A Short Blonde with Big Boobs and Loose Morals
- 1 year ago
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The slip of paper didn’t offer much to go on. That was to be expected, given what it said.
Hardened folk of flexible morals needed in Fissure. Proceed to The Vouiareli Nest.
Malik guessed that the place would turn out to be a seedy alehouse somewhere in the tangled back alleys of the town. Why did folk have such a problem with doing their dirty work somewhere cleaner? Did they feel that the perceived similarities in filth meant that the location had to fit the job? In his experience, it wasn’t necessary. He folded the paper up and slipped it into his jacket pocket, then peered around the establishment from the relative privacy of his booth.
Hendrick’s Door was the sort of location where a respectable mercenary knew to do business. There was a code in place here, not like those lawless spots that The Vouiareli Nest would likely be. Here, the room was silent and efficient. If you were alone, nobody bothered you. If you were in a group, nobody dared to listen in. The tables away from the walls were only for show or to expose the folk who didn’t belong here. There were no waitresses or anything like that either, nobody with a reason to pass by your table whenever they wished. If you wanted anything, you went to the bar. That was where the paper had been waiting for him, as per the unwritten code that had existed long before he came around.
Malik would follow the lead on this paper. When you were offered the chance for a job, you at least saw it through insofar as learning the full extent of what was being asked. Otherwise the offers would stop coming. He lifted the mug on his table and took a thoughtful sip of the orange Ember that rolled around within. The acrid drink scorched his tongue at first but soon fell away to its sweeter, more refreshing, aftertaste. Something about the paper gave him the sense that this client was a bit higher brow than usual. Perhaps it was the term ‘flexible morals’ that gave it away.
Another sip of his drink saw it finished and he stood to leave. No point in delaying things. He would travel to Fissure this very night.
Theirs was a cozy, well-off sort of home. Miners were paid well in Fissure to compensate for the long, exhausting hours of potentially dangerous work. The living room’s floor was layered with so many rugs that Phyre’s feet barely made a sound as she walked through and sank onto a padded chair in the corner. She let her voice wander around and take in everything there was to see. A table in front of her, a low one for sharing snacks with guests. Around it were several other seats and a comfy-looking sofa that had a deerskin draped across the back. Its antlers were hanging on the wall opposite her, accompanied by a shelf on either side that housed other sorts of household trinkets. There was a pearly white horn on a little wooden stand that propped up one end of a line of books. On the shelf beneath it stood a stone figurine of a bear standing on its hindlegs and roaring.
On the wall behind her, between two windows whose glass Phyre couldn’t help but wonder if she had had a hand in making, was a painting. She couldn’t quite discern what it was about. It was always rather difficult to get one’s voice to see past the rifts, valleys and ranges that paint made on canvas. She much preferred Vocal artworks. Those she could understand, their design suited more for seeing by sound rather than light. Phyre thought back to the one that had been in their house, positioned to be seen as soon as you came in the front door. It was of a sunrise coming over a forest, the lines of color and form stretching out from the canvas’ center to create a depth to the work that none but a Vocal could achieve. That painting had been lost to the blaze along with everything else.
Hatra reappeared from the kitchen with a plate of bread slices, each smeared with a different spread. She set it down on the table then sat opposite Phyre and gestured for her to take what she wanted. Phyre reached for one that was spread with a bright strawberry jam and took a single, reserved bite.
Hatra shook her head. ‘No, don’t you worry about being polite. You must be starved, they’re all for you. And don’t you dare think about trying to find somewhere else to stay, you can sleep here as long as you need.’
Phyre nodded and took another taste of the bread. She hadn’t eaten anything since the night before and that hadn’t been particularly filling. Now Hatra seemed intent on giving out everything she had to offer. She had been that way since Phyre told her the story of the fire on their way over here. Meanwhile, Drop had retreated into the sleeve of her robe to avoid being seen. The frog had told her that it was best not to reveal himself as a wishing frog to anyone else lest they try to steal the wish. It was a thought that Phyre could respect, so she had let him take up residence inside her clothes despite the occasional touch of his somewhat slimy body.
‘And you’ve no idea who those men were?’ Hatra’s words brought back the present.
‘No. I’ve never seen them.’ Phyre reached for another slice of bread, this one covered in a grayish paste that, after some consideration, she recognised as mushroom meal mixed with a bit of water. It wasn’t something that normally appealed but hunger was in charge for now.
‘By Dawn, what’s the world coming to?’ Hatra asked. She’d been asking it a lot since Phyre had told the story, as though the Eternal Empress had something to do with all this or could help in some way. Maybe she could, but it was silly to rely on such a thing. They were much too far away from the Empire’s capital. ‘We’ll see these men brought to justice, don’t you worry about that. Soon as Niptri gets home I’ll send him out again to fetch one of the garrison and we’ll pass on the word to them. Once Mr. Gilbride learns that there are brigands running about his town, oh he won’t give himself a moment’s rest, let me tell you. Those rogues’ll get the noose, don’t you fret.’
Phyre thought about the man to whom Hatra was referring. Mr. Winston Gilbride, the Patab of Fissure and owner of the iron mine. He lived in a big house up on the hill towards the northern end of town. Phyre hadn’t ever met the man in person but, from what she had heard, he sounded rather nice. Thoughts of justice hadn’t really entered her mind yet. Now that Hatra had brought it up, she could feel the embers building. Those men had burned everything and walked away. Something had to be done about it.
‘But what if they’re gone?’ asked Phyre. Two of the men had been Skytouched, they could have gotten anywhere by now if they so desired.
Hatra waved the thought off. ‘Pah, they’ll be tracked down sure enough. What goes around comes around, just you wait.’
What goes around comes around, Phyre repeated. The thought gave her a small comfort.
‘Anyway, tomorrow we’ll see about getting you some fresh clothes. I can smell the days on you, girl, no offense meant. Here, have you finished with those? That should tide you over till dinnertime, hmm?’ Hatra reached forwards and retrieved the tray that now held a single lonesome slice of bread topped with a carrot paste that Phyre didn’t like. The woman started back in the direction of the kitchen.
‘Thank you,’ Phyre said quietly as Hatra left.
‘Think nothing of it, deary. Your parents were good folk. There’s only one type of person who deserves a fate like theirs and that’s the type who did this. If I could just get my hands on those…’ Her voice trailed off as she went out of the room. Soon the sound was replaced by a clatter from the kitchen, followed by a curse. A few seconds later, Hatra poked her head back into the living room. ‘You go and set yourself up in the guest room and I’ll be round in a minute with some fresh linens.’
Phyre nodded, stood and headed towards the hall. Her voice crept out and located the guest room behind the door nearest her. She opened it and again looked inside just to be sure. It was a colde
r room than the others she could see, no sense of people spending a lot of time in it. The decor was rather plain compared to the rest of the house. Just a bed, a dresser and another unreadable picture on the wall. Not even a window. Then again, considering the house’s position, a window would probably only lookout on the house behind this one. This place wasn’t nearly as comforting as her own bedroom had been. With a soft breath of sadness, she sat down on the bed that was currently stripped bare.
‘Well, if anything, it’s certainly a step up from where we slept last night,’ said Drop from inside her sleeve. She had felt the slightly discomforting sensation of him crawling towards the end to peer out. Now, when Hatra returned, he would have to slither back down. They definitely needed a better solution to this. Drop gave a croak and shuffled further towards the end of her sleeve until he was right on the cuff. ‘Mind, it could do with a bit of sprucing up. I remember our rooms at the academy had quite a bit of flavor to them. The frog I was living with had a way with furniture, I can’t recall his name at the moment but—’
‘Shh,’ Phyre cut him off. It was meant as a warning about Hatra’s approach, something she was rather grateful for. With her voice, Phyre could see the Skytouched moving from the kitchen with an armful of bedclothes.
‘She’s coming?’ Drop gave a mighty leap back into the depths of her sleeve. She felt a bump as he bounced against her arm.
‘Here you are, deary. Why don’t you hop up and I’ll get this sorted for you, hmm?’
Phyre stood aside while Hatra covered the straw mattress in a plain sheet, then dressed the bed with a blanket and pillow. As soon as she had finished, she left the room again with a brief smile. Phyre shut the door, sank back onto the bed and waited for Drop to emerge. He didn’t take long.
‘So, have you thought about your wish much more?’ he asked.
Phyre shook her head. It was such a big decision, one that she could hardly hope to make until she was completely at ease. ‘There’s too much to think about.’
Drop made an agreeing croak. ‘That there is, my lady.’
‘Do you know what other people have wished for?’ she asked.
‘Can’t say I do. They only really taught us how to give the wishes and how to be tough enough to ensure that we got to.’
‘How do you give a wish?’ asked Phyre, suddenly interested in the process.
Drop looked up at her. ‘I’m afraid that’s a trade secret.’
‘Oh.’ She searched for something else to ask. ‘Do you know what will happen when I make my wish?’
For a few moments there was only silence. Phyre looked at the frog to find him staring off into space, his throat pulsing with thought. After a little while he looked back up at her. ‘I don’t really know. Never gave it much thought, to be perfectly honest. We each only have a single wish to give… What’s going to happen when I give mine? Am I still a wishing frog?’
It sounded as though those questions were the kind to direct to oneself rather than the kind that received answers. Still, Phyre thought about them and, for a moment, felt a sort of worry that her taking her wish might do something bad to Drop. Would he turn into a regular frog? ‘I’m sure it’ll be okay,’ she said to reassure herself as much as him.
Drop ribbeted and bobbed his head. ‘Yes, yes of course it will be. I’m just worrying for no reason.’
‘Why don’t we go straight to Mr. Gilbride’s manor instead?’ asked Phyre as she trailed along behind Hatra. Despite the woman’s certainty when she had first made the plan, her husband had proven reluctant to go traipsing around town after a day spent in the mine. A brief argument later and Mrs. Lanis conceded to fetching the guards herself, and Phyre had decided to join her, eager to ensure that justice went as it should. Yet there were no guards to be found. They had searched street after street to no avail. The evening was entering full swing so that may have had something to do with it — a transition to the night watch as the daytime patrol went home. Phyre pointed into the distance in the direction that she knew the Patab’s estate to be. She couldn’t see the actual house but she could see the cobbled path that led to it as it wound up the shallow hillside. ‘It’s right up there. Besides, there’s bound—’
‘Oh look,’ Hatra cut her off and paused to voice her thoughts ‘We’re right by Mr. Gilbride’s manor. I suppose we could take the matter right to him rather than bustling around in search of the nightwatch.’ With that decision sorted, the Skytouched started off again, seemingly oblivious to Phyre’s presence, though she continued to chatter to herself as she headed towards the manor’s own road. ‘Mind, Mr. Gilbride doesn’t normally take visitors without an appointment, and certainly not at this time of night. But I’m sure he will set the time aside to hear you out, seeing as how it’s such an important matter and all.’ Hatra looked back and gave the girl a smile.
For a moment, Phyre felt a flush of anger at the woman. That smile, as if it made everything all better. As if any of this, any sort of justice, could make things better. No matter what happened, her parents would never be coming back. There would be no more singing at breakfast or thanking Dawn together for the dinners that they had. No glass working with her father or sewing blankets with her mother. All of it was gone, never to return. Her throat threatened to clamp shut at those thoughts and she forced herself to look to the present. Hatra, despite her occasional tactlessness, was doing quite a charity here. There was no reason to be mad.
There was a somewhat subtle transition from the Fissure’s street to that of Mr. Gilbride’s manor. Weeds growing between the outtermost cobblestones became a rarity until they finally disappeared altogether. The grass, too, had a neater look about it, trimmed down with a gardening whip, no doubt. As the drive continued, little shrubs with carefully groomed foliage began to line the sides. The bushes grew larger as they neared the manor’s towering walls and front gate. A calculated form began to develop in some. That one, a deer’s head. Another, a stone column with a ball on top. Phyre couldn’t remember another time when she had seen such careful gardening. A number of the houses in Fissure kept little window boxes and some of the bigger ones had a small patch of green out front but none were anything like this. Even her house in the forest, despite the acres of land to themselves, had had little more than a patch of vegetables to be tended when the season was right. Contending with so much nature seemed a fruitless effort unless fruit really was the product of such work. Here, all the greenery seemed largely for show.
The outer walls of the manor stood tall and firm with wrought iron spikes topping the stone. There was a heavy wooden gate separating them from the interior of the walls. Beside it stood two of the Patab’s personal guards. Hatra strode towards them, encouraging them to quit leaning against the wall that they protected and to come to attention. Both looked to be Skytouched and each carried a spear.
‘Declare your intent,’ commanded the one on the right, once Phyre and Mrs. Lanis had drawn nearer.
Hatra regarded the man with a flash of a glare before speaking. ‘We’re here to see Mr. Gilbride.’
‘The Patab doesn’t take unscheduled visitors at this hour nor any other. Now begone.’ He waved his free hand towards the town.
‘You go tell the Patab that this regards the matter of a murder and that he will want to see us at once.’ Hatra folded her arms insistently on the final word.
The man on the left spoke then as he stepped forwards. ‘A murder’s a job for the nightwatch. Nothing to trouble the Patab with.’
‘It’s the nature of the murder. The town’s amok with brigands, killing whomever they please.’
‘Oh,’ the right said with a condescending grin. ‘And where are these ‘brigand
‘Well, goodness knows where they’ve gotten to now, but they certainly aren’t hanging by their necks on market street as one should expect. Makes one wonder what the watch is doing with themselves if a trio of murderers are given free roam of the town. Why, myself and my neighbors have started to wonder that very thing. What’ve all our taxes been going to? A whole garrison of no-good layabouts who wouldn’t know one end of a sword from the other? Three days it’s been since these brigands did their killing and looting and we’ve not seen hide nor hair of any since, nor any wheels of justice in rotation, for that matter. I tell you, Fissure’s going to the wolves.’
Had Phyre any eyes, she would have blinked as the guards just did. The two men were silent for a moment and she grew worried that they would emerge angry at this ruthlessly blunt woman in front of them. Instead, they started to look a bit flustered.
‘Brigands you say?’ asked the left.
‘That’s right. Running all over the roads without a care in the world.’
The men exchanged a look and seemed to undergo some silent deliberation. After a few moments, the one on the right spoke. ‘Seeing as how it’s such an important matter, you may enter. You’re to go up to the house and find Raleek, he’s the butler. He’ll take your story to the Patab and then it’ll be decided whether you meet him in person or not.’
‘Ah, finally some understanding.’ Hatra looked back at Phyre and gave her another smile. This time it felt more welcome as there was actually something to smile about.
The guard on the left hammered a fist against the wooden gate. ‘Open up. Visitors coming in,’ he commanded.
Her voice cast over and around, Phyre could see several guards hurrying about behind the wall as they undid locks and worked mechanisms. The result saw the two heavy doors start to move and groan as they swung slowly outwards. Soon enough, Phyre and Hatra were waved inside. The cobbled road continued a short ways beyond the gate until it widened and looped around itself. At the center of this was a pond which looked so perfectly circular that it had to be made by man. Even the reeds growing at its edges looked as though they had been placed there with some design in mind. Off to the left was a big, wooden structure that Phyre had to guess was a stable, judging by the carriage and pile of hay bales outside it. She couldn’t see any horses nearby and didn’t want to raise her voice any louder to do so.
As they rounded the pond, a building that she quickly decided had to be Mr. Gilbride’s home came into view. It stood tall and wide with loads of windows, each lit from within by an oil lamp or a fifrey plant perhaps, though the latter grew much better further south and the light looked a bit too yellow anyway. Ivy crawled the mansion walls in some places, and this too appeared intentional as it climbed along these wooden frames, each painted white. That struck her as rather odd. In the forest, you would never give ivy a chance to take root in your home. Its presence damaged the wood and eventually made holes through which all manner of insects could get in. Then again, Mr. Gilbride’s mansion was made of stone so perhaps it wasn’t so much of a problem. An entirely stone house, now that was a sight. Yes, there were bits of wood here and there but the vast majority of the building was rock. What’s more, Phyre realized, the mansion had three floors. Three. Most houses in Fissure only had so many as two floors and some not even that. Yet here was one with three, plainly visible by the sets of windows proving it so. She suddenly felt a burning desire to go inside. If the exterior was this impressive, what would the interior be like?
‘Drop, you have to see this,’ Phyre whispered into her sleeve. She pointed her arm towards the house, careful to hide that action from Hatra, and felt the slimy rummaging of the frog crawling up for a look.
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Mormons and Southern Baptists, stop here and go elsewhere. This tale ain't for you. Dad walked out on my twelfth birthday. He never said a word to Mom, gave no hint to anybody else or indicated he was unhappier with his home life. On the day I turned twelve, he waited until Mom and I left the house to go shopping for my big main present, an adult sized bike with an adjustable crossbar so I could pedal without banging my tender young balls. It was Saturday morning, the sky was a bright blue...
In the few months after our first night together, me and Andy continued to have fun every few days afterwards. I had stopped masturbating on our ‘days off’ so when it came to our sexual encounters, I was always full and ready. When I told Andy this, he started to do the same and I could definitely tell the difference. Most of the time we would give each other blowjobs, either separately or at the same time. We got so used to each others bodies and how they reacted, we began to know when the...
My husband wrote up the circumstances of me having sex with three guys on a beach recently. ( Four counting him.) First of all, I come off sounding like a slut. Ok, maybe I was but... I'm not always like that. Maybe I'm like that new thing they call "Bi-polar" I guess, because most times I'm just a fun loving giggly girl. I was the "Class-Clown" in High School, and I've always had this urge to get male attention. Once I found out how guys SO getoff getting blowed, finding out I didn't have...
Group SexI am JBR from Katmandu. This is my story which is about two years old. Although I have lots of stories to tell but let me start with this one. I am 36 yes old, married but single right now living with my parents. My wife is living in the USA for the last 3 yrs and that’s the reason I am having a good time these days. Now let me start this story. Let me first describe Radhika. Radhika must be about 26 yrs at that time. At those time I was very lonely after my wife went to the US. Although I have...
After transferring to my new high school and making the track team, I found that they had an unusual initiation that I had to go through. When I walked into the shower and found one guy sucking another guys cock and the team flowing in behind me, and no one upset about the scene that they saw, I should have know what was to come. I endured the team fuck for the first part but having to suck all the teams cock after each meet and practice till some one new joined, was a little much. After each...
"Next!" The 'Path' instructor, the man who Kat still thought of as the Chief, was Minerva's husband and the hand-to-hand combat instructor for the Citadel. 'Path' was fighting technique that traced its origins to several ancient disciplines on Old Earth. Part Savate, part Krav Maga with some Judo-style grappling included, it was a fast, brutal art that did not lend itself well to tournaments. It taught its practitioners to injure, disable and kill opponents as rapidly as possible. Kat...
The rest of the flight to Alvor’s Cove was uneventful and we descended onto a brownish planet that somehow did not just look dry but dusty even from space. TheSaresii woman who was also the leader of the secretiveSojonit Order dressed herself in a sand colored voluminous cloak and handed me a similar colored garment. Then she said.” If you touch the side of your mask, about here next to the eyebrows and tap the spot twice, a shield of thin transparent Duranium seals your masks openings. The...
Before that expedition to the hospital, I had always considered my getting shot on the job going through that dangerous door as the turning point of my life because it meant I was not going to get a chance at a career with the NYPD. Now, with the page being turned on my life with the birth of a baby and the news that my sham marriage to Julie was a on a lot more solid ground than I had ever thought possible, I accepted my new role as a husband and a father not just as a phony relationship...
Continued from part 1……..! Aaage ki puri kahani chetna ne mujhe sunayi aur mai bus apna lund haath mai lekar hilata raha..! Chetna: mere dhamkaane ke baad mere bf ki too halat kharab hoo gayi. Woo mere saamne gidgidaane laga ki aage se jooo hoga woo meri marzi se hooga , par plz mere khade lund koo shaant kar dee. Sach kahu too us time mai bhi kaafi garam hoo chuki thi too maine jayda nakhre dikhana sahi nhi samjhaa. Maine usko bola ki ab woo joo kuch bhi karega mere orders par karega, woo is...
Anny (Anny Aurora), a beautiful young blond, has a bit of an achy tooth so she schedules a visit with a local dentist, Dr. Rock (Donnie Rock). It’s her first time seeing Dr. Rock so she has no reason to suspect anything unusual. Dr. Rock wastes no time putting Anny to the test. With two fingers down her throat, Anny gags and almost decides to leave. But she falls for Dr. Rock’s holistic medicine explanation and soon finds herself trading oral stimulations with the perverted doctor. He fucks his...
xmoviesforyouWhen I got home that night, I couldn’t sleep. I kept thinking “Wow!” A couple of times I must have drifted off little only to come awake with a jerk, immediately thinking that it was all a dream. Here I am aged 16 dreaming about the sex I have had with my fantasy who is in her mid twenties. My prick was rock hard and I had a firm grip on it inside my pyjamas. Then I’d grin to myself, wising I could boast about my conquests to my friends. That’s right I’d think, not one beautiful woman at the...
IncestIt had been a long week at school, I just turned 18 three weeks ago and my teachers were working me to death. I was happy when my brother called to say that he was going camping with his friends, it ment that I would be home alone for the next few days. I came in to the house droping my back pack at the front hall and pulling my long wavy red hair down out of the clip. Knowing that I was by myself I pulled off my t-shirt and bra letting my 36D breasts have some air. I had been kind of horny...
IncestI met him after his son just moved in the dorm roomhe was big compare to his son , not fat but more like a football line player my hand got lost in his welcoming him for dinner ome friday nightwe ate dinner watching the canadiens agaisnt pittsburg, talking about school and stuffhis son had a date and he was going out soon after dinnerhis father said good bye too and i was left alone to clean the kitchenmy door knockit was my roomate father''hey boy i maybe wrong about you but coudnt stop...
Hello ladies this is Adrian I am 5’9 tall average built with a massive 7.5 inch cock let’s start with the story which happened last winter where I fucked the shit out of my colleague Shilpa and made her scream and groan with pleasure it was a day when I was at work. Then this sex starved Shilpa was barging my calls at office as she was a new bee. Then we had conversation and she was broad minded she used to pinch my thighs for small jokes which I was making about her. To my surprise she asked...
Hannah had to leave. I gave her a kiss good-bye. This is becoming more than physical. I ache now when she leaves me. I took my sister downstairs to the living room and pushed her on the sofa. "What's going on?" "I want to watch a movie with my sister, is that OK?" "Yeah. You seem less jittery around me. I'm glad. You and Hannah are a great fit, and I don't just mean sexually," she said with a giggle. "She does seem to be just deep enough for me to cum inside and not make a big...
Author: Richard Stryker ? email [email protected] Author's website: http://stryker.a1adultebooks.com/ Published by: A1AdultEbooks Publishers website: http://www.a1adultebooks.com/site.php ?Kelly's Training? by Richard Stryker Copyright. R. Stryker 2005. The right of R. Stryker to be identified as the authorof this book has been asserted in accordance with Section 77 and 78 of theCopyrights and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or...
It was too late to stop, or think, or worry about any kind of modesty. The ritual was complete and would no longer be denied. Bella’s back arched. Her shoulders and hips were the only part of her in contact with the table. One hand clutched the card in her hand. The other reached up to hold onto Tonya, who grabbed her arm to help steady her. She felt Will’s cock start to jerk inside her, she lunged forward and hooked her hands around his neck, pulling him into a searing kiss, and then her...
Fantasy & Sci-FiThis time we decided to do it so we waited for the weekend. We rented a white van for the night and went downtown looking for a few good looking, healthy guys. She was wearing a black low cut mini dress and had a bed made up in the back. We drove along for a bit and came across one guy walking alone. I pulled up next to him and my wife slid the door open and said “hey sweetie, wanna fuck me? Sure! He said with a smirk. He got in and I started driving. As soon as he closed the door, she had his...
Sexual Harassment - Chapter 1 Copyright 2003 Cute Little Thing The story is so familiar I hardly need to repeat it. I'm talking about layoffs of course and today it was my company's turn. It started this morning, rumors started right away and by lunch it was clear what was going on - our company had been purchased by a competitor, and they were liquidating half the staff by sundown. Anyone judged to be redundant was gone. Practically our whole building was being fired. We all want...
Introduction “I know how your marriage to Wayne ended,” Henry said, slowly licking in between Denise’s large breasts. Her head was back, her mouth open, eyes closed, an orgasm subsiding. She was straddling Henry in bed, giving herself to him – like she does daily. Their naked bodies faintly illuminated by the orange glow of candles next to their bed in their new Charleston, South Carolina home. Henry squeezed a breast, sucking its nipple, “I know he was a horrible person. ...
Authors Notes: This story contains scenes of child abuse, human sacrifice, and other nauseating things. If such offends, or if you are prohibited by age or location from reading such, then don't read it. For those in Arizona, I hope I got the information correct. I apologize in advance to any of the readers who are of Indian descent for any offense they may perceive in this work. No slur is intended against Indians or any racial group. If you want to read what has been written so...
“It’s so great to see the two of you,” my mother says, pouring another glass of wine. As she sets it down, she reaches for my father’s hand, a bright smile stretching across her face. “It really is,” my father agrees, giving my mother’s hand an affectionate squeeze. “We’re happy to be here, Mom,” I reply for the two of us, placing a hand on your thigh, under the table. I look to you for approval, and you nod, smiling at my parents. Joining the four of us for dinner are my aunt, uncle and four...
BDSM“Hey, I didn’t think you’d come,” he states. “Of course I came. I told you I would.” “I know, it’s just so far from where you live, I just thought you’d wait until I got to your area. How’d you get here?” “I took the bus. It didn't take too long.” “You could have waited until I got in to your city, but it's cool. I'm glad to see you.” “I'm glad I was able to make it here too.” The receptionist hands him the keys and tells him where to go. He looks at the timer. Seven...
Literal internet meme mom needs to speak to the manager because her six-week-old computer will not power on. Karen gets all her problems solved. I had only been working in the tech portion of our local big box consumer electronics store for a few weeks. I had started after high school graduation as a temp employee while I was on the delayed entry program for the Army. I was waiting entry, as apparently schools for Explosive Ordinance Disposal had a waiting line. Maybe I was not your typical...
--------------Two weeks ago:--------------"But Dave, you know what week that is!""I know, Linda, but it's my job, and we need the money.""Money isn't everything."-----------------------------Jump forward - four days ago:-----------------------------Hi! My name is Jessica (Jesse to my friends). I'm 15 years old, slim with light brown hair, and I attend Junior High School. I live with my parents in the suburbs. It's quiet compared to the city, and my Mom really likes that. My Dad is a contractor...
Rosedale MS 38769 John and Lucy Allen I awoke after four days of struggling with the new me. The free me hated most things about where I lived. The tiny kitchen was a good thing. When I took my exercise, the traffic outside was a pain. I couldn’t get used to the cars speeding by. The distances between the studio apartment building, and other places I needed to go was pretty far. I was in good shape, but it was still quite a distance to the nearest grocery store. Especially with a couple of...
The satin bow on Cathy’s sexy robe barely kept it closed. She received plenty of appreciative stares from the men and scornful glares from many women. Dan continued to carry her coat, showing off his sexy daughter as they made their way to Barney’s Bar. “Do you prefer me to act as your slutty wife or daughter?” “Both when you choose who you want to be. Some guys will find it erotic that father and daughter are fucking while others will find it exciting that a husband takes pleasure in...
By : Incestsex_13 Hi everyone, well this story is purely the creation of my evil mind lol! And ya it’s the first story that I’m writing. I hope you”ll like it all types of comments are appreciated as for my name I’m Arjun. I always had feeling for my mom, well her name is Rachna and her age is 44 and even at this age she has a gr8 figure of 36-34-40 can say bit on the fleshier side but flesh at the right places. I always use to watch her change from the time I was a kid and she never even...
Whipped for His PleasureBrandy licked her lips, enjoying the salty taste of his thick cock. It had been a long time since he had filled her mouth and belly with his cum. He pulled the suction cups off of her nipples, but they stood out hard and erect, the slightest breeze across them stimulating where the cups had abused them. She was sure that Michael’s fingers would continue their abuse.With her legs spread so wide, she was defenseless, seeing the eighteen-inch ruler he pulled out of the bag,...
It began in such an ordinary fashion.I was meeting my friend Benny for a late lunch at a local café I'd heard good things about, but never been to. My meetings with Benny were about the only social life I had, not counting my D&D group that met on Saturday nights. I thought of myself as a decent catch, a just-graduated college student with a degree in electronics and a job at a prestigious computer firm. The problem was that I turned into a stuttering, stammering mess around any girl I...
© 2003 Kenny N Gamera I looked at my watch, but Shelly still wasn't due for another ten minutes. I released the latest in a chain of sighs at the thought of another ten minutes of waiting in a college bar alone. It sent shudders through me. The thought of another ten minutes of waiting in a college bar with Fred in was even worse, but I intended to wait for her even if it meant watching him chase nineteen-year-old girls. I could have done without having to watch him make out with the...
Things happened in life and it had been months since I seen him. He was very upset with me, really did not want to see me, he had moved on. I was disappointed but I understood. I had made arrangements with him to come and collect some of the things I had left st his apartment. When I arrived he was very dismissive of me and a bit abrasive. I pretty much expected that, I’ve known him for quite sometime and knew he could be that way. I was putting a few vibrators in the bad when he pulled out a...