- 2 years ago
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There was a flash of light and my head snapped back as my body was thrown to the floor. It hit with a thump and my head bounced hard against the polished floor making a wet, hollow sound like when you break open a ripe melon. There was a loud snap as my neck turned sideways under the weight of my falling body. I couldn't hear anything around me other than the ringing of the blast in my broken and bleeding ears. My vision swam like a school of tropical fish, blurred and indistinct, filled with after images of the flash of light. I could feel the blood pooling against the charred skin on my stomach and chest, the incendiary having burned away the front of my blouse and part of the bra. The shrapnel left deep bleeding tracts through the carbonized wasteland of my skin. Mostly second degree burns, it felt both painfully cool on the burns and burning hot on the edges and in the shrapnel wounds. The air in my chest wheezed and bubbled out through one such hole where it had pierced my lung and collapsed it. Every breath I breathed hurt like hell and whistled like the devil's own breath. Unable to move my head I wheezed out a cough and limply flopped a hand toward a wound in my side.
I felt a new pain as a hand wrapped itself into my hair, pulling my head around. The faint sound of a gruff voice pushed through the ringing in my ears as I was lifted up and off the ground by my scalp so I was face to face with him. "Hey, Frank! This one's alive!" he said, "She's mine!" My vision started to clear a bit as I heard the clatter of an automatic weapon somewhere else in the room. There was a very ugly and large man holding me up in front of him. Bald and heavily scarred, one eye augmented, probably because of a previous injury. He smiled a cruel broken toothed smile. His dark green shirt did little to hide the stiff body armour underneath, it also failed to show any insignia or crest.
The other man walked over, swinging a rifle from his left hand and a cigar in the right. His dark skin blending in with his similar outfit of a dark green shirt, body armour, and black tactical pants. "Bill, that is disgusting. Her jaws been burned off, you can see the bone and teeth. Not to mention her skin and the blood everywhere."
Bill grabbed the front of my pants and pulled, ripping the waist open and dragging them down to my knees. "I don't need her face or most of the skin," he said with a throaty chuckle.
"What about all the blood?" Frank sounded genuinely disgusted.
"Like fuckin' a virgin, makes good lube!" He leaned back and laughed deeply, to the obvious disgust of his partner.
"At least take her to one of the offices, no one wants to see that," Frank walked away shaking his head. A man groaned and tried to crawl away from the blast zone, one leg and arm little more than a mangled mess of blood and tissue. Frank put three rounds into his head as he walked by, silencing the groan.
Bill dropped me down again, but kept hold of my hair. I hit the ground and one of my ankles rolled and caused my left leg to twist under my body. There was a loud crack as my kneecap slipped up and my leg broke. I tried to scream but could only get out a gurgling hiss of bloody spit. I couldn't feel where my tongue was, but I figured it was hanging out past my disfigured face, lolling like a panting dog. "Woops," Bill said, laughing again, "I think I broke something else!" He started drag me, but all I could see was the ceiling, drop-down tiles hanging helter-skelter out of the grid work, thrown around by the blast. "Not that it will matter, I'll break you over a desk soon, then I'll put a bullet in your head to end this miserable life you've stumbled on."
Both my shoes got pulled off by debris on the floor as he dragged me across the floor. After a moment he stopped and then my body jerked hard as he kicked a door off its hinges. He fired a short burst from his automatic and continued to drag me into the room. There was a warm iron smell in the room as he tossed me stomach first across the desk. My head hung over the far side and I saw another woman in a business suit staring up at me, eyes huge and teary. She was trying to breath, or scream, but nothing came out except a bit of wet splashing from the hole in her throat where one of the bullets went through, opening her trachea and severing her spine. Paralyzed, bleeding out, and unable to breath, thankfully she will be dead in moments.
I felt his hand slide down between my legs as he rubbed warm, fresh blood into my pussy to lube it up a bit. I heard him unbuckle his belt and unfasten his pants, he spat and slapped my ass hard, "Ready for the last pleasure of your life?" He laughed and shoved his dick into me. My pelvic muscles involuntarily tightened around his cock and he groaned like an animal. He started thrusting and I slid back and forth across the desk, making my head shake like a ragdoll. Below me on the floor the other woman's eyes got even wider for a second as she realized what was happening, the tears streaming faster than Bill's thrusts. Then her eyes slowly lost focus and she was no longer staring at me, or at anything.
Bill grunted and pulled out. He set his rifle on the desk next to me, grabbed my shoulder and flipped me over onto my back. He stepped up and shoved his dick back into my pussy, spitting on it again to give it some more lube. "I need those tits," he said as he ripped off the remains of my blouse and bra. The skin over my breasts was fairly unmarred as the extra layer of clothing absorbed a lot of the blast. His hands were warm in a completely different way as he grabbed hard at my tits, twisting them in his hands to hold onto me. He used them as leverage to start fucking me again, thrusting hard and deep inside me. My hips hurt from the stress of being forced apart every time he thrust in. It was a minor pain on top of a hundred other pains, and yet from some reason it was more real; the pain inside me and between my legs. I wanted to cry and puke and rail against the man taking advantage of my shattered body, but I could not move. I only sat as a silent observer to my own rape and murder.
Then, with one extra hard thrust, my head snapped back and forth and there was another click. The pain everywhere came flooding in ten thousand times stronger. I could acutely feel my burned skin, collapsed lung, bleeding punctures, broken knee, and my raw pussy. I screamed in pain, a real scream, even lacking most of my lips from the third degree burns it was obvious what the sound was.
Bill's groaning got louder, "I see you've got some life left in you yet," he said between panting thrusts, then he shoved in really hard and cried out in ecstasy. I felt his hot seed fill me inside and finely the tears started to fall down the sides of my face, digging runlets through the charred remains of my face. Bill stepped back, dripping his semen on the floor as his dick, now limp, slid out of my body.
With a great effort I lifted my head up to see him. He was looking down as he tucked himself back into his pants and fastened his belt. He sighed and said, "Oh, that was pretty good, even if you do have small tits." My arm, relatively unharmed, reached over and grabbed the automatic rifle. I didn't have the strength to pick it up, but I twisted it to point at him. He looked up in time to see me pull the trigger. A moment of confusion on his face as the report from the gun slammed three or four rounds through his crotch and thighs. He screamed and collapsed onto the floor, grabbing at where his dick used to be.
I tried to say, "Fuck you," but it just came out as rasping slur. Unfortunately he bled out in just a few seconds, one of the bullets having severed his iliac artery.
Very slowly and in great pain I sat up. I don't know where I was pulling the strength from, but every motion made me feel stronger, more whole. I looked down at my throbbing and twisted leg, the kneecap having almost broken out of the skin above the joint, the lower half of the socket having ripped loose and was pressed to the side, making another stretched, bruised lump. I pressed down on the bump as hard as I could and screamed again in pain as more cartilage gave way and the bone snapped back into the socket with a sickening pop. I then pressed the kneecap back down, screaming more as it slid down with a near inaudible grinding. I sat trying to catch the half a breath I still had, willing the pain away.
"Bill, you okay in there. We're hearing a lot more screaming than normal," the voice, Frank, came from just beside the door. I picked up the rifle and cradled it in my lap like a child. "Bill?" Frank stuck his head around the corner, his eyes going wide as he saw the barrel of the automatic pointing at him. He started to pull back around the door frame, but it didn't matter, I fired at the wall, opening up with a burst as long as I could hold the gun in mostly the right direction. Frank collapsed in front of the door, blood pooling slowly around him.
I pulled the remains of my pants up over my bloody body and gingerly stood up, every muscle and joint screaming in abject agony. My left leg was unable to support my weight; I collapsed to the ground with another scream. I managed to pull myself up into a sitting position and dragged myself to the wall next to Bill's corpse. I fumbled the magazine release and dropped the nearly empty magazine to the ground. I pulled two fresh magazines from one of the pockets in Bills pants and put one in to the gun. I pulled the bolt and checked that a round was still loaded in the chamber.
I shoved Bills body forward a bit and unclipped the tactical harness from under his arms and pulled it off. I was just about to clip it on myself when a grenade came bouncing into the room. On reaction alone I shoved the slumped forward corpse of Bill and managed by sheer luck to get it on the grenade. There was a loud pop and his body exploded, severing it in half and spraying blood and guts all over the room and onto me.
I sat back and waited, "Check the room," I heard a voice say from outside. A man stepped in and vary quickly scanned the room. I almost fired at him, but hesitated because he looked right over me. I must have really looked dead. He stepped forward around the blood covered desk. At which point his eyes were now totally off me. I held up the rifle and fired for the center of mass. Bill must have been packing armour pricing rounds because they went right through his armour like a scalpel. He collapsed to the ground without a sound.
"Fuck!" I heard a voice yell and the wall exploded in gunfire. Several rounds went through my back and the pain was too much to even scream as they exploded out the front of my stomach and chest. I managed to pull one of the two grenades off of the harness and concentrated hard to read what it said. Around the lip of the green ball with two blue stripes was written, "5 second fuse, thermite cast." I yanked the pin out, wincing at how hard it was, counted to three and tossed it around the door frame.
There was a quiet, "oh shit," then a bang and a blinding light.
Everything went quiet. I waited for what felt like an eternity, but nothing changed outside the small office. The pain from the fresh gunshot wounds dwarfed the other wounds now. It was hard to tell because of the fresh injuries, but it looked like the shrapnel wounds had closed up. Some of the charred skin on my chest was even starting to peel back, reveling fresh pink scar tissue underneath. I slowly stood up and discovered that my left leg could barely support my weight and I limped out of the room slowly, the rifle hanging from my hand, the harness half-forgotten and hanging unclipped over my shoulders with the broken bra.
Outside the room the carnage was intense. The smell of burned flesh curled my nostrils and smoke still rose off of the three bodies that lay ruined around the charred blast zone of the grenade. I slowly started to limp toward the front door when I heard a single loud crack and felt a sharp sting in the side of my head. Then everything went dark.
I awoke in a cell, ankles chained to the end of the steel framed bed, the concrete walls radiating cold. My cloths had been removed and replaced with simple blue cotton. My wounds had been bandaged and cleaned; a lot of the charred skin had been peeled away revealing fresh scar tissue. I gingerly felt around the bandages and peeled them back, the puncture wounds and bullet holes having closed up and were well on their way to healing. The bandage around my head was still tacky with fresh blood in some places and crispy with old dried blood in others. The side of my head underneath still throbbed and was soft.
There was a clattering from the door as someone on the other side unlocked and opened it. Two men walked in, a thin tall man wearing a lab coat carrying a hard case and a large man in a brown military shirt and black tactical pants. The thin man spoke with a sharp Irish accent to match his bright red hair, "Why're you alive dear?" I sat up on the bed as the large man came over to me, the doctor standing back by the door. "Please let him restrain you properly before we begin."
"Who are you?" I asked, nodding to the large man who pulled more chains from the corners of the bed. He stretched my arms and legs out, attaching the chains to my wrists and to the other side of my ankles so I was completely immobilized sitting on the bed, arms and legs pulled apart as much as possible.
"Don't concern yourself with who I am, I'm much more interested in who you are? And also why you aren't dead?" He walked over to me and started examining my wounds, checking my knee, testing the skin. "We pulled a bullet out of your brain, four out of your torso, reflated one lung, properly set your knee, set your left ankle, set three ribs, grafted eighteen centimeters of skin to on your face, and extracted twelve pieces of shrapnel from all over your body." He pulled a stool form the far side of the room and sat down directly in front of me. "Not to mention that the musculature and vertebrae in your neck looks like it had been broken or the massive burns on your chest and stomach."
"Well, that explains the headache." I felt as if I were slurring my words, the new skin that formed my lips still a bit numb and hard to move.
The doctor chuckled, "And even with all those injuries you still managed to kill six men, very impressive." He wove his fingers together and propped his head in them, his elbows on his knees, "I must know everything about you. Where did you come from, where did you train, how you gained this miraculous healing?"
"And what do I get out of it?" I asked.
"It depends on how useful your information is, and how cooperative you are."
"Are you going to let me go?"
He rolled his head back and forth, "Maybe."
It didn't sound very convincing. "One of your men raped me, and tried to kill me. You have got to make this deal pretty compelling," I said with a sneer.
"Oh! They're not my men. I work for..." he trailed off into a long pause, thinking over the proper word, "a third party," he concluded. Putting his hands down he leaned back, "Besides, you killed him and five others, I would say you've been fairly well compensated."
"Since when is killing compensation?"
"Since when is it not?" He shook his head and stood up, "Anyway, I'll talk with my employers about your release. For now I just want to take some fresh blood and skin samples." I nodded as he opened the hard case and pulled out some vials, a syringe head, scalpel, and slides.
He deftly put the syringe head in a vain in my arm and started drawing blood into the vials. He then used the scalpel and gently cut a tiny piece of scar tissue off my chest, he also took a piece of undamaged skin from my arm, and a slightly larger piece from my thigh. He was obviously very skilled, I barely felt a thing as he cut pieces off of me.
He placed the skin on the slides then put them and the vials of blood back into the hard case. "Okay," he said as he closed the case, "I'm done here for now, unless you want to tell me anything useful?" He looked hopeful, but when I shook my head his eyes hardened, and he nodded once, "Okay, than. Until next time." Picking up the hard case he walked out of the room.
The large man looked down at, "Frank was a good friend of mine," was all he said before his fist came across my face at lightning speed. The pain exploded at the impact, his fist breaking the fresh skin and blood started oozing down my already bruising face. He hit me again, lower on the jaw; I felt the impact push my mandible out of joint, pain flooding into new areas. He hit me a third time and knocked a tooth out. I spat it to the floor and glared up at him, my vision reddened by the pain and hate that I now felt for this man.
"If you hit me again, I will kill you." I said, my voice slurred and filled with blood.
He simply sneered and punched my again, in the eye. I felt blood vessels pop and I lost sight in my left eye. My right eye was growing hazy and it was hard to keep my head up, I felt him hit me one more time in the face and I blacked out.
I woke to a repeated whirring thump, the sound of high-voltage electricity whirring into a large series of super-capacitors and the thump as they discharged in rapid order. I opened my eyes and saw the smooth plastic surface of an electromagnetic eye staring back at me. No pupal or iris, but I could feel it digging through my head. The MRI slowly slid around my head, taking a good look at what was happening inside me.
My hands and feet were shackled to the gurney I was on with soft leather and padded mesh meant to restrain me without hurting me. It was much more comfortable than the metal shackles on the bed, but much more restrictive. There were also straps across the gurney itself, one across my legs, just above the knees, one across my waist, and one across my shoulders and chest. My head was also in a molded brace to keep it from moving.
"Good morning. How are you feeling?" a familiar Irish accent said through a speaker.
"Like I got punched in the head a couple times too many," I said, feeling my words slur.
"There is a reason for that. But I have got to admit, I'm impressed there is so little damage inside your brain." The speaker popped and crackled due to the interference from the MRI. "I was expecting at least swelling. More so I was more expecting dead zones and creases from the previous damages, but there is barely a line from where you got shot, and that's it."
"Thanks," I responded, sounding more sarcastic than I meant to. "Does this mean you'll let me go?"
"Um," the static buzzed a moment in near silence as the MRI finished its pass, "no, I'm afraid not. There is just so much to learn from you." He sounded awed and excited. "I have to admit, I'm a little baffled by you. No chemicals or nanites that I could find; nothing to account for this. But I have a gene sequencer going through your genetic code." He was quiet a second as he came out of the control room, the speaker having fallen silent. "Once we decrypt your code we'll have a better idea who built you and how." He walked over to me and leaned over the gurney to look into my eyes. His hand brushed a strand of hair away from my face and he lingered with his fingers gently caressing my cheek.
The contact felt good, really good. I hadn't had anyone touch me in such a gentle caring way in a long time. I gently wet my lips with my tongue, gently played the tip over my lips in a slow, short slide. The doctor's eyes slid all the way down my body and for a moment his mind was not on science. "You can call me Anna," I said, quietly, breathing harder than normal.
He flashed me a quick, sharp smile, "I just call you Subject One." He pressed away from the gurney and the mood was gone. "Guards?" he called out of the white scanning room, "Please take Subject One back to her room." Two men came in, same military style clothing.
Picking up a syringe off a table, the doctor walked back over to me, "Here is a little something to help you sleep for a while." He pressed the needle into my arm and the plunger slid down, automatically matching my pulse. I felt myself drift off in a matter of moments.
This time I woke back on my steel framed bed, but I was in considerable discomfort. On my back, my head hung over the side of my bed, my legs hanging off the other side. My face was covered in my own drool, a clasp hung from over my teeth and pulled my head down, another on my lower jaw pulled my mouth opened and immobilizing my head. My legs were trussed so I could not bend my knees, and spread out to be almost straight with the bed frame. My hips ached with the exertion of being stretched so far for so long. My arms were in a similar position, trussed together like chicken wings then pulled away at two different places each, immobilizing them completely. I could also feel ropes crossing my body, tying me down directly to the bed frame.
I had never felt so vulnerable, exposed and trussed up like a character in sick dungeon fantasy. The air was cold and I was naked except for the rope that itched and scratched all over my body. Pulled and exposed in a way that was purely sexual, ready to be dominated and used. I was no longer a woman, or even a test subject. I was just a thing.
I was trying to move, trying to find a weakness in the knots and ropes when I heard a voice, "She's awake." I stopped moving, and heard several sets of feet coming into the room. All I could see was the wall and part of the ceiling. Then someone walked into my field of vision, it was the same man who had punched me out. "Still going to kill me?"
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Introduction: This is something I wrote a long time ago, and had forgotten about it. Id like to pick the series up again where I left off. Feedback is welcome. Ill consider suggestions on sequels, too. Just tell me what youd like to see. Enjoy! I had been waiting on this package forever. I ordered it a good three weeks ago, and had started to wonder if it had been lost in the mail. The FEDex man handed me the package, gave me a, Have a good day, with a smile, and left me standing in the door....
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AUTHOR’S NOTE – For best effect, read parts 1-14 before this part. The main characters, Sethy and Shinny, are based upon the real women who are active members of the XHamster community, and much of these characters reflect the true women. This story is the property of the author and cannot be copied or used in part or in entirety without express written consent of the author. Sethy – Part 15 – EnslavedSETHYI was really proud of my team. We had made great progress on the project today. I had...
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Hi readers i am Raj aged 24, Working in a MNC in Bangalore.I am moderately built with a nice smiling face.To start with I was a bit shy to narrate my story but after seeing your experiences I thought this is not a big sin at all.Right from childhood I was not that interested in sex but after after attaining maturity I began to enjoy the beautiful silk body of women.This is my first experience i am narrating and this happened 1 year back when i was searching for a job.That...
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The Game ... first time sex: Part 20 Gaming in Las Vegas Please read chapters 1 - 19 in order understand the context for this chapter. From the feedback that I receive, I promise that the preceding chapters are worth reading. I send a very sincere thanks in advance for to all of the loyal readers for leaving comments. The title of the first chapter is "The Game First Time Sex rev 1" for anyone just finding my diary. Please use the search feature to find all of the chapters. There are several...
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I fucking love halloween!that time of the year i go out dress like a skimpy lil fairy and no one looks at me weirdmy plug turned to hi walking in the dark street with my lil fairy wings , mouth wet looking for nice big black candy cock like a real cock fairyeach year i found new house to go collect my treat and god do i love when the door open and i am welcome by my daddies in sweat pants already raging hard waiting for the fairy girlI walk to the first place, knocking at the door smiling my...
Tina I met at the office block where I worked security at. She worked the office switchboard so would often still be working when I came on at 7 pm and her shift Didn,t finish till 8 pm and she often liked to sit and chat with me as she told me that the only thing she had to chat with in her apartment was her cat Sabrina who Didn,t say much except “meow”. She was twenty seven years old and had recently had a bust up with live in boyfriend Fred and was still feeling the effects of it as they,d...
Christopher Leach is a transvestite English artist whose erotic work is, at times, reminiscent in style of that of Aubrey Beardsley's art nouveau sketches and in theme to that of H. R. Giger. Many of his pen-and-ink drawings are black and white, but his work includes color sketches and some oil paintings as well. He describes his early output as including "softer, more decorative" work of "tasteful Art Nouveau Style drawings" and "tasteful nudity," and his later work as "fetish and...
It was a very dark night, lit by the stars and occasional flashes of lightening on the horizon. The sound of the Gulf soothing as the waves hiss ashore, cresting and breaking, setting a rhythm for your footsteps. The gentle breeze is blowing softly through your hair. Your long flowing dress caressing your thighs as you walk, sandals in hand, to meet me. The seductive sway of your hips, your swollen lips and proud nipples showing through your blouse excite me. I catch the scent of your perfume. ...
Caveat... this story is quite long, and mostly sensual with very little sex. Holiday for Two 1 Scott and is daughter, Candace, were always close. Her mother passed away when she was 10 from a long illness. The events of that trauma brought us close, and we remained that way until she went away to college out of state. It was harder on him, than her. She had college and friends to keep her busy. He didn’t even want to think of what else kept his little angel busy. He spent most...
My sexual experience with my former boss, Mandy, had been incredible. I could hardly believe all that I'd known about her and then experienced with her since the first day she'd become my boss at work. Who would have ever thought that the total cold-blooded bitch that Mandy had once been to me when she was my supervisor would only a couple of years later but a lusty wanton naughty cheating wife and lover with me, and that she'd not only be fucking me on a regular basis, but at the moment I...
Saturday MorningI woke up at about 7:00, feeling really refreshed. I got quietly out of bed and went in to make coffee. About ten minutes later I came back in the bedroom with two cups and she was sitting up in bed with the sheets at her waist, those perky tits exposed.“Wow, you were out there naked?”“Yeah, there’s no one else around and the d****s are closed” I said with a smile.“That’s sexy, knowing you were walking around out there naked. That coffee looks really good too”“Well you look sexy...
When Janie and Pete finally returned to the picnic area, Laura busied herself with putting lunch out for everyone and avoiding both eyes and conversation. When they sat down to eat the generous sandwiches that Pete had brought... Laura had never seen so much roast beef between two slices of bread... the red- haired Lothario started to tell them of his last summer. His family had taken him out to the Finger Lakes in New York. He bragged about the Muskie he caught that was nearly as tall as he...
Ted was holed up in his home office and had been since mid-afternoon when John had called him about Tyson's arrest. He gave Sharon a cursory excuse for why he was home early, and had even refused dinner. He spent several hours on the phone putting the admittedly rusty gears in motion when the evening news caught his attention. As the reports detailing the charges against Tyson unfolded, Ted felt the urge to panic. It was one thing when the Ramirez ... problem ... surfaced years earlier. It...
It was the last thing that Larry expected as he answered his mobile phone over breakfast. “It’s Helen,” a soft female voice spoke, “Helen, from last night.”“Yes I know.” he responded curiously, “good of you to call.”“I... I was wondering if you were free to meet up for coffee this morning if you’re still in town.”“I haven’t checked out yet in fact I’m just having breakfast. When would you like to meet?”“I could pop over now. I don’t have to be at the office until eleven.”“That would be fine....
CuckoldAfter a long and arduous day of training and learning at the hand of the Sorcerer Supreme, Wanda wandered the countless lines of dusty, three metre high bookshelves in the Sanctum’s library. She wasn’t hardly ever looking for anything in particular, Wanda just took whatever old text happened to catch her eye. Today her wandering gaze finally landed on a thin, hardback book in a deep shade of red. Removing it carefully from the shelf, she read its title. Seitekina Chikara. Two words Wand managed...
“Thanks for taking me home. Could you just come inside for a second? I need help getting this shirt unbuttoned.” And I believe that initially, she meant that she only wanted me to unbutton her shirt, which was a halter top with very small buttons at the back of the neck, but I saw an opportunity. Beth and I had been friends for several years; in fact I met her when she started dating my friend Keith. Ever since I heard that she dated women all through college, though, I had been...
LesbianHi friends, I have been following Indian sex stories from past 8 years especially group stories and incest. This is my first story so please forgive little mistakes as I am new in writing. I am Ranjit from Noida currently working as a software developer in a reputed MNC. I m 5’10 dusky with a long 7″ and 2.5″ thick dick. Any girl and ladies will get crazy by seeing my stamina. This incident happened in my college days when I was doing my graduation from Bangalore. I m basically from Noida. Let...
Introduction: Things constantly change for Sarah TRAGEDY Sarah returned to her room and moved out to a big dormer area with a lovely window adjoining her bedroom. It had been designed and outfitted as a reading area. This was a favorite spot. She brought book after book here and spent hours lost in their tales, big soft chair, good music, wonderful natural light by day and very good reading lamp at night. Because of the design of the old estate her windows were really on the fourth floor as...
It was a hot summer evening and I had gone to a local exotic dance club to watch the local talent. I was looked at rather oddly by the staff being as I'm a 5 foot tall petite Asian girl with waist length pink hair. I handed the doorman my ID with my ten dollar cover and went in and found a seat close to the stage. I had watched a rather dazzling array of lovely dancers doing their best to pleasure the audience and that chrome pole in the middle of the stage. Then she came out! the most...
LesbianBy: DamonX ([email protected]) The Married Woman 3 By DamonX "Oh yeah, baby," Erin moaned. My tongue lapped at her clit as my finger slid easily in and out of her little wet pussy. I was eating my girlfriend's pussy, but I was thinking of Lisa. "Mmmm,yeah." Her moans were encouraging, but it just wasn't the same as Lisa's filthy talk. Erin began running her hands through my hair just like she always does when I go down on her. Pulling my slick finger...
I came away from lunch with Valerie with mixed emotions. Was I shocked? Not really. This, after all, wasn't some behind-the-times country village; this was 21st Century fashionable Hampstead where supposedly unorthodox relationships weren't uncommon. What were once regarded as bedroom secrets have become dinner party small talk. So, no, I wasn't shocked. I admit, though, I was surprised. Valerie was forty-two. She had been my closest friend for so long I'm not sure I can even recall how we...
Group SexAugust 28, 1991, Chicago, Illinois “Cindi and Chris are heading for a divorce,” Dave said as we sat drinking coffee at a coffee shop on Hyde Park Boulevard. “Well, shit. Have they gone for counseling?” “For over a year,” he said. “Fucking hell. And they got pregnant? Dumb!” “Yeah, not exactly the smart move when you’re having relationship troubles, is it?” “Let me guess, they thought it might help?” “It sure seems like it. Obviously, it only made things worse. She was holding it all...
Sabrina -- that name should make you think "hot, sexy, vivacious, lusty, and ready for sex"! Nuff said?? If that name doesn't bring those descriptive words to your mind, by the time you've read this story, it will. Sabrina was the kind of woman who made you think of SEX the moment you laid your eyes on her. She was in her early 30s when I first saw her and she made an impression on me that has never faded even though it's been a few years since I last had an encounter with her. She was an...
Authors note: This is a revision to Divine Bliss. I added more depth to the characters and also some background to Calise. Hope you enjoy. Questions or comments are welcome. I promise I wont get mad…lol Enjoy * ‘Where are we going?’ Calise asked her best friend of ten years. They had been driving for a little over an hour and she was tired of seeing desert out of the car window. When Shauntea arrived at Calise’s house tonight all she said was get dressed. That was it. She refused to tell her...
She knew if she wanted to go out with her friends on that boat trip that weekend she had to stay in and get that extra work she assigned her students taken care of. But seeing as it was Thursday and it was later then usual she stayed at the school to take care of it so when she left that building she’d be free and clear of any and all responsibilities related to any extra assignment she had put on them earlier that week. This woman, a 41 year old “homely” woman, or so she considered herself one...
“The Japanese around the 17th Century borrowed from the Koreans the art of binding “prisoners of war” with a long rope. In time that became formalized into Kinbaku which literally means “tight binding”. By the late Edo or Tokugawa Shogunate Period it was so formalized that each rank and station of prisoner had a codified binding pattern or style, there was also a codified system of torture through binding too.” Elsa instructed us as we all knelt on our individual yoga pad and she went about...
I lay down on the bed beside her. "Tell me everything, again."My wife was rubbing her sore nipples. She stopped, then turned to me."I met her, Denys, in my yoga class.""When?""She joined a bit after me, some weeks or a month. At the beginning we didn't have any contact, until one day we just started talking. I don't remember event what about. We started saying hello every lesson, and one day went out for a coffee after a morning class. It was nice, very nice, and I guess we just clicked. But...
I Dream of Jeannie 03) - 04) 21 Centuries Cubed By Two Stories [Please note: While under a spell that turns a mortal into a genie, they lose *all *rights to their former names, and lives. That is, they become "non-persons". All genies can only be referred to as "genie", spelled "Jeannie", "Geni" (which is how I'm spelling our Jeannie's older sister's name *after *she loses her given name), "Geeny", "Dgeenee", "Djinnie", etc. [In the original TV series the two genie sisters, and just...
A Christmas Story By Tonya Varese "Oh mommy it's beautiful!" Lindsey exclaimed as she opened her present. "Thank you mommy, thank you daddy." Tommy glanced up from his new Gameboy to see his little sister receive a new chiffon party dress. It had a billowy white blouse and black full skirt. Lindsey was delighted as she held it up to herself in the mirror. Mom and Dad were beaming their approval. Happy that Lindsey was so pleased. "Come on Tommy, there's more presents here...
Hi, I am Ayesha. I am 26yrs old. I am a physics teacher. This incident happened when i was teaching at a school in Delhi. Natasha was one of my students in the X th grade. She was around 15yrs old. She was slim, tall and was strikingly beautiful. She was very fair and had a voluptuous curvy body which was at its prime. She was very intelligent and smart. She used to come to me with numerous intelligent questions. I was very much attached to this girl and her sensual figure. I had asked her to...
LesbianSam slipped out of her daughters bridal suite quietly. She had enjoyed the shag from her daughters husband Michael, and the excitement of rescuing his best man Paul had got her adrenaline going. But most of all, she had enjoyed seeing Pauls naked body with his huge cock. God what a cock.As she closed the door she turned and bumped into.....Paul. He hadn't even dressed. He was covered by a hotel dressing gown and had his tux and shoes under his arm. I asked him what the hell was he still doing...
Hetty had been a cock teaser for as long as I had known her and that had been since the third grade. As she grew too old to play 'doctor' and as her body blossomed she took to wearing short skirts, tight sweaters, low cut blouses and whatever else it took to titillate the boys. As a teen she dated a lot and a lot of guys had some pretty hot times with Hetty, but she always stopped short and send her dates home with a case of blue balls. You would think that with that reputation the boys would...
For the next three days, Sasha sat in her room without any word from Jay. She’d not been summonsed once. She left her room to eat, but when she got down to the kitchen to find her special meal waiting for her, Greg and Jay’s were already missing. Each day she went to the salon, and each day was the same. She’d wait in her room, television, books and movies at her disposal, and she’d wait and wait for the call from Jay. At night it was the same. She’d crawl into her bed, thinking he may...
Even without touching the window, Peter can feel the chill, the thinnest breath of winter, despite the iron radiator below, its hot breath on his naked thigh, a chill despite the sun that makes the green of new buds glow above a chocolate earth. Even without a touch, there is the chill. On the window's sill, caught on the ancient, chipping paint: dark silk, lace, like a cloud of oily smoke trapped for a moment, starting to dissipate, but only starting (the lace, thinks Peter, is like...
I sat up in my bed rubbing the cobwebs from my eyes. The clock on the nightstand read 12:24 p.m. I took the day off on account of a virulent stomach virus I caught at the office the other day. After a quick shower to wake me up, I went downstairs to make myself a light breakfast. My wife, Dorthea, had already left for work a few hours before, so I had the whole house to myself. As I sat there chewing my toast thinking about what I would do on my day off, the doorbell suddenly rang. I shuffled...
Lesa greeted each of the arrivals Wednesday afternoon and escorted them into the spacious study to the right of the front entrance. Jake Caulfield and Ralph Peterman were the first to arrive, followed shortly by Marvin Clark and Leslie Owens. Lesa was asking what everyone wanted to drink when the other four girls arrived together, apologizing for getting lost. Janet Olson had missed a turn while chatting with Sasha Morgan, Misty Nokamura and Sara Johnson. With the exception of the...
Masturbation ShowBy: Londebaaz ChohanI immediately did not understand, when Raul asked me to be his mirror. He said that he has lots of mirrors on his bedroom walls and he always likes to masturbate in front of a mirror. If I be his mirror, he could masturbate in front of me as a show. Raul is a very athletic young adult and I know, he always admires his body, looking in the mirror. He imagines being somebody else, enjoying, looking at his own body; that is why the mirrors are so stimulating....
The phone on my desk rang loud on Tuesday afternoon. I was pleasantly surprised when I heard my wife's voice.Ana told me she wanted some entertainment that night and I should meet her later at The Hole. I knew she was referring to a strip club. The Hole was located on a side of the local highway.I had often teased Anita about taking her there sometime and she often told me she would go. But I never took her up…She recommended me to not be late. She would hate to think what would happen if she...
After scoring with my friend, Katie, I weighed my options as to what my next plan would be. Katie had printed the message on my t-shirt without knowing the Spanish phrase meant, “I Love to Eat Pussy.” Once I told her it’s meaning, my cock was inside her cunt within fifteen minutes. She spent the night in my bed, but we didn’t do much sleeping. She headed home just after seven a.m. so she could get cleaned up and open her shop at nine. As she left, she kissed me and said, “I think I’ll make...
Camilla was trying to convince me to join her at the gym.She said that workout and training my body would be healthy for me, including my mind…She added her new trainer was a hot Cuban black lady…So, Saturday morning I finally decided to go there and join Camilla.I put on some very tight yoga pants, which made my round buttocks look even firm that they were. I met Camilla outside the gym and she laughed, saying I looked like a starving lesbian needing some woman’s lips and pussy...She was...