Elemental EncountersChapter 14 free porn video

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There was actualy a reason for Hardcase's sour mood of late. She used to be the know-it-all, before Axorie came along. So when her self-image was displaced as the 'brain', she compensated by increasing her 'tough girl' aspect. Steetch still asked her for trivia information, but Freaky always asked Axorie for any answers he wanted now. Still, inside Hardcase was the same caring, loving, empathic young girl she had always been. That is why she was frusturated that she couldn't get the group to utilize their powers to help the defenseless, right wrongs, rescue damsels, fight evil, and stand proudly forth for truth and justice. So, she decided to go to her fallback position, and rescue cute cuddly creatures. She asked Axorie where the nearest cute, furry, lost, lonely, critter in need of a rescue was. Axorie told her about an outcast lynx kit, about 20 miles up into the hills. It was an outcast, and was sad and alone. Hardcase borrowed Steetch's personal anti-gravity unit, and flew off to the rescue.

"What is this huge cat-like object!" cried Freaky with alarm.

"Meet Mr. Bigfoot, the lynx..." Hardcase replied diffidently. "He lives here now, I rescued him because his pack rejected him, because of his polydactylism."

"Lynx don't live in packs," puzzled Freaky.

"Polydactyl Lynx do..." lied Hardcase.

"But- You said- er, oh never mind" sputtered Freaky, finaly realizing that Hardcase was pulling his chain. Mr. Bigfoot was a truely apt name for the creature, as it had so many toes on each foot (noone bothered to count them) that he couldn't get all four feet into a normal sized litterbox at the same time. They turned one of the unused bathtubs into a litterbox for him, and closed the shower curtain to reduce the spray of sand when he buried his waste. He was truely a large lynx, and if he rubbed his head against your hip unexpectedly, he was liable to knock you over. How did he get so big so fast? Was he ever that small to begin with? Hey, that isn't a lynx, that is a cougar! Mr. Bigfoot was silent as he padded about the secret fortress on his huge feet. often appearing suddenly and silently beside the various friends when they least expected him.

"Ahhh!" shreeked Hardcase, as he poked his head through the shower curtain. "Go away, Mr. Bigfoot, I am taking a shower here!" she scolded, begining to regret having rescued him. He poked his nose into an embarassing place in greeting, and then wandered off to molest someone else. Mr. Bigfoot really liked Axorie. She was wonderful at taking the time to pet him, and scratch him behind the ears, and stroke his long thick tail. Hey, get your mind out of the gutter. That isn't in the story codes. Anyway, he tolerated Freaky, and was indifferent of Steetch- mainly because Steetch could kick his ass, and had proved it, and Freaky could take care of himself too, causing sudden stalagmites to shoot up from the floor, or a strong gale to blow against Mr. Bigfoot, preventing him from springing, or a sudden pelting hailstorm or cloudburst to dampen Mr. Bigfoot's enthusiasm for the hunt. But it was all in play, and he had let Steetch win, not once unsheathing his claws. Good thing, to, that- If Mr. Bigfoot ever unsheathed his claws, it might take him several days to get them all untangled again.

Soon other rescued critters filled the fortress. A camel, three pot-bellied pigs, a goat, a porquipine, a diverse pack of dogs... "Enough!" cried Freaky, after almost sitting on the porquipine for the third time. "I will make a secret fortress for the animals, but they can't live here, with us! Ok, ok, Mr. Bigfoot can stay- but the rest have to move out!"

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When i walked out of the house that morning i was excited happy and couldn’t wait to get to the work. Feeling good and ready to take on what was in store for me that afternoon my mistress Sara had planned for with me wearing my beautiful yellow dress, the expensive sheer undergarments she had sent to me along with my gold jewelry and white heels.It was a wonderful day out, sunny but cool day and i decided to not wear my coat after all and placed it in the backseat of the car before getting in...

1 year ago
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The Adventures Of The Sicilian Twins Chapter 2

Buzz…buzzDon Luigi opened one eye, lazily trying to spot the nasty mosquito looking to drain his blood with a vengeance. He cursed the fact that the little critters never seemed to focus on his wife’s plump rump rising like the leaning tower of Pisa. It was an expanse of naked skin that seemed to stretch forever and he had lost all interest in it many years ago.No, the bloodthirsty little devils only wanted his precious blood for some reason that defied logic and annoyed him beyond the point of...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Sex On The Beach

Hello everyone, this is Kevin from Bangalore, 26 yrs, 5.7 height, 65 kgs, slim and whitish complexion and a IT professional. This is my first story here. I’m a virgin still and so the story below is a fantasy of me making love and sex with any sexy married lady around age of 35-47 years. I have written the story as if I’m addressing it to any lady who is reading it. The Setting: I would come and meet u in person and give you a red rose in your hands and a box of dark color heart-shaped...

1 year ago
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The Apple Doesnt Fall Far from the Tree Ch 02

by Fidget Chapter 2 - Completing the Circle "I think our changes are getting stronger, Amy. I've been feeling... really horny around you lately. Even more than usual," Josh grunted during one of Amy's daily after-school visits. His large dick throbbed visibly against his athletic shorts, and his new girlfriend's eyes widened rhythmically in excitement with each pulse. "It's making it... hard to think," he concluded roughly, as his own eyes hungrily devoured his girlfriend's curves....

4 years ago
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Bondage in the urban wasteland

It wasn't easy to find the right spot - but I looked and looked - it had to be perfect: industrial, abandoned, out in the open, yet secluded. Finally, after three days of driving endlessly through the wasteland of closed factories, chemical plants and cavernous assembly lines at the edges of our metropolis, I found it: a drainage ditch stretching itself from an old tannery long since abandoned. At the head of the ditch, which was about eight feet deep, was a series of iron railings and several...

4 years ago
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How to Deal with a StepFather

Derek had never known his dad. He only knew he had been the high-school jock that all the girls had been hot for. His mother had him when she was eighteen and he had been raised mainly by his grandparents. He didn’t start dating until he was seventeen and then only for things like school dances and when he needed a date to be included in activities with his friends. When he was eighteen, he began going steady with a girl who was very involved in her church. She made it plain from the beginning...

1 year ago
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Summer of Fun

A note to my readers: I have once again set this story in the sixties prior to the internet and cell phones robbing teenagers of their naïveté. I didn’t want to go, and neither did my brother, Josh. Every summer, we’d go to either Galveston or Corpus, and we always looked forward to it. This year however, our parents wanted to rent cabins out in the woods at a small private lake two hours from where we lived. This was going to be the worst vacation ever. After all, what could we possibly do...

1 year ago
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SeeHimFuck Malina Melendez New Stud8217s 1st Ever Scene

Latino newbie Rick Waters makes his industry debut today here on See H?️M Fuck, and we paired HIM up with the lovely Malina Melendez for yet another better-late-than-never update! After director Johnny Robins conducts the interview portion of the program, Rick stands and gets naked, with some assistance from Malina, as she then lubes HIM up from head to toe, giving that big uncut gift a nice slick reacharound. Malina sniffs and licks each of Rick’s hairy armpits before allowing HIM to...

3 years ago
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Lesley part 36

Geordie Ridley parked his car in the visitor car park, at the nursing home where Lesley was in employment. He had been here once before, but only to drop a bag off, for his 'daughter' Lesley, when she'd left home without it. He didn't know where to go. He walked around the corner at the nearest point, and came to a door where their was a wooden shed outside. Two women were sitting inside, of what he assumed was the smoking hut. "Hello Geordie....god I haven't seen you for years! How you doing?"...

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