- 3 years ago
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It all began several years ago.
Now, before I get into my story, I’ll tell you a little about me – not the why, just the who – why may explain itself.
I’m just a man. Nothing special about me, just in my middle sixties with a graying head and beard, glasses, and a bit of a pot belly. I retired before I hit sixty just because my body was tired of the physical demands of the job, and I had more than enough to be comfortable until Social Security kicked in. I’ve been married – once, and that lasted eighteen years but then we just mutually agreed it was over. No kids, no pets. My big hobby was fishing, mostly salmon, but halibut when I could, and rockfish if nothing else was going on.
When I retired I sold off the boat and got rid of all the trolling gear. Then I went looking for a car, well really cars – plural. The first one was an MGB, gold with black trim – and those damn rubber bumpers. What a pig. It didn’t have the power to get out of its own way. The more I looked at it the less I liked it. So I sold it to a middle- aged gal that thought it was ‘cute’.
The next car was a Triumph TR-6, much more power, a manly stance, and real, chrome, bumpers. I spent a lot of hours fiddling with that car, but it was fun trying to coax a couple more horses, or improve the cornering, or hell, just making the exhaust louder. Good times.
Then I went looking for the next car.
I had decided I wanted a mid-sixties Jaguar MK2 sedan. Four doors, lots of leather, and the XK 150 engine. Couple that to a four speed transmission and you had a car that lived up to the Jaguar motto: Grace Space Pace.
Now of course once I had settled on a particular model, well … then I had to find the right car, something I could drive without worrying the paint might get a stone ding, but not so bad that I’d be ashamed to be seen in it.
It’s amazing how few cars fell into the middle of all that. between early spring and late fall I probably looked at fifteen or so cars, and they were either trailer queens that had been through total restorations or cars so far gone that it would cost an easy forty grand to make them decent again. Sixty if I wanted show quality. Which I didn’t.
In February I got a call from a John Womack, saying he’d heard I was looking for a MK 2 and he had his dad’s car up for sale.
I was driving through one of the older neighborhoods of Seattle, looking for the address Womack had given me when I saw a woman standing at a wrought iron fence bordering a Victorian style home, her back to the rain. There was no one else around. I’d glanced at her then switched back to looking at addresses when it clicked -that woman was naked! This was February in Seattle, there’s no such thing as a warm rain, this was a cold drizzle that just made you feel miserable. I could only imagine what it felt like to someone nude.
Now … I’m no hero. And I certainly wasn’t looking for a distressed damsel. But a woman – especially a naked one standing in the rain must have needed help … yeah, I pulled over to the curb, hopped out and walked the few feet to her.
I saw a leash tied to the fence and leading up to a collar locked around her throat. She could have untied herself and walked away! Instead she stood there, back to a cold rain, doing nothing.
I touched her elbow and she jumped in fright. She looked up at me then cowered to the end of the leash and held out a water streaked paper. It read: ‘This insolent slave is not worthy of my time. Anyone may take her. Use her anyway you wish. DOM.’
The look in her eyes as she scanned my face was a combination of fear and submission. It was as if anything would be preferable to a cold February rain.
I untied her and led her by the hand to my truck. I put her in the passenger seat, pulled a blanket from behind it, wrapped her and turned the heat up. She began to shiver uncontrollably for several minutes as color returned to her face.
‘What’s your name?’ No answer.
‘Where do you live?’ Again, no answer.
‘Shall I call the cops?’ This time her eyes got big and she shook her head.
‘Where should I take you?’
This time in an almost whisper she answered, ‘I belong to you. You took my leash and now I am your slave.’
Need I mention I wasn’t looking for slaves?
While she sat in my pickup, I considered the possibilities: I could take her to the cops, given her nakedness that might not be very pleasant for her. A women’s shelter? I didn’t have a clue where I might find one. Give her the blanket and twenty bucks and drop her at the nearest bus stop? She said she had nowhere to go.
That left me. As she said – she belonged to me. I didn’t know what I’d do with her, maybe just make sure she was healthy, had some clothes and send her on her way. But I damn well couldn’t just leave her at the curb.
‘Listen, I don’t know about this slave business, and I’m up here to look at a car, so why don’t we do this, ride with me while I find the address and look the car over, then we’ll talk about your problem. If I have to, I’ll take you home and get you some food and warm clothing. Okay?’
‘Yes Master.’
‘And knock off the master stuff, I’m just a guy. My name is Mike, Mike Miceli. Okay?’
‘Yes, Mas … Mike .’
‘Now, what is your name?’
‘I once was named Jessica, but now I’m just slave or Bi …’
That’s when I cut her off. ‘No more of that. Jessica huh? Okay, Jessica it is.’
I found Womack’s place a half mile up the street, apologized for being a bit late and asked to see the Jaguar. Jessica stayed in the truck, the engine running to keep her warm.
The car was exactly what I wanted – dark green with a tan interior, all the wood and leather in very good shape but with a patina that implied ‘never restored’. A four speed with overdrive was mated to the 3.8 litre engine, the engine bay probably as clean as the day it left the factory. The car was spotless in and out and had all the tools and manuals.
We talked price for a while, and even though I could tell he wasn’t anxious to sell, the fact I promised to care for it as well as his dad eased his mind.
I wrote a check on deposit, and arranged to do the paper work and final payment in a few days.
My home isn’t big by modern standards: living room/dining room, kitchen, den, three bedrooms and two baths – all on one floor. More than plenty of room for me, adding Jessica wasn’t going to crowd me much at all. I pointed to the second bedroom back, and told Jessica it was hers.
Damned if she didn’t start crying!
‘Now what?’
‘I … I thought you would have me sleep in your room. I don’t need much, I’ll just sleep at the foot of the bed.’
‘Why?’ I was totally at a loss that anyone would sleep on the floor instead of a bed.
‘That is my proper place.’
‘Um, noo … I told you, you are not a slave here. You’re just here until I find somewhere for you to go.’
She didn’t say a word, but as low as her shoulders had been, they dropped even further and another trail of tears ran down her cheeks.
‘Do you think I buy into that whole slave thing and you belong to me?’
‘You took my leash.’
‘Yeah so?’
‘You accepted my status. You claimed me. Master Dom told me I was slave to anyone that took my leash.’
I could see I wasn’t getting anywhere, so decided to just deal with that later. Meantime I had to do something about clothing for my new house guest.
‘Okay, we need to get you some clothes. What size are you?’
‘I don’t know.’
‘You must have some idea. What did you wear at Mas … that other place?’
‘I was not allowed clothing. He always wanted me available.’
‘Yes, Ma … I’m sorry … Yes, Mike. I was to service him in any way he commanded.’
All I could do was sigh. ‘Okay, drop
the blanket and let’s see what we’ve got.’
The covering instantly dropped to the floor and she stood before me, arms at her side.
I finally took the time to survey my new charge. Barefoot she barely made five feet. She had shapely legs leading to a bare pussy, her hips had a flare to them, leading to a narrow waist, and above that her ribs were somewhat prominent but her breasts stood firm with the nipples having a slight upward tilt. A graceful neck led to a pleasant face, semi-prominent cheeks, a button nose and well shaped lips. Arched eyebrows high-lighted grey eyes and the whole thing was topped by tousled and matted brown hair. Her narrow shoulders and slim arms led to small hands with delicate looking fingers. I had her turn around and caught my breath as I saw many fading bruises on her back and thighs.
Well, I didn’t know anything about women’s clothes, let alone sizes so I just tried memorizing what stood before me, figuring I’d run up to a store and get her something until I could get her to the store myself.
‘Am I acceptable, Mas … Mike?’
‘Huh, what? No, I’m just trying to figure your size.’
A little smile tickled the corners of her mouth. ‘Yes, M … Mike.’
Changing the subject, I asked to see the collar. It was a fairly heavy leather construction almost two inches high with what looked like a wool liner. It was buckled on, but then a keyed lock secured it.
‘We’re going to have to get that thing off.’
‘My collar? No, Master, you mustn’t!’
‘Just for a moment I’m going to buy into this master thing. I said it’s coming off. That was from that other master. He no longer exists. Got it?’
‘Yes Mast … Mi … Yes sir.’ This time a real smile filled her face. Totally changed the way she looked.
Well, I ran up to the local ‘We sell everything ‘ store and picked up some pants, tops and those rubber flip-flops. When I returned she was cleaning the kitchen like there was no tomorrow.
I was already learning ‘don’t fight the tide’, I left her to her task, laying the clothes out on her bed. I checked on her progress, and then called her into the bedroom, ‘These are some clothes for you until I get you to the store for the other things.’
‘Thank you, Mas … may I please call you Master? It is very difficult for me – using your name.’
‘I dislike the connotations of master, lets compromise and you call me Sir.’
‘Thank you Sir, I can do that.’
‘Meanwhile you can dress in these.’
I’d guessed fairly well on the sizes, but I had forgotten underwear. She stood there, twitching and squirming, ‘I’m sorry Master, I’m not used to wearing clothing, except when master Dom would take me to a gathering. May I remain bare?’
‘Yes, when Masters would gather and display their slaves.’
‘And … what was that like?’
‘He would dress me to impress the others, but then Master Dom required I service anyone and everyone.’
‘Damn. What did you think of that?’
‘I am slave.’
‘I must do as I am told.’
‘Let’s go have some dinner, and then I need to do some thinking. And just keep the shirt on.’
Thinking also involved some on-line research: definitions, common practices, terminology. Then I sought D/s forums, just reading the concerns – mostly of submissives or slaves – and their relationships.
This wasn’t going to be easy. Even if she stayed with me for just a week, her sense of self seemed to revolve around her slave status.
As for myself: over my life I had worked a vast variety of jobs and sometimes I was a boss and other times not. At least I had learned how to give orders as well as I had taken them.
‘Jessica! Come in here!’
‘Yes Sir?’
‘If you are going to stay with me we need to clarify roles. How do you see us? Your expectations of me, of yourself?’
‘How were you treated at that last place that you ended up tied out in the rain?’
Jessica hung her head, slumped visibly. ‘I was unworthy. Master Dom told me every day I was a waste of his time. He said I couldn’t do anything properly. He would punish me when I deserved it but he became more and more angry because I didn’t obey his rules. Finally he just tied me up outside, handed me that paper, and told me I was to go with anyone that took the leash. I was very afraid when you touched me.’
‘And he punished you?’
‘Oh, yes … I didn’t like that, he whipped me many times. I never cried. I wouldn’t give him that.’
‘We won’t be doing that here. What makes you happy?’
‘I don’t know, Sir. No one ever asked me that. Being good as a slave pleases me. Is that what you mean?’
‘Not quite, but it’ll do as a start. I have to do more thinking, I want you to go to bed. In the morning we’ll discuss your duties
I returned to the ‘net, surfing through several of the D/s sites – looking for an understanding of the slave mind set. I didn’t care all that much about what the masters thought, simply because that wasn’t me. But I was trying to understand why someone derived their sense of worth in subservience.
Around midnight I gave up, there was a truth out there, but it was eluding me. After the usual business in the bathroom I headed for bed, only to be brought to a stop at the sight of a bare woman curled on the floor at the foot of my bed.
As soon as I stepped into the room she lifted her head, ‘Sir, is there anything I may do?’
I was too tired to be tactful, ‘Yes. Get up from that damn floor and go to your bed!’
She stood, shoulders hunched and head down, and cried. Not an out-loud cry, one of those silent, shoulder quaking sobs that will break your heart to witness.
‘Now what?’ I sighed.
‘My place is with you. You don’t want mmmeee!’
‘Oh for god’s sake. I’m not going to have you on the floor! Get in the bed. Take that side. Let’s get some sleep.’
I was about to turn off the light when I realized she was laying there, stiff as a board. ‘Now what?’
‘I’ve seen corpse that looked more comfortable.’
‘I’m sorry sir, but I haven’t been allowed on a bed to sleep in years except to be of service. What do you want me to do?’
(Sigh) ‘Ok, curl up over here. We’ll talk in the morning.’
She tucked into my arms and with an audible sigh drifted to sleep. I lay there for the longest time, Jessica in my arms, her back pressed against me. I didn’t know where to put my hands until she guided them over her breasts, she sighed again as I cupped the warm handfuls of flesh.
The next morning I woke to the smell of fresh coffee. In the kitchen a naked woman stood at the stove, humming as she made breakfast. ‘Good morning, Sir.’ She said without turning.
Now … I’m not a morning person. Give me coffee, a paper, and eventually breakfast and I’m ok. But perky first thing? Grrr.
Jessica was perky.
She hummed and chattered as she moved about the room – making sure my coffee was topped, serving breakfast (which was quite good, by the way), she even had the paper on the table.
Heading for the shower after breakfast, I realized Jessica’s hair was still a matted mess. ‘Come with me, let’s get you cleaned up.’
I thought we’d take turns, but her hair was such a mess I just opted to help her with it. We stood under the warm water, just relishing the sensations. Then I moved her directly under the stream, filled my hands with shampoo, and began working my hands through her hair. At first I thought I’d have to just cut chunks of it away, it was that bad, but then it slowly loosened. It took three rounds of scrub and rinse, but finally we reached a point where her hair (wet as it was) reached her mid-back. I swear she cooed the whole time I did her.
After that it was time to scrub the rest of her, beginning at her
shoulders, and just using soap on my hands (I didn’t know how sensitive her skin was) I worked my way down her back, across her buttocks and on down her legs. After she’d rinsed I turned her and worked my way up. Yes, I cleaned her pussy, but I kept scrubbing my way up. Her knees buckled a bit going over her mound, and she really leaned into my hands as I reached her breasts.
Then it was my turn and she made the most of it. I probably haven’t been cleaned so thoroughly since I was a babe. And then she began on my cock. Just the attention she gave the rest of my had me half hard, but then she reached down with her soapy hands and cleaned me so well that MY knees half-buckled, and then she knelt and took me in her mouth. I tried to stop her. Honest to god I tried. But I’m just a man and the warm sensations on my cock were way more than I could resist.
I didn’t last long, and her humming around my dick didn’t help at all.
She stood, licking her lips, ‘Did I do well, Master?’
All I could do was nod.
Jessica smiled.
Her hair was actually a strawberry-blond, and under the solid layer of grime was a peaches and cream complexion glowing through almost translucent skin. Almost automatically I thought she would get plenty of sun in the summer. And then realized I was planning almost six months ahead.
We spent a lot of time talking over the next several days and I learned quite a bit about Jessica and her life: Now in her thirties, she’d been raised by a single mother in poverty, hadn’t finished high school, had worked at minimum wage jobs, and went from boyfriend to boyfriend looking for love but only being used, until she’d been found by ‘Master Dom’.
Her life with him started out quietly as he converted her into his life. She had been dressed in clothing that highlighted her face and figure, and the feeling of servitude had been eased with gentle loving. But it gradually changed as he found fault more and more often. Instead of sleeping with him, she was forced to sleep on the floor, first as punishment, and then as her normal routine.
Somewhere along the line he added beatings to her punishments – telling her she was worthless, a waste of his time. Eventually he just tied her to the fence, abandoning her to her fate.
Off and on I would go back to the D/s forums, at first just lurking, but eventually I joined, and laid out how Jessica came to me.
Of course I didn’t use her (or my) name, but I was pretty graphic about her being tied out in the rain. And her physical condition as well.
Almost to a person everyone agreed she had been mistreated, especially as it violated a basic tenet of the D/s culture, everything must be by mutual consent – you can’t abuse a slave unless it’s part of the agreement. And not allowing her a voice drove well into the realm of sadism.
One night who should join in the conversation but ”Master Dom’. It only took him minutes after signing on to begin a full-fledged rant, first against Jessica – saying she was a worthless bitch that should have frozen to death, then he started in on me – threatening some kind of action. My response was simple: ‘Hey asshole, I know where you live. Shut your fucking pie-hole!’
He was silent after that.
A week after first finding Jessica I returned to Seattle, a trailer behind my pickup, to finish the Jaguar purchase. Driving past the house with the wrought iron fence I saw a man standing on the stoop, middle-aged, dressed in dark clothes, undistinguished from thousands of others.
Was he ‘Master Dom?’ I don’t know for sure, don’t really give a damn, but maybe his blahness explains his need to dominate.
I concluded the business with Womack and headed home, Jag on the trailer.
In my research I had come to a firm conclusion: Jessica was one of those rare people that was happiest when they had given someone else complete control of her and her life.
Not to be disparaging, but what came to my mind was a well-trained dog – happiest when he knows what is expected and does everything well. Jessica was happiest when I gave her a list of duties and left her to them.
Our one area of disagreement was her clothing style, or rather her lack of clothing style, I’m not a prude, and she did look good, but I’d had too many years of social training that decent people stayed dressed, even in their homes. You’d think that I, as Master, would be the final word, but she’d had several years of forced nudity and it became normal for her. We finally hit a compromise: when I was home she wore shorts and a light blouse as she worked around the house. In the evenings she could be nude, but would keep something close-by for when visitors dropped by.
"Hi, I am new to the neighborhood and thought I would come and introduce myself," the pretty girl announced as soon as I had opened the door. "My name is Jessica and I live just next door there with my father." At the time I did not have a screen door so could clearly see this young girl as she could see me, a man in my mid-forties. "Well, hello, very nice to meet you. My name is Steve and I live here with my son. I'd call him to meet you, but he's in the shower." "That's okay,...
My wife walked out on me a year ago; not so much walked out, as drifted out; out of both mine, and my daughter Jessica's lives. She had slowly but steadily devoted more and more time to pursue her career and had made a rapid rise to higher and higher posts within the government and now she was stationed in Brussels at the EU-office. We hadn't divorced or anything and I think we still were in love, but the love had been put to a simmer while she worked. Her paycheck still found its way to our...
What an amazing night!I was still new to my job as Senior Artworker, and I was told that I had to attend a series of meetings with one of our clients - down south - somewhere in Northamptonshire. I was going to be there for a few days. That was going to be a gruelling five-hour drive. As I ran this through my mind, I realised that there was one bright spark on this trip and her name was..... (let's call her Jessica.)"Jessica" and I had met online about a year ago and hit it off almost...
What an amazing night!I was still new to my job as Senior Artworker, and I was told that I had to attend a series of meetings with one of our clients - down south - somewhere in Northamptonshire. I was going to be there for a few days. That was going to be a gruelling five-hour drive. As I ran this through my mind, I realised that there was one bright spark on this trip and her name was..... (let's call her Jessica.)"Jessica" and I had met online about a year ago and hit it off almost...
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I saw her coming out of the shower naked one day. I had just woken up and my bedroom door was open. I know I had closed it when i went to sleep in the early hours that morning as I always did as I preferred to sleep naked..I was staying at a friend’s house whilst working on a contract in Richmond. Due to the nature of my job, I got in at about 5am, and went straight to bed. John would be away by 8am and I normally got up around lunchtime. Jessica and I would normally have lunch together and...
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This is first time I am writing here. I have some stories here and feel my story will be appreciated. I’m now 52 years old and my wife is 45. This happened approximately about 4 years ago. My wife and I used to have a healthy sex life but 4 years ago and I started to reduce coupling when I checked with doctor I found to be diabetic and I was told that sexual activity will reduce but not the desire. It was at that time that I noticed my wife being angrier and always frustrated instead of our...
Today’s site is a relative newcomer to the Asian porn tube scene. It was mid-2018 when JAV Fun started serving up videos of beautiful Japanese women in unsavory situations. The site’s popularity has grown steadily since. As of this writing, they’re getting about 5,000 visitors a day.Why Is This JAV So Much Fun?I’m going to cut right to the chase here. JAVFun has a feature that makes it really stand out from other JAV sites. What’s that feature? Cunts and cocks.Wait a minute. Shouldn’t every...
Asian Porn SitesA morning of dance and an afternoon of theater had become the norm. Before dinner I would join Tash working on our plays. My newest one, the one I drafted first during Helena’s and my blissful honeymoon in Greece, really came together in Cass Lake, and needed little revision. Tash’s needed even less, being actually worked on during rehearsals. “Enough,” said Tash that afternoon. “Come here.” She liked working sitting on her bed, her laptop in front of her. I sat at her desk with mine....
It was Monday, three weeks after the company had posted the job opening. I had four interviews scheduled for the day. I already had resumes from all of them and had looked them over. The first two were young men that worked for the company now. The interviews went well. Either of them should be able to do the job. The two that were scheduled for the afternoon were from outside the company but already lived in the city so there would not have to be a relocation package for the company to...
(Berk) {Narrator's POV} Fishlegs was Running as fast as his big Bucket of Lard of a Body would take him, he'd just received an Encrypted Message from Astrid's Older Brother. Staolkroer hadn't been back to berk in over Ten years, After being Exiled for Protecting A Nest of Young Dragons from Slaughter, and if what the Message said was true, he wasn't coming alone. Astrid and her Brother had been Inseparable, and when he was exiled.......well you can understand how Astrid must've Felt. Finding...
Tom's eyelids reluctantly fluttered open from a night of deep slumber. He squinted from the fresh rays of morning sunlight shinning through the window. His hand already massaging his hard erect cock, as was his usual activity. Nothing better than a nice hard cum first thing in the morning. The perfect way to start the day. It felt so good to stroke and this morning it felt particularly good. So good to stroke, up and down, up and down, his near perfect erection. The image in his mind, the...
November 9, 2017 Dear Ms. Diary, Our departure for school was somewhat tear-filled, as Gracey ... and the rest of us said goodbye to Inez, who would fly out this afternoon. Sandy said, “Inez, if you’d prefer to stay with Meka when you get back, you’re welcome to do so.” “And miss the goings-on here? No way. If you’ll have me here, I’d like to stay here.” Carol replied, “Okay, then. We’ll give you the key to the back door. It’s a phone app, and I’ll set you up with it when I get back for...
Pleasure Cruise:Synopsis: A relaxing cruise on an innovative yacht with the perfect companyChapter 1: Setting sailI walked up the gangplank and boarded my private yacht, on which I intended to take a cruise throughout the day. It was a lovely day. The weather was just right. There were no clouds in the sky, yet it was not so hot as to be uncomfortable.Half-way up the plank, I caught sight of Captain Erica Prescott, who had been in my service from the time I had purchased my yacht, the...
Hai, my name is ramya, i am a regular reader of these incest stories i liked each and evey one who is writing the stories and mostly…… and i like the girls stories also they will be more horny and sexy and hot very much. This is one of mine first story i am wright to u all, it happened when i was of the age of 22yrs, Any how let me introduce to u my self, my name is ramya and i am from a middle class family, my father is an govt employer in electric dept… and mom is house wife, any how i...
IncestI have known Matt for many years. He was a senior when I first met him. Being part of the football team and six foot tall, he was a girls dream. Many girls fawned over him and he enjoyed being the school jock. Being the junior I had my hots for him and eventually one day at a party we made out and I gave him a quick blow job, although we never managed to fuck. Recently, through mutual friends I heard that Matt was coming to my town to help his elder brother move after a nasty divorce. I had to...
Group SexHey everyone, Sorry have not written much lately. I have not been as active as I was and am still recovering but am almost ready to get back into some fun. This happened a few years ago when I did not have a steady roommate. I worked at a store and there were a lot of men and women that came in from diferent cultures. Japanese, Hispanic, Black and White. No one really attracted me or even flirted much as was usual but in a clothing store it is more conservative most times. Well, I was working...
I can’t believe it. Here I am in our car driving home to my husband Steve. I’d just spent the last two hours at a hotel with Ridge. I had a hard week at school and I needed to unwind and he definitely made sure that I did. He fucked me so well I had two very strong orgasms. Just the kind of unwinding I needed. But that’s not what’s so hard to believe. My husband Steve knows that I fuck him and he’s fine with it. Steve used to want to always be there to watch and join but lately, due to my...
CuckoldGrace was in the kitchen kneading dough. “What on earth are you doing woman? You should be getting your beauty sleep for your wedding tomorrow.” Grace smiled at him, “I find it relaxing.” “What? Are you nervous about getting married?” he asked as he went to the icebox and scooped some slushy ice into a jug. “Yes.” “Why? Hugh loves you. Anyone can see that,” he inquired, finding himself sitting at the table and watching her as he sipped his drink. Grace finished shaping the loaves as she...
Part 1 – Me Growing up: mainly a true account with some artistic licence though: As one gets older and possibly wiser I find it strange how bits and pieces either accept or frowned upon years ago loose there so called mystery and often just become the norm. I wouldn’t say my particular parent’s had great liberal types but they did seem to have slightly different outlook on others as I was growing up. At the time I just accepted what happened as normal slightly eccentric behaviour however soon...
A few years have passed since I lost my virginity to Starr. After all the puppy love we had for each other, Starr and I did break up on the last day of camp in 2011 due to her parents not approving of a black man dating their white/Italian daughter. Her parents would never understand our love, sex, and desire for each other, so we decided to leave it at camp. When I came back home, I soon realize that Starr has a best friend named Madi Kelly, who lives in the same town as me. The girl is...
Straight SexMy Sister Makes Me So Jealous My sister Maggie has always been the girl that I most wanted to be with. We played together and we even bathed together when we were young. We played doctor to explore our new found sexuality. We teased each other all the time. Maggie would rub her tits into my back while I was getting things out in the kitchen, she would rub her ass onto my crotch if I was sitting in a chair, and she would grab my cock whenever she got the opportunity. I would do...
Delivering pizza is a job you can make a living from... if you have room mates, and as long as the tips hold out. You need to have a beater that you can repair yourself that also gets decent mileage. It can't be too nice looking and the side that faces the customer's house or apartment has to show that. Some people won't tip if your car looks too nice.The evenings are the best shifts because they are the busiest times and tips are generally bigger due to the bigger orders. Late night orders...
Have to admit after the first Monday fuck I was more than turned on. Driving home I thought about nothing but James fucking his new slut and wondering what might be next.I called on Tuesday on the way to work and just chatted not wanting James to know how fucking horny I was with my wet panties and pussy. Agreed to talk later in the day and I called him in about three hours on my break. James seemed to want to keep going and I sure did so we finally agreed to Wednesday, as I just could not...
It all started during a truth or dare game when I was 14. There was 6 guys & 2 girls (I know not good odds) anyway, it was my turn and I was dared to suck a cock for a minute. When asked which one I was told it had to be my best friend because he was 7-8" like myself and the others were still boy sized. I got down on my knees and gently grabbed his cock and said I'm ready. They said start and I opened my mouth and took it in. The smell wasn't bad and the taste was actually alluring so...
I appreciate all of the positive feedback I've received and especially the people who have taken the time to leave a comment. Enjoy. My first threesome... The next morning I work up very early. I was as hard as I could ever remember being in my entire life. While I was sleeping I had this series of very hot sexy dreams. Just as I was about to cum, I would wake up. Each time I woke up, my cock was throbbing. It jumped everytime my heart beat. Once I found myself stroking my...
Moving like an old man, William slowly made his way to the conference room in the office area of the house. He felt stiff and dull witted, but life went on and he had things to do despite his desire to run and hide from the world. This afternoon he had to perform the final interview of the candidates for new staff positions. The current staff members had already met with them and passed only those they thought would be a good fit. This eliminated candidates who were unsuitable for life inside...
I first met charlie a couple of years ago. He was a friend of the family, and the first time I laid eyes on him I knew I was smitten. We grew closer over the course of around 3 years and eventually I built up the courage to tell him I liked him. He declined my offer to become 'more than friends,' but at the age of just seventeen I knew we were both young and fragile, so decided I would just live with him being my friend. That was okay for another couple of years, and I would do anything to be...
First TimeShe was nude. She had the most beautiful body I’d ever seen and she was waiting for me to undress. I stood still like a deer caught in ahead light and wondered how brave I could be. The Company Christmas Party is always at Gutheries. We have dinner in one of the private rooms out back and then move to the bar to see which one of the guys is going to make a fool of himself. This year it was my husband. I saw him standing next to her and wondered how he was able to keep his tongue in his...
Sean found his girl doing the dishes in a thong showing off her awesome ass. She had her headphones on and kept right on twerking when he pulled out his phone to shoot her. Before long, he was bending Sasha over and licking her ass and pussy on the counter. Then she got to her knees to slobber and choke on his hard cock. He then bent her over to start fucking her all over the kitchen. You dont want to miss one moment of this fine Latina hottie getting her nice thick ass smashed for a load of...
xmoviesforyouTurned Around By Indy What a weekend it turned out to be. I've been married for some time when my wife proposed something that I never thought would happen. The issues of crossdresing or basically anything that could be thought of as out of the mainstream was definitely taboo in our house. I never once considered the possibility of confiding in her about my desire to dress up in woman's clothes. Over the years I think my wife had picked up on a couple of clues that planted the...
My name is Yash and I am 20 years old and I have a cock of 6.5 inches. I was introduced to porn at a very young age. I saw it accidentally on my Mama’s computer during vacations. Now let me introduce the heroine of the story. Her name is Reena, my mom. Reena has a figure of 36-38-36. Her age is 40 years. She is brown by colour and not very pretty but looks young. My mom had medium-sized lips. Anyone would like to fuck her because of her figure. She almost wears salwar suit and on occasions, she...
IncestI was working late in my office when I realized it was well past 12 and I saw the date, it was 18th November Anu’s b’day. Anu is my ex, we broke up in May as I had to join a law firm and she was getting married to a rich guy. We decided it was best to end things. I am ashu I am a young lawyer working in a small firm, this girl anu and many other girls find me very attractive but I think I am a normal guy with a height of six feet fair looking.b So I texted anu , hey happy birthday and keep...
I've been chatting and sharing about my first time sorry for any typos but I'm going to share the whole story hope you enjoy.When I was a teenager I was supposed to be at the local pool about a block from my house. Well knowing both my parents would be at work I rode my bike back home I loved jerking off while wearing my mother's panties on this day I got a little more daring knowing I had 4 hours alone I stripped down went to her panty drawer and looked thru it I found a white lace teddy I got...
The Message Bible (TMB) claims that Ruth crawled under the sheets with Boaz ‘to signal her availability for marriage.’ You can look that up for yourself (Ruth 3:7 TMB). In my opinion, TMB has it all wrong because I believe Ruth had a much shorter term goal in mind, namely getting laid. The Bible contains tales of real people who deal with the same primal urges every day as you and I do. It does a disservice to the humanness of Biblical characters to sanitize their actions. To set the record...
Good day. My name is Tiffany. I've written this subroutine to act as my equivalent of a diary. Allow me to explain the present state. My name is Tiffany. I am a simulated sexual partner developed in private by Harold Conniver. I am perfectly equipped to satisfy the sexual desires and fetishes of all users. Harold Conniver is currently my only user. In my development, Harold Conniver serendipitously perfected machine-self-awareness. I am sentient. Harold Conniver is not aware of this. I must...
I had my head resting on the flesh above her stocking tops as johns thick cock slid into her stretched twat, jolly moaned again, the juice coating his prick as it ran out of her. I dipped my head lower, lapping at her swollen clit.when he was all the way in he stopped moving, took her by the shoulders and pulled her into a sitting position, she wrapped her arms round his neck and they kissed deeply" I knew I was going to fuck you as soon as I got in the car, the way you stuck your tongue in my...
The afternoon of my visit to Dan’s house was far from a pleasant one, inside my head at least. I was a little freaked out by how fast and far things had gone with him. Just a couple of weeks ago he’d been a complete stranger, but now I’d had his cock in my hand and a finger up his ass. How could such a thing happen? It was a good thing work was slow that afternoon, because I couldn’t focus on anything. Or to put it more accurately, I couldn’t focus on anything but replaying the encounter with...
BisexualTo start a few thing about the day, it was a normal weekend day and I came home after doing my running around town and getting stuff done. I drove up to my apartment and parked on the road that I always did, after I parked I got out and started to walk to the door and I saw this person riding a bike down the road, the person past by and then I saw it was a guy and he looked kind of cute from the quick look I gor of him, he was wearing spandex and a lose t-shirt. I took a few steps back to see...
GayFP sat down and stripped out of his pants completely under the blanket. He then applied some Vaseline to his dick and then asked me to come over to him and sit on his lap. He then reached under the blanket and applied some more gel to my butthole. Still naked under the blanket, I moved over towards him, standing between his legs with my back to him. I slowly lowered my butthole towards his cock. Once I made contact with his cock, he held his cock in his hand and slowly slide it into my butt as...
1. Calling you does not mean we are hitting on youMost men are left wondering that why’s it that just because he called you, you assumed he wants you to fill in the post of his girlfriend. He may actually just want to hang out with you.2. You are much prettier without all that makeupYour basic foundation and kajal is fine, but layers upon layers of makeup only makes you unappealing to your guy. So keep it simple.3. When you act giggly, it’s seriously embarrassingWhen you spot your gang of girls...
Hello, everyone!! I am prem from Lucknow working in Delhi as a software engineer. I am a regular reader of Indian sex stories and I am a great fan of this site. So I felt like sharing a real sexual incident that I experienced during my college days which happened around 3 years ago when I was 21. This is my first story so kindly bear with the mistakes. I am 6 ft tall having average body and average size tool. Hope you like it. I did my engineering from Lucknow. I met a girl during my academic...