 1943 Stalingrad, As Diana awoke she clutched her...

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Haunted House

Haunted House Haunted HouseBy: John Maddux--Proof read by: FantazMaster  CHAPTER 1:? THE HAUNTED HOUSE  ???? It was approaching my favorite hunting time of the year? Halloween! Haunted houses were set up through out the city and suburbs and I knew just the one I was going to go hunting at this year. It was an old Victorian house with only the first and second floors in use. After purchasing a few costumes, I went through the house quite a few times in order to learn its layout. I made...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 473

???????????????? An item from Reltney McFee, enjoy!! Here’s a joke my father told us boys, something approaching a half a century ago. So, no, it is NOT “PC”. So, during the Second World War, the Allies and the Japanese were locked into a life-or-death struggle in the western Pacific. The war, in 1945, was not going well for the Empire of Japan, and desperate times, such as the Empire was facing, called for desperate measures. Hence, the KamiKaze. The underlying tale was of a “Divine Wind” that had...

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Behave I m Watching

I live downtown on the 40th floor of a high-rise. I have a telescope, and I like to watch people. You know, it's especially interesting to watch people when they don’t know about it? They act so natural. They don’t hide emotions. I see a couple fucking so lazy on the 10th floor. Why lazy? He's probably terrible in bed because she is on her phone while he’s fucking her!A guy is masturbating on the 23rd floor. He does it every three hours. I think it’s not normal and he needs help. There is a...

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In Circles

had light brown hair and a busty body, she wore glasses and was what you would call beautiful it still didn't matter to me I circle around today is her day I feel neither sadness or joy from my action no sense of justice or shame it is necessary because it is a rule that is unbreakable I watch wondering how it will happen I've watched her for some months now she had quite an interesting encounter with a young male If I felt emotions I would feel sad for her I watch her rush to her car,...

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Would you dare

Her eyes glance above the flicker of her computer screen and beyond that of her open office door. Her every breath shallow as her gaze clocks a number of her co-workers, either sitting at their desks or milling about the main office. The soft, everyday murmur of phones and work conversation as they go about their daily grind all blissfully unaware of the ravaged pleasure building within her. Any look her way would surely construe the sweet torment that was consuming her every thought as her...

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One Family s Awakening Chapter 8

Keith and Jim met after classes at their adjacent lockers for the first time Monday after their weekend sex party with their mothers and Amanda Fillmore. Both were unusually subdued in their discussion for fear of someone overhearing their conversation. "I am never again going to complain when our mothers want us to all get together," Jim said, still astonished by the weekend event. "I didn't know shit like that really happens!""Keep your voice down," said Keith. "That was a fucking awesome...

4 years ago
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Dulcie and DeliaChapter 3

Probably Bert Westwood and Delia Cooper were equally surprised at how well they adjusted to living in the same house. By Friday, when Delia was to accompany Dulcie to HMP Whitemoor, though it had only been a couple of days, Bert thought he'd miss her presence; she'd be away most of the day. Similarly, Delia had become quite an admirer of the old soldier. She ... who had never known anything more demanding or dangerous than those ... orgies ... listened as he spoke of the jungles of Borneo,...

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Defloration sex education in Olsztyn PL stpt

After this memorable afternoon Irene met her boyfriend the afternoon of the next day. Both were a bit reluctant and shy at first, as they were still captured in the turmoil of so many feelings. And by the fact, that Irene had given her body to his brother too.Irene was anxious that he wouldn’t love her anymore. But he assured her, that nothing had changed in his love and made sweet compliments to her that she was a ‘real woman’ now.[pic Irenes nasse Muschi wird herumgezeigt.jpg]These...

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TandraChapter 89

Henry sat in the chair he had sat in so long ago. This was during the days prior to his first trip to the moon. He sat for days trying to force in every possible bit of knowledge so he could have some chance of success. He had learned a great deal and eventually pushed back the boundaries of knowledge but this only showed that there was much more to learn. The old tug was now travelling at 19,000 light years a day toward the area closest to the Canis Major dwarf galaxy. The Fassoot and...

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Becoming a Master Rerun

Hey guys my name is Kyron, Yeah yeah I know weird name for a guy, but hey my mom loved Battletech. Go figure. Anyways I am what you would call a loner, partially because I tried to avoid being involved with anyone due to my home situation. I live with an absolute asshole and my mom is gone. I was mad at her for the longest time, but understood her reasons for running like she did. You see the asshole is abusive as hell and when she ran he turned his hate and anger towards me. It took one...

2 years ago
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Sex With Priya And Her Mother

Hi Readers, This is my story when I was, 24 years in College and had to visit Goa, my parents asked me to visit and stay with Madhu Aunty, a close friend of our family. Madhu Aunty’s Husband Kumar uncle had passed away a few years back and she lived with her daughters Pooja & Priya, They had a house near the beach. Initially, I was reluctant to stay with hem but when my parents put their foot down I had no option but to stay with them. Madhu Aunty spoke to me the day before I was to reach, and...

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If only all work events ended like this

The "story" below is actually true. Whether you believe that or not is up to you, but I wrote it nearly ten years ago. I jotted it down at the time as I could do or think of nothing else but the night before. So I recreated the moment by writing it all down! So, it's really just a memory. I found it on a floppy backup disk recently - hopefully someone might enjoy it! ----------------------------------------- A girl has just left my house, and here I am exhausted and glowing with pride after a...

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Bravo ForceChapter 13 Night Call

The meeting lasted the rest of the day, though Pru was able to move it along by accepting many of the suggestions given as "for further study". She knew it would take time to put things into perspective and full operation. After dinner, she went to the compound's Salle and worked out for an hour or so, practicing both armed and un-armed combat routines. After her impromptu match in Ceuta Sector, she had been much more conscientious about exercise and practice. Her endurance and strength...

2 years ago
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MagicChapter 52

Taking a break from the difficult job of sacrificing French Fries in boiling oil, Sean was seated at the picnic table at the Dairy King wondering how he was going to get some gold. His money was quickly running out despite having a job. His mother had given him his allowance and that had increased the pile of money in his desk drawer. Still, it wasn’t enough to buy much gold. “How are you doing?” Chom asked sitting down beside Sean. “I’m okay. I’m trying to figure out how to buy some gold,”...

4 years ago
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Hungover Mom

Introduction:Son helps himself to mom who is hungover by the poolIt was a beautiful Saturday morning and mom was drunk again, or high, or both. It could be hard to tell with her sometimes. I was laying out by the pool when she came stumbling out to the deck. She had on oversize sunglasses but her unsteady walk gave away her true condition. I hardly bothered to look at her. She almost fell into a lounge chair next to me and spent a minute adjusting it so that she could lay flat on her stomach....

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Too Soft Of A BedbyMany Feathers©I had gone into the service straight out of high school, primarily because there was no way at the time to further my education by going to college. My younger sister Janice had done much better in school than I had, given several scholarship opportunities, and upon graduation which was only a couple of months away now for her, would be able to take advantage of going back to school where I had not. Already eighteen, she was an attractive young woman with long...

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EvilAngel Gia Di Bella Cum Soaked Anal Angel

Tiny, tanned platinum blonde Gia DiBella sits on the bed teasing, her perky tits showing from slinky lingerie. Young Gia fondles her wet cunt in anticipation of her nasty anal session with ace director/performer Jonni Darkko. She probes her sphincter with a glass toy and poses her gaping anus. Gia drops to her knees to give a sloppy blowjob. Messy, deepthroat fellatio precedes crude rectal reaming. Jonni pounds Gia’s tight bunghole to gaping, and sweet Gia gives sloppy, ass-to-mouth head....

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Behen Ki Chudai Gunde Ne Ki

Teh story meri bhen ke baare mai h.Hamari family mai ham 4log hai mai(anil) papa mummy aur didi papa mummy dono govt job mai h and didi bank mai job karti hai and mai pdai kra hu btech.Meri didi ki age 24 h and figure 32-26-36 hai uske boobe aur gand buddo ka bhi land khade kr deti h wo jyadatar jeans top ya kurta leggings phenti hai jise uski gand bahut dikti hai ab story pe aate h mujse ek.Br mere dost ki car tuk gai jisme 10000 ka karcha aa gy aur mere dost ke papa bahut strict thae and muje...

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Gender Role Reversal Moving to Philadelphia Chapter 4

At lunch I sat down in the cafeteria next to my friends. Partway through our lunch George said "so me and a few of the boys from the team were thinking of going to the park after school and having a quick game of softball. Do you guys fancy joining? We could do with the numbers." "Yeah, sounds good," I replied and Hannah and Linda both agreed as well. "Great," George said smiling. "We'll meet you at the park when school's finished." After lunch I gym along with Hannah and Linda so once...

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Begger's Stories Sunday, April 13, 2008 Amber Chapters 1-7 This was the first teasing and denial story I wrote several years ago (2004ish) for It contains a lot of ballbusting and teasing, chastity and female dominance. A lot of the inspiration to write came from one of my favorite OD writers, Peter, who should be linked to somewhere on this site. Anyway, enjoy my first work and let me know what you think. "Amber" by Begger It was Friday, I had been waiting for today for...

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Mom Cares For Me When I 8217 m ill

This happened a few days ago, I just turned 21 and caught the flu virus and was extremely sick. I was coughing throughout the day and all through the night. I live in Essex, England with my mom, dad, little sister and little brother. The 3rd day of the flu I couldn’t take it anymore and started tearing up. I’m a well-built guy with a good physical body. My mother is a beautiful 38-year old who has recently lost a lot of weight and looks amazing. I have had fantasies of her when I was a teenager...

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Twelve and Fifteen Makes a Pair

When my best friend, Craig, discovered his parent's stash of sex stuff, Playboy and Penthouse magazines, vibrators, and, what we have since learned are called, dildos, he immediately called me and told me all about it. We were both eleven and super-curious about all things sexual. The first chance we got to go through all their stuff was a few days later and we had a Playboy spread out examining the foldout in microscopic detail. "Wow, would you love to be the guy they paid to take the...

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Hots prings encounter

As usual the drive to the springs is a lovely and fun one, once you get off the highway.Per routine upon arrival I go to the lodge, check in and pay for my day use and massage up front. Thank goodness for membership.Now my massage is scheduled for 1:30 and I have an hour and a half or so to kill. Also per routine I go back to my car, pull out a blunt of some really nice kush, take a few rips and then head up to one of the spring areas. I get to the changing room & start undressing...

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Miss Spelled Part 4

Miss-Spelled (Part 4) I was still curled up in a ball when my intercom buzzed. "Hello?" I asked cautiously, Richie could still be around. "Sophie, it's Sarah, I'm here with Mikey." Sarah? I phoned Becca. I buzzed her in. When Sarah saw the state of me she rushed straight over to give me a huge cuddle and stroke my hair. That made me feel so much better already. "His car isn't here so I`m think he's gone." Mikey said "Becca phoned Sarah to tell her what had happened. I...

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Animal UrgeChapter 5

Late that night, the snug rustic Hartley home in Oak Tree had an almost festive appearance from the outside, little blazes of light shooting out through the windows to brighten the clearing surrounding the structure. Inside, however, Diane Hartley paced around like a caged tigress, opening and closing doors as she manufactured one excuse after another to search through the rooms, reacting to some undefined fear that had lodged in her unsettled mind after the sun had set over the...

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Elemental EncountersChapter 14

There was actualy a reason for Hardcase's sour mood of late. She used to be the know-it-all, before Axorie came along. So when her self-image was displaced as the 'brain', she compensated by increasing her 'tough girl' aspect. Steetch still asked her for trivia information, but Freaky always asked Axorie for any answers he wanted now. Still, inside Hardcase was the same caring, loving, empathic young girl she had always been. That is why she was frusturated that she couldn't get the...

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A Lonely Night Turned Sensual

Hello readers, it has been long since I have posted any of my experiences on this site. Cheers to everyone, in specific the ladies out there for appreciating the two previous stories. Now, let me get into the episode straight. So this incident took place in March when I had come back to Hyderabad from Mumbai after a short break. Being from a corporate company, it doesn’t allow me to have much time off. But somehow I was able to take the weekend off. Being excited about it, I had a detailed plan...

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Nancy Learns the Ropes

Nancy Nicholas was a certified college graduate with an impressive Grade Point Average. However, even she would have to admit that there was something to the repeated opinion from her more than strict father that she had very little common sense. She had been raised according to rigid standards of right and wrong and projected an aura of confused morality and naïve perspective on everything around her. Now that she was finished with college and her parents were sending her little sly hints...

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The HealerChapter 34

Other than various scouts keeping an eye on the aliens via the breadcrumb trail of satellites the Empire had set up, not a lot else was happening, except for training exercises and constant weapons mods for the various fleets to try and get a balance of conventional and anti-alien weaponry. Taisha had ordered, and had built, an optimised battlestar defence grid around the station. She was in negotiations with the Technocracy to supply them with some for what they designated critical worlds,...

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I love stories that include me

I really cherish the tributes and such that my friends send to me. Normally I keep them for myself and don't share but I had (with permission) share this with everyone.So i have this fantasy with you....I am trying to learn guitar and since you play, i ask you for lessons. You agree and we set a time for you to come over. We greet and then get down to business...teaching me how to play the damn guitar!!! We practice for a bit and then i notice what i think is a pair of silk panties peeking...

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DickDrainers Harley King Harley Won 8217 t Forget About Black Dick

It’s been a long week with college exams right around the corner. Harley’s been studying like crazy but tonight? Tonight she’s going to be taking a lil break from the books and hitting up the town. She needs some stress relief. She’s been so stressed that she’s been forgetting things. Like where her lip gloss is. Her phone, her keys. Forgetting to lock windows….doors… Harley doesn’t know it yet…but her plans are about to change. Because...

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Danis Dream Part II

Tony spread Dani’s legs and after taking a moment to look at her almost naked pussy lips buried his head between her legs, placed his tongue at the bottom of her pussy and ran it along the slit until he reached her clit. When he reached her clit, he sucked it into his mouth and concentrated on it. As soon as he took it into his lips I bent down and took her right tit in my hand and the nipple into my lips. As I took her nipple in my mouth she froze and held her breath. She knew we were not...

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You Are a Meany Chapter 4

The kitchen in the Walha's household smelled of cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice and ginger. The kitchen counter was a little bit of a mess. There was some flour, spices and sugar on it. Renee just finished mixing the batter and was pouring the batter in the cake pan. As she was handing the pan to her dad, the first-time baker could not be prouder of herself. Renee was going to be able to say she made the cake when she gave it to Luke. This cake was going to be a gift to Luke. This...

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E049 Holiday Sunday evening

During the late afternoon, Donald nudges Emma a few times to roll over so not to get too much sun on either side.  He understands that after this day in the sun, and tomorrow, Emma will have tan lines from her suit which she doesn’t get when naked in the tanning bed.This thought somehow arouses him to think about seeing some of her skin, covering her most private places paler than the rest.  Like she is hiding herself from others, saving it all just for him.  He knows he is getting a bit crazy...

Love Stories
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Loving Tabatha

I knew I shouldn't get romantically involved with my niece, for she was a blood relative and some say it's wrong to be your blood relative's lover, husband, and father of her children. Well, I can make my own decisions and that is just what I did. If you saw Tabatha, you would agree that I made the right decision. She has to be one of the most beautiful girls on the planet. I invited her over to my place for summer vacation since she was between semesters and I was quite lonely way out in...

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This story contains some socially unacceptable ideas and themes, so if you prefer a lighter hearted romp through rainbows and unicorns try a different story. Continue on if it floats or sinks your boat. Thanks for your patronage! ~WP ++++++++++ "I have brought you all here for a reason" the stocky tall guy yelled from the front of our smaller sized room. Twenty of us laid out bound at the wrists and ankles on a hard cement floor. He walked through our crumpled contorted masses and...

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When Sally Met Lisa

I won’t say things were serious but Sally was around a lot and we enjoyed each other’s company and the sex was good but the next step was meeting Lisa. I had told Lisa all about things and she was happy for me even with the 3-year age gap, even joked about being step sisters. I was convinced they would get along as they were so similar in every way.Sally was getting to know me and my little quirks and even discovered that watching me sniff her panties actually turned her on so a definite...

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My Affair

Based on real people and events, but in a fictionalized form. It was just before our eighth anniversary when my first marriage fell apart, though neither of us knew it, not precisely, not then. Glennie and I had been married following a protracted courtship and engagement. Hindsight being what it is and all, I'd have to say she seemed desperately unenthusiastic about marrying-- about marrying me, anyway -- but she was getting up there, feeling like a spinster at the ripe old age of...

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Maxine Stone s New LifeChapter 179 Loose Ends Again

John, John didn't fall asleep like a man my age would have, but it took some work for him to get it up again. His sister Cindy was ready to tryout her power well before he was able to play along. She had me doing all kinds of kinky things, which she had only read about in books or seen in porno movies. I went along with most of it. After some rest, and a little manipulation, John, John was ready for more. I sucked on his cock until he was rigid, then I knelt in front of the sitting Cindy...

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Daniel 1 Timestop Dancefloor

Daniel looked around the nightclub, He loved hunting here, the men and women were all beautiful, available, and usually had been drinking or taking drugs. They were also usually horny as well, so he didn’t have to work so hard to get them worked up. He walked through the still and silent dancefloor, trailing his fingers across hips, asses and tits as he passed, finding just the right one. There. She was about nineteen, he guessed, short dark hair, choker, bright red lipstick and dark...

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Suzy Unleashed Chapter 12

“Why would I mind?” he sighed. “I can’t think of a better way to wake up than a blowjob from a sexy woman.” I smiled broadly and pulled him back into my mouth. The fact that he had called me a sexy woman only added to my pleasure, and I decided that he deserved the best blowjob ever for being so nice. For the next 20 minutes I did my best to deliver exactly that, alternately nibbling and gently sucking with swallowing him deep into my throat. Steve was moaning and squirming with pleasure...

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Pool Suckfest

As I’ve mentioned in other stories, I love porn theaters and am very orally bisexual…having sucked many cocks. I’m not as much of a cumslut as I am a cock lover…although I definitely love sucking all the sweet cream out of a hard cock when that’s what the guy wants. My main pleasure is the actual sucking of a throbbing piece of man meat. I absolutely love having my mouth full of hard cock and one of the main reasons I love playing in porn theaters is the opportunity to suck cock while others...

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