Ying - Yang V free porn video

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Ying - Yang V By Trang Jade Nguyen I arrived at Ashley's and rang the door bell. Dave opened the door and the first words out of his mouth were HOLY SHIT! I walked in and said hi Dave also giving him a little more than a friendly kiss. He was a little shocked and said wow what did I do to deserve that. I said finding those Nugent magazines and suggesting that I dress in your sisters clothes. Dave looked at me and said it looks like you took it further than just trying on clothes. Aaah! One more thing, your Eyebrows. I saw you at school. Is it true your sister did that to you? Yeah, she said I was looking real girlie lately and she and Tam begged if they can try some makeup on me. I made believe to put on a fuss then let them talk me into it. When Lin asks if she could just clean them up a tad, I knew Lin and Tam's sinister minds would do more than just that and I let them. As I was telling Dave my story her sister came in to see who was there. She saw me and said Hi Trannnnn..... OH MY GOD! TRAAAANG! Your eyes. I can't believe it. You look more like a girl than girls do with them eyebrows tweezed like that. Where did you get them clothes? I told her they belong to Lin. She dressed me today. Then she gave me $20 to go to the drug store and get a package of Stay Free Maxi Pads. Dave walked away and said that's too much info to know. Ashley giggled at her brothers remark and said she'll get her coat and go with me. We went to the store got what Lin needed and went back to Ashley's house and said our good byes and I proceeded home. When I got home Lin was crying. I asked what was the matter? Why are you crying? She said Mommy is on her way home. There was a tragic accident. I asked what happened to Mommy? She said nothing Mommy is OK. It's.... At that time my mother entered through the front door Lin threw her arms around her sobbing and asking Mommy why? Mom saw me dressed and started crying saying your father would have loved you either way. I looked at my mom and said Mommy what is going on. Mom looked at Lin and as Lin was crying Lin said "she" just got in from the store. I haven't told "her" yet. Mom sat me down on the couch and said Daddy's gone sweetheart. He was flying from Da-Nang to Saigon on a small plane and the plane crashed. Everyone onboard was killed. I felt as though someone cut out every nerve in my body. I was numb all over. The next day was Friday and I stayed home from school. I came down from the kitchen dress as Tommy. Mom looked at me with tired eyes from lack of sleep and too much crying. She asked me to sit down by her side. Lin came down too and gave us both an embrace and each a kiss. Mom said she just got off the phone with the Vietnamese authorities in Vietnam. They said the plane went down North West of Dalat. It would take about three to four weeks to get my father's remains back. My mom said she wants her two daughters to accompany her to make funeral arrangements at the funeral polar. She looked at me and said I know you have been threw mine and your sister things. I will support you in what you do Tommy just tell me and don't sneak. Lin said Mommy you said that was you looking for something in my draws and closet. Mom said "No it was really your younger sister to be if that is what Tommy is planning. Lin gave me a sly look and said Tommm... I cut her off. I said "if I'm going to be a girl then the name is Trang." Mom said that's a wonderful name Trang. Lin jumped up and gave me a hug and said thank you for giving me my wish. Mom looked at me and said wish you wished your bother was really your sister. Lin said from the day he was born. Now he's becoming a she. Mom shuck her head and said let's get ourselves together so we can take care of Daddy. I went up to my room and Lin called me to hers. She said since I now have a kid sister to give my hand me downs to, now I get to clean out my closet. We went through everything and I now hand a nice wardrobe of girls clothing. Lin took great care of her things. She always had a large collection (Too Much) clothes. We pulled out a pretty charcoal gray sweater dress that came to mid-thigh my black pumps that Ashley bought me with black pantyhose Lin gave me with a pair of her black panties, which I wore with a black bra from when Lin was smaller. Mommy gave me some nice yellow gold dangly earrings with a jade tear drop with a matching pendent necklace. Once I was dressed Lin came in and said let me re-due your hair and makeup. When she was done she said let me see your hands. She took one look and said that will never do. When she was was done with me I had beautiful French tips, not too long but classy. I called Ashley and told her the tragic news. She and Dave flew over. Ashley brought me my bras, panties, stocking and makeup. We went up to my room and she helped me put them away. Lin walks in and asked how she knew. I sat Lin down and told her the whole truth minus the hormones. Lin gave Ashley a huge hug and thanked her so many times for giving her a sister. She said if he's going to be a sissy-fag might as well just become a girl. I looked at her and said excuse me dear sister. We went downstairs and Lin walked over to Dave. Thank God mom was in the shower because Lin planted a kiss on Dave that would curl anyone's toes. Dave was saying Holy Shit now what did I do? Lin said you gave me a sister. Dave said if I keep getting kisses like that do you have any other brothers or male friends you want me to change. Lin said well you was looking at those books may be Ashley wants a sister. Dave said hold them horses no no no. I'm straight. They must be female for me. I looked at him and spilled the beans in front of my sister when I said I didn't hear you protest when I sucked you off and road you for all I was worth during Christmas vacation. Lin's eyes popped and said wwwwhat. I said oh shit. Lin looks at me and asks "Is my new kid sister is a slut? Oh Trang we need to talk. What other little secrets do you have? Lin looked quickly at Dave and Ashley and caught their fear. Lin says "looks to me there is a lot more going on like may be a boyfriend?" Lin looked around and said Oh my God I knew it. I calmed my sister down and told her I'll tell her everything. But keep it from mommy. Lin said Sisterly Pack we hugged and bonded. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Its good Friday and we have the whole coming week off. Lin and Mommy took me out to buy me my first Easter dress. We're still morning the passing of my father. But Mommy said Daddy would not want me neglecting you at this point in your life because of his death. They took me to Bloomingdales. Mommy was fussing over both of us but both of them were all over me. I had to be careful. My breasts are more than budding. I need my bras all the time now and I wear baggy clothes when I have to be Tommy, who would only be at school and CCD at St. Dominic's church. I do not need the enhancers that Ashley gave me unless I want to fill a B cup Bra real nice. I picked a dressing room away from Lin. Mommy comes into the dressing room pulls me out and into the same room with Lin. I look at my mother and say Mommy how can we change in-front of each other. Lin and Mommy say in unison why not we're all girls. In my head I say I'm soooooo dead. Then when I saw the beautiful white and pink dress with spaghetti straps and a very padded strapless bra held in her hands. I started thinking how am I going to get my almost B cup breasts in that with all that padding. Mommy was getting pushy Com-on Trang get with it, get them clothes off. I unzipped and dropped the mini skirt and pulled my top off. Mommy thinking nothing of it quickly undid my bra as I was bending over placing my top down. Being bent over and her unsnapping my bra as I'm about to stand up only caused my bra to pop off me like a rubber band leaving me with my almost B cups exposed for both of them to see. Lin says Mommy look. My mother says what and stares at me in silence. A tear starts to stream down the corners of both my eyes. Mommy looks at me and says it ok. I guess this bra will not be needed. My mother comes back with a sales associate with a tape measure. She measures me and says 32B. I say Beeeeee. The woman says yes, you're not a full B cup yet but I give it a couple to three weeks or so and you sure will be filling a B cup very nicely. You're at an age that you'll be going through bras some grow slowly some grow very fast. Lin asks how big she will be. The woman says judging the size of you and your mother about that size. The woman says how the women on your husband's side. Mommy says about the same. The said then she'll be the same. Lin says D. The woman touches the side of my breast and I flinch. Then she says Yep D. she's still tender and growing. Mommy gets me a 32B with padding. It made me look like a C. I put the dress on and Mommy started to cry. Lin had her dress on and we both stood side by side. Mommy said she is so proud and lucky to have two beautiful daughters. Then both I and Lin started to cry. We wanted to see in the mirror but mommy stopped us. She went out and brought back four pair of strappy high heel shoes. I looked at the shoes and mommy say s I know Lin can maneuver in five inch heels. Trang can you? We put the shoes on Lin stood first then I stood. I shocked mommy as to how easily I can maneuver in the heels. Then she says why don't both of you go look at yourselves in the mirror. Both Lin and I go out and look in the mirror. Lin puts the biggest smile I even seen on her face and starts to tear then I did the same we hugged each then we hugged mommy. She bought us the whole lot. And we went home. Easter Sunday Mommy, Lin and I were invited to Ashley's and Dave's house. Their parents never met our parents so we played it cool. After church we went to their house. Dave answered the door and froze when he saw me. Both eyes were glued on my chest. Lin started giggling whispering loud enough for Dave and Ashley who was standing behind him and we three in front "Just like a man. Crack his heads open with a hammer and little tits and pussies with wings come flying out." Mommy shocked by what she said says LLLINNNNNN. Dave turned Candy Apple Red. We all started laughing. At the table Ashley's mom asks Dave What ever happen to your friend Tommy? I don't see him anymore. Wasn't he Vietnamese too? Lin turns around and says I know him. His sister was in my class. I haven't seen her either. I know they move around a lot. Dave then said he mentioned that he may be moving. So that was the last nail that sealed Tommy away from their house for good. During vacation Mommy found me a Psychiatrist who deals with what I learned is call gender dysphoria. He got me to see a Doctor who is an endocrinologist ASAP because he found I've been self medicating. Everyone tried to find out how I got the meds. I kept my mouth shut. Mommy knows nothing about Richie. When we saw the Doctor I gave him the names of what I took and the dosage. He said lucky for you, you had the right dosage. We normally don't start hormones yet on someone your age only blockers but you've been on them already and we can't just take you off like that. Then he added besides you will get them anyways. This is what I'm going to do throw away what you have. Then he looks at my mother and says "Mom watch him flush his stash in the toilet and flush it away." Here is your prescription for meds I can monitor. I'm also going to increase the dosage being I'm monitoring you under my care. I want you here once a week for the next two months to make sure all is going well. My mother called the psychiatrist and told him how the appointment went. He said I would not have figured anything less. She told the doctor she was going to try and pull me out of one school and enroll me into another as Trang. Where we live sits right in the middle of two Junior High Schools. She got a letter from the Psychiatrist, which she brought to the NYC Board of Ed. It was not easy but we got it done. I was also excused from Physical Education. We boxed up all of Tommy's and my father's clothes and gave them to the church. Now I'm in a new Junior HS and already I'm taking time off. My father's remains arrived and being it a closed casket I only took two days from school. He arrived on Thursday so the viewing started Friday night, Saturday afternoon/night, Sunday afternoon/night and Monday Morning his burial. The day of the burial I took the entire bunch of photo's of Tommy we had around the house in picture frames. I brought them to Mommy and asked which ones you want. She said they bother you trash them I have copies. I said I have a better idea. Ashley love photography and she took some really classy photos of me in my Easter dress. I put all over Tommy's photos in a wooden cigar box that had almost a coffin shape to it. I glue it shut with liquid nail. Then I took a photo of me now and wrote on it "I love you Daddy I'll miss you" "Your loving Daughter Trang" I went to the Director and asked him to place this in the coffin. I said put this box by the foot and place my photo on the body. I stepped away because I did not want to see in the coffin. I don't want to see what that crash did to my Daddy. The director resealed the casket when I turned my mommy and sister were crying and pulled me in for a group hug. Ashley and Tam joined us. In May I made my Confirmation at St. Dominic's RC Church. My Sister was my sponsor. It was the last time Tommy came out. I wore my Easter dress under the gown and my suit pants under the dress with boys dress ankle boots since only the legs stuck out below the gown. Everyone thought I was that girlie looking boy named Tommy. No makeup and hair in a low loose pony tail. The Bishop did not know what to make of me. But everything went down with no problem. Once outside and by the car I took off my boots and pants and put my heels on. Lin and Tam did my hair and makeup and gave me my jewelry. The Confirmation gowns were two way red with white panels for the boys and on the other side white with red panels. Once I was Trang it was off to the photo studio for pictures with the new me. Photos taken of Trang and her Sponsor/Sister Lin. On Monday after Confirmation I "Trang" went to the church to return Tommy's gown. Tommy is officially gone forever as far as I'm concerned. During this whole time Ashley heard from Steve I heard nothing from Paul. I find out that Paul is dating another girl. So I stayed solo hanging with my sister's group of friends, which now includes Ashley. We had slumber parties at our house, Tam's house and Ashley's house. This hanging out was a regular thing for us. Day's turned into weeks and more weeks. Then school was out and Ashley's family was planning their annual July 4th bash. Lin, Ashley and Tam took me shopping for a swim suit. I was looking for a one piece the girls had other ideas. I lost they won. When we got home Mommy wanted me to model my purchase. I said I don't think so. The girls were laughing Lin says mommy the boys will never be the same. My mother said oh no what did you girls do. She needs to learn to walk before she starts running. Lin said run nothing she'll be flying. They got me to put the little nothing on. When I came out Mommy said ooo.... Ooooh my! Poor David. Lin said yeah he'll be in the bathroom jerking off. Mommy screamed at Lin to stop that kind of talk. Ashley giggling hysterically said bathroom jerking off. You'll be hearing him in his room too. He'll probably have pictures of Trang with him. My Mother said you girls are awful. An Ashley that's your brother. Ashley shrugged her shoulders and says He's got it real bad for Trang. I said he does not. Ashley says how much you willing to bet. No Thanks I need my money for a new pair of heel I want. Mommy starts walk around me and says. By the way I haven't bought you anymore bras since you girls shop together now. Trang what size are you now. Tam shouts out "C". She's a freakin "C" cup for crying out loud. What's in them pills, Miracle Grow? I put my hands over my face to hide my embarrassment. Ashley then said being Trang already has her white itty bitty string bikini on and ours are in our shopping bags lets join her and go to Brighton Beach. It's still early. Its only 12:15 and we can get there by 1 if we get a move on. All the girls ran up to Lin's room to change. I was about to change when Mommy stops me and looks me up and down. I look at her and ask if anything was wrong. Mommy asks "Trang I know the meds are doing remarkable changes to you because of your age. But you still have something other girl don't." I said mommy I was not that big to begin with. I grew in height since January. I'm five foot even now but "it" is no bigger than my pinky. Let's go to my room and I'll show you. We went to my room and locked the door. I pulled my bottom down and Mommy said Oh My. It's like 5 a year old boys. I pulled my bottom back up and tucked it back out of sight and comment back to mommy "but I'm not a boy." She asks does it ever.... Ever... You no... get hard? I giggled and said Mommy it hasn't gotten hard since early March like I said I'm not a boy. Lin knocked on the door and asked is everything OK? I opened the door and said sure everything is fine. I grabbed my cut up T-shirt that shows lots of skin and my cut down denim short shorts. They barely cover my bikini bottom. We gathered up our stuff and cooler's hit the hoagie deli for sandwiches and off we went. To Be Continued

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Statisfying chachi craving for years

Hi friends this is nishant 5,8’’ good physique and 8” cock, i am a big reader of iss and now a writer friends let me tell you my first sex’s story which i had with my chachi preeti(5,5’’ 32-24-3529yrs). I am a 12 th class student studying in science stream, and my aunt is a 29 yrs/ 4 yrs married craving for sex ,women , let me first put the base of this story 3 yrs ago when my aunt was pregnant, one day my uncle came home drunk and on some topic they started fighting and the fight went a kinda...

1 year ago
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Holidaying into Submission

The time has finally come and I am throbbing all over with excitement. I am going on holiday with my Master, 9 days and nights with him, alone, vulnerableand submissive. I receive my email on time, the evening before we leave. The instructions areclear... be shaved clean, wear no underwear, wear t-shirt top with a collarand trousers and meet at the money exchange counter at the international terminalat a set time. The mid afternoon time engaged my curiosity as I was aware thatwe were on an 8pm...

3 years ago
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Satifsying a mature lady

Dear readers, I have already told you about my lovely student Pritam. She is so marvelous and loves me so badly that she visits me once a week. In one of those meetings she had her elder sister Seema with her. She was in her late thirties. She was divorcee and had no kids. She was a gorgeous lady. Very sexy, very attractive. We all chatted with each other. Seema was also free minded lady. To be frank I was attracted towards her. I knew that Pritam was mine but Seema was also a woman any man...

2 years ago
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Meiyings Diary

I awoke with a start as alarms going off all around me. I looked at the young woman lying on the bed and knew she was gone. With tear-filled eyes, I moved to take her hand and noticed the pen. She must have been writing in her diary, even at the end. But where was it? As the medical staff rushed to the room I looked around and saw it on the floor by my feet. “I’m sorry, sir, you need to clear the area.” said one of the nurses as he pushed me aside. “You can wait in the waiting room.” What...

3 years ago
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Journeying to a Far Country

Chapter 1 Jessica sat at the bistro window and sipped her coffee. Outside, the street was almost deserted and the road gutters were running like little rivers as the drizzling rain gusted against the wooden screen guarding the Herbertstrasse. It was so different from the last time. 'God!', she thought, "that was only two weeks ago.' Her brow furrowed as she recalled the event from that holiday week-end that had brought her back here. She pushed a strand of her blonde hair from her face...

1 year ago
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Reddit Straight Girls Playing, aka r/StraightGirlsPlaying! Watching straight girls do something that is not-so-straight gets my motor running, and seeing as how you decided to check out a subreddit called r/StraightGirlsPlaying/, I am sure you feel the same way, right? There are many reasons why this subreddit made my dick hard, and they are all pretty obvious. But if you are interested, I shall go over all the basics and whatever the fuck I think is important.Starting with the overall...

Reddit NSFW List
4 years ago
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Repaying a Debt to Goddess Danielle

REPAYING A DEBT TO GODDESS DANIELLEI live on a very large and secluded estate in Costa Rica, though I can't say that my life is easy, or that I'm sitting in the sun sipping a tall cool drink.  Quite the opposite actually. I had run afoul of the IRS and was $200,000 in tax debt. I was facing heavy fines and probable jail time which I was not prepared to serve. The only choice I felt I had was to call and ask a very wealthy acquaintance named Danielle, living in Costa Rica for help. I explained...

2 years ago
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Defying My family Part 5

Introduction: The gang come up with plan to get more information and Brad learns a terrible truth Defying My family Part 5: SympathyDuring the next few weeks we continued our attack on the skinheads. Following the way Clive Owen’s character from The Inside Man robbed the bank we acted like that. Sometimes we would make sure I got attacked at times. Tara returned home to prevent any suspicions; likewise we made sure she was attacked as well, all though neither Tara nor I were attacked as bad...

3 years ago
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Straying From The Path

Straying From the PathSue and I 'met' through an online porn web site. Well, I say 'met', it's been purely an online thing so far.We chatted on the web for a while but, as with most chat sites it was slow and clunky, so one day one of us popped the question, 'Do you Yahoo?'We made the move and chatted for a week or so and then one of us got wild and suggested a voice chat.Just weeks after meeting we were talking online like old friends but the conversations, like the IM chats were limited by...

2 years ago
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Spying on my roomate

When I was in college I lived with an older roomate. At the time I was 18 and he was 23 and he only lived one year with me before he finished and went away. The house we lived in was on old house with those big old keyholes, every voyeurs dream... And being a voyeur like i am i took advantage of it to the max.The first time i spied on him was in the shower. There, for the first time I got to see his naked body. He was of normal build, not fat nor skinny, a bit tall and had few hair on him (i...

2 years ago
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Bullying Cindy

Bullying CindyCindy did never even learn why the girls at her new school didn’t like her. She did look good alright, petite body with perk breasts that would soon turning head, flowing blond hair. Yet she always thought of herself as an easy-going girl who tried to see the good in everyone. But it seemed the minute she set foot into that school the other girls just saw her at prey. It had started somewhat simple: being tackled in the hallways, somebody making her trip in the cafeteria, hiding...

2 years ago
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Marrying My Nephew Prakash 8211 Part 2

There were 5 more days to go for his visit to our house to see me and I was getting nervous. Next day, his mother called me. She was 50 year old woman happily married with 3 children. 2 sons and a daughter. The eldest was the one, who had expressed interest in Marrying me. His mother asked me, whether I was ok with the proposal. I said that I need sometime. Then she started asking me whether I had any concerns. I said that he is my nephew and also there is big age gap. She said nothing to worry...

1 year ago
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Slaying sister

I had recently moved to San Antonio been there for about a year while i was on the streets,i started to get lonely after a few more months i started dating again and met my ex fiancee Deshaun now Deshaun was by far the most drop dead sexy girl i have ever been with she was black with short hair about 5.3,38 DDD,and had an ass so fat you cant miss it. After a few years we moved into an apartment with her mom and little sister Tani after getting settled me and Deshaun decided to have sex in the...

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Ben is a successful Medical Sales Rep who earns a high six-figure income. He has been able to give his family a very comfortable lifestyle. Ben loves his family and his work. He feels he has done an excellent job of balancing work with family life. His career requires him to travel frequently during the week, and when the weekend rolls around, he tries to make sure his family comes first but is often too tired to devote proper attention to them. The children adapt well to his absence because...

4 years ago
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Spying on the Neighbors

Spying on the Neighbors Note to readers Joe Swanson can walk Peter Griffin had his usual late night shower and had gone to his bed totally naked as he did every night with his wife. He waited for the light to come on in the room opposite his in the next door neighbor's house. The shades were up giving him a clear view of his next door neighbors daughters entire room. Joe Swanson his friend and next door neighbor's daughter Susie was in the room like every other night standing in...

3 years ago
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Spying on the Cheerleaders

Summer had just wrapped up and school was now in session. All the high school aged children were returning back to Beverly Hills high school. The kids that attend this high school are all a bunch of rich snobby kids. They drive to school in BMW’s, Porches, and Mercedes Benz’s. Their cars are not used; they are brand spanking new. Most of these kids are born with a silver spoon in their mouths. These kids wear designer clothing and shoes, and carry designer pocketbooks. It’s the same thing...

3 years ago
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Spying girls in woods

Hi friends Nikunj here with my own real experience I had at Punjab village I went there for marriage one I was 18. Its was my friends weeding. Mostly many people from around India had come in. Out of which my friend arti and her 2 friends from U.K. had come. Even though their house was a few hundred yards away, I saw them leave and begin walking to the river. There was a wooded area with a large stream running through it that the Baker girls liked to spend time at. There were three grills, all...

2 years ago
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Spying On The Hot Blonde

It is very odd the things you do when you have lots of time on your hands.  John Wall had an unusual hobby.  He liked to watch people through his telescope. John worked from home, so it was easy to spy on people. However, his new neighbor was very watchable.  She seemed to be a nudist and often was outside doing gardening and swimming. In addition, she often would go on her trampoline and work out in the nude.She lived with a much older man, and when he was there, he would order her to do...

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Repaying my cheating Husband1

I sat on the love-seat sofa, waiting for my husband to call from his hotel before his ‘evening business meeting’. I always suspected my husband was cheating on me out of town and that was the reason for the few extra days delay. He was going to shack up with some bar-bimbo he picked up and bedded on the expense of the company account. Today was the day I was going to confront him about his infidelity when he called. I expected him to call in about a half hour, after his young brother, Douglas...

3 years ago
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Repaying a Favor

When you are in the Deep South of the United States, you will find this thing that clings to your skin in the summer. You can never avoid it. It is called humidity, and when combined with almost 100 degrees, misery ensues if you are stuck outside. It was just such a day. I had been working as a camp counselor for the U.S. Space Camp. Counselors wore a flight suit as their uniform, it is basically a loose, lightweight jumpsuit. My day had ended. I jumped in my car, turned on the air...

4 years ago
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Repaying a debt with interest

Recently, I was contracted to install the electrics in a house being renovated by this woman. I was about half way through the installation and she came to me one day and explained she was having a few problems with some money that she was expecting. “There could be a bit of a delay in my next progress payment which was due at the end of the month. I could pay about half on time and the rest should be available by the time the next monthly payment was due. “ I had doubts about this woman a...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Repaying my cheating Husband

Hi All readers, it's been a long time since I posted an i****t story. I hope you will enjoy this story as much as I do. Any comments either positive or negative or neither is much appreciated but advertising in the comments line isn’t. If you can help me and give me some ideas to take this story further, that is much appreciated also!!I was furious, I was horny. I was hurt, I was frustrated. I was unhappy, I was on heat. I had a husband, I hadn’t had sex for almost two weeks. I hadn’t seen my...

2 years ago
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Repaying a Favor

When you are in the Deep South of the United States, you will find this thing that clings to your skin in the summer. You can never avoid it. It is called humidity, and when combined with almost 100 degrees, misery ensues if you are stuck outside. It was just such a day. I had been working as a camp counselor for the U.S. Space Camp. Counselors wore a flight suit as their uniform; it is basically a loose, lightweight jumpsuit. My day had ended. I jumped in my car, turned on the air...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Repaying my cheating Husband

I was furious, I was horny. I was hurt, I was frustrated. I was unhappy, I was on heat. I have a husband, I haven’t had sex for almost two weeks. I haven’t seen my husband in the time of the business trip, now he has called to say he have to stay a few extra days, unexpectedly. We have a good life; we didn’t have a good marriage. I sat on the love-seat sofa, waiting for my husband to call from his hotel before his ‘evening business meeting’. I always suspected my husband was cheating on me out...

1 year ago
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Repaying my cheater Husband

I was furious, I was horny. I was hurt, I was frustrated. I was unhappy, I was on heat. I have a husband, I haven’t had sex for almost two weeks. I haven’t seen my husband in the time of the business trip, now he has called to say he have to stay a few extra days, unexpectedly. We have a good life; we didn’t have a good marriage. I sat on the love-seat sofa, waiting for my husband to call from his hotel before his ‘evening business meeting’. I always suspected my husband was cheating on me out...

1 year ago
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Toying with Tiffany

I didn't write this story, but did enjoy reading it. I couldn't see it on here after a quick search so thought I'd share it. Hope you enjoy it as well.CHAPTER ONE:THE ONE WITH THE ANTS IN THE PANTSTiffany Daniels squirmed in her seat. Her delectable 16-year-old ass slid forwardand back, forward and back, rubbing against the wood. As she rubbed her buttagainst the seat, she crossed and uncrossed her legs.Tiffany Daniels, high school junior, cheerleader, princess tease, was antsy. Veryantsy...

2 years ago
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Tying up Amy true

Hey all. This is my second story, and happened when I was living at my parent’s house. This entire story is TRUE. I was 19 at the time, it was a warm summer’s day and I was out in town with my good friend Amy (to protect her identity) after wondering through town we headed back to mine to get something to drink and eat. We sat in my room and just chatted and cooled off. Let me tell you about Amy, she hand bright blond hair (natural) that she wore in a pony tail, bright green blue eyes and...

1 year ago
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Employing Carly

Hi, I'm Grant and I'm the owner of the local surf clothing shop (officially, that is). My other business interests are a little shadier. I'm the owner and operator of a brothel, and I also have a stable of high class escorts for well-to-do business men. I have a business partner too. He's the local doctor, and he looks after the health of my girls (and gets his fair share of young pussies too). I employ 16 and 17 year old girls in my surf clothing shop with the most suitable 18 yr olds...

2 years ago
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Partying at the Frat House Across the Quad

Partying at the Frat House Across the Quad By Bill Hart "C'mon, Steve. Everybody's expecting you to show up," said Charlie. "You just must go tonight. We've all been studying way too hard and far too long for our exams. You, me, and just about everyone else around here are in serious need of a major break of routine. And that's exactly what this frat party tonight is supposed to be all about." "I _am_ not going tonight," replied Steve adamantly. "You know, I could almost...

2 years ago
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Partying with the Sorcerers Guild

Partying with the Sorcerers' Guild By Bill Hart Larry stared at his best friend in stunned total disbelief. "You're kidding. Right? Let me see if I've got all of this straight, Mark. You want me... to dress up in the clothes of some girl so you can take me... as your date... to this weird party being thrown by some of your seriously spaced out nutcase friends." Larry crossed his arms over his chest. "Is that about it, Mark?" "My friends are not nutcases, Larry," replied Mark in...

1 year ago
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Partying with my aunty Mauree turns into something more

100% fiction! I had been in town visiting family for over a month and regularly went out partying with my aunt Mauree. We usually drank all night and went home and passed out but, this night went a whole lot different. She was married and the marriage was so weird he worked all the time and she was always hitting on younger guys when we went out. I usually didn't let her take it too far. She oozes sexiness and her body is amazing in my eyes. She is 50, 5'11 big in all the right places with a...

1 year ago
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There was a flash of light and my head snapped back as my body was thrown to the floor. It hit with a thump and my head bounced hard against the polished floor making a wet, hollow sound like when you break open a ripe melon. There was a loud snap as my neck turned sideways under the weight of my falling body. I couldn't hear anything around me other than the ringing of the blast in my broken and bleeding ears. My vision swam like a school of tropical fish, blurred and indistinct, filled with...

1 year ago
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Displaying for Mr Collins

I went to Mr Collins’ office, David’s, for my normal briefing. I enjoyed working for him, he was a quiet kind man. The corridor to the office was long and quiet, it being above what used to be the stables in the old house where our offices were situated. Unusually Mr Collins was sitting, not at his desk but at the low coffee table near the window where he and clients often sat discussing work. The door was open, as it was when he wasn’t busy, and he motioned me over to him. I closed the door...

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