A Short Blonde with Big Boobs and Loose Morals
- 1 year ago
- 22
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Author’s Note: This chapter will introduce a new character who I need to address preemptively. I’ll try my best to do so without spoiling anything. Everything that I’m about to say will be quite confusing until the character is encountered.
This character is one that had always existed in its current form before my submitting of anything to this site. There is nothing significant about this character beyond that which is suggested in the story. Any connections that you will no doubt have immediately are purely as a result of me not planning ahead as well as I could have. I could have changed things around but that would have meant changing the character in a way that I didn’t like.
As I said, confusing. But it’ll all make sense soon enough.
Malik stared far down the street, past the point where it rose away from the rest of the town and wound uphill. A large manor stood there, he had seen it upon first setting foot in Fissure. Now he looked at it with a fresher, more knowledgeable set of eyes, narrowed down as if to filter out distractions.
The Vouiareli Nest had proven every bit as seedy and unpleasant as Malik had anticipated. A dank, brick-floored dungeon of a place, built originally as a cellar to some other business above it. He had made a point to be as brisk with his business there as possible. Fortunately the owner had been happy enough to oblige and had quickly pointed Malik back to the street and in the right direction.
The right direction happened to be the place that Malik had been observing for the past five minutes.
Nobles, rich folk. Malik hated dealing with them. Sure the pay was usually good but it didn’t always compensate for the client. Something about these types, maybe the way they saw themselves as above everyone else, made them a nuisance, sometimes worse. This happened to be one of those times.
The property had a good set of walls which the actual manor peaked above. Malik didn’t like the thought of going that far inside. How many personal guards did his potential employer own? What role did this person play in Fissure that they should need folk of ‘flexible morals’. Already Malik could feel a strong sense that this would turn out to be ugly. But work was work and, at the very least, he had to hear the assignment before turning it down. It was the polite thing to do.
As seemed to be the case nowadays, Phyre found herself waking up to the disappointment that she had woken up at all. Once again, the dreamland had only been that: a dream. Tragedy continued to smother this chapter of her life. The night had been fitful, proven by the headache and tangled sheets she awoke to. Although the dreams, perhaps nightmares, were fading fast, she knew exactly what they would have been about. The fire and foraging through the woods at her parents’ behest. Could that have been intentional, her errand? Had they sent her away that moment to keep her safe? Part of Phyre wished that they hadn’t, but that was just the morning talking. Her wounds were always freshest when the memories in sleep peeled back the scabs. But tonight hadn’t just been about the fire. There were new nightmares to be plagued by. She lay in bed thinking about what had happened last night. The murderers at Mr. Gilbride’s manor, it couldn’t have been a coincidence, surely. Yet Hatra’s retelling of what had happened after Phyre had left suggested that the Patab was innocent. The woman hadn’t been able to meet with Mr. Gilbride, but, through his butler, Fissure’s leader had promised to take immediate action. Had his words been hollow or did he really mean to follow through?
With some difficulty, Phyre pried herself from such thoughts and sat up. Even without the dreams she would have had a rough night. The mattress was certainly welcome after sleeping among leaves for several days, yet it still felt alien compared to the one she had lost. The blankets too, and the room, only served as a constant reminder. Drop wasn’t lost, though. She could see him stirring from his sleeping place under the covers by her side. At first, Phyre had been a little concerned for the frog’s safety lest she roll on him during the night. But he had reminded her that wishing frogs were exceptionally tough and that he would be fine.
‘You look a little ragged, my lady,’ he said after sliding his eyes open, closed and open again.
‘I didn’t sleep very well.’ Phyre went to pull her hood overhead then paused and decided against it as she recalled the praise that Drop had given yesterday morning.
‘Mmm, nor did I, I’m afraid. It’s lovely and warm here but a little too dry for my taste.’
‘We shouldn’t complain.’ Phyre stood up and looked at herself. Despite yesterday’s wash in the river, her robe was rather unsightly. There weren’t quite so many spots and dabs of filth as there had been before but the overall color was several shades closer to brown, not something that she wanted. Hatra had mentioned last night that she would see about procuring some new clothes for her guest. Had that happened yet? How late was it anyway? Phyre sent her voice through the house in search of an answer. The shadows she found by the living room windows suggested that the sun was halfway through its ascent in the sky, something that she could never properly witness for herself. Quite a sleep in, then. The night had been rough, after all. Hopefully Hatra wouldn’t mind their late-rising tenant.
‘So, what do you suppose is on today’s agenda?’ asked Drop.
‘I don’t know. I guess we should see if anything has happened with those men. And I want to pay another visit to the shop. What’s left of it, I mean,’ Phyre added.
The frog nodded to their schedule and Phyre scooped him up to be deposited in her sleeve.
‘As another thought,’ he said as he hopped down his cave of cloth. ‘Perhaps we could see about getting a better mode of transport for me. Not that I’ve anything against this sleeve. It’s just, when you drop your arms to your sides, things get a little uncomfortable.’
Hearing these words, Phyre quickly lifted her arm to a horizontal. How many times had she put the little amphibian in peril through such carelessness. ‘I didn’t even realize.’
‘Oh, don’t worry yourself, my lady, it’s not too much trouble. I can easily cling to the sides, you know.’
‘No, you’re right. We’ll figure out something new.’
With Drop stowed in relative safety, Phyre headed from her new bedroom and towards the kitchen. When she entered, she found it empty of life. There’d been no noises in the house as she had awoken. No doubt Niptri had gone to the mine. Hatra must have gone out as well. Phyre surveyed the room, wondering if it would be alright to help herself to breakfast without them present. The bread bin on the counter was open and she could see half a loaf inside. Some jams had been left next to it as well, unless that was where they always lived. Phyre carved off several slices, slathered them with a teep jam and sat to eat at the kitchen table. She placed Drop on the floor as he voiced his desire to ‘poke around the nooks’ in search of his own breakfast. She tried not to think too much about the implications there. Not while she was eating.
As Phyre neared finishing, a click came from the front door, followed by a creak as it swung open. She cast out her voice and saw Hatra entering, a large, wooden box cradled in her arms. She staggered her way into the kitchen and set it down on the floor before spying Phyre.
‘Ah, you’re up,’ said Hatra. She stretched tall, both hands on her lower back, and groaned as a soft crack replied. ‘I had a look around for some Vocal robes but I didn’t have much luck. The only thing I could find in the market that was any sort of similar was this cloak.’
Hatra rummaged through the box and pulled out a long, woolen cloak that had been dyed a murky green. Even at a glance, Phyre could see that the hood was much shorter than the Vocal length. It would ba
rely reach past her brow, let alone go all the way to her nose. She hadn’t expected the woman to have much success, there were hardly any Vocals in town. Her kind, it seemed, were rather scarce outside the Empire’s capital. Much of the clothes that she had owned throughout her life had been homemade. With a jolt of sadness, Phyre recalled the hours of cutting and sewing cloth with her mother, each outfit crafted with love and care. ‘That’s okay, I just want something clean.’
‘Well, I found plenty of that.’ Hatra let the cloak fall back into the box before giving her back another stretch. Then, as though the action had given her a new perspective, her face lit up. ‘Oh, how could I forget. As I was coming back, I went along Limonite street. You know, the one that Mr. Gilbride’s manor joins to. Anyway, I’ll just say that there’s quite a sight on the roadside that I think you would like to view.’
Phyre’s brow creased beneath her hood. ‘What is it?’ she asked.
Hatra stooped down to dig around in the box, fishing for whatever else she had purchased. ‘Oh I won’t say. You’ll just have to see for yourself. Now, I’ve got my baking to get to so I’ll need some space once you’re finished. Lots to do what with the Iron Moon only a couple of days away.’
The Iron Moon, Phyre had forgotten all about it. Fissure held an annual, springtime celebration on the full moon of Veer. The Iron Moon gave thanks for the prosperity that the mine had brought their town. She had been to quite a few of them. They were typically held in market street with plenty of food and dancing and excitement. Mr. Gilbride also held a more private celebration up at his manor but she had never been to any of those. Phyre nodded to making room for Hatra and endeavored to consume the last of her breakfast as quickly as she could. Once that was done, she stood and took the box, that now held only clothes, back to the guest room for inspection. Its contents, as she had feared, left a lot to be desired. Many of the garments looked to have been worn by someone else for quite a while. Some showed signs of multiple repairs, from stitches where there shouldn’t have been any, to whole patches of fabric that didn’t quite match. But Hatra was performing a charity so there could be no complaining. Swallowing whatever pride she had left, Phyre chose a pale-blue tunic and a pair of brown trousers, both of which looked at least a bit respectable. To her pleasure, there was a pocket stitched to the tunic’s breast that, although a little too small, seemed suited enough to house Drop for the time being. Once he had been relocated, she cast her robe to the bed and made a note to wash it properly later on. With her dressing out of the way, Phyre headed past a clatter in the kitchen and out the front door.
There came a tinge tinge of apprehension at first. It wasn’t often that she ventured outside unhooded. Fortunately, there was nobody present on the street that the Lanis’ home fronted onto so Phyre had a chance to steel herself towards the stares that she would no doubt be receiving soon enough. She tucked a strand of scarlet hair behind her ear, then ventured into the town, heading towards Limonite Street.
‘So, any ideas on what Hatra meant back there?’ asked Drop from his new spot in her pocket.
‘I think I know, but it doesn’t make sense.’
‘Hmm? What doesn’t?’ he chirped.
Phyre didn’t reply. Secretly, she was quite certain of what she was going to find on Limonite Street. After all, that was where the gallows were. Who knew why Hatra thought that her words would be sufficiently mysterious to keep that knowledge at bay. Just another of that woman’s peculiar quirks, most likely. Yet Phyre found herself hoping that the inevitable wouldn’t be true. Despite all that those men had done, she didn’t want them to be dead. Not just yet, at least. Not until she had had a chance to find out why they had done what they had.
Her pace quickened across the market street and she kept her focus on the path ahead. Trade normally ramped into full swing around midday and continued until late in the afternoon. Yet, even in the relatively-early morning, there were plenty of Fissurites out to stare at the young, Vocal girl as she hurried past unhooded. Why was she so interesting, Phyre had to wonder. There were other Vocals in town, stare at them instead.
The market street quickly joined with Limonite before breaking off and heading into the western woods that led out of town. Phyre cast her voice further here, as soon as there were few enough people around that she was comfortable in doing so. The whisperings of her vision eventually licked at the beginnings of a wooden frame. As Phyre strode closer, more of the gallows came into view. Then a figure hanging from a noose, then another. She stopped as soon as the third noose, and the end of the structure, could be seen clearly. The wrongness of what she was viewing forced out all disappointment that both Skytouched were, indeed, dead, for they were the only ones who were dead. The third noose was empty, there was no Solar to be seen.
‘Are we there? Why’ve we stopped?’ Drop strained against the fabric of his pocket as he forced himself up to peek over the lip.
‘He’s missing.’ Phyre pointed to the empty noose.
‘Who’s missing?’
‘The Solar.’
Drop made a thoughtful croak. ‘Well, perhaps they haven’t caught him yet.’
Phyre’s brow furrowed as she considered that explanation. ‘No, they caught the two Skytouched. They should have been the hardest to catch. They could have just flown away.’ That raised yet another question in her mind. Why hadn’t they done that? Mr. Gilbride must have been rather sneaky in his capturing.
‘If they could have flown away, how is that they’re even hanging here?’
It took Phyre a little while to answer as she figured out what he was asking: how can you hang something, that is capable of flying, until it’s dead?
‘They use weights for the Skytouched,’ she explained. ‘Big, iron balls that the guards tie to the prisoner’s legs. They make the ropes just long enough so that they can hang properly. The guards must have taken the weights back, that’s why they aren’t there anymore.’ Memories of witnessing one such hanging came flowing back into Phyre’s thoughts. It had been years ago, yet it remained vivid in its foulness. Her parents had never intended to let her see such a thing. The three of them had been wandering the street behind the market at the time. So too had her voice wandered, searching out all the most tedious of things that somehow seem so interesting to a child. It was then that her voice had stumbled upon the event. The Skytouched with a rope scarf and tears spilling down his cheeks. A grim set of onlookers, a thunk of a lever and a dull snap. Then, once the significance of all that she had seen finally struck home, a scream from her lips and confusion from her parents until they finally cast their voices wide enough to find the cause. The days following had been less than pleasant.
‘Just thinking of that puts me back in those striders’ mouths,’ said Drop, his voice drawing her back to the present. With a retching croak and a shudder, he continued. ‘It felt like they were trying to pull me apart by my legs. Look indeed, it’s practically the same. Those Skytouched have bruises around their ankles. From the ropes, right?’
Phyre cast her voice to see for herself. Sure enough, each ankle had a black and blue tint to it along with a series of lumps. She swept her focus over the rest of their bodies. Bruises and cuts on their faces too. Their capture must not have been very peaceful. She tried to look past the injuries to see what these people had looked like before. Her first chance, despite previous encounters, to study them at her leisure. The one on the right had a rather striking birthmark upon his cheek, long, relatively narrow and the same dark brown as his hair. The most pronounced feature about the left was that he had shaved very recently. Perhaps eve
n this morning or the night before. He looked as though his appearance had been of some importance to him. Despite the injuries, they looked like normal Kelads, yet she felt no sympathy for them.
‘Good,’ she muttered. ‘It’s good that they’re dead. They deserved this.’
‘What about the Solar?’ asked Drop.
‘He does too. I want to talk to him first, though. I want to ask why he did it, so we have to find him before the guards do.’
‘I don’t know.’ Phyre stepped forwards. There was a board in front of the gallows. It always held a message about what crime the people hanging by their necks had performed to deserve such a fate. She walked closer until she was only a few feet from the paper. It was much easier to read this way. Of course, the words were written in the common form, not the voice-legible Litides. She nearly had to pour her voice at the individual letters just to see what they were. With the speed of a forming mountain, she managed to read what the note said.
15th Veer, 744
Bear witness, folk of Fissure.
Before you hang the Skytouched brothers Biris and Firis Soof of Wind on the Plains. Hung from the neck until dead, with the aid of iron weights, for the crimes of murder, burglary and arson. Brought to justice by the Fissure Nightwatch. May they suffer forever in the screaming void beyond life.
-Patab Gilbride
Up until now, Phyre had been clinging to the hope that somehow, despite the timing of their executions, the two Skytouched had indeed been in league with the Patab. Now it seemed a distant impossibility. ‘No,’ she mumbled as her voice hung on the name. ‘Why else would they be at his home?’
‘It must have been an honest coincidence, nothing more.’
Drop’s words were like an icing on her misery, more so for the fact that she could not fault them. If these men had ever had a tie with the Patab, it died with them.That left only one option. ‘We have to find the Solar,’ she said as much to herself as to the frog.
‘And once you’ve found him and spoken to him, what then?’
Phyre bent her head to face the pocket on her chest. Drop was peering out of it with a quizzical expression. ‘What do you mean?’ she asked.
‘Well, notwithstanding the question as to why he would desire to speak with you, what will you do with him afterwards? It strikes me that he could be rather dangerous and I don’t want to see you getting yourself hurt or worse.’
Phyre continued staring, not entirely sure what the frog was asking. His words were clear, but there seemed a deeper meaning behind them. ‘Will I kill him, you mean?’
‘Yes, unless you think there’s a better ending.’
The concept tasted strange to her. Kill someone. She hadn’t done any killing in her life save for swatting a few bothersome insects now and then. Yet, at the same time, there was something appealing in the idea. Here was a man who had caused her so much suffering, it was only right that he should be appropriately punished. And why shouldn’t she be the one to do it, seeing as how she was the one to have been wronged. Just looking at the two Skytouched before her gave a faint spark of satisfaction. ‘I suppose so. Can you help me with that? Could that be my wish?’
Drop shook his head. ‘Remember? No wishing for something to die. That includes any sort of wish where I help you to make something die. Besides, you still have to find the Solar first.’
‘How do you think we should do that?’ asked Phyre. Drop seemed in a mood for spouting wisdom and she had every intention of drinking up as much as she could.
‘Well, the way I see it, if those two Skytouched were employed by the Patab, further to their own dealings, perhaps the Solar was too. Maybe some of Mr. Gilbrides other employees saw the Solar around from time to time.’
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Shopping for a birthday gift is always a gamble. Isabel's birthday sneaked up on me and I wanted to get her something unusual. I wanted something that would express my friendship, my sense of humor, but mostly, something cheap. Also, there's a choice when ordering things online: USPS or UPS?In the past I discovered that USPS gets delayed a day, three if it's due on a Friday, and UPS always drops things. I had to decide if I wanted the package delayed or if I wanted someone to drop it. I was...
Straight SexIt all took place in november 1987 just after a hurricane hit the uk.I had just turned thirty and had a dog then (don't worry its not about the dog) we used to go for early morning walks over the downs and through the woods.On this occasion it was about 7.00 am and we set off through the woods,there were many trees toppled over exposing there huge roots. As we walked amongst them I thought how quiet and peaceful it was after the violent storm.I looked around it was very secluded and there was...
One The band was the most important thing in my life. And, here I sat, one week before one of our biggest gigs, watching it disintegrating. And, it was all my fault. My name is Sara. Sara Keeling. I'm the keyboard player, and the lyricist. We call ourselves One Night Stand, a fitting name for a band, especially one that has three guys and three girls in it. We're all sophomores here at the University of Massachusetts, and the band got together right at the beginning of freshman year. We...
So, in my country students go to school in the morning one week and in the afternoon another week. This week is afternoon week so I decided to have some fun for my 18th birthday.Last class today was gym so we all went there to do some exercises. It was boys vs. girls volleyball. Two other girls and me didn't play (I came up with a menstruation excuse) so we were sitting. When I saw both girls leaving to the changing room and/or toilet at least once I did so, too. Most of the time I have some...
I awoke in my room, on my bed with my mates. My head felt numb and my body ached and I was afraid to open my eyes, although I couldn't say why. I just felt safer in the dark. I hugged one of the dogs to my body, burying my face in his fur. I remembered some things from the night before, or I supposed it could have been the week before, since I felt like I'd been sleeping forever and my memories seemed distant and remote. They were surreal and disjointed, and I lay there trying to put them...
Havana had planned to sunbathe by the pool. But once she spotted Jmac, her plans changed. She began doing anything possible to seduce him. She managed to do just that. So much so that he came right over and ripped off her bikini right away. After applying some oil on her perfect tits, they headed inside to start the real fun. Havana took Jmac’s cock and shoved deep inside her pussy, getting fucked in several different positions. And as things were coming to a close, she begged for him to cum...
xmoviesforyouThe children were excited when they found out Rachel was going to be there for dinner that night. The air of excitement transferred to the women. Meg and Sally, of course, were glad their new friend would be coming. For the others, there was the anticipation of having someone new in the house, and they were interested to make their own judgment of this woman who had been the topic of so much talk in town. Now, two weeks after school had started again, Rachel's face had healed to the point...
I asked Sandrine if she’d school me in the finer points of hockey as the game progressed. I put it that way, but really I didn’t even know the rougher points. So, between hurling partisan abuse and having it hurled at her, she obliged. “Not too much to it,” she’d started. “Two teams of six guys each. They get on the ice, skate, and try to beat the shit out of each other. If they happen to think of it they also try to put the puck in the other team’s net.” We were definitely the outsiders...
--Author's Note: This is a stand alone story set in the "Timber Grove" universe. There is absolutely no need to read any other "Timber Grove" story to enjoy this. If you do enjoy it, please let me know with a Review. Thank You!-- Dear Rosie, Hey Rosie! It's my first day here at Timber Grove Community College and I must say that this campus is incredible! The only thing that could make it any better is if you were here with me. I really miss you and can't wait for you to come here...
Natasha leaned back in the chair and ran her fingertips from her forehead through her hair’s tightly permed, black tresses, trying to outstare the screen of her laptop. One hour’s exhaustive attempts to balance the spreadsheet’s figures and the situation was looking no brighter. Her reverie lasted some minutes, until it was finally broken by Sandy’s carefree singing, emanating from somewhere upstairs. Didn’t that just say it all? It wasn’t as though her room-mate’s finances were in a healthier...
Bernie rang me as soon as she got home. I asked how her aunt was and it seemed things were not so bad. They had started her on antibiotics and they think things should clear up. "Anyway it's you I really want to see. Can you come round now?" "Well, I've got to finish washing up the tea things and I'll be round. Actually Mum says she'll finish up so I'm on my way." I kissed Mum to say thanks and Dad offered to give me a lift so I was back at Bernie's house in record time. Belle...
Jun and I, at my place, were basking in the afterglow of a vast, cataclysmic orgasm that, once again, propagated sympathetic orgasms to the other G-girls. Wei, who was on duty at Hastings' company, and Mei, who was on call at his house, chided us mildly for distracting them from their duties. Stephanie, for a change, seemed to have slept right through the whole thing. The more I thought about it, the stranger her mental absence from our coupling seemed. She really was an avid voyeur,...
Wondering Eyes By Lyndee Mason "...then this customer kept bugging me about how there was a loose thread on the shirt and that she wanted a discount on it. But we know she made the loose thread herself just to get a discount on it. I get customers trying to scam us all the time." explained Amy. "Uh-huh." Tim responded half listening. "They come in and try to find tears or find a way to mess up the clothes so they can get some kinda of discount." Amy...
This escapade happened very suddenly but the taste of the same stayed back in my mind soul and body for the longest of time. I could smell her everywhere I went and as much as I smelled her I wanted her more and more. Shakuntala was a mid age woman with body stats of 34c-28-38.She worked as a receptionist in my office and was a woman who was pure ravishing by the word of it. she would be mid thirties ,definitely 38 or 39.i fell in love her name too, shakuntala ..and like I said I wanted her...
After all the exercise of the day, I had no trouble at all getting to sleep. I was still sailing through dreamland when the alarm went off. I was rubbing the sleep from my eyes, wondering why on earth I had set the alarm so early when I remembered that there was a nice hard cock waiting for me just across the hall. That brought me wide-awake and I bounced out of bed with a spring in my step and a purpose in my stride. I was so impatient that I didn't even bother to shower, I just rinsed out...
I had a situation happen to me recently, that most men would give their left nut to have happen to them! It was without a doubt the most exciting thing to ever happen to me anyway. I am happily married , a gorgeous wife, who loves just about any form of sex; I have a good job, nice home and just about everything a guy could want. Except that is, my neighbor's wife! A few years ago, my wife and I had a nice home built out in the country. We were kind of isolated, until last year when Joe and...
"Well! So much for secrecy!" Bill was looking right at Megan when he said it. Mina laughed, "She didn't do it ... you did." "Me? I never said a word." "No, Bill. You never said anything. I'm a History professor ... remember?" "What's that got to do with it?" "You've been careful ... except ... for these." Mina pulled a yellowing envelope from her home office desk. She opened it ... with a flair ... If there had have been a band, they would have played stripper music. As...
Disclaimer: The following simulated dialogue is fictional. No resemblance to any person, living or dead, is neither intended nor should be inferred. * Taunus Trumbo is on line. Faustus Mortal is on line. Taunus Trumbo: I saw a TV show on ‘Science’. They explained the formation of the elements. From Hydrogen at the Big Band, to the elements Helium through Iron from stars, to all the heavy elements via super novae. Their theory is different from yours. Faustus Mortal: Believe what you...
It’s my first day officially in my new condo. The day is largely over, and night is fast approaching. I currently live alone, and now that I have finished moving my stuff in, I can relax a bit. It’s Thursday now, and I don't start till next week so I have a few days before my job officially starts. I now officially work as a secretary at the nearby Clinic. These extra days off will finally give me some time to get to know the area, and maybe make some new friendships. At the very least I can...
I'm planning to expand on the character costumization later, but first I want to focus on adding chapters. Leave a comment at the branch where you most want the next chapter! Also, please comment on my writing style, pacing, and point out my mistakes/plot holes. Feel free to add on to the story yourself if you please. It's been way too long since you last went eating out with your friend Amy. The choice was easy: you met up at the same restaurant you had been to on many occasions back when you...
TeenEdmonton, Alberta was a sparkling, handsome, new-looking metropolis sprawled out on the plains of western Canada. It felt like the cities I'd visited in the Western United States. It was better-maintained than most of them, and, even in August, the air seemed crisp, this far north. It was a little bit like Scotland; but more than a little bit like Denver, or maybe Salt Lake City. I liked it. I'd always liked Canada. Just like the U.S., it was vast enough that a person could find lots of...
"It's about time you get home!" David said playfully as Rebecca entered the apartment. Rebecca didn't respond. Her face looked sad and she put her backpack down on the couch. David's smile faded and he rushed over to her. "Are you OK?" She looked up at him and nodded. "Not really. Guess who I bumped into today at the library." David looked blank. "Who?" "Amber." David sighed and put his hands on her shoulders. "Hey don't let that get you down." "I know I shouldn't...
“Please stop,” she whispered. She didn’t even know if he could hear her over the rattling and rumbling of the train tracks. But she couldn’t speak louder. It was like her voice had left her. His hand slept down, right under Julie’s little skirt to the gusset of her thong. His fingers pressed against her mound, pushing it up into her. “You’re wet,” a male voice growled in her ear. She felt it, too. Her cunt was getting wet in spite of his touch, in spite of her willing her body not to enjoy...
Hello friends , this is my story of how my mom seduced me for sex. Let me introduce myself first. My name is Rohan and my mom is Sushmita. My father Jacob had died in an accident when I was just about 10 years old . Now I am a young stud of 19 years and my mom is 40 years old. We are very conservative and orthodox family of Roman Catholic Christians and we live in Mumbai. My mom was quite young when my father died of an accident, and she could have easily got remarried to someone as she is...
Julie and I had known each other since we were 5. She was my next door neighbor, and for most of the time we were growing up, she was my best friend. Both of our brothers were a few years older and really didn’t want anything to do with us most of the time, so we spent a lot of time together. By the time we were 9 or 10, our parents would always joke that we were practically married already. It was annoying, but they wouldn’t stop so we just kind of went with it. She would call me hubby, I...
When we returned from our first walk of the day, we began working together as a couple. We were the odd couple of screen writing. Janet began to show off her new found confidence. I thought she was beaten down emotionally, but she was on the mend before she came to live with Mikah and me again. She began by demanding things be changed to suit her. “I need a real desk,” she said over breakfast. “With a real computer, not one of these off the wall operating systems.” “Okay that can be your...
Hello to all booby gals and guys. Let me 1st make clear tht tis is not a fake……… I think this is my life time achievement. Telling abt me—am Suman from Salem steel city, an average guy of 5’ 10”(175)-75kgs. My fantasy is to fuck mature BOOBY women.. Am really mad to see them in a sexy wrapped saree, coz it’s the only costume which reveals most of the body parts .. Hey am a NAVEL’S(Thoppul-Naabi) crazy lover. Coming to the incident happened in my life before 3months….. I hav friend named paul…....
She couldn't quite figure out what it was, but then she heard it again. It sounded like a faint slapping noise, followed by a muffled yell. Puzzled, she lay quietly for a moment, and the noise was repeated. She sat up in bed and turned to her older sister's bed across the room to ask her if she'd heard the noise also, when she saw that her sister's bed was empty.Her mind still foggy from sleep, Marcy got up out of bed and walked to the door. She stepped quietly into the hallway, her short...
The two lovers, teenage and adult, lay on the couch, their bodies intertwined and kissing like two long-time loves. Lacey feels the girl’s little nipples pressing into her and she doesn’t want to move, but she knows she does want more and she isn’t going to let the opportunity to pass to continue their tryst. The blonde moves over Alyce and climbs to her feet, stretching out her hand to the teen. Taking her hand, Alyce also climbs to hers. Together, hands held, they walk across the room,...
my sister in law michele is living in our home in the spare bedroom on the second floor of our home. we (being my wife and i) know she is a freak and always fucking. my wife had told me that she went into her room to get her dirty clothes one day and somehow snooped a little to much and found alot of sex toys including dick rings and bondage material and so forth. i told her to let it be and hopefully she will. well one day i came home a little earlier then usual and for me that is rare. i got...