Authors Notes:
This story contains scenes of child abuse, human sacrifice, and other
nauseating things. If such offends, or if you are prohibited by age or location
from reading such, then don't read it. For those in Arizona, I hope I got the
information correct. I apologize in advance to any of the readers who are of
Indian descent for any offense they may perceive in this work. No slur is
intended against Indians or any racial group. If you want to read what has
been written so far as one continuous story without interruption, then get
hold of Steve Zink. He has it all archived. I owe another deep debt of thanks
to Steve for his ingenious editing, and for pointing out an error to me before I
sent this off and made a total fool of myself. I also owe deep thanks to Dr.
Isocolese whose suggestions continue to inspire and assist.
by JDG (
[email protected] (Webster))
editor in chief SteveZ
It was the summer of 1989. I had just made Detective Captain. It would
have been really impressive, if not for the fact that the department I worked
for had only four Detectives, myself included, and sixteen uniformed
officers. So it was small time, so what? I would rather be a big fish in a
small pond, and all that crappola. I was off duty and out celebrating with my
family. My wife, my son, and my daughter...real normal, just sitting in a
pizza joint, having a deep dish pepperoni with the salad bar (gotta watch the
weight, you know), and some cold diet cokes. Did I mention that I was a
diabetic? No? Sorry.
I had let myself be maneuvered into violating a couple of cardinal rules for
cops. I came out without my gun, and I had my back to the door. My son and
daughter were arguing over the last piece of pizza, and my wife was smiling
at me. So full of love. Then her eyes got wide and her mouth
opened. Just a sliver, a tiny opening that told me that something was going
on behind me...something bad. I started to turn. They say you never see or
hear the one that gets you. I sure didn't.
* * * * *
I don't remember meeting any great cosmic entity that sent me back to
finish the job, to do the job that only I could do. I don't remember anything
until I woke up, on a bed, in a hospital room. I had a tube down my throat,
another piercing the wall of my abdomen, and a third in my...well let's just
say that going to the bathroom was no problem.
I didn't hurt. I remember thinking that with all those wires and tubes
coming off of and out of me, I should hurt like Hell. There was a pale blue
curtain pulled around my bed. A nurses call button rested on the small brown
table beside the bed. I couldn't see anything beyond the curtain, except that
the room was dark. It was either nighttime, or the drapes were very heavy,
and closed. I didn't know what had happened to me. I remembered my
wife's face...that look of shock or fright, starting to turn, and then nothing. I
figured I must have been injured. No duh. I'm wired up like the Six Million
Dollar Man, and laying in a hospital bed somewhere. I remember thinking
that Nena must be worried sick. I didn't know, then, that she was beyond
worry...they all were, and I should have been, also.
I heard the susurrus of the air through the tube that went down my throat. A
respirator, apparently. I also heard what sounded like a faint
beeping...extremely slow. I counted them. Just two beeps a minute...barely.
I couldn't figure out what was making the noise, only that it came from the
same general direction as the wires, as they disappeared through the curtain.
Well, if I wanted answers, then I had best press the call button, and let them
know I was awake.
I reached over and grabbed the white, plastic handled, all purpose bed
adjuster and nurse caller, and pressed the button above the nurses symbol. I
was very proud that my hand didn't shake. I must not have been out as long
as I had assumed, if I wasn't shaky after just waking up. But if I wasn't out
all that long, then why all the tubes and wires?
I heard the cushioned steps of the nurse as she hurried down the hall. It
sounded as if she was walking right beside my ear. Geez, I thought they
were supposed to wear rubber soled shoes, not army boots. Another set of
clod hoppers joined hers, and I heard a whispered conversation. I could tell
they were whispering, even though their voices carried plainly. Great
acoustics, I thought at the time. Nothing like magnifying the noise, instead
of muting it. The other patients must love that.
"Where are you hurrying to, girl?" I could picture the speaker just from the
sound of her voice. Black, middle aged, heavy set, if not quite fat yet. Her
jerry curls rustled against her stiff starched collar, which also scraped against
her skin. I shook my head. No way was I hearing that, it had to be my
"The patient in room 306. His nurse call button just went off." This one
was white/oriental, petite, middle twenties. Rather large breasted from the
way her bra creaked in complaint against the bounce of her chest. I was
having a great time fantasizing about what these two women looked like.
Yeah, just fantasy, that's all.
"306! You know he couldn't have pressed that button. If his heart rate
went up, it would set off an alarm so we would know he was waking up. I
ain't heard no alarm tonight. Have you?" Great grammar, that one had. Was
that what they were teaching in nursing school, these days?
"I know, but the call button went off. I have to check it out. Probably just
a malfunction. With all those wires in there, it is probably just some sort of
electrical interference."
What was taking them so long, anyway? They must have been right
outside the room, if not in it, when they started their conversation. How else
could I have heard them? I got tired of waiting, and grabbed the tube in my
mouth and pulled it out. I thought it should have made me gag, but it didn't,
despite the fact that it was easily long enough to go all the way down my
throat. Bully for me, repressed gag reflex. If I was a woman or a
homosexual, I might be able to capitalize on that talent. I wondered if I could
find a way to teach it to my wife?
It felt wonderful to breathe on my own again. I thought, just in the nick of
too late, that it might not have been so wise to pull the tube out. What if I
couldn't breathe independently yet? Oh well, born lucky, I guess.
The thunderous footsteps got louder and louder, and then the curtain was
whipped back. I almost feinted at the sight of the two women; one, a middle
aged, heavy set, black woman with jerry curls, the other an
occidental/oriental, petite, girl/woman with ponderously large breasts for her
small frame. I probably would have feinted, but she beat me to it, and I
thought maybe the black woman could use some help with her. Why was
everyone so surprised to see my baby blues open? I'd been opening my eyes
all my life.
An hour later, the room was full of doctors and specialists of all types.
There seemed to be some dispute going on regarding the heart monitor (the
source of the mysterious beeps earlier) and whether or not it was working
properly. Hell, I could have told them it was on the fritz. According to it, my
heart was only beating twice a minute. That's not enough to maintain
consciousness, possibly not even human life. I didn't know then just how
true those words were. Really, I didn't.
I kept answering inane questions, like my name, my age, where I lived,
what I did for a living, until I began to lose my patience. Clearly, I had my
memory intact, and wasn't suffering from senile dementia or anything else. I
demanded to know where my wife was, and if she and the kids were okay.
The doctors suddenly got quiet. Oh God, but that hurt. They tried to lie to
me, but it was too late. I guess they were afraid the shock might finish me
off or something. But I knew. My wife and kids were dead. Why them, and
not me? I had no answers then. Now I do, but it still stinks.
In the days and weeks to come, I was tested three ways from Sunday.
They quickly found I could sit and stand unaided, without even any
dizziness. My manual dexterity was at least 10 times better than the top rating
they had. My reflexes were off the charts. My hearing was extended far
beyond normal human sensitivity and range. (That first night I had heard the
first nurse as she left the nurses station, half a floor away from me.) My
visual acuity enabled me to see as well at night as normal people could on an
overcast day. I hesitated to tell them, that in the total absence of light, I could
see their body heat. I figured they were shook up enough as it was. Oh yeah,
after they removed the stomach tube? The hole healed up in less than a day.
The men from Uncle Sam came to see me about 5 weeks into the testing.
They just wanted to have a friendly little chat. Yeah, right. I trust Uncle
Sugar's boys about as far as I can toss a Buick. Which isn't as far as you
may think...honestly. Seems they were on a recruitment drive. You see, there
are night walkers among us. Shape shifters...Vampires, Lamia,
Lycanthrope's of every type and flavor. Others, too. Real witches and
sorcerers, Dark Sidhe, Zombies, Trolls and Ogres. It was enough to make
your skin crawl.
There were elite, specially trained teams that hunted them and sanctioned
them. Exceptional men and women. Mutants, you might say. People with
genetic anomalies. Things that set them apart from the rest of us...of you.
They explained that to the rest of the world, I was still in a coma. They could
make it seem that I never came out of it. That I just died, peacefully in my
sleep. I could then go through some intensive training, and join such a team.
Yeah, and what if I had said no? I think they would have still released that
story, only in that case, they would make sure it was true. They had told me
too much to let me leave. I had been a cop for far too long not to know when
I wasn't really being recruited, I was being drafted.
So I joined up. What else could I do. The life insurance went to my mother.
How they got the doctors and nurses to dummy up, I don't know, and I
don't want to know. I hope they are all lolling on some sun drenched beach
somewhere, and not laying in some dirt filled hole. But I'll never know. I
won't let myself. So I'm a sue me.
It was in their training camp in Tennessee that they discovered that I had
preternatural strength and stamina. I heal really quickly from virtually any
wound. I'm highly resistant to poisons and drugs. I was drilled on firearms,
crossbows, swords, firebombs, C-4, flame-throwers, computers, languages
(I seemed to have an unusual facility with them too - wish I had that back in
High School), scuba, vehicle operation, horseback riding, various gasses,
poisons, and other delightful things such as garrotes and guillotines. I was
found to be completely impervious to influence and hypnotism. Bully for
me. Hand to hand training was a joke. With the skills I already possessed,
and my enhanced reflexes, the best they had fell before me like small
And so it was that I graduated, and joined my first stalker team. See the
world...kill a few monsters...wonder just what the hell makes you any
different from them. Try and drown the pain of losing, not just your life, but
all that made it important, in an ever growing sea of blood. What more could
a guy ask? If they could see me now, that old gang of mine. Nah...I'd just
have to kill 'em. And wouldn't that be a shame. What really bothered me,
was that it didn't really bother me. Not at all. Callous, jaded? Nah, not me.
I'm just one of Uncle Sugar's little Night Riding Soldiers. Just doing my
job, Ma'am. Pardon the bullet holes in your chest. Collateral damage, ya
know. Ain't life fuckin' wonderful?
I hate school. Hell, I had hated school when I was a kid. Elementary, Jr.
High, High School...I hated every minute of it. Sitting in cramped, hot little
rooms counting dust motes as they danced in the sunbeams that shone
through the dirty jalousie windows. Having some insipid, sallow faced man
or woman try to tell you all about life instead of letting you run free and live
That's the problem with being a cop, you know. You never graduate from
school. First college, then the Academy, then training schools, legal updates,
required courses, promotional study groups...feh, it all sucked. Of course,
without the schools, every cop in Florida would be in a world of hurt. You
see, the law changes so fast, and so often, that you don't have a Chinaman's
chance of keeping up on your own. The law is very specific about that,
though...if a cop should have, or even if he/she only could have known
about a law change, and that cop violates it? Well, then they hang you out to
dry. Ignorance of the law is no excuse, even if it only changed hours before
you made the boo boo, in strict compliance with the previous law. You're
screwed, end of story.
So I was back in school again. At least the scenery was nice to look at. The
leaves on the oaks, maples, and black walnut trees were turning all sorts of
fiery colors in the early autumn. The air up here in the mountains of
Tennessee was crisp and sharp. A light sprinkling of frost coated the ground
underneath my booted feet as I jogged up the steep trail. Funny, but I had
always hated the cold before. Now it just didn't seem to faze me. As we
jogged together under a sky so blue that it made your eyes ache just to look
at it, I heard the rasping breaths of my instructors. They were just along to
make sure nothing happened to me, you know. All on the up and up. Why, a
person could get lost on a clearly marked trail in the mountains, if left to their
own devices. That is, if they were a total moron, or if they wanted to run
off. Of course, that was not why they stayed so close by me all the time.
Noooo. Paranoid? Me?
I was thinking that I should be getting winded about now. We had been
jogging for over 5 kilometers, according to my estimations. I had always
hated jogging, too. Never jogged more than a mile in my life. Now 5
kilometers, and I was still going strong. Just like the little engine that could.
"Let's take a breather!" That was Jackson S. Jones, head instructor of our
little group. He was a former Para Recon from the Marines, and 6'6" of the
meanest black man this side of Bad Leroy Brown. He was all hard angles
and sharp edges. Ripped to the bone, not more than 4% body fat, tops. Big,
but not the inflated physique of a bodybuilder. He had lean, long, rip-cord
muscles that bunched and played under his ebony skin like steel cables. His
head was vaguely bullet shaped, and he kept it clean shaven. He had the
whitest teeth I had ever seen.
Everyone seemed to be grateful for the rest break. They may all be able to
run for miles on level ground, but running a bit over 5 kilometers up a steep
mountain grade will take the starch out of even Superman's shorts. Only
here, I was Superman, and I wasn't tired at all. That bothered me...a lot. The
cold had no effect, the steep incline, the thin air, the vigorous effort only 2
weeks out of the hospital, none of it fazed me in the slightest. The team
medic, a cute little dirty blonde haired woman named Jess, took my blood
pressure and pulse. It was the same...always the same. My heart beat two
beats a minute, barely. My blood pressure practically didn't register at all.
My blood sugar was a constant 120/80. Picture perfect. Even my diabetes
had deserted me. Shit, I must really be losing it if I was missing that damned
"So, Doc, will I live?" It was the standard question I always asked her.
Her quick and ready smile told me she didn't mind the gentle ribbing. "I
think I can venture out on a limb, and say that there is definitely every
possibility that your life force will continue on beyond this immediate point in
time." Now it was her turn to grin at me. Tit for tat, when it came to teasing.
She walked over to her small pack and took out her computer log and made
the latest entry. I didn't know why they bothered anymore. The results were
always the same. Always.
I looked around at the rest of the group of trainers. They all wore sweats
and tennis shoes, and most had light packs. I was in gabardine shorts, a
sleeveless olive green t-shirt, heavy white socks and jump boots. If they sat
for too long, the cooling sweat on their bodies would chill them. I didn't
seem to sweat anymore, either. They were supposed to test and train me to
catch monsters. Set a thief to catch a thief? I wondered, for the thousandth
time since waking up, just what the hell I was anymore.
I noticed Rodriguez staring at me. He didn't look away when I turned my
gaze in his direction. Rodriguez didn't like me, and he made no bones about
it. He considered me just another monster. Just another thing that should be
put down for the good of humanity. He was a slim, light skinned Puerto
Rican. Not an inch over 5'8", he seemed to constantly hum with barely
repressed power. Rodriguez thought I was a monster. I knew he was a
sociopath. He had been transferred to this organization, against his will, from
the Navy Seals. He was a deadly infighter, and an expert with a garrote wire
or a knife. He was one I would never willingly turn my back to.
Master Sergeant David Chaffin, lately of the U.S. Army Rangers, rounded
out the team. He was a Cherokee half breed with dark good looks. He was
so handsome that he was almost pretty. He was built like Stallone in Rambo.
Tight and hard. He wore a perpetual scowl that was belied by the laughter
lurking just behind his oh so brown eyes. Unlike the others, he wore his
black (and I do mean BLACK, not dark brown) hair in long ringlets that
hung to his shoulders. A woven Indian headband kept it out of his eyes. Hey
Cochise, seen any broken arrows lately? His specialty was small arms and
languages. He spoke at least 5 fluently, not counting Cherokee. And why
should we count that? Hell, we had never respected the Cherokee Nation
enough to count them as human beings in our treatment of them. Grumpy?
Me? You gotta be kidding.
Jones called it, and we all started the trek down the other side and back
around to home base. Home base in this case being staging and training area
designation Alpha 5. You think Area 51 has secrets? No one who wanders
into the area around Alpha 5 would ever be seen again. Of course, any
civilians were carefully maneuvered out of the area before they could get
close. Can't have too many people disappearing in any given area. Might
attract undue press attention. Can't have the good people of the U.S. of A.
finding out that monsters really do exist, or that their government trains their
very own special ones. Hunter killers like good dogs. Down boy. Here fido.
Low self esteem? Maybe...just a little. Losing everything you hold dear in
life will do that to you.
We got back to base, and I headed to my "cell" to get changed for self
defense class. Master Lao taught this course. He was so high up in martial
arts that he was beyond the need for belt designations. I wasn't quite sure
what his discipline or disciplines were. It seemed to have bits of Akido, Jui
Jitsu, Karate, Savate, Chinese Boxing, even Tai Kick Boxing in it. It was
fluid and graceful and deadly. He attacked nerves and joints. He was
incredibly fast and agile for an old man. Now, when I say old, I mean old
with a capital O! He looked like a walking mass of beef jerky. Yellow,
parchment thin skin stretched over bones. His ligaments and tendons
appeared to stand out all over his body. He could do one hundred 1 finger
push-ups without breaking a sweat. Hey, so could I, but then, I wasn't really
human any more. Was I?
Colonel Jacobson, commander of the base, was waiting for me in the cell.
He looked up as I walked in.
"You mind not doing that?" I asked.
"What?" He looked confused. I had taken him off guard with my request.
"Not coming in here when I'm not around. You know there are cameras in
here, and you guys can get in any time you desire, and I know it. But I like
to keep up the illusion that this is really MY room, and I have some privacy
rights." My smile wasn't fooling anyone.
"I didn't realize you were so sensitive about your privacy, considering that
you have been caught skinny dipping in the pool twice since you got here!"
His voice was gruff with repressed anger. He almost spit the words at me.
"I wasn't referring to my privates, but my privacy. My ability to retreat to
somewhere where I can pretend I am alone and unmonitored. Some place
where I can feel that I have some control over my life." My words were soft,
but my eyes had grown hard, threatening. I could feel it. Many a person had
told me that when I gave them "the look" they almost shit themselves. It was
an innate ability I had always had. My eyes conveyed the threat far better than
words or dramatic actions could.
The Colonel backed off. Bully for him. If he could make the effort so
could I. I hooded my eyes and pulled it back in. Of late, I had begun to think
of it as my beast. Sometimes it was very hard to reign it in, but this time, it
went back into it's cage docile enough.
"I, um, I was just checking up on you. Seeing if everything was
satisfactory." I had never seen a full bird Colonel get so flustered that they
had to clear their throat when speaking to someone who was, effectively, less
than a buck private. I was just a civy, after all.
"It's fine. Thanks for asking." I went and got out my Gei for practice as I
said it. I never saw the sense in a Gei. You wouldn't be wearing one when
you had an encounter on the street, so why practice in one? Still, it was their
game, their rules.
"I am getting excellent reports on you, Taylor. You are performing at levels
far beyond our initial expectations." He was back in full Colonel mode again.
I thought of taking him down a peg or two, just for shits and giggles. But
why? Just to prove that I could be a decent and dedicated man's personal
boogey man? Nah, not my style.
"Your reaction times, stamina, and strength are off the scale. More than
human." There was something in the way he said, "more than human," that
made me stop and look at him. His face was his professional military mask.
It betrayed no clue as to his thoughts. A perfect poker face if I ever saw one.
Just why was he here in my room?
"Well, I had better get back and let you get on to self defense class. You
start training in familiarization with all known types of paranormals
tomorrow night. Carry on." And he was gone. Just like that. I just stood
there, staring at the door, as it swung closed behind him. "More than
human," kept ringing in my head. And that last thing he had said...all known
paranormals. Was he telling me something without meaning to? If I wasn't
really human anymore, then just what the hell had I become? A shiver ran
down my spine. I wasn't at all sure I wanted to find out.
Lies. They are so easy to say, and so hard to live with. They say the great
thing about telling the truth is that you never have to remember what you
said. Lies can hurt, even when you tell them with the very best of intentions.
I found that out.
I was in the training room of the facility. I wouldn't really call it a Dojo. It
had tatami mats and wooden Kendo swords, but it also had free weights,
machine weights, heavy and speed bags...everything you might need in a
modern gym. I was facing off against Rodriguez. He was trying to get in
close to use his knife on me. It was supposed to be just hard rubber, but the
last time I checked, rubber didn't gleam in the same manner as the finely
honed edge of a combat knife.
He feinted to my left, and then slithered in under my guard to plant the big
knife under my sternum...right in my solar plexus. A killing blow,
employed on any normal human being. Good thing for me that description
no longer applied. I knew he was faking. If asked how I knew, I would be
hard pressed to answer; I just knew. So when he doubled under my
extended left arm...with the intention of skewering me on the "rubber"
knife...I pole axed him with my fist. I pulled the punch, but not enough to
keep him conscious. Hey, like they say, no gain.
Jess was there in the blink of an eye to check his vitals. She gave me a
dirty look.
"You might have killed him, you know." It wasn't really an accusation.
Not quite, but there was something there...something I could not place.
"If I had wanted to kill him, I would have taken his knife away and stuck
him with it."
"It's only hard rubber, see..." Her face went pale as she lifted the big
Kaber knife. The very big, and very sharp, steel Kaber combat knife. "Oh
my God. He was trying to kill you!"
"Not really. He just wanted to try and hurt me. If he had wanted to kill me,
he would have used a LAW's or something that might have a chance of
finishing me off." My smirk was just short of sincere. I wasn't all that
certain that I could survive being gutted like a fish, despite what the doctors
kept telling me.
"I'm going to have to report what he tried to do to the Colonel." She was
all efficiency again.
"No need to do that."
"What do you mean? It's against regulations to use a lethal weapon, or
lethal force for that matter, in a simulated training environment." Her face
was flushed. Her hair in disarray. I was suddenly very aware of her pulse,
and the heat from her oh so womanly body.
"You don't have to tell the Colonel, because..." Dramatic pause here for
effect, as I lifted my left arm and pointed at an innocuous looking row of
metal reinforcing straps that were riveted at the joint between the steel girders
that crisscrossed the ceiling, and the wall. A tiny glint of light reflected off
the camera lens there. "He already knows." I may have sounded paranoid,
but then, you're not really paranoid when people are out to get you.
I turned then, and walked out. Odds were good that the Colonel had
instructed Rodriguez to use the Kaber, or at least gave him his blessing. I
was pissed. I was tired of being kept in the dark about everything. I headed
back to my cell for a shower and a nap before evening chow call. Evening
chow call? Gee, didn't I just sound like a good little soldier.
I put the shower on as hot as it would go. I barely felt the scalding water as
it cascaded off my back. The steam billowed out of the tiny bathroom in thick
white clouds. I should have been startled when I felt the tiny hands encircle
my waist from behind. I wasn't. I had smelled her before she entered the
shower with me. Her scent was heady, and heavy with desire.
I turned and looked down at Jess. She wasn't really what you would call
beautiful. Her face somehow. Almost like when it was
designed, the designer didn't really quite know how to put a girl's face
together and make it beautiful. She was cute as all get out, but no one would
ever call her beautiful. Her hair was damp from the steam. Droplets hung
heavy, on the ends of the strands. Her hair was darker when wet.
I tried to push her away from me, but my hands were soapy and slid
across her small, firm, breasts. On a bigger woman, they would have been
too small. Barely the size of small apples, with surprisingly large pink
nipples. She moaned when my soapy hands slid across her skin. I felt the air
rush out of my own lungs. A stirring from below let me know that if I didn't
stop this soon, I wouldn't be able to.
I suddenly felt hot in the shower. The air seemed too close, almost as close
as her satiny skin felt to me. I ran my hands down her sides and grasped her
firm buttocks in both hands. She gasped at the sudden lifting and opening of
her nether regions. She ground her pubis into me. I shuddered with the effort
of keeping from responding to her. It wasn't right! My wife wasn't dead and
gone barely 5 months!
With a groan that was equal parts frustrated desire and guilt, I grabbed her
upper arms and pushed her off of me. I turned and stepped out of the
shower...into the clouds of steam.
"You're rejecting me!" It wasn't really a question. She almost hissed it at
" isn't that you're not desirable. You are. But my wife..." I
couldn't finish, suddenly overcome with guilt and grief at the loss of my
wife. It must have been the sudden surge of lust that blinded me to it at first,
and the guilt that kept me from catching on after that.
I couldn't see Jess through the steam. The steam. Steam from a shower that
would peel the skin off of any normal human. Jess didn't even flinch at the
temperature. I suddenly felt cold inside those suffocatingly hot clouds. I
stepped back quietly, and stumbled over something that lay behind my feet. I
twisted and caught myself, or rather, I should say I would have caught
myself, if the large coil behind me hadn't wrapped around my legs and lifted
me into the air.
The shower stopped. Out of the mist swam a vision out of Dante's worst
nightmares. The body of a gigantic snake, with the head of a cute little
blonde haired woman attached. A forked tongue flicked out from between her
lips. Jess was a Naga. I would have tried to talk to her, reason with her,
really, I would have, if she hadn't chosen to smash me into the walls at that
moment with such power that the air was forced from my lungs, and my
head rang like a church bell at a Baptist preacher's convention. So much for
being impervious to injury and pain. I saw starbursts of light behind my
"It could have been so easy for you. If you had slept with me, you would
have been corrupted, and my Master could have claimed you for his own.
Just like the Bitch!"
"Jess..." I was having trouble getting words out past my lips. You see,
while I was dazed, she had thrown several coils of her body around me, and
was applying enough pressure to crush a hot water heater. Each coil of her
body was thicker than a telephone pole, and immensely strong. I tried again
to speak to her.
"Jess, we're friends, remember?" Oh yeah, that was brilliant. What can I
say? My brain was not working too well, due to concussion and oxygen
depravation just then.
"You stupid little man. You don't even know what you are...or who made
you. Made you and another. My Master made the Bitch, too. His Bitch
now...once yours."
I heard that distantly, as if she was speaking from deep inside a well.
"Once yours." Once mine! I felt a sudden surge of energy, and began to flex
my arms against the crushing pressure. Jess squeezed back. It became a test
of wills and strength. Me pushing out, and her pushing back. If I had a
weapon, I might have done better, but who takes a weapon into the shower
with them? Me, if I survive this encounter.
I heard a pounding at the door. Jess had locked it when she came in. Others
must have heard the crashing and banging. My room was trashed. Hey, it's
hard to fit over 35 feet of snake into a room this small. It would take them
time to get the pass key from the Colonel. He was three floors up. It was time
I knew I didn't have.
"Pledge your soul to the service of my Master...your maker, and I will
release you. He will see us safely out of here."
"No fucking way, you BITCH!" I screamed in her face. Big mistake.
Great for a show of bravado, but let me tell you...if you ever find yourself in
the coils of a Naga...don't call her the "B" word. They REALLY don't like
With a shriek, she transformed her head fully into a snake's head. The
sides flattened out, and I saw the unmistakable outline of a cobra's hood.
Okay, time for plan B. Too bad I had never made even a plan A, much less a
plan B.
The gigantic head weaved back and forth toward me. Venom dripped from
the extended fangs. Where it fell on the linoleum floor, it sizzled and melted.
Great...acid venom. Where is Segourney Weaver when you really need her?
The giant head reared back, readying for the strike. If I was gonna try
something, it had better be now.
With a final wrench, I freed my right arm. I also almost dislocated it in the
process. I had no weapons except my body, and only a second to act. As the
head began it's lightening quick descent toward me, I drove my stiffened
fingers into her body. Exactly as Master Lao had taught me.
Have you ever owned a super ball? You know, those high bouncing ones
made of super dense rubber? Now imagine trying to drive your fingers
through a super ball that was thicker than a phone pole. I did it, but it hurt
like Hell. My first knuckles had to be jammed on every finger in my hand,
but I kept the pressure up and worked the hand through to the spine. Her
strike faltered from the pain, but then her head continued it's descent.
I didn't scream when her fangs pierced my chest and left shoulder, just
missing my heart, but spearing my lung nicely. I'm rather proud of that. She
did though, as I closed my right hand around her spine and ripped it out of
her body. Ever cut a snake in half? The two halves tend to thrash around and
flop all over the place, long after it is dead. Venom kept pumping out of the
fangs where they stuck out of my back. At least that's what they tell me. I
don't know, because I had blacked out by then. The last thing I remember
was the door crashing open, accompanied by concussive blasts from a large
bore weapon, and Rodriguez screaming something in Spanish. That's when
the darkness swam up behind my eyes and claimed me. Who would have
thought a tough guy like me could faint?
Chapter 4 (FOUR WAY DANCE)
Distantly, I could hear voices shouting. One was definitely Rodriguez, and
one was Colonel Jacobson, but the third voice I could not place right off. I
was still in that fuzzy sort of separated plane of consciousness that hovers
between wakefulness and sleep. You know the place...when you are not
sure if you want to wake up fully or go back into dreamland? Then
something strange happened. The voices faded and I found myself
somewhere else.
Ahead and to the left was the cashier and take out pick up station. To the
right was the salad bar with the dining room and tables beyond it. On the
sides were video games followed by booths with red vinyl seats. Families
were dotted about here and there. The air was pungent with the aroma of
maranera sauce and pepperoni. God no. My head turned of it's own volition,
as if I was no more than a marionette and another was manipulating my
strings. Sitting at a table, just to the right side of the middle, sat my wife.
Please no! God no! Not again! NOT AGAIN!!!
I suddenly found myself sitting at the table, my back to the door. My son
and daughter were arguing over the last piece of pizza and my wife was
smiling at me. So full of love. My heart seemed in that moment to
be beating a thousand times a minute instead of it's predictable 2 beat rhythm.
I couldn't get any air into my lungs, and I felt as if I was boiling in my own
juices. My wife's eyes got wide and her mouth opened. Just a sliver, a tiny
opening that told me that something was going on behind me...something
bad. I couldn't stand it. It just wasn't fair. Must I fail again? Must I lose
them again?! I started to turn.
* * * * *
"Colonel Jacobson! Over here, quick!!"
Jacobson stopped his argument with Rodriguez with a look that promised
that another word from the former SEAL could very well be his last.
Rodriguez got the message. He knew what kind of power Colonel Jacobson
held on this base. To the people assigned here, he was God. With absolute
power over life and death.
"What is it Doctor?"
"Colonel...look at these readings. His alpha wave activity is spiking off the
charts. His temperature has shot up to 106 degrees, and his heart...look at
his heart rate!"
Jacobson looked. Taylor's heart that had beat at a steady, if lethargic, two
beats a minute through the most extreme physical stress they could create,
was up to 180 beats a minute.
"Can he survive this?"
"I don't know. If he were a normal man, I would say that his life would be
endangered, but...with Taylor...who knows?"
"God help us all if he dies." With that last, the Colonel turned on his heel
and stalked from the room.
Doctor Thompson looked at the Colonel's departing back.
"That's one cold blooded son of a..."
"Careful Doc," Rodriguez cautioned. "He has ears everywhere." Then
Rodriguez, too, was gone. Leaving Doctor Thompson to monitor his
patient's progress as best he could.
"Can even a man like Taylor survive the wounds he received? Not to
mention the acid poison that was pumped into him. He's always healed up
within minutes or hours at most. But he's never been the victim of a
preternatural creature's venom before. God help us all indeed, Colonel,"
Doctor Thompson mused silently to himself. Then he started barking orders
at his two nurses. Soon they had Taylor's body packed in with bags of ice.
* * * * *
As my head began it's slow, molasses like revolution toward the door
behind me, Nena's hand shot out with incredible speed to arrest my motion. I
looked into her azure blue eyes.
"Come find me, Lee. I'm scared, please, come find me soon. I love you.
Time is short." Her eyes got really big then.
"No!" she shouted. "It's too soon. Lee. LEE!"
* * * * *
I was shooting away from her at incredible speed. Something, some force,
was pushing us apart. Whirling me away somewhere I did not want to go.
Her words ringing in my ears, I found myself clawing aside bags of ice and
ripping wires and tubes loose as I sat up screaming, "NENA!!!!" I looked
around me at the spare, cold, antiseptic room I was in. I was at the base, in
the infirmary. Nena was dead, and I was all alone...again.
Or was I? I remembered what the Naga had said. My maker and another's.
My Bitch? My...woman? There seemed to be four major players in this
mystery. The Colonel, me, my beloved Nena, and this mysterious "Master".
But there was only one I could immediately get my hands on, and he was
going to come clean with me one way or another.
As I walked from the infirmary room trailing tubes and wires, as well as an
entourage of medical personnel, I didn't even notice the hole that was just
now closing up in my chest. Hey, when you're going to beard the lion in his
den, you can't sweat the small stuff. I would have answers tonight, or
someone was going to die. I just hoped that someone wouldn't be me.
Chapter 5 (FIVE OF A KIND)
I sat on the bunk in my cell. I was shaking uncontrollably. I just couldn't
seem to control the tremors that ran through my body every few
seconds...any more than I could hold back the hot tears that coursed freely
down my cheeks. I almost wished I had not confronted Colonel Jacobson.
Almost? I must be a masochist. What a can of shit I had opened with that
I had stormed into his office, all righteous indignation, demanding answers
in a snarling voice that sounded more like a band saw ripping through
hardwood than a human voice. Human, me? Yeah, and if you buy that, I
have some swamp land I'd like to unload.
When I ran out of rant, the Colonel looked at me with haunted eyes.
Shaking his head, he sighed deeply. I had never seen him look so completely
human, frailties and all. "We always knew that sooner or later you would be
asking these questions. I guess I was selfish enough to hope that you would
ask them after you left here. After you were no longer my sole
responsibility. Sit down Taylor." He gestured at the empty leather chair in
front of his massive, gun metal grey, desk.
That sounded too much like an order to me, and I was not in the mood.
Still, the tone of his voice, the softness of his speech caused me to swallow
the sharp retort I was preparing to spit in his face. I took the chair indicated.
As I sat, I couldn't help noticing the softness of the leather. I kept
envisioning Recardo Montalbon intoning about the "rich Corinthian leather".
I would have smiled at the thought, if I had any smiles left in me.
"Taylor, I have gone over the interviews taken by various personnel right
after you recovered consciousness, and over the intervening days, until your
assimilation within this organization. You have no idea what happened after
everything went black. You assumed that you had either been shot or struck
over the head with a blunt instrument with enough force to render you
I nodded my head, even though he clearly wasn't asking a question. "When
the police arrived, summoned by a man who had stopped by to pick up his
take out order, they found a scene of carnage. The bodies of the patrons were
literally torn apart. Blood was everywhere. Forensic examination would find
that some had been exsanguinated, and others had been partially eaten. The
teeth marks were not even vaguely human. That was when our people got
involved. We had our forensics experts inform the authorities that the teeth
marks were from a German Shepherd or other similarly large and viscous
dog. In truth, they were the bite marks of canis lupus."
"A wolf? You're saying that the people in the restaurant, including me and
my family, were all attacked by a wolf?"
"Not 'A' wolf...but a pack of wolves. Nor were they ordinary wolves.
You have been studying lycanthropy long enough now to know that as a
practical matter, "weres" are real. If nothing else, your own encounter with
the Naga should bear that fact out."
Seeing my eyes flash at the mention of the Naga, he hurried on. "We
believe that someone, someone very powerful, came to that restaurant that
night with a specific purpose in mind. But I am getting ahead of myself." He
rubbed his eyes and suddenly seemed very tired. "Forensic evidence
suggested that a ritual took place at that restaurant. The police think a group
of Satanist's, accompanied by a large and well trained attack dog, entered and
slaughtered everyone there with the exception of you...and one other."
I could feel my throat tighten up and threaten to close off the passage to my
lungs. My stomach muscles clenched and I guess my face betrayed my
"Yes, Taylor, your wife's body was never found. Her purse was found
beside the table you were sprawled out near. You were unconscious and had
runic symbols painted on you in blood. Blood had also been leaked into your
mouth. Genetic analysis confirmed where some of the blood came from, but
another part was anomalous. We don't know what it came from."
For the first time, it hit me. In all this time, I had barely given my kids a
thought. I had recognized that they were dead, but I never wondered how
they died. Other than brief flashes, it just never occurred to me to wonder
about it at all. Where were they buried? I had been told they were buried
during the time that I lay unconscious, but I had never once asked to be taken
to their graves. What kind of a monster was I? My own kids.
"I told you that some of the people had been exsanguinated, ritualistically,
and that their blood had been leaked into your mouth." Here he paused, and
licked his lips. A fine beading of perspiration coated his upper lip. He
seemed moved by some strong emotion, but whether sympathy or fear, I
could not tell. "The victims of this particularly heinous act...they were your
kids. It was their blood mixed with the other that was found in your mouth."
I don't remember much after that, until I came to my senses sitting on my
bunk, sobbing into my hands. Something about virgin sacrifices needed for
a ritual summoning and binding. I didn't care. I didn't want to hear anymore
after that. It's too bad that I didn't, it may have saved me some pain later on.
I suddenly felt sick, and ran to the head and retched violently. The dry
heaves are never pleasant, more so when you are heaving because you were
just told that you had swallowed your own kids' blood. When I felt like I
could stand, and not start a round of puking again, I washed off my face. As
I looked up, into the small mirror above the sink, I wondered how a monster
could look so normal. I collapsed on my bed in exhaustion. I didn't dream
any dreams that night. At least, none that I can recall. I never seemed to
dream any more. Pity the man who cannot dream. It only magnifies the pain
when you're awake.
It wasn't too long after this that I was informed that I had completed my
training. No pomp and circumstance, just a call from the Colonel to report at
0630 hours the next morning to be processed and shipped out to the team I
was to join. After the flash of humanity that he had showed the night he told
me what had happened to me and my family, he returned to being the coldly
efficient military machine that we had all come to know and hold in highest
contempt. Hey, who was I to tell people that he really was human under all
that spit and polish?
At the processing desk, they issued me a duffle bag and several sets of
clothes, weapons, I.D., money, and a credit card. I was given a number and
told to memorize it. The clothes ran the gamut from ordinary civilian clothes
(including the size of underwear I now wore in the brand I preferred) to
military field duty gear. Black, white, dun colored, and regular cammo, I
had all the military clothing I could stomach. In addition, I got a pair of black
"walker" friendly shoes, military jungle and jump boots (with steel
reinforcements), and a set of perfectly ordinary Nikes.
The weapons were more interesting. I selected twin Desert Eagle .44 auto
mags, a 9 round magazine for each, with extra magazines that I could store
in my issued web belt. I also took a Mossburg, 12 gauge, pump action
shotgun. It was stainless with a walnut stock, fashioned into a pistol grip.
The barrel was sawed off so short I had trouble believing that the pump
action slide would work, but it did. It would hold five shells with one in the
chamber. I took a titanium alloy Kaber knife, with a coating of genuine silver
inlaid with strips of ordinary iron. The fey are friends of the moons metal,
and only cold iron will stop one of them. The pistols I carried in a jackass
shoulder rig, with the web belt being reserved for ammo and other gear. I
was told I could draw more gear if I needed it when I got to my destination.
The I.D. case held a valid Ohio drivers license, as well as an international
one. It also held cards that identified me as working for the C.I.A., the
F.B.I., Interpol, the Secret Service, and Border Patrol. Impressive stuff. I
again had to wonder about the extent and power of the organization I now
worked for.
I was surprised to see Sgt. Chaffin getting similarly outfitted. Only he
didn't mess around with a measly .44. No siree, he went for the biggest and
baddest gun I had ever seen. I had heard about them, but had never before
seen a Raging Bull Cassull .454 before. It was made by Taurus Firearms,
and was basically a cut down big game rifle found in a titanium alloy, K-
Frame pistol, with Santoprene grips. It was in a matte grey finish, and didn't
reflect a photon of light. I noticed it seemed to have been modified, and
wondered if this was his own personal weapon. It had Magna porting all
along it's 8.375 inch barrel, and Partridge type, front micrometer click,
adjustable rear sights. The gun was a revolver, and could only hold five
rounds, but what rounds they were. 360 grain hot loads that would punch
through an engine block, and then the next three houses it encountered. I
whistled at the sight of it.
Chaffin looked over at me and grinned. He next drew a 14 inch hunting
knife, with the same adaptations my own Kaber had. I had seen knives this
size called Arkansas tooth picks. If they were, then I didn't want to run into
the guys picking their teeth with them.
As I turned from Chaffin, I almost bumped into Master Lao. He was the
only man I knew who could sneak up on me now. Startled, I almost dropped
my duffle. "Master Lao," I said, bowing deeply to hide my embarrassment at
my reaction. "Have you come to see me off?"
Now, looking at him, you would expect him to have some sing song,
hokey, Chinese accent. Instead, he had a rich baritone voice, cultured, and
without a trace of accent. His voice reminded me of Tony Randall.
"No, Lee, the good Sgt. and I are going with you. The team we are going
to was heavily hit on it's last mission, and they could use some additional
I knew all team members had to have some special 'talents' or other
adaptations that gave them an edge that not all the training in the world could
give. Master Lao I could believe. He looked ancient, yet moved with a grace
and power that I had never seen. He could drive his stiffened fingers through
a leather bag holding 300 lbs. of sand as easily as you might do the same to a
tissue paper. He was the only one at the training base who had ever managed
to score a blow on me. Despite his power, I had barely felt it, but I HAD felt
it, and he had scored the blow.
"It was very careless of the organization to allow a Naga to infiltrate this
base. Don't you think so, Lee? It is hard to believe that either their medical
personnel or their pet psychic's did not detect it for what it truly was."
The odd change in topic threw me for a moment. What was he saying? Did
he know something I didn't about the Naga? Did they let the thing in on
purpose, or were they so careless that it slipped through. Either way, I began
to feel as if there was a target painted on my back. I would have to be very
careful from now on. I started to ask about this, when we were advised that
our transport had arrived. I never got a chance to talk to Master Lao alone
during the transport to our new temporary headquarters. But I vowed that as
soon as I got the chance, he and I were going to have a very serious talk.
As we left Tennessee, enroute to Kentucky in the large motor home that
was provided to transport both our group and our gear, I couldn't help but
wonder what the future held in store for me. Worried? Me? Nah, after all,
what does a monster on a team of monster hunters have to worry about?
After all, the team wouldn't be hunting me...I hoped.
When we arrived, I found myself staring at an old southern type antebellum
mansion. Inside, I met the team leader and the rest of the "team", one Cora
Jansen. The team leader was a big, and by big, I mean huge, bear of a man
who went by the name of Dan Johnson. He was 6'8" and at least 320 lbs. of
solid man. His hair was red, as was his full beard. His eyes were a kind of
washed out green, and they seemed to twinkle when he talked. His voice
was well suited to his body. Big and booming. He was built on the heavy
side, though by no means fat. He reminded me of nothing so much as a
humanoid bear.
Cora, on the other hand, was a rather nondescript woman. Mid sized,
moderate figure, mousy brown hair, and brown eyes. She seemed so
unremarkable, that at first I didn't even notice her. I found out later on that
not being noticed was her special gift. If she remained quiet and unobtrusive,
you just didn't seem to notice her. I could understand that on sight, but what
about sound and smell? Until I had been introduced to her, I hadn't heard her
or smelled her. Weird.
After we all got settled into our rather lavish rooms, we met in what used to
be the library. The carpet was thick and lush in there, and seemed to hush the
sounds of movement. The room was done in beige colors with darker
shaded, heavy drapes hanging in front of the almost floor to ceiling
windows. The bookshelves still held the rows upon rows of old, leather
bound books that must have sat there for many years. Had the house come
fully furnished? Did it belong to the organization? Too many questions, and
not enough answers by half.
A large mahogany table was covered with maps and charts. Dan waved us
all over to it. It seemed we were located near a city in Kentucky called
Allensville. Our objective was to check out a breeding ranch nearby. It was
called Worthington Stables. The name fairly dripped money. It seems that
some of the local citizens had gone missing recently. All men. The only thing
tying them all together was a trip to Worthington Stables within a month of
their deaths.
"What do you all know about the mares of Diomedes?" Dan's face was
dead serious as he asked us about our knowledge of mythical horses. Of
course, a few months ago, I would have said a Naga was a mythical creature
also. So who was I to judge?
"The mares of Diomedes were a herd kept by King Diomedes, who lived
in Thrace, near the mouth of the Nestus River. Diomedes, of the Bistones, I
believe, fed the mares on human flesh. Gradually, he bred most of the
characteristics associated with horses out of them, save for their form,
strength and speed. They had flashing red eyes and sharp needle-like teeth.
Herakles had to capture the herd as one of his twelve labors. He drove them
away, but had to turn back and deal with pursuers sent by King Diomedes.
When he did, he left the horses with his current 'boyfriend', Abderus. The
mares devoured the lad. When Herakles returned, he was incensed. After
producing the herd, he killed Diomedes and fed him to his own mares. This
supposedly changed them all into docile horses again, which he released near
I looked at Master Lao with my mouth hanging open. Who would have
guessed he would be such a font of knowledge about Greek myths? Oriental I
could understand, but Greek?
"Thanks, Lao, you are spot on with that." Hearing Dan say spot on
seemed as incongruous as Lao's knowledge of ancient mythology. My, but
weren't we all just full of surprises today. "However, one mare had
wandered away from the herd before Hercules returned."
I noticed Dan preferred the Roman pronunciation of the legendary hero's
name. To each their own.
"At least, that is what the researchers, and psychic's at headquarters, have
indicated. It seems this mare was young and inexperienced. She got
separated, and was soon lost. She must have wandered for many days,
finally finding her way to the edge of the sea. At this point she must have
been near starvation. Remember, she could only eat human flesh. Or at least,
humanoid flesh." I didn't much care for the way Dan looked up at me when
he said the word "humanoid". But then, no one was asking how I felt about
much these days.
"There is a very localized and little known legend of one of the Siren's. It
told of how she was a particular favorite of Poseidon, and liked to sun
herself on a lonely little beach. We believe this mare found her way there one
day while the Siren was present. She must have somehow been able to attack
and overpower the Siren, and consume her flesh. Just how, we will never
know. It is a well known fable that if you eat the flesh of a mermaid, you
become immortal."
"Okay," I said. "Let's say this happened just that way. So the flesh eating
horse could be alive today. But how did such a creature end up in Kentucky,
on a snooty horse farm, with nobody noticing that she had a peculiar look?
Not to mention her dietary requirements."
Dan smiled at me. "That's where the legend gets really interesting. It seems
Poseidon found out, and cursed the mare. She would become human in
form. Pleasing and comely, he made her the twin of the dead Siren, but with
two perfectly formed human legs. He erased her memory of what she was.
She would wander the earth, always drawn to horses. Being such a babe,
she would be a natural man magnet. But whenever she began to get interested
in a man, the next full moon would transform her again into the flesh
devouring horse, who would then consume her lover. The next morning, the
girl would have no memory of what had happened, and would believe that
the man had been untrue and had deserted her."
"How incredibly cruel," I muttered to myself.
"The ancient god's were petty and cruel," Chaffin intoned in a voice like a
television announcer. I was glad that I wasn't the only one who gave him a
peculiar look.
"Tonight is the true full moon for this month, so we need to be in position
well before nightfall. When the latest young swain comes a-calling at
Worthington Stables, to see their recently hired young female groom, we will
waylay him and force the horse to come to us."
"You believe, then, that this young woman is the cursed immortal horse?"
Master Lao made even obvious questions seem somehow important.
"Yes. She is the only random element in this. The disappearances started
about one month after she arrived. She is said to be quiet, with a voice like
liquid velvet." Dan's description made it almost sound like risking getting
chomped on by her would be worth it. Almost.
So we weren't even going to get any time to acclimate ourselves to our
new teammates, before we had to get the truth 'straight from the horse's
mouth', as it were. A pun as bad as that should have made me feel better. Of
course, I was going out with a group that I didn't really know two-fifth's of,
to face an ancient and allegedly immortal demonic horse that ate human flesh.
Hey, why should I worry. I was the only one on the team that wasn't really
human any more. How lucky can one guy get?
The plan was simple enough, though it did reveal some things I never
would have suspected about Sgt. Chaffin. It seems he was the great great
great Grandson of an ancient Shaman. A man who could talk with the spirits
and command them. He could tell them to go here and to go there...and they
would. Like ethereal will o' the wisps bound to his will. Sgt. Chaffin had
inherited much of his ancient Grandsire's prowess. Additionally, he was an
almost supernatural tracker. He was said to be able to track a single
snowflake through a blizzard. Who knew that such a quiet guy was so deep?
Cora was going to stand by the van at the front gate to Worthington
Stables, with the hood up. When the young swain (a Mr. J. Bently Steele,
electric guitarist for a locally popular Pop/Rock Band) approached, she would
flag him down for assistance. Being the southern gentleman that he was, he
would have no choice but to stop. Then Dan and I would bag him, gag him,
and stuff him in the van. While I stood guard over the young serving of horse
chow, Dan would man the flame thrower (a last ditch weapon that none of the
group seemed to have much faith in), Chaffin would set up a power circle -
but not quiet close it, and Master Lao would...would...well, I really wasn't
quite sure what he would do. But whatever it was, I would hate to be the guy
he did it to.
At dusk we were all in position. The "ranch", as I thought of it, was
beautiful. A thick carpet of the deepest green grass I had ever seen stretched
as far as the eye could see. Funny, I always thought the grass in Kentucky
was supposed to be blue. Real split rail fences surrounded much of it. The
gate was modern and electric, with one of those pads you entered a series of
numbers in to release the latch. The outbuildings, I could see, were
whitewashed to within an inch of their lives. How could you keep buildings
so white, with hundreds of animals and people going in and out of them all
the time?
The horses were spectacular. Glistening coats of ebony, roan, and cream
covered rippling masses of muscles. They had a regal air that belied their
station in life as beasts of burden. A keen intelligence seemed to spark and
flare in their dark eyes. I was lost in their majesty and magnificence.
"They are incredible, are they not?" Lao's voice was as soft as a rose petal
against my ears.
"I never appreciated horses before."
"It is a rare thing in life to have a moment to reflect on the true beauty of the
world around us. Many cultures believed that horses were the vehicles that
the Gods used to communicate with man. Some say that only the horse
knows the true path to Heaven." His smile was as gentle as a June bride at
the declaration of her beloved's troth. I had never seen this side of him. A
remarkable combination. The iron hand in the velvet glove, perhaps? Or just
the man within the living weapon. I hoped we would all live long enough for
me to find out.
"He's coming!" Dan called us to our duty.
I hid behind the van, out of sight. Cora looked suitably pathetic and
helpless beside the supposedly stalled vehicle. Young Mr. Steele didn't have
a chance. The plan went off flawlessly. Chaffin dug in his medicine bag, and
began to sprinkle a strange dust around in a circle. He was chanting in an
eerie singsong voice as he hopped about. It would have looked comical, if the
situation wasn't so serious.
In the night, I heard a high pitched whinny. Down the path, through the
gloaming dusk, came a vision out of some aberrant God's dream. I had
thought she would be black. She wasn't. She was a brilliant white with flint
grey hooves. Her mane whipped wildly in the wind as she ran, and her eyes
glowed red. The air around her seemed to ripple like heat waves off of a
roadway in August. Your eyes kept wanting to slide to the side, and it made
my stomach cramp and lurch. I was suddenly glad I hadn't had time to eat.
Down the road she came, and time seemed to slow. She was eighteen
hands high at the shoulder. She was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen
in my life. On some level, I realized that it was partially the magic of the
Siren, but in that moment...I just didn't care. Oh, Odysseus, how did you
endure, and not go mad?
Fortunately, not all of us were waxing rhapsodic at that moment. She
entered the circle, and Chaffin closed it. Blue light seemed to flare all around
her. She reared and whinnied in distress. I wanted to go to her. To help love? No. NO! I shook my head and the spell was
broken. If she could do that to me as a horse, then what could she do as a
woman? No wonder poor Mr. Steele was helpless to resist her charms. She
strained at the wards that bound her within the circle of power. She gnashed
her teeth, and her coat was rapidly lathered with the effort.
Chaffin stood to the side, still chanting. Sweat poured from his face as if a
hose was attached to the back of his head, turned on full. He was trembling
with the effort of holding the immortal beast captive within his circle. Dan
stood ready with the flame thrower if Chaffin should fall. Where Lao was, I
had no idea.
Then she looked directly at me. Something responded deep within me. I
could feel it roil and rage within the confines of my body. Heat shimmered
off of me in waves, and I was drenched in a second in my own perspiration.
I could feel something slide behind my eyes and beneath my skin. The beast
had just heard the dinner bell, and wanted freedom to dine. My guts
clenched, and felt like I had swallowed hot coals. I began to shake, droplets
of sweat flying off of me in