Jess Ch. 05 free porn video

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Chapter 5 – Death by Chocolate

‘So, what’s the occasion?’ Jon asked as I met him at the door coming home from the office.

I was dressed in a skirt and blouse. The skirt was a silky black with medium sized white polka dots and came down just below my knees. The top was all white and made of very thin material, which showed the lacy white bra underneath quite clearly.

‘Oh, lets just say it is a post birthday, birthday party for myself.’ I said. ‘I just felt like a romantic dinner with just the two of us, and me cooking.’ He thought I meant the food, I knew that was only the half of it. I must admit, I found it exciting to know that I was about to ambush (with no bush) Jon with a level of sex he had only dreamt of, if he had ever dared to dream something like what I had planned. My knowing and his confusion only served to drive my sex with more urgency.

I opened a great bottle of Merlot while Jon changed into more comfortable clothing and set the main meal of chicken picatta and a salad on the table. ‘This looks wonderful. What got into you today?’ Jon said as he sat down.

‘Oh, I don’t know, maybe it was something at the Fresh Market that gave me the idea.’

We both dove into the salad at once, and I smiled a bit of a wicked grin as Jon ate the cucumber off his salad. If he only knew where it had been…

‘Man, the veggies at the Fresh Market are truly crisp and fresh!’ Jon said.

I wanted to say that he had no idea how ‘fresh’ they could be, but agreed with him about how awesome they were.

The chicken was great, but I made sure the portions only filled us up without making us feel gorged. I wanted Jon to be in fine condition for dessert. As I picked up the plates, I told Jon. ‘Stay put. I have a special dessert for you and I after we finish the wine.’

‘OK. Jess, this is a wonderful meal. You are really special.’

I said ‘Thanks’ as I sat back down and poured the remains of the bottle in both our glasses. We spoke little in the next few minutes savoring the earthy smell and smoky taste of the Merlot. Jon pushed back in his chair and gave the look of a completely satisfied man. ‘That was absolutely great! Thanks again.’ He said.

I went to the stove and got the warmed bowl of chocolate sauce and stopped by the fridge to get the canister of whipped cream. I stood up and moved between him and the table. ‘Now for the final course.’ I said in a sultry voice. At that, I pulled my skirt up just high enough to flash my oiled and smooth pussy lips as I sat on the table in front of him, placed a foot on either arm of his chair, then allowed the skirt to recover what I had exposed. I then reached inside my blouse and lazily removed the lacy bra, which I had left unclasped everywhere for easy removal. My dark brown nipples were very apparent through my white top. Sticking my fingers in the ice water we had not drank with dinner, I smeared some on both nipples. The coldness brought them to further attention and the wetness made the blouse invisible over them. The impact was just as I had imagined.

I smiled at Jon with a crooked, yet naturally wicked smile and said, ‘ready for some dessert?’

His response was precious. ‘Wha, What… have you prepared?’ He said with a choked whisper.

‘My pussy.’ I said and pulled my skirt up to fully reveal my now achingly beautiful peach. His eyes lit up, and his jaw actually dropped. His expression was absolutely precious. It was like he did not know where he was. You could see that every fantasy he ever had was flashing before his eyes and he was unsure of whether he was in a dream or if this was really happening. He had a deer in the headlights look, like someone had just hit him with a stun gun.

I pulled up the front of the skirt to expose my womanhood like no other time in my life. My legs were parted, and my lips were hanging out of the folds of my vulva in a way I have not seen them do. They were engorged with the excitement of the moment.

There it was for Jon to feast his eyes on. I wanted it to be loved, caressed, penetrated, and frankly abused a bit. Being exposed like never before, I must say my pussy was beautiful even to me, and trust me, it was screaming to be touched, but I stayed cool, patience would be rewarded.

Jon sent a probing finger my way, only to have me slap him like a grade school teacher. ‘Now, now, no sampling before it is completely ready!’ He was a kid in a candy store and he looked like he was in heaven. Of course, he wasn’t, but he soon would be.

I reached over for the small bowl of hot chocolate sauce and smeared a small amount from my vaginal opening all the way to the top of my clit, swirling around it a couple times as I just could not stand to stop on the first circle. It sent shock waves through my body and I really thought I would cum right then. Jon was now leaning forward, intently watching his wife, the one who he always knew to be shy about sex, turning herself into a sensual sundae. I am not sure he ever blinked.

The whipped crème can was cold in my hands as I turned it over and placed the nozzle deep into the folds of my pussy and pressed the head sideways. The can immediately let out a burst of gas, with no crème and caused my pussy lips to flutter in the wind. The sensation was as incredible as it was unexpected. A small scream escaped my other lips as the vibration that passed through my bulging folds ran all the way through my body.

I pulled it out and gave it a good shake, smiled a slightly embarrassed grin, and saw that Jon found the sound and the thought of what had happened amusing. ‘Better hold it at a higher angle too, that is if you want crème this time.’ I just smiled, shot an experimental blob on the end of Jon’s nose and put the nozzle back inside my folds, but this time, I stuck it in a bit deeper, and raised the angle so that the cold can leaned hard against my clit.

This time the crème flowed, with the same incredible vibrating sensation as I traced the full length of my slit from my love opening to the area just above my clit. It made a nice ruffled line of crème, about an inch and a half thick. I then pulled back either side of my pussy and allowed the crème to fill it. When I released the sides of my pussy, I was a bit surprised, but not overly, to find that my lips did not fully close, but remained open like it was trying to tell Jon that it was ready…and it was.

‘Would you like to put some nuts on your sundae?’ I said with a wicked voice.

‘Only two, and did I tell you I was crazy about banana splits.’ He said with a mischievous grin that covered his whole face.

I leaned back slowly on the table top, closed my eyes and told him dessert was served, allowing my legs to fall outward naturally, fully exposing my cunt in a way I never dreamed I would, even to my husband of 20 years. Jon took me and slid my whole body towards the edge of the table, giving himself even better access to what surely had to be the hottest cunt ever in the history of mankind.

I first felt the tip of his tongue caress the inside of my thighs in a line from my knee all the way till I could feel his hot, ragged breath hitting my clit, then he stopped and started down the other thigh. The long lines of touch sent chills through my entire body and I fully expected and wanted him to dive in on the next pass.

Instead, I felt tongue touches and swirls at strategic points all around where I really wanted to be licked. Small screams escaped my lips as the tension grew beyond my ability to hold still. ‘Jon, if your tongue does not find my slit now, I am going to take over myself’, and started to reach for my clit, only to have my hand slapped.

‘Now, now…great dishes must be eaten slowly, and enjoyed, there will be no rushing, and no taking over on my shift.’

By now the chocolate fudge and the crème had melted and mixed equally with my own juices, and I could feel the warm moisture running past
my butt hole and down between my cheeks where it was actually dripping off onto the floor.

Three agonizing seconds later, I felt his swirling tongue enter the cave of my vaginal opening and run north very slowly towards my swollen clit, running circles the whole length. The feeling was staggering, my head swooned and I felt myself entering a zone of sexual awareness that I had never entered before. Every touch on my body felt sexual, every movement I made seemed to have one purpose in mind, pleasure.

‘Hmmmmm…this is the hottest fudge sundae I have every tasted.’ Jon said as he came up for a breath. I felt the release of pressure and as I came back from the edge of explosion, I noticed that my nipples hurt, but hurt in a good way. Then to my own surprise, I realized they hurt because I was pinching them through my thin cotton top.

Jon dove in with purpose. He sucked in the lips on my left side and nibbled his way towards my bottom, then sucked and nibbled his way up the other side, all the time ‘’ as he audibly slurped his way around my engorged pussy. The constant hum sent wave after wave of excitement over me,

I am not sure when he put his finger in me. By the time I felt the pressure of something inside me, I realized he had buried it to the hilt. ‘Ahhhmmmmm, that feels good, but give me another one. I am so big’ I gasped, surprised by my own words.

Jon’s mouth and tongue continued to work over my entire womanhood, sucking in great portions of my lips, and toying with my clit ever so carefully so as not to let me release the pent up spasm that I wanted so badly. His second finger slid in beside the first with the same ease, and was helped along by my involuntary pelvic rises. I wanted girth and I wanted depth and I wanted movement inside me and I wanted it to never stop.

‘Deeper baby, deeper.’ I whispered. And, with that, I felt Jon push hard inside me and start a crawling motion with his two fingers. It was like he was trying to scratch the itch I had burning inside, all the while toying with my clit with the length of his tongue. I could not believe the sensation and I exploded. The feeling started inside me and ran like lightning all the way out to my fingers and toes. I pushed my pelvis up to put more pressure both on my clit and inside my pussy, and the waves of pleasure began, one right after the other for a full 10 seconds as my whole body exploded in an orgasmic spasm.

I felt the top of my dress being pulled down and realized Jon wanted at my breasts. Jon has always loved my breasts, but honestly, I never could see the attraction, nor did I really enjoy the attention he gave them. As my whole focus was on the sloppy feeding going on below my waist, I was surprised when I suddenly felt the cool air breeze across my now exposed chest. Jon had pulled my blouse low enough for my breasts to push their way out of the low cut top. The tension of the tight top only served to lift them up and make them feel tight. In spite of the unbelievable feast going on, I could feel my breasts trying to free themselves from the bind they were in and it felt strangely wanting. Like they wanted some action beyond my own earlier attention.

With his two fingers buried in me, Jon slid his tongue directly up the centerline of my pussy and headed directly for my exposed but straining nipples. He began by licking the underside of my breasts where they create a small fold against my chest and worked his way slowly up my cleavage gap breathing heavily and hotly as he went, all the while moving his fingers in, out, and around inside me. I thought I was going to die of pleasure right on my own dinner table. With little notice, Jon sucked my right nipple deep into his mouth, causing me to gasp hard at both the pain and the wonderful feeling of it all. My body was being assaulted and I could not get enough of it.

‘Oh, Jon. You are so wonderful, I could cum a hundred times tonight.’ I said, and meant ever word.

‘Jess, I don’t know what has gotten into you, but I can’t tell you how much I am enjoying myself. This is the best dessert, best evening of my life!’

With that, I kissed Jon on the forehead and removed his fingers from my pussy. The look on his face was one of great disappointment.

‘Did I say something wrong?’

‘No, you said and did all the right things, but now it is my turn for some dessert…’ I trailed with a bit of an evil smile. I got off of the table and straightened my dress, and sat down in my chair.

‘Come over here!’ I said with some authority.

‘Yes, Mam’ Jon said as he hurried over to my chair. I think I could have told him to jump out of the nearest window naked right now and he would have done so gladly.

As Jon approached my chair, I stopped him and asked him to close his eyes.

‘If you peek, this dessert will be over.’ I said, but knew in the pit of my womb that nothing was going to stop me this night.

‘OK, no peeking…’ Jon repeated.

I licked the end of Jon’s nose, and then the space between his thumb and index finger, only to find my own juices there. They tasted better than I ever imagined, but that’s another story. I next sucked onto his neck and licked my way up to his ear. Jon was stiff as a board.

‘Relax.’ I purred into his ear, while unzipping and unbuttoning the front of his pants.

His pants were loose fitting and fell to his ankles. I helped his boxers down, and watched with fascination as his cock sprang back into a sky pointing posture, bouncing a bit as it settled into its desired angle.

I pushed Jon back onto the table and put his feet on my chair arms. Jon leaned back, and laid his head on the tabletop, while I reached for the hot fudge. I spooned a glob out onto my hands and worked it in to my hands and fingers like I was washing them, covering them in a layer of chocolate syrup.

I reached out and took Jon’s cock in both hands and worked my hands slowly from his base all the way to the tip. Just like my hips, Jon’s could not stay on the table either. I worked the chocolate all over his cock, and teased with him by running my fingernails lightly up the full length of his shaft. I then took the can of whipped crème and ran a line of it from the base of his shaft to the tip and then down the other side.

I could feel Jon’s breathing change, and knew it was time to do what I had never desired to do before. It was time to suck Jon and I was not going to be denied. I wanted him in my mouth. I wanted to taste him and I wanted to pleasure Jon in a way he had only dreamed of.

‘Are you ready for me to put the cherry on top?’ I asked. Jon responded with a slight ‘Yep’ and a nod of his head. I grabbed Jon’s cock at the base and stood it directly upright. It was red and covered with chocolate fudge and whipped cream. I plunged it into my mouth, and sucked down tight on it. Jon about came off of the table. I began to softly work his dick in and out of my mouth, making sure to swirl my tongue around its head on each pass.

‘Ahh, Jess, that feels so good.’ Were the last intelligible words I heard from Jon for the next 10 minutes as I relished the feeling of his cock in my mouth. I never thought it would be like this, but I found the texture, soft and hard at the same time, enjoyable to put my mouth around. Jon was obviously enjoying the moment also.

I pursed my lips and slowly pushed his cock head between them trying to see just how much of him I could take in. Fortunately, Jon is a normal sized guy and I know I got more than half in. Based upon Jon’s sounds and movements, I knew he was getting close to climaxing. This was my moment. I focused my licking and sucking on the now purple head of his cock and with long slow strokes, pumped my chocolate covered hand up and down his shaft.

‘I’m cumming!!!’ Jon cried out and his dick jumped in my mouth. The first spurt hit me in the back of my throat and was followed very quickly by the second spurt that was longer and hit the r
oof of my mouth. It felt sexy knowing he was blowing his load in a way he never thought he would, at least not with me. Jon was up on his elbows and the look of pleasure on his face was amazing. His cum did not taste as bad as I had expected either, in fact its taste was really a non-event. I swallowed and got down to sucking him harder, pumping his cock with every new spurt. Jon was zoned out in the land of ecstasy and I was bent of keeping him there. Soon he finished and I licked him clean, saving the chocolate coating as the final desert.

‘Jess, I am not sure what to say. That was the single most amazing thing that has ever happened to me. I do not know what made you do this, but it was incredible!’

‘You speak like we are done.’ I said. ‘Not so soon!’ I want that big dick of yours buried in my aching pussy as soon as it recovers!’ With these words I could see that his cock was growing a bit bigger after losing much of its hardness after the blow I gave it. With that, I again went down on Jon and took his limp dick in my mouth. This was pretty cool. It was flexible and soft and I could get all of it easily in my mouth, but not for long. Within a minute or so of swishing and swirling, it became hard again.

I pulled Jon off of the table and crawled back on it myself. I grabbed Jon’s dick and plunged the head of it into my vagina, swirled it around a couple times, pulled it out and watched as the string of my juice clung to its head and slid it up my slit to my clit.

Jon was my joystick. I slowly moved his cock head around and around my clit, sending small shockwaves through my body every time it touched the right spot. I put my heels on Jon’s shoulders and worked his cock up and down through my lips, rounding my clit at one end and dipping into my vagina at the other end. I could have gone on like this forever. Soon my clit was calling for all the attention and I obeyed, using Jon’s dick, I focused in on my joy point. In my movements to satisfy myself, I was also pumping Jon, who was moaning slightly as I was moaning heavily. I could feel my body arching and the need to rotate faster when I erupted and groaned in a wonderful climax. I immediately pushed Jon’s cock to my vagina and pulled him in all the way. There was no resistance as he slid all the way in, in one long push towards my core. I could feel the tip of his dick touching the rear wall of my opening.

The feeling of his dick sliding in and out of my soft and smoothly shaved pussy was unbelievable. I never thought something that felt this good could get any better. Was I ever wrong! The lack of hair allowed him to slip in and out easily and gave me a far greater sensation of his presence. Jon grabbed my ankles and held them high and apart giving him the best angle and opening. It was awesome. I could feel every movement, being filled, and then emptied as he pulled out to the tip of his dick. I took advantage of the moment to slide my finger to my clit and begin masturbating while Jon pumped inside me. It was an amazing feeling having both stimulations going on at he same time. The one took my mind off the other on occasion and allowed the feeling to last longer. Soon I was cumming and once I started this time, I must have cum a dozen times before Jon started picking up his speed.

‘I’m cumming again!’ Jon said as he pumped me harder. I could feel his cock jump inside me and tilted myself up to put more pressure on his member as well as the front wall of my vagina. Jon slammed in and out of me several more time and I could see by the strain on his face that it was taking all his strength in the spasm. ‘Errrrrrrr…’ was all Jon could manage to utter as his whole body shook in one final climax.

We were both spent and I was actually satisfied. It had been more than anything Jon ever thought possible, and it was better than I thought possible.

I climbed off of the table as Jon collected himself in the chair. I straightened out my skirt and top, although my nipples were still standing at attention in my blouse.

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What an amazing night!I was still new to my job as Senior Artworker, and I was told that I had to attend a series of meetings with one of our clients - down south - somewhere in Northamptonshire. I was going to be there for a few days. That was going to be a gruelling five-hour drive. As I ran this through my mind, I realised that there was one bright spark on this trip and her name was..... (let's call her Jessica.)"Jessica" and I had met online about a year ago and hit it off almost...

3 years ago
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What an amazing night!I was still new to my job as Senior Artworker, and I was told that I had to attend a series of meetings with one of our clients - down south - somewhere in Northamptonshire. I was going to be there for a few days. That was going to be a gruelling five-hour drive. As I ran this through my mind, I realised that there was one bright spark on this trip and her name was..... (let's call her Jessica.)"Jessica" and I had met online about a year ago and hit it off almost...

2 years ago
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I came bouncing into the living room and sank down onto the sofa. "What you up to daddy?" I was bored and my favourite pastime over the past few weeks had been to tease my dad; by wearing the shortest little skirts and the thinnest blouses, and letting my nipples push against the translucent material - and loving his reaction even more each time. My mum had left us over a year ago now; silly woman didn't know what she was missing. My daddy was, well a typical daddy really, but to me he...

2 years ago
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Jessica picked up her drink as the bartender moved toward her. He was busily wiping the bar down with a damp towel. He smiled his thanks at her courtesy and continued on past her, cleaning as he went. While taking a sip of her brandy she curled a tress of her long blonde hair around her finger as she surveyed the room. She noted there were not many people here, just a few couples in booths and a couple of businessmen at a table. Perhaps the place would get busier later. She sighed and beckoned...

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I saw her coming out of the shower naked one day. I had just woken up and my bedroom door was open. I know I had closed it when i went to sleep in the early hours that morning as I always did as I preferred to sleep naked..I was staying at a friend’s house whilst working on a contract in Richmond. Due to the nature of my job, I got in at about 5am, and went straight to bed. John would be away by 8am and I normally got up around lunchtime. Jessica and I would normally have lunch together and...

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I never expected my life to turn out like it has. How could I? When I was growing up sex was everywhere. Ads on TV, ads in the newspapers and magazines, on billboards and on the sides of buses. Scantily clad ladies and buff guys all over the place. Raunchy television shows and movies, magazines dedicated to the beautiful, sexy and famous people. Sex education in the classrooms and guys trying to get in your pants as soon as puberty hit. In my case it was even worse - my parents were swingers...

2 years ago
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Fuzz the Cat Ch 02

Fuzz’s presence in Maria’s life quickly settled into a routine. Every day when she came home from school Growl would immediately pounce on her at the door. Fuzz waited calmly until Growl was done with his clownish antics before lightly jumping down from his perch on the back of the sofa and greeting her with a dignified purr. Then Maria would pick him up and they’d all go into the family room to watch TV, Fuzz on her lap and Growl at her feet, his pink tongue often tickling her dangling toes. ...

2 years ago
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Your girlfriend and your asshole friend

In the past, I have repeatedly told you this story is based on true events. And it is….mine and Bill’s sex life. I assure you that there REALLY is a Bill, and I’m really Morgan. There are some people out there who have commented that the character (aka ME) is a “bitch” or a “witch” or whatever else for what I am doing to the boyfriend. That is the second part that is 100% true. I did cheat on him. I was seduced by Bill. It happened, DEAL WITH IT! Now, the rest of the story, the parts about the...

1 year ago
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Love or Lust

We were making love. Well, that’s not quite true. We were having sex, wild, uninhibited, blow your mind, sex. I don’t know at what point it was transformed from making love to this erotic lustful adventure. All I know is it started with an innocent kiss, a little peck the on the lips, a little fondling of her breasts, my semi hard dick rubbing against her ass through our clothes, her hand against my crotch, my lips on her nipples and finally ended up with my tongue in her pussy while she sat on...

3 years ago
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Dirty Little Sister

It was the dark of night.  Not utterly dark though, because as my unfocused vision resolved an image I could make out the distinct shadow of the old, Victorian window frames on the curtains.  The house was aged and always made night sounds.  It was probably little more than that which awoke me.  I willed myself to sink again into the velvet oblivion of sleep.Then came the sound again.  This time as I heard it I knew I recognized it, and yet didn't.  It had been the reason I had awoken, but it...

3 years ago
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My Offer to diana Part 2

This is a short follow up to “My Offer to diana Part 1” After diana accepted my Collar of Consideration the only thing that needed to be done was to mark my property, to do this I needed to pee over her from head to toe.She had never had this formal part of a D/s relationship done to her, so this was a first for her. She still didn’t know what was about to happen.So Saturday morning came, we did the normal things, diana and alice cleaned the house & put the washing on, I sorted out a number...

3 years ago
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The Little Pleated Skirt Chapter 5 8

Chapter 5 Dad said, "Now it's my turn, we are off to downtown." Bbut this time my older and younger brothers went with us. The first stop was a shoe store on 9th street. As I walked in, you could smell the tanning leather from the shoes. A store clerk asks Dad if he could be of help to him. Dad said, "Yes, I'm buying shoes for my three boys." Then I was told to go pick two pairs; one dress and one casual. Well that was easy, I went straight for two pairs of penny loafers, one...

3 years ago
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Lovers tiff

"Bitch." I'd told him I was sorry. And I truly was. Why couldn't he understand that? Why couldn't he realise it meant nothing to me? "That's harsh," I whispered.  I regretted it immediately. Immediately.  "Harsh?! What's harsh is you fucking my best friend behind my back!" His voice was getting louder, angrier.  I apologised again. And again and again. My eyes were filling and a lump was forming in my throat. I didn't want to cry, pity myself. I wanted to be strong, make him see how sorry I...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Leda and the SwanChapter 3 The Notebook

Darkness fell. Rick sat at his laptop reading student essays. He heard a rap at his door. "Brenda?" "Rick -- have you seen Roger today?" "Yes ... earlier." "He didn't come home for dinner." "He hasn't left for his conference, yet -- has he?" "Conference?" Brenda asked. "What conference?" Rick sighed. "An economics conference in Philadelphia. Didn't he tell you?" "No but he always waits 'til the last minute to break news like that. He knows it upsets me to think...

3 years ago
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Eating Mexican

NO ONE IN THIS STORY UNDER 18 YEARS ENGAGES IN SEX. Karen and I knew from the beginning that we were meant for each other because we are both sex fanatics and willing to experience anything that sounded like fun. On the day of our seventh wedding anniversary, we were in San Diego attending a convention. We had elected to stay at a motel near the airport rather than the Convention Center Hotel. We wanted total privacy away from the other conventioneers; away from people, we knew. Karen and I...

2 years ago
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Healing Cousin George 10

The Date Later that night with Melissa safely tucked up in bed me and George sat with Coke each in the conservatory. My plan to curb his midweek drinking had been a great success there were no more night's out during the week only a civilised glass of wine after dinner. I picked up my cigarettes and slipped one out of the packet, the slim gold lighter was inside the packet as well I pressed the button and a slim narrow flame appeared, I lit up blowing a cloud of smoke towards the...

3 years ago
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Road Warriors

By: Hardtimes69 I was alone in another hotel restaurant eating another tasteless meal. Tired of being a road warrior, sales call after sales call meeting after meeting has taken its toll on me. Every week a different city, different faces, but the result is the same, my being alone. My sex life was reduced to a vibrator and a bottle of Astroglide lubricant. I was, ready, past ready for the touch of another human being. I took a mental inventory of my assets as I finished my meal. I was still...

3 years ago
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Gym stud breeds surprise

There I was working reception at the local gym three employees failed to turn up for work, when the Boss turned up with two identical twins blue eyed blond haired European studs well muscled and looking very fit,,and i couldn't help but notice their rather large bulges in their tight identical nylon shorts, i was just an ordinary guy tall slim build and totally bisexual i bounced both ways sometimes having both gf and bf at the same time. The Boss was a woman she was a former powerlifter and...

1 year ago
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Suburban Submission Tv shows Edition

Your name is Jack Pine. You've always been a smooth guy who got what he wanted. Sadly for a lot of your friends and coworkers that included their wives and daughters. So after being basically ran out of town you find you self in a new neighborhood. But this is your chance for a fresh start, new neighborhood, new environment, and new milfs and young woman to seduce. As you finish unpacking you notice the family next door and goes to introduce yourself. The neighborhood you move to will help...

2 years ago
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She watched him closely as he spoke to her. He reminded her slightly of her ex boyfriend and that provoked a tick of concern, however it wasn’t something that would turn her away. His hair was to his shoulders and wavy. The kind of waves that every woman always wishes she had. It was a light brown with natural slight highlights. His eyes were a very light green and stood out brightly in his face. His skin was a pale olive, so he wasn’t dark but could probably get very tan very easily. He was...

4 years ago
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Get Undressed

Allison took a look at the practice’s schedule . A few executives physical’s which was the practice’s main source of revenue. As she scanned the last name of the list one name stood out. A smile formed on her face and she decided to have a chat with the Dr. Pire. Allison went into the Dr's office and explained her scheme to her, a slow smile spread across her face as she realized that this Kcould be made even more fun then Allison envisioned. Dr Pire explained how she would upgrade Allison’s...

4 years ago
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Aunty Took My Virginity

Hello to all my ISS reader, Mera naam Himanshu hai. Main delhi main reh raha hoon. Aaj main apko jo bataane ja rha hoon woh mera khud ka experience hai jiska main abhi tk maza le raha hoon jb bhi apne ghar jata hoon. This is my story, so if there is any fault or mistake “I apologize” in advance. Main apko bataunga k kaise meri Dr Aunty, age 34 (Sandhya-name change) jo ki ek gynecologist hai govt. hospital main. Unka figure 34B-36-38 bola jaye to perfect M.I.L.F. hai. Apne brein mein bata doon...

2 years ago
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The Assistant

‘He’s perfect’ I think as I watch him walk by,and he is, perfection. From his shoulder length, dark hair, to his beautiful brown eyes. His handsome face, his lovely hands. I wonder what it would be like to feel those hands touching me, to feel his lips kiss me all over. I shiver a little and feel a twinge between my thighs, from seeing him, from thinking about him. My name is Alexis and I’ll call him Mr. Perfection. I am one of the few assistants that he has, but I’d rather do much more than...

3 years ago
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Good Fences Make Good Neighbors

I didn't know Bill that well, even though Julie and I had moved in next door just after our wedding two years ago. It was one of those suburban realities that we would see him every now and then, tending his garden, tinkering under the hood of his old convertible Mustang, but beside a brief introduction when we moved in and a brief hello every now and then, our paths never really crossed. He was forty years older than us, a nice enough man, but we had nothing in common. We finally had saved...

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A Passion for Penny Chapter 2

A Passion for Penny – Chapter 2 © Suburban Sinner 2007   This is the continuing story of a true life affair between two close family friends. Its passionate beginning is told in my first story - A Passion for Penny – which has been more controversial than I had ever imagined it could be.For those who haven't read Part 1, Penny and I are both in our early forties, married (though not to each other) and each of us has two teenage children. Penny is a highly educated...

Wife Lovers
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Cuckolded by Homeless Latinos

The south-eastern and south-central regions of the United States are well-known as being the Bible Belt. In those areas, socially conservative, evangelical Protestantism is a significant part of the culture. Church attendance across the denominations is generally higher than the national average in the Bible Belt. My name is Stuart, and for much of our lives my wife Madeline (most people call her Maddy) and I were members of one of the charismatic, Christian, mega churches in Houston, Texas...

1 year ago
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When I opened the door and let my Rohit come in I knew something was different.He kicked the door shut and straightaway swept me in his arms and carried me to the sofa in the living room. There he kep me and mounted me straightaway.I giggled and tried to push hiom away but he would have none of it. “I want you right now my sexy slut,”He said and raised my housegown to knees revealing my smooth milky white thighs and their fleshy undersides.I sighed as his hand travleed up to my inner thigh and...

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Taboo Eve and the Bathroom Experience

Eve could not get the photo session out of her head, despite it being a number of weeks since it had happened. She also had not deleted the photo she had been sent.It was not unusual for Eve and Lee to be in the bathroom at the same time, in various stages of undress. Today was different though as she knew she had to see Lee naked again whatever it took. She knew Lee was planning on going for a bath, as he always did after sports, and enjoyed a long soak. She hatched a plan in her head and only...

2 years ago
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Ines Flowers Black Orchid

INE?S FLOWERS: BLACK ORCHID BY MAGGIE FINSON Dark eyes idly swept the street below, mainly to hold the tedium at bay, while a mind almost as dark as the eyes considered the ironies of existence. Hate, anger, fear, pain, loss, and grief intermingled with half familiar - half forgotten - lighter, kinder emotions. Emotions her self proclaimed mother, Ine, championed. Love, mercy, generosity, others the dusky figure wearing dark clothing shied away from as too painful to...

2 years ago
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Naukar Ne Chalaki Se Choda

Mera naam arbab hai mein karachi ka rehne wala hun. Meri age 28 hai aur mein chubby bottom hun.Meri gaand bhi bohat bari hai aur gol matol.Meri body bachpan se aurton ki tarah thi.Mein agar larkion k kapre pehanta toh bilkul larkion jesa lagne lagunga.Ab direct kahani pe ata hun Yeh kahani us waqt ki hai jb mein 18 saal ka tha.Mere ghar wale do din k liye dosre shehar gaye hoye thay.Mein ghar pe akela tha aur aik naukar tha mera khayal rakhne k liye.Wo bohat harami tha.Lekin mein bilkul shareef...

1 year ago
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Amity 4 The HerdsChapter 26 Ians

On the trip home, we had an interesting discussion. I wanted to go to Weston. Goran had fired up my interest. Sable was adamant that he would be coming too. Harry said if Sable went then he went. Rose said where I went she went. Rose amused me because she seemed to relish the idea of going to visit Silver’s City, so she didn’t even attempt to talk me out of the trip. I also suspected she had a thing for Silver. They had become best buddies when they met in Horn City. I did occasionally...

4 years ago
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On Impulse

Well, it’s not so much a date as a…. what did he call it? A casual meeting. Two people attracted to each other for very different reasons. His posts made me smile and laugh, although they were never for me or even directed towards me. Still, I was interested in the man, the mind. By chance, a post he made had me thinking of a story. An erotic thriller, if you will. It stayed on my mind for a few days, before the basis of the story came to me. I sent him a private message. He responded in...

3 years ago
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Neighborly Lust Part 4

Neighborly Lust (Part 4)Don Abdul ©2010Gabrielle weaved her vintage Mustang through the afternoon traffic with feline grace until we were headed towards the edge of the city. She suddenly had a wicked smile on her face and then before I could dwell on it, she dropped her hand to my knee. Without taking her eyes off the road she caressed my knee and then snaked her hand expertly up my skirt until she found my rapidly moistening shaven pussy.Her fingers rubbed my swollen lips up and down, and...

3 years ago
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The Ball at Hampshire HillsChapter 4

Young Miss Honeysuckle Preston was not of royal lineage by any stretch of the imagination but she did have aspirations of securing a husband of reputable stock and with income that was suited to her liking and a lifestyle of comfort and noticeable lack of concern about the cost of this or the price of that when a whim for consumerism hit her smack dab between the eyes and she simply had to have the item regardless of expense. She thought she had found the best man for the job of bedding her...

2 years ago
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Anita saves a cream pie for me

I was a bit busy at my office during morning, when my sweet wife called me, saying she would join me for lunch.I was pleased to hear that, since I was sure that Anita would be also busy at her office at this time.Just after noon I had gone outside the building, when I saw my wife pulling at the parking lot, close to my car. So I went to greet her. Anita rolled her window down so I could talk and when I looked in, my jaws just dropped down. My sexy wife was wearing a short skirt and it was...

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