Gifted Book 2 ChemistryChapter 22 South
- 3 years ago
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Grace was in the kitchen kneading dough.
“What on earth are you doing woman? You should be getting your beauty sleep for your wedding tomorrow.”
Grace smiled at him, “I find it relaxing.”
“What? Are you nervous about getting married?” he asked as he went to the icebox and scooped some slushy ice into a jug.
“Why? Hugh loves you. Anyone can see that,” he inquired, finding himself sitting at the table and watching her as he sipped his drink.
Grace finished shaping the loaves as she spoke. “Yes I know, but marriage is still a big step, it will cause change.” She glanced over at Ty, “I’ve been the Housekeeper for Willow’s family since I was twenty. I’ve had my share of lovers over the years, but I’ve never felt the desire to take one as my husband before.”
“Then why did you say yes?” he inquired.
“Because he wants it and I can’t say no to him.”
“But do you want to be his wife, Grace?”
Tears ran down her cheeks, and she nodded ‘yes’.
Ty stood and moved over to her and hugged her gently. He seemed to do a lot of hugging of tearful women lately. He was getting good at it, “Silly woman. Come on let’s get them into the warmer, and then you go make love to your man.”
Ty helped her clean up. As they worked, he glanced at Grace several times. Finally, he asked tentatively, “Grace why weren’t you upset with me sleeping with Willow when I can back?”
“Because you love her,” she said simply.
Ty sighed, “I’m too old for her Grace and she needs someone her own age. She is only infatuated with me because I was her first and I took her out of a bad situation.”
Grace looked at him and shook her head, “Now who is being thick? Age doesn’t mean crap. Take the King and Sara. She has been in love with him since she was sixteen and she is still in love with him. He was only eighteen, and you can’t tell me he doesn’t still love her. You know him well.”
Ty nodded, he knew the King had always loved Sara. After Vera’s death, he had been depressed for some time. He had told him that he felt guilty that he couldn’t love his wife, as she had deserved.
Grace gave another example. “Willow’s mother was fifteen when she first met her father and seventeen when they eloped. He was five years older than she was. That man idolised the ground she walked on and she for he, right up to the day they died.”
“I only had to take one look at Willow when you first brought her home. Yes, she was grieving, but she let you make love to her didn’t she? You were gone more than a week giving her time to think about you and her, yet she dragged you upstairs the minute you walked in the door, didn’t she?”
“She still crawls into your bed even if you will only cuddle her. That’s not infatuation young man.” She patted his shoulder and then kissed him on the cheek.
She went off to bed with a very relieved Hugh.
Ty took the ice and the decanter and went to bed.
He stripped off and crawled into bed. He pulled the blankets up to his waist and lay back with his drink in hand. It was getting cooler even with the gas fire going and he didn’t like having cold toes. He propped himself up, so he was comfortable and sipped his drink as he stared unseeing into the dimly lit room.
Willow slipped into his room. She slid under the blanket and curled up on his chest, wrapping her arm around his waist. Ty smoothed back her hair with the hand of the arm she was laying on. He felt the peace slip over him that always happened when Willow curled up with him. They lay quietly together for some time, but he didn’t feel her relax into sleep. She was still hugging him close.
“Do you love me, Kitten?” he asked softly. Willow stiffened slightly. He reached over to put up the glass and rolled her onto her back so he could see her face. He looked into her eyes to see the tears welling there.
“Do you love me, Kitten?” he asked again softly.
She nodded and said tenderly, “With all my heart, Ty.”
The truth of her words slammed into his heart. He closed his eyes and took in several deep breaths. She laid quietly half under him. Waiting to see how he would respond. She wasn’t sure if she could handle him rejecting her, now she had told him, but she couldn’t lie and didn’t want to lie to him. As far as she was concerned, it was a simple fact of life. She loved him.
“Oh sweetheart you can do better than me,” he said in anguish.
She shook her head, “No, I can’t. My heart tells me you are my soulmate, you are mine and I am yours.” Again, he heard what she believed to be true. She wasn’t hesitant; it had come from her heart. “Do you love me Ty?” she had to ask.
He could lie. Willow would get over him in time, he hoped. Then the King and Sara’s faces popped into his head. ‘Shit!’ he thought. ‘Not if she loves me like they love each other, she won’t.’ He knew he had been trying to fool himself too. He hadn’t looked at or wanted another since Willow crashed into his life.
None could compare to the desire he felt for her and the happiness she gave him, just being with him. He sighed and looked back down on her again. He bent down and gently kissed her. His desire and love for her welled inside of him. “May the Gods help us, Willow? Yes, I love you too, with all my heart.”
Willow thumped him hard in his shoulder. “Ow, what was that for?” he rubbed his shoulder. She really did hit hard.
“All the grief you have put me through, you silly man. It wasn’t that hard to admit to, was it?”
Ty had to laugh. He bent back over her and kissed her again, much harder than before. Willow wrapped her arm around him and returned his kiss with fervour. She pushed her hips up into him several times, and he got the message. His throbbing cock agreed.
He sat up on his knees and helped her get the nightie off and them he happily threw it on the floor. He looked down at her now naked body and feasted on the sight of her. Willow giggled, and he looked at where her eyes were fixed. He was as hard as a rock. It seems his cock new better than his head, where it belonged. He lay down beside her and rolled her over, so she was on top of him.
“Make love to me, Willow,” he said lovingly. He didn’t want her to feel threatened by him. She’d had a nasty fright tonight, and he wanted her to feel in control.
Willow looked down at him. He had never asked her that before. Willow wiggled up him, and he groaned as her legs locked around his hips, and her wet cunnie rubbed on his cock. She put her hands either side of his head and kissed him. She rocked her hips, so she slid over him, but he wasn’t in her. She then stretched out and dropped a tit in his mouth.
He took the hint. He happily grasped her breasts and sucked the offered delicacy into his mouth as she rocked on him. He felt his hips flex up into her, he wanted in. She lifted up, and his cock followed. She lightly rubbed the tip with her cunnie lips. He sucked harder on her tit and flexed up again. He felt himself enter her, but not far enough.
She rocked down lower and lifted as he went to push up, teasing him. He groaned on her tit and bit it gently so that she moaned. She lowered herself further on him and then slid back up. He swapped breasts, sucking hard on the nipple in his mouth.
Willow dropped down lower and lower each time. She was taking forever to engulf him fully. He felt her come down again, but this time, he grabbed her hips and slammed her down on him with relief. Willow rocked her hips as she gripped and released him, she giggled at his impatience.
Ty sighed with pleasure, as her hot flesh surrounded his cock. He pushed up into her as she came down on him again. It was so damn wonderful, he groaned. He had missed her being on his cock, and she seemed happy to have him back in her, going by the little moans and gasps and enthusiastic wiggles.
She started rocking her hips forward and pushing backwards harder, so he slipped out and back in her. After a little while, she sat up putting her hands on his chest and started riding him harder. He tightened his hips, so she hit him hard as she dropped and ground her clit into him. She was very wet, yet fit him like a tight glove.
He grabbed her hips and helped her ride him. He could feel his cock flex as it ran into a barrier. He was as deep in her as he could go. He groaned as she clamped hard around him. Her little ohs and ahs only encouraged him to get her to come on him. She was moving fast enough to create an exotic friction on his cock, which caused his balls to tighten in anticipation.
She clamped hard again and stiffened on him. He pushed up into her as she came on him and felt his own release sweep through him. They groaned in unison, and she shook on him. Willow collapsed onto his chest, and he could feel her pulsing around him. Her hips and thighs were shivering around his, making his cock pulse into her.
Prue rode into the yard. She got down off the horse and gave it to the stable lad. “Do you know if the owner of that carriage is inside?” “Yes, Ma’am, the man and his daughter got hurt by highwaymen. The constables are out trying to track them. The man said they took his wife.” Prue sighed in relief that Tah was okay. “What of the little girl?” The young man shook his head sadly, “She was still unconscious, and the man is in a bad way, worrying about her.” Tears welled in Prue’s eyes....
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Willow was very nervous at meeting the King. She wore the green striped dress and found a lovely necklace and earbobs in her mother’s jewellery box. She didn’t like wearing powders on her face so she didn’t. She did smear a pink gloss on her lips and darkened her eyelashes. She grabbed her cape and purse and headed out to the sitting room. Ty turned when he heard her door open and he stood transfixed. She was beautiful, that was all he could think. Then she smiled that little smile she gave...
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Carol had started playing up to Vincent. She acted as if she was his old lover and that Ulani was in the way of them being together because he had to marry her. She staged little scenes to make it look like Vincent was pursuing her. She would give Ulani little guilty looks but then look at Vincent as if he was the love of her life. She was really pissing Ulani off. Vincent had noticed the tension between the two, but with all his other problems, he didn’t realise what Carol had been doing...
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The next three weeks flew by. Prue was working on her designs and the textbook. Tah spent more time with her than his friends. Raghu also spent a lot of time with them and Tina. Prue found Raghu had a very good eye for design and a strong mechanical aptitude. He picked out several issues that he helped her improve. Tah became her editor and sounding board for her book. He was fascinated with it and asked her lots of questions. They even set up experiments so he could see her theories in...
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Vincent’s thoughts returned to the Winter Season when he and Ulani had just turned eighteen. In the year leading up to the Winter Season, Leigh’s father, Baron David Karlson, had married Ulani’s cousin and companion, Gail. Willow had said that Ulani was welcome to stay in the Terrell Mansion in Bavindor since Ulani would be attending the Academe with Vincent and Leigh that year. Because Vincent was still Ty’s ward, he lived at the Mansion. Leigh had moved out of home to give his father some...
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The following night they decided to dine in. Once they ended up in the entertainment room, the discussion changed to wedding plans again. Prue had been stewing on the couch, and Nianna was, as per usual, in Tah’s lap. Prue still couldn’t accept that the only way of getting out of marrying Tah was to petition his father. She also knew it would cost her a lot to get out of the agreement. Jonas had made it very clear that he approved of the marriage. He wouldn’t be happy with her. “Wait, it...
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You know all the usual stuff, don’t read if it’s illegal or you don’t like sex or sex between two males offends you. All characters are purely fictional, and any likeness is coincidence. Joshua Glynn reserves all rights to this story, the characters, and the world they live in. This story is about an 18/yo boy struggling with the gifts that he possesses, and trying to find out where he fits in a modern day society. _________________________ Gifted: Book One Soul Mates Prologue: Moving ...
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Vincent peered around the trunk of the tree. This section of forest was more open as it was regrowth. It still had a lot of shrubbery and short trees that were hampering his vision. He saw the man aim at him, and he quickly pulled his head back. A fraction of a second later, the shot chipped a large chunk of bark off the tree near his head. Vincent swore silently. He tried to ignore the sweat on his palms and dribbling down his back, as he heard another shot ring-out over to his left where...
Viincent hadn’t bothered with a new mistress that Winter Season. Seeing and being around Ulani again, he even found his visits to the tavern for sex had stopped. He hadn’t actually used one of the girls for months. He still found Ulani’s nearness affected him. He knew that he wanted her and was learning that her coolness was very frustrating. The problem was, he wasn’t ready to settle down and he knew Ulani wasn’t in the habit of playing around according to the rumours. He kept a careful...
Vincent shook off the memories. He sighed, and then he focused on the report he was writing. He concentrated on getting it complete. He had just finished when Paul came back with Ty. The prisoner had been conscious for a while, but Vincent hadn’t spoken to him. When he and Ty stood in front of the man, he looked at them in fear. They both knew they had developed a reputation that if they got on your trail, you would end up in prison. But the young man’s fear seemed irrational. Ty said,...
Ty was sitting in the library enjoying a drink. He was reading one of Willow’s many books. She had a whole section on Nordland and Ty was brushing up on their history, as they were the dignitaries that were coming for the Winter Season. The fields were bare, and they had already had a light smattering of snow. As soon as the product was packed into the crates, they would head to Bavindor. One of the big barns was heated, and the bags of leaves were packed flat in set weights, on the racks...
The next morning, Willow received a note from David that he needed to see her about her house. She needed to find the wedding planner and go to the auction house, so decided to visit David first. She took Prue with her and Brain drove. They were ushered in and offered tea but declined. David greeted them, “Lady Willow you look radiant today. Lady Prudence, it is also a pleasure to see you. Willow, we have a problem with the house. The agent contacted me yesterday. It was why I had to...
By the next evening, they were all established in Tah’s house. Walter had gone home and told Mary and his family of the job offer, the new company and his and Brian’s involvement. He explained the pseudo-companion reason for her to move into Tah’s house. He didn’t tell her that Prue had no intentions of marrying Tah and that it was their business as far as he was concerned. Mary had been having a hard time trying to get other businesses to take her skills serious. Walter assured her she...
Tah turned up later that morning. He had Raghu, Ulani and Grace with him. He invited Willow, Prue, Tina and the kids to an outing. Vincent said he was in, “Do want to see if Silvia and Mathew wanted to come with their kids?” he asked. Everyone agreed that would be great and he went to see what they had planned for the day. David and Leigh turned up while he was gone and they were happy to come too. Leigh sent a note to Gill and his sisters to meet them at the Zoo. When Tah went into the...
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Gifted Grifter #5: Lake Country Girls I decided to go up the lake country area for the weekend again. I put in a call to Erin, my red-haired real estate agent up there, and told her what I was looking for and at what price. The first time I had rented through her, I had seduced her using my mindreading sunglasses, but the second time she had been all business. I guess this time would be the tiebreaker. In order to have any chance at seducing her again, I figured, two things had to happen....
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Ty and Willow headed upstairs after dinner. Ty made her sit on the bed beside him. “Willow, we have to discuss our relationship and how this is going to work. I know I did the wrong thing encouraging you to sleep with me. You are a breathtaking and desirable woman. But if you were to have a chance of finding a husband, it would be best we didn’t continue to sleep together. Willow looked at him, “So I’m not good enough for you is that it?” Ty rubbed his face and stood. He paced the room and...
The trip to Bavindor was relatively uneventful. They made a long carriage train, which got longer when they picked up the Dwyer’s, their five wagons and a carriage, on the way. While it was common for thieves to attack the shipments, the local robbers gave them a wide berth due to their escort. The two older members of their Growers Society also joined them, citing safety in numbers. Ty and Willow had no problems including them, as they were, after all, members of their little society and...
When Willow awoke the next morning, Ty was already gone. She sorted through the morning mail and found a note from the lawyer a Baron David Karlson, who had contacted her the month before. She decided she had better go see him before she got any busier. She told Grace she was going out. She didn’t need to be accompanied as she was just going to see a lawyer and would take Brain with her. She dressed and went to the stables to find Brain. He was happy to drive the carriage and take her to...
Ty headed to the apartment. He fumed the whole way there. He entered the apartment and went and knocked on Willow door, “Willow the King has requested your presence, I’m to take you back.” Willow yelled at him, “Piss-off.” Ty sighed and tried the door. To his surprise, she hadn’t locked it, so he went in. She was lying face down on her bed. He rolled her back onto his arm, slid the other under her legs and picked her up. She struggled, “Put me down,” she ground out. She was very upset and...
After dinner, the party made their way to the ballroom. It was already packed with the guests who hadn’t been invited to dinner. The gossips wanted to know just who had been privileged enough to be invited. Ty escorted Willow into the ballroom. She clutched his arm, “Oh my, please don’t leave me alone in that sea. I’ll get drowned.” Ty had to laugh. He pressed his hand over hers and gripped it. He smiled as he led her into the throng. He introduced her around to people he thought she...
Ty woke to hear Willow vomiting into the privy. In spite of his worry about her, he had to smile in delight. Well, she did warn him. It was just as well they were getting married in two weeks. She came back out, and he lifted the blanket so she could crawl back in with him. Willow snuggled back into his embrace, and he kissed her neck and hugged her then rubbed her belly. “No need to be so damn smug, you beastly man,” she grumbled. “I love you, Willow and you will be an awesome mother. I...
Vincent had been enjoying his time on the farm. Early in his third week on the farm, several things happened. Ulani’s shearers turned up for one. They sheared early in autumn to give the animals time to regrow their coats for winter. They were sheared again in mid-spring, so they carried lighter coats into summer. The winter coats were worth more than the summer ones. Vincent wondered if Ulani would be happy to move her flocks to his estate. He believed they could do well in the mountain...
Ulani rolled over to find a man in her bed. Vincent’s hand had been on her hip as if making sure she was beside him during the night. She watched him as he slept. She had a feeling the not too many women had experienced Vincent as she had last night or got to watch him sleep. They all said he never stayed, he always insisted on protection, and once he came, he left. He had done none of those things last night. She wasn’t even sure how many times he made love to her. He had spent a lot of...
Vincent and Ulani were going to stay at the Way Station that was half a day’s ride from the Terville’s Manor in Bavindor. They had left later than they planned from the one they had stayed in the night before. Vincent blamed it on Ulani, but she told him if he weren’t such a randy little cock, they would have left on time. Vincent countered that it wasn’t his fault that the sight of her naked had him worked up in mere moments. Ulani had to chuckle because she had to admit she had enticed...
Lord Ronald Pirelli and his wife Carol strolled down the gang plank as if they owned the ship. Captain Jamil said they had two nights and then they sailed the next morning. This suited Albert. Tonight, was to scope and tomorrow was to gamble. It had been close to a year since he was last here. Albert was hoping that his new body, look and name, would let him pass by the shadow of Allan Dale, as most here knew him. He’d managed to fleece a few dollars from every member of the crew and while...
The following year was busy for both Prue and Ty. During the Winter Season, Ty met Maria Holtan. She was a year younger than he was. He had become totally fascinated with her. Prue and Vincent didn’t like her, but Ty believed he was in love with her. Prue’s dislike stemmed from her knowing who she was. She hoped for Ty’s sake, his uncle had finished with her. Otherwise, things could get ugly. Maria had been introduced to Ty by his uncle as the daughter of Baron Holton who had a district in...
During the spring to summer terms, Prue’s little group spent less time together. This year they had to spend more time in their specialised fields. Reggie was heavily tied up with modifications of his brainchild the steam boiler and getting it on the market. He was developing a smaller steam engine that could be used to drive other machinery. Prue had become involved in Master Green’s projects of finding the best chemical combinations to make batteries for storing electricity and machines...
Prue was happiest at the Academe. About two months after Richard’s death, Reggie approached her and asked if he could talk to her in private. She now had five other women sharing her dorm, so they went to one of the private reading rooms in the library. It wasn’t unusual for them to be in one, as they still collaborated on the many different projects they worked on. Prue sat down and waited. Reggie paced a bit and then pulled a chair up in front of her. “Prudence you know I hold our...
Prue moved out of the hotel to her lodgings. She was soon immersed in work. She had planned to spend two months in each of the three Academies in Sunland, before going to Paulartica. She had been invited to spend three months in both of their most prestigious Universities. She had found that the first Academe in Sunland had not advanced as far as she had. They recommended that she went to the second sooner rather than later because they couldn’t help her. So she only spent about five weeks....
Prue had never spent a month on a ship before. It was an interesting experience. Captain Stuart Sandie helped make it very enjoyable. They took a fancy to each other about two seconds after their eyes met. She recognised the interesting look and returned it. He gave her his slow, crooked smile, flashing his white teeth and kinked his dark, thick curly eyebrow. The look made her wet. She was surprised by her own reaction. But then again it had been nearly five months since she had shared her...
Prue woke about two hours later to find herself wrapped in a man’s arms. It took her a moment to realise first, that it wasn’t Sandie, then to remember it was Tah. He was taller and harder than Sandie. He hugged differently as well. His big hand was firmly attached to one of her tits. Sandie generally hugged her waist and tended to leave a little more space between their bodies. Tah was skin to skin, and his cock was hard and jammed between her thighs. She squeezed her butt cheeks together....
Prue and Vincent arrived the first week of the season. Prue had decided living at the Palace would be okay. She could continue to use her little house as her office. She hoped Willow didn’t need her all the time as she did have other commitments. When Ty sent her a letter, saying Baron Mathew Dwyer and his wife Silvia and their two children would be housed in old Sir Todd’s apartment across from theirs, it eased her mind. They were Willow’s neighbours and friends. More playmates for Nianna...
Prue had put on a gown that had a deceptively simple cut. Her bodice was more modest as she was supposed to be a matron, even though she was only twenty-three. She joined Ty and Vincent in the sitting room. She agreed with Ty that Vincent’s new suit and height highlighted Vincent’s well-toned body. It was no wonder he had little trouble with the ladies and he was only seventeen. Ty also looked very handsome in a suit that was similar to Vincent’s attire. They all turned as Willow came out...
The next morning Willow received a note from David. He needed to see her about her house. So Willow and Prue went to see him before going to the Auction house where Willow needed to sort out the sale of her nadack. They also had to see Mr Gary Snidel, the wedding planner. Willow’s grandfather had left her his huge house. It was practically outside the gates of the palace. It was supposed to have been rented for the Season, but the family who had rented it hadn’t been able to make the...