Flexible Morals Ch. 03 free porn video

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The slip of paper didn’t offer much to go on. That was to be expected, given what it said.

Hardened folk of flexible morals needed in Fissure. Proceed to The Vouiareli Nest.

Malik guessed that the place would turn out to be a seedy alehouse somewhere in the tangled back alleys of the town. Why did folk have such a problem with doing their dirty work somewhere cleaner? Did they feel that the perceived similarities in filth meant that the location had to fit the job? In his experience, it wasn’t necessary. He folded the paper up and slipped it into his jacket pocket, then peered around the establishment from the relative privacy of his booth.

Hendrick’s Door was the sort of location where a respectable mercenary knew to do business. There was a code in place here, not like those lawless spots that The Vouiareli Nest would likely be. Here, the room was silent and efficient. If you were alone, nobody bothered you. If you were in a group, nobody dared to listen in. The tables away from the walls were only for show or to expose the folk who didn’t belong here. There were no waitresses or anything like that either, nobody with a reason to pass by your table whenever they wished. If you wanted anything, you went to the bar. That was where the paper had been waiting for him, as per the unwritten code that had existed long before he came around.

Malik would follow the lead on this paper. When you were offered the chance for a job, you at least saw it through insofar as learning the full extent of what was being asked. Otherwise the offers would stop coming. He lifted the mug on his table and took a thoughtful sip of the orange Ember that rolled around within. The acrid drink scorched his tongue at first but soon fell away to its sweeter, more refreshing, aftertaste. Something about the paper gave him the sense that this client was a bit higher brow than usual. Perhaps it was the term ‘flexible morals’ that gave it away.

Another sip of his drink saw it finished and he stood to leave. No point in delaying things. He would travel to Fissure this very night.


Theirs was a cozy, well-off sort of home. Miners were paid well in Fissure to compensate for the long, exhausting hours of potentially dangerous work. The living room’s floor was layered with so many rugs that Phyre’s feet barely made a sound as she walked through and sank onto a padded chair in the corner. She let her voice wander around and take in everything there was to see. A table in front of her, a low one for sharing snacks with guests. Around it were several other seats and a comfy-looking sofa that had a deerskin draped across the back. Its antlers were hanging on the wall opposite her, accompanied by a shelf on either side that housed other sorts of household trinkets. There was a pearly white horn on a little wooden stand that propped up one end of a line of books. On the shelf beneath it stood a stone figurine of a bear standing on its hindlegs and roaring.

On the wall behind her, between two windows whose glass Phyre couldn’t help but wonder if she had had a hand in making, was a painting. She couldn’t quite discern what it was about. It was always rather difficult to get one’s voice to see past the rifts, valleys and ranges that paint made on canvas. She much preferred Vocal artworks. Those she could understand, their design suited more for seeing by sound rather than light. Phyre thought back to the one that had been in their house, positioned to be seen as soon as you came in the front door. It was of a sunrise coming over a forest, the lines of color and form stretching out from the canvas’ center to create a depth to the work that none but a Vocal could achieve. That painting had been lost to the blaze along with everything else.

Hatra reappeared from the kitchen with a plate of bread slices, each smeared with a different spread. She set it down on the table then sat opposite Phyre and gestured for her to take what she wanted. Phyre reached for one that was spread with a bright strawberry jam and took a single, reserved bite.

Hatra shook her head. ‘No, don’t you worry about being polite. You must be starved, they’re all for you. And don’t you dare think about trying to find somewhere else to stay, you can sleep here as long as you need.’

Phyre nodded and took another taste of the bread. She hadn’t eaten anything since the night before and that hadn’t been particularly filling. Now Hatra seemed intent on giving out everything she had to offer. She had been that way since Phyre told her the story of the fire on their way over here. Meanwhile, Drop had retreated into the sleeve of her robe to avoid being seen. The frog had told her that it was best not to reveal himself as a wishing frog to anyone else lest they try to steal the wish. It was a thought that Phyre could respect, so she had let him take up residence inside her clothes despite the occasional touch of his somewhat slimy body.

‘And you’ve no idea who those men were?’ Hatra’s words brought back the present.

‘No. I’ve never seen them.’ Phyre reached for another slice of bread, this one covered in a grayish paste that, after some consideration, she recognised as mushroom meal mixed with a bit of water. It wasn’t something that normally appealed but hunger was in charge for now.

‘By Dawn, what’s the world coming to?’ Hatra asked. She’d been asking it a lot since Phyre had told the story, as though the Eternal Empress had something to do with all this or could help in some way. Maybe she could, but it was silly to rely on such a thing. They were much too far away from the Empire’s capital. ‘We’ll see these men brought to justice, don’t you worry about that. Soon as Niptri gets home I’ll send him out again to fetch one of the garrison and we’ll pass on the word to them. Once Mr. Gilbride learns that there are brigands running about his town, oh he won’t give himself a moment’s rest, let me tell you. Those rogues’ll get the noose, don’t you fret.’

Phyre thought about the man to whom Hatra was referring. Mr. Winston Gilbride, the Patab of Fissure and owner of the iron mine. He lived in a big house up on the hill towards the northern end of town. Phyre hadn’t ever met the man in person but, from what she had heard, he sounded rather nice. Thoughts of justice hadn’t really entered her mind yet. Now that Hatra had brought it up, she could feel the embers building. Those men had burned everything and walked away. Something had to be done about it.

‘But what if they’re gone?’ asked Phyre. Two of the men had been Skytouched, they could have gotten anywhere by now if they so desired.

Hatra waved the thought off. ‘Pah, they’ll be tracked down sure enough. What goes around comes around, just you wait.’

What goes around comes around, Phyre repeated. The thought gave her a small comfort.

‘Anyway, tomorrow we’ll see about getting you some fresh clothes. I can smell the days on you, girl, no offense meant. Here, have you finished with those? That should tide you over till dinnertime, hmm?’ Hatra reached forwards and retrieved the tray that now held a single lonesome slice of bread topped with a carrot paste that Phyre didn’t like. The woman started back in the direction of the kitchen.

‘Thank you,’ Phyre said quietly as Hatra left.

‘Think nothing of it, deary. Your parents were good folk. There’s only one type of person who deserves a fate like theirs and that’s the type who did this. If I could just get my hands on those…’ Her voice trailed off as she went out of the room. Soon the sound was replaced by a clatter from the kitchen, followed by a curse. A few seconds later, Hatra poked her head back into the living room. ‘You go and set yourself up in the guest room and I’ll be round in a minute with some fresh linens.’

Phyre nodded, stood and headed towards the hall. Her voice crept out and located the guest room behind the door nearest her. She opened it and again looked inside just to be sure. It was a colde
r room than the others she could see, no sense of people spending a lot of time in it. The decor was rather plain compared to the rest of the house. Just a bed, a dresser and another unreadable picture on the wall. Not even a window. Then again, considering the house’s position, a window would probably only lookout on the house behind this one. This place wasn’t nearly as comforting as her own bedroom had been. With a soft breath of sadness, she sat down on the bed that was currently stripped bare.

‘Well, if anything, it’s certainly a step up from where we slept last night,’ said Drop from inside her sleeve. She had felt the slightly discomforting sensation of him crawling towards the end to peer out. Now, when Hatra returned, he would have to slither back down. They definitely needed a better solution to this. Drop gave a croak and shuffled further towards the end of her sleeve until he was right on the cuff. ‘Mind, it could do with a bit of sprucing up. I remember our rooms at the academy had quite a bit of flavor to them. The frog I was living with had a way with furniture, I can’t recall his name at the moment but—’

‘Shh,’ Phyre cut him off. It was meant as a warning about Hatra’s approach, something she was rather grateful for. With her voice, Phyre could see the Skytouched moving from the kitchen with an armful of bedclothes.

‘She’s coming?’ Drop gave a mighty leap back into the depths of her sleeve. She felt a bump as he bounced against her arm.

‘Here you are, deary. Why don’t you hop up and I’ll get this sorted for you, hmm?’

Phyre stood aside while Hatra covered the straw mattress in a plain sheet, then dressed the bed with a blanket and pillow. As soon as she had finished, she left the room again with a brief smile. Phyre shut the door, sank back onto the bed and waited for Drop to emerge. He didn’t take long.

‘So, have you thought about your wish much more?’ he asked.

Phyre shook her head. It was such a big decision, one that she could hardly hope to make until she was completely at ease. ‘There’s too much to think about.’

Drop made an agreeing croak. ‘That there is, my lady.’

‘Do you know what other people have wished for?’ she asked.

‘Can’t say I do. They only really taught us how to give the wishes and how to be tough enough to ensure that we got to.’

‘How do you give a wish?’ asked Phyre, suddenly interested in the process.

Drop looked up at her. ‘I’m afraid that’s a trade secret.’

‘Oh.’ She searched for something else to ask. ‘Do you know what will happen when I make my wish?’

For a few moments there was only silence. Phyre looked at the frog to find him staring off into space, his throat pulsing with thought. After a little while he looked back up at her. ‘I don’t really know. Never gave it much thought, to be perfectly honest. We each only have a single wish to give… What’s going to happen when I give mine? Am I still a wishing frog?’

It sounded as though those questions were the kind to direct to oneself rather than the kind that received answers. Still, Phyre thought about them and, for a moment, felt a sort of worry that her taking her wish might do something bad to Drop. Would he turn into a regular frog? ‘I’m sure it’ll be okay,’ she said to reassure herself as much as him.

Drop ribbeted and bobbed his head. ‘Yes, yes of course it will be. I’m just worrying for no reason.’


‘Why don’t we go straight to Mr. Gilbride’s manor instead?’ asked Phyre as she trailed along behind Hatra. Despite the woman’s certainty when she had first made the plan, her husband had proven reluctant to go traipsing around town after a day spent in the mine. A brief argument later and Mrs. Lanis conceded to fetching the guards herself, and Phyre had decided to join her, eager to ensure that justice went as it should. Yet there were no guards to be found. They had searched street after street to no avail. The evening was entering full swing so that may have had something to do with it — a transition to the night watch as the daytime patrol went home. Phyre pointed into the distance in the direction that she knew the Patab’s estate to be. She couldn’t see the actual house but she could see the cobbled path that led to it as it wound up the shallow hillside. ‘It’s right up there. Besides, there’s bound—’

‘Oh look,’ Hatra cut her off and paused to voice her thoughts ‘We’re right by Mr. Gilbride’s manor. I suppose we could take the matter right to him rather than bustling around in search of the nightwatch.’ With that decision sorted, the Skytouched started off again, seemingly oblivious to Phyre’s presence, though she continued to chatter to herself as she headed towards the manor’s own road. ‘Mind, Mr. Gilbride doesn’t normally take visitors without an appointment, and certainly not at this time of night. But I’m sure he will set the time aside to hear you out, seeing as how it’s such an important matter and all.’ Hatra looked back and gave the girl a smile.

For a moment, Phyre felt a flush of anger at the woman. That smile, as if it made everything all better. As if any of this, any sort of justice, could make things better. No matter what happened, her parents would never be coming back. There would be no more singing at breakfast or thanking Dawn together for the dinners that they had. No glass working with her father or sewing blankets with her mother. All of it was gone, never to return. Her throat threatened to clamp shut at those thoughts and she forced herself to look to the present. Hatra, despite her occasional tactlessness, was doing quite a charity here. There was no reason to be mad.

There was a somewhat subtle transition from the Fissure’s street to that of Mr. Gilbride’s manor. Weeds growing between the outtermost cobblestones became a rarity until they finally disappeared altogether. The grass, too, had a neater look about it, trimmed down with a gardening whip, no doubt. As the drive continued, little shrubs with carefully groomed foliage began to line the sides. The bushes grew larger as they neared the manor’s towering walls and front gate. A calculated form began to develop in some. That one, a deer’s head. Another, a stone column with a ball on top. Phyre couldn’t remember another time when she had seen such careful gardening. A number of the houses in Fissure kept little window boxes and some of the bigger ones had a small patch of green out front but none were anything like this. Even her house in the forest, despite the acres of land to themselves, had had little more than a patch of vegetables to be tended when the season was right. Contending with so much nature seemed a fruitless effort unless fruit really was the product of such work. Here, all the greenery seemed largely for show.

The outer walls of the manor stood tall and firm with wrought iron spikes topping the stone. There was a heavy wooden gate separating them from the interior of the walls. Beside it stood two of the Patab’s personal guards. Hatra strode towards them, encouraging them to quit leaning against the wall that they protected and to come to attention. Both looked to be Skytouched and each carried a spear.

‘Declare your intent,’ commanded the one on the right, once Phyre and Mrs. Lanis had drawn nearer.

Hatra regarded the man with a flash of a glare before speaking. ‘We’re here to see Mr. Gilbride.’

‘The Patab doesn’t take unscheduled visitors at this hour nor any other. Now begone.’ He waved his free hand towards the town.

‘You go tell the Patab that this regards the matter of a murder and that he will want to see us at once.’ Hatra folded her arms insistently on the final word.

The man on the left spoke then as he stepped forwards. ‘A murder’s a job for the nightwatch. Nothing to trouble the Patab with.’

‘It’s the nature of the murder. The town’s amok with brigands, killing whomever they please.’

‘Oh,’ the right said with a condescending grin. ‘And where are these ‘brigand

‘Well, goodness knows where they’ve gotten to now, but they certainly aren’t hanging by their necks on market street as one should expect. Makes one wonder what the watch is doing with themselves if a trio of murderers are given free roam of the town. Why, myself and my neighbors have started to wonder that very thing. What’ve all our taxes been going to? A whole garrison of no-good layabouts who wouldn’t know one end of a sword from the other? Three days it’s been since these brigands did their killing and looting and we’ve not seen hide nor hair of any since, nor any wheels of justice in rotation, for that matter. I tell you, Fissure’s going to the wolves.’

Had Phyre any eyes, she would have blinked as the guards just did. The two men were silent for a moment and she grew worried that they would emerge angry at this ruthlessly blunt woman in front of them. Instead, they started to look a bit flustered.

‘Brigands you say?’ asked the left.

‘That’s right. Running all over the roads without a care in the world.’

The men exchanged a look and seemed to undergo some silent deliberation. After a few moments, the one on the right spoke. ‘Seeing as how it’s such an important matter, you may enter. You’re to go up to the house and find Raleek, he’s the butler. He’ll take your story to the Patab and then it’ll be decided whether you meet him in person or not.’

‘Ah, finally some understanding.’ Hatra looked back at Phyre and gave her another smile. This time it felt more welcome as there was actually something to smile about.

The guard on the left hammered a fist against the wooden gate. ‘Open up. Visitors coming in,’ he commanded.

Her voice cast over and around, Phyre could see several guards hurrying about behind the wall as they undid locks and worked mechanisms. The result saw the two heavy doors start to move and groan as they swung slowly outwards. Soon enough, Phyre and Hatra were waved inside. The cobbled road continued a short ways beyond the gate until it widened and looped around itself. At the center of this was a pond which looked so perfectly circular that it had to be made by man. Even the reeds growing at its edges looked as though they had been placed there with some design in mind. Off to the left was a big, wooden structure that Phyre had to guess was a stable, judging by the carriage and pile of hay bales outside it. She couldn’t see any horses nearby and didn’t want to raise her voice any louder to do so.

As they rounded the pond, a building that she quickly decided had to be Mr. Gilbride’s home came into view. It stood tall and wide with loads of windows, each lit from within by an oil lamp or a fifrey plant perhaps, though the latter grew much better further south and the light looked a bit too yellow anyway. Ivy crawled the mansion walls in some places, and this too appeared intentional as it climbed along these wooden frames, each painted white. That struck her as rather odd. In the forest, you would never give ivy a chance to take root in your home. Its presence damaged the wood and eventually made holes through which all manner of insects could get in. Then again, Mr. Gilbride’s mansion was made of stone so perhaps it wasn’t so much of a problem. An entirely stone house, now that was a sight. Yes, there were bits of wood here and there but the vast majority of the building was rock. What’s more, Phyre realized, the mansion had three floors. Three. Most houses in Fissure only had so many as two floors and some not even that. Yet here was one with three, plainly visible by the sets of windows proving it so. She suddenly felt a burning desire to go inside. If the exterior was this impressive, what would the interior be like?

‘Drop, you have to see this,’ Phyre whispered into her sleeve. She pointed her arm towards the house, careful to hide that action from Hatra, and felt the slimy rummaging of the frog crawling up for a look.

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Sunshine, in winter, can be deceptive. It was cold. bloody cold. The admittedly small cliffs at Margate were nevertheless high enough and open enough to suffer the full blast of an Easterly wind coming straight from Siberia.But dog’s need to be walked and like a good and responsible dog owner, I was walking my dog. He was busy investigating the passing of previous quadrupeds with his nose and I stood and looked out over a steel-grey sea. Small waves lapping onto what was left of the sand at...

3 years ago
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The Face

John Looked again. The face staying back at him wasn't his. He closed his eyes tightly, scrunching his child's face up in a pained expression, and then letting go. For a second he held the rightness around his eyes, before finally releasing them — knowing full well what would be looking — or rather peering back at him from the shadows of the silvery stream. For a second there was nothing, just a watery vibration; dispelling all shape and resolution. Then it was there again — The Face. John...

2 years ago
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The Succubs Chapters 16

Storyline: Chloe is killed and has sold her soul to the devil for revenge. Chapter 1. I was rudely awaken as the obnoxious alarm clock pierced through the silence. I hate Mondays. When I managed to force myself out of bed, I took a quick look at myself in the mirror. I had curly, blonde hair that went just past my shoulders and tumbled over my barely developed 14 year old breasts, and my small, puffy nipples. I was 5’3”, around average height. I had blue eyes, and my friends all say I’m...

1 year ago
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Pool Time MMFF Bi

Pool Time (MMFF Bi)It was a sunny afternoon at the campus pool, when the topic of discussion came to oral sex, the three fresh out of high school k**s looked to me for the answers to their misconceptions, because I was older, a whole 5 years older. Kimi, Mika, and Toshi had all gone to school together, and are now taking a summer class at the college campus pool, where they met me. Kimi asked me what guys liked to have done to them down there, Mika gave me a funny look and Toshi tried not to...

4 years ago
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Coffee and More

Chapter 1 Melody and I have had a happy life together, now married just over thirty-five years. We've raised two children, both girls, and they're long out of the house. We live in a medium-sized city and I'd worked for one of the larger companies in the area that, in recent years, had undergone several downsizing periods that saw a number of our friends retire including us. It was something I saw coming; I was not given early retirement in the first go-round but several of my long-time...

2 years ago
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I Help My Friend to Get Pregnant

By: Sachin Sharma Hello to all SSI Readers , I found much of stories similar to my life, but I always hesitated to wrote something about myself and my story. But I did and now I always Read in this Category . The Incident Which I am going to tell You had been Happen 2 years ago. The lady was my colleague in my office and in same department. Her Name Was Priya (Changed Name ) . She lived in Noida sec-21. She Was Normal Looking Female of 24 Years . My Name is Sachin , 25 Years of age and...

3 years ago
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The Party

Coming out onto the balcony, hoping for some fresh air, you inhale the night wind and sigh. The party back inside is still in full swing and although it is a good party as parties go, you cannot help but feel slightly frustrated and mildly horny.There are a lot of new faces back inside, but none of them so much as made eye contact with you. You gaze out over the courtyard as the wind picks up. A gust blows up your silken dress and you slightly open your legs enjoying its warm breath on your...

3 years ago
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Alone At Last My First Sissygasm

I had been planning this night for weeks. Ordering clothes online and getting ready for my ultimate fantasy. My girlfriend was about to leave town to stay with her family for the weekend and I was so excited I'd finally get a chance to explore my sissy side.I'd been watching sissy hypno videos for days in the build-up and had everything ready in a box in the attic. As soon as I saw her car drive off I rushed to get ready. I grabbed a quick shower and shaved, applied some makeup as best I could,...

3 years ago
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Daddys little angel part 2

As I knelt on the floor with my daughter Ashley spread eagled on her bed, my mind raced with what we had just done. Mentally I was fighting a huge battle, I knew that it was wrong, very wrong, fathers and daughters did not behave like this, she was my little angel after all. Still, she was a 22 year old woman, a consenting adult and she was obviously into what we were doing, one look at her glistening pussy told me that. I thought of all the boys she must have been with over the last few years,...

4 years ago
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He fucked my bestfriendWhile she slept

Tammy was having problems again with her man so she asked my man and I to go out with her to get her mind off things. So we went to some hole in the wall and had some drinks and danced a little. Tammy started getting a little drunk and started dancing all seductive like some drunk stripper. It was erotic but kind of sensual at the same time. She caressed her body as she swayed to the music. I watched her as I walked on my way to the restroom. Mike sat at the table watching her. She was dancing...

3 years ago
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Gender Change At the Office

You get to the Mega Corp parking lot about five minutes early. It has been less than a month since you joined the company and have been enjoying it so far. You see a few of your coworkers filling into the building most you only know by face. You get to the lobby and are greeted a new receptionist. She has silken brown hair and wearing a silk blouse with a hint of a lace bra peeking through the fabric. Her ass was clad in a black satin mini skirt. "Good morning," she says. "It's nice to see you...

3 years ago
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Cheerleading Niece

Cheerleading NieceIt was a complete random day for me but it turned out pretty well.. My niece just had a cheerleading competition which I had to attend because no one else would. My brother and sister in law were stuck at work and I just happened to be off. I had to take her to the competition. Before we even headed out I saw her stretching and she was struggling to reach her toes. She recently had an injury that wasn't helping her reach all the way. I saw my brother always helping her...

3 years ago
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The Millionaire Next DoorChapter 49

Friday night found Dan and Tom standing around the swimming pool. It was nearly eleven at night and Dan had just finished eating his dinner after returning home from work. Tom had waited around for him to finish eating so that he’d have a chance to talk with him alone. Tom asked, “What did you say to Amanda’s father?” “I just explained the facts of life to him,” Dan answered wondering what had happened to make Tom ask. “That’s all?” Tom asked. “Yes,” Dan answered nodding his head. Tom...

2 years ago
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Why do so many people want me to friend them

Why is it so many people want to be my friend? I mean seriously. You don't have to be friends with somebody in order to be friends. Some of my best friends aren't my friends, but we're really, REALLY GOOD friends. Then on the other hand, some of my friends aren't friends at all. We're just friends, is all. It's a shame, but that the way it is sometimes. So why do you want to be my friend? We don't know each other. Out of the clear blue you swoop down and say, "HEY! You want to be...

1 year ago
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Neighbourhood Boy

In the summer between my seventh and eighth grades, I met a boy who lived across the street who was two years older than me. We had not lived in the neighbourhood long, and I knew no other k**s nearby. Neither of his parents was ever home during the week, so I would go to his house and we would hang out. One day he showed me pictures of naked women that he stashed in a box under his bed. He asked me if I jacked off. I said I didn't. I did not know what he meant. He touched the front of his...

3 years ago
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Colin and ColleenChapter 2 Colin and Colleen The Twisted Sister Charlie for now

I had married her sister after divorcing her, the cheating bitch. I had killed her husband, my brother, when he tried to kill me, to get to her, to beat her some more. I guess some background would be in order. I inherited my company after working with my dad for 5 years and inventing a new fuel injection module for turbine engines. Three aircraft engine giants jointly bought the invention, the rights, the patent, and a little support for thirty-four million dollars. That was a year after...

2 years ago
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I was so anxious for Daddy to come pick me up cause I was getting to spend the whole summer with him far away from my strict, controlling mother. I was gonna have the best summer, and hopefully lose my virginity to boot. My best-friend Amy had just lost her's to an older that lives in her neighborhood, and she told me every juicy detail which made me want to lose mine very badly. I had given in to the desire with my mother's boyfriend last night but he wouldn't let me do anything but suck his...

1 year ago
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2 Betiyon Ki Chudaai 8211 Part 4

Hi doston, chalo aaj aisa kehte hain… hi laundiyon aur randwon… aap sabko mera pranaam… aasha hai aap sab apne lund hila hila ke meri stories pade hain.. aur ladkiyaan choot mein ungliyaan daali hongi.. ya phir kisi se chudwayi hongi ya phir koi na koi kisi ko pakadke chod diya… raksha bandhan ke samay umeed karta bahut saare bhai raakhi apne lund pe bandwayen honge aur behne apne bhai ke lund ko leke raakhi baandi hogi.. ya phir chudwayee bhi hongi… jeeyo muskurao aur chudwao kisi na kisi se...

1 year ago
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SexAndSubmission Christie Stevens The Anal Audit

Who would not love to fuck the IRS in the ass? Especially when the agent is knockout bombshell Christie Stevens! When Xander Corvus is audited by a sultry IRS agent, she has him by the balls to the tune of 40K. But when the sexy Tax Compliance Officer comes to Xander’s bar to do a workplace inspection, Xander turns the tables and knocks the nosey agent down a few pegs. Christie loves rough anal sex and bondage, and Xander dishes it out in spades for the blonde beauty. Christie’s...

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Carrying OnChapter 40

Silver tapped her foot impatiently on the floor, watching as Derek choreographed the entire battle like some sort of sadistic composer. The radio chatter indicated that the enemy had split into three groups and that the middle group had been pinned down before being convinced over the radio that they should surrender. Even more amazing was that Meredith had managed to come through with the freed townspeople and had more than doubled the available firepower. She had also plugged the...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Abella Danger Luna Star Extradition Part Two

US DEA captive Kat Dior is held for questioning inside a cartel-run compound in Central Mexico’s Sierra Madre Mountain Range. She can provide intel on the evasive cartel boss La Luna Star who forced Kat into prostitution the day the kidnapped daughter of a US Senator purportedly went missing. Kat was brought to the facility with a blond-haired prostitute, where they entered the main house to fuck La Luna in a lesbian threesome. La Luna and her lieutenant took off with the escort and her...

3 years ago
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Mami ka photo session

Dear Friends, Mere Ghar me Mere Alava Mammi-Papa aur ek Jawan Bahen hai. Papa ka Govt. Job Hone Ke Karan vah apni posting ki jagah akele rahte he, aur hum tino saher me rahte he. Badi City Hone aur paiso ki kami na hone ke karan hum log kafi modern rahte he, meri mammi aur bahen ma-beti kam bahene jyada lagati he.Dono kafi khule vicharo ki aur modern he, jabki me dikhane me Thoda Dabbu sidh dikhata hun, jabki mere dimag me hamesha hi sex ka bhut chada rahta he. Meri esi bholi surat ke karan...

2 years ago
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In the kitchen with Jane

"On your own this afternoon?" I asked, letting myself in through the back door."Hello there. Yeah, all on my lonesome," she replied. "Fancy a cuppa?""Yeah, that'd be nice.""Hang on, just need to give the dishwasher a tablet," she responded as she smiled, and turned her back to me. Leaning forward from the waist she opened the under-sink-cupboard and started looking for the dishwasher tablets. I could see, thanks to the tightness of her shorts, that she wasn't wearing any knickers beneath her...

3 years ago
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Our Hong Kong Affair

“Hey. How’re you doing?” The question was a familiar prelude to our many telephone conversations. “Great now,” I smiled into the phone. It was a luxury being able to talk on the phone in the evenings, but he was on a business trip and my husband was at one of his eternal meetings, so we had a bit more freedom than usual. “It’s so nice to hear your voice.” We never wondered why we bothered through all the restrictions of having an affair. The answer was there in our connection, in the pleasure...

Love Stories
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Henry and Bobby Go To The Mall Part 2

Ilene Curtis and her assistant, Felicia, gladly struggled with the loads of clothing and shoes in their arms as they made their way to the nearest checkout register. The lady they were serving was strange, to say the least, but she was shopping with total abandon. That meant a sizable commission for both Ilene, the store manager, and her attractive salesgirl. Upon reaching their destination, the women began ringing up the peculiar shopper's purchases. It took the saleswomen several...

2 years ago
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Karlys Getaway Part 3 Wearing My Vibe in Garden

Walking through the streets of Munich, I feel self-conscious, as if anyone looking at me can figure out my secret. I can’t believe I’m doing this. Have I turned into a complete sex fiend? It started last night while I was on the phone with Michael. “I want you to go to the Englischer Garden tomorrow while you tour the city, Karly.” “Oh, I plan on it! I hear it’s beautiful and bigger than Central Park back home. I can’t wait to see it!” “That’s good to hear, baby, because I also want you to wear...

1 year ago
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Magical Girl Sex Kitten1

Magical Girl Sex Kitten Katie Kats was a pop idol with a secret. While most thought of her as a bright young girl and raising star, no one would have realized this reserved, young girl could magically transform into the Lolita, heroine know as Magical Girl Sex Kitten. It had all started when she was given the artifact known as Aphrodite's scepter. It was a gift from her publicist and she loved it. The young girl had even gone so far to fall asleep holding it at bed time. That...

1 year ago
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An Ordinary Adult Sex LifeChapter 3 Welcome Back

-- SATURDAY, JUNE 30, 2007 -- Something tickled my balls, but I didn’t jerk awake. Something else had already woken me a few minutes before: a soft pair of lips. And when those lips had woken me, I had been quite pleased to discover whose lips they were. It was a rare occurrence for Kim to come to me in the mornings. The obvious reason was BJ. Our son was consistently the first one awake in the entire apartment, and Kim’s first priority was to see to his breakfast and well-being. I...

3 years ago
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My sexy maid servant

Hii Friends, I’m a new member of ISS. I’m posting this story for the first time. Plase forgive for the unwanted mistakes. I’ll narrate the story in bengali.Amar naam Rahul. Ei ghotonata jokhon ghotechilo tokhon amar boyosh chilo 22. Amar shorirer gothon besh fit chilo. I am 5 feet 11 inches. Forsha gayer rong, athletic body and my dick size is lombai prai 9 inches r 3 inches mota. Amar basai tokhon 1jon kajer mohila kaj korto, naam Maloti. Malotir boyosh chilo prai 35 er kachakachi. 2 bacchar...

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Gamer Girl

Chloe watched the four guys amused as she wiggled out of her colorful panties. The nerdy 'DEF DOWN' joke with that cutesy little knight battling a giant, angry kitten right on her crotch had everyone giggling. Those hungry eyes were making her heart pound like never before. "You really haven't seen any real pussy before, have you?" she teased and shook her naked ass for good measure. Promising the guys a glimpse at her naked privates had been a phenomenal incentive. The clan really had...

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Initium NovumChapter 2 The First Trip

Robert was sitting on his balcony planning an extended trip into the past to see if he could determine the circumstances of his family's murders, when the buzzer sounded from the lobby door. Robert answered to find Sarah there. When she came into the condo she pulled Robert into a loving kiss that also showed her commitment to him. She stated that she wanted to find a penthouse apartment with several bedrooms so she could move in with him and be at his call. She also told him that she wanted...

1 year ago
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Amity 1 StormChapter 12 Teaching

I got up early. I wanted to get the building I owned fixed before it fell down. I also needed to do a bit of Lord Wizard’s stuff. I tried not to disturb Kim when I got up, and I headed to the cavern workshop and double checked what was required to build the boxes for Kim and Mathew. I was finding I only slept for about four hours and I was awake and ready to go. Most of the rest I was learning slept about seven hours. I found all I needed in the cavern, except the copper. I still had...

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The seagulls were shrieking off in the distance, and the wind was infused with the fragrances of spring, it promised to rain tonight, it never got this windy unless there was a storm coming. But for now it was sunny, and wonderfully hot despite the occasional gusts of wind. I was sitting on a folding chair watching you play in the crystal clear water, splashing, giggling, and letting the waves crash against your back. You call to me and motion for me to join you. But I had forgotten my swim...

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Sean David Kilpatrick Flynn Book 1 of Wizard A Love StoryChapter 26 Expanding Awareness

The next few months the family was involved with intense training. Udit built on the two beginning exercises with additional exercises for focus, detail and comprehension enhancement. Udit also asked them to start meditating twice daily, and then he had to teach them how to meditate. Pete shook his head and said, "Udit, I can't sit with my legs all crossed and feet over my knees like the mediators do. I just don't bend that way." "You don't have to be in those positions to meditate,"...

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