- 4 years ago
- 23
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You know all the usual stuff, don’t read if it’s illegal or you don’t like sex or sex between two males offends you. All characters are purely fictional, and any likeness is coincidence. Joshua Glynn reserves all rights to this story, the characters, and the world they live in.
This story is about an 18/yo boy struggling with the gifts that he possesses, and trying to find out where he fits in a modern day society.
Joshua moved to Goose Creek, South Carolina, just outside of Charleston, due to some serious girl problems. Now he has met the twins, his next door neighbors, and is feeling confused about his feelings toward them.
Gifted: Book One
Soul Mates
First Day of School
Yesterday was a blast. I really like Josh, so does my sister, but I couldn’t stop thinking about him last night, after he left. When I first met him, there was that weird shock thing, but I knew there was something different about him. I can’t place my finger on it, but I felt a connection with him instantly. I had just gone over to introduce myself, maybe help out for an hour or so, and ended up staying the whole day.
He is an amazing and fascinating person. There’s something about him that just makes me want to hang out with him, and I just met him yesterday. He is cool though, and buff for his age. I mean I work out, but I’m nowhere near his strength. I was struggling with some of the furniture he was lifting with ease. It seemed like he didn’t even break a sweat the whole day.
As I woke up this morning, and realized my briefs were all sticky, my first thought was ‘What the fuck?’ but then I remembered the dream I had last night. Suddenly, it came back to me all at once and I became really embarrassed, not to mention confused. I had snuck over to Josh’s house, and climbed up the lattice on the outside wall of his garage, climbing through his bedroom window. He sat up to see who it was, as I stalked my way across the room to his bed. He was asking me something about why I was in his room, when I reached down and kissed him.
So, this was really strange! First off, because I had never had any thoughts about another guy before, especially not in a sexual way. I especially never thought of kissing another guy. And second, I have never been that forceful before, in any relationship. Not that I have had a lot of relationships. Being on the Football team the last few years has had its perks, but I’ve never practically raped someone. This was a hard dream for me to remember, and not because I was repulsed by it, but because I was getting hard again just thinking about him. I was defiantly feeling a bit disturbed by it.
The rest of the dream flooded in, me feeling him up, the big hard chest, his ripped abs, and then dropping his shorts, and the felling of his rock hard shaft in my hand. I had never felt another guy’s prick before, but the thought of it was straining the fabric of my sticky tightly whiteys. Not to mention the fact that he was so big. He is easily as big as the biggest guys in the shower room. (Why did I suddenly think of the shower room?)
Next, I sucked his balls and then his cock. I had never done anything like this before, I’ve never even had it done to me, but it was all so vivid. I mean I’ve seen a bit of porn with some of this kinda stuff, but I couldn’t believe I had dreamt this. I remember the look of shock on his face as I poked my finger up his ass… Why had I done that? Why was I doing any of this? Finally, I remembered the taste of his cum in my mouth.
‘Oh god!’ An orgasm washed over me again soiling my underwear even more. What the hell? I wasn’t even touching myself! What’s going on! Why am I having these feelings about another guy?
Suddenly, my sis barges into my room. I barely had enough time to throw the cover over myself. She jumped onto my bed with a big sigh. She was obviously in a very good mood, she was almost glowing.
‘Cay, you like Josh, don’t you?’ she said smiling up at me. She had plopped down beside me, looking in my eyes.
‘Yea, he’s cool, why?’
‘I think I’m going to ask him out.’ She just beamed.
I was having a really strange feeling about this, why did I suddenly feel jealous? ‘Um, sure, he seems like a nice guy.’
‘You think so too huh? I haven’t been able to take my mind off of him since he left last night.’ She suddenly rolled over on top of me like she’s done since we were kids. She’s always liked lying on top of me and looking up at me with her chin on my chest. But today was not the time to do that, as I was still half hard from the memories of last night.
Her eyes bugged out as I’m sure she had just felt it and rolled off of me quickly. ‘I’m sorry I-I shouldn’t have d-done…’ She was looking a little distraught at just feeling me pressed into her stomach. Before I could say it was ok, I noticed her nose wrinkle a bit. ‘Oh, Oh I’m very sorry I… I should have knocked…. Oh my God! That’s why you looked so… oh my… I’m so sorry!’ She was getting pink in the face. I was speechless. She ran out of my room.
In all the time I’ve been jacking off over the past several years, she has never caught me before. I’ve always been very careful. This morning, however wasn’t exactly planned. I’m sure that had been a big shock to her. I could feel she was devastated, and she was thinking that she was interrupting. I needed to fix this, so I got out of bed and washed up quick. I fixed my hair, put on some cologne, and my best prep clothes in about 10 min flat.
I went to her room, and knocked… No answer. I knocked again, still nothing. So I opened the door slowly, and saw her on her bed face down. I went to her, lay down next to her and put my arms around her. ‘Car, I’m sorry, about that. There is nothing for you to be embarrassed about. I should have locked the door first. It is entirely my fault. Can we just forget about this? Ok?’
‘I’m sorry, I just had such a wonderful day yesterday, and last night I couldn’t think of anything but Josh. I just needed to tell someone how I feel.’ We always talk about our relationships with each other. ‘He feels like… like joy in a bottle. And… and, I can’t explain it.’ I knew exactly how she felt, but why? I’m so confused. ‘I even dreamt about him last night! I’ve never dreamt about someone I’ve liked before.’ What! She’s dreaming about him too. This might be a more difficult friendship after all. Why is this happening to me?
I woke up Monday morning to the alarm buzzing in my ear. Damn I’m a mess! I hadn’t changed my boxers the previous night. I got up peeled them off and took a shower. I couldn’t get that dream out of my head from the previous night. I’ve had wet dreams before, but I’ve never dreamt about anyone I have known. I finished up, dried my hair, put on some cologne, and got dressed in kakis, a black polo, and a nice pair of white K-Swiss sneakers.
I went down stairs for breakfast. Adria and Kim were already there and eating eggs and bacon, with toast and OJ. Kim looked upset still. I opened up, Kim I’m sorry, I never set out to hurt anyone in this family. She looked at me, and tears started to flow down her cheeks and she jumped up and wrapped her arms around me.
Suddenly, it was all clear to me. I had always been Kim’s favorite family member, which is part of the reason I didn’t understand her resent bratty-ness. This had nothing to do with us moving. She was upset because she thought I wouldn’t want to spend as much time with her now that I was practically a house away. I’ll always have time for my little sister! And I’ll always be your big brother.
I’m sorry Joshy. She was the only one I let call me that.
It’s ok now… ‘It’s Ok!’ I said aloud. ‘Now let’s eat, we got to catch the
bus in an hour and half.’ She just smiled at me with tear stricken eyes.
We were back, a family once again. Breakfast was wonderful. Mom commented on how nice I looked.
Adria said, ‘Yea, I’ve always liked having a hot older brother!’ to Mom and Kim’s giggling, and my face getting a bit red.
‘Hey, Mom, where is the bus stop?’ Trying desperately to change the subject.
‘I’m not sure. Why don’t you go next-door and ask your new friends?’
So, I drank down the last of my juice. And said I’d be right back. ‘Say hi to your new girlfriend for me.’ yelled Adria in singsong. Man she’s always liked pushing my buttons. I ran out the back door, hopped the fence, and knocked on their backdoor.
‘Josh, what’s up dude?’ Casey said as he answered the door, a little red faced. Carrie must have been embarrassing him too… Wow, he was looking sharp! Why was I noticing?
‘I was just wondering where the bus stop is for school?’
‘It’s just down the street. If you want we’re about to head over there ourselves.’
‘Oh? You guys don’t drive?’
‘Na, neither of us has our own car yet… What about you?’
‘I had one, but we sold it before moving down here. Dad is supposed to get me a new with the money we got from the old car, but he hasn’t had a chance yet. He said he would get me one in a few weeks, once we are settled in.’
‘Nice Dude! May be you can give us a ride when you get it?’
‘You bet! Is that the same bus stop for all the busses?’
‘Yea it is. You want your sisters to tag along?’
‘Yea, that would be cool. They like it when big brother is around to protect them.’ I chuckled in my mock manly voice.
‘Yea what about Kim, she seemed kinda upset with you yesterday.’
‘No problem, she was afraid I wasn’t going to spend any time with her anymore, with the new room and all.’
‘Ahh! That makes sense now. She’s a big brother’s girl’
‘Yep, through and through!’ we both laughed.
‘Josh! Hey how’s it going?’ Carrie popped up, behind her brother.
Smiling, ‘Hi Carrie! Going wonderfully! Did you sleep well?’ she suddenly started to get red in the cheeks.
‘Yea, very well. You wanta walk with us to the bus stop, or do you drive? I didn’t see an extra car’
‘Me and Casey were just discussing that. I’ll have one in a few weeks, until then we would be happy to join you.’ I said smiling.
‘Cool! See ya in a few then!’
I went back, kissed mom, got the girls, and headed out the front door to wait in the front yard. We didn’t wait at all. By the time we had closed the front door Casey was coming out of his house.
We walked the few blocks to where the bus stop was. The conversation was great. My sisters were being charming. I think Adria might have a crush on Casey, the way she’s always looking at him. I wish I could open my mind around the twins so I could hear what she’s thinking, because I bet she was broadcasting with the eyeball he was getting from her. I think she saw me catching her in the act a few times, because she stopped talking as much and was turning a slight shade of pink.
There are about ten other kids at the bus stop, but none of them are our age there all my sister’s ages. Which I think was fine with Adria, because it gave her a chance to get her mind off of Casey and meet some of the other neighborhood kids. I thought with this amount of people I could chance ‘opening up’. They all seemed exited to have new kids in the neighborhood. Thank God, I wasn’t getting the ‘static’ from the day before around the twins, so I was thinking it would be safe.
Kim’s bus came before ours. After most of the kids left I started to get snippets from the twins. They seemed to be in their own separate little worlds.
Carrie was embarrassed and nervous, and I got …my boyfriend…, …how do I…, and …so hot… could she be thinking of someone she’s dating?
Casey was distracted and confused …I don’t understand…, …why am I…, and …got get this… he must be going through something right then, but I’m not sure what. As concerned as I may be I would never pry into someone’s mind without permission. Besides I didn’t know what the static thing was I’m getting from those two when I got close to them.
‘What’s up guys, you got quiet all the sudden?’
‘Oh, it’s nothing. Just a lot on my mind that’s all.’ Casey said.
‘Yea, Nothing really.’ Carrie feebly answered.
‘OK, but look. I know we just met and all, but if either of you need to talk to someone about anything. I’m well known as a good listener, and I usually have pretty good advice.’ I said in my best Dr. Phil.
‘Thanks!’ in stereo again. They laughed at my obvious joke. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to the twin simulcast thing. I had to chuckle though.
The bus ride was uneventful. Adria had already found a couple of girls to hang out with in the front of the bus. She had always been better at making friends then me. I did meet one of the twin’s friends, Bryan Carson. He seemed cool as he sat next to me, and the twins sat together. I kinda closed down, with all of the minds shouting in cramped space. Everyone seemed way too happy for so early in the morning.
The first day school started out ok, but dissolved after third period. I was in only two classes with the twins, third period AP Calculus and JROTC.
I noticed the grouping the twins were telling me about. All over the school were little packs of students. Hanging with Casey and Carrie that morning, I was introduced to the Joes. They were the JROTC brats. Seeing as how I was in ‘rot-see’, as they called it, I was glad to meet them. Rot-c was the only non-AP class I was taking.
This School’s rot-c was Army. They doe things differently then my old school, it had been Air Force based. I would have to relearn all of the ranks again, as they have totally different names in the Army. I met the XO, a guy named Myles Greer, of the Company I would be attending and met several of my classmates. They were all cool.
First period was AP chemistry. Mr. Newton (yea I laughed the first time too) was the teacher. He was the kind of teacher I liked, very passionate about his subject. The more passionate a teacher is about their subject the more insight they give me. He was a bit worried about me though because they were having a big test that day and he didn’t want me to get too far behind. I asked what the test would be on, and lucky me they were at the same place I was in at my old school. So I told him it was no problem. He was glad because he wanted to see where I was anyway. He said if I didn’t do well he would let me retake it.
I was the first one finished, and he started grading it as soon as I turned it in. I had about twenty minutes left in class so I pulled out my new book and started memorizing it. Five minutes before the end of class Mr. Newton asked to see me. We stepped outside.
‘Wow! You scored a perfect test! Is this your favorite subject or something?’
‘No sir, that’s my usual test performance though. If I hadn’t gotten a perfect score I would have been worried.’ I smirked.
‘This is how you perform in all your classes?’
‘Yea, as long it is theory in nature. Practical application I normally get high B’s and A’s though.’
‘Well it will be a pleasure to have you in my class. But if I may ask why you aren’t in collage already?’
‘Dad thought it would be best if I had a normal childhood. Besides, I like the interaction with my peers. Everybody would be much older than me in college if I had left when I could have.’
My next class was JROTC. It was fun. We had two First Sergeants and a full bird Colonel as instructors. I had a blast, I got my new uniform and found out that Wednesdays are our dress day, and I was going to have to get my hair cut. I’m not happy about that, at my old school as long as it fit under your hat they weren’t that strict and my hair is not
that long, just to my chin, but these guys were all business. I had to get it cut at least another three inches up. Oh well, I like the class anyway.
Third period it self was ok, but crumbled just after class. Once again, I impressed my teacher and my new friends by acing a pop quiz. Ms. Gregor was also a very good teacher. I could see why this school out shines the others in the state, the teaching staff seemed to have a passion for teaching.
After AP Cal, we went to our lockers to change books for the next classes. Me and Casey had lockers near each other. Carrie’s was down another hall, but it was cool. I got a little while longer to hang out with Casey anyway. Casey got the last of his books into his bag, closed his locker, and said goodbye.
As he turned to go off, someone was walking past Casey. His leg got caught up in the other guys. It took everything Casey had not to fall flat on his face. The guy he bumped into however, was not so graceful. He landed face first on the hard floor.
I suddenly got two very contrasting emotions. Casey was scared out of his wits. Omygod! Omygod! Shit! Shit! Shit!
And the other was one of sheer venomous anger. WHAT THE FUCK! WHO THE FUCK JUST TRIPED ME?
Everywhere else I got humor and laughter.
‘Aw Shit Mark, I…I’m so sorry, I sh…should have been watching were I was go…going.’
The big guy on the ground was surprisingly fast. He was on his feet and had Casey up against the lockers so fast. I thought Mark might have knocked Casey out, as his head hit so hard on the locker behind him.
‘Yea!! Well Not as sorry as your gonna be!!’
Casey was groaning from the slam. Mark was holding him up with one hand around his neck. I saw his arm reach back, as he was winding up his blow, I reacted. I move beside him and threw my hand up to try and deflect the blow away from Casey, but instead I caught his fist, stopping his arm in mid-swing.
What the Fuck! Is he serious! I’ll beat him to a pulp! His anger was peaking. He couldn’t believe someone was standing up to him. I tried to send calming emotions to him.
‘OK, stop this! It was an accident and he apologized. Calm down and let’s talk about it.’
I tried to ease the situation. That wasn’t working. This guy, Mark, was still way too pissed.
‘What the fuck is your problem limp dick! This has nothing to do with you!’ as he released Casey he just crumpled to the ground. I really wanted to bend over and see if Casey was alright, but the Neanderthal was now looking at me with fire in his eyes, So the new kid thinks he’s tough! He had backed up a step and was now squaring up with me.
‘Look, I don’t want to fight you, but I will not let you hurt my friend. So, just calm down!’
‘Aww he doesn’t ‘want’ to fight me…’sob’…boo hoo,’ in his best baby imitation, ‘you should have thought of that before you stuck your nose where it doesn’t belong!’
He threw a punch at me, I easily parried it. Then another one, and another, and another, I blocked each one with ease. After the fifth attempt he was starting to piss me off. I needed to defuse the situation.
He threw his sixth punch with his right hand. I stepped left and parried with my right, so his right shoulder was exposed to me. Then, I rotated my hand so that my palm was facing his arm, and grabbed him by the wrist. I started to pull him forward, using his own momentum against him, pulling his upper body forward, and bending him in half. With my left hand I began applying pressure to his right arm just below the shoulder. Pulling with my right hand and pushing down with my left, bending his arm up into the air while his body and shoulder were going downward at a forty-five degree angle in the wrong direction. He cried out from the pain this was causing.
‘Alright now, calm down and I’ll release…’I didn’t get to finish…
He started moving quickly. He began to drop straight down to the ground, pulling his arm from my grip. He then spun in mid fall so that his back was facing the ground instead of his chest. He used the momentum of the twist to throw a punch at my unprotected family jewels. Luckily he couldn’t aim well while falling to the ground, but the desired effect, of him breaking the lock, worked. His blow hit me right between the legs, but thankfully just behind the sack. Either way I was thrown back by the force of the blow, and stunned for a second.
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My loving husband was flying out of town the next day. I was on my period those days. In the early morning while I laid cuddling him my hand moved over his body and eventually made its way onto his cock…Then I made my way on top of him. I kissed him passionately and then came down his chest and belly. Soon I reached his hard cock and took it into my mouth. I sucked his cock hard, up and down as Victor gave some soft groans of joy. I gagged on his dick several times and finally he exploded...
Dr Bio and his experiments(extreme,body mod,rough,teen,preg) -by stHell66 A story of horror and violence, beware! a doctor and his uncontrolled lust of violent rapes. A warning to the reader. You have been warned-ah ah aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh About a psychopath doctor practicing medicine, doing surgery's on helpless teen girls. The cries of the hapless teenage a scream that could be heard thru the asylium. As Dr Bio bites into the moist teen breast, ripe to be bit. The...
With the advent of a fast fading libido on the part of her much older husband, Gabrielle began to search out friendly cocks to satisfy her need for pussy and ash stretching. She always found older men to be sincerely appreciative of her sexual favors. Accordingly, she preferred the mature and experienced male suitors to the herd of silly young men more caught up in a celebration of their own unique superiority. Sometimes, she stooped low into the pack of admiring males and selected...
"What the fuck are you staring at, bitch?" The strange girl sitting next to me at the bar growled, clearly not happy about my staring at her."Your... um, hair," I choked out nervously. "So what about it?" she said, her tone defensive and her body stiffening. "Well it, um, it has snakes in it," I said, still in complete shock at what I was seeing. Wondering if I was just indeed drunk."Girl, it doesn't have snakes in it. It is snakes. At least get it right. Didn't your momma ever teach...
Monster SexThe kitchen was filled with the glorious smell of frying meat. It hung in the air like a cloud, hinting and teasing at the tastes to come. There were other smells, too, though none quite so pleasing as that of the sausages cooking over their fireplace. Phyre watched them, her mouth watering. For now, she had only a bowl of porridge to sate her appetite. She took great care not to eat too much of it. No need to fill up while the best was yet to come. There was music in the kitchen, too. Her...
The Lemanns:Jeff and Wendy Lemann had been married for nine years. Both were 33 years old and both had worked for the same corporation, Hamilton Electronics, for the last eight years. Although employed by the same firm, their job responsibilities were very different, and consequently, they worked in different divisions of the firm. Jeff was the vice-president in the Advertising and Marketing Division while Wendy was a Group Leader in the Manufacturing Division. As a group leader, she was two...
Hello all, I am glad for your shower of love over me for these stories. I hope to get much more love on this piece. I hope you all are going to like it, especially those who love their mothers. Please write your fantasies, desires, stories, comment, and suggestions on ‘” In last you the part you read the development of a new relation between me and mother. But as I said, night was not over on that note only. My mother took time in the bathroom and here outside in the bedroom I was imagining...
Incest1. I am a slave. I am owned, and happy to be so. I exist purely to please my Master, in every aspect of his life, and whatever I am doing I am always ready to serve him in whatever way he chooses. Around my neck is what appears, to the outside world, to be just a pretty silver pendant with a diamond initial on it. But to me it is so much more than that. It was the happiest day of my life, the day I received that pendant. I had not been serving Master for very long, just long enough for him...
Another week had gone by and Kathy was jumpy with excitement about going over to Buck and Val's again. She was getting ready to go when her mother said "The Traceys sure are going out a lot." "OH?" responded Kathy, not knowing where her mother was going with this. "Yeah, they've hired you every weekend for the last month, haven't they?" "I guess so." "It just seems odd that they'd go out so much." said her mother. Fear gripped Kathy's stomach. She was plenty old enough to...
On Monday week Becca's team turned up on the dot of eight-thirty at Edward Johnson's flat. He greeted them and Becca introduced them all. "This is Maisie," she said, "and she's in charge if I get called away. This is Dawn. She's so tall she does the ceilings. This is Nell. She might get called away to do an estimate but, don't worry, she only does the skirting boards." Nell, grinning broadly, punched her arm. Becca smiled fondly at her. "I do have to put up with a bit of...
Sometimes, you end up on the wrong side of town. Most of the time that happens, it by accident. When Rachele Richey ends up on the wrong side of town, it’s for one reason: she loves to live dangerously. It turns her on. So, when she walks into a juke joint knowing full well she’s going to be the only white person in the place…well, it makes her cunt wet. When she discovers she’s the only girl in the joint…well, she knows what’s about to go down. Rachele wants...
xmoviesforyouThree days had gone by, and twice a day Joan had jerked her son off, usually with his balls in her mouth. Ted, of course, was having the time of his life. He still sat near the pool when Fawn was there, and Joan had not told him what she had seen. She enjoyed watching her son and the pretty girl without them knowing it. At night, she and her son would peek into Fawn's room and watch the pretty girl caress herself, finger-fuck to orgasm, then lick her finger. The couple across the way...
"We have to get this project done tonight!" you say "It can't wait" we're at your desk looking at the figures, they don't look good, we're both frustrated and don't want to be here, it's late and the office is empty. I catch a glimpse of your breast through the buttons of your blouse. I look at your short pencil skirt riding high on your creamy thighs, my cock is getting hard and bulging in my trousers. You spot my gaze and although at first annoyed once you see my bulge you can't help but feel...
Ever since Sharon had to leave, Cindy has been a real bitch, always telling everyone they needed another girl soon before school started. On and on she would go about how they would lose the apartment and the money would dry up. She even hinted that if they did not find a girl soon, that one of us would have to step in and make some movies. I know Cindy, she would not stop there, but Jacky, Joan and I were not going to be put in that position. We all knew that the early pep squad sign-ups...
Jackie went home that night after her meeting with the principal, Mr. Young, and found herself overwhelmed by how things had gone. She'd worried about her meeting with him, but never thought it would turn out as it had. Jackie truly thought the morning she found out she was pregnant a second time that she was finished as a school teacher. When she arrived home with her little girl, Jackie went to her bedroom, took her clothes off, and headed straight to her bathroom to take a shower. She...
I was in the garage when I heard Whitney get out of her car in the driveway and enter the house. I didn't pay any attention as I was waiting for my car to come back from the service center. It didn't seem important to me if I made my presence known to my wife. We hadn't been getting along that well lately and why stir her up when I didn't need to. The phone rang and without thinking I reached and picked up the receiver, bringing it to my ear. Whitney answered it before I could say...
My loving husband had flown away on business two days before that cold, windy and horrid night. All the afternoon a cold rain had made the day look even worst.Worst of all, the electric power had been knocked out for nearly ten hours and now it was very dark outside on the streets. There was nothing to do, except lay on the big sofa covered by a couple blankets, trying to stay warm.It was almost midnight; when I heard a light tapping on the front door. I got up to answer. It was Barbie, our...
"See you all on Monday." You say as you walk out the office for the weekend. Its been a long week and you can't wait to go home and finally kick your feet up and relax for a couple of days. As an admin assitant for a small tech company you don't have the most stressful job in the world but you work long hours. In your excitement to get home you walk briskly out of the building towards the bus stop down the street. You pick your pace up even more when you spot an earlier bus and realise you...
I woke to the sound of running water and the smell of coffee. The sheets were wrinkled and still smelt faintly of Joanna, while a strand of her chestnut hair clung to my pillow. I threw the top sheet back and swung my legs out of bed, just as the sound of water stopped and Joanna walked into the bedroom. She had my robe wrapped around her and her hair piled on top of her head, under a towel. She looked at me and smiled for a moment and then glanced down at the bedclothes. Seeing the bloodstain...
Diana held out for as long as she could - which turned out to be not very long. Even as she hurried back to her room that night her footsteps unconsciously slowed as her mind returned, over and over, to what had just happened. She would shake it off and pick up the pace again, only to find herself drifting like a sleepwalker once more, her hand having crept under her shirt to touch the still sticky semen James had left on her abdomen.Ohhh...his cock in her hand, in her mouth!She came to a dead...
BDSMA World of Change by Aleisha James The following is a work of fiction/fantasy. You should be adult and willing to read mature subject matter. A noteof caution: nothing in this should be taken as espousing 'brainwashing' of any kind: a recent (probably a hoax) posting on the hyperboard drew this obvious warning. This is a long story, but I hope that you enjoy it. Feedback is, as always, cherished... thank you to those who have reviewed my earlier works.. and one day I will finish...
AN: I do not own Dragon Ball Z and I am not profiting from this work. This story is set several years after Buu so Gohan and Videl would be between 18 and 20 years old. * Panting hot lustful breaths as her slender fingers buried themselves in his soft locks of spiky jet black hair, she tried to fight back her moans as her lover’s sly tongue parted her folds. Its silky smoothness teasing her senses into delirium as it swivelled about deep inside of her core’s depths. Desperate for more, she...
[1980] “Oh my, I don’t know who was more shocked. Sam, I know, was mortified and my mother horrified,” Mary murmured with a gentle smile at the memory. “I think I held the angry pose for about five seconds before laughter overcame me. I’d already suspected my mother was lonely and that Sam might be the cure, but I didn’t expect her to go for it so quickly. Fortunately she has a good sense of humour and forgave me for shocking them, though it took a while for us to calm Sam...
Shawna staggered up the steps, getting the key into the lock at the third attempt, as Hope, Elspeth and Brianna followed, laughing gently at her antics. Hope and Brianna hadn't had anything more than soft drinks, but Elspeth's stability was largely due to Brianna's support. "Oh, look at that!" Shawna giggled, as the door swung open, pointing to Tony and Lorraine stretched out together on the couch watching the television. "Hi." Marcus managed after a moment, as the other three girls...
The last time I saw my errant brother was on a trip to Scotland where, needless to say, he turned up in a kilt; it was guaranteed to initiate a sexual encounter was that kilt but then, there was also the business of that medallion…..and those eyes. Was it just my imagination or did they seem different when he raped me? He certainly seemed to have more than one side to him and I had puzzled long enough about that incident but for now, I had consigned this and earlier memories to the back of my...
Introduction: Ashley becomes late for math class, and is punished by her teacher! (Essentially what I would wish to happen if I was late for class) ​As she opened her locker that Friday morning, Ashley had no idea that her life was about to change. She picked up her books, and quickly closed her locker. There was plenty of time before class, and she decided that she may as well go to the washroom for a quick examination of her outfit. As she was washing her hands, she looked in the mirror...
The drive to downtown Los Angeles was pleasant. Anya and Ekaterina were in joking moods and, taking a cue from the other females at the lower house, they picked on Adam unmercifully. Ekaterina's wit required a little explanation at times, but she was clearly looking forward to staying behind in Los Angeles when the rest of the group headed to Las Vegas. Her work visa would expire in December. It gave Celina a little time to get things squared away. Adam planned to simply stay outside while...
Yesterday my sister in law Yasmeen got engaged to my school friend Sidharth. After two days they are getting married in Mumbai. That is siddharth’s residence. We all I.e. father in law, mom in law, sister in law & my wife were comming out of Mumbai airport. My mom in law is Muslim, while father in law is Hindu. Amber my wife said “Yasmine was looking so cute na”. Yasmine “so what I am already cute”. Amber “common dialogue all the time”. I thought in mind ‘Yes she is … I think’. She is good...
Everyone has a sex-symbol like I have but maybe I was lucky.Ever since I have grown up and understood sex, there is one women who stirs so much desire in me like no one else.It is my aunty living with her husband in our place. She is about 10 years elder to me fair in complexion , has a mindblowing figure,neat arse and not very large boobs. She always wears a saree below her navel mostly revealing her figure. As time went I wanted her real bad,she is simply irresistible sexually, though she is...
IncestWe have had a lot of discussions recently since she has started up being with other men and it seems that things are moving forward into the kind of relationship that I've been desiring. She's become more active and also become more dominant towards me. She has now got a couple of fuck buddies and will even be doing a first tomorrow (which will have its own blog entry) in that she will be staying out all night while she spends the night at her new black lover. She knows I'd like to serve her...
Getting Mom naked!!!Due to this being a true story, I’ve changed our names so as not to embarrass my poor mom . . . . . . . again!.One day when I was 17, I was came back from school and turned into the driveway where mom’s car was normally parked and noticed that it was missing as mom would always beat me and dad back from school and work.Presuming that she was either shopping or round her friends, I let myself in and made a cup of tea to refresh myself while I got ready to take a bath....
Ufff aaa sssss ki awaj poore kamre me phail gayee. Meri bhanji Neha, apni chut ko mere muh pe lagae hua ghutno ke bal baithi thi aur mai use aam ki tarha choos rahe tha. Meri jeeb uske andar tak jaa rahi thi. Mera haat uski skirt ke neeche se uski mhakmali gaand ko sehla rahe the. Us math tution wale din ke baad mera na din ka chaen raha na ratoon ki neend. Itne din baad bhi mai ab bhi akele me apni unglion ko soongta aur unme uski kuwari bur ki khusboo dhoondta. Har raat mai issi tarha shuru...
Flipping on the television, Alec found a show the two had watched together back in college. ‘You still like this one, Els?’ She’d nodded with a small smile before taking up one corner of the couch and curling up with a grimace. That position had to hurt her ribs, but it was one she always took when tired. ‘You can’t sleep yet, darlin’. I don’t know if you have a concussion or not, so we need to make sure you stay awake awhile.’ He scooted over next to her. ‘Come on. No curling up in the corner...
Before i move on with my story, let me tell you briefly about my life. I’m the only child in my family. I have never seen my mom. She passed away when i was born. My parents were so in love when my mom was alive (i overheard this from my dad in one of his drunken state). My dad who is a businessman, often find reasons to travel abroad in order to forget my mother’s demise. Even when he’s home, he’s almost always in a drunken state that i have never gotten any sort of love from him. I grew up...