Elemental EncountersChapter 16 free porn video

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"This is it, this is where I want to adventure!" crowed Freaky.

"No, we are NOT going to adventure in Gor!" stated Hardcase. "I won't be a slave girl, I will NOT be branded, and I am NOT piercing my nipples!"

"Aww..." protested Freaky weakly. Sigh, it had been worth a try, anyway. Axorie changed the screen without comment.

A desert caravan, dusky robed guards wielding massive scimitars, overloaded ill-tempered camels trudging along single file. "Too hot." said Hardcase. "Too boring" said Steetch "Too far to walk." said Freaky. Axorie changed the scene.

A medieval village of central Europe style, on the Sein, Rhone, Rhine, or Danube. It looked promising until the cart piled with bodies was wheeled through the street to the ringing of bells and the cries of "Bring out your dead!". Axorie displayed her next offering.

A beautiful well-kempt city of palpable staid age, cobbled streets clean and tidy, high walls on all sides, a glimpse of a lush courtyard through a high wide arch, narrowing and blocked by the thick massive wooden door. Very few people about, and either unobtrusively scurrying along on their business, or carried in palanquins ringed about with armed guards. "Way for the Pah of Poobah" cried the captain of the guard of one such group. "No, way for the High Priest of Snookum" cried the Head Warrior Priest of the other group. They both refused to give way, and soon the street was filled with combatants, maces and swords flashing, blood flowing into the central gutter, the sweat and stink of exertion, the bitter scent of death, the choked gurgles of the dying.

"I don't think so." said the adventurers in unison. Axorie tried again.

Arctic wastelands, white icy blizzard winds. Axorie patiently tried again.

Squat dark-haired folk dressed in leather, leather tents clustered together against the vast plains, herds of horses, small ponys to match their herders, the folk looking large on their backs. A group of young men were playing some kind of game, riding their ponies and using long handled wooden mallets to strike their grizzley trophy as it rolled over their playing field, attempting to force it into or away from the goals, it's blond hair glinting amongst the flashes of white bone and blackened purple neck meat as it rolled along the ground.

"Pass." waved Freaky. Axorie tirelessly changed the view.

Another medieval town, the view showing a thriving marketplace, with barter as well as silver money changing hands, one rich merchant in a shop at the side of the square had gold rings on his fingers. The people could have passed for the population of any california town, if dressed in modern clothing. Many of the richer dressed folk carried swords, some armed guards had crossbows on their backs, even the poorer had knives at their belts. One of the guards was a strong looking woman, her short hair and stern look giving her an air of one who brooked no nonsense. Some of the other women shopping wore dresses, and some of the women selling produce wore trousers. Only one man wore a kilt, but he looked manly, and noone looked much askance at him. Perhaps it was his stout cudgel that forbare their tongues.

The group of would be heros looked at eachother and grinned. "Yes" said Hardcase. "Yes." agreed Steetch. "Absolutely" afirmed Freaky. "Looks pretty good to me, too." said Axorie with relief. "So, when do you want to go? We can have a few weeks adventure here in only a night. If we wait until the weekend, we can spend half a year there, and still make it back in time for school on Monday."

"I would like to arrive there in the night, then I could find some gold and silver to outfit us with." planned Freaky. "Perhaps Hardcase can create some kind of temporary clothing for us to wear long enough for us to purchase gear." he hoped aloud. Hardcase laughed and teased "Yeah, you wouldn't want to wear bark underwear for very long, would you?"

The adventurers decided to embark on their journey on friday night, as soon as it was dark in the other world, in order to have time to find shelter and obtain the wherewithal to equip themselves. Some of them were thinking about wearing a version of their costumes. Steetch thought perhaps something like his buckskins would be better than his costume. He also wondered about the advisability of Freaky advertising his magic abilities before they knew how the locals would react to such things.

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To do this, she steals the condom her brother used to just have sex with some random girl, he's 20 years old, and goes by Will but his real name is William. She tries to scrape off the fluids from the female as well because Luna is too scared to try and masturbate herself. Finally there appears to be enough sexual fluids and she gets the 5 candles, placing a them in a circle with the tiny bowl of mixed sexual fluids in the center. A pentagon with a star in the middle meeting the vertices had...

2 years ago
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My Beautiful Best Friend

“Are you going?” Alison asks. “Sure, why wouldn’t I go,” I reply. “Well, Elaine might be there,” she says. “It’s okay. I’m over it,” I tell her. Just so everyone is in the know, I’m Kevin and I just finished my first year at NYU. My good friend, Alison, just finished her first year at Columbia. We are both from New Jersey, which is where we grew up. I have known Alison since I came to America from Korea at the age of 9. She was the only person who didn’t treat me funny at the time...

2 years ago
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Punishment for a Sissy VII

Punishment for a Sissy VII By PJD Joan Cartwright glared at the broken sobbing sissy standing in front of her. As he cringed beneath her severe contemptuous gaze she thought, 'You don't understand the true reason why I intend to reduce you to a spineless snivelling sissy do you? No, you believe its because Wanda and I discovered you wearing her underwear If that were the true reason sissy. Wanda and I would have simply have paraded you in front of our friends, with a notice...

3 years ago
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A Truckers Story

Now that I've told you a little bit about me, now I can tell you just one of many incidents that have happened while on the road. It's always worth you while to look into any vehicle passing you to see what might be happening inside. I've had women flash their tits so many times. Also had a few men masturbating but really wasn't into that kind of thing at the time. While married, I never took the opportunity to pursue any outside sexual activities. It was just a few months after my...

3 years ago
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Devlins StoryChapter 36

"Well?" Krissi asked that evening as they picked over the dinner buffet. "What did you and Evan do today?" "We went to a baseball game," Devlin said. "It was a high school game, and it was the last thing I expected." "How was it?" "No bad. I think I only made a partial fool of myself. He stuffed my head so full of facts about baseball that I'm probably more confused than before. I had very little idea of what was going on. But he loves it. From the way he spoke it's a very...

1 year ago
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The game

I arrived just when she told me. Dressed Just as she told me. My mistress doesn't reward failure, but in succeeding the rewards are amazing. She took me into the play room and laid me out in the bed with my ankles secured to the bedposts. My wrists were tied with scarves above my head and I couldn't move anything but my head. "Today we are going to play a game I call 5. I am sure you will love it as much as I my little slave. I am going to put my fist into your ass but you only have three...

1 year ago
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Aunt Ellen part 2

I crawled out of bed and glanced at the clock. It was almost noon. I looked around to see if I could find any kind of clothing somewhere, but I didn’t see anything so I walked out of the guest room naked. My aunt was nowhere to be seen. I quickly walked to my own room, put on some clothes and walked down the stairs, where I found my aunt in the kitchen. She was frying some eggs. “There you are, you horny little devil,” she grinned, “I was just about to come and wake you up. You must be...

1 year ago
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The Wrong Truck at the Right Time

I am thirty five and consider myself a pretty good looking gal. I try to stay in shape and work out every other day. My boyfriend, Sam and I love to have sex and we are always looking for new adventures.About a month ago, we were invited to a wedding for one of his friends. I love weddings and I love getting dressed up. As I got ready, I noticed Sam was unusually horny. We were running late and there was no way I could take care of him and be ready on time. He insisted, so I gave him a quick...

1 year ago
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All about sharing Part 2

I have been married many years with my wonderful husband. A few months ago, I initiated him to the pleasures you can get from squatting down for a hard shit, in my presence. We have shared this pleasure together many times. I wondered if we could take our special ass games to a new level. One day, I purchased a strap-on dildo. It was quite large. When I got home, I undid the dildo to try it on myself. I laid on the couch and started to play with it, first in my cunt. It stretched me well. I had...

4 years ago
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Neighbor8217s Wife Has The Sweetest Pussy

I was still dating Gloria when my mother warned me that she is not my type of girl. When I asked her why, she said that Gloria is simply not a wife material because she placed her job ahead of everything else. It didn’t make sense to me then, and I did not hesitate in telling my mother what I thought. “She is a hard working girl who is ready to support her partner mum. What is wrong in that?” Nothing was going to convince me that Gloria was not right for me, and my mother quickly understood...

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