Layers Ch. 01 free porn video

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It was a box. Or possibly a crate - wooden sides with a bit of plastic on the side containing what I'd think was a packing slip. No visible marks otherwise. No 'fragile' (which my mind nearly always reads mentally as fra-jill-ay) or other stamped text. Just a decent sized box (crate?) sitting on the second step of the little concrete steps leading to my front door. I stare for a bit and then push it slightly with my foot. Slightly heavy but not bad. I haven't ordered anything lately so what was the deal?

I shrug and open my door. The sun is starting to set behind me and it's been a long day at work so I decide to figure it out inside. With a drink. People at work aren't the easiest to deal with and drinks often help. Relaxing with a drink, closing my eyes and temporarily imagining a fantasy world where I tell my bitchy coworkers exactly what I think of them rather than smiling woodenly and nodding my head. Feeling my heart race and cursing myself for wanting to just run from the lady in purchasing or whoever is yelling at me at the moment.

The box isn't as heavy as it looks so I drag it into the living room and set it down in front of my couch. I'm curious but tequila is calling my name so I leave it and put together a little sweet mixed drink in my small kitchen. The house I rent is perfect for me - a bedroom, small office, living room big enough for a small flat screen TV, couch and recliner and a kitchen big enough for a microwave. And stove. I guess. I even know how to turn the stove on and off and I call that an accomplishment. I recognize some people use them to cook food but that seems akin to black magic and I'd rather not deal with it. I try to tell myself that the pudge around my waist and general lack of definition is due to getting close to 30 (still 27, dammit!) and not all of the ramen noodles I eat. Or the drinking.

So, I take my drink, ice clinking in the glass, back to the couch. Sitting hunched over, I stare at the box but my mind wanders. It's the same every evening. Kicking myself for being a pussy. I know I should man up and deal with my coworkers better but hindsight is what it is. Easy for me to think of what I should have done but when I'm there and having to deal with people, I get a little mini panic attack. Fight or flight and I always back down. Working in the credit department and having to tell sales people why we can't sell to a particular customer is stressful. I can almost feel the sweat and shakes starting at just the memory. Such a stupid thing to get worked up about. I'm doing my freakin' job, making sure we don't sell to someone that's going to bail but I have to deal with pushy sales people rolling their eyes at me and giving me shit for it? Fuck. But the part that pisses me off the most is that I take it. Cowed. When all I'm doing is my job.

My drink is almost halfway gone already and I take another quick swig of it. I can feel my cheeks heating up and everything is slightly softer around the edges. Perfect. Just where I want to be. Fuck work. I lean forward, open the plastic pouch on the side of the box and pull out the packing slip. It's blank except for my full name at the type in simple typeface. Nothing else at all. I turn it around but the whole thing is completely blank other than my name. I'd wonder if it was a prank but who would go to this kind of effort? I don't have friends. I've lived in the town for a few years and never bothered making friends. Most of the ones I had growing up still live on the East Coast and have their own lives. And children. And whatever. I hardly even talk to them online.

My nearly empty drink goes on the end table next to my used, cheap couch and I lean forward to pull slightly on the top of the box. It's sturdy but a hard tug lifts it. A harder tug with my out-of-shape muscles and a loud creak makes the top give way. The top is off but I can't make anything out inside of the box. A large plastic bag and something brown. The bag looks like a garment bag from a dry cleaner. I reach my hand in and it's all soft. Fuck it. I grab and pull it out.

And then drop it again. A large wolf-like head stares up at me. It's not real. I can see that. It's close to being real but it's not. It's big. I know what wolves look like and this isn't it. And the head is connected to something.

Full disclosure time. The biggest reason I'm shocked is because I have a thing for werewolves. Were-animals. Furries aren't my thing. What are those? People that dress up in typically large plushy outfits almost like large stuffed animals. Nothing against them but it's never been my thing. They don't look real to me and that's what I want. Realism. That's what turns me on. So I see this head and that's what I see. Werewolf. A real, well-made werewolf head.

Now I do look around. I have werewolf porn on my computer. Mostly pictures, some stories and a few video clips. My kneejerk reaction is to wonder if someone is snooping on my computer and sent this as... what? Blackmail? When I calm down I realize how much that doesn't make sense. Why would they? Why pay money for something that looks that realistic and then send it to me? If they were going to make fun of me or make me feel bad, a letter or something would've done it.

Too many windows in here. I leave the lid but pick up the box and bring it to my bedroom, closing the door behind me. The two small windows are already closed so I close the door and take a minute to look around for the bogeyman. It's a stupid thing but it makes me relax. Only now I feel like checking the rest of the house, calling myself stupid the entire time. My hands are sweating and my heart is racing. Closets are empty, doors are locked and windows are closed. Nothing under the bed or in my cupboards. Back to my room and the box.

I stare for a moment again. Simple but well-made wooden box. Fuck it. I pull out the plastic bag and set it on the bed. The... thing slides out of the bag so I throw the plastic in the corner and stare at the thing left on the bed. It's a suit. A fur suit. But not like any I've ever seen. I can smell the slight scent of chemicals. Latex? Rubber? Hell if I know.

Breasts. Distinct lack of penis. It's a female werewolf fursuit. Extremely realistic. I'm hard just staring at it. With shaking hands, I lay it out on the bed on its back. There's a zipper from the throat down to the lower stomach. A very small zipper. The suit is deflated but I can tell it is taller than me. I can't stop staring at the breasts and pussy for the life of me. The pussy is hidden under fur but the breasts are full and not at all deflated. They lay somewhat flat and I can see the hint of the fat nipples through very realistic fur. The tail is thick and somewhat bushy but those tits... I reach out hesitantly and then stop. Licking my lips, I reach out and touch. Definitely some kind of rubber but I can feel the nipples and I think I might be leaking pre-cum because I'm so fucking turned on. The fur is soft and I have no idea what it's made out of but it's incredibly real feeling.

I trace my hand down the breast to the deflated stomach, feeling the bumps where hard muscles would be but instead finding formed rubber fake muscles. The "skin" under the fur is smooth and an interesting texture. My finger goes down to the thigh and then I touch the tuft of fur above the thing's clit. I dig a little to find the pussy. The pussy lips are delicate and there's a hole that opens into the interior of the suit. I step back to look again.

My hand is on my pants. I'm rubbing myself and my heart is hammering in my chest. Too crazy. I've never really looked for fursuits online but in my accidental Internet browsing, I've never seen anything close to this kind of detail. I couldn't even imagine what it would cost. Or, why it's here. I've never told anyone about my fetish. Ever. I don't know enough about computers but I've heard the stories about people hacking into people's computers but, again, why do that and then send something like this? None of it makes sense. God. I want to jack off. This is turning me on far more than any of the other erotica I have. Pictures or otherwise.

Turning it over, I learn the ass is slightly padded as well. It takes a bit to arrange the thing but I do it. Laying the arms out and up, fingers straight out. The claws for the thing are actually sharp and hard. I have no idea what they're made out of. The tail is connected at the end of the tailbone but it's floppy and I can lay it to the side. Classic position now - doggy style. It even has a little asshole under a light bit of fur. I feel ridiculous thinking it but the thing has a nice ass. Round and strong looking even if it's a deflated suit.

Fuck it. When I masturbate, I usually use tissues to hold the cum but otherwise use my bare hands. However, I have a bottle of lube for... special occasions. I strip and avoid looking at myself in the mirror. Yeah, I'm ashamed of my body. I don't keep it up. I keep telling myself I'll go to the gym but I always seem to come up with an excuse. So I'm pudgy. Dammit. And embarrassed as hell by what I'm about to do. The bottle of lube is slick and annoying to hold but I ignore that and bring it over to the bed, standing behind the suit. My dick, a respectable 7" is throbbing and there is some pre-cum at the tip. I think about it again but I can't seem to stop myself. A squirt or two of lube and my dick is slick with it. I rub some off of my fingers and onto the thing's pussy lips, pushing my fingers in and pretending it's real.

Wiping as much of the lube on my leg as I can, I put my hands on the suit's ass cheeks and spread them. It's... awkward. They're padded but still just parts of a fursuit. I can see the pussy more easily from behind and I guide my dick into it. It's not at all the same - the hole opens up directly into the suit so I can only feel it around my dick at the opening. I close my eyes and lean forward and pretend. I thrust in and out a few times and eventually I'm gliding without the suit sticking to me. It almost feels real.

I'll save you the embarrassing details of the noises I make. While the pussy isn't griping my entire dick, the feeling of the fur under me and my imagination kicks in and I'm suddenly cumming. A lot. That's not so unusual but, Jesus Christ, I'm still hard and it takes several more minutes before I'm exhausted and I pull out. I watch when I do so I can see what it looks like to pull my dick out of she-wolf's pussy. Some of my cum has stuck to my dick and the fur around the suit's pussy but just a little. I'm still half-hard and breathing heavily. I can't stop staring at the thing. It's detailed. The outlines of shoulder blades and muscles along the back, tendons in the neck leading up to the head and it even has a thick bit of fur along the back of the neck and a mix of long brown hair from the human part of the werewolf. Ridges along the nuzzle and teeth but no tongue. The teeth aren't real teeth but, like the claws, they're hard and sharp. I could cut myself on them.

It looks like the thing is over 6' tall. Maybe 6'5" or a little taller? Hard to tell with it deflated. I'm 5'8" so bigger than me. And strong, lithe muscles in the detail. They're sculpted into the rubber and hidden by thick fur but it's easy to tell the thing is supposed to be strong and big. I sit next to it on the bed and stroke the fur some more. Shit. I turn it over to find my cum on the bed (it came out through the zippered opening of the suit) and a good bit of cum in the bottom of it where the ass would be. The inside looks like pink-brown rubber and is slick to the touch so it should be easy to carefully clean.

Another thought hits me as I'm looking. It's obvious but not something I really thought of at first. It's a suit. Sure, a lady werewolf but still a werewolf and still a suit. And it's not a bulk fursuit. I could... I could try it on. It's not really my thing, is it? But one time just to see what it looks like? One time and then off and done, right? I can feel myself getting hard at the thought. It's an interesting mix. Guys do nothing for me. No, I have nothing against non-hetero guys at all. I don't get creeped out by hugging a gay guy at all. Just... doesn't do anything for me at all. But, werewolves do. She-wolves. Lady werewolves. So, dressing up and looking... maybe I could try a couple pictures and keep them for later for myself?

There are holes for legs and feet and arms and it looks like the head works a bit like a hoodie. Possibly a tight fit but its stretchy and there's some room. The muzzle has no tongue and no bones to support it so it might look floppy but if I have my head at a good angle when I take a - I stop. I'm seriously considering it. Actually considering putting the suit on so I can see what it looks like. I touch the inside of the thighs and I can tell my own unimpressive legs will fit through the holes. I'm hard again. I consider, what? Fucking the suit again? I flush and it's not the alcohol this time. No worse than using a Fleshlight or masturbating, right?

Pulling the right leg over to me, I put my foot into the opening and there's plenty of room. The material is slick enough and the legs are big enough since they're made for something much bigger than me. It's cool against my skin and I have to tug somewhat hard to make my foot fit at the very end but it finally does. The material on the bottom of the foot is harder around the balls of the feet and the hells. Leathery and tough. My toes don't fit into the spaces for the suit's toes but it kind of matches. There are claws here too and they're made of the same stuff - hard and sharp. The little toes are pulled back to the middle of the foot on the side and the feet are longer than a normal human feet with the balls of the foot stretched out so that it'd be comfortable to stand on them if it was a real werewolf.

My dick is throbbing and bobbing in the cool air. I look at my leg in the suit and the effect is amazing. I can easily pretend I'm a werewolf like this. The skin still feels rubbery and loose against my own skin since I'm very much smaller than the werewolf is supposed to be but the fake sculpted muscles are a nice touch and the fur feels like real animal fur. That thought makes me pause. Surely it's not real fur, right? Whoever made this wouldn't use real fur? I don't have much experience with animals but it's not quite like dog fur. It's not wolf fur, is it? I finally decide to pretend it's fake like the skin. It has to be.

The other leg is harder to pull on for some reason. My sweat is making the inside of the leg stick harder to my leg but I still struggle and yank and pull until I have my foot in the bottom. Only as I sit back down all the way do I feel my cold cum against my ass and balls. Ugh. I think about cleaning it off but I'm not sure what to use that won't mess up the rubber. Soap and water? Would that eat the rubber or make it less stretchy? For some reason that rings a bell. I'll just shower when I'm done and then look up how to clean it off. I'm losing my nerves and it was a pain in the ass getting my legs in so whatever. It's my own cum, it's not going to kill me.

My balls sit uncomfortably against the opening for the pussy and I'm careful that the zipper doesn't grab at my pubic hairs. I reach into the pussy and feel my balls. The tuft of fur above the clit is split in half by the zipper. I run my fingers through it. My ass fits decently into the space where the suit's ass checks are. Lower but roughly the same area. I grab the right arm of the suit with my left and tug it around my arm. This is harder than the legs. Definitely a tighter fit. The leg muscles of the werewolf are massive but the arms are more lithe and my slightly chubby arms push against the material. Like with the feet, my fingers don't fit all the way into the finger holes but it works. The fingers themselves are shorter than what I'd expect, and thicker but still longer than mine. They aren't particularly made for delicate work - no grasping and manipulating small things. Like I'd expect for something like a werewolf.

The left arm goes on harder since my right hand is inside the suit. However, the suit's skin is relatively thin so I'm able to pinch and pull with my fingers through the material of the outfit and eventually, I wriggle my left arm in. The shoulders of the suit lay against me, hanging down and back. Definitely at least 6'5" and maybe bigger. The shoulders feel slightly padded and they're massive. Same for the fake back muscles. The back and thighs are definitely where the creator focused on with muscles. Fast and strong. I rub the divided belly of the beast. Stomach, too. Strong core, back and thighs. The top weighs heavily on me as it sags against my smaller frame.

I look down and it's an odd visual. Two large, fur covered breasts hanging down and to the sides, divided by the zipper. My dick is throbbing, nearly aching from the thought of wearing the outfit and from having... fucked it. My balls are nestled into the pussy and my sparse chest hair shows between the thick fur of the suit. The suit fits me loosely and I'm starting to warm up almost uncomfortably from all the body heat trapped in the thing. The breasts are also surprisingly heavy. I grab one in each hand and fondle them. My brain does a tricky thing where it imagines me doing it to some woman rather than me doing it to myself. But I'm watching myself do it and now my balls are aching badly from the build-up.

All that's left is the zipper and the head. I stand and almost fall from the way my feet don't fit quite right in the suit. I feel my cum stretch away from the inside of the suit while sticking to my balls and ass. It's... kind of uncomfortable. The suit sags even more against me but I ignore how strange it feels to have it hanging on me. It takes quite a few tries for me to pinch the zipper with my fingers in the suit but I finally do. Very carefully, I push my eager dick and wiry pubic hair out of the way and zip up. The tuft of fur above the suit's pussy comes together nicely but I have to pull harder to bring the breasts together. My dick presses against the front of the suit but the suit is tighter around the stomach area so it's not too bad of an effect.

The zipper ends under my chin. I turn to look in my dresser mirror. It's slightly disappointing. It's too saggy. Not only was the model for the outfit taller by at least a foot but they were bulkier in the shoulders and legs and it wears wrong. I almost take it off but all that's left is the head. It lays against my blond curly hair and I feel one of the teeth poking at my scalp. I have to move my arms around to make the shoulders of the suit work right but I get my fingers in the opening under the werewolf's head. It takes a bit to stretch it out to fit over my own head but it finally does. I notice, briefly, with even more disappointment that there are no holes for me to look out through the mask.

Briefly, I notice this.

When the head touches the top of the zipper, the world explodes in pain. There's this high pitched keening noise and it feels like someone has slammed a baseball bat against my forehead while simultaneously drilling all of my teeth at once at stabbing my stomach over and over with a huge knife. I can't breathe. I'm suffocating. The air I'm sucking in through the mask starts to burn and I don't know if I'm standing or on my back or stomach or throwing up or anything. I might be screaming. I might be trying to claw my eyes out. I can't feel anything through the pain in my head and my whole body is burning. Like what I'd imagine an acid would feel if it were coursing through my veins.

I'm on my hands and knees. I can feel the cheap carpet against my knees and the weight of my body on my hands. I'm shaking and gasping for breath and the floor is spinning in front of my eyes as I try to keep myself from throwing up. My stomach is clenching and unclenching painfully, cramping over and over, and I growl against the pain, feeling a lump in my throat burning with the need to vomit everywhere. The carpet is swimming, the cheap brown and yellow pattern waving in front of me, and I feel a cold sweat and the smell of sewage and food and everything else hitting me, threatening to make me empty my stomach. I stand, try to stand and fall back over, crashing into the dresser and not even feeling the pain through the way my head is screaming at me. Something breaks - glass and wood - and I don't even pay attention.

The ceiling is spinning now and I close my eyes and then stand again, swaying dangerously. My ears are still ringing and everything is moving too fast. I fall against the wall and feel the coolness of it against my skin. I close my eyes and breathe. Slowly. Slowly. Slowly. I can feel my heartbeat slow slightly and my ears aren't ringing nearly as bad as they were. The pain is going away. I open my eyes and the room isn't trying to tilt any more. I stand, shaking from everything.

And then I freeze. I can see my nose. Not my nose. The end of a muzzle. Mine. My muzzle. I reach for it and see my fingers. I miss at first, overreaching. I'm wearing the suit. But, no, I'm not. I can see. Those fingers in the suit are mine. The effect almost makes me throw up. I can almost, for a brief moment, feel the ghost of my fingers as they should be, not as they are now. Not these strong, thick black-clawed fingers. I hold one up in front of my face... muzzle and turn it back and forth. I can feel them but these aren't my hands. My arms are covered in medium, brown fur. I can see the muscles moving individually as I turn my arm. Flexing under the coat of fur. Mine. I slowly bring my hand to my nose and touch it, feeling the sensation in both fingers and the bridge of my nose. Running my finger along the the length of the muzzle, I can feel the bones, skin and very short fur.

Holy fucking god. It's slightly hard to see but the suit's breasts - they're there too. It's all there. All of it. It's not the suit any more. It's me. When I grab the... my breast, fat and heavy against my chest, I can feel it all. It's like I'm suddenly aware of my whole body from my head down to my toes. I can feel my ears twitching against my head, swiveling slightly. My dick is gone. When I think of it, I can again almost feel a ghost of it. Where it should be. But my stomach is flat and the tuft of fur above the pussy is there.

I fall to my knees. I can't help it. I'm trembling. I feel something else and it takes me a moment to realize it's my tail laying against the ground. I can feel it on my ass cheeks. My breasts feel heavy and strange. My dick... I bring a hand to my thighs and then between them. I can almost feel a heat. There's this... I can't describe it. A softness between my legs but inside of me. When I notice it, I can feel it tighten. It's a muscle. Some muscle inside of me. My pussy. At the thought, I can feel the muscle relax, expanding. I feel things rubbing slightly on each other inside and just this... like my mouth filling with spit at the scent of some delicious smelling food. That's the closest I can put it. And this throbbing. I should know what that's like - when I'm hard and fucking horny and my dick is throbbing at me. Only it's not my dick. I feel it outside of me.

My hand touches my pussy lips and I find where the throbbing is. It's the lips. I'm suddenly... I rub my thighs together slightly at the sudden feeling. This hot throbbing and I can feel this liquid that shouldn't be there but I can feel it inside of me. Jesus. The feeling of my fingers against my p... Jesus Christ! I touch something and my whole body jerks from it. The clit! Fuck! The clit! It can't always be this sensitive. I moan and growl and my finger presses harder against my pussy lips and I'm so hot. I can feel my cheeks burning and this building pressure. I lean forward into it with one hand on the ground and the other between my thighs, stroking my engorged pussy lips. Lost in the feeling of it. My finger dips inside of me and I jerk as the claw on the tip of the finger hurts me for a moment but then I'm pushing the finger in more and that noise is back in my ears. My breathing is erratic. I... can't... I can't... focus... but my hand is pumping hard, rubbing my lips and pushing into myself until I can't...

There's a roaring in my ears and I can hear myself screaming in this unnatural voice, shrill and deep and almost a howl of a kind but still very human. I can feel the liquid coming out of my pussy, covering my legs and ass and hand and I'm still rubbing until it's suddenly too sensitive. I want more but I can't handle the thought of touching myself any more. The smell - it reminds me of my cum but it's different. Very different. I collapse to my side and my legs are rubbing against each other. I can't stop them. Everything just feels incredible and my muscles can't stop moving and I just... Fuck! I shake from something similar to the orgasm that brought me down. It's sudden and makes my body tremble and jerk from it. I wrap my arms around myself to try to hold it all in and that is a mistake as my furry arms slide against my stomach and breasts and I'm hit by another smaller orgasm from how sensitive my skin feels. My toes are curling over and over, the claw from my right big toe cutting into the wood of the dresser, cutting strips out of the wood.

Eventually, I stop shaking. The smell... My smell is intoxicating. I bring my hand up to my eyes. My cum. My cum from earlier, before all of this... it's on my fingers. I spread them apart and see the strings it makes. I can smell the new scent mixed in with the smell of my old cum. Shit! I can feel more leaking out of me where I shouldn't be able to feel anything. I put my fingers between my legs by reflex and cry out from how sensitive I am. My whole crotch is soaked with cum, new and old. It's... it's getting hard to think... I just... the smell... I can feel a growl at the back of my throat and I don't hold back. My fingers come up to my muzzle and I breathe in deeply, luxuriating in the exotic smells.

Before I can stop myself, my fingers are in my mouth. My muzzle. The taste explodes on my tongue and I feel my body go slack from it. Like I've been drugged. I almost cut myself on these new teeth - like little daggers. Everything reacts and I lick my fingers eagerly. More. I need more. More of it all. Both hands go between my legs and I'm eagerly scooping up cum that's been soaking into my legs and fur. I can feel my tail thumping slightly as I take my fingers into my mouth, licking with my long wolf's tongue, lapping up all of my juices - old and new cum. Every time I touch my pussy, a jolt travels up my spine but I want more. This musky scent of the she-wolf's cum mixed with my old cum and this body's scent is intoxicating.

Until I'm clean. My fur is soaked from the cum but there's no more leaking out. I almost whine in frustration. I want more of it. I want to feel that again. I roll onto my back and feel my breasts pull up and to the sides slightly. I grab one with my left hand and experimentally tweak one of the fat, dark nipples. I jack-knife from the sudden feeling of electricity that goes in a line down from my nipple to my pussy. I can feel the inside of me doing that thing again - relaxing almost and feeling looser but knowing it's my wetness growing. I'm pinching and rolling my nipple and I don't remember consciously trying to do it, moaning from the feeling of it. My other hand reaches down to my pussy. My lips feel fatter than I remember them but it's all a new experience. I brush my clit and almost scream from it. Not yet. Not yet. I rub at my pussy lips for a moment, feeling the shivers in my spine, legs and inside my cunt until I can't take it and I press two fingers into the sopping wetness of my pussy.

I've never had my ass played with as a man so I don't know how to describe what it feels like. Or what it potentially feels like to have something inside of my body like this. I don't know if it'd be similar at all. I want to touch everything at once. There's rough skin on the bottoms of my fingers and palm of my hand... paw? I ignore it and try to be gentle with my claws. It's frustrating. I want to rub the inside of my pussy but the claws are keeping that off the menu. I DO whine now and I've never done that before in my life. It just happens. I'm massaging and rolling my nipple in one hand and it's bigger and harder now. My feet are rubbing on each other over and over by themselves again and I'm trying to push my fingers into my pussy as far as they can go. I feel... full? Nearly full? But not full enough.

There's this building pressure and the electricity from my nipples is hitting against some nerve thing in my pussy and I've lost myself in the feeling of it all. My whole body feels it along my spine and it's just building higher and higher and I'm slamming my fingers harder and harder into myself, feeling the tips of the claws against the flesh, feeling the pain for a half-second before endorphins kill the bad pain. I'm moaning and whining and making this... mewling sound as I twist on the ground, my tail pressing against me as I twist and turn. I don't... this pressure is massive. I almost can't take the sensation but I can't stop. I can't fucking stop now. I'm almost there. It's almost there. I can't... I can't...

The world explodes again. I wish I could say how amazing it felt. How completely different it felt from the first time. I felt a hint of all of that - fringes of this amazing release. But, I can't. I can't because whether I'd forgotten to breathe or it was all too much suddenly, I black out. Screaming. Howling. Body shaking. Blackness.

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Hi friendS, mera naam vicky hai.Aaj mai aap sabko ek sachi kahani batane jaa raha hu ye kahani vaise aaj se kuch sal pahle ki hai.Kahani padhne ke bad mujhe mail kajiye taki mai aage ki baat aap sab se share kar saku .Kahani suru karne se pahle mai aap sabko apne family ke bare me bata du meri family me 4 log hai mai mere papa meri mummy aur meri didi meri didi b.Tech kar rahi hai dusre city me.Mere papa ek software company me kaam karte hai aur maximum offshore rahte hai depend karta hai...

2 years ago
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Danny and Jenny Chapter Fourteen

"Come on you two, it's Christmas eve and we've got a bar to decorate before we open.""Well you're certainly not the Christmas  fairy, are you?" Molly protested as her husband shook us both awake."I'm not any sort of fairy," he laughed, "Anyway Jenny says breakfast in ten minutes right?""Right." I muttered and guided his wife's hand onto my erection as he closed the door on his way out.Giggling she lay on her back and parted her legs as I rolled between them."Oooh yes," she said dreamily, "Now...

4 years ago
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The Partys Over

Saturday night and the drunks are all over the house. And they would be for at least another two hours, I thought sourly. All night I had been stealing glances at him in anticipation. OOHH but he looked sooo very, very good. I couldn't wait for him to steal into my room after this stupid 'party' and we could make our brand of mad love. At 2:10 AM(I was watching the clock!) he came at last and slid into bed with me. I felt his warmth and started to swoon. My back was to him as his arm...

3 years ago
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Dire Wolf and FangChapter 22

It was towards the end of the summer when I was processing data that I came across a name I recognized. Sean Mackenzie. He was working in the basement with the R&D department, and I grinned when I changed and headed down shortly before lunch. And I smiled when I finally saw my friend for the first time. He had a shock of red hair, and a big grin as he and Kirk were working on a computer. “Oh, Dire. Meet Sean, he joined our team last week. We were just going over plans for work on Clint’s...

2 years ago
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Rebel 1777Chapter 42 Seanna

When I reported back Captain Foster smiled and said I was just the man he wanted to see. Peter McGinn and I were the only members of the company in town, and there was a visiting officer who had asked for some protection while he scouted about and got to know the country. The officer was a portly Frenchman who spoke almost no English but had with him a young woman, who he claimed was some sort of relation and who acted as his interpreter. We just assumed she was his doxy. The four of us set...

3 years ago
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Niharika8217s Fantasy Continues

After the first incident, Niharika seemed to have gone sex crazy. She seem to crave some sort of sex action all the time. Whenever we went to visit her mother in Neral, as soon as we had passed the toll booth at Vashi, she would star unbuttoning her shirt and unhooking her bra, while sitting in the front seat. She used to keep a small towel on the back seat in case we had to stop unexpectedly, so that she could cover herself if we had to stop suddenly where passersby could see her. As time...

3 years ago
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The last uprising part 5

V The Saturday was rather OK. After events in ice rank I was sleeping for twelve hours. I spent all day alone (not mention a dog), because dad brought mom to hospital for tests and Peter... well, he tried to come back home only to sleep, so when I woke up, he wasn't there. I used most of afternoon for research about school's history to find any clues about my transformation. Also, I did notices about questions I wanted to ask Eve and Marta - after Friday's situation I didn't want to...

4 years ago
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OVERBOARDChapter 13 I Explain Life Balance to Kay

It started as a typical Monday morning. It was about nine-thirty and drinking my second cup of coffee when Kay stuck her head in the door. "Morning Rob." "Morning Kay, was it a good night?" "It was okay, nothing spectacular, about average for a Sunday night." "So no world class parties last night at the restaurant I guess." "Nope, not there or anywhere else that I'm aware of. On a different subject; I told you I was going to do laundry today but I don't know where my mind was....

1 year ago
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Pi Pi Pi Day One

Disclaimer: I do not take credit for this piece, it is nothing more then a completion of many fragments that make up a whole by a number of anonyms authors including myself. Though most of witch is written by myself the idea as a whole is a group collaboration. The hope is to attract new fans and authors to join in and help create something for everyone to enjoy. If you wish to be apart of the world of Pi Pi Pi then proceeded to the link below and join me and many others in creating of Pi Pi...

1 year ago
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MyWifesHotFriend Aubrey Sinclair 23171

Aubrey Sinclair is a good friend. She has a friend who thinks her husband Charles is cheating on her, so Aubrey agrees to check up on him while his wife is out of town on a business trip. But when she snoops around, all she discovers is that Charles is really just a good guy who wants to please his wife. But what Aubrey didn’t realize is how attracted to and horny for Charles she would be! So much so that she sticks her juicy bubble butt in his face so he can eat her wet pussy and fuck her...

3 years ago
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Moving On

Disclaimer: Although some of the titles and verbage used in this story are actual military terms, all combat and medical situations are from my imagination and not real protocol. Julie looked down into the most gorgeous pair of blue eyes she had ever seen. A petite, athletic girl stood in front of her, decked out in her cammies, hat off, bag over her shoulder. She had light blond hair, perfectly arched eyebrows and a spattering of freckles across the bridge of her nose. Flawless skin topped...

3 years ago
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The Original Man

The power of a people reside in how they tell their stories. For descendents of slaves, African Americans, we don’t have many written records of the powerful stories our ancestors. The voices of those whose blood courses through our veins were effectively silenced by the system of chattel slavery. Slavery isn’t even something we as Black people want to talk about; it’s something we want to place in its own little compartment and reference it when we’re talking about racism and put it right...

2 years ago
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One Lucky White BoiPT 7Spliing the Royal Beans

One Lucky White Boi---Chapter 7—Spilling the Royal Beans Apparently some people had called some people—and they called some people—etc. The Chief showed with the three officers that had booked me into jail that day I stomped Ricky's dad's ass, along with Ricky and Marky, and even Kelso and Patroni showed up. Jeez—once again, I'm in the spotlight. With a silence now like a church service, I finally take a sip of my coffee, and spin around on the bar stool facing everyone. “Up until this...

3 years ago
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Tim The Teenage MCPart XX 4 The Pieces to a Vanishing Puzzle Told by Joey

I don't mean to make the impression that everything Suzi and I did together that summer was in some way sexual. Hmmm... Actually, I can't think of anything we did do that wasn't somehow related to sex, but I know there had to be as many nonsexual occasions as there were sexual ones. I guess they just weren't memorable enough to remember them. Okay I got one. I helped her wash her car the night after we got back from our two day camping trip together. Wait minute... Shit. Suz sorta...

2 years ago
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How I Met Your Mother Ch 05

76 Burrow Street 3:42 am Instinct told her to run, but her body refused. She knew she had to master her gut reaction in order to carry out her mission. This was the first time she’d actually gone out into the field without any sort of safety net. This was it – just her, no backup, no support team lurking five minutes behind her. No pressure of course, Tom had said when he briefed her, just get in, retrieve the hostage before the deadline and get out. Skulking in the shadows, Leah swept the...

2 years ago
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Dan AdamsChapter 8

Early Saturday morning Dan phoned Casey and gave him the assignment to inspect the apartment buildings he was considering purchasing. He relayed to Casey what the ladies he had talked to had said about the buildings. Dan told Casey this would be a big investment so he needed Casey to be extremely thorough in doing his inspection. Casey said he understood and would do his best. Emily was ready to go with Dan when he arrived at ten. The tan shorts and white blouse highlighted her enticing...

4 years ago
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Darcys Adventures 01

With her errands completed, Darcy pushed through the door of the woodworker’s shop on High Street. It was a small space, displaying only a few of the pieces Cooper had created, and was dominated by a long counter stacked with binders full of drawings showcasing the work he was capable of. Darcy knew his actual workshop was out back, and everything he created was made to order.“Well, hello, Darcy. How are you today?” The clerk greeted her.“I’m fine and healthy, and hope you are as well, Lanie....

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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There and BackChapter 112 No Regrets

“If you wanted to run your hands through my hair, my dear Leliana, you had only to ask, yes?” Leliana sprang away from the blond elf like someone had hit her with a taser. It might have been hilarious, if it hadn’t been so shocking and serious and horrific a moment before. As it was, not one of us didn’t gasp, twitch, jump, fall over, scream, or otherwise express horror, which rapidly transmuted into humour, as the reality of Zevran’s survival sank in. Aedan leapt out of my arms, lunging...

3 years ago
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The Leading Lady

Veena, a 38 years old management consultant had been the centre of attraction in her new society and office ever since she has shifted to her flat in the new city (could be any). Her age had not taken toll over her body, it had rather contributed in making her ripen and excellent piece of nature’s creative to add to this her dressing had made her an even more desired commodity. She was married to Sumit (44), who was equally handsome and rightly deserved her. They had a son 4 years old. She and...

1 year ago
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Girlfriend Teaches Me to Suck Cock

I met Sue when I was I was married to my first wife. She was a few years younger, but a whole lot wilder than my wife. Her personality and the incredible sex drove me to leave my wife and move in. She lived in an apartment complex comprised of mostly twenty and thirty somethings, and a lot of activity centered around the community pool. There was almost sexual tension in the air as the weekend brought all the fit firm young bodies female and male.Our first weekend together we went to the pool,...

4 years ago
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An exhibitionist abroad 2

We'd already been away earlier in the year but unexpectedly found ourselves with a bit of spare time so we made a last minute booking and flew off to Majorca. When we checked into the hotel we were a bit disappointed that our room wasn't facing the sea but was located on the side of the hotel that overlooked a street and was in turn overlooked by another hotel at the end of the block. On the plus side the room had a large curved balcony with enough room for a couple of sun loungers, the perfect...

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Had a sex with 18year old teen

It was fantastic game i have ever done.. and its is quikest sex i ever had.. she was at the train and im on my way to home at the train..she was wearing all black t-shirt and skirt.. which is really short.. she looked at me all the time while traveling and i send an eye wink once she smiled..I ask her to come near me as there were no more ppl arround. even i didn't expect she came near me and talking nicely .. i tell her that you have a nice legs.. she just smiled and said you only like it ?...

3 years ago
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The GayMaker 2

"I hope there are no hard feelings," Linda went on for the twentieth time. They were sitting in a booth at El Taco having lunch. It had been three weeks since Jenny learned about her ex-boyfriend Mark and Linda. It wasn't the first time Jenny caught Mark cheating on her. She was surprised that Linda fell for his bullshit. "He said you guys had broken up," Linda said trying to pin everything on Mark. He had been a good fuck, but that was no reason to loose Jenny as a friend. Jenny smiled. "Yeah...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Alexis Tae BigCock Anal Thrills

Petite Black doll Alexis Tae shows off the bejeweled butt plug lodged in her tight butthole. She pulls it out and sticks it in her mouth for some ass-to-mouth flavor. Heavilyhung Ramon Nomar gives her a tasty rim job, licking her pulsing sphincter. He stuffs his big cock up her asshole. The anal reaming continues as Alexis mounts his boner for a thrilling backdoor ride. She rubs her clit, masturbating to an intense orgasm. Alexis’ butthole gapes. She gives Ramon an A2M blowjob. And he...

2 years ago
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Golden Mom CHAPTER 2

Peggy came from the bathroom wrapped in a towel. And saw her son sitting on her bed. He was sitting in the middle of her bed. His cock and balls werestill hanging from his shorts, his legs crossed. Johnny looked up at his mother, his eyes seeing her long, slender thighs,the way the towel was tucked just over her swelling tits. The flap of the towel did not quite close near her left hip, and he stared at the creamy naked flesh. Peggy stood in the doorway of her bathroom, staring at her son....

1 year ago
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First meeting

Luke waited nervously at the gate as the passengers streamed off the plane. He was so nervous. He had been corresponding with Jenny for six months on the Internet, but they had never met before. The minute she walked off the plane, he knew it was her. Her long black hair streamed down over her shoulders, catching the sun. Her almond-shaped eyes brightened as she smiled at him. She was wearing heels that made her seem taller than her five-foot height, but the rest of her clothes hugged her body...

1 year ago
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River Run

River RunMy gurlfriend Tamie and I decided to make a run to the river and cruise the casinos last weekend. We had arranged to meet up with two other gurls, Michelle and Monica. When we arrived we decided to go to a couple of the off scene bars and see who was lurking about. These bars are not specifically gay bars but are more alternative scene bars where people looking to link up will go to get away from the main gambling crowds. Two in particular offer happy hunting for sissies in search of...

3 years ago
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Stepmotherly love part 1

I was 16 when my father who was 44 and a widower married again under the pressure of family members. My new mom was 28 years old and a beauty. She was a divorcee whose husband had left her for another woman. I could not take her as my mother for two reasons; firstly my own mother had died just two years ago and her memory was still vivid in my mind; and the second reason was that my new mother was too young and beautiful, attributes that I could hardly attach to a real mom. She was an alien to...

3 years ago
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Claudias Condition the HealingChapter 2

Claudia and Dan sat in the physiatrist’s office waiting for her next meeting with Dr. Phillips. It had been five weeks since she and the others had been rescued, and her therapy for symptoms of PTSD was progressing well. He gazed at his love wearing a short pleated, peach coloured skirt, and cream coloured moderately low cut top. She paused from thumbing through a copy of Women’s Health to smile and grip Dan’s hand. Claudia seemed to be the central person to keep in contact with Wayne,...

3 years ago
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The Cheating Neighbor

Sometimes I stay at my Aunts in a very nice Apartment complex, and love to sit by the pool when I visit. I have gotten to know this nice lady who is very pretty, around 27 or so. She was talking to me when i was sun bathing one afternoon about female on female, and it was sorta turning me on since I have never been with another women before, only a few white guys with one being my current boyfriend. I was wondering if she was hinting around for her and I to get together? I know she is married...

3 years ago
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My teen trap ldquoDarlardquo

I met “Darla” through another young friend. It wasn’t a secret among these gurls that I was extremely attracted to them and very generous and appreciative of their time. Because of this, I think I became very popular with them as well. Darla was just so incredible. So open and confident, she knew she was beautiful. She also knew exactly what men wanted, especially this man! So young, pretty and thin, I could not get enough of her, her body and her sexual appetite. Always willing to show off and...

4 years ago
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The Question

The Question He woke up with a hard-on. The question was what to do with it.He thought of Janey, whom he'd been with last night; they'd had a fine evening, dinner and a show, and back to her place for a nightcap.Janey was a touch over five feet tall, and by this man's standards, she was wonderfully proportioned. She'd attained an extra layer or two of fat, and the man appreciated it, knowing it would serve her well if she ever went on that North Pole excursion, or was suddenly transferred to...

1 year ago
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NuruMassage India Summer The Boss And The Client

India Summer is on the couch with her husband, getting a nice foot massage from him as she enjoys her day off. Then her phone rings, much to her husband’s dismay, but she has to pick up. She answers it to find out that one of her girls can’t come to work today and there’s a client in need of a masseuse. Despite her husband’s ‘don’t you dare’ looks, she says that she’ll take care of the client. Her husband can’t believe that she’s going...

2 years ago
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Anniversary Issue

Anniversary Issue The young female reporter looked seriously into the camera, and started speaking. "As practically everyone on the planet knows, today is the 5th anniversary of the momentous day when superhumans began appearing. "S" day, as it came to be called, was the biggest moment in the history of the planet, and so today we are pleased to present this anniversary edition, interviewing some of those who were among the first transformed ..... Roll tape." The Nevada desert...

4 years ago
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Embarcadero StationChapter 3

"What a wonderful surprise. Thank you Nicole." Sarah hugged her daughter as she looked around her living room. Somehow Nicole had managed to unpack many of her belongings and put the house into livable condition. There were fresh flowers in vases in the living room and on the dining room table. The large sofa was in the exact spot Sarah had envisioned. It was facing San Francisco Bay and the Golden Gate Bridge. The view was spectacular and on this perfect summer day it stretched from the...

1 year ago
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Kholhapur me rajarmpuri me chudai

Hum aaise hi kholapur ghumne gaye the waha pe panhala me humari mulakat hogai. Hum ghumne ke bad sunta ke hubby hum thak gaye the to unhone kaha ki santy chloo aaj rat humre yaha pe rook jawo .humne unka mana aur unke ghar chale gaye . Rat k khana sunta ne aacha banaya aur humse kaha ki tum drink karte hi humne kaha nahi uske hubby ne sharab pi aur khana khake soo gaya . Fir humne bhi khana khaya magar humko nind nahi aarahi thi .halaki sunta ka hubby sogay . Sunita ko bhi nind nahi aa rahi...

3 years ago
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The Amputee Fuck Slut Family

1. Players- Mr Grotto, former surgeon, had been got fired after an i*****l surgery, now the dominant master of his family members. - Kathy, his wife, quadruple amputee (DAE, DAK), lost her limbs due to disobedience. The lack of limbs was a punishment. Finally she adopted well enough, maybe even enjoyed her helplessness. Faithful sex slave. - Tommy, son, congenital QUAD amputee (DBE, DHD) He is forced to meet of girls sexual wishes. - Lucy, daughter, QUAD amputee (LAK, RHD, LAE, RBE) due to her...

3 years ago
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Dinner Ch 7C

I went to my wife, still laying on the bed in the same position. She turned her head toward me and smiled. I kissed the tip of her nose, told her I loved her, then pulled her tight. Her arm went around my back and I felt fingers digging into my side, tugging me to her.Little did I expect, at that moment, that our night was far from over.ooOooKaren and I lay together for… a long time, just holding each other. “We still have guests,” she finally said and climbed off the bed, disappearing into our...

Wife Lovers
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mom in the garden

Just a nice sunny day in July coming home from school.Tired of a week school i walked into the kitchen looking for some food, it's silent in the house, Mom, i'm home"..... no answer. I stared to look around and then i saw her, as usual when the weather was nice, she was in the backyard, tanning on the lawn. When i walked up to her i noticed the undone bikini straps laying beside her body, and i looked at the sides of her breasts.As i approach she lifts her upper body and lean on her arms, omg...

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The Hole in Trishas Heart

She woke up slightly before the 6:30 alarm clock would shoo her out of bed, as usual. She was a good hour from shining her signature happy-go-lucky smile for the first time today -- not while still on her own at home, not while colleagues are yet to say hi and offer her the first of the day’s semi-stale pot of coffee. Early morning was the time of day when she could allow herself to be and feel raw Trisha, to take that particular discontent that brews deep inside at face value. The one that...

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Nurse Lexi Gives In1

Let’s start with the basics. My name is Lexi and I’m 26 years old. I have medium brown hair with its own natural wave, my eyes are bright green with eyelashes so long and thick I never need makeup, and I’m 5’8” tall. I’m may not be the skinniest, prettiest girl in the whole world, but I get by and I like the way I look. My breasts are a 36 D, and my ass is a perfect heart shape. Guys seem to like my looks pretty well too. But most of the time, they just stare at my tits. I’ve been...

4 years ago
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“Damn” exclaimed Richard Widemouth in a voice that sounded like an edgy thunder on the horizon. “I can’t find the ad that I placed in the local free paper. Fuck! What a cunt lappin’ douche bag paper…Oh here it is” Richard Widemouth had just graduated from La Varenne, prestigious culinary school in France, and had decided to start his own business in Chicago. His specialty was salad preparation. Perhaps “salad” was the wrong word for one of Richard Widemouth’s creations. A salad made by...

1 year ago
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PervMom Makayla Cox Using My Pervy Stepson

Stepmom gets home from the mall, carrying a few shopping bags. She doesnt see me when she goes into her bedroom and starts trying stuff on. Stepmom is super hot and I cant help myself. I loves to watch her. Stepmom takes off her top and her big titties come bouncing out. She peels out of her tight jeans, unknowingly giving her stepson a great view of her toned body. Or at least he thought so. Come here, you little perv, she calls and startles him. Nervously, he comes into her bedroom. I’ve...

4 years ago
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The Last Bookshop Fellowships End

Boldly in broad daylight, Dominic Carshalton calmly approached the cellar door and forced his way in.  As the harbinger of their doom, his intuition bayed for blood.  Someone, a woman, called out for Coulter.  A locked kitchen door proved no barrier and he blasted the lock with his revolver. He expected his powers to be ineffectual yet his intuition mocked the fear in Coulter’s eyes.  Despite their altercation in the hallway, Carshalton had the measure of him now.  Pursuing them as they fled,...

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The Threesome A lsquo70rsquos Encounter

Before I jump in I have to give you a little background. As indicated in the sub-title this is a true story that happened to me way back in the seventies. At the time I was living on the eighth floor of an apartment building and I was miserable. Basically you couldn’t fart without getting a noise complaint so fewer and fewer of my friends were coming to visit because there was no way to have any sort of even relatively calm party.A good friend knew I wanted out of there and told me a room had...

2 years ago
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Naughty or Nice Santa Claus

WARNING: The following creative artwork includes topics of voluntary sex, crossdressing, and other themes. If you find this sort of material objectionable, then press the back button on your browser. My original story may be copied, reproduced, downloaded, and otherwise shared without restriction. Enjoy! Naughty or Nice By Apollo I was working as the shopping mall Santa Claus, hey, it was a job, y'know? Besides, what else would I be doing on Friday nights and the weekend, my...

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Summer Vacations Part 8211 2

This is the continuation of a previous story titled Summer Vacations. You may want to read the first part of this one. This part is lengthier than the previous, please be patient. So I and Vatsal left in a taxi once I had got my wallet back. “Where were you disappearing throughout the journey? Man, don’t you tell me you were with Neelofar” Vatsal spoke as we were in the taxi. “Actually you are right. Remember when you left me and her alone for a smoke we had a rather intimate dialogue and then...

2 years ago
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The Interview Pt 1 of 5

 The silky tick of a Regency mantle clock and the drifting calls from a nearby rookery are the only sounds to break the opulent silence of the panelled library.You breathe in the atmosphere of a carefully created man cave.There's the smell of freshly cut flowers, polished walnut and antique books. You can smell expensive leather armchairs and faint echoes of single malt Scotch whisky and Havana cigars.The room has an intoxicating, almost seductive masculinity about it. You know this is not a...

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Ended Up With An Erotic Goddess 8211 Part 1

I am Akash, 22 years old residing in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. This story is pure fiction. So, there we were chattering as usual at the last desk of our classroom. There was no staff, or should I say, the teacher ran away because of us. We didn’t really do anything except for leaking his honeymoon pictures. It showed that he had a penis not longer than a thumb and his wife was appeared bored while he was making love to her passionately. We still debate on why he left. Was it because his intimate...

4 years ago
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Kelli Blonde Married HottieChapter 3

I took Kelli and led her by the hand down the hall to what appeared to be her master bedroom. If she wanted us to play-act that this was her honeymoon deflowering, we were going to do it in her real-world marital bed. If she wanted me to "take her" as though she was a virgin and this was her first sexual experience, we were going to do it for real in the bed that she shared with her real-world husband. I don't know what it does for the married women and MILFs I get to bed, but there is...

2 years ago
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Total Woman Zodiac 09

Zack was feeling the heat in the desert outside of Las Vegas. He was garbed in traditional paintball battle uniform and accessories: light-weight desert tan camouflage, his safety goggles perched on the brim of his helmet and high laced combat boots. He fingered the grip on his replica military rifle that dispensed embarrassment rather than death. His game-time challengers wore somewhat less and carried no weapons. This would never pass as officially sanctioned warfare training. The secretive...

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Lustful Family And Friends 8211 Part 1 First Impressions

Hello ISS readers. I am back . This is the fictional fantasy story, with the first impressions of my family. My name is Aafi, and I am 21 years old in this story. This is the first day of my new life. Until recently, I was living in a different part of the country with my father. My parents divorced when I was very little, and the family has ripped apart after a fierce custody battle. My mother took her three daughters home while my father moved away with me. I haven’t seen my family since any...


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