Flexible Morals Ch. 05 free porn video

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This was easily the finest room that Malik had ever been in and for this reason he was suspicious. Ordinarily, a man in his line of work wouldn’t expect to do business in such a well-furnished space. He could feel his boots sinking into the carpet beneath him. It held an unnatural softness, yet there was no place else to stand. The desk, behind which his would-be employer sat, held a similar flair to its design. The corners were carved in a way similar to the figureheads that one might see on a ship. Atop the desk’s surface, apart from the usual array of parchment and quills, were all manner of trinkets that served little purpose other than to look pretty and interesting. Such was the way of nobility. Even the walls looked rich, built from a dark, almost red, wood and treated so that they almost shone in the light. Just standing in the room felt as if it was somehow costing someone a fortune, but work was work so he would endure.

‘These are they?’ asked the man behind the desk, apparently the Patab of this town.

It was his butler who responded. His voice sounded as flamboyant as the room in which they were standing. ‘The first three to respond to your request, master.’

‘I wouldn’t call it much of a request,’ said the Skytouched who stood immediately to Malik’s right. ”Hardened folk of flexible morals needed in Fissure,’ not a lot to go on. What’s more—’

A shove from the second Skytouched cut the first off and he took over the speaking. ‘What my brother is trying to say is that we’ll need more of a story before anything is finalized. I’m sure you, as a man of obvious status, understand.’

The Patab gave a slow, steady nod, one hand to his chin. With his other hand he made a wave towards the butler who bowed, turned and left, closing the door behind him with a soft click. Then the Patab returned his attention to the trio before him. ‘Indeed, we’ll get to the details in a moment. First, let me make it clear that regardless of what you decide, the words that are said in this room are not to leave it. Simply for your silence, should you decide against my employment, I am willing to pay well.’

‘So, wait…’ The first Skytouched held up a hand. ‘You’d let us go now if we wanted and there’d be some coin in it just for showing up?’ He asked despite several shoves from his brother.

‘I would should you desire to. But do keep in mind that the prize for success here is far greater than what you would walk away with now. Not to mention, the chance for further, well-paying work down the track, should you prove yourselves up to the call. So, before I explain the job, would any among you like to take your leave?’ He swept his eyes over the trio.

Malik snuck a glance at his would-be accomplices but couldn’t read anything in their faces. He looked back at the Patab. ‘None of us is going anywhere.’

‘So I see. In that case, allow me to begin.


Already Phyre was a little concerned with this new plan. They’d been following the cat for nearly half an hour, at least. Trudging through thicker and thicker parts of the woods as they gradually moved away from Fissure. That worried her.

Ordinarily, darkness wasn’t much of a problem for Phyre. When it came to walking around the woods, while nightfall neared, at the behest of some mysterious feline, darkness became a little more intimidating. Lots of things came out after sundown that one should try one’s hardest to avoid. Wolves and bears sometimes and vicious, needle-haired pargs with their backs full of venomous quills. None of them would be particularly nice to run into. Yet here they were, traipsing through the woods at the prime time of day to encounter one or all of them.

‘I should mention, as an afterthought, that I also felt a lot braver after my meeting with the cat,’ Drop said suddenly.

Phyre frowned. ‘How?’

‘Well you see… uh. How…’ A long, thoughtful and throaty croak worked its way from Drops lips. ‘Ah, perhaps the cat bestowed some courage upon me for being able to stand his presence for so long. All I remember is that I initially felt terrified and after a little while things didn’t seem quite so scary. Especially now that I think back to it. I can scarcely remember what it was about him that had frightened me.’

‘Maybe that’s just because you got used to him,’ she argued. ‘You seemed pretty scared of those strider birds.’

‘That was a life and death situation.’

‘And when you were coming to Fissure for the first time.’

‘Life and death again.’

‘No it wasn’t!’

‘Pah, that’s easy for you to say, big as you are.’

‘Ugh, how much further can it be?’ Phyre groaned into a new subject.

‘Surely not much farther. We’re almost at the swamp, aren’t we?’

‘Swamp? But…’

Drop was right, Phyre realized. The ground had been growing increasingly soft and thick with water. But there weren’t any swamps in the woods, she was sure of it.

‘Has he told you his name yet, by the way?’

‘Mmm? No, why?’ Phyre’s voice found the cat again a short distance ahead. As he walked, his tail still stood crooked where the fur turned white.

‘Oh, just wondering is all.’

Phyre looked at him. ‘Why? Has he told you?’

‘When I met him before, yes. But I don’t know if I should go telling you. Maybe best to let him introduce himself properly.’

‘Okay…’ As a way of dragging herself forward, Phyre kept her voice on the cat. She ground to a halt this time as she found nothing but empty forest where he should have been.

A trickle of fear began to flow through Phyre. At once she swept her voice through the patch of forest that she had stopped in. The one for whom she searched did not appear.

‘Where did he go?’

A shuffling sensation tickled Phyre’s skin as the frog hauled himself to the lip of her pocket. Drop squinted into the gloom then pointed ahead with a slimy foot. ‘Just there.’

Phyre’s voice returned to the spot she had first searched. This time their furry companion presented himself. He padded towards them, eyes locked upon her, then sat only a few meters away and curled his tail around his legs.

Silence hung over the trio for a short while. Phyre kept expecting the cat to speak. After all, she already knew a frog who could do the same. But in the minute that passed, the cat did nothing more than blink once and shuffle his hindlegs a little closer.

‘Hello,’ Phyre tried when she could stand the tension no longer.

The cat nodded to her greeting. His head dipped slowly then rose again a single time. Yet, throughout the action, his eyes failed to leave her.

‘Has it told you its name?’ Drop whispered.

Phyre jumped upon hearing his voice and was about to shake her head. Then she realized that she did know its name. ‘The Wandering Cat. That’s his name, isn’t it.’


‘How do I know that?’

‘He told you.’

Phyre’s focus returned to the cat and found it still seated there, watching. ‘Are you going to help me, Wandering Cat?’ she asked it.

Nod. Then the cat twisted around and padded away into the darkness. She watched him leave, confused, and tried to chase him with her voice. For a while, she managed to keep him in view. Then, as he seemed to do so often, he slipped away.

‘Where’s he going?’ Phyre asked herself as much as the frog.

‘I’m not sure.’

‘Did I make him angry?’

‘No. Surely not. I don’t know if he can even get angry. At any rate, if he is angry, I’m sure he would have made that fact quite clear to you.’

‘Why is he even here? What’s he doing?’

Drop croaked loudly. ‘Well, who’s to say he is here. He’s gone now, anyway. It’s all in the name. He wanders, I suppose.’


‘And look, here he comes again.’

As before, Drop was correct. Phyre could see the blurry outline of the cat as it began to emerge from wherever it had retreated.
It had something in its mouth this time. A tiny, glass vial filled with a red liquid. Her immediate guess was blood but she soon realized that the color was far too bright for it to be that. The cat stopped to sit where it had before, dropped the vial on the ground and, with a flick of its paw, rolled it towards Phyre. She made sure to keep her voice on the creature as she stooped down to retrieve its gift.

‘What is this?’ she asked. In the palm of her hand, the vial seemed even tinier. Delicate as crystal and about half the size of her thumb, with a cork stopper. Her voice moved between the cat and the vial and, when she looked back, the answer came. His gift. In her mind, she could see herself lifting the vial to her mouth and drinking down every drop of the red liquid. Then nothing. Dream Phyre licked her lips and the vision faded.

‘But what does it do?’ she tried, with the suspicion that the cat was going to be similarly unclear.

The cat offered no clues this time. He only sat there and did nothing. Then Phyre realized that, in his own way, he actually had told her.

‘It can’t do nothing…’ Phyre looked at Drop for guidance.

‘I don’t know,’ he replied with a shrug. ‘He never gave me anything.’

‘So should I drink it?’

‘I think he wants you to, so you should.’

Phyre turned the vial in her hand and watched the liquid as it rolled around within. It was almost disgustingly thick but, at the same time, smooth and supple. ‘But what if it’s bad for me. What’s it do? It can’t do nothing,’ she said again.

‘Maybe he… Oh, maybe he means the opposite. Maybe it does anything or everything. Something like that.’ Drop made a throaty chirp at his reasoning then looked to the cat for confirmation.


‘See, there you go.’ The frog twisted around in Phyre’s pocket and smiled at her.

Phyre didn’t smile back. That explanation didn’t strike her as particularly satisfactory. For one thing, it still left a lot unanswered. Which was it, anything or everything? And what did that even mean? ‘So if I drink this,’ Phyre began as she held out the vial. ‘If I drink this and I want to fly, it will do that?’

The cat shook his head in three short movements. Left, right, back to center.

‘But what if I want to fly.’

Another head shake.

‘No? But…’ And then understanding dawned on Phyre. Perhaps the cat had helped her reach this enlightenment, she didn’t know. Phyre only realized that neither the cat, nor the vial, could be fooled. She could drink his gift and want to fly but she wouldn’t because her true desire did not lie there.

‘It does what I want it to do. What I really want it to do.’


That still didn’t help very much, Phyre decided. For a start, what would the cat think she really wanted the gift to do?

‘I suppose it’s a way of bringing about your deepest, most secret desire,’ Drop chimed in. ‘That’s a bit like what he did for me, don’t you think? Sending me off to a seemingly insignificant patch of river for a few days so that I could find someone to claim my wish.’

‘A bit,’ Phyre agreed.

‘So, do you think you’ll drink it now?’

Again Phyre looked at the tiny vial in her hand. Its blood-red contents almost looked as though they swirled even when still. She wrapped her fingers around the cork stopper and tensed to pull it free but paused to address her furry benefactor.

‘I’ll be cross with you, cat, if this turns out to be bad.’


The cork slid free without a sound. Phyre held up the vial as both animals stared at her. Again every bit of her mind began to question the wisdom of drinking a mysterious liquid given to her by a mysterious cat in a mysterious stretch of forest. Yet it occurred to her that, if the cat really meant to hurt her, it likely could have done so with far less trouble than hoping for her to drink poison.

Phyre lifted the vial to her nose for a smell. A scent far sweeter than she had expected graced the air. An enticing, fruity aroma that reminded her of the ends of spring when all the forest’s bounty is out in its fullest. That time wasn’t too long off. Phyre tipped the vial back and felt the first drops of the liquid hit her tongue. She nearly recoiled at the sweetness. The liquid sizzled silently but it didn’t burn and slid easily down her throat. Her stomach accepted the offering. No part of her body screamed at the arrival or warned her of poison. Once the final drop fell from its glass shell, Phyre licked her lips and looked at the frog.

‘How was it?’ he asked.

She frowned and gathered her thoughts. ‘Very sweet and a bit creamy. Like honey and milk mixed together but much smoother and with a different taste.’

‘Sounds alright to me,’ he ribitted.

‘But I don’t feel any different.’ Her voice searched for the Wandering Cat, but he was gone. The patch of woodland stood empty of life save Phyre and Drop. ‘Where’d he go?’ she asked.

‘I suppose he… wandered somewhere else.’

‘But what did that do?’ Phyre asked herself as much as her companion.

‘I haven’t a clue. You’re sure you don’t feel anything?’

‘Uhuh.’ With a sigh she recorked the vial and stowed it in a pocket in her trousers. ‘He’s an odd creature.’

‘Not as odd as he is scary, I should think.’

‘I guess so. Should we go back now?’

‘Mmm, yes. I’m getting rather peckish after all this walking.’

‘You haven’t been walking,’ Phyre hissed at him as she turned around to do the walking for the both of them.

‘No, but I’ve been bouncing around in this pocket which was exhausting enough. Not to mention all the fearful shivering that this trip has put me through,’ Drop finished with a weary croak.

‘He’s not that scary.’

‘That’s just because you’re an awful lot bigger than he is. For me, when I first met him, it was quite the other way around with him doing all the towering over things. Why, if you were my height when you met him, you’d be in a completely different state of mind.’

‘Maybe,’ Phyre said, then laughed when her response brought a scoff from the frog.

‘Well, if you think yourself so brave now, I should say it’s high time that we pay Mr. Gilbride another visit.’

‘Ah, we should,’ Phyre blurted out before she could stop herself.

‘Right— hang on, why’re you suddenly willing to…’ Drop croaked triumphantly. ‘Aha! That must be what his gift did. It’s made you braver.’

‘Wha— No!’ Phyre shot back. ‘My deepest desire wasn’t to be brave.’

‘Maybe it was so deep that you didn’t even realize.’

‘No,’ she said again. That couldn’t be it. It seemed like such a waste. Of course it couldn’t be, not when she desired so desperately to have her parents back.

‘No? Then why the change?’

‘Because… the two Skytouched are dead now. And the Solar is probably gone so there’s nobody dangerous left at his manor,’ Phyre reasoned. She left out the part with her newfound understanding that Mr. Gilbride was only a man. A Skytouched. Tonight had taught Phyre that there were far less quiescent beings lurking in the world. Wandering in the dark.

‘Tomorrow we’ll go find out if he really was involved or not.’


‘Fraid the story’s the same as last time, kid, the Patab doesn’t see just anyone off the street.’

‘But I’m not just anyone,’ Phyre pleaded with the guard on the left. It was the same pair as when last she had been here. Once again, Phyre found herself standing outside the gate to Mr. Gilbride’s estate and, once again, her entry was being denied. ‘We had that important message last time.’

‘That was then, this is now. Unless you’ve got something new, I suggest you hit the road.’ The Skytouched made a show of peering around. ‘No sign of your big friend so I’ll wager you’ve nothing to report. Now beat it.’

Phyre huffed. This had gone so much smoother in her head. The plans she had made in bed last nig
ht were so fresh that they felt to have happened only moments ago. Last night had crept by far slower than nights usually did. After dinner with the Lanises, a shepherd’s pie, Phyre had plotted out the way in which she would approach her goal tomorrow. The mysterious liquid that she had drunk still hadn’t manifested itself in any remarkable way so there were no clues to be had there. Her mouth felt a little dry but that was likely just the inordinate amount of salt that Hatra had put into the pie, nothing sinister.

With great reluctance, Phyre complied with the guard’s words, mostly spurned back by the cruel look that he was giving her. She wanted to shy away from it and hide beneath the hood that wasn’t there. The two Skytouched maintained their glares as she retreated downhill until she rounded a bend and broke their line of sight. Hidden at last, Phyre looked down at Drop. ‘What should we do now?’ she asked.

‘Seems to me that we may again have need of Hatra’s finesse.’

Phyre considered that suggestion. They had left Mrs. Lanis in her morning storm of baking that was followed with a trip to Market Street to sell what she had made. The house had been filled with the clatter and cursing of a woman hard at work. ‘No, she’s too busy.’

‘Then we appear to be at a bit of a blockade, quite literally. Do you suppose there’s another way in? Back at the academy, I remember there being the main entrance plus a whole mess of other ways in for where they deliver food and where the staff came and went. Perhaps we could seek out one of those?’

‘But those will be guarded too. Look, they’re all over the walls.’ Phyre pointed through the hill at several men who were staring out over Fissure from their vista. ‘Besides, we don’t want to sneak in or they might arrest us.’

‘No, that would be a bit detrimental to our objectives, wouldn’t it.’ Drop started making a series of thoughtful, chirping ribetts as he worked through ideas. ‘I say, does this fellow ever leave his home? He had a few carriages, didn’t he? Must leave the place at some point. Maybe we could catch him then?’

‘But where does he go? And when?’

‘I imagine our friends back up at the gate should know.’

‘Right.’ Phyre sent her voice in that direction and found them leaning against the wall that they were supposed to be guarding. She could hardly blame their laziness, it looked like a terribly boring job. Perhaps her return would add a bit of flavor, Phyre thought as she began walking up the hill again. As she rounded the bend and came into their view, a smile crossed her lips. The guard on the left spotted her and his shoulders sank. He nudged his partner and they came to attention.

‘You seem to have a bit of a problem with listening, missy,’ said the left.

‘Does Mr. Gilbride ever leave this place?’ Phyre asked, deciding to get straight to the point.

Left glared at her, then spoke through gritted teeth. ‘The Patab has his own schedule that will sometimes see him leaving his home.’


‘That is private information. We don’t go handing out the Patab’s schedule to anyone who comes round asking, so get lost and try to stay that way this time.’

‘Mr. Quito, is that any way to speak to a young lady?’

Phyre threw her voice to the top of the wall, from which the speaker’s voice had come, and saw a man standing there, peering down at the proceedings. He was dressed in a fine blue tunic with long sleeves and a gold trim around the neck and cuffs. His face was clean shaven and soft, suggesting that this was a man who didn’t often find himself dirty. The two guards had turned a bit pale upon hearing his voice and were now staring up at him.

‘My regrets, sir. We’re just trying to deal with this street urchin,’ said the left whose name seemed to be Quito.

‘I’m no street urchin,’ Phyre protested.

‘It appears that she disagrees with your judgement, Mr. Quito.’ The Patab ran his eyes over her as one would examine a piece of furniture in a store, sniffing out the correct value. ‘Tell me, what does she want?’

‘To meet with you, sir. I’ve been trying to explain that you haven’t the time but she—’

‘Nonsense, I’ve plenty of time this morning.’

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SacrificesChapter 6

Sonia took Maya to the park. She was sockless in her running shoes, and it was a warm day. At first, Maya was grateful to Sonia for removing the sock gag and vibrator. Even being reduced to a pet seemed preferable. However, she soon realised her theoretical knowledge had some holes. For instance, she wasn’t ready for the fact that transforming into a dog would start affecting her perceptions, not just her shape. Her sense of smell became much sharper, and dog-like instincts drove her to try...

2 years ago
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Ginger goes for broke part 2

He leaped from the couch, and flew to the door, slamming it closed with his body as he said, "Whoa! Let's not go nuts." Ginger heaved an internal sigh of relief. If he'd let her get that door open any further she would have either had to run out screaming, or had her bluff effectively called. She quickly spun around to face him, sliding one hand up his thigh to rub his crotch, while she threw the other arm over his shoulder, pulling him down to her, and once again licking the blood from...

1 year ago
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Son You Know We Shouldnt Part One

Son You Know We Shouldn’t – Part 1By Michele NylonsMichele Cashmore had raced home from work early to tell her son the good news. She had not only been promoted; she was going to get a huge pay raise. She raced inside their small two-story cottage and quickly climbed the stairs, her high-heels clattering on the wooden treads. She snatched at the doorknob and flung open the door to her son’s bedroom.“David! Guess what? I got a pro…………..” Michele failed to complete the sentence.Her mouth agape,...

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Brynn Phytrelia Pt 05

Kadri shook her head. ‘Right. Yes, of course. Let’s go.’ She led Brynn down the corridor until they reached the lift. They stepped on and Kadri didn’t say another word as she stood there, shifting a little uncomfortably before the doors opened. She allowed Brynn to step off the lift ahead of her, moving out onto the deck while she anxiously looked for a ride for Brynn. She waved someone down and the stopped beside them. ‘Just…take care of yourself, Ms. Phytrelia. And don’t be afraid to let us...

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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 107 The Lions Den

One division of La Force, in which the most dangerous and desperate prisoners are confined, is called the court of Saint-Bernard. The prisoners, in their expressive language, have named it the "Lions' Den," probably because the captives possess teeth which frequently gnaw the bars, and sometimes the keepers also. It is a prison within a prison; the walls are double the thickness of the rest. The gratings are every day carefully examined by jailers, whose herculean proportions and cold...

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Sex Studio Secrets 22 Jennifer1

Jennifer writes a letter to the two owners of an exclusive erotic shop for females onlyExchange of letters follows, which we will quote below this paragraph in extenso for youNice turn of erotic events is bound to happen to her, hosted by Professor Peter and PetraNew to all possibilities of pleasure and pleasing, yummy Jenny looks like to learn a lotYoung great girls are my favourite appetizers for a warm weekend for three in my studio!Dear Sir Peter and Petra, I hope you two can help me!Let me...

2 years ago
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The Training part2

Bruce stood up as I laid there quivering in fear and agony. After a few minutes I felt the sole of a bare feet pressing on my shoulder. Turning I saw Bruce standing in his underwear. Bruce told me to ' ... get on your knees. You got to get busy now. Take my shorts off and start to kiss my dick! ... ' I looked around and saw Daniel and Charlie sitting on the couch watching me intently as I got up to my knees. Bruce stepped back till he was in the middle of the pad and told me ' ... crawl...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Cherry Kiss Gangbang Angel

Wearing gold hot pants with a bra and black angel wings, fierce Serbian blonde Cherry Kiss plunges into a balls-out anal gangbang starring Euro-studs Angelo Godshack, Charlie Dean, John Johnson, Kristof Cale, Luca Ferrero and Lutro. Surrounded by big, throbbing dicks, the all-natural slut services the men with blowjob after blowjob. The guys fuck her tight ass, DP her holes and stretch Cherry’s twat with a double-vaginal penetration — two cocks stuff her cunt at once! Cherry takes...

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Moving away from the younger girls

Having fun with Lisa was good but her letting me lick her clean didn’t go well with me. It wasn’t because I didn’t like licking her ,it was what I found out later that disgusted me. Unbeknownst to me David had filled her pussy with his cum earlier. I also was not happy to see Lisa forcing Janelle to eat her out while David feverlsy fucked her. He also filled her young pussy with his cum as if she was just a cum bucket. I really liked Janelle but seeing her having intercourse when she is...

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Mounted on the Broom

You have gone to the hardware and bought a broom. The purpose of the broom is not to clean your apartment. Instead, its purpose is to provide you with yet another way to torment your body for our mutual pleasure. Namely, after cutting its handle to the right length and trimming its bristles so that their ends form a sharp ridge, you are going to introduce that prickly ridge into the tender cleft between your labia and stand with the broom suspended between your crotch and the floor. You...

3 years ago
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YakimaChapter 6 Getting Back Into the Game

I fell into bed early on New Year's Day morning and lay on my back, my hands behind my head, visions of Allison Bledsoe dancing in front of me. It was crazy that within a couple of hours we had met and, through some kind of unknown and unexpected chemistry, we had made a connection. I tried to reconstruct the woman that I had met. She was about five-and-a-half feet tall, nicely curved but not what I would call voluptuous. The outstanding features were her incredible, almost hypnotic eyes,...

4 years ago
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New Start Lukes StoryChapter 5

He sat in his office twirling in his chair. He called her direct line. From his office he could see her pick up the phone. "You know we never really spoke about that space you're renting." "Who is this?" she said, laughter in her voice. "After that kiss, it's the three legged man, or a cripple. I can't decide which." Her laugh was really too sexy to be real. It couldn't be real. "How bout we grab dinner and I can tell you why I should rent that space." "Ummmh, let me think...

3 years ago
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The Amusment Park Part 3 My response

I quickly seize the moment. I run one hand through your long dirty blonde hair and pull it into a ball. While doing so the tip of my cock is pressed up against your lips. Just feeling your soft and slightly wet lips just touching my bare cock makes my cock throb. It literally has its own pulse and before I can even think of your sucking me off, your tongue is gently and slowly running circles around my tip. Your tongue slowly going around the head of my penis feels incredible. And I cant...

2 years ago
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A Stranger

Dallas Cotter snuggled into her sleeping bag as the wind howled and the snow swirled menacingly outside of her tent! To an outsider, Dallas would have been considered out of her mind to go camping in the High Sierra's in the middle of January, but for the past ten years she had looked upon it as a challenge to face everything "Mother Nature" could throw at her and keep coming back for more! So adept was she at surviving in this harsh climate, she thought nothing at all at spending two or three...

4 years ago
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Hawley BattleChapter 19

Three days later, Hawley was walking the outside perimeter of his brick and concrete compound. He had stepped between an oak tree and his wall to piss, when he saw a young woman come out the backdoor of a house near his back gate. She walked down the steps and stopped to look around. She couldn’t be more than twenty-one ... Well, possibly twenty-two. He stayed behind the large oak as she made her way out to the alleyway that ran parallel to his ten foot wall. She carried what appeared to be...

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Second group wank

Due to scheduling issues, it took about a month until we were all free to meet again. We even created a messaging thread and named it 'guy time' in a lazy effort to hide our plans from nosey partners. If any of our partners were to have bothered to read the message thread then they'd certainly be in for a surprise.The general consensus was that we were all eager to meet up again and that this time, nothing was off the table. No one went into any detail as to what that meant but what we did know...

1 year ago
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Do I Know You Ch 08

Did I mention I like to watch? I stepped back, continuing to gently and slowly stroke myself, while I took in the beautiful tableau unfolding before me. Taylor turned Mary Ann towards her, looking back at me with that mischievous look that I was truly growing to love about her. She knew I was on board, and ready to enjoy whatever (or whomever) came next. Taylor still held the soapy scrubber in her hand, but as most of the suds from it were now covering me, she needed to add some more...

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One of the waitresses poked her head into the kitchen. “Andrea...you’d better get out here fast. I think your brother is about to propose. He’s kneeling in front of his girlfriend. Hurry up!” Andrea wiped her hands on a towel, rushing from the kitchen with her husband only a second behind her. She stepped up behind Steven, almost laughing as he stumbled his way through almost three minutes of incoherent babble and unconnected words. Finally, Rosalie took pity. “Steven, I think you...

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The Retirees Club 11

"Somebody betrayed my trust, basically. There were some shenanigans going on. In more ways than one." I think she could tell that we weren't just a bunch of guys who liked to shoot pool and play cards. She said, "Do you remember when you said something about people not being what they seem?" "I do." She paused again, then said, "There's something you ought to know before we get too involved." "What's on your mind?" "Well, I am not exactly what you may think that I...

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HorseplayChapter 20 Grande Finale

By the time Neil arrived to eat, the kitchen staff were clearing the buffet. He'd slept late, barely managed to stay conscious in the shower and wandered to the Cave like a zombie. Dave was still there with a hangdog look on his face. Neil was going to go over and talk, but by the time he'd swiped a plate of food from under the annoyed stares of the staff Dave had left. Neil grabbed the duty roster sheet and scanned it, hoping to avoid parking cars again. He was on dropoff detail, meaning...

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Inner freaks new gloryhole

Kels finished me off in the shower...damn she is always horny. We got dressed. I was in a pair of jeans, flannel and a tshirt...I always keep my bag in my truck. Kels was wearing a too tight polo over a sports bra and yoga pants. The person who invented yoga pants should get the Invention of the Millenium...Kels house was on the edge of town, right next to a wildlife refuge. Only a small side street separated her place from the woods. Behind the house was an office part with several 20...

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Allison and Emanuel Naked In School2nd Monday Evening Part 1

2nd Monday Evening: Part 1 Emanuel spotted Tony, Cosette and Laura waiting in front of the school. “We wanted to let you know your show was a success. Nearly all of the school is passing around your version of the story; not one of the old rumors” Tony quietly informed them when they got close. “It helped that we made sure to correct anyone who was still spreading one of the old versions” Laura added. “You said ‘nearly all’. I think I can guess some of the people who would want to hold...

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ChessChapter 10

Susan Demoine’s report that the evening had been a roaring success made the others keener to take their place in the queue. Jerry even got new glasses for the experience. They still had quite thick lenses, but the frames looked less like goggles and she felt herself to be more attractive. Woody was beginning to get the hang of this stuff. His parents went off for a couple of days and the game was set. He decided they would try something different. When she arrived promptly at 6pm on the...

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A Great Start To A New Year Part 2

Once inside the shower stall, the two girls couldn't keep their hands off of each other. As they lathered each other up they marvelled at the way that their hands slid across their naked bodies. They somehow managed to keep their hands to themselves and finished showering. Then clad in bath towels they beat a hasty retreat across the hall to Julie's room.As they finished drying they chatted about the earlier events. It had started out so innocently, one minute they were playing X-Box and were...

3 years ago
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My Sonu

Hi everybody, this is Raman (name changed) and how did you like my last experience called “how i fucked my black beauty”. This is my another experience with a married woman named sonu who actually was the wife of my uncle’s friend and they came to our house as her husband was about to leave for dubai for work and he would not be back before 2 years.my parents were in south india at that time as they went to visit some temples as part of their vow to get their prayers answered and they too would...

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Sail Bahamas

Sailing Janet L. Stickney [email protected] My friend Bill and I were as close as brothers, having virtually grown up together, and we each thought we knew everything there was to know about the other. Because we rarely held a secret from each other, I felt very secure in the knowledge that I held one thing very secret to myself. Bill has a sister that is two years older than we are, and is a total pain. On the other hand, I have two sisters, Karen, and Kathy, both older than I...

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JuniorChapter 4 Summer of 1991 Sandy Wanda and Patti

It was still early on Sunday night and I had the urge to talk to Marcie. She was comically critical of my commitment to get Smyth laid. "What made you volunteer for such an enormous feat, Sammy?" "I don't know." I did know, but I wasn't ready to admit to Marcie that I had heard Shirley tell me to turn the tables on Smyth for spying on me and my guests. "How do you plan to carry it out?" "I don't know." I really didn't know, but my sub-conscience was working on a plan. "Who...

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Ginger Wants a Quickie

The three men, standing in a row opposite me, reminded me of a synchronized dance team at Les Folies-Bergere, performing the Can-Can. As one, they threw off their shirts, kicked off shoes, opened alligator belts, dropped their slacks and stepped out of their under shorts, presenting three fully engorged cocks. My pussy drooled in response as my eyes imagined how each of those cocks would feel inside of me. What a wonderful conclusion for a girl who had started out looking simply for one guy,...

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The Half LilinChapter 6

She closed her eyes in bliss as she felt him spurt deep within her. With each spurt, her purrs got louder until it turned into growls. She turned her head down and moved her lips closer to his. Closer and closer she got, breathing in his scent, smelling the sweet aroma of the delicacy she'll be devouring. She oh so loved a well-cooked meal. Then their lips connect. She began to nudge his lips open with her tongue. He relented easily. As she cradled his head and fastened her lips on his,...

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ecw homecoming

"I'm here Chris..." Tammy says as she wipes her eye. Tammy takes a deep breath and enters the building. The familiar aroma of the building hits Tammy like a tidal wave, as memories of happier times overwhelm her. As Tammy roams the empty arena, she remembers her debut in ECW... She remembers her countless catfights... She remembers the fans... her friends... and of course, her now deceased long time love, Chris Candido. Tammy takes a deep breath and makes her way to where the actual ring...

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Alex Coal 350 337000

We all know what a classic porn star looks like. You and I have seen plenty of them over the years. They have a face full of lip filler, tits full of tit filler, an ass full of ass filler, and an expression that says, "fuck me on top of a pile of dirty needles.Lip Filler's Not Always a Dick FillerIt's not a look that's particularly attractive in person, but it works great on screen. All the disproportional sex organs trick the brain's wiring into filling your dick with blood and your vas...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Mona Lisa Life

Mona Lisa Life By Heather St. Claire and Troy X "What the -- " The man known to the world as Bob couldn't figure out what was going on. One moment, he had been sitting alone in his apartment, reading the latest TG fiction on his computer; now he was someplace else. It had happened in an instant, in the blink of an eye. He was standing on the street in a city he didn't recognize. It looked like any place in small town America in the year 2003. A main street that must have once...

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I sucked my brothers cock in front of his friend

My brother's friend was an OK kind of guy and as is usual in these cases, he took a shine to me, resulting in him teasing me at every opportunity.He would stay over and the three of us would drink too much, I would tease for the hell of it, but he never, and sometimes frustratingly, never rise to the bait.I was never shy about my womanly attributes, and sitting showing my knickers, or wearing a t-shirt with pert nipples, was normal for me, even my brother remarked and would say things like I...

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Meeting A Pretty Girl At Mall

I like to share one crazy encounter with you guys. My name is Raj, I am 5feet 4, aged 32 but look much younger. married for last 4 yrs. Right now working in Bangalore at software company at WHITEFIELD. I am quite good looking guy. many people especially girls said me I look like aamir khan. Well that what people say. But frankly i feel irritated by this notion that i look like some one anyway I just love women. Women’s are the best thing happened to mankind. Well am really not good on talking...

2 years ago
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Susan Sucks Off the Neighbor Boy While Waiting for Husband to Fuck Her

Jim had picked out a nice thick butt plug: “I want you to feel it, honey, and stretch out your ass a little,” he’d told his wife that morning. “I want you to keep it up there all day, as a reminder of the ass-fucking I’m going to give you tonight.” Susan had nodded obediently: It was part of their current sex game: She was more passive, agreeing to anything her husband—her master, in this game—told her to do. The butt plug was having Jim’s desired effect on Susan: Now that she felt the hard...

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Desire and Despair Book 3 of Poachers ProgressChapter 16 Suggestions Questions and a Part Answer

Caroline smiled in delight when I explained the stratagem which would enable us to travel to Grantham together. "I wanted to meet your parents before our marriage, in case they were unable to attend our wedding." She gazed at me with admiration. "Your plan is positively cunning in concept. I like a man with that quality within him." She took my earlobe in between her teeth and bit gently, then breathed huskily in my ear. "And I like a man with that quality to be within me." "What...

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Virgin Teenage Girl Enjoys Drinking Breast Milk

Hello everyone, I would like to share an incident between me and a teenage girl. This is not a fictional story but is completely based on real incidents. Let me first introduce myself. My name is Sheela and I am 32 years old,  married with two kids. My stats are 36c-34-35 (Yes, I have big boobs because of my recent pregnancy). We live in a gated community in Hyderabad. I am a happily married wife but am always thirsty for sex and I had many lesbian experiences during my college days. My...


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