Gifted Book 1 SilenceChapter 5 Will
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Gifted Grifter #8: The Return of Jessie
My ‘sugar daddy’ weekend with Julie changed me. I missed her terribly after seeing her off at the airport. Since the time I had invented the mindreader until that weekend, I my primary objective had been to use my device to seduce as many hot women as possible. But now, when I thought of having sex with a hot woman, I always pictured Julie. Simple fact was, everything I liked to do—which was pretty much everything—she did better than any other woman I had ever been with.
Some research suggests that feelings of love grow out of positive sexual feelings. I no longer questioned it, because love was the only word I could come up with to describe how I felt towards Julie. Sure, I had always liked her, even when I had first met her as a prostitute in Las Vegas. But after spending a long weekend with—much of it inside—her on a voluntary, ‘sugar baby’ basis I found myself loving everything about her: the sex of course, but also the way she thought, the things she did—see, just listen to how sappy I sound! What else could it be but love?
At least to some degree, I knew Julie felt something too. Our weekend was probably supposed to have been a one-shot deal, but by the end neither of us could bear to think of not seeing each other again. We ended up planning a follow-up rendezvous—but that wouldn’t be until a convention that was coming up in seven weeks. Suddenly that seemed like an eternity.
For more than a week after Julie went back to Oklahoma, I moped around my apartment feeling lonely and sorry for myself. What stuck in my mind was Julie crying at the thought of leaving me, and her vague comments about her problems back home. She said that being with me seemed to much more…is carefree the word? I really wanted to bring Julie back home to live with me, permanently. At the same time, I kept reminding myself that Julie had a boyfriend, which is why she was in the financial mess that led to our weekend in the first place. A different part of me was convinced that spending time with her boyfriend again would lead to a change of heart and she’d cancel out on me entirely.
I was driving myself insane with all these internal conflicts. I decided I needed to do something to pass the time until the conference, so I put my Gifted Grifter sunglasses back on and headed out to find a new playmate. This would normally be the kind of thing I might do up in lake country, but since that’s where I’d been with Julie, I wanted to stay closer to home. Thus, silly as it sounds, I rented an extended stay room for a week in my own hometown. I also decided I wanted to drive something nice for a week, so I went to a car rental and asked about their premium rentals. I was thinking nice…maybe a Ferrari or something. They didn’t have any of those, but because they had an agreement with Ford, they could get me a Ford GT (they would have to bring it up from another city). That sounded like fun, so I arranged to pick it up the next day.
Early the following afternoon, I was cruising up and down the roads in the largest park in my home city. A nice jogging track wound in and out of the trees off to one side of the road, and it was the most popular venue for runners in town. I was driving around, looking at a number of very fit young ladies working their up and down the trail. Then ahead in the distance I saw one very tall, very fit young woman, running at a good clip. Most girls put their hair in a ponytail to exercise, and the ponytail bobs back and forth as they run. This girl’s blonde hair was so long that the ponytail was too heavy to bob but a tiny bit. As I cruised the GT by at 25mph (park speed limit,) I turned to catch a glimpse of the hot blonde jogger.
As I passed her face, it took a second to register that I knew her. The hot jogger was Jessie, my former graduate assistant. I knew she was hot (I had even fucked her once), but running in dark blue jogging shorts and a matching sports bra/half-top, both with white stripes on the side for accents, she was quite the sight for sore eyes.
Just a few hundred yards ahead of where Jessie was, there was a spot where the jogging track arched outwards and came very close to the road. I stopped the GT at the apex of the bend, opened the window, and waited for her to come into range.
Jessie saw that a racy sports car had stopped on the road just by the part of the trail she had to go past next, she steeled herself for fending off (yet another?) likely pickup attempt. With her mind in full defense mode, she kept running towards the car. With the little windows on the GT and her mind set on rejecting an anticipated advance, she didn’t really see who was in the driver’s seat.
She was expecting something like a ‘Hey baby.’ It caught her quite off-guard to hear ‘Hey Jessie, how have you been?’
She stopped running and started walking slowly towards the car. Having not seen me for several months and not expecting to hear my voice coming out of this wonderful piece of Detroit muscle, it took her a second to figure out who was talking to her.
‘Dr. ‘Grifter’?’ she asked hesitantly.
I called out, ‘I’m not your boss anymore, so please use my first name.’ Jessie was a good fuck, I wouldn’t think twice about re-bedding her should the opportunity arise. Fostering familiarity was a step in the right direction.
Jessie came up to the car, put her arms on the window opening, and poked her head inside.
‘I certainly didn’t expect to see you running around in a car like this,’ she marveled, ‘especially since you’ve basically disappeared for the last six months.’
It dawned on me that all of Jessie’s contact information for me would have been my official, Department of Defense email and phone, which would have been removed the day I turned in my resignation. That, and a cell phone number I had given up long ago. And while I created MySpace pages for my false identities, I had intentionally not created one for my real self.
‘I’m sorry. What I’m doing now is a lot more secret than DoD ever was—I’m not easy to find anymore.’ That was half-true—what I was doing now was secret, but not in the sense of being classified—only in the sense that there was no way I was going to tell her what I was doing these days.
‘I’ve been trying hard to get a hold of you,’ she continued. ‘You know all that dissertation data I collected…I can’t use it,’ she replied.
I had delayed beginning my life as the Gifted Grifter for three weeks just so she could finish collecting her dissertation data. I was not happy to hear this.
‘You can’t use it? Why not?’ I asked.
‘All those MRI’s—they’re like encoded or something. I can’t pull them up to analyze them,’ she said.
Duh. Files copied from DoD computers are automatically encrypted, since they usually contain top secret information. But usually… ‘Do you get a prompt for a password when you first access the disk?’ I asked.
‘Yeah,’ she replied, ‘but I plugged in my DoD passwords and they didn’t work.’
No, they wouldn’t—they would require a supervisor’s password, namely mine.
‘OK…did you burn those files to CD while I was still working at DoD?’ I asked.
‘Yes,’ she replied.
‘Get in,’ I told her, ‘it needs your supervisor’s password to unlock the encryption—and if you haven’t plugged it in to a DoD computer since I worked there, it should still be looking for my last password. Take me to your computer, and let’s see if I can’t unlock those files with my old password.’
Jessie’s apartment was in a neighborhood favored by graduate students. She was telling me how she had given up on her original dissertation and was working on a new angle, but would have to spend at least another year in data collection again. She would be ecstatic if I could resurrect her original dissertation—but she had by now been frustrated too many times to get her hopes up. I ha
d expected her to be finished by now, I felt bad that she was delayed in spite of the favors I had done for her.
Her apartment was small but meticulously kept up. On one shelf of the unit that held her books were medals and mementos of her undergraduate Division I volleyball career. There was a small entertainment center, the rest of the room was set up for studying. Jessie was a very goal-oriented girl.
She disappeared down a hall way and came back with a laptop which was already starting up. She put it down in front of me, fetched a CD which she put in the drive, and logged in.
‘OK,’ I said, ‘let’s see what happens.’ I opened up the CD-R for browsing and double-clicked on what should have been an image file. It immediately popped up looking for a password. I entered the last password I had used at DoD. The file opened up in a special, high-resolution graphics program used for interpreting MRI data.
‘Oh my god,’ Jessie squealed like an eighth grader, ‘you opened it.’
‘Yes, but now let’s save them all to new files on your hard drive,’ I said, ‘because it will do the same thing every time you try to read this CD.’ I handed the laptop back to Jessie and waited while she quickly opened every file, renamed and resaved it. Her long blonde hair was tied back in a ponytail, her slender belly as it showed between her jogging bra and shorts gave me something pleasant to contemplate.
Finally she was done. She was so happy she jumped up and hugged me as I sat in her armchair, ‘You just saved me a year of work! Now I might be able to graduate next semester after all. How can I ever repay you?’
Almost as soon as she said it, I could tell she regretted it even without my glasses. In her excitement, she had forgotten about the fact that our sex moratorium had ended, opening the door to our possibly fucking once again. I knew she had decided that I wasn’t a long term-solution for her, and she was right. Being Jessie, she didn’t want to invest time in me if I wasn’t going to lead to anything permanent. But now she had said it, and we both knew that there was something she could do that, while it may not repay the favor, would at least be appreciated.
‘I supposed there is something I can do, isn’t there?’ she said. I hadn’t said anything. Her face wore an expression of resignation as much as anything, it wasn’t going to kill her to at least blow me, even if it wasn’t in her plans. She slid down to her knees, with my feet between her legs, and started to free my cock from its restraints.
Jessie gave outstanding blowjobs—probably the best I had known before I met Julie. She was very active with her mouth, used her tongue to stimulate the penis while it was in her mouth, and could take quite a lot of it at once—I suppose her neck was long like the rest of her, so her gag reflex might be further back or something.
My dick now free, she stroked it in her hands a few times to get it started. She glanced up at me briefly, as if to say ‘I hope you enjoy this,’ then started to suck. It jumped to full hardness once I felt the soft, moist tissues of her tongue stroking the underside of my dick. She didn’t take it all the way in at first, perhaps building up to it in some way, but eventually almost all of my dick disappeared when she bobbed her head down.
I didn’t have anything to do with my hands, so I pulled up her jogging bra so that her breasts were free and held them in my hands while she sucked me. She might not have been completely gung-ho about blowing me, but her nipples showed no such hesitation in reacting to my touch.
She peered up at me, watching my reaction to her work. She stopped sucking to lick my dick, then kissed my balls while stroking me with a gentle hand. Then she pushed my dick as far down her throat as it could go, holding for a moment, before sliding it back out and continuing to suck, faster than before. Her sucking would have brought me to orgasm eventually anyway, but with my hands full of her wonderful, toned yet naturally soft breasts I climaxed soon after I started to touch them. But unlike Julie who swallowed every drop, Jessie pulled her face away once she felt me achieve that extra-hardness and stroked the orgasm out of me with her hand. Fortunately there was a Kleenex box on the coffee table behind her or she would have made me get cum stains all over my own shirt. But it was a darn good blowjob nonetheless.
Jessie hugged me again after I came, but it was a hug of gratitude, not a hug of affection. I found myself having little interest in kissing Jessie even though she just made me cum.
She stood up and pulled her shirt back down.
‘Mmm, that was nice,’ I said, feeling the need to break the silence somehow. ‘And now you’re now well on your way to being Dr. Jessie. Since I won’t be around to see you defend, I’d like to take you to dinner tonight to celebrate your accomplishment.’
‘You won’t be around?’ Jessie asked. Again, no glasses to confirm her thoughts, but I had sensed that she was hoping I’d be around in case she needed help with any part of the dissertation process.
‘Well, I suppose you might luck into me like you did today, but most likely I’ll be working underground somewhere and you won’t be able to find me.’ I said. ‘I wouldn’t count on it.’
She was torn now. Having me around meant that she might have to put out a little, but it also made her feel more confident in her ability to finish.
‘Oh, don’t worry, you’ll do fine. You know what you’re doing.’ I really did want her to finish, ‘So, what’s the in-place to be in town these days?’
‘Well, the buzz is about a new place called Nick’s Martini Time,’ she said. ‘Its supposed to have first-rate martinis as well as great food. But I can’t afford it, so…’
‘So it’s the perfect place for me to take you then,’ I interrupted. I pulled the wad of Franklins that was my current living money out of my pocket and flashed them to her, saying ‘Money shouldn’t be a problem.’
If she had had reservations about going to dinner with me, the chance to check out Nick’s overwhelmed it. ‘But I don’t suppose I can go there dressed like this. I’ll run home and change, then come back—what, around six?’ That should also give her a chance to shower and change.
‘Okay, six,’ she said. ‘I’ll call for reservations, otherwise we might be waiting a long time.’
‘Great, I’ll see you then,’ I said.
‘Oh, you should know that they also have dancing,’ she said.
‘In that case, better make it 7,’ I said. She smiled at the insinuation that she would have a chance to dance there too. I showed myself out.
I had never seen Jessie the way that she was when I picked her up. Usually wearing minimal makeup, that night she was completely done up. Usually she would show skin only unwittingly, a side effect of clothes not being tailored for women of her height, that night she showed skin by intent. She was wearing a halter-necked white dress with a plunging neckline and almost no back. She wore a red belt over it with red pumps to match. Her long straight hair was down and radiant. She was dressed for a night on the town, that was for sure.
As I would have expected from Jessie, however, she was all business first. The restaurant was very nice and certainly hopping, we had a quaint little table for two. Jessie was feeling out whether I was serious when I suggested that price didn’t matter, I told her to have whatever she wanted. She ordered an expensive entrée and some blue martini-like drink. Then she peppered me with questions about her dissertation for at least a half-hour, our food had been served and mine was half-eaten by the time she finished her inquisition. But it was obvious when she was done, because she sighed heavily and looked as though a giant weight had been lifted from her shoulders. I guess she had decided right then that she could and would get this done after all, so now it was only a matter of getting it done
—and Jessie was very good at getting things done.
I had thought that part of Jessie’s strategy may have been to monopolize the conversation so that it didn’t get too personal and possibly sexual. Thus I was surprised that, once the sense of relief set in, she was actually quite open to discussing herself and her personal life—I guess with all the professional mentoring I had done with her, she trusted my opinions generally, although some would argue that the fact that I had slept with her made me unworthy of such trust. I ordered her a second drink—I didn’t ask if she wanted it—and eventually a third. She told me she had been spending a lot of time at school, trying to figure out what to do with her dissertation. She laughed for a second, saying ‘Actually, one of the newer students in the program is very interested in your area, I know he’s read most of your old papers and after he learned I did an externship with you he asked me all sorts of questions about you. I told him that as far as I could tell, you had disappeared off the face of the earth.’
‘Yeah, its probably better that way,’ I replied.
She continued about having dated a few guys since I had encouraged her to dump her loser ex, for some reason she felt it important that I know that she hadn’t slept with most of them. I wasn’t wearing my glasses, Jessie didn’t have any secrets I cared to know. I did remember, however, that Jessie was extremely sensitive in the back of her neck, and you could get her quite aroused if you could get your hands on it. I didn’t specifically intend to try to bed her, after all she had just given me a nice blow. But if the opportunity arose, I knew how to take advantage of it.
Whatever she was drinking must have been pretty strong. By the third drink, her tongue loosened up considerably and she started to tell me her opinions on all kinds of things. She may have been my student once, but I had a lot more in common with Julie than I did with Jessie. She wasn’t slurring or anything, but it was a good thing she wasn’t driving home.
I suggested we check out the dancing.
I paid our check and we went to a downstairs dance floor. I was surprised to see the dance floor already quite active at that hour. I ordered us each another drink, then after watching for a little I asked her to join me on the floor.
Jessie liked to dance. But she was a serious-to-a-fault, busy graduate student, and she just didn’t do it very often—and so she really wasn’t very good. She was also so tall, it was probably hard to be graceful. Good thing she was hot, because none of the men watching her cared whether she could dance or not. I did a few steps that Julie had taught me, and once she picked up her jaw from the floor at the fact that I knew the latest dance moves and she didn’t, she started to copy them from me. Dancing also made her thirsty, she was now drinking way too many blue things. But since she didn’t get out much, she didn’t want to waste a minute of it by slowing down.
By midnight it was time to take her home. She was completely inebriated, I had caught her a couple of times having to take a quick extra step to avoid falling over on the dance floor. Then they played a song that was a good one for a girl to grind her ass into her guy to, Julie had done so to me with that same song back in Vegas. Jessie saw a few girls do it, so she turned her back to me and started to lean towards me—but rather than push out with her ass, she pushed back with her shoulders, leaning on me. She tilted her head back, which caused a sudden rush, she now needed to lean or me or she would fall over. I held her up, shifting from side to side in my best attempt to keep with the rhythm while holding her up. Her bare back felt good leaning against me. It was right there, I had to take it: I ran my hand slowly up her bare back and up to her neck. I could tell right away when I hit the sensitive zone, she closed her eyes, made a breathy noise and tilted her head upwards, as if to embrace my hand as it touched her neck. I brushed the hair away from her left ear and gently gave it a nibble while I touched her neck in a way that was half stroking, half massaging. She looked as if I was already inside her, I needed to get her home fast, for more reasons than one.
The day of the wedding arrived, and Willow had the jitters. She was surprised she was worried, but Grace helped put her at ease, saying that she had felt the same. Prue was going to be her matron of honour and Ulani had agreed to be the maid. Bethany got to be the flower girl again, of course. Ulani felt honoured to be asked. She even received a message from her father saying he was happy with her new choice of friends. He supported her mother in her choice to stay and attend the Academe....
You know all the usual stuff, don’t read if it’s illegal or you don’t like sex or sex between two males offends you. All characters are purely fictional, and any likeness is coincidence. Joshua Glynn reserves all rights to this story, the characters, and the world they live in. This story is about an 18/yo boy struggling with the gifts that he possesses, and trying to find out where he fits in a modern day society. _________________________ Gifted: Book One Soul Mates Prologue: Moving ...
There was no good news in the next couple of days. Albert and Frankie had disappeared. Inspector Tyrone came out to tell them they had searched the taverns and dives and couldn’t find them. Apparently, Anne’s boys were looking too, and they hadn’t had any success either. A Constable reported that a carriage had been stolen from one of the Estates and they now believed the men had left the area. Paul decided to head back to Terville with the news. There wasn’t anything left for him to do...
Gifted Grifter #12: Julie Whips Wall Street Our seed money now in hand, we opened up two online stock trading accounts, one in my name and one in Julie’s. To avoid the suspicion two separate accounts doing substantially similar trades might generate if noticed, we set our accounts up with different brokers. For an additional fee, we arranged for the brokers to pay estimated taxes and capital gains out of our accounts as needed, leaving us free to just do day trading. With any luck, they would...
Gifted Grifter #5: Lake Country Girls I decided to go up the lake country area for the weekend again. I put in a call to Erin, my red-haired real estate agent up there, and told her what I was looking for and at what price. The first time I had rented through her, I had seduced her using my mindreading sunglasses, but the second time she had been all business. I guess this time would be the tiebreaker. In order to have any chance at seducing her again, I figured, two things had to happen....
Chapter 6: Julie Pays the Bills, Part I For nearly a year I had been living as the Gifted Grifter, and I was getting into an established routine. I would travel to Vegas or Atlantic City under an assumed name, betting horses and sports during the day, using my mindreading glasses to pick up tips from knowledgeable bettors. At night I would hit the poker rooms, using my glasses to know what everyone else at the table had in their hands when the table stakes got big, with those advantages, I...
Willow was very nervous at meeting the King. She wore the green striped dress and found a lovely necklace and earbobs in her mother’s jewellery box. She didn’t like wearing powders on her face so she didn’t. She did smear a pink gloss on her lips and darkened her eyelashes. She grabbed her cape and purse and headed out to the sitting room. Ty turned when he heard her door open and he stood transfixed. She was beautiful, that was all he could think. Then she smiled that little smile she gave...
You know all the usual stuff, don’t read if it’s illegal or you don’t like sex or sex between two males offends you. All characters are purely fictional, and any likeness is coincidence. Joshua Glynn reserves all rights to this story, the characters, and the world they live in. This story is about an 18/yo boy struggling with the gifts that he possesses, and trying to find out where he fits in a modern day society. Joshua’s gifts have gotten him in trouble with a psycho stalker, so his...
Upon arrival, the crew found her a carriage and sadly loaded it for her. Prue looked up to see Stuart standing on the deck. He had a pensive look, and she too felt some sadness at parting from him. He had been an enjoyable lover. Prue’s driver took her to the orphanage. She had been amused by the look he gave her when she told him her destination. Apparently, she wasn’t the first pregnant woman he had escorted there. “Hello, I was told to see a Druid Sandie,” she said to the nurse she...
Prue and Tina soon settled in on the ship. This trip would take six weeks, and Prue was glad she could afford the bigger accommodation. It was designed as a family unit. She had a decent sized bed in her cabin, and one of the two smaller cabins had enough room for Tina and Nianna. They had a railing surrounding half of the lower bed. So Nianna could sleep safe and the other half of the bed made for a change table. A tiny sitting room divided the main bedroom and bathroom from the two...
You know all the usual stuff, don’t read if it’s illegal or you don’t like sex or sex between two males offends you. All characters are purely fictional, and any likeness is coincidence. Joshua Glynn reserves all rights to this story, the characters, and the world they live in. This story is about an 18/yo boy struggling with the gifts that he possesses, and trying to find out where he fits in a modern day society. Joshua moved to Goose Creek, South Carolina, just outside of Charleston, due...
You know all the usual stuff, don’t read if it’s illegal or you don’t like sex or sex between two males offends you. All characters are purely fictional, and any likeness is coincidence. Joshua Glynn reserves all rights to this story, the characters, and the world they live in. This story is about an 18/yo boy struggling with the gifts that he possesses, and trying to find out where he fits in a modern day society. Joshua moved to Goose Creek, South Carolina, just outside of Charleston, due...
You know all the usual stuff, don’t read if it’s illegal or you don’t like sex or sex between two males offends you. All characters are purely fictional, and any likeness is coincidence. Joshua Glynn reserves all rights to this story, the characters, and the world they live in. This story is about an 18/yo boy struggling with the gifts that he possesses, and trying to find out where he fits in a modern day society. Joshua moved to Goose Creek, South Carolina, just outside of Charleston, due...
You know all the usual stuff, don’t read if it’s illegal or you don’t like sex or sex between two males offends you. All characters are purely fictional, and any likeness is coincidence. Joshua Glynn reserves all rights to this story, the characters, and the world they live in. This story is about an 18/yo boy struggling with the gifts that he possesses, and trying to find out where he fits in a modern day society. Joshua moved to Goose Creek, South Carolina, just outside of Charleston, due...
Carol had started playing up to Vincent. She acted as if she was his old lover and that Ulani was in the way of them being together because he had to marry her. She staged little scenes to make it look like Vincent was pursuing her. She would give Ulani little guilty looks but then look at Vincent as if he was the love of her life. She was really pissing Ulani off. Vincent had noticed the tension between the two, but with all his other problems, he didn’t realise what Carol had been doing...
Gifted Grifter #2: The Traveling Salesgirl I was anxious to take advantage of the possibilities I was afforded by my new mind-reading machine, but I had promised my student assistant, Jessie, that I wouldn’t quit my job at the Department of Defense until she finished collecting her dissertation data. I didn’t want to get screwed over by my leaving before she was done, especially after the great sex we had. She had asked for three weeks to finish up, part of the deal was that we agreed not to...
Gifted Grifter #11: Julie’s Revenge We arrived in Vegas late after a long day of driving. It was prime poker time, but we were too tired from fifteen hours behind the wheel to do anything but drag our bags upstairs, make love and go to sleep. I was up first the next morning and lay in bed anxiously waiting to see how Julie would be. I was very concerned about her emotionally, since the last time she woke up in a hotel room in Vegas she living there as a self-employed sex worker. A lot had...
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Hello, How are you? Hope you are doing sexy! Hahaha I am 22-year young boy from Tumkur, Karnataka with a 6.5” little brother and with a good physique. This is my first encounter with a MILF to whom I gifted my virginity. Coming to the MILF. This lady is a perfect flesh for the sex dish having the stats of (36,28,36) She is so damn hot. Without wasting time let’s begin the story, She was my neighbour, I was going to go her home often and often to play with their kids when I was 17...
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The two men decided it was time to get up. They packed their gear up outside the tent. Ty started breakfast while Vincent started pulling the tent down. Vincent looked at his relaxed cousin, “We should do this more often, Ty. I have really enjoyed this week.” Ty smiled at Vincent indulgently, “I have too. I miss our camping trips as well. You have come a long way from the skinny little kid, frightened of his own shadow.” The two men smiled at each other both remembering the first time Ty...
Vincent’s thoughts returned to the Winter Season when he and Ulani had just turned eighteen. In the year leading up to the Winter Season, Leigh’s father, Baron David Karlson, had married Ulani’s cousin and companion, Gail. Willow had said that Ulani was welcome to stay in the Terrell Mansion in Bavindor since Ulani would be attending the Academe with Vincent and Leigh that year. Because Vincent was still Ty’s ward, he lived at the Mansion. Leigh had moved out of home to give his father some...
The man collapsed to the ground and died. The collective gasp caused the survivor to look over at the spectators. As he did, his gun also tracked a path to stop so that it pointed at the chest of the other big man sitting on a horse. The big man was lifting his gun to shoot Vincent. “Stop. You are all under arrest for murder. Drop your guns now,” barked Vincent. However, the horseman showed his intent as he aimed the gun. This bullet did hit bone first but still did nasty things inside his...
She woke to him caressing her breast. He was just rubbing it gently through the nightie she wore, and it felt wonderful. She pressed her arse back into him, and he didn’t disappoint, as he was hard and ready. She knew he loved morning nookies. He groaned, “Please don’t Kitten. I just needed you with me last night. I’m sorry I was such a bastard and didn’t trust you. I upset you when you hadn’t done anything wrong. You hadn’t had a chance to talk to me about the will, and I jumped to...
The following night they decided to dine in. Once they ended up in the entertainment room, the discussion changed to wedding plans again. Prue had been stewing on the couch, and Nianna was, as per usual, in Tah’s lap. Prue still couldn’t accept that the only way of getting out of marrying Tah was to petition his father. She also knew it would cost her a lot to get out of the agreement. Jonas had made it very clear that he approved of the marriage. He wouldn’t be happy with her. “Wait, it...
You know all the usual stuff, don’t read if it’s illegal or you don’t like sex or sex between two males offends you. All characters are purely fictional, and any likeness is coincidence. Joshua Glynn reserves all rights to this story, the characters, and the world they live in. This story is about an 18/yo boy struggling with the gifts that he possesses, and trying to find out where he fits in a modern day society. Joshua moved to Goose Creek, South Carolina, just outside of Charleston, due...
You know all the usual stuff, don’t read if it’s illegal or you don’t like sex or sex between two males offends you. All characters are purely fictional, and any likeness is coincidence. Joshua Glynn reserves all rights to this story, the characters, and the world they live in. This story is about an 18/yo boy struggling with the gifts that he possesses, and trying to find out where he fits in a modern day society. Joshua moved to Goose Creek, South Carolina, just outside of Charleston, due...
You know all the usual stuff, don’t read if it’s illegal or you don’t like sex or sex between two males offends you. All characters are purely fictional, and any likeness is coincidence. Joshua Glynn reserves all rights to this story, the characters, and the world they live in. This story is about an 18/yo boy struggling with the gifts that he possesses, and trying to find out where he fits in a modern day society. Joshua moved to Goose Creek, South Carolina, just outside of Charleston, due...
You know all the usual stuff, don’t read if it’s illegal or you don’t like sex or sex between two males offends you. All characters are purely fictional, and any likeness is coincidence. Joshua Glynn reserves all rights to this story, the characters, and the world they live in. This story is about an 18-year-old guy struggling with the gifts that he possesses, and trying to find out where he fits in a modern day society. Joshua moved to Goose Creek, South Carolina, just outside of...
You know all the usual stuff, don’t read if it’s illegal or you don’t like sex or sex between two males offends you. All characters are purely fictional, and any likeness is coincidence. Joshua Glynn reserves all rights to this story, the characters, and the world they live in. This story is about an 18/yo boy struggling with the gifts that he possesses, and trying to find out where he fits in a modern day society. Joshua moved to Goose Creek, South Carolina, just outside of Charleston, due...
It was a cold, windy day in December. I was spending the day with my boyfriend. Christmas was less than 2 weeks away and he still hadn’t gotten a Christmas tree, so we decided to do it together. He picked me up that morning and drove back toward his house. We lived in different states, but even so, he only lived 20 minutes away. It was bright and the sun was out, but it is New England and it was December, so it was freezing. We went to the Christmas tree farm down the street from his house....
Robert Brimley was an extraordinary young man; he had found this out at an early age. He was merely 8 years old when he discovered his unusual ability; he could control others with his mind. He first discovered his new power when his babysitter had tried to make him go to bed, but as he concentrated on her and she met his stare, she became helpless and under his control. From then on, he did whatever he wanted with no problems from her and so he decided to try it on his parents and sister as...
Willow hadn’t seen her father die. When she had heard the shots, she had headed back to the camp at a run. She had wandered further from the camp than she had first thought. It was late when they had stopped, but she had needed the exercise and had gone for a walk. By the time she got back close to the glade, she had heard her mother’s screams. The man called Harry had been trying to rip off her mother’s clothes. Her mother grabbed the hand with the knife with both of hers and stabbed it...
Vincent peered around the trunk of the tree. This section of forest was more open as it was regrowth. It still had a lot of shrubbery and short trees that were hampering his vision. He saw the man aim at him, and he quickly pulled his head back. A fraction of a second later, the shot chipped a large chunk of bark off the tree near his head. Vincent swore silently. He tried to ignore the sweat on his palms and dribbling down his back, as he heard another shot ring-out over to his left where...
Viincent hadn’t bothered with a new mistress that Winter Season. Seeing and being around Ulani again, he even found his visits to the tavern for sex had stopped. He hadn’t actually used one of the girls for months. He still found Ulani’s nearness affected him. He knew that he wanted her and was learning that her coolness was very frustrating. The problem was, he wasn’t ready to settle down and he knew Ulani wasn’t in the habit of playing around according to the rumours. He kept a careful...
Vincent shook off the memories. He sighed, and then he focused on the report he was writing. He concentrated on getting it complete. He had just finished when Paul came back with Ty. The prisoner had been conscious for a while, but Vincent hadn’t spoken to him. When he and Ty stood in front of the man, he looked at them in fear. They both knew they had developed a reputation that if they got on your trail, you would end up in prison. But the young man’s fear seemed irrational. Ty said,...
Albert Arrondale, better known as Sir Allan Dale these days, wasn’t a happy man. He had to be very careful being back in Midland. He was well known, and while he looked different and ten years had passed since he was last here, he knew the Constables had a more recent description of him. Frankie had suggested they needed to alter his face some more. He was happy to give Albert a couple of more scars if he wished. Albert didn’t find his suggestion funny at all. It had been touch-and-go...
The next three weeks flew by. Prue was working on her designs and the textbook. Tah spent more time with her than his friends. Raghu also spent a lot of time with them and Tina. Prue found Raghu had a very good eye for design and a strong mechanical aptitude. He picked out several issues that he helped her improve. Tah became her editor and sounding board for her book. He was fascinated with it and asked her lots of questions. They even set up experiments so he could see her theories in...
Chapter 7: Julie Pays the Bills, Part II I was awakened the morning by my dick. More accurately, my brain was stirred to alertness by sensations being transmitted to it by my dick. Julie had woken up first, and decided that she would wake me up with a blow job. If I could invent an alarm clock that could do that, I’d be richer than Bill Gates. She looked up at me when she realized I was awake. She was curled up next to me, with my penis in her mouth and her one hand helping out. She looked...
Chapter 9: Secrets and Lovers I was surprised by how much I had missed Julie. I sent been sending her emails and text messages after our weekend in lake country, infrequently at first but increasingly over time. I kept them all pretty generic, since I didn’t know how private they were, as in whether her boyfriend might be able to see them. For nearly a year, I had successfully seduced a smorgasbord of women with my mindreading glasses. But after my long weekend at the lake with Julie, she was...
Six months after moving in together, Julie and I had adapted to domestic life together amazingly well. For one thing, Julie loved living in New York—the theaters, the dance clubs (I took her dancing regularly), Central Park, the restaurants, and just the variety things that were available. But most nights we just stayed at home like normal people. That might sound pretty mundane, but I think that’s where May-September romances often fall apart, the things that interest people born of different...
#15: The Wedding Present Julie’s choice was to get married on a gondola at the Venetian in Las Vegas. I was a little surprised she would choose to go back to Vegas after the years she spent as a working girl there, but as I thought about it I imagined she might have seen plenty of bridal parties there while she was working and felt some envy, not expecting that she might someday get married there herself. And it was about as romantic a wedding as you could imagine. It was a very small...
Chapter 10: A Slight Change of Plans It was our last day in Austin, and Julie and I were plotting a course through uncharted territory. I had come to Austin to attend a conference and have a rendezvous with Julie, since it wasn’t far from her hometown of Oklahoma City—but there had been a slight change of plans. Our relationship had once been purely sexual, but somehow along the way we had fallen in love. Now, rather than each of us going back to our respective homes tomorrow, we were both...
I was at work on Tuesday and my phone made a cricket noise. It's a ringtone I don't hear very often. Before I met my man, I had a few friends with benefits that I used nicknames for and the cricket ringtone on my phone. This text came as a surprise since it had been some time since I'd heard from this gentleman. My nickname for him is Trinidad, named after the country where he was born. He was awesome and I missed him and was pleased that he texted, asking me to contact him. I replied...
CheatingHi, this is your favorite Kishore again. It has been a while since I posted any messages, and thought I should get back to this excitement of sharing what ever little I know in this world of relationships. I used to stay in row houses during my teen age life. The area for washing and drying clothes used to be common for about 6 houses in the compound where I lived. From the bathroom area of my house, I can clearly visualize the wash area through the gaps available between my bathroom door and...
Ty went into Terville the next morning. He needed to talk to the Constable and finalise the arrangements for the burial of Harry. He got a more comprehensive report of just what had been happening. The Constable said they had scared the rogues off on a couple of occasions. The men had been sneaky and had even resorted to killing the guards the last time. The scoundrels had also fired other fields to draw them off so they could go back to Baron Terrell’s estate. They had disappeared over the...
Ty and Willow headed upstairs after dinner. Ty made her sit on the bed beside him. “Willow, we have to discuss our relationship and how this is going to work. I know I did the wrong thing encouraging you to sleep with me. You are a breathtaking and desirable woman. But if you were to have a chance of finding a husband, it would be best we didn’t continue to sleep together. Willow looked at him, “So I’m not good enough for you is that it?” Ty rubbed his face and stood. He paced the room and...
Ty was sitting in the library enjoying a drink. He was reading one of Willow’s many books. She had a whole section on Nordland and Ty was brushing up on their history, as they were the dignitaries that were coming for the Winter Season. The fields were bare, and they had already had a light smattering of snow. As soon as the product was packed into the crates, they would head to Bavindor. One of the big barns was heated, and the bags of leaves were packed flat in set weights, on the racks...
The trip to Bavindor was relatively uneventful. They made a long carriage train, which got longer when they picked up the Dwyer’s, their five wagons and a carriage, on the way. While it was common for thieves to attack the shipments, the local robbers gave them a wide berth due to their escort. The two older members of their Growers Society also joined them, citing safety in numbers. Ty and Willow had no problems including them, as they were, after all, members of their little society and...
When Willow awoke the next morning, Ty was already gone. She sorted through the morning mail and found a note from the lawyer a Baron David Karlson, who had contacted her the month before. She decided she had better go see him before she got any busier. She told Grace she was going out. She didn’t need to be accompanied as she was just going to see a lawyer and would take Brain with her. She dressed and went to the stables to find Brain. He was happy to drive the carriage and take her to...
Ty headed to the apartment. He fumed the whole way there. He entered the apartment and went and knocked on Willow door, “Willow the King has requested your presence, I’m to take you back.” Willow yelled at him, “Piss-off.” Ty sighed and tried the door. To his surprise, she hadn’t locked it, so he went in. She was lying face down on her bed. He rolled her back onto his arm, slid the other under her legs and picked her up. She struggled, “Put me down,” she ground out. She was very upset and...
After dinner, the party made their way to the ballroom. It was already packed with the guests who hadn’t been invited to dinner. The gossips wanted to know just who had been privileged enough to be invited. Ty escorted Willow into the ballroom. She clutched his arm, “Oh my, please don’t leave me alone in that sea. I’ll get drowned.” Ty had to laugh. He pressed his hand over hers and gripped it. He smiled as he led her into the throng. He introduced her around to people he thought she...
Grace was in the kitchen kneading dough. “What on earth are you doing woman? You should be getting your beauty sleep for your wedding tomorrow.” Grace smiled at him, “I find it relaxing.” “What? Are you nervous about getting married?” he asked as he went to the icebox and scooped some slushy ice into a jug. “Yes.” “Why? Hugh loves you. Anyone can see that,” he inquired, finding himself sitting at the table and watching her as he sipped his drink. Grace finished shaping the loaves as she...