Flexible Morals Ch. 02 free porn video

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The kitchen was filled with the glorious smell of frying meat. It hung in the air like a cloud, hinting and teasing at the tastes to come. There were other smells, too, though none quite so pleasing as that of the sausages cooking over their fireplace. Phyre watched them, her mouth watering. For now, she had only a bowl of porridge to sate her appetite. She took great care not to eat too much of it. No need to fill up while the best was yet to come.

There was music in the kitchen, too. Her mother stood at the counter, carving off a slice of bread that would soon join the sausages. The woman sang as she worked, not just to see, but because she enjoyed it. A song that reminded Phyre of the morning, likely because that was always the time she heard it. She had no idea what the words or sounds meant. Nor did she understand those of her father when he chose to join in. The words were not her own, so they were not hers to know. Phyre chose not to accompany her mother’s song, that morning, content to simply eat and watch as the sausages steadily approached edibility.

Abruptly, her mother’s voice stopped, as did the sawing of the knife. ‘Some men are coming,’ she said to the room.

Her father raised his head and his voice grew a little louder as he searched outside. ‘Hmm, what could they want.’

Phyre saw them too. Three men coming up their path that was little more than a series of stones in the ground. One was a Solar, his yellow-blond hair, gleaned with her voice, was shadowed beneath the hood of a dark cloak. The other two were Skytouched who didn’t stand out quite so much against the greens and browns of the forest. She didn’t recognise any of them. ‘Who are they?’ she asked.

‘Just some folk I’ve had business with, my dear,’ said her father.

That was nothing unusual. He was the only glassmaker for miles around. Just about everyone in town could be labeled as ‘folk he’d had business with’. Samples of his craft could be found on shelves and in drawers all throughout their home. Even before that, her father had worked as a healer, using his magic to mend wounds and his knowledge to cure ills. That had been a while ago now. So long that Phyre scarcely had any memories of the time left. Now she was learning to work with glass too, so that someday she would join him in the trade, as had her mother. A family of glassmakers. Yet she couldn’t remember ever seeing these men around her father’s glassworks. Strange.

‘Phyre, why don’t you go into the woods and see if you can find us some fruit to go with breakfast, hmm?’ her father suggested.

‘Why?’ she asked.

‘For our company, of course. There’s scarcely enough for all of us if they’ll be joining.’

Phyre considered this for a moment. Bread, jams, sausages and porridge, not really enough of any of it to share amongst six people, though she didn’t see why there should be any need to. She opted not to voice that opinion. ‘But the sausages are almost done,’ she argued instead.

‘I know, we’ll save you plenty. Don’t you worry about that. Now hurry along, we don’t want to keep them waiting.’

Phyre turned her head to her mother who nodded approval. The men outside were nearing the front door. ‘Okay, but don’t let them get cold or burnt,’ she said, pointing to the sausages as she stood to leave.

‘Don’t worry. Be swift now.’

Phyre nodded and moved towards the back door. She reached into one of the drawers in the kitchen counter along the way and took out a sack to hold the fruit. Then, with a final look at her parents and the men approaching, she said goodbye and went outside.


It was a sliminess that shrugged away sleep. Not morning noises or lights. Something moving that stuck to Phyre’s cheek. She shuddered, sat up and reached to swat whatever the intrusion was.

‘Hmm? Wait! It’s me!’ came a voice from right beside her ear.

It was then that Phyre realized she wasn’t dreaming or imagining things. The frog was in her hood. She pulled it off and took him into her hand. ‘What were you doing?’ she asked.

‘Please don’t be mad, my lady. I got cold during the night so I crawled inside. I didn’t mean to frighten or alarm you.’

She watched him for a moment. Watched as his throat pulsed with breaths. Then Phyre set him down amid the leafy branches of her bedding. She couldn’t tell if he blended in effectively, blue and black on green and brown. Did those match up? Under Phyre’s voice, he stood out starkly. But so did everything when she paid close enough attention. Considering where she found him, she guessed that his colors would be much better suited to a life in the river. His eyes were on her, she realized. ‘What are you staring at?’ she asked.

‘Your eyes. You’ve no eyes,’ said Drop.

‘You didn’t know that?’ Feeling a bit self conscious, Phyre pulled her hood back on and down to her nose to cover the red-orange marks on her skin.

‘I didn’t. I always thought your hood was covering them.’ He was still staring.

‘But then, how did you think I could see through it?’

‘I assumed that the fabric might be thinner than it looked.’

Phyre reached up and touched the cloth of her hood. It was thin enough to speak through and let a bit of light in. She couldn’t tell if someone with eyes could see through it.

‘What happened to your eyes? And what are those marks in their place? Did someone hurt you?’ Drop asked.

‘No, I’m a Vocal. We don’t have eyes because we see with our voices instead. And these…’ She touched a finger to the fiery marks on her hood. ‘These are my occumarks. I was born with them.’

‘What? You were born with them painted to that robe?’ Drop croaked in surprise.

‘No, I mean the ones underneath.’ She pointed up under her hood just in case the frog planned on having any further trouble in grasping this rather simple concept.

‘Oh, I see.’ His eyelids went through one of their slow, thoughtful blinks. ‘So why wear the hood? I mean, if you’ve painted the same marks on it as the ones underneath, why wear it?’

‘I don’t know,’ she said, though it wasn’t entirely true. Most Vocals wore a hood with their occumarks painted atop it, just as she did. The reason, as far as she could guess, was that the marks looked better that way. Her skin wasn’t very even where the color changed to orange and red. It looked a bit like scar tissue, fleshy and unusual. ‘It’s nicer than what’s underneath,’ she added.

Drop croaked, this time as a low rumble. ‘Pah, that’s preposterous. Here, take the hood off again and let me see.’ He waved a foreleg insistently until she complied, then he continued. ‘Why, look at it. There’s nothing there to be ashamed of. Such a remarkable hue. Crimson and tangerine mixing together seamlessly. Look, there are even little dabs of saffron near the top.’

‘But isn’t the skin there messy?’ Phyre asked as she tried to keep her head from swelling.

‘Nonsense! Besides, who could notice such a triviality past that pallet of color? I’ll tell you who, nobody worthy of being your friend, that’s who. No, there’s not a thing wrong with your skin. Especially when you look at its frame as well. Your hair, my lady, such a match for your marks, such a deep red I’ve never seen on anyone. It should be a crime for you to hide it all away in that hood of yours.’ Every word that Drop flung out was accompanied by a wave of his legs as he buried her with praise.

‘You really mean it?’ she asked in a shameless effort for more.

‘Of course I do. I’d never say anything I didn’t mean. We frogs are experts on color for we color ourselves just as brightly. Why I remember my days at the academy and seeing all the senior students who were just about to set out, tadpoles no longer. Oh you should have seen the colors that they presented. Sapphire hides with spots of purple and black. Emerald bodies with fire-opal stripes and a bright gold trim around the legs.’ Then Drop hung his head. ‘Yet al
l I could manage was a blue drop and a black canvas. And to do so without even noticing…’

Phyre watched the little amphibian for a moment before realizing that he was after his own heaping of praise. ‘Oh, um. Why, your pattern is marvelous, Drop. It’s such a deep shade of, uh… ebony, so like the night sky. And your blue is magnificent. You didn’t need to color yourself with whole rainbows. Only two paints to work with and you’ve done so much with them. It’s, um, elegant in its simplicity. Besides, your way with words more than makes up for the dull hide that you so foolishly think you have. I bet none of the frogs at the academy could speak the way you do.’

Drop looked up at her, his eyes looking wetter than usual. There was a faint smile upon his lips. ‘Well, no they couldn’t. I remember my teachers often telling me that I was astoundingly verbose.’

‘I’m sure they did.’ Then their conversation slipped away into silence as neither thought of anything more to say. With all the distractions since waking up finally gone, Phyre was at last able to focus on the morning as it developed. Her voice crept out and touched her room, bare of any furniture save the bed. Her body groaned from sleeping on the hardwood frame. She recalled the reason why she should be sad and suddenly she was. The fire and the ashes and the two mounds of dirt outside. She’d done so much crying yesterday but today was new and fresh and there was plenty of misery left to suffer through. Her face contorted, the happiness she had just been experiencing long forgotten. The pain always felt worse in the morning. Always newly remembered, learning, once again, that none of it was just some bad dream. She heaved and her vision blurred, her voice distorted with misery.

‘Oh, come now. Don’t go putting yourself through that again,’ Drop soothed.

Phyre didn’t listen. She got to her feet, pulled up her hood and trudged into the hallway, leaving the frog behind. She wandered into the kitchen. With her voice soft and blind, she could almost imagine the room like it would have been on any other day. Good food ready to eat. Warmth in the air. A fire in the— no, not that. It was all gone now. Stone turned to dust, metal turned to puddles. A magical fire that burned irregularly. Some parts of the walls ended with a seamless cut where the wood had been vaporized. Yet, right next to such spots, there was wood intact and scarcely scorched. It was that knowledge that kept her from pretending that this was some sort of cruel accident. She went out the back door, still pretending that there were walls to walk around. A short distance from the ruins, right near the well where the earth was softer, was the pair of mounds. She knelt down between them as she did every morning these days. Two heaps of dirt, a stone at one end of each. She didn’t say anything for there was nobody present to say it to. At least, not a whole person. The fire’s effects on flesh had been much the same as wood.

‘Do you know who the three men were?’ Drop asked.

Phyre sent her voice to look at him for a moment. He was spattered with soot and morning dew from his journey. She shook her head.

‘Why did they come here?’

Another shake of her head. The talking stopped for a while after that. The only sound came from rousing birds calling to one another. Lively chirps, screeches and caws. The noises sounded cheery, they grated on her nerves. ‘I can’t wish to bring my parents back, can I?’ Phyre asked.

This time it was Drop’s turn to shake his head. ‘I’m sorry.’

‘Why not?’ She could recall him mentioning it before but he hadn’t been very clear.

‘It’s too much for me to manage.’

‘Is there anyone that could? Could I wish for someone who can bring them back?’

‘I don’t think so. I don’t think there’s anyone that can do such a thing. My teachers were rather adamant that such a wish would be impossible no matter the loopholes you might try to find. They said the same about wishing for someone to die.’ At least it sounded as though there was a bit of regret in Drop’s voice.

‘I don’t think there’s anything else for me to wish for, then,’ said Phyre. She brushed at one of the mounds and pulled out a shoot that was already claiming the ground. ‘Do I have to make a wish?’

‘Well… I suppose you don’t. You can’t think of anything that would make you happy?’

She shook her head and slumped even lower on the ground.

‘Phyre, I won’t accept it. It may take days or weeks or months or even years, but I’m not leaving you until you’re happy again. You saved my life, now it’s clear to me that I have to do the same for yours.’

Despite her situation, Phyre felt a little spark of warmth at his words. Then came a touch upon her leg as he hopped there and sat down, his big, black eyes to her marks. Drop made a firm croak before speaking again. ‘It’s easy to be sad. You can sit around and be miserable because life was cruel to you, but anyone can do that. You have to be the person who stands up and keeps going even when the weight of the universe is trying to push you back down. Don’t let life hurt you without getting a chance to hurt it back. You and me, Phyre, we’re going to show life what we’re all about. And we’re going to start by doing something about those filthy clothes you’re wearing.’

Phyre wiped her nose on her sleeve and allowed the faintest of smiles to spread across her lips. Drop looked ridiculous when he spoke in such a way. His legs flailed with froggy gestures and his throat swelled on the height of every sentence. Yet it worked. The pain wasn’t gone, maybe it would never be gone, but, listening to the little wishing frog, Phyre could almost believe that she might be able to get past it. ‘Okay,’ she said. ‘I’ll try.’


‘I don’t think I can go home again,’ said Phyre. With her hood down, she reached back and wrung more water from her hair.

‘Whyever not? I mean, it is rather a mess. But where else would you go?’ Drop asked from his place on her shoulder.

‘I d’no. Maybe I could go somewhere really far away.’


‘I have a wish, remember?’

‘Oh, right.’

A wash had done wonders in a way Phyre hadn’t imagined possible. All the fatigue and other distractions of the past few days had kept her from realizing just how dirty she had let herself become. She and Drop had gone to the river and he had claimed, as soon as she had entered, that the water ran much dirtier where she stood. He had exaggerated, of course, but not by much. Phyre had sunk into the river, its water icy from the nighttime chill, and let it simply wash around her. After a good five minutes of letting the cold cleanse her body, she set about scrubbing her robe while still in it. All her other clothes were gone to the fire and this had seemed the best way to wash the only thing she had left.

Now they walked together along the road that led to town. She hadn’t returned to the house after her wash, instead opting to follow the river south until it met with the bridge, then continue west until she reached civilization. It wasn’t much of a road, really just a stretch of gravel that meandered through the trees, winding to avoid the occasional impassable obstruction. These woods were filled with points where the hills rolling through them suddenly dropped away, almost as if someone hadn’t painted the slope properly or had forgotten to add a piece in.

‘How much father do we need to go?’ Drop asked from his perch on her shoulder.

‘Not that far. I think there’s only four or five more bends until you can see it.’ Phyre quickly ran the path through her mind. Next came the sharpest twist of all of them, followed by one that had two enormous boulders on either side.

‘We should do something to pass the time.’

‘Okay, like what?’

A dull rumble of ribbits sounded by her ear as Drop collected his thoughts. ‘Perhaps…’ the frog began. ‘I should tell you a story, seeing how you’ve told me one,
even if it wasn’t a very happy story.’

‘You don’t need to do that.’

‘No, no, I want to. But which to tell…’ Another series of ponderous hums emanated from Drop. ‘Aha, I’ve got one that happened rather recently. In fact, it took place only a few days before you rescued me.’

‘How does it go?’ Phyre asked with a bare spark of interest.

‘Right, well… How does it go… Yes, so I’ve been wandering the forest for quite a while. Actually, I was following the river which isn’t really wandering, I suppose. Anyway, after such a time of wandering—’

‘Why were you wandering?’

‘All wishing frogs need to wander. How else are we going to get in enough trouble for someone to come along and save our lives and claim our wishes?’

Phyre considered the idea, then nodded. ‘I guess that makes sense.’

‘Good. As I was saying, I’d been swimming along the river for a good amount of time when I decided that I’d seen quite enough of it. So, rather than keeping on trundling through the water, I hopped up onto the shore and figured I’d try a bit of a wander through the trees to see where that would get me. So there I was, hopping away for a good couple of hours when I thought to myself ‘goodness me, this is exhausting.’ It was then that I realized how better suited we frogs are to a life in the water. So I thought I’d head back and keep swimming. Unfortunately, being small as I am, the forest looked quite similar in every direction. I tried heading along the ground that felt dampest, figuring that it would lead me back, but it only took me to a swamp and that’s—’

‘What swamp? There’re no swamps around here.’

‘A bog then. Or a marsh, whatever you want to call it. The ground was all runny with stagnant water, most of the trees were dead and rotting and there were mushrooms everywhere. A regular swamp, as far as I’m concerned.’

‘Right…’ Phyre still wasn’t entirely convinced about this alleged swamp. She’d lived in the woods for quite a while and had yet to find a place that sounded like Drop’s description. Then again, it was quite a big forest. Perhaps his story took place much further away than she had initially thought.

‘Anyway, soon as I realized my error, I turned to go. That was when I saw it. The monster of the forest. It was huge and—’

‘But there aren’t any monsters in the forest,’ Phyre interrupted yet again.

Drop made a loud, impatient croak. ‘Listen here, girly, I’m the one telling the story. If you think that you can tell it better then by all means, keep interrupting… No? Good.’ Drop uttered another croak, this one sounding considerably more satisfied. ‘So there it was, the monster of the forest. Big, black and furry with these horrible eyes and a scythe for a tail. I tried to flee but I was much too terrified to even move. Then, before I knew it, the monster was standing right over me.’

Phyre waited several seconds for the rest of the story. When it didn’t come, she spoke up. ‘Then what happened?’

‘Hmm? Oh, I managed to get away.’


‘With the most frantic, speedy sprint of hopping that I’ve ever done.’

‘But what about the monster?’ Phyre asked as her brow furrowed in frustration.

‘What about it?’

‘It let you run away? Just like that?’



‘How should I know. Maybe it had already eaten or it didn’t see me. It was quite a big monster, after all. Big things don’t often notice we smaller beasts, present company excluded.’

‘Right…’ Phyre mumbled, her frown persisting. ‘That wasn’t a very good story.’

Drop croaked in a way that almost sounded like an offended gasp. ‘Well I’m sorry, my lady, but it’s the best I could do on such short notice.’

‘And there aren’t even any monsters in the woods. Nor any swamps. Not around here, at least. And what do you mean it had a scythe for a tail?’

‘The tip of its tail was all silvery and crooked. It looked like a scythe to me. I’m sorry if my attention to detail isn’t satisfying enough for you but it was rather hard to focus with the monster bearing down on me.’

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Betty Andrews had been working for Mr. Davidson for almost 8 months now. She had moved to Minneapolis from her home in New York because she wanted a fresh start in a different location. Her divorce, while amicable and smooth, was still quite painful for her. Betty was not a small girl and she had always had trouble finding a boy that paid attention to her because he wanted to be with her. In school, she had a few "pity dates" and even had one traumatic occurrence where she was the object of a...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Easter Weekend

As I lay back in my seat on the plane taking me back home I looked out of the window and thought back to my night of Easter passion, my legs were still shaking, oh boy it was sure a good Easter had by all I can tell you! It all started when I landed at the airport around 9am Saturday morning. As I came out of the airport he was stood leaning up against his car waiting for me, so tall and handsome wow tight blue jeans, black shirt and a white straw hat, what can I tell you? I was in heaven, my...

1 year ago
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Unexpected Emotions 2

“Seems fitting,” I think, imagining Dom as a tall dark-haired muscular man. His broad shoulders tower over me, his chest hair covering rippling pecs. “Puts Jacob to shame…” I muse. I imagine he’s the type of man who lifts weights not to just impress girls but to be able to hold girls. Hold girls down. Own them. He controls them. I imagine Dom striding through the office door. He’s calm, collected, and knows what he wants: me. I imagine his massive hand reaching out, taking hold...

1 year ago
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Analized Luna Lovely Submissive Tattooed Anal Lover

Petite all natural Luna Lovely might be tiny, but this tattooed beauty has a great bubble butt that loves to be fucked. Luna exhibits her teenage body for inspection and admiration. She dances around so we can check out every curve of her young frame. Luna’s dreams soon come true when she is placed on her knees to live out her BDSM fantasy with none other than the king of kink, James Deen. Luna is manhandled and fucked in every way imaginable, loving every second and begging for more. Her...

2 years ago
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Being owned Part 9

Panting I sat up in bed. It had just been a dream. “At least a different nightmare”, I muttered while I tried to free myself from the entangled sheets. Nothing like this had happened to me. But seeing the girl raped by the two werewolves had made a deep impression. My owner had kept me in his room for the rest of the stay. He himself had been out, only returned that day to bring me some food. In the evening I had heard the howl, that had followed me into my dreams. The whole pack had been...

1 year ago
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I am Hilary

I am Hilary My name is Hilary. I live in England and I am now 25 years of age. My parents had me pretty late in life and in fact both of them died just as I was finishing at University. My Father had had a very successful career in banking and was a very wealthy man. As I am an only child, I inherited his not inconsiderable fortune when my Mother died shortly after him. I am not aware of any other family relations as both my parents were, like me, the only children of their parents. I...

4 years ago
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IBE The Days Of WanderingWinnemucca

So there I was, down the road again. I sorta had a destination in mind, but not really. I was walking down dusty US-95 in Nevada. The so-called Winnemucca Road. I don’t know why I am here- never do. I have been traveling for the past 25 years. I don’t think I’ve been in one place for more than six months. I sure don’t remember it. I’m 42 years old. Oh, perhaps you want to know my name? Well, name’s Johnny. You don’t need to know my last name. That’s not important. I don’t rightly remember it...

1 year ago
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BlacksOnBlondes Anny Aurora 02192019

Anny Aurora is a happily married woman, but as any married person will tell you, sometimes things grow a bit “stale”…for lack of a better word. So when a hunk of a stud walked into Anny’s office to start working there, Anny just about lost her mind! It didn’t take too long for Anny to flirt, and you know where that leads! Right to Anny’s marital bed, which hasn’t seen much action in a while. That is, until she pulled her new “fuck buddy”...

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More Exciting Way to Travel

I knew he didn't want to be on the train. Could hear him, in my head, silently thinking that these open mic nights already take up too much of his time, and that the train ride was just going to add to it. I was excited to see his set, and had proposed this mode of transportation. Despite the time, he'd agreed, and I intended to make him very happy that he did. I intentionally selected the last seat in the car, glancing around at the other passengers as we sat down. It was an odd time of day,...

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The Steeple

When I awoke I saw it, emerging from the humid mists of the dawn. It was as striking in silhouette as any Egyptian obelisk, or Persian Spire against the bleak white background of a cloudy sky. I did not yet know why it seemed so foreign to me. For my entire young life I have lived only two streets across from it, and yet only now did it even catch my eye. This derelict cathedral is one of seven churches within the boundaries of the town of Lindon. Lindon being only about a mile in total...

1 year ago
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Dimple with me

Hi friends, I’m Deepak 32 divorced now & my cousin Dimple (name changed) is 26 & married. I don’t have sex with her as she is married & I do not like to ruin her married life. It all happened when i was new in the city. I stayed with my cousin bro (studying mba) & my aunt (living alone as uncle had expired). Aunt got sic & was admitted to a hospital due to some reason. My bro used to go & sleep in the hospital. So i was left alone at home at nights. I had my distant uncles daughter who was in...

1 year ago
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Through the tube

Her pregnant body now ready to be primed for the next steps in her masters plan. 7 months since her master had introduced his sperm into her fertile womb . She had been continuously filled with hot enema solution for several weeks leading up until her sperm induction day. On her “Day” a minimum of four hot gallons is flowed into her anal cavity before dawn. As the final dripping of the last bag leaves her ass a large butt plug is inserted into her now very clean ass. Her public mound is shaved...

3 years ago
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Test subject number 4 Complete

Author's note. Thank you all for all your encouraging reviews for my first attempt. I hope you will enjoy the complete story. And many thanks to Editor Sissy Kathy! Kathy, you did a great job turning my sleazy writing in a real story! Love you! ******************************* Test subject Number 4 It is not easy to be a foreign student. Especially when your family is poor and there is nobody who can provide financial support. Managing to enroll, getting a student loan,...

3 years ago
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Lekkere vergadering

Het is inmiddels ruim 2 jaar geleden dat ik hier wat geschreven heb. Gelukkig heb ik nu weer tijd om wat verhalen te delen. Nog niet zo lang geleden had meneer nog een vergadering aan huis. Zijn secretaresse was er bij voor de ontvangst. Het was een mooie dame, rondborstig.. heerlijk om naar haar te kijken in haar mantelpakje. Meneer ontving 4 gasten en voordat de vergadering daadwerkelijk begon schonk ik voor iedereen een kop koffie in. Het is mijn taak om ervoor te zorgen dat de kopjes...

1 year ago
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Spizoo September Reign Black Cock For Sexy Ebony

September Reign is a hot, chocolate, fit, babe, who is ready to take a hard black cock deep in her wet pussy. Her round ass and big tits make her impossible to resist. She teases and spreads her legs before taking her partner’s big cock balls deep inside her. She rides with the athleticism of an elite slut and takes a massive load sprayed on her huge juggs. Enjoy this beautiful ebony sucking and licking a big black dick, then Rod Jackson gives her good oral sex sucking her pussy and...

3 years ago
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How I Finally Attained My Maid Part II

By: Schmuk As, I heard Padma mutter those words, millions of possiblities of what to do with her struck my head. But I wanted it to be mutual so that we both enjoy our company to the max. I told her Ok, finally you have accepted. Now tell me, how you wish to be touched” Padma instantly said I don’t want you to touch me below my navel you can do as you please above. I quickly went near her navel and drew an invisible line with my finger to which she squirmed with pleasure. I said Ok now we...

3 years ago
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Nozzer in Rome

“Oi Nozzer, what you at mate?” Mark Anthony shouted above the clamour of a busy Rome morning. “Off down the Colloseum Tone,” Nostradamous replied, “They got some new Gaulish Mead and a new batch of Angle slaves.” “Sounds good, I’ll tell Julie,” Mark Anthony replied. “Call me Julie again and your head will join those of the Huns on the spikes above the city gates,” Julius Ceasar chipped in. “All right keep your crown on,” Mark Anthony replied, “Do you reckon they got any virgins...

1 year ago
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Jav Push! We’re heading back to the glorious land of the rising sun for this one. That’s right, I’ve got even more JAV content for you this time! There are so many good fucking JAV sites out there. Hopefully, this next one can be added to my list of awesome JAV sites, but we’ll see. I have high hopes. How could I not? JAV is always fucking great. Petite women with massive tits, tight asses, and a seemingly insatiable desire for dick. The Japanese know their sex for sure. So, let’s hop into the...

Asian Porn Sites
4 years ago
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Mom Fucked My Girlfriend Part 1

This is a story fictional story of mine, I hope you like and sorry for any spelling and grammar mistakes enjoy.I met this girl online she was beautiful curvy with big tits and a gorgeous ass. She had blue eyes, brown hair and a sexy smile. She seemed perfect being witty, fun, polite, outspoken and alway very confident, or was it obnoxious. We had fucked a couple times by this point and we both seem to be hitting it off. Im really starting to like this girl so I decide to introduce her to my...

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BackroomCastingCouch Sarah 05072018

Aztec-Irish 18 year old Sarah is hoping to learn more about sex by being in the industry. Today we have a very special lesson for our amateur – it’s called Straight To The Ass. It’s a thing where we skip the pussy sex and go straight to anal sex. It’s totally a thing in the porn biz. Sarah, having said she tried anal before and liked it, doesn’t balk. And joy of joys, we got ourselves another teen anal lover. Our busty photography nerd takes Vince’s cock in...

3 years ago
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Submissive Lover part I

James had been slowly grooming his latest lover to follow his every command. A powerful man by appearance James was tall, looming over a full foot taller than Sarah’s 5’3” frame. His face was angled, muscles rippled over his chest and arms giving him a “don’t fuck with me” body language. He was used to being in control and wanted his lover to enjoy being submissive. When he met Sarah she was independent, strong willed. She refused his sexual advances at first. James was persistent, first...

2 years ago
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Walking After Midnight

The faint sounds of the music filtered through the window screens to reach me as I sat on the front porch steps. Patsy Cline, I was not, but I hummed along anyway, watching the end of my cigarette flare as I took a long, slow drag. Although it was after midnight, it was too damned hot to do the walking that the song suggested. Summers in west Texas can be brutal and seemingly endless. I felt a drop of sweat roll down my back to catch on the waistband of my simple white cotton panties and, when...

1 year ago
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My Sister comes home after her and hubby split

Note : This story is completely fictional! Well I guess shes back with 2 suitcases and a long story. mom listens and feels sorry for her. I look at her as another pussy in the house. She is tall and slim with and a real cute ass. My first thought is how can I fuck her. Wow,you can tell shes back she wants everything her own way again. Mom tells her she has to get a job she says she not ready she has to find herself. What a bunch of shit! She lays around all day feeling sorry for herself. Friday...

1 year ago
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In the Valley of the Amazons Ch 01

This is clearly a fantasy even though I have endeavored to write it as realistically as possible. There are no Amazons that we know of and no hidden undiscovered valleys in the middle of the Brazilian jungle. As with all my stories there is plenty of sex, but it is woven into the plot of the story, which always comes first. Parts of this story might make it eligible for different genres, but I have decided to post it as a romance. Any resemblance between the fictional characters in this story...

3 years ago
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Vixen Berates

Vixen cuddled in the dean's arms, sniveling and purring. He had pleasured her deeply with his tongue and then anointed her savaged vulva with soothing ointment, paying special attention to her bruised veneris mons and enlarged labia. Vixen wriggled and spread herself open for him as he made tutting sounds with his tongue. "Who did this to you?" asked the dean, severely disappointed that his usual Friday sex partner was in no condition for their games. His cock was rock hard and well down...

2 years ago
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Jans Return Part 4

I got home from taking Jan to the airport, and immediately started looking at flights.  I found a few flight options and was ready to run them by her when she called to let me know she got in OK.  I was sitting there gazing into my computer screen in a mental abyss, just thinking about everything that had transpired over the last four days.  It seemed like it didn't happen.  It seemed like a dream that I had just woken up from.  Was she really here?  All the sex we had, did it happen?  By the...

Straight Sex
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Three holes no waiting

Jessica was a slim, attractive black girl. Even at 18 she was starting to become a woman and already had firm C-cup breasts with long nipples that pointed straight forward. Her skin was smooth and the color of milk chocolate. She kept her hair straight and shoulder length. She and her brother and mother had always gotten along well. Their father had left years ago. They lived in a large apartment complex in the city. There must have been 200 apartments. That evening while their...

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The Love Monk or Zen in the BedroomChapter 2

Pulling out a notebook and a tape recorder, Raul plopped them on the table, eager to begin the interview. "Do you mind if I record this?" "No. I'll find a wall socket." While searching, Raul scribbled some notes. Once the recorder was plugged in, Joseph smiled at Raul, making no attempt at spying at what he wrote, which relaxed Raul, realizing Joseph was clear about not being privy to the notes at least until something relevant and constructive came from them. "Joseph Solomon,...

2 years ago
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Rhapsody on a Theme of Anticipation OrBiding Rhapsody

Rhapsody on a Theme of Anticipation -Or- Biding Rhapsody        I enter the room and stand before you.  I am nervous as I stand there, clothed simply in a short black pleated skirt, white blouse, sheer black stockings, and not too high heels.  I try to find something, anything, to occupy my hands as you stare at me in silence. I absentmindedly pick at my nails, caress the fabric of my skirt, I even brush the hair out of my eyes, anything to still the nerves.  A wry smile breaks your stolid...

2 years ago
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How Polygamy Begins 32

We spent a while drinking wine and discussing Classic English Literature until the conversation turned to Brandi’s writing.I asked, “do you write anything other than poetry?”She looked at me intently for a moment before speaking. “Ahh, well, some stuff, but I’m not sure I want to share it with you.”“Oh, well, no pressure. I just wondered if you liked to write other stuff. I mean I won’t judge you,” I responded.“I do like to write other stuff, but a lot of what I write is a little embarrassing.”...

College Sex
3 years ago
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Fucking a girl in hallway

This is the story about my first high school sex.I met this girl in school she kept staring at me.So i went in a quiet hallway and asked why she kept staring at me for.She said that she like me.The next day we go to class together and i whisper something in her ear and she noded.I put my fingers in her pants and in her pussy and she started moanining,then i went deeper and fater she was tight and she was tight liped.the next day i talked to her in the hallway i groped her titties and smack the...

2 years ago
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At Last Ch 02

I’m afraid this doesn’t make sense without part 1 – I should have submitted the lot in one go, but this happened on me a little later. Sorry about that. Jane smiled back at him. She ran a finger along his eyebrows and then across his lips. ‘Brr,’ Ian said. ‘You’re tickling me!’ ‘And I can taste myself on your lips,’ she said. ‘Come, let’s go upstairs.’ She got up and took Ian’s hand. They climbed the stairs and Jane opened her bedroom door. ‘Welcome,’ she said, smiling. Ian looked around....

3 years ago
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Ass Hair Lemonade

Ass Hair Lemonade If you want to make excellent lemonade, you have to start by making Sugar Syrup (also known as Simple Syrup Bar Syrup Simple Sugar Syrup or Rock Candy Syrup). The same is true when you are making Ass Hair Lemonade. While most recipes for Sugar Syrup call for two parts sugar one part water, I prefer a Sugar Syrup for lemonade or ass hair lemonade made with one part water one part sugar. This is also in keeping with the traditional Lemonade starting proportions of 1 cup of...

1 year ago
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Emerald Princess Chapter 28

Emerald Princess ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Chapter 28: All I Want For Christmas... ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ BEEP...BEEP...BEEP was pounding inside my head for some reason in a moment of d?ja vu. It made my head hurt like someone was driving an icepick through it, and I cried, "Ow..." "Sofia!" I heard from beside me. "Not so loud," I complained as I opened my eyes and saw bars. They weren't the ones to my crib though? I looked around and it looked l...

3 years ago
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Weekend Fun With A Businesswoman Part 8211 2

Hi, readers. I thank you all for your feed backs and emails for my previous sex story. And sorry for the delay. This is a continuation of my previous story Weekend Fun With A Businesswoman Part-1 Day 2: Next day morning I wake up seeing her bare boobs pressing against the bed. She was still asleep. I was admiring her beauty, kissed her forehead and moved down and licked her boob. She moaned a bit and opened her eyes slowly. She smiled at me and gave a kiss on my lip gently and said “good...

3 years ago
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Correction Clinic

CORRECTION CLINIC By Sissy Suzi I arrive at the Correction Clinic as ordered by my company's physician for "corrective therapy". I'm 45 years old, single and totally ashamed to have been sent here. Either show up here for evaluation or my behavior would be reported to my boss and possibly the police. There really was no choice on my part as I was caught with my pants down, literally. It all started with a routine cholesterol check at the company's family clinic. This office was...

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Roshani 8211 Trip With Virgin Colleague

She was just 1.5 years in office and got a chance to go to client site for some office work. I was much senior to her. I was waiting for a chance to go onsite which finally happened. But to have a company of a young teen hot girl like Roshani was icing on the cake. She was around 5’6″ slim just about 23 years old. Tiny boobs. She used to keep herself clean and toned. She often use to wear shorts or skirts and her skin was so smooth that it was difficult to resist touching her. Her ass just had...

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